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Ray Baker Egg Show� � � � � � � � � � � �
DEPARTMENT 8 - Ray Baker Egg Show
Eggs to be exhibited in the Ray Baker Small Animal Barn Chairmen: Eric Kreiser Committee: Brooke Giffin, Toby Gibble Show cancellation due to biosecurity reasons will be under the directive of the PA Department of Agriculture.
Egg Show Rules and Regulations
Dedicated to Longtime Farm Show Volunteer & Poultry Chairmen RAY BAKER
1. Entry, Show and Ownership Information:
Egg entries will only be accepted Sunday, October 3, 2021 from 2:00 - 4:30 p.m. at the Ray Baker
Small Animal Barn. NO pre-entry is required. • Management reserves the privilege of refusing any entries which are not deemed desirable for the best interest of the show. • Judging of the Egg Show will take place Monday, October 4th at 1:00 p.m. • In the interest of consumer safety, all eggs will be considered property of the Manheim Farm Show at entry and will be disposed of at the conclusion of the Manheim Farm Show.
2. Exhibitor Requirements
The committee reserves the right to limit the number of entries if space becomes limited.
Eligibility: Youth (18 or younger) and Adult exhibitors open to Manheim Central School District Residents.
The maximum exhibitor flock size is 200 laying hens.
Egg entries MUST originate from exhibitors personal flock.
3. Divisions, Classes and Evaluation
No person shall interfere with the judge in any manner while in the performance of his/her duties as a judge.
Eggs must have been laid and kept under refrigeration for maximum of 30 days. For biosecurity purposes, visitors will not be able to touch the eggs. Farm Show egg cartons will be provided for all eggs at entry. Eggs should be clean but not scrub washed. No cracked or broken eggs will accepted. Any entry with polish, spray, coloring or any other substance applied to egg will be disqualified. Judging will be based on uniformity of size, shape,
and color.
Judges reserve the right to disqualify eggs if they do not match the class definitions. Any entry that is apparently colored, dirty or has an odor shall be disqualified Ideal total dozen weight is 24-27 ounces per dozen (large to extra large size)
BECOME PART OF OUR TEAM TODAY! “For over 55 years we have been providing fine quality eggs and feed.” Visit our website: esbenshadefarmmill.com Or in person: 220 Eby Chiques Rd., Mount Joy, PA 17552

Maximum one entry per class per exhibitor. EGG CLASS DEFINITIONS
White - the color as close as reasonable possible to white.
Brown - the color as close as reasonably possible including dark and light brown. Beiges or creams are classified as pastel.
Pastels - Includes NATURAL colors of blue, greens, pinks, beiges or creams. All 12 eggs as are same pastel color. No dyed eggs.
YOUTH Division (Any 18 and younger as of October 6th)
Class 1: Youth Division 1 dozen white shell eggs
Class 2: Youth Division 1 dozen brown shell eggs
Class 3: Youth Division 1 dozen pastel shell eggs
Youth Dozen Eggs Best of Show Special Award
ADULT Division
Class 4: Adult Division 1 dozen white shell eggs
Class 5: Adult Division 1 dozen brown shell eggs
Class 6: Adult Division 1 dozen pastel shell eggs
Adult Dozen Eggs Best of Show Special Award
2021 Special Contest: Youth Poultry Educational Poster Open to youth 18 years of age and younger who reside in Lancaster County
POSTER TOPIC: Provide Facts to Encourage the Consumption of Poultry Products
Research Information you may include on your poster: ✓ Consumer poultry products and birds they originate from ✓ Food safety and preparation ✓ Eggs and poultry meat nutritional information ✓ Types of poultry farm production systems (breeds farm types, life cycles...) BrooklawnBrooklawn PavingPaving, LLC, LLC ✓ Careers in the poultry industry Posters must be on poster board with dimensions of no more than 28"x22". Attachments on the poster must be less than 1 inch. If possible, the poster should be laminated. Posters not meeting this size requirement will not be accepted. Psoters must be completed by the exhibitor and be attractive, easy to read and contain no fact or grammatical errors.
1st: $8 2nd: $7 3rd: $6 4th: $5 5th: $4

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