November 2011

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I remember reading an article many years ago where the actress Dianne Keaton was interviewed about her role opposite Jack Nicholson in the movie Somethings Gotta Give. I remember it because she had commented that at her age in Hollywood, she was so lucky that they would write such roles for women. The comment stuck with me because soon thereafter I was considering not only the low percentages of high school girls picking engineering, but also the low percentages of retention of women in engineering. We grapple with attracting high school girls into science and engineering because we are always combating the myths. You are not paid well enough. You won’t be able to raise a family and do that. It’s not a sexy profession. Well, to that I say, maybe if there was a TV show made, something along the lines of Law and Order or CSI then maybe the numbers will increase. Seriously though, it’s really about education of the public about what engineering is and what engineers do and what careers engineers have. It’s about educating the parents more than anything. However, going back to retention, this has always interested me because really, it’s not a women in engineering issue. The lawyers and business leaders face the same thing. In fact, the percentage of women graduating from law degrees in some universities is more than men. However, if you look at gender balance of partners in law firms, it tips significantly the other way. We all know that diversity and happy work places leads to bettering the bottom line. So my question is, what is it that is in our corporate culture which does not encourage gender

diversity in leadership? There are so many articles written about this, and of course, so many studies done. What’s really coming to the forefront is that it’s no longer about women. It’s about providing an environment which gives employees, male or female, choices. Many men would love to be a stay-at-home parent, helping to raise kids. But if you speak to them, you will notice that so many of them also believe it’s not accepted as part of our working culture (and I’m not just talking about engineers here). Furthermore, more and more workplaces are taking advantage of technological advancement which allows employees to login securely from any destination. Some commentators believe that we are entering an age where an employee of an Australian company may be sitting at a cafe in Paris, (still getting the work done of course). There will, however, always be jobs which require physical presence, such as being on site or at a lab bench. However, the more creative we are about working options, the more chance we have of attracting talented individuals (whether men or women), who are dedicated to the task at hand. Thus, the issues we face in providing gender diversity are not just women in engineering issues, although well engineered solutions will be required to provide the options. Maryam Khajeh, MIEAust Sydney Division President


DATE: 5 April

VENUE: Sydney Masonic Centre


Deputy President’s Corner

Key Division Staff Executive Director – Steve Finlay Executive Operations Manager – Richard Hanna Events Manager – Aimee Najdovski Industry Relationship Manager – Elana Huthnance Events Coordinator – Jessica Marshall Communications and IT Coordinator – Nimali Herath Membership Officer – Julia Bresolin Membership Officer – Danielle Tuazon Account Manager – Rimma Kolodizner Chartered Assessors – Roland De Broglio, Amal Hanna Neil Wyles and Guy Beaubois National Stage 1 Assessor – Guy Beaubois and Maurice Allen National Manager Careers – Jenny O’Donovan

Your Division Committee for 2011 President – Maryam Khajeh Deputy President – Brendyn Williams Vice Deputy President – John Nichols Immediate Past President – Ian Ackland National Councillors – Bruce Howard, Marlene Kanga and Alex Baitch National Congress – Kevin Dixon, David Edwards and Michael Myers

Elected Members: Alex Baitch, Kevin Dixon, Phillip Cleary, Rosemary Crowhurst, Don Hector and Ted Tooher

Appointed Members: Young Engineers Australia, Sydney Division – Terri Lin Women in Engineering – Julie Mikhail Regional Group Representatives – Jon Thompson and Marlene Van der Sterren College and CELM Representative – Debashis Raha Unit Representative – Jon Lee Societies Representative – Patrick McMullan Chair Education Sub Committee – Norm Himsley

Produced by Engineers Australia Sydney Division Editor – Steve Finlay Designed by Engineers Media

Sydney Division

Level 3, 8 Thomas Street, Chatswood NSW 2067 (PO Box 1389, Chatswood 2057) phone 02 9410 5600 fax 02 9410 0000 The views expressed in Engineers Sydney are not necessarily those of Engineers Australia Sydney Division.

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“Sustainable Membership Engagement” is the fundamental objective of any professional association. You might not have considered it previously, but your involvement (or otherwise) in the activities of Engineers Australia has a direct impact on what EA does, when and how. Engineers Australia is undertaking a review of the various groups which operate within Sydney Division, both in metro and regional or country areas of NSW. The scope, structure, inter-relationship and activity of these groups, including interaction with Divisional Office, National Office, Colleges and other Divisions, is critical to the direction and health of the organisation and the engineering profession as a whole. The outcome of the review will include mapping of existing groups in relation to the range of engineering disciplines and geographical coverage across the Division. The identification of any gaps will provide opportunity to fill them, particularly in regional areas coinciding with a focus on the Year of the Regional Engineering Team in 2012. Equally important is the need for a governance framework which supports a dynamic environment of input from staff and volunteers, while delivering the resources, services and activities required to meet objectives. Engineers Australia now has a new Royal Charter and By-Laws following the Ballot in 2010 and the granting of royal assent by the Governor-General of Australia on 26 September 2011. The Regulations which support the By-Laws will now be reviewed, re-written and progressively implemented over the next 12 months or so. I encourage all members to better understand the governance arrangements of Engineers Australia, and how we can work together to ensure that suitable and effective arrangements produce fruitful outcomes. This is how we’ll achieve sustainable membership engagement. Brendyn Williams BE(Civil)(Hons) MIEAust FIPWEA Deputy President, Engineers Australia Sydney Division

Western Sydney Regional Group This is my last article as the Western Sydney Regional Group chair and I will be handing over the baton to the next chair. It has been a great challenge to coordinate and help organise all the events WSRG has held over the year. By the time this article goes to print, the WSRG AGM will have been held in Kingswood. I would like to wish our new chair all the best in 2012 and I am looking forward to a full and interesting new year. Marlène van der Sterren Chair WSRG As the new chair for the WSRG for the 2012 year and on behalf of the committee members and interested parties, I wish to thank Marlene for all her efforts with events, articles and representing the WSRG throughout the past year. We also congratulate Marlene on her recent wedding, wish her the very best and look forward to her assistance in the new year. The WSRG will endeavour to continue bringing new and interesting events to the Western Sydney area. We are also actively involved with the development of Live Webcast and look forward to making them a regular feature in our calendar. John Stornelli Deputy Chair WSRG If you would like to get involved with WSRG, please contact us on our email:, check out our new webpage – Sydney – Groups – Western Sydney) or our facebook page php?gid=113651958661562).


Young Engineers As the year starts to wind down I find myself reflecting on the committee’s achievements over the past 12 months. Again Young Engineers Australia Sydney (YEAS) has demonstrated its strong commitment to the development of young engineers through the organisation of over 15 high-quality events to which a total of nearly 2000 people attended. Given that the committee is all volunteers who work tirelessly in their limited spare time, this is an amazing achievement and I’d like to thank everyone for their hard work and dedication. The highlights for me have been numerous! The Young Engineering Leadership Reception and Gala Dinner were particularly outstanding. This year Sam Green, along with a committed group, took on the Leadership Reception and pulled off one of our most successful events which boasted 3 amazing speakers from diverse engineering backgrounds – Alan Noble (Google), Lizzie Brown (Engineers Without Borders) and Roger CollinsWoolcock (Cardno) – and provided a 200 strong audience with a huge amount of insight into the leadership roles that engineers play within the wider community. Big thanks must go to everyone involved, including the Centre of Engineering Leadership and Management and Evans & Peck for making the night possible. The YEAS Annual Gala Dinner was held in September and was an outstanding triumph! John van Rooyen and a small group of committee members helped put together a night of fun and entertainment while also recognising the achievements of young engineers throughout the region, including the Young Professional & Student Engineers of the Year. The 200+ attendees partied well into the night and with Adam Spencer as MC the evening went off with much laughter and thought provoking mathematics. A massive thanks to all those who attended and particularly to our platinum sponsor Arup and gold sponsors Lindsay & Dynan and Brown Consulting for their support. Last month YEAS held its Election of Office Bearers which gave us the chance to look back on the year and elect a new committee that will take

the group on into the future. I have the great pleasure in welcoming the new executive committee, comprising of Patrick James as Chairperson, John van Rooyen as Vice-Chair, Tiffany Chan as Secretary and Sanshi Liu as Treasurer. Mathew Tildesley will continue in his role as YEA National Representative. Young Engineers Australia exists to support and provide a voice for young engineers, encouraging students and professionals up to the age of 35 to build their careers and promote their profession. Members of the new committee have already demonstrated a strong commitment to these goals and I have no doubt that they will do an outstanding job over the next year! I’d like to encourage anyone who has thought about getting involved in any professional groups, such as Engineers Australia, to do it! The time I have spent so far with YEAS, particularly as Chair, has challenged me to go beyond my natural comfort zones and give things a go which has been an incredibly rewarding experience! I now move into the Immediate Past Chair position and I’m looking forward to assisting the incoming committee with a full year of events and new initiatives. I’m particularly excited about the further development of communication skills within the engineering community and YEAS will be looking to grow its debating and public speaking events to highlight these essential skills and encourage young engineers to get involved. Finally, I’d like to wish the incoming Chairman for 2011/12, Patrick James, and the committee all the best for the coming year and I look forward to see you at future events. James Bencke, GradIEAust YEAS Chairperson If you are interested in getting involved or learning more about YEAS please email our secretary Patrick James at For upcoming YEAS events please visit our website at www.engineersaustralia. or join our Facebook group: Young Engineers Australia Sydney.

The largest mining boom in our history, a raft of large oil and gas projects, the national broadband network and infrastructure projects means that engineering related skills are in high demand and relatively short supply. As a consequence many organisations are looking overseas to recruit skilled workers. Official data shows that 21% of skilled migrants are Indian and 18% are from China. Employing from overseas can, without doubt, give business a real advantage by introducing new ideas and technologies. Transitioning an overseas worker, however, is not simple. The Transition Program for Experienced International Engineers has been developed by Engineering Education Australia in consultation with industry and the profession. The Transition Program for Experienced International Engineers program familiarises experienced overseas qualified engineers with the Australian workplace culture and the nature of engineering practice. “We speak with overseas qualified engineers all the time who struggle, despite years of experience overseas, to find a role in their profession here despite the shortage”, says Ann Ellis, General Manager, Engineering Education Australia, “We also speak with organisations that have employed fantastic migrant engineers but don’t have the resources to put programs in place that expedite their adjustment to the Australian workplace. This program will assist the employer and the migrant engineer”. The program focuses on the norms of Australian workplace culture and expectations of employers in the engineering profession. Delivered within a Project Management and cultural diversity context, it enables employees to put into practice the learning’s from the program in real world situations. The program covers key areas of engineering professionalism in Australia; the PPIR (Professional Performance, Innovation and Risk ) protocol, the Code of Ethics and incoming WHS (Workplace Health and Safety) legislation, as well as professional communication and writing. If you’re interested in learning more about the Transition Program for Experienced International Engineers contact the Program Manager, Angela Rhodes-Fiume on 03 9274 9600 or at



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Guiding Principles With Cochlear, you can count on three things: technical product innovation, world-class design, and lifelong commitment. Our 250,000+ recipients and thousands of hearing and educational professionals are part of the largest cochlear implant community in the world.

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and to support growth plans. In the 2010/11 financial year, we invested 13% of our revenue in research and development.

Sponsor of the Entrepreneur of the Year Award At Cochlear, we know what it takes to grow a business from inspiration to being a global leader. In 1967, Professor Graeme Clark began his pursuit of turning the cochlear implant from a dream into reality. He realised his dream through hard work, determination and collaborating with the University of Melbourne, the Australian Government and the Nucleus Group. In recognition of the valuable role the EEA plays in identifying Australia’s pioneers and leaders, Cochlear is proud to be associated with this award.

Engineers at Cochlear change lives Our engineers are passionate about our customers; using innovative and leading-edge engineering solutions to enable people to hear. Engineering expertise at Cochlear has been recognised through the winning of multiple industry awards for the quality and design of our products. Individual engineers have been recognised for their outstanding achievements at the Engineering Excellence Awards, with previous winners in the following categories: ‘Young Professional Engineer of the Year’, ‘Engineering Student of the Year’ and ‘Australia’s Top 25 Most Influential Engineers’. “You learn every day from brilliant people” – DSP Engineer. “We have the resources that we need to solve challenging problems” – Mechanical Engineer. “Amazing people working on breakthrough technology to help the world hear” – Program Manager. “This is a graduate experience I would recommend to any engineer … looking to hit the ground running in their career” – Electrical Engineer. “Fascinating, challenging, rewarding” – System Engineer.

Working with Cochlear At Cochlear our goal is to continue on our path of innovation that keeps us in position as the global leader of the cochlear implant industry. We have set the industry standards through teamwork, performance, continuous improvement and technological innovations. Our performance-driven environment encourages our employees to take initiative to further their careers. We are committed to developing the technologies that are necessary to deliver clear, individualised hearing solutions that are designed to meet specific hearing and lifestyle needs.

Engineering Opportunities Cochlear provides engineering opportunities at all levels and within R&D, Manufacturing and Quality. We also develop the next generation of Australian engineers and believe our graduate program is unmatched in the biomedical industry and will deliver the life tools that young engineers require to build a highly rewarding career at Cochlear. Visit our new careers website at www. to search current vacancies. You can also sign up to receive job alerts as new vacancies become available, or register for any role at anytime and let our HR team assist with your search. 4  ENGINEERS SYDNEY NOVEMBER 2011


Riverina regional group news On Wednesday the 21st of September, the Riverina regional group of Engineers Australia conducted a site visit to Snowy Hydro’s Tumut 3 power station. After getting word out to the regions about the proposed visit, they were joined on-site by various members from the Monaro and other regional groups. “The project manager and project engineers from Snowy Hydro’s engineering and projects group hosted the visit which was conducted incredibly professionally and we were all keenly interested in the material that they presented. I previously visited Tumut as a young apprentice in 1984 and I was keen to return to the site to see the modernisation that had taken place. The plant engineers went above and beyond to host us for the day and they really did a marvellous job. They provided several presentations prior to the site visit to Tumut 3, to explain the plant’s operation and the interesting modernisation program they have undertaken recently. Of particular interest to the aviation based members was the plant’s new fault and health monitoring systems, which have become more prevalent in modern aircraft avionics systems. Computer modelling and trend analysis has provided the site’s managers with robust data on which to base their decision making. In addition, the innovation shown by the local engineers in analysing the historical usage patterns and optimising the plant’s efficiency through the introduction of modern, high technology mechanical and electrical equipment for reducing the long term operating costs was extremely interesting. The recent replacement of a good deal of the old analogue systems with programmable logic control and more reliable componentry has secured this world class facility’s operations in support of the national power grid well into the future. All members that attended the site visit thoroughly enjoyed the interaction with the local engineers

Illwarra/Sutherland region news On Wednesday 5 October the Young Engineers Australia – Illawarra presented a Chartered Professional Engineer Support Workshop. Guest Speakers were: Roland De Broglio, National Assessor and Elana Huthnance, Industry Relationships Manager from Engineers Australia Sydney Division. The Workshop covered: • What are Career Episode Reports (CERs). • Getting Started – Writing Your CER. • Suggested Structure for a CER. • What the Assessors Expect. • Preparing for the Interview. Elaine Bailey Regional Coordinator

and the high level of questions and group interaction was testament to the professional and engaging manner in which they presented the material. The Snowy Hydro staff are to be commended for their professionalism, level of knowledge and their extremely welcoming approach to hosting this visit.” Terry Pridham Riverina Regional Group 2011 Chair

The Riverina and Monaro groups would like to thank the Snowy Hydro staff for their generous support of the visit, highly recommended!

Nuclear Engineering Panel Presentation Engineers Australia Auditorium, Ground Floor, 8 Thomas St, Chatswood 5.30pm for 6pm, Wednesday, 23 November 2011

The future of nuclear energy post Fukushima Presenter: Ian Hore-Lacy, Director for Public Communications with the World Nuclear Association

(l-r): Jane Smalley (YEA-I Committee Member), Roland De Broglio, Elana Huthnance and David Pollum (YEA-I 2011 Chair).

The World Nuclear Association is the international nuclear trade association based in London. The future of nuclear energy in most countries is expected to be much the same after the ramifications of the Fukushima accident are fully considered as it was before the accident, though there will be some safety benefits from lessons learned. For further nformation, contact Don Higson higsond@



Women in Engineering News Each year, WIE Sydney Division awards two $500 scholarships to female students in their penultimate or final year of an undergraduate engineering degree or postgraduate engineering degree. Applicants are assessed in the areas of academic achievement, demonstrated leadership abilities and promotion of engineering and communication skills. This year again many high quality applications were received from students at universities all over Sydney and Wollongong, and the four most outstanding were shortlisted to present in front of a panel. There were two students completing combined degrees (Engineering/Law and Engineering/ Arts), one PhD student, and a student completing a Diploma of Engineering Practice as part of her degree. We saw impressive examples of promoting the engineering profession, in organising public speaking competitions, being student ambassadors and volunteering in engineering programs and challenges for high school students. The applicants were asked to provide their ideas to promote engineering to broader social groups, including women from non-English speaking backgrounds, regional, rural and remote areas and socio-economically disadvantaged groups. The ideas included hosting engineering projects or competitions via teleconferencing, improving marketing through partnerships with universities, forming network and peermentoring relationships and sending out “roadshow”-style demonstrations to remote areas. Based on the written applications and the presentations, Roslyn Florie-George and Jennifer Purwa were selected as the winners of the scholarship. They were presented with their certificates at the Young Engineers Gala Dinner at Cockle Bay Wharf. This year WIE introduced a new aspect of the scholarship – the winners would act as Student Ambassadors to the Committee for a year, improving links between the Committee and Universities as well as helping to promote

(l-r): Jessica Qiu, Mai Yeung, Jennifer Purwa, Roslyn Florie-George and Gillian Pak.

engineering to high school students. We welcome Roslyn and Jennifer to the Committee and hope that together we can implement some of their fantastic ideas for taking Engineering to girls and to the world! Gillian Pak WIE Sydney Publications Coordinator

WSRG CPEng Workshop On Wednesday, 19 October Engineers Australia Western Sydney Regional Group organised a CPEng workshop at University of Western Sydney (Kingswood Campus). Dr. Olivia Mirza was the organiser for this workshop. The presenter was Mr. Richard Hanna, the Executive Operations Manager


for Engineers Australia. The purpose of the workshop is to support engineers working and living in Sydney’s Greater West who are looking to complete their Chartered Status and need help in preparing and understanding the process. The workshop was attended by 40 engineers from all over Sydney.


Skillmax at Westmead The Skillmax program is for skilled migrants seeking employment in their chosen profession. It is a fast track course preparing qualified professionals

to enter the Australian workforce and is funded by the NSW Government. UWSCollege has been successfully delivering the AMES administered government funded Skillmax program at Westmead since the beginning of 2010. The course includes specialised sessions and interactive workshops delivered by Human resource specialists and employers providing information on the current expectations of employers and advice on careers and finding work. Participating students can obtain Statements of Attainment for the completed modules from Certificate IV in Spoken and Written English (Employment) 91420 NSW.

Next Course details: Start: 8 November  Finish: 8 December Time: Tue, Wed, Thurs 9.30am-3.30pm For more information and to apply for Skillmax please contact UWSCollege on 02 9685 9713 or email:

Engineers Supporting Humanitarian Outcomes in the Acute Phase of International Disasters A number of Humanitarian Engineering events are being held around Organisations (WFEO) Committee for Disaster Risk Management – An Australia leading up to the Humanitarian Engineering Conference at Etihad International Forum for Engineering Response to Major Disasters”. The Stadium in Melbourne 30 November–2 December 2011. workshop concluded with a Panel Session on “The Future Need and Impact A workshop on engineers supporting humanitarian outcomes in the acute of Engineering in Disaster Management in the Asia-Pacific Region” facilitated phase of international disasters was held in the Harricks Harricks Auditorium by Neil Greet. Chatswood on 20 October 2011. The workshop provided a forum to The keynote presentations and facilitated sessions throughout the day investigate the integration of engineers into overall disaster management and informed the audience about the emergency management arrangements what future role there is for engineers in the disasters external to Australia in NZ, the South West Pacific Islands and Japan and provided an excellent particularly the Asia Pacific region that suffers from significant disasters and forum for the sharing of experiences and development of initiatives for recently New Zealand and Japan were devastated by horrific earthquakes. engaging engineers in the emergency management process. The outcomes The workshop opened with Dave Brunsdon (Director Kestrel Group – from all the workshops will be presented at the Humanitarian Engineering Risk, Continuity and Emergency Management) presenting on “Developing Conference in Melbourne. a Versatile Rescue Engineering Capability – and How it was Applied in the Jon Lee Canterbury Earthquakes”. This presentation was followed by a facilitated YoHE Committee Coordinator session on “Integrating the Engineering Effort into Disaster Management in South West Pacific” chaired by Mr Pratarp Singh President of the Fiji Institution of Engineers and Mr Andrew Cleland Chief Executive IPENZ. The workshop then had the very fortunate opportunity to hear from Professor Dr Eng. Kazutoshi Kan on “The Damage Situation of East Japan Great Earthquake of March 2011 and Approach on Disaster Mitigation”. The role of WFEO in sharing information on response to major disasters by engineering teams around the world and the importance of capacity building to mitigate risks for the future was presented by Dr Marlene Kanga (National Councillor, Engineers Australia, member WFEO committee for Disaster Risk Management) in her presentation “World Federation of Engineering (l-r): Dr Eng. Kazutoshi Kan, Dr Marlene Kanga, Mr Pratarp Singh, Andrew Cleland, Neil Greet and Dave Brunsdon. ENGINEERS SYDNEY NOVEMBER 2011  7

YOUR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT – DIARY DATES Most events are held at EA Harricks Auditorium, Ground Floor, 8 Thomas Street, Chatswood with refreshments provided prior to the session. As events are subject to change or cancel at short notice, please check our website for up-to-date information. PLEASE NOTE: To view video streams and to download slides of selected Technical Presentations please visit Online CPD at our website:


Tues 22

Australian Geomechanics Society, Sydney Chapter Talk by the 2010 Geo-Practitioner of the Year: Andrew Leventhal Harricks Auditorium 17:30 to 20:00 Contact: Hossein Taiebat Email: Cost: Free

Wed 23

Tues 15

Tues 15

Wed 23

Dubbo Country Group Annual Dinner Meeting Cascades Motor Inn, 147 Cobra Street Dubbo 19:00 for 19:30 Contact: Stewart McLeod Email: stewart.mcleod@dubbo. Cost: $25 Per Person (including GST)

Wed 16 Toastmasters Lucky Days Roseville Memorial Club Pacific Highway, Roseville 7pm-9:15pm Contact: Chinthaka Fonseka chinthaka.fonseka@cardno. Thurs 17 Mathworks Mathematical Modelling with MATLAB Engineers Australia Harricks Auditorium, 8 Thomas Street, Chatswood 08:35 for 09:00 to 12:00 Contact: Amy Stevens-Jones Email: astevens@mathworks. com Cost: Free


Fire Safety of Concrete Buildings Zenith Theatre, Corner Railway & McIntosh Street 17:30 for 18:00 to 19:30 Contact: John Nichols Email: Cost: Free

Learning, Applying and Facilitating the Transfer of Electrical Engineering knowhow in the Power Industry Harricks Auditorium 18:00 Contact: Megan Sam Email: eminentspeakerseries@ Cost: Free for EA members, $10 for Non members

Nuclear Engineering Panel

Wed 23

Wed 30

Wed 30


Wed 7

Society of Fire Safety Building Services Harricks Auditorium 15:30 for 14:00 to 18:00 Contact: Daniel Levy Emai: Cost: $20 for EA members, $30 for Non members

Thurs 24 Electrical & ITEE Branch Sydney Annual General Meeting Harricks Auditorium 17:30 Contact: Allan Sangster Email: Cost: Free

Engineers Australia Sydney Division Annual General Meeting Harricks Auditorium 17:30 to 19:30 Contact: Steve Finlay Email: sfinlay@engineersaustralia. Cost: Free

Thurs 24 Joint Electrical Branch – Engineers Australia, IET, IEEE Cloud Computing Internet Harricks Auditorium 17:30 to 20:00 Contact: Allan Sangster Email: Cost: Free

Toastmasters Memories/Educational Roseville Memorial Club 64 Pacific Highway, Roseville 7pm-9:15pm Contact: Chinthaka Fonseka au

Illawarra Sutherland Regional Group AGM & Guest Speaker: Prof Gerard Sutton, Vice Chancellor UoW UniCentre Function Room Nos 1 & 2, University of Wollongong, Northfields Ave, Wollongong Contact: Elaine Bailey Email: Cost: Free

Royal Aeronautical Society From Humble Beginnings – The Jabiru Aircraft Story The Lakes Golf Club, Eastlakes, NSW 18:00 for 18:30 to Contact: Jeff Lock Email: Cost: Free

Biomedical Engineering Sydney Branch Advances in Cardiac Technologies Harricks Auditorium 9:30 to 13:00 Contact: Ian Craig Email: Ian.Craig@hnehealth.nsw. Cost: Free

Centre for Eng. Leadership and Management Annual General Meeting Engineers Australia, 8 Thomas Street, Chatswood 17:30 for 18:00 to 19:00 Contact: Alexandra Meldrum Email: sydneycelm@ Cost: Free

Thurs 24 Joint Electrical Branch – Engineers Australia, IET, IEEE

The Future of Nuclear Energy Post Fukushima Harricks Auditorium 17:30 for 18:00 to 19:30 Contact: Don Higson Cost: Free

Thurs 10 Joint Electrical Branch – Engineers Australia, IET, IEEE Challenges in Capturing, Radiating and Guiding Waves – The Modern Wireless World Harricks Auditorium 17:30 to 20:00 Contact: Graham Town Email: Cost: Free

Civil and Structural Engineering Panel

Thurs 8

Toastmasters Xmas Dinner Roseville Memorial Club 64 Pacific Highway, Roseville 7pm-9:15pm Contact: Chinthaka Fonseka au

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