Comprehension Questions for The Hobbit

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by J.R.R. Tolkien

This work was created for educational purposes only as a comprehension companion guide for J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit: or There and Back Again Image credit: cover, “Hobbit Hole” by Matt Chan

This EnglishCaddy™ Document was created by Gregg Robert Salters and is available for free through ENGLISHCADDY PUBLICATIONS Strasbourg, France 2015

Comprehension Questions for The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien by Gregg R. Salters is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. . To view a copy of this license, visit To obtain copies of this document visit

The 2006 HarperCollins Publishers Paperback Edition of The Hobbit (ISBN: 978-0-261-10221-7) was used as reference in the creation of this comprehension companion and can be purchased at or at most major booksellers.

“Not all those who wander are lost� - J.R.R. Tolkien

Back to the book, or a Victim of its Own Success First published in 1937, this children's fantasy book about a simple hobbit living in a simple hole would be destined to become one of English literature's most famous tales for both children and adults alike. So popular is Tolkien's tale that a profusion of cinematic and artistic adaptations have been made and remade since its first publishing thus resulting in the collective image of Bilbo and his journey becoming polluted with the visions and interpretations of others. Returning to the book will help establish a baseline for the story as well as allow you to enjoy - in its purest form - the adventure as first set forth by Tolkien in the highest of all image resolutions – the HD of your imagination. Why study The Hobbit? The short answer is simply because it's The Hobbit. But if you require a longer answer, then it would be because J.R.R. Tolkien has provided us with a masterpiece in the fantasy genre that has become the go-to classic for all writers, readers and dreamers. Seldom is a fantasy novel published that it is not in some way compared to the major novels of Tolkien, and, of his great works, The Hobbit is the most attainable to those exploring English as a second language. Reading and understanding The Hobbit will help prepare you for the deeper journey into Middle-Earth awaiting you in The Fellowship of the Ring (1954), The Two Towers (1954) and The Return of the King (1955). So what are you waiting for? A wizard to knock on your door? How to proceed: Simply read each chapter for as thorough an understanding as possible (paying special attention to vocabulary, expressions, slang and grammar. along the way.) Then, once you’ve completed the chapter answer the corresponding questions in the book. Answering the questions should be easy, but if you find questions that are difficult, simply go back to that chapter and reread wherever necessary so that you can easily respond to the question. All answers are in the novel. You may write your responses in this booklet, or you may even want to create your own Hobbit Reading Journal. There are many blank writing journals available for sale ranging from simple to fancy. The most important! The most important thing is to enjoy what you read. If you are an enthusiast of the fantasy genre then this book is perfect for you. After all, if other great writers have drawn their own inspiration from the works of Tolkien, then a simple hobbit, living in a simple hole, might help further inspire your journey into English.

Other books by J.R.R. Tolkien:

The Fellowship of the Ring The Two Towers The Return of the King

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Comprehension Questions for The Hobbit By J.R.R. Tolkien

table Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19



An Unexpected Party Roast Mutton A Short Rest Over Hill and Under Hill Riddles in the Dark Out of the Frying-Pan into the Fire Queer Lodgings Flies and Spiders Barrels Out of Bond A Warm Welcome On the Doorstep Inside Information Not at Home Fire and Water The Gathering of the Clouds A Thief in the Night The Clouds Burst The Return Journey The Last Stage

Map of Middle-Earth

1 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 10 11 11 12 13 14 14 15 16 17 5


of main


Bilbo Baggins Gandalf

Thorin Oakenshield Bombur Balin


Elrond Gollum

Comprehension Questions for The Hobbit By J.R.R. Tolkien

Chapter 1 – An Unexpected Party 1. What is a hobbit hole like?

2. Who is Bilbo Baggins? What does Tolkien tell us about hobbits?

3. How did the Tooks and the Baggins differ?

4. How do the dwarves know how to find Bilbo's house?

5. How do we know that Thorin is the leader of the dwarves?

6. How does Gandalf convince the dwarves to accept Bilbo as the fourteenth member of their expedition?

Chapter 1 vocabulary: Audacious (p.20)

Rune (p.24) Abreast (p.25) Obstinately (p.27)

Chapter 2 – Roast Mutton 1. What did Bilbo do when he woke up?

2. How did Bilbo feel when he found the dwarves gone?


Prudent (p.27) Renumeration (p.27) Necromancer (p.31)

Comprehension Questions for The Hobbit By J.R.R. Tolkien 3. When Bilbo joins the dwarves, what has he forgotten?

4. What season is it when the party sets out on their adventure?

5. What skill are we told that Bilbo possesses that makes him a natural burglar?

6. Who captures Bilbo and how do they capture him?

7. What does the party find in the cave? What does Bilbo take from the cave?

Chapter 2 vocabulary:

Esteemed (p.35) Paraphernalia (p.36)

Applicable (p.44)

Chapter 3 – A Short Rest 1. Bilbo asked “Is that The Mountain?” To which mountain is he referring?

2. Who inhabits Rivendale?

3. What information did Elrond give the party?

4. What is Durin's Day?


Comprehension Questions for The Hobbit By J.R.R. Tolkien Drear (p.54) Glade (p.57) Faggot (p.57)

Chapter 3 vocabulary:

Bannock (p.57) Palpitating (p.60) Cleave (p.62)

Chapter 4 – Over Hill and Under Hill 1. Why did the party go into the cave?

2. What did Bilbo dream about in the cave?

3. What nasty surprise did the party encountered in the cave?

4. What happened to Gandalf?

5. Describe the goblins.

6. What caused the Great Goblin to become enraged?

7. How did the party escape from the goblins’ cavern?

8. What were Biter and Beater?

9. Goblins run faster than dwarves. How did the party escape the pursuit of the goblins?

10. What happened to Dori and Bilbo?


Comprehension Questions for The Hobbit Chapter 4 vocabulary: Deception (p. 65) Shirk (p.72)

By J.R.R. Tolkien Quaff (p.72) Ingenious (p.74)

Inconveniencing (p.75) Gnash (p.74)

Chapter 5 – Riddles in the Dark 1. When Bilbo awoke after falling off of Dori’s shoulders when the goblins grabbed Dori, what was strange about his surroundings?

2. While groping around on the floor, what did Bilbo find and put in his pocket?

3. How did Bilbo know his knife was an elvish blade, too?

4. Describe Gollum.

5. Gollum and Bilbo made a deal. What was it?

6. How did Bilbo win the riddle game with Gollum?

7. How did Bilbo discover the power of the ring?

8. How did Bilbo find the way out of Gollum’s land?

9. Why didn’t Bilbo kill Gollum?

10. What gave Bilbo away to the goblins as he tried to escape out the door? 4

Comprehension Questions for The Hobbit

Trace the path of Bilbo's adventures and indicate the big events on the map.

By J.R.R. Tolkien


Comprehension Questions for The Hobbit By J.R.R. Tolkien


Comprehension Questions for The Hobbit By J.R.R. Tolkien 11. Why did the goblins give up looking for Bilbo?

Chapter 5 vocabulary: Subterranean (p.84)

Unbeknown (p.84) Flummoxed (p.85)

Chestnut (p.88) Antiquity (p.94)

Chapter 6 – Out of the Frying-Pan into the Fire 1. Why did the dwarves have a better opinion of Bilbo Baggins when he rejoined them after his adventures with Gollum and the goblins?

2. What detail about his adventures with Gollum did Bilbo leave out when he told the dwarves the story?

3. Where were the travelers after the goblin adventures?

4. Why did the travelers climb up into the trees?

5. Who saved Bilbo from the wolves?

6. What are wargs?

7. Why were the wargs at the clearing?

8. How did Gandalf try to get rid of the wargs and goblins?


Comprehension Questions for The Hobbit By J.R.R. Tolkien 9. Who or what saved the travelers from the wargs, goblins, and fire?

Chapter 6 vocabulary: Sorrel (p.113)

Marjoram (p.113) Bracken (p.114)

Larch (p.116) Proverb (p.115)

Chapter 7- Queer Lodgings 1. Why did Gandalf introduce the dwarves only a few at a time to Beorn?

2. What did Gandalf tell the dwarves about Beorn's whereabouts?

3. What things in Mirkwood did Beorn warn the party about?

4. Why did Gandalf leave the party?

5. What did Gandalf say to the others when he left them in Mirkwood?

Chapter 7 vocabulary: Carrock (p.133) Appalling (p.134)

Tippet (p.135) Dale (p.136) Trestle (p.146) Mead (p.148)

Withered (p.148) Stark (p.149) Hart (p.158)


Comprehension Questions for The Hobbit By J.R.R. Tolkien

Chapter 8 – Flies and Spiders 1. Describe Mirkwood.

2. How did the travelers cross the black water?

3. What happened to Bombur at the black river crossing?

4. What did Bilbo see from the top of the oak tree in Mirkwood?

5. Why did the travelers leave the path?

6. What happened when they entered the ring of light to beg for food?

7. How did Bilbo get separated from the others in Mirkwood?

8. What made Bilbo feel fierce and bold?

9. Describe Sting. (Not the singer of course.)

10. How did Bilbo rescue the dwarves from the spiders?

11. Who was missing after the travelers were rescued from the spiders?

12. How did Thorin get separated from the others? 9

Comprehension Questions for The Hobbit Chapter 8 vocabulary: Inquisitive (p.163) Hind (p.163)

By J.R.R. Tolkien Accursed (p.172) Disquieting (p.171) Commons (p.175) Sawn (p.176) Loathsome (p.182)

Warrant (p.183) Quoits (p.184) Gloaming (p.194) Thongs (p.196)

Chapter 9 – Barrels Out of Bond 1. Why were the travelers actually glad to be captured by the wood elves?

2. How did Bilbo keep from getting captured by the wood elves?

3. How did Bilbo rescue Thorin and the others from the Elvenking?

Chapter 9 vocabulary:

Portcullis (p.205) Flagon (p.207) Potent (p.207)

Vintage (p.207) Toss-pot (p.211) Kine (p.213)

Chapter 10 – A Warm Welcome 1. What sight did Bilbo see as he floated along on the barrel-raft?

2. How had Bilbo and the travelers been lucky?

3. What songs did men near Long Lake still sing?

4. Why did Thorin demand to be taken to the Master of the Men of the Lake? 10

Comprehension Questions for The Hobbit By J.R.R. Tolkien 5. Why did the Master treat the travelers well, and send them to the mountain with provisions?

Chapter 10 vocabulary:

Ominous (p.220) Promontory (p.222)

Gammer (p.226) Enmity (p.229)

Chapter 11 – On the Doorstep 1. Why did the men of the town leave the travelers at the end of the third day?

2. Describe Ravenhill.

3. What did the scouting party see at the front gate?

4. What were the dwarves looking for on the western side of the mountain?

5. How did the dwarves get the secret door open?

Chapter 11 vocabulary:

Disembarked (p.234) Waning (p.235)

Lintel (p.240)

Chapter 12 – Inside Information 1. What did Bilbo see at the end of the tunnel? 11

Comprehension Questions for The Hobbit By J.R.R. Tolkien 2. Why did Smaug go into a rage upon awakening?

3. Why did Bilbo go back down the tunnel a second time?

4. How did Bilbo answer when the dragon asked who he was?

5. Which of Smaug’s senses was very keen?

6. What was Smaug’s weakness that Bilbo discovered?

7. Why did Thorin tell Bilbo to leave the thrush alone?

8. Why did the dwarves move their camp to within the tunnel?

9. What did Thorin say was the greatest treasure of the Mountain?

Chapter 12 vocabulary: Smouldering (p.254)

Grievous (p.260) Cartage (p.260) Impenetrable (p.262)

Chapter 13 – Not at Home 1.

Why did Thorin & Co. go down the tunnel?


Waistcoat (p.262) Foreboding (p.266) Stealth (p.269)

Comprehension Questions for The Hobbit By J.R.R. Tolkien 2. What did Bilbo put in his deepest pocket?

3. How did Thorin & Co. get out of the Mountain?

4. Where did the travelers go after they got out of the Mountain?

Chapter 13 vocabulary:

Pallid (p.274) Figured (p.278)

Chapter 14 – Fire and Water 1. Describe Esgaroth.

2. Describe Bard.

3. How did Bard know where to aim when he shot Smaug?

4. What was Bard’s reward for killing the dragon?

5. What was Bard’s response to the Master’s offer?

6. Who came to help the Lake people, at Bard’s request?

7. Why did all the men of arms go to the Mountain? 13

Dominion (p.284) Perpetually (p.284)

Comprehension Questions for The Hobbit By J.R.R. Tolkien Chapter 14 vocabulary: Foiled (p.287)

Quench (p.287) Laden (p.288) Prophesying (p.288)

Gledes (p.290) Eminent (p.292) Benefactor (p.292)

Chapter 15 – The Gathering of the Clouds 1.

Describe Roäc.

2. What did Thorin ask Roäc to do?

3. What did Bard ask of Thorin, and what was Thorin’s response?

4. What did the messenger from Esgaroth declare?

Chapter 15 vocabulary: Carrion (p.297)

Coveted (p.298) Decrepit (p.298)

Amends (p.300) Fells (p.304)

Chapter 16 – A Thief in the Night 1.

What news did Roäc bring the besieged dwarves?

2. Why did Bilbo offer to take Bombur’s watch?

3. What did Bilbo give Bard? Why? 14

Comprehension Questions for The Hobbit By J.R.R. Tolkien 4. Who praised Bilbo for his meeting with Bard?

Chapter 16 vocabulary:

Bade (p.309)

Chapter 17 – The Clouds Burst 1. Why did Thorin throw Bilbo out of his camp?

2. Why wouldn’t Bard let Dain and the dwarves pass?

3. What announcement did Gandalf make?

4. What were the armies in The Battle of Five Armies?

5. What plan did Gandalf propose?

6. Why did the dwarves agree to fight with the men and elves against the goblins and wargs?

7. Who were the first to charge against the goblins?

8. When all seemed lost against the goblins, what appeared on the scene?

9. What happened to Bilbo during the battle?


Comprehension Questions for The Hobbit Chapter 17 vocabulary: Hauberk (p.321)

By J.R.R. Tolkien Mattocks (p.321) Reconciliation (p.323) Precipice (p.327)

Scimitar (p.327) Eyries (p.330) Smote (p.330)

Chapter 18 – The Return Journey 1. When Bilbo awoke after being knocked out by the stone, what did he see?

2. Why did Thorin call for Bilbo?

3. What did Bilbo miss at the end of the battle while he was knocked out?

4. What parting gift did Bard bestow upon Thorin?

5. What parting gift did the Elvenking give Thorin?

6. Who led the dwarves after Thorin’s death?

7. What did Dain give Bard? Why?

8. What did Bard do with his riches?

9. What did Bilbo give the Elvenking? Why?

10. Who became a great chief, ruling lands between the mountains and the wood? 16

Comprehension Questions for The Hobbit Chapter 18 vocabulary:

By J.R.R. Tolkien Amend (p.333) Mustering (p.334)

Trackless (p.335)

Chapter 19 – The Last Stage 1. Where had Gandalf been while he was away from Thorin and the others?

2. What did Gandalf and Bilbo dig up?

3. When Bilbo arrived home, what did he find?

4. What, besides spoons, did Bilbo lose?

5. Who came to visit Bilbo a few years after his return home?

6. What news did Balin bring?

7. What were Gandalf’s last words to Bilbo in this book?

Chapter 19 vocabulary:

Lore (p.343)


Comprehension Questions for The Hobbit By J.R.R. Tolkien Good job! You have successfully completed all of the questions. Connecting to the story of this book is important, so take some time and write down your initial feelings after having finished the book.


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