February 2012

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PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Sydney Division Key Sponsors

2012 – Year of the Regional Engineering Team Welcome to 2012, the Engineers Australia “Year of the Regional Engineering Team”. I’m honoured to serve as Division President, and with the support of the Division Committee and Staff I’m looking forward to leading you through what is another full year of engagement and activities designed to promote and support the engineering profession. During last year’s focus on Humanitarian Engineering we were reminded that care for the health and welfare of humanity is a core element of all engineering, in that engineers serve the community, whether overseas providing aid and assistance or at home responding to the needs and demands of everyday life. This year our particular focus is on members of regional engineering teams, and how we can better help them to help the local communities they serve. To do this we need a better understanding of where existing and potential members live and work throughout NSW. We need to refine how we communicate and engage with those that don’t have direct access to metropolitan centres and the resources that those in capital cities often take for granted. What issues are important to regional engineering team members? How can event programmes, CPD activities and resources be better coordinated? How can we apply the use of emerging technologies? How can we attract engineers to move into locations with identified skills gaps? How can we better attract young Australians in regional areas into engineering careers? Following formation of a national Steering Committee to address these strategic issues, a

NSW Coordination Committee was formed in December 2011 as a collaboration between Sydney Division and Newcastle Division. For historical reasons New South Wales is the only state in Australia which has two separate Divisions. While the immediate focus is the theme Year in 2012, it is envisaged that the new Coordination Committee will evolve to assist better engagement, coordination and representation of Engineers Australia in NSW. In a similar way, Engineers Australia and the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia (IPWEA) are working together in NSW to better coordinate and promote activities and events with a common interest, particularly as many engineers in regional areas are members of both organisations. Again, it is through improved collaboration and coordination that we can better support the engineering profession, and thereby improve outcomes for clients and communities. Finally, I just want to again thank Maryam Khajeh, now Immediate Past President, the Sydney Division Committee for 2011, and all the Volunteers, Sponsors and Staff for your contribution last year – greatly appreciated. Brendyn Williams, BE(Civil)(Hons) MIEAust FIPWEA President, Engineers Australia Sydney Division

Deputy President’s Corner

Key Division Staff Executive Director – Steve Finlay Executive Operations Manager – Richard Hanna Events Manager – Aimee Najdovski Industry Relationship Manager – Elana Huthnance Events Coordinator – Jessica Marshall Communications and IT Coordinator – Nimali Herath Membership Officer – Julia Bresolin Membership Officer – Danielle Tuazon Membership Officer – Maritsa Kacopieros Account Manager – Rimma Kolodizner Chartered Assessors – Roland De Broglio, Amal Hanna Neil Wyles and Guy Beaubois National Stage 1 Assessor – Guy Beaubois and Maurice Allen National Manager Careers – Jenny O’Donovan Auditorium Operator – David Zhao

Your Division Committee for 2012 President – Brendyn Williams Deputy President – John Nichols Immediate Past President – Maryam Khajeh National Councillors – Bruce Howard, Marlene Kanga and Alex Baitch National Congress – Kevin Dixon, Ted Tooher and Michael Myers

Elected Members:

As 2012 launches into view and the population of mother earth approaches seven billion: the skills, crafts and ingenuity of the humble engineer will be arguably one of the most important resources for mankind. I’ve heard it said that a comfortable sustainable population of humans that can co-exist on mother earth’s surface without undue strain on its natural systems is probably as low as one billion – and yet we’re about to break that sevenfold, and will undoubtedly go even much higher. Total population of people, the demand they create and the waste they produce is the real driver of three major challenges facing society: water supply, energy and transport and these are core areas of engineering. The challenge is to deliver the solutions without exhausting mother earth and to hand the planet back to our children in better condition than we inherited it ourselves. The dramatic irony of the story is that it was engineers who contributed to making it initially possible for the population to expand and civilisation to develop through Roman Civil Engineers and their construction of aquaducts and roads, and our survival as a species is now ironically contingent upon the ability of engineers to solve the challenges of true sustainability. Of all the professions, there is no profession better suited than Engineering to the solution of difficult physical problems, within limited financial resources and within shortened time frames. Now, more than ever before, the Profession of Engineers needs to be taking a greater role in leading the way in social and political arenas, leading comment, discussion and community debate and demonstrating initiative, skill and competence in the management of mother earth’s resources and the development of true sustainability. While engineering has been described as a skill of mind and hand, our future is in our hands and minds. John Nichols BE (Civil), CPEng, FIEAust Deputy President, Engineers Australia Sydney Division

David Edwards, Nikki New, Rosemary Crowhurst and Michael Lucas

Appointed Members:

Joint Meeting of the Four Societies

Young Engineers Australia, Sydney Division – Sam Green Women in Engineering – Julie Mikhail Regional Group Representatives – John Stonelli and Rosemary Crowhurst College and CELM Representative – Alexandra Meldrum Chair Education and Assessment Sub Committee – Norm Himsley Electrical Branch – Allan Sangster Unit Representatives – Norm Himsley and Allan Sangster

The Australian Nuclear Association, the Australian Institute of Energy, the Royal Society of NSW and Nuclear Engineering Panel of Engineers Australia present:

Produced by

Dr Andrew M. Smith Institute for Environmental Research Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO)

Engineers Australia Sydney Division Editor – Steve Finlay Designed by Engineers Media

Sydney Division

Level 3, 8 Thomas Street, Chatswood NSW 2067 (PO Box 1389, Chatswood 2057) phone 02 9410 5600 fax 02 9410 0000 sydney@engineersaustralia.org.au www.engineersaustralia.org.au/sydney The views expressed in Engineers Sydney are not necessarily those of Engineers Australia Sydney Division.

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“Counting Atoms For a Living – Tales of Accelerator Mass Spectrometry”

Venue: The Hamilton-Parkes Room, NSW Trade & Investment Centre, Level 47, MLC Centre, 19 Martin Place, Sydney Time and date: 6pm, Wednesday, 7 March 2012 Accelerator Mass Spectrometry permits the detection of individual atoms in a sample and so is an inherently sensitive analytical technique. This talk will give an overview of the technique and of the research programs underway at ANSTO, giving examples of its applications to climate change studies derived from bubbles trapped in Polar ice sheets and from within the ice itself.

Organised by The Royal Society of NSW


Award for outstanding contribution to Engineers Australia At the Annual General Meeting on 5 December 2011 the Immediate Past President Maryam Khajeh and the 2012 President Brendyn Williams were delighted to present the Engineers Australia Medal to Max Sherrard and Jon Lee. This Award recognises the meritorious service at the divisional level by an individual in the pursuit of Engineers Australia’s goals in the interests of the profession. It is also recognises the efforts of a volunteer member who has provided conspicuous service to Engineers Australia and its goals in a local context. This Award recognises Max’s outstanding contribution to the organisation of Engineering Week activities over more than 30 years. His inspiration and leadership has made Australian Engineering Week in Sydney the excellent event that it is today. Jon is an inspiration to all members. His voluntary efforts have been simply outstanding. He has been a member of Young Engineers, CELM,

Australian Engineering Week, Civil & Structural Panel, Education and Assessment Subcommittee and played a major role in Discover Engineering days and the Neighbourhood Engineers program. He is also an extraordinary photographer capturing superb archival photo history of EA events. The Sydney Division was extremely pleased to award the Engineers Australia Medal to these two outstanding members.

Student prize winners Sydney Division President Brendyn Williams and Immediate Past President Maryam Khajeh with Max Sherrard and Jon Lee.

Electrical & ITEE Branch Student prize winners – 2011 first row (left to right): Deepak Borate, Gohulan Markandoo (Chair), Alan Sangster (Deputy Chair) and Paul Blanchfield. Second row (l-r): Ni Ding; Chi Man Cheng, Adrian Denis Bradd, Basil Turk, Beeshanga Abewardana Jayawickrama and Joshua Paul Walker.

Biomedical College Award to Graham Grant On 14 December the Biomedical College presented the David Dewhurst Award to Dr Graham Grant at Harrick’s Auditorium in the Sydney Division offices of Engineers Australia. The presentation ceremony was attended by around 35 people, who were treated to a rare example of a “brilliant career”. The David Dewhurst Award is the pre-eminent Award for biomedical engineering excellence and is presented annually for outstanding service to the field of Biomedical Engineering, through: • Highly significant contributions through technical innovation relating to the science and practice of biomedical engineering • Long standing eminence in biomedical engineering science and practice, and • Exceptional and sustained management or leadership relating to biomedical engineering. It is named after Dr David John Dewhurst, AM, BA(Hons), MSc, PhD, FIEAust, FIPEMB, an outstanding teacher, pioneer in the field of biophysics and medical instrumentation, Honorary IFMBE Life Member and former IFMBE President. David’s contributions to Biomedical Engineering include design work on cardiac defibrillators, magnetic resonance imaging, intracellular recording, electromyography, the first cochlear ear implant, standards for medical equipment, computing as a tool for biomedical research and the establishment of a course in medical electronics for biological researchers.

He was also involved with the International Federation of Medical and Biological Engineering in the early days of the IFMBE, the setting up of the Societies of Medical and Biological Engineering in Victoria, New South Wales and South Australia, and the precursor to the College Graeme Macaulay from the Biomedical College of Biomedical presents the David Dewhurst Award to Dr Graham Engineering, Grant (r). the Institution of Biomedical Engineers. The Award consists of a framed bronze medal and certificate. Dr Graham Grant, the 2011 winner of the award, fulfils all of the requirements for the award and is indeed a worthy winner. He has made a notable contribution to biomedical engineering and medicine by improving the delivery of anaesthesia through innovations in safer delivery, ventilation and humidification technologies and has progressed improved technologies for the safer transport of neonates. He has been an eminent practitioner in biomedical engineering and has been actively engaged with the College of Biomedical Engineering in Engineers Australia and the NSW Society of Medical and Biological Engineering over many years. He has without doubt bridged the gap between the physical and life sciences by providing inspiration, guidance and mentoring of his peers in the professions of biomedical engineering and medicine. engineers sydney FEBRUARY 2012  3


Professor Michael Dureau receives an Order of Australia (AM) It is with great pleasure to announce that Adjunct Professor Mike Dureau was on Australia Day awarded an Order of Australia (AM) for service to engineering, to professional education and research, and to the community, particularly through the RedR disaster relief organisation. In the Australian honours system, appointments to the Order of Australia confer the highest recognition for outstanding achievements and service. Professor Mike Dureau has a proven track record as a successful CEO in both expanding and contracting markets in Australia, New Zealand and Asia and, more recently, a leader of new energy technology development, advanced engineering and studies of key environmental issues facing Australia. As Managing Director of ALSTOM Power he built Australia’s most successful Power Generation Technology and Services Company. He is the Executive Director and Immediate Past Chairman of the Warren Centre for Advanced Engineering Ltd. He is a Member of the executive and an Honorary Life Fellow of the Chemical Engineering Foundation and Immediate Past President and Life Member of the Electrical and Information Engineering Foundation. He is a long serving member of the Industry Advisory Network of The University of Technology, Sydney and the 19th Zunz Lecturer. Recognising an urgent need of the Electric Power Industry in Australia for properly trained power engineers he led the initiative to set up Australia’s first Electric Power Institute and was its founding Chairman.

He is a member of Engineers Australia’s National Committee on Fuels and Energy as well as an Advisory Board Member of the Centre for Engineering Leadership and Management for Sydney Division. He is passionate about renewable and clean energy and is a Director of Granite Power Ltd., BioTek Fuels Ltd and the Australian Centre for Innovation and International Competitiveness Ltd. In 2010 he retired as Australian and International Chairman of Registered Engineers for Disaster Relief (RedR) after 8 years on the Board. Recognition of his performance includes the EA Professional Engineer of the Year (Sydney Division 2000) and the Fluor Daniel 2001 prize for “Exceptional Achievement in Management and Leadership”. In 2003 he was awarded the Prime Minister’s Centenary Medal for Services to Electric and Power Engineering. He is an Honorary Fellow of EA and has been listed several times as one of Australia’s Top 100 Most Influential Engineers including 2011. In 2009 he was awarded the CHEMECA Medal which is the highest award for a Chemical Engineer in Australia and New Zealand as well as the Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal — EA’s highest award. He was an invited Ambassador for the EA 2010 Year of Engineering Leadership. Engineers Australia – Sydney Division congratulates Professor Mike Dureau on attaining this prestigious award.

Engineer honoured with Australia Day award The Founder and Chairman Re-Engineering Australia Foundation, Michael Myers, has today received the Order of Australia Medal (OAM) in recognition for his work with students over the past 14 years to raise up a new generation of innovators and technicians with a “No-one said we couldn’t” attitude. From humble beginnings when the Sydney Engineer looked for an opportunity to “put something back” and to ensure that the next generation contributes to Australia remaining a sought after innovator in the Global Village, Mr Myers has seen REA Foundation influence hundreds of thousands of young people from Thursday Island to Tasmania and across to Perth. “I knew instinctively that applied learning programs would be far more successful than just textbooks in the classroom. I wanted to give young people the same tools that are used in industry. I believed that it was important for students to have a real-world experience.” Mr Myers has conducted extensive research into the motivational drivers of children’s career Michael Myers decision choices. His findings have been tabled as a thesis on the subject which throws a spanner in the works and flies in the face of convention when it come to how we should be teaching boys as compared to girls. “We have made a paradigm shift of 6 years in the education process. Young high school students in our programs have an amazing ability to understand complex engineering principles. They are able to achieve so much with so little, so when we give them the best tools in the world they become the best students in the word. When they present to university engineering students they often have to explain what they have learned 4  engineers sydney FEBRUARY 2012

because the topic they now learn in school aren’t covered until the second or third year at university.” Other recognition for REA has included the Prime Minister’s Award for Skills Excellence, Engineers Australia Engineering Excellence Award, Engineers Australia National Presidents Award, Warren Centre for Advanced Engineering Medal for Outstanding Contribution to Engineering, Association of Consulting Engineers Presidents Award for Outstanding Contribution to Consulting Engineering, the Smart State Science Award and Peter Doherty Science Award. “We are developing careers that build a nation”, says Mr Myers, “Accountants, lawyers and economists live in the past. Engineers, architects and scientists all live in the future. They take an idea and turn it into reality – for the betterment of society. We focus on motivating students into careers that build a nation.” Apart from current national sponsor, the Defence Materiel Organisation, the REA Foundation has been predominantly financed by Mr Myers’ own business interests. He says the defence industry will involve many of the biggest engineering projects in the nation and the DMO provides exciting opportunities for engineers, technicians, scientists and manufacturers. “My goal is to influence one million plus students each year to be inspired to learn science and maths and to be encouraged to take on the world. It is a great honour to be recognised on Australia Day but I am keen to turn this recognition into a catalyst to engender further support for inspiring young people, from kindergarten all the way through to university, to innovate.”


Young Engineers With the start of the New Year Young Engineers Australia Sydney is excited about the interesting and diverse range of programs we have in the pipeline for the year. These ideas, events and programs came about at our recent planning day, held on Saturday 14 January. The planning day was attended by a diverse range of young engineers, from students to working professionals, across all disciplines of engineering and all had great ideas which should mean that YEAS will deliver great benefits to our constituents this year. The day resulted in a change in some of our vision and values to include the promotion of Young Engineers as not only leaders in the engineering profession but also as leaders in the wider community. We also have plans to organise sporting days, further interaction with engineering students including offering to sponsor a student leader to the Engineering Leadership conference and a yearlong program Engineers at the YEAS 2012 planning day. to develop and encourage communication skills among young engineers. So for anyone interested please find us on Facebook or send us an email (yeasyd@engineersaustralia.org.au) and get If you are interested in getting involved or learning more about YEAS please involved. Our monthly committee meetings are held on the second Tuesday email our secretary Tiffany Chan at yeasyd@engineersaustralia.org.au. For of the month and in February we will be holding our annual Sundowner social upcoming YEAS events please visit our website at www.engineersaustralia. night. org.au/yeasyd/ or join our Facebook group: Young Engineers Australia Patrick James Sydney YEAS Chair

Abigroup WIE Christmas High Tea The WIE Sydney Division ended the year in style by hosting the WIE Christmas celebration at an afternoon high tea at Sir Stamford at Circular Quay on 9 December 2011. The intimate event, attended by around 50 guests, was held in the elegant Prince Albert Room with its traditional English

antiques and charming artworks. With timeless Christmas carols playing in the background, they were treated to freshly baked scones, savoury sandwiches and decadent desserts as well as a selection of teas. WIE Chair, Julie Mikhail, gave a brief summary of the WIE events held throughout 2011. In particular, she thanked the WIE committee members and supporters for their dedication and effort to promote women in engineering. She also thanked the sponsors for their generosity and support in promoting the WIE agenda and presented the Platinum sponsor, Abigroup Contractors, with a certificate of appreciation. Later, guests were entertained with a game of pass-the-parcel, which drew plenty of laughter (and groans) as the parcel went around. When the parcel landed on unsuspecting guests as dictated by the music, they were either asked a question or received a prize. Each guest took home a gift of customised cupcake and candies. The overall feedback for events in 2011 was overwhelmingly positive and WIE Sydney look forward to a bigger and better 2012. Jade Gan Vice Chair, WIE Sydney


DATE: 2 April

VENUE: Sydney Masonic Centre

RESERVE YOUR EXHIBITOR STAND TODAY! - GET IN EARLY EMAIL: sydexpo@engineersaustralia.org.au WEB: www.engineersaustralia.org.au/sydney/expo engineers sydney FEBRUARY 2012  5


Honeywell Engineering Summer School (HESS) The Honeywell Engineering Summer School (4-9 December) is an Engineers Australia Sydney Division initiative supported by Honeywell, NSW ‘Engineering’ Universities and participating Rotary Districts, and this year was hosted by the University of Technology, Sydney. The major aim of the summer school is to give NSW and ACT high school students a better understanding of what engineering is and how it works in everyday life, as well as the ability to visit engineering universities to aid in their selection of university. The Australian National Engineering Taskforce (ANET), of which Engineers Australia is a member, reported that “Australia produces 6000 graduates annually, which is half of our annual workforce needs.” The Summer School is a resource to ensure that young people have engineering in the forefront of their minds when looking at career options The 2011 Honeywell Engineering Summer School brought together 102 Year 11 students from across NSW and ACT. 85% of the students were from regional areas. Half of the students are funded or partly funded by Rotary and High St Mary’s Water Treatment Plant. Schools. The students are accommodated at Dunmore Lange College, North Ryde, and mentored for the week by live-in houseparents, themselves Engineering students from the host university – HESS 2011 students attended lectures and demonstrations at the The University to Technology, Sydney who also facilitated the Farewell Dinner University of Technology, Sydney (Host University); University of Sydney; the at the Ariel Function room during the week. University of New South Wales; University of Western Sydney; and University During the week-long program the Summer School students met and of Wollongong. interacted with professional engineers employed by government, private Site visits included Honeywell; RailCorp; TransGrid; Weir Minerals; St companies, researchers and academics from a wide range of engineering Mary’s Water Treatment Plant; BlueScope Steel; RAAF Base; and URS site backgrounds. They gained valuable insight into career opportunities tour of the Blue Mountains road construction. available to men and women in engineering. Their visits to industry provided Another significant program inclusion was the Careers evening where a valuable opportunity to gain first hand experience in the role of professional students had the opportunity to meet and talk informally with a broad range engineers in a wide range of activities, including the management of major of engineers. Guests included – Matthew Tildesley, Defence; Andrew Botros, projects. The student’s learnt about the role of professional engineers in Expressive Engineering; Anna Li, Ruben Peters and Patrick James, Parsons society and different disciplines within engineering. and Brinckerhoff; Laura Whitehouse, Evans and Peck and Rhys Kelly, Arup. In response to the Survey Report question of “do you think you will go on to study engineering”, the response was overwhelming with 96% responding YES, with civil engineering identified as the discipline the majority of the students wish to study at university. Each year HESS becomes increasingly more popular, and therefore more difficult for students to gain and secure a placement in the program. Applications are open in May, with brochures sent to all NSW and ACT High Schools, participating Rotary Clubs, and advertised on the Engineers Australia Sydney Division website. Our sincere thanks are extended to Honeywell for their sponsorship, Rotary Clubs for their financial assistance to many of the students, the participating Universities, the people who made the site visits possible, Careers Evening guests, and last but certainly not least, the live-in houseparents from University of Technology, Sydney – without their hard work and dedication the program would not be possible, and the students who all contributed in making HESS 2011 a wonderful success.

Alex Gastrell – student of the week. 6  engineers sydney FEBRUARY 2012

At Bluescope Steel.


Dubbo Group end of year dinner ubbo Group of Engineers Australia celebrated D the completion of another year with 12 professional development events undertaken and a visit from the Engineers Australia Sydney Division President Maryam Khajeh and Executive Director Steve Finlay. Maryam and her fiancé John were given a warm welcome to Dubbo with temperatures reaching 40 degrees. The day got hotter with a VIP tour of the Taronga Zoo Tasmanian Devil breading habitat and a close encounter with Juara the Sumatran Tiger. Stewart Mcleod, Chair of the Dubbo Group and Jillian Kilby were able to show the Sydney Division President two current projects including the Apex Oval stormwater harvesting detention tank and the South Dubbo Pedestrian Bridge construction. The Dubbo Group end of year dinner was very well attended with over 45 people enjoying a three course meal and a presentation by John Larkin of Aurora Research. John entertained and impressed the audience with his exciting sustainable energy project, which he is working on with Delta Electricity at Wallerawang. This will be a commercial scale electricity generation plant utilising biomass grown in the Central West around Forbes and West At the snake enclosure with Zoo Keeper Rod, Stewart Mcleod, Maryam Khajeh and fiancé John Wyalong. Farmers would be involved in the supply Tabari. of 1.7 million tonnes annually of biomass which would be railed to Wallerawang for use in new With 2012 dedicated to the Year of the Regional Engineering Team, generating units. Biomass utilisation reduces long term carbon emissions Dubbo Group are looking forward to more events, site tours and interaction because it is a renewable source of fuel which simply recycles existing CO2 from the atmosphere rather than creating new stocks of same. Question time with engineers from NSW (Newcastle, Sydney, Wollongong). ran over time with significant interest in the project from the guests. If you would like to find out more about the activities of the Dubbo Group The Dubbo Group would like to thank the Sydney Division of Engineers of Engineers Australia – please provide your current email address to Australia for their support throughout 2011 as they delivered 12 professional stewart.mcleod@dubbo.nsw.gov.au. development opportunities for regional engineers.

Contract Management Training Courses

The Sydney Chapter of CELM presents:

Practical courses presented by experienced industry practitioners that can answer your questions

Engineering Ethics – Underlying Philosophy and Practical Consequences

Courses provide CPD points consistent with Engineers Australia guidelines 28 Feb


Preparing and Defending Security of Payment Claims

29 Feb - 1 Mar Sydney

Administration of Construction Contracts

2 Mar


Preparing Scopes of Work and Specifications

15 May


Contract Management Fundamentals

16-17 May


Administration of Services Contracts


Tuesday 20 March 2012

18 May


Preparing Scopes of Work and Specifications


5.30 pm registration for 6.00 – 7.00 pm

Venue: Engineers Australia Auditorium, 8 Thomas Street, Chatswood NSW

29-30 May


Tender Administration

31 May-1 Jun


Contract Management for Superintendents

Discounts apply to members of Engineers Australia We also provide in-house courses & consulting

CONTRACT CONTROL INTERNATIONAL W: www.ccintl.com.au P: +61 7 3236 1936 E: training@ccintl.com.au

Presenter: Dr Donald Hector

Please register online for event www.engineersaustralia.org.au/sydneydivision/events Don will discuss: • What are “ethics” in both a philosophical and practical sense? • How do we form the belief and value systems that have such major impact on ethical decision-making? • How can consideration of practical engineering ethics impact the critical problems of sustainability?

engineers sydney FEBRUARY 2012  7

YOUR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT – DIARY DATES Most events are held at EA Harricks Auditorium, Ground Floor, 8 Thomas Street, Chatswood with refreshments provided prior to the session. As events are subject to change or cancel at short notice, please check our website www.engineersaustralia.org.au/sydney/events for up-to-date information. PLEASE NOTE: To view video streams and to download slides of selected Technical Presentations please visit Online CPD at our website: www.engineersaustralia.org.au/sydney/onlineCPD

FEBRUARY Thurs 16 Mechanical Branch Thermal Diffusion Galvanising Auditorium 18:00 to 20:00 Contact: Andrew Lowe Email: AndrewLowe@ShelstonIP. com Cost: Free Mon 20

Maritime Panel Safety of people and vehicles due to wave overtopping Auditorium 17:30 to 19:30 Contact: Heli Lahteela Email: heli.lahteela@urs.com Cost: Free

Thurs 23 Joint Electrical Branch – Engineers Australia, IET, IEEE Geospatial Applications on Emergency management Auditorium 17:30 to 19:30 Contact: Allan Sangster Email: allan.sangster@gmail.com Cost: Free Tues 28 Civil and Structural Engineering Panel Hunter Expressway Zenith Centre, Corner of Railway and McIntosh, Chatswood 17:30 for 18:00 to 19:30 Contact: Richard Hitch Email:richard.hitch@railcorp.nsw. gov.au Cost: Free Wed 29 Toastmasters, Sydney Division Toastmasters Meeting Roseville Memorial Club, 64 Pacific Highway, Roseville 19:00 to 21:00 Contact: Kevin Sansome Mobile: 0401987739

MARCH Thurs 1 Centre for Eng. Leadership and Management Mentoring Program 2012 Auditorium 17:30 to 19:30 Contact: Jon Lee Email: jonhlee@optusnet.com.au Cost: Free

8  engineers sydney FEBRUARY 2012

Wed 7 Joint Institutions IMarEST & RINA Racing for the Americaís Cup Auditorium 18:00 to 20:00 Contact: Graham Taylor Email: graham.taylortech@gmail. com Cost: Free Wed 7 Nuclear Engineering Panel Counting atoms for a living – Tales of Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Hamilton-Parkes room, NSW Trade & Investment Centre, Lvl 47, MLC Centre, 19 Martin Place Sydney 18:00 Contact: Don Higson Email: higsond@bigpond.net.au Cost: Free

Wed 14 Australian Geomechanics Society, Sydney Chapter AGS-NSW Research Award Auditorium 17:30 to 20:00 Contact: David Airey Email:david.airey@sydney.edu.au Cost: Free Thurs 15 Mechanical Branch Procurement Practice Auditorium 18:00 for 18:30 to 20:00 Contact: Andrew Lowe Email: AndrewLowe@ShelstonIP. com Cost: Free Tues 20 Centre for Eng. Leadership and Management Engineering ethics – underlying philosophy and practical consequences Auditorium 17:30 to 19:30 Contact: Ian Ackland Email:Ian.Ackland@ncsi.com.au Cost: Free

Wed 7 Toastmasters, Sydney Division Toastmasters Meeting Roseville Memorial Club, 64 Pacific Highway, Roseville 19:00 to 21:15 Contact: Kevin Sansome Mobile: 0401987739

Wed 21

Toastmasters Meeting Roseville Memorial Club, 64 Pacific Highway, Roseville 19:00 to 21:15 Contact: Kevin Sansome Mobile: 0401987739

Thurs 8 Joint Electrical Branch – Engineers Australia, IET, IEEE Electric Arc Auditorium 17:30 to 19:30 Contact: Allan Sangster Email: allan.sangster@gmail.com Cost: Free Fri 9 EA Sydney Division Fellows Luncheon Parliament House, Sydney 12:15 to 14:30 Email: registration@ engineersaustralia.org.au Cost: $85 Tues 13 Engineers Australia National Office – Eminent Speaker Program Next Generation Air Traffic Management – Promises, Pitfalls and Progress Auditorium 17:30 to 19:30 Contact: Megan Sam Email: eminentspeakerseries@ engineersaustralia.org Cost: Free for EA/RAeS members, $10 Non members

Toastmasters, Sydney Division

Wed 21

Nuclear Engineering Panel Nuclear Reactor Safety Auditorium 17:30 to 19:30 Contact: Don Higson Email: higsond@bigpond.net.au Cost: Free

Thurs 22 Joint Electrical Branch – Engineers Australia, IET, IEEE Cochlear (Audit) Macquarie Auditorium 17:30 to 19:30 Contact: Allan Sangster Email: allan.sangster@gmail.com Cost: Free Tues 27 Civil and Structural Engineering Panel Steel Topic Zenith Centre, Corner of Railway and McIntosh, Chatswood 17:30 for 18:00 to 19:30 Contact: Richard Hitch Email:richard.hitch@railcorp.nsw. gov.au Cost: Free

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