© Universitat d’Harvard
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the University of Harvard, there is a lithium-metal battery that can charge and discharge at least 10,000 times at a high current density. The researchers have combined their new design with a commercial high energy density cathode material. This battery technology can extend the working life of electric vehicles. Source: Harvard University https://bit. ly/2RkftQe
Detecting dementia through driving
© Universitat de Colúmbia
Engineers at the University of Columbia have developed highprecision algorithms to detect the
onset of mild cognitive decline and dementia in elderly drivers. By applying artificial intelligence to the data captured by onboard recording devices, they have been able to measure the different aspects of performance while driving that serve as references to detect possible cognitive deterioration.
Major collaboration between universities and industry for sustainability Joint projects between industry and universities, including Oxford University, are helping to speed up the United Kingdom’s transition towards net zero carbon emissions. One of their goals is to tackle the problem of manufacturing chemical products, polymers and other materials to make them more sustainable. This calls for the development of technologies to transform sustainable raw materials into useful products that are designed from the start to be reused, recycled or dismantled. Source: University of Oxford © Universitat d’Oxford
The development of electric vehicles relies on batteries which are quick to charge, and which last a long time, but today’s lithium-ion batteries are too heavy, expensive and take a long time to charge. According to research by engineers at
Source: Columbia University
.CAT 1. ENGINYERIA ELÈCTRICA Uns enginyers de la Universitat de Harvard han aconseguit dissenyar unes noves bateries de liti metall millors que les actuals de ions de liti. Les noves bateries es poden carregar i descarregar almenys 10.000 vegades a una densitat de corrent elevada. Aquesta tecnologia podria allargar la vida útil dels vehicles elèctrics. 44
Theknos Juliol-agost 2021
2. ENGINYERIA PER AL CANVI CLIMÀTIC Cercar solucions per desenvolupar tecnologia que transformi les matèries primeres sostenibles en productes útils és l’objectiu de la col·laboració entre ls enginyers de la Universitat d’Oxford i la indústria del Regne Unit. Aquest país està compromès a accelerar la transició cap a les emissions de carboni zero.
3. ENGINYERIA MOBILITAT Un algoritme, creat pels enginyers de la Universitat de Colúmbia, servirà per detectar el deteriorament cognitiu en conductors d’edat avançada. El recull de dades a través de dispositius de gravació a bord i la intel·ligència artificial han permès crear un model de referència per detectar aquest deteriorament en la conducció.