Enigma Magazine 4/11/13

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TOO HIGH TO DIE One of the more notable groups on the roster of SST Records (who released most of their albums), the Meat Puppets started as a punk rock band, but like most of their SST peers, the Meat Puppets established their own unique style, blending punk with country and psychedelic rock, and featuring Curt Kirkwood's warbling vocals. The Meat Puppets perform Friday night at J.J.’s Bohemia.


It’s Bill Cosby! The legendary comic, actor and mastermind behind Fat Albert and shows like “The Cosby Show”, “A Differnt World”, “I Spay” and let us not forget Jell-O Pudding Pops will be at the Tivoli Theatre Sunday evening. Hey, hey, hey, get out of my way cause nah, nah, nah, gonna have a good time.


Singer/songwriter Gabriel Newell with a voice as smooth as velvet will perform his music as well as a few songs you might also recognize when he performs Friday night at the Tremont Tavern.

ALL FOR YOU Florida alternaitve rockers Sister Hazel a regional favorite return to Chattanooga Wednesday evening. With a slew of radio singles like “All For You” and “Happy” they will put on a show that shouldn’t be missed. Sister Hazel performs at Rhythm and Brews.



Rest in Peace, Brother “Start your day the Wally way” between the two houses. These house.. woke up the next morning the was the catch phrase for a were legendary until the mid-80s main floor of the house had water sausage and gravy in a can by a when both fraternities called a Once the fight was over the two three feet deep. Legend is the company whose name I don’t water damage caused the foundaremember. Wally, of course was tion to rot. I did know for a fact Wally Witkowski of Talk Radio the house had joists in the base102.3 fame. For tens of thousands ment to sure up the foundation of Chattanoogans many started when I was at UTC as one of their their day the Wally way as they brothers took me down there durstarted their weekday morning ing one of their parties to verify. with Wally and his cohort in crime Jim Reynolds as they were I could tell a million and one stothe “Village Idiots” from nine until ries about Tom back in those ten every morning. But alas, no days. Even what I witnesseds is longer. Wally, or as I knew him still hard to believe. And it before most of you – Tom Bolden brought me much joy. I rememsuccumbed to cancer Monday ber meeting him as a pledge. He night at the age of 59. came by the night his daughter Katie was born. He even helped I’ve knownTom for 30 years going organize a bachelor party for back to the days I was a pledge at Ralph “Ziggy” Zigner – yes, of the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity at Ziggy’s fame. Those two were UTC. Back then I knew him as roommates at the fraternity house “Boom Boom”. “Boom Boom” was and were both on the varsity part of the folklore of the fraterwrestling team. Tom aka Wally nity and Greek life in general at truce a decided if they would get rival fraternities went back to always had the gift to gab. We UTC. He was one of the many along they could drink twice as their respective houses – no harm struck up an immediate friendcauses of Dean Richard much beer and chase twice as no foul. When the Sigma Chis ship. He even came by the Pike MacDougall being bald. His leg- many little sisters. And for the end for all his fraternity house most part they’ve been on good antics were stuff National terms since. Lampoon could have used in their movie “Animal House”. As a But before that the Sigma Chi’s pledge we were told multiple sto- would steal the Pike’s crest out of ries, some made him larger than their front lawn and in one life. And at around 6’3” and over instance a flaming arrow was shot 300 pounds (at that time) he was into the Sigma Chi cross that was larger than life. mounted on the front of their house. Another time the Sigma One of the stories goes like this: Chis supposedly blew up the stone Back in the day when the Greeks crest or diamond logo in the were the only ones living in Fort Pikes’ front yard. That’s where Wood the Pike House and Sigma the legend of “Boom Boom” startChi house were located directly ed. Tom supposedly started a fight across the street from each other. with the Sigma Chis in the middle These two fraternities were bitter of Oak Street. As the fight began rivals and for years there were escalated drawing in more and stories of fights in the middle of more fraternity brothers, “Boom Oak Street between the two. Boom” snuck over to the Sigma Every 4th of July was celebrated Chi house, grabbed a garden hose, with a massive bottle rocket war turning it on and placing it in the ENIGMA APRIL 11



house during my “Hell Week” and witnessed my initiation. It was during this semester we bonded as brothers and referred to each other as such until the very end.

whether it was politically correct or not. He pretty much made a sport over the years of seeing how many people he could offend and make laugh at the same time.

way, what was most important to in turn he was her knight in shinhim was family. ing armor. The two were inseparable to the very end. Sure, Katie I mentioned him coming by the may have been a special needs frat house on the day his daughter child, but she really didn’t know was born. I didn’t mention Katie it. To the very end she was Tom’s Many people can tell a good story, During his radio career he sur- was born with Downs Syndrome. little girl and he watched over her but not many lived it like Tom. like a hawk to make sure she had While a Pike he met the love of the best possible life any child his life, Gaye whom he married could ever hope for. She in turn after a short courtship and has grown up to be a fine young remained happily married until lady, smart, talented and with a the end. Gaye is a strong woman little of her dad’s sense of humor, who stuck with Tom through thick but not over the top. Tom’s son and thin, good times and bad Bill is gainfully employed by the times. But they both had a bond county at the jail and is well that would never break. respected by his superiors and fellow jailers. Tom was always a bigger guy. And despite his size he was without a I am one of the few people that doubt the best salesperson to live. got to hang out with Tom – and He epitomized the saying selling Wally for a majority of my life, snow to an Eskimo. He always having seen the good and not so had the gift of gab and that gift good. I have literally laughed became legend as he went from with him until tears rolled out my one type of media sales to anotheyes while at other times tears er until that fateful day. That was rolled out my eyes as we confided the day a radio microphone was vived a frequency change and a Wally or Tom and Gaye met the in each other some of our greatest thrust in front of him. There are couple of ownership changes. He challenges head on and were both fears and concerns. And now conflicting stories to how it came was paired up with Jim Reynolds, strong and vocal advocates of tears roll out my eyes as I will about, but the one I heard most known as the “voice of the Mocs”. Downs Syndrome and Special never have that chance again. and the man that claimed to not Reynolds was put there to keep Olympics volunteering hours and Rest in peace my brother. only give Tom his start on radio, Wally in line and often made hours of time and money in supbut came up with the moniker Wally the butt of some of the port. Katie was his princess, and - Dave Weinthal “Wally Witkowski” was the late jokes as well. Their partnership Parker Smith. and friendship went on until P.O. Box 825 Chattanooga, TN Tom’s last breath Monday night. 37401 Smith, the outspoken, controver(423) 267-6072 sial but popular half of “Smith and Fame came quick for Wally. Soon (423) 991-1657 West” along with Kevin West in not only was he a spokesman for Sales Line the days of the old 102.7 talk radio the sausage gravy in a can I talked email and “Real Radio” had Tom read about, but for Vietti Chili as well. info@enigmaonline.com the traffic on the air. Tom stut- Wally was soon doing commertwitter.com/EnigmaMag tered his way through the traffic cials and infommericals in other d.a. weinthal - publisher and weather with his heavy coun- markets for all the canned food charles carmichael - Managing Editor try accent and noticeable speech products he was now hawking on john casey - Art Director impediment soon became a cult the air. He often would stop by mark bedford - Editor-In-Chief craig fentress - editor-at-large hit on talk radio. my office with a case or two of the stuff. Contributing Editors Take a very distinguishable voice, jim sells, sissy vance, scorpio jones iii, david n. marks the gift to gab and ability to think The magic of Wally Witkowski on your feet and soon a star was was he always spoke his mind. It born. Wally Witkowski soon didn’t matter how wrong he may www.enigmaonline.com became part of the morning team have been. He didn’t care who he on talk radio. Wally Witkowski insulted or embarrassed. He, in was larger than life in more ways turn was a good sport and didn’t than one. Often controversial he mind taking a little grief. In spite VIEWS EXPRESSED BY CONTRIBUTORS ARE NOT NECESSARILY THE VIEWS OF THE PUBLISHER, BUT ENIGMA LIKES TO CONSIDER ITSELF AN OPEN FORUM FOR DISCUSSION OF ALL said what was on his mind all the local fame that came his SIDES OF AN ISSUE. FEEL FREE TO SUBMIT YOUR OPINION. ENIGMA APRIL 11 2013



HOW MUCH MONEY CAN I CONTRIBUTE TO MY INDIVIDUAL RETIREMENT ACCOUNTS? Tax season is upon us and one deduction that people do not take enough advantage of are retirement accounts. There are several different kinds of accounts and which one you will use is depending on your personal and business finances. We will start with the most common accounts and I am assuming you do not participate in a 401K at work. For roughly 65% of the people in America they have only 2 options, a traditional IRA or a Roth IRA. A traditional IRA is an account where you can contribute up to the maximum and have that amount be tax deductible. The capital gains in the account will be taxed as regular income in the future. A Roth IRA contribution is not tax deductible but the account does grow tax

deferred, meaning that any amount of growth in the account will be exempt from capital gains tax. The advantage of individual accounts are that you can control what you purchase inside of them; stocks, bonds, mutual funds or annuities. In 2013, an individual is allowed to put in a maximum contribution of $5,500 in a traditional IRA and have the amount be tax deductible. The maximum contribution for a Roth IRA is $5,500. There are also contributions called catch ups that allow people over 50 to contribute an additional $1,000 per account. The reason for the catch up provisions is to assist people near retirement age the option to save more. These numbers are subject to amount of income an individual makes

at $112,000 filing a single weigh the company contribureturn and $173,000 filing a tion with the fee structure of joint return. the 401K but in general you usually come out ahead with a Of course if you work for a company contribution. company and they offer a 401K that should be your first I would recommend that anyoption for a retirement one who owes money to the account, generally speaking, government should consider because most employers pro- a contribution to a retirement vide some sort of matching account if they have not made contributions to the accounts. the maximum contribution. In 2013, an individual can con- Remember you have until tribute up to $17,500 to their April 15th of each year to 401K and the employer can make a contribution, so timcontribute up to $33,500. Now ing should never be an most employers will not offer excuse. I would rather write such a generous matching myself a check than the govcontribution but most will ernment any time. We all provide a 3%-5% match, which want to avoid paying taxes over the course of a your and this way you are paying working career can add up yourself and you will have a significantly. The biggest growth benefit years down drawback to a 401K account is the road. there are hidden fees inside the accounts that can add up - S. Granairo to almost 1.5%. So you have to




Hey, What’s your sign? ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20) Empty promises are evident; therefore, get it in writing, to be safe. You will be too quick to point your finger at your mate. Expect to have problems with the ones you love. Make sure to arrange in advance to spend quality time together. Your lucky day this week will be Thursday. TAURUS (Apr. 21- May 21) You will be a bit of a spendthrift this week. Your temper could get the better of you if you confront personal situations. Restrictions may be difficult for you to live with, but try to do things by the book. If you’re in the mood, go out and socialize, or get involved in sports activities. Your lucky day this week will be Thursday. GEMINI (May 22-June 21) Use your quick wit to win points and friends. Concentrate on getting ahead financially and let your personal life settle down for a while. Try to be fair in your dealings with acquaintances. Put your energy into behind the scenes activities. Your lucky day this week will be Sunday. CANCER (June 22-July 22) Don’t overreact to someone’s advances. Beware of someone who is trying to make you look bad. Go with the flow and don’t let the unsettled atmosphere get on your nerves. Personal alterations will be

in your best interest.

back at your mate. Concentrate on work. You are best to move quickly Your lucky day this week will be and to get in good with the boss. Tuesday. You can become obsessed with detail and must be sure to divide LEO your time appropriately. (July 23-Aug 22) Your partner may be reluctant to Your lucky day this week will be tell you how they feel. Unexpected Tuesday. bills may set you back. You will be confused about the intentions of SAGITTARIUS someone you work with. You can (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21) make new friends who could turn Someone you live with may cause into intimate connections if you join drastic alterations in your usual rouclubs or take creative courses. tine. Your greatest gains will come through your creative ideas. Your lucky day this week will be Valuable information can be yours if Monday. you listen to those with experience. You’ll find it easy to talk about your VIRGO feeling this week. Don’t hesitate to (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23) find out what your mate’s intentions Don’t consume more than necessary. are. You will reach the most people if you speak out at an organizational Your lucky day this week will be function. Cutbacks at work will be a Saturday. cause for worry. You are ahead of your time, and trying to stay in one CAPRICORN spot could be asking too much. (Dec 22.- Jan. 20) You’re ready to take action and take Your lucky day this week will be over. Sign up for courses or join fitSaturday. ness clubs. Trouble could be brewing at home. People you live with LIBRA will not be terribly happy with you (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23) You need to look into some private matters before you can proceed with your plans. You need to make your lover feel wanted, not like a piece of the furniture. Family outings will make you feel secure and happy. Family talks may get a little combative. Your lucky day this week will be Friday. SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) Don’t do something silly just to get ENIGMA APRIL 11 2013


regardless of what you do this week. Your lucky day this week will be Friday. AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19) Take part in stimulating debates that will allow you to show off your intelligence. You will find that joint ventures could easily turn out to be dead end projects. You can receive recognition for the work you’ve done. You’re in the mood for love. Your lucky day this week will be Wednesday. PISCES (Feb. 20-Mar. 20) You may be torn between two possibilities. This has left you in a confused and uncertain state. Direct your energy into physical entertainment. Heart to heart talks will clear up vague issues. Empty promises could be likely where work is concerned. Your lucky day this week will be Sunday.

Thanks Coach The news broke late last week. Lady Mocs head basketball coach Wes Moore is leaving to head up the program at North Carolina State. I thought the school dodged the bullet a couple of years ago when he left and then changed his mind, but not this time. As a former student and fan of most of UTC’s athletic programs, I’m saddened, somewhat shocked but surprisingly not mad. I want to be mad. I want to feel betrayed. But I can’t. And although I don’t want him to leave and don’t like it, I only have two words for him – thank you. That’s right, thank you Wes Moore, for building a true basketball dynasty in Chattanooga, always fielding not only a highly competitive team, but a real respectable winner as well. In 15 years of coaching the Lady Mocs in Chattanooga Moore won 358 games, averaging over 23 wins a season during his time here. Twice – this year’s team and 2004’s team, he won 29 games. Moore’s Lady Mocs won the Southern Conference 12 times and made nine tournament appearances during his tenure including the upset of top 15 ranked Rutgers in he first round of the ’04 NCAA Women’s Tournament and the upset of top ten ranked UT this season. Many for a long time considered women’s basketball and women’s athletics in general a benefactor of Title IX. Technically it was, but pro-

grams like Moore made the sport a must see. If it wasn’t for a lady just north of here in Knoxville by the name of Pat Summit, Moore would be considered the most successful college basketball coach in the state of Tennessee. In this case second place isn’t so bad. A tireless recruiter, a wise coach and the ability to handle varying personalities and getting young ladies to buy into what he was teaching, replacing Moore at Chattanooga will almost be as difficult as replacing Summit minus the fanfare. Women’s basketball has come a long way in the past 20 years. Actually if you put the men’s game beside the ladies, the women come out on top. Men’s basketball today is less disciplined, less structured and comes across as every man for himself. The women’s game displays five teammates working together with quite frankly a better skill set. The women’s game features plays being run, the ability to shoot jump shots of varying difficulty and nonreliance on the ability to dunk like the men’s game where half the plays seem to be dunks or attempted dunks. Plus a lot of the men these days are “one-and-done” or “twoand-done” as they leave school early to enter the NBA draft. College is just a vehicle for the men to attempt to go pro, whereas the women tend to be more well-rounded with a

Enigma is looking for motivated folks that don’t mind working with bands, advertisers, celebrites and don’t mind having a good time doing it. Join the marketing team at Enigma where the only thing holding you back is you. Interested parties should email their resume to info@enigmaonline.com. No phone calls please. EOE

majority staying in school to receive their diploma and active in the community. Personally I prefer to cheer for a team with players that actually want to be there, not just use my school. I just wish more people would come out to see the games. It’s something that has to be seen live to truly appreciate, the way people talk about hockey and used to talk about arena football. Moore did more with less. Despite not drawing many people into the stands at home



games unless the Volunteers came to town, his work was unrivaled and somewhat unappreciated except by local boosters and fans of women’s basketball. It got so addicting for a few years that I could name the starting lineup of Moore’s team. That’s something I could never do with a John Shulman coached men’s basketball team. There was only one time I could actually do that with the men’s team, however. That was when Murray Arnold was here, may he rest in peace. Actually I had all those guys in my classes back in

the day, which of course made it easier. Of course the men’s game was different 30 years ago. These were guys that were around at least three or four years. And their record proved that. Where do we go from here? Like the men’s program, the ladies basketball program has had a long winning tradition going back 30-plus years (the program hasn’t been around as long as the men’s). Moore took it to that next level. He leaves behind a fullyloaded team for whoever takes over. This move comes at a hard time for Chancellor-elect Steve Angle as not only is the university searching for a new head coach for ladies basketball and men’s as well. And let us not forget the school is currently without an athletic director. Moore heads to NC State where he replaces former assistant Kellie Harper who was fired recently. She got her tutelage under Moore before taking over at Western Carolina and then moving to the ACC and NC State. She should be considered to replace Moore. It could be a swap of coaches, so to speak, and with her ties to Pat Summit, where she played college ball that could open up some recruiting doors for her back in Tennessee. That being said, I’m going to miss Coach Moore. The Lady Mocs seemed more like a family than just a basketball team. There was something magical about the past 15 years that cannot be put into word. As much as I hated to see this day come and hoped and prayed it wouldn’t I’m left with only one thing to say. Thanks coach.

- David N. Marks

Ask Rocco Common Sense Advice From An Uncommon Man

Dear Rocco, What’s the real story with the city of Chattanooga? A lot of magazines and websites are promoting the city as the place to be. You have companies like Volkswagen and Wacker bringing thousands of jobs into the area. However, you watch the news or read the papers and all you hear about is violence and gang activity until a recent “cease fire”. What’s really going on here? MC

DDeeaarr M MCC TThhee ““cceeaassee ffiirree”” iiss ppuurree BB SS.. TThheerree hhaavvee bbeeeenn tthhrreeee oorr ffoouu rr sshh oooottiinnggss ssiinnccee tthhee cc iittyy ssppoo nnssoorreedd ppiizzzzaa ppaarrttyy w wiitthh gguuyyss w whhoo w weerree N NO OTT sshhoott ccaalllleerrss w whheenn tt hheeyy w weerree iinn gg aann ggss.. YYoouu ccaann’’tt bbeelliieevvee eevveerryy-tthhiinngg yy oouu sseeee oonn tthhee nn eew wss oo rr rreeaadd iinn tthhee ppaappeerr.. LLeett’’ss ttaallkk aabboouutt


tthhoossee jjoobbss… … CCoonn ttrraacctteedd oo uutt ttoo ssuubb-- ccoom mppaanniieess ssoo tthheeyy ddoonn ’’tt hh aavv ee ttoo ppaayy ppeeoo ppllee eennoouugghh ttoo m m aakkee aa ddeecc eenn tt lliivv iinn gg.. SS m mookkee ssccrreeeenn.. BBSS tthhrroo w wnn ttooggeetthheerr tt oo jjuussttiiffyy tt hhee ssppeenndd iinn gg ooff ttaaxx ddoo llllaarrss ttoo ttaakkee ttrriippss ttoo ““rroom m aann ccee”” ccoo m mpp aann iieess iinntt oo ccoom m iinn gg iinnttoo tt hhee aarreeaa.. SSoom m ee hhaavvee ggoo tttteenn ssoo m mee rreeaallllyy nniicc ee ssaallaarriieess bb uutt tthhee m maajjoorriittyy aarree ssuubb-ccoonnttrraacctteedd,, oovv eerr-- w woo rrkkeedd,, uunn ddeerr-ppaaiidd eem mppllooyyeeeess.. CChhaattttaannoooogg aa iiss tthhee KKiinngg ooff 1100 ddoollllaarr aann hhoouurr jjoobbss..

but I don’t know if I’ll get greater pleasure for ratting him out or telling her and watching her reaction. Well… maybe I should leave well enough alone. What do you think? HH

DDeeaarr HHHH HHee w wiillll gg eett cc aauugg hhtt ssoooonn eennoouugghh… …iiff sshhee ccaarreess.. D Doo nnoo tt gg eett iinn vvoollvv eedd iinn aa ccoo-- w woo rrkkeerr’’ss pprriivvaattee lliiffee.. TThheerree cc oouulldd bbee aa cchhaannccee tthhaatt yyoouurr bboossss iiss cc hheeaattiinngg aanndd iiff hhee ggeettss w wiinndd yy oouu rraatttteedd oouutt aann ootthheerr maann hhee m m m aayy m maakkee yyoouurr lliiffee aa lliivv -iinn gg HHeellll ttoo ccoo vveerr hhiiss cchheeaattiinn gg aassss..

Dear Rocco, My girlfriend’s parents are coming to town next week. I told her I wanted to meet them. She said okay. I’m a little worried. She comes from a well-to-do family and I’m just an ordinary Joe. She acts nothing like she’s from some snooty family. I was wondering if I should try to act like something that I’m not to impress her parents or should I be myself – the guy she loves and everyone here knows? Dear Rocco, I hate my job but I’m afraid to MG quit. I’m no spring chicken and Deeaarr M MG G I’m afraid there’s not a lot out D B B e e y y o o uurrsseellff.. NNeevveerr ttrryy ttoo bbee there for people my age in my s s o o m m e e t t h h i i nn gg yy oouu ’’rree nn oott.. AA nn dd field of expertise. I feel like I’m m eem m bbeerr tthhiiss,, iiff hheerr ffaam miillyy iiss stuck between a rock and a hard rreem s s n n o o o o t t y y a a n n d d a a c c t t s s a a s s i i f f y y o o uu aarree place. What should I do? b b e e n n e e a a t t h h t t h h e e m m , , y y o o u u ’ ’ r r e e s s t t i i l l l l ggoooo dd WD eennoouugghh ttoo sslleeeepp w wiitt hh tthheeiirr ddaauugghh -tteerr.. DDeeaarr W WD D AAccttiivv eellyy sseeeekk ootthheerr eem mpp llooyy m meenntt bbuutt ddoo nn’’tt qquuiitt .. OOrr ttaakkee uupp aa hh oobbbbyy Rocco is a common sense, tell-itttoo eeaassee yy oouurr m miinndd aanndd lleeaavvee yyoo uurr like-it-is, no-nonsense kind of guy offering real advice on any woorrkk aatt tthhee w w woorrkk ppllaaccee.. subject put before him. Why pay thousands of dollars on a highDear Rocco, I have a co-worker who has priced therapist when he’ll cheated on his wife on and off straighten you out for free. If over the years. I don’t know if his you’d like advice from Rocco ehim at wife cares or not. She is actually mail goaskrocco@yahoo.com or drop a bitch, and quite frankly don’t blame him. He recently screwed him a line at Ask Rocco c/o me over at the office recently and Enigma P.O. Box 825 Chattanooga, I lost out on a promotion. I feel TN 37401. like ratting him out to his wife



Question Mocs? I wasn’t really surprised when Wes Moore decided to make the jump to N.C. State. When the now-former Lady Mocs basketball coach decided to stay behind in Texas after his team lost its opening round NCAA tournament game to Nebraska, I had a funny feeling. Moore’s final season in Chattanooga began with a thrilling upset win over Tennessee and ended with the Lady Mocs going scoreless in the final 5:22 of their defeat by the Lady Huskers. It had to be frustrating. And the N.C. State job seems tailor-made for Moore… …Moore was an assistant to N.C. State legend Kay Yow from 19931995. His former assistant, Kellie Harper, replaced Yow after she died in 2009. Harper, a former Lady Vols point guard, was fired after a lackluster 2012-2013 season. Moore spent 15 seasons coaching the Lady Mocs, leading them to nine NCAA tournaments. The six-time Southern Conference Coach of the Year finished with 29 wins this season and a UTC career record of 358-113. He ranks eighth among active NCAA women’s basketball coaches with a 78 percent winning percentage.

Count me among those who wish Moore the best of luck at N.C. State. We all knew someone would snag him away at some point…. …Moore’s departure is the third major vacancy in the UTChattanooga athletic department. Former athletic director Rick Hart announced his departure for Southern Methodist University last July not long after then-chancellor Roger Brown announced his impending retirement. Dr. E. Grady Bogue was named interim chancellor during the search process to find Brown’s successor. On March 1, Dr. Steve Angle was announced as the incoming chancellor. But he won’t officially take over until July 1. Nineteen days after the announcement of Angle?’s selection, interim athletic director Laura Herron, interim chancellor Bogue, chancellor-elect Angle and Mocs men’s basketball coach John Schulman decided that it was time for Schulman to step down. That’?s the “official story” from the university and it’?s actually believable. Schulman had a year left on his contract, but had also previously stated that he had no

interest in a “lame duck” season. And the university had no intention of renewing his contract after the Mocs went 13-19 this past season and 11-21 in 2011-2012… …So the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga finds itself without an athletic director, a men’s basketball coach, or a women’s basketball coach while still being officially run by an interim chancellor. To call this a “leadership vacuum” for Mocs athletics would be an enormous understatement. Some say that the aforementioned Ms. Herron has done such a good job since Hart’s departure that she should be offered the AD job. At this point, however, it’s hard to figure out who exactly will get to pick the new AD. It’s hard to imagine Dr. Angle not being in that loop and it’s hard to wonder why Dr. Bogue would want to be. There are a lot of unknowns at this point… …Moore leaves some big shoes to fill. His winning record and his contributions to the community will make him a hard act to follow for the next Lady Mocs coach. Schulman was a genuinely good guy who just

didn’t rack up enough wins to keep his job. The next Mocs coach will be given a little bit of time to get the program back on track, but UTChattanooga boosters long for the days when they could look forward to seeing their men’s basketball team have a shot at “March Madness.” And both new coaches will be reporting to an as-yetunknown athletic director facing his (or her) own job pressures. The next couple of months are going to be very interesting for Chattanooga sports fans… …In the midst of all this confusion, one UT-Chattanooga athlete is having the best week of his life. Mocs golfer Steven Fox is playing in The Masters. After winning the U.S. Amateur Championship at Cherry Hills Country Club (near Denver) last summer, Fox received the automatic invitation to Augusta that goes to the winner of that prestigious event. There are a lot of question marks in UT-Chattanooga’s athletic department right now. But Fox’s big week is providing one pretty big exclamation point as well…

— Mark Bedford



WEIRD NEWS WILMINGTON, Del. - Delaware website Nameberry said baby names attracting increased interest during the year so far include Marnie, Nelly, Bruce and Thor. Nameberry’s list of 13 names garnering significantly higher views during the first three months of the year include Marnie, Marlowe, Christian and Nellie, NBC News reported Friday. The list also included Bruce, Mavis, Wilder and Finnigan. The site said interest in Thor, the Norse god of thunder, was likely inspired by Chris Hemsworth’s portrayal in “Thor” and “The Avengers,” while Severine’s popularity was likely boosted by the Berenice Marlohe’s character in “Skyfall.” The list was rounded out by Phaedra, Mingus and Linnea. LAS VEGAS - The Las Vegas Denny’s has opened the chain’s first wedding chapel, with $95 buying space for the ceremony, a bottle of champagne and a Pancake Puppies cake. The Denny’s Wedding Chapel officially opened for business Wednesday and the restaurant said wedding parties will receive 20 percent off their food bills, the Las Vegas Sun reported Thursday. The wedding packages include the space, celebratory beverage and a cake made from the restaurant chain’s Pancake Puppies breakfast offering. SANDY, Utah - Now here is a story with a lot of unanswered questions. Police are trying to track down two people accused of shooting at a woman multiple times during a violent robbery at a hotel in a town called Sandy, Utah. Investigators say a woman went to the Extended Stay America hotel to meet a man. When she knocked on the hotel room door, the meeting turned into an assault. “A female from the room exits, starts assaulting the female victim,” explained Lt. Victor Quezada of the Sandy City Police Department. “They pull her into the room and start accusing her of some things that have happened in the past.” Lt. Quezada said the attacker pulled out a silver handgun and fired at the victim’s head, narrowly missing. The woman

and man in the hotel room then fled in a pickup truck. The victim followed and jumped into the back of the attackers’ truck bed, trying to retrieve her purse. “The suspect, female, sees her in the back of the truck and takes two more shots at her,” Quezada said. The victim told police the man stopped the truck and beat her up again. When she finally jumped out, the truck was moving. SEATTLE - A Seattle company specializing in bacon-flavored products said its two newest products aren’t for ingestion — bacon sunscreen and bacon-flavored condoms. J&D’s Foods, famous for products included bacon-flavored salt and “baconnaise” sandwich spread, said it is releasing an SPF 30 sunscreen designed to keep the wearer “smelling like something delicious is cooking for several hours,” WEWSTV, Cleveland, reported Monday. The company is also releasing condoms that look like bacon and are coated with “an ultra-premium Bacon-flavored personal lubricant.” The bottles of sunscreen and condom threepacks each cost $9.99. SALT LAKE CITY - Police in Salt Lake City said a man charged with setting fire to his wife’s clothing while she slept was upset about the woman’s snoring. Investigators said they responded last week to the home of Bryce Ray Whitaker, 60, on a report of a fire, the (Salt Lake City) Deseret News reported. Whitaker told officers he lit a candle on his gas stove and used it to ignite his wife’s pants and a box while she took a nap. He said he decided to light the fire after he and the woman argued about “her snoring and her stuff.” Police said Whitaker woke his wife up when the fire got out of control and they fled the house. Whitaker was charged Thursday in 3rd District Court with a first-degree felony count of aggravated arson. ST. PETERSBURG, FL - That, apparently, is a rule that was never taught to one 11-year-old Florida boy who did just that...and had his finger bitten

off. While he might not have been the best at teaching common sense lessons, the boy’s dad was prepared to take control of the situation, by pulling the dog out of the cage and shooting it several times. This was no revenge killing. The father was trying to recover the finger, which he did. The story does not give details so I will leave it to you to speculate on how he did that. After removing the severed finger from the dog’s stomach he waited for emergency responders to arrive. The boy was air-lifted to All Children’s Hospital in St. Petersburg for treatment. His condition was not immediately released. A preliminary investigation supports a father’s account of the shooting and Manatee County Animal Control removed the dog’s remains from the home.

England and Australia. The roundup paid $13-per-pound for captured rattlers, featured about 2,160 pounds of rattlesnakes being weighed, the most since the 2,168-pound total in 2010, the Abilene (Texas) Reporter-News reported Monday. “The importance of this is to control the snake population and to inform the public,” Texas Game Warden George Pasley said. “You see all these snakes here and you think there can’t be many left in the wild, but there’s plenty. We see rattlesnakes all the time. I have seen no shortage of rattlesnakes.” Kathleen and Darrell McIntyre of Childress won a $400 prize for capturing the longest snake. It measured 78 inches.

ST. PAUL, Minn. - A Minnesota man said he makes his daily 18-mile commute year-round on an unusual vehicle — a unicycle. Bob Clark, 51, said he travels to his office in downtown St. Paul every day on a unicycle, regardless of the weather, the St. Paul Pioneer Press reported Monday. “It’s not as hard as most people think it is,” Clark said. “Anyone who can ride a bike can ride a unicycle, with a little practice. It’s a mind-body thing that happens automatically.” Clark said he owns four unicycles and averages about 10 mph in the winter and 12 mph in the summer. He said riding his unicycle in public gets him a lot of attention. “The comments are 99 percent positive,” he said. “Lots of people stick their cellphones out the car window to take a picture.” However, he does have to deal with the remaining 1 percent. “I had a firecracker thrown at me once,” Clark said. “Most people,” he said, “just ask where the other wheel is.”

Artists like Slash, Cher, Rihanna, Selena Gomez, Kid Rock and 100s of others entrust us with SWEETWATER, Texas - Participants in the annual, three-day Sweetwater Rattlesnake RoundUp in Texas caught more than a ton of snakes, organizers said. More than 30,000 people attended the event, they said, with visitors including people from as far away as China, Israel, Germany,



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HO H ON NEESSTT PPIIN N TT The Hollywood Kills, Scenic $ BBIIJJO OU U TTH H EEA ATT RREE (Knoxville) Son Volt WA W ARR M MEEM MO ORRIIA ALL A AU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Aaron Neville H && PPO 1122TTH O RRTT EERR (Nashville) Jars of Clay

LLA AU UG GH H IIN NG G SSK KU ULLLL (Atlanta) Rick Overton TTEE N NN NEE SSSSEEEE TT H HEE A ATT RREE (Knoxville) Esperanza Spaulding

MO M ON ND DA AYY A Apprriill 1155

It’s Wienerlicious!


This week’s calendar covers events from Thursday, April 11, through Wednesday, April 17. We would be happy to publish your free listing in future Billboards, space permitting. Simply mail us the information so that we have it 7 days before the publication date. A photograph may be sent with the announcement. Send information to: Calendar Editor, Enigma, P.O. Box 825, Chattanooga, TN 37401 or e-mail to calendar@enigmaonline.com. All dates subject to change without notice.

TT H HU U RRSSD DA AYY A Apprriill 1111

North of the river’s only choice for billiard action

CC O OM M EED DYY CC A ATTCC H H Gary Conrad BBU UD D ’’SS DJ Hammer TT RREEM MO ON NTT TT A AVVEE RRN N Songwriters Showcase SSIIN NG G IITT O O RR W WIIN NG G IITT Karaoke VV A AU UD D EEVV IILLLLEE CC A AFFEE “Mystery at the TV Talk Show” BBA ARRTT ’’SS LLA AK KEE SSH HO O RREE Open Mic CC A AM MPP H HO OU USSEE Open Mic TT H HEE PPA ALLM MSS Prime Cut House Band SSK KYY ZZO OO O Karaoke SSO OU UTT H HEE RRN N CC O OM MFF O ORRTT CSA Writer’s Night AM A MIIG GO O (Hixson) Karaoke w/ Poe Boy Entertainment ARRII’’ SS H A HA ARRBBO O RR LLIIG GH H TTSS Keyz Brown TT RRA ACCK K 2299 Scott Miller RRH H YYTT H HM M && BBRREE W WSS Rigoletto, Behold the Brave, Summer Dregs SSU UG GA ARR’’SS The Loop HO H ON NEE SSTT PPIIN NTT The Allen Thompson Band, The PPedal Stills, Nick Lutsko, the Sam Jackson 5 WA W ARR M M EEM MO O RRIIA ALL A AU UD D IITTO O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) John Tesh H IIG H GH H PPO OIIN NTT (Nashville) Meat Puppets FF RRA AN NK KLLIIN N TTH H EEA ATT RREE (Franklin) Smash Mouth LLA AU UG GH HIIN NG G SS K KU ULLLL (Atlanta) Rick Overton TT EEN NN NEESSSSEE EE TTH H EEA ATT RREE (Knoxville) “Weird Al” Yankovic


Entertainment JJ..JJ..’’SS BBO OH HEE M MIIA A Meat Puppets CCA AM MPP H HO OU U SSEE Jenny & Tyler, Ten Bartram SSU UG GA ARR’’ SS The Royal Hounds TTRREEM MO ON NTT TT A AVV EERRN N Gabriel Newell DO D OU U BBLLEE O O (Athens, TN) Convertibull WA W ARR M MEEM MO ORRIIA ALL A AU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) WAR, Tower of Power IIRRO ON N CC IITT YY (Birmingham) Rusted Root CCO OU UN NTT RRYY TTO ON NIITT EE TT H HEE A ATTRREE (Pigeon Forge) Loretta Lynn TTEE RRM M IIN NA ALL W WEE SSTT (Atlanta) Son Volt RREE D D LLIIG GH HTT CC A AFFÉÉ (Atlanta) Peter Case LLA AU UG GH H IIN NG G SSK KU ULLLL (Atlanta) Rick Overton VVA ARRIIEETT YY PPLLA AYY H HO OU U SSEE (Atlanta) John Scofield

SSA ATTU U RRD DA AYY A Apprriill 11 33 CCO OM MEED D YY CC A ATT CCH H Gary Conrad RRH H YYTT H HM M && BBRREEW WSS Afro, Copper Into Steel SSIIN NG G IITT O ORR W WIIN NG G IITT Karaoke TTO O PP O OFF TTH H EE D DO O CC K K DJ Spicolli BBA ARRTT ’’SS LLA AK KEESSH HO ORREE DJ E FFA AN NA ATT IICCSS Karaoke w/ Choo Choo Entertainment VVA AU UD D EEVV IILLLLEE CCA AFFEE “Mystery at the RedneckItalian Wedding” FFIIRREESSIID D EE LLO OU UN NG G EE Clay Danger Karaoke NEEW N WM MO OO ON NG GA ALLLLEERRYY && TT EEA A RRO OO OM M Keyz Brown VVFFW W (Post 4848) Taylor & Company CCA AM MPP H HO OU U SSEE River City Sessions SSU UG GA ARR’’ SS The Royal Hounds JJ..JJ..’’SS BBO OH HEE M MIIA A Ivan & Alyosha, The Lone Bellow, Fort Atlantic VVA ARRIIEETT YY PPLLA AYY H HO OU U SSEE (Atlanta) They Might Be Giants, Moon Hooch VVIIN N YYLL (Atlanta) Rusted Root, The Black Cadillacs LLA AU UG GH H IIN NG G SSK KU ULLLL (Atlanta) Rick Overton




SSIIN NG G IITT O ORR W WIIN NG G IITT Karaoke RRA AW W DJ Spicolli BBU UD D’’ SS Karaoke w/ DJ Hammer TTRREE M MO ON N TT TTA AVV EERRN N Trivia Night TTH H EE O O FFFFIICC EE SpeakEasy FFO OXX && H HO OU UN ND D DJ Exphacter ON O N EE--EE LLEEVV EEN N (Lafayette) CSA Writers Night CCA AM M PP H HO OU USSEE Al Gates Book Reading

TT U UEESSD DA A YY A Apprriill 1166 TTH H EE BBIIG G CCH H IILLLL Karaoke w/ Chris of Alternative Images RRA AW W DJ Spicolli BBU UD D’’ SS Karaoke w/ DJ Salt JJEEFF FFEERRSSO ON N’’ SS DJ ScubaSteve’s Karaoke SSIIN NG G IITT O ORR W WIIN NG G IITT Karaoke LLEEG G EEN ND D SS BBA ARR && G GRRIILLLL Clay Danger Karaoke TTRREE M MO ON N TT TTA AVV EERRN N Open Mic w/ Mike McDade NO N O RRTT H H SSH HO O RREE G GRRIILLLLEE Jonathan Wimpee SSO OU U TTH H SSIID DEE TTA AVV EERRN N Troy Underwood NO N O RRTT H H CCH HA ATTTT CC A ATT Wendell Matthews CCA AM M PP H HO OU USSEE Story Slam Grand Slam RRH HYY TTH HM M && BBRREEW WSS Boombox, White Noise SSU UG GA ARR’’ SS Tim Starnes featuring Davey Smith BBIIJJO OU U TTH H EEA ATT RREE (Knoxville) Chris Thile, Brad Mahldou CCA AN NN NEERRYY BBA ALLLLRRO OO OM M (Nashville) Cold War Kids BBRRII D DG GEE SSTTO ON NEE A ARREEN NAA (Nashville) Keith Urban, Vince Gill, Jason Aldean, Tim McGraw, Loretta Lynn, Kid Rock, Willie Nelson, Hank Williams Jr., Billy Joe Shaver, Montgomery Gentry, Brantley Gilbert, Eric Church, Rosanne Cash, Trace Adkins GRRA G AN ND DO OLLEE O OPPRRYY H HO OU USSEE (Nashville) Blackberry Smoke

WEED W DN NEESSD DA AYY A Apprriill 1177 RRH HYY TTH HM M && BBRREEW WSS Sister Hazel RRA AW W Open Jam w/ Jonathan Wimpee and friends SSIIN NG G IITT O ORR W WIIN NG G IITT Karaoke FFA AN NA ATT IICC SS Karaoke w/ DJ Hammer PPLLA AYYO O FFFFSS SSPPO ORRTT SS BBAARR Karaoke w/ Captain Karaoke DO D OU UBBLLEE H H IILLLL BBIILLLLIIA ARRD DSS Karaoke LLA ASS M MA ARRG GA ARRII TTA A’’ SS Priscilla & Little Rickee BBA ARRTT ’’ SS LLA AK KEESSH HO ORREE Karaoke w/ Choo Choo Entertainment WEEEE K W KEEN ND D ’’SS SSPPO ORRTT SS BBAARR && G GRRIILLLL (Cleveland) Open Mic w/ Mimi FFO OXX && H HO OU UN ND D Karaoke w/ DJ Salt SSM MO OK KEEYY BBO ON NEE SS DJ Spicolli FFO OXX && H HO OU UN ND D Karaoke w/ Choo Choo Entertainment ARRII’’SS H A HA ARRBBO ORR LLIIG GH HTT SS Keyz Brown CCA AM M PP H HO OU USSEE Derek Webb SSU UG GA ARR’’ SS Dan Sheffield HO H ON NEESSTT PPIIN N TT Rick Rushing and the Bluse Strangers, Zack Ryan and the Renegades TTH H EE M MA ASSQ QU UEE RRA AD DEE (Atlanta) Cold War Kids TTH H EE TT A ABBEERRN NA ACC LLEE (Atlanta) Crystal Castles TTEE RRM MIIN NA ALL W WEESSTT (Atlanta) Bob Mould

BBEELLCC O OU U RRTT TT H HEE AATTRREE (Nashville) Billy Bragg MEE RRCCYY LLO M OU UN NG GEE (Nashville) Galactic, Nigel Hill

UPPCC O U OM M IIN NG G EEVVEEN NTTSS SSU UG G AARR’’SS Queen Lightning (Chris Gomez & Christi Roberts) April 18 HO H ON NEE SSTT PPIIN N TT The John Sutton Band, We Killed Vegas April 18 PPH HIILLII PPSS AARREEN NAA (Atlanta) Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran April 18 LLA AU UG GH HIIN NG G SSK KU U LLLL (Atlanta) Mike Lawrence April 18 VV A ARRII EETT YY PPLL AAYY H HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Tower of Power April 18 MAARRAATT H M HO ON NM MU USSIICC W WO ORRK KSS (Nashville) Dirty Heads, Shiny Toy Guns, Mici Matilda, Oh No Fiasco April 18 D && LLII N 33RRD ND DSSLLEE YY (Nashville) Leon Russell April 18 TT EEN NN N EESSSSEE EE PPEE RRFF O ORRM MIIN NG G AARRTT SS CC EEN N TTEE RR (Nashville) “Weird” Al Yankovic April 18 TT H HEE SSQ QU UAARREE RRO OO OM M (Knoxville) Southern Culture on the Skids April 18 MEE M M MO ORRIIAALL AAU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M Celtic Woman April 19 CC A AM MPP H HO OU USSEE Vox Chattanooga April 19 SSU UG G AARR’’SS Scenic City Soul Revue April 19 PPO OK KEE YY’’ SS (Cleveland) Convertibull April 19 FFO O XX TTH H EEAATT RREE (Atlanta) George Jones April 19 EED DD DIIEE ’’SS AATT TT IICC (Atlanta) The Greencards April 19 LLA AU UG GH HIIN NG G SSK KU U LLLL (Atlanta) Mike Lawrence April 19 CC A AN NN NEE RRYY BBAALLLLRRO OO OM M (Nashville) Randy Rodgers Band April 19 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Gary Allan April 19 GRRAAN G ND DO O LLEE O O PPRRYY H HO OU USS EE (Nashville) Charley Pride April 19 JJ..JJ..’’ SS BBO OH H EEM MIIAA Milele Roots April 20 CC A AM MPP H HO OU USSEE Perpetual Groove April 20 SSU UG G AARR’’SS Scenic City Soul Revue April 20 HO H ON NEESS TT PPII N NTT Quiet Company, The Winter Sounds, Stereo Dig, The Waters Brothers April 20 BB&&BB M MAARRIIN NAA (Charleston, TN) Convertibull April 20 LLEESS LLIIEE SS.. W WRRIIG GH HTT FFII N NEE AARRTT SS CC EEN N TTEE RR (Birmingham) Neil Sedaka April 20 LLA AU UG GH HIIN NG G SSK KU U LLLL (Atlanta) Mike Lawrence April 20 FFO O XX TTH H EEAATT RREE (Atlanta) Mike Tyson: Undisputed Truth April 20 CC EEN NTT EERR SSTT AAG GEE (Atlanta) Kevin Smith April 20 MEE RRCCYY LLO M OU UN NG GEE (Nashville) Southern Culture on the Skids April 20 TT H HEE SSH HEED D (Maryville) The Flatlanders, Joe Pug April 20 FFRRA AN NK K LLIIN N TT H HEE AATTRREE (Franklin) Sheryl Crow April 20/21 HO H ON NEE SSTT PPIIN N TT Molly Maguires April 21 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) The Black Crowes April 21 FFO O XX TTH H EEAATT RREE (Atlanta) Jillian Michaels April 21 LLA AU UG GH HIIN NG G SSK KU U LLLL (Atlanta) Mike Lawrence April 21 EED DD DIIEE ’’SS AATT TT IICC (Atlanta) Al Stewart April 21 CC A AM MPP H HO OU USSEE Poetry Event April 22 PPH HIILLII PPSS AARREEN NAA (Atlanta) Rihanna April 22 MEE RRCCYY LLO M OU UN NG GEE (Nashville) Matt Costa April 22 NO N O RRTTH H CC H HAATT TT CC AATT Wendell Matthews April 23 CC A AM MPP H HO OU USSEE Theology on Tap April 23 TT H HEE TTAABBEERRN N AACCLLEE (Atlanta) The Black Crowes

April 23 G RRA G AN ND DO O LLEE O O PPRRYY H HO OU U SSEE (Nashville) Alabama April 23 SSCC H HEE RRM MEERRH HO ORRN N SSYYM M PPH HO ON N YY CCEE N NTT EERR (Nashville) Sarah Silverman April 23 TT RRA ACCK K 2299 Shooter Jennings April 24 JJ ..JJ ..’’ SS BBO OH HEEM M IIA A Deerhunter April 24 HO H ON NEE SSTT PPIIN NTT Ther Hardin Draw, The Rough and Tumble, Jennifer Hope April 24 TT H HEE TT A ABBEE RRN NA ACCLL EE (Atlanta) Coal Chamber, Sevendust, Lacuna Coil, Stolen Babies April 24 ZZ YYD DEE CCO O (Birmingham) Relient K, Hellogoodbye, William Beckett, Mike Mains & the Branches April 24 MA M ARRA ATT H HO ON NM MU USSIICC W WO O RRK KSS (Nashville) Stone Sour, In This Moment April 24 BBIIJJO OU U TT H HEE A ATTRREE (Knoxville) Les Claypool April 24 TT RRA ACCK K 2299 Leftover Salmon April 25 HO H ON NEE SSTT PPIIN NTT Grass Roots Kids, The Mailboxes, Wolves Don’t Bark April 25 SSCC H HEE RRM MEERRH HO ORRN N SSYYM M PPH HO ON N YY CCEE N NTT EERR (Nashville) B.B. King April 25 TT H HEE LLO OFF TT (Atlanta) The English Beat April 25 LLA AU UG GH HIIN NG G SS K KU ULLLL (Atlanta) Jesse Joyce April 25 TT H HEE M MA ASSQ QU UEERRA AD DEE (Atlanta) Relient K, Hellogoodbye, William Beckett, Mike Mains & the Branches April 25 TT U USSCC A ALLO OO O SSA AA AM MPPH H IITT H HEEA ATT RREE (Tuscaloosa) John Mayer April 25 TT RRA ACCK K 2299 Asking Alexandria April 26 CC A AM MPP H HO OU USSEE Young Life Show April 26 CC H HA ASSTT A AIIN N PPA ARRK K (Atlanta) Alan Jackson April 26 LLA AU UG GH HIIN NG G SS K KU ULLLL (Atlanta) Jesse Joyce April 26 TT EERRM MII N NA ALL W WEESS TT (Atlanta) Leon Russell April 26 VV EERRIIZZ O ON NW WIIRREELLEESS SS A AM MPPH H IITTH H EEA ATT RREE A ATT EE N NCC O ORREE PPA ARRK K (Atlanta) Widespread Panic April 26/27 CC A AM MPP H HO OU USSEE Alicia Smith & Holly McCormack April 27 ARREEN A NA A@ @G GW W IIN NN NEE TTTT CC EEN N TTEE RR (Atlanta) Barry Manilow April 27 VV A ARRIIEETT YY PPLLA AYYH HO OU USS EE (Atlanta) Victor Wooten April 27 LLA AU UG GH HIIN NG G SS K KU ULLLL (Atlanta) Jesse Joyce April 27 TT H HEE EEA ARRLL (Atlanta) Dwight Twilley April 27 TT H HEE M MA ASSQ QU UEERRA AD DEE (Atlanta) Suicidal Tendencies, DRI, Wake the Dead April 27 MA M ARRA ATT H HO ON NM MU USSIICC W WO O RRK KSS (Nashville) Slightly Stoopid April 27 BBRRIID DG G EESSTT O ON N EE A ARREEN NA A (Nashville) Jimmy Buffett April 27 RRYY M MA AN NA AU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Band of Horses April 27 H IIG H GH HW WA ATTTT (Nashville) Bill Lloyd April 27 BBO OTT TT LLEETT RREEEE (Birmingham) The Features April 27 HO H ON NEE SSTT PPIIN NTT Grace Adele and the Grand Band April 28 PPH H IILLIIPPSS A ARREEN NA A (Atlanta) Rod Stewart, Steve Winwood April 28 TT H HEE EEA ARRLL (Atlanta) Dick Dale April 28 LLA AU UG GH HIIN NG G SS K KU ULLLL (Atlanta) Jesse Joyce April 28 SSYY M MPPH HO ON NYY H HA ALLLL (Atlanta) Itzhak Perlman April 28 RRYY M MA AN NA AU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Band of Horses April 28 CC A AM MPP H HO OU USSEE Battle Academy Chorus April 29 TT RRA ACCK K 2299 Three Days Grace April 30 NO N ORRTT H H CC H HA ATT TT CCA ATT Wendell Matthews April 30 TT H HEE M MA ASSQ QU UEERRA AD DEE (Atlanta) Black Rebel


Motorcycle Club April 30 AA A ARRO ON N’’ SS A AM MPPH H IITTH H EEA ATT RREE (Atlanta) Jimmy Buffett April 30 BBJJ CCCC CC O ON NCC EERRTT H HA ALL LL (Birmingham) Alice In Chains April 30 MEERRCC YY LL O M OU UN NG GEE (Nashville) Dick Dale April 30 RRYY M MA AN NA AU UD DIITT O O RRII U UM M (Nashville) Little Big Town April 30 BBIIJJ O OU U TTH H EEA ATT RREE (Knoxville) ) Relient K, Hellogoodbye, William Beckett, Mike Mains & the Branches April 30 CCA AN NN N EERRYY BBA ALLLLRRO OO OM M (Nashville) Black Rebel Motorcycle Club May 1 BBRRIID DG GEESS TTO ON NEE A ARREE N NA A (Nashville) Rush May 1 RRYY M MA AN NA AU UD DIITT O O RRII U UM M (Nashville) Boz Scaggs May 1 AA A ARRO ON N’’ SS A AM MPPH H IITTH H EEA ATT RREE (Atlanta) The Black Keys, The Flaming Lips May 2 TTEE RRM M IIN NA ALL W WEE SSTT (Atlanta) Peter Murphy May 2 OA O AK KM MO OU UN N TTA AIIN NA AM MPPH HII TTH H EEA ATT RREE (Pelham, AL) Tim McGraw, Brantley Gilbert, Love and Theft May 2 TTRRA ACC K K 2299 Hollywood Undead May 3 TTIIVV O OLLII TTH H EEA ATT RREE Gene Watson May 3 BBRRIID DG GEESS TTO ON NEE A ARREE N NA A (Nashville) The Black Keys, The Flaming Lips May 3 RRO O CCK KEE TTO OW WN N (Nashville) Relient K, Hellogoodbye, William Beckett, Mike Mains & the Branches May 3 GRRA G AN ND DO OLLEE O OPPRRYY H HO OU USSEE (Nashville) Little Big Town May 3 TTH H EE W WO OO OD DSS A ATT FF O ON N TTA AN N EELL (Whites Creek) Widespread Panic May 3-4 TTRRA ACC K K 2299 Flaming Lips, Jeff the Brotherhood May 4 WA W ARR M MEEM MO ORRIIA ALL A AU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) 3 Doors Down May 4 MA M ASSQ QU U EERRA AD DEE M MU USSII CC PPA ARRK K (Atlanta) Band of Horses, Jim Jones, Gary Clark Jr., The Joy Formidable, J. Roddy Walston & the Business, Lucero, The Orwells, Robert Ellis, Heartless Bastards, Moon Taxi, Death on Two Wheels, Roadkill, Ghost Choir May 4 CCH HA ASSTTA AIIN N PPA ARRK K (Atlanta) Willie Nelson, Aaron Lewis May 4 VVEE RRII ZZO ON NW WIIRREELLEE SSSS A AM MPPH H IITT H HEEA ATT RREE A ATT EEN NCC O ORREE PPA ARRK K (Atlanta) Styx, REO Speedwagon, Ted Nugent May 5 BBU U CCK KH H EEA AD D TTH H EEA ATT RREE (Atlanta) The Airborne Toxic Event May 5 MA M ASSQ QU U EERRA AD DEE M MU USSII CC PPA ARRK K (Atlanta) The Lumineers, Drive By Truckers, Dr. Dog, Kurt Vile, Delta Spirit, Murder by Death, The Antlers, Oberhofer, Shovels & Rope, Frontier Ruckus, You Me & Apollo May 5 D && LLIIN 33RRD ND D SSLLEEYY (Nashville) Beth Hart May 5

TTRRA ACC K K 2299 Buckcherry May 7 TTH H EE TT A ABBEERRN NA ACC LLEE (Atlanta) Soundgarden May 7&8 MEEM M MO O RRIIA ALL A AU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M Hinton Battle’s “Love Lies” May 8 RRYY M MA AN NA AU UD DIITT O O RRII U UM M (Nashville) Il Divo May 8 TTRRA ACC K K 2299 The Wallflowers May 9 TTH H EE W WEELLLL (Knoxville) Dash Rip Rock May 9 CCH HA ASSTTA AIIN N PPA ARRK K (Atlanta) The Smashing Pumpkins May 10 CCEEN N TTEE RR SSTT A AG GEE (Atlanta) Alkaline Trio, Bayside May 11 TTRRA ACC K K 2299 Bassnectar, Michael Menert May 12 AA A ARRO ON N’’ SS A AM MPPH H IITTH H EEA ATT RREE (Atlanta) Tim McGraw, Brantley Gilbert, Love and Theft May 12 GRRA G AN ND DO OLLEE O OPPRRYY H HO OU USSEE (Nashville) The Killers May 12 SSCCH H EERRM MEE RRH HO ORRN N SSYY M MPPH HO ON NYY CCEE N NTT EERR (Nashville) Lyle Lovett May 12 RRH H YYTT H HM M && BBRREEW WSS Frank Black May 13



APRIL 11-14



APRIL 18-20








TT IIVVO O LLII TT H HEEAATT RREE Lyle Lovett and His Acoustic Group May 14 MEE RRCC YY LLO M OU UN NG GEE (Nashville) The Breeders May 14 VV A ARRIIEE TTYY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USS EE (Atlanta) Josh Ritter, The Felice Brothers May 14 VV A ARRIIEE TTYY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USS EE (Atlanta) The Breeders May 15 CC EEN NTT EERR SSTT AAG GEE (Atlanta) Clutch, Orange Goblin, Lionize, Scorpion Child May 15 KN K NO O XXVVIILLLLEE CCO O LLIISSEEIIU UM M (Knoxville) The Avett Brothers May 16 TT RRA ACC K K 2299 Lamb of God May 17 VV EERRIIZZO ON NW WIIRREELLEE SSSS A AM MPPH HIITT H HEE A ATTRREE A ATT EEN N CCO O RREE PPAARRK K (Atlanta) The Avett Brothers, Old Crow Medicine Show May 17 FFO O XX TTH H EEAATTRREE (Atlanta) Alabama May 17 TT RRA ACC K K 2299 Kip Moore May 18 BBRRIID DG GEE SSTTO ON NEE AARREE N NA A (Nashville) The Avett Brothers May 18 CC EEN NTT EEN NN N IIAALL PPAARRK K (Atlanta) The Delta Saints May 18 FFO O XX TTH H EEAATTRREE (Atlanta) Alabama May 18 VV EERRIIZZO ON NW WIIRREELLEE SSSS A AM MPPH HIITT H HEE A ATTRREE A ATT EEN N CCO O RREE PPAARRK K (Atlanta) Darius Rucker, Justin Moore, Jana Kramer May 18 CC EEN NTT EEN NN N IIAALL O OLLYY M MPPIICC PPA ARRK K (Atlanta) Ellie Goulding May 18 KN K NO O XXVVIILLLLEE AAU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M && CC O OLLIISSEE U UM M (Knoxville) Darius Rucker, Rodney Atkins, Jana Kramer May 19 RRYYM M AAN N AAU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Ellie Goulding May 20 VV A ARRIIEE TTYY PPLLAAYY H HO OU U SSEE (Atlanta) Sara Bareilles May 20 TT RRA ACC K K 2299 The Black Crowes May 21 TT IIVVO O LLII TT H HEEAATT RREE The Price Is Right LIVE! May 21 TT H HEE TT AABBEERRN NAACC LLEE (Atlanta) Paramore, Kitten May 21 TT EEN NN N EESSSSEEEE TTH H EEAATT RREE (Knoxville) ZZ Top May 21 HA H ARRRRAAH H’’ SS CC H HEERRO OK KEEEE CC A ASSIIN NO O (Cherokee) Darius Rucker May 22 MEE M M MO ORRIIAALL AAU UD D IITTO O RRIIU UM M Jagged Edge, K-Ci & Jo Jo, Silk with Melanie Comarcho May 24 CC O OU UN N TTRRYY TTO ON NIITT EE TT H HEEA ATT RREE (Pigeon Forge) Joe Diffie, Aaron Tippin Sammy Kershaw May 24 TT H HEE SSH H EED D (Maryville) Leon Russell May 24 HA H ARRRRAAH H’’ SS CC H HEERRO OK KEE EE CC A ASSIIN NO O (Cherokee) Aaron Lewis May 24 SSCC H HEERRM MEE RRH HO ORRN N SSYYM M PPH HO ON N YY CC EEN NTT EERR (Nashville) Steve Martin, Steep Canyon Rangers, Edie Brickell May 24 CC H HA ASSTT AAIIN N PPAARRK K (Atlanta) Kirk Whalum May 24 TT EERRM MIIN NAALL W WEE SSTT (Atlanta) The Features May 25 ZZYY D DEECC O O (Birmingham) Dillinger Escape Plan May 26 MA M ARRAATT H HO ON NM MU USSIICC W WO ORRK KSS (Nashville) Big Boi, Killer Mike May 30 CC H HA ASSTT AAIIN N PPAARRK K (Atlanta) Daryl Hall & John Oates May 30 WA W AK KAARRU USSAA (Ozark, AK) Widespread Panic, STS9, Dispatch, The Black Crowes, Snoop Lion, Umphrey’s McGee, Mutemath, EOTO, Son Volt, Gogol Bordello & more May 30-June 2 TT RRA ACC K K 2299 Big Boi, Killer Mike May 31 MEE M M MO ORRIIAALL AAU UD D IITTO O RRIIU UM M The Family Stone May 31 CC O OM MM MU UN NIITT YY TT H HEE A ATTRREE “Into the Woods” May 31 VV EERRIIZZO ON NW WIIRREELLEE SSSS A AM MPPH HIITT H HEE A ATTRREE A ATT EEN N CCO O RREE PPAARRK K (Atlanta) Tony Bennett, Jackie Evancho May 31 TT H HEE M M AASSQ QU UEE RRAAD D EE (Atlanta) Flobots May 31 TT H HEE TT AABBEERRN NAACC LLEE (Atlanta) Fall Out Boy June 2 AVV O A ON ND D AALL EE BBRREEW WIIN NG G CCO O .. (Birmingham) Big Boi June 2 TT RRA ACC K K 2299 Dropkick Murphys June 3

FF O OXX TT H HEEA ATT RREE (Atlanta) LL Cooll J, Ice Cube, Public Enemy, De La Soul June 4 RRYY M MA AN NA AU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Marty Stuart June 5 TT EEN NN NEESSSSEE EE TTH H EEA ATT RREE (Knoxville) Kevin James June 6 VV A ARRIIEETT YY PPLLA AYYH HO OU USS EE (Atlanta) Hot Tuna, Jill Sobule June 7 TT H HEE M MA ASSQ QU UEERRA AD DEE (Atlanta) Big Boi, Killer Mike June 7 SSLLO O SSSS FF U URRN NA ACC EE (Birmingham) Alabama Shakes, Dawes June 8 CC H HA ASSTT A AIIN N PPA ARRK K (Atlanta) Ben Folds June 8 BBA ARRK KIIN NG G LLEEG G SS TT H HEE A ATTEE RR Faun Fables June 9 WO W O RRK KPPLLA AYY TT H HEE A ATTRREE (Birmingham) Aaron Carter June 9 CC O OBBBB EEN N EERRG G YY PPEE RRFFO ORRM MII N NG GA ARRTT SS CC EEN N TTEE RR (Atlanta) John Edward June 10 PPH H IILLIIPPSS A ARREEN NA A (Atlanta) Fleetwood Mac June 10 CC O OBBBB EEN N EERRG G YY PPEE RRFFO ORRM MII N NG GA ARRTT SS CC EEN N TTEE RR (Atlanta) John Edward June 10 CC H HA ASSTT A AIIN N PPA ARRK K (Atlanta) Sting June 10 TT H HEE M MA ASSQ QU UEERRA AD DEE (Atlanta) Cannibal Corpse, Napalm Death, Immulation June 11 TT H HEE TT A ABBEE RRN NA ACCLL EE (Atlanta) Billy Idol June 11 TT EEN NN NEESSSSEE EE TTH H EEA ATT RREE (Knoxville) Earth Wind & Fire June 11 RRIIVV EERRBBEEN ND D FFEE SSTT IIVVA ALL Civil Twilight June 12 RRYY M MA AN NA AU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Earth Wind and Fire June 12 RRIIVV EERRBBEEN ND D FFEE SSTT IIVVA ALL Jonathan Byrd, Ed Roland & the Sweet Tea Project, Larry Carlton June 13 RRYY M MA AN NA AU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) She & Him June 13 G RRA G AN ND DO O LLEE O O PPRRYY H HO OU U SSEE (Nashville) Patty Loveless June 14 CC O OBBBB EEN N EERRG G YY PPEE RRFFO ORRM MII N NG GA ARRTT SS CC EEN N TTEE RR (Atlanta) Daniel Tosh June 15 CC H HA ASSTT A AIIN N PPA ARRK K (Atlanta) Joan Baez, Indigo Girls June 15 SSM M IITTH H ’’SS O OLLD D EE BBA ARR (Atlanta) Freedy Johnston June 15 G RRA G AN ND DO O LLEE O O PPRRYY H HO OU U SSEE (Nashville) Patty Loveless June 15 TT EEN NN NEESSSS EEEE TT H H EEA ATT RREE (Knoxville) Daniel Tosh June 16 TT H HEE TT A ABBEE RRN NA ACCLL EE (Atlanta) Tracy Morgan June 16 TT EEN NN NEESS SSEEEE PPEE RRFFO ORRM M IIN NG GA ARRTTSS CCEE N NTT EERR (Nashville) Gary Lewis & the Playboys, Mark Lindsey, Gary Puckett & the Union Gap, Chuck Negron, The Turtles feat. Flo & Eddie June 16 BBRRIID DG G EESSTT O ON N EE A ARREEN NA A (Nashville) New Kids on the Black, 98 Degrees, Boyz II Men June 19 BBRRIID DG G EESSTT O ON N EE A ARREEN NA A (Nashville) One Direction June 19 PPH H IILLIIPPSS A ARREEN NA A (Atlanta) New Kids on the Black, 98 Degrees, Boyz II Men June 20 CC H HA ASSTT A AIIN N PPA ARRK K (Atlanta) Heart, Jason Bonham’s Led Zeppelin Experience June 20 TT H HEE TT A ABBEE RRN NA ACCLL EE (Atlanta) Kendrick Lamar, School Q, Ab-Soul, Jay Rock June 20 RRYY M MA AN NA AU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Vince Gill June 20 PPH H IILLIIPPSS A ARREEN NA A (Atlanta) One Direction June 21 VV EERRIIZZ O ON NW WIIRREELLEESS SS A AM MPPH H IITTH H EEA ATT RREE A ATT EE N NCC O ORREE PPA ARRK K (Atlanta) Hank Williams Jr., Gregg Allman June 21 FF RRA AN NK KLLIIN N TT H H EEA ATT RREE (Franklin) Don McLean June 21 HA H ARRRRA AH H ’’SS CCH H EERRO OK KEE EE CC A ASSIIN NO O (Cherokee) Billy Idol June 21 WA W ARR M M EEM MO O RRIIA ALL A AU UD D IITTO O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Los Lobos, Los Lonely Boys, Alejandro Escovedo

June 21 AA A ARRO ON N’’ SS A AM MPPH H IITTH H EEA ATT RREE (Atlanta) Pitbull June 27 MA M ASSQ QU U EERRA AD DEE M MU USSII CC PPA ARRK K (Atlanta) Merle Haggard, Jamey Johnson June 28 CCO O BBBB EE N NEERRG G YY PPEERRFFO O RRM M IIN NG GA ARRTTSS CCEE N NTT EERR (Atlanta) Bill Cosby June 28 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Gregg Allman June 28 SSYYM M PPH HO ON N YY H HA ALLLL (Atlanta) Joan Rivers June 29 RRYY M MA AN NA AU UD DIITT O O RRII U UM M (Nashville) Fall Out Boy June 30 SSYYM M PPH HO ON N YY H HA ALLLL (Atlanta) Cyndi Lauper July 2 CCH HA ASSTTA AIIN N PPA ARRK K (Atlanta) Big Time Rush, Victoria Justice, Olivia Somerlyn July 3 TTH H EE TT A ABBEERRN NA ACC LLEE (Atlanta) Emeli Sande July 3 CCO OU UN NTT RRYY TTO ON NIITT EE TT H HEE A ATTRREE (Pigeon Forge) Tanya Tucker July 5 VVIIN N YYLL (Atlanta) Rachael Yamagata, Sanders Benke July 5 CCH HA ASSTTA AIIN N PPA ARRK K (Atlanta) Harry Connick Jr. July 7 CCH HA ASSTTA AIIN N PPA ARRK K (Atlanta) The Stylistics, The Manhattans, Heatwave, Harold Melvin’s Bluenotes, Peaches & Herb, The Min Ingredient July 10 ARREE N A NA A@ @G GW WIIN NN N EETT TT CC EEN N TTEE RR (Atlanta) Beyonce July 12 AA A ARRO ON N’’ SS A AM MPPH H IITTH H EEA ATT RREE (Atlanta) Lil Wayne, T.I., Future July 12 BBRRIID DG GEESS TTO ON NEE A ARREE N NA A (Nashville) Beyonce July 13 TTH H EE W WO OO OD DSS A ATT FF O ON N TTA AN N EELL (Whites Creek) Barenaked Ladies, Ben Folds Five, Guster July 13 VVA ARRIIEETT YY PPLLA AYY H HO OU U SSEE (Atlanta) Camera Obscura July 13 CCH HA ASSTTA AIIN N PPA ARRK K (Atlanta) Johnny Gil, Ralph Tresvant, Bobby Brown, After 7 feat. Kevon Edmonds, Al B Sure, Color Me Badd July 13 AA A ARRO ON N’’ SS A AM MPPH H IITTH H EEA ATT RREE (Atlanta) Luke Bryan, Florida Georgia Line, Thompson Square July 14 WIILLD W DH HO O RRSSEE SS A ALLO OO ON N (Nashville) Everclear, Live, Filter, Sponge July 16 VVEE RRII ZZO ON NW WIIRREELLEE SSSS A AM MPPH H IITT H HEEA ATT RREE @ @ EEN NCC O ORREE PPA ARRK K (Atlanta) Phish July 17 CCH HA ASSTTA AIIN N PPA ARRK K (Atlanta) Anita Baker July 19 ATT LLA A AN N TTA A BBO O TTA AN N IICCA ALL G GA ARRD DEE N N (Atlanta) Boz Scaggs July 19 FFRREED DRRIICC K K BBRRO OW WN N JJRR.. A AM MPPH H IITT H HEEA ATT RREE (Atlanta) Paul Revere & the Raiders, Mary Wilson, The Association, Mitch Ryder & the Detroit Wheels July 20 TTH H EE TT A ABBEERRN NA ACC LLEE (Atlanta) O.A.R., Amber McMahon July 20 AA A ARRO ON N’’ SS A AM MPPH H IITTH H EEA ATT RREE (Atlanta) 311, Cypress Hill, G. Love & Special Sauce July 20 SSYYM M PPH HO ON N YY H HA ALLLL (Atlanta) Yes July 21 AA A ARRO ON N’’ SS A AM MPPH H IITTH H EEA ATT RREE (Atlanta) Van’s Warped Tour July 25 VVEE RRII ZZO ON NW WIIRREELLEE SSSS A AM MPPH H IITT H HEEA ATT RREE @ @ EEN NCC O ORREE PPA ARRK K (Atlanta) Barenaked Ladies, Ben Folds Five, Guster July 26 VVEE RRII ZZO ON NW WIIRREELLEE SSSS A AM MPPH H IITT H HEEA ATT RREE @ @ EEN NCC O ORREE PPA ARRK K (Atlanta) Keith Urban July 27 AA A ARRO ON NSS A AM M PPH HIITT H HEE A ATTRREE (Atlanta) Rob Zombie, Five Finger Death Punch, Mastodon, Children of Bodom, Machine Head, Behemoth, Born of Osiris, Motionless in White, Butcher Babies, Battlecross, Huntress, Thrown Into Exile July 30 AA A ARRO ON NSS A AM M PPH HIITT H HEE A ATTRREE (Atlanta) Train, The Script, Gavin DeGraw July 31 VVA ARRIIEETT YY PPLLA AYY H HO OU U SSEE (Atlanta) Hanson September 8 WIILLD W DH HO O RRSSEE SS A ALLO OO ON N (Nashville) Hanson



September 10 AA A ARRO ON N’’ SS A AM MPPH H IITT H HEEAATT RREE (Atlanta) Depeche Mode September 12 CCH HA ASSTT A AII N N PPA ARRK K (Atlanta) Charlie Wilson September 13 AA A ARRO ON NSS A AM MPPH HIITT H HEE AATTRREE (Atlanta) Kid Rock, ZZ Top, Uncle Kracker September 14 AA A ARRO ON NSS A AM MPPH HIITT H HEE AATTRREE (Atlanta) Miranda Lambert September 15 PPA ARRK K TTA AVV EERRN N (Atlanta) Ed Roland & the Sweet Tea Project September 15 TTU U SSCCA ALLO OO OSS A AA AM MPPH HIITT H HEE AATTRREE (Tuscaloosa) Fun., Tegan & Sara September 16 AA A ARRO ON NSS A AM MPPH HIITT H HEE AATTRREE (Atlanta) Maroon 5, Kelly Clarkson, PJ Morton September 16 BBRRII D DG GEE SSTTO ON NEE A ARREEN NAA (Nashville) Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran September 19-21 TTH H EE W WO OO OD D SS A ATT FFO ON N TT AAN N EELL (Whites Creek) Fun., Tegan & Sara September 22 VVA ARRIIEE TTYY PPLLA AYY H HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Colin Hay September 27 AA A ARRO ON N’’ SS A AM MPPH H IITT H HEEAATT RREE (Atlanta) John Mayer, Phillip Phillips September 27 TTH H EE M MA ASSQ QU UEE RRA AD DEE (Atlanta) Kamelot, Delain Eclipse September 28 VVEE RRIIZZO ON NW WIIRREE LLEESSSS AAM M PPH HIITT H HEE AATTRREE @ @ EEN N CCO O RREE PPA ARRK K (Atlanta) Fall Out Boy September 28 TTH H EE EE A ARRLL (Atlanta) Mudhoney, Cheap Time October 2 FFO OXX TTH H EEA ATT RREE (Atlanta) Sarah Brightman October 9 PPH HIILLIIPPSS A ARREE N NA A (Atlanta) Rod Stewart, Steve Winwood October 19 BBRRII D DG GEE SSTTO ON NEE A ARREEN NAA (Nashville) George Jones, The Charlie Daniels Band, Kenny Rogers, Montgomery Gentry, Dioerks Bentley, Tanya Tucker, Josh Turner, Garth Brooks, Kid Rock, Same Moore, Shelby Lynne, the Oak Ridge Boys, Randy Travis, Alan Jackson, T. Graham Brown, Mark Chesnutt, Joe Diffie, Jamey Johnson, Tracy Lawrence, Patty Loveless, Kathy Mattea, Lorrie Morgan, Pam Tillis, Gene Watson, Clay Walker, Aaron Tippin, Collin Ray, Crystal Gayle, Brenda Lee, TG Sheppard, Bobby Bare, Don Mclean, Billy Ray Cyrus November 22 BBJJCCCC A ARREEN NA A (Birmingham) Pink December 3 VVA ARRIIEE TTYY PPLLA AYY H HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) John Waters December 12

CCO ON NTT IIN NU UIIN NG G FFIIRRSSTT CC EEN NTT EEN NA ARRYY U UN NIITT EED DM MEETT H HO OD DIISS TT CCH HU URRCCH H (Room 135) Singles One Mondays @ 6 PM GRREEA G ATT EERR CC H HA ATTTT A AN NO OO OG G AA AASSPPIIEESS Third Tuesday of each month, 6-8 pm http://www.meetup.com/G-C-As BBIIG G CC H HIILLLL Karaoke Tuesdays DEEVV EE LLO D OPPM MEE N NTT RREESSO OU URRCCEE BBU UIILLD D IIN NG G (1250 Market Street) Chattanooga Alliance for Animals First Wednesday of the month BBRRA AD D FFO ORRD DH HEE A ALLTTH H CC EEN NTT EERR (6160 Shallowford Rd.) Free Parent Support Meeting Thursdays 5-6pm TTH H EE EE LLK KSS LLO OD DG GEE (Cleveland) Joe Collins Tuesdays LLA ASS M MA ARRG GA ARRII TTA A’’ SS (Cleveland) Collins Brothers Band Thursdays LLA ASS M MA ARRG GA ARRII TTA A’’ SS Priscilla & Little Rickee Wednesdays ARRII’’SS H A HA ARRBBO ORR LLIIG GH HTT SS Keyz Brown Sundays @ noon TTH H EE O O FFFFIICC EE SpeakEasy Mondays SSO OU U TTH H SSIID DEE TTA AVV EERRN N Troy Underwood Tuesdays CCA AM M PP H HO OU USSEE Open Mic Thursdays


IN HONOR OF THE MEMORY OF WALLY WITKOWSKI HERE’S SOME VINTAGE WISDOM FROM FEBRUARY 27, 2003 Yesterday one of my co-workers laid out of work. He said his stomach was queasy and his head was pounding. He said he thought he had come done with the flu or something. Being an old master at the art of the work dodge, I called him and made him spill the beans. He admitted that him and some buddies were out pounding a few beers and that he was terribly hung-over. I asked him how many beers he had consumed in his night of two-fisted debauch-


Great Sandwiches, Wraps & Salad Plates at Lunch 805 Chestnut Street Downtown 266-8675 M-F 7-3

ery? He replied that things had got kind of crazy and that he must have drunk at least eight or nine beers.

start bleeding. I don’t know how I made it, but I did. It’s like the old coach said, “You have to play with pain.”

I couldn’t believe my old ears. How sad. This kid is only 24 years old. What a wimp! I am ashamed at what I had heard. That was no hangover that was what happens when you eat chili cheese fries and sardines. A hangover is when you feel like death would be a relief.

Now all this happened many years ago and I have since learned to avoid hangovers at all costs. If you do happen to get a hangover, remember, don’t bitch, you brought it on yourself. If you do over indulge, I will share the secret Witkowski family cure. It must be taken in order and done as soon as possible I remember one time when I had after you stagger out of bed. to attend a Dads and Doughnuts breakfast at my daughter’s 1. 12 ounces of water. [drink all school one morning after a par- at once] ticularly rough evening. Now that was a world class hangover. It felt like someone was in my head and was trying to push my eyes out of my skull. My mouth was dryer than The Mojave desert. Another demon was trying to drive a railroad spike into the back of my head. I was sweating like a river and it smelled like bourbon. I was trying to maintain my composure and was chewing aspirins like Tic Tacs. But I was there!

2. One heaping tablespoon of yellow mustard. [mustard absorbs alcohol and will also take the taste of dead dog out of your mouth.] 3. Four Excedrin Migraine tablets with another eight ounces of water. 4. Black coffee. [not hazlenut or other girlie coffee, but the real stuff.] 5. Winston Lights. shakes]

[for the

See you next week. Wally Witkowski


I remember her teacher asking me why I had a piece of bloody toilet paper stuck to my chin and I had to tell her that my hand had slipped shaving and there wasn’t time to stop and get stitches. I still have that scar. I sat there while the class sang songs and hoped that my eyes would not

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demonstrate tremendous courage and restraint by not reacting in kind, knowing that any incident could destroy his and Rickey’s hopes. Instead, Number 42 let his talent on the field do the talking — ultimately winning over fans and his teammates, silencing his critics, and paving the way for others to follow.

42 PG-13 In 1946, Branch Rickey put himself at the forefront of history when he signed Jackie Robinson to the team, breaking Major League Baseball’s infamous color line. But the deal also put both Robinson and Rickey in the firing line of the public, the press and even other players. Facing unabashed racism from every Scary Movie V PG-13 side, Robinson was forced to Happily-married couple Dan and

Chadwick Boseman in Warner Bros. Pictures' “42”.

Jody begin to notice some bizarre activity once they bring their newborn baby Aiden home from the hospital. But when the chaos expands into Jody’s job as a ballet dancer and Dan’s career as an Ape researcher, they realize their family is being stalked by a nefarious demon. Together, with the advice of certified experts and the aid of numerous cameras, they must figure out how to get rid of it before it’s too late.


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Admission PG-13 Straight-laced Princeton University admissions officer Portia Nathan lives by the book, both at work and at home. But Portia is caught off-guard when she makes a recruiting visit to an alternative high school overseen by her former college classmate, the free-wheeling John Halsey. Halsey has surmised that Jeremiah, his gifted yet very unconventional student, might well be the son that Portia To the Wonder R Marina and Neil meet in France secretly gave up for adoption and move to Oklahoma to start many years ago. Soon, Portia a life together, where problems finds herself bending the rules soon arise. While Marina makes for Jeremiah, putting at risk the the acquaintance of a priest and life she thought she always wanted — but in the process finding fellow exile, who is struggling with his vocation, Neil renews a her way to a surprising and exhilarating life and romance relationship with a childhood she never dreamed of having. sweetheart, Jane. The Call R

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When veteran 911 operator, Jordan, takes a life-altering call from a teenage girl who has just been abducted, she realizes that she must confront a killer from her past in order to save the girl’s life. The Croods PG The world’s first family embarks on a journey of a lifetime when the cave that has always shielded them from danger is destroyed. Traveling across a spectacular landscape, the Croods discover an incredible new world filled with fantastic creatures — and their outlook is changed forever. Evil Dead R In the much anticipated remake of the 1981 cult-hit horror film, five twenty-something friends become holed up in a remote cabin. When they discover a Book of the Dead, they unwittingly summon up dormant demons living in the nearby woods, which possess the youngsters in succession until only one is left intact to fight for survival. G.I. Joe: Retaliation PG-13 The G.I. Joes are not only fighting their mortal enemy, Cobra, they are forced to contend with threats from within the government that jeopardize their very existence. The Host PG-13 What if everything you love was taken from you in the blink of an eye? When an unseen enemy threatens mankind by taking over their bodies and erasing their memories, Melanie Stryder will risk everything to protect the people she cares most about - Jared, Ian, her brother Jamie and her Uncle Jeb, proving that love can conquer all in a dangerous new world. Identity Thief R

Unlimited funds have allowed Diana to live it up on the outskirts of Miami, where the queen of retail buys whatever strikes her fancy. There’s only one glitch: The ID she’s using to finance these sprees reads “Sandy Bigelow Patterson”... and it belongs to an accounts rep who lives halfway across the U.S. With only one week to hunt down the con artist before his world implodes, the real Sandy Bigelow Patterson heads south to confront the woman with an all-access pass to his life. And as he attempts to bribe, coax and wrangle her the 2,000 miles to Denver, one easy target will discover just how tough it is to get your name back.

Evanora and Glinda, who are not convinced he is the great wizard everyone’s been expecting. Reluctantly drawn into the epic problems facing the Land of Oz and its inhabitants, Oscar must find out who is good and who is evil before it is too late. Putting his magical arts to use through illusion, ingenuity - and even a bit of wizardry - Oscar transforms himself not only into the great and powerful Wizard of Oz but into a better man as well. Tyler Perry’s Temptation PG-13

Judith is an Ivy League educated relationship expert who gives marital advice for a living, yet can’t seem to follow that advice in her own marriage to Bryce. Bored with her life, she breaks her professional code and begins an affair with a smooth talking client. After the initial excitement of their torrid relationship wears off, Judith realizes that she’s made a grave mistake. It will take every ounce of courage and forgiveness for Judith to escape the dangerous situation she finds herself in.

Jurassic Park PG-13 A multimillionaire unveils a new theme park where visitors can observe dinosaurs cloned using advanced DNA technology. But when an employee tampers with the security system, the dinosaurs escape, forcing the visitors to fight for their survival. Olympus Has Fallen R When the President is kidnapped by a terrorist who seizes control of the White House, disgraced former Presidential guard Mike Banning finds himself trapped within the building. As the national security team rushes to respond, they must rely on Banning’s insider knowledge to save the President and prevent an even greater catastrophe. Oz The Great and Powerful PG When Oscar Diggs, a small-time circus magician with dubious ethics, is hurled away from dusty Kansas to the vibrant Land of Oz, he thinks he’s hit the jackpot fame and fortune are his for the taking - that is until he meets three witches, Theodora,

Across 1. Investigate 7. Male social club 11. Flux 12. Cut again 14. Adjust 15. Hartebeest 16. Regrets 17. Sore 18. Possesses 19. Certificate 20. Collar fastener 22. Sandy tract 23. Attic 26. Mexican food 28. Swift 31. Little ---, pop star 32. Semisynthetic textile 33. Confused hand-tohand fight 34. Class 37. Loud noise 38. Bay 39. Seaport in SW Spain 41. Hoardings 43. Untidy condition 44. Auctions 45. Said to attract atten-


tion 46. Hue 47. Horizontal bar of wood 49. Abbreviated abbreviation 52. Metrical unit 54. Gentle push 57. Free from doubt 58. Skirmish 59. Impostor 60. Very young children 61. Wet season 62. Immature newts 63. Totes Down 1. Trundle 2. ---- the Red, Norse explorer 3. Most reasonable 4. Put forth 5. Black bird 6. Virginia town 7. Compelled to eat 8. Rake 9. Affirm with confi-


dence 10. Having a valid will 11. Trinket 13. Tenuous substances 15. This present day 21. State in the W United States 24. Sheep-like 25. Cascades 27. Natural resin 29. Assumed name 30. Transmits 35. Birds of prey 36. Tuscan tower 38. Deadlock 39. Inflammation of a mucous membrane 40. Bowler hat 42. Mounts 44. Smell 45. Involving more than one 48. Below 50. Memoranda 51. Spoiled child 53. Irish county 55. Irish Parliament 56. Weapons

permanent replacement for Brian Wilson.

this week in rock history 11995544 Bill Haley records “Rock Around The Clock”, a song that was first released by Sunny Dae in 1952. The record will become a modest hit, selling 75,000 copies, but would become a national sensation when it was featured in the movie The Blackboard Jungle twelve months later. 11995566 The CBS Radio Network debuts the first regularly scheduled, nationally broadcast Rock and Roll show, Rock ‘n’ Roll Dance Party, with Alan Freed as host. Little Richard’s “Long Tall Sally” enters the US Pop chart, where it would climb to #6. The record would top the R&B chart and became the first of his three US Top 10 hits. A cover version by Pat Boone appeared on the Pop chart simultaneously and reached #8. Nat King Cole is attacked by a group of five racial segregationists while singing onstage at the Municipal Hall in Birmingham, Alabama. The attackers were quickly arrested by police and Cole would return later that night for a second show. James Brown has his first chart entry when “Please, Please, Please” debuts on the Billboard R&B chart. The song was recorded at WIBB, a radio station in his home town of Macon, Georgia. 119955 77 16-year-old Ricky Nelson sings his first record, a cover version of Fats Domino’s “I’m Walking”, on his parents’ TV show, The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet on ABC. Both versions reached #4 on the Billboard chart. Elvis Presley’s “All Shook Up” went to #1 on the Cash Box best seller list and The Billboard Pop chart, where it would stay for the next eight weeks. 11995599 Bobby Darin records “Splish Splash”. The record will become a worldwide hit, although he was outsold in Britain by a rival version from comedian Charlie Drake.

11996611 19-year-old Bob Dylan debuted as a solo artist when he opened for John Lee Hooker at Gerde’s Folk City in New York. 11996622 The Rolling Stones began to take shape when Mick Jagger and Keith Richards met

Freddie And The Dreamers hit #1 in the US with “I’m Telling You Now”, two years after it had reached #2 in the UK. 11996666 The Righteous Brothers reach the top of the Billboard singles chart for the second time with “(You’re My) Soul and Inspiration”. It was a #15 hit in the UK.

guitarist Brian Jones at the Ealing Jazz Club. Bill Wyman and Charlie Watts came into the picture in January of 1963. Eighteen-year-old Shelly Fabares, who was currently appearing as Mary Stone on TV’s The Donna Reed Show, had the number one song in the US with “Johnny Angel”, a #41 hit in the UK. She was accompanied by Glen Campbell on guitar, Hal Blaine on drums and Darlene Love And The Blossoms on backup vocals. Her highest charting follow-up would be “Johnny Loves Me”, which peaked at #21 on the Billboard chart. The Beatles’ original bass player, 22-yearold Stuart Sutcliffe, died of a brain hemorrhage. Sutcliffe was included in the band because he had the equipment and place to rehearse, although he couldn’t play very well. His girlfriend, Astrid Kirchherr, created The Beatle haircut for Stu, and John and Paul followed soon after. Sutcliffe can be heard on very early Beatle tracks included on “Anthology 1”. He left the band in 1961 to resume painting because his headaches were getting too severe to play. 11996633 “Surfin’ USA” by the Beach Boys was released in the US, where it will become the group’s second Billboard chart-maker, reaching #3. The song was a note-for-note copy of Chuck Berry’s “Sweet Little Sixteen” with new lyrics. After Berry sued, he was granted royalties and all further issues of the song gave him writing credit. 11996644 The Supremes record “Where Did Our Love Go” at Motown Studios in Detroit. The song would become the first of their five straight US number one singles. Capitol and Vee Jay Records settle their feud out of court over the rights to recordings by The Beatles. Capitol contended in the suit that Vee Jay’s rights to the Beatles had been cancelled on August 8th 1963, for non-payment of royalties. Vee Jay was forced to stop selling “From Me To You”, “Please Please Me”, “Love Me Do” and other early Beatle releases. The Beatles set another music industry record when they had 14 songs on the Billboard Hot 100. The songs ranged from “Can’t Buy Me Love” at #1 to “Love Me Do” at #81. 11996655 Bruce Johnston joins The Beach Boys as



Jan Berry, the younger half of Jan And Dean was paralyzed after he ran his Corvette into a parked truck on a side street in Beverly Hills. Berry suffered total physical paralysis for over a year as well as extensive brain damage which made it impossible to return to performing. The pair started their hit streak in 1958 with “Jennie Lee” and followed with “Baby Talk”, “Surf City”, “Sidewalk Surfin’”, “Drag City”, “Dead Man’s Curve”, “The Little Old Lady From Pasadena” and “Popsicle”. Jan’s accident ended their career as hit makers, although they attempted a comeback in 1978 after the biographical movie, Dead Man’s Curve, was shown on TV. 11 996677 Paving the way for what would become an FM radio format, San Francisco’s KMPXFM begins playing Rock ‘n’ Roll album cuts instead of 45 RPM singles. Police in Poland use tear gas and batons to control several thousand teenagers who turned out to see The Rolling Stones’ first show behind the Iron Curtain. 11996699 After scoring a series of instrumental hits in the early 1960s including “Walk Don’t Run” and “Slaughter on Tenth Avenue”, The Ventures were back on Billboard’s Hot 100 for the last time with the theme from the TV show, Hawaii Five-0. The Fifth Dimension score their first #1 and their eighth Billboard Top 40 hit with “Aquarius / Let The Sunshine In”. It made #11 in the UK.

Fleetwood Mac, announces he is leaving the band to follow his religious beliefs. Norman Greenbaum’s “Spirit In The Sky” tops out at #3 on the Billboard Hot 100. Although the song would sell over two million copies, it would be his only US Top 40 hit. 11997733 Stevie Wonder appeared on TV’s Sesame Street, where he performed “123 Sesame Street” and his hit “Superstition”. 11997744 Elton John reached the top spot on the Billboard singles chart for the second time with “Bennie and the Jets”. It made #37 in the UK. Paul McCartney’s LP “Band On The Run” topped the Billboard album chart. It went on to sell over 6 million copies worldwide. 11997755 Elton John led the US Pop chart with “Philadelphia Freedom”, a song inspired by Billie Jean King’s World Team Tennis League entry. 11997766 Folk hero Phil Ochs hanged himself at his sister’s house in Queens, New York. He was 35. Peter Frampton went to #1 on the Billboard album chart with “Frampton Comes Alive”. The LP would stay on the chart for 97 weeks and sell over 6 million copies. It is still one of the largest selling ‘live’ albums of all time, behind Garth Brooks’ “Double Live”, “Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band Live 1975 - ‘85” and “The Eagles Live”. 11997777


11997700 Paul McCartney announces a “temporary break with The Beatles,” citing “personal differences” and adding that he will no longer record with John Lennon. Paul disapproved of Yoko Ono and of Beatles financial advisor Allen Klein. When a reporter called Lennon to comment upon McCartney’s resignation, John said, “Paul hasn’t left. I sacked him.” A week after McCartney’s announcement, he released his first solo album, spelling the end of The Beatles. The Progressive Rock band Emerson, Lake And Palmer was formed when drummer Carl Palmer joined keyboardist Keith Emerson and singer / guitarist Greg Lake. Doors singer Jim Morrison is dragged off stage by keyboardist Ray Manzarek during a concert in Boston, when Morrison screams to the audience, ‘Would you like to see my (genitals)?’. Theater management quickly switched off the power. Morrison had been arrested in Miami a year earlier for “lewd and lascivious behavior” during a performance. Peter Green, founding member of




ABBA earned their only number 1 hit in the United States when “Dancing Queen” went to the top. The song also led the charts in 13 other countries. After being paid $40,000 for a show in Sydney, Australia, Alice Cooper is placed under house arrest at his hotel until he posts a bond for $59,632. That amount was the sum that a local promoter claimed to have paid Cooper for a 1975 Australia tour he never made. The two settle when it is found that the promoter did not fulfill his part of the agreement either. 11997788 Eddie Money saw his first US hit, “Baby Hold On” enter the Billboard chart, where it would reach #11. He would go on to place nine more songs in the Top 40, including two Top 10 hits “Take Me Home Tonight” (#4 in 1986) and “Walk On Water” (#9 in 1988). 11997799 Mickey Thomas replaces Marty Balin as the lead singer for Jefferson Starship. Thomas’ voice had previously been heard on the 1976 Elvin Bishop hit, “Fooled Around and Fell in Love”. 11998811 Daryl Hall And John Oates reached the top spot on Billboard’s Hot 100 with their 10th Top 40 hit, “Kiss On My List”. The tune was a #33 hit in the UK.

11998822 “Ebony and Ivory”, a duet by Stevie Wonder and Paul McCartney, debuts on the US charts at #29. It will eventually reach number one in both the US and UK, becoming Wonder’s first British chart topper. The song listed at #59 on Billboard’s Greatest Songs of all time, but in October 2007 it was named “the worst duet in history” by BBC 6 Music listeners and these days gets little airplay on either side of the Atlantic. 11998833 Pete Farndon, bassist for The Pretenders on their US Top 20 hits “Brass In Pocket” (1980) and “Back On The Chain Gang” (1983), died of a drug overdose. He was 30 years old. 11998855 A court ruling gave the Rock group Boston the right to record for MCA instead of CBS. The legal dispute had prevented the release of the band’s third album for more than five years. 11 998888 Alice Cooper nearly hanged himself while rehearsing his act when a safety rope broke and left him swinging by his neck. He was promptly rescued by a quick thinking roadie.

Brook Benton, most often remembered for his 1970 #4 hit, “A Rainy Night In Georgia”, died of complications from spinal meningitis at the age of 57. Along with his own hits, Benton also wrote “A Lover’s Question” by Clyde McPhatter and “The Stroll” by The Diamonds. Dave Prater of Sam And Dave was killed in a car accident near Sycamore, Georgia while driving to his mother’s house. He was 50 years old. The original duo had split on New Year’s Eve, 1981 and Prater

continued to tour as The New Sam And Dave Revue with Sam Daniels. Sonny Bono is elected Mayor of Palm Springs, California, an office he held until 1992 when he ran for the Republican nomination for United States Senate. He was elected to the United States House of Representatives in 1994 to represent California’s 44th congressional district. 11998899 After two DJ’s at Los Angeles station KLOS asked “what ever happened to David Cassidy?”, the singer phoned the station and was invited on the show. David played three songs live on air and was subsequently signed by a new record label. 11999900 At Farm Aid IV in Indianapolis, Elton John sings “Candle In The Wind” for 18-year-old Ryan White, who is suffering from AIDS. White will die just hours after the show and Elton will act as a pallbearer at his funeral four days later. 11999944 The Recording Industry Association of America announced that Pink Floyd’s 1973 album “Dark Side of the Moon” had become the fourth biggest-selling album in US history and had passed the 13 million mark in sales. Worldwide, “Dark Side of the Moon” has sold more than 25 million copies. An electrician hired to install a security system at Kurt Cobain’s residence finds the body of the 27-year-old Nirvana front man lying on the floor of a room above the garage with a shotgun on his chest and a suicide note nearby. Not everyone was convinced his death was a suicide and The Mystery Of Kurt Cobain’s Death is still a hotly debated topic today. 11999988 Singer George Michael is arrested in a public restroom in Beverly Hills for lewd conduct. He acknowledged his homosexuality on CNN a few days later and was sentenced to community service for the incident.

can just get the hell out.” The song’s success prompted the band to rush out its new album “Vicious Cycle” in May. 2200 0066 June Pointer, the youngest of the four Pointer Sisters who went from teenage Gospel singers to the top of the Pop charts with such hits as “Fire”, “Slow Hand” and “I’m So Excited”, died of cancer at the age of 52. Martha And The Vandellas’ version of “Dancing in the Street” is announced as one of 50 sound recordings preserved by the Library of Congress to the National Recording Registry. 22000077 A fire destroyed the former home of the late Country singer Johnny Cash. The 13,880-square-foot house, located in the Nashville suburb of Hendersonville, was home to Johnny and his wife June until their deaths in 2003. The property was purchased by The Bee Gees’ Barry Gibb in January 2006. Gibb and his wife Linda had said they planned to restore the home on Old Hickory Lake and hoped to write songs there. 2200 0088 Clifford Davies, drummer for Ted Nugent, who played on his trademark recording “Cat Scratch Fever”, was found dead from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound in his suburban Atlanta home. He was 59.

2200 0099 Randy Cain, a founding member of the Philadelphia Soul group, The Delfonics, who reached the Billboard Top 40 six times, including “La-La Means I Love You” (#4 in 1968) and “Didn’t I Blow Your Mind This Time” (#10 in 1970), died at the age of 63. Phil Spector was convicted of seconddegree murder in the shooting death of actress Lana Clarkson at his mansion six

22000000 Santana returned to the top of the US singles chart for the second time in six months with “Maria Maria”, another track pulled from the Grammy Award winning album “Smooth”. 22 000022 Ravi Shankar’s daughter, 23-year-old Nora Jones, makes her TV debut on CNN International’s The Music Room. 22 000033 Madonna struck back at online peer-topeer pirates of her new album, “American Life” by flooding file-sharing networks with decoy files. Those who download tracks from such services as KaZaA were greeted by the voice of Madonna asking, “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” For the first time since Jimmy Carter was in the White House, Lynyrd Skynyrd had a hit single on the radio. Rock stations across the country played the band’s “Red White and Blue”, an anti-protest song that includes the line “If they don’t like it, they




years before. The verdict would send the 69-year-old music producer to prison for at least 18 years. His former wife Ronnie wrote in her book Be My Baby, “When I was locked up in his mansion, there were many, many nights when I was sure I’d never get out of that house alive.” According to a chart compiled for the UK’s BBC Radio 2, Procol Harum’s “A Whiter Shade Of Pale” was the most played song in public places in the past 75 years. Rounding out the top ten were: #2 “Bohemian Rhapsody” by Queen, #3 - “All I Have To Do Is Dream” by The Everly Brothers, #4 - “Love Is All Around” by Wet Wet Wet, #5 - (“Everything I Do) I Do It For You” by Bryan Adams, #6 - “Angels” by Robbie Williams, #7 - “All Shook Up” by Elvis Presley, #8 - “Dancing Queen” by ABBA, #9 - “Magic Moments” by Perry Como and #10 - “White Christmas” by Bing Crosby. 22 001100 Whitney Houston was released from a Paris hospital after suffering a respiratory infection. She called media reports that she was using drugs again “ridiculous.” Malcom McLaren, best known as the manager of the Sex Pistols, died of cancer in New York City at the age of 64. 22 001111 Ray Davies of The Kinks told RollingStone.com that he was scheduled to meet with his brother Dave to discuss a possible reunion. Earlier attempts were derailed when Dave suffered a stroke in 2004. 22001122 A New York judge ordered Prince to pay $3.95 million to Revelations Perfume and Cosmetics for failing to promote the 3121 line of scents after indicating that he would do so.

RUMOUR'S MILL VVee rrttiiccaa ll HHoorr iizz oonn , and FFaass ttbbaallll for a summer romp beginning in Texas. …Songwriter LLii nnddaa PPeerr rryy Playing both coasts and plenty of is engaged to actress SSaarr aa G Gii llbbeerr tt. venues in between, look for this one record from its online store, it will Noonn BBll oonnddee ss rocker, who has at your favorite outdoor theatre. The 44 N give that customer a digital version penned hits for PPiinnkk and CC hhrr iiss ttiinnaa …A dance tax that’s been a of the songs for free. The feature, Agguuiill eerr aa, began dating the former A Roseanne star in 2011 and now the bone of contention in Washington called AutoRip, was launched in couple is set to wed after PPeerrrr yy pro- state for years is being reviewed for January for CDs. The company has posed over a picnic in Los Angeles. possible repeal by lawmakers. The said it has boosted music sales. law, which falls under the state’s Digital songs are stored in the cusKii dd RRoocckk will take a Business and Occupation Retail Sales tomer’s online storage account with …K “pay cut” this summer, or at least Tax code, imposes a tax on taverns Amazon. Songs received this way risk one, by structuring a deal that and clubs that include cover charges don’t count against that customer’s allows for a $20 ticket price across and offer guests “an opportunity to storage limit. the board at amphitheaters, and dance.” It also says that the tax must …LLii nnddss eeyy BBuu cckkii nngghhaam m has working with promoter Live Nation be collected by businesses that woooodd M Maa cc will to lower prices on everything from charge admission, play music and announced that FFllee eettw beer to parking to merchandise for offer a lengthy list of other sporty release an EP of new material later activities. But if it sounds like a safe this week. every show in every city. bet to assume the code would cover Keeii tthh, … LLuu kkee BBrr yyaann , TToobbyy K Addee llee is back in the stu- concerts and sporting events where …A Allddeeaa nn and K Kee nnnnyy CC hhee ssnnee yy dio working on the follow-up to the urge might strike to dance, think JJaassoonn A 2011’s 21, according to tabloid again. Though a resource guide are among the artists paying tribute Allaa bbaa m maa on the legendary counreports. According to TT hhee SSuunn , the about the code notes that “in gener- to A try group’s Alabama & Friends. The singer is back in the studio for the al, if the cover charge is for the privfirst time since giving birth in ilege of listening to music … the album, which will feature members Allaabbaam maa duetting with the acts on October. She is also reported to be income is subject to” the tax, the of A some of the tracks—similar to LLiioonneell Department of Revenue has previJ J a a m m e e s s F F o o r r d d K K i i d d working with and HH aarr ppoooonn, who worked on AArrccttiicc ously said the code doesn’t apply to RRiicc hhii ee ’’ss tremendously successful Moonnkkeeyy ’’ss Humbug and FFlloorree nnccee aa nndd concerts, which count as “entertain- “Tuskegee” set— will come out in M tthhee M Maa cchh ii nnee’’ss Lungs and ment.” That’s left bar and club own- the third quarter, says Show Dog Maa rrkk ers who’ve been slapped with big Universal Music president M Ceremonials. Wrr iigghh tt. taxes fuming, as they consider W moorree ’’ss HH aayy llee yy enforcement of the code to be arbi…PPaa rraa m W iill llii aam W mss has said that she doesn’t trary and specifically targeting If you know any truths, half-truths, or outright lies about the local music feel the need to write songs about smaller venues. scene send them to Sissy Vance c/o sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll. The ...In an odd combination rumoursmill@enigmaonline.com. singer says that she doesn’t try and “be cool” by swearing in songs or of old and new, Amazon says that attempting to appeal to an older every time a person buys a vinyl - Sissy Vance audience with references to drugs and sex. Instead, she says she prefers talking about “normal life problems”. Speaking in an interview with NPR, she said: “I don’t really feel like I need to say anything about sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll. I don’t need to swear. And I’m not saying that I’m a perfect angel, but I think it would feel very disingenuous - like, ‘This is me trying to be cool. Maybe we’ll grab a couple older fans if I just put this swear word in’. I want to talk about norHear the difference everyone is talking about. mal life problems.” Academy.

RRU UM MOOUU RR HH AASS IITT … … …Popular and often conWaa llll yy troversial radio host W W iitt kkoow W w sskk ii succumbed to cancer after a valiant battle Monday night. W aallll yy One half of the “Village Idiots” W had a way with words and even if he angered you, you always left with a smile on your face. The big man will sorely be missed. …What poser friendly trendy restaurant is rumoured to of had a report of food poisoning recently? …Rock City Gardens is excited to announce the opening of its brand new restaurant on April 11th, Café 7 (named after the “see 7 states” view)! Be one of the first to enjoy this outdoor dining experience with a world famous view from Lover’s Leap. The full-service dining terraces are the perfect place to connect and unwind with family and friends, while feasting on delicious southern cuisine with a modern twist! Seating is available Thursdays - Sundays, 11 am – 4 pm, April October.

…Hits 96, WDOD-FM, will celebrate Cinco de Mayo by holding the 6th annual “Running of the Chihuahuas presented by Corona” on Saturday, May 4th at 1:00 pm at the First Tennessee Pavilion. In 2012, over 3500 Chattanoogans witnessed the crowning of the fastest Chihuahua in Chattanooga. In 2013, Chattanooga’s Cinco de Mayo tradition returns to the Pavilion, bigger than ever. Registration is open and available at www.hits96.com on a first come – first serve basis. Spectators and press are encouraged to participate, for free, starting at 1 at the First Tennessee Pavilion. Music begins at 2 and racing begins at 6. If interested, sponsors are being accepted by Jeff Fontana, Sales Manager, at 321-6200. A por…SSuu ggaarr RRaayy and SSm maass hh tion of the proceeds will be donated M Moouutthh gather up GG iinn BBll ooss ssoom mss , to the Goodwill Assistance Dog ENIGMA APRIL 11

By appointment only. ultrasnd@comcast.net




NEVER LOVED ELVIS JIM SELLS I assure you that it takes a hardy soul to survive a brain hemorrhage; it takes something entirely beyond the pale to survive a double brain hemorrhage. To survive that and return to recording music is nigh unfathomable … Meet Edwyn Collins, the aforementioned soul. If you are lucky, you might remember from the single, “A Girl Like You”, from the Empire Records soundtrack. If you are luckier still, you might remember his transcendent work with Orange Juice. Moreover, if you are the luckiest of them all, you might be listening to his latest album, “Understated”. The hollow jangly guitar tones, the Northern Soul grooves, that voice (a bit rougher for the ride, but still wonderful) – all these elements are present on “Understated”. While the lyrical content is a bit more somber, drawing as it does from his continuing recovery from his near death experi-


ence, the honesty of the record more than compensates for any missing bon mots. When Edwyn sings, “I’m so happy to be alive”, on “Forsooth”, the effect is stunning, expressing a brazenly naked love of life that would embarrass hipsters everywhere.

cumstances for all they are worth and have people falling all over themselves to tell him how wonderful he is. Instead, he never even considers it, only stating simply, “I feel alive/it’s good to feel” and “What the heck/I’m living now”. What Edwyn Collins has lost in lyrical complexity is more than offset by the directness of his newer works that hits like a freight train. Damn, this is good …

“Dilemma” is a stone soul rave up. The limitations of Edwyn’s voice show him struggling to hit all the notes perfectly, but somehow that only adds to the groove here. “Dilemma, that’s All the tunes here are fantastic, me, that’s me all over”, indeed. with some stronger than others but no weak one to be found. This smokes. “Too Bad (That’s Sad)”, “Down “Baby Jean” notes “I’ve got the Line”, “In the Now” … all of music to see me through”, with them are wonderful. It is intersome smoking organ and guitar esting to hear Edwyn Collins’ accompaniment, and that is work now, when he is physicalpoint 1A. Edwyn is glad to be ly unable to be fully involved in alive and music is what brought his recordings. He has become him back. “Carry On, Carry On” equal parts auteur and ringis another note-perfect 60s master, performing both roles soul tune, while “31 Years” with aplomb. No one has ever shows Edwyn looking back at sounded like Edwyn Collins his music career with a lack of and, in what might be his greatpathos that is bracing. He est achievement given all his knows he could milk his cir- trials and travails, Edwyn Collins still sounds like himself, which is to say marvelous. Get this now. It would almost be worth buying just to show Edwyn some support, but he has rendered that point moot because this is great music.

HOT COLLEGE T R A C K S According to Chattanooga State’s CMJ Report



Wow, just wow. Later taters.




Fashion Rules and let live” has always been my motto. On the other hand, it seems that perhaps people are more strongly sided on current issues than in decades past; political rights, gun rights, animal rights, gay

“April Showers bring May flowers.” Geez . . . personally, I am hoping for some sunshine very soon! Old man winter is hanging on like the last Twinkie in the store, but we know that time of year we all love is just around the corner. With Easter behind us, the next official holiday we will celebrate is Earth Day on April 22. Way back in 1970, Senator Gaylord Nelson wanted to create awareness for the environment and created Earth Day. Today, more than 175 countries and 500,000,000 people observe Earth day in one way or another. As we evolve with the changing world and its ways, we have learned much about the need to recycle, to save energy, and to share with those less fortunate. A friend of mine recently said, “These days, it seems we are reverting back to the 70’s in a lot of ways.” I tend to agree. “Live

dresses in every possible length: short, knee-length, midi, maxi, and the new high/low look. If you haven’t added something high/low to your closet, you may want to! Hitting around the knee and longer in the back, it’s a cute and flowy statement dress that go easily go day into night, showing some leg in the front, and lady-like sophistication from the back—all in one look. If you are a petite girl, this look may be harder

less, because it is so fresh and new . . . and we all love a new trend! Featured are a few looks we currently have in our store now for those interested in trying something new. If not, we have more looks that we know our Bohemian Babes— ready for that concert or new exciting road trip—will love. And for those ready for a more formal event, feminine structure and color is always available. So get ready, Spring is here! Peace and Earth! discohippie@enigmaonline.com

rights, or/and civil rights, in particular. This new age of technology we live in puts issues more “in our face”— faster and more repetitiously than ever before—and we react. With all that said, in celebration of Earth Day and Mother Nature (who promises sunshine soon), let’s focus on some great looks for the awesome outdoor concert festivities coming up, and some of the current trends that will fit right in. Sundresses, sundresses—top of the list every spring! Colors, prints, strapless, short- sleeved—we love them all. This year we will see sunENIGMA APRIL 4

to wear without a wedge or a heel, since a longer dress can sometimes make you appear shorter. A lot of girls, myself included, say go for it regard-




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