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Thursday, July 11, 2013
Vol. 38, Issue 9 — $1.00
Local News
Union authorizes loan for water main project
AARP Driver Safety program offered at Friendship Village
Council also authorizes park improvement and grant to make improvements for industrial park
DAYTON — Friendship Village will host a Safe Driver program on Wednesday, July 31 from 1 to 5 p.m. in the Convocation room. The class is designed especially for drivers over the age of 50 and uses an excellent participant work book and videos. No written tests or driving will be included. Many things have changes since senior citizens learned to drive other drivers, cars, traffic laws, highways, and ourselves. Normal changes caused by aging or bad habits develop over time and new distractions are all reasons why senior adults should take the AARP Driver Safety Program. AARP’s goal is to keep seniors on the road for as long as it is safe for them and others. Many insurance companies will give you a multiyear auto insurance discount for taking this course. Participation in this course is designed to make seniors safer drivers. Registration is required. There is a $12 per person fee for AARP members or $14 per person for non members. All participants will receive a certificate of completion after completing the class. Bring your driver’s license and AARP membership card to class. Call Kathy at 937-8375581 ext 1205 to register.
Men’s Aglow to meet at Mill Ridge UNION — A new group, Men’s Aglow, will meet at Mill Ridge Village the third Saturday of each month. The group will begin with a free breakfast at 8 a.m. The normal meeting will include fellowship, prayer and a speaker or Bible study. Men of all ages are encouraged to attend. Any questions contact John Willinger at 8322786.
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By RON NUNNARI Independent Editor UNION — City Council passed Monday night one reading of a resolution to accept state Issue II funds for a water main replacement project on Hawker and Montgomery streets. The city expects to receive close to $88,000 from the state for reimbursement for the project, which amounts to a zero percent interest loan. The state is also funding the other half of the cost of the project, which total $175, 828. Engineering for the project is under way and city officials hope to have the water main replacement completed by the end of the year, if all goes well.
Council also passed one reading of another resolution to enter into an Economic Development/Government Equity (ED/GE) grant totaling $500,000 to make infrastructure improvements to the city’s industrial park, Union Global Logistics Airpark, located adjacent to Dayton International Airport. The park is located between Jackson and Old Springfield roads. The project will allow water and sewer line extensions into the park and road widening on Jackson Road from Dog Leg to tie into the southern portion of the industrial park. The road improvement would also extend the road a short distance into the southern portion of the park. City Council also passed a
Board approves retire/rehire for two employees
ing more than $166,000 for the Community Park accessibility project. “Changes to the project could reduce the cost by $25,000 to $30,000,” said City Manager John Applegate. “We will have to meet with the budget committee to review the project for the possible cost reduction.”
The project will involve the installation of a six foot wide walking path which would tie the north and south part of the community on Phillipsburg-Union Road together. The project includes wheelchair accessible ramps. A Community Development Block Grant is funding part of the project. The grant funding totals $70,000.
Photo submitted Attendees at last year’s anniversary gathering held at the Randolph Township Historical Society History Center on Valleyview Drive in Englewood.
By Andrew Wilson Contributing Writer UNION — a brief public meeting at Union Elementary, the Northmont Board of Education Monday unanimously agreed to allow the retire and rehire of Patricia Hauschild and Sue Cox. Cox and Hauschild, whose retirements were effective on May 31 and June 30, will be returning to their positions in the fall for a reduced salary. Hauschild, who has eight years of experience, will resume her position as a secondary curriculum specialist and Cox will continue as a Teacher of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). Hauschild is based at the central office but primarily works at Northmont High School and Northmont Middle School. Cox has five years of experience in the TESOL position and will work districtwide. “We don’t make a practice of that unless there’s some unusual circumstances,” Northmont Superintendent Dr. Sarah Zatik said of the retire/rehire initiative. “With both of these gals, they’re in positions that are a little unusual, and I’d say the TESOL position, they’re very difficult to find. And with Patricia Hauschild, the curriculum specialist, although they’re not difficult to find, you can promote people into that position, she’s got all those years of training and all the new initiatives that are coming down the pike.” “So for right now, with a brand new assistant superintendent of curriculum, that transition of him coming in and her knowledge and experience will be helpful for the district.” In other business, Jason Watson was introduced as the new Director of District Operations. Watson, the former Fleet Manager for the district, will take over for John Blessing, who was the district’s director of operations for 35 years. Zatik also provided a brief update on facilities, stating that
related resolution to enter into an agreement with the board of county commissioners and the Montgomery County Transportation Improvement District (TID) to assign administration of the infrastructure improvement project for the industrial park. In other business, city council accepted a bid from Balsbaugh Excavating total-
Historical Society invites public to ‘Fifth Anniversary Gathering’
Jason Watson school officials will be meeting twice this week regarding the Early Learning Center and once next week for the new high school. During a brief board report, new Student Representative Taylor Johnson stated that the first summer school session for NHS and NMS students concluded on June 28. The second session began on July 1 and will end on July 12 at NMS and July 19 at NHS. Courses in math, social studies, language arts and health are being offered along with OGT prep work and testing. Northmont is one of just a few area districts conducting summer school due to budget constraints. Also, Johnson congratulated Class of 2013 valedictorian Hannah Schreiber, who received a $5,000 scholarship from Penn Station. Schreiber will be using the scholarship to attend the University of Findlay this fall. Johnson also congratulated Sam Blizzard, an incoming junior at NHS who was the recipient of the national 10th grade player of the year by the national history bee and bowl. In the bowl, Blizzard competed against teams from 10,000 high schools and 1,000 middle schools across the country. Lastly, Johnson congratulated the Northmont Drama Club for earning three superior ratings at the International Thespian Conference in Nebraska.
ENGLEWOOD — What is 15 years old, has been in Englewood for five years, and is historical? If you guessed the Randolph Township Historical Society (RTHS) you are right. RTHS was founded in 1998, and received its letters of incorporation as a nonprofit organization in July of that same year. For ten years the Society held its meetings and programs in communityspace at the Janice Ward Center in the old village of Clayton. Five years ago, members purchased a historic church building at 114 Valleyview Drive in Englewood where they opened the RTHS History Center and Museum in July 2008.
The Society is celebrating these milestones during its “Fifth Anniversary Gathering” at the History Center from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday July 27. The afternoon will feature an oldfashioned ice cream social, music by Farmer Brown’s Barbershop Quartet, and a Silent Auction. The public is welcome. An RSVP to 8326302 (Mill Ridge Village) would be appreciated for those wishing to attend. In conjunction with the event, RTHS is formally announcing a “15 for 15” Fund Drive ($15,000 for 15 years in existence). More than 100 community residents, and the three cities now making up Randolph Township, contributed to the
original five-year building fund drive for $100,000, which came up about $15,000 short. RTHS Members hope this new initiative in 2013 will top off the Building Fund so that the History Center can continue as a vital community resource. The Society reaches out to the community in many ways to people of all age groups. Program topics have included the Civil War in 2011, “Nifty Fifties” in 2012, and the Great 1913 Flood this year. Tours are given for school children, seniors, and bus groups, and “Lunch and Learn” programs target area business people. See Historical on Page 2
Car show slated July 21 at the Stillwater Center CLAYTON — The Stillwater Center Families and Friends, Inc. 11th Annual Car Show will take place on Sunday, July 21, 2013 at Stillwater Center, 8100 N. Main Street, Clayton, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Hundreds of classic vehicles will be on display. The day also includes prizes, giveaways, food, music and a 50/50 raffle. Stillwater Center is a home for Montgomery County children and adults who have the most severe and profound Photo by Ron Nunnari developmental disabilities, are There will be plenty of hot rods on display at the physically challenged and/or annual Stillwater Center car show like this Shelby See Car show on Page 2 Cobra that appeared at the 2012 show.
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2A - Thursday, July 11, 2013
Englewood Independent
Roberts win City Beautiful Award
Salem Church of God’s ‘Summer Camp’ for children begins July 18 CLAYTON — “Summer Camp – VBS All Summer Long!” at Salem Church of God in Clayton is set for four Thursdays, beginning on July 18 and continuing July 25, Aug. 8 and Aug. 15. Each session will be 9 a.m.noon and is open to all incoming kindergartners through 6th graders. There will be times of worship, fun games and lots of surprises for youngsters attending. Children are invited to bring their friends and should be prepared to make
some great summer memories. There is no cost, and participants can register at ing events/summer camp-vbs. Additionally, there are registration forms available at the church, or children can sign up at the start of a “Summer Camp” session. Salem Church of God is at 6500 Southway Road in Clayton. For more information, please visit or call 836-6500.
Fitness classes offered at Earl Heck Photo submitted The July Englewood City Beautiful winners are Jerry and Sharon Roberts (center) of 400 Valleyview Drive. They received their award from Festival and Arts Commission members Jerri Amos and Donna Alexander. The home, which the Roberts’ consider “a city home in the wilderness,” was built in 1991 and sits on over nine acres. They have done the landscaping over the years, bringing flowers and decorations into the natural quiet setting.
Located 3 1/2 miles N. of 70 (on Rt. 48) or 4 miles S. of West Milton (Rt. 48) Open: Tues., Wed., Thurs. 10-6, Fri. & Sat. 10-7
“Now more than ever in today’s electronic society, tangible objects and family histories need to be preserved at museums and historical societies for the enjoyment and education of future generations. It takes money to promote and preserve history,” said Sue Cummings, RTHS vice president. “RTHS members have stepped up to the plate and donated $7,000 toward the $15,000 goal since January,” Cummings added. “Now RTHS is reaching out again to everyone in the communi-
Car show... have significant medical needs. Proceeds from the Car Show are used to buy things needed by the residents and equipment that cannot be provided by other funding sources.
Continued from Page 1
ties of Clayton, Englewood, and Union to help us raise the remaining $8,000 for the Building Fund.” Monies in the Building Fund go toward paying off the mortgage, utilities, insurance, security, and maintenance. Cummings urges residents to visit the History Center on July 27 to see for themselves how much has been accomplished in just five years, enjoy the free ice cream and cake, and then make a donation to the “15 for 15” Fund Drive. Forms will be available so that contributors can be mailed
receipts for tax purposes. The Silent Auction will have items of interest for men, women, and children. Area business owners are donating valuable merchandise for the auction, and Landes Fresh Meats, Inc. is preparing and donating the homemade ice cream. Other sponsors include Mill Ridge Village and Meijer. Call Cummings at 832-1858 with any questions or to donate an item for the auction. A downloadable flyer is on the Society’s website, and Facebook page.
Continued from Page 1 Donations are needed for door prizes, for food to be cooked and sold that day as well as baked goods. The day starts off with breakfast and continues with lunch and bake sale items. Donations of food are needed for the lunch and bake sale. The Stillwater Center Families and Friends, Inc. is a nonprofit, 501(c) 3 tax exempt organization and is regis-
tered with the State of Ohio. Any donations of food, baked goods or door prizes will be greatly appreciated. You may contact Jim Connor-937-547-1635, Shawnee Klein 294-0137 or Tanya Boutwell 474-1017 for donations or for more information contact: Cathy Petersen – Montgomery County Communications Director (937) 224-3831.
Christian literature needed for missionaries RIDGEVILLE — Do you have extra Christian literature you don’t use anymore? Bibles, Sunday School curriculum, Christian books, paperbacks, daily devotionals, magazines, cassettes, CDs, videos? The Love Packages ministry collects and sends these materials to missionaries around the world to use in their ministries. Faith Alive Church (formerly Ridgeville Community Church) in Springboro is a Regional Collection Center for Love Packages, and will pick up all of your donated materials. Please call the Faith Alive Church office for more information: Call 513-9325504.
Sweet Corn, Yellow Squash, Zucchini, Green Beans, Onions, Cucumbers, Tomatoes, and more! Great Ideas for your picnic! Chicken Salad, Potato Macaroni Salad 607 N. Main St. • Union, Ohio • 937-832-0807
ENGLEWOOD — The Earl Heck Community Center offers fitness classes to help you get in shape, relieve stress and have fun in the process. Call and get information about the following: Senior Fitness/Low Impact Aerobics; Tai Chi; Boot Camp Fitness; Aerobics; Pilates; Circuit Training; Zumba; Zumba Sentao; Yoga for Beginners. You might choose dancing as your favorite exercise – the Earl Heck Center has Ballroom Dancing and Line Dancing just for you. Call 836-5929 for information and how to get started. Make those New Year’s Resolutions come true.
Englewood Independent
Thursday, July 11, 2013 - 3A
Guess What’s New in Reading? By Marianne Murray Guess ENGLEWOOD — On Memorial Day we honored those who have served and died during the many wars this country has fought. As we celebrate our independence this month, I thought it might be a good time to examine some recent books that underscore the phrase “war is hell.” A Chain of Thunder: This is author Jeff Shaara’s second volume in a new four-book series covering Ulysses Grant’s campaign in the spring of 1863 against Confederate General John Pemberton which leads to the loss of the city of Vicksburg, Mississippi. Protected by high embankments, artillery and 100,000 Confederate soldiers, the South was confident this citadel on the banks of the Mississippi River would not fall. After disastrous frontal assaults, Grant realizes the only effective way to take the city is to besiege it. The story is told primarily through the voices of Union General William T. Sherman and Fritz Bauer, a young private from Wisconsin. On the southern side, the story is told by Pemberton and a young civilian woman in town, Lucy Spence. This novel, as well as the first in the series, “A Blaze of Glory,” provides plenty of gritty details about Grant’s
campaign west of the Appalachian Mountains. Shaara has a way of bringing it vividly to life with all the noise, depravation, exhaustion and frustration that is typical of war. After the siege ended, the Confederacy was broken and the break would become permanent. President Lincoln used great prose to tell about Gettysburg, but Vicksburg he summed up in one sentence, “The father of all waters rolls unvexed to the sea.” The Yellow Birds: “The war tried to kill us in the spring.” This is the opening line in the debut novel by Kevin Powers shedding light on the horrors of modern warfare. Powers enlisted in the Army at age seventeen and served a one year tour in Iraq as a machine gunner assigned to an engineer unit. This fictional account draws on his experiences in the Iraq war in a powerful way. Two soldiers, Private Bartle and Private Murphy, bond during basic training and fight along side one another in Al Tafar, Iraq. The reviews are summed up by this independent bookseller, “Beautiful, haunting, heart-wrenching. The Yellow Birds is one of the finest books to emerge from the Iraq war — an important novel that
will burn itself into your memory.” American Sniper: Here is the autobiography of the most lethal sniper in U.S. military history written by Chris Kyle with Scott McEwen and Jim DeFelice. Kyle states in the Author’s Note that the events in this book are true, recounted from the best of his memory. The Department of Defense reviewed the text for accuracy and sensitive material. Even though they cleared the book for publication, this does not mean they like everything they read. But this is my story Kyle wrote, not theirs. Kyle intended to volunteer and enlist in the Marine Corp, then was recruited by the Army, but eventually enlisted in the Navy and became a Navy Seal. He served four tours in the second Iraq war and was awarded the Bronze and Silver Star medals multiple times. He was shot twice and survived six IED explosions. Iraqi insurgents named him the “Devil of Ramadi” and placed a bounty on his head. Kyle recorded 160 confirmed kills out of 255 claimed kills. His longest successful shot was made after he spotted an insurgent with a rocket launcher near an Army convoy at a range of 2,100
yards. During his tours he saved countless American lives. This story has a tragic ending, however. On February 2, 2013, Kyle and a friend were shot and killed at a shooting range by a Marine veteran suffering from post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Kyle’s wife summed it up during a recent speech, “Kyle was killed by a troubled veteran going through a tough time. He wasn’t trying to treat the vet, he was simply trying to be a brother to a fellow service man.” This is an extraordinary account of Kyle’s battlefield experiences and may rank as one of the great war memoirs of all time. Richard Marcinko (USN Retired) and first Commanding Officer of Seal Team 6 said, “American Sniper is a classic…a one shot-one kill read!” I understand Steven Speilberg already has a film in the works. Reading these books will give you an understanding of why freedom isn’t free. One reviewer stated it succinctly, “Since the dawn of history warfare has served as a conduit for great literature. Writers have surpassed historians in their portrayal of the brutality and ultimate futility of combat.” These books may not be “happy reading” but they are definitely worth reading.
Fairhaven Church to host ‘King of the Road’ blood drive July 15 Limited edition T-shirt, plus chance to win Harley-Davidson motorcycle CLAYTON — Fairhaven Church will hold a community blood drive at its Northmont Campus Monday, July 15 from 3 pm. To 7 p.m. in the campus auditorium, 5001 West National Rd. in Clayton. Everyone who registers to donate will receive the new, limited edition Community Blood Center (CBC) “King of the Road Blood Drive – Route 56” T-shirt in HarleyDavidson colors. They will also be automatically entered into the summer blood drive drawing to win a HarleyDavidson Road King Classic motorcycle. Donors are encouraged to schedule an appointment online at CBC has partnered with Gover Harley-Davidson in Piqua and REACH Magazine on the “King of the Road Blood Drive” campaign. Everyone who registers to give blood at any CBC Donor Center or mobile blood drive now through Saturday, Aug. 31 automatically qualifies for a chance to win the Road King Classic motorcycle. Ten computer-selected finalists will be invited to a special envelope-opening announcement event in
September to decide the winner. (Must be 18 to win. Official rules available at All who register to donate during the summer months will receive a free “King of the Road Summer Blood Drive Route 56” T-shirt. The latest design is offered from Monday, July 15 through Saturday, Aug. 31. The Tshirt is black with an orange Harley-Davidson racing stripe and features the “Route 56” road sign emblem. Visit the all new A new world of communications and service is waiting at CBC’s completely redesigned website Get fast and complete answers on how to make your first donation, organize a blood drive, or bring our education program to your school. Get all the updates in the CBC/CTS newsroom, find quick links to our social media pages, or schedule your next appointment to donate by connecting to Blood donation requirements: Donors are required to provide a photo ID that includes their full name. Past
Photo submitted United Theological Seminary will host the 11th Annual Preaching Retreat: Preaching Biblical Narrative.
United Theological Seminary to host 11th preaching retreat DAYTON — United Theological Seminary will host the 11th Annual Preaching Retreat: Preaching Biblical Narrative from Aug. 13 to Aug. 15. Dr. Richard Eslinger and Dr. Joni Sancken will be the instructors for “Preaching Biblical Narrative,” which will run from 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, 9 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Wednesday and 9 a.m. to noon Thursday in the Pohly Meeting Center at United Theological Seminary, 4501 Denlinger Road, Dayton. The narrative sagas of the Hebrew Scriptures give access to some of the Bible’s most interesting and challenging figures as well as powerful opportunities for Christian “Preaching proclamation. Biblical Narrative” will trace the stories foundational to the people of God, spanning from Abraham and Sarah to the Wilderness Wanderings. During the three days of the Seminar, a selected series of Hebrew Scripture passages from Year A of the Revised
Common Lectionary will be explored with regard to interpretation and preaching strategies. A variety of homiletical methods will be employed as we seek to hold together the deep meaning that these narratives hold in their own right as well as trajectories that connect to broader themes in Christian scripture. CEUs are available. For more information or to register, visit United’s website or contact Georgia Alexander at 937.529.2201 or at United Theological Seminary, now in its 142nd year, is one of the fastest growing theological schools in the United States. It was founded in 1871 by Milton Wright, a Bishop in The United Brethren Church and father of Wilbur, Orville and Katherine Wright. United offers accredited, innovative graduate and non-degree education programs for both clergy and laity. See for more information.
Photo submitted The latest version of the “King of the Road Blood Drive – Route 56” T-shirt in Harley-Davidson colors. CBC donors are also asked to Food and Drug bring their CBC donor ID Administration (FDA) card. Donors must be at least changes blood donor eligibil16 years of age (16 years old ity guidelines periodically. with parental consent: form Individuals with eligibility available at questions are invited to email or at or CBC branch & blood drive call 1(800)388-GIVE. Make locations), weigh a minimum an appointment at of 110 pounds, and be in good physical health. The .
Actors to portray Teddy and Edith Roosevelt at Mill Ridge Village UNION — President Theodore Roosevelt and Mrs.. Edith Roosevelt appearing at Mill Ridge Village, 1000 Mill Ridge Circle, Union on Tuesday July 23 at 10:30
a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Marple will portray, in period-correct clothing President and Mrs. Edith Roosevelt.They will speak about their lives during the
White House years. The presentation will cover those current (1901-1909) topics and a a biography. “Teddy” Roosevelt was governor of New York before becoming the U.S. Vice president. At age 42, he became the youngest man to assume the U.S. presidency. He became commander-in-chief after President William
McKinley was assassinated in 1901, and won a second term in 1094. Known for his anti-monopoly policies and ecological conservationism, Roosevelt won the Nobel Peace Prize for
his part in ending the Russo-Japanese War. Come hear the rest of the story! Free, must RSVP to 832-6302. Refreshments will be available. Public is invited.
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4A - Thursday, July 11, 2013
OPINION A new dawn for the defense of marriage
Englewood Independent
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. - The First Amendment to the United States Constitution
Every July Americans celebrate our nation’s founding, but our founders would barely recognize today’s America. Freedom, Alexis de Tocqueville once said, requires virtue. On June 26, the U.S. Supreme Court made it clear that the pillars of both are under attack. By a single vote, five unelected justices determined that they know better than God and struck at the heart of marriage in America. Writing for the majority in the Defense of Marriage Act decision, Justice Anthony Kennedy insisted that defining marriage as the union of a man and woman - as nations have since the beginning of time - is “to impose a disadvantage, a separate status, and so a stigma upon all who enter into same-sex marriages made lawful by the unquestioned authority of the States.” It is one thing, Justice Antonin Scalia fired back, “for a society to elect change; it is another for a court of law to impose change by adjudging those who oppose it [are] enemies of the human race.” Chief Justice John Roberts agreed, writing that the definition of marriage wasn’t driven by a “sinister motive” but by its “role and function throughout the history of civilization.” The Court can declare
Tony Perkins
Family Research Council same-sex “marriage” a legal right in the eyes of government, but judges cannot make it morally right in the hearts of the people. This is an institution that carries God’s own signature. Even absent any faith, the natural order proves the only successful model for civilization is natural marriage. In California, voters already understood what was at stake. In two separate referendums, they flooded the ballots for marriage, winning a constitutional amendment in 2008 in the largest state in America. For five years, the Left has battled to tear down this monument to democracy and the natural family. California Governor Jerry Brown, ignoring his people - and the law - took a page from President Obama’s school of defiance and refused to defend the amendment in court. Left without options, the proponents of Proposition 8 took it upon themselves to protect it.
The Supreme Court, in a profoundly disturbing decision, ruled that these voters lacked the standing to represent a state amendment that more than 7,000,000 Californians passed. The Proposition 8 decision sets a disturbing precedent for a nation of sovereign people. Fortunately, conservative leaders across our country aren’t about to stand by as the Court abandons the cornerstone of American government. In interview after interview, tweet after tweet, the message echoed from governor’s mansions to congressional floors: we are not giving up. It started with Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) and flooded the wires since then. “No man, not even a Supreme Court, can undo what a holy God has instituted.” Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-Kans.) vowed to lead the fight for a Federal Marriage Amendment. Governor Mike Pence (R-Ind.) said he would use today’s rulings as motivation to work even harder for a state marriage amendment. The Left will say that we are on the wrong side of history, but that doesn’t matter if we’re on the right side of truth. And the truth is that the love of a man and woman, for life, is God’s design for marriage and fam-
Life is about warnings, warnings, warnings and more warnings
I went for a little drive the other day when I noticed the words “objects in mirror are closer than they appear” on my passenger side mirror. That’s when I suddenly realized I’m getting tired of all the warnings I have to deal with these days. Warnings are here, warnings are there, warnings are EVERWHERE. You name the activity there’s a real good chance there is some kind of warning attached to it. Like all those little signs that warn us to Keep off the Grass. There are also lots of signs that warn No Fishing and No Smoking. America has become a nation fraught with warnings. Some are terse warnings like In and Out and Stop and Go. Others are a tad longer and they include No Trespassing, You Must Be 21 to Enter and No Alcohol Beyond This Point. Yes, we have signs. Other popular warnings include, but are not limited to Up, Down, Exit, No Exit, Parking, No Parking, School Zone, Stay Back 50 Feet, Quiet Please, Open, Closed, No Minors, Buckle Up, No Credit, Beware of Dog and No Hunting. I dislike warning signs on the trial and many other and to prove it I totally hot issues of the day I will be
ily. Forty years ago, many people thought - as some might today - that the battle for life was lost. Over time, our movement and technology helped to change people’s hearts and minds to a new understanding of the sanctity of the unborn child. And we will do it again. As more Americans see and feel the erosion of religious liberty, of parental rights, of children’s innocence, and of conscience rights, their opinions will no longer be swayed by emotions and popular opinion - but by the reality of the fundamental harm that same-sex “marriage” poses to society. Are these rulings demoralizing? Definitely. But we will not let a court’s definition of marriage define us. Someday - years from now when law students are memorizing this date and its importance in American history, what will they say about our movement? That it united together and changed the conversation on marriage? That it refused to quit until it transformed state and federal laws? Hopefully, they will say that you and I stood on truth - and restored marriage and the Author of marriage to their rightful place in American policy. Tony Perkins is president of the Family Research Council.
Without a shadow of doubt? Really? As of press time there very well could be a verdict in the George Zimmerman murder trial; but I doubt it. Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch “guard” is accused of killing 17 year old Trayvon Martin during a fight in February of last year. I doubt I needed to explain that to any of you since the story of the trial is in the top block of every newscast in America almost daily. Other than for inclusion in my column, and on the radio show, I would probably not follow it at all. With cameras, reporters, Twitter, Facebook and every other form of communication known to man, there is nowhere to hide from the trial. Zimmerman is being painted by the prosecution as a racist, hostile man out to nail young Martin that night for daring to even come into the neighborhood. And Martin is being portrayed by that same prosecutor as an innocent young man, returning from buying some candy and minding his own business and forced to defend himself from an overzealous
Mike Scinto Guest Column attacker in Zimmerman. Of course Zimmerman is suggesting he was not overly aggressive, that Martin was the racist and instigator and in fact the one who attacked him causing the fight and the weapon to go off; in selfdefense. I don’t know what happened that night. There are only two people who do know and only one of them is alive; and on trial. The truth in this case is likely somewhere in between the two accounts. The reality is that while there will be a verdict, we will never “know” the truth completely. I know I have not been in the courtroom nor have any of you. We have seen and heard accounts, testimony, discredited witnesses, family
members and forensic specialists who of course disagree. Regardless of on which side you find yourself, any juror who attempts to suggest Zimmerman could be convicted beyond any shadow of doubt is hallucinating or dishonest. There will always be doubt because there were no eye witnesses and no concrete irrefutable evidence. In this case, that means “not guilty”. Anything else makes a mockery of our justice system which, while imperfect is still the best on the planet. Unfortunately the stereotypes, on both sides are today’s new reality in this country. Without getting preachy (oh heck, I’ll get preachy) until parents raise their children to be blind to prejudice, to love their fellow man and to “judge not or you will be judged” we will continue to see this kind of case present itself. And good luck with all those good living suggestions! It’s a sad commentary on where we are as a society. By the way for the latest
hosting the nationally syndicated “The Mike Gallagher Show” through Friday July 12. The show airs from 9AM thru 12:00N and can be heard all across America, and locally on 1450-AM The Ticket in Hamilton. Globally the show can be heard on your smartphone, laptop or tablet at m/ on iHeatradio 89-FM-The-Answer-6133/ or you can download the free 98.9 FM The Answer app for android or iPhone/iPad. Mike Scinto is a 37 year veteran talk show host serving locally, statewide and nationally behind the microphone. For the past dozen years he has authored this award-winning column. You may have also seen him offering his unique insights of Fox News Channel. “Friend” Mike at ikescintoshow or visit
The story of NCR still inspires innovation As America invented its way through the great industrial revolution and into the 20th Century, the Dayton region played a key role in the development of everything from the pop-top can to air conditioning. But of all the companies to set up shop in the area, the National Cash Register Company (NCR) was one of the indisputable anchors of Dayton’s industrial ship. Invented in 1878 by Dayton restaurateur James Ritty, the mechanical cash register revolutionized retail sales around the world. Ritty got the idea while traveling from Europe on an ocean liner. In the engine room, he watched the ship’s steam gages as they counted the revolutions of the propellers and, once back in the states, adapted the mechanics to calculate and record sales in his restaurant. While Ritty’s machine was successful, his plan to build and sell them fell somewhat short of his mechanical achievement. In 1881, he sold his design and the cash register machine business to Jacob Eckert of Cincinnati for a mere $1,000. Eckert saw the promise of this new invention and sold the device properties to the National Manufacturing Company.
Gery L. Deer Deer in Headlines
When Dayton brothers John and Frank Patterson purchased control of the National Manufacturing Company in 1884, they changed the name to the National Cash Register Company, and NCR was born. The original business operated out of a one-floor workshop of 40 feet by 80 feet and employed 13 people. By 1906, practical electric power had only recently been brought to the consumer when a young inventor working for the Pattersons named Charles F. Kettering, developed the first electric cash register. The advancement pushed NCR into a much larger market, and subsequently, greater profits. Kettering left the company in 1909 to work in the automotive industry, but his electrical contribution secured the NCR’s longevity in the industry. Of course, it’s not enough to offer a good product if the employees have no idea how to
sell it to a public that had little experience with such devices. Educating salesmen to speak intelligently about the new-fangled adding machines was no small task but it proved to be the method by which the company grew internationally. It also made NCR one of the first companies in history to provide this kind of sales training to employees. Like most other industries, NCR struggled during the Great Depression. But by 1955, the company had three product lines including cash registers, accounting machines and adding machines, and employed more than 12,000 workers. As NCR grew, so did the opportunity for people to find steady work in Dayton. Many people, sometimes whole families, came from other parts of the state and surrounding regions for just such an opportunity. From education to employment perks including access to the company’s private resort, Old River Park, NCR was a great place to work in the 1950s and early 60s. But times change and the company had to adjust or die out completely. By the mid-1960s, advancing technology and increasing overseas competition forced
NCR to convert from mechanical to electronic adding devices. Massive layoffs in the factories turned lifetime employees, jobless, into the cold. For a short time, AT&T took over computer and electronic productions of NCR, but backed out only a few years later. Eventually the company began outsourcing and selling off assets until virtually nothing remained. The last NCR personnel left Dayton in 2009, when the company moved what was left of the business to Georgia. Today all that remains of the old NCR are memories and vacant lots where massive manufacturing buildings once stood. While it may not have had a fairy tale ending, the centurylong story of NCR is one of innovation and determination that still resonates in the Dayton area today. To learn more about the history of NCR and manufacturing in the Dayton region, visit Carillon Historical Park’s Heritage Center of Dayton Manufacturing & Entrepreneurship. Gery L. Deer is an independent columnist and business writer based in Jamestown, Ohio. More at
Batz Senior Moments
ignored one at the library the other day. The message on that sign was Quiet Please but when the librarian walked away for a moment, I said six words. Out loud! You’ve probably noticed most signs warn people NOT to do this or that. Then, of course, there is the sign that warns No Loitering. I think I’ve loitered a few times in my life but if I remember right nothing really bad happened to me or anybody else when I did. As you have probably already guessed, I dislike warning signs. Because I dislike them, I often ignore them. If I see a sign along a roadway that tells me to Resume Speed, I slow down. If I spot a sign that says Not an Entrance I open the door and go in. So far, it has worked every time. Contact Bob at
Send your letters to the editor Contact Englewood Independent Editor Ron Nunnari at: or call 836-2619 ext. 204
Letters to the Editor Policy The Englewood Independent encourages readers to write letters to the editor: Letters should be typed, signed and include current address and daytime phone number of author. Readers can also send their letters via e-mail. We will publish only the name of the author and city or organization; full addresses will not be published. Letters to the editor must be 350 words or less. Deadline is noon on Monday prior to publication date to be considered for that week’s edition. All letters will be verified by the newspaper via telephone call to the author. The newspaper reserves the right to edit for length, style and grammar and to limit the number of letters on a specific topic. If content is libelous or misleading, letters will not be printed. Letter writers have a limit of one published letter every 60 days. Form letters will not be accepted. Anonymous letters and thank you letters will not be published. For letters that include claims that are not a matter of public record, the burden of proof of the claim(s) falls upon the letter writer. Election letters will be published prior to the election, but not the week before the election; that issue is reserved for the newspaper’s endorsements. Opinions of letter writers or columnists are those of the author only. They do not represent the opinion of the staff and management of the Englewood Independent or its owner, Ohio Community Media. Send letters to Englewood Independent, 69 N. Dixie Drive, Suite E, Vandalia, OH 45377, or e-mail: Ron Nunnari can be reached at 836-2619, ext. 204.
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Englewood Independent
Thursday, July 11, 2013 - 5A
Mill Ridge offers line dance lessons
Historical Society plans ice cream social
Englewood Government Center events
UNION — Line Dance lessons are offered each Monday at Mill Ridge Village, 1000 Mill Ridge Circle, Union from 2-4 p.m. Kevin Glueckert is the instructor and everyone is welcome. The third Friday of each month a country-western line dance is offered starting at 7 p.m. Questions? Call the Mill Ridge office at 832-6302.
Diabetes Support Group cancels meetings
Thursday, July 11
ENGLEWOOD — Due to a vote of the membership, the Englewood Diabetes Support Group will not be holding meetings this summer. The group will start having meetings again this fall. For more information call Tom Bowers, 836-3592.
Friday, July 12
Rum River Blend to perform in Tipp
Sunday, July 14
TIPP CITY — Rum River Blend will perform in concert at the Historic Tipp City Roller Mill, 225 East Main Street, on Saturday, July 13 at 7:30 p.m. Rum River Blend bill themselves as ‘Unprofessional Entertainment.’ Known for their variety of music and entertaining style, they perform a blend of traditional bluegrass, folk and Gospel songs that make you want to tap your foot and sing along. Join them for a special recognition of their fiddler, Carl Phillis’ 91st birthday! Birthday cake music and more! For priority seating reservations call; 937-667-3696. Adults $8, children $4.
Picnic and music slated in Greenville GREENVILLE — Darke County Center for the Arts invites music lovers to a picnic on the lovely grounds of Turtle Creek Golf Club on Friday, July 12. DCCA’s “Barbecue and Blues” will kick off at 6:30 p.m. with music by local favorites Frohna and Warner followed by Cincinnati-based blues rockers Amy McFarland and the Blues Merchants. The kitchen at Turtle Creek will have available for purchase pulled pork sandwiches and barbecue chicken, with baked beans and coleslaw rounding out the menu. Tickets for the event which is a fund-raiser for DCCA are $10; Turtle Creek’s food offerings cost an additional $10. Additionally, the Golf Club will offer for sale a full range of drinks. Tickets may be reserved by contacting DCCA at 937547-0908 or, and are on sale at Turtle Creek Golf Course; tickets will also be sold at the gate the night of the event.
ENGLEWOOD — Originally founded in 1998, Randolph Township Historical Society (RTHS) will celebrate its 15th anniversary with an old-fashioned ice cream social from 2 to 4 p.m. on July 27 and the community is invited. The free event will be held at the RTHS History Center, 114 Valleyview Drive in Englewood. The event also marks the nonprofit organization’s fifth anniversary since opening the RTHS History Center and Museum, dedicated to preserving the cultural heritage of Clayton, Englewood, and Union and the surrounding areas. Those attending the event will be treated to 1913-era music sung by Farmer Brown’s Barbershop Quartet and be able to see the Society’s 1913 Flood exhibits. Sponsors include Landes Fresh Meats, Inc., Meijer, and Mill Ridge Village. Donations to the Society’s “15 for 15” Fund Drive ($15,000 for 15 years in existence) to help pay down the mortgage on the museum building will be gratefully accepted. Call 832-1858 for more information.
Pre-school Story Time 10-10:30 a.m. Meeting Room Babies & Books 11:30 a.m. - noon Meeting Room Kids Crafts 1 - 3 p.m. Lower Level Adult Book Club 2 - 3 p.m. Meeting Room Teen Gaming 3:30 - 6 p.m. Meeting Room Menu Planning and Cooking Shortcuts 6:30 - 8 p.m. Meeting Room Log Cabin Quilters
9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Meeting Room
Saturday, July 13 Energetics
2 - 3 p.m. Meeting Room
Fine Arts Commission 7 - 9 p.m. Meeting Room
Monday, July 15 Fidelity Health Care 9 - 10:30 a.m. Meeting Room Paws to Read 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Meeting Room Towns of the Northern Miami Valley 6:30 - 8 p.m. Council Chambers
Behnken to perform at Happy Corner CLAYTON — Lee Behnken will be performing at Happy Corner Church Saturday July 27 at 7 p.m. Lee, a Brookville native, shares the gospel through contemporary Christian music on his acoustic guitar. Enjoy an evening of praise and worship that has been shared internationally. Presented by the Happy Corner Christian Cultural Series at 7037 Union Road, Clayton, OH 45315. Free admission – A freewill offering will be taken.
Tuesday, July 16 Pre-school Story Time 10-10:30 a.m. Book Lunch noon - 1 p.m. Library/YMCA 2 - 4 p.m. Child Immunizations 4 - 7 p.m. NABL 7 - 9 p.m.
Meeting Room Meeting Room Meeting Room Council Chambers Council Chambers
Vacation Bible School offered at Crestview
Wednesday, July 17
CLAYTON — Vacation Bible School is being offered at Crestview Baptist Church. Experience the Adventure of a lifetime with God by Facing Your Fears at ‘Colossal Coaster World!’ Activities begin July 28 through August 1, with a Free Dinner served from 5-6 p.m. VBS immediately following from 6-8 p.m. August 2 is Community Night (everyone invited) from 6-8 p.m., dinner will be served. Hope to see you there. Call the church office at 854-6300 to register or with any questions you may have. Crestview is located at 6600 Salem Ave, Clayton.
Pre-school Story Time 10-10:30 a.m. Meeting Room Babies & Books 11:30 a.m. - noon Meeting Room Northmont SAY Soccer 7 - 8:30 p.m. Council Chambers
Thursday, July 18 Pre-school Story Time 10-10:30 a.m. Meeting Room Babies & Books 11:30 a.m. - noon Meeting Room T-shirt Decorating 1 - 3 p.m. Council Chambers Teen Anime Club 3:30 - 6 p.m. Meeting Room Meet Me at the Soldiers’ Home 6:30 - 8 p.m. Council Chambers
Yoga for Seniors offered in Union UNION — Yoga for Seniors continues on Monday mornings from 9:30-11:45 a.m. at Mill Ridge Village Retirement Community, 1000 Mill Ridge Circle, Union. There is a charge, public is welcome and you can participate as many times as you would like. Connie Kriegbaum is our certified Yoga instructor. This yoga class is a beginning class that features slow, deliberate, gentle movements designed to build strength, flexibility and range of motion that helps with balance.
Sinclair Classes for senior citizens offered
Sign-up to be in the Englewood Festival Parade
DAYTON — Friendship Village Retirement Community will be hosting the Sinclair Classes for Seniors this fall. Classes are free for senior adults. Classes begin the week of August 19 and end December 11. Registrations will be accepted until July 25. There will be two classes being offered. “Painting & More” on Monday’s from 1 to 4:15 p.m. with Barb Stork in the Fine Arts Room. Enter door 15. The other class is “Music Appreciation, Arts and Ideas: Romanticism” each Wednesday from 1:30 – 4:15 p.m. The instructor for this class is Professor Bobo and will be held the Convocation Room. Enter door 1 at the main entrance. If you are interested in taking either of these classes, please register by calling Kathy Shellabarger at 937-837-5581 ext 1205.
ENGLEWOOD — The Englewood Festival and Arts Commission invites local groups to participate in the Festival Parade to be held Saturday, August 10 beginning at 9 a.m. This will be the 40th year for the Englewood Art Festival and the parade is a prelude to all of the festival activities. Applications are being accepted through July 15 and can be found on the city website at Call 937836-5929 for more information. Former Festival and Arts Commission members will be honored as Grand Marshals. Past members interested in participating are asked to call Linda Bryan at 832-0604.
Clayton offers water quality report
CLAYTON — Sewing Sisters will be meeting monthly at United Christian Church, 8611 Hoke Rd., Clayton from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. on first Thursday of each month. No membership or dues. Bring a project to sew and a tip to share. Invite a friend to come along.
DAYTON — The Colonel White High School (Dayton) reunion committee invites all 1963 Colonel White classmates, families, and friends to the once in a lifetime 50th year high school reunion. Primary activities and celebrations will be held at the Marriot Hotel, 1414 South Patterson Blvd. in Dayton. The special activities will take place August 9-10 with an optional brunch conducted Sunday, August 11. Contact Jim Lake at 937985-5101, or Barb Davis at 937-415-0778 ASAP if you have not made prior reservations. Event details are available on the 1963 Colonel White alumni web site. Please explore the web site for added information:
City Beautiful Award nominations sought
New Alzheimer’s Support Group available
ENGLEWOOD — The city of Englewood would like to recognize and applaud the efforts of city residents who have enhanced the beauty of the neighborhoods and the community improvements made to their property or home. Examples would be additions or remodeling, doors/windows/siding/painting or exterior landscaping with beautiful plants, trees, walkways or decks/porches. Please participate by nominating your neighbor or friends for their efforts in the monthly “City Beautiful” Award. Nomination forms are available at the Earl Heck Community Center, 333 W. National Rd. or call 836-5929 for additional information.
DAYTON — A new Alzheimer’s support group has started at Friendship Village meeting the second and fourth Thursday of each month from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Gem City Home Care will provide respite care at no charge for loved one with dementia or Alzheimer’s next to the support group meeting. Participants can enter door 18 at the Coffee House and proceed to the conference room. For more information, call Pam Hall at 837-5581 ext 1269. Friendship Village is located at 5790 Denlinger Road, Dayton.
CLAYTON — The City of Clayton has completed its 2013 Water Quality Consumer Confidence Report for testing year 2012. A copy of this report can be viewed at the City’s website at Copies of the report are also posted at the Clayton Government Center at 6996 Taywood Road, Fire Station 84 located at the corner of Wenger and Crestway, or Fire Station 83 located at 200 Woolery Lane.
Northmont Class of ‘93 plans reunion DAYTON — Northmont Class of 1993 will hold its 20 Year Reunion Saturday, August 3 at Sharkey’s at the Dayton Marriott from 7-11 p.m. Cost is $25 per person. Registration and payment must be received by July 19 to reserve your spot. Rooms are also available for out of town guests. See the reunion page on facebook, Northmont’s website under alumni, or email Heidi Bell at for registration form or more details.
Northmont Band Booster Car Wash slated ENGLEWOOD — The Northmont Band Boosters will be holding car wash on Saturday, July 13 in the parking lot of Kindred Funeral Home, which is located off Union Boulevard. Members of the 2013 Northmont Marching Band will be washing cars from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Bake goods will also be available for a donation. Student members of the marching band working the events are asked to bring two to three towels, sunscreen and drinking water. Donations from the car wash benefit the Northmont Band Boosters which provides additional funding the marching band, color guard and other high school band programs. Please help support the Northmont marching band and Band Boosters by attending this event.
Sewing Sisters to meet at United Christian
Summer Camp offered at Earl Heck ENGLEWOOD — Summer Camp is coming to the Earl Heck Community Center, July 15 – 18, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. This camp is for ages 5 and up. There is a fun theme for each day and indoor and outdoor activities for boys and girls to enjoy. You can register at the Earl Heck Community Center daily before July 5. Don’t delay, space is limited. If you need further information, please call the director, Kristy, at 698-5182.
Open house slated at Mill Ridge UNION — A Mill Ridge Village Open House will be held on Sunday, July 21 from 2-4 p.m. at 818 Mill Ridge Circle, Union. Please call the office with questions at 832-6302.
Colonel White Class of 63 to hold reunion
Business referral group meets Wednesday CLAYTON — BNI’s Success By Referral is a business networking group that meets every Wednesday at Better Homes & Gardens/Big Hill Real Estate Offices on North Main Street in Clayton from 7:30 to 9 a.m. The purpose of the meetings is to pass along referrals, not leads, to the other members. Last year alone, members had over $144, 305 in business! This year the group has already passed over 52 referrals that has led to $115,971 in closed business. This is a fun and energetic group comprised of many different businesses. The group has a variety of openings for local businesses to fill. For example the group is looking for an accountant, a plumber, and a florist just to name a few. If you are interested in growing your business this year, be sure to visit the meeting next Wednesday. Any questions please call Rene’ at 604-6215.
Knitting Classes Begin July 17th
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6+/- Acres Swim club was a popular local summer attraction since 1964. There are many possibilities for this property zoned conservency. . Currently situated on the property are 2 buildings, pool, tennis court, and parking lot. The opportunity is yours to revive the Swim Club or Re-Develop the property.
2 INSPECTION DATES – Wed. July 24 & 31 4-6PM
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exp. 7/31/13
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6A - Thursday, July 11, 2013
Englewood Independent
Police reports from Northmont area law enforcement agencies
Union Police Chief Mike Blackwell
Englewood Police Chief Mark Brownfield
driver’s license, and a paycheck from Hampton Inn, a PNC BANK card, an iPhone charger and a set of house keys. Monday, June 24 Clayton Failure to pay for $30 worth of gas was reported at United Dairy Farmers on Salem Avenue. Tuesday, June 25 Englewood An officer entered Speedway and observed a male subject standing near snack display at the back of the store. The subject looked directly at the police officer and as the officer headed toward the fountain drink dispenser watched as the male concealed a bottle of wine in the pocket of his shorts. The male proceeded to buy some cigarettes, a drink and a bag of chips but never offered to pay for the wine. The officer left his soft drink with the cashier and followed the suspect outside. Curtis Lee Fugazzi, 25, of Englewood, was charged with theft. During a search the officer found $92 inside Fugazzi’s wallet and asked him why he would steal a $9 bottle of wine if he had that much money. Fugazzi stated he was upset because it was the anniversary of his mother’s death. He further stated that he had been drinking earlier and wasn’t drunk enough, and since it was after 1 a.m. and wouldn’t be allowed to purchase alcohol, he decided to take it instead. Fugazzi was taken into custody and transported to the county jail. Police observed an older male subject purchase beer for an underage male at Union Food and Gas on Union Road. Robert L. Bergman, 18, was charged with prohibitions against underage persons and Robert Edward Buckingham, 21, was charged with offenses involving underage liquor. Both were issued a court summons and released. The beer was confiscated. Wednesday, June 26 Englewood Jonathan N. Merriman, 60, of Trotwood, was charged with driving under the influence, marked lanes, endangering children ad open container. He registered at .10 on a breath intoxilyzer test.
26 & 27
9:00am - 4:00pm
Merriman was taken into custody and transported to the county jail. Joseph Ed Haeseker, 20, of Englewood, was issued a Criminal Rule 4 court summons in lieu of arrest on a warrant issued by Montgomery County for failure to appear on a traffic charge. He was given a new court date released. An unknown subject entered a resident’s room at Sterling House of Englewood and removed $15 from her purse. The victim stated that during the past month someone had entered her room and removed perfume and an eight pack of paper towels. Unknown subjects entered an unlocked vehicle parked on Pauly Drive and removed a Garmin GPS unit. Unknown subjects entered an unlocked vehicle parked on Browning Avenue and removed an iPhone charger and tanning products. Friday, June 28 Englewood Road rage was investigated in the 500 block of S. Main Street. An officer met with the victim at the Marathon station while another officer stopped the other vehicle involved in the incident. The victim advised that a female subject had been following her for about 40 minutes during which time the female threw things at her car and screamed various obscenities at her. At the Taywood intersection on Main Street the female threw an object that struck the rear, passenger side window causing it to fracture extensively. The victim was very agitated and upset. The victim stated she believed the other female was upset because she had taken her boyfriend to a strip club. Danielle Lynn Daugherty, 23, of Dayton 45406, was charged with criminal damaging/endangering. She was taken into custody and transported to county jail. Unknown subjects smashed the front passenger window on a vehicle parked at Steak ‘N Shake and removed a purse from the front seat. The purse contained approximately $120 cash, a Social Security card, a credit card, a debit card, an Ohio driver’s license and a
Clayton Police Chief Rick Rose
Clay Twp. Police Chief John Simmons
passport. Dwayne L. Echols, 45, of Dayton 45406, was charged with theft at Wal-Mart. He was also arrested on an active warrant issued by the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office. Echols was taken into custody and transported to the county jail. Sunday, June 30 Clayton Richard Allen Kerns, Jr., 42, of Clayton, was arrested on a warrant issued by Vandalia Police. Kerns was taken into custody and transported to the county jail. Englewood Police responded to Speedway on the report of an intoxicated subject. Dale A. Plemons, 41, of Englewood, was charged with disorderly conduct while intoxicated and was arrested on three warrants; one issued by Huber Heights for failure to appear on an operating a vehicle intoxicated charge, the second through Riverside Police for probation violation and the third through the Preble County Sheriff ’s Office for non-support of defendants. Plemons was taken into custody and transported to the county jail. Tammy Sue Miller, 32, of Englewood, was charged with theft at Kmart. She was issued a court summons and released. Monday, July 1 Clay Township A motorist traveling east on Upper Lewisburg-Salem Road struck a deer approximately one half-mile east of Number Nine Road. The deer ran out of a cornfield and the driver had no time to brake. After being struck, the deer ran off into an adjacent field. Clayton The theft of three, 32-inch TVs from a residence was reported on Stranwood Drive. There were no signs of forced entry to the residence. The victim believes her 19-yearold daughter, who has keys to the home, may have removed the TVs without permission. Benjamin B. McDonald, 31, of Dayton 45405, was arrested at Meadowbrook Apartments on four active warrants issued by various agencies. McDonald was taken into custody and trans-
ported to the county jail. Englewood Police responded to the Carriage House Apartments on a fight involving two juvenile males. Both males were taken into custody and transported to the Juvenile Intervention Center. Tuesday, July 2 Clayton Chauncey Phillip Freeman II, 19, of Clayton, was charged with driving under financial responsibility act suspension and was arrested on a warrant issued by Englewood Police. He was issued a court summons for the traffic citation and was transported to the county jail on the warrant. Englewood Cody Lee Mowen, 22, of Englewood, was charged with theft without consent at WalMart. Mowen was taken into custody and transported to the county jail. Wednesday, July 3 Clay Township After making a traffic stop on a vehicle for a speeding violation, the passenger in the vehicle was found to have a warrant. Joseph A. Winston, 21, of Dayton 45417, was arrested on an active warrant, taken into custody and transported to the county jail. Englewood Police responded to the 500 block of National Road on the report of a juvenile breaking windows out of an unoccupied building. The juvenile was released to his mother. Charges were forwarded to juvenile court. Police responded to Brussels Avenue on a barking dog complaint. Upon arrival a male subject was observed kicking and yelling behind a pickup truck. The male had been bitten several times on both feet by a dog at house where he was making a delivery. The victim was adamant about not wanting the resident to be charged for the dog biting him, but wanted a report in case he had medical issues arise from the bites. Friday, July 5 Clay Township An officer was dispatched to assist with a traffic stop on Main Street in the Village of Phillipsburg. Upon arrival a male subject was observed kneeling in the grass washing
pepper spray from his face. The officer who initiated the traffic stop advised that the male had become aggressive with her forcing her to use pepper spray to neutralize him. The backup officer drew his taser and pointed it at the male and ordered him to stay on the ground. The male complied with the order. Two Phillipsburg officers then placed the male in handcuffs, who was unsteady on his feet and was yelling and cussing at his wife and neighbor. He stated to the Clay Township officer that they should just shoot him and put him out of his misery. He seemed confused when asked questions about his behavior and get aggressive. He appeared to be aware of what was going on but was unable to control himself. The male subject’s wife advised an officer that her husband was on heavy pain medication as well as steroids. Phillipsburg Medics treated him for the pepper spray and transported the male to Miami Valley Hospital for evaluation his mental status. Clayton Xenia Police arrested Stephen D. Groce, Jr., 32, of Xenia, on a Clayton warrant for failure to appear on a traffic violation. Groce was taken into custody, released to a Clayton officer and transported to the county jail. Englewood Brent M. Conover, 34, of Englewood, was arrested on a Clayton warrant for failure to appear on an original charge of drug abuse and was additionally charged by Englewood Police for disorderly conduct. Conover was taken into custody and transported to the county jail. Police were dispatched to the 300 block of W. National Road on the report of a male subject having trouble walking and falling down in the parking lot. Gregory L. Sibert, 56, of Dayton 45428, was charged with disorderly conduct while intoxicated. He was taken into custody and transported to the county jail. Saturday, July 6 Englewood Joseph S. Milton, 25, of Englewood, was charged with driving under the influence and failure to signal. Milton was taken into custody and transported to the county jail. Sunday, July 7 Clayton Police responded to Sandpebble Court on the report of a suspicious vehicle. Upon arrival two occupants of the vehicle were found to have warrants. Melinda K. Harris, 28, of Union, was arrested on three felony warrants issued by multiple agencies, and Larry D. Cosby, 40, of Trotwood, was arrested on a Clayton warrant. Harris and Cosby were taken into custody and transported to the county jail.
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register online at:
exp. 7/17/13
The following information has been provided by Northmont area police departments. The information listed in this column is considered public record and is available to anyone seeking information concerning what is provided below. For purposes of this column, the term “arrested” or “charged” does not necessarily mean the person was taken into physical custody. It could also indicate that a summons was issued to the subject in lieu of physical custody. All the people listed as “arrested” or “charged” are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Tuesday, June 18 Clayton Natasha D. Gilroy, 27, of Dayton 45405, was charged with failure to display plates, driving under 12 point suspension, driving under financial responsibility act suspension and was also arrested on a foreign warrant. She was issued a court summons for the traffic citations and was transported to the county jail on the warrant arrest. Wednesday, June 19 Clayton Rhodnei R. Spence, 25, of Trotwood, was charged with under financial driving responsibility act suspension and was arrested on a foreign warrant. His license plates were confiscated on behalf of the Bureau of Motor Vehicles. Spence was taken into custody and transported to the county jail. Thursday, June 20 Clayton Police observed a vehicle in the Happy Corner Church parking lot with four males standing around it. A female behind the wheel advised the car would not start. After asking for everyone’s identification, one of the male subjects was found to have a warrant. Brandon M. Henderson, 24, of Trotwood, was arrested on a warrant issued by Kettering Municipal Court for contempt of court/failure to comply. Henderson was taken into custody, transported the University of Dayton Arena parking lot and released to a Kettering officer. Friday, June 21 Clayton An unknown black male took five quarts of motor oil at Dollar General and left the store without paying. He entered an older, blue fourdoor sedan driven by another black male. The vehicle fled south on Main Street. Unknown subjects entered an unlocked vehicle parked in the lot of the Bureau of Motor Vehicles at Randolph Plaza and removed two purses from the back seat. One purse contained the victim’s birth certificate, Social Security card,
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Englewood Independent
Activities offered at Earl Heck ENGLEWOOD — The Earl Heck Community Center located at 201 N. Main Street, Englewood, offers a variety of activities for senior citizens as well as classes for people of all ages. The following is a list of current activities. Summer Camp is coming to the Earl Heck Community Center July 15 – 18, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. This camp is or ages 5 and up and offers the opportunity to learn Double Dutch Jump Roping, basic cheerleading skills, basic soccer drills, gymnastics or just have fun with some outdoor games. This year an outdoor net will be available for volleyball and badminton. Each day has a special theme including Wet and Wild Wednesday. Space is limited and you can register at the Earl Heck Community Center. If you need further information, call Kristy Wombold, the Camp Director, at 698-5182. Strength and Stretch Yoga offered at the Earl Heck Community Center on Tuesdays at 4:30 p.m. An hour long class taught by Karen McGinnis. All levels welcome, you are encouraged to go at your own pace. Please contact Karen at KARENMCGINNISWELLTOGO@GMAIL.COM. Free Line Dancing at the Earl Heck Community Center on Mondays at 11 a.m. Lots of fun and good exercise. Call 836-5929 if you have questions or need further information. Jewelry Classes are on Thursdays at 1 p.m. at the Earl Heck Community Center. Learn to make beautiful jewelry for yourself or for gifts. For more information or to register, call Bryna at 890-8913. Senior Citizens - The Englewood Senior Citizens, Inc. meet the 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month at the Earl Heck Community Center. Everyone age 55 and older are invited to come and enjoy fun, food and fellowship. The 2nd Friday is a carry-in-lunch – everyone brings a dish to share and fried chicken is provided. Everyone pays $1 at the door. The 4th Friday is a pizza party provided by Brookhaven Care Center and everyone brings desserts to share. Both meetings begin at 12 noon but you are welcome to come in earlier. Friendship Village provides desserts every other month along with bingo, door prizes or entertainment. Brookhaven Care Center brings door prizes on the 4th Friday and bingo is played after lunch. Don’t miss out – don’t stay home and be lonely – where can you get so much for so little? Bring your friends and neighbors. Call 8365929 for information. Yoga for Beginners - The Earl Heck Community Center is offering Yoga for Beginners on Tuesday evenings at 7:15 p.m. This class is a great stress reliever. Please call 937-3059353 for information or to register for the class. You may also online at register Euchre for all those 55 and older is available at the Earl Heck Community Center on Monday and Thursday at 1 p.m. Lots of fun and fellowship along with the game – don’t miss out. Call 836-5929 for more information. Aerobics is on Monday and Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. The instructor is Robyn and she can be reached at 832-1409 for information or to register. Zumba Gold and Zumba Sentao are offered at the Earl Heck Center. The instructor, Nikki, can give you information about these classes. Please call 623-5006. Ballroom Dancing is on Tuesdays beginning at 6 p.m. Please call the instructor, Annette, at 608-1914, to register or for more information. Bingo, Canasta & Pinochle - Calling All Seniors to enjoy Bingo, Canasta and Pinochle at the Earl Heck Community Center. Bingo is played on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 1 p.m. Pinochle is lots of fun on Fridays at 12:30 p.m. Canasta is played on Tuesday’s at 12:30. Bring your friends and neighbors. If you need further information, call 836-5929. Grief Counseling - If you have suffered loss of any kind, maybe you need to talk to a professional. Grief Counseling is offered at the Earl Heck Community Center on the fourth Monday of each month at 1 p.m. A counselor from Crossroads Hospice will help you work through your grief and there is no charge. For information, please call 8365929. The Earl Heck Community Center offers classes for all ages and daily activities for Senior Citizens. Please call 836-5929 for more information.
Thursday, July 11, 2013 - 7A
8A - Thursday, July 11, 2013
Englewood Independent
Englewood Independent
Thursday, July 11, 2013 - 9A
Sports Digest
Bob Ross Classic set for July 13 DAYTON — The 14th Annual Bob Ross Classic baseball game will be held Saturday, July 13 at 7 p.m. at Fifth Third Field. This game features many of the area’s top incoming seniors and is an opportunity to showcase their talent to college and professional recruiters. Admission is free and no tickets are required. A portion of the concession proceeds will benefit the Norma J. Ross Youth Foundation. Don’t miss this chance to see the area’s top baseball stars in action.
Northmont Football Camp slated July 22-25 CLAYTON — The 15th annual Northmont Football Camp will be held from July 22-25 at Good Samaritan Stadium/Matt Dudon. The camp director is Northmont head football coach, Lance Schneider, and is staffed by the Northmont football coaching staff. Grades 3-6 attend camp from 9-11:15 a.m., and grades 7-12 from 6-8:30 p.m. The camp serves as the first four days of practice for grades 7-12. For camp, players need to bring football cleats and a water bottle. If you have not already received a brochure, it may be obtained from, or by e-mailing
Englewood Edge 9-U select baseball to hold tryouts ENGLEWOOD — The Englewood Edge a 9-U select baseball team will hold tryouts on July 21 and July 28 at Oberer fields from 4-6 p.m. on both dates. Players cannot be 10 yrs. old before May 1st and everyone is invited to tryout. There is no residency rule. The coaching staff has a vast amount of coaching and playing experience and has been very successful in the past. Participants should come with appropriate equipment and come ready to play ball. This team will emphasize fundamentals , respect for the game and prepare the players to play at a higher level. Contact Bruce Shiverdecker at 937832-2862 or 937-478-8523.
Volleyball tryouts slated for Northmont Middle School CLAYTON — Northmont Middle School will be having volleyball tryouts for all girls interested in playing volleyball this coming season. All girls interested must have a current OHSAA physical form filled out by a doctor in order to tryout. All pages of the form must be completed. The forms can be found on the Northmont Middle School webpage under Athletics. Tryouts for 7th and 8th grade are as follows: 7th grade: August 5, 6, and 7, from 9 – 11 a.m. 8th grade: August 5, 7 and 8, from 6 – 8 p.m.
Basketball training with Brooks Hall offered in local area TROY — No Limit Sports is offering small group training sessions with Brooks Hall. Learn the basketball fundamentals including shooting technique, ball handling, individual moves, offensive and defensive footwork catered to each individual’s needs. For more information, visit (click the AAU tab) or call Brooks Hall (937) 6209790.
Ron Nunnari, winner of the Ohio High School Athletic Association’s Sportsmanship, Ethics and Integrity Media Service Award is a 1976 graduate of Northmont High School. Read his sports stories each week in the Independent.
Englewood Little League wins Big League State Tournament ENGLEWOOD — Englewood Little League has won the 17/18 Boys State of Ohio Big League Baseball Tournament and will represent Ohio in the Little League Regionals which will be played on July 15–18. The Regional Tournament will be hosted by Wyoming, Michigan, which is near Grand Rapids. Six states will be represented at the Central States Regional, including Indiana, Kentucky, North Dakota, Illinois, Michigan and Ohio. ELL of Ohio will begin play on Monday, July 15 at 8:30 p.m. against the winner of the Michigan/Host city game. The tournament is a double-elimination format. To qualify, ELL played in the State of Ohio Big League tournament finals at Englewood’s Centennial Park on July 7. In the double-elimination format, Englewood played Mason Little League, who were the winners of District 9 out of the northern Cincinnati area. In game one, ELL run-ruled Mason in 5 innings by a score of 14–0. Pitching a complete game
Photo submitted Englewood Little League 17/18 state champs include Manager Mike Kessler, Coach Mike Furl, Coach Ralph McCoy; Cody Kessler, Alex Farlow, Calvin Schatz, Dustin Easton, R.J. McCoy, Isaac Ditmore, Devin McCoy, Kyle Leiter, Brian Wills, Taylor Stewart. shutout was Alex Farlow. Dustin Easton hit two home runs in Game 1 to lead the hometown Big League team to victory. In game two, Easton took
the mound against Mason, striking out 8 in 3 innings before reliever Devin McCoy came in to finish the game. Calvin Schatz hit a solo homerun, and Farlow made
the highlights with an amazing diving catch in centerfield. Isaac Ditmore caught both games, throwing out runners on base and taking command of the field.
ELL won the second game 8-2, sending them to the Central States Regionals. The winner of the Central Regionals will advance to the Little League World Series.
Tancs win opening games of sectional By RON NUNNARI Independent Editor TROY — In the ACME Sectional Tournament at Miami East Friday the Northmont Tancs scored a 100 run-rule victory over Troy in 5 innings. Ben Mangen pitched all 5 innings, struck out eight, gave up just two hits and walked three. Greg Peffley went 2 for 3 one RBI. Zach with Weatherford went 1 for 2 with a home run and two RBI.
Graham Oberer went 2 for 3 with three RBI. Jacob Stose went 2 for 2 with a walk. Mangen went 1 for 3 with one RBI. Jackson Ford went 0 for 2 but had a sacrifice for one RBI. Max Steck went 1 for 2 and Tyler Hartley went 2 for 3 with one RBI. TRO 0 0 0 0 0 – 00 02 3 NMT 2 2 6 0 x – 10 11 0 “Defensively we played great and Mangen pitched a great game,” said Tancs coach Jim Oberer. “Mangen dominated Troy’s batters, hitting
the strike zone and we came out and played hard. We were all business. We played with a lot of enthusiasm and everyone worked together.” Sunday the Tancs scored another solid win with a 10-5 victory over Miami East. Stose pitched 6 and 2/3 innings, struck out four and scattered five hits. Northmont got out of the gate quick scoring four first innings runs to support Stose. Peffley went 1 for 4 with two RBI. Hartley got hit twice by pitches. Weatherford went 1 for 3 with a home run and
two RBI. Oberer went 1 for 3 with one RBI. Ford went 1 for 4 with one RBI, Magen also went 1 for 4 with one RBI, Sean Murphy went 1 for 1 and Nick Avialotis drew a walk and hit a sacrifice fly for one RBI. “We went after Miami East the first few innings, then kind of relaxed a bit, then took it to them with five runs in the sixth inning,” Oberer commented. “Stose pitched well, just as he has the last four times he has been on the mound. The kids handle my pressure well. I yell at them a
bit, but they respond to my demands and I appreciate it. They know I just want them to do well.” With the pair of victories the Tancs improved to 22-8 for the season to advance to finals of the sectional tournament. If the Tancs can win their next two games they will advance to district play. The district tournament will be held at Northmont High School this Thursday through Sunday. MIA 0 1 1 0 1 0 2 – 05 5 2 NMT 4 0 1 0 0 5 x – 10 6 2
17th annual Good Samaritan Hospital Soccer Classic slated CLAYTON & ENGLEWOOD — Fans of the 17th Annual Premier Health/Good Samaritan Hospital Soccer Classic will see many great soccer matchups at this year’s invitational. The community is invited to come out to watch the competition and support the Northmont High School soccer teams. Games will be held at Ward Field in Englewood on July 20 and 21 and Ward Field and the Good Samaritan/Northmont
School Soccer High Stadium on July 27 and 28. Forty high school girls’ teams will participate on the weekend of July 20-21. The weekend of July 27-28 will feature 54 high school boys’ teams. Many local high schools are represented including Northmont, Va n d a l i a - B u t l e r, Centerville, Carroll, Eaton, Tecumseh, Fairborn, Xenia, Valley View, Brookville, Chaminade Julienne, Troy, Wayne, Tippecanoe,
Bellbrook, Oakwood, Milton-Union, West Carrollton, Lebanon and Bethel, Miami East, Troy Christian. Teams from as far away as Columbus, Cincinnati and the state of Indiana also travel to the area for the competition: Big Walnut, Bishop Hartley, Minford, London, Hilliard Davidson, Hillsboro, Hudson, Massillon Jackson, Perry, Bishop Fenwick, Walnut Hills, Richmond (IN), and
Zane Trace. The event is designed to bring high school soccer teams from across Ohio and surrounding states to play a series of regulation games (full 90 minutes) for player identif ication and team development. The invitational provides a perfect opportunity for teams to gear up for the fall high school soccer season. If you love soccer, this is the place to be both weekends. Over 200 different
matches will take place with the first games starting at 8:00 a.m. and the last games starting at 6:30 on the girls’ weekend and starting at 7:15 am on the boys’ weekend. Schedules are posted on www.northmontsoccerclassi Proceeds from the invitational benefit the Northmont High School boys and girls soccer programs, providing scholarships, equipment, uniforms, and turf maintenance as well as other needs.
Northmont Optimist Club to hold golf outing July 15 CLAYTON — The Northmont Optimist Club will be holding their Golf Outing on Monday July 15 at Meadowbrook Country Club. Registration will start at 11 a.m. with a shotgun start at noon. The Northmont Optimist Club is a non-profit organization that is committed to helping the youth in the Northmont community. The
club sponsors a cross-country race for students in grades 4, 5 and 6, distribute identification kits to kids at kindergarten registration, contribute to the After-Prom program, give college scholarships to graduating seniors and help provide food and clothing to people in need. The Optimist Club is asking your help to make this golf outing a success by placing an
ad in the golf outing program book. The book will be distributed to the Optimist members, the golfers in the outing and other members of the community. The money raised this year will also help to buy equipment needed for the Northmont Special Education Department. For a $100 donation the name and location of your company will be given a full
page ad in the program book and a large sign will be placed on the course with your company name. Additional donations will be used to increase the scholarships provided and expand the programs above to additional children and youth. Cost to play in the golf outing is $90 per individual or $360 per foursome. As a further piece of information for you consideration,
100 percent of the net funds donated go toward programs and activities for the children and youth specified above. Please make checks payable to Northmont Optimists and mail to Optimist Golf Outing in care of Chris Copas, 2195 Plantation Trail, Bellbrook OH 45305. If you have questions please email Chris at or call him at 937-369-6323.
Diamond Classic Golf Outing set for Saturday, Aug. 10 Annual golf outing supports Northmont baseball program CLAYTON — How does a chance at winning $100 or a car sound? You will have all this and more at the 15th annual Diamond Classic Golf outing. The fun will be held on
Saturday, Aug.10 at Moss Creek. Shotgun start will be at 1:30 p.m. with a great dinner planned after your round. You can contact organizer: Amy Mangen (937) 765-6436 or email for more information or registration. Come out and support the T-Bolts baseball team and have a great time doing it. Player cost is only $75. Get your foursome in today. Early Bird registrants that register their
foursome by Monday, July 22, have a chance to win $100. You can get a registration/sponsorship/donation form from any Dugout Club board member, any parent of a T-Bolt baseball player or by contacting the event organizer, Amy
Mangen @ (937) 7656436. If you cannot play, you can still support the T-Bolts with a sponsorship or donation. Your support in any way is greatly appreciated. Event organizers hope to see you at Moss Creek on Aug. 10.
10A - Thursday, July 11, 2013
Englewood Independent
SCHOOL NEWS Northmont High School announces 4th quarter Honor Roll CLAYTON — All students achieving a grade point average of 3.2 with no grade lower than a “C” during a grading period will be recognized for excellent achievement. The following students have been recognized for Quarter 4: Grade 9: Abdijibar Abas, Daniel Adams, Bitania Admasu, Jordan Aguilar, Akers, Jacob Olivia Alexander, Connor Anderson, Lillian Artis, Bethlhem Aseffa, Kayla Auxier, Sarah Avdakov, Taemar Awalom, Alyssa Baker, Amber Baker, Austin Baker, Naomi Baker, Timber-Lynn Bane, Brianna Barber, Samantha Barnett, John Bates, Mollyanne Bauer, Kristin Beighley, Alexander Bell, Leah Bell, Terrel Benne, Emma Bernardi, Ian Blouch, Laura Bodiker, Zoe Boone, Jenna Bousquette, Luke Brackman, Allison Brokschmidt, Lexus Brosh, Michael Brown, Desree Bucher, Shannon Bunch, Justin Butler, Emma Byrnes, Cory Campbell, Daniel Carey, Anthony Carver, Dorothea Casey, Christopher Chae, Dynasty Clay, Hannah Cloud, Jacob Coleman, Rachel Collopy, Benjamin Conley, Samuel Conley, Kaitlyn Cope, Andrew Correll, Brandon Cottrell, Bethany Cox, Carissa Coy, Ashtyn Crabtree, Alexxa Crosby, Rowan Crumb,
Sydney Danklef, Logan Danks, Paul Davison, Hannah Deitering, Nicole Demetriades, Kyleigh Denson, Brian Diehl, Adrienne Draper, Anna Drew, Lillian Dyson, Logan Ecklar, Brian Edwards, Courtney Eilerman, Jonathon Ellingson, Andrew Ellis, Joshua Farinet, Brent Farlow, Austin Feltner, Richard Fenton, Whitney Fiedler, Grace Fink, Jakob Glass, Adriann Gonzalvo, Jaelynn Gordon, Bethany Groves, Emma Grusenmeyer, Emily Hamant, Jennifer Hampton, Britney Hansard, Kennedy Harden, Dylana Harris, Brayden Haskell, Eve Henne, David Henson, Taylor Herchenbach, Sheyana Hernandez, Aleisha Hild, Landon Hill, Taylor Hoover, Raquel Hopson, Nicholas Hoskins, Shelby Hulett, Shelby Hunter, Natalie Hutchison, Paige Jacobs, Courtney Jasinski, Brendon Jenkins, Helena Jenkins, Meghan Jenkins, Riley Jenkins, Samantha Johnson, Ashley M. Jones, Kendyl Kelly, Wesley Kincaid, Luke Knapke, Austin Kossoudji, Emily Kuehl, Danielle Kunkle, Noah Kuzniczci, Welton Lai, Maggie Laing, Amarah Lawrence, Kimea Lawrence, Tanner Lee, Clara Leedy, Rachael Leiter, Tyler Liddy, Matthew Lucente,
Expires 7/25/13
Dustin Magel, Jacqueline Maggard, Katelyn Maness, Cory Mangen, Taylor Manson, Trace Markins, Mikhala Martin, Bailey McCabe, Arabella McDonald, Madeleine McFadden, Sarah McPeek, Emily Menker, Solomon Miller, Isha Mishra, Jacob Monnin, Brianna Moore, Abigail Naas, Tyler Ohlemacher, Brandon Packard, Akilah Parker, Ezra Parks, Jaylin Paschal, Andrii Pasternak, David Paul, Dania Paulding, Austin Pearce, Rebekah Peter, Lexis Petty, Alexandria Pompeii, Ericka Postel, Katie Poynter, Autumn Prater, Aubri Pritchett, Joshua Pruitt, Aaron Quick, Anthony Ragan, Mason Reidy, Rylie Richard, Shawn Richards, Elizabeth Ritchie, Emily Ritchie, Jeremiah Robertson, Neariah Ross, David Rowlands, Benjamin Sage, Emma Saltsman, James Saul, Delaney Schreiber, Steven Schrodi, Andrew Schweitzer, Kaitlin Sigler, Curtis Sluterbeck, Cheyanne Smith, Lanecia Smith, Stevin Smith, Robert Spilker, Aniyah Stanford, Kayla Stiver, Jonathan Stolfo, Logan Swafford, Tyler Tanto, Kaylyn Temple, Hannah Thompson, Christopher Timmons, Rachel Tracy, Ashley Trottier, Thao Truong, Julianna Vennemeyer, Amanda Waldemar, Kierra Wallace-Gorham, Melissa Warren, Brittany Weatherford, Krystal Whaley-Carpenter, Matthew Wilcox, Abigail Wilson, Owen Woellert, Andrew Wood, Kayla Woodruff, Angel Woods, Mallory Woods, Jennifer Zirkle. Grade 10: Tyler Adams, Victoria Amos, Allison Bell, Kendall Benning, Samuel Blizzard, Austin Brown, Erin Brown, Alexander Bryant, Nathan Burkett, Tyler Burkett, Alexiana Bursey, Scott Butterbaugh, Mackenzie Carmean, Linzy Carroll, Shelby Collins, Paige Combs, Emily Cook, Haley Cooper, Jayla Corley-Crusoe, Kyle
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Craddick, Alexandria Despain, Evan Duffy, Anna Eckhardt, Serena Estes, Alana Ewald, Jordyn Fishback, Bailey Fisher, Ian Fleming, Colton Garretson, Connor Giles, Taylor Giles, Kelsey Glaze, Dylan Greer, Michael Hale, Hannah Hapner, David Hardisty, Drake Haworth, Kayla Herman, Drew Hickman, Rachel Hill, Karol Ho, Armani Holbrook, Jerome Holmes, Chelsea Hoskins, Katelyn Howard, Kendall Jefferson, Josselyn Jenkins, Stephanie Johnson, Carrington Kleptz, Kailyn Koenitzer, August Koester, Rebecca Krizner, Vincenzio Libertini, Madison Linder, Sophie Lutes, James Mackay, Adrian Matzke, Molly McCarroll, Aaliyah McClure, Mary McKinney, Matthew Mefferd, Emily Mitchell, Justin Mitchell, Alexander Morgan, Sean Murphy, Shelby Myers, Samantha Nutter, Karl Olmo, Alexandra Osudoh, Abigail Pavelka, Gregory Peffley, Jayson Peoples, Kathryn Peterman, Casey Pollard, Emily Price, Kirsten Pullins, Richard Reed, Sarah Rhoden, Mark Rhodes, Erin Ritchie, Clarissa Rockey, James Rogers, Scott Rust, Jaskiran Saini, Sierra Sanders, Sydney Seibel, Megan Sloboda, Ryan Smith, Zachary Snider, Kaitlin Staggs, Eva Stebel, Bradley Stephen, Shelby Stephens, Nicholas Stose, Blake Sylvester, Mitchell Tarkany, Kevin Tran, Haley Vanleeuwen, Noah VaughanRobinette, Brooke Waterman, Garrett Webster, Jasmine White, Cydney Whitesell, Cassandra Williams, Joshua Williams, Lauren Williams, Jacob Winchester, Alyssa Young. Grade 11: Sharifah Abouzahra, Atteh Akoto, Okoe Akoto, Kennedy Amos, Megan Anderson, Alexandra Applegate, Christopher Beecroft, Sholabomi Bello, David Bellus, Antonia Bernardi, Cori Blankenship, Addi Blattner, Paul Bowman, Kristy Brooks, Andrew Brown, Audra Brown, Josie Buchanan, Miles Burrage, Norene Caupp, Meaghan Combs, Kevin Cook, Juwan Copeland, Connor Coy, Dorian Crouse, Elizabeth Darby, Adam Denise, Dylan Despain, Jacob Didier, Kassidy Dillard, Calee Elworth, Anthony Esposito, Kyle Fiedler, Kaitlyn Fisher, Braydon Focht, Nicole Forbes, Alexander Fortunato, Sarah Fryman, Rachel Garlitz, Katelyn Gaston, Audrey Glass, Kelsey Gray, Alyssa Grell, Samuel Haile, Cody Hansard, Tiffany Hardin, Alexandria Heisey, Jack Henne, Phillip Hollen, Kathryn Huelsman, Brittany Huff, Abdikani Ismail, Kayla Jefferson, Taylor Johnson, Jessica Jourdan, Kyle Kessler, Kurtis Kester, Michael Kocher, Matthew Kohr, Maria Koukoulas, Rebecca Kuhlman, Madison Ladd, Erin Laing, Alyssa Leconey, Kyle Leiter, Katherine Lemmert, Joshua Ligier, Mark Logan,
Stephanie Maiorano, Barbara Mathews, Megan Mathews, Alexus McCoy, Jordan McFann, Lauren Murphy, Patrick Naas, Sean Neef, Graham Oberer, Jensen O’Shea, Shane Park, Janishaben Patel, Kirsten Patton, Mathew Paulson, Leila Peters, Hannah Peyton, Jessica Pierron, Rachel Pillion, Alison Purcey, Daniel Rivera, Raquel Robinson, Daniel Sacher, Naimeh Saleh, Alyssa Sanders, Haley Sanders, Brendon Sapp, Samantha Scarfo, Jacquelyn Schweitzer, Matthew Sells, Phillip Shepard, Anna Sollenberger, Kacy Stiver, Jacob Stose, Ashlee Sullivan, Missy Sweeney, Brock Szelestey, Kyle Tharp, Ashley Thomas, Andrew Timmons, Bryce Timmons, Brian Titus, Hao Tran, Samuel Vermillion, Daniel Vuong, Rhiana Warren, Kyle Webster, Samuel Weibel, Jordan Weidner, Rebecca Wetzel, Johnathan Whitesell, Isaiah Williams, Jervon Wilson, Jennifer Wirrig, Kayla Witherspoon, Margaret Woolf, Thomas Yagisawa, Yonas Zewelday. Grade 12: Safia Abas, Robert Anderson, Nana Anim, Yodit Aseffa, John Bailey, Gabrielle Baldridge, Chad Barker, Lydia Barnes, Connor Baylis, Cameron Belton, Taylor Bergin, Jacob Blizzard, La’Donna Bonner, Bridget Bowling, James Bowman, Lyndsay Boyd, Ty Bussey, Darius Carter, Marissa Carter, Hannah Carver, Aubree Cash, Justin Chu, Erik Clutter, Jennifer Collopy, Jordan Combs, Shelby Combs, Christian Corcoran, Cassandra Craft, Kassi Crawford, Andrew Crumb, Zachary Cyr, Brandon Dale, Celestria Daugherty, Tiffany Dippolito, Catherine Driver, Madison Dubro, Alexander Duncan, Alia Eckhardt, Megan Ecklar, Nichole Engle, Alex Farlow, Austin Florence, Toby Foster, Genisse Franklin, Erica Gamblin, Tyler Garlitz, Amber Gray, Cody Grilliot, Kyle Hackney, Murray Hammond, Erin Hartman, Clinton Hatfield, Briana Heitkamp, Jazmyne Henderson, Emily Henson, Grace Hignite, Yvette Hogan, Taylor Hoke, Karley Holdeman, Lindsey Hooker, Shontel Hopson, Sarah Jasinski, Jaimie Jeffers, Carly Johnson, Cody Kessler, Schafer Knostman, Amanda Koronich, Megan Kreinbihl, Cory Kyvik, Payton Lambert, Katelyn Lauber, Miranda Lindsey, Griffin Linehan, Taylor Lipson, Kenneth Lucky, Abigail Lutes, Troy Mangen, Kaitlyn Mathews, Ralph McCoy, Hannah Millix, Nathaniel Minneman, Claudia Mullins, Zachary Muncy, Nicole Netzley, Taylor Newman, Jessica Newsad, Lucas Newton, Jenna Nunamaker, Donavan Oldham, Sabrina Ott, Caitlin Overholser, James Parker, Paisley Parks, Kathleene Pfeffenberger, Elizabeth Pfeffer, Katherine Pfeffer, Starr Prater, Montana Puterbaugh, Cody Rice,
Rebecca Richey, Jacob Richhart, Erica Rieder, Keegan Rottgen, Cheyanne Rowe, Christina Rust, Kristen Samartini, Robert Saul, Shannon Schlater, Hannah Schreiber, Morgan Scott, Charlotte Shade, Jasmine Shavers, Quentin Shyne, Emily Skipper, Matthew Sloboda, Imani Smith, Ayrissa Spainhower, Paige Spears, Michael Spirk, Alexander Starr, Morgan Stefanoff, Johanna Stine, Thomas Stoffel, Jordan Stoltz, Kinsey Swartztrauber, Morgan Taylor, Alissa Tipple, Andrew Tomlin, Jody Toth, Kelly Toth, Tyler Trick, Sydney Walker, Trey Walker, Ryan Weaver, William Wilbanks, Brian Williams, Christian Williams, Daniel Willis, Kelly Wood, Peyton Woodruff, Nicholas Woolf, Jonathan Yagisawa. MVCTC Grade 11: Brand Allred, Shayla Baker, Jasmine Barnett, Zachary Bell, Melanie Cook, Haley Cornett, Kaitlyn Cummins, Kayleigh Dunithan, Colleen Fisher, Jesse Fowler, Brandon Good, Nicholas Grant, Joanna Hanson, Dae’ja Hayden, Luke Hester, Lacey Hite, Ashley A. Jones, Sydney May, Molly McDaniels, Megan Meyer, Austin Miller, Vanessa Miller, Nathan Neitman, Danielle Norton, Danielle Onyia, Sydni Pierson, Daniel Riesenberg, Labrea Smith, Taylor Stringfield, Brooke Swett, Kaitlyn Thomison, Hunter Young, Mark Yungmann. MVCTC Grade 12: Savannah Artz, Derek Banks, Catherine Bauer, Destiny Brandonisio, Austin Campbell, Hayley Carter, Cierra Costello, Anthony Despain, Brandy Dickensheets, Brittany Edwards, Charity Gayles, Angela Hampton, Joshuah Hampton, Austin Herman, Alexis Houston, Jade Hull, Jacqueline Kehr, Connor Laing, Whitney Lesher, Brooke Mears, Ashley Orner, Peffley, Mallory Sarah Perkins, Cory Peters, Drew Ratzel, Nathan Rentz, Alex Richter, Kala Seabrook, Brian Shivers, Anthony Slack, Tona Thomas, Victoria Timmons, Laura Webb, Bailey White, Joseph Wilhelm, Sean Woodson .
MVCTC offers Speakers’ Bureau ENGLEWOOD — Miami Valley Career Technology Center (MVCTC) offers a speakers’ bureau to area groups and community events. Planning committees looking for experts on areas in workforce development, career training, higher education, public education, school finance, literacy, business partnerships, or academic areas can contact MVCTC Public Information Coordinator, Kelly Herzog at 854-6056 for more information. MVCTC is happy to speak to groups or community gatherings about the Career Center or on a topic to do with MVCTC’s areas of expertise. For more information, visit
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Englewood Independent
Thursday, July 11, 2013 - 11A
Local Camp Fire organization to close after a century DAYTON — The Board of Directors for the Camp Fire Greater Dayton Area council voted unanimously to dissolve the council, effective July 31, 2013. Closing became the only option after Camp Fire did not receive 2012-2013 county funding, which made up 80 p[ercent of Camp Fire’s budget. The organization simply doesn’t have the finances to sustain. Camp Fire Dayton’s history is outstanding and uplifting. But the reality is that the needs and interests of families and the options available to them today are varied and vast. Government and community funders impose criteria to fulfill their missions and visions that have fundamentally changed the founda-
the council cannot overcome. Camp Fire was the first nonsectarian and multicultural organization for girls, founded in 1910 by Luther Gulick, M.D., and his wife, Charlotte Gulick. The Gulicks felt strongly that young people should have experiences so they could learn to care for themselves, their environment, and the people around them. In the beginning, services were primarily provided in the traditional club environment. Volunteer leaders recruited girls (the youngest were called Bluebirds) within their neighborhood to form a group that met once a month in their home or at a community church. The Dayton council, serv-
tion of many area not-forprofit organizations and their ability to acquire funding. The Camp Fire Greater Dayton Area council has tried to deal with and evolve with all of these ever-changing issues, but the increased numbers of nonprofit agencies competing for limited resources and the limited monetary support from Camp Fire alumni, area businesses and government funders have proven to be challenges that
ing the southwest Ohio region, was incorporated in May of 1946 as the Miami Valley Council of Camp Fire Girls. The Dayton council went through numerous name changes over the years that former members may recognize – Dayton and Greater Miami Valley Council of Camp Fire Girls in 1967 – Shawnee Council of Camp Fire Girls in 1968 – Camp Fire Boys and Girls in 1976 Camp Fire Council of the Greater Dayton Area in 1981 – Camp Fire USA Greater Dayton Area Council in 2001. In 2001 the organization received the NAHRO Award of Merit in Housing & Community Development for innovative programs. The council was also identified as
the “Non-Profit Organization of the Year” (2006) by the Huber Heights Chamber of Commerce for its work in the community with underserved families. Over the years, the lives of thousands of girls and boys throughout the Miami Valley were shaped by the selfless adult volunteers that organized groups in Champaign, Clark, Miami, Montgomery and Warren counties. Countless dedicated staff welcomed and worked with youth and their families from diverse cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds. Friendships were formed that lasted lifetimes. Skills were gained that shaped careers. Values were instilled that produced good citizens and car-
ing stewards of our planet. The Camp Fire Greater Dayton Area council board of directors and staff extend their thanks to everyone who made contributions throughout the years and to the families that allowed their children to participate in Camp Fire’s after school programs and summer day camps. The executive director of the council expresses hope that families will continue to invest in their children by seeking the best support available from other programs in the community. “I will greatly miss serving as executive director for the Camp Fire Greater Dayton Area council. It was truly an honor,” said Keith Harrison.
Local students featured in Vandalia Youth Theatre’s ‘Ragtime’ VANDALIA — student actors from Englewood are performing in Vandalia Youth Theatre Company’s “Ragtime” later this month. Performances will take place on July 19, 20, 26 and 27 at 7 p.m. and July 28 at 2 p.m. at Northridge High School, 2251 Timber Lane. Ragtime is Vandalia Youth
Theatre’s Senior show and one of three VYT productions in July. The other two productions include “The Trial of the Big, Bad Wolf,” which features performers from kindergarten to grade three, and “Fiddler on the Roof,” with a cast of 4th through 8th graders. These shows opened the weekend of
July 12 and continue with performances on July 20 and 21 at 2 p.m. at Northridge High School. Rehearsals for all three shows began in April under the direction of seasoned creative staff and volunteers who provide musical and theatrical training, as well as a lot of fun.
Local students who were cast in the 2013 Senior show include Sydney Thomas and Matt Poliachik. Vandalia Youth Theatre Company is now in its 22nd year of production. About 15 school districts are represented in the Ragtime cast, with more than 50 actors in all. Set in New York City,
Ragtime (winner of four Tony Awards in 1998) focuses on the lives of three families who are finding their way during the tumultuous early 20th century. Historical figures, including Harry Houdini, Henry Ford and Booker T. Washington, make cameo appearances in the telling of the story. Among
the powerful songs in this production are “Wheels of a Dream” and “Make Them Hear You.” Tickets for Ragtime are $15 (adults) and $12 (seniors and students). You can purchase tickets online or learn more about these productions when you visit
Attorney General announces increase in nursing home abuse and neglect complaints COLUMBUS — Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine today announced that his Medicaid Fraud Control Unit (MFCU) has recently seen a spike in complaints regarding alleged abuse and neglect at Ohio nursing homes. So far this year, the Attorney General’s Office has opened 131 abuse and neglect cases, as compared to 74 cases in the same time period last year. Sixty-three
of those cases were opened following Attorney General DeWine’s announcement earlier this month that authorities with his office were aggressively investigating nursing homes that are allegedly providing inadequate care. “I believe that the majority of Ohio’s nursing facilities are providing excellent care, but not all of them,” said Attorney General DeWine. “We are going after the facil-
ities that cause harm to their residents, and we will use inroom hidden cameras if necessary.” On June 6, Attorney General DeWine joined officials from the Ohio
Department of Health and Ohio Department of Aging to announce plans to revoke the license of Autumn Healthcare in Zanesville. The decision to close the facility was made, in part, after an
investigation by the MCFU revealed instances where some staff members did not provide proper medical, nutritional, and personal care to at least one patient. Revocation proceedings are
ongoing. Anyone who suspects Medicaid fraud or patient abuse or neglect is urged to contact Attorney General DeWine’s Office at 800-2820515.
Senior fitness offered at Mill Ridge
Blue Star Mothers needs donated items
UNION — If you are ready to get on the exercise train, stop in at Mill Ridge Village any Monday and Wednesday for Senior Fitness. Senior Fitness features a low impact aerobics with a Kleptz YMCA instructor. Senior Fitness begins at 11 a.m. for one hour and there is a monthly charge. Call Mill Ridge at 8326302 for more information.
ENGLEWOOD — The Blue Star Mothers Miami Valley Chapter 3 is collecting items, cards and donations for soldiers serving in Iraq and other areas overseas. Support is needed, especially for those soldiers not getting any support from home. Donations are being accepted at the office of Dr. Beverly Fanz, DDS located at 625 W. National Road in Englewood.
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Ornamental Grass 500 in Stock
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Blueberry Junipers Blackberry Red Raspberry 200 in Stock Fig & Kiwi 18.95 Grape Vines 34.95 16.95 and up Premium Mulch Black Gold Triple Processed
White Daisies 1 gal. pot
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Crimson King Red Maple
Trumpet Vine Bring in Hummingbirds Extra large plants
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129.00 Jade Trees Great Patio Plant
EXP 7/21/13
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Ornamental Grass 500 in Stock
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Viburnium 200 to Choose
False Cypress Dwarf Alberta Gold Spruce Thread 6’ to 7’ Mops Spirals
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Great Accent Bush
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Japanese Maples Weeping & Upright
Hindu Pan Pine 6' to 8'
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Blue Spruce Hoopsi or Fat Albert 5 Gal.
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Braided Ficus House Plant 10" Pot
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Azaleas Pink-red-white Beautiful Spring Blooms
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269.00 40298510
Englewood Independent
12A - Thursday, July 11, 2013