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Rabbits, Guinea Pigs � � � � � � � � � � �
ALL ENTRIES MUST BE PREREGISTERED BY SEPTEMBER 10, 2021. Judging will be held on Monday, October 4, 2021 at 5:30 p.m. Chairpersons: Heather & Skylar Anderson, 717-575-7163 and Bob & Mary Snyder 717-367-7635
Limit 8 entries per exhibitor, please. The committee reserves the right to limit the number of entries if space becomes limited.
This show is open to any youth, ages 5-18, who resides in or attends school in Manheim Central, Donegal, Hempfield, Elizabethtown, Manheim Township, or Warwick school districts. The Meat Pen Division is only open to youth 8-18 who are maintaining a 4-H or FFA rabbit project. RULES AND REGULATIONS 1. Rabbit and Cavy exhibitors must complete a Show Ring Code of Ethics form at check in and sign the Animal
Owner or Caretaker's Verification of Veterinarian-Client-Patient Relationship (VCPR) on entry form. The VCPR simply means you have a veterinarian who cares for your animal if needed. 2. If any animal presents with signs of illness upon entry or at any time during the show, exhibitors will be asked to remove the animal(s) from the grounds. The Manheim Farm Show is not responsible for any animal that develops illness following exhibition at the show. 3. Single rabbit entries will be received on Sunday from 2:00 - 4:30 p.m. 4. New for 2021: Meat Pens! A meat pen consists of three rabbits of the same breed, weighing between 3 and 5 pounds each, and not older than 70 days, or 10 weeks in age. Meat pens must be presented and weighed in from 4-5 p.m. on Monday, October 4, prior to the show. They will remain in transport cages until shown. All meat pens will return home at the conclusion of the show Monday, except the champion and reserve champion pens which will remain on the grounds until the livestock auction Friday evening. The exhibitor must be present to display the meat pen during the sale. 5. All other rabbits must be picked up on Thursday between 6-8 p.m. 6. Coop numbers will be temporarily marked in the animal's right ear at the time of entry. 7. Exhibitors will be responsible for feeding/watering their own animals at least once a day, or planning with another exhibitor to do so. They will only be watered by the Farm Show volunteers in the case of an extreme emergency. 8. Exhibitors are required to clean their pens daily. Bedding will be provided. 9. YOUTH EXHIBITORS MUST BE PRESENT A THE TIME OF SHOW. Youth exhibitors are responsible for bringing their animal(s) to the show table when their class is called. If the animal is not presented by the exhibitor when called for, they will be considered a scratch. 10. It is strongly recommended that animals are groomed and have their nails trimmed prior to arrival at the show.
Contact your 4-H Leader of FFA Advisor if you need help. 11. Although not a sanctioned show, all animals will be judged according to ARBA standards. 12. Animals not conforming to a specific breed standard should be entered in the "Pet" breed category. 13. Special ribbons will be awarded for Best of Breed, Best Opposite Sex of Breed, Best of Show, and
Best Opposite Sex of Show. 14. ABSOLUTELY NO SALES OR SOLICITATION OF ANIMALS. 15. Only 4 classes per breed will be offered. Seniors are animals over 6 months, and Juniors are under 6 months. a. Rabbits: Senior Buck - SB, Senior Doe - SD, Junior Buck - JB, Junior JD b. Cavies: Senior Boar - SB, Senior Sow - SS, Junior Boar - JB, Junior Sow - JS
PREMIUMS 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
All Classes $5 $4 $3 $2
Division 1 - Cavies (Guinea Pigs)
51 Abyssinian 52 Abyssinian Satin 53 American 54 American Satin 55 Coronet 56 Peruvian 57 Peruvuan Satin 58 Silkie 59 Silkie Satin 60 Teddy 61 Teddy Satin 62 Texel 63 White Crested 64 Pet Cavy