False beauty

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False Beauty

Y, Mei Setiyanta

Fal se




f,'alse Beauty 0211s7 @

Kanisius 1998

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Ilustrasi oleh Yulius Suryono

lsBN 979-497-8264 fsBN 979-497-827-2 Hak cipta dilindungi undang-undang. Dilarang memperbanyak karya tulis ini dalam bentuk dan dengan cara apa pun, termasuk fotokopi, tanpa izintertulis dari Penerbit. Dicetak oleh Percctakan Kanisius Yogyakarta

Introduction eading is a good way of getting knowledge.

It should bejntroduced in

early childhood, hence it becomes a habit in people's lifestyle. To encourage children to

love reading, we provide interesting stories in a fable series. We believe that animal kingdom stories have their own attractiveness to amuse children with fantastic stories. Thus, children are also encouraged to build their own fantasies, to open their mind to knowledge and different views, and to have in their soul good moral values that are always enriching every story.

The Parrots was a happy family. Their two eggs had hatched.The Parrots thanked God for giving them two cute babies. Mr. and Mrs. Parrot wanted to hold a party so that their babies would have good luck. All birds were invited. All kinds of birds were happy too because they were going to have

an amusing party. They got ready to attend the party long before the party was held. Mrs. Sparrow, for

ile, started to wash her feathers in order to look pretty. Mr. Starling cleaned hisbeakandclaws. Miss Swallow andMr. Magpie

took a bath in a lake so that they appearedfresh. In brief, all of the birds were very busy improving their appearances. The fixed day came. Flock of birds flew to the Parrot's house. They filled the blue sky. While flying they sang a song. .

It's a good day my dear friends 'cause the Parrot's have got babies

Why don't you come with me my dear a '

big party

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, two, three, please come

with me

Four, five, six, ready for some kicks Seven, eight, we'll come home late Nine and ten, here's to the party in the glen.

No one was sad. {.

Mr. Crow was also invited to come to the party. He was busy making himself neat. "I am getting bored with my black feathers. I rnust have a dandy appeorance.Iwlll change my feathers for colourful ones. I really want other animals to admire me," said Mr. Crow in Soon, Mr. Crow rried ro find

a way to have the


feathers that he wanted. The only bird who had beautiful feathers and wasn't going to the party was Miss Peacock. Actually, she was invited to come to the Parrot's party. She did not participate in it because she could not fly and it was too far away to walk. "Good morning, Miss Peacock," greeted Mr. Crow politely. "Good morning, Mr. Crow. I'm glad to See you. By the way, why do you come here this morning? There is a party in the Parrot's house, don't you know? Why aren't you on your way there?" asked Miss Peacock. She was/amous for her kindness to any animal in the jungle. Other animals often asked her for help if they had problems. Her

generousity made all of the animals love her. "Well, Miss Peacock. I will take part in the party. Unfortunately, I don't like my black feathers anymore. Would you like to give me some of yours? I'd really like to have . How lucky you a dandy appearance with colourful praised Mr. Crow. are to have such beautiful feathers," uty of my "Are my feathers so 't you feathers isa


Sometim ashamed of myself.

l.ots of animals show their interest in my feathers. They ;rraise me in many ways. Anyway, my rlcar friend, if you need some, just take .lP tlrem. It's free," said Miss Peacock calmly. "Thank you very nruch," said Mr. Crow gladly. Having taken some lbathers, Mr. Crow saw;i)tL trut [orhis nest. He went" to collect tree sap in the .iungle. The colourful feathers were stuckonhis body withtheglwe of the tree sap. He used the water of lake as a mirror. It worked well. Mr. Crow looked handsome. He could not stop admiring himself.



"How handsome I am! Other birds will admire {ne. No one humiliate,s me now," ,.,,:,i;r Said Mr. Crow in his heart. Havingbeen satisfied with self praise, he set out for the

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Parrot's house. Alas! The feathers fell apart just a few meters from his nest. Mr. Crow flew back to his nest. He was disappointedbuthe kept trying to make himself beautiful. 10

After thinking a lot, Mr. Crow found a way. He rnade a mixture of leaves. He painted his feathers with it. P,je,,p,


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The mixture made his feathers so colourful. nguin, Mr. Crow examined his reflection on the surface of a lake. It was true! His appearance was totally different. Standing on his two strong feet, he admiredhimself.


"How handsome I am. No bird is more beautiful


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am." . The proud Mr. Crow flew to the Parrot's party. Unfortunately,the rain was very hard.


He could not take shelter. The hard rain caused him to become soaking wet. Gradually, the mixture faded. His body was very diny. Time went by. The party was over. unAll the birds flew back to their own nests. On the *u5i tto-e, they talked about thedeliciozsfruit they had eaten such as apples, bananas, oranges,





pineapples, zapots, mangoes, etc. They also praised the ornaments of the room where the party took place. "Hi, Mr. Crow. Where have you been? Why are your feathers so dirty?" asked Mr. Starling. All birds were approaching Mr. Crow. They took pity on him. "Don't you know that I was the busiest one at the Parrot's party? I sought fruit and dccorated the room with ornaments. I painted the walls. The paint sprinkled on my feathers so that my body became very dirty," lied Mr. Crow.

All the birds listened to Mr. Crow. They frowned their brows and thanked him for his generousity. Mr. Crow, on the other hand, said in his mind. "By cheating I find honour. They respect me. Foolish birds!" Mr. Crow was very proud of the praise given by the birds. But later on, he realized that he had lied. He felt bad about having lied but his regret came too late. Mr. Crow always realizedthings too late.

benar-benar sebenarnya mengagumi

irctual (adj) = lctually (adv) = ndmire, admired (v) = lrnuse, amused (v) = menyenangkan iunusing (adj) =

menyenangkan itppear, appeared (v) = nampak i.rppearance (n) = penampilan irshamed (adj) = malu attend, attended (v) = menghadiri beak (n)

- paruh

gradual (adj) = pelan-pelan, perlahan-lahan

brow (n) = alis, kening by the way - omong-omong claw (n) = cakar collect, collected (v) = mengumpulkan cute (adj) = ffIUflgil, cantik dandy (adj) = bagus decorate, decorated (v) = menghiasi clelicious (adj) = enak, lezat disappoint, disappointed (v) mengecewakan disappointed (adj) = kecewa exact (adj) = tepat, persis

exactly (adv) = tepat, persis fade, faded (v) = memudar famous (adj) = terkenal feather (n) = bulu frown, frowned (v) = berkerut, mengkerutkan generousity (n) = kemurahan hati glen (n) = lembah,ngatai glue (n) = lem


gradually (adv) = dengan pelan-pelan, denganperlahan-lahan hatch, hatched (v) = menetas

hold, held (v) = fnongadakan honour (n) = kehormatan humiliate, humiliated (v) = merendahkan, menghina improve, -ing (v) = rrlorrPorbaiki, membenahi interest (n) = minat, ketertarikan invite, invited (v) = mengundang lie, lied (v) = berbohong

mind (n) = pikiran, hati mixture (n) = campuran neat (adj) = raPi ornament (n) = hiasan participate, participated (v) = ikut ambil bagian polite (adj) = sopan politely (adv) = dengan sopan praise, praised (v) = memuji rcalize, realized (v) = menyadari reflection (n) = pantulan respect, respected (v) = menghormati

sap (n)

- getah tumbuh-tumbuhan

seek, sought (v) = mencari set, set out (v) = berangkat

soak, soaked (v) = membasahi soaking (adj) = basah kuyup sprinkle, sprinkled (v) = memerciki stick, stuck (v) = melekat take, took, taken place (v) = terjadi total (adj) = total, keseluruhan totally (adv) = sama sekali unfortunately (adv) = malang, sayangnya


book is one of the sixteen stories from fable series presented for children who learn English in the beginner to intermediate level. Each stories is delivered in an amusing way, illustrated with beautiful pictures and enriched with moral values. Have you had the complete stories of fables


1. False

Beauty Mr. lnvoice

2. 3. Broken Friendship 4. Bat's Deed




ffi ::::

The Smartest

10. Kikky Koala 11


12. 5. A New House 13. 6. Bad Habit 14. 7. Be Yourself 15. 8. The Candidate Campaign 16.

Trouble Makers How the Tiger Got lts Stripes Missing Eggs Belief in Friendship Stainvay to Heaven Mr. Stork's Big Scheme

lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllll sBNeTe4e 7 8264 021157 |SBN 979497-827-2


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