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Kidney from pg 1 The other option is a kidney transplant. Diane noted that transplant recipients are not allowed to be added to the transplant list until their kidney function drops to 20%. The rationale is that kidneys are expected to last 10 years, so delaying a transplant may give an individual more time before another solution is needed. Bill could wait five to eight years before organs from a deceased donor become available. However, the transplant of a kidney from a living donor could happen in just three months. Because she does not have Bill’s O+ blood type, Diane had hoped to participate in a paired donation, through

which she would donate to another recipient and then another donor would provide a kidney to Bill. However, she experienced a serious illness five years ago that now excludes her from donating. Instead, she has campaigned to find other individuals willing to make a donation. “We’ve been doing everything possible - placing yard signs, printing shirts, hiring a billboard - that we can do to find him a kidney before he goes on dialysis,� Diane remarked. Bill’s insurance will cover the cost of the organ harvest and the transplant surgery, but it will not cover the income lost during the donor’s

or Bill’s recoveries. However, when someone with PKD responded to a sign and shared information about the transplant process with Bill and Diane, they included a referral to Children’s Organ Transplant Association (COTA), which provides fundraising support and assistance to people who need lifesaving transplants. Through COTA, the Blees family is raising funds to help the donor cover copays, gas costs for hospital and testing visits, lost income, and more. “If we don’t use all the money, we have the option to donate it to another person,� Diane said, adding that Bill would bank the unspent funds for his children, should they eventually be diagnosed with PKD and need transplants.

and a visit from Cylo, the Barnstormers’ mascot. Poinsettias must be ordered and paid for by Wednesday, Nov. 18, for pickup on Nov. 21 at the craft show. To receive a poinsettia sale order form, readers may contact Irene Zeiset at

PENNYSAVER - Conestoga Valley Edition - November 4, 2020 - 3 be invited to get bloodwork “If they do the paired proand other tests completed. If gram, they’re helping two peothe prospective donor does ple - Bill and someone else,� not match Bill, they may be Diane commented. “I know matched with someone else he’s not the only one out who needs a compatible there (who has PKD and kidney. needs a transplant).

Thank you for making a difference!

Engle Printing & Publishing Co., Inc.’s 13th Annual Golf Outing was held on September 25. We’d like to extend our thanks to all the generous sponsors and golfers who helped raise more than $25,000. This brings us to more than $176,000 raised over the years. in our community in ending and preventing homelessness. For more information, please visit

Holiday Craft Show Planned New Life Fellowship, 420 E. Fulton St., Ephrata, will hold a Christmas craft show on Saturday, Nov. 21, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The event will include more than 40 vendors, a poinsettia sale, baked goods, a chicken barbecue, other food and beverages,

Individuals who are interested in donating a kidney may call the transplant coordinator at 717-231-8757, where they will answer some screening questions. Those who pass the screening will

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717-341-1719 or randfam54 The use of masks and other CDC guidelines should be followed. Proceeds will benefit New Life Fellowship’s sanctuary renovations. For more details, readers may call the church at 717-738-0963.


View all of the sponsors & pictures of the event at

Engle Printing & Publishing Co. Inc. publisher of the Merchandiser, Pennysaver, Advertiser, Community Courier,, Lancaster County Magazine, Where & When Pennsylvania, Dining in Lancaster County, Antiques & Auction News, Inns and B&Bs of Southeastern Pennsylvania, The Wedding Planner, and River Towns R064872

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