Family secrets unfold in “Other Desert Cities”
Family relationships come under the microscope when Susquehanna Stage presents “Other Desert Cities.” The play will be performed at the theater, 133 W. Market St., Marietta, at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Dec. 12, 13 and 14, as well as at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 15.
The play follows the Wyeth family as daughter Brooke returns home after a long absence to visit her wealthy, conservative parents. She announces to the family that she plans to publish a memoir unveiling a well-guarded family secret that her parents hope will stay buried. Set in Palm Springs, Calif., the play takes its title from a road sign.
“This is a play about love and some of the bad things that
can happen from loving,” said John Kleimo, who is directing the show. “This is a family that loves each other very dearly, but they’ve made some bad calls.”
“This is a play about family, and I think that’s what audiences will gravitate toward.
It’s about a loving, conflicted family.”
Written in 2011 by Jon Robin Baitz and set at Christmastime in 2004, the show is still relevant today, said Layne Zeiner, who plays the father, Lyman Wyeth.
“The primary divide in the family is between the conser -
vative parents and the liberal children,” he said, noting that his character and his wife, played by his real-life wife, Deb Good-Zeiner, are modeled after Ronald and Nancy Reagan.
“Families can be messy, and a lot of that surfaces in this play. The wonderful thing about it is ultimately how it resolves, which I can’t tell you. No spoilers.”
The cast features five actors. Good-Zeiner portrays the wife, Polly Wyeth. Libby Casey Stauffer plays the daughter, Brooke Wyeth, and Luke Miller portrays the son, Trip Wyeth. Polly’s sister, Silda Grauman, is also visiting for the holidays. She’s played by Susan Kresge.
“She’s a recovering alcoholic with quite a few non-recovery moments, and her latest has brought her to live with her sister,” Kresge said. “Her sister
Parenting tweens and teens can be a stressful job, and it doesn’t come with an instruction manual. RAISE28 wants to help.
The nonprofit organization will offer support for both parents and children as they navigate their relationships, thanks to a recently acquired grant from the LMC Legacy Foundation.
“Reducing the Stress of Parents and Kids” will feature trainings geared toward parents and children who are age 10 years and up. Each training will include two four-hour sessions, which will be held on the first Saturday of the month from 8 a.m. to noon. Sessions will be offered in three groups in 2025: on Jan. 4 and Feb. 1, on March 1 and April 5 and on May 3 and June 7. All trainings will be held at RAISE28, 105 Fairview St., Mount Joy, and each training will conclude with a free meal served by area churches.
“I became aware of this grant offered by LMC Legacy Foundation, which is a Christian organization, and I thought RAISE28 would be a really good fit for the funds they provide,” said RAISE28 executive director Mark Unger. He decided to apply, and he was inspired to invite a well-known speaker to participate as well. Arthur C. Woods, a certified life coach who specializes in parents and kids, will join RAISE28 staff members in presenting the trainings. Each training will be broken up
Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church may serve as the host site for Welcome 2025, but the annual New Year’s Eve event is for everyone, said Cammy Anderson, who serves on the event committee.
“This is a community event. It’s not just a church event,” she stated. “There’s such a nice variety of activities, and other than the chicken barbecue, there’s no charge for anything. It’s wonderful being together to watch
that star raise, and we finish out with great, big-time fireworks. They’re really impressive. Our motto is to receive and share the light of Christ, and what better way to share the light of Christ than with a star raising and fireworks?”
Welcome 2025 will be held from 3 to 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 31, in and around the church, 75 E. High St., Elizabethtown. A chicken barbecue will be served from 3 to 6:30 p.m., featuring Kauffman’s BBQ. Meals will be available to eat in or
The cast of “Other Desert Cities” is (front, from left) Luke Miller, Libby Casey Stauffer, (back) Susan Kresge, Deb Good-Zeiner and Layne Zeiner.
Arthur C. Woods
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take out and include a half-chicken, a baked potato, a roll and butter and water. Tickets are available for purchase in advance at the church office, and a limited number of meals will be available at the door.
A variety of food, including hot dogs and soup, will be available for free in the church social hall from 3 to 6:30 p.m., and food will also be available for no charge outside from 4 to 6:30 p.m. Outdoor options will include popcorn, hot chocolate and s’mores.
At 4 p.m., pastor Michael Reist from St. Mark Lutheran Church in Annville will entertain with a magic show in the church nave.
“Everybody’s going to be entertained by him,” said Christ Lutheran pastor A.J. Domines. “He was here in August for our Bible school, and he was great. I’m sure he’s going to have a message, a spiritual Gospel message, along with his act. It’s not purely entertainment.”
Bingo will be held in the Lutheran Lodge on-site from 4 to 6:30 p.m., and a variety of events will also take place at the Winters Heritage House Museum, located at 47 E. High St. The museum will feature children’s crafts and balloon twisting from The Balunguy from 4 to 6:30 p.m.
A DJ will provide music outside during the event, while Christmas music on the organ will be featured in the nave from 5:30 to 6:15 p.m. Puppies from Susquehanna Service Dogs will also be on-site in the church parlor.
The event will culminate in the raising and lighting of a star to usher in the new year.
“The star raising was my idea,” Domines said. “We use a star because it’s Christmas and we want to emphasize that Christmas isn’t one day; it’s 12 days. The star symbolizes the light of Christ. Why would we want to drop it? That’s a negative direction. Every-
thing gets dropped. The star actually hangs in the sky, so we raise it for a more positive direction.”
The event also stands out because the new year is celebrated at 7 p.m. rather than midnight. “We count down to the new year at 7 p.m. because that’s the time it’s midnight in the sister city of Elizabethtown, Letterkenny, Ireland,” explained Anderson.
Christ Church took over organizing the new year’s celebration in 2014, when the organization that previously coordinated the event stopped doing it. “We found out in November, and we threw something together,” said event chair Phil Clark. “We are a church that does a lot of outreach, and it was important to us to keep this event going. We’ve expanded and improved on it over the years.”
He emphasized that it takes a village to pull off such a big event, noting that up to 45 people volunteer to ensure everything runs smoothly.
“We really enjoy offering this event for the community,” Clark said. “The
only thing we charge for at all is the chicken barbecue because that helps to pay for things like the fireworks and makes it possible to keep doing this year after year.”
East High Street in front of the church will be blocked off for the event, and participants are encouraged to use municipal lots in town to park since parking is limited at the church property. A free trolley will transport people from Market Street to the church and back.
For more information, call the church office at 717-367-2786 or visit www.christlutheran-etown.com.
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has had a great life, and Silda has not. They used to be writers together in Hollywood. Her sister made out great because she married a movie star, but things didn’t turn out so great for my character. I’m relying on them to take care of me, because I have no money, but at the same time, I hate that I have to rely on them.”
Brooke has returned after a sixyear absence, where she was living an isolated life in a cottage on Long Island. “I’ve had a very challenging and traumatic six years grappling with my own demons,” said Casey Stauffer of her character. “I come back with this book I’ve written that nobody knows what it’s about.” She noted that while her character
BOSSLER MENNONITE CHURCH: Located at 2021 Bossler Rd., Elizabethtown. Phone: 717-367-5167. Web site: www.bosslermennonite.org Sunday School at 9 am; Sunday Worship held at 10 am. Preschool: 717-537-8192.
CHIQUES METHODIST CHURCH: 1215 E. Main St., Mount Joy. Doug Paglia, Pastor. Worship Service at 9-10 am Children’s Sunday School: 9-10 am. Refreshments & Fellowship: 10-10:30 am. Adult Sunday School at 10:30-11:30 am. Nursery Provided, Handicapped Accessible. For more information, call: 717-653-5175.
CHRIST EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH 75-133 East High Street, Elizabethtown 717-367-2786. Rev. Albert J. Domines, Jr., Sr. Pastor. Rev. Gerald R. Kliner, Jr., Assoc. Pastor. Liturgies of Holy Eucharist Saturday at 6pm and Sunday at 8:15am service. Sunday school for all ages at 9:45. 2nd service: 11am. Handicapped accessible. Morning Prayer Wed. at 8:30am. www.christlutheran-etown.com
COMMUNITY BIBLE CHURCH: welcomes you to Love God, Love Others, and Reach Out with us! Join us for worship on Sundays at 8:00, 9:30, or 11:00 a.m. We’re located at 331 Anderson Ferry Road in Marietta (off Rt 441 on Rt 772). Learn more at cbcpa.org.
MARY MOTHER OF THE CHURCH (A Roman Catholic Parish): 625 Union School Rd., Mount Joy. Pastor: Rev. Ted Keating. Mass Times: Saturday Vigil 4:30pm, Sunday 8:30 & 11 am; Monday thru Friday 8:30 am. Confessions: Sat 3:30pm. 717-653-4903, visit us online at www.marymotherparish.org
MAYTOWN CHURCH OF GOD: 14 West Elizabeth St., Maytown. Scott Sweigart, Pastor. All are w0elcome! Sunday Worship Service at 9:00 am. Phone: 717-426-3117. www.maytowncog.org
MILTON GROVE CHURCH: 2026 Cloverleaf Road (located N. of Rt. 283 Rheems/ Elizabethtown Exit) Mount Joy. Pastor: Jamie Pietsch. Join us Sundays at 9:30 am for in-person worship and on Facebook live at www.miltongrovechurch.com
PROCLAMATION PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (PCA): Meeting at Kraybill Mennonite School, 598 Kraybill Church Rd., Mount Joy, PA 17552. Sundays at 10:30am We Welcome You! Visit us online at www.proclamationpca.com
RUHL’S UNITED METHODIST CHURCH: A growing church committed to Christ. Worship on Sunday morning at 8 am for a traditional feel. Sunday School for all ages at 9:15 am., 10:30 am. Worship led by praise band. (Nursery available. Handicap accessible.) For more information, please call 717-665-3400 or visit www.ruhlschurch.org Located at 4810 Elizabethtown Rd, Manheim.
300 S Spruce St. (corner of S. Spruce & E. Bainbridge) Elizabethtown, PA 17022. You are welcome to join us for Sunday School at 9:00 am and Sunday Worship at 10:00 am - in person or livestreamed on our YouTube Channel. Ph: 717-367-7089 info@etownmennonite.com Visit us online at www.etownmennonite.com
ETOWN GRACE CHURCH, 305 Anchor Rd, Elizabethtown, PA 17022. Dr. Rick A. Clark, Pastor. Sunday: SS and Adult Bible Classes 9 am, Morning Worship 10:15 am. Wed night 6:15-7:45 pm AWANA (Children’s Ministry). Website at etowngrace.com
FLORIN CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN: Come worship with us! 9:15am Sunday mornings at 815 Bruce Avenue, Mount Joy PA 17552. To view remotely on Zoom, call the church office for access codes. Listen to recorded sermons on our website at www.florincob.org Phone: 717-653-1202 Email: secretary@florincob.org
GLOSSBRENNER CHURCH: 713 Church St. (located on the corner of Church & Angle Sts.), Mount Joy. Sunday Worship Service: 10:00 am (In-Person or Live Streamed). Nursery Provided, Handicapped Accessible. Sunday School for all ages: 11:15 am. Pastor: Heather Hammel. Church Office: 717-653-5683. "Like" us on Facebook: Glossbrenner Church. www.glossbrenner.net
GOSPEL OUTREACH (GO) CHURCH: 61 E Washington St, E-town. 717-475-7551. Love God, Love People, Disciple One Another. Sunday Worship: 8:30 a.m., Tuesday Bible Study 7 p.m., Saturday Outreach: 1 p.m., Gospel Outreach Training (GOT!): 11:30 a.m. on the 3rd Saturday of each month. Rev. Dr. Kara Werner, Pastor. gochurch22.com
GRACE COMMUNITY FELLOWSHIP CHURCH OF MANHEIM: 1483 N. Colebrook Rd., Manheim. SUNDAYS: Adult Bible Class at 9:30am and Worship Service at 10:30am. Wednesday Evening Prayer is held from 6:30pm-7:30pm For more details, please visit http://www.gcfmanheim.org or call 717-665-7222.
SAINT LUKE EPISCOPAL CHURCH: 209 S. Market St. at Columbia Ave., Mount Joy. Phone: 717-653-4977. Sunday Holy Eucharist at 11 am. Wednesday Morning Prayer at 10 am in the Education Building. Taize Service 1st Sat. of the month at 5 pm. stlukesmountjoy@gmail.com www.stlukesmountjoypa.org Handicap Accessible.
SAINT PAUL’S CHURCH (A united Methodist Congregation): 398 N. Locust Street (North Spruce and Oak Streets), Elizabethtown, PA 17022. Phone:717-367-1889. Sunday Worship: Traditional at 8:30am, Grace Kids (ages 0-12 yrs) at 10:15am, Contemporary 10:15am.Email:office@wearesaintpauls.com Visit us online at: wearesaintpauls.com
ST. JOHN’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH: 239 E Market St, Marietta. Church Phone: 717426-3189. Sunday Holy Eucharist 10:30am Handicapped Accessible.
ST. MARK’S UNITED METHODIST CHURCH: Loving, growing, and sharing JOY through Jesus! Sunday service times: 9 and 10:30 a.m. 27 E. Main St., Mount Joy 717-6535493. www.connectstmarks.com Livestream at facebook.com/ConnectStMarks
WAYSIDE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: 600 Stony Battery Rd., Landisville (near Hempfield High School). Rev. Dr. Stephen P. Fritz, Pastor. Wayside offers two services: 9:00 am Traditional with choir, 10:00 Fellowship & 10:30 am Contemporary with band & Children’s Ministry. For more info, visit www.waysidepc.org or (717) 898-1551.
WORD OF LIFE CHAPEL: 139 Wickersham Rd., Bainbridge. 717-426-1171 Sunday Service - 10:15 am (Children’s Ministry & Nursery Care Provided). Visit us online at www.wordoflifechapel.org We welcome you!
ZION EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH/ LANDISVILLE: 85 East Brandt Blvd. 717-898-2911; adminzelc@comcast.net In-person worship at 9am. Live-stream link can be found at zionhempfield.net under the worship tab and on the Zion Lutheran Hempfield Facebook page. Adult Sunday School in-person at 10:15am. Pastor Timothy Seitz-Brown.
Please Note: Updates can be made to your church’s listing for 1st issue date of each month only.
(Changes must be submitted by the previous Wednesday.) For More Information On Church Listings And Rates, Call Justin at 717-492-2533
12:00 NOON LOCATION: 1120 Turnpike Road, Elizabethtown, PA 17022 (Newville Area) West Donegal Township, Lancaster County VINYL-SIDED TWO BEDROOM BUNGALOW HOUSE WITH 14’x32’ VINYL-SIDED DETACHED GARAGE ON 0.34 ACRE RURAL SETTING. Great Location, Close To Shopping, Restaurants, Stores, Conveniences, Elizabethtown School District. Modern Kitchen, Brand New Bathroom (Never Used), Koi Fishpond & Waterfall. THIS WELL MAINTAINED PROPERTY DESERVES YOUR INSPECTION! “Highly Motivated Seller - To Settle Estate”. Excellent For First-Time Home Buyer or Investment. DO NOT MISS THIS RURAL PROPERTY OPPORTUNITY!
Santa to visit pancake breakfast
St. John’s Episcopal Church of Marietta will host a special visitor on Saturday, Dec. 14. Santa Claus will stop by for his annual visit from 8 to 10 a.m. at the church’s pancake breakfast to greet guests and take “wish lists” from children.
Santa will also give out small gifts to each child under age 12. Mrs. Claus and an elf will help Santa hand out presents. Parents are encouraged to bring their cameras to take photos.
The pancake and sausage breakfast will also include juice, coffee, fruit and homemade goodies. There will be separate fees for adults and for children ages 5 to 11. Breakfast is free for children under age 5.
The church is located at 239 E. Market St., Marietta. Breakfast will be served in the social hall at the rear of the church.
Proceeds from the breakfast will be used to benefit the church’s outreach programs. Call Nancy Kulman at 717-426-1229 for more information.
is the catalyst forcing the family members to confront their painful past, Miller’s character is the one objective voice in the play.
“He’s the one character that kind of sits outside the turmoil,” she explained. “He’s still embedded in it, but he has an outside perspective.”
Kleimo said he has enjoyed directing the show because it offers an in-depth look at relationships.
“Part of what really drives this play are the different layers of friction between each of the characters,” he stated. “It’s nicely written, because you get a lot of what I called ‘twosies’ when we were rehearsing - a lot of scenes with just two characters on stage and then a third comes in. You get to see what those relationships are and where they’re coming from. It gives a lot of texture to the show.”
And although the show is about one particular family, it features themes relevant to everyone, Good-Zeiner said.
“I think people will see their own families in parts of this,” she remarked. “There are so many things that we all as families struggle with at one time or another, and I think audiences will be able to relate to that. More than being about the left and the right, this is a play about family, and I think that’s what audiences will gravitate toward. It’s about a loving, conflicted family.”
For more information and to purchase tickets, visit www .susquehannastage.com.
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Reducing the Stress of Parents and Kids
Arthur C. Woods, Certified Life Coach is teaming up with RAISE28 Staff
to provide 3 TRAININGS with Parents and kids (10 years and up) at the RAISE28 Youth Center
First Training Group will meet on Saturday, January 4th and on Saturday, February 1st, 2025 from 8-12 Noon (2 Saturdays per training).
Lunch will be provided.
There is no cost to participants and registration is on a first come first serve basis. Once the training is full, we will have a waiting list in case of cancellations. Participants will be required to complete a pretest before taking part in the training and post test after the training.
A gift card will be given to each family who completes the training and post test.
To learn more about our Christian youth programs please visit raise28.org or contact 717-653-9511.
Tax deductible financial support for RAISE28 can be given online or mailed to 105 Fairview St. Mount Joy, PA 17552
into four segments, Unger said. “We’ll start with the parents and kids together, where we’ll explain the training,” he explained. “Then, the parents will go upstairs to our coffeehouse area with Arthur, where they will discuss strategies to reduce their stress with their kids. The kids will stay down in the gym area and work with the RAISE28 staff. We’ll get conversations started with questions like, ‘What makes it difficult to interact with your parents?’” The groups of parents and children will then switch places for more discussions before the group comes back together to recap the training.
Lunch will be provided by members of area churches following each
training. “We asked people from churches here to bring in meals, sit down and interact with the people participating in the training,” Unger shared. “If people need additional support, church is a great place to find that. This is an opportunity to meet some new people and potentially connect with a church.”
Evaluating the effectiveness of the training will be an important part of the process, Unger said, noting that on the second day of each training, participants will discuss what’s working and what’s not working from what they learned in the first session.
Participants will also be asked to take a pretest before starting the training, complete a post-test
immediately afterward and take an additional post-test 30 days after concluding the training to help monitor progress and tweak future programs.
Unger has some auspicious goals for the trainings, including ultimately reducing participant stress levels by 30 to 40%.
He also hopes the trainings will help both parents and children feel supported by RAISE28.
“We have a great reputation for serving kids in our community, but we want to serve families, both parents and kids,” Unger said. “This is a great opportunity to work with parents directly. It’s our hope that if we’re successful, this will be something we’ll be able to grow and offer regularly at RAISE28.”
As a father of now-grown children, Unger said he understands the value of these trainings.
“I wish this training was around when I was parenting young children,” he said.“There were days when I didn’t have the answer. I didn’t know what to do. To have some training to help and not make it worse would have been very useful. Parents will learn how to offer responses that reduce tension. I would encourage anyone to sign up for this training as a way to invest in their family.”
There is no cost to participate in the training, but space is limited, and registration will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. To learn more, visit https://raise28.org.