Y. Mei Setiyanta
The Smartest @ pelrenetT KANISIUS
The Smartest 021165
O l(anisius 1998
PENERBIT KANISIUS (Anggota IKAPD Jl. Cempaka 9, Deresan, Yogyakarta 55281 I(otak Pos 1125 /Yk, Yogyakzrta 5501 1 Telepon (0274) 588783, 565996,Fax (0274) 563349 \Website : www.kanisiusmedia.com E-mail : offrce@kanrsiusmedia.com
Cetakanke- 6
05 04 03
Ilustrasi oleh Yulius Suryono
rsBN 979497-836-1 tsBN 979497-837-X Hak cipta dilindungi undang-undang. Dilarang memperbanyakkarya tulis ini daram benruk dan dengan c ta pun, ^pa termasuk fo_tokopi, tunpi tzn ternrlis dari penerbit, Dicerak oleh Perceakm Kmisius yoglakrta
Introduction eading is a good way of getting knowledge. It should be inttoduced in early childhood, hence it becomes a habit in people's lifesryle. To encourage \We believe children to love reading, we provide interesting stories in a fable series. that antmal kingdom stories have their own atffactiveness to amuse children with fantastic stories. Thus, children are also encouraged to build their own fantasies, to open their mind to knowledge and different views, and to have in their soa.rl good moral values that arc always endching every story.
rs. \feaving Bird and her two little
children lived on the peak of an areca tree. Every morning she fedthem happily. She always did her best to take care of her belooed chrldren. She built a very comfortable nest for them.
proud of it. "How greatl am. I am able to build this uonderfu/ nest." After admiringher nest, she looked at Mr. Spider who Iivednext door. "FIi, Mr. Spider.It's really nice to see you," she greeted him. Then
She was
she asked,
"lVhat are you doing?" "I am finishing my web,"replied Mr. Spider. "Your web? Hee... hee.... It's so
Do you think rt's safe enough for you and your famiy?"
weak, isn't it?
asked Mrs. \Weaving Bird. But
there was no answef.
"Look at my nest, Mr. Spider. It's wonderful, isn't it? No
other animals can build
nest on the peak of an areca tree. My children can stay there
no animals wrll, disturb them. Moreover, ffiy
safely. There were
nest is v/arm and artisfic. Surely,
am a great architect,
^refl't Weaving Bird said proudly.
I? Mrs.
'$fleaving Bird's words, Mr. spider could not bear his Having heard Mrs. emotion any longer. FIe rePlied ,,But didn't yorr nest get bloun out of. its tree because of strong wind last 'weaving Bird, sffong wind could not destroy my web. It's week? Look, Mrs. to go out made of ftexible and strong thread. Moreover, there's no need for me in my ro get my meal. Foolish insects will become my meal aftet being trapped ate'" web. You see, I have a wonderful life. So, I think I'm smarter than you i--\:i " / \*q\ ti d'"i
oth of them were arguingto find out who the smarter was. They did not notice the presence o{. Miss
Ant. She had been watching them for a long time. "Stop arguing, my friends. Neither of you is smarter than the other. My { : family and I never argoe and blame
each other. tWe always live ped,cefrlb.'$fle look for food together. \Whenever we meet on our way,
we greet each other. \fle like helping each other. That's why, we are called social insects. Only cioilized creatures can help each other. So, I think I am smarter than both of Iou," interrupted Miss Ant. Miss Ant's words ffinded Mr. Spider and Mrs. tVeaving Bird. Then, the three argued to find out who the smartest amongst them was. At last, Miss Ant said.
'\We cannot solve this problem by ourselves. There should be a mediator. Our nearest neighbour is Mr. Rooster. Let's see him." The three went to Mr. Rooster's house.
On the wvf, th.y kept silent. They did not talk to each other. They were busy thinking of the problem. $7hen they had almo st reachedMr. Rooster's house there was a voice.
"Hi, friends. Sflhere
are yougoing?" inquired
Mr. Chameleon. He came out
of, abig sha$t banlan tree. '\We are going to see Mr. Rooster. \We want him to judge who the smartest amongst us is," said Miss Ant enthusiastically.
But don't you know that none of you are smarter than I am? Look, I can aQust my skin to my enuironment. When I am perching ort a green leaf, my skin turns to green. If I am orL a brown twig, my skin becomes brown, too. It's rcally easy for me to adjust myself to the environment. So, I am the smartest, arett't I?" asked Mr. Chameleon proudly. Hearing the boasting chameleon, Mr. Spider asked c1nicalfi. "Then, Mr. Chameleon. What is your skin's real colour?"
Mr. Chameleon could not answer the spider's question. But he was stllI stubborn and insisted that he was the smartest one. "Mr. Chameleon, you haverl't solved our problem. In fact, you make our problem more complicated," said Miss
ffiry rSc
.9.,.:+f -triFo+'
Ant angrily.
the four animals were arguing. Each of them wassurethat he or she was smarter than the others. Flearing the noise in front of his house, Mr. Rooster opened the door and interrupted'
Don't quarrel. Let's discuss the problem and find the best solution. Tell me the problem. Maybe I can help you." Then, Mrs. \Teaving Bird explained to Mr. Rooster the argument. After that, each of them said that they deserr,ed to be called "the smartest". \What's your opinion now? \flho "twell, Mr. Rooster. That is our problem. is the smartest anxongst us?" uyged Mr. Spider curiously. "To tell you the truth, none of you is smarter than the others. But I am "Be cool,
\Without my presence in this world, you smarrer than all of you. Listen to me. wouldn't be able ro get up early in the morning. \X/hile all of you are sdll sleeping soundly, I have got up. \7ith my wonderful crowing I ask the sun to
light up our world," said Mr. Rooster proudly. Unfortu nately,Mr. Rooster's answer made the quarelling became hotter and hotter. Each of them tried'to look smarter than the others. None of them tried to be humble. In fact, their arrogance caused the quarrel. And of course, it could break their friendship.
Deer approached The quarrel was becoming even hotter when Mr' Mouse them and said. of us all' I "Hi, foolish animals. Don't you know that I am the smartest when they tried to kill even d.eceired.Mr. crocodile and Mr. Tiger succesfully rne.tt
(T l)t
four animals, however, did not listen to Mr. Mouse Deer. Due to much argtrtng, they got sore throats. They were getting tired but each of them was sdll sure that he or she was the smartest one. The day grew darker and darker. Finally, the night came. Slowly, some stars appeared in the sky. Gradually,thege were
lots of stars in the sky. The five animals stopped arguing. They saw and enjoyed the tuinkling stars. The twinkling of the stars made the jungle look \il/ith its soft radiance, the moon beautiful. Soon, the moon was coming out. gave light to the jungle. \What a wonderfrtl scene it was!
,,\flhar a beautiful night! But I wonder who hangs the stars and the moon in the sky?" asked Mr. Chameleon' All of them None of the animals answered Mr. chameleon's question. in the marfully admired the beautiful light. They started dancing and singing of aelous light. They did not quarrel anymore. Because their greatad,miration,they cameto aconclusionthat . j , none of them was smarter than the others' The smartest was the One who hung the \1, ?
.,. .J s-dd?
stars and the moon in the skY'
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,tir,15'1$ .ll:::r,:
l,ll:l,iat,rr ri.r,rr ]:iarrittlralrl::l
riarr:li:: jil:.llU.,:.1:rriir,:l,U:iair:1,:t,iliiU;
adjust, adiusted (v) = menyesuaikan diri admiration (n) = kekagnman admite, admired (rdj) = mengagumi
admiting (n) = kekagrrman' amongst (pt.p) = di antzra (v) = namPak ^ppear>appeared cem ta pohon (n) arcca = -ing (v) = mendebat, menyanggah ^rgoe, zrrogance (n) = kesombongan attistic (adj) = seni banyan (n) = Pohon beringin bear, bote, botn (v) = menanggung beloved ("di) = tercinta blame, blamed (v) = menYalahkzn blow, blew, blown (v) = meniuP boast, boasted (v) = membual, mengibuli boasting (rdD = membual, mengibuli civilized ("di) = betadab comfortable (adj) = flYaman complicated (udi) = rumit comrade (n) = sahabat crow, crowed (rr) = berkokok crowing (n) = kokok i
cynical (adj) = sinis deceive, deceived (v) = meniPu deserve, deserved (v) - Pantas destroy, desttoyed (v) = merusak distutb, disturbed (v) = mengganggu due (adf) = seharusnya
environment (n) = lingkungan feed, fed (v) = memberi makan
flexibel (rdi) = lentur gradual (^dj) = petlahan-lahzn gradually (adv) = dengan peilahan-lahan
gr..t, gr""ted (v) = memberi salam f,rtg, hntg (v) = bergantung, menggantungkan humble (rdi) = rendah hati insect (n) = serangga judge,,fudged (v) = msng2dili marvelous (udl) = bagus sekali mediator (n) = perz;fit^r next (adj) = samPing, sebelah offend, offended (v) = menyakiti hati peaceful (udj) = damai peacefully (adv) = dengan damai perch, -itg (") = bertengger presence (n) = kehadiran rzdiance (n) = sinat reach,reached (v) = mencaPai safe (adj) = aman shady (rdi) = tindang solution (n) = Pemeczhan solve, solved (v) = memecahkan sore (adj) = sakit srubborn (udj) = keras kePala trap, trapped (rr) = menjebak twinkle, twinkled (v) = bekerliP twinkling (v) = bekerliP urge, irrged (v) = mendesak
web (n) = laing-iaing wonderful (udi) = bagus sekali
tn,, book is one of the sixteen,l.li'tories from fable series presented
for children who learn English.in the beginner to intermediate level. Each stories is delivered in an amusing way, illustrated with beautiful pictures and enriched with moral,vafues. Have you had the complete stories of fables series?
1. False Beauty
2. Mr. lnvoice 3. Broken Friendship 4. Bat's Deed 5. A New House
6. Bad Habit 7. Be Yourself 8. The Candidate
9. The Smartest
10. Kikky Koala
Trouble Makers 12. How the Tiger Got lts Stripes 13. Missing Eggs 14. Belief in Friendship 15,, Slainvay to Heaven 16. Mr. Stork's Big Scheme 11
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