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english.gr NEWS Issue 2 December 2009

M a y this C h r i s t m a s be fille d W it h ha p p i n e s s in all th a t yo u do A n d m a y this joy co n ti n u e Th e w h o l e ye a r thr o u g h Wi s h i n g yo u a M e r r y C h r i s t m a s And a Hap p y Ne w Year

Editor’s Letter

OUR “Jingle Bells”

To Santa Claus Dear Santa Claus, I'll let you know The few things that I need, And if you'll bring them to me I'll be much obliged indeed. I want a horse and wagon, And a boat that's painted red, An elephant, a jumping-jack— You need not bring a sled, For I have one very pretty; But I want a trotting-horse, A man who wheels a wheelbarrow, And candy, too, of course. Now, Santa dear, you'll not forget. I wish you'd write them down, And leave them all at my house When you journey through the town. By Jennie D. Moore

This month our newspaper has a festive theme. We have learnt about Christmas around the world, the meaning of Christmas symbols and how the tradition of Santa Claus began. We have prepared Christmas wishes, poems, a crossword and stories. Enjoy the holidays!

Rus h i n g ho m e to play To play an d sing all day Toge t h e r we will sing No more homework, Hey! W e’v e bee n nic e kids all yea r So no w we wa n t to pla y To da n c e an d sing an d cel e b r a t e And cele b r a t e all day, hey


Jingl e Bells Jingle Bell s Jingl e all the way Oh, wh a t fun it is To stay at ho m e And play all day, hey!! No m o r e less o n s no w It’s ti m e to hav e so m e fu n To see our frie n d s an d fa m i l y To play an d ju m p an d run, hey

english.gr NEWS We’re on the Web! See us at:



There was once an awful witch called Fricadella Salmonela Strifnini. Fricadella hated Christmas and she wanted to destroy it for everyone. One day some children went to sing Christmas Carols to Fricadella. She immediately turned them into ugly donkeys. But, as donkeys they were still singing Christmas Carols. After that some other children went there and Fricadella turned them into pigs. But, the pigs were singing Christmas Carols, too! Later, other children became cats, dogs, cows, snakes, horses and monkeys. But all these animals were singing Christmas Carols in their language. Fricadella freaked out. Her house had turned into a farm with different noisy animals singing all the time. After listening to them for a while, she began to like those songs.. From then on, she loved Christmas and of course turned the animals back into kids.

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Merry Christmas





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MYTH or REALITY? Did Coca-Cola really invent Santa Claus? If you asked someone to describe what Santa Claus looks like, you would get the same answer from practically everyone. He is a jolly man with a white beard, dressed in a red suit and black boots. But that was not always the case. Up until 1931, Santa Claus was depicted in many different ways. Sometimes he was slim, sometimes fat. In England, Father Christmas wore a green suit, whereas Saint Nicholas wore robes. Although it is believed that the modern version of Santa Claus origins from the 1931 Coca Cola advertisement, this is not completely true. Santa's appearance and origin were created and shaped by many people over the years. The poem “The Night Before Christmas” (by Clement Clark Moore ), describing Santa Claus as we know him today , was a Caption describing picture or graphic. great influence. Famous cartoonist Thomas Nast portrayed Santa Claus in “Harper's Weekly” every year, based on that description. In 1931 Haddon Sundblom designed the thirty-five years of Coca-Cola Santa advertisements thus firmly establishing the image we have of Santa up until today.

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Santa Claus Santa Claus is also known as Saint Nicholas, Father Christmas or Kris Kringle. There are many legends about the origin of Santa.

Saint Nicholas was a Greek Bishop in Myra, who was famous famous for giving gifts to the poor. Father Christmas was originally part of an old English midwinter festival, normally dressed in green, a sign of the returning spring. The name Kris Kringle comes from the German name for Christ – Child “Christ Kindl”.

english.gr NEWS Story Time

Christmas Jokes

Once upon a time there was a What do you call a person who is afraid of Santa Claus? princess who had a beautiful Claustrophobic! necklace. On Christmas Eve, she was going to a party and wanted to wear it. Although she had looked everywhere, it was nowhere to be found. This necklace was very precious, so she called her servants to look for it. Unfortunately, they had all gone home to celebrate Christmas with their families. She started looking for it alone. She searched every room of the palace, emptying all the cupboards and drawers. She even looked under the beds and in the garden, but still nothing.

How can Santa's sleigh possibly fly through the air? You would too if you were pulled by flying reindeer!

After a few hours she gave up and decided not to go to the party. She told her cook to prepare dinner since she would be staying home. The cook had been fishing by the river all morning and had caught some fish which he was going to cook for dinner. While he was cleaning them, he saw something shiny in one of them. It was the necklace! She must have lost it while she was playing by the river.

It was Christmas Eve. The children had hung their stockings by the fireplace and were all in their beds.

The princess was so happy that she decided to throw a party at her palace for the cook. Everyone was invited and they had a wonderful time.

What's the first thing elves learn in school? The "elf"-abet! What did Adam say on the day before Christmas? It's Christmas, Eve! What do you have in December that you don't have in any other month? The letter "D"! SANTA GOT STUCK IN THE CHIMNEY

Sometime during the night, they were visited by a big, jolly, old man dressed in red. It was Santa Claus! Santa and his bright red toy bag came down the chimney. This was his last stop of the night. First, he filled each stocking with special treats. Then, for each child, he left some gifts. A new bike for Suzie and, a train for Billy." By the time Santa had finished his work, he was a little hungry. He saw a glass of milk and a plate of goodies, sitting on the kitchen table. He reached for a piece of chocolate cake. The cake was so good that Santa just had to have another slice. Soon, the plate was empty. Santa got up from the chair. As he did, he heard it break. Santa picked up his bag and went over to the chimney. he was only able to get halfway up the chimney before he got stuck. He tried to go further, but the further he went, the more he got stuck. No matter what Santa did, he could not get out.

Morning soon came. Suzie and Billy were quite anxious to go english.gr English Language School downstairs and see what Santa had brought them. Suzie saw the empty plate. Billy noticed the broken chair.....

And. Papandreou 2 , Syros 84100 PHONE: 22810 79456 FAX: 22810 79437 E-MAIL: english.gr.syros@gmail.com

Dad was by the fireplace!!!

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