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DECEMBER 5, 2018




Gifts That Give Hope will hold its annual Gift Fair on Saturday, Dec. 8, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Farm and Home Center, 1383 Arcadia Road, Lancaster. Thirty local, national, and international nonprofits will offer opportunities to purchase alternative gifts that will directly benefit the organizations’ missions. Shoppers who purchase gifts will receive greeting cards to give to loved ones. The Marketplace will feature tangible gift items available for purchase; these items will be social enterprise, fair-trade, or both. There will also be family-friendly activities and local food vendors. After the Gift Fair, alternative gift items may be purchased online through Monday, Dec. 31. Visit HAMLOAF DINNER

St. Mark’s United Methodist Church, 27 E. Main St., Mount Joy, will serve a hamloaf dinner on Sunday, Dec. 9, from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The dinner will include hamloaf, sweet potatoes, buttered noodles, a vegetable, applesauce, rolls and butter, dessert, and beverages. There is a fee, but reservations are not necessary. For details, call the church office at 717-653-5493. CHILDREN’S ACTIVITY

815 Bruce Ave., Mount Joy, recently began a new music ministry called Little Notes for babies to kindergartners. The free program meets from 9:30 to 10:45 a.m. on the second, fourth, and fifth Thursdays of the month. Caregivers are welcome bring their children to play songs with instruments, have snack time, and watch DVDs. Participants may use the front door. Little Notes will follow the Donegal School District cancellation schedule during inclement weather. Call 717-653-1202 or search for “Little Notes at Florin Church of the Brethren” on Facebook.

Students Participate In Service Day pg 8

CHPS To Host Model Train Open Houses pg 13

Three Trips Around The Planet Lifecycles Concludes Fourth Season By Chelsea Peifer

Sometimes the wide-open road ahead can look impossible to conquer, but the leaders at Lifecycles are all about equipping students to rise to meet whatever challenges may arise. Founded by Lee DeRemer, the nonprofit mentoring program is committed to building young men of character through bicycling and outdoor adventures. One of the ways Lifecycles accomplishes that is through an annual summer challenge ride, and this year was the first time that the program offered two trips. The first summer journey, dubbed the Extreme Challenge Ride, was designed for Lifecycles participants

ready for an advanced level of riding. A group of 10 teenage boys and six adult leaders spent one week navigating 330 miles from Pittsburgh to Washington, D.C., covering more than 60 miles each day and taking in beautiful scenery along the Great Allegheny Passage. A second trip later in the summer to White Sulfur Springs in Bedford was designed as more of a camping trip with daily rides, rather than a trek from one destination to another. Heavy rainfall during that week added to the normal challenges attached to camping and riding. “It rained almost every day, but we just kept reminding the boys every day that attitude is everything,” DeRemer recalled. In addition to offering two summer rides, the 2018 Lifecycles season featured See Lifecycles pg 11

A Fine And Folksy Tradition Annual Art Show To Fill Railroad Station By Chelsea Peifer

For traditional tinsmith Karen Hurd, the number of ideas she has for artwork outweighs the hours in a day. “It’s endless


Lifecycles offers free weekly bicycle rides for boys ages 12 to 18 at locations in Marietta, Landisville, and New Holland, along with weekend and summer challenge rides. At the close of its fourth season, the organization had tracked a total of more than 77,000 miles ridden by its students and volunteer leaders.

DHS Marching Band Earns Second Place

what you can do with tin. There are so many ideas in my head that I’ll have to live another two or three lifetimes to try them all,” said Hurd, who resides in Quarryville. Bringing ideas to life through artwork is one of life’s greatest joys for Hurd, who said that whenever she steps into her workshop it makes See Art Show pg 4

The Mount Joy Chamber of Commerce will hold its annual Christmas/holiday luncheon at The Gathering Place, 6 Pine St., Mount Joy, on Wednesday, Dec. 12, from 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. A cost per person has been set. Those who preregister and prepay by Thursday, Dec. 6, will be entered into a drawing to win a prize. Donations of gift cards and/or cash will be collected for homeless students and their families in the Donegal School District. For more information, visit www.mountjoy

The Donegal High School marching band recently achieved second place in the Tournament of Bands circuit, where students in bands with up to 30 musicians and a maximum of 30 auxiliary members from schools in the Mid-Atlantic states compete each fall. By Chelsea Peifer

Artists including (from left) Doug Shaw, Dan Barthold, Karen Hurd, Mike Brown, Lois Pfoutz, and Ed Pfoutz will exhibit work at the 2018 Christmas Folk Art Show at the Manheim Historical Society Railroad Station on Dec. 14 and 15. Admission is free.

Small but mighty is a fitting description for the Donegal High School (DHS)

marching band, which completed its fall season finishing second place in the Tournament of Bands (TOB) circuit. DHS competed in the TOB’s Group 1 See DHS Marching Band pg 3

Picture Perfect 400 Long Lane at Marticville Rd. (Rts. 741 & 324 S.), Lancaster, PA 17603


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Florin Church of the Brethren,

LDHL Sets Initiative pg 5

2 - MERCHANDISER - Donegal Edition - December 5, 2018

GEARS Posts Programs


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Engle Printing & Publishing Co., Inc. PUBLISHED WEDNESDAYS

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GEARS has scheduled several upcoming programs and activities. Unless otherwise noted, separate costs have been set for GEARS members and for nonmembers. For more information or to register, readers m a y v i s i t w w w. g e t i n t o or call GEARS at 717-367-0355. An American Red Cross Babysitting Training Course

for people age 11 and up will be offered by certified American Red Cross instructor Dave Rosensteel. Attendees will learn to supervise and care for infants through youths in the early teen years. Topics will include child behavior, ageappropriate activities, emergency protocols, and professionalism. Participants will receive a twoyear certification for first aid

and CPR/AED. The class will meet from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 27, and Friday, Dec. 28, in Recreation Room 2, 600 E.High St., Elizabethtown. GEARS will offer Pickle-Ball for all ages. Pickle-Ball is a combination of tennis and badminton played on a b a d minton sized court with lightweight paddles and p l a s t i c p e r fo r a t e d b a l l s .

Equipment will be available to use. The program will be held from noon to 2 p.m. on Tuesdays, Jan. 8 to May 28, 2019; from 6 to 8 p.m. on Wednesdays, Feb. 6 to May 29, 2019; and from 6 to 9 p.m. on the second and fourth Fridays, from Jan. 11 to May 24, 2019, at the GEARS Community Center Gym, 70 S. Poplar St., Elizabethtown.

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We encourage civic and fraternal groups, schools, churches, scouts, and other local organizations to submit news releases of general interest to the majority of our readership. Primary consideration is given to dated articles of an informative nature-activities and events of local interest sponsored, presented, or planned by area organizations and institutions. Related photographs of good quality are encouraged also, but complete picture identification must be included. Undated articles of general interest are used as space permits. All articles must contain a contact name and telephone number.

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MERCHANDISER - Donegal Edition -

DHS Marching Band from pg 1

Holiday Homes On Parade Set


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Weekly Specials

Christmas Orders Boneless $ Chuck Roasts....................... 4.89 Lb. Chicken Legs........................ $1.09 Lb. 5 Lb. Hamburger Boneless Or Bone-In Patties..................................... $19.95 Pk. “Our Hams Are Really, Really Goodâ€? 2 Lb. Hamburger $ Patties.......................................... 7.98 Pk. Fresh Turkeys & Breasts Domestic Smoked Turkeys & Breasts Swiss Cheese....................... $4.99 Lb. Ducks • Capons • Plenty of Pies Deli Cooked Ham.............. $2.99 Lb. Rib Roasts - Bone-In & Boneless Tri-Tips Available





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Megan Harlacher, Hailey Hess, Lydia Homsher, Avery Houser, Spencer Houser, Remy K a n e gene, Connor Kauwell, Corey Kendig, Paul Metzger, Clark Mummau, Anthony Noble, Liam Nornhold, Seth Nornhold, Mackenzie Patterson, Serenah Rush, Sofia Saez, Luke Saufley, Sarah Saufley, Isabela Scordo, Mitchell Scordo, Delicity Shelton, Tara Shelton, Kaitlyn Smith, Rachel Snyder, Talya Spenla, Emily Stoe, Iris Thomas, Abigail Waldron, Jennifer Waldron, Trinity Young, and Michael Zettlemoyer. With the fall season completed, the remainder of the marching band’s school year will include participating in a holiday concert, three local Memorial Day parades, and a trip to Toronto to perform at an amusement park. The band typically makes a long-distance trip every other year, alternating between Toronto and Florida. The holiday concert is open to the public and will feature performances by the marching band as well as the chorus, jazz

band, and Donegal Rhythm Singers. The concert is scheduled for 7 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 13, in the auditorium at DHS, 1025 Koser Road, Mount Joy.



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The Building Industry Association print-at-home tickets can be of Lancaster County will present purchased through Dec. 8. the second annual Holiday Homes on Parade, a tour of newly built and remodeled homes decorated for the Natural, Wood Smoked, No Water Added holidays. Holiday Homes on Parade will take place on Friday, Dec. 7, from Boneless, Bone-In or Spiral-Sliced - Whole or Half 5 to 8 p.m. and on Saturday, Dec. 8, from 2 to 8 p.m. The 12 Also Available sites will be open to the public, FRESH TURKEYS, SMOKED TURKEYS, CAPONS, DUCKS, featuring displays of design, FRESH LAMB, BONE-IN & BONELESS “PRIME RIBâ€? ROAST dĂŠcor and detail. Holiday treats and door prizes will be provided Extra Large (26-30 Ct.) Stoltzfus Plain Or Garlic at each home. There is a cost to GIFT RING BOLOGNA attend. Proceeds will benefit the CERTIFICATES Salvation Army Coats for Kids $ Frozen $ AVAILABLE program. 2 Lb. Bag Lb. The event will feature the following homes: 2546 Camas Lane, Great Gift East Petersburg; 22 Station Idea Stone Lane, Lititz; 27 Springview Our Own Homemade, Drive, Lititz; 1416 Pennscott All White Meat $ CHICKEN SALAD.................................... Lb. Drive, Landisville; 218 Silverleaf Court, Lancaster; 1085 Lititz 3 Lbs. NY Strip Steaks Our Own Homemade Bend Drive, Lititz; 378 Fern 3 Lbs. Lean Ground Beef Made w/Hummer’s Ham $ Lane, Lancaster; 202 W. Market 2 Lbs. Boneless Pork Chop HAM SALAD.............................................. Lb. St., Marietta; 1940 Linden St., 2 Lbs. Country Style Spareribs East Petersburg; 324 Home 3 Lbs. All Natural Chicken Legs Towne Blvd., Ephrata; and 1810 2 Lbs. Center Cut Ham Steaks Mild & Creamy, Putter Ave., Lancaster. Penn White Or Yellow ONLY $ Please Allow 24 Hour Stone, 190 W. Ross St., Lancaster, LONGHORN CHEESE........................... Lb. Notice. All Bundles $ will also be part of the tour. Wrapped & Frozen. Aged, Domestic, Piece Or Sliced $ Tickets and more details are SWISS CHEESE....................................... Lb. available at www.holidayhomes Hummer’s Own, Homemade Low Fat, Mild $ Electronic or FARMER’S CHEESE.............................. Lb.

Now Taking Orders For Christmas



brass section came in fourth place. Plus, on an individual level, Anika was awarded a $3,000 TOB college scholarship. Color guard captain Brianna Nolan said that students from each grade level meshed well this year, noting that underclassmen were eager to learn and to ask for help when needed. Having a total of eight members for the color guard was also exciting for Brianna, who noted that was a higher number of members than in recent years. “Band is the experience of a lifetime,� stated Brianna. The band’s 10 seniors agreed that the size of the band was one of its strengths, as well. “With a band as small as ours, it’s really easy to get close to each other,� commented senior Lindsey Sellers. From two weeks of band camp in August to daily rehearsals, halftime performances during home football games, and seven TOB competitions, the time the students spend together quickly adds up and lays a foundation for forming lasting friendships. “It’s a hard transition when it ends,� added Anika. Other members of the DHS marching band this season included Brayton Alkinburgh, Kieran Barber, Ryan Bedi, Conner Brackbill, Emma Caszatt, Joanne Dancausem, Levi Dannecker, Kathryn Eckman, Richard Fitts, Luke Foundation, Emily Fuhrman, Rachel Fuhrman,

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each regular adult admission on tickets purchased online (no code needed) or present this coupon at time of purchase in box office. Valid up to 6 adults. Not valid on group pricing. Expires 12/31/18 MLEN

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division, which is open to schools in the Mid-Atlantic states with up to 30 musicians and a maximum of 30 auxiliary or color guard members. The Donegal band presented “Iron House: The Journey Across America� for its show this fall, which focused on the first transcontinental railroad using different songs representing the land before and after the railroad was built, along with backdrops illustrating sunset and nighttime on the open prairie. As several of the seniors reflected on achieving second place overall, they attributed some of their success to the power of the show ’s theme, which the seniors agreed had both strong design and a strong storyline. DHS band president Regina Redinger thought that the way this season’s show focused on a specific topic and followed a chronological order also made it more likable for judges and audiences. Secretary Clark Mummau praised band director Dale Sellers for his excellent leadership of the group. Hard work and talent were other factors the students saw as keys to their success. “Our musicality was a lot better this year,� noted band vice president Anika Weaver. In addition to the band achieving second place overall, the woodwinds section and color guard each placed third and the

December 5, 2018 - 3

4 - MERCHANDISER - Donegal Edition - December 5, 2018

Culinary Arts Students To Serve Food

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the culinary program’s scope of learning. All varieties of tea served are organic, with a majority also fair trade. Readers may check for menus and details. There is a cost per person. When calling for reservations, callers should indicate whether they prefer the 11 a.m. or 11:30 a.m. seating. Lunch is served on Thursdays and Fridays. The all-inclusive menu is available for a set price per person. All lunch meals include a choice of soup or salad, choice of entrée with accompanying side dishes, hot and cold beverages, and a selec-

tion from the dessert tray. Menus change seasonally. Reservations are recommended for both high tea and lunch by calling 717-208-3127. When making reservations, callers should inform the host or hostess if anyone in the party has any allergies or dietary restrictions. The bakery and deli are stocked with many different selections on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays when the restaurant is open for business. The students bake cakes, pies, tortes, cupcakes, cookies, breads, muffins, and much more. From the deli, premade

entrées, soups, salads, and a variety of other hearty dishes are served. The Bake Shop also takes orders for custom cakes and specialty items. For details, readers may contact chef Tracie Gotshall at 717653-3000, ext. 3036. At this time, Infusions does not accept credit or debit cards. Cash and personal checks only are accepted. Tips are accepted and are used for culinary student awards distributed at the end o f t h e s c h o o l y e a r a n d fo r field trips to related schools and businesses.

Ornament-Making Program Set

PLENTY OF COOLER SPACE All Natural Smoked Process Done On Location! We Accept Any Meat Anytime. Call Ahead For Service During Archery Season

Infusions Restaurant, Deli and Bakeshop, located on the Lancaster County Career and Technology Center’s Mount Joy Campus, 432 Old Market St., Mount Joy, is open to the public on Tuesdays for high tea and lunch on Thursdays and Fridays. All of the food is prepared by students participating in the Culinary Arts and Baking and Pastry Arts programs under the direction of certified chef instructors. Classic high tea is served on Tuesdays. Menus include soup, quiche, tea sandwiches, scones, and pastries. The specific menu items change weekly and reflect

Milanof-Schock Library, 1184 Anderson Ferry Road, Mount Joy, will offer a program on making ornaments on Wednesday, Dec. 12, at 6 p.m.

Participants of all ages will craft ornaments from the pages of old books. Supples will be provided, though participants should bring a good pair of scissors and any special

embellishments, such as family pictures or old holiday cards, they would like to use. They should also wear clothes suited for messy work. Space is limited.

The program is free and open to the public, but preregistration is required to ensure adequate crafting supplies. For more information, readers may visit

paper mache and chalkware folk art; Madeline Erickson, German stars and feather trees; Bob and Sally Hughes, pottery; P.J. Rankin Hults, folk painted paper cutting; Jim Murphy, painted furniture; Judy Perilstein, handcrafted vintage antique button jewelry; Ed and Lois Pfoutz, primitive wild fowl carvings; and Doug Shaw, wood carvings. Many of the artists have devoted followers who faithfully seek out the one-of-a-kind, original pieces that are available at the annual show. Last year’s show drew people from seven states, and Shaw recalled a long line stretching down the block on opening day as folks waited for the doors to open. “It was miserably cold out, but they were glad to wait,” Shaw remarked. Ed Pfoutz, who organized the inaugural show back in 1996 with the late Jack Ritter, said that although the show itself cannot expand due to the space limitations of the railroad station, attendance continues to soar higher and higher each

year. “We had no idea it would keep going this long. It was just something that we wanted to try,” shared Pfoutz, who creates carvings primarily out of reclaimed wood. A duck hunter, Pfoutz began dabbling in wood carving as a way to save money on expensive duck decoys by making his own, and he later branched out into fine art as well. His wife, Lois, helps with painting. “She’s also my inspiration,” Pfoutz noted. Wooden geese, crows, and ravens a r e some of the P foutzes’ bestsellers, and the couple will be introducing angels made from driftwood at this year’s show. The show’s organizers and exhibitors consider the railroad station, which was originally constructed in 1881 and renovated in recent years by the

Manheim Historical Society, to be an ideal setting for the event, describing the atmosphere as warm and friendly. In addition to perusing the art show, attendees may purchase freshly roasted peanuts outside the station, where an old Manheim peanut oven will be in operation. The Manheim Historical Society museum and the model railroad display located adjacent to the railroad station will be open to the public, as well as Stiegel Glassworks 1976, located at the rear of the railroad station. Glassblowing demonstrations will take place at Stiegel, and a variety of handcrafted glass will be available to purchase. For more details on the Christmas Folk Art Show, readers may call Jim Murphy at 717-584-5576.



DRIED BEEF ........................................... $9.49 BLACK FOREST HONEY HAM ........................... $3.99 LACEY SWISS CHEESE ......................................... $3.99 LONGHORN CHEESE .......................................................................... $2.99

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PRODUCE BABY CARROTS ..............................................................99¢ SWEET POTATOES...........................................................................49¢

her feel like saying, “I’m home!” “It’s where I belong,” shared Hurd. Hurd has been creating tin wares for decades, and some of her tin ornaments were even used in the White House holiday décor during the Clinton presidency - an opportunity that presented itself after her work was displayed at the American Folk Museum in New York City. Hurd will be among the local and regional artists exhibiting original wares at the 2018 Christmas Folk Art Show at the Manheim Historical Society Railroad Station, 210 S. Charlotte St., Manheim. The annual show is set to take place from 3 to 8 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 14, and from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 15. Admission is free, and complimentary holiday refreshments will be available. In addition to Hurd, the exhibitors and their crafts will include Cynthia Baker, handwoven textiles, felt hats, and wool applique; Dan Barthold, pen and ink illustrations; Mike Brown,

Lb. Lb.

Out All The Christmas Items In Our Gift Shop

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Phone 717-653-2652 • Fax 717-653-8911


Primitive wild fowl carvings, tinware, paper mache and chalkware, and pen and ink drawings are just a small sampling of the works that will be for sale by local and regional artists at the 2018 Christmas Folk Art Show in Manheim on Dec. 14 and 15.


Fax & Phone orders gladly accepted on Deli Orders & Large Bulk Orders.

MERCHANDISER - Donegal Edition -

Manheim Sportsmen Set Schedule

Not just in your mailbox...


The Manheim Sportsmen’s Association, 552 Oak Tree Road, Manheim, has posted its upcoming schedule. Readers may visit w w w. m a n h e i m s p o r t s m a n s for information on all club activities. The monthly coffee hour for retirees and seniors will be held at 8 a.m. on Monday, Dec. 10. Members, past members, and friends are invited to enjoy a snack and fellowship, including hunting stories from past seasons. For more information, readers may call Charlie at 717-951-6103.

The monthly membership meeting will take place on Thursday, Dec. 13, at 7 p.m. O f f i c e r s fo r t h e u p c o m i n g year will be elected. For more information, readers may call 717-665-7729. The club will hold its final monthly tactical shoot of the year on Saturday, Dec. 15, on the club’s ranges. The club is seeking a member to head the committee; otherwise, the program may not continue next year. For additional information, individuals may call 717-665-7729. On Tuesdays from 7 to 9 p.m.,

the indoor range is open for handgun practice. The club has a range safety officer and an NRA instructor on-site to assist shooters and control all shooting. New shooters will be required to qualify before using the range. There is a cost per shooter. For more information and regulations, readers may contact Allan Wolf at 717-653-9979 or adwolf7812@ The club’s indoor range facilities are used by the Manheim Central rifle team for practice and several matches. The team will use the facility and the

clubhouse from 3:15 to 6 p.m. on Mondays through Fridays through late February 2019. Several events are slated for 2019. The club ’s Big Game Contest and a block shoot will take place on Sunday, Jan. 27. The Big Game Contest will be held from 1 to 3:30 p.m. and will feature antler judging, Pennsylvania wild turkey beard measuring, and a Pennsylvania black bear contest. The Winter Indoor Archery League will start on Jan. 27, as well. Sign-ups for the league will be accepted starting on Sunday, Jan. 20, at 1 p.m.

ed by board members,” Livengood explained. “It’s based off the idea of people paying off layaways (at superstores), school lunch accounts, and electric bills. We thought it was a cool concept and a unique way to donate during the holiday season.” Donations to LDHL are taxdeductible. Organizations and individuals may donate to Secret Santa through Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2019. All of the funds will be divided among the borrowers, with up to $500 of debt forgiven per person. That maximum

amount was identified as the most LDHL may forgive without borrowers having to pay taxes on the forgiven debt. “We will use the money to pay off as many (debts) as possible,” Livengood said. The application process for the 2019-20 school year will open on Friday, Feb. 1, 2019. Folks may learn more about Secret Santa or donate by visiting Those with questions may contact Livengood at 717-682-9194 or

Secret Santa from pg 1 Founded in 1961 as Citizen Scholarship Fund and changing its name to Dollars for Scholars of Lancaster County for a time, Lancaster Dollars for Higher Learning (LDHL) has always had one mission: that of helping county residents to attend college full time by providing interest-free loans. “We offer a hand up, not a handout,” said executive director Christie Livengood. She noted that LDHL has a 96 percent repayment rate. “Students pay (their loans) back because we’re a local nonprofit and they know it matters. By paying it back, in turn, they help someone else.” LDHL gives loans once a year, and Lancaster County students attending an accredited program anywhere in the world full time may borrow money up to four years. Loans are not automatically renewed; borrowers must reapply every year. The amount awarded depends on how much money LDHL has received from community donors and student repayments; it has no endowment and receives no government funding. In August 2018, LDHL loaned $1,025,100 to 604 students. “The more money we receive, the more money we can give out,” Livengood remarked. Thanks to community support, the maximum amount a student may borrow each year has increased to $1,700. The

maximum student debt is currently $6,500, reported LDHL administrator Amy Heth. Borrowers have a six-month grace period after graduation before they must start repaying their loan at the rate of $100 a month. LDHL officials hope that this holiday season, folks will be inspired to participate in the organization’s first-ever Secret Santa event, which aims to pay off a portion of students’ debts anonymously. “The general idea was suggest-

Christmas TREE FARM Fridays-Saturdays-Sundays 9am-5pm or By Appt.







Columbia Borough

has announced that a community open house will take place at Historic Columbia Market House, 15 S. Third St., on Thursday, Oct. 11, from 3 to 7 p.m. The community is invited to attend to work to advance several initiatives. The open house will feature stations set up for attendees to learn about and share ideas for the future of the market house, the expansion of Columbia River Park (Phase III), and the development of a communitywide Parks and Recreation Plan. In addition to the stations, there will be a presentation on the most recent concepts put forth for the Columbia River Park Phase III planning effort. The presentation will start at 4:30 p.m. TRUNK OR TREAT

Eastern York Area Recreation Commission (EYARC) will host a Trunk or Treat event on Saturday, Oct. 20, from noon to 6 p.m. at 1673 Manor Road, Windsor. The event will feature games, music, prizes, hayrides, crafts, a costume contest, vendors, and the Trunk or Treat. There is a fee per car. For details, contact EYARC at or

Knights Host Eagles In Division III Match pg 4

Heart Walk Raises $248,000 pg 6

Corvettes And Hummers And Olds, Oh My! pg 7

Haunted Lantern Tour To Return With “Mortality Within” in” By Chelsea Peifer

Sara Mimnall and Rebecca Wright chose the theme of “Mortality Within” for Columbia’s Haunted Lantern Tour this year because they wanted to introduce people to a not-often-talked-about aspect of the rivertown’s history. The theme will focus on the disease and poverty that struck Columbia and other communities in earlier days, discussing the presence of pesthouses and sanitariums and how much things have changed. “It shows how people suffered more than they had to because they didn’t have the

like we do now,” noted Mimnall. “It will also touch on the Great Depression and how the lack of food (and resources) can change people,” Wright added. Popular characters from past years will also reappear, Wright said, such as William Campbell, a local trapper who died from rabies and is buried in Columbia’s historic Mount Bethel Cemetery. History abounds in the cemetery and the town, and according to Mimnall and Wright, while spooky elements are intertwined on the tour, history is indeed the emphasis. The hourlong guided tours will take place on Friday and Saturday

John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, 23 S. Sixth St., Columbia. Tours will step off every half hour beginning at 6:30 p.m., with the last tour starting at 9:30 p.m. Participants will follow guides to Locust Street and through a loop in the Mount Bethel Cemetery before returning to the church. To purchase tickets, interested individuals may call 717-517-2442. A specific tour time will be designated when tickets are reserved. Organizers strongly encourage people to order tickets in advance. A limited number of tickets may be available on the night of the tours but are not

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6 - MERCHANDISER - Donegal Edition - December 5, 2018



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Inc., Manheim. S C H A E F F E R , Jay Robert, 74, of Manheim, died on Nov. 22 at home. Born in Sunbury, he was the son of the late Ralph F. and Cora Beatrice Brubaker Schaeffer. Surviving are two sons: Dean L., husband of Michelle Myers Schaeffer, Manheim, and Eric M., husband of Salamatou Sahirou Kiabeye Schaeffer, Tulsa, Okla.; two grandchildren; a brother, Raymond, husband of Vergie Schaeffer, Glendale, Ariz.; and three sisters: Joyce, wife of Richard Turner, Madisonville, Tenn.; Gloria, wife of Kenneth Turner, Manheim; and Faye, wife of Charles Hoover, Lancaster. Arrangements were made by Buch Funeral Home, Manheim. SWARR, Mary Jane, 83, of Juniper Village, Mount Joy, died on Nov. 21 at Hospice & Community Care, Mount Joy. Born in Columbia, she was the daughter of the late Curvin Tome and the late Mary King Peters. Surviving are her husband, John R. Swarr; a daughter, Kathy A, wife of Keith Hoffman, Manheim; two sons: John M., husband of Dora Swarr, Columbia, and Mark L., husband of Krista

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J. Swarr, York; a granddaughter; and a brother, Curvin Tome II, Bainbridge. Arrangements were made by Workman Funeral Homes Inc., Columbia. WATKINS, Eli David, died on Nov. 8. He was the infant son of Clint and Jillian Watkins. Surviving in addition to his parents are paternal grandparents Mark A. and Sharon J. Watkins, maternal grandparents Donald L. and Sharon L. Neff, paternal great-grandmothers Jo Ann Watkins and Elvina Janzen, and maternal great-grandmother Loretta Kauffman. Arrangements were made by Workman Funeral Homes Inc., Mountville/Columbia. WRIGHT, Brenda S. Groff, 56, of Lancaster, died on Nov. 22 at Hospice & Community Care, Mount Joy. Born in Lancaster, she was the daughter of Jay E. and Betty L. Pennington Groff of Quarryville and the wife of Barry L. Wright. Surviving in addition to her husband and parents are two sisters: Cindy, wife of Dennis Eckman, Quarryville, and Sandy, wife of Terry McGlothlin, Quarryville. Arrangements were made by Buch Funeral Home, Manheim.


KULP, Amos G., 81, of Manheim, died on Nov. 25 at his daughter’s home. He was the son of the late Amos D. and Amelia Geib Kulp and the husband of the late Faye Ann Floyd Kulp. Surviving are three children: Tawn, wife of Anthony Battiste, Holtwood; A. Kelly Kulp, Manheim; and Tracee, wife of Stephen Montpetit, Akron; seven grandchildren; and a sister, Ruth, wife of Dave Shelly, Manheim. Arrangements were made by Stradling Funeral Homes Inc., Akron/Ephrata. M E I N H A R D T , Charles D., 84, of Elizabethtown and formerly of Christiana, died on Nov. 28 at Susquehanna Valley Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, Columbia. Born in Christiana, he was the son of the late Harry B. and Dorothy M. Mimm Meinhardt. Surviving are three daughters: Ann, wife of Corey Olmstead, McClure; Melissa, wife of John Chapman, Maytown; and Lori, wife of James Byrne Jr., Lancaster; seven grandchildren; five great-grandchildren; and a brother, Harry Meinhardt, Elizabethtown. Arrangements were made by Spence Funeral Services

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MERCHANDISER - Donegal Edition -

services are well-coordinated, culturally competent, evidencebased, outcomes-oriented, and provided by a skilled and supported workforce. To achieve COA reaccreditation, Tabor first provided written evidence of compliance with the COA standards. After that, a group of specially trained volunteer peer reviewers confirmed adherence to these standards during a series of on-site interviews with trustees, staff, and clients. Based on their findings, COA’s volunteer-based Accreditation Commission voted that Tabor Community Services had successfully met the criteria for reaccreditation. For the past 50 years, Tabor has been helping clients learn how to meet their housing and financial challenges, rebuild their



lives, and contribute to the strength of the Lancaster community in the process. Tabor’s comprehensive array of programs and services include rapid re-housing for those experiencing homelessness, rental counseling to prevent homelessness, transitioning sheltered persons to permanent housing, supportive housing, budget counseling, financial literacy education, consumer credit counseling, firsttime home-buyer counseling, default mortgage counseling, counseling to achieve financial self-sufficiency, and matched savings accounts to help lowincome families save for purchasing assets such as a home or education. For more information about Tabor, readers may visit

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Nice Sliced Bacon Ends .................................... 12 lb. case 99¢ lb. Whole Chicken Legs ........................................ 40 lb. case 69¢ lb. Raw Very Nice Fish Fillets, uncooked .......... 30 lb. case $2.19 lb. Nice Sliced Honey Smoked Ham ..................... 16 lb. case 99¢ lb. Nice All Beef Salami ......................................... 10 lb. case 99¢ lb. Oscar Mayer All Meat Hot Dogs ... 12 lb. case 99¢ lb.; with Cheese $1.29 lb. Smokie Sausages ............................................... 10.5 lb. $1.29 lb. Breaded Chicken Nuggets ............................. 20 lb. case $1.29 lb. Cinnamon Crispy Rice Cereal ............................12/15 oz. 99¢ ea. Good Quality Beef Bologna ..................................10 lb. case 99¢ lb. Scrapple 20 lb. Pork or 12 lb. Turkey .................................89¢ lb. Boneless, Skinless Bulk Chicken Breast....... 40 lb. case $1.29 lb. Shredded Cheddar Cheese ........................... 20 lb. case $1.69 lb. Lean Ground Beef .......................................... 30 lb. case $2.29 lb. Nice Smoked 3 lb. Hams................................ 15 lb. case $1.39 lb. Good Quality Sliced - Pepperoni ................ 8.75 lb. case $1.79 lb. Beef Burger - sm. 2 oz. 20 lb. cs. $1.79 lb. .. 7 oz. 14 lb. cs. $1.89 lb. Mozzarella Cheese ........................................ 12 lb. case $1.49 lb. Honey Comb Cereal ........................................ 12/14 oz. $1.39 ea. Sausage Breakfast Pizzas ................................30 lb. case $16.99 Large 16" Cheese Pizzas ............................... 8 count case $14.99 Really Nice 6 oz. Burgers............................... 15 lb. case $1.79 lb. Lots of Nice Yogurt ............................ 3 cases or more $2.49 case Martin’s Chips ........................................... 9 count case $2.49 ea. Chocolate Chip Cookies.....................snack size pkgs. $6.99 case Thin Sliced Turkey Breast ............................. 12 lb. case $1.89 lb. Shredded Mozzarella .... 30 lb. case $1.99 lb. or 5 lb. bag $2.19 lb.

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Tabor Community Services recently achieved national reaccreditation through the Council on Accreditation (COA) for the fifth consecutive time. Organizations pursue accreditation to demonstrate the implementation of best practice standards in the field of human services. COA evaluated all aspects of Tabor’s programs, services, management, and administration. Tabor has been accredited since 1998. COA accreditation is an objective, independent validation of an agency’s performance. The process involves a detailed review and analysis of an organization’s administration, management, and service delivery functions as compared to international standards of best practice. The standards driving accreditation are designed to ensure that

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December 5, 2018 - 7

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8 - MERCHANDISER - Donegal Edition - December 5, 2018

Service Day from pg 1

Neighbors Group To Meet

Kraybill Mennonite School held a service day for students in third through eighth grades on Nov. 9. Students traveled to Global Aid Network (GAiN) in Mount Joy. GAiN is a local organization that aims to express the kindness of Jesus through humanitarian aid. Its goal is to bring relief to those who are suffering while restoring dignity and hope to people around the world. Seventy-five students, teachers, and parents worked in mixed grade-level groups, pack- Kraybill students cut towels for ing aid kits, cutting towels, repurposing. sorting clothes, and creating beaded bracelets. At the end of the money for supplies is being collectday, many students said they ed in the school office through enjoyed getting to know students Wednesday, Dec. 12. After that from other grades and having the date, students in prekindergarten chance to interact while they through second grade will work worked. They said they also together to pack the school supply enjoyed being able to provide sup- kits at school before delivering port and comfort to people from them to the GAiN warehouse. the countries helped by GAiN. According to principal M.J. Pictured on front: Smith, the school has a long-stand- Kraybill Mennonite School ing tradition of giving to people students worked on bracelets beyond the school during the holi- during a recent service day at day season. School supplies and Global Aid Network.

Women of all ages and preschool children are invited to attend Neighbors Sharing and Caring, a women’s ministry of the Chiques Church of the Brethren, 4045 Sunnyside Road, Manheim, on Tuesday, Dec. 11, from 9 to 10:45 a.m. Julie Kobie will present “Practice Hospitality All Year With Easy Food Ideas,” including some samples to try. Kobie enjoys sharing kitchen tips, recipes and ideas with others. She volunteers at her church and school and also grows vegetables and flowers. She and her husband live in Lancaster County and have three adult children. Classes will be provided for children from infants through prekindergartners. Readers


Proclamation Presbyterian Church invites the public to its evening worship services on the second and fifth Sundays of each month. The next gathering will be on Dec. 9 from

The Junction Center | Phillip Miller 1875 Junction Road | Manheim, PA 17545 717-392-3690 ext. 303 Email: R026373

Serving Elizabethtown and Surrounding Communities

1255 S. Market Street, Suite 102, Elizabethtown, PA 17022 R000383


Christ Lutheran Church, 75 E. High St., Elizabethtown, will host its annual Christmas cookie bake sale on Saturday, Dec. 8, from 2 to 6 p.m. Weather permitting, the sale will be held outside. All proceeds will go to Community Cupboard of Elizabethtown.

• Real Estate • Wills & Estates • Personal Injury • Civil Litigation • Family Law: Divorce, Custody, Support & Adoption • Business Relations


Rissers Mennonite Church, 8360 Elizabethtown Road, Elizabethtown, will host a Christmas service on Sunday, Dec. 9, at 7 p.m. The service, titled “The Little Drummer Boy,” will feature musical selections, congregational singing, and readings about gift-giving. The public is invited to attend. For more information, readers may call 717-653-4549.

Church Plans Cookie Bake Sale

Attorney at Law


6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Intern Andy Styer will preach from Proverbs 4. The church meets at Florin Church of the Brethren, 815 Bruce Ave., Mount Joy, with Sunday morning services at 11 a.m. More information can be found at

our beautiful 28 acre facility Rissers Church Sets Christmas Service

Randall K. Miller

GREENHOUSE 717-653-1861

may contact Veronica at 717-626-7603 for more information, including a copy of this year’s schedule.

Church Plans Worship Services


Centrally located to Lancaster, York and Harrisburg, the site is only two miles from Rt. 283 near the Roots Farmers Market in East Petersburg, PA. If you are interested in renting Landis Hall, The Millen Room, parking lots, or fields at The Junction Center, please contact Phillip Miller, to check on availability, pricing or to schedule a tour of the facility.

RENTAL 717-653-1862

Juile Kobie

MERCHANDISER - Donegal Edition -

Basic Pistol Course Planned

Church To Host Retirement Celebration

The Conewago Rod and Gun Club, 1483 Turnpike Road, Elizabethtown, will conduct a Basic Pistol Course on Sunday, March 24, 2019, at the organization’s clubhouse. The course is designed for individuals who have limited or no experience with a handgun. The eight-hour course will teach beginning shooters the

Bossler Mennonite Church, 2021 Bossler Road, Elizabethtown, has announced a pastor’s retirement celebration for Fred and Linda Garber. The drop-in event for the community will take place from 2 to 4 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 9. Light refreshments will be provided.

fundamental skills needed to own and use a handgun safely and responsibly. It will include instruction in the classroom and on the pistol range. The course will be conducted by NRA-certified pistol instructors. Minors are welcome when accompanied by parent or guardian. Separate fees for the course have been set for club members

and for nonmembers. The fee covers course materials and instruction. Due to the nature of the program, class size is limited to eight participants. For more information, including how to register, readers may contact the instructor at training@ Individuals may also visit www.conewago


Cheese Festival - FREE Samples!

Servant Stage Plans Auditions Registration is now open for anyone interested in auditioning to perform with Servant Stage Company in 2019. Audi-

December 5, 2018 - 9

White American Cheese .......... 5 Lb. Block $1.99 Lb. .................................Lb. $2.59 $ Troyers Bruschetta Jack Cheese ..................................................................................................... Lb. 3.69 $ $ Troyers Lacey Baby Swiss Cheese............................................ Whole Roll 3.59 Lb. ..........Lb. 4.19 $ Troyers Super Sharp Cheddar Cheese ....................................................................................... 8 Oz. 3.79 $ $ Gurnsey’s Gift Farmers Cheese ....................................................Whole Roll 2.79 Lb. .................Lb. 3.29 $ Troyers Smoked Cheddar ........................................................................................................................Lb. 3.99 $ $ Gurney’s Gift Yogurt Cheese ..................................................Whole Roll 2.99 Lb. ..........................Lb. 3.59 Troyer Sliced

For more information and to tions will be held at Premiere Danse Academy in Lancaster register for an audition time, on Saturdays and Sundays, Jan. readers may visit www 5 to 20, 2019.

Roasted Turkey Breast ...............................................................................................Lb.$4.89 $ Troyers Smokehouse Ham ......................................................................................................................Lb. 4.19 $ Troyers Premium Roast Beef ..............................................................................................................Lb. 5.99 $ Kunzler Deli Leaves ............................................... Olive, P&P, Cheese, Dutch & Old Fashioned ..................... Lb. 3.99 $ Bomberger Sweet or Lebanon Bologna .......................................................................................Lb. 4.99 Troyers Pan

Theater Slates “Miraculous� “Miraculous: Tales of Lady- March 28, 2019, at 7 p.m. Tickets for this show are bug and Cat Noir� will come to Hershey Theatre, 15 E. Caracas available at the Hershey TheAve., Hershey, on Thursday, atre box office, by calling 717-

534-3405 or 800-745-3000, or by visiting www.hershey or www.ticket

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10 - MERCHANDISER - Donegal Edition - December 5, 2018

Community Events


Live Nativity

Community Support

S Saturday, December 8th

at Chiques United Methodist Church 1215 E. Main St., Mount Joy Sunday, Dec. 16 6-8pm




Doors open at 11:30 a.m. Bingo begins 1:00 p.m.

Homemade Food Available for Purchase R025922

Pioneer Fire Company 200 N. Waterford Avenue • Marietta


Stay for the cookies and fellowship

Barry’s Train Shop

Pet Photos with Santa! Date: Saturday, December 8th

Time: 10AM-2PM Location: EM Herr ACE Hardware, Columbia Cost: $5 for photo, $7 for photo keepsake



Formerly at 2 West High Street Elizabethtown

INVENTORY LIQUIDATION SALE Our retail store is closed but the warehouse is still crowded, so we are having a final discount sale this year. We have transformers, accessories, scenic items, layout items, parts and, of course, train sets. We will have Lionel’s 2018 Christmas car and a nice selection of HO trains. Terms are cash or check only. We will not accept credit cards.

Church & Angle St., Mount Joy

When: Sat., Dec. 8TH (or until cookies are sold out)

For A Set Fee Attendees May Fill A Container With A Variety Of Homemade Cookies R025420

Enter the sale from the rear parking lot on West High Street. Don’t miss this opportunity to purchase at huge discounts! Questions/More Info:

M A R T I N E Z , Mr. and Mrs. Ramon L. III (Mary Parker), Columbia, a son, The Women & Babies Hospital, Nov. 26. SAUDER, Mr. and Mrs. Derek M. (Cassie Wright), Columbia, a daughter, The

Where: Glossbrenner UMC 9 a.m.-11 a.m.

(Containers will be provided)

All proceeds will go towards our

Ride with us!

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Christmas Concert “Together Building the Kingdom of God”

EPISCOPAL CHURCH “A Jubilee Ministry Center”





Sunday Dinner

Sunday, December 9, 2018 7:00 p.m.

Sunday, Dec. 9th 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 27 East Main Street, Mount Joy

Donegal Presbyterian Church 1891 Donegal Springs Road Mount Joy, PA 17552

af Ham PLoo tatoes



Other Drop-Off/ Pick Up Locations Available

all is bright ~

In the back of the church (enter through the main doors of the church on Locust Street). Customers can mix and match cookies they need for the holidays.

For more info call the church (717) 684-8496

In silent night, when all is calm and



JAN. 7 - MAR. 25, 2019 199


Women & Babies Hospital, Nov. 26. S H U M A K E R , Jessica, Mount Joy, and J O N E S , Dustin H., Mount Joy, a son, The Women & Babies Hospital, Nov. 27.




fish and was able to retrieve the shed from the dam. The organization cannot put the shed back until the entrance is rebuilt. The impact of the flooding has interrupted the growth curve of the fish that the DFCA raises for its Kids Fishing Derby every spring and stocking of the creek in the upcoming year. The organization notes that it may not have enough fish to sponsor the derby in 2019 and that stockings may not be available for a couple of years. The DFCA is asking for support from the community to help rebuild the nursery. Donations can be made at www.go -from-flood-of-2018. More information is available on the DFCA’s Facebook page. For more information, including where to mail donations, r e a d ers may email donegal

Area Births

Cookie Walk


Saturdays: December 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd & 29th Hours: 10-3 only. No special hours.

The Donegal Fish and Conservation Association’s (DFCA) nursery was devastated during the recent flooding. The water washed out the entrance to the nursery, the gravel and ground cover over the drainage system, and the new screens just built and placed by a local Eagle Scout. With the screens off of the top of the nursery, all of the fish were washed into the pond that the natural spring feeds into. Nursery walls caved in due to the water pressure, and the gravel from the drainage system filled the raceway, blocking water flow and pushing the fish out of the raceway. The DFCA shed, full of fish food, tools, and more, was lifted and floated down the nursery and across the pond to the dam on the opposite side. With the help of the nursery land owner, the DFCA recovered all of the screens and many items that were essential to rearing

• Sweet dles red Noo • Butte le b ta e g • Ve sauce • Apple r & Butte s • Rolls everage B & s rt • Desse

Ages 3 & Under - FREE Ages 4 - 11 $3.00 Ages 12 - Adult $10.00 R025603

All are welcome to come to the

MERCHANDISER - Donegal Edition -

“That was really neat, and I love watching the boys see things they’d probably never see unless they were off the grid.” The Garden Spot site led rides on Wednesday evenings from April through November, but Vega said the schedule for 2019 is still in the works. Individuals interested in participating at any of the sites may visit to learn more. “The doors are always open,” DeRemer stated. Rides take place on a weekly basis with extra rides on Saturdays from time to time. Bicycles and helmets are provided, along with a meal. Participation is free and open to boys ages 12 to 18. Following a holiday break, Lifecycles will resume in January with

its indoor program on Tuesday and Thursday evenings at Rainbow ’s End Youth Services (REYS), 105 Fairview Ave., Mount Joy. As Lifecycles wrapped up its fourth year of operations, DeRemer said that thus far the organization has tracked a total of more than 77,000 miles ridden - equivalent to more than three times around the planet - and over 22,000 volunteer hours and 10,000 meals served. “I’m just floored by this, and we’re already talking about year five,” shared DeRemer. In 2019, Lifecycles plans to implement a teenage bicycling safety certification for those interested. “We have been educating them but wanted to be

able to give an official certification,” DeRemer explained. It will allow participants to take a test and become certified through a practicum experience. The summer Extreme Challenge Ride will cover 400 miles from Lancaster to Boston. “If you’re really ready, we’ll give you an experience you won’t forget,” said DeRemer. To inquire about volunteering at any of the locations, readers may email director@ or call 717586-2511. “We always love to have new volunteers of any age and riding ability,” remarked DeRemer.

Hosted by

MAYTOWN EAST DONEGAL TWP. FIRE DEPARTMENT SUNDAY, DECEMBER 16 • 1-3 P.M. Come see Santa to tell him what is on your Christmas list and get a little present

Light refreshments will be served! 160 E. High Street Maytown


in The Elizabethtown Public Library 10 South Market St., Elizabethtown

Holiday Parade Will Be Held

Ho! Ho! Ho! I shop

GEARS will hold the annual Elizabethtown Holiday Parade on Saturday, Dec. 8, starting at 4 p.m., and the parade will travel on Market Street from West Bainbridge Street to Winnemore Alley and Mechanics Alley. Children will be able to visit with Santa in the square after the parade or on the following dates and times: Tuesdays, Dec. 11 and 18, from 6 to 7 p.m.; Thursdays, Dec. 13 and 20, from 6 to 7 p.m.; Fridays, Dec. 14 and 21, from 6 to 9 p.m.; and Saturdays, Dec. 15 and 22, from noon to 2 p.m. On the Tuesday and Thursday dates, Santa will be at a story time at Elizabethtown Public Library from 7 to 8 p.m. Those interested in becoming sponsors or participating in the parade may contact Doug Knauss at 717-367-0355 or doug

at etownbooks!

Featured For December:

Offering 18” Doll Clothes Year-Round!

• Elaine Teare - Christmas Decorations • Suzanne Satterfield - Prints of her original Artwork

Join Us on Facebook!




the introduction of a new weekly riding site that met at Garden Spot Village, 433 S. Kinzer Ave., New Holland. Albert Vega, who had volunteered as a leader for the weekly rides on Tuesdays and Thursdays in Marietta and Landisville, approached DeRemer with the idea of starting another site in the eastern part of the county. “My truck was always full going up to Marietta, and I told Lee that it would be cool to expand,” Vega recalled. “He asked if I’d be willing to lead it, so I began recruiting leaders.” Vega said that is especially amazing to see boys who start out saying that something is too hard go on to conquer the particular ride or obstacle. “ We climbed for two days (during the Extreme Challenge Ride), and when we got to mile marker zero in D.C., all the boys were saying, ‘We accomplished it!’” Vega said.



Lifecycles from pg 1

December 5, 2018 - 11

• You Don’t Have To Leave Mount Joy! • No Fighting The Crowds At The Mall!

Saturday, December 8 from Noon to 3 pm

Pies Galore & More (handicap accessible), 76 E. Main St., Mount Joy

will be providing

Please be advised that all 2018/2019 Real Estate Taxes must be paid or postmarked by December 31, 2018. All unpaid Real Estate taxes after this date will be turned over for collection resulting in additional cost to the taxpayer. Not receiving a bill does not relieve the property owner from payment of this tax. If you have any questions concerning these bills, please call the Tax Office as soon as possible at 717-492-1310. R026310

everyone! There will be coloring pages, cookies, hot chocolate and candy canes for the children. Don’t forget your cameras!

• Purchase at the Chamber Office! • You Will Be Supporting Mount Joy Businesses! • Choose From Over 40 Participating Businesses In Mount Joy! Available in $5, $10 & $20 denominations.

Santa will also be accepting donations of nonperishable food items for the Mount Joy Food Bank.



• A Great Gift For Employees or That Hard To Buy For Person!

12 - MERCHANDISER - Donegal Edition - December 5, 2018


Commission Will Present Podcast



10% $5 OFF OFF

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Not valid with any other special or offer. Must present coupon with order. Expires 1/1/19.

Tel.: 717.653.8888 | Fax: 717.653.1888 | Reservation Or Walk-In • Eat-In Or Take-Out • BYOB Gift Certificates Available


Giant Shopping Center

The Lancaster County Planning Commission will host a podcast titled “Dangerous by Design” on Friday, Dec. 7, from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. The podcast will be shown in Conference Room 102 in the Lancaster Government Building, 15 N. Queen St., Lancaster.

18th Annual Winter

Chicken Barbecue by Kauffman’s th

Saturday, December 8 Available at J.B. Hostetter & Sons (10 am - ?)

Park Decorated For Christmas



Tickets On Sale At:





Proceeds will benefit the children of Northwest Lancaster County


Northwest Savings Bank 24 East Main Street Mount Joy

J.B. Hostetter & Sons 1225 West Main Street Mount Joy

For our Full Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Menus go to:

Raspberry Delight Baked Oatmeal, Steak and Egg Wrap, Crab and Cheddar Omelet

Wednesday: Pear Baked Oatmeal, Shrimp Burrito, Cream of Wheat

Scouts in Mount Joy held a food drive in November, collecting 707 bags on the pickup day, with additional bags expected. Last year’s total was 654. Groups participating includ-



Stuffed Chicken Breast w/Bread Filling w/Choice of 2 Sides • Open Jukebox 7-12




Pumpkin Baked Oatmeal, Banana Walnut Stuffed French Toast, Canadian Bacon Egg & Cheese Bagel

Kid’s Christmas Party 1-3. Adult Christmas Party with DJ Brian 6-9. Kitchen Closed All Day

Friday & Saturday:


Cherry Baked Oatmeal, Blueberry Baked Oatmeal, Sausage Gravy over Biscuits, Chicken Bacon Swiss Omelet, Apple Raisin Glaze Waffle

Grilled Smoked Pork Chop w/Choice of 2 Sides Open Jukebox 7-12

ed Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, and the Four Seasons Community. As of the pickup day, 8,484 items were collected, weighing 4,949 pounds.


DECEMBER 28TH & 29TH Broiled Fresh Cod w/Choice of 2 Sides Open Jukebox 7-12

DECEMBER 31ST- CLOSING AT 5 P.M. JANUARY 1ST- OPEN 12-6 Roast Pork & Sauerkraut w/Mashed Potatoes; Meal FREE for all veterans & their spouses.

Daily/Weekly Specials Happy Hour Every Monday thru Friday 3-5 P.M. ....25¢ OFF all drinks Taco Tuesdays ................................................................... 75¢ each or 3 for $2.00 Wednesday Nights: Wing Night ...................................................... $6.00/Dozen

Reserve Our Sunroom for Family Gatherings Recently Remodeled, Perfect for Anniversaries, Bridal Showers & Rehearsal Dinners

The Bake Shoppe at Country Table

Friday Night Dinner Specials & Entertainment • FREE POOL All Day every Sunday Kitchen Hours: Tues. 5-9 P.M., Wed. 4-10 P.M.; Thur. 3-9 P.M.; Fri. 4-10 P.M.; Sat. 3-9 P.M.; Sun. 3-7 P.M. Business Hours: Monday & Tuesday 12 Noon-9 p.m.; Wednesday & Thursday 12 Noon-Midnight; Friday & Saturday 12 Noon-2 a.m.; Sunday 12 Noon-Midnight

A Large Variety of Christmas Cookies Now Available!! Cookie Trays, Cakes, Pies, Cupcakes, and More For all Your Holiday Parties!

*American Legion Members Only. Social Memberships available. R026446

E-mail • Website: (717) 492-8440 | Bakery Hours: Mon.-Sat. 7am-7pm

the Christmas and holiday season, and the Blue Christmas service is intended to acknowledge struggles while providing a safe place of rest, comfort and healing. All are welcome to attend this gentle, contemplative service.

Scouts Hold Food Drive

Prime Rib w/Choice of 2 Sides Open Jukebox 7-12

Breakfast Specials: December 3 - December 15


Christ Church United Church of Christ, 247 S. Market St., Elizabethtown, will offer a Blue Christmas service on Sunday, Dec. 9, at 7 p.m. Negative circumstances can be particularly difficult for many people during the merriment of


Oyster Pie Available Wednesday, December 5th!

Apple Craisin Baked Oatmeal, Chipped Beef Casserole, Pumpkin Pecan Pancakes

Blue Christmas Service Planned

Dinner Specials and Entertainment

Come Enjoy Fresh Local Farm-to-Table Meals!


needs. Community members interested in donating items to the Santa Claws and Paws drive can do so by visiting the Pennsylvania SPCA Lancaster Center, 848 S. Prince St., Lancaster, or by placing items in the donation bins at area locations, including That Fish Place/That Pet Place, 237 Centerville Road, Lancaster; VCA Bridgeport Animal Hospital, 1251 Ranck Mill Road, Lancaster; and McCleary’s Pub, 130 W. Front St., Marietta. For more information about adopting, donating, or volunteering, readers may call 215-4266300 or visit

Post 466 Upcoming Specials & Events

740 East Main St., Mount Joy


Memorial Park, located on Marietta Avenue in Mount Joy, is decorated for Christmas, and the community is invited to stroll through. Additionally, children are welcome to mail their letters to Santa from the park. The decorating is done by Richard Ryder of Mount Joy, along with his family and friends.

This holiday season, Pennsylvania SPCA’s Lancaster Center will give back to the pet owner community through its Santa Claws and Paws Holiday Drive. The drive will accept donations of pet food, blankets, beds, toys, gift cards, and more to be distributed to families in need throughout the community. Families will be chosen by local police and fire departments as well as by nomination. Pet supplies will be delivered between Christmas and New Year’s. To nominate a family, readers may contact santa_claws@pspca .org. Nominations should include descriptions of each animal in the household and the animal’s

Marietta Legion


The group will listen to the recorded podcast, while following along with the accompanying PDF of the slides from the original presentation. In the presentation, Emiko Atherton, director of the National Complete Streets Coalition, discussed findings and implications from the recently released “Dangerous by Design 2016” report. Attendees learned which areas of the country are leading in pedestrian safety, what impacts roadway design has on vulnerable populations, and what steps communities can take to work toward implementing a Complete Streets design approach. For more information, readers may contact 717-299-8333 or lcpc

SPCA Posts Donation Drive

19 S. Gay Street, Marietta |

717- 426-2087


OPEN Christmas & New Year’s 12/24, 25, 31 & 1/1

MERCHANDISER - Donegal Edition -

December 5, 2018 - 13

Home Improvements

Foundation Receives Flag Donation The Long’s Park Amphitheater Foundation recently received U.S. flags from state Sen. Ryan Aument (center) to be used during the 2019 patriotic concert at Long’s Park. Those accepting the flags were Bill Wright (left), development director of the foundation, and David Wauls, past president of the foundation.


Volleyball Team Wins Championship

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E-Town White, a volleyball team composed of seventh- and eighth-grade girls, won the championship at Volleyball Corner on Nov. 1. The team includes (back, from left) Astyn Calaman, Chloe Merkt, Emma Martin, Mariana Smith, Falyn Swift, Jadyn Lloyd, coach Phil Le, (front) Lannah Ulrich, Ava Fair, Bridget Muller, and Emma Keener. The team also won second place in two tournaments. At every game, the team chants “Ubuntu,” which has the meaning “I am what I am because of who we all are.”

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Fire Department Sets Holiday Fun Fest

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The Rheems Fire Department, 350 Anchor Road, Elizabethtown, will hold its annual Holiday Fun Fest on Friday, Dec. 7, from 6 to 8 p.m. The child-friendly event will include crafts, snacks, door prizes, and free photos with Santa. Door prizes will be awarded

at approximately 7:15 p.m. The event is free to the public, and no tickets are required; however, donations are always appreciated. More information can be found at www.rheems or on the fire department’s Facebook page.

Pictured on front:

events on Saturdays and Sundays in December, as well as on Jan. 5 and 6, 2019. The Lower Susquehanna Valley O-Scale Modular Group will also have a modular layout (right photo) on display.

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Horn Farm Center, 4945 Horn Road, York, will offer a class on winter foraging on Saturday, Dec. 8, from 9 to 11 a.m. Beginners and experienced foragers are welcome. Participants should be prepared to walk on muddy or uneven surfaces and should dress for the weather. The group will Horn Farm Center in York will meet at the pole barn. There is a registration fee. offer a class on foraging on To register, readers may visit Saturday, Dec. 8. w w w. h o r n f a r m c e n t e r .org/foraging-december. More 717-332-8710 or emailing education information is available by calling


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The Columbia Historic Preservation Society will operate its 2,200-square-foot HO model train display (left photo) during the annual Ed King Memorial Model Train open house


In addition to the HO trains running upstairs, the Lower Susquehanna Valley O-Scale Modular Group will have part of its modular layout set up downstairs in the main hall. The group’s layout features sound-equipped locomotives, lit buildings, and an operating miniature drive-in movie theater. Exhibits about the Pennsylvania Railroad and the Reading Railroad, both of which were prominent in Columbia’s history, will be available for visitors to enjoy, as well as exhibits on the history of the Underground Railroad in Columbia. The Ed King Memorial Model Train open house events are held in honor of Ed King, a longtime volunteer at CHPS and an avid model railroader and collector. Some of King’s memorabilia will be included in the display. CHPS is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the preservation of the river town of Columbia and operates a museum featuring artifacts, a research room and microfilm archive, and published articles and books on the town’s history. To learn more about the train display or to inquire about volunteer opportunities, readers may visit or call 717-684-2894.


Members of the Columbia Historic Preservation Society (CHPS), 21 N. Second St., Columbia, invite the community to visit the annual Ed King Memorial Model Train open house events. The events are open to the public from 1 to 4 p.m. every Saturday and Sunday in December and will also be open on Saturday, Jan. 5, and Sunday, Jan. 6, 2019. Admission is free; however, donations are appreciated and will benefit CHPS. The 2,200-square-foot HO model train display will be running several long freight and passenger trains, pulled by sound-equipped steam and diesel locomotives. A 200-square-foot section of the layout depicts the railroad neighborhoods of Columbia as they existed between 1920 and 1950. The model railroad, called the Columbia & Susquehanna HO Model RR, is set up on the second floor of the historical society. Trolley and train videos will be shown on a television screen in the train room. Santa Claus is expected to make sporadic visits to the event to interact with children and other guests of all ages. Plus, visitors may enter to win an N-scale train set, The Yardboss, and the winner of the drawing will be announced on Jan. 6.

14 - MERCHANDISER - Donegal Edition - December 5, 2018

Students Give Up Smartphones

Prima To New Open Facility “Bennie and the Jets,” and “Hit the Road, Jack.” The singers, including Diedre Cravey, Joy Lee, Reji Woods, and Jeremy Schonfeld, will be backed by a live band. Woods can be seen in “Orange Is the New Black.” Schonfeld is a rock musical singer and composer. Tickets can be purchased by calling the box office at 717-327-5124 or by visiting Programming plans for 2019 include a series of MainStage musicals, featuring “Disenchanted,” “Godspell,” and “Jekyll and Hyde,” and a concert series called “Altro,” including “70s Smash Hits,” “Sondheim Unplugged,” and “Motown Legends.” In order to utilize the new community resource to its fullest potential, Prima has begun a three-year, $3.2 million effort called FWD. Nearly half of the funds to be raised has been committed thus far for renovations and facility expenses. The remaining funds raised through FWD will go toward expanding artistic programming and supporting artists. More details can be found at

leadership of Carol Culliton of the Gunterberg Charitable Foundation, Prima acquired what was formerly the Hamilton Ballroom at W heatland Place. A $750,000 renovation was undertaken. The new 200-seat venue offers flexible seating and staging arrangements for theater, music, film, and special events. The venue is prepared for hospitality services with a full kitchen. Free, on-site parking is available. “Piano Men” is an original concert that will feature the music of Billy Joel, Stevie Wonder, Elton John, and Ray Charles. Songs will include “We Didn’t Start the Fire,” “You Are the Sunshine of My Life,”

Forry’s Country Store Check Our Specials pecials i l att f t t

Thursday, December 6-12, 2018 $ Esbenshade Large White Eggs ........................ ..................... 1.19 Dozen $ Salted Butter Quarters ..................................... . .................. 2.79 lb. $ .............................. 6.29 lb. Healthy Ones Roast Beef............................................. $ Seltzer’s Smoke’n Honey Bologna ologna ............... ..................... 5.59 lb. $ John F. Martin Olive Loaf ............................................... 3.29 lb. $ John F. Martin Sausage Links.................................... .......................... 2.79 lb. $ Farmer’s Cheese (reg or Veg.) .................................. .......................... 2.99 lb.

Kaylene (left) and Jimm Derksen, during Lancaster Mennonite High School’s Commitment Week from Oct. 16 to 19, highlighted the kinds of disconnection that people can experience from God and other people. result of stopping to notice the woman next to her. In her own way, not being on her phone helped her enter into creativity. Other students shared about how they had a greater sense of respect and appreciation for people around them as a result of disconnecting from their smartphones. A common observation among the students and staff members who took on the challenge was that they had more time due to not using their smartphones or social media accounts. The goal was not just to disconnect from technology, but to also use the time as an opportunity for students to

reconnect with their communities. Focusing on how disconnection from others can eventually lead to dehumanization, the Derksens addressed human rights crises in places like the Democratic Republic of Congo, Myanmar, and Syria. As the 550 students exited the auditorium after the last session, teachers stood at the doorways with bowls of chocolate truffles. Each student was handed a truffle and sent off with the statement “You are a gift.” Lancaster Mennonite School h o l d s c h a p e l s e r v i c e s fo u r times per week at its Lancaster Campus.

LARGE NEW YEAR’S Square Dance Event Slated DAY AUCTION


TUESDAY, JAN. 1 AT 9:00 A.M.



3.29 lb. Pennland Pure Medium Cheddar Ch Cheese........... 3.19 lb. $ Sliced ................................................................... 3.39 lb. $ Pennland Pure Monterey Jack Cheese ................ 3.19 lb. $ Sliced ....................................................................... 3.49 lb. $ Martin’s Potato Bread Stuffing ....................... 2.99 Each $ Lucinda’s Angel Food Cake (1/2) .................................. 5 Each $ Chicken Salad ...................................... 5.49 lb. Cream Chipped Beef ....................... $4.69 lb. $ Gene Wenger’s Macaroni Salad ............................. 2.79 lb. $ Fisher’s Pearl Tapioca............................................... 2.89 lb. BULK: Mint Cookie Crunch Popcorn ...... $6.49 lb. Mini Marshmallows (16 oz.) ...........................$2.19 each Holiday Soup Mix................................................. $1.99 lb.

The Swing Thru Square Dance Club will hold its regular monthly Plus Level Square and Round Dance on Friday, Dec. 14, from 7:30 to 10 p.m., with pre-rounds at 7 p.m. The event will be held in the gymnasium at Lancaster

LOCATION: Shirk’s Auction Gallery 659 N. State Route 934, Annville, PA 17003


Brethren in Christ Church, 1865 Fruitville Pike, Lancaster. There is a cost per person, but club members may attend for free. For more details, contact Jim Miller at 717-725-1991 or


Get Into Your Community





820 Ivy Drive, Across from West Hempfield Fire & Rescue, Lancaster, PA - 717-285-5050 Hours: Wed. & Sat. 7-2, Tues. & Thurs. 8-6, Mon. & Fri. 8-7 We Accept We reserve the right to limit quantities. Not responsible for typographical or printed errors.

R026445 R026445

Sliced ................................................................... ..........................

Lancaster Mennonite High School (LMHS) students were recently challenged to go 48 hours without using their smartphones or social media accounts. Jimm and Kaylene Derksen, chapel speakers for LMS’s Commitment Week from Oct. 16 to 19, focused on the theme “The Good, the Bad, the Ugly, and the Beautiful” over four different sessions. They highlighted the kinds of disconnection from God and other people that one can experience, sometimes resulting from smartphone addiction. The Derksens are both certified soul care providers and also staff members at Eastern Mennonite Missions (EMM). Jimm is a personnel placement coach and Kaylene is the development director. One of EMM’s three core values is well-being. EMM seeks to improve the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being of its workers and those whom they serve around the world, as well as stakeholders. Lancaster Mennonite School students are among those whose well-being EMM seeks to enhance. Students were encouraged to fill their smartphone voids by journaling about what they noticed. One student observed a woman sitting on a bench next to her making a scarf. The student was inspired to make a scarf as a


Prima will open its new facility, located at 941 Wheatland Ave., Lancaster, with a celebratory “Piano Men” concert at 7:30 p.m. on Fridays, Dec. 7 and 14, and Saturdays, Dec. 8 and 15. Prima’s history as a nonprofit theater organization includes hosting Broadway guest artists and presenting a variety of boutique musicals and concerts. Founded by Mitch Nugent, Prima quickly brought together regional and Broadway talent in more than a dozen venues across Lancaster County. Venue-hopping soon began to challenge Prima’s production teams and inconvenience audiences. Earlier this year, with the

10 A.M. - REAL ESTATE 1 P.M.


LOCATION: 142 Black Swamp Rd., Bainbridge. Rt. 30 W. to Columbia. Right Rt. 441 N. thru Bainbridge. Right Amosite Rd. Left Black Swamp Rd. OR from Elizabethtown & Rt. 230 take W. High St. Right Turnpike Rd. Left Black Swamp Rd.

SATURDAY, DEC. 8, 2018 AT 8:30 A.M.

FINE ART OF LANCASTER THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6 at 6:00 P.M. Previews: Wednesday, December 5, 1-4 P.M. Thursday, December 6, 5-6 P.M. Brumbach, Carlson, Clark, Dixon, Galligan, Aaron Zook, Hensel, Shuglie, Whitson & others

Terms of Sale: Cash or Approved Check. 10% Buyer’s Premium Next Sale Date: March 2019



717-392-4257 • AU002953L


Boltz Auction Gallery

3601 Columbia Ave., Lancaster, PA 17603 Open Every Tuesday 9-4 P.M.


Farm house w/2344 SF, eat-in kitchen w/oak cabinets, living rm., family rm., rec rm., 4 bdrms., bath, attic, daylight bsmt., spacious rms., exposed log interior walls, brick hearth w/stove. Bank Barn w/attached produce stand, 1st floor open span area, 2nd floor open span (barn new ‘09), shop/ garage/packing bldg. w/28x44 addition & large walk-in cooler, 23x45 heated shop, loading dock. 42½ ACRES land w/25 acres tillable, balance pasture w/stream & woods. 2500+ frontage on Black Swamp & Bair Rds. Zoned Ag. Owners relocating to Lanc. City for church ministry & serious to sell. Ideal produce farm. Good income producer. Special Note: Farm sale includes transferable farm market produce stand at PA Farmers Open Air Market in Harrisburg. Ideal family farm w/move-in bldgs. Personal inspection by appointment or open house Sat., Dec. 1, 8 & 15 from 1 to 4 P.M. For brochure or land plotting visit Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368). Randal V. Kline, Roy E. Good, Jr. Dale L. & Aaron Z. Nolt Alma M. Charles Curvin M. Horning 717-733-1006 717-367-8324 Lic. #499, 2116, 5064, 3956


KOSER BUILDING MATERIALS 523 Koser Rd., Elizabethtown, PA 17022 • 717-367-0283 DIRECTIONS: Take 283 to E-town/Hershey exit. Turn north toward Hershey on Rt. 743. Go 1.3 miles and turn onto Valley Road. At stop, turn right onto Mapledale Road. Turn right onto Koser Road. Sale is 1/4 mile on the right. Doors, Windows, Metal Roofing, Shingles, Plywood, Lumber, Pavers, Veneer Stone, Composite Decking, Vinyl Siding, Insulation, Dry Wall, Paneling, Tubs and Showers, Vanities, Cabinets, Complete Kitchen Set, Counters, Electrical Supplies, Heating and Plumbing Supplies, Carpet, Vinyl, Hardwood Flooring: Pre-Finished and Unfinished, Laminate Flooring, Tile, Appliances, Many Tools: Hand and Power. Building Materials Of All Kinds, New and Used. More Items Coming In All The Time.

MERCHANDISER - Donegal Edition -



W , D 19 • 5

T , D . 6 ~ 9

606 Mar n Ave. Mount Joy, PA 17552

768 Graystone Rd. Manheim, PA 175455

Open House: December 8, 10am-12pm & December 15, 10am-12pm

See hessauc for more details. 717-664-5238 • 877-599-8894

Auction For: Teresa Barlet Est. AY000253L Attorney: Scott Albert


See for additional info. 717-664-5238 877-599-8894


• Well-Located Ranch Home Bordering Park • 3 Bedrooms • 2 Bathrooms Incl. Master • 0.22 Acre Lot • Donegal SD R026475

Ove 600 Pieces Of Quality Modern And An que Over Fur Furniture! We Will Be Unloading 2-53’ Trailers! Plan On A ending! So Wood Jelly Cupboard, Che Cherry Desk, Grain Painted Blanket Chest, Bedding, Din Dine e And Dining Room Suites, Good Brand Nam Name Bedroom Suites, Parlor Tables, Porch Benches, and Blanket Chests. 13% Buyers Premium AH-001998

December 5, 2018 - 15



T , D . 11



(N S S T )

768 Graystone Rd Manheim, PA 17545 2005 C T 2008 D D . John Deere 170 Riding Mower W/Bagger, Lawn Chief Rear Tine Roto ller, Air Compressor, Good Rolling Tool Boxes, Leaf Blowers, Selec on Of Ladders, Old Doors,2- Hoverounds, Wooden Wheel Barrow Old Shu ers, AC/DC Welder, Lincoln Power Mig Welder, Cast Iron Butcher Ke les, Bos ch Air Compressor, Pa o Furniture, Chicken Crate, Horse Head Hitching Post, Milk Cans, Rooster Weathervane, Cra sman Chipper/Vac, Troy-Bilt Snow Blower, Boat Motor, Pond Boat. 13% Buyers Premium See for additional info. 717-664-5238 877-599-8894






Reefer/Van Trailers



Const Equip

768 Graystone Rd Manheim, PA 17545


T , D . 11 ~ 8:30

8 P Antiques, Collectibles, Textiles, Advertising Items, Glassware, Metalware, Household, Tools, And Much More!



Need Help Downsizing? Selling a Collec on? Receiving Wednesdays 8am-4pm. We also offer hauling services. Please Call 717-664-5238 For more informa on.



Sleepers & Daycabs

16 - MERCHANDISER - Donegal Edition - December 5, 2018

Citizens’ Police Academy Slated The Lancaster City Citizens’ Police Academy (CPA) offers citizens the opportunity to learn about the internal operations of the Lancaster City Police Department. The Citizens’ Police Academy speakers provide lectures, demonstrations, tours, and hands-on activities for academy participants. The overall objective of the academy is to provide citizens with sound and accurate information about the Lancaster City Police and the criminal justice process so citizens are able to make informed decisions regarding matters involving the police department or police activity. The academy is open to anyone age 18 or older, but priority is given to Lancaster city residents. The 12-week Citizens’ Police Academy will be held on Thursdays, Jan. 24 to April 11, from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Lancaster City Police Department, 39 W. Chestnut St., Lancaster. Each week, a different discipline or area of the Lancaster City Police will be presented, including patrol, criminal investigations, Lancaster Countywide Communications (police dispatch), SERT, K-9, mounted patrol, crime scene processing, and use of force. All classes are free. Space is limited to 25 participants. For details and an application, readers may contact Lt. Bill Hickey at 717735-3481 or Applications must be returned by close of business on Friday, Jan. 4, 2019.

Applications Available For LIHEAP Applications are now being accepted for the 2018-19 Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). LIHEAP provides assistance with home heating bills and is available to renters and homeowners who meet designated income guidelines. Crisis and regular grants began on Nov. 1. Online applications can be completed by visiting www Paper applications are available from the Lancaster County Office of Aging or at the local county assistance office at 717-299-7543. Applications can also be downloaded and printed from the Department of Human Services website, which is available at assistanceliheap/index.htm. For tips on keeping warm throughout the winter while saving money on utility costs, readers may visit

Military Women Plan Luncheon The Blue Mountain Military Women invite all past and present military women and guests to attend the group’s bimonthly luncheon, which will be held on Saturday, Dec. 8, at Hoss’s Steak & Sea House, 2175 White St., York. Social time will begin at 11:30 a.m., and lunch will be at noon. Participants may order from the menu. For reservations, readers may call Kitty Smith at 717-569-9353.

GARAGE SALES ELIZABETHTOWN, HUGE INDOOR Garage Sale, 124 N. Maple St. Fri. 12/7 & Sat. 12/8, 8am-12pm. Large Variety!! HEART FELT CRAFTS Christmas open house. Saturday, December 8th & 15th from 9am-2pm. Sunday, December 9th & 16th from 1pm-4pm. 279 Monterey Rd. Bird In Hand, PA 17505. Phone 717-572-4698.





LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE Abandoned vehicle being held at Cocker’s Towing, Inc. 355 Hershey Road, Elizabethtown PA, 17022 717-367-5505


Lawn & Garden


INFANT/TODDLER/PRESCHOOL OPENINGS Kindergarten afterschool. Meals provided. Keystone Star 4 Fac. Columbia. 717-6844451

FREE REMOVAL of Riding Mowers & Snowblowers. Call Jim 717-940-9029

LOVE ANIMALS? Turn Your Passion into Profits. Now Accepting Pet Grooming Students. 717-933-1333

OPENINGS AVAILABLE for afterschool from Donegal school district. Little People, Columbia. 717-684-4451


Owner or lieholder must claim on or before December 18, 2018 or it will be disposed of.

ASSISTANCE FOR ELDERLY, caregivers provide hygiene assistance, meals, light housework in your home. Insured, Bonded, RN owned & operated. Visiting Angels, 717-393-3450.

PUBLIC AUCTION ABANDONED VEHICLE December 15, 2018 at 10:00 am


2005 fORD f350 Vin # 1FTWX31P25EB90252


2003 Ford Truck F150 Vin # 2FTRF172X3CA95098

Will be sold (as is) at Cocker’s Towing Inc. 355 Hershey Rd, Elizabethtown PA 17022 717-367-5505



BUYING TOYS & COLLECTIBLES PA’s Largest Buyer of Toys & Collectibles 27 E Lancaster Street, Red Lion, PA Hours: 10:00am-4:00pm, Monday-Friday 717-329-8167 • Toys Vintage or Modern, New or Used, Hess Trucks, Barbies, Diecast, Hot Wheels & Matchbox, Action Figures, Models, Trains, Sports Cards/ Memorabilia, Movie/ Music Memorabilia, Video Games & much more!


SELLING A CLASSIC or antique car? Selling a farm? Some construction equipment? One FREE week when placing your ad in our Mid-Atlantic network for two weeks. Call Engle Printing & Publishing Co. Inc., Classifieds, 1-800-428-4211 for more details. (Not intended for commercial use.)

COMPLETE COMPUTER SERVICE Virus Removal, Repairs, Networking, Tutor. 717-571-9219 FREE Online Diagnosis*

SUFFERING FROM AN ADDICTION to Alcohol, Opiates, Prescription Painkillers or other DRUGS? There is hope! Call today to speak with someone who cares. Call NOW 1-855-901-2049

LIVING ROOM SET 3 years old, in good condition, except needs re-upholstered and one foot rest lever in the sofa is broken. Sofa, Love Seat and Recliner, $100. Call 610-273-3817


Lawn & Garden


For more information and assistance regarding the investigation of Business Opportunity Advertising, Engle Publishing Company urges its readers to contact: THE BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU OF EASTERN PA 717-364-3250

HAVE SOMETHING TO SELL? GET 2 FREE WEEKS OF ADVERTISING when you purchase 2 weeks, in our Mid-Atlantic network. To learn more, call Engle Printing & Publishing Co. Inc., Classifieds, 1800-428-4211.


AFFORDABLE LANDSCAPING, LEAF Cleanup, Bushes Trimmed, Mulching. Jeff 717-604-1306. Senior Discount. EARTHWISE LANDSCAPE & TREE CARE Spring clean-ups. Mowing, edging, seeding, fertilization, mulching, shrub & tree pruning. 717-626-2541 (PA 088021)

FESKO’S LAWNWORKS Commercial, Residential. Mowing, Trimming, Mulching, Edging, Hedge/ Bush Trimming, Shrub Removal, Spring/ Fall Clean-ups. Affordable. Reliable. Fully Insured. Free Estimates. 717-293-5094 or cell 717-989-6743 PA 022060

JOHN DEERE 314 Lawn Tractor. 46” mower deck. 54” snow blade. Tire chains, rear weights, Hydrostatic/hydraulic lift. $800. 717-371-6349.

Livestock EXPERT, FULL MOUTH balancing & dental care for your horses. Certified Equine Dental Technician E. Kilby 717-244-1724 MINIATURE DONKEY’S Perfect Christmas Gift. Addorable, kind, clean, described the ideal family pet. Mostly females, Prices start $500. 717-926-4893

Musical HUGE PIANO SALE More info: 717-575-0206, Paul

Pets IN AN EFFORT to protect the lives of animals, and for the protection of our readers, we will no longer accept “PETS OR PUPPIES WANTED” classified ads. We will, however continue to accept household pet “For Sale” ads. When purchasing a pet, please make certain animal is healthy and has been properly cared for. When selling or giving away a pet please screen respondents carefully. Pets deserve a loving, caring home. ACA CANE CORSO PUPPIES, 3 generation pedigree, 1 year health guarantee, raised on farm, (3) Males, $875; (2) Females, $850. Call 717-548-1368 ACA SHIHTZU PUPS M $700, Brown furballs ready now. No Sunday calls. 717-368-7760 AKC BEAGLE PUPS, 4 mo old, all shots, dewormed, vet check, farm raised, 1 male, 1 female, $400. 717-656-3380 AKC GERMAN SHEPHERD Puppies, vet checked, shots, wormed, 1yr genetic health guarantee, ready 12/22. Call to reserve yours now. $575. 484-800-5221 AKC GERMAN SHORT Haired Pointer Pups, Family Raised, mom & dad on premises, shots & wormed. $900 484-354-0922 BOSTON TERRIER PUPPIES for Christmas! Ready 12/11, very cute; also 2 older pups to choose from. 610-593-5956 GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS,Shots, wormed, ready 12/17/18. $400 Ea: Call 717-529-6141. KITTENS: (2) 5 week old Kittens available. 1- gray & white, 1- all black, free. Great gift for the holidays! 717-586-8191

PET DAY SURGERY Affordable spay, neuter, dental, declaw. www.petdaysurgery.com717-675-2080 Compassion, caring, and experience. PRESA CANARIO MASTIFF Puppies, vet checked, wormed, UKC reg, Grand Champion Bloodlines, 717-529-9031 x2

READER ADVISORY: The following classifieds have been purchased by the National Trade Association we belong to. Determining the value of their service or product is advised by this publication. In order to avoid misunderstandings, some advertisers do not offer “employment” but rather supply the readers with manuals, directories & other materials designed to help their clients establish mail order selling & other businesses at home. Under NO circumstance should you send any money in advance or give the client your checking, license ID or credit card numbers. We suggest before making any kind of financial commitment you contact the local Better Business Bureau. 25 TRUCK DRIVER TRAINEES NEEDED! Earn $1,000 per week! Paid CDL training! Stevens Transport covers all costs! 1-877-209-1309. (NANI)

A PLACE FOR MOM has helped over a million families find senior living. Our trusted, local advisors help find solutions to your unique needs at no cost to you. Call 1-855-741-7459. (NANI)

RAT TERRIER PUPS, farm raised, love children, first shots/wormed. Males $150 & Females $175, 717-235-4833 RED MINI POODLE Pups, ready 12/13, vet checked, shots & wormed, family raised, $1,075. 717-529-5504

Sporting Goods GUNS WANTED INSTANT PAYMENT 1 gun or collection- Will travel Kinsey’s Outdoors, 717-653-5524

Miscellaneous DISH NETWORK- SATELLITE Television Services. Now over 190 channels for ONLY $49.99/mo! HBO- FREE for one year, FREE Installation, FREE Streaming, FREE HD. Add internet for $14.95 a month. 1-800-219-1271


FREE ITEMS FREE ITEM?? Place a FREE Ad! Giving away that piece of furniture, toy, sports equipment, etc???

Call 1-800-428-4211 to place your 3 line, private party ad for 1 week (some restrictions apply)

FAST FREE REMOVAL of unwanted cars & trucks. Now paying up to $300. Fully insured. 717-471-4591- anytime!

Before you go to those GARAGE SALES - Check out the Classifieds! A PLACE FOR MOM. The nation’s largest senior living referral service. Contact our trusted local experts today! Our service is FREE/ no obligation. CALL 1-844-722-7993. ADVERTISE TO 10 Million Homes across the USA! Place your ad in over 140 community newspapers, with circulation totaling over 10 million homes. Call Engle Printing & Publishing Co., Inc, Classifieds, a member of Independent Free Papers of America- IFPA, at 1-800-428-4211 for more information. AIRLINES ARE HIRING- Get FAA approved hands on Aviation training. Financial aid for qualified students- Career placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 1-888-686-1704. (NANI) AT&T INTERNET. Get more for your HighSpeed Internet Thing. Starting at $40/month w/12-mo agmt. Includes 1TB of data per month. Ask us how to bundle and SAVE! Geo & svc restrictions apply. Call us today 1-833-7070984. BATHROOM RENOVATIONS. EASY, ONE DAY updates! We specialize in safe bathing. Grab bars, no slip flooring & seated showers. Call for a free in-home consultation: 1-888-912-4745 (NANI)


BECOME A PUBLISHED Author. We want to read your book! Dorrance PublishingTrusted by authors since 1920. Book manuscript submissions currently being reviewed. Comprehensive Services: Consultation, Production, Promotion and Distribution. Call for your Free Author’s Guide 1-877-626-2213.


CARS/ TRUCKS WANTED!! All makes/ models 2000-2016! Any condition. Running or not. Top $$$ Paid! Free Towing! We’re nationwide! Call now: 1-888-985-1806


MERCHANDISER - Donegal Edition - December 5, 2018 - 17



CALL EMPIRE TODAY® to schedule a FREE in-home estimate on Carpeting & Flooring. Call Today! 1-800-508-2824

OXYGEN- ANYTIME. ANYWHERE. No tanks to refill. No deliveries. The All New Inogen One G4 is only 2.8 pounds! FAA approved FREE info kit: 1-844-558-7482

GREINER FARM: FIREWOOD Dry, seasoned. Delivered. 717-629-9069

CDL DRIVER Seeking FT or PT Class “A” Driver to run day trips: make deliveries, pick up equip., load/unload, forklift, paperwork, etc. Must have valid driv. lic. with excellent driving record. Benefits for f-t. Start immed. Call ASAP For appt. 717-681-0085.


CASH FOR CARS: We Buy Any Condition Vehicle, 2002 and Newer. Nationwide Free Pickup! Call Now: 1-800-864-5960


SLEEP APNEA PATIENTS- If you have Medicare coverage, call Verus Healthcare to qualify for CPAP supplies for little or no cost in minutes. Home Delivery, Healthy Sleep Guide and moreFREE! Our customer care agents await your call. 1-844-545-9175


CROSS COUNTRY MOVING. Long Distance Moving Company, out of state move $799, Long Distance Movers. Get free quote on your long distance move, 1-800-511-2181 DENTAL INSURANCE. Call Physicians Mutual Insurance Company for details. NOT just a discount plan, REAL coverage for 350 procedures. 1-888-623-3036 or AD# 6118 (NANI) DIRECTV CHOICE ALL-INCLUDED Package. Over 185 Channels! ONLY $45/month (for 24 mos.) Call Now- Get NFL Sunday Ticket FREE! CALL 1-855-781-1565 Ask Us How To Bundle & Save! DISH TV $59.99 FOR 190 channels + $14.95 High Speed Internet. Free Installation, Smart HD DVR included, Free Voice Remote. Some restrictions apply. 1-800-718-1593 (NANI) DISH TV $59.99 for 190 Channels; $14.95 High Speed Internet. Free Installation, Smart HD DVR included. Free Voice Remote. Some restrictions apply. Call 1855-837-9146 DONATE YOUR CAR - Fast Free Towing, 24hr. Response - Tax Deduction. Help save lives! United Breast Cancer Foundation. 1-866-616-6266 (NANI) DONATE YOUR CAR - Fast Free Towing, 24hr Response - Tax Deduction. United Breast Cancer Foundation. Your donation can help save a life! 1-877-6543662 EARTHLINK HIGH SPEED INTERNET. As low as $14.95/month (for the first 3 months). Reliable High Speed, Fiber Optic Technology. Stream videos, music & more! Call Earthlink today 1-855-5207938 ENJOY 100% GUARANTEED, delivered to the door Omaha Steaks! Makes a great Holiday gift! SAVE 75% PLUS get 4 free Burgers! Order The Family Gourmet Feast- ONLY $49.99. Call 1-855-3490656 mention code 55586TJC or visit

SPECTRUM TRIPLE PLAY! TV, Internet & Voice for $29.99 ea. 60 mb per second speed. No contract or commitment. More channels. Faster internet. Unlimited voice. Call 1-877-338-2315 (NANI) SPECTRUM TRIPLE PLAY! TV, Internet & Voice for $29.99 ea. 60 MB per second speed. No contract or commitment. More Channels. Faster Internet. Unlimited Voice. Call 1-855-652-9304 STAY IN YOUR home longer with an American Standard Walk-in Bathtub. Receive up to $1,500 off, including a free toilet, and a lifetime warranty on the tub and installation! Call us at 1-844-374-0013 STAY IN YOUR home longer with an American Standard Walk-In Bathtub. Receive up to $1,500 off, including a free toilet, and a lifetime warranty on the tub and installation! Call us at 1-855-534-6198 (NANI)


CONSTRUCTION EQUIP. OPERATORS, DUMP TRUCK DRIVERS W/ CDL, DIRT PIPE & ASPHALT LABORERS. All positions require experience. FT with benefits. Must have drivers license and pass drug screening. Apply M-F, 9-3 W. Craig Adams, Inc., 107 Campbell Rd, York, PA 717-751-0231 or email resume to

General A BUSY HOTEL NEEDS HOUSEKEEPERS Full-time / Part-time BREAKFAST BAR ATTENDANTS Full-time/ Part-time Positions Start time is 6:30am. Must be available wknds, holidays, have reliable transportation and telephone. Apply in person only at: SureStay Plus Hotel 147 Merts Dr., Elizabethtown.

CAREGIVERS NEEDED: CNA's, HHA's & care assistants, make a difference in the life of a senior and put your caregiving experience to work. All shifts available. Call Visiting Angels at 717-393-3450.

Join our Team CSG offers a team oriented & supportive work environment for our employees while offering the opportunity to make a difference every day helping to improve the lives of others.

SUFFERING FROM AN ADDICTION to Alcohol, Opiates, Prescription Painkillers or other DRUGS? There is hope! Call Today to speak with someone who cares. Call NOW 1-855-866-0913

We offer a wide range of career opportunities in our IDD/ASD & MH Services & Business Operations. We have positions for those new to human services who have a HS Diploma/GED. We also have opportunities for those w/Associates, Bachelors or Masters Degs. & licensed professionals.


CSG offers: •Industry competitive compensation. •FT, PT & PRN (Flex) hrs. •Health & Life Ins (Avail for employees, spouses & domestic partners who qualify) •Up to 4 wks of Paid Time Off based on wkly hrs & Other Paid Leave. •Career Advancement & Paid Training. •401K (Up to 4% company match) & Flex Spending Accounts. •Travel Reimbursement, Wellness Initiatives, EAP, Tuition Assistance & more!


Ins & Benefits availability will vary by position

COAL/ WOOD/ PELLET Stoves and Inserts, New & Refurbished. Over 300 models in stock. $100-$800 & up. Buy/ Sell/ Trade. Call 717-577-6640

For a complete list of open positions, please visit

UNABLE TO WORK due to injury or illness? Call Bill Gordon & Assoc., Social Security Disability Attorneys! FREE evaluation. Local attorneys nationwide 1-855-4986323 [Mail: 2420 N St NW, Washington DC. Office: Broward Co. FL (TX/NM Bar.)]

Together, We Can Do Great Things! EOE

HEAR AGAIN! Try our hearing aid for just $75 down and $50 per month! Call 1-800-426-4212 and mention 88272 for a risk free trial! FREE SHIPPING!

STOP IN TO APPLY ANYTIME! 1175 Enterprise Rd., East Petersburg, PA 17520 717-396-1001 e-mail resume to “It takes all of us to deliver the perfect trip”


NOW HIRING CANDY PRODUCTION Long Term Positions Available in Hershey! $ 12 per hour

LINE COOK Great pay!

1050 W. Main St., Mount Joy **NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE**

WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD REACH CHESTER, LANCASTER, YORK, AND DAUPHIN COUNTIES? Reaching over 407,000 households every week with your advertising message is significant. Call 1-800-428-4211 and ask for the "360 SPECIAL" to find out how.


Immediate Openings and Paid Training. No Experience Required.

DRIVER NEEDED TO DO LOCAL ERRANDS, 5-10hrs per week. Retirees welcome, $10/hr to start. 717-200-1536

MASONRY HELP WANTED, In search of Masons and Mason tenders, Looking for a motivated, Honest hardworking individual, someone who works well along side the team, Hourly pay, paid holidays, Paid vac. Please Contact S J Masonry @ 717-344-5360 or email


We offer: • Entry Level Production Work • Daily and weekend overtime • Weekly pay • Direct deposit • Benefits • Three Paid Holidays Call to schedule an appointment today! 24 Northeast Drive, Suite A, Hershey Monday-Friday 8am to 3pm

717-489-3001 Drug Free Workplace/EOE/Affirmative Action Employer

Industrial Maintenance PRL Inc., with locations in Cornwall and Lebanon PA, is a fully integrated manufacturer of high specification castings for a broad base of customers throughout the United States. PRL proudly manufactures a wide variety of high quality components utilized in our nation’s fleet of submarines, air craft carriers and other vessels, as well as components utilized in a variety of commercial, nuclear power and petro chemical applications.

Industrial Maintenance The successful candidate should have knowledge/experience in metals manufacturing within a foundry, metals processing/casting upgrade operations, and machining. Requirements: • Experience in mechanical / facilities / electrical (480V/3PH) maintenance preferably in a manufacturing environment. • Preventative maintenance experience. • Driver’s license is required.

HUGHESNET SATELLITE INTERNET25mbps starting at $49.99/mo! FAST download speeds. WiFi built in! FREE Standard Installation for lease customers! Limited Time. Call 1-800-6104790

The following added qualifications are desired: • Ability to troubleshoot and resolve issues. • Knowledge of PLCs and programming. • Can read blueprints and schematics. • Competent computer skills. • A desire to continuously learn.

INVENTORS- FREE INFORMATION PACKAGE. Have your product idea developed affordably by the Research & Development pros and presented to manufacturers. Call 1-888-501-0236 for a Free Idea Starter Guide. Submit your idea for a free consultation. (NANI) LUNG CANCER? AND Age 60+? You and your family may be entitled to significant cash award. Call 1-866-428-1639 for information. No risk. No Money Out of Pocket.

Benefits include: Health (Blue Cross) and Dental Insurance (Delta), 401k plan with match, Disability and Life Insurance, and competitive compensation. Looking for a career? Come join our staff of highly skilled employees in a TEAM environment manufacturing/providing key components and assisting our proud military personnel in defending our country and constitution. Apply in person, e-mail or fax your resume to:

MEDICAL BILLING & CODING TRAINING! Train at home to process Medical Billing & Insurance! CTI can get you job ready! 1-833-766-4511, HS Diploma/ GED required. (NANI)

Joel Valigorsky, Human Resources

PRL Inc.

NEW AUTHORS WANTED! Page Publishing will help you self-publish your own book. FREE author submission kit! Limited offer! Why wait? Call now: 1-866-951-7214. (NANI)

64 Rexmont Road, Cornwall, PA 17016 717-273-6787, x144; Fax (717) 270-2870 R026121



Gus's Keystone Family Restaurant NOW HIRING

** STOP STRUGGLING ON THE STAIRS** Give your life a lift with an ACORN STAIRLIFT! Call now for $250 OFF your stairlift purchase and FREE DVD & brochure! 1-855-388-6710. (NANI)

TOP CASH FOR CARS. Any car/truck, running or not. Call for INSTANT offer: 1-888-417-9150


PRL Inc. is an Equal Employment Opportunity and Drug Free Employer Check out more about PRL and our other career opportunities at!


CARS/TRUCKS WANTED!!! 2002 and Newer! Any condition. Running or not. Competitive Offer! Free Towing! We’re Nationwide! Call Now 1-888-416-2330





18 - MERCHANDISER - Donegal Edition - December 5, 2018

Part-time with the possibility of full-time,

IMMEDIATE OPENINGS Automotive Counter Sales Mount Joy & Elizabethtown areas. • Full-time • Full company benefits. Call 717-342-2115 for details.

Mechanical Trades R026249

Office admin and basic computer functions, insurance processes and consideration for P&C license. Assistance with marketing plan and implementation. No phone calls. Send resume to



Evenings and Weekends Must have a valid driver’s license & good driving record. $ 15.00 per hr. to start

Best Professionals Cleaning, LLC (717) 449-5292

2 FT AUTO MECHANICS NEEDED at our Elizabethtown & Ephrata locations. Must have min. 2 yrs exp. State & emissions license a plus. Apply in person or call Ray 3555 Rothsville Rd, Ephrata 717-733-8180 ELECTRICIAN NEEDED with 3-4 yrs exp. in Residential & Light Commercial wiring. Familiar with NEC code. Call for interview 717-875-7972 or 717-615-1103

Part-Time Cleaning Help Needed

Contact us at:


EXPERIENCED CARPENTERS NEEDED in Photography studio. Indoor, year-round work. Qualified applicants will be proficient in spackling, sanding and finishing of walls and ceilings. Excellent trim skills, (casing, baseboard & crown), are essential. Cabinetry, flooring and fixture installation experience is also necessary. Must have own hand tools and reliable transportation. Benefit pkg includes health insurance, vacation, holidays, and 401K. Please respond to ad with resume, work history, contact information to SERVICE TEAM PAYING TOP $ FOR EXPERIENCE! Must be mechanically inclined. Able to trouble shoot and make repairs on equipment. On-hands training provided. 1st shift w/ OT. Valid driver’s license needed. HIRING NOW! Call ASAP 717-681-0085.

to help maintain large fleet Tools and good driving record required. Inspection license helpful. ASE certification also helpful. Excellent working conditions. Health, Dental & Vision insurance. 401K program. Uniforms provided. Will train right person.

Call (717) 361-1850




Want a chance to win some extra holiday spending money? Take the Merchandiser, Advertiser, Penny Saver and Community Courier reader survey to be entered in a drawing to win a $250 gift card to one of our advertisers! derSurvey18 or Hurry! Survey closes Sunday, December 9! KEYSTONE RECORD COLLECTORS MUSIC EXPO. EXPO East Petersburg, PA 17520 Spooky Nook Sports Lanco, 1901 Miller Rd Dec. 9, 2018, 9am-3pm, Dealers BUY, SELL, TRADE. Albums, 45s, CDs, DVDs. Reasonably Priced. All Music Styles. FREE ADMISSION. Info? 610-932-7852. READ YOUR AD THE FIRST WEEK IT APPEARS

This publication will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement.

SERVICES RENDERED ATTENTION READERS PA law requires Home Improvement contractors with annual billing of over $5,000 to be registered with the Attorney General’s office. This registration enables consumers to trace contractors should issues arise between you and a contractor. We encourage readers to acquire references for any contractor you consider hiring.

PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOUNDING LAB in Kennett Square. FT & PT-On the job training. Must have strong work ethic, follow direction, eager attitude, able to work in a clean environment, & be well-organized. Competitive wages, flex. hr’s+ benefits. or call 800-476-7496 EOE

FOUND AN ITEM...? Place a FREE 15-20 word ad in the next available issue to locate the owner of your found item. Call our Classified Dept. 1-800-428-4211


Full & Part-Time

Must have driver’s license and own transportation.

Areas: Mount Joy, Marietta, Hershey Good opportunity for career-minded individual

Call Jen 717-659-4234

DONEGAL CLEANING SERVICE 271 W. Market St., Marietta



READ YOUR AD THE FIRST WEEK IT APPEARS. This publication will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement.

ALLEGIANT TREE CARE Free estimates, fully insured, honest pricing! 20 years exp. Call for tree/ shrub pruning/ removal 717-598-9857


STUMP GRINDING 717-291-6898 Lester E. Probst. Free Estimates JUST STUMPS. Quality Workmanship.


Full Service Plumbing. WHY PAY MORE! All Your Plumbing Needs. PA 023647 Dan, 717-381-7118

AMISH MOVING COMPANY Will move households (will go out of state). Fair prices for Clean Outs of Attics, Basements. 717-442-3301 ANDY’S DRYWALL Interior Remodeling, Hanging, Finishing, Framing, Painting, Basements, Additions, Textured Ceilings & Walls. Insured. PA 022669. 717-587-4102 BACKHOE SERVICES: Footers, Ditches Water & Sewer Lines Repaired & Replaced, Drain Fields, Etc. Stump removals. Hauling. 24hrs, 7 days/wk. Free est. 717-578-3101 BRADY’S PAINTING WALLPAPERING SPECIALISTS. Res/Com. Painting, wood finishing, wallpaper, pressurewashing, custom deck, complete remodeling. Free est. Insured. Tim, 717-653-8586 CD BEILER CONSTRUCTION ROOFING, DECKING, SCREENED PORCHES PA LIC. 112619, LIC & INSURED. 717-723-6576 AMISH OWNED AND OPERATED CLEAN OUT BASEMENTS, houses, yards, commercial cleanout, painting/demo work. Very reasonable prices. 717-342-9839

STUMP GRINDING AND removal and land clearing. Free estimate and insured. 717-305-4799 EARTHWISE LANDSCAPE & TREE CARE We use modern pruning techniques for the health & safety of your trees & shrubs. Certified arborist on staff. Also removals, storm damage, & yard clean-up. 717-6262541 (PA 088021)


ITEMS WANTED AMERICAN & FOREIGN CARS $$ PAYING CASH $$ for Classic & Collector Cars. 717-577-8206 AT SUSQUEHANNA COIN, Willow Valley Square, our 37th year paying top pricesfor gold, silver, coins, jewelry, sterling, etc. 717-464-4016. BRITISH MOTORCYCLES WANTED Triumph, Norton, BSA, etc., running or not. I pay more. 484-252-1708, anytime. BUYING HEATING OIL at .30¢ a gallon. Also remove heating oil tanks and furnaces. Call Ed 717-587-7315.

A&L TRIMMING, Interior Triming, Cabinet Installations, Install New Flooring 717-529-9017 Leave Message

CLOCK REPAIR Housecalls on Grandfather Clocks Clocks Bought & Sold Trager Clocks 717-786-7053


HAULING, JUNK REMOVAL. Bsmts, sheds, garages cleaned out. Tree brush. Odd jobs. We also move people. Free est. Visa/ MC/ Disc/ AmEx. 717-456-6051; 410-688-7569

For Rent

Find It In The Classified Section ALL PLASTER REPAIRS including radiant heat. Low-dust rock hard system & painting. PA51739 717-560-5 6 6 8

NOW HIRING PRODUCTION POSITIONS Local Company With Positions Available For Responsible Individuals Looking For Long Term Employment. Must Be A Good Team Player Willing To Work In A Fast-Paced Environment. Must Be Capable Of Performing Repetitive Lifting Of 30-50 Pounds. • Full-time 40 Hour Work Week Monday thru Thursday - 6 AM To 4 PM • Comprehensive Benefit Package Including Medical, Dental, 401(K), Life Insurance. • Competitive Wages With Progressive Increases In The First Year. Interested Persons May Apply In Person Mon.-Fri., 7:30 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.

ANGLEBOARD 1605 Zeager Road Elizabethtown, PA 17022

CLASSIC CARS WANTED Sports cars, Muscle cars, Classic cars, Pick-ups, etc. Jeff Gast 717-575-4561

EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY All real estate advertised in this publication is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act DRYWALL & PLASTER Repair, warr. work; Prompt, clean, neat, prof. Satisfaction and the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act which makes it illegal to advertise a preferguar. 717-951-5077, MasterPlaster. ence, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, ancestry, sex, national FEW OPENINGS LEFT! - Honest, hardorigin, handicap (physical or mental) or working, reliable housecleaner looking familial status (people with children) or an to fill my schedule. intention to make any such preference, lim(References Available) Contact Kristen itation or discrimination. This publication @717-537-8504 will not knowingly accept any advertisement for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hearby informed HARDWOOD FLOOR REFINISHING & INSTALLATION. Since 1996. Affordable. that all dwellings advertised in this publication are required to be available on an Superb work. Licensed. equal opportunity basis. 717-468-1164 *NOTE TO OUR CUSTOMERS* When placing your real estate ad please HAUL YOUR JUNK AWAY describe the property only, not who you From home, yard waste, appliances; wish to occupy it. Whatever! Also shed removal. 717-669-7854 Also Trees Cut Down & Removed.

JACK’S PROFESSIONAL PAINTING. Ext/int. Powerwashing & deck treatment. No job to big or too small. 20yrs+ exp. 717-367-4231

CARRIAGE HOUSE APT. 1530 Harrisburg Ave, MJ. 1 BR, detached structure w/2 floors, family rm, dining, kitchen, 1 1/2 baths. Recent renovation, convenient location. Avail immed. 717-471-3304.


EGG PROCESSING Entry Level Positions Includes Weekends & Holidays Good Starting Wage & Benefits

Get application: Send resume to

Can apply in person!




AFFORDABLE LANDSCAPING, LEAF Cleanup, Bushes Trimmed, Mulching. Jeff 717-604-1306. Senior Discount.

CLOCK DOCTOR All Fine Clocks Cleaned, Oiled, Repaired. We Make House Calls! Free Pick-Up & Delivery! Call: 717-768-3844




Ads submitted to us that begin with A-1, 1-A, AAA, etc for position purposes, will No Longer Be Accepted This Way, unless proven that it is part of your Registered Business Name.






Apply in person: Walt, 2202 S. Market St.

Elizabethtown, PA 17022


220 Eby Chiques Road, Mount Joy, PA 17552 717-653-8061




MERCHANDISER - Donegal Edition - December 5, 2018 - 19

For Rent


For Rent


ELIZABETHTOWN. 3 BR HOUSE, 2-car garage. Completely remodeled. Lanlord pays W/S/T. $1550/mo. 717-617-7965.

CASH FOR YOUR UNWANTED CAR & TRUCK. Any condition. PA licensed & insured dealer. 717-350-1208, anytime.


MOUNT JOY SINGLE 1 story home with attached garage on private street. 2 bedrooms, 1 bath. New carpet, very nice condition. $1050 per month plus all utilities. No pets, No smoking. Contact Bob at DONEGAL REAL ESTATE 717-426-4350.

(WANTED) CARS/ TRUCKS WANTED!!! All makes/ models 2002-2018! Any condition. Running or not. Competitive offer! Free Towing! We’re Nationwide! Call Now: 1-888-368-1016

ELIZABETHTOWN 12X28 STORAGE UNITS- $125/mo. Call On Track Storage, 717-367-5109

MOUNT JOY TOWNHOUSE, 2BR, 1.5 BA, all appliances, no pets, sec. dep., $900/mo plus all utils. 717-367-5109.


COLUMBIA/WRIGHSTVILLE 1&2BR APTS W/W carpet, gas heat, C/A, appls, w/s/t incl, central loc, $700-$900mo + sec dep, ref. req. No pets/smoking. 717-684-3584

ELIZABETHTOWN 1BR APT, 2nd flr, w/s/t included. NO SMOKING/PETS. $525/mo + sec. dep. 717-426-2264 ELIZABETHTOWN 2 BEDROOM, 1.5 bath townhouse, landlord pays w/s/t, includes all appliances. No pets, no smoking. Avail 1/20/19. $810/mo. Call 717-367-6342

$100-$5,000 PAID for unwanted or junk autos. Free same day removal. All paperwork taken care of legally. PA licensed and insured. Call anytime 717-989-6980.

Auto & Truck Repair

EAST HEMP. – 4 BR Single $1,575 LITITZ – 2 BR Townhouse $950 MANHEIM – 2 BR Apt $795 MANHEIM TWP – 2 BR Apt $825 MILLERSVILLE AREA 4+ BR $2,600 MOUNTVILLE 1 BR Loft $895 WEST HEMPFIELD – 2 BR Apt $925 View All our Listings & Apply On-Line

MOUNT JOY/ ELIZABETHTOWN, 3 BR APT, 2 BATH. Donegal schools, completely remodeled. ground floor MBR. tenant pays electric, cable. Free use of community pool/gym. $1195/mo. 717-617-7965.

$100-$800 For Your Unwanted Junk Cars-Trucks- Vans- SUVs. Prompt, Honest Service. Call KZ 717-847-6083 PA0002

3 Free Customer Shuttle 3 Work done RIGHT the First time, On time 3 Same day service on most repairs 3 We service all makes & models including Medium Duty Trucks

COLUMBIA 2BR, 1ST FLR APT. Off-street parking, landlord pays w/s/t, $850/mo. No pets, No smoking, No exceptions. Please call & give a little info about yourself... How many people will live in the apt? Where do you live now? How long have you lived there? Where do you work & how long have you worked there? Call 717-333-3079 COLUMBIA NEW 2BR, 1.5BA Townhouse Apt. gas heat, C/A, laundry room with w/d, tile floor kit/bath, wood floor in living room, no pets/smoking, $1100/ mo. sec. dep and ref req., 717-684-3584


IT’S EASY TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD CALL 717-653-9848 or 1-800-428-4211 Monday-Friday 8:00am-4:30pm

FAX 717-492-2566 24 Hours a day Your ad will be processed on the next business day.

VISIT Our front counter Monday thru Friday 8:00am-4:30pm

1425 West Main Street Mount Joy, PA

ONLINE Submit your ad to us at

COMMERCIAL SPACE, DOWNTOWN MANHEIM 1500 sf., 3rd flr, wood flrs, high ceilings, off-st prkng, $630/mo. 717-665-3451 or 717-575-1631

6’x12’ & up, starting at $40/mo Elizabethtown. 717-367-1438

MOUNTVILLE FARMHOUSE, 3BR, 1.5 BA, 2 car garage, no smoking, no pets. $800/mo + utils, sec dep. 717-285-4335

ELIZABETHTOWN 2&3BR HOUSES 3BR $1200/mo & 2BA $925/mo No smoking inside. Pets considered. 717-575-3083

RENT-TO-OWN. $1495/MO + utilities. Elizabethtown Schools, 3bdrm, 2ba, 1 car garage. 717-836-0209, Melissa

ELIZABETHTOWN 2BR APT W/S/T included. No pets. Security deposit. $685/mo. 717-367-1528

RENT-TO-OWN. $1495/MO + utilities. Historic Marietta, 3bdrm, 2ba, 2 car garage, brand new updates. 717-8360209, Melissa

LONG-TERM MOTEL ROOMS FOR RENT. Refrigerator, Microwave & non-smoking avail. Manheim Area., Lancaster Co. FREE WIFI. 717-665-2938 MARIETTA 1-2 BR GARDEN APTS includes Stove, Refrig, A/C, W/W, off-street prkng, $755-$815 + elec. 717-487-2440 2 BR TOWNHOUSES & GARDEN APTS. 2BR Garden Apts includes Stove, Refrig, A/C, W/W, off-street prkng, $795-$835 + elec., small pets. 717-604-4055 MAYTOWN: 2BR OPEN NOW. At the Square. Rent $831 includes ALL utilities (heat/hot water/sewer/trash/ electricity). NO PETS. Minimum income $18,888 required. Section 8 accepted & waives the minimum income. Call today 717-517-9257. Community Basics, Inc. an Equal Housing Opportunity. MOUNT JOY 2BR MOBILE HOME. stove, refrigerator, trash included. Large yard, porch. No Pets, No Smoking. $800/mo+ sec. 717-653-4872 MOUNT JOY 3BR 1st fl. $925/mo incl. appl., storage, off-st prkg, w/s/t. No smoking. No dogs. 527 Donegal Springs Rd., 717-879-9105

RWPM - 717-399-0100 Manheim Twp. 124 Lincoln St. 4BR 1.5BA Semi-detached..............$1195 Columbia 130 N. 4th St. 1BR 3rd Flr..............................................$675 East Petersburg: 6040 Pine St. Semi-detached 3BR 1.5BA 1 car garage across from park..........$1195 Also Great Houses & Apartments Available in Lancaster City

1994 FEATHERLITE ENCLOSED car trailer, 28’, all alum, many upgrades including 10,000 lb super winch. $15,900 obo. 717-892-0675 $200 TO $5000 CASH PAID FOR JUNK & USED VEHICLES. FREE REMOVAL. PAPER WORK TAKEN CARE OF LEGALLY. Call 717-799-3872, 717-823-1864 $50-$1000 CASH PAID ON ALL VEHICLES Serving York & Lancaster. 24/7 service. Call anytime 717-515-2607

GOT TOYOTA? ALL TOYOTAS Parts, Repairs, Sales, Srvc. New, Oem, Used, Aftm. Weikle’S + save 717-417-2726 HARD-FRAME TRI-FOLD TONNEAU COVER, 5’, off short bed Chevy Colorado, locks, like new, $200, 717-367-1651 leave message.

CYCLES BRITISH MOTORCYCLES WANTED Triumph, Norton, BSA, etc., running or not. I pay more. 484-252-1708, anytime. CASH PAID FOR ATV’s, ATC’s, Motorcycles, 2, 3 or 4 Wheelers, Any Year, Running Or Not. Please Call 610-656-3158

PA State & Emission Inspection


4995 +

Certified Technicians

Sticker and Program Management Fee Limited time only.

Oil Change Special



Includes a FREE seasonal check up:

1125 Strickler Rd., Mount Joy, PA 17552 S997858

For Rent

717-287-1120 Monday-Friday 8am-6pm

3 Brake Check 3 All Fluid Levels Check 3 Suspension Check 3 Lights Check 3 Radiator & Coolant Check 3 Belts & Hoses Check 3 Tire Check 3 Plus Road Test! For faster service, please call ahead for an appointment. Most cars & light trucks. Oil change includes up to 5 qts. of semi-synthetic blend motor oil.

SHARE NICE CLEAN 2BR Furnished Apt. Mount Joy. For Details 717-758-9829


For Sale

Rt. 422 & 645, Myerstown, PA

SEAFORD, DELAWARE NEW MOVE-IN READY HOMES! Low Taxes! Close to Beaches, Gated, Olympic pool. Model Homes from the low 100’s. Brochures. 1-866-629-0770 or

Large Selection Of Quality Pre Owned Vehicles

Auto Sales

(717) 866 5237 Hours: Mon. Fri. 8 A.M. 8 P.M.; Sat. 8 A.M. 5 P.M.; Closed Sunday

WE BUY HOMES $ $ $ CASH $ $ $ Any Condition - Any Location Cherkin R.E., 717-392-5200.

Wanted WE BUY HOUSES & APARTMENT BUILDINGS Any Condition. Tired of being a landlord? Cash out today! No Realtor Fees. Fast Easy Cash Settlement! 717-598-2661

2016 FORD F-150 4X4 QUAD-CAB XLT 5.0L V8, AT, AC, CR, PW, PL, Pwr. Seat, AM/FM, Remote Start, Long Bed, Black, 98,290 Mi. $21,900

2017 CHRYSLER PACIFICA TOURING-L 3.6L V6, AT, Dual-AC, Heated Leather, Pwr. Sliders & Hatch, AM/FM, Remote Start, Gray, 48,660 Mi. $19,800

2015 CHEVY EQUINOX LS AWD 5 PASS. 2.4L 4 Cyl., AT, AC, CR, Tilt, PW, PL, Pwr. Seat, On Star, AM/FM/CD, Keyless Entry, Dark Blue, 28,190 Mi. $16,900

2014 CHEVY EXPRESS 1500 CARGO 4.3L V6, AT, AC, Stabilitrak, PW, PL, AM/FM, 7300/GVWR, White, 46,930 Mi. $15,900

2013 KIA SOUL 4DR 1.6L 4 Cyl., AT, AC, CR, Tilt, PW, PL, AM/FM/CD, Trac-Control, Keyless Entry, Black, 52,660 Mi. $9,900


2015 HONDA ODYSSEY EX 8 PASS. 3.5L V6, AT, Dual AC, Pwr. Seats, Pwr. Sliders, Reverse Camera, AM/FM/CD, Black, 47,050 Mi. $19,900

2015 HONDA CR-V LX AWD 5 PASS. 2.4L 4 Cyl., AT, AC, CR, Tilt, PW, PL, Reverse Camera, AM/FM/CD, Keyless Entry, Light Blue, 55,380 Mi. $15,900

2015 CHEVY EXPRESS 2500LS 12 PASS. 4.8L V8, AT, Dual AC, Stabilitrak, CR, Tilt, PW, PL, AM/FM/CD, Reverse Camera, Dark Blue, 69,130 Mi. $16,900

2014 FORD FOCUS SE 4DR 2.0L 4Cyl., AT, AC, CR, PW, PL, Pwr. Seats, Leather, SYNC, AM/FM/CD, Keyless Entry, Red, 40,760 Mi. $9,900

Manufactured Housing REAL ESTATE

BUY DIRECT Unbelievable prices. Hunting Cabin & Landlord Specials, New & Used Doublewides & Singlewides $9900 717-875-1288

Specializing in Northwest Lancaster County

HANDYMAN SPECIALS! A few left! Abandoned mfg. homes 4sale in lower Dauphin school dist. Call 717-367-1122

Looking for a nice place for your new or preowned home and family? 24 Hour on call service, professionally managed and maintained Communities that "Feel like Home". Available lots within Beautiful Communities in York, Dauphin, Cumberland, Lancaster, Luzerne and Perry Counties. Select communities are offering FREE RENT; 3 TO 12 MONTHS FREE! Call today for details! 717 730-4141

COUNTRY RANCH - Lovely 2 bedroom 1 story home in East Donegal Township on Marietta Avenue near Long Lane. Hardwood floors throughout, living room with wood burning fireplace, oil hot water baseboard heat, new windows, central air conditioning, attic walk-up storage, enclosed heated sunroom, full unfinished basement, 2-car garage. Beautiful yard. Priced at $157,500.




AUTOMOTIVE AUTOS FOR SALE 2011 HYUNDAI SONATA SE, 4 dr, 70,200 miles, AT, sunroof, nav, exc cond. No accidents. Gray. $9995. 717-492-0478

6.0L V8, AT, AC, On-Star, CD, Keyless Entry, 9500/GVWR, Silver, 93,350 Mi. $27,900



20 - MERCHANDISER - Donegal Edition - December 5, 2018

Skating Show To Tackle Big Questions By Ann Mead Ash

A December skating show has been a hallmark of the Red Rose Figure Skating Club since 2006. For 2018, Ursula Wolfer, lead choreographer for the presentation, chose to tackle questions concerning acceptance of self and others in a show titled “Mirror Mirror.” The Red Rose Figure Skating Club show will be presented on

Saturday, Dec. 8, at 1 and 5 p.m. at the Lancaster Ice Rink, 371 Carerra Drive, Lancaster. The show will feature up to 45 skaters ranging from 4-year-olds to adults. Solos in the show will be performed by high school seniors and skaters who have reached the elite level in the club. The 2018 soloists will include Manheim Township High School student Katelyn Young, Lancaster Catholic High

School student Erin Regan, Hempfield High School students Courtney Meyers and Ellamay Cassidy, Red Land High School student Makayla Robitaille, and Lancaster Mennonite High School student Dulce Shenk-Zeager. For the story of “Mirror Mirror,” Wolfer reflected on the themes of two Disney Channel movies - “Descendants,” which tells the tale of children of storybook villains, and “Zombies,” a musical that pits zombies and humans against each other in a high school setting. According to Wolfer, the story of “Mirror Mirror” begins in a lovely village filled with princes, princesses, and heroes. Audience members will be welcomed to step

Skaters who will take part in the Red Rose Figure Skating Club’s “Mirror Mirror” show include (from left) Courtney Meyers, Erin Regan, Katelyn Young, Ellamay Cassidy, Makayla Robitaille, and Dulce Shenk-Zeager. The show will be staged on Saturday, Dec. 8, at 1 and 5 p.m. at the Lancaster Ice Rink.

into the magic mirror and visit this town where life is good. Wolfer said that musical performances for this portion of the show will be set to the songs “Happy” and “The Best Day of My Life.” However, all is not perfectly well in the town of royalty and heroes. “We rarely stop to think about the struggles these heroes may have,” said Wolfer. “Every princess is searching for her prince, and how does she know that he loves her for who she really is?” Wolfer said one of the princesses in the show will skate to Whitney Houston’s “How Will I Know?” “We are showing another side of (the princesses),” explained Wolfer. “They are not sure how the public perceives them, and they are a little insecure. They’re going through what a lot of teens go through.” No village of princes and princesses would be complete without a ball, so the town hosts a big party. The fete, however, is interrupted by uninvited guests when zombies and the storybook villlains’ descendants arrive. The arrival of these characters

shakes things up in the town, according to Wolfer. Preconceived notions and stereotypes are questioned as the characters consider the implications of living life differently. “The ‘Descendants’ characters question whether they can try being good,” said Wolfer, adding that the princesses and heroes consider whether they should retaliate for the unkindness they have experienced. “We end the act with a lot of questions,” said Wolfer, who noted that the last number will be skated to Aerosmith’s “Walk This Way.” Wolfer noted that when the second half of the story opens, the town will be segregated. “The good and evil live together, but not really,” she said. “We look at Zombieville, and there’s a cheerleading number … but the zombies aren’t allowed to take part.” Members of the town dream of a place where all its citizens can be who they are and live and work together in appreciation of each other’s differences. Wolfer skated with Disney on Ice for several years, and she has brought her professional experience to the choreography of the show. “In our finale number, we bring in every age and level skater on the ice together for a number,” she said.

Annual Advent Service Posted The Octorara Covenanter Presbyterian Foundation will hold its annual Advent service at Middle Octorara Presbyterian Church, 1199 Valley Road, Quarryville, on Sunday, Dec. 9, at 3 p.m. The program will feature Highland bagpiping by Thompson McConnell, Dan Emery on small piper and fiddle, and Shirley Girvin on organ and accordion. In addition, the Christmas story from Matthew and Luke will be read in Braid Scots by Donald Henderson. Vocal solos, duets, and congregational singing will also be included. “We do a giant pinwheel with this mixed group. (This display) is almost a signature of our shows.” Readers who wish to purchase tickets to the show may email Tickets for certain seating areas will be discounted. Children age 2 and under who sit on a caregiver’s lap will be admitted free.

Come To Our House Of Worship BOSSLER MENNONITE CHURCH: 2021 Bossler Rd., Elizabethtown. 717-3675169. Pastor Fred Garber. All are welcome to join us each Sunday. Schedule: Sun. Morning Prayer 8:30 am., Sunday School 9 am, Sun. Worship 10 am. Bossler Christian Preschool, a ministry of Bossler Mennonite Church, meets on Tues, Wed, & Thur. 717-537-8192.

COMMUNITY BIBLE CHURCH: Welcomes you! 331 Anderson Ferry Rd (off Rt. 441 on Rt. 772), PO Box 180, Marietta, PA 17547 717-426-1345 Sun 9am & 10:45am. Worship & ministries for all ages; Wed 7pm. AWANA Clubs children’s ministry, Youth (Jr. & Sr. High), & Adult Life Grps (throughout the week). Nursery provided for most services. We welcome you to Love God, Love Others, & Reach Out with us!

CALVARY BIBLE CHURCH: 629 Union School Rd. Mount Joy 717-653-5857

CONOY BRETHREN IN CHRIST CHURCH: 1722 Bainbridge Rd, Elizabethtown. Al Frank, Sr. Pastor. Sunday Services: 10:30am. Worship Celebration & Children’s Church. Nursery provided for most services. Church office 717-367-7915

CHIQUES UNITED METHODIST CHURCH: 1215 E. Main St., Mount Joy. Pastor Mike Byrd. Traditional Worship 9am, Coffeehouse Service 10:30am, Sunday School offered at 9am & 10:30am for all ages, Kidz Club 10:45am. Nursery provided at both services. Youth Group and Elderberries (Seniors group), handicapped accessible. Visit our website: or call the church office for more info, 717-653-5175.

EAST FAIRVIEW CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN: 1187 Fairview Rd (corner of Hossler a& Fairview Rds) Manheim. Vibrant, Christcentered Worship in a family atmosphere on Sundays at 9am followed by Sunday School from 10:3011:15am(nursery available for both). Ignite on Wednesdays (Oct thru March) at 5:45pm includes dinner and activities for all ages. Come join us! Vist online at

CHRIST CHURCH UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST: 247 S. Market St, Elizabethtown. Ph: 717-367-1208. Rev. Dr. Galen E. Russell, III – Lead Pastor. Worship: Sundays – 9:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m., Faith Formation – 9:00 a.m., Fellowship Time — 10:00 a.m., Nursery Care from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Facilities — Handicap Accessible. “No matter who you are or where you are on your journey, you are always welcome as we continue to learn and discern how God is still speaking”!

CHRIST EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH 75-133 East High Street, Elizabethtown 717-367-2786. Pastor: Rev. Albert J. Domines. Liturgies of Holy Communion: 8:15 & 11 a.m. Christian Education for all ages at 9:45 a.m. Handicapped accessible. Hearing transmitters available in sanctuary. Morning prayer on Wednesdays at 8:30 a.m.

ELIZABETHTOWN UNITED ZION CHURCH: 401 E. Park St., Elizabethtown. You are welcome to join us for Sunday Morning Worship at 10 am. Handicapped accessible. For more info contact Ken Witmer at 717-431-8907 or 717-327-5798. FELLOWSHIP BAPTIST CHURCH: 151 Orange Street, Mount Joy. Phone: 717-653-6137. Pastor Jonathan Bixler, Sunday School 9:30 am., Sunday Morning Service 10:30 am., Sunday Evening Service 6 pm. Wed. Evening Prayer Meeting 7 pm. Nursery provided for each service. We invite you to worship our risen Savior with us thru Christ-honoring music & Christ-centered Bible preaching. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF MOUNT JOY: 7 Marietta Ave; Pastor: Rev Sarah A. Kneier; Sunday Worship 11:00 AM with nursery provided. Phone: 717-653-5888;; visit our website:

FLORIN CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN: Located at 815 Bruce Ave., Mount Joy, PA. Pastor: Tom Weber. Directions - Turn next to Weis Markets on Main Street and go to top of hill, follow Bruce Ave. to church on right. Worship begins at 9 a.m. and Sunday School at 10:30 a.m. (Children’s Church & Nursery Care Provided). Phone: 717-653-1202 (Opt. 1, Pastoral Care; Opt. 2, Office Administrator; Opt. 3, Prayer Information Line; Opt.4, Children’s Ministry Director, Website Email: GLOSSBRENNER UNITED METHODIST CHURCH: 713 Church St. (located on the corner of Church & Angle Sts.), Mount Joy. Sunday Worship Service: 9:30 a.m. (nursery care provided); Sunday School: 10:45 a.m. (all ages). We offer three adult Sunday School classes. Adult Chancel Choir, Bell Choir & Children’s Choir. Pastor: Tim Anderman. Children & Youth Director: Matthew Davis. Church Office: 717-653- 5683,

MARIETTA COMMUNITY CHAPEL: 1125 River Rd, Marietta (across from Castleton) Cafe 9-9:30am; Contemporary service begins at 9:30am. Nursery care provided for infants through age 2. Kidz for Christ classes for age 3-5th grade. Handicapped accessible. Active youth & young adult groups. 717-426-4584. MARY MOTHER OF THE CHURCH (A Roman Catholic Parish): 625 Union School Rd., Mount Joy. Pastor: Rev. Pang Tcheou. Mass Times: Saturday Vigil 4:30pm, Sunday 8:30 & 11 am; Tues, Thurs, Fri, 1st Sat @ 8:30am, Wed 6pm. Confessions: Sat 3:30pm. 717653-4903, MAYTOWN CHURCH OF GOD: 14 W. Elizabeth St., Maytown. Scott Sweigart, Pastor. All are welcome! Sunday Worship Service 9 am. Sunday School (all ages) 10:30 a.m., Prayer/Missionary Meeting Mondays at 6pm. Phone: 717-4263117.

GRACE COMMUNITY FELLOWSHIP CHURCH OF MANHEIM: 1483 N. Colebrook Rd., Manheim. Come as you are. ALL are welcome! SUNDAYS: Bible Connection Classes for all ages at 9:30am & Worship Service at 10:30am. Children’s Church & Nursery Care provided. Join us on the second Sunday of each month for a Fellowship Meal following the service. For info, please visit or call 717-6657222.

MOUNT JOY CHURCH OF GOD: 30 East Main Street, Mount Joy PA 17552. 717653-4695. Senior Pastor Ted Ewing, Ph.D. Join us for exciting worship and our new series on the classic Spiritual Disciplines. We’ll examine passages relating to how to have the kind of life you’ve always wanted. Sunday Morning Service at 9 am, Sunday School for all ages at 10:30 am. Youth Group meets every Sunday evening from 6:30-8:30 pm in the Youth Room. All messages are online at

HOPE COMMUNITY CHURCH: Lead Pastor Kirk Belmont. Visit us online at We desire to be INTERNALLY STRONG so that we can be EXTERNALLY FOCUSED, bringing hope to our community through Jesus. Sunday services and classes at 9am & 10:45am. Join us at 1806 Harrisburg Ave, Mount Joy. 717-653-7168

NEWVILLE BIBLE CHURCH: An independent, non-denominational church where the Bible is taught verse-by-verse in a practical way. Traditional Sunday services: 9:15am S.S. & 10:30am Morning Worship. Bible study & prayer: Wednesday at 6:30pm. 819 Turnpike Road, Elizabethtown. 717-367-7172 or

JERUSALEM CHURCH (INDEPENDENT): 1620 Newport Rd., Manheim: Pastor: Jonathan Shirk; Sunday School: 9am – 10am; Worship:10:15am.

PROCLAMATION PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (PCA): Meets at Florin COB, 815 Bruce Ave, Mount Joy. Sunday School 9:30am, Worship & Communion 11am (nursery provided). We Welcome You! Visit:

RUHL’S UNITED METHODIST CHURCH: A growing church committed to Christ. Worship on Sunday morning at 8 am for a traditional feel. Sunday School for all ages at 9:15 am., 10:30 am. Worship led by praise band. (Nursery available. Handicap accessible.) For more information, please call 717-665-3400 or visit Located at 4810 Elizabethtown Rd, Manheim. SAINT PAUL’S UNITED METHODIST CHURCH OF ELIZABETHTOWN: 398 N. Locust St. (North Spruce and Oak Streets), Elizabethtown, 717-367-1889. Sunday Worship: Traditional - 8:30 a.m.; Sunday School - 9:45-10:45 a.m.; Contemporary- 11 a.m.-12 Noon. E-mail: Pastor David Woolverton, Lead Pastor; Pastor Paul Miller, Teaching Pastor. Visit our SELL CHAPEL: 1 Masonic Dr, Elizabethtown (located at Masonic Village). Wkly Sunday Services 8:15am & 10am. Holy Communion served the 1st Sunday of each month. 717-367-1121 Ext. 33106 ST. JOHN’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH: 239 E Market St, Marietta. Church Phone: 717426-3189. The Rev. Gina Bautista. Sunday Holy Eucharist 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Join us for Service. Handicapped Accessible. ST. LUKE’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH: 209 S. Market St. at Columbia Ave., Mount Joy. Phone: 717-653-4977. Rev. Ingrid Andersen. Sunday Holy Eucharist 9 am. Morning Prayer Wednesday 10 am in the Education Building. Website: Handicap Accessible. ST. LUKE’S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH: 106 North Second Street, Bainbridge, PA 17502. Phone: 717-4263758. Worship Service times: Saturday at 5:30 p.m. & Sunday at 9:15 a.m. ST. MARK’S UNITED METHODIST CHURCH: Called to meet needs, touch lives and change the world. Sunday Services: 9:00 Traditional & 10:45 Contemporary. 27 E. Main St., Mount Joy. 717-653-5493

ST. PETER CATHOLIC CHURCH: 1840 Marshall Drive, Elizabethtown, PA 17022 (GPS- 904 Mill Road). Saturday Evening Mass - 4:00 p.m. (NC), Sunday Morning Mass - 7:30, 9:00 & 11:00 a.m. (NC). Weekday Masses every day at 7:00 a.m. (HC) except Wednesday. Phone: 717367-1255 (NC) = new church on Marshall Drive, (HC) = historic church at 1 St. Peter Place, Elizabethtown (downtown). Pastor: Very Rev. Steven W. Fauser, VF THE ALLIANCE CHURCH OF ELIZABETHTOWN: 425 Cloverleaf Road invites you to attend the following weekly activities: Sundays 9 am Sunday School (all ages), 10:30 am Worship Service (nursery is provided for both), 6 pm Student Gathering for grades 6-12 and Prayer Service. For more info: 717-367-2995 or visit TRINITY EVANGELICAL CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH: 100 New Haven St. (located directly across from Mount Joy Fire Hall), Mount Joy. Sunday Worship Service: 10:15am. Pastor Jerry Berrier. Office 717-653-4435 Home 717-653-0399 WAYSIDE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: 600 Stony Battery Rd., Landisville (between QVC & Hempfield H.S.). Rev. Dr. Stephen P. Fritz, Pastor. Sunday Schedule: Traditional Service w/ choir at 9:30 am & Contemporary Service w/ band at 11 am. Nursery available at both services. For more info, call or go online. / (717) 898-1551. WORD OF LIFE CHAPEL: 139 Wickersham Rd., Bainbridge. Sunday: Bible Classes 9:30 am/Worship 10:30 am. Wednesday: Awana Clubs & Youth Group 6:45 pm. 717-426-1171. We welcome you! ZION EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH/ LANDISVILLE: 85 East Brandt Blvd. Sunday Schedule: 8 a.m. Traditional Worship & 10:30 a.m. Contemporary Worship. 9:15 a.m. Interim Pastor: Barbara Caruana. Faith Formation Classes for all ages. Our building is accessible to the physically impaired. Phone: (717) 898-2911 or visit us online at E-mail:

Please Note: Updates can be made to your church’s listing for 1st issue date of each month only. (Changes must be submitted by the previous Wednesday) For More Information On Church Listings And Rates, Call Justin at 717-492-2533

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