Left to Right: Panel members and speakers Kym Williams, Managing Director, BRS, Brenton Scroop, General Manager, Panurgem, Dr Bronwyn Evans FIEAust EngExec, Senior Vice President, Cochlear Ltd along with facilitators Tim Nicholls MIEAust CPEng and June Sim GradIEAust for the Engineering Leadership in Industry Event. See page 4 for more details.
ENGINEERING SOUTH AUSTRALIA MAY 2012 www.engineersaustralia.org.au/sa
President’s Message
Division Updates
2012 SA Engineering Excellence Awards
Member Benefits Member Profile Upcoming Events
9 10 11
Just a reminder to all the South Australia Division members that it may to be time to log on to the Engineers Australia website and confirm that your details are up to date. With everything so hectic when changing jobs or moving house it is easy to overlook updates to your Engineers Australia membership contact details. While you’re there why not reacquaint yourself with your membership benefits, the advocacy and policy papers, upcoming South Australia Division events or update your CPD record?
DIVISION EXECUTIVE President Gerry Doyle MIEAust CPEng Deputy President John Olson RFD FIEAust CPEng EngExec FAICD
Immediate Past President Dr David Cruickshanks-Boyd FIEAust EngExec
Through our Strategic Plan and Code of Ethics, Engineers Australia has emphasised its commitment to "use our members' knowledge and skills for the benefit of the community to create engineering solutions for a sustainable future."
Executive Director Caroline Argent Deputy Director Sarah Carey Produced By Engineers Australia South Australia Division Level 11, 108 King William Street Adelaide South Australia 5000 tel 08 8202 7100 fax 08 8211 7702 www.engineersaustralia.org.au/sa
SPONSORS Division Partner
A Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) is Engineers Australia's commitment and response to 'closing the gap'. Engineers Australia's RAP details steps and priorities that the organisation will undertake to assist in helping to achieve Indigenous equality and to help build positive relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people. To view Engineers Australia's RAP please visit: www.engineersaustralia.org.au/about-us/reconciliation-action-plan
The R&D Tax Incentive is the Australian Government's principal measure to encourage industry investment in research and development. It is a broad-based, market-driven program that aims to boost company competitiveness, improve productivity and deliver economy-wide benefits to Australia. Your business may be eligible for financial benefits under the R&D Tax Incentive, which is available for income years commencing on or after 1st July 2011. AusIndustry is presenting a free information session in Adelaide on 29th May. Further information is available on the AusIndustry website www.ausindustry.gov.au or by calling the AusIndustry hotline on 13 28 46.
PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Today, for an unknown reason, I found myself listening to one of our political leaders speaking about the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. I also had to see a medical specialist with one of my children. These two very different experiences allowed me to think about the believability of someone’s message. I will be up front, I am not a fan of any of our political leaders – I am a very harsh judge on public figures in the positions of leadership. In listening to the questions at the completion of the political leader’s speech, I couldn’t help but wonder how anyone believed they were actually answering the questions. I found this exceptionally frustrating and difficult to listen to; so much so that I eventually changed radio station as I could no longer stand the avoidance of questions. I have always been told by those around me that I am a personality who sees things in black and white, which means I have the utmost respect for those who are willing to honestly and openly answer the questions I have for them to the best of their abilities. I think this open honesty is one of the marks of a true leader. In contrast to the political experience, I had a discussion with one of the doctors at the hospital. Despite his reputation for being very risk averse, I found that this doctor was very honest with me. I asked all the questions I could think of about the situation we were dealing with and walked away with respect for this man who tried to honestly and openly answer my questions. As engineers we have the challenge to use our knowledge and experience to lead discussions. However talk is not enough, we also lead people by our actions. Being believable is another of the traits that I respond to in a leader. This aspect of leadership played out in a recent situation where I was invited to hear from the CEO of one of the major Australian financial institutions. At this presentation the presenter spoke openly about the changes in financial services and how that company was positioning itself for the future. I found this leader very engaging and very believable, but I had one problem. I have dealings with this particular organisation and I walked away disengaged as my experiences with them did not match the experiences presented. This measure of how our words are matched by our actions is where the rubber hits the road and comes down to the integrity of the message. A believable message is great, but when that message is then lived out in actions then the message carries greater potential. During this month the Engineering Leadership Conference will be held in South Australia. This is a major conference for Engineers Australia and an opportunity for all South Australian engineers to hear from the leaders of the community and the profession. It is also an opportunity to showcase some of the great things that South Australia has to offer to our interstate and international guests.
With presentations from Tim Fischer, Marita Cheng, Craig Lasslett, Jillian Kilby, Jay Weatherill and many more respected and senior members of our profession I am looking forward to hearing their perspective on leadership. After all, leadership is an art not a science and the opportunity to hear from those who have been there before is an opportunity not to be missed. I am sure that all who attended the Sir Eric Neal Address this year would agree with me that the presentation by Stewart Kreltszheim, Operations Manager of Country Fire Authority (CFA) District 23 based out of Wangaratta, was outstanding. In his address, he gave a lot of himself ngineers Australia’s and groups, well of assuccess and failure was an inspiration to me. I am hopeful that the conference tocolleges the audience and hisasstory presenters will also give of themselves and share the successes but also the failures that helped them along ectronic direct mail (EDM) or similar applications . the way. By sharing themselves we will see a whole lot more of the true person and what they share will be moreicons believable. Approved call to action include:I encourage you all to be part of this event, either as a delegate to the whole event or as an attendee to any of the events associated with the conference.
In concluding this message I want to again invite you to be part of the future. Engineers Australia is looking at the future of the organisation and over the past few months I have had the opportunity to be involved in FIND OUT MORE MOREI think we are in a great position to lead the profession and provide value to all planning theFIND wayOUT ahead. members with our activities. As I have said in previous messages, Engineers Australia is an organisation where Engineers Australia Logo and Brand Management Procedures you can get out what you put in. As part of this planning I would love to hear from members who have an opinion onUPDATE where YOUR we should be going. UPDATE YOUR PROFILE PROFILE I invite you to contact me to provide your perspectives on what we are doing well, what we can do better and what you would like to see us doing in the future.REGISTER NOW REGISTER NOW
ii. Icons and Buttons
A full suite of iconsGerry and buttons are available Doyle MIEAust CPEngfor all of Engineers Australia’s colleges and groups, as well as President NOWcall ENTERfor NOW ocial ENTER media and to action buttons use online, electronic direct mail (EDM) or similar applications . Engineers Australia South Australia Division
Approved social media icons include:
Approved call to action icons include:
CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR MEMBERS! The South Australia Division would like to congratulate the following members on attaining or readmitting for Chartered Status between 1st January 2012 and 31st March 2012: • Arwin Salih MIEAust CPEng • Peter Burnell MIEAust CPEng •
Simon Calleja MIEAust CPEng
Heath Sandland MIEAust CPEng
Graham Davies MIEAust CPEng
David Sloan MIEAust CPEng
Paul De Palma MIEAust CPEng
Scott Snedden MIEAust CPEng
Philip Engler MIEAust CPEng
Matthew Turner MIEAust CPEng
Timothy Grosser MIEAust CPEng
Paul van de Loo MIEAust CPEng
Joseph Haigh MIEAust CPEng
Carmen Wentrock MIEAust CPEng
Christopher Humphrey MIEAust CPEng
Mark Yates MIEAust CPEng
Sadik Hurem MIEAust CPEng
Garth Rowland MIEAust CPEng
Christopher Jennings MIEAust CPEng
Frank Roach MIEAust CPEng
Robert Lake MIEAust CPEng
Dr Kiang Yeoh MIEAust CPEng
Yisi Li MIEAust CPEng
John Allen MIEAust CPEng
Raymond Liu MIEAust CPEng
Andrew Green MIEAust CPEng
John McGarty MIEAust CPEng
Andrew Heilbron MIEAust CPEng
Claes Modig OMIEAust CEngO
Ian Hill OMIEAust CEngO
David Newell MIEAust CPEng
Francois Lambrechts MIChemE MIEAust CPEng
Carlo Reveruzzi MIEAust CPEng
Shaun MacIsaac MIEAust CPEng
Daniel Richter MIEAust CPEng
Ajit Bedi MIEAust CPEng
We would like to also acknowledge Catherine Tanner MIEAust CPEng who obtained her Chartered Status recognition in September 2011 but was listed as a member in Queensland at the time of her recognition being obtained, resulting in this accomplishment not being published earlier. We would like to acknowledge Phil Verco RPEQ FIEAust CPEng EngExec and Steve Ludlam FIEAust CPEng EngExec on obtaining Engineering Executive (EngExec) between 1st January 2012 and 31st March 2012. The South Australia Division would like to congratulate the following members on attaining Fellow membership between 1st January 2012 and 31st March 2012: • John Allen MICE FIEAust CPEng • Rafael Orschulok FIEAust CPEng • Neville Peters FIEAust CPEng • Andrew Whittaker FIEAust CPEng The South Australia Division would like to take this opportunity to welcome 319 new members, 20 readmitting members and 46 members who have relocated to South Australia between 1st January 2012 and 31st March 2012. Are you interested in becoming a member? Contact Member Relationship Coordinator Nathan Jones via njones@engineersaustralia.org.au or by calling 08 8202 7170.
Why Join Engineers Australia? Do you have colleagues, friends or acquaintances who should be members of Engineers Australia? Or are you an engineer who is not a member of Engineers Australia? Engineers Australia is the national forum for the advancement of engineering and the professional development of our members. Our members enjoy a wide range of benefits including: • Continuing professional development and career services;
• Networking events;
• Technical information and resources;
• Special offers.
• International mobility and recognition;
We also provide advocacy on a wide range of government issues with consultation from our nearly 100,000 members worldwide. Our high standards for accreditation and membership sees recognition from government, organisations, companies and internationally occur on an ongoing basis. We welcome any enquiries you may have about membership and the process of becoming a member. For any enquiries please contact the South Australia Division Member Relationship Coordinator via njones@engineersaustralia.org.au or by calling on 08 8202 7170.
ENGINEERING LEADERSHIP SERIES - FINAL EVENT The fourth and final presentation in the lead up to the Engineering Leadership Conference 2012 was hosted by the Centre for Engineering Leadership and Management (CELM) and Young Engineers Australia (YEA) on Wednesday 28th March 2012 at the Adelaide Entertainment Centre. The theme for the evening was Engineering Leadership in Industry with a focus on managing change within organisations. The event commenced with networking followed by a formal presentation by Dr Bronwyn Evans FIEAust EngExec. Dr Evans gave an insight into her role as Senior Vice President at Cochlear and changes that her organisation has faced; from people, process, premises and products. Following the presentation Brenton Scroop (General Manager, Panurgem) and Kym Williams (Managing Director, BRS) joined Dr Evans to form a panel discussion. The panel were challenged by panel moderator Tim Nicholls MIEAust CPEng and then the audience.
Left to Right: Dr Bronwyn Evans FIEAust EngExec, Brenton Scroop and Kym Williams with Tim Nicholls MIEAust CPEng answering questions at the end of the session.
The key messages from the evening included the early engagement of staff and giving them the opportunity to get on board with potential changes. Of most importance was a clear strategy to be developed around the change, with clear goals and a way to measure change and successes. An emphasis was placed on asking the question “why” in regards to proposed change rather than “how” and “what”. Debate around the number of changes and change processes kept the panel on their toes! This final presentation was a fantastic lead in to the 2012 Engineering Leadership Conference being held in Adelaide from 30th May to 2nd June 2012. For more information regarding the conference please visit www.elc2012.org. Young Engineers Australia - SA (YEA) the Centre for Engineering Leadership Management (CELM)
and and
Centre for Engineering Leadership and Management
Dr Bronwyn Evans FIEAust EngExec provides the formal presentation.
Young Engineers
er t is !! g e w R No
Adelaide, 2012 th 30 May - 2 June30 2012 Wednesday May Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide, Australi Saturday 2nd June Passing the Baton - Engineering Australia's Future
The Centre for Engineering Leadership and Management and Young Engineers Australia have again joined forces to present the 2012 Engineering Leadership Conference (ELC 2012). With over 600 delegates expected, this stimulating conference will deliver a dynamic and thought provoking combination of high profile speakers and challenging presentations. Register now at www.elc2012.org
Christine Kanellakis, Warren Centre PPIR Project Director at the “Professional Performance Innovation and Risk (PPIR): Engineering for the 21st Century” event on Tuesday 3rd April 2012
John McArdle at the Transport Group’s “Adelaide Airport Taking Off: A look into the future” presentation on Thursday 29th March 2012
Dr Stewart Lake, lead vitreo-retinal surgeon at Flinders Medical Centre, Adelaide and Robert Bogner, Chair of the IET Retired Group at the Retired Engineers and IET Retired “Lasers in Ophthalmology” Joint Luncheon on Wednesday 11th April 2012.
Air Vice-Marshal Kym Osley presented on the progress of Australia's program to procure the F-35A to the Royal Aeronautical Society on Tuesday 27th March 2012
Member Programs Coordinator Ashlea Klingberg awaits the influx of students at the University of Adelaide Careers Expo, one of the four the South Australia Division attended this year.
Participate in this year’s Australian Engineering Week Mon 6th Aug - Sun 12th Aug 2012
Australian Engineering Week is a public awareness and education campaign that aims to highlight the role and achievements of the engineering profession in Australia, and to promote engineering as the career of choice. Working towards these aims will benefit the entire engineering profession. If your organisation would like to take part in this year’s Australian Engineering Week by conducting a site tour, please contact Events Coordinator Sharryn Fensom: P: 8202 7140 E: sfensom@engineersaustralia.org.au
TONKIN ENGINEER GAINS CHARTERED STATUS Carmen Wentrock, a Civil and Environmental Engineer at Tonkin Consulting, has recently achieved her CPEng status. Carmen also levered off her newly attained CPEng to become a Registered Professional Engineer of Queensland (RPEQ), which will provide additional opportunities given that Tonkin Consulting has recently opened an office on the Sunshine Coast. Attaining CPEng has been an achievement for Carmen, given that it has been a goal since joining Tonkin Consulting in 2007. Carmen found the process rewarding as it offered an opportunity to look back on her career and identify the opportunities which had been capitalised on, areas in which she has strengths and continues to grow. Whilst managing and providing technical input into projects during working hours, Carmen has also achieved a work/life balance, with her husband and two children a priority. Carmen has undertaken a range of projects in the water industry, from the design and construction of recycled water systems in regional and remote communities, to long term planning studies in Greater Adelaide. She has recently taken on the role of Water Utilities Program Manager, where she will be responsible for the program of works being delivered to major clients, including SA Water.
Gerry Doyle MIEAust CPEng, South Australia Division President and Managing Director of Tonkin Consulting, Carmen Wentrock MIEAust CPEng and John Hudson MIEAust CPEng
Tonkin Consulting has a broad range of skills and experience in all aspects of water resource, water supply, irrigation and wastewater system planning, design and management. In many projects, the benefits of a multidisciplinary approach are achieved for our clients, by the expertise and knowledge of our personnel together with close working relationships.
Tonkin Consulting
EA BOOKS THE ENGINEER’S BOOKSHOP www.engineersaustralia.org.au/sa
The South Australian Engineering Excellence Awards aim to inspire and encourage engineers to achieve world’s best practice through teamwork, innovation, and appropriate technical excellence, and to recognise those engineers, companies, or organisations responsible. As well as identifying the leaders within the engineering profession, the Engineering Excellence Awards provide an opportunity to showcase and celebrate the invaluable contribution the engineering profession makes to the community.
CALL FOR ENTRIES Registration to enter due: Friday 25th May 2012 Entry Submissions due: Friday 15th June 2012 An engineering related project, product, process, report or other work, that they believe is an example of outstanding engineering practice and that meets the judging criteria is eligible. The entered project should be complete in its entirety, or should have reached practical completion, successfully completed commissioning or final release for full production. A project which is part of a larger undertaking should be sufficiently definable to enable the consideration of the merits of its engineering excellence.
If the project is not located in South Australia, a significant component should be engineered in South Australia, or the engineering must be coordinated from South Australia.
Projects must have been completed within a two-year period prior to the closing date of entry, Friday 25th May 2012.
CALL FOR JUDGES If you would like to participate as a judge in one of the categories on the opposite page, please forward your interest via email to Events Coordinator Sharryn Fensom: sfensom@engineersaustralia.org.au Judging will commence on the week beginning Monday 9th July 2012 Further information about the 2012 South Australian Engineering Excellence Awards can be found online: www.engineersaustralia.org.au/south-australia-division/2012-excellence-awards We look forward to receiving submissions for this year’s Awards, which we are hoping to make bigger and better than before. Sharryn Fensom Events Coordinator Engineers Australia South Australia Division
AWARD CATEGORIES The following categories are open for the South Australian Engineering Excellence Awards: Project Management Managing a project or an engineering work that achieves client requirements in harmony with environment, business and community considerations, while meeting time, cost and quality targets. Innovation/Research and Development How innovative ideas are applied individually or as a team, including reviewing existing engineering knowledge, formulating new engineering ideas and concepts and testing and developing them by analysis or experiment. Environment Engineering activities particularly directed to achieving sustainable solutions resulting in improvements to the quality of life, protecting our natural environment, assessing and mitigating environmental impact or remediating environmental damage. Products and Manufacturing Facilities An industrial product is defined as a device, assembly, process or system with substantial engineering content, which is inherently capable of replication. A product may be tailored to meet user requirements whilst retaining its essential function. Projects that undertake the development or upgrade of any manufacturing facility may be in any engineering discipline. This category provides for fields, which include mechanical equipment, chemical processes, bioengineering, ceramics, medical, fuel technology and includes products, materials handling equipment and asset management. This category also facilitates entries relating to plants such as oil refineries, gas processing plants, power stations, sugar mills, breweries, grain and cotton mills. Resource Development Any resource development for commercial, industrial or other purposes that has a substantial engineering content. Buildings and Structures Engineering products and building projects directed essentially to human functions other than industrial, including city buildings, housing developments, art galleries, museums, hospitals, retirement and resort villages, hotels, personnel transport terminals, in which engineering has a particular influence on the finished work. Project Infrastructure Any engineering discipline that provides facilities or amenities for the use by, service of or to the community, including facilities for transport, water, sewage, energy, waste, chemical treatment, communications, defence, electricity and gas. Reports, Procedures and Systems Reports covering engineering activities including development, feasibility studies, computer modelling, environmental impact, planning investigations, procedures and systems. Control Systems, Networks, Information Processing and Telecommunications Products, projects and developments in control systems and networks, communications and information processing applications, applied successfully and involving a high level of engineering practice. Small Business Ventures and Projects An engineering organisation with five or less professional Engineers, in any field of engineering. Please note that each submission will only be judged in one category.
Engineers Australia is pleased to announce 2012 as the Year of the Regional Engineering Team, a year which will highlight regional Australia as the heart of engineering. Aiming to address four key strategic areas, the Year of the Regional Engineering Team will seek to: •
Improve access to CPD for regionally based members;
Increase awareness of engineering opportunities in regional areas;
Promote equity for all members of Engineers Australia; and
Generate an understanding of the value of the regional engineering team.
For more information visit: www.engineersaustralia.org.au/regional-special-interest-group/2012-year-regionalengineering-team
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MEMBER PROFILE Paul Koufalakis StudIEAust Paul Koufalakis was the University of South Australia 2011 Campus Coordinator for Engineers Australia and has been regularly in contact this year while assisting both Engineers Australia and Engineers Without Borders. Why did you decide to become an engineer? I have always been interested in structures and how things work ever since I was a child. I used to take apart old radios and video cassette players and reassemble them again. As I grew older, my interest became stronger and I found myself wanting to know more about why and how things work the way they do and so I thought to myself what better field to enter than engineering. What do you like the most about the engineering profession? I feel that being an engineer gives you the opportunity to change and improve the way things work for society and I think that is a great privilege to have. To be able to drive down a new road, over a bridge or even walk inside a building and say that I have been involved in its development would be very rewarding. If you could have worked on any engineering project, throughout history, what would you choose? It would have to be either the Great Wall of China or the Egyptian Pyramids. But seeing as I have to choose, I’d pick the Pyramids. Being part of the many thousands of people to help create such massive structures would be mind blowing. Especially when the technology they had was very basic & limited, to see it all come together from the ground up would have been absolutely phenomenal. It would be interesting to see which of the most recent theories of its construction were the most accurate. What do you see as one of the biggest issues facing the engineering profession? I think the biggest issue facing the engineering profession currently is the amount of people who actually want to study to become an engineer. Students and young adults don’t seem to be interested in engineering and I believe that this is a big issue facing the engineering profession; in light of the massive developments that are currently occurring, particularly in the mining industry. At present the amount of students studying engineering is insufficient for the demand of industry. Schools should be encouraging more students to study maths and physics to meet this increasing demand. What is the greatest piece of technology released in the last decade? This is a tough one. There are so many to choose from. To name a few I’d include smart phones, USB drives, GPS and interactive search engines. But as for the greatest I’d have to say social networking sites, due to how efficient they are in conveying information. The advancements in social networking have grown exponentially in the last 5 - 6 years in a way that means it is now being used as a main form of communication between people of all ages and groups of all types. Companies are now advertising, searching and contacting different sorts of people through the use of social networking systems (i.e. LinkedIn) and I think it’s great. Why are you an Engineers Australia member? I am a member of Engineers Australia because I like to keep up-to-date with what’s going on in the engineering world. Receiving emails and being able to access the site and go through what I find that
interests me is a great resource to have available at hand. I am also a member because of the benefits that surround the membership such as; Continuing P r o f e s s i o n a l Development, international mobility and recognition and the vast number of networking events that happen throughout the year. If you could take a year off to study anything, what would it be? Project management. I’ve studied two subjects from a Project Management Masters course that is run by UniSA and I really have taken a liking to it. There have been many times at uni where we have been assigned projects that involve group work, and I have usually found myself in an organising position within the project. I feel very comfortable in a managerial type role and I like to oversee the direction that the group is taking. What do you feel is the engineering professions strongest asset? I don’t believe there is one strong asset in the engineering profession. I believe that the strong assets that the engineering profession possess are; the ability to plan, create and improve previous, present and future projects and also the ability to use creativity. To be in a position where I would have the power to improve and better things that have been, or intend to be, built for the public would be my opinion of the strongest asset/s of the engineering profession. What are your hobbies? I love to exercise. I believe that a healthier body equals a healthier mind. A great way to deal with an occupation like engineering that can be relatively stressful on the mind, would be to release some of the stress at the gym or a jog up the Mt.Lofty trail. Also I enjoy and like to play football (Aussie rules) whenever I can and I’m an Adelaide Crows and Norwood Redlegs supporter, so to all you Port Power & Magpie supporters, commiserations to you all! What is your motto? I live by two of my favourite quotes. “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty” – Sir Winston Churchill “Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value.” – Albert Einstein What would be your ideal working holiday? My ideal working holiday would have to be working on the man-made islands in Dubai. The incredible engineering involved in the construction of the islands and buildings would be fascinating to be a part of. Who would you most like to meet? Either Archimedes or Nikola Tesla. Both of them contributed so much to their fields and to the overall understanding of the scientific world. It would be hard to pass up an opportunity to spend some time with these geniuses and get an insight into the creativity of their minds.
UPCOMING EVENTS Unless published otherwise all presentations are scheduled to be held at the Engineers Australia South Australia Division. Event details are subject to change. Please check our website prior to the event for current information and updates. Level 11, 108 King William Street ADELAIDE SA 5000. Please register online where you see this symbol
Mon 21st ~ 5.30pm
Tue 5th ~ 5.15pm
Australian Geomechanics Society
Engineers Australia
Technical Presentation Enquiries: sa@engineersaustralia.org.au
Chartered Workshop - Prepare Your Chartered Status Application Enquiries: sa@engineersaustralia.org.au
Tue 22nd ~ 6.00pm Society for Building Services Engineers Carbon Tax implication to refrigerants and the Refrigeration / Air Conditioning industry Enquiries: sa@engineersaustralia.org.au Thu 24th ~ 5.30pm Footings Group Technical Presentation Enquiries: sa@engineersaustralia.org.au Fri 25
~ 5.00pm
Engineers Australia 2012 Engineering Excellence Awards Entry Registrations Due Enquiries: sa@engineersaustralia.org.au Mon 28th ~ 5.30pm Royal Aeronautical Society Technical Presentation Enquiries: sa@engineersaustralia.org.au Tue 29th ~ 12.00pm Transport Group Improving Motorcycle Safety - Hear the experts Enquiries: sa@engineersaustralia.org.au Wed 30th May to Sat 2nd June Engineers Australia, Young Engineers Australia and the Centre for Engineering Leadership and Management 2012 Engineering Leadership Conference Venue: Adelaide Convention Centre Adelaide, North Terrace, Adelaide Enquiries: www.elc2012.org
Wed 6th ~ 12.00pm IET Retired Where From? How Old? (Answers From Luminescence) Venue: Adelaide Pavilion, South Terrace, Adelaide Enquiries: sa@engineersaustralia.org.au Wed 6th ~ 5.00pm Joint Chemical Engineering Committee Technical Presentation Enquiries: sa@engineersaustralia.org.au Wed 13th ~ 12.30pm Retired Engineers Group Tonsley Park Redevelopment - After Mitsubishi Enquiries: sa@engineersaustralia.org.au Thu 14th ~ 6.00pm Society for Building Services Engineers Commissioning and Closeout from a Builder’s Perspective Enquiries: sa@engineersaustralia.org.au Mon 18th ~ 5.30pm Australian Geomechanics Society Technical Presentation Enquiries: sa@engineersaustralia.org.au Tue 19th ~ 5.00pm JTP Electrical and Electronic Technical Presentation Enquiries: sa@engineersaustralia.org.au Tue 26th ~ 5.30pm Royal Aeronautical Society Technical Presentation Enquiries: sa@engineersaustralia.org.au
www.engineersaustralia.org.au/sa ENGINEERING SOUTH AUSTRALIA