Theknos 249 - Maig/Juny 2022

Page 44


The battery revolution 1-MATERIALS ENGINEERING


Source: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Technology and wastewater


Technology for self-driving vehicles As part of a project for self-driving vehicles, engineers at the University of Oxford have collected data on driving in extreme and variable weather conditions. The data was collected in the Highlands of Scotland, driving all-terrain vehicles along designated routes. They made use of multiple sensors, radars, cameras and an inertial

© Universitat d’Stanford


© Universitat d’Oxford

SERGI ALBET Consultor digital Col·legiat 14.416 @sergialbet

Batteries are the main sticking point in the development of electric vehicles. A team of engineers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is studying how to increase energy storage in lithium batteries. The new technology is based on solid-state batteries. Not only do these batteries offer twice the energy for their size, they also eliminate the fire hazard associated with today’s lithium ion batteries.

navigation system. The result was a success, not just for the collection of unusual and valuable data, but also because of the good results in terms of sensitivity and performance of the sensors in these conditions.

Strange as it may seem, one day our smartphones and planes may be powered by wastewater. Engineers at the University of Stanford are studying an electrochemical process for sulfur oxidation in wastewater, which offers precise control for the capture of the final form of this element. What is more, this process requires little energy. If it can be made to work effectively, the process could be powered by renewable energy and adapted to treat the wastewater from individual buildings as a way to trap the sulfur and use it again. Source: Stanford University

Source: Oxford University

.CAT 1. ENGINYERIA DELS MATERIALS Els enginyers de l’Institut Tecnològic de Massachusetts (MIT) estan investigant una tecnologia per augmentar l’emmagatzematge d’energia de les bateries de liti. Les noves bateries ofereixen el doble d’energia per a la seva mida i n’eliminen el risc d’incendi associat a les bateries d’ions de liti actuals. 44

Theknos Maig-juny 2022

2. ENGINYERIA QUÍMICA El sofre és un element força contaminant. Els enginyers de la Universitat d’Stanford han aconseguit extreure’l de les aigües residuals mitjançant un procés d’oxidació electroquímica i amb molt poca energia. L’objectiu és fer aquest procés als edificis individuals i utilitzar el sofre per a nous recursos energètics.

3. ENGINYERIA MECÀNICA Com a part d’un projecte de vehicles autònoms, enginyers de la Universitat d’Oxford han recollit dades sobre la conducció en condicions climàtiques extremes. Aquestes proves es van fer a les Highlands d’Escòcia. El resultat va ser molt satisfactori, no només per la recopilació de dades, sinó també pel bon comportament dels diferents sensors.

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