Newsletter Dec 2009 PDF

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Engineers Australia Northern Division NEWS December 2009 Survey House, 14 Shepherd Street Darwin GPO Box 417 Darwin NT 0801 Director Bronwyn Russell Telephone 08 8981 4137 Fax 08 8981 3449 Email Website:

Annual Meeting

Elected Committee Members

The Division’s annual meeting was held on Thursday 3rd December . The meeting followed the Make It So launch by Director of Communications and Marketing, Jamie Penrose to the Division’s PDP Partners (see details page 2). This was the final meeting for the 2008/09 President, Peter Hagan (in his capacity as President) and the introduction of our incoming President, Len Chappell. The Division would like to thank Peter for his contribution over the past two years. The Division’s annual donation of $200.00 was paid to Palmerston YMCA Youth Drop In Centre. Rebecca Tilley from the centre explained that the Youth Centre is for young people aged up to 25 years of age who may be at risk in their home environment. Rebecca thanked the Engineers Australia for their contribution. Certificates were also presented to our valuable Sunchase sponsors. Jacinta Kelly accepted the certificate on behalf of Daly Kelly with Rana Everett and Adam James accepting their certificates. A further 10 certificates will be sent to those who were unable to attend on the evening. The new committee was announced (listed right) with some new faces for 2010/11 to include Carolyn Gertz from Aurecon, James Dugdell and Captain Tim Hajenko from Defence Peter Tonkin from GHD (who incidentally is leaving us) was also presented with their sponsorship certificate of appreciation. Our numbers were low at this year’s meeting. This could be attributed to the Chief Minister and the Institute of Architects hosting their end of year events on the same day.



President/Electrical College/Engineering Technologist Representative

Len Chappell

National Council/Civil College Representative

Dave McHugh

Women in Engineering

Nerida Beard

Committee Member

Sumesh Dhir

Mechanical College National Representative

Capt Stephen Menschelyi Vacant

Engineering Heritage Australia Structural College/Building Advisory Committee Young Engineers National Representative

Peter Russell

Young Engineers President Northern Division

James Dugdell

Defence Representative

Capt Tim Hajenko

Centre for Engineering Leadership & Management Engineering Associate National Representative

Kevan Blake

Ocean & Coastal Committee/Water Engineering National Committee Charles Darwin University Representative

Eric Valentine

Engineers Without Borders

Rana Everett

Alice Springs Representative

Steve Sawyer

Nhulunbuy Representative

Cameron MacDiarmid Carolyn Gerdtz

Committee Member

Adam James


David Lilley


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Launch of Make It So Campaign ogy graduates to upgrade their skills. We wish you all a very well deserved Christmas break and look forward to working with you again next year to strengthen Engineering at CDU and in the Northern Territory. A/Professor Friso De Boer Head of School Northern Division were delighted that the National Director of Marketing and Communications, Jamie Penrose visited Darwin to officially launch the Make It So campaign to the Division’s PDP partners and interested organisations. This session was held before the Annual Meeting on 3 December 2009. Jamie outlined the campaign which was being rolled out on a national basis. The campaign will be officially launched to the general public in February 2010. Marketing has come up with some interesting and innovative ideas for the Make It So campaign to include social sites such as facebook, twitter and youtube. He also outlined that mainstream media such as national newspapers would not be included and have targeted lifestyle magazines and mediums. Members are encouraged to be involved in the Make It So Campaign. For details please visit the Make It So website This is an awareness campaign to raise the profile of Engineers. Please support this campaign in the lead up to the launch to the general public in February.

Charles Darwin University Update We are about to close off 2009, and what a year it was! With the help of industry we launched the Co-op program in Engineering this year. This is a sandwich program where students undergo a 6 months industrial placement in addition to their normal program of academic study. Our first students were placed in the first half of 2009 and they came back very excited about their future in engineering practice. If you are interested in placing students in the future, please contact us. We had a very successful accreditation visit by Engineers Australia in March, which resulted in the maximum accreditation period of 5 years for all our specialisations – Civil, Electrical and Electronics and Mechanical Engineering. A very big THANK YOU to all the members and staff of the Northern Division for making this happen. In total, we have now 265 students in Engineering, up 30% from last year on top of an increase of 20% the year before. Applications for 2010 indicate that we will grow by at least another 30% next year. 2010 will see the launch of the distance learning mode for the Bachelor of Engineering. This means that students can complete their degree even if they cannot attend on campus classes on a regular basis. We will also launch our brand new two year Master of Engineering course. This course is ideal for Bachelor of Technol-

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Charles Darwin University Shapes our Future Graduates Would you like to help shape the future graduates of CDU? Would you like to contribute to the strategic directions, course development, content design of units, etc of Engineering at CDU? Then become a member of the Industry Engagement Group! We meet about 3 times per year – with drinks and nibbles afterwards. Get involved - help us to ensure you get the graduates you require. For more information, please contact Friso De Boer on 8946 6994 or

PDP Partners Visited Northern Division PDP Partners recently were paid a visited by Lyndley King from Engineers Australia South Australia. The purpose of Lyndley’s visit was to ensure that our PDP Partners were up to speed on the program and to see if they required any further assistance to ensure that the program is well supported. The following PDP partners took advantage of the visit: • Department of Planning & Infrastructure • Power and Water Corporation • Charles Darwin University • Cardno (NT) • Defence - Army • Macmahon Contractors Pty Ltd • GHD Pty Ltd And a prospective new PDP Partner • Sitzler We trust that Lyndley’s visit was beneficial for our PDP Partners and prospect. During her visit Lyndley attended the Young Engineers and Northern Division Annual General Meeting. Do you have some spare time to Volunteer in 2010? Northern Division always requires assistance with their many events throughout the year. Register your interest and call 8981 4137 or email to

Engineers Australia Northern Division

Annual Report 2009 Survey House, 14 Shepherd Street Darwin GPO Box 417 Darwin NT 0801 Director Bronwyn Russell Telephone 08 8981 4137 Fax 08 8981 3449 Email Website:

President’s Report This is the culmination of my two years as your president. How quickly time has flown and what a busy period it has been. The theme this year has been looking forward looking back, celebrating our 90 years as an organization. This was reflected in our gala dinner with Doug Walters as guest speaker and at our excellence awards. This has been a busy year for me. As well as your President I have represented the Division on the National Committee on Transport Engineering, I have been on Council’s Regional Committee and I chaired the Division’s Engineering Excellence Awards Judging Panel. The Divisional Engineering Excellence Awards were a huge success. Great projects and great people, culminating in a wonderful awards dinner. I thank all the entrants, the attendees and the staff that made the awards such a success. It was my great honour to attend the National Engineering Awards. As well as seeing a fabulous array of engineering projects from across Australia, I saw Tom Maher proudly accept his award as Engineers Australia’s Technologist of the Year. The Works Section of the 1st Mentoring and Reconstruction Task Force while not winning a major prize were specifically mentioned by the National President for their work in Uruzgan Province, Afghanistan. I want to congratulate Dave McHugh on his election to the Engineers Australia Council. Just reward after his outstanding service on Congress, the Civil College Board and at Divisional level. Well done. I also want to recognize and congratulate Paul Tyrrell who was awarded an AO in the Queen’s Birthday Honours list. This year has seen some other firsts. Your Deputy President Len Chappell when he takes over the reins at the AGM will be the first Technologist Divisional President. This year has seen Charles Darwin University appoint Professor David Lilley to the new Chair of Structural Engineering. Engineers Australia has been most supportive of this and this has also enabled Charles Darwin University get its full accreditation approved by National Office. As President I have attended meetings of three standing consultative groups of the university, the Industry Engagement Group, the Course Advisory Group Engineering and the Course Advisory Group Information Technology. These forums provide the opportunity to assist the university in producing graduates educated to meet the needs of industry. As well as Engineers Australia representa-

tion there is a need for more industry representation. It is pleasing to note an increase in engineering enrollments in both the degree and diploma areas. The Electrical College Board met in Darwin for the first time and the Chair gave a presentation to a well attended gathering of interested members on the board’s role. This year saw visits from Engineers Australia’s Eminent Speakers Ron Cox (Civil College), David Skellern (ITEE) and Keith Crews (Structural College). While they were only able to present in Darwin within the Division, their slides and video presentations are available on the web. National President Peter Godfrey and his wife Jayne visited the Division and had the opportunity to see Alcan Rio Tinto’s plant at Gove, Bushlight installations at Bawaka, SIHIP projects on the Tiwi Islands as well as various projects around Darwin. A highlight was attendance at the Dawn Service on ANZAC Day especially poignant with Jayne’s father having served in Darwin during WW2. Engineering Week was launched by Deputy Chief Minister Delia Lawrie. There were a number of events including sponsorship of a race on Darwin Cup day which gave wide publicity to Engineers Australia and Engineering Week. CPD delivery remains a challenge both in Darwin and in the regions. Our numbers are small, our budget limited and the challenges significant. CPD delivery is a challenge in all regions, some of which are as big as our Division. Not surprisingly this has been the top issue in the considerations of the Regional Committee. Electronic solutions will help but are only part of the actions needed. 2012 is proposed to be the Year of Regional Engineering and should add focus to addressing regional issues. We are losing some of our long term members Peter Tonkin to Perth, David Rolland to Melbourne and Barry Chambers to the Sunshine Coast. In conclusion I wish to recognize the efforts and support of the Divisional Management Committee members and Divisional staff . Without the team there would be little to report. I hand over to Len Chappell, offer him my support as Immediate Past President and wish him all the best for 2010 and beyond. Peter Hagan President 2008/2009

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Director’s Report In 2009 we have had a few staff changes. Justine returned to work part time but in recent times has decided to be a full time Mum and so we have said good bye once again. Tara Keogh joined us and Karen and Rosemary continue the good work they have done for a few years now. This year we chose to theme our events around the 90th birthday with a great deal of enthusiasm starting with the Gala Dinner early in the year. I would have to say the building skills of members and guests were varied but all of the “tank” concoctions held water which was impressive. Doug Walters and Minister Delia Lawrie had the unenviable task of judging the winners but spirits were high and everybody joined in and had some fun. Sadly this year the heritage committee has fallen into a bit of a hole. We have had excellent articles for the newsletter however which I am sure you will agree and we intend to have the two remaining plaquing ceremonies for the Stuart Highway in Katherine and Tennant Creek early in the New Year which will also mark the 150th anniversary of Stuart coming to the NT. I hope to regain the enthusiasm of our members in 2010. We have been awarded funds to reprint our heritage brochures which are very popular with tour operators in the Top End. In addition to the NT Business Council we have taken on the secretariat for the Built Environment Design Professions (BEDP) during 2009. These two groups help us keep in close contact with Government and other agencies on topics that affect the membership. We continue to have representation on various Government advisory groups, committees and boards that affect members. Thanks to those members who donate their valuable time to these functions that assist other members of the Division. Next year is the Year of Engineering Leadership and we plan to highlight activities that relate to the theme. We have had a quiet time with CELM this year so we hope that you will support these activities with enthusiasm in 2010. Engineering Week has been nationally set to occur during the first week in August for the next few years. This presents some challenges for us as schools have just returned from 4 weeks holiday and they won’t commit to events prior to going on leave. In addition it is the Darwin Cup and a public holiday that week every year so gaining any media activity is impossible. This year we decided to raise the profile by joining with the racing community and sponsoring a race. We certainly had more than 20,000 people see the race and our banner plus the race day publicity. We supplemented this with our banners around town. Other events included a launch by the Minister at Parliament House for the first time, Excellence Awards technical presentation for the public sponsored by the Lord Mayor at Darwin City Council and a Fellows lunch. The week is then followed by science week which we continue to support with the assistance of some of our younger members. We welcomed home some of our members after a tour of

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duty in Afghanistan and they went on to win the President’s Prize with their work at our Engineering Excellence Awards and also received a “Special Mention” at the National Awards. We have many members in the Defence Force in the NT who we enjoy working with although they get posted and deployed and we don’t usually have them for very long. Many of our members have served in a range of locations and we are always glad to have them back safely. Our Youth Programs expand each year. This year we added more remote locations to our SMART tour in the bush as well as running the usual events such as Sunchase, Science and Engineering Challenge and EngQuest. Our volunteers are very important to the success of these events so again a big thank you to you. The Excellence Awards were a great success thanks to the energy of the companies that put in their entries. The judges always have a difficult task separating the projects and are always grateful to the companies that arrange the site visits to enable them to see the challenges that each of them face in this difficult climate and terrain. Congratulations to Tom Maher who won the National Technologist of the Year Award. A big thank you this year to the Museum and Art Gallery of the NT who loaned us items for the “looking back” segment of the night and a special mention to Leo Izod who prepared and built a replica Oldsmobile that he was willing to loan us! We topped this off with a new Lexus convertible to showcase the “looking forward” segment of the theme. Our second most senior member won a weekend with the car so he was seen driving around with the roof down and waving to all and sundry! Northern Division continues to pull its weight in many aspects of Engineers Australia and I look forward to another exciting year in 2010. Bronwyn Russell Director Engineers Australia Northern Division

Engineers Australia Northern Division Team wishes all our members a merry Christmas and a very happy and safe 2010

1. Public Role and Professional Standing Engineering Excellence Awards celebrating Engineers Australia’s 90th Birthday The 2009 Engineering Excellence Awards dinner was held on Friday, 18th September with the following projects entered for consideration. This year’s entries included:

2009 Winners 2009 Engineering Excellence Award ANZSES Sustainability Award Research, Development and Innovation

Crowne Plaza Alice Springs “Solar Array” CAT Projects Pty Ltd

Reports, Procedures & Systems

Report for Nationally Significant Infrastructure for the Northern Territory GHD Pty Ltd

President’s Award People’s Choice Award

Works Section Afghanistan Mentoring & Reconstruction Task Force (MRTF1) Instrumented Air Weapons Range Bradshaw Training Field Area Macmahon Contractors Broadbanding the Top End Arnhem Land Fibre Project Telstra Corporation Ben Hammond Complex Redevelopment Stage 2 GHD Pty Ltd and Power & Water Corporation

Project Title


Arnhem Land Fibre Project

Telstra Corporation

Ben Hammond Complex—Power & Water Corporation

GHD Pty Ltd and Power & Water Corporation

Bonaparte High Pressure Natural Gas Pipeline

APA Group

Bradshaw ICTC Towers

Macmahon Contractors Pty Ltd CAT Projects Pty Ltd

Highly Commended Project Management

CAT Projects Pty Ltd

Highly Commended Community Engagement

Crowne Plaza Alice Springs— Solar Array Desert Knowledge Australia Solar Centre Darwin City Waterfront Pedestrian Bridge

Macmahon Contractors Pty Ltd

Darwin City Waterfront Recreation Works

Sitzler Pty Ltd

Report for Nationally Significant Infrastructure for the Northern Territory Leanyer Recreation Facility Upgrade

GHD Pty Ltd and Department of Planning & Infrastructure GHD Pty Ltd and Department of Planning & Infrastructure Australian Defence Forces (MRTF1)

Works Section of the 1st Mentoring 7 Reconstruction Task Force, Afghanistan (MRTF1) People in Engineering Award Winners

Highly Commended Environment & Sustainability

Desert Knowledge Australia Solar Centre CAT Projects Pty Ltd

2009 National Award Winners National Engineering Technologist of the Year

Tom Maher, TMIEAust Darwin City Council

Special Mention

Works Section Afghanistan, Mentoring & Reconstruction Taskforce

Thank you to our sponsors of the Engineering Excellence Awards. Nilsen; Northern Territory Government (Department of Planning and Infrastructure, Department of Housing and Local Government, Department of Business and Employment); Townes, Chappell, Mudgway; GHD Pty Ltd; BMD; Macmahon; WorleyParsons; ERA; Wallbridge & Gilbert; Airducter; Hays Engineering; ANZSES and Darwin City Council. Judging Panel Thank you to our team of judges for 2009 - Peter Hagan, Damien Hill, Evelyn Robinson and Bob Calaby

Professional Engineer of the Year Lindsay Monteith MIEAust GHD Pty Ltd

Engineering Technologist of the Year Tom Maher TMIEAust Darwin City Council

Young Professional Engineer of the Year Captain Michael Thompson GradIEAust Australian Defence Forces

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1. Public Role and Professional Standing Division Liaison The President, Director and members of Northern Division represented Engineers Australia at many events and meetings on many occasions during the year. These include Government and Ministerial liaison:

• •

Hon. Paul Henderson, MLA Chief Minister of the NT

• • •

Hon. Terry Mills, Leader of the Opposition

Hon. Robert Knight, MLA, Minister for Housing and Local Government

Hon Kon Vatskalis, MLA Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing, Primary Industry, Fisheries and Resources

Department of Planning and Infrastructure, Richard Hancock, CEO

• • •

Building Industry Reference Group

Hon. Delia Lawrie, MLA, Depty Chief Minister of the NT, Minister, Department of Planning and Infrastructure Hon. Kezia Purick, Deputy Leader of the Opposition Hon. Malarndirri McCathy, MLA, Minister for Statehood and Indigenous Policy

• • •

Museum and Art Gallery NT

• •

Northern Territory Business Council

NT News, ABC Television, Mining Advocate, Imparja Television, ABC Television and ABC Radio (Alice Springs and Darwin)

Defence liaison, Army & Navy Defence Support Industry Skills Network Secretariat: Built Environment Design Professionals Media:

Building Advisory Board NT Building Practitioners Board

2. An Inclusive Professional Team Gala Dinner - 90th Birthday Celebrations You may recall the water tower featuring in our February issue of the newsletter with an article by our Heritage representative Peter Poole. Peter was delighted that the tower was Over 150 guests enjoyed Legendary Cricketer Doug chosen as the activity at the Gala Dinner. Walters speak at the Engineers Australia Gala Dinner at SKYCITY Grand Ballroom on Thursday, 19th March to help Engineers Australia celebrate their 90th birthday. Doug entertained guests with anecdotes of his cricketing history and his visit to Camooweal where he reminisced about one of the patrons at the local drinking establishment “Daryl” and his experience with the local water tower in that town.. Each table was given the mission to reconstruct a model of Darwin’s World War Two Water Supply Tower with each table given 30 seconds to explain their expertise behind their Engineering feat. Doug and the Deputy Chief Minister, Delia Lawrie were the judges, with Wallbridge & Gilbert and guests team taking top honours as overall winners. They were presented with mini cricket bats duly signed by Doug. The Judges comments included “bribery will always work” and Daryl hanging from the water tower sealed their fate as winners. A good evening was by enjoyed by all who attended with the grand finale being an auction of a cricket bat signed by Doug and Mr Bryan Stapley being overjoyed that he was the highest bidder.

Engineers Australia Members and Doug Walters reconstruct a piece of Darwin History

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2. An Inclusive Professional Team Colleges Structural College and Building Advisory Board

Civil College The Civil College Board met twice this year with our March meeting in Sydney and October meeting in Brisbane. The main focus of the board this year has been: 1. The combined international conference with the structural college in Sydney in August 2010 – known as the CECAR 5 and ASEC 2010 Conference. A number of key members of our Board are managing the delivery of the conference. 2. Civil Engineering awards presented to individuals this year were:

Sir John Holland Award for Civil Engineer of the Year 2009 to Christopher Dann.

Warren Medal 2008 to Brian Burnam, David Ticcolo and Gary Moyston.

• 3.


5. 6.


Northern Division was again represented by Peter Russell on both panels and has attended numerous meetings and several subcommittee meetings. Representation to the Northern Territory Government committees by structural engineers and the division is good with representation on Building Appeals Board, Building Advisory Committee, Builders Registration Board, Power & Water Corporation, Cyclone Subcommittee and Building Industry Representative Group. A draft comment on the revision of the wind code was distributed to Structural College Board and others for comment during 2009. The New Chair of Structural Engineering has taken up his position at CDU. The Director of Northern Division was instrumental in obtaining funding for Prof David Lilley. It is the intended to maintain the close relationship with CDU and Engineers Australia. Northern Division was not successful in securing the 2012 ASEC conference however Darwin will be considered for the 2014 conference—a decision made at the recent Structural College Board meeting held in November this year. Peter Russell Structural College and Building Advisory Board Representative

Rod McGee Medal 2008 to Elisabeth Smolinska.. Support for the many learned Societies and Engineering Committees that report to the Board on their conferences, conferences papers and CPD presentations. Monitor and encourage divisional CPD presentations to assist members with their efforts to maintain there competency in the field of engineering in which they practice to ensure they retain their CP Eng status. Encourage and sponsor the eminent speakers programme to regional centres as well as the major cities. Stage 2 Competency matters were work-shopped at our last meeting with follow-up action by some us prior to the next meeting in March 2010. David McHugh was appointed as the Civil College Board Repre- Electrical College sentative on the National Coastal and Water Engineering ComThe National Electrical College Board met twice this year with mittee. the first meeting taking place in Brisbane o 4th and 5th June. The secDave McHugh th th Civil College Board Representative ond meeting was held on 6 and 7 November in Darwin.

The main functions of the electrical college are to: . Promote electrical engineering . Promote CPD The Mechanical College Board nationally conducted two face-to-face . Nominate and award prizes to eminent and outmeetings during 2009 with a number of teleconferences to discuss standing electrical engineers and graduates mechanical engineering issues such as: . Promote research and development • Strategic Planning 2010-2015 . Review and comment on policy documents. • Joint Agreement with IMechE The June meeting was held in Brisbane in conjunction with the MA Sargent Medal award dinner. This year saw Brisbane take out • MOU with IMechE all of the top awards with the MA Sargent medal being awarded to • JSME Dr Keith Hilless and the Professional Engineer of the Year being • Competency Standards & NPER awarded to Simon Bartlett. • Continuing Professional Development One interesting statistic to come out of this meeting was the • Awards for Young Mechanical Engineer, George Julius news that out of 455 electrical CPD audits carried out to June 2009, Medal & AGM Michell Medal only 303 were deemed to be satisfactory. The November meeting in Darwin was a first for the Electrical • Year of Engineering Leadership College Board as they have never held a national meeting here before • Governance Workshop Also emerging trends/issues were on the agenda in the past and many of the delegates had never been to Darwin previously. One of the highlights of the visit was a meet and greet evening held on the year: Friday evening. It was good to see so many of our young electrical • Mandatory reporting engineers turn up to meet the College Board members and to hear a • Energy and sustainability short presentation, on the Board’s function and aims, from our chairThe members of the College Board attended the 2009 Warman Albert Koenig. man Design-and-Build Student Competition National Final on SunThe ECB has expressed thanks to the Northern Division office day 27th September 2009 and dinner. staff who helped make their Darwin visit and meeting such a success. Young Mechanical Engineer Award was presented to Mr They commented that the Darwin hospitality was second to none. Derek Mulder from Queensland to acknowledge his achievements as a young mechanical engineer and his contributions to the activities of Len Chappell Engineers Australia. Stefania Fikus Electrical College Board Representative.

Mechanical College

Mechanical College Board Representative

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2. An Inclusive Professional Team Regions Nhulunbuy Nhulunbuy was privileged to host a visit by the National President in April. A Fellow’s certificate was presented at a special function which was attended by local engineers to Steve Petrofis. I am also looking for a replacement for myself on the Northern Division’s Management Committee. This representative does not necessarily have to be a senior engineer, it can be young engineer who may wish to enhance their skills. Cam MacDiarmid Nhulunbuy Representative

Alice Springs 2009 was again a relatively quiet year with few activities for members who live in the Alice area. In August, the Engineering Excellence Judging Panel visited to assess entries from the region. A function at the

Crowne Plaza and presentations were made to local members of some of the entries. Several local entries were to receive awards (see the report on the Engineering Excellence Awards). In April, members participated in the annual Science and Engineering Challenge held at Alice Springs High School to help develop interest in these areas in our upcoming youth. September’s highlight was another Youth program, Sunchase, a model Solar Car and Boat Challenge where school students build solar powered cars and boats and race them. This leads to a National Championship, this year it is being held in Melbourne in late November. This promotes an interest in science and engineering as well as renewable technologies. Thank you to our sponsors Power and Water Corporation, Alice Solar City, Desert Knowledge, Lee Point Electrical, BP Solar, Eco Engineering, Alice Springs Town Council, Mbantua and Stuart Rotary Club. In 2010 we hope to have more events so helpers and suggestions are most welcome. Steve Sawyer Alice Springs Represemtatove Engineer Amol Gupta helps the Braitling Car Team

Membership Groups Associates I was pleased to be able to represent Northern Division Engineering Associates in 2009. Although the Associates represent only around 8% of total membership, across the Territory and region, all are equally supported and catered for as the Technologists and Professional grades. Luccio Cercarelli from Darwin City Council is the National Associates Representative on Civil College. National Committee for Engineering Associates meetings were held in Sydney during April and Canberra in November. The April meeting was held in conjunction with a visit to RAAF Base Richmond, hosted by Associates National Chair Wing Commander Ross Magno. Highlights from the National Committee for Engineering Associates for 2009 were the implementation of an Engineering Register and support from Engineers Australia to have Associates and Technologists included in ‘Regulation of the Engineering Profession’ proposals in WA. National Congress has endorsed a review of the Bye-Laws including consideration of equal voting rights for all grades. A personal highlight this year was to be included on the Judging Panel for the Northern Division Engineering Excellence Awards. There were no candidates for Engineering Associate of the Year. My two-year term as Division Representative expires at the

Northern Division AGM on 03 December 2009. Due to work commitments I will not be seeking re-election. Associates have been well supported by the Division President Peter Hagan, Director Bronwyn Russell and her team. We are grateful for that assistance. Bob Calaby OFIEAust Associate Representative

Membership Honorary Fellow


Senior Member


Fellow Member Companion






Tech Fellow


Tech Member


Tech Graduate


Tech Student


Officer Fellow


Officer Member


Officer Graduate


Officer Student




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2. An Inclusive Professional Team and put forward a number of comments and proposed Engineering Heritage Committee (Northern Division) Membership cont….. inclusions.

Division membership has decreased slightly in 2009. This is possibly due to the data cleansing program which was initiated by National Office in 2009 to ensure that all members records were accurate and up to date. Student numbers have increased by 11. Skilled migration enquiries have definitely increased in 2009 with the division staff assisting those with their applications.

Technologists Although relatively quiet on the local division front the National Committee for Engineering Technologists has been relatively busy this year, meeting face to face three times plus two teleconferences. The committee was determined to maintain the momentum of the 2008 ‘Year of the Engineering Team’ to ensure that Engineering Technologists maintained a high profile in both Engineers Australia and the general engineering public. The national committee came of age this year obtaining representatives from the Victorian, Sydney and Newcastle EA Divisions to back up the existing members from Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia and Northern division. We now have As a national committee we provided comment and input into a number of very important issues affecting all members of the engineering team. These included:

The Accreditation Management System draft document. This document is updated every 5 years and defines the role of Stage 1 competency levels applicable to all levels of the Engineering Team.

The EA Draft Policy Statement on the Engineering Profession. We were disappointed that both the Engineering Technologists and Associates were left out of this document, especially following the year of the engineering team. The committee thoroughly reviewed this document

Discussion Paper on the Regulation of Engineers in WA. A considerable amount of time was spent reviewing and formulating a response to this document to ensure that Engineering Technologists views were catered for.

On the local front I wish to again congratulate Tom Maher, from Darwin City Council, on winning the Engineering Technologist of the year. The award could not have gone to a more worthy recipient. Len Chappell Northern Division Representative

Women in Engineering I took over the role of Women in Engineering representative from Louise McCormick. Due to her workload with Tiger Brennan Drive, Louise hesitantly resigned from the position. I take this opportunity of thanking Louise for her contribution . Our vision is that engineering is an inclusive profession which values, supports and celebrates the contributions of women in the engineering team.. Some key initiatives nationally include GirlTalk which originated in the ACT Division WIE Group. This program was developed and is run by women engineers to encourage more women into enegineering. It consists of a PowerPoint presentation that explains engineering as a career, the options available, subject choices and brief profile of the presents. These programs are mainly targeted at schools to encourage more women to study engineering. You can visit Women in Engineering on FACEBOOK under: Engineers Australia—Women in Engineering. An up to date flyer was also produced in 2009. I look forward to continuing my involvement with Women in Engineering in 2010. Nerida Beard Women in Engineering Representative

Engineers Without Borders The Darwin chapter of Engineers Without Borders maintained its contingency plan of building a solid and active membership which is now ready to act in early 2010. EWB stalls were seen at the CSIRO Science Fair and the Tiger Brennan Drive Open Day talking to kids about education and sanitation in underdeveloped communities, and both parents and kids on careers in engineering. Local members also represented EWB on a few other occasions in meetings throughout the year. EWB has just hosted its annual conference in Melbourne, from 26-28th November, called Engage 2009. This was EWB's 4th annual national conference aimed at representing the premier gathering of engineers working or interested in interna-

tional aid work, sustainable development, design and technology. 2010 has many exciting opportunities on offer for those like-minded people wanting to get involved. Every 6 months an intake is established for working in developing communities for EWB. Visit their website for further information or phone Rana Everett for local chapter involvement: 0416 320 498. Rana Everett Engineers Without Borders Representative

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National Congress Meeting National Congress met twice this year with both our July meeting and November meeting in Canberra. The main focus of National Congress this year has been: • The development and adoption of our new strategic plan for the next 5 years

The launch of the “make it so” campaign and a report on progress to date

Reform of our Royal Charter and Bylaws and report on progress

Review and rework of our Code of Ethics and a report on progress

tion of engineering Organisations). The following matters were raised by congress delegates: • Nuclear Physics and Engineering - Encourage Universities to develop courses in these subjects

Council Report to Congress

Complaints Commissioner’s Report

Young Engineers Australia Report

Report on 90th Anniversary Commemorations

Congress Engagement Report

Electronic communication committee Report

Prime Minister’s Science, Engineering and Innovation Council Report

Report from the President of WFEO (World Federa-

Australian Engineering - Dictionary of Biography and Centenary 2019

Division Committee Members be 2 years Congress meets twice per year

The following reports were provided to congress:

Review of Ethics Practice

Congress elect the Chair of Congress separately from the Deputy President Electoral process.

The following people were elected to the new National Council: • New Deputy President – Merv Lindsay

New Councillors – David McHugh, Bronte Strout and Alex Baitch Dave McHugh

Congratulations to Dave McHugh for being appointed to the National Council of Engineers Australia

2. An Inclusive Professional Team Young Engineers Young Engineers Australia (Northern Division) has enjoyed another successful and fun year that included numerous social and educational events. The year began with a ‘meet and greet’ at the Beachfront Hotel in March with approximately 20 people attending including a few new faces. In June we held our GenX trivia night at the Larrakeyah Officer’s Mess. Simon Turner and his team from GHD proved themselves to be experienced in pub trivia, convincingly winning on the night. Towards the end of July the Young Engineers Australia Northern Division (and possibly Darwin’s!) premier social event, the ‘Golf Day’, was held at the Palmerston Golf Course. Beautiful Darwin dry season weather prevailed and the chance of a ‘round of 9’ with an early knock off and a few casual beers meant engineers and others attended in abundance. In the end, the golf side of things was dominated by players from Douglas Partners, but all had an enjoyable day no matter how many shots it took some of us to get around the course! With August came the CSIRO ‘Top End Science Fair’ and our chance to excite budding young engineers from Years 3 to 8 about some of the more interesting and exciting problems engineers deal with on a day to day basis. Not the easiest gig! But with a few keen committee members we managed to entertain the young ones and may have even influenced a few to become Darwin engineers!

On behalf of Young Engineers Northern Division, I’d like to express thanks to all our sponsors for the year, as many of our events wouldn’t be possible without your support. We look forward to your continuing cooperation in 2010 and hope to see you all at our events in future. I’d also like to take the opportunity to thank the YEA and Engineers Australia committee members plus other volunteers throughout the year for all their support, ideas and help! Report produced by Adam James On Behalf of Andrew Gane President Young Engineers

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2. An Inclusive Professional Team National Committees Transport Committee

Centre of Engineering Leadership and Management - Northern Chapter The year kicked off with the CELM Leadership Seminar held in conjunction with the National Committee for Women in Engineering on 03 March. Dr Julie Hammer past president of EA gave an inspiring key note address outlining her career in what was then a very male dominated profession. The seminar was interactive with participants taking on some role play in Leadership situations and the day was finished with a panel discussion This was followed on 11 March by a breakfast meeting with Grant Behrendorff as the guest speaker. Grant won the Northern Division Technologist of the Year in 2007 and went on to win the National title at the Australian Engineering Excellence Awards. He spoke about his career and his involvement in the 'Bushlight indigenous' renewable energy project. The project won awards at the Northern Division and the Australian Engineering Excellence Awards. The CELM joint Chair Board Meeting was held on the 26 August, 2009 at the University of Sydney. Unfortunately due to work commitments the Northern Division did not have a representative in person at the meeting. The board reviewed Doug Roser’s paper on “a roadmap for Engineering Executive” and a second paper detailing more background information about Engineering Executive. We look forward to the release of these papers next year. Kevan Blake, CELM Representative

The committee held two meetings during the year. There is now representation from all Divisions. Key activities include planning for a Transport Engineering Conference in 2011 likely to be in conjunction with the Australian Institute of Traffic Planning and Management, developing a paper on the benefits to society of transport based engineering studies, refining a paper on a series of key issues for discussion at a political level including road safety, port congestion, congestion management, the rail network, transport implications with – climate change, global warming, ETS etc and transport infrastructure funding. This year saw the publication of one edition of Transport Engineering Australia and the presentation of further papers on TEA Online 2009. The 2009 Student Paper Prize was awarded to Sarah Mahmoud studying at Monash University. Peter Hagan National Committee on Transport Engineering Representative

Congratulations to Tom Maher TMIEAust for winning National Technologist of the Year

3. Youth Appeal SMART/SMART Remote (Science Maths and

Charles Darwin University In 2009, the School of Engineering and Information Technology at Charles Darwin University had a successful year. We achieved full accreditation of our Civil and Mechanical Engineering programs from Engineers Australia and continue with electrical and electronics degrees In Collaboration with NT Government and local companies, CDU started a Cooperative program aiming to train and prepare engineers compatible with the requirements of industry. Thank you to the support of industry during this process. The school continued external delivery of engineering units as well as presenting diploma of engineering as a new programme. In future years, we will extend these activities in addition to proposed new programs for the Masters of Engineering. Engineers Australia continues to support the University by holding student BBQ’s and offering them the opportunity of free membership at these events.

EngQuest Due to the outstanding way EngQuest was managed last year, the registrations for the Northern Territory doubled this year as thirty schools entered the program for 2009 and enjoyed the rich resources provided to them on the web.

Real Technology)

In semester one 2009 over 700 regional primary school students in the Northern Territory enjoyed a Science, Maths and Real Technology (SMART) road show in conjunction with the Science and Engineering Challenge. Thanks to the additional help from ALPA, and the Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research (DIISR), this year the program was delivered to a much wider remote audience. It took a team including: one Engineers Australia Youth Coordinator, one ALPA host, a pilot and 2 University of Newcastle SMART Show presenters over 800 km of air, sea and road travel, hauling 100 kilos of equipment and 10 school days to reach over 500 students spread over 10 community schools. The schools included: Gapuwiyak CEC (Lake Evella), Shepherdson College (Galiwinku, Elcho Island), Milingimbi CEC (Milingimbi), Ramingining School (Ramingining), Belyuen School (Delissaville), Xavier Community Education Centre (Nguiu, Bathurst Island), Pularumpi School (Pirlangimpi, Melville Island), Mamaruni School Minjilang (Croker Island), Warruwi School (Goulburn Island), Gunbalanya School (Oenpelli) ALPA have indicated that they would be keen to help again next year and Newcastle are in the process of looking for fresh support from the Federal Government.

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3. Youth Appeal Science & Engineering Challenge


This year 350 students from Darwin and Alice Springs competed to win the privilege of traveling to Bendigo to attend the National Science and Engineering Challenge. Alice Springs conducted a one day event at Centralian Senior Secondary College and Darwin competitions ran over two days at the Charles Darwin University. Once the results were tallied, the outright winner was Darwin High School with a score of 1819.27 followed very closely by St Philips from Alice Springs with 1693.36. Acknowledgement must be paid to the wonderful support received by the Faculty of Health, Education and Science at the Charles Darwin University and the Bendigo Bank (Darwin) for assisting Darwin High School to send the 20 students to the National competition.

Supported by major sponsor, Power and Water Corporation and event partners, BP Solar and Lee Point Electrical, Ecoenergy, Alice Springs Rotary Club Mbantua and Alice Solar City, two regional events were held. Alice Springs ran their event in September at Centralian Senior Secondary College where 80 students competed in 3 categories: Model cars, boats and kit cars. The results were: St Phillips High School (first all girl team) in the model cars, St Phillips High School in the boat race event and Ross Park Primary in the kit car event. The Darwin event was held in October in conjunction with the Global Green Challenge (previously World Solar Car Challenge) scrutineering event at the Darwin Show Grounds. The day was cloud free which allowed two hundred primary school students to compete for middle and upper primary championships. Only solar kit cars were raced this year with the plan to include boats in 2010. Overall winner on the day was Larrakeyah Primary School. A poster competition was also conducted on the day with St Andrew Lutheran School the outright winner on the day. Thank you to our Sunchase major sponsor Power & Water Corporation and our friends BP Solar and Lee Point Electrical.

4. Chartered Status/Professional Development The Department of Infrastructure and Planning signed a PDP agreement at the launch of the Engineering Excellece Awards at the Darwin Convention Centre and a PDP agreement was also signed with Charles Darwin University at the student BBQ in March. The Make IT So Campaign was also launched on 3 December by Jamie Penrose, Director of Communications and Marketing, to our PDP partners.

National Assessor Visits in 2009

Ewan Hazeldene, National Assessor visited the Top End on two occasions in 2009. The first visit was in March. Ewan visited Alice Springs, Gove and Darwin and held a successful professional interview and visited many of the PDP partners. The second visit was in November and during this time Ewan facilitated a professional interview assisted by chartered members. Congratulations to the following members on achieving He also conducted six Workshops with a total of 29 memChartered Status bers focusing on Writing Career Episode Reports(CERs) and the • Bryan Mower MIEAust CPEng process for achieving Chartered Status. Attendees came from • Jarrad Simpkins MIEAust CPEng Worley Parsons, Aurecon, GHD, Department of Planning & Infra• Brent Offer MIEAust CPEng structure, Conoco Phillips, Lucas, two sole practitioners and the • Daryl McKenzie MIEAust CPEng Charles Darwin University. Ewan also promoted the benefits of belonging to a Professional Development Program(PDP) in order to receive ongoing The Division currently has 160 CPEng members and 61 assistance from an Assessor.

NPER members.


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5. Continuing Professional Development Technical Sessions/Seminars/Site Visits Month




Low Maintenance Bridges - Jakarta

Golder Associates


Charles Darwin University Industry Engagement—Coop Degree


Young Engineers—meet n greet

Charles Darwin University— Engineering and IT Beach Front Hotel


Four Models in Vietnam

David Meigh—Jakarta


CELM Breakfast

Grant Behrendorff


National Assessor visit—CPEng—PDP workshops

Ewan Hazeldene


Department of Infrastructure & Planning—stimulus package

Mike Chiodo


Bridge Building Contest—Jakarta

Jakarta Engineering Members


National President - Technical Presentation Gove

Peter Godrey


National President—Meet n Greet luncheon Darwin

Peter Godfrey


The Inspiring Story of Sir John Monash

Peter Thomas


Eminent Speaker—Recasting the internet of things and the future of the digital economy

Dr David Kellern


A/Professor Ron Cox


Eminent Speaker - Climate Change Impacts & Adaptation for Settlement and Infrastructure Jabiru Technical Presentation


Technical Presentations - 2009 Engineering Excellence Awards—Alice Springs

Project Entrants - Alice Springs


Wave Pool Site visit

Darwin Waterfront Developments


Technical Presentations – 2009 Engineering Excellence Awards—Darwin

Project Entrants


Code of Ethics Seminar

Bob Nairn


Darwin River Dam Site Visit

Power & Water Corporation


Eminent Speaker - Environmental Scan

Keith Crews


A/Professor Ron Cox


Eminent Speaker— Climate Change Impacts & Adapation for Settlement and Infrastructure Electrical College Board—Meet n Greet


National Assessor visit—CPEng—PDP workshops

Ewan Hazeldine

Anthony Verna

Alfred Keonig/Len Chappell

6. International Reach & Influence The division continues to send its newsletters to its overseas members. A series of workshops were also held in Jakarta for our members which included technical sessions on Low Maintenance Bridges, A Bridge Building Contest and a Four Models in Vietnam semi -nar with keynote speaker

David Meigh. Thank you to Dino Sarac for informing the division to circulate the information on the technical presentations and seminars. It is great to see the Division continuing to communicate with our overseas members.

7. Internal Communications Our newsletter continues to grow with the distribution being wide spread. A query from a Katherine reader who was interested in Poole’s Ponderings and the telecommunications are article quoted “what a fun bunch engineers are – who would

have imagined”. We always try to make the newsletter interesting for members and if you have any articles of interest or ideas, please feel free to contact Karen at the office or email to


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8. A Capable Organisation 2009 Committee We would like to say thanks to our committee. We would not be able to function without your assistance.



Centre for Engineering Leadership & Management

Kevan Blake

Engineering Technologist National Representative

Len Chappell

Engineering Associate National Representative

Robert Calaby

Ocean & Coastal Committee/Water Engineering National Committee

Eric Valentine

Peter Poole

Engineers Without Borders/CDU Student Representative

Rana Everett

Structural College/Building Advisory Committee

Peter Russell

Alice Springs Representative

Steve Sawyer

Mechanical College National Representative

Stefania Fikus

Nhulunbuy Representative

Young Engineers National Representative

Adam James

Cameron MacDiarmid

Young Engineers President Northern Division

Andrew Gane

Committee Representative

Kirsty McInnes

Defence Representative

Capt Stephen Menscheyli



President/Transport Committee

Peter Hagan

Women in Engineering

Civil College/Congress Representative

Louise McCormick/Nerida Beard Dave McHugh

Electrical College/Deputy President

Len Chappell

Committee Member

Sumesh Dhir

Committee Member

Capt Stephen Menscheyli

Engineering Heritage Australia /Heritage Committee ND

Division Activities 2009 Month





Meet and Greet Night – Young Engineers


2009 Engineering Excellence Awards


Welcome New Students Chales Darwin University BBQ





Gala Dinner—Guest Speaker Doug Walters (Cricketer)

Sunchase Model Solar Car Challenge—Alice Springs Sunchase Model Solar Car Challenge - Darwin


Sponsors/Supporters Cocktail Function


National Presidents Visit—Darwin/Nhulunbuy


Students Thesis Presentations


Charles Darwin University Prize Giving


GenX - Larrakeyah Barracks


SMART (Science, Maths & Real Technology Program Alice Springs


Science & Engineering Challenge—Darwin & Alice Springs


Young Engineers Golf Day


SMART Program Darwin, Arnhemland


Engineering Week—Darwin Cup Day Race


Fellows Luncheon


Launch of Engineering Week

October December

Charles Darwin University Students Thesis Presentations Make It So Campaign Launch

Northern Division Fellows • • • • •

Congratulations to Northern Division newest Fellows Mike Burgess Prof David Lilley Reginald Connors Steve Petrofes and to our Division’s newest

• •


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Campanions Chris Edwards Jean Luc Revell

National Excellence Awards Northern Division was very pleased with the outcome of the 2009 National Engineering Excellence Awards. Tom Maher (Northern Division overall winner for Engineering Technologist of the Year) won the national Engineering Technologist award. Tom began his engineering career as a technical assistant with the Northern Territory Department of Transport and Works in Katherine in 1983 where he was employed to carry out compliance testing on civil engineering projects. In 1996 Tom moved into the local government area with a two year stint on Christmas Island as Management of Technical Services. He also spent six years as a technical officer with Isis Shire Council in Childers, Queensland. Tom started his engiI came to the Territory from the east neering career with no formal qualifications. In 1990 he comcoast and have now been here nearly 3 years pleted an Advanced Certificate in Civil Construction Supervision. and although you can’t swim at the beach and He then embarked on a lifelong learning program which included it’s ridiculously hot, I love it! After working completion of a range of tertiary programs to formally address on a Pearl boat for four months straight, I deareas that would be beneficial to his professional development cided it was time to find a job closer to land including an Associate Degree in Civil Engineering, a Bachelor of (and one that didn’t require 5am starts in a Engineering Technology (Civil) and a Certificate in Project Mantinny). agement. Tom’s current goals include a Masters of Engineering Having 2 years experience working as Practice. a fast-track officer for an insurance company, I The winner of Northern Division’s President’s Award and decided to find something similar as I really People’s Choice Award, The Works Section Afghanistan Mentorenjoyed my previous admin job. I started ing & Reconstruction Taskforce MRTF1 also received a “Special working for Engineers Australia in March and would have been Mention” at the National Awards. a great poster person for our current Make It So campaign, as I Congratulations to Tom and MRTF1 - we are very proud had no idea what Engineers actually did! We had an engineer of you all. on our Pearl boat who fixed things and that was about the extent of my knowledge of engineers! Since then I’ve learnt a lot about Engineers and some of the amazing work they do. My role at Engineers Australia isn’t your typical admin job and it’s definitely not what I expected when I started back in March. So far this year I’ve been a group leader at the Science and Engineering Challenge, played my first game of golf with the Young Engineers, and helped organise a number of events including a Gala Dinner, Race Day, and our annual Engineering Excellence Awards. I’ve enjoyed every minute of it and thanks to the talented ladies here in our tiny Northern Division I have broadened my skills and opened doors to a number of future possibilities I hadn’t even considered before.

Staff Profile - Tara Keogh

Do you have some spare time to Volunteer in 2010? Northern Division always requires assistance with their many events throughout the year. Register your interest and call 8981 4137 or email to


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2010 Calendar of Events Date




Excellence Awards Due date for Registration of Interest Form



Engineering Excellence Awards Due date for Engineering Excellence Awards Registration for Project Only Engineering Excellence Awards Due date for lodgement of Submissions



Gala Dinner to celebrate Engineering Year of Leadership

Holiday Inn

27th—28th April

Science and Engineering Challenge/SMART


7th May

Science and Engineering Challenge

Alice Springs

10th May

National President’s Visit

Prof. Doug Hargreaves

13th May

Sponsor’s Cocktail Function


26th May

Eminent Speaker—National Transport

Professor Rod Troutbeck

22nd July

2009 Engineering Excellence Awards

Darwin Turf Club

2nd—6th August

Engineering Week


2nd August

Engineers Australia Corporate Race Day

Fannie Bay Racecourse

16th August

Science Week


19 August



10th September


Alice Springs


SMART (remote)

Island communities

30th November

Young Engineers AGM


1 December

Annual Meeting - Engineers Australia

14 Shepherd Street, Darwin



For more information on any of these events and registration forms please go to and click on the event

Engineers Australia Office closure 14 Shepherd Street, Darwin The office will be closed from 24 December 2009 commencing back on 4 January 2010 Friend

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