Timor Leste Transition Challenges

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Timor Leste - History & Background

Timor Leste - Transition Challenges

Dili Institute of Technology



Timor Leste DIT Aimutin Campus



Former Portuguese Colony for over 400 years Indonesian Occupation 1974 – 1999 Independence in 2002 Political Crisis 2006


Most adults above 30 have lost everything 2-3 times Suffered tremendous violence in last 40 years High Poverty – 41% Under UN Poverty Line

High Birth Rate – 5.5 to 6.5 Children Per Woman

Social (Con’t)

 Majority under 21 Years

 Low Literacy Rate: ~50% (Controversial)  Language Debate: Tetun / Portugues / Indonesian / English


 Unemployment at 3.6% But....  25% jobs from government

 10% jobs from NGO sector  50% under 20 considered to be “idle”  Many underemployed (definition of employment)

Economic Factors

 Petroleum dependent - over 90% government budget  Petroleum will be depleted 20 – 30 years  80% state & 90% aid expenditures leave the country  Under 10% of 2011 state budget for health / education  Infrastructure challenges  Poor roads  Unreliable electricity (frequently off 50% daylight hours in dili)  New, nationwide electricity system under construction  Poor access to clean water

Majority Under 21


Development 5% 3%

Other 5%

$1.3 Billion Total

Benefits 16%

Infrastructure 52%

Education 3%

Health 6%

Governance 10%

What Priority? What Intensity?

Adapted From Lao Hamutu

Small Country – Small Population

Financial Resources - Government Not Poor

Strategic Location

Natural Resources & Beauty

People – Proud / Young Population

Bi-Lateral & Multi-Lateral Partnerships

Unique History & Cultural Identity

Background & History of DIT

DIT Challenges

Opportunities For Success

Opened in 2002 After Independence  Opened 22nd October 2002  Private, Non Profit Independent from government  Initially formed to focus on offering high quality vocational & bachelor programs with a technical focus  Civil, Computer, Tourism, Business, Education  Main campus in Dili, additional locations in Oeccusse and Bacau  Attracts students from all backgrounds – not exclusive

Political Crisis of 2006 /2007  Closed from May 2006 to October 2006  Forced to Re-establish School and Find Another Campus Location  Many Partnerships lost – Particularly Volunteers  Many staff changes  Large numbers of students lost


New DIT Aimutin Campus

Old DIT Bairo Pite Campus

Civil Engineering / Hospitality Training

Automotive Trades

Petroleum Studies / Language Centre


Library / Classrooms

Learning Resources  Laboratories  References in appropriate language  What Language?  Poor IT infrastructure   

Email not widely used No intranet Poor internet access

 Physical infrastructure reliability

 Unreliable electricity – no generator










Books Available By Language






Student Comprehension


Weak Culture of Institution Research  Need more training / socialization of concept for staff

 Put logic into curriculum design – What do our customers need? Faculty Capacity  Teachers of Engineering - > Engineers that Teach  Motivations – What is in it for us?  Faculty overloaded:  Teaching faculty have other, time consuming admin. jobs  New trimester system  Faculty up-skilling

Maintaining Academic Integrity  Good academic standards now

 Pressure to graduate more students / Especially Engineering  Semester / Trimester Debate

Organizational Management

 Improve Planning – Frequently Operate in Emergency Mode  Faculty overloaded with administration duties  Need to improve capacity to leverage partnerships

Weak primary / secondary education systems

Poor competence in basic math & science

Students from modest economic background

Poor access to information resources

Academic work ethic

 Transparency  Small / Private - Low Beauracracy  Good faculty commitment / competence  Opportunity & Capacity to innovate  External resources / partnerships  Supportive industry  Spirit of the people

www.ewb.org.au www.dit-tl.net www.laohamutuk.org

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