FiE Information for Schools 2012

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INFORMATION FOR SCHOOLS Guaranteeing Futures, in conjunction with the Tasmanian division of Engineers Australia offer students currently in Year 10 the opportunity to explore the engineering profession. Futures in Engineering will provide students with an authentic engineering experience through interacting with a range of engineering professionals, university academics and current engineering students. The program: • ALL students who submit an application will attend a one day ‘taster’ day in March. • 32 students will then be selected from around Tasmania: determined by feedback received from their school, the quality of their application and the level of interest they display at this ‘taster’ day • Students will attend a 3-day residential camp in Hobart in early May which will consist of lectures/workshops at the University of Tasmania Hobart campus. Students will also visit leading Hobart engineering companies and observe current project activities. • Over the course of the year students will be partnered with an engineering company and mentor in the region in which they live. The placement will be negotiated between the host company and school to ensure students access the best possible learning outcomes in the workplace. • In Term 3 students will visit the AMC in Launceston for two days. The student: • highly motivated Year 10 students • demonstrate high level maths/science ability • excellent communication and presentation skills • a strong interest in a career in engineering Applying to the program: Students are to complete an application form (endorsed by science or maths teacher and school principal). Applications close on 2 March (hand to Pathway Planning Officer or posted to contacts below). What schools need to do: • Pathway Planning Officers, Grade Coordinators and Maths/Science teachers at each school identify appropriate students and encourage them to apply • Support the mentoring component by facilitating meeting between mentor, student, their parent/s and monitoring the placement • Complete section B of the application form. • Participating in the program will incur only a small cost of $35 to cover leisure activities during residentials (paid by parents), but students and the school should be prepared to allow time for travel, university experiences and on the job experience.

Futures in Engineering: Inspiring Year 10 students with authentic experiences in industry

Costs: The costs for this program are covered by Engineers Australia Tasmania Division, Guaranteeing Futures, and the partner organisations as a component of strategic efforts to promote the study of science and maths in schools and to enhance the science and engineering capabilities of Tasmanian communities and industries. Please note, however, that successful students will be required to contribute $35 to cover organised leisure activity expenses during the UTAS and AMC components. Students and their parents/guardians will also be responsible for costs associated with travel to the mentor placements. Key dates: Students should be prepared to commit to the program over the year through participation in the University and AMC group experiences and 5 to 10 days in a work placement with a host employer. 2 March 2012 9 March 2012 15 March 2012 30 March 2012 1-3 May 2012 May/June 2012 June 2012 October

Applications close Notification of selection for Taster Day Taster Days in Burnie, Hobart, Launceston Notification of selection to the full FiE program (and mentor allocation) UTAS School of Engineering group visit First meetings between mentors, students and partners/guardians (and Education Department staff who will manage the placement) Proposed start date for first mentor placements. AMC group visit (and presentation dinner for students, mentors and parents)

Who is behind the FiE program? The FiE program is an initiative of the Tasmania Division of Engineers Australia, delivered in collaboration with the Department of Education’s Guaranteeing Futures unit and with significant in-kind contributions from Tasmanian engineering professionals and their employers, and the University of Tasmania and Australian Maritime College. Engineers Australia is the largest and most diverse professional body for engineers in Australia and is the national forum for the advancement of engineering and the development of engineering professionals, with almost 100,000 members embracing all disciplines of the engineering team. Staff at the Tasmania Division are responsible for recruiting and allocating the engineering professionals who serve as mentors in the program.

FiE Information for Schools 2012 14Feb2012

The FiE program is open to Year 10 students from public schools across Tasmania, but the engineering companies and organisations who provide industry-based mentoring for the students (a key element of the program) are concentrated around Hobart, Launceston, Devonport and Burnie (with some exceptions). Applicants from more remote locations will need to undertake their placements in these regions and should indicate on the application (Section A1) if accommodation arrangements can be made to support 1 week (or preferably a total of 2 weeks) placement in one of these 4 areas. For more information contact: Southern Region Lynne Hanlon VEL Development Officer Guaranteeing Futures GPO Box 169, Hobart 7001 Telephone: 0418 251 290

Northern Region Linda Goss Acting Manager, VELDO Guaranteeing Futures North c/o Launceston College PO Box 2062, Launceston 7250 Telephone: 0409334459

North West Region Trudy Durkin Manager Guaranteeing Futures NW PO Box 1436, Burnie 7320 Telephone: 0400 803 655

Futures in Engineering: Inspiring Year 10 students with authentic experiences in industry

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