Tei 06132013 merged

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Thursday, June 13, 2013

Vol. 38, Issue 5 — $1.00

Local News Clayton amends grass watch list Plant flowers at Stillwater Center and get a free lunch CLAYTON — Stillwater Center is holding a “Planting Party” on Friday, June 14 from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Free lunch will be provided for community members who bring a three-pack of flowers to plant on the grounds of Stillwater Center, 8100 N. Main Street in Clayton. Lunch costs $5 for those who do not bring flowers to plant. “This is a wonderful opportunity for our neighbors and community members to meet our staff and work together to cost-effectively improve our facility,” said Michelle PierceMobley, Director – Stillwater Center. Stillwater Center is a home for children and adults who are residents of Montgomery County, have the most severe and profound intellectual disabilities, are physically challenged and/or have significant medical needs. Stillwater provides other related support services to eligible families and individuals. Stillwater Center is owned and operated by the Board of Montgomery County Commissioners. For information, contact Stillwater Center at 937-8900646.

Electronics Recycling Day set for June 22 ENGLEWOOD — On Saturday, June 22 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. the cities of Brookville, Clayton, Englewood and Union along with Goodwill Easter Seals of Miami Valley will be collecting electronics for recycling at the Englewood Government Center located at 333 W. National Road, Englewood. Accepted items are computers, monitors, hard drives, printers, toner cartridges, keyboards, servers, routers, scanners, speakers, cords, cables, software and televisions up to 24 inches. Donation receipts will be available upon request. For questions, please contact the City of Brookville (937) 833-2135 or the City of Clayton (937) 836-3500 or the City of Englewood (937) 836-5106 or the City of Union (937) 836-8624.

Deaths Martin, Jackie Rae Mattis, Audrey Smith, Martha Ann Whitehead, Mary A. See Obituaries Page 6

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By Andrew Wilson Contributing Writer CLAYTON — Due to a unique situation in the Bayberry Trails subdivision, the City of Clayton Thursday approved an ordinance to amend Clayton Codified Ordinance sections E and F, both of which are a part of the City’s grass watch list ordinance. According to Finance Director Kevin Schweitzer, the Bayberry Trails area has two to four basins that the Bayberry Homeowner’s Association isn’t supposed to maintain. A homeowner attending the meeting stated that homeowners do not pay their dues so they have no monies to maintain. If the City were to go out and cut the nuisance grass and bill the landowner, the landowner would not pay due to a lack of responsibility for the catch basins. The City, however, cannot put the cost to cut the basins on county property taxes due to the areas being considered common areas, meaning they have zero dollar value on the property roll down at the county, so the city See Clayton on Page 2

Photo by Andrew Wilson The Northmont Academic Challenge Team was honored at Thursday’s Clayton City Council meeting. From left to right, Mayor Joyce Deitering, Sam Blizzard, Tori Amos, Rachel Tracy, Meghan Jenkins, Helena Jenkins, and Academic Challenge Director Dave Jones.

Union approves street light assessments By RON NUNNARI Independent Editor Rnunnari@civitasmedia.com UNION — Monday night the council of the city of Union authorized and approved the first reading of a list of street light and walkway assessments for various subdivisions within the city. “This is our annual housekeeping item for passing street light assessments for next year,” said CIty Manager John Applegate. “The street light assessments are the same rate as they have been for the last two years.”

Street light assessments have been set at $3 per $1,000 valuation. Concord Farms North Walkway light assessments have been set at $40.76 per lot. Concord Farms West at $46.13 per lot. Irongate subdivision - $45.75 per lot. Union Ridge subdivision $38.06 per lot. Lindeman Commons - $49.79 per lot. Concord Meadows - $41.76 per lot. Stoney Crest - $60.45 per lot and Union Springs $50.80 per lot. Council also approved the renewal of an application to place farmland in an agricultural district. The land is

located on the east side of State Route 48 and north of Old Springfield Road. The application must be renewed every five years. At its May 13 meeting, city council also approved the renewal of an application to place farmland in an agricultural district for property located along PhillipsburgUnion Road. Applegate said this was another property for current agricultural use valuation (CAUV) placement. The land has already been classified as CAUV and the renewal needs to be handled every five years.

Council also approved Ordnance 1563 amending the annual appropriations for 2013 under emergency status. The city applied for two recycling grant applications for solid waste funds. One application was for fence located along the west property line for Phillipsburg-Union Park, going back to the south end of the parking lot. The other application was for two shelter houses for Martindale Road Park. The city was able get both grants and the fence and shelter houses would need to be installed by Oct. 25.

Applegate pointed out that all of the items, fence and shelter houses, were made with 100 percent recycled materials. The roofing material is comprised of recycled aluminum. Approximately $350,000 to $400,000 in grant money was available so the city decided to apply for funding. Applegate said that the county has liked the projects performed in Union so far and those projects have turned out beautifully. He said other communities are now looking to apply for grants funds for similar projects.

Board reveals new Ohio Teacher Evaluation System By Andrew Wilson Contributing Writer UNION — Northmont Human Resources Director Amy Sipes presented the framework for the new Ohio Teacher Evaluation System during the board’s meeting at Union Elementary on Monday. The new system is state mandated and will be implemented during the 20132014 school year. Under the new system, 50 percent of the teachers’ evaluation will be based on the performance of the teacher in the classroom while the rest will be based on student growth measures. The performance side will measure the art of teaching while the student growth measures deals will involve the science of teaching. Both ratings are combined to form a final summative rating, which rates each teacher as accomplished, proficient, developing or ineffective. “We know that most educators that are considered to be accomplished or proficient are able to balance both the art of teaching and the science of teaching,” Sipes said. The teacher performance side will consist of growth plans as well as a series of observations in which evaluators watch teachers on the job. Walkthroughs in which evaluators will visit classrooms and chart the activity

taking place will occur as well. All of which are written up by May 1 to determine a rating based on performance. All performance pieces are based on a system known as the Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession, which requires each evaluator to go into the classroom several times during the school year and gather evidence of what’s happening. As the evidence is gathered, it’s used to determine a holistic rating. All evaluators must be credentialed through the state. “It’s not about one observation or two observations, it’s about many looks at how that teacher teaches at many times during the school year,” Sipes said. During a formal observation, the assessor must provide a rating for 10 areas that are listed under three big ideas. Such ideas include instructional planning, instruction and assessment and professionalism. In the student growth measures area, academic progress is measured over two points in time during the school year. Teachers are categorized by data available according to their areas of instructional delivery. In other business, board members approved the high school building permit application fee at a cost of $27, 472.49. The fee pays for all of the review time

that Montgomery County spent reviewing specifications, documents and plans for the new high school and allows the construction process to begin. Early in the meeting, Taylor Johnson was introduced as the student repre-

sentative for 2013-2014. Johnson has participated in DECA, mentors at the elementary schools and is a varsity basketball cheerleader among other activities at NHS. “It’s awesome,” Johnson said about getting elected to

the position. “I think it’s awesome that a student gets to be in such an honorable position, and so the fact that I get to be in that position and be able to show what Northmont means to me. Basically, it just means a lot, it’s exciting.”

Rowlands is top candidate for Fillmore, CA city manager Clayton city manger might be headed back to home state By RON NUNNARI Independent Editor Rnunnari@civitasmedia.com CLAYTON — At its council meeting on Tuesday, June 11 the city of Fillmore, CA will be considering the appointment of David Rowlands to the position of city manager. Rowlands, 45, has served as city manager of the city of Clayton since January 2001. Prior to that Rowlands served as deputy city manager on Novato, CA. The appointment of Rowlands and the recommended approval will be the culmination of an extensive national search to find a permanent city manager to replace Yvonne Quiring, who resigned in September 2012 to take an assistant city manager position in Northern

David Rowlands California. Rigo Landeros, Fillmore’s fire chief, was named acting city manager when Quiring left while city council undertook a national search for her permanent replacement. More than 60 candidates applied for the Fillmore city manager position. City council was involved in an exten-

sive interview and background check process of all the top candidates under consideration. “The city council has been particularly impressed during the interview and background process with Rowlands’ proven record of bringing his community together on issues, his fiscal acumen, and his solid commitment to ethics and open government,” said Rick Neal, mayor of the city of Fillmore. If the contract is approved by Fillmore City Council, Rowlands would start in Fillmore on August 12 with an annual salary of $159,000. He would pay the full employee share of his retirement and Social Security contributions, and would be subject to a new maximum retirement benefit adopted by the state of California last year.

2A - Thursday, June 13, 2013

Englewood Independent


Priers win City Beautiful Award




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Photo submitted Englewood Festival and Arts Commission members Jerri Amos and Donna Alexander presented the June Englewood City Beautiful Award to winners Mike and Rosie (not pictured) Prier of 1005 Lofton Dr.

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Englewood blood drive slated

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Classic Harley is grand prize in CBC’S ambitious summer campaign

M-F 8:30-6 Sat 8:30-5 • Sun 10-4

DAYTON — The Kleptz YMCA in Englewood will partner with Community Blood Center (CBC) in hosting a community blood drive Friday, June 14 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The CBC Bloodmobile will be at the YMCA at 1200 West National Rd. in Englewood. Everyone who registers to donate will be automatically entered into a drawing to win a Harley Davidson Road King Classic motorcycle, and will receive a free “King of the Road Summer Blood Drive” T-shirt. Donors are encour-

aged to register at www.DonorTime.com. CBC has partnered again with Gover Harley Davidson in Piqua and REACH Magazine to present a dream machine for one very lucky blood donor. Everyone who registers to donate blood at any CBC Donor Center or mobile blood drive beginning now through Saturday, Aug. 31 will be automatically entered in the drawing to win the Road King. Ten computer-selected finalists will be invited to a special envelope-opening

Dennis Mesker, MD

announces his departure from Englewood Family Practice, effective July 12, 2013.


Continued patient care is available with the other providers at Englewood Family Practice. To release your medical records to the provider of your choice, please call the office at (937) 208-8100.


Our residents often say Mill Ridge Village is not just a wonderful community, but in fact, a way of life. A secure and carefree way of life with plentiful social opportunities for meeting fascinating new friends and neighbors as you enjoy an independent lifestyle. To learn more about our way of life, join us for our

June Open House Supper & Game Night Thursday, June 27, 2013

To find a naturally beautiful way of life, ask our residents for directions.

5:00 p.m. ~ Welcome and sign in 5:30 p.m. ~ Enjoy supper and a short presentation After Supper ~ Tour homes then enjoy desserts and game night with your friends. Stay as long as you would like. R.S.V.P. Required ~ Call 832-6302

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Blood donation requirements: Donors are required to provide a photo ID that includes their full name. Past CBC donors are also asked to bring their CBC donor ID card. Donors must be at least 16 years of age (16 years old with parental consent: form at available www.givingblood.org or at CBC branch & blood drive locations), weigh a minimum of 110 pounds, and be in good physical health. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) changes blood donor eligibility guidelines periodically. Individuals with eligibility questions are invited to email canidonate@cbccts.org or call 1(800)388-GIVE. Make an appointment at www.DonorTime.com.

Continued from Page 1

will not be putting assessments on the parcels. Following a lengthy debate in which City officials went back and forth about the proper language of the billing for the grass cuttings, it was determined that the City will assess the operator, responsible party and/or occupant for the purpose of collection charges and/or assessments of property taxes. Furthermore, if the area containing high grass or weeds is a common area under custody, care or

Englewood Family Practice 211 W. National Road Englewood, OH 45322


announcement event in September to discover the Road King winner. (Must be 18 to win. Official rules available at www.givingblood.org). Everyone who registers to donate during the summer months will receive a free “King of the Road Summer Blood Drive” t-shirt. The first t-shirt design is offered now through Saturday, July 13. A second design will follow July 15 through Aug. 31. The first “King of the Road” t-shirt is orange with a black emblem, the classic Harley Davidson colors. The center of the design is a Rout “56” road sign flanked with Harley wings and two motorcycles. The road sign reads “King of the Road - Blood Donor - Summer 2013”.

control of a homeowner’s association or similar association, the City may prorate the cost and assess the homeowners included in that association. “It’s an attempt to try to resolve a problem, and the problem is high grass which is in violation of City ordinances,” said Law Director Robert Portune. “Nobody’s taking care of it, the homeowners association is saying we can’t do it cuz we don’t have any money because people aren’t paying their dues. And so the City is doing it and saying we need to charge a tax summit by putting it on their real estate taxes.” “And if you can’t put it on the common area because there’s no taxable value to it, you put it on all the property owners who are members of this homeowner’s association. And they can take the credit against what they would otherwise pay the homeowner’s association by paying the real estate taxes.” In other business, City Council approved the second reading of an ordinance approving a 20 percent increase in the competitive bid threshold. The new legislation raises the bidding threshold from $18,000 to $21,600. City Council also passed a resolution authorizing Rowlands to enter into an agreement with Northmont City Schools for the provision of a school resource officer for the 2013-2014 school year. The SRO program will include the continuation of a full time SRO in the high school and expand the program by adding a part-time SRO four hours a day, three to four days a week in the middle school. Clayton City Council will meet on June 20.

Mill Ridge garage sale set June 6-7 UNION — Mill Ridge Village Retirement Community, 1000 Mill Ridge Circle, Union will be participating in Union’s city wide garage sale on Thursday June 6 and Friday June 7. At Mill Ridge you will experience a “store like” garage sale, homemade baked goods and you may even decide to have lunch-all home made items of course. The hours on Thursday are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Friday hours will be 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Residents have cleaned out attics, garages, offices and closets to find lots of treasures to sell. There will be something for everyone; antiques, furniture, lamps, bedding, clothing, purses, shoes, jewelry, yard treasures and more. Breakfast baked goods and lunch items for sale both days. For more information call 832-6302.

Designs by Shanda is moving ENGLEWOOD — Designs By Shanda is moving to Brookville. The planned opening is July 1. Shanda appreciates the many loyal customers and friends who have visited her shop. “We will continue our business and hope to see or hear from you,” she said I may be contacted by phone: 937-467-9697 or e-mail: www.designsbyshanda.com.” Business hours by appointment.

Sewing Sisters to meet at United Christian CLAYTON — Sewing Sisters will be meeting monthly at United Christian Church, 8611 Hoke Rd., Clayton from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. on first Thursday of each month. For July the group will meet on July 11 since first Thursday falls on 4th of July. No membership or dues. Bring a project to sew and a tip to share. Invite a friend to come along.

City Beautiful Award nominations sought ENGLEWOOD — The city of Englewood would like to recognize and applaud the efforts of city residents who have enhanced the beauty of the neighborhoods and the community improvements made to their property or home. Examples would be additions or remodeling, doors/windows/siding/painting or exterior landscaping with beautiful plants, trees, walkways or decks/porches. Please participate by nominating your neighbor or friends for their efforts in the monthly “City Beautiful” Award. Nomination forms are available at the Earl Heck Community Center, 333 W. National Rd. or call 836-5929 for additional information.

AREA NEWS Englewood Government Center events Thursday, June 13 Pre-school Story Time 10-10:30 a.m. Meeting Room Babies & Books 11:30 a.m. - noon Meeting Room T-shirt Decorating 1 - 3 p.m. Lower Level Adult Book Club 2 - 3 p.m. Meeting Room Teen Time Capsules 3:30 - 6 p.m. Meeting Room Identity Theft 6:30 - 8 p.m. Council Chambers

Friday, June 14 Care Source 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Council Chambers Log Cabin Quilters 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Meeting Room Story Time for Day Care 10-11 a.m. Lower Level Fine Arts Commission 7 - 9 p.m. Meeting Room

Monday, June 17 Fidelity Health Care 9-10:30 a.m. Special Investigator 10 a.m. - noon Paws to Read 11 - 11:30 a.m. Corvette Troy 7:30 - 9 p.m.

Meeting Room Council Chambers Meeting Room Council Chambers

Tuesday, June 18 Pre-school Story Time 10-10:30 a.m. Book Lunch noon - 1 p.m. Library/YMCA 2 - 4 p.m. NABL 7 - 9 p.m.

Meeting Room Meeting Room Meeting Room Council Chambers

Wednesday, June 19 State Tax 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Council Chambers Pre-school Story Time 10-10:30 a.m. Meeting Room Babies & Books 11:30 a.m. - noon Meeting Room Northmont SAY Soccer 7 - 8:30 p.m. Council Chambers

Thursday, June 20 State Tax 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. Council Chambers Pre-school Story Time 10-10:30 a.m. Meeting Room Babies & Books 11:30 a.m. - noon Meeting Room Kids Humane Society Pets 1 - 3 p.m. Lower Level Teen Anime Club 3:30 - 6 p.m. Meeting Room

Vacation Bible School offered in West Milton

UNION — Randolph Township Historical Society (RTHS) is pleased to announce that it is participating in the Mill Ridge Village Flea Market and Garage Sale on June 6 and June 7. The Mill Ridge Village Retirement Community is located at 1000 Mill Ridge Circle in Union. Hours for the big sale are 10-4 on June 6 and 10-3 on June 7. A wide variety of items have been donated to RTHS by its members for this combined sale, with proceeds going into the RTHS Building Fund to help with operating costs and paying down the mortgage on the RTHS History Center. Come and be surprised at the huge selection of items for sale at great prices. Call 832-1858 for more information.

WEST MILTON — Community Church invites all the children in West Milton and surrounding communities to attend SonZone Discovery Vacation Bible School, June 10 - 14 from 9 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Register online at “thechickenchurch.com” or call the church at 698-4048. This year’s Vacation Bible School promises to be an adventure your children will never forget, Your children will explore God’s awesome plan. They’ll explore the wonders of God’s universe through lively songs, humorous skits and science-with-a twist-based crafts and games. Everything will draw to a joyful conclusion at the Closing Program on June 14, at 6:30 p.m.. We’re looking forward to this very special opportunity to share with the children and the parents of the community.

AARP Driving Safety Class offered

Scams and Fraud Prevention for Seniors

ENGLEWOOD — AARP Driving Safety Class is being offered at the Earl Heck Community Center on Friday, June 7 at 8:30 a.m. This class is for seniors and some insurance companies give a discount to those who complete the class. There is a fee and you can register by calling 836-5929.

DAYTON — Friendship Village will host a program from the Ohio Attorney General’s Office for area seniors regarding Scam and Fraud Prevention on June 14 at 2 p.m. The public is welcome to attend in order to heighten awareness about the scams and fraud that could affect seniors and how to prevent people from acquiring your information. Friendship Village is located at 5790 Denlinger Road. Enter door No. 1 to the Commons Lounge. For more information call 937-837-5581.

Historical Society to participate in Garage Sale

Friday dinner offered at Marian Manor BUTLER TWP. — Marian Manor Knights of Columbus 3754 will be offering dinner Friday, June 7 from 5:30 to 7 p.m., with Rosary beginning at 5 p.m. The menu will be: Grilled Bratwurst and Scalloped Potatoes or Fried Fish and French Fries, along with Salad, Coleslaw & Applesauce. Desserts are 50 cents while they last. Cost is $7/adult, $4 for 12 & under, & $20/family. Address is 6050 Dog Leg Rd, Dayton, OH. As always, K of C appreciates your support and attendance. Please bring two canned goods for a free 50/50 raffle ticket! This is the last dinner for until September.

Northmont Board to meet June 10 UNION — The June regular meeting of the Northmont Board of Education will be held on Monday, June 10 at 7 p.m. at Union Elementary School, 418 W. Martindale Rd., Union. The public is invited to attend.

Alzheimer’s Support Group to meet ENGLEWOOD — The Englewood Alzheimer’s Support Group will meet on Tuesday, June 11 at Samaritan North Hospital. The time is 6:30 p.m. Please try to attend if you are caring for and concerned about anyone with any type of dementia. The discussion is confidential and informal. For more information call Miami Valley Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association, 800-272-3900.

1913 Dayton Flood video to be featured ENGLEWOOD — Randolph Township Historical Society (RTHS) invites the public to attend an original video presentation about the 1913 Dayton Flood by member Paul Dewey at 7 p.m. on June 12 at the RTHS History Center, 114 Valleyview Drive in Englewood. Before preparing this informative video several years ago, Dewey searched through scores of flood photos in the Miami Conservancy District archives to find the most interesting ones, so many of the scenes used in his video presentation will be new to the viewing public. The free program will be preceded by a short RTHS business meeting. Socializing and refreshments can be enjoyed following Dewey’s program. Parking is available in front of the history center and in lots across the street. Call 832-1858 for more information.

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Fire hydrants to be flushed in Union UNION — The city of Union will be flushing fire hydrants starting Monday, June 17 through Friday, July 12, from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. Anyone experiencing rusty water problems with laundry due to the flushing can contact city hall. A rust remover product is available at no charge. Call 836-8624 between 8 a.m.and 4:30 p.m.

ABWA Bur Oak Chapter to meet HUBER HEIGHTS — The Bur Oak ABWA Chapter will have their monthly meeting June 18, at Sweet Home Family Restaurant, 4480 Powell Rd., Huber Heights, at 6 p.m. Sweet Home is at the corner of Old Troy Pike (OH 202) & Powell Road in Powell Plaza. It is on the west side of Old Troy Pike and near Aldersgate United Methodist and Donato’s Pizza. It is closer to Needmore Road than to I-70. Networking starts at 6 p.m. and dinner is at 6:30 p.m. Program will start approximately at 7 p.m. The program is “So what does this job have to do with my health?” Karen McGinnis, exercise physiologist, Kettering Health Network Outreach, will cover things to look for if our job is causing us stress, symptoms of this stress, and some tips on how to handle the stressors. Bur Oak Chapter provides a supportive environment for Miami Valley women to grow personally and professionally through mentoring, education, and leadership opportunities. Reservations should be made with Darlene (937-689-2643) by Thursday evening, June 13. For more information check our website at http://www.abwaburoak.org

Englewood Civic Band to perform ENGLEWOOD — Grace Brethren Village, 1010 Taywood Road will host a patriotic concert on Tuesday, June 25 at 7:30 p.m. The concert is free to the public and will be held in the Grace Brethren Village Community Room.

Thursday, June 13, 2013 - 3A

Union sets citywide garage sale days UNION — The city of Union is having its annual citywide garage sale days Thursday, June 6 through Saturday, June 8. Union City Hall, located at 118 N. Main St., will have a list of street addresses of the garage sales and maps available. All garage sales may start ay 8 a.m. and last until 8 p.m. All Union residents are invited to participate and no permit is necessary for this weekend.

Flag retirement ceremony to be held ENGLEWOOD — June 14 is Flag Day…. Residents who have old or worn flags can bring them to American Legion Post 707 at 200 W. National Rd., Englewood to be properly retired. All flags collected go to the Legion Post in New Carlisle where between 3,000 to 5,000 flags will be retired in accordance to the Ceremony for Disposal of Unserviceable Flags as outlined in Resolution No. 440, passed by the 19th National Convention of The American Legion in New York, Sept. 20-23, 1937.

American Legion Post 707 to host hog roast ENGLEWOOD — American Legion Post 707 located at 200 W. National Road will host a Hog Roast Dinner on Saturday, June 15 from 5 - 7 p.m. Dinner includes pork, baked beans, coleslaw, roll & desserts for only $10. Event is open to the public and tickets available at Post Canteen. Following dinner at 8 p.m. the Post will host “White Rabbit” band for entertainment & dancing. There will also be special prices on canned beer. Cost for this event is only $5. All proceeds will benefit the Legion Honor/Color guard units. For tickets and information contact 832-3681. Support Your local Veterans!

Electronics Recycling Day set for June 22 ENGLEWOOD — On Saturday, June 22 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. the cities of Brookville, Clayton, Englewood and Union along with Goodwill Easter Seals of Miami Valley will be collecting electronics for recycling at the Englewood Government Center located at 333 W. National Road, Englewood. Accepted items are computers, monitors, hard drives, printers, toner cartridges, keyboards, servers, routers, scanners, speakers, cords, cables, software and televisions up to 24 inches. Donation receipts will be available upon request. For questions, please contact the City of Brookville (937) 833-2135 or the City of Clayton (937) 836-3500 or the City of Englewood (937) 8365106 or the City of Union (937) 836-8624.

Vacation Bible School set at Union Baptist ENGLEWOOD — Union Baptist Church, 528 N. Main St., Englewood, will offer Vacation Bible School June 17 – 21 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. for kids 4 years old through 12th grade. Bible Stories at the Command Center, Crafts, Snacks, Puppets with Tracker, Store, Songs, Games and Skits with Spy Guy Tim and Brenda Bell, Directors 836-6593. Carole Arnett, Secretary 8363272.

Northmont Junior Colorguard sets registration UNION — If you missed the first registration, the Northmont Junior Colorguard will be holding another registration on June 18 from 6-7pm at Union Community Park, 3280 Phillipsburg-Union Rd, Union. Any questions please feel free to contact Jamie Dale at 937-684-7959.

Metro Library Board to meet June 26 DAYTON — The Dayton Metro Library Board of Trustees will hold its June meeting on Wednesday, June 26, at 4 p.m. A quorum was not available for a meeting on June 19. The Library Board of Trustees meets in the Main Library Auditorium, 215 E. Third Street in Dayton. Board meetings are open to the public. Questions may be directed to Timothy G. Kambitsch, Executive Director of the Library, at 463-BOOK (2665).

Summer Camp offered at Earl Heck ENGLEWOOD — Summer Camp is coming to the Earl Heck Community Center, July 15 – 18, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. This camp is for ages 5 and up. There is a fun theme for each day and indoor and outdoor activities for boys and girls to enjoy. You can register at the Earl Heck Community Center daily before July 5. Don’t delay, space is limited. If you need further information, please call the director, Kristy, at 698-5182.

Picnicing this Summer?? Get our ToGo Cups with your favorite snacks for your picnic or summer drive, great for traveling on vacation or around town. Great Party Dips for picnics -Macaroni salad, pototo salad, easy mixes.


Englewood Independent

4A - Thursday, June 13, 2013

Englewood Independent


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. - The First Amendment to the United States Constitution

No privacy? Get used to it! I remember getting more than one paddling as a youngster growing up in Memphis for doing exactly what’s in the headlines today; I was eavesdropping on our party line. Now I realize I have to explain to over half of you what I mean by party line. Landline phones, which were once anchored to a wall, were often shared by several households. Your number would have a distinctive ring and the others on that shared line would be a little different. I’d very gently try to pick up the phone and cover the mouthpiece so I could listen in. Somehow my patents always found out. Today that’s a federal crime and shocks folks who hear about it. How am I supposed to feel, as a conservative, when I hear about Verizon compiling phone logs, the NSA doing much the same and emails being screened by ISPs? I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel but I can tell you I am not surprised or angry in the least!

Mi ke Scinto Guest Column Anybody who believes, in this age of technology that changes at a pace that would make our heads spin, you actually enjoy privacy is fooling themselves, or naïve; or both. My family does 90 percent of its Christmas shopping online. I can’t tell you the last time I was at a teller window at a bank. It’s all done with a click of the mouse now. I have no idea what a stamp costs these days since all my mail is e-mail. Our home repairs, doctor visits and auto fixes are all set up on line. I’m very aware that if there are IT geeks who can shut down banks, power grids and even governments via Internet hacking my information is there for the

taking. And it likely has been. That anchored phone I used to listen in on is now in my shirt pocket and can call globally, act as a GPS and really acts as a computer. Yes, that same technology that allows me to appear smart when Kathy asks me, as we’re watching a golf tournament on a Sunday afternoon, how many points Tiger leads by in the FedEx Cup race; and I tell her in two seconds, could also wipe us out just as fast. I’ve accepted that it’s the new normal. I don’t like it, but it is reality and I accept it. So am I surprised to know Uncle Sam and/or big business is watching who I talk to or what I’m doing? I’d be surprised if I found out they weren’t snooping. I didn’t say I liked it. I just said I accept it. So how do I guard myself? I keep hard copy records of anything that I might need to verify something I did or had. I don’t call anybody I’d be ashamed or afraid to say I talked with and my emails are written in such

a manner that I wouldn’t care who saw them. I live the life I should be living anyway since I don’t want anybody to think otherwise. So is technology keeping me on the straight and narrow? I don’t know for sure but my guess is Sister Michael Elaine, my 8th grade teacher, is probably smiling down on me wishing she had this technology to keep me straight in school rather than having to use that paddle on me after class almost daily. Know what? I wish the same thing! Mike Scinto is a 37 year veteran talk show host serving locally, statewide and nationally behind the microphone. For the past dozen years he has authored this award-winning column. You may have also seen him offering his unique insights of Fox News Channel. “Friend” Mike at http://www.facebook.com/ mikescintoshow or visit http://mikescintocolumns.b logspot.com

Center for Rural Affairs Board of Directors calls for Comprehensive Immigration Reform LYONS, NE - Last weekend the Board of Directors of the Center for Rural Affairs unanimously called for comprehensive federal legislation to fix the broken immigration system and strengthen our communities. Board President and Fullerton Nebraska Farmer Jim Knopik said, “As the United States Senate takes up their immigration bill, we felt that it was important to emphasize that reforming our broken immigration system is especially important to rural America.” The Center’s policy position calls for: • An opportunity for undocumented immigrants who fulfill the requirements for obtaining citizenship to remain in the US as citizens. • A more robust process for legal immigration that shortens the timeline and waiting list for legal immigration and creates clear avenues for future immigrants. • Practical and appropriate limits as determined by an independent commission on the number of manually skilled workers allowed to

immigrate legally each year. • More effective enforcement of existing wage and labor laws and of the prohibition on hiring undocumented immigrants and falsely classifying them as independent contractors. According to Knopik, the United States admits only 10,000 manually skilled workers on work visas each year, about one for every 100 immigrants who enter without a visa and find work. “The door to legal, documented immigration used by earlier generations is today largely closed for all but the wealthy and well-educated,” Knopik said. Kathie Starkweather, director of rural community development work, went on to explain that the Center for Rural Affairs further recognizes the need to fully engage immigrants in rural communities and American democracy through support for minority business development, voter registration, leadership development and other means. “Such approaches bring people together and build com-

munity,” Starkweather said. The Center’s statement on immigration can be found h e r e : http://www.cfra.org/node/463 4 Center for Rural Affairs Board Adopted Resolution on Immigration Policy In accordance with its mission, the Center for Rural Affairs supports comprehensive federal legislation to address immigration. Such comprehensive legislation should include: • An opportunity for undocumented immigrants who fulfill the requirements for obtaining citizenship to remain in the US as citizens. • A more robust process for legal immigration that shortens the timeline and waiting list for legal immigration and creates clear avenues for future immigrants. • Practical and appropriate limits as determined by an independent commission on the number of manually skilled workers allowed to immigrate legally each year that are higher than the cur-

rent limit of 10,000 per year, but sufficient to prevent downward pressure on wages of workers in manually skilled sectors. • More effective enforcement of existing wage and labor laws and of the prohibition on hiring undocumented immigrants and falsely classifying them as independent contractors. The Center opposes state and local legislation to impose responsibility of immigration law on state and local law enforcement agencies. In addition, we strongly support and encourage efforts to fully engage immigrants in rural communities and American democracy through support for minority business development, voter registration, leadership development and other means. Such approaches bring people together and build community whereas the aforementioned state and local immigration proposals are dividing people and weakening communities. Adopted June 2013

A frog-jumping double standard on food subsidies I’ll bet that Mark Twain, who wrote “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County,” would’ve loved a current saga. I call it “The Jumping Congress Critter of Frog Jump.” The critter’s name is Representative Stephen Fincher. He’s a millionaire, agribusiness operator, gospel singer, and tea party Republican who was elected to Congress in 2010 from the greater metropolitan area of Frog Jump, Tennessee. Declaring “limited government” to be his priority, the 40-year-old right-winger recently jumped all over the food stamp budget, demanding that $20 billion (and 2 million poverty-stricken families) be chopped out of the

Jim Hightower Other Words

program. In his attack, Fincher cited an odd moral source to rationalize his minginess toward America’s poor families: The Bible. “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat,” declared the Bible-thumping budget-whacker, quoting the Book of Thessalonians. Of course, several passages in the Bible depict Jesus teaching an

exact opposite moral code — indeed, a heavenly duty of generosity toward the poor. But Fincher the Austerian was not about to let Jesus trump the tea party’s small-government dogma. “We have to remember,” the Frog Jumper lectured, that “this is other people’s money that Washington is appropriating and spending.” Piously put, sir. But then, the Critter from Frog Jump suddenly leapt to another budgetary lily pad. Now, the “limited government” ideologue became a croaking freespender. Guess what he’s demanding? A $9 billion increase in a taxpayer subsidy program that protects the income of a few agribusiness outfits like his.

In fact, Fincher is the second-largest recipient of farm subsidies in Congress, having taken at least $3.5 million in “other people’s money” in the past dozen years. For more on this hopping hypocrite, visit the Environmental Working Group’s website at www.ewg.org. OtherWords columnist Jim Hightower is a radio commentator, writer, and public speaker. He’s also editor of the populist newsletter, The Hightower Lowdown. OtherWords.org OtherWords columnist Jim Hightower is a radio commentator, writer, and public speaker. He’s also editor of the populist newsletter, The Hightower Lowdown. OtherWords.org

Letters to the Editor The church’s responsibility to widows To the Editor: I am preparing myself to preach this coming Sunday evening (June 16) on the subject of the church’s responsibility to widows from 1st Timothy 5:3-16. When I prepare for such an address, I find myself convicted by the passage. This passage was no different, but as I closed my message, I felt compelled to tell more than the church audience about the implications. During the 1800s the

church abrogated her duty to the people of the community and gave it to the “state”. Paul tells us that we as church have a duty to help those who are widows indeed both physically and spiritually. In many cases we have failed in our responsibility. But Paul goes on to tell us what can happen if the pendulum swings too far the other way. We see it currently occurring in our nation. Paul tells the church that it must help those who are widows indeed. Then he

goes on to list the qualifications: those who are totally without help from their families, those who are over sixty, those who are trusting in God for their well being, and those who have exhibited “good” works in their lives. Next he warns the church (and our government) of what can happen if one begins to care for a widow who either can marry or has others to care for them: they become wanton against God, they become gossipers and

tattlers and generally get themselves into trouble. That’s what has happened with our current “welfare” system. Instead of encouraging independence, we have created great dependence on the government. Church somehow we must return to doing our God given jobs: and one of those is helping widows who are widows indeed. Pastor Bruce Winner Union Baptist Church Englewood

Just call me Bob the Human Answering Machine Got a minute? Good! Let me tell you about my new hobby. I’m spending a lot of time teaching myself how to impersonate a telephone answering machine. I already have an answering machine message on my phone but I want to change it a tad in the wake of all the phone messages I’m getting from telemarketers these days. My new message will kick in after the third ring, see, and I want it to be convincing enough to frustrate all those callers I don’t want to get calls from. You know the calls I’m talking about. They are the calls from people who want to sell me everything from life insurance to new cars. I also get come-ons for acne cream, summer getaways and magazine subscriptions. A typical telemarketer message begins with “Good morning, Mr. Blatz. This is Angie (or Phil or Ron or Fred or Debbie) and I have a special offer I just have to tell you about.” At that point I usually just hang up the receiver but then I


Batz Senior Moments

decided I should give all those unwanted callers a taste of their own medicine, so to speak. When I install my message on my phone a typical episode with a telemarketer will go like this … “ Hi, this is Bob. Doggone it, I’m not here now. I’m currently on a three-month safari in Tanganyika where I doing some big-game hunting. You know, lions, elephants, stuff like that. I’m so sorry I missed your call. Please get back to be. In six months. Or 11 years.” Another option is “Hello, this is Bob. Gee whiz, you just missed me. There’s no one at home now but if you leave your name and number I will get back with you as soon as possible. Probably.” Contact Bob at bbatz@woh.rr.com

Christian literature needed for missionaries RIDGEVILLE — Do you have extra Christian literature you don’t use anymore? Bibles, Sunday School curriculum, Christian books, paperbacks, daily devotionals, magazines, cassettes, CDs, videos? The Love Packages ministry collects and sends these materials to missionaries around the world to use in their ministries. Faith Alive Church (formerly Ridgeville Community Church) in Springboro is a Regional Collection Center for Love Packages, and will pick up all of your donated materials. Please call the Faith Alive Church office for more information: Call 513-932-5504.

Send your letters to the editor Contact Englewood Independent Editor Ron Nunnari at: rnunnari@civitasmedia.com or call 836-2619 ext. 204

Letters to the Editor Policy The Englewood Independent encourages readers to write letters to the editor: Letters should be typed, signed and include current address and daytime phone number of author. Readers can also send their letters via e-mail. We will publish only the name of the author and city or organization; full addresses will not be published. Letters to the editor must be 350 words or less. Deadline is noon on Monday prior to publication date to be considered for that week’s edition. All letters will be verified by the newspaper via telephone call to the author. The newspaper reserves the right to edit for length, style and grammar and to limit the number of letters on a specific topic. If content is libelous or misleading, letters will not be printed. Letter writers have a limit of one published letter every 60 days. Form letters will not be accepted. Anonymous letters and thank you letters will not be published. For letters that include claims that are not a matter of public record, the burden of proof of the claim(s) falls upon the letter writer. Election letters will be published prior to the election, but not the week before the election; that issue is reserved for the newspaper’s endorsements. Opinions of letter writers or columnists are those of the author only. They do not represent the opinion of the staff and management of the Englewood Independent or its owner, Ohio Community Media. Send letters to Englewood Independent, 69 N. Dixie Drive, Suite E, Vandalia, OH 45377, or e-mail: Rnunnari@civitasmedia.com Ron Nunnari can be reached at 836-2619, ext. 204.

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Englewood Independent

Thursday, June 13, 2013 - 5A


Police reports from Northmont area law enforcement agencies

Union Police Chief Mike Blackwell

Englewood Police Chief Mark Brownfield

Clayton Police Chief Rick Rose

Clay Twp. Police Chief John Simmons

11900 block of National Road. Nothing appeared to be missing. William J. McGlothlin, 80, of Arcanum, was charged with speeding after running into the back end of another vehicle while traveling south on Dayton Greenville Pike at N. County Line Road. The collision sent the other vehicle into the oncoming lane where it ws struck by a northbound vehicle. The driver of the vehicle struck in the rear was transported to Miami Valley Hospital by Phillipsburg EMS. Clayton An unknown subject jumped onto the roof of a vehicle parked in the roadway on Morrow Drive causing the roof to cave inward. Adidas R. Curry, 25, of Trotwood, was arrested on a warrant issued by the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office and was also charged with possession of drugs. Curry was transported to the county jail. Police responded to the area of Summersweet Drive on the report of two suspicious males walking up to doors and then leaving. Upon arrival police made contact with two males matching the description who were going door-to-door seeking grass cutting jobs. One male was found to have two active warrants; one for probation violation on an original charge of breaking and entering. Christopher A. Lockett, 20, of Trotwood, was arrested on the warrants and transported to the county jail. Englewood Unknown subjects removed the catalytic converter from a vehicle parked in the lot of the Villas of Englewood. During the course of the theft the exhaust system was damaged including the oxygen sensors. Kenneth L. Prince, 52, of Dayton 45404, was charged with theft at Wal-Mart. Police found him hiding inside Bob Evans. Prince was transported to the county jail. Wednesday, May 22 Clayton Failure to pay for $392 worth of diesel fuel was reported at the Shell station on Salem Pike. A semi-truck driver gave a clerk a credit card to pay for the fuel and as the transaction was being processed the driver left the station and drove away. Englewood Theft was reported at WalMart. A male subject purchased a vacuum cleaner on May 16 and then used the receipt to obtain a refund on a second, unpaid vacuum cleaner he removed from a store shelf on May 22. The suspect left the store with the refund before police arrived. Thursday, May 23 Clayton Burglary was reported in the 7900 block of Irvington

Ave. The female resident met police at the Submarine House on Main Street and advised that an unknown white male in his 50s or 60s with gray hair knocked on her door and advised he was there to check her smoke alarms. She unlocked the screen door and he stepped into the kitchen. As he was looking around the kitchen he reached out and grabbed $1,200 cash that she had in the left breast pocket if her shirt in a bank envelope and fled. He entered a black S-10 type pickup with an extended cab and drove away. A passing motorist observed the vehicle and saw the victim fall down in the driveway as she attempted to chase the suspect. The victim told the motorist what had happened and he drive around the neighborhood trying to locate the suspect’s vehicle. A similar vehicle was spotted parked on Melody Drive and the motorist wrote down the license plate number. The plate returned to a Chevy truck with an address on Melody. Police checked the address but the truck was no longer there. Friday, May 24 Clay Township A suspicious vehicle was reported at Brookville Lake Estates. Police approached the driver who identified herself. She stated she was looking to move into the area and was asking residents about available property in the area. Police advised her not to approach people at the residences and to contact a real estate agent. Englewood A barking dog complaint was filed on Wolcott Place. Tracy L. Souder, 42, of Englewood, was charged with animal restraint. She was issued a court summons. Jason S. Mahaffy, 22, of Dayton 45405, was charged with violating a protection order. Charges were forwarded to Vandalia Municipal Court which will issue Mahaffy a summons to appear. Saturday, May 25 Clayton Police responded to the 4300 block of Linchmere Drive in reference to a criminal damaging complaint. A witness was questioned and was found to have a warrant. Shawn A. Davis, 27, of Clayton, was arrested on the warrant and transported to the county jail. A black Chevy Impala occupied by four unknown black males, fired a BB gun and damaged the driver’s door of a vehicle parked in the 4300 block of Linchmere Drive and shattered both dri-

ver’s side windows on a second vehicle parked in the 4400 block. The Impala fled towards Taywood Road after the shots were fired. The unauthorized use of a motor vehicle was reported on Jacquelyn Court. The victim, who is going through a divorce, said his wife broke into the home, damaged two doors, took his car, and withdrew $1,140 from his son’s savings account. Englewood A 16-year-old male was charged with being unruly on W. Wenger Road. Charges were forwarded to juvenile court. Davontae D. Brown, 18, of Dayton 45405, was charged with theft at Meijer. He was taken into custody and transported to the county jail. Sunday, May 26 Clayton Failure to pay for $15 worth of gas was reported at United Dairy Farmers. Englewood Police responded to the Sunoco parking lot on the report of an intoxicated subject who had assaulted someone. Mark E. Snyder, 52, of Englewood, was charged with disorderly conduct while intoxicated and assault. He was transported to the county jail. Tuesday, May 28 Clay Township A mailbox was struck and knocked off its post by unknown subjects in the 10500 block of N. County Line Road. Englewood Shanna Lewis, 38, of Englewood, was charged with unauthorized use of a motor vehicle. She was transported to the county jail. Police responded to Woodmont Drive on the report of bicycle theft. A witness advised that pink and black Chevy S-10 pulled up and a subject took a bike from a driveway. A license plate number was obtained that returned to an address on Ashoken. Police located the vehicle and spoke to the driver. Richard Adam Coffee, 48, of Englewood, was charged with theft without consent. He was transported to the county jail. Clayton Monique N. Heard, 28, of Trotwood, was charged with driving under suspension and failure to have a child in a booster seat. She was released at a relative’s residence with a court summons. A passenger in the vehicle, India N. Norvell, 27, of Huber Heights, was arrested on warrant issued by Montgomery County West Court. Norvell was transported to the county

jail. Breaking and entering was reported on Artistic Court. Unknown subjects entered the home, broke the drywall in the laundry room and cut copper pipes and removed them. Copper pipes were also cut off the water heater. Thursday, May 30 Clay Township A bad check complaint was filed at police headquarters by a subject who sold steaks to a resident on Arlington Road. The check did not clear the bank and the person who issued the check refused to rectify the matter. Clayton Unknown subjects broke eight windows at the Stillwater Center by throwing rocks. A worker advised he had chased four boys off the property several days before who were tapping on windows with rocks. Englewood Melissa A. CollinsSchooler, 46, of Englewood, was charged with playing loud at Cedargate music Apartments. She was issued a court summons. Friday, May 31 Clay Township Theft was reported at J&H Unlimited Inc. on Brookville Salem Road. Unknown subjects broke into several vehicles. A stereo and speakers were removed from one vehicle. A storage trailer was also broken into and property removed totaling more than $3,100. Clayton Failure to pay for $27 worth of gas was reported at United Dairy Farmers. Saturday, June 1 Clayton Burglary to an apartment was reported in the 5400 block of Westbrook Road. An unknown subject forced a window open and removed $20 cash from a dresser drawer. The victim found a men’s coat in her apartment that belongs to a subject that she knows. Englewood A male subject got into a verbal argument with two females over a parking spot in the Wal-Mart lot. When the male returned to his vehicle he observed that nacho cheese

Walking is helpful for those with addictions OKLAHOMA — Taking a walk can be very beneficial to a person for many different reasons. Usually when a person has been addicted to drugs or alcohol, they have become extremely introverted and had limited physical activity. Taking a walk allows one to become extroverted and is a simple activity to help one in recovery. Taking a walk provides one with getting outside and enjoying the beautiful sites, sounds and smells of the landscape and environment they are in. It allows one to relax, get some exercise and relieve any stress that may have been pinned up inside them. It is a healthy activity for those in recovery to enjoy and utilize to help them through any potential problems or hardships. For more information or guidance about drug or alcohol abuse or addiction or if you or someone you know is struggling with a drug or alcohol addiction, contact Narconon Arrowhead today at 800-468-6933 or log onto www.stopaddiction.com.

sauce had been thrown through an open window onto the driver’s seat of his vehicle. Sunday, June 2 Clayton Unknown subjects entered an open garage during the overnight hours and stole a 2011 Mercury (unknown model). Englewood Melissa J. Hamlin, 34, of Clayton, was charged with theft at Meijer. She was issued a court summons. Monday, June 3 Clay Township The theft of a water cooler and two-wheel dolly from a yard was reported in the 11400 block of Upper Lewisburg Salem Road. The theft of a wooden glider swing was reported in the 8900 block of National Road. Joshua A. Marshall, 27, of West Manchester, was arrested on an active warrant for failure to appear on an original charge of driving under suspension. Marshall was taken into custody and transported to jail. Clayton Failure to pay for $62 worth of gas was reported at United Dairy Farmers. Englewood Tyrone L. Fink, 49, of New Madison, was charged with having an open container in a motor vehicle in parking lot at LaRosa’s. He was issued a court summons. Tuesday, June 4 Englewood Unknown subjects stole a burnt orange Husqvarna selfpropelled lawn mower from a driveway in the 400 block of Wolf Avenue. The theft of a Snap On work light valued at $190 was reported in the 800 block of Englewood Drive. The light came up missing following a cookout and bonfire with family and friends. James Logan Reed, 23, at large, was charged with assault and criminal trespass at the Vineyard Apartments. Reed was transported to the county jail. Wednesday, June 5 Clay Township Police stopped a vehicle for failure to signal when turning from Diamond Mill Road onto National Road. Shauntay Holliday, 36, of Trotwood, was charged with no driver’s license and drug possession. He was issued a court summons. Englewood A 16-year-old female was charged with being unruly at the Chateau Apartments. Charges were forwarded to juvenile court. A 17-year-old male from Dayton 45405 and Cameron Alexander Walker, 18, of Dayton 45405, were both charged with theft at Meijer. Both were taken into custody Continued on Page 6


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The following information has been provided by Northmont area police departments. The information listed in this column is considered public record and is available to anyone seeking information concerning what is provided below. For purposes of this column, the term “arrested” or “charged” does not necessarily mean the person was taken into physical custody. It could also indicate that a summons was issued to the subject in lieu of physical custody. All the people listed as “arrested” or “charged” are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Sunday, May 12 Clay Township Michael S. Larson, 38, of Dayton, was charged with driving under the influence, speeding, and seat belt required. He registered at .072 percent on a breath intoxilyzer test. Larson was issued a court summons and released to a friend. Monday, May 13 Clay Township Police responded to the 100 block of S. Diamond Mill Road on the report of a suspicious item found in a back yard. The property turned out to be a welding pack leaning against a tree. Police contacted Allied Services which identified the item as belonging to the business and had been stolen the previous week. An unknown subject had entered one of the business’s work trucks and removed the welding pack as well as tools belonging to an employee. Wednesday, May 15 Clay Township Unknown subjects entered a garage in the 11000 block of Sweet Potato Ridge Road and removed lap top computer and DVD player from an unlocked vehicle. Perry Township Police recovered the laptop computer and returned it to the victim. Thursday, May 16 Clay Township Unknown subjects drove four wheeler across a property in the 7200 block of Brookville Salem Road and damaged approximately 50 feet of grass. A motorist struck one of five deer that ran in front of her vehicle while traveling north on Dayton Greenville Pike. Friday, May 17 Clay Township Police stopped a vehicle for an equipment violation and found the driver to be in possession of marijuana. Andrew Eldred, 26, of Kettering, was charged with drug possession. He was issued a court summons and released. Saturday, May 18 Clay Township A lost or stolen wallet was reported at Melody 49 DriveIn. Monday, May 20 Englewood At 2:27 a.m. police pulled a vehicle over after the driver squealed his tires at the intersection of Wenger and Union Roads. The driver, Daniel W. Gevat, 27, of Union, was charged with driving under the influence, failure to reinstate, and peeling and squealing. Gevat was transported to the county jail. Tuesday, May 21 Clay Township Breaking and entering to a garage was reported in the

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Englewood Independent



Stefanoff receives Senior Art Award

JACKIE RAE MARTIN WEST MILTON — Martin, Jackie Rae, age 22, of West Milton, passed away on June 1, 2013 at Miami Valley Hospital. Jackie was born January 10, 1991 in Piqua, Ohio, the daughter of Jackie Allen Martin, II and Angela Sue (Bair) Martin. She is survived by her parents; son, Tyler Allen Jeffries-West Milton, and her sister Jamie Sue Martin-Piqua. The family will receive friends on Thursday, June 6, 2013 from 4-7 p.m. at Hale-Sarver Family Funeral Home, 284 N. Miami St., West Milton, Ohio. Memorial contributions may be made to the family to assist with funeral arrangements.

AUDREY MATTIS WEST MILTON — Mattis, Audrey, age 90, of West Milton, passed away on Monday, June 3, 2013 at her home. She was born September 14, 1922 in Dayton, the daughter of Clarence & Beatrice (Kettlehake) Winert. She is preceded in death by her parents; husband, Kenneth Mattis; son, Edward Mattis; brother, Clarence Winert; and sisters, Margaret Rhoades and Helen Koenes. She is survived by her son, Kenny Mattis; daughter, Ruth Ann Mattis; grandson, Robbie and sister, Mary Jane Smith, all of West Milton. Audrey graduated from Milton-Union High School in 1942 and was a member of the Potsdam United Methodist Church. Funeral Services will be held on Thursday, June 6, 2013 at 10:30 a.m. at the Potsdam United Methodist Church, with Pastor Pam Hitchcock officiating. Burial will follow at Arlington Cemetery, Brookville, Ohio. The family will receive friends on Wednesday from 4-7 p.m. at Hale-Sarver Family Funeral Home, 284 N. Miami St. West Milton, Ohio. Photo submitted Morgan Stefanoff received the 2013 Senior Art Award from Superintendent Dr. Sarah Zatik (center) and Linda Blum at Monday night’s Board of Education meeting held at Union Elementary. The Board purchased the artwork for $300 and it will be hung in the Board of Education offices with the previous winners’ artwork. Morgan’s parents are Dan and Dawn Stefanoff of Englewood.

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CLAYTON — Happy Corner Church of the Brethren, located at 7037 N. Union Road, Clayton, (corner of Old Salem and Union roads) is pleased to announce that it will host a free meal each Monday night at 6 p.m. This free meal at the “Happy Corner Church Cornerstone Bistro” is being hosted for anyone in our community who wishes to attend. Anyone in need of a meal or just interested in dining in good company is welcome and encouraged to attend. For more information call the Happy Corner church office at 836-1204, e-mail info@happycorner.org, or visit www.happycorner.org.

ENGLEWOOD — Smith, Martha Ann “Marty” (Walsh), age 82 of Englewood, passed away on Sunday, June 9, 2013 at Hospice of Dayton. Marty retired from Montgomery County MRDD and was a member of St. Paul Catholic Church. She loved her family and enjoyed being with her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. She is survived by her husband of 61 years: James “Jim” Smith, children: Deb (Larry) Kurtz of Englewood, Di (Craig) Bussey of Clayton, Lori (Al) Pierce of Dayton, K.C. (Suzanne) Smith of IN, sister: Mary Lou Davia of VA, grandchildren: Angie Kurtz, Emily (Josh) Bechtel, Shea and Ty Bussey, Leanne (Andrew Baker) Bussey, Lindy (Adam) Carroll, Stacy (Nick) Searles, Shon (Miriam) Smith, Travis (Beth) Smith, Jared (Cassie) Smith, 14 great grandchildren, nieces, nephews, relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her parents: Peter and Elizabeth (Leahey) Walsh, brothers: Pete and John Walsh and grandson: J.D. Kurtz. Funeral services will be held at 10:30 a.m. on Friday, June 14, 2013 at the Kindred Funeral Home (400 Union Blvd., Englewood) with Fr. Jim Seibert officiating. Interment will follow the service at Clayton Cemetery. The family will receive friends on Thursday, from 5 to 7 p.m. at the funeral home. If desired, memorial contributions may be made to Hospice of Dayton. Online condolences may be made to the family at www.kindredfuneralhome.com

MARY A. WHITEHEAD BROOKVILLE — Whitehead, Mary A. (Tripp), age 90, of Brookville, passed away on Thursday, June 06, 2013. Mary was preceded in death by her parents, Oakley and Lola (Hendrickson) Tripp; loving husband, Bob K.; and sisters, Ellen Dalrymple and Muriel Thomas. She is survived by her daughter, Vanita Chaney and her husband Ralph W.; granddaughter, Danielle; nieces and nephews; and many more family and friends. The visitation will be held on Tuesday, June 11 at ROGERS’ FUNERAL HOME, Trotwood from 11a.m. to 1 p.m. with the Funeral Service beginning at 1 p.m.. Burial will follow at Bear Creek Hillgrove Cemetery, Dayton. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to AMVETS, 4647 Forbes Blvd, Lanham, MD 20706. www.RogersFuneralHomes.com

Saint Francis Thrift Store to hold its grand opening 40194100

Friday June 14th, 2013 2 p.m. Common Lounge Presented by the Ohio Attorney General’s Office Offi ce


HUBER HEIGHTS — The Friends of Saint Francis are hosting the official Grand Opening of the Saint Francis Thrift Store in Huber Heights. Located at 7777 Waynetowne Blvd, the new 55,000 square foot store offers guests a department store-esque feel as they browse through an extensive selection of estate furniture, quality housewares, and endless isles of organized clothing.

The grand opening and ribbon cutting, slated for June 15 at 11 a.m., is the culmination of efforts from everyone in the Saint Francis family. “Our doors have been open for a few months while everyone has been getting trained and used to the new location. It’s taken many hands to bring this project together and we couldn’t be more thrilled to extend our helping hand to the family in the Northern communities of the Miami Valley,”

Police reports...


and transported to jail. The theft of a Samsung, Galaxy 3 cell phone was reported at Skyline Chili. Unknown subjects stole two boy’s BMX bikes from a patio at the Chateau Apartments. Thursday, June 6 Englewood Leah K. Obermeyer, 28, of Englewood, was charged with license required after approaching people and asking for money at Samaritan North. She was issued a court summons. Police were dispatched to Dollar General on the report of a theft with the suspect fleeing southbound on N. Main Street an older model Ford Explorer. Police stopped the vehicle in the 1000 block of S. Main St. Wylie M. Andrews, 49, of Dayton 45417, was charged with theft. He was taken into custody and transported to jail. Unknown subjects spraypainted symbols on the side of the Marathon gas station as well as on a propane case.

100.97 ACRES - Ideally located for either farming or development. This land consists of 70 tillable acres and 30 acres of wooded area. Located on Sweet Potato Ridge Rd. and backs up to Englewood. Call for details. Carol Haworth 937-974-8833.

remarked Mike Chakeres, executive director of the Saint Francis Humane Society. The Saint Francis Family approaches their work with almost a “Rethink Thrift” concept in order to elevate the experience in their stores. “We aim to always preserve the dignity of working families by giving them clean, bright, and organized options in virtually every aspect of basic household needs,” Chakeres added. “From furni-

ture to shoes, we have options for everyone and really want our stores to be a unique and special experience for all of our guests!” In addition to the ribbon cutting, guests can enjoy a 20 percent off discount of everything in the Huber Heights store in honor of the non-profits 20th anniversary. The sale begins on Thursday, June 13 and runs through Saturday, June 22 and is offered only at the Huber Heights store.

Continued from Page 5

Damiyona Lee’nea Taylor, 21, of Dayton 45417, Chantelle Louise Denise, 22, of Dayton 45417, and Jashaunna Monaye Winston, 21, of Dayton 45405, were each charged with theft at Wal-Mart. Taylor, Denise and Winston were all taken into custody and transported to jail. Kimberly D. Norris, 32, of Dayton 45402, was charged with theft at Kroger Marketplace. She was issued a court summons. James E. Bush, 62, of Dayton 45406, was charged with theft and obstructing official business at Wal-Mart. He was issued a court summons. Melissa Ann Moore, 33, of Dayton 45414, was charged with interference with custody of a child. She was issued a court summons. Friday, June 7 Clay Township Police responded to the 10800 block of Westbrook

Road on the report of breaking and entering in progress. A male subject had stolen a riding mower and was heading south on a bike path. The subject abandoned the riding mower and fled into a wooded area. A set of headphones, a weed trimmer and a pressure washer was also found along the bike path. All of the items had been removed from the victim’s garage. A woman cam to Clay Twp. Police post to report that family friend had been using her phone number to obtain credit without her consent. Charges are pending. A car traveling in the 10600 block of Pansing Road was struck on the driver’s side by a deer that ran into the road. Englewood Joshua I. Robinson, 28, of Trotwood, was charged with disorderly conduct while intoxicated at Steak N’ Shake. He was taken into custody and transported to jail. Ashley Lynn Warner, 24, of

West Milton, was charged with theft at Wal-Mart. She was issued a court summons. Saturday, June 8 Englewood A 15-year-old male was charged with criminal damaging at Englewood Elementary after climbing onto the roof and kicking a plastic cover off a roof fan. The juvenile was unable to get off the roof on his own so a fire ladder truck was brought to the scene to get him down. Sunday, June 9 Englewood James E. Cooke, 69, of Trotwood, was charged with driving under the influence and failure to signal. He registered at .206 percent on a breath intoxilyzer test. Cooke was taken into custody and transported to jail. Dominic Aurelian Haynes, 44, of Englewood, was charged with disorderly conduct at the Carriage House Apartments pool. Haynes and his girlfriend threw his son into the pool. Witnesses said the son appeared terrified of the water and did not want to swim. The girlfriend cursed at the boy and then she and Haynes grabbed him by the arms and legs and threw him into the pool. The boy then panicked which enraged most of the adults at the pool who told Haynes and his girlfriend to pick on someone their own size. Haynes became angry and called 911 to report a fight about to take place. When police arrived Haynes was cursing loudly and throwing his arms in the air stating he was tired of the people in the apartment complex. He was placed under arrest and transported to jail.

Englewood Independent

AREA NEWS Self defense class offered at Earl Heck ENGLEWOOD — Self Defense classes will begin at the Earl Heck Community Center on Tuesday, June 25, from 7 to 8 p.m. and will continue through July 30. These classes are open to men and women age 15 and above. The Instructor is Doug Combs, 2nd Degree Black Belt. You can pre-register or get more information by calling Doug at 937608-1913

Blue Star Mothers needs donated items ENGLEWOOD — The Blue Star Mothers Miami Valley Chapter 3 is collecting items, cards and donations for soldiers serving in Iraq and other areas overseas. Support is needed, especially for those soldiers not getting any support from home. Donations are being accepted at the office of Dr. Beverly Fanz, DDS located at 625 W. National Road in Englewood.

Al-Anon meetings held in Brookville BROOKVILLE — Do you love someone who drinks too much? Come be with people who understand. Al-Anon is there to help and support spouses, relatives, and friends of people with an addiction to alcohol. Meetings are held at 7 p.m. on Thursdays at Brookhaven Nursing and Care Center (building with a clock tower), 1 Country Lane, Brookville, Ohio (just off Brookville-Salem or Albert Road). Call for directions or more information; 833-4478 or 222-5707.

Vandalia Toastmasters meets twice monthly VANDALIA — Vandalia Toastmasters club meets the first and third Tuesday in the Dayton Airport Hotel at 6:45 p.m. It is a dinner meeting and prices are reasonable. For further information visit http://vandaliafreetoasthost.or g or call (937) 409-3997.

F.I.S.H. needs nonperishable items ENGLEWOOD — Northmont F.I.S.H. (Friends In Service for Humanity) is in need of several non-perishable items to help stock its pantry. The goal is to always be able to help those in need so no man, woman, or child in the Northmont community will ever go hungry. F.I.S.H. is in need of the following items: Canned meat items (ham, turkey, Spam, beef, chicken), instant potatoes, pancake mix and syrup, dry breakfast cereal, oatmeal, evaporated or powdered milk, canned vegetables, canned or bottled juice, sugar (granulated), peanut butter and jellies, muffin mix (cornbread), Sloppy Joe or Manwich Mix, graham crackers, saltine crackers, fruit (canned), macaroni and cheese, Hamburger Helper, Chicken Helper, Tuna Helper, etc., bathroom tissue, bars of soap, deodorant, toothpaste and tooth brushes, shampoo. Northmont F.I.S.H. address is P.O. Box 102, Englewood, OH 45322, Englewood. Call 8364807.

Fitness classes offered at Earl Heck ENGLEWOOD — The Earl Heck Community Center offers fitness classes to help you get in shape, relieve stress and have fun in the process. Call and get information about the following: Senior Fitness/Low Impact Aerobics; Tai Chi; Boot Camp Fitness; Aerobics; Pilates; Circuit Training; Zumba; Zumba Sentao; Yoga for Beginners. You might choose dancing as your favorite exercise – the Earl Heck Center has Ballroom Dancing and Line Dancing just for you. Call 8365929 for information and how to get started. Make those New Year’s Resolutions come true.

To place a Classified Ad in the Independent call 372-9609 or toll free 1-866-212-7355.

Thursday, June 13, 2013 - 7A

8A - Thursday, June 13, 2013

Englewood Independent

Englewood Independent

Thursday, June 13, 2013 - 9A

Sports Digest

Sports www.EnglewoodIndependent.com

Thunderback Golf Outing set for June 14 CLAYTON — Calling all alumni, athletes and friends! The Annual Thunderback Golf Outing, at Moss Creek Golf Course, will be held on Friday, June 14 with a noon shotgun start. “This is an excellent opportunity for former athletes, alumni and friends to join Northmont Football Coach Lance Schneider and members of the Thunderback Club out on the green for a great day of golf and fellowship,” said Jennifer Hackney, President of the Thunderback Club. All golfers will enjoy 18 holes of golf, cart, dinner at T.J. Chumps Restaurant, refreshments, “goodie bag” with golf shirt and special awards for longest drive, closet to the pin and lowest four person team scores. Tickets are $90 per golfer and registration information is available at www.boltsfootball.com, or by contacting Dennis Lieberman. The golf outing is one of the Thunderback Club’s biggest fundraisers and all proceeds benefit the Northmont Football Program. Hole sponsorships are still available. Contact Dennis A. Lieberman @937-604-1725, or www.boltsfootball.com for more information. Contributions may also be sent to the Northmont Thunderback Club, P. O. Box 5, Englewood, Ohio 45322.

Northmont Basketball Camp slated June 24 - 28

Ron Nunnari, winner of the Ohio High School Athletic Association’s Sportsmanship, Ethics and Integrity Media Service Award is a 1976 graduate of Northmont High School. Read his sports stories each week in the Independent.

Five T-Bolts compete in MVFCA All Star game By Andrew Wilson Contributing Writer DAYTON — Five Northmont football players put on their helmets and pads for the final time in their high school careers at the 30th annual Miami Valley Football Coaches Association All Star game at Welcome Stadium on Friday, June 7. Wide receiver Austin Sanders, linebacker Cody Grilliot, defensive end Drake Thompson, offensive lineman Dustin Bowers and linebacker Bobby Saul represented the North team at the event. While the North team, which was coached by VandaliaButler’s Mike Berry, fell to the South by a score of 33-21, the T-Bolts made their presence felt as Sanders, who hauled in a total of four passes on the night, caught three on the final desperation drive by the North squad. “It was a true honor,” Sanders said of representing Northmont at the game. “Over the past four years, I’ve enjoyed a lot of great memories and it was great to put this helmet on one last time. It was definitely a tremendous honor to represent my school. Even though I’m graduated, I’m still gonna carry Northmont on my chest for the rest of my life basically. But it was a true honor for sure.” While it is unknown how many tackles Thompson, Grilliot and Saul recorded, each prevented Springboro running back Rahman Hardin, who scored two touchdowns in the second half, from reaching the end zone in the first half. The North squad, which fell behind 7-0 early and 21-7

Photo by Andrew Wilson Cody Grilliot chases Thurgood Marshall’s Denzell Norvell. near the end of the third quarter, stayed competitive and cut the deficit to seven points on a touchdown pass from quarterback P.J. Banion to wide receiver Duncan Mercer, both of which played for Southeastern High School. Banion and Mercer connected three times on the night, but the North squad was unable to stop Hardin, who rushed for one touchdown with 1:37

remaining in the third quarter and added another with 7:03 to go in the fourth. With the North trailing 2721, Trotwood quarterback Austin Howell dropped back for a pass but didn’t see Lebanon’s Bradley Ellis coming across the left side. Ellis jumped the route, picked off Howell’s pass and returned it 56 yards for a game sealing pick six.

Although the game was an exhibition, hard hits came early and often as former Trotwood running back Israel Green was removed in the second quarter after suffering an ankle injury. Both the North and South squads were charged with personal fouls in the second half. “Coming into the game, we knew it was gonna be a little chippy due to the fact that, if you get thrown out of the

game, nothing’s really gonna happen,” Sanders said. “So we kinda knew coming into the game there was gonna be a lot of personal fouls and stuff like that. But there was definitely a lot of hard hitting, I got hit hard a couple times, definitely blind sided a couple times, but we kinda expected it.” Despite the loss, Northmont players were See Five T-Bolts on Page 10

CLAYTON — Northmont Basketball Camp will be held June 24-28 at Northmont High School and Middle School. Future Bolts (grades 2-6) session 9 a.m. until noon. Junior High and High School (grades 7-12) session 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. Each camper will receive a camp T-shirt. Camp cost is $50 before June 15, $60 after June 15. Walk-up registrations will be accepted the first day of camp (please arrive early). Any questions or additional information contact Asst. Coach Collin Abels at 937-657-5341 or cabels@northmontschools.n et

Basketball training with Brooks Hall offered in local area Photo by Andrew Wilson Dustin Bowers blocks a defender.

TROY — No Limit Sports is offering small group training sessions with Brooks Hall. Learn the basketball fundamentals including shooting technique, ball handling, individual moves, offensive and defensive footwork catered to each individual’s needs. For more information, visit www.nolimitsports1.com (click the AAU tab) or call Brooks Hall (937) 6209790.

Photo by Andrew Wilson

A move to Friendship Village could be a hole in one for you! Move to a Friendship Village cottage home and recieve a free 2013 membership to Moss Creek Golf Course. Please Call Pam Hall 937-837-5581 ext 1269 5790 Denlinger Road, Dayton, Ohio 45426


Austin Sanders sprints downfield after catching a pass.


10A - Thursday, June 13, 2013

Englewood Independent

Northmont Tancs sweep doubleheader from Versailles By RON NUNNARI Independent Editor Rnunnari@civitasmedia.com CLAYTON — The Northmont Tancs summer ACME baseball team swept a doubleheader Saturday at Versailles to improve to 3-2 overall. Northmont won the opening game 14-4 by pounding out 15 hits. Tyler Hartley started on the mound, pitched two innings, struck out two and gave up one hit to earn the win. Jackson Ford worked two and two thirds innings and Jacob Stose pitched two and a third innings with four strike-

outs. At the plate Greg Peffley went 1 for 3 with a double and had one run batted in (RBI). Hartley went 2 for 4 with one RBI. Kyle Craddick went 2 for 3 with one RBI. Ben Mangen went 0 for 2 with two walks and had a sacrifice for one RBI. Stose went 2 for 3 with one RBI. Ford went 1 for 3 with one RBI. Sean Murphy went 2 for 4 three RBI. Matt Steck went 3 for 4 with one RBI. Nick Avialotis went 1 for 4 with two RBI and Brandon Christy went 1 for 4. NMT 2 1 4 2 0 0 5 - 14 15 4 VER 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 - 04 07 5 In the second game the

Tancs were the home team and again generated plenty of punch at the plate with 16 hits to earn a 10-4 victory. Mangen pitched five and two thirds innings, gave up one hit, two runs, struck out two and issued three walks. Stose pitched two-thirds of an inning wit one hit and two strikeouts. Murphy mopped up pitching two-thirds of an inning with two strikeouts. Peffley went 2 for 4 with two RBI. Zach Weatherford went 1 for 2 with one RBI. Christy went 1 for 1 with one RBI. Graham Oberer drew a pair of walks. Mangen went 2 for 3. Stose went 1 for 3 with

one RBI. Murphy went 1 for 3. Ford went 3 for 3 with two RBI. Steck went 2 for 3 with one RBI and Hartley went 1 for 3 with two RBI. “Our hitting is coming around. We struggled the first few games,” said coach Jim Oberer. “It took us a few weeks to come around. A lot of the kids played varsity ball, but they didn’t get a lot of playing time. We have good pitching and once we get back in the groove and hit consistently we will be hard to beat.” VER 1 0 0 0 0 2 1 - 04 02 2 NMT 1 1 0 2 2 4 x - 10 16 2 The Tancs opened the 2013 season with a tough 2-

1 win over Fairmont. Connor Coy pitched six and twothirds innings, scattered five hits, struck out nine and walked five. Craddick went 1 for 2 with a walk. Graham Oberer went 1 for 3 and got the game winning RBI. Stose went 1 for 3 with a triple and Steck went 1 for 2. FMT 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 1 5 0 NMT 0 0 0 0 1 1 x - 2 4 1 After the opening game victory Northmont lost to Beavercreek 8-3 and to the Troy Bombers, 8-1. “We have a lot of young players, but they are good,” Oberer said. “Peffley is

tough at shortstop, Weatherford is a great center f ielder and Graham Oberer is tough behind the plate. The kids are playing great right now and have a solid work ethic. They want to improve and they are working their butts off in practice. Once we get it all together we will be a very tough team to beat.” Thursday night the Tancs will host Vandalia at 6:30 p.m. FRiday night they play at Greenville at 6:30 p.m. and on Saturday host a doubleheader vs. the Dayton Dynasty at 10 a.m. and noon.

Northmont Optimist Club to hold golf outing July 15 CLAYTON — The Northmont Optimist Club will be holding their Golf Outing on Monday July 15 at Meadowbrook Country Club. Registration will start at 11 a.m. with a shotgun start at noon. The Northmont Optimist Club is a non-profit organization that is committed to helping the youth in the Northmont community. The club sponsors a cross-country race for students in grades 4, 5 and 6, distribute identification kits to kids at kindergarten registration, contribute to the After-Prom program, give college scholarships to graduating seniors and help provide food and clothing to people in

proud to represent the T-Bolts one last time. “You know, I’m proud to represent,” Grilliot said. “I like my school, I love it, and I had a good time. I hope I rep-

Continued from Page 9

resented them well.” Sanders will be continuing his football career at Ohio Wesleyan University this fall and expects to start at wide receiver. Grilliot, who expects

to play linebacker, will join teammate Troy Mangen at Ohio University this fall. Thompson is believed to be heading to the University of St. Francis.


Five T-Bolts...

the scholarships provided and expand the programs above to additional children and youth. Cost to play in the golf outing is $90 per individual or $360 per foursome. As a further piece of information for you consideration, 100 percent of the net funds donated go toward programs and activities for the children and youth specified above. Please make checks payable to Northmont Optimists and mail to Optimist Golf Outing in care of Chris Copas, 2195 Plantation Trail, Bellbrook OH 45305. If you have questions please email Chris at Chris.Copasfainavistar.com or call him at 937-369-6323.

Epilepsy Foundation to hold Mud Volleyball fund-raiser DAYTON — It’s time for Dayton to get down and dirty for Charity! The Epilepsy Foundation of Western Ohio is currently taking registrations for the 23nd Annual Mud Volleyball for Epilepsy, sponsored by DP&L. The favorite summertime event will take place Saturday, July 13 behind the Wegerzyn Garden Center at 1301 E. Siebenthaler Avenue in Dayton. This is Ohio’s largest Mud

Volleyball event, attracting over 250 co-ed teams of ten players each. Play in the competitive or non-competitive tournament. Any skill level can participate in the fun. If you can’t play, you are still invited to come and watch $5 donations will be accepted at the gate. Volunteer positions are available for set-up and day of event activities. Please call the office for more information. In addition, there will be food,

drinks and of course plenty of homegrown Ohio MUD! Visit www.daytonmud.com for detailed information, to register and to view pictures from last year’s event. We do expect to be a sell-out again in 2013, so register early. The Epilepsy Foundation of Western Ohio serves over 11 counties where an estimated 13,000 people are living with epilepsy. All proceeds support local services and programs offered free of charge.


Photo by Andrew Wilson Drake Thompson (29) and Cody Grilliot (9) take down the ball carrier during Friday’s game.

need. The Optimist Club is asking your help to make this golf outing a success by placing an ad in the golf outing program book. The book will be distributed to the Optimist members, the golfers in the outing and other members of the community. The money raised this year will also help to buy equipment needed for the Northmont Special Education Department. For a $100 donation the name and location of your company will be given a full page ad in the program book and a large sign will be placed on the course with your company name. Additional donations will be used to increase

Englewood Independent

Thursday, June 13, 2013 - 11A

Thunderbolts score one point at state track meet

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Photo by Shawn Bauman D.J. Hickman clears the hurdle at the sate track and field meet in Columbus. Hickman placed eighth overall in 15.08 seconds to score Northmont’s only point of the meet.

State Track Boys Results 1. St. Edward 62, 2. Pick. North 47, 3. Mason 39, 4. Wester. North 31, 4. Findlay 31, 6. Wayne 27, 7. Lincoln 26, 8. Austintown-Fitch 25, 8. Solon 25, 10. Granville 24, 11. Cin. Northwest 23, 12. Syl. Southview 19, 13. Tippecanoe 18, 14. Midpark 16, 15. Cle. JFK 14, 15. St. Xavier 14, 17. Glenville 11, 17. Middletown 11, 17. New Albany 11, 17. St. Ignatius 11, 21. Wester. Central 10, 21. Newark 10, 23. Chardon 9, 23. Mentor 9, 23. Hil. Davidson 9, 26. Reynoldsburg 8, 26. Canton McKinley 8, 26. Lancaster 8, 26. Trotwood-Madison 8, 30. Cle. Heights 6, 30. Boardman 6, 30. Troy 6, 33. Twinsburg 5, 33. Mad. Comprehensive 5, 33. West Geauga 5, 33. Marlington 5, 37. Logan 4, 37. Tri-Valley 4, 37. Avon Lake 4, 37. Berea 4, 41. Dub. Jerome 3, 41. Strongsville 3, 41. Lexington 3, 41. Centerville 3, 41. Tallmadge 3, 41. Hudson 3, 47. Licking Hts. 2.50, 47. Whitmer 2.50, 49. Shaker Hts. 2, 49. Medina 2, 49. Howland 2, 49. Mayfield 2, 49. Start 2, 49. Wooster 2, 49. Steele 2, 49. No. Ridgeville 2, 57. Princeton 1, 57. Olen. Liberty 1, 57. Marysville 1, 57. Anderson 1, 57. Midview 1, 57. Northmont 1.


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12A - Thursday, June 13, 2013

Englewood Independent



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