BELLE OF THE BALL The Belle Brigade featuring two of legendary composer John Williams (Star Wars, Jaws, dtc.) grandchildren are the support act Friday evening as they open for Ray LaMontagne at the Tivoli Theatre in Chattanooga, TN.
Mixing power pop and a little glam rock it was a rare showing of Chattanooga band Thee Finks. The quartet that look similar to Dr. Shock and the Go Go Monsters minus the makeup and over the top antics put Rapper, singer/songwriter Wiz kalifa is heavily on the road out promoting his latest album, “Blacc Hollywood”. The multi Grammy and Billboard on an entertaining set opening for the Paul Collins Beat recently. winning “new artist” comes to Atlanta for some trick and treats Friday for Halloween. The “Work Hard Play Hard” rapper will be at Center Stage Theatre.
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Alice Cooper When it comes to the alter ego world of Vince Furnier (aka Alice Cooper), imitation is indeed the sincerest form of flattery. Often duplicated but never replicated, the King of Shock Rock literally transformed the face of rock and roll by introducing pioneering touring methods that have become standard issue today. Alice Cooper’s legendary stage shows in the early ‘70s opened the doors for the likes of KISS and Genesis whose onstage theatrical performances became as much a part of the show as the music itself. Others would follow over the years, most notably Motley Crue, Twisted Sister, Marilyn Manson, Gwar, Slipknot and others. But there will never be anything quite like the Godfather of Shock himself. This year, Alice Cooper is marking its 45th year in the music business with yet another in-your-face stage show. Though he hasn’t released a new album since 2001 – Welcome to My Nightmare II produced by the legendary Bob Ezrin – Cooper has indeed been busy touring the world. Currently on the road opening for Motley Crue on their final tour as a band, Alice has literally been blowing the Crue’s doors off night after night. That’s quite a testament to the legacy of this 66-year old performer.
AA ggee nneerr aattii oonn ooff aarr ttiiss ttss aanndd bbaa nnddss oow wee tthheeii rr ccaarr eeee rrss ii nn ppaa rrtt ttoo tthhee nnuum mee rroo uuss ggrr oouunndd bbrr ee aakk ii nngg moom m mee nnttss yyoouu aacchhii eevvee dd iinn yyoouurr iill lluuss ttrrii oouuss ccaarr ee eerr .. YYoouurr ttrraa iill bbllaa zz -iinngg ggll aam m aa nndd ss ttaaggee tthhee aattrr iiccss ss hhooookk tthhee vv eerr yy ggrr oouunndd rroocckk aanndd rrooll ll ssttoooodd oonn..
AAllii ccee CCooooppee rr –– A lot of bands picked up on me over the years the image and attitude - so yes, it has been quite flattering to watch the development of rock over the years I helped create. On the other hand, there have been many versions of a sort of watered down Alice Cooper out there as well. That’s why I like to tour and give people a shot of the real thing. This show I am on right now is devastating. IInn tthhee ffiirr sstt hhaall ff ooff tthhee ‘‘7700ss,, yy oouu ccoouull dd ddoo nnoo w wrr oonngg m muuss ii ccaall llyy.. YYoouu llii tteerr aall llyy rr uullee dd AAm mee rrii ccaann rr oocc kk aanndd rrooll ll w w iitthh aa nn ii rroonn ffii sstt.. YYoouurr kk iinngg -ddoom m,, hhoow wee vvee rr,, ccrr uum mbbll eedd iinn tthhee ssee ccoonndd hhaall ff ooff tthhaatt ddeeccaaddee ?? W Whhaatt hhaa ppppee nneedd?? Disco! CCoom mee oonn,, yyoouu’’rr ee nnoott ss eerr iioouuss?? Disco totally destroyed a lot of people. I had to step back and see what was going on. At that time, the only way to keep your hand in the game was to conform. That period of time in the late ‘70s with
disco was the dark ages of rock and roll. There was no true rock radio and it seemed as though stations were only broadcasting music geared to the 25-40 set. Radio refused to play anything that had a guitar in it, and I would not give in to the trend.
thing, prove you have earned the right to be there. The challenge proved to be a good catalyst for me. If you go out on stage every evening like it’s your first night of the tour, it throws doubters off track. I know there were some people out there thinking, “Well, Alice is old, fat and going to do all YYoouu m meeaann,, llii kkee RRoodd SSttee w waarr tt ddiidd?? of his old material.” First off, I am not going to depend on any nosYou answered that question your- talgia to prove that Alice Cooper is for real. We perform hits, but we self. do it as though the songs were SSoo bbaass ii ccaall llyy,, yyoouu rr eeaa llll yy ddiidd rree ttiirr ee?? written last week. Our audiences appreciate our show as something I didn’t really retire from the busi- new – not old! ness back then I took a sabbatical. You have to remember that I had TThheerr ee’’ss nnoo ddoouubbtt yyoouu ppii oonneeee rree dd maa nnyy ooff tthhee oonnssttaa ggee iinnnnoovvaa ttiioonnss constantly toured, with my origi- m mee ss ttaannddaarr dd pprraa cc-nal band and as a solo artist, for tthhaatt hhaa vvee bbee ccoom maarr kkee tt-almost a decade. I just needed to ttii ccee ttooddaa yy,, iinnccll uuddii nngg tthhee m take some time away from Alice. It ii nngg ooff ccoonncceepptt vviiddee ooss ttoo ccrr eeaa ttiivvee llyy w nn aa llbbuum mss.. A Anndd was good for me because I really ppaacc kkaa ggee yyoouurr oow t t h h e e n n t t h h e e r r e e w w e e r r e e y y o o u u r r l l e e g g e e n n d d aa rryy needed to step away and assess r r o o a a d d s s h h o o w w s s . . R R e e a a l l l l y y , , w w h h a a t t ’ ’ s s l l e e f f t t ffoorr the situation. I also sought help for my drinking. That was impor- yyoouu ttoo ssaa yy oorr ddoo?? tant for me both mentally, physically and my career. I had become I want to make Alice a total too much like my character in real immortal. That challenge right there is what’s fun about music to life. me. If I sat back and thought to DDii dd yyoouu hhaavvee ss oom meetthhii nngg ttoo pprroovvee myself, “I have done everything. I ttoo yy oouurr ss eell ff,, aanndd yy oouurr ppeeee rrss ,, w w hhee nn have showed them what I can do. I yyoouu rr eettuurr nneedd ttoo tthhee bbuuss iinnee ssss aafftteerr have nothing left to prove”, then I would quit trying. I go out there bbaa ttttllii nngg yyoouurr ppeerr ssoonnaa ll ddeem moonnss ?? every night with the attitude I Yes! I figure that you have to go have to take this crowd, make out there with the attitude every them mine. I have got to shake night you are out to prove some- them and I have to impress myself. The only way that I can have fun is
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© Photo by Chris Eason
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to create a specific crowd reaction, like a gasp. That’s the kind of feedback I am constantly going for. I want people walking away from my show that night shaking their heads going, “I don’t believe what I just saw!”
people still hide their children in on stage and say, “Okay, you the airports when we walk in. I should have done this there, that love it! there. Let’s see, that was a good move, but you should have done TThhee w waa yy yy oouu ssppeeaa kk aabboouutt tthhee cchhaa rr -- this.” I can be very objective about aaccttee rr AAll iiccee CCooooppeerr ,, ii tt’’ss aall m moosstt llii kk ee it.
AAtt w whhaatt ppooii nntt ii nn yyoouurr eexx ttrraa oorrddii -nnaarr yy ccaarr eeee rr ddii dd tthhee ffuunn ggoo oouutt ooff tthhee m muussii cc ffoorr yyoouu?? It happened when I started basing my whole career on drinking. There was a period of time, 197879, where it was really ridiculous.
AAll iiccee CCooooppee rr hhaa dd ccoonnssuum meedd VVii nnccee FFuurrnnii eerr ?? It did. I found myself drinking two bottles of whiskey a day and having no fun playing music. It wasn’t because of who I was on stage, but who I was off – an alcoholic. I was addicted to booze. The disease had grabbed a hold of me and wouldn’t let go. I had to completely quit or it was going to kill me. I finally realized it and got help. I exercise now, or play a little golf, instead of drink.
IIff II ccoouull dd sshhaa kkee yyoouurr hhaanndd tthhrr oouugghh tthhee pphhoonnee II w woouulldd,, ssii m mppllyy ffoorr tthhee hhee’’ss aann eennttii rr eell yy ootthheerr ppee rrss oonn yy oouu ffaacctt yyoouu rree m maaii nn rr eell eevv aanntt ttooddaayy – – aarr ee ttaall kkii nngg aabboouutt?? aanndd yyoouurr ccaa rree eerr ss ttaarr tteedd ii nn 11996699.. II He is, and that’s the point I’ve rr eeaall llyy aam m iinn aaw w ee.. been trying to get across. I have Thank you. I started my first band always thought of Alice in the in high school when I was 16. Alice third person. I play Alice, the charCooper didn’t happen until 1970. acter of Alice, the same way the But yes, it is still amazing to me all guy who plays Jason in the slasher these years later I’m still here. movies, or the actor that plays That’s the great thing about it. The Dracula on the movie screen. I talk image, and the fun behind the about Alice outside the character. images, is still exciting. I mean, I can watch videos of Alice Cooper
safe medium between reality and fantasy. I have never had any kind of heavy reaction to myself except from parents that haven’t seen my show. They have only heard about it. There is a great amount of fantasy that people invent. I have always taken a sort of National Enquirer approach to rock and roll. I’m drawn to headlines that say ‘Boy Born with Dogs Head’. I totally believe in sensationalism. That’s what rock and roll is all about. I am not there to give people any lifelong insight into anything. When you have been to an Alice Cooper show, it is part surrealism, part fantasy. I let the audience invent their own images up there. I’m not here to preach anything. I am there to totally give people their money’s worth so they walk away going “Ahhh!!!!”
FFrr oom m tthhee oouuttssii ddee ll ooookkii nngg iinn,, yyoouu hhaavv ee ddoonnee iitt aa llll .. YYoouu hhaavvee iinnffll uu-ee nnccee dd aann ee nnttiirr ee ggee nneerr aa ttiioonn ooff muuss iiccii aannss aa ss w m w eell ll aass sshhaa ppee dd tthhee ll ooookk ooff rr oocckk aanndd rrooll ll iittss eell ff.. W Whhaa tt ii ss ss oo ppoow w eerr ffuull aabboouutt tthhee m mee ddii uum m tthhaatt iitt bbeeccoom mee ss ssuucchh aa ppoow wee rrffuull ffoorr ccee iinn ppeeooppll ee’’ss ll iivv eess ttoo tthhee ppooii nntt tthheeyy cc aann’’tt llii vvee w w iitthhoouutt ii tt?? TThheerr ee ’’ss aa hhuuggee ss eeggm mee nntt iinn tthhiiss ccoouunnttrr yy ccaauugg hhtt uupp ii nn tthhee uunnkknnoow wnn,, tthhii nnggss tthheeyy ccaa nn’’tt uunnddeerr -ssttaanndd.. TThhii ss rr eell eennttll eess ss zz eeaa ll ttoo ddiiss -ccoovv eerr tthhee ssttrr aannggee oorr tthhee bbiizz aarr rree iiss eevvii ddeenn cceedd bbyy HHoollll yyw w oooodd’’ss ccoonn-ssttaanntt pprr oodduuccttii oonn ooff hhoorrrr oorr m moovvii eess aanndd tthhee ccoonnss ttaanntt ss ttrr eeaam m ooff ssee qquuee llss tthhee yy pprr oodduuccee .. YYoouu ttaa ppppee dd ii nnttoo tthhiiss ffaa sscc iinnaattii oonn w waa yy bbeeffoorr ee H Hoollll yyw woooodd eevvee rr uunnddeerr ssttoooodd iitt eevv eenn eexx iiss tteedd..
That is a very good question because I don’t understand it myself. Music is much more powerful than TV. It’s much more powerful than film. Rock and roll is a powerful medium because you’re witnessing it live. You feel that attitude about rock – its lust for life that has gotten so much flak over the years. If you ever saw the Alice Cooper stage show on film, it wouldn’t have nearly the effect it Alice Cooper has always been a does when you see it live. I always
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tell people who give me problems, especially in the South – where I have gotten a lot of religious problems – I tell them this. If Edgar Allan Poe were alive today, he would be doing this exact show using the music as the instrument to explain his art. You know what’s strange? People don’t mind if unusual things are written in books, made into TV specials or acted out on the silver screen. However, when it comes to rock and roll, it’s an entirely different matter. That’s because rock and roll is a visual experience you can actually feel it. Now, if you add blood to it, suddenly the music takes on a dark persona and the image becomes 100 times more powerful. So, you have asked a very good question that’s probably best left up to individuals to answer. As you very well know, all kinds of music affect people in totally different ways.
AAss yyoouu jj uusstt aa llll uuddeedd ttoo,, rroocckk aa nndd rr ooll ll hhaass bbee eenn bbll aam mee dd ffoorr aa m muull ttii -ttuuddee ooff ss ooccii eettyy ’’ss ii llll ss oovvee rr tthhee yyee aa rrss .. SSoom mee ooff tthhee ttiirr ee dd ooll dd ccll iicchhééss uussee dd hhaavvee bbeeee nn iitt pprr oo-mootteess ddrruugg aanndd aall ccoohhooll aabbuuss ee oorr m ii tt’’ss tthhee w w oorr kk ooff tthhee ddee vv iill .. PPrr aaccttii ccaall llyy ee vvee rryy ii ll llooggii ccaall hhuum maann bbeehhaavv iioorr iiss ss oom meehhoow w ll iinnkk ee dd ttoo rr oocc kk aanndd rr oollll bbeeii nngg tthhee ccoom mm moonn ddee nnoom mii nnaa ttoorr ffoorr iitt ss ccaa uussee .. Society’s problems are all around
us. Music, especially rock and roll, has nothing to do with the cause and effect of these ills. For instance, I was flying to Miami one time on business and ended up sitting next to a woman who was a nurse at a rest home for elderly people. She referred to them as prescription junkies. She said many of them were worse than the kids on the street. And who is doing all the cocaine? It certainly isn’t the rock and roll musicians – it’s the lawyers. Those people don’t’ go out for cocktails anymore, they go out and do half a gram.
AAllll m muussii ccii aannss aarr ee w w eell ll aa w waa rree ooff tthhee eeddggee w whheenn iitt ccoom mee ss ttoo rroocckk aanndd rrooll ll ee xxccee ssss .. YYoouu aaccttuuaa llll yy ee xxppeerr ii -eennccee dd ll iiffee oonn tthhaatt eeddggee aa nndd ddiidd ssoom mee tthhii nngg aabboouutt ii tt..
TThheerr ee ’’ss aa ddii ffffeerr eennccee bbeettw w eeee nn llii vv-iinngg oouutt aa ffaannttaa ssyy oonn ss ttaaggee tthhee nn rree eenntteerr ii nngg tthhee rree aall w w oorr ll dd oonnccee tthhee ffaa nnttaass yy hhaass ppllaa yyeedd ii ttssee llff oouutt oonn ttoouurr.. Here’s one thing you have to understand about this business. Once you have attained a degree of success as a musician, it’s very easy for your own perception on reality to get distorted. As Vince Furnier, I don’t live on that border line, but there was a time I used to and it almost killed me. Now the character Alice Cooper depicts is a different story. He enjoys living on that edge and relishes the chance to take it as far as he can. The musicians that can’t separate that reality from fantasy are the ones that end up leaving this earth before their time. It killed Jim Morrison. It killed Keith Moon. It killed Janis Joplin and Jimi Hendrix because they all thought they could live their stage image in real life. You can’t take a highly charged stage character that’s adored by tens of thousands of people, off the stage thinking you can plug it into everyday life. You are destined to fail every single time.
Musicians do know where the edge is, but that hasn’t stopped some of them from pushing it too far to where it injures them, and in some cases, takes their life. Honestly, it is okay for people to blame drugs on rock and roll, and here’s why. I would hate to see this genre of music lose its outlaw image. As far as I’m concerned, it’s important that Alice Cooper be whhyy yyoouu ss ppeeaa kk iinn tthhiirr dd ppeerr -perceived as an outlaw. What IIss tthhaatt w would Elvis have been if he hadn’t ssoonn aabboouutt yy oouurr aall tteerr ee ggoo?? been labeled outlaw? What would Mick Jagger been without it? I have to separate my personal life from my professional one. Yes, I have to live with Alice, but I don’t have to be like Alice if you know what I mean. Seriously, I really like Alice Cooper as a character, but he is only allowed to live for 90 minutes every night. When he leaves the stage after the final
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song, the curtain is closed on him. Alice is put back in his casket and the coffin lid is closed until the sun goes down for the next evening’s performance and Alice rises again.
TThhaatt w w aass nn’’tt aallw w aayy ss tthhee ccaa ssee ,, oobbvvii -oouussll yy.. When I first invented Alice’s character, I tried to be HIM all the time. In the ‘60s when the band relocated to Los Angeles, I got to know Jim Morrison and his band really well. In fact, I used to try and keep up with them by drinking myself into hospitals so I could be like them. I realized when Jim died I didn’t have to kill myself to be a rock star. Wii tthh tthhaa tt ss aaii dd,, ii ss tthhaa tt w W whhyy yy oouu ccrree -aa tteedd aa cchhaarr aaccttee rr,, ppeerr ss ee,, ttoo pprroottee cctt VVii nnccee FFuurrnnii eerr ffrroom m hhiim mss eell ff?? Yes. I think that if everybody had an Alice Cooper, there would be very, very few psychiatrists? BBuutt iitt ddiiddnn’’tt w woorr kk oonn yyoouu?? Sure it did.
YYoouu ss ttaa rr ttee dd ddrr iinnkkii nngg hheeaa vvii ll yy,, aa llm mooss tt kkii llll eedd yy oouurr ssee llff,, aanndd yyoouurr maa rr rrii aa ggee cc oollll aa ppss eedd uunnddee rr tthhee m w eeii gghhtt ooff yyoouurr aaddddii ccttiioonnss .. TThhaa tt w ddooeess nn’’tt ssoouunndd llii kkee ssuuccccee ssss ttoo m mee .. I almost destroyed myself physically creating Alice Cooper as an alter ego. Fortunately, I was able to pull out before it cost me everything. All these many years later, I can play Alice, I can be Alice, but I don’t have to live like Alice. There
was a point in the ‘70s where I totally believed I had to leave the stage and still wear black leather all the time. I also thought I had to wear black eye make-up and be thrown in jail at least once a week, or at least be in two fights. I thought the Alice Cooper image was the only thing audiences ever wanted to see me as. It almost cost me everything to figure out how wrong I was.
AAllii ccee iiss yyoouurr eess ccaappee ffrroom m rr eeaa llii ttyy aa ss wee llll ,, iiss nn’’tt iitt?? w
Alice is a form of therapy for me, but really, I find the world around me a form of escapism. I can go from watching a Droopy cartoon festival to three or four splatter films. To me, that’s healthier than doing drugs or drinking. I replaced the alcohol with splatter movies and now I am trying to figure out what other positive things I can YYoouu ccee rrttaa iinnll yy ppuutt yyoouurrss eell ff tthhrr oouugghh do. hheell ll ttoo rree aacchh yyoouurr ffiinnaall ccoonnccll uu-ss iioonn.. EEvvee rryy oonnee nnee eeddss aa hheerr oo,, ssoom mee oonnee ttoo ll ii vvee aa ppaarr tt ooff tthheeii rr ll iivv ee ss Haass A All iicc ee ii nn aa nnyy w w aayy People have a certain image of tthhrr oouugghh.. H mee tthhaatt,, aanndd iiff hhee hhaa ss,, ddooee ss Alice Cooper onstage. The crowd bbeeccoom would wonder what in the world tthhaa tt kkii nndd ooff aa ffffee cctt bbootthhee rr yyoouu?? was going on if they ever heard Alice say, “Gosh, I hope you like I would say that part of your questhis song tonight. Here is one I tion is true. I get about ten people wrote in 1970.” Alice doesn’t talk per concert that come up to me to an audience. He goes up there and say, “You don’t know it, but with the attitude of raping their you save my life!” Now I’m sitting five senses. That’s his idea of a there thinking to myself, “I’ve just love affair with a crowd. It’s not a done a 90-minute show portraying ‘let me romance you into liking a character that is really villainme’ type of thing. Alice goes up on ous.” Some people will relate to that stage, grabs his audience by that and it makes them happy. I the throat and tells them, “I have don’t get a lot of negative feedyou for 90 minutes, so pay atten- back from my shows. We don’t tion!” The audience wants to hear even get fights in the audience him say that. They would not, because we don’t give them a could not, like Alice if he were chance to start trouble. If you look nice. They want him to be an arro- away from the stage you’ll miss gant, conceited bastard. something. We have a very low percentage of violence at our vv eerr ggee ooff ppee rrm maa nneenntt llyy ttaakkii nngg aa shows. I don’t know. There is ppll aaccee oonn tthhee bbaacckk bbuurr nneerr ?? something about Alice’s character that is mesmerizing. No, and here’s why. Everything always comes back to rock and Whhyy hhaa vvee m W muussii cciiaa nnss ffaall llee nn bbyy tthhee roll. That’s why disco didn’t bothwaa yyss ii ddee aa rroouunn dd yy oouu aa ll ll tthhee ssee er me. I knew there was going to w yyeeaarr ss ?? be a total backlash against it sooner or later. When it was happenIt’s hard for me to put a finger on ing, I stepped back. There are a it. I think it’s the fact that we real- million kids turning 16 every day ly spend a lot of imagination and a that I knew wouldn’t put up with lot of time and money making sure it. I mean, when they parents listhese shows appear very tening to ‘their’ radio stations, ‘Cooperesque’ to the audience. I there’s something wrong. Finally, feel as though I have a lot to when your Motley Crue’s, Ratt’s defend – well not defend, but to and Quiet Riot’s broke loose, I was live up to. Alice is this legendary totally into it, like a cheerleader character. I would hate for people saying, “Go get ‘em!” As far as I to ever think he did a show that was concerned, that was the point I was waiting for in order to come didn’t live up to the name. back out. Then I waited until I had RRoocckk m muussii cc ii ss ee nnjjooyy iinngg aa ccoom mee -- something that was totally mind bbaa cckk aa nndd ii ttss m moom mee nnttuum m ii ss aass blowing –a stage show and music ssttrr oonngg aass eevvee rr.. YYoouu hhaavv ee bbeeee nn – and now look at me today. ffll ii rrttii nngg ii nn aanndd oouutt ooff tthhee ppuubbllii cc eeyyee ffoorr yyeeaa rrss nnoow w.. D D iidd yyoouu ee vveerr - David Huff woorrrr yy rroocckk aanndd rrooll ll w w waa ss oonn tthhee ENIGMA
OCTOBER 30 2014
More Political Gumbo I decided to whip up another batch of political gumbo this week. There's a lot going on, locally and nationally, so I'll jump right into it… …After watching the televised debate between incumbent Third District Congressman Chuck Fleischmann and challenger Mary Headrick, I was impressed with Ms. Headrick's ability to clearly articulate her views. I was unsurprised by Fleischmann's tendency to stick with scripted replies. But mostly I was disappointed in a debate format that really didn't feature much in the way of actual debate. Even though moderator Dave Flessner (business editor of the Chattanooga Times-Free Press) claimed that neither candidate
had access to the questions before the event, there were no big surprises. Fleischmann was easily able to slide in his pre-fab talking points. Headrick's remarks seemed somewhat less “canned,” but there was no memorable sound bite for the Oak Ridge physician and political novice… …Fleischmann was quick to reference his role on the House Appropriations Committee and, on the surface, having Chuck helping to spend the Federal bucks seems like a benefit for the Third District. (Zach Wamp, who held the Third District house seat from 1995-2011, also sat on the Appropriations Committee.) But politics is always about quid pro quo. Having the inside track on the inner workings of congressional spending probably helps Fleischmann and the other appropriations committee members get their districts' “fair share” of Federal funds. But one has to wonder what kind of vote swaps go on between House members. It's all just business as usual in U.S. politics…
…Nationally, the big question during next month's midterm elections is: “Can the Republicans regain control of the Senate?” I'm thinking it's a distinct possibility, especially given how mathematically easy it could be. Neil King of the Wall Street Journal explains. “Republicans could take the Senate by picking up seats in six of the most vulnerable states,” King writes. “assuming they hold what they have already: Arkansas, Alaska, Louisiana, Montana, South Dakota and West Virginia. But those states lean heavily to the right already; they gave Mitt Romney an average win margin of 19 points in 2012. (They also represent, by the way, 3.7 percent of the U.S. population.)” Based on King's model, those Senate seats could be obtained with less than two million votes in
…Unfortunately, Tennessee's Democratic party continues to roll over and play dead in the Third District. Headrick seems destined to join the list of failed Democratic candidates that goes back to Wamp's first win in 1994…
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those six states. Roughly half a percent of all U.S. voters could be enough to flip control of the upper chamber of the legislative branch… …King's analysis/hypothesis shows what's great and terrible about the Senate. Tiny states get as many Senators as huge states. And that's great for the tiny states. But when a party can gain a majority in the Senate with such miniscule voting margins, it's kind of scary. I don't like it when either party has control of both the House and Senate. It makes it too easy for the dominant party to run through some truly stupid legislation. And both parties do a good enough (i.e. bad enough) job of that when there's some degree of balance…
- Mark Bedford
MARYVILLE, Tenn. (UPI) Firefighters in Tennessee freed an 18-month-old boy who climbed into stuffed animal claw machine while his grandmother’s back was turned at a laundromat. Diane O’Neill, grandmother of Maryville toddler Colin Lambert, said she looked up from checking a text message Tuesday at the laundromat just in time to see the boy climbing into the machine through the prize slot. “All I could see was
his feet. He had already crawled in,” she told WBIR-TV. “I grabbed his feet and he kicked my hand and got in. Climbed up over the glass partition and sat down in the toys.” The boy was rescued by firefighters within a matter of minutes and they allowed Colin to keep one of the stuffed animals from inside the machine. O’Neill told WATE-TV, Knoxville, her grandson is a “sweet little monster” with a tendency to climb his way into trouble. “Nothing surprises me with him. You just have to expect the worst and usually it happens,”
she said. Colin’s mom, Bridget Lambert, said she wasn’t at all surprised by the incident. “She tells me and shows me a picture and my husband and I started laughing, because we’re not surprised. It was a matter of time before he did something like this,” Lambert said. Colin is not the first toddler to need emergency assistance for an escape from a toy machine. Earlier this year, a 3-year-old in Nebraska wandered from home to a bowling alley across the street and was discovered playing with the stuffed animals inside a “Bear Claw”
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machine. MANKATO, Minn. (UPI) - A U.S. Airman on leave in Minnesota said he was “sorely mistaken” when he “thought it would be incredibly funny to give a police officer a wet Willy.” Riley Louis Swearingen, 24, of Goldsboro, N.C., pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor disruptive intoxication charge Monday in connection with a Saturday incident involving the defendant, two moistened fingers and both of a
Mankato police sergeant’s ears. District Judge Kurt Johnson heard Swearingen, who is visiting Minnesota while on leave from the Air Force, was boarding the “drunk bus” after the downtown bars closed early Saturday, when he decided to carry out a “wet Willy” prank when he spotted a uniformed police sergeant. Swearingen licked a finger on each hand and then inserted them into both of the sergeant’s ears, the court heard. Cmdr. Jeremy Clifton said Swearingen was immediately arrested. A charge of assaulting a police officer with bodily fluids was dropped in exchange for Swearingen’s guilty plea. “I thought it would be incredibly funny to give a police officer a wet Willy, to which I was sorely mistaken,” Swearingen told Johnson. “I’m incredibly sorry for what I did. I never thought I would be going to jail for the weekend.” Swearingen was sentenced to the three days he had already spent in jail and ordered to pay $77 in court costs. LOS ANGELES, CA - There are easier ways to make money than stabbing yourself in the eyes with pencils. Granted, the monetary potential of such an action may not be immediately apparent, and it probably wasn’t the first thought of the woman who did it to herself, but you certainly can’t argue that she had dollars in her eyes (if you’ll pardon the expression) after
the incident. It started after a California woman attempted to commit suicide by this extraordinarily bizarre method. While she was unsuccessful at suicide, she was subject to a curious photographer while being treated for her injuries. Now she is suing Los Angeles County, claiming the photo snapped at the hospital and went viral online. The suit was filed by the guardian of the woman, who was blinded by the attempt. The suit claims unauthorized disclosure of medical information. The woman, identified only as Jane Doe, was admitted to County-USC Medical Center about 2 years ago. The suit says someone, believed to be a nurse, took an unauthorized photo of her with pencils in her eyes and shared it with someone who posted it to the Internet, where it’s been viewed some 200,000 times. PAW PAW, Mich. (UPI) - Police in Michigan said an alleged drunk driver pulled into the county jail parking lot and thought she had arrived at another bar. The Van Buren County Sheriff’s Office said the 39-year-old Hartford woman, whose name was not released, pulled into the county jail parking lot just after 2 a.m. Sunday and was seen trying to convince her boyfriend to get back into her vehicle. Deputies said the woman smelled heavily of alcohol and a breathalyzer test indicated her blood alcohol content was more
than twice the legal limit of .08. Police said the woman admitted to investigators she had been out drinking at a bar and she had believed the parking lot was for another bar. The sheriff’s office said the woman is expected to face drunken driving related charges. DOVER, Del. (UPI) - A Delaware man’s lawsuit alleges he awoke from anesthesia after a colonoscopy procedure to find he had been dressed in a pair of pink panties. The New Castle County Superior Court lawsuit, filed by attorney Gary Nitsche on behalf of Andrew Walls, 32, said Walls was employed by the Delaware Surgery Center in Dover when he underwent a colonoscopy procedure at the facility in 2012. Nitsche said his client was put under anesthesia during the procedure and he awoke after surgery to find someone had dressed him in pink women’s underwear. “When the plaintiff initially presented for his colonoscopy he had not been wearing pink women’s underwear and at no time did the plaintiff voluntarily, knowingly or intentionally place the pink women’s underwear upon himself,” the lawsuit states. Jennifer Anderson, director of the Delaware Surgery Center, declined to comment Wednesday. “We just found out about this yesterday afternoon,” she told the News Journal. The lawsuit, which also names the
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Eden Hill Surgical Group of Dover, alleges Walls suffered “severe emotional stress,” and Nitsche wrote his client is seeking compensation for mental anguish, lost wages and loss of earning capacity. THOUSAND OAKS, CA - If you love something, set it free. If it doesn’t return, try to climb down its chimney and MAKE it love you! That might have been what one woman was thinking when she was discovered stuck in the chimney of a Southern California house and had to be rescued. Ventura County fire Capt. Ron Oatman says firefighters responding to neighbors’ reports of a woman crying had to chisel away much of the chimney and lubricate it with dish soap Sunday to free 30-year-old Genoveva Nunez-Figueroa. She was arrested on suspicion of illegal entry and giving false information to police. Police say Nunez-Figueroa knows the owner of the home, who wasn’t there at the time. They wouldn’t elaborate, but according to video the homeowner identified the woman as someone he met online and had dated. He told local news that he cut off their relationship. She had no clear injuries but was taken to a hospital for evaluation. “I hope she gets help, I hope she stays offline,” he said.
Sims RRHHYYTTHHM M && BBRR EEW W SS (Chattanooga) Marlow Drive, Donna Hopkins Band, Caney Village
This week’s calendar covers events from Thursday, October 30, through Wednesday, November 5. We would be happy to publish your free listing in future Billboards, space permitting. Simply mail us the information so that we have it 7 days before the publication date. A photograph may be sent with the announcement. Send information to: Calendar Editor, Enigma, P.O. Box 825, Chattanooga, TN 37401 or e-mail to All dates subject to change without notice.
TT H HUURRSSDDAAYY OOccttoobbeerr 33 00 TTHHEE CCOOM M EED D YY CCAATTCCHH (Chattanooga) Janet Williams BBUUDD ’’ SS (Chattanooga) DJ Hammer TTRREEM MO ON N TT TTA AVVEE RRN N (Chattanooga) Songwriters Showcase CCAAM M PP H HO OU USS EE (Chattanooga) Open Mic AARRII’’ SS HHAARRBBOORR LL IIGGHHTTSS (Chattanooga) Keyz Brown RRHHYYTTHHM M && BBRREE W WSS (Chattanooga) Hot Damn TTIIVVOOLLII TTHHEE AATTRREE (Chattanooga) Kevin James TTRRAACCKK 2299 (Chattanooga) Yonder Mountain String Band TTHHOOM M PPSS O ON N --BB O OLL IIN NG GA ARREE N NA A (Knoxville) Eric Church, Dwight Yoakum, Halestorm TTHHEE TTAA BBEERRNN AACCLL EE (Atlanta) Jason Derulo, Wallpaper, Becky G 552299 (Atlanta) The Paul Collins Beat EEDD DD IIEE ’’SS AATTTTIICC (Atlanta) Mike Doughty CCEENN TTEERR SSTTAAGGEE (Atlanta) Wiz Khalifa
FFRRIID DAAYY OOccttoobbee rr 3311 TTHHEE CCOOM M EED D YY CCAATTCCHH (Chattanooga) Janet Williams RRAAW W (Chattanooga) DJ Reggie Reg RRHHYYTTHHM M && BBRREE W WSS (Chattanooga) The Communicators TTRRAACCKK 2299 (Chattanooga) Moon Taxi TTIIVVOOLLII TTHHEE AATTRREE (Chattanooga) Ray LaMontagne, The Belle Brigade BBAARRKK IINN GG LLEE GGSS TTHHEEAA TTEERR (Chattanooga) White Reaper, SoCro TTHHEE M MA ASS Q QU U EE RRA AD D EE (Atlanta) Issues, I Killed The Prom Queen, Ghost Town, Marmozets, Nightmares CCEENN TTEERR SSTTAAGGEE (Atlanta) Wiz Khalifa BBAARRLL EEYY’’ SS TTAA PPRROOOOM M (Knoxville) The Delta Saints
Arpetrio, Skymatic Sol Sermon BBAARRTT’’ SS LL AAKKEE SSHHOORREE (Chattanooga) DJ E RRAAW W (Chattanooga) DJ Reggie Reg VVAA RRIIEE TTYY PPLLAA YYHHOOUU SSEE (Atlanta) First Aid Kit, Samantha Crain 552299 (Atlanta) Screaming Females Pujol RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD D IITTO ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Martina McBride CCII TTYY W WII N NEE RRYY N NA ASS H HVVII LLLLEE (Nashville) Mike Doughty GGRRAA NNDD OOLL EE OOPPRR YY HHOOUU SSEE (Nashville) Nikki Lane
SSU U NNDDAAYY NNoovvee m mbbeerr 22 TTHHEE CCOOM M EED D YY CCAATTCCHH (Chattanooga) Janet Williams SSKKYYZZ OOOO (Chattanooga) DJ Exphacter TTRR AACCKK 22 99 (Chattanooga) Thousand Foot Krutch, We As Human, Righteous Vendetta TTHHEE M MA ASSQ QU U EERR A AD D EE (Atlanta) Joey Bada$$ TTEE RRM M IIN NA ALL W WEE SSTT (Atlanta) Smallpools, Magic Man, Waters
MOONNDDAAYY NNoovvee m M mbbee rr 33 RRAAW W (Chattanooga) DJ Spicolli TTRR EEM MOONNTT TTAAVVEERR NN (Chattanooga) Trivia Night TTHHEE OOFFFF IICCEE (Chattanooga) SpeakEasy FFOOXX && HHOOUU NN DD (Chattanooga) DJ Exphacter BBUUCCKKHHEE AADD TTHHEEAA TTRREE (Atlanta) Death From Above 1979 CCII TTYY W WII N NEE RRYY N NA ASS H HVVII LLLLEE (Nashville) Joe Ely
TT U UEE SSDDAAYY NNoovvee m mbbee rr 44 RRHHYYTTHHM M && BBRREEW W SS (Chattanooga) Uptown Big Band RRAAW W (Chattanooga) DJ Spicolli TTRR EEM MO ON NTT TTA AVVEERR N N (Chattanooga) Open Mic w/ Mike McDade SSOOUUTTHHSSII DDEE TTAAVVEE RRNN (Chattanooga) Troy Underwood
WEEDDNNEESSDDAAYY NNoovvee m W mbbee rr 55 RRAAW W (Chattanooga) Open Jam w/ Jonathan Wimpee and friends LLAASS M MA A RRG GA ARRIITTA A ’’SS (Chattanooga) Priscilla & Little Rickee AARRII’’ SS HHAA RRBBOORR LLII GGHHTTSS (Chattanooga) Keyz Brown TTHHEE TTAAVVEE RRNN (Soddy-Daisy) Roberts &
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CCAANN NN EERR YY BBAALLLL RROOOOM M (Nashville) The New Pornographers, The Pains of Being Pure At heart November 4 MA M ARRA A TTH HO ON NM MU USS IICC W WO ORRK KSS (Nashville) Death From Above 1979 November 4 IIRR OONN CCII TTYY (Birmingham) Neon Trees, Fictionist November 4 TTHHEE IINN TTEERR NNAA TTII OONN AALL (Knoxville) Sevendust, A.Z. November 4 TTRRAA CCKK 2299 (Chattanooga) Neon Trees, Fictionist November 5 FF IINN EE AARRTTSS CCEENN TTEE RR AATT UUTTCC (Chattanooga) Dave Mason November 5 D && LLII N 33RRD NDD SSLL EEYY (Nashville) Rachel Yamagata November 5 HHIIGGHH W W AATTTT (Nashville) Har Mar Superstar, Pizza Underground November 5 VVIINN YYLL (Atlanta) Meat Puppets, Cass McCombs November 5 TTHHEE M MA ASSQ QU U EERRA AD DEE (Atlanta) The English Beat November 5 SS M MII TTH H’’ SS O OLL D DEE BBA A RR (Atlanta) Maria Muldaur November 5 TTEE NN NNEE SSSS EEEE TTHHEEAA TTRREE (Knoxville) Gov’t Mule November 5 TTEE RRM M IIN NA ALL W W EE SSTT (Atlanta) Matisyahu, Radical Something November 5 BBII JJOOUU TTHHEE AATTRREE (Knoxville) Lake Street Dive November 5 CCIITTYY W WIIN N EE RRYY N NA ASSH HVVIILL LLEE (Nashville) Howie Gelb, Grant Lee Phillips November 5 TTRRAA CCKK 2299 (Chattanooga) O.A.R., Andy Grammer November 6 WO W ORRK KPPLL A AYY TTH HEEA A TTRREE (Birmingham) Rachel Yamagata November 6 MA M ARRK K CC.. SS M MII TTH H CCO ON N CCEE RRTT H HA ALLLL (Huntsville) Loretta Lynn November 6 BBUU CCKKHHEE AADD TTHHEEAATTRR EE (Atlanta) The New Pornographers, The Pains of Being Pure At Heart November 6 AAII SSLLEE 55 (Atlanta) Cunninlynguist, J-Live November 6 MA M ARRA A TTH HO ON NM MU USS IICC W WO ORRK KSS (Nashville) Mastodon November 6 TTEE NN NNEE SSSS EEEE TTHHEEAA TTRREE (Knoxville) Neon Trees November 6 TTRRAA CCKK 2299 (Chattanooga) Kansas November 7 TTHHEE TTAABBEE RRNN AACCLLEE (Atlanta) Mastodon November 7 VVAA RRIIEE TTYY PPLLAAYYHHOOUU SSEE (Atlanta) Ian Hunter November 7 BBII JJOOUU TTHHEE AATTRREE (Knoxville) Robin Trower, Kevin Abernathy November 7 ZZ YYDDEE CCOO (Birmingham) Foxy Shazam, Masked Intruder, Sycamour November 7 TTRRAA CCKK 2299 (Chattanooga) Robin Trower November 8 M EE TTRRO M OPP O OLL IITTA AN N TTA A BBEERRN NA ACCLL EE (Chattanooga) Randy Stonehill, Buck Storm November 8
EE D DD D IIEE ’’SS AATTTTII CC (Atlanta) Chris Smither November 8 VVA ARRII EETTYY PP LLAAYYH HO OU USS EE (Atlanta) The Horrors November 8 TTH HEE TTAABBEE RRN NAA CCLLEE (Atlanta) Primus November 8 TTH HEE LLO OFFTT (Atlanta) Melvins November 8 FF O OXX TTH HEEAATTRREE (Atlanta) Aretha Franklin November 8 AN A N TTH HEEM M (Nashville) The Floozies November 8 BBIIJJ O OU U TTH HEE AATTRREE (Knoxville) Dave Mason November 9 SSYYM M PPH HO ON NYY H HAA LLLL (Atlanta) Rufus Wainwright November 9 TTH HEE EEAARR LL (Atlanta) Rev. Horton Heat November 9 BBRRII D DG GEE SSTTO ON NEE A A RREEN NA A (Nashville) James Taylor November 9 D && LLIIN 33RRD ND D SSLLEE YY (Nashville) Jeff Coffin and the Mu’ Tet November 9 TTH HEE LLO OFFTT (Atlanta) Yelle November 10 TTH HEE TTAABBEE RRN NAA CCLLEE (Atlanta) Interpol November 10 CCIITTYY W W IIN N EERR YY N NA ASSH HVVIILLLL EE (Nashville) John Oates November 10 RRYYM M AAN N AAU UD D IITTO ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Chrissie Hynde November 10 IIRRO ON N CCIITTYY (Birmingham) John Butler Trio November 10 TTRRA ACCK K 2299 (Chattanooga) Halestorm November 11 TTEE RRM MII N NAA LL W W EESS TT (Atlanta) Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr. November 11 M AARRAATTH M HO ON NM MU USS IICC W WO ORR K KSS (Nashville) Interpol November 11 CCA AN NN N EERRYY BBAALLLL RRO OO OM M (Nashville) Noah Gundersen November 11 ZZ YYD D EE CCO O (Birmingham) Mayday Parade, Tonight Alive, Major League, Pvris November 11 TTH HEE M MAA SSQ QU UEE RRAAD D EE (Atlanta) The Ready Set, Metro Station, The Downtown Fiction, Against the Current November 11 RRYYM M AAN N AAU UD D IITTO ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Straight No Chaser November 12 RRO OCCK KEE TTO OW WN N (Nashville) Issues, I Killed the Prom Queen, Ghost Town, Marmozets, Nightmares November 12 FF O OXX TTH HEEAATTRREE (Atlanta) Lynyrd Skynyrd, Trace Adkins, Alabama, Gregg Allman, The Charlie Daniels Band, Peter Frampton, Warren Haynes, Jamey Johnson, Moe, Gov’t Mule, Aaron Lewis, Robert Randolph, Blackberry Smoke, Cheap Trick, Donnie Van Zandt November 12 CCEE N NTTEE RR SS TTAA G GEE (Atlanta) Atmosphere, Prof, Dem Atlas, DJ Fundo November 12 IIN N TTEERR N NAA TTIIO ON NAALL (Knoxville) Halestorm November 12 1111TTH H FF RRAAM M EE AATT M MA AD DII SSO ON N BBO OW WLL IIN NG G CCEEN N -TTEERR (Madison, AL) Puddle of Mudd November 12 BBJJ CCCC A ARREE N NAA (Birmingham) James Taylor November 12 IIRRO ON N CCIITTYY (Birmingham) Grayson Capps, The Mulligan Brothers November 12 TTH HEE M MEE LLTTIIN NG G PPO OII N NTT (Athens, GA) Aaron Carter November 13 CCEE N NTTEE RR SS TTAA G GEE (Atlanta) Eric Hutchinson,
Tristan Prettyman, Nick Howard November 13 BBU UCCK KH HEE AAD D TTH HEE AATTRREE (Atlanta) Hannibal Buress November 13 CCIITTYY W W IIN N EERRYY N NAA SSH HVVIILLLL EE (Nashville) Daniel Lanois, Brian Blade November 13 RRYYM M AAN N AAU UD DII TTO ORRII U UM M (Nashville) John Butler Trio November 13 FFO OXX TTH HEE AATTRREE (Atlanta) Straight No Chaser November 14 TTH HEE LL O OFF TT (Atlanta) Aaron Carter November 14 BBU UCCK KH HEE AAD D TTH HEE AATTRREE (Atlanta) Jenny Lewis, Waxahatchee November 14 CCEEN N TTEERR SSTTAAG GEE (Atlanta) Guided By Voices November 14 SSYYM M PPH HO ON N YY H HAALL LL (Atlanta) Mary Chapin Carpenter November 14 TTH HEE TTAA BBEERRN N AACCLL EE (Atlanta) John Butler Trio, Monica Heidal November 14 CCIITTYY W W IIN N EERRYY N NAA SSH HVVIILLLL EE (Nashville) Sinead O’Connor November 14 CCA AN NN NEE RRYY BBAA LLLLRRO OO OM M (Nashville) Pierce the Veil, Sleeping With Sirens, Beartooth, The Wild Life November 14 KN K NO OXXVVIILLLL EE CCO OLL IISSEE U UM M (Knoxville) Little Big Town, Brett Edredge, Brothers Osborne November 14 SSO OU UN ND D && PPAAG GEE (Birmingham) Charlie Mars November 14 IIRRO ON NH HO ORR SSEE CCAAFF ÉÉ (Birmingham) Puddle of Mudd November 14 ALLAA BBAAM A M AA TTH HEE AATTRREE (Birmingham) St. Paul & the Broken Bones November 14 JJ..JJ ..’’SS BBO OH HEEM M IIAA (Chattanooga) Marina Orchestra, Glowing Bordis, Jordan Hallquist November 15 ALLAA BBAAM A M AA TTH HEE AATTRREE (Birmingham) Straight No Chaser November 15 RRO OCCK KEE TTO OW WN N (Nashville) Aaron Carter November 15 CCIITTYY W W IIN N EERRYY N NAA SSH HVVIILLLL EE (Nashville) Sinead O’Connor November 15 TTH HEE W W AARREE H HO OU U SSEE (Clarksville, TN) Puddle of Mudd November 15 SSM M IITTH H’’SS O OLLD D EE BBAARR (Atlanta) Stroke 9 November 15 FFO OXX TTH HEE AATTRREE (Atlanta) Little Big Town, Brett Edredge, Brothers Osborne November 15 DRR U D UN NK KEE N NU UN N IICCO ORRN N (Atlanta) Alvvays November 15 TTEERRM M IIN N AALL W WEE SSTT (Atlanta) We Were Promised Jetpacks November 16 TTH HEE M M AASS Q QU U EE RRAAD D EE (Atlanta) Attila, Crown the Empire, Like Moths to Flames, Sworn In November 16 RREE D D LLIIG GH HTT CCAAFF ÉÉ (Atlanta) Patty Larkin November 16 VVA ARRIIEE TTYY PPLL AAYYH HO OU U SSEE (Atlanta) Bebel Gilberto November 16 AN A N TTH HEE M M (Nashville) B.o.B., Kevin Gates November 16 BBO OTTTTLL EETTRREE EE (Birmingham) Alvvays November 16 MAA RRAATTH M HO ON NM MU U SSII CC W WO ORRK K SS (Nashville) Dillon Francis November 17 HEEAAVVEE N H N AATT TTH HEE M M AASS Q QU U EE RRAAD D EE (Atlanta) Breathe Carolina, Candyland, Flinch, Dotcom November 17 BBIIJJ O OU U TTH HEE AATTRREE (Knoxville) Leon Russell
November 17 CCII TTYY W WII N NEE RRYY N N AASS H HVVII LLLLEE (Nashville) Leon Russell November 18 CCA AN NN N EE RRYY BBAALL LLRRO OO OM M (Nashville) Pepper, The Movement, New Beat Fund November 18 IIRRO ON N CCIITTYY (Birmingham) Method Man, Redman, BReal, Mick Jenkins November 19 BBO OTTTTLLEE TTRREE EE (Birmingham) Southern Culture on the Skids November 19 CCII TTYY W WII N NEE RRYY N N AASS H HVVII LLLLEE (Nashville) Leon Russell November 19 RRYYM MAA N N AAU UD D IITTO ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Phillip Phillips November 19 JJU U PPIITTEE RR O ON N TTH HEE SSTTRRIIPP (Tuscaloosa) Aaron Carter November 19 IIM MPP RRO OVV CCO OM MEE D D YY CCLLU U BB (Atlanta) Dave Koechner November 20 TTH HEE SSTTAA RR BBAARR (Atlanta) Southern Culture on the Skids November 20 CCII TTYY W WII N NEE RRYY N N AASS H HVVII LLLLEE (Nashville) David Grisman Sextet November 21 BBRRIID DG GEE SSTTO ON N EE AARREE N N AA (Nashville) Slipknot, Korn, King 810 November 21 TTH HEE SSTTAA RR BBAARR (Atlanta) Southern Culture on the Skids November 21 IIM MPP RRO OVV CCO OM MEE D D YY CCLLU U BB (Atlanta) Dave Koechner November 21 SSM M IITTH H’’SS O OLLD D EE BBAARR (Atlanta) Gangstagrass, Megan Jean & the KFB November 21 TTH HEE 1122 00 TTAAVVEE RRN N (Marietta, GA) Waynestatic, Powerman 5000, American Head Charge November 21 TTH HEE CCO ON NCCO OU U RRSSEE (Knoxville) Diarrhea Planet November 21 JJ..JJ..’’ SS BBO OH HEE M M IIAA (Chattanooga) Diarrhea Planet November 22 FFO OXX TTH HEE AATTRREE (Atlanta) Mannheim Steamroller November 22 TTH HEE TTAABBEE RRN N AACCLLEE (Atlanta) Slayer, Suicidal Tendencies, Exodus November 22 CCEE N N TTEERR SSTTAAG GEE (Atlanta) Anberlin November 22 IIM MPP RRO OVV CCO OM MEE D D YY CCLLU U BB (Atlanta) Dave Koechner November 22 BBLLIIN ND DW WII LLLLIIEE ’’ SS (Atlanta) The Nighthawks November 22 PPH HII LLLLII PPSS AA RREEN N AA (Atlanta) Stevie Wonder November 22 CCII TTYY W WII N NEE RRYY N N AASS H HVVII LLLLEE (Nashville) David Grisman Sextet November 22 SSCCRRU UFF FF YY CCIITTYY H HAALLLL (Knoxville) Gangstagrass, Megan Jean & the KFB November 22 H &&PPO 1122 TTH ORRTTEE RR (Nashville) Adrian Belew, Saul Zonana November 22 CCII TTYY W WII N NEE RRYY N N AASS H HVVII LLLLEE (Nashville) Rhett Miller November 23 WO W ORRK KPP LLAAYY TTH HEE AATTRREE (Birmingham) Kill the Noise, Botnek, Two Fresh November 23 IIRRO ON N CCIITTYY (Birmingham) Better Than Ezra November 23 HAA RRRRAAH H H’’ SS CCH HEE RRO OK KEE EE EEVVEE N NTT CCEEN N TTEE RR (Cherokee) Scotty McCreery, Daniel Bradberry November 22 TTRR A ACCK K 22 99 (Chattanooga) Kill the Noise, Botnek, Two Fresh November 24
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RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITTO ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) The Charlie Daniels Band November 24 D && LLIIN 33RRD ND DSS LLEEYY (Nashville) Bonnie “Prince” Billy November 24 TTEERR M MIIN NA ALL W WEE SSTT (Atlanta) Sevendust, A.Z, November 25 AN A N TTH HEE M M (Nashville) Kill the Noise, Botnek, Two Fresh November 25 G EEM G M TTH H EEA A TTRR EE (Calhoun, GA) The Tams November 26 TTH H EE M MA ASS Q QU U EERR AAD DEE (Atlanta) Relient K, Blondfire November 26 SSYYM M PPH HO ON N YY H H AALLLL (Atlanta) Melissa Etheridge November 26 IIN N TTEERRN NA ATTIIO ON N AALL (Knoxville) Kill the Noise, Botnek, Two Fresh November 26 IIRRO ON N CCIITTYY (Birmingham) Sevendust, A.Z. November 26 TTRRA ACCK K 2299 (Chattanooga) The 1975 November 28 TTH H EE TTA A BBEERRN NA ACCLLEE (Atlanta) Blackberry Smoke November 28 TTEERR M MIIN NA ALL W WEE SSTT (Atlanta) K Theory, Watch the Duck November 28 TTH H EE A A RREEN NA AA ATT G GW WIIN NN N EETTTT CCEE N NTTEE RR (Atlanta) Brantley Gilbert, Tyler Farr, Chase Bryant November 28 H EEAA VVEE N H NA ATT TTH H EE M M AASSQ QU UEE RRAAD D EE (Atlanta) Every Time I Die, The Ghost Inside, Architects, Hundredth, Backtrack November 28 TTH H EE BB U UCCK KH H EE A AD D TTH HEE AATTRREE (Atlanta) Moon Taxi, Cosby Sweater November 28 TTH H EE LL O OFF TT (Atlanta) Augustana, Scars on 45 November 28 BBO OU UTTW W EELLLL A AU UD DII TTO ORRII U UM M (Birmingham) Casting Crowns, Mandisa, Sidewalk Prophets November 28 TTH H EE TTA A BBEERRN NA ACCLLEE (Atlanta) The 1975 November 29 VVA ARRIIEE TTYY PPLL A AYYH HO OU U SSEE (Atlanta) Shawn Mullins November 29 TTH H EE EE A ARRLL (Atlanta) Cracker November 29
CCA AN NN N EE RRYY BBAALLLL RRO OO OM M (Nashville) The Dirty Guvnahs November 29 CCIITTYY W WII N NEE RRYY N N AASSH H VVIILLLL EE (Nashville) Dave Davies November 30 TTH HEE EE AARRLL (Atlanta) Cracker November 30 RRYYM MAA N N AAU UD D IITTO ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Clint Black, Parmalee December 1 IIRRO ON N CCIITTYY (Birmingham) Blue Sky Riders December 1 EEXXII TT//IIN N (Nashville) Gwar, Corrosion of Conformity, American Sharks December 2 RRYYM MAA N N AAU UD D IITTO ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Amy Grant, Vince Gill December 3 MAA RRAATTH M HO ON NM MU USS IICC W WO ORRK K SS (Nashville) Bones Thugs-n-Harmony, Gillie the Kid December 3 EED DD D IIEE’’ SS AATTTTIICC (Atlanta) Stephen Kellogg December 3 TTH HEE TTAABBEE RRN N AACCLLEE (Atlanta) Black Veil Brides, Falling In Reverse, Set It Off December 3 TTH HEE M M AASSQ QU U EERRAA D DEE (Atlanta) 3Ball MTY, Los Rakas, Modern Baseball, Knuckle Puck, Crying, Somos, Hostage Calm December 3 TTEEN NN NEE SSSS EEEE TTH H EEAA TTRR EE (Knoxville) Jim Brickman December 3 TTH HEE G G EE M M TTH H EE AATTRREE (Calhoun, GA) Howie Day December 4 TTRRA ACCK K 22 99 (Chattanooga) Bones Thugs N Harmony, Gillie da Kid December 4 TTEERRM M IIN N AALL W WEE SSTT (Atlanta) Adrian Belew, Saul Zonana December 4 TTH HEE TTAABBEE RRN N AACCLLEE (Atlanta) Common, Jay Electronica December 4 LLA AU UG GH H IIN NG G SSK KU ULL LL LLO OU UN NG G EE (Atlanta) Bobcat Goldthwait December 4 RRYYM MAA N N AAU UD D IITTO ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Amy Grant, Vince Gill December 4 SSCCH H EERRM M EE RRH HO ORRN N SS YYM M PPH HO ON NYY CCEE N N TTEE RR (Nashville) Michael W. Smith December 4 TTRRA ACCK K 22 99 (Chattanooga) Steep Canyon Rangers December 5
IIM MPP RRO OVV CCO OM M EED D YY CCLLU U BB (Atlanta) Paul Reiser December 5 CCO OBBBB EE N N EERRG G YY PPEE RRFF O ORR M MIIN NG GA ARRTTSS CCEEN N TTEE RR (Atlanta) Brian Setzer Orchestra December 5 TTH H EE EEA A RRLL (Atlanta) Nashville Pussy, Valient Thor, Against the Grain December 5 TTH H EE M MA ASSQ QU UEE RRA AD D EE (Atlanta) Obituary, Massacre, Rivers of Nihil December 5 TTH H EE TTA ABBEE RRN NA A CCLL EE (Atlanta) Hoodie Allen, Chiddy Bang, Taylor Bennett December 5 LLA AU UG GH H IIN NG G SSK KU U LLLL LLO OU UN NG G EE (Atlanta) Bobcat Goldthwait December 5 SSCCH HEE RRM M EERRH HO ORRN N SSYYM M PPH HO ON N YY CCEE N NTTEE RR (Nashville) The Manhattan Transfer December 5 BBRRIID DG GEE SSTTO ON NEE A ARR EEN NA A (Nashville) Brantley Gilbert, Chase Bryant, Tyler Farr December 5 CCII TTYY W WIIN N EE RRYY N NA A SSH H VVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Jackopierce December 5 CCO OU UN NTTRRYY TTO ON N IITTEE TTH HEE A ATTRREE (Pigeon Forge, TN) Ronnie Milsap December 5 GEE M G M TTH HEE A ATTRREE (Calhoun, GA) Mandy Barnett December 6 IIM MPP RRO OVV CCO OM M EED D YY CCLLU U BB (Atlanta) Paul Reiser December 6 BBU UCCK KH H EE A AD D TTH HEE A ATTRREE (Atlanta) Skinny Puppy, VNV Nation, Haujobb, Youth Code December 6 HEE A H AVVEE N NA A TT TTH H EE M MA ASS Q QU U EERR A AD DEE (Atlanta) Gwar, Corrosion of Conformity, American Sharks December 6 TTH H EE A ARREE N NA AA ATT G GW W IIN NN NEE TTTT CCEEN N TTEERR (Atlanta) Hunter Hayes, Dan + Shay, The Railers December 6 MA M ARRA A TTH HO ON NM MU USSII CC W WO ORRK KSS (Nashville) Haerts, Mikki Ekko December 6 CCII TTYY W WIIN N EE RRYY N NA A SSH H VVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Sonny Landreth, Cindy Cashdollar December 7 CCEE N N TTEE RR SS TTA AG GEE (Atlanta) Circa Survive,
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Title Fight December 7 TTH H EE M MA A SSQ QU UEE RRA AD D EE (Atlanta) Misfits December 7 KN K NO OXXVVIILL LLEE CCO OLL IISSEE IIU UM M (Knoxville) Diamond Rio December 7 SS YYM M PPH HO ON NYY H HA ALL LL (Atlanta) Diana Krall December 8 CCEE N NTTEE RR SSTTA AG GEE (Atlanta) Devin Townsend Project, Animals As Leaders, Monuments December 8 M EEM M MO ORRIIA ALL A AU UD DII TTO ORRII U UM M (Chattanooga) Joe Bonamassa December 9 SS YYM M PPH HO ON NYY H HA ALL LL (Atlanta) Medeski, Scofield Martin and Wood December 9 PPH H IILL IIPPSS A ARREEN NA A (Atlanta) Usher December 9 CCIITTYY W W IIN N EERRYY N NA ASS H HVVII LLLLEE (Nashville) Living Colour December 9 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DII TTO ORRII U UM M (Nashville) Amy Grant, Vince Gill December 10 TTH HO OM MPPSS O ON N -- BBO OLL IIN NG GA A RREEN NA A (Knoxville) Trans-Siberain Orchestra December 10 ARR EEN A NA A@ @G GW WIIN NN N EETTTT CCEE N NTTEE RR (Atlanta) Eric Church, Dwight Yaokum, Halestorm December 11 PPH H IILL IIPPSS A ARREEN NA A (Atlanta) The Black Keys, St. Vincent December 11 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DII TTO ORRII U UM M (Nashville) Amy Grant, Vince Gill December 11 JJ A AM M EESS K K.. PPO OLLK K TTH H EEA A TTEE RR (Nashville) Trace Adkins December 11 TTRRA ACCK K 2299 (Chattanooga) Hard Working Americans December 12 CCIITTYY W W IIN N EERRYY N NA ASS H HVVII LLLLEE (Nashville) Rich Robinson December 12 CCA AN NN N EERRYY BBA A LLLLRRO OO OM M (Nashville) Relient K, Blondfire December 12 JJ A AM M EESS K K.. PPO OLLK K TTH H EEA A TTEE RR (Nashville) Trace Adkins December 12 RRH H YYTTH HM M && BBRREE W WSS (Chattanooga) Rich Robinson December 13 BBJJ CCCC A ARREE N NA A (Birmingham) Eric Church, Dwight Yaokum, Halestorm December 13 TTH H EE TTA ABBEERR N NA ACCLL EE (Atlanta) Tyler the Creator December 13 TTH H EE M MA A SSQ QU UEE RRA AD D EE (Atlanta) Fozzy, Texas Hippie Coalition, Shaman’s Harvest December 13 TTH H EE TTA ABBEERR N NA ACCLL EE (Atlanta) Opeth, In Flames, Red Fang December 15 TTRRA ACCK K 2299 (Chattanooga) Trampled By Turtles, Nikki Lane December 17 PPH H IILL IIPPSS A ARREEN NA A (Atlanta) Fleetwood Mac December 17 SS YYM M PPH HO ON NYY H HA ALL LL (Atlanta) Trace Adkins December 17 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DII TTO ORRII U UM M (Nashville) Amy Grant, Vince Gill December 17 MA M ARRA ATTH HO ON NM MU U SSIICC W WO ORRK KSS (Nashville) Steel Panther December 17 IIRR O ON N CCIITTYY (Birmingham) Blue October December 18 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DII TTO ORRII U UM M (Nashville) Amy Grant, Vince Gill December 18 TTH H EE TTA ABBEERR N NA ACCLL EE (Atlanta) Trampled By Turtles, Nikki Lane December 18 BBRRII D DG G EE SSTTO ON N EE A ARREE N NA A (Nashville) Justin Timberlake December 19 IIRR O ON N CCIITTYY (Birmingham) Trampled By Turtles, Nikki Lane December 19 TTH H EE A ARREE N NA AA ATT G GW WII N NN N EE TTTT CCEE N N TTEERR (Atlanta) Calvin Harris, T.I., Fallout Boy,
Jessie J December 19 G EEM G M TTH H EEA A TTRR EE (Calhoun, GA) The Van Lears, Faye Pierce Bentley, Wrecking Ball, Jule Medders December 20 ARREE N A NA A@ @G GW W IIN NN NEE TTTT CCEEN N TTEE RR (Atlanta) Justin Timberlake December 20 TTH H EE TTA A BBEERRN NA ACCLLEE (Atlanta) Flosstradamus, GTA, Two-9 December 20 CCA AN NN NEE RRYY BBA ALL LLRRO OO OM M (Nashville) Augustana, Scars on 45 December 20 CCIITTYY W W IIN NEE RRYY N N AASSH H VVIILL LLEE (Nashville) Shemeika Copeland December 20 TTH H EE II N NTTEE RRN NA ATTIIO ON NAALL (Knoxville) Adrian Belew December 20 TTH H EE TTA A BBEERRN NA ACCLLEE (Atlanta) Ben Howard January 21 TTEEN NN N EESS SSEE EE TTH H EE AATTRREE (Knoxville) Mannheim Steamroller December 22 BBRRIID DG G EESS TTO ON N EE AARREE N NAA (Nashville) Bassnectar December 31 WAA RR M W M EEM MO ORRIIAALL AAU UD DIITTO ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Moon Taxi December 31 DO D OW WN NTTO OW WN NN N AASS H HVVIILL LLEE (Nashville) Lady Antebellum December 31 PPH H IILLII PPSS A A RREEN N AA (Atlanta) Keith Sweat, Dru Hill, The Isley Brothers, Jeffery Osborne December 31 CCIITTYY W W IIN NEE RRYY N N AASSH H VVIILL LLEE (Nashville) Cracker January 3 BBIIJJ O OU U TTH H EEA A TTRR EE (Knoxville) Steep Canyon Rangers January 7 FFO OXX TTH HEE A ATTRREE (Atlanta) Sam Smith January 9 EE D DD D IIEE ’’SS A ATTTTIICC (Atlanta) Johnette Naplitano January 11 SSCCH H EERR M MEE RRH HO ORR N N SS YYM MPPH HO ON N YY CCEEN N TTEERR (Nashville) Kenny Rogers January 15-17 TTH H EE TTA A BBEERRN NA ACCLLEE (Atlanta) Billy Idol January 22 M EERRCCYY LL O M OU UN NG G EE (Nashville) Of Montreal, Nedelle Torio January 23 RRH H YYTTH HM M && BBRREEW W SS (Chattanooga) Of Montreal, Nedelle Torio January 24
VVA ARRIIEE TTYY PPLLAA YYH HO OU USS EE (Atlanta) Antibalas, Zap Mama January 27 CCIITTYY W WII N NEE RRYY N N AASSH H VVIILLLL EE (Nashville) Jeff Daniels January 27 BBRRIID DG GEE SSTTO ON N EE AA RREEN N AA (Nashville) Jack White January 28 TTIIVVO OLLII TTH H EEAA TTRREE (Chattanooga) Ron White January 31 RRYYM MAA N N AAU UD D IITTO ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) John Mellencamp, Carlene Carter January 28 FFEE RRSSTT CCEE N NTTEE RR (Atlanta) Arlo Guthrie January 31 TTRRA ACCK K 22 99 (Chattanooga) Shovels & Rope February 3 FFO OXX TTH H EE AATTRREE (Atlanta) Jerry Seinfield February 6 TTH HEE 1122 00 TTAAVVEE RRN N (Marietta, GA) Shooter Jennings With Waymore’s Outlaws February 7 CCU ULLTTU U RRAALL CCEEN N TTEERR (Roswell, GA) Ruthie Foster February 7 CCEEN N TTEERR SSTTAAG G EE (Atlanta) Cold War Kids, Eliot Moss February 7 GEE O G ORRG G IIAA D DO OM MEE (Atlanta) Skillet, Jeremy Camp, Francesca Batistell, Building 429, Family Force 5, NewSong, For King And Country, Blanca, Veridia February 7 BBRRIID DG GEE SSTTO ON N EE AARREEN N AA (Nashville) Skillet, Jeremy Camp, Francesca Batistell, Building 429, Family Force 5, NewSong, For King And Country, Blanca, Veridia February 8 CCA AN NN N EE RRYY BBAALLLL RRO OO OM M (Nashville) Guster, Kishi Bashi February 12 WIILL D W DH HO ORRSSEE SSAA LLO OO ON N (Nashville) Rick Springfield February 13 FFO OXX TTH H EE AATTRREE (Atlanta) John Mellencamp, Carlene Carter February 13 TTH HEE TTAABBEE RRN N AACCLLEE (Atlanta) Guster February 13 TTH HO OM M PPSSO ON N --BBO OLLIIN NG G AARREE N N AA (Knoxville) Skillet, Jeremy Camp, Francesca Batistell, Building 429, Family Force 5, NewSong,
For King And Country, Blanca, Veridia February 13 VVO ON N BBRRA AU UN N CCEEN N TTEERR (Huntsville) Brian Regan February 14 CCII TTYY W WIIN N EE RRYY N NA A SSH H VVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Dave Mason February 15 WA W ARR M MEE M MO ORRII A ALL A AU UD D IITTO ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Dr. John February 17 CCII TTYY W WIIN N EE RRYY N NA A SSH H VVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Arlo Guthrie February 17 VVA A RRIIEE TTYY PPLLA AYYH HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Dark Star Orchestra February 18 CCII TTYY W WIIN N EE RRYY N NA A SSH H VVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Arlo Guthrie February 18 PPH HII LLIIPPSS A ARREE N NA A (Atlanta) Maroon 5, Magic!, Rozzi Crane February 19 SSCCH HEE RRM M EERRH HO ORRN N SSYYM M PPH HO ON N YY CCEE N NTTEE RR (Nashville) Styx February 19-21 EED DD DII EE’’ SS A A TTTTII CC (Atlanta) John Hammond February 22 TTH H EE TTA ABBEE RRN NA A CCLL EE (Atlanta) Pierce the Veil, Sleeping With Sirens February 22 BBRRIID DG GEE SSTTO ON NEE A ARR EEN NA A (Nashville) Maroon 5, Magic!, Rozzi Crane February 22 TTH HO OM MPP SSO ON N-- BBO OLLIIN NG GA ARREE N NA A (Knoxville) Fleetwood Mac March 8 VVA A RRIIEE TTYY PPLLA AYYH HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Hozier, George Ezra March 10 BBJJCCCC CCO ON NCCEE RRTT H HA ALLLL (Birmingham) John Mellencamp, Carlene Carter March 12 TTH H EE TTA ABBEE RRN NA A CCLL EE (Atlanta) Hozier March 13 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD D IITTO ORR IIU UM M (Nashville) Hozier March 14 MCCK M KEE N N ZZIIEE A ARREE N NA A (Chattanooga) Skillet, Jeremy Camp, Francesca Batistell, Building 429, Family Force 5, NewSong, For King And Country, Blanca, Veridia March 15 SSCCH HEE RRM M EERRH HO ORRN N SSYYM M PPH HO ON N YY CCEE N NTTEE RR (Nashville) Vienna Boys Choir March 15
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WO W ORR K KPPLLA AYY SSO OU UN ND D SSTTA AG G EE (Birmingham) Joshua Radin March 15 CCEE N NTTEE RR SSTTA AG GEE (Atlanta) Joshua Radin March 16 SS CCH H EE RRM M EERRH HO ORRN N SSYYM M PPH HO ON N YY CCEEN N TTEE RR (Nashville) Boyz II Men March 19-21 BBJJ CCCC A ARREE N NA A (Birmingham) Skillet, Jeremy Camp, Francesca Batistell, Building 429, Family Force 5, NewSong, For King And Country, Blanca, Veridia March 21 PPH H IILL IIPPSS A ARREEN NA A (Atlanta) Ariana Grande, Rixton March 24 TTEE N NN N EE SSSSEE EE TTH HEE A ATTRREE (Knoxville) Brian Regan March 26 SS YYM M PPH HO ON NYY H HA ALL LL (Atlanta) Jane Lynch March 28 FF O OXX TTH HEE A ATTRREE (Atlanta) Brian Regan March 28 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DII TTO ORRII U UM M (Nashville) Brian Regan March 29 SS CCH H EE RRM M EERRH HO ORRN N SSYYM M PPH HO ON N YY CCEEN N TTEE RR (Nashville) Bernadette Peters April 9-11 BBJJ CCCC CCO ON N CCEERRTT H HA A LLLL (Birmingham) Roberta Flack April 18 SS YYM M PPH HO ON NYY H HA ALL LL (Atlanta) Diana Krall April 19 AN A ND D RREEW W JJ A ACCK KSSO ON NH HA ALLLL (Nashville) Anjelah Johnson April 19 TTH H EE A ARREE N NA AA ATT G GW WII N NN N EE TTTT CCEE N N TTEERR (Atlanta) The Who April 23 SS CCH H EE RRM M EERRH HO ORRN N SSYYM M PPH HO ON N YY CCEEN N TTEE RR (Nashville) Kenny G May 7-9 VVEE RRIIZZ O ON NW W IIRREE LLEE SSSS A AM MPP H HIITTH H EE A ATTRREE (Atlanta) ZZ Top, Jeff Beck May 10 BBRRII D DG G EE SSTTO ON N EE A ARREE N NA A (Nashville) The Who May 11 IIRR O ON N CCIITTYY (Birmingham) Kamelot, Dragonforce May 21 AA A A RRO ON NSS A AM M PPH H IITTH HEE A ATTRREE (Atlanta) 5 Seconds of Summer August 5
OP ENIN G T HIS WEEK Before I Go To Sleep R Due to a catastrophic accident in her mid-twenties, Christine, now a fortyseven-year-old writer, is incapable of forming and maintaining new memories for more than a day. Trapped in an existence in which she wakes every day believing herself to be single and with a whole lifetime of choice ahead of her she discovers instead that she lives with her husband, Ben, with most decisions already made. Through her meetings with a doctor who is helping her to recover her memory, Christine’s story begins to emerge, setting in motion a series of events that trigger startling consequences for her and all who love her, leading her to question
whether the truth is sometimes better left forgotten. Nightcrawler R Lou Bloom, an ambitious young man desperate for work, discovers the world of L.A. crime journalism. When Lou learns of a group of freelance camera crews who film crashes, fires, murder and other mayhem, Lou muscles his way into the dangerous realm of night crawling, where a police siren wail means a possible windfall, and victims are converted into dollars and cents. Aided by Nina, a local TV news veteran, Lou blurs the line between observer and participant.
Nicole Kidman in Millenium Pictures’ “Before I Go to Sleep”. inside a decrepit subterranean cham- Alexander And The Terrible, Horrible, Saw R ber. Chained to the opposite side of No Good, Very Bad Day PG A young man named Adam wakes to the room is another bewildered cap- Follows young Alexander through the find himself chained to a rusty pipe tive, Dr. Lawrence Gordon. Between mishaps of a terrible day for his famthem is a dead man lying in a pool of ily after he wishes they all would blood, holding a .38 in his hand. experience the same troubles he Neither man knows why he has been does. abducted, but instructions left on a microcassette order Dr. Gordon to Annabelle R kill Adam within eight hours. If he John Form has found the perfect gift fails to do so, then both men will die; for his expectant wife, Mia—a beautiDr. Gordon’s wife, Alison, and his ful, rare vintage doll in a pure white daughter will also be killed. Recalling wedding dress. But Mia’s delight with a recent murder investigation by a Annabelle doesn’t last long. On one police detective named Tapp, Dr. horrific night, their home is invaded Gordon realizes he and Adam are the by members of a satanic cult, who next victims of a psychopathic genius violently attack the couple. Spilled known only as “Jigsaw.” With only a blood and terror are not all they few hours left to spare, they must leave behind. The cultists have conunravel the elaborate puzzle of their jured an entity so malevolent that fate in the midst of mounting terror. nothing they did will compare to The killer has provided them with only a few clues and two handsaws— The Best of Me too weak to break their steel shack- When a mutual friend dies, former les, but strong enough to cut through high school sweethearts Dawson Cole and Amanda Collier find themselves flesh and bone. back in their hometown for the first time in 20 years. Amanda has moved NO N OW W SSH HO OW WIIN NG G on with a family of her own, but Addicted R Dawson never got over his one true Successful businesswoman Zoe love. Their old relationship is rekinReynard appears to have attained it dled, but the forces that drove them all - the dream husband she loves, away in the first place are still there two wonderful children and a flour- and violence and heartbreak are the ishing career. As perfect as everything only possible outcomes. appears from the outside, Zoe is still drawn to temptations she cannot The Book of Life PG escape or resist. As she pursues a THE BOOK OF LIFE, a vibrant fantasysecretive life, Zoe finds herself risking adventure, tells the legend of Manolo, it all when she heads down a perilous a conflicted hero and dreamer who path she may not survive. sets off on an epic quest through magENIGMA
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ical, mythical and wondrous worlds in But when McCall meets Teri, a young order to rescue his one true love and girl under the control of ultra-violent defend his village. Russian gangsters, he can’t stand idly by – he has to help her. Armed with The Boxtrolls PG hidden skills that allow him to serve Cheesebridge is a posh Victorian-era vengeance against anyone who would town obsessed with wealth, class and brutalize the helpless, McCall comes the stinkiest of fine cheeses. Beneath out of his self-imposed retirement its charming cobblestone streets and finds his desire for justice dwell the Boxtrolls, foul monsters reawakened. If someone has a probwho crawl out of the sewers at night lem, if the odds are stacked against and steal what the townspeople hold them, if they have nowhere else to most dear: their children and their turn, McCall will help. He is The cheeses. At least, that’s the legend Equalizer. residents have always believed. In truth, the Boxtrolls are an under- Fury R ground cavern-dwelling community of April, 1945. As the Allies make their quirky and lovable oddballs who wear final push in the European Theatre, a recycled cardboard boxes the way battle-hardened army sergeant turtles wear their shells. The Boxtrolls named Wardaddy commands a have raised an orphaned human boy, Sherman tank and her five-man crew Eggs, since infancy as one of their on a deadly mission behind enemy dumpster-diving and mechanical lines. Outnumbered and outgunned, junk-collecting own. When the and with a rookie soldier thrust into Boxtrolls are targeted by villainous their platoon, Wardaddy and his men pest exterminator Archibald Snatcher, face overwhelming odds in their who is bent on eradicating them as heroic attempts to strike at the heart his ticket to Cheesebridge society, the of Nazi Germany. kindhearted band of tinkerers must turn to their adopted charge and Gone Girl R adventurous rich girl Winnie to GONE GIRL – directed by David bridge two worlds amidst the winds of Fincher and based upon the global change - and cheese. bestseller by Gillian Flynn – unearths the secrets at the heart of a modern Dracula Untold PG-13 marriage. On the occasion of his fifth The year is 1462, and Transylvania has wedding anniversary, Nick Dunne enjoyed a prolonged period of peace (Ben Affleck) reports that his beautiunder the just and fair rule of the bat- ful wife, Amy (Rosamund Pike), has tle-weary Vlad III, Prince of gone missing. Under pressure from Wallachia, and his beloved and brave the police and a growing media frenwife, Mirena. Together, they have zy, Nick’s portrait of a blissful union brokered peace for their country and begins to crumble. Soon his lies, ensured its people are well-protect- deceits and strange behavior have ed, especially from the powerful everyone asking the same dark quesOttoman Empire-an ever-expanding tion: Did Nick Dunne kill his wife? scourge that has its sights on global domination. But when Sultan Mehmed John Wick II demands 1,000 of Wallachia’s boys- An ex-hitman comes out of retirement including Vlad’s own son, Ingeras be to track down the gangsters that took torn from their parents’ homes and everything from him. forced to become child soldiers in his army, Vlad must decide: do the same The Judge R as his father before him and give up Big city lawyer Hank Palmer, who his son to the sultan, or seek the help returns to his childhood home where of a monster to defeat the Turks but his estranged father, the town’s judge, ultimately doom his soul to a life of is suspected of murder. He sets out to servitude. Vlad journeys to Broken discover the truth and along the way Tooth Mountain, where he encoun- reconnects with the family he walked ters a foul demon and enters into a away from years before. Faustian bargain-one that gives the prince the strength of 100 men, the The Maze Runner PG-13 speed of a falling star and enough When Thomas wakes up trapped in a power to crush his enemies. However, massive maze with a group of other he will be inflicted with an insatiable boys, he has no memory of the outthirst to drink human blood. If by the side world other than strange dreams end of three days Vlad manages to about a mysterious organization resist, he will return to his former known as W.C.K.D. Only by piecing self, and perhaps in that time manage together fragments of his past with to save his people. Though should he clues he discovers in the maze can drink, he will be forced to dwell in Thomas hope to uncover his true purthe darkness for the rest of his days, pose and a way to escape. Based upon feeding only on the blood of humans the best-selling novel by James and destroying all that he holds dear. Dashner. The Equalizer R McCall believes he has put his mysterious past behind him and dedicated himself to beginning a new, quiet life.
Ouija PG-13 A group of friends must confront their most terrifying fears when they awaken the dark powers of an ancient ENIGMA
spirit board. St. Vincent PG-13 Maggie, a single mother, moves into a new home in Brooklyn with her 12year old son, Oliver. Forced to work long hours, she has no choice but to leave Oliver in the care of their new neighbor, Vincent, a retired curmudgeon with a penchant for alcohol and gambling. An odd friendship soon blossoms between the improbable pair. Together with a pregnant stripper named Daka, Vincent brings Oliver along on all the stops that make up his daily routine – the race track, a strip club, and the local dive bar. Vincent helps Oliver grow to become a man, while Oliver begins to see in Vincent something that no one else is able to: a misunderstood man with a good heart.
A Merry Friggin’ Christmas PG-13 Boyd and his family are forced to spend a dreaded Christmas at his parent’s house with his eccentric father that he has been avoiding for years. When he realizes that he left his son’s gifts at home, Boyd and his father must hit the road in a blizzard to retrieve the gifts before sunrise to save Christmas. Dumb And Dumber To PG-13 Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels reprise their signature roles as Lloyd and Harry in the sequel to the smash hit that took the physical comedy and kicked it in the nuts. The original film’s directors, Peter and Bobby Farrelly, take Lloyd and Harry on a road trip to find a child Harry never knew he had and the responsibility neither should ever, ever be given.
Across 2. Worn to protect the clothing 6. Fermented grape juices 11. Lady's-finger 13. State resident 15. English princess 17. Fixes 18. Ogles 19. Underground part of a plant 20. Deuces 21. Thin glutinous mud 22. Authentic 23. Finish first 25. Biddies 26. Person whose religion is Judaism 30. Devote 32. Modify 36. Complete change 37. Shooting sport 38. Sealing compound 40. Purchase
OCTOBER 30 2014
12. Flightless bird 14. Small dam 16. Part of speech 24. Rich and fashionable travellers 26. Trash 27. Spouse 28. Group of tents 29. Genus of vermin 30. Step in ballet 31. Short letter 33. Paint unskillfully 34. Be sorry for 35. Plaything 39. Highest 42. Public exhibition Down 43. Judges 1. Florida city 2. Inert elemental gas 44. Metal fastener 45. Mathematics 3. Move past 46. Raised platform 4. Lubricates 47. Evade work 5. Yuletide 6. Of moderate tem- 48. Unwieldy ship 51. Career golfers perature 52. Unpleasant smell 7. Insert 53. Salver 8. Planet 54. Stylish 9. Breathe noisily 10. Hates intensely 41. Places to sleep 47. Shaft horsepower 49. Executive Officer 50. Away 54. Pal 55. Imitator 56. Tester 57. Hawaiian port 58. Draw near 59. Book of the Bible 60. Annoys 61. Native of Switzerland 62. Type of packsack
union lasted 12 years.
1188 9955 Billboard published its debut issue as “A monthly resume of all that is new, bright and interesting on the boards.” The new magazine was “devoted to the interests of advertisers, poster printers, bill posters, advertising agents & secretaries of fairs.” It later began reporting on circuses, carnivals, vaudeville and other forms of live entertainment before focusing on motion pictures and later still, the music industry. The cost of that initial publication was 10 cents or 90 cents a year.
ed a three week run at #1 on the UK singles chart with “That’ll Be The Day”. 11 995588 Communist East Germany leaders dub Elvis Presley as “Public enemy number one.” An East Germany youth publication wrote: “The 23year-old star Presley is no artist and enjoys only limited brain power.”
Elvis had recorded it in a 4 AM to 7 AM session last January, with the Roy Orbison is awarded his ninth eighth take being the keeper. The Gold record for “Oh! Pretty song climbed to #2 in the UK. Woman”, which will stay on the charts for 15 weeks. 1199 7700 James Taylor’s album “Fire and The Supremes achieve their second Rain” is certified Gold just as the Billboard number one single with single reaches #3 in the US. The “Baby Love”. Just four months earli- lyrics of the song are highly personer, other artists at Motown Records al to James, as he sang Suzanne the referred to them as “the no-hit plans they made put an end to you Supremes.” about Suzanne Schnerr, a childhood friend who committed suicide, and Ray Charles is arrested by Logan Sweet dreams and Flying Machines Airport customs officials in Boston in pieces on the ground, referring and charged with possession of to his earlier band, Flying Machine, heroin. This is his third drug which had split before significant charge, following incidents in 1958 success. and 1961. Ray avoided prison time after kicking the habit in a clinic in 1199 7711 Los Angeles, but spent a year on Duane Allman of The Allman parole in 1966. Brothers Band was killed when he lost control of his motorcycle on a Macon, Georgia street while trying 11 9966 55 Rochester, New York police halt a to swerve to avoid a tractor-trailer. Rolling Stones concert until over He was three weeks shy of his 25th 3,500 screaming fans return to birthday. order. Sly And The Family Stone continue to cancel many concerts at the last 1199 6666 After topping the Cashbox Magazine minute because Sly doesn’t show Best Sellers Chart two weeks earli- up. Of 80 concerts booked in 1970, er, ? and the Mysterians “96 Tears” he cancelled 26 and ducked out of reached number one on the 12 of 40 shows in ‘71. The band is Billboard chart. Although he closely still successful on the radio howevguarded his true identity at the er, enjoying the hits “Family Affair” time, the man known as Question and “There’s a Riot Goin’ On”. Mark turned out to be Rudy Martinez, from Saginaw Valley, Michigan.
11 995599 After cracking the US Top 40 twice while with Atlantic Records, Ray Charles signs with ABC-Paramount, 1199 5522 Pianist Johnnie Johnson hires 26- where he will have 24 more year-old Chuck Berry as a guitarist Billboard hits. in his band. While playing evening gigs in the St. Louis area, Berry will 1199 6611 keep his day job as a hairdresser Brian Epstein went to The Cavern for the next three years. Club to watch The Beatles’ lunchtime show. He would later say that he was “overwhelmed by their 1199 5544 The November issue of Billboard talent”, but in reality he had noth11 9966 77 magazine lists Elvis Presley at num- ing to compare them to, as they ber 8 of the Most Promising New were the first Pop group he had Hair, advertised as the American Tribal Love-Rock Musical, opens ever seen perform live. Hillbilly or Country Singers. off-Broadway at the Public Theater in New York’s East Village. The 1199 5555 11 9966 22 An R&B group called The Famous The Rolling Stones, consisting of show will eventually move to Flames, led by singer James Brown, Keith Richard, Mick Jagger, Brian Broadway for a successful run. The cut their first demo of “Please, Jones, pianist Ian Stewart and play’s original cast album spawns Please, Please” at a radio station in drummer Tony Chapman, record the hit singles “Aquarius” / Let the Macon Georgia. It will lead to their their first demo tape at Curly Sun Shine In”, “Good Morning signing with King Records, where Clayton Studios in Highbury, Starshine”, “Easy To Be Hard” and they re-recorded the song in London. Although Charlie Watts is “Hair” and helped launch the career February 1956 and watched it climb being courted, he chooses to of songwriter Galt MacDermont to #6 on Billboard’s R&B chart. remain at his Regent Street adver1199 6688 tising job. Malcolm Hale, guitarist for Spanky 11 995577 And Our Gang, died suddenly of After a show in Los Angeles, the 11 9966 33 police tell Elvis that he is not Ed Sullivan sees 50,000 fans cheer pneumonia at the age of 27. The allowed to wiggle his hips onstage. The Beatles at London’s Heathrow group placed five songs on the The next night, they film his entire Airport and later books them for Billboard Top 40 between 1967 and concert, but no charges are laid. three appearances on his TV show 1968, including “Sunday Will Never Be The Same” (#9), “Lazy Day” (#14) early the next year. and “Like To Get To Know You” Buddy Holly And The Crickets’ “Oh (#17). Boy!” is released by Brunswick 11 9966 44 Records. It will peak at #10 in the US 31-year-old Salvatore Philip Bono 1199 6699 and #3 in the UK. Holly was backed marries 18-year-old Cherilyn by the vocal group, The Picks Sarkisian La Piere. For a time they “Suspicious Minds” reaches the top performed together as Caesar and of the Billboard chart, becoming November 1 Cleo before changing the name of Elvis Presley’s 17th and final US Buddy Holly And The Crickets start- their act to Sonny and Cher. Their number one hit during his lifetime. ENIGMA
OCTOBER 30 2014
11 9977 33 Although they enjoyed a long string of hit records, Gladys Knight And The Pips had their only US number one song when “Midnight Train to Georgia” hit the top. The record won the 1974 Grammy Award for Best R&B Vocal Performance By A Duo, Group Or Chorus and has become Knight’s signature song. 1199 77 44 The teaming of Dionne Warwick with The Spinners resulted in both artists having their first number one hit when “Then Came You” reached the top of the Billboard Hot 100. 11 9977 55 In a rare feat for a Rock musician, Bruce Springsteen appears on the cover of both Time and Newsweek magazines. Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody” was released as a single. It would stay on the chart for seventeen weeks, nine of them at number one and would eventually go Platinum. The song would be re-released in December, 1991 after being featured in the movie Wayne’s World and became a hit all over again. 1199 7766 Officials at Lancaster Polytechnic, Coventry, England, halt a planned show by The Sex Pistols, saying that they didn’t want “that sort of thing” in their town. 11 9977 77 Crystal Gayle records “Don’t It Make My Brown Eyes Blue” at Jack’s Tracks in Nashville. It will reach #2 on the Billboard Pop chart and #1 on the Country chart, becoming a worldwide hit. In a 2004 Country Music Television interview, Gayle said that songwriter Richard Leigh told her he got the inspiration for the song from his dog, who had one brown eye and one blue eye. Steve Perry makes his first concert appearance with Journey at the Old Waldorf in San Francisco. He would lead them to 17 Billboard Top 40 entries over the next ten years. A 30-year-old rocker named Marvin Lee Aday, who uses the stage name Meat Loaf, releases his landmark album “Bat Out Of Hell”. Since that time, the LP has sold over 43 million copies worldwide. 1199 7788 Glam rocker Nick Gilder had the number 1 song in the US with “Hot Child in the City”. It would prove to
1199 9988 David Bowie hosts a song writing contest on his web site to help complete the lyrics to his song “What’s Really Happening”. 20 yearold Alex Grant is the winner and is later present for the song’s record11 9988 22 Paul McCartney and Michael ing session. Jackson released “The Girl is Mine”, which will rise to #2 on the 1199 9999 Billboard Pop chart. Even though it Singer / songwriter Hoyt Axton died was a hit, the song was never per- peacefully at his ranch at the age of formed live by Jackson. 61. He is most often remembered for writing Three Dog Night’s “Joy Melbourne, Australia’s Men At To The World” and “Never Been To Work had the number one song in Spain” as well as Ringo Starr’s “The the US with “Who Can It Be Now?”. No No Song” and The Kingston They would follow with three more Trio’s “Greenback Dollar”. His Top 10 hits, “Down Under” (#1), mother, Mae Buran Axton, wrote “Overkill” (#3) and “It’s A Mistake” Elvis Presley’s “Heartbreak Hotel”. (#6) 22000033 Research by Professor James 11 9988 33 “Islands In The Stream” gave Dolly Kellaris of the University of Parton and Kenny Rogers a #1 hit on Cincinnati College of Business the US Pop chart. The song was Administration, found that songs written by The Bee Gees and co- get stuck in our heads because they create a ‘brain itch’ that can only produced by Barry Gibb. be scratched by repeating a tune over and over. Songs such as the 1199 9911 Legendary Rock concert promoter Village People’s “YMCA” and the Bill Graham was killed when the Baha Men’s “Who Let The Dogs Bell 206B JetRanger III helicopter Out”, owe their success to their he was riding in struck the top of a ability to create a ‘cognitive itch’. Pacific Gas and Electric transmission tower near Sears Point, north22000044 west of Vallejo and exploded. The 61-year-old Terry Knight, the forfiery crash, which left the heli- mer manager of Grand Funk copter’s wreckage dangling near Railroad, was murdered at his the top of the towering structure, home in Killeen, Texas. Knight was killed Graham (age 60), his girl- defending his daughter during a friend Melissa Gold (age 47) and domestic disturbance when he was pilot Steve Kahn. Graham had stabbed by her boyfriend, 26 year founded the Fillmore theaters in old Donald Alan Fair. Knight began San Francisco and New York and his music career by leading a had played key roles in supporting Michigan band called Terry Knight such bands as The Who, The Jimi And The Pack, who scored a Hendrix Experience, Janis Joplin, Billboard top 50 hit with “I, Who The Band, Bob Dylan, The J. Geils Have Nothing”. Band, The Allman Brothers Band and The Rolling Stones. 22000077 Robert Goulet, who reached the Billboard Top 20 in 1964 with a song 11 9999 22 George Michael files a writ seeking called “My Love, Forgive Me”, died to dissolve his contract with Sony while awaiting a lung transplant Records. In June, 1994, a British after being diagnosed with a rare judge would rule in Sony’s favor, form of pulmonary fibrosis. He was but Michael would refuse to release 73. any more material with Sony. The old Sony contract would eventually 22000088 be bought out by David Geffen who Before game four of The World put Michael back in business. Series, Philadelphia’s Patti LaBelle sang her own special version of The Star-Spangled Banner, which 11 9999 55 David Bowie, Tom Donahue, Gladys included straying far from the origKnight And The Pips, Jefferson inal melody and singing the wrong Airplane, Little Willie John, Pink lyrics. The 64-year-old LaBelle was Floyd, Pete Seeger, The Shirelles heavily criticized following the perand The Velvet Underground are formance for singing “sky lights last inducted into the Rock And Roll gleaming” (Instead of twilight), “through the perilous flight” Hall Of Fame. (Instead of light) and “Lamp parts” be his only hit record in America, although he had previously enjoyed a #1 smash in Canada with “Roxy Roller” while a member of the band Sweeney Todd.
OCTOBER 30 2014
(Instead of ramparts). 220011 00 Former Culture Club vocalist Boy George stunned an audience in London, England after reportedly flying into a rage and tossing his drink on a woman who was talking during his show. Before emptying his glass on her from the stage, George was heard shouting, “Why don’t you shut the f**k up, you rude c**t!” 220011 11 59-year-old KISS frontman Paul Stanley announced that he had undergone surgery to address “recurring vocal cord issues” that “come with 40 years of preaching Rock n’ Roll.” At a lecture on the modern music industry at Britain’s Radio Festival in Salford, Pete Townshend accused Apple’s iTunes website of “bleeding” artists like a “digital vampire”. He went on to insist that iTunes bosses should do more to help artists, rather than just taking the money. 22001133 Lou Reed, an influential songwriter and guitarist who paved the way for Glam, Punk and Alternative Rock, died of liver disease at the age of 71. Reed led the Velvet Underground in the late ‘60s and enjoyed an outstanding solo career over the next 50 years.
RRU UM MOOUURR HHAASS IITT… … …Not only do H Huueeyy LLee w wii ss AAnndd TThhee NNeew w ss and RRii cchhaarr dd Maarr xx top the lineup for “The 80s M Cruise,” but the voyage includes three former MTV VJs to help you turn back the hands of time. Produced by Entertainment Cruise Productions and sailing out of Fort Lauderdale for a Feb. 28March 6 Caribbean adventure, “The 80s Cruise” also includes Kooooll & & tthhee G Gaa nngg, performances by K SSttaa rr ss hhiipp , AA FFll oocckk OOff SSee aagg uullll ss , Mooddee rr nn EE nnggll ii ss hh, N M Naa kkee dd EE yyee ss , TTiiffffaa nnyy, W Waanngg CChhuunngg and more. Who’s got the ’80s cred to host this seagoing extravaganza? Niinnaa BBll aacckkw woooodd, Former MTV VJs N Maarr kk G M Gooooddm maa nn and A All aann H Huunnttee rr will be on hand to help you relive the era of RRoonnaa lldd RRee aaggaa nn, the Falkland Islands War and “Miami Vice.” …How much are the autographs of M Mii cckk JJaaggggee rr, K K eeii tthh RRii cchhaa rrddss , RRoonn W Woooodd and CChhaarr llii ee Waattttss worth to you? The bandW members have signed each of the 1,150 copies of a boxed collector’s edition of the SSttoonnee ss’’ new coffee table book, which is priced at $5,000. Simply titled “The Rolling Stones,” the book includes hundreds of famous and little-known
photos, taking fans on what RRiicchhaa rrddss calls a “roller coaster” through the band’s 50 year history. …LLii aam m G Gaall llaa gghheerr broke the news to his Twitter followers this weekend that BBee aaddyy EE yyee has Oaa ssii ss lead split up. The former O vocalist didn’t give an explanation for the split. All we know is GGaallll aagg hhee rr wrote Oct. 25, “BBee aaddyy EEyyee are no longer. Thanks for all your support. LGx” The tweet was posted on the musician’s personal Twitter page as opposed to the band’s account. BBeeaa ddyy EEyy ee’’ ss Twitter account hasn’t been too active this year. Its most recent tweets are from February, in which the band announced it had backed out of Coachella “for reasons beyond our control.” …British musician JJaacckk BBrruuccee, best known as the bassist from the 1960s group CCrree aam m, has died. He was 71. A statement released by his family said “the world of music will be a poorer place without him but he lives on in his music and forever in our hearts.” “It is with great sadness that we, JJaa cckk’’ss family, announce the passing of our beloved JJaacckk: husband, father, granddad, and all round legend,” the statement said.
CCrr eeaa m m, which also included guitarist EE rrii cc CCll aappttoonn and drummer GGii nngg eerr BBaa kkee rr , sold 35 million albums in just over two years and were awarded the world’s first ever platinum disc for their album Wheels of Fire. BBrr uuccee wrote and sang most of the songs, including “I Feel Free”, “White Room,” ‘‘Politician” and “Sunshine Of Your Love.” …PP hhiill VVaa ss ss aarr , A Ann ddyy GGrr iiggggss and TTyy HHee rr nnddoonn are among the acts appearing at the annual Charlie Daniels & Friends Christmas 4 Kids benefit concert schedule Nov. 24 at Nashville’s Ryman Auditorium. Topping the lineup is the famed CChhaarr ll iiee DDaa nniiee llss BBaanndd. With JJaa m miiee O O’’N Nee aall, TThhee RRooyyss and RRyy aann W Weeaavv eerr also scheduled to perform, the show will benefit Christmas 4 Kids, the nonprofit that has been working for more than 25 years to provide children with their own holiday shopping spree. Picked up at their schools by an entertainer’s luxury tour bus, the kids receive dinner and a party at the Hendersonville Expo Center hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus. Then they’re off to the local Walmart where each child
receives a brand new winter coat along with $150 to spend any way he or she likes. …FFoooo FF iigghhtteerr ss is calling on a few Windy City bands to join the guys at Chicago’s Wrigley Field in 2015. CChhee aapp TTrr iicc kk, N Naakkee dd RRaa yygguunn and UU rrggee OOvvee rrkkii llll are your special guests for the Aug. 29 gig. The show was announced earlier this week as the first U.S. gig on the FF oooo FF ii gghhttee rrss ’’ 2015 “Sonic Highways World Tour.”
Kii ddss …Former SSccaa rr yy K SS ccaarr ii nngg KKii ddss frontman TTyy ss oonn CCuurr ttii ss SSttee vvee nnss has died. Alternative Press cited an anonymous source who said the 29year-old “was found dead” Tuesday morning by his girlfriend in Tucson, Ariz. SStteevv eennss ’’ new band CCoom maa PPrr eevvaa iill , which recorded its three-song demo last fall, confirmed the news with a short post on Facebook. The melodic hardcore band posted Tuesday, “Unfortunately the rumors are true. Out of respect for family we will post details soon. Thank you.” SSccaa rryy KKiiddss SSccaarr iinn gg KK iiddss bbrr ookkee up
…this time of year makes ya think of pumpkins and melons (not boobs)but for me lately I have been pondering over apples... now, I get no kickback from this plug from apple.. not even a new phone:{our society has taken a look at an old friend, “ciders”? Really like they could give their first born for an angry orchard. an apple a day keeps everyone away if you hit them with it hard enough! one word APPLESAUCE!..... criminal: fiona apple
OCTOBER 30 2014
in 2009 after releasing two full on extensive research as well as length albums. interviews with people “who have been pivotal to her personal and …Imprisoned Atlanta professional development.” rapper G Guuccccii M Maannee has written an open letter to his fans, detailing …Ultra Music Festival his career plans and assuring and others are targets of a $10 milthem he is mentally “free as ever”. lion lawsuit filed by a private Although the BBrr iicckk SSqquuaadd member, security guard who was trampled currently serving a prison sen- by gatecrashers at the Miami, Fla., Maacckk names tence for weapons possession, event in March. EErr ii ccaa M isn’t due for release until the end as defendants the festival, its of 2016, he has steadily been organizers, vendors and the City releasing various material in of Miami in the suit filed Oct. 27 in recent months. In the letter, pub- Miami-Dade County Circuit Court. Maannee assures M Maacckk claims that Miami police lished by MTV news, M his fans he will be “stepping up to warned festival organizers that the plate” as he hopes to take his fencing around the events in career to the “next level”. He also Bayfront Park was inadequate, talks about sobriety and adjust- just hours before a March 28 ments to his diet in an effort to stampede crashed through a secmake important life-changes. tion she was patrolling and trampled over a fence as she was ... The first comprehen- pinned beneath. Specifically, sive biography of BBeeyyoonnccee will be police had called for strong, reinreleased in autumn 2015, publisher forced G8 fencing to be installed Maa cckk was to patrol. Grand Central Books has in the area M announced. The as-yet-untitled Her complaint alleges it was book will be authored by celebri- either removed or never placed at ty writer JJ RRaa nnddyy TTaarr aabboorrrr ee llll ii and the request of a beverage compawill “explore all facets of ny that sought easier ingress and KKnnoow w llee ss’’ life”, including her child- egress for vehicles. Photos taken hood performances, her time with after the stampede show her on DDeess ttiinnyy ’’ss CChhii lldd , her solo career the ground with trampled chainand her marriage to JJaa yy ZZ. link fencing around her. When Maacckk was “BBee yyoonnccee has lived a most incred- she was discovered, M ible, inspiring life,” Taraborrelli unconscious, bleeding from both said in a statement. “I know my ears and suffering major head readers will enjoy her journey.” trauma, a fractured skull and Although BBeeyy oonn ccee is not partici- shattered leg. She was hospitalpating in the unauthorized book, ized for about two weeks, sustainTTaarr aabboorr rree llll ii, who has previously ing “permanent and substantial Miicchhaaee ll injuries and disfigurement.” She written the biographies of M JJaacckkss oonn, M Maaddoonnnnaa and the Hilton underwent several surgeries and ffaam mii llyy , said he will base his story other medical procedures, accord-
ing to the complaint.
Drr.. LLuukkee has just filed …D Keess hhaa’’ss mom, a lawsuit against K claiming she orchestrated a smear campaign of sexual lies against him and extorted him to boot. In the lawsuit — filed Wedenesday and obtained by TMZ — LLuukkee claims PPeebbee SSee bbeerr tt wanted her daughter to break her contract with LLuukkee, but realizing it was iron-clad, she fueled her daughter’s anger over the deal and got her to spread lies that he raped her ... in order to shame him into letting her out of the deal. LLuukkee claims when he didn’t back down from the smear campaign PPee bbee tried Plan B — extorting him ... K eess hhaa making it clear she and K would continue their campaign of terror until he released her. LLuukkee K eess hhaa also says both PPee bbee and K have admitted under oath he K eess hhaa . TMZ never laid a hand on K Kee sshhaa is suing broke the stories ... K LLuukkee for allegedly physically, sexually and emotionally abusing her. LLuukkee has filed a defamation Keess hhaa. As for his suit suit against K against PPee bbee ... he wants more than $75,000 in compensatory damages and punitive damages on top of that. If you know any truths, half-truths or outright lies about the music and club scene send it to Sissy Vance c/o
1. Tweedy 2. Shovels & Rope 3. Leonard Cohen 4. Shakey Graves 5. AC/DC 6. Lucinda Williams 7. Cracker 8. Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers 9. Jenny Lewis 10. U2 11. Counting Crows 12. Foo Fighters 13. Joe Bonamassa 14. TV On The Radio 15. Pink Floyd 16. Weezer 17. Elle King 18. Bush 19. Fall Out Boy 20. Ziggy Marley
- Sissy Vance
SSppooookk ttaa ccuull aarr CC aarr aam meell AAppppll eess
IInngg rreeddiieenn ttss 6 Apples 1 (14 ounce) package individually-wrapped caramels (unwrapped) 2 Tablespoons milk or half and half 6 wooden sticks
1. Smashing Pumpkins 2. Lagwagon 3. Sleater-Kinney
DDii rreecctt iioonn ss Remove the stem from each apple and press a craft stick into the top. Butter a baking sheet. Place caramels and milk in a microwavesafe bowl, and microwave 2 minutes, stirring once. Allow to cool briefly. Roll each apple quickly in caramel sauce until well coated. Place on prepared sheet to set. ENIGMA
OCTOBER 30 2014
Dave Mason Dave Mason has been on the go since he was a teenager. At a time when most kids are thinking of prom dates, cars and at that time the Vietnam War Mason helped cofound one of the more defining bands of the late ‘60s, Traffic. His talent on guitar saw him contribute to albums by the Rolling Stones, Jimi Hendrix and Paul McCartney, just to name a few. His solo career continued to soar throughout the ‘70s with many radio hits such as “We Just Disagree” and “Let It Go, Let It Flow”. Mason continues not only performing but recording as well. He recently released his latest album, Futures Past and is on tour now.
H oow H w ’’ss tthhee ttoouurr ggooii nngg ss oo ffaarr ?? The tour’s been going great. Very good. Great response. It’s been a lot of fun.
YY oouu’’vvee bbeeee nn ddooii nngg tthhiiss ss iinnccee yyoouu wee rree aa kk iidd.. YYoouu aa rree oonnee ooff tthh ee ccoo-w ffoouunnddeerr ss ooff TTrr aaffffii cc w w hhee nn yy oouu w wee rree aa tteeee nnaaggeerr .. I was probably 19 going on 20, actually. W hhee nn yyoouu’’rr ee tthh aatt aaggee m W mooss tt gguuyyss aa rree tthhii nnkk iinngg aabboouutt SSaa ttuurrddaa yy nnii gghhtt,, ggii rr llss ,, ccaa rrss aa nndd ss ttuuffff ll ii kk ee tthhaatt.. IInnsstteeaa dd yy oouu’’rr ee iinn tthhee ss ttuuddii oo aa nndd oouutt ppeerr ffoorr m miinngg llii vvee.. W Whh iicchh ddoo yyoouu tthhiinnkk iiss m moorree ddiiffffii ccuull tt,, ddee aallii nngg w wii tthh tthhee ee ggoo ooff aa tteeee nnaa ggeerr oorr tthhaa tt ooff aa muuss iiccii aann oonn tthh ee rrii ssee ?? m Gosh, I’m not thinking of any of that stuff when you’re that young. You’re just doing it, basically. I had kind of a one track mind, so that was my goal.
station. Plus there was actually a person there as opposed to now when there isn’t, which is the missing link in everything. There really is no way for an artist like me to get new material played because YYoouu hh aavvee rree ccoorr ddeedd m maannyy ss oonnggss tthhaatt people don’t know anything new is hhaa vvee bbeeee nn ssttaappll eess oonn tthh ee rr aaddiioo ffoorr out. So radio to me is a big probyyeeaa rrss aanndd yyee aarr ss.. N N oott oonnll yy tthhaatt lem. yyoouu’’vv ee w woorr kkee dd w wii tthh tthhee llii kkee ss ooff JJiim mii HH eennddrr iixx,, PPaa uull M MccCC aarr ttnneeyy aa nndd DDoo yyoouu ee nnjj ooyy bbeeii nngg ii nn tthhee ss ttuuddii oo oorr tthhee RRooll llii nngg SSttoonnee ss jj uuss tt ttoo nnaa m mee aa ppll aayyii nngg ll iivvee ?? ffeew w.. W Waass tthhee rree aannyy ttii m mee w whh iill ee rree ccoorr ddiinngg aa ss oonngg tthh aatt yy oouu tthh oouu gghhtt I like doing both. The way things ttoo yyoouurr ssee llff,, ““ TThhiiss ii ss ggooiinngg ttoo bbee have gone with music everything is pretty much focused on live perbbii gg””?? formance. It’s the only way to get Not really. “Feelin’ Alright” is my your new material out to people. most successful song. It has been I’ve been doing that since I started. recorded by nearly 50 different It’s nothing new for me. artists. I’m sure every garage band Doo yyoouu hh aavv ee aa ffaa vvoorrii ttee gguu iittaa rr w whh eenn in the world has played it at some D mii nngg?? point. “We Just Disagree” was a hit yyoouu ’’rr ee ppee rrffoorrm I didn’t write it. My guitar player that was with me for years, Jim I use a custom made Telecaster Krueger did. One hopes one will that Fender made for me. have some success, but I don’t AA ll oott ooff m muu ssii cciiaannss w wiill ll ccaa rrrr yy aa think that really would fit it. ddoozz eenn oorr m moorr ee gguuii ttaarr ss w w iitthh tthh eem m D oo yyoouu pprree ttttyy m muucchh ss ttiicckk YYoouu’’vvee ssee eenn aa lloott ooff m muu ssii cc ss ttyyllee ss oonn ssttaaggee .. D ccoom mee aanndd ggoo oovveerr tthhee yyee aarrss .. H H oow w ttoo tthhee oonnee gguu ii ttaa rr?? ddii dd yyoouu ss uurrvvii vvee ddiiss ccoo aanndd ppuunnkk I bring one Telecaster extra in case rroocckk?? I break a string and I have two (laughs) My musical tastes are pret- acoustic guitars. I bring four guity eclectic. It’s hard to pin down tars. what I do like. Is it blues? Is it rock? I try to incorporate all of it. YYoouu ’’vvee bbeeeenn oonn ttoouu rr rr eeccee nnttllyy aanndd w hhooll ee ll iiffee .. I have a very wide music taste. aaccttuuaa llll yy ttoouu rrii nngg yyoouurr w Whh aatt ddoo yyoouu eennjj ooyy aabboouu tt bbeeiinngg oonn When recording it’s more about W how the song is going to be inter- tthh ee rr ooaa dd?? preted. Aside from the writing and all, I’m YYoouu’’rree ffrr oom m tthh ee ggeennee rraattii oonn tthh aatt uupp a working musician. Everybody uunnttii ll rree cceennttllyy ii tt w w aass aa bbiigg ddeeaall ttoo that plays with me is the same. I bbee hheeaarr dd ooff tthhee rraaddii oo.. DD oo yyoouu guess we just love to be out there tthhii nnkk tthhaatt’’ss ll ooss tt ooff aa ll oott ooff ttooddaa yy’’ss playing. For us it’s great that we’re still able to do it. aarrttii ssttss ?? a song that’s great it’s a wonderful evening when you can go on stage and have a great evening playing. I think it all sort of goes hand in hand.
YY oouu w w eeaarr m maannyy hhaattss ,, tthhaatt ooff aa ss oonngg-- Yeah. I think that frankly the probwrr iittee rr,, m w muussii cciiaa nn aa nndd ss iinnggee rr.. DD oo lem is there is no original any yyoouu ffaa vvoorr oonnee oovv eerr tthhee ootthhee rr?? more. Everything has been categorized and formatted for age groups, Not really. They all sort of go hand ethnic groups which narrows the in hand I suppose. I think they’re field in terms of how things used to all great. When you come up with be when there was a real FM radio
DDoo yyoouu ccooll llaabboorraa ttee w whheenn yyoouu w w rrii ttee oorr ddoo yyoouu tteenndd ttoo bbee w woorr kk aall oonnee?? I’ve mostly written on my own. There have been the odd times when I’ve done some with somebody. Most of it was probably with
Jim Capaldi. For the bulk of my stuff I’ve just written on my own.
HH oow w ddooee ss ii tt ffee eell ttoo bbee aann ii nndduucctteeee ii nnttoo tthhee RRoocckk aa nndd RRooll ll HH aall ll ooff FFaa m mee ?? It’s obviously nice to be recognized for what you’re doing, but I don’t really think it affects the bottom line or anything like that. It was nice to be recognized for what you’ve done.
YY oouu’’vvee ppll aayyeedd w wiitthh aa W Whhoo’’ss W Whhoo ll iiss tt ooff aarr ttiiss ttss oonn ss oom mee ooff tthhee ggrree aatt-ee sstt aa llbbuum mss oouutt tthh ee rree.. W Waass tthhee rree aa nnyy oonnee tthhaatt rree aallll yy ssttoooodd oouutt ttoo yyoouu?? Obviously [Jimi] Hendrix stands out the most I think. They’re all extremely talented. W eerr eenn’’tt yyoouu aanndd hhii m W m pprr eettttyy ggoooodd ffrr iieennddss?? I got lucky enough to hang out with him for quite some time and did some recordings with him and luckily some of them ended up on Electric Ladyland. I played acoustic guitar on “All Along the Watchtower” and “Crosstown Traffic”. There were other recordings, but frankly I don’t really know what happened to them. (laughs)
YY oouu’’rr ee ttoouurrii nngg aass DD aavvee M Maassoonn’’ss TT rraa ffffiicc JJaam m.. AArr ee yy oouu rr eew woorr kkii nngg ss oom mee ooff oouurr ccllaass ss iicc ssoonnggss ffoorr tthh iiss ?? Basically the show is worked into some sort of a musical travelogue of my whole career basically up to this point. We start off with these Traffic tunes and the show depending on the venue there are visual aspects to the show. We have a visual thing going on. We do the Traffic stuff and then take a break and come back and pretty much do material from my solo career to my new CD Futures Past.
- Dave Weinthal ENIGMA
OCTOBER 30 2014
Stephan Forte Stephan Forte is a French guitar virtuoso. That’s right! He’s a FRENCH guitar virtuoso whose technical style of play consists of elements borrowed from both classical and heavy metal music. Think Yngwie Malmsteen and you have a 21st Century European guitar slinger who manipulates his six strings like he’s playing a violin – only louder. With the pending release of his eagerly anticipated maa BBllaa cckk O Oppeerr aa, solo record, EEnnii ggm the last week of October, Forte is hopeful this recording will help establish his guitar cred overseas, namely the United States. This country can brutal on European guitarists who cross the Atlantic determined to impress the masses with their God-given talent. Forte initially had the spotlight focused on him in France at the turn of the century when the progressive metal band he formed, Adagio, released their debut recording, SSaannccttuu ss IIggnnii ss. It was an immediate hit in his native country. The album, where Forte introduced a technically intricate guitar styling based on the music of symphonic composers he greatly admired, was skillfully blended into the group’s darker heavy metal side. The recording instantly set this French band apart from their hard rocking European contemporaries. Think Nightwish and Within Temptation without a dynamic and beautiful operatic female singer. Last year Forte, a perfectionist if there ever was one, moved to Los Angeles from his native France to tackle the next great musical adventure of his life – a solo recording. Though it took over a year to record his latest solo effort, the guitarist will tell you straight up his musical odyssey has been well worth the time he put into it. Now it’s time for the judge and jury – metal fans the world over – to pass the final judgment. W ee lliivv ee ii nn aa nn eerr aa ooff ccoonnvv eenniiee nnccee.. W IItt uussee dd ttoo bbee tthhaa tt m muussii cc w w aass aall ll aabboouutt tthhee aallbbuum m.. NN oow w iitt ii ss aallll aabboouutt tthhee ssii nnggllee ttoo ppllaayy oonn yyoouurr pphhoonnee.. BBeeccaa uuss ee ooff AAddaa ggiioo’’ss ii nnttee rrnnaa ttii oonnaall
ssttaa ttuuss aa ss aa rroocckk aa cctt,, aa nndd yyoouurr ffaam mee aass aa gguuiittaa rrii sstt,, ii ss iitt ddiiffffiiccuull tt aatt ttiim mee ss ttoo ffii gguurree oouutt w waayyss ttoo m maa rrkk eett yyoouu rr -ssee llff ii nn aa vveerr yy ccrroow w ddee dd m muu ss iiccaall ffii eelldd whh eerr ee aall ll ttyyppee ss ooff bbaannddss aanndd aarr ttiiss ttss w aarr ee ccoom mppeettii nngg ffoorr aatttteennttii oonn?? O O rr ddoo yyoouu ee vveenn tthhii nnkk aabboouutt tthhaatt??
SStteepphhaa nn FF oorr ttee –– Well, I cannot speak for other bands or artists, but I think that it’s very important to first identify the universe you like and then be ready to be associated with it, no matter what. As far as I’m concerned, my art is just a natural extension of my personality, so I’m not really thinking about it. I just go for it, not being concerned by what people will think of it. If I want to have a neon pink guitar, or if I think that it would be cool to have two beautiful Goth girls making love in a blood bath in my music video, well I don’t overthink it, I just do it! AAfftteerr yy oouu rr eellee aass eedd AArr cchhaa nnggee llss iinn BBllaacckk w wii tthh AA ddaa ggiioo iinn 22000099,, yyoouurr muuss iiccaa ll oouu ttppuu tt tthhee ffoollll oow m wiinngg yyee aarr ss rree vvoollvvee dd ss oolleell yy oonn aa ssoolloo ccaarr eeee rr wiitthh TThh ee SShhaa ddoow w wss CC oom mppee nnddii uu m m iinn 220011 11 aa nndd nnoow w EEnnii ggm maa O Oppeerr aa BBllaa cckk tthhii ss ccoom mii nngg ffaallll .. H H aavvee yyoouu ddee cciiddeedd ttoo ccoonnccee nnttrr aattee ss oollee llyy oonn yyoouurr oow wnn ccaarr eeeerr ,, oorr iiss tthheerr ee ssttii llll uunnffiinnii sshheedd bbuuss iinneess ss w w iitthh A Addaaggii oo?? There is still unfinished business with Adagio…I just needed this break. There has been so many line up changes, problems with singers, difficulties all the time, that in the end, it started to bore me and I needed to do something else and reboot my creativity. Instrumental music allows me to express myself 100 percent with no commercial compromise. That made me realize what I was finally missing with Adagio – pure uncompromised music. So now I’m motivated again and ready to finish the arrangements on Adagio’s upcoming album. Songs are done so it shouldn’t be long.
YYoouu aa rree ttaallee nntteedd ee nnoouugghh ttoo w whheerr ee yyoouu ccaa nn ppii cckk uupp aa gguuii ttaarr oorr aa ssttrr iinnggeedd iinnss ttrruum meenntt,, w whheetthheerr ii tt’’ss eell eeccttrrii cc oorr aaccoouuss ttiicc,, aanndd ttaakk ee tthhee ssoouunnddss ffll oow wiinngg ffrroom m yy oouu rr ffiinnggee rr -ttiippss iinn aannyy m muu ssii ccaall ddiirr eeccttiioonn yyoouu ENIGMA
lliikk ee.. W Wiitthh ssoo m maa nnyy ooppttii oonnss aa vvaaii ll-aabbllee,, aa nndd II’’m m ttaallkk iinngg aabboouutt rroocckk ,, jjaazz zz oorr eevvee nn ccllaass ssii ccaall ,, iiss iitt ddii ffffii ccuulltt ffoorr yy oouu aatt ttiim meess ttoo ssttaa yy ffooccuu ssee dd oonn oonnee ddiirr eeccttii oonn ttoo ccoonncceennttrr aattee yyoouurr muu ssii ccaall ee ffffoorr ttss oonn?? m Thank you. I wish I had this chance … but unfortunately, even though my musical tastes are wide, my abilities are limited to rock. I’m just trying to include some of my other influences in it, which I hope makes it a bit more interesting. Waass tthhee rree oonnee ppaa rrttiiccuu ll aarr ss oonngg oonn W EEnniiggm maa OOppeerr aa BBll aacckk tthhaatt yyoouu bbuuii lltt tthhee rr eess tt ooff tthhee aa llbbuum m aarr oouunndd?? The song “Enigma Opera Black” is probably the closest to the vibe I wanted to give to this album. It has this kind of bizarre ambiance – with the howling at the beginning, the twisted harmony and ethereal arrangements. So I would say that this one is maybe the most representative of what the album is about. Now, “Zeta Nemesis” has something attached to it. The refrain has a sort of sad, melancholic feeling that was dependent on what I was thinking about as I worked on it. I wanted to emphasize that moment’s feelings in the composition while I was working on it. Whh eenn yyoouu aa rree rr eell eeaass iinngg ss oolloo m W maa ttee-rriiaa ll,, ddoo yyoouu ffii nndd yyoouurrss eell ff w waa llkk iinngg aa ffii nnee ll iinnee w whh eerr ee yy oouu w waa nntt yyoouurr ccoom mppoossii ttiioonnss ttoo aappppeeaa ll ttoo gguu iittaarr eenntthhuuss iiaass ttss w w hhii llee aatt tthh ee ss aam mee ttii m mee ffii nndd ccoom mm moonn ggrr oouunndd w wiitthh tthhee ggeenn-eerraa ll ppuubbllii cc aa ss w weell ll?? O Orr ddooeess ii tt eevv eenn maa ttttee rr?? m Nope, I’m just trying to be accurate and reproduce the music, feelings and images I have inside my head and heart. With Adagio, yes, I made the mistake of trying to think in a more mainstream way, and that’s what turned me off.
II’’m m ggooii nngg ttoo aassss uum mee yy oouu aarree oonnee ooff tthhoossee ccrr eeaattii vvee ttyy ppee ss w w hhoo aa rree w wrr iitt-iinngg m muu ssii cc aa llll tthh ee ttii m mee.. IInn ffaacctt,, II’’m m wiill llii nngg ttoo bbeett hh aarr ddll yy aa ddaayy ggooee ss bbyy w tthhaatt yyoouu ddoonn’’tt hhaavv ee rraa nnddoom m ii ddeeaass tthhaatt ppoopp ii nnttoo yy oouurr hhee aadd aanndd yyoouu jjuusstt hhaa vvee ttoo rr eeccoorr dd tthhee m m ss oo yyoouu
ccaa nn rr eevvii ssii tt tthhee m muuss ii cc ll aatteerr .. DDii dd aa nnyy ooff tthhooss ee ssii ttuuaa ttii oonnss ooccccuurr w wiitthh yyoouurr ss oolloo rree ccoorr dd,, aanndd ii ff ssoo,, w whh iicchh ssoonnggss w hhee rree tthhee yy aanndd w w w hhaa tt hh aappppee nneedd ttoo ss ppuurr tthhee iiddee aa?? Yes, that happens many times. The worst is when you’re dead tired and happily going to bed. Suddenly a great melody comes up in your head but everything is shut down, lights, computer, you name it. When that moment happens, it depends on how complex the arrangement is how I go about dealing with the situation. If it’s just a melody, I turn the lights on, take a piece of paper, write down the melody and the basic chords and then go back to sleep. Unfortunately, I’ll just get back up five minutes later because I can hear what’s coming next and it sounds cool. Now if what I hear at the particular moment is very precise and has more elements than just a melody, I restart the computer, open Cubase and record the whole idea, sometimes with all the arrangements.
DD oo yyoouu eevvee rr ffeeeell oovv eerrw w hhee llm meedd bbyy tthhee ee xxppeerr iieennccee aanndd hhaass iitt pprroovvee nn ddiiffffii ccuull tt ttoo ee ssttaabbll iiss hh aa rr eeaall iiddeennttii ttyy ffoorr yyoouurrss eell ff bbee ccaauussee ooff tthhee iinnccrr eedd-ii bbll ee aabbii llii ttii eess yyoouu ppoossss eessss ?? I don’t think I possess any incredible ability, I think I just have the chance of being able to express my feelings with my instrument. I just need to keep on perfecting my skills in order to maybe someday be limitless with my expressivity, but that’s unfortunately not for now.
HH aass ll iivvii nngg ii nn FFrr aannccee aanndd bbeeii nngg aa rr oocckk aa rrtt iiss tt bbee ee nn aa pprr oobbll ee m m?? OO uuttss iiddee ooff GG oojjii rraa,, II ddoonn’’tt kk nnoow w ooff aa nnyy ootthheerr hhaarr dd rr oocckk aa cctt ffrr oom m yyoouurr ccoouunnttrr yy.. Yes and that is a tough one. It’s the reason I decided to move to Los Angeles this past January. It is very difficult to make a good business out of rock, especially metal, in France. People there do not understand the concept of associating the words ‘rock music’ and ‘business’ together. People in my coun-
w aass ttrryy iinngg ttoo aa ddaa pptt ttoo?? w Not that much. Of course in the beginning you’re like, “Damn, my album has been leaked and it’s already available as a torrent” and you’re pissed. But after a while, you realize that the more people hear and like your music, the more fans you will have. In the end, they are the most important thing to any artist’s career. Fans are way more important than record labels.
AAtt w whhaatt ppaarr ttiiccuullaa rr ppooii nntt iinn tthhee ppaass tt ddiidd yyoouu rr eeaall iizz ee tthhee IInntteerr nneett hhaadd ll eevvee llee dd tthhee ppllaayy iinngg ffii eell dd bbee ttw weeee nn ll aabbeell ss aanndd aa rrttii ssttss w whh eerr ee yyoouu w wee rree ii nn ccoonnttrrooll ii nnsstteeaa dd ooff tthhee ootthhee rr w waa yy aa rroouunndd?? Well, it has been difficult to realize the economic model of the music business was changing for good. I was thinking it was just a crisis and that it would eventually be back to normal soon. But, when one year after you see sales are still declining, and people are not consuming music like they used to do, you realize it’s time to react and do something about it. I’m spending a lot of time analyzing what’s generating income in today’s music community. It has totally changed. You don’t do marketing like a label was doing it 10 years ago. That would be a waste of money.
II nnoottiiccee dd yyoouu w wee nntt tthhee IInnddii GGooGG oo rr oouuttee ttoo ss eeccuurree ffuunnddss ttoo ss hhoooott aa vvii ddeeoo ffoorr ““ SSeeccttoorr AA UU nnddee aadd..”” TT hhaa tt w aass nnoott oonnll yy vv eerryy ccrr eeaa ttii vvee oonn yyoouurr w ppaarr tt,, bbuutt aa bbrr iill llii aanntt w waayy ffoorr yy oouu ttoo rr eeaall llyy ccoonnnnee cctt w wiitthh ffaannss aanndd m maa kkee tthheem m ffeeee ll aa ppaa rrtt ooff w whh aatt yyoouu ’’rree ddooiinngg.. HH oow w ddiidd tthh ee iiddee aa ee vveenn ccoom mee aa bboouutt?? I had no other option as I had already invested my entire budget into the label and release of Enigma Opera Black. So the only way to have a video to support the album was to ask the fans and see if they would be willing to help. Damn if they didn’t do it! I’d like to take the opportunity to thank them again! try are almost ashamed to mention the word money when talking about music. I definitely am not. BBeeccaa uuss ee yyoouu w w eeaarr ssoo m maannyy hhaa ttss,, whh eetthh eerr ii tt iiss ii nn aa ggrroouu pp ssee ttttii nngg oorr w aass aa ss oolloo aarr ttiiss tt,, ddoo yyoouu hhaavv ee aannyy cchheecckk ss aa nndd bbaa llaa nnccee ss yyoouu uuss ee,, ppeerr -hhaappss aa ttrr uuss tteedd ffrrii eenndd oorr pprroodduuccee rr,, tthhaatt yyoouu llee aann oonn w whh oo w wiill ll ssttaa nndd uu pp ttoo yyoouu aanndd ss aayy,, ““SSttee pphhaann,, eennoouugghh ii ss eennoouugghh!! OO rr SStteepphhaann,, ggrr eeaa tt ddii rree cc-ttiioonn yyoouu aarr ee ttaakkii nngg.. LLeett’’ss eexx ppll oorree ii tt moorr ee.. ”” m
No and honestly I wish I had. I’ve quickly come to understand that if you’re waiting too long for people to form an opinion, then you’re stuck. And sometimes for nothing, or worse, sometimes for less than you could have achieved by yourself. I’ve learned to count on myself. I work very hard and I hire talented people in the fields that are not mine. If someone willing to help is crossing my path, that’s ENIGMA
awesome, if not, well, that’s too BByy tthhee w waayy ,, bbee ccaauussee ooff tthhee ccuurr rree nn-bad, but I’m moving forward. ccyy eexx cchhaa nnggee rraattee ,, EEuurrooss ggoo aa ll oott U ..SS.. oorr CC aannaaddaa tthhaa nn Whh eenn yyoouu ss ttaarrttee dd oouu tt ii nn tthhii ss bbuu ss ii-- ffuu rrtthh eerr ii nn tthh ee U W H aavv ee yyoouu nnee ssss w w iitthh yy oouu rr ffii rrss tt rr eeccoorrddii nngg aass tthh eeyy ddoo ii nn yyoouurr ccoouunnttrr yy.. H mii nngg tthh ee pprr oojjee cctt ii nn AAddaa ggiioo,, tthhee IInnttee rrnneett w waass bbeeii nngg ppoorr-- ccoonnssii ddeerr eedd ffii llm N oorrtthh A Am meerr iiccaa ?? ttrr aayyee dd aass tthhee eennee m myy nnoott oonnll yy ttoo N rreeccoorr dd ccoom mppaa nnii eess ,, bbuutt rree ccoorr ddiinngg aarrttii ssttss aass w weell ll.. O O vveerr aa ddeeccaa ddee llaa tteerr ,, What you are saying is very true, tthhaatt oonnee--ttii m mee eennee m myy iiss nnoow w tthh ee and even though the process would aarrttii sstt’’ss ii nnddii ssppeennss aabbllee ffrrii eenndd.. W Waa ss iitt have been a bit cheaper, going that ddii ffffiiccuulltt aatt ffii rrss tt ffoorr yyoouu ttoo aaddjj uuss tt ttoo route would have postponed the tthhii ss nnee w ww woorrll dd tthhee m muu ssii cc ii nndduu ssttrr yy project to a further date. Since we
were already behind schedule for the video, looking to go a more economical route just would not have been the best option.
TT hhee rree ssee eem mss ttoo bbee aa m moovvee m mee nntt oonn tthhee ppaa rrtt ooff SSccaa nnddii nnaavvii aann hhaa rrdd rroocckk aanndd m meettaall bbaannddss ttoo ppuu tt tthhoouu gghhtt aa nndd ss uubbssttaa nnccee bbee hhiinn dd tthhee iirr m muu ssii cc,, whh ee tthh eerr iitt’’ ss uu ssii nngg ccll aass ss iiccaa ll llyy w ttrr aaiinnee dd ffeem maa llee ss iinnggee rrss ttoo ffrr oonntt tthheeiirr bbaannddss,, uuss iinngg ffuullll oorrcchheess ttrraa ss,, iinnccoorr ppoorr aattiinngg kk eeyy bbooaarr ddss ii nnttoo tthhee muuss iicc oorr ccrr eeaattii nngg tthh eem m mee ss ttoo bbuu iill dd aann eennttiirr ee aallbbuum m aarr oouunndd.. A Arree yyoouu aaw w aarree tthh aatt ss yym mpphh oonniicc rroocckk m moovvee -meenntt ggooii nngg oonn aanndd ddooeess iitt aatt aall ll m iinnttee rreess tt yyoouu?? I respect it, but I have to be honest and confess that I am not really a fan of this “power melodic symphonic female fronted genre.” That’s not really how I envision ‘Metal’ and ‘Classical’ merged together. But once again, that’s only my personal view and I have a lot of respect for the bands working in that field.
AAss yyoouu w wee llll kknnoow w,, NNoorrtthh AAm meerr iiccaa aanndd EE uurr ooppee ii ttss eell ff hhaavvee aa ttrreem mee nn-ddoouuss aam moouunntt ooff ttaallee nntteedd gguuiittaarr iiss ttss tthhaatt ccaa nn ss hhrr eedd ll iikk ee nnoobbooddyy’’ss bbuussii -nneess ss.. TT oo ssttaanndd oouutt ffrroom m tthh ee ffiiee lldd,, yyoouu hhaa vvee ttoo bbee m moorr ee tthh aann eexxccee pp-ttiioonnaall .. YYoouu hhaavvee ttoo bbee ss iim mppllyy aam maazz -iinngg.. HH oow w ddooeess yyoouu rr vvaass tt kknnoow wll eeddggee ooff ccll aass ssii ccaall m muuss iicc ccoom mee ii nn ttoo ppll aayy whh eenn yyoouu aarree ccoom w mppoossii nngg m muu ss iicc – – oorr ddooee ss iitt?? AArr ee tthhee rree aannyy ppaa rrttii ccuull aarr ss oonngg ((oorr ss oonnggss )) oonn tthhee nnee w w aa llbbuu m m whh eerr ee yyoouu rreeii nntteerr pprr eettee dd tthhee ppaass tt w aanndd bbrr oouugghhtt tthhee m muu ssii cc ii nnttoo tthh ee 2211 ss tt CC eennttuurr yy?? You cannot count on your technique alone today; the bar is SO high now, that it’s clearly impossible. That might sound a bit cliché and it has been already said a billion times, but it’s true. Technique should be considered as a tool, and those tools should be mastered in a way that allows you to express your ideas in the most accurate way possible. Now as far as I’m concerned, yes, it is necessary for me to develop my technique at the highest level possible as many of the musical ideas I have in mind are often really fast, fluid and accurate. If I want to be able to perform them, I need to practice my technique and interpretation a lot every day. The opening song on the album, “Short Virtuoso Etude” is based on the immensely famous 3rd movement of Beethoven’s “Moonlight Sonata”. I wanted to do an etude for myself that would target most of the difficulties I
encountered with the legato technique. Since I’ve done an improvisation on the 1st movement of this very same sonata on “The Shadows Compendium,” I thought that could be a cool piece to use as an etude – but only if I managed to play it very fast. So I worked, and worked on it until I was finally able to record it the way I wanted.
really enter into consideration. Now I am working on a new band, which means a touring band with a strong stage activity. I need to go on stage playing very heavy stuff. I’m missing it.
AAtt aannyy ppooiinntt dduurr iinngg tthhee ccrr eeaattii oonn ooff EEnniiggm maa OO ppee rraa BBllaa cckk ,, ddii dd yyoouu eevveerr ffii nndd yyoouurrss eellff oovveerr tthhii nnkkii nngg aa ssoonngg aanndd yyoouu ffiinnaall llyy jjuusstt hhaa dd ssttoopp tthhee Whhaa tt ddooee ss tthhee ss ooll oo w W woorr kk ooff ssee ccoonndd--gguuee ssss ii nngg,, ttrr uuss tt yy oouurr SStteepphhaa nn FF oorr ttee aall lloow w hhiim m ttoo aa ccccoom m -- iinnssttii nnccttss aanndd lleett ii tt ggoo?? ppllii sshh aa ss ooppppooss eedd ttoo tthh ee m muuss iicc SStteepphhaa nn FF oorr ttee ccrree aatteess ffoorr tthhee bbaa nndd Yes, I can’t really recall which song, but I remember being stuck Addaa ggiioo?? A looking for some theme ideas on a It allows me to go and search for part, and nothing would come up. what my subconscious mind under- So I let that aside, and one day, lisstands about me that my conscious tening to it with fresh ears, the mind doesn’t know then transform theme came instantly by itself. it into art. With my solo work, I really go far introspecting myself. I W Whh aatt w waa ss ii tt aa bboouu tt tthhee ssoonngg ““ZZee ttaa guess It could be considered as N Neem mee ssii ss”” w w hhee rree yyoouu ssaaii dd ttoo yyoouu rr-psychoanalysis. With Adagio, it has sseell ff,, ““TT hhii ss ppaa rrtt ooff tthh ee ccoom mppoossii ttiioonn been the case, but only with the w woouull dd rree aallll yy ss oouunndd ggrr eeaa tt iiff aa nnootthh eerr second album, Underworld. In that gguu ii ttaarrii sstt ii nnttee rrpprree tteedd tthhii ss ppaarr ttiiccuu llaarr sense, EE nniiggm maa O Oppeerr aa BBll aacckk and m muu ssii ccaall ppaass ss aaggee oonn tthh eeii rr ii nnss ttrruu -UUnnddeerr w woorrll dd are the most personal m mee nntt??”” AAnndd tthh aatt ll eeaaddss ttoo PPaa rrtt II II ooff things I ever wrote. tthhee qquuee ssttii oonn,, w whh yy M Maa rrttyy FFrrii eeddm maann aanndd hhoow w ddii dd yyoouu bbeeccoom mee aaccqquuaa iinntt-Whh yy ddoo yyoouu ffeeee ll aa nneeeedd ttoo ccrree aattee aa eedd w W w iitthh hh iim m.. ssee ppaa rraa ttee m muuss iiccaa ll iiddee nnttii ttyy ffoorr yyoouu rr -ssee llff oouuttss iiddee ooff tthhee oonnee yyoouu ee ssttaa bb-- Actually, I proposed a part to him and he felt more inspired by the llii sshheedd w wii tthh A Addaaggiioo?? bridge that was coming afterwards. Adagio is a vocal band. Voice is not So I took his initial solo part and he my instrument, so even though I took the second solo part. I met can express my ideas musically Marty a couple years ago. I had to with Adagio, I am not able to interview him for a magazine I was express them fully. working with and I had my guitar. So we went in the bus, he started SStteevvee VVaaii iiss aa ccllaass ssii cc ee xxaam mppllee ooff aa to explain a couple of licks and gguuii ttaarr iiss tt w whh oossee eennoorrm moouu ss ttaall eenntt after like five minutes he said, wii tthh hh iiss ii nnss ttrruu m w meenntt aaccttuu aall llyy w weerr ee “Hey, you have your guitar, fuck ccoonnttaa iinneedd bbeeccaa uuss ee ooff tthhee ggrroouupp that, let’s jam together!” Of course ssee ttttii nnggss hhee ffoouunndd hhii m mss eell ff ii nnvv ooll vveedd I was over the moon and we improwii tthh – w – ffiirr sstt w wiitthh D Daa vviidd LLee ee RRootthh vised on some of my favorite stuff aanndd tthhee nn DD aa vvii dd CC oovv eerr ddaall ee ooff of his, “Lucretia”, “Concerto from Whh ii ttee ssnnaa kkee – W – ppuu tt rree ssttrr iiccttii oonnss oonn Cacophony”, etc. That day was hhii m m.. O Onnccee hh ee ffrree eedd hh iim mss eell ff ffrr oom m magical. Then, after the release of tthhooss ee rr eess ppoonnss iibbiill iittii eess ,, ii.. ee.. vvooccaa ll -- my last solo album, SShhaaddoow wss iiss ttss,, hhee ss ooaarree dd aass aa ssoolloo aarrttii sstt.. DDoo CCoom mppee nnddii uum m , my agent asked if I yyoouu ssee ee yyoouurrss eell ff ggooiinngg ffuullll ttiim mee iinn would be interested in doing the tthhaa tt ddiirr eeccttiioonn ss oom meeddaayy,, oorr w w oouull dd iitt Guitar Universe European tour bbee aa nn aaddm miiss ss iioonn ooff ffaa iill uurr ee w wii tthh with Marty. As you can guess, that was an instant “YES!” So we toured AAddaaggiioo ooff yyoouu ddii dd?? together all over Europe and What I can say is that I really enjoy jammed on one of his songs my solo career, on both a personal “Dragon Mistress” almost every level and on a professional one. night. That was awesome. Concerning Adagio, there is no II tthh ii nnkk tthh ee m maarrkk ooff aa ttrr uuee w wii nnnneerr iiss notion of failure or success any- ssoom meeoonnee ccllii m mbbii nngg tthh ee ll aaddddeerr ttoo more for me. It’s becoming pure aaddm mii tt tthhaa tt aatt ss oom mee ppooii nntt iinn tthh eeiirr music again. I do not want it to be ccaa rree eerr ,, tthh eeyy w w eerr ee w wrr oonngg iinn tthh ee ppaa sstt spoiled by commercial obligations, aanndd cchhaa nnggeedd ccoouu rrss ee.. D Dii dd tthhaa tt ss iittuu aa-so the plan is to just record music ttii oonn ee vveerr ooccccuu rr w wii tthh A Addaaggii oo?? II tt hh aass with no compromises, just like I’m bbee eenn ffiivv ee yyee aarrss ss iinnccee yy oouu rr eell eeaass eedd doing with my solo stuff, except aa bbaa nndd aall bbuu m m.. that it will be Adagio’s music – Yes, of course. It happens all the more progressive, more orchestral, time. I’m thinking a lot about my darker, intimate – so that doesn’t mistakes and take lessons from ENIGMA
them. Adagio is not a mistake. Simply, I think it wasn’t meant to be an established band. Its destiny is to be musically pure. UU nnffoorr ttuunnaa ttee llyy ,, tthhee m muu ssii cc bbuuss iinnee ssss ll iivvee ss oonnllii nnee .. IIff yyoouurr nnaa m mee ii ss nnoott oonn tthhee IInnttee rrnnee tt bbeeii nngg ttaallkk eedd aabboouutt,, oorr yyoouu’’rree tthhee ss uubbjj eecctt ooff aa nnee w wss iittee m m,, yyoouu’’rree ffaaddii nngg aaw w aayy.. M Mee aannttiim mee ,, ootthh -ee rrss aarree vvyyiinngg ffoorr yy oouurr ss ppoott oonn ttoopp.. IIss tthhii ss 2244//77 w woorr lldd ooff iinnss ttaanntt aaccccee ssss tthhee nneew w rr eeaa llii ttyy m muu ss ii cciiaa nnss ffaaccee ttooddaayy aanndd iiss tthhaa tt aa ggoooodd tthhii nngg bbeeccaa uuss ee yyoouu ccaann’’tt rree sstt oonn yyoouurr ppaass tt aa ccccoom mppllii sshh m meennttss?? Yes, it IS 24/7! You can’t allow yourself to make a total break for more than two weeks or you’re dead. Some periods are cooler than others, but you need to have an online presence on a daily basis. At least to reply to your fans messages. IInn aa bbaanndd sseettttii nngg ll iikk ee AAddaaggiioo,, yyoouu hhaavvee ttoo ddeeaall w wii tthh tthhee iinnppuu tt ffrroom m ootthheerr bbaa nndd m meem mbbeerr ss aa nndd ee ssppee ccii aall -ll yy tthhee vvooii ccee ooff yyoouurr llee aadd ssii nnggee rr.. DD ooeess tthhaatt ttyy ppee ooff w woorrkk iinngg eennvvii rroonn-meenntt cchhaa nnggee tthh ee w m waayy yyoouu aapppprr ooaacchh ccrr eeaattii nngg m muu ssii cc aa ss ooppppoossee dd ttoo w w hhee nn yyoouu aarr ee ssii ttttii nngg ddoow wnn w wrr iittii nngg iinnss ttrruu -meennttaa ll ccoom m mppooss iittii oonnss ffoorr yyoouurr ss ooll oo woorr kk?? w Well, Adagio has always been my baby, and I have the chance to have awesome friends as musicians who accepted me to handle everything. I generally write all the music, record demos, send them, and then they interpret it with their own talent and sensibility. So no, it has never been a problem. Myy ffii nnaall qquuee ssttii oonn aanndd tthh aannkk ss ffoorr M ttaakk ii nngg tthhee ttiim mee ttoo aannssw w eerr tthhee ssee qquueess ttii oonnss.. W Woorr ddss iinn aa ssoonngg m meeaa nn nnootthhiinngg w wii tthh oouu tt tthh ee m muu ssii cc ttoo bbrrii nngg tthhee ll yyrrii ccss ttoo ll iiffee .. TT hhaa tt ssaaii dd,, yyoouu w rrii ttee aa llll tthh ee m w muu ssii cc ffoorr yyoouu rr bbaa nndd,, AAddaaggii oo.. W W hh eenn yyoouu ’’rree ddeeaa lliinngg w wiitthh aa vvooii ccee,, ddooee ss tthhee ddyynnaam miicc ooff tthhaa tt ““ iinnss ttrr uum mee nntt”” cchh aannggee tthh ee w waayy yyoouu aa pppprrooaa cchh w wrrii ttiinngg m muuss iicc aass ooppppooss eedd ttoo hhoow w yyoouu ccrreeaa ttee aann aall ll iinnss ttrruu -meennttaall rree ccoorr dd?? m Yes, clearly. Maybe not the dynamic, but more the characteristics of the voice as an instrument (range, technique, tone, etc.). This enters into consideration when I write the vocal lines. Some intervals for example are very difficult to do with the voice. Jumping from the root to a flat 2nd or a major 7th is definitely very difficult. I learned that especially when recording the full choir ensemble for UU nnddee rrw woorr lldd. There were fifty people in the choir, and poor them. Some of the intervals I wrote were an abomination to sing.
- David Huff
Jimmy Eat World’s Bright Future(s)
© Photo by Dave Weinthal
I have seen the Future(s) and it is good. Jimmy Eat World rolled into Track 29 recently touring on behalf of the tenth anniversary of their album Futures. A full house was on hand as the band led by Jim Adkins took the stage and started the evening off with the title track. Moving about the stage Jimmy Eat World kept the crowd captivated as they relived the album track by track. To be honest, Futures was an okay album. It marked a shift of the band from emo to a more rock sound. What it lacked compared to 2001’s Bleed American was a truly catchy song like The Middle”. Because of the out of nowhere popularity of that song people will forever label Jimmy Eat World a onehit wonder. Futures sold a lot of albums, charting in the top ten, and also featured the single “Pain”, probably number two in popularity for the band, but unfortunately for
the band it could never live up or first encore with half coming from even capture the energy of their the EP. The encore also touched on songs from 2007’s Chase This Light “one hit”. and going back to 1999’s Clarity. Despite all this Jimmy Eat World is still going strong with their lineup Following another small break the still intact. This is a rarity in this band came out for a second encore. day and age of popular music. Their The four song encore began with “I show was tight and full of energy at Will Steal You Back” from their latTrack 29. And the crowd that kept est, 2013’s Damage. They followed growing and growing as the show new with old as they reached back went on reciprocated the energy as to 1999 again for “Lucky Denver the buzz continued to grow. Each Mint” also off of Clarity. “A Praise song was met with enthusiasm. Chorus” followed off of Bleed Some songs were more with more American and of course the night enthusiasm because of familiarity, concluded with “The Middle” literalwhich is to be expected. After com- ly bringing down the house. pleting the final cut off of Futures, “23” the band left the stage for a Opening the show was Minibosses new seconds. As the applause rose with a rally energetic and interestthey came back out for the first of ing set. The band plays mostly two encores. instrumentals throwing in a Billy Joel cover to the hyped crowd. The first encore began with “Over” Their songs are mainly video game and “Closer” from the 2005 EP Stay themes, mainly classic Nintendo. on My Side Tonight. Jimmy Eat The band was a lot of fun and set Wrold played six songs in all in this the course for the evening.
JJii m mm m yy EEaatt W W oorrll dd SSeettllii sstt Futures Just Tonight... Work Kill The World You Love Pain Drugs or Me Polaris Nothing Wrong Night Drive 23 EEnnccoorree:: Over Closer Ten Big Casino Blister Disintegration EEnnccoorree 22:: I Will Steal You Back Lucky Denver Mint A Praise Chorus The Middle - Dave Weinthal
© Photo by Dave Weinthal
© Photo by Dave Weinthal
© Photo by Dave Weinthal
© Photo by Dave Weinthal
Rob Zombie: The Venomous Rat Continues its Musical Rampage Robert Bartleh Cummings, better known by his legal name, Rob Zombie, has created quite an impressive resume for himself the past 25 years. Most people know him as a rock star, film director and horror enthusiast. Though the musician first rose to prominence as the founding member of White Zombie in the 1980’s, the singer has really found his voice as a solo performer. To date, he has released four studio records, five compilation albums and a live recording. The 47-year old has also expanded his artistic endeavors to include the motion picture industry where he has written, directed and produced several horror films. Oh yes, and let’s not forget the numerous comic book brands he’s created as well. Rob Zombie has had a profound effect on American culture, both among the Evangelicals whom he makes nervous, and among the counter-culture whom he inspires. He has also avoided drug and alcohol abuse, and though his albums are often laced with graphic imagery, his music for the most part of is devoid of profanity. This colorful musician has survived the music business for two reasons. He understands the nature of the beast, and two, he’s learned to diversify his portfolio. Rob Zombie has survived the music business for two reasons. He understands the nature of the beast, and two, he’s learned to diversify his portfolio. Currently on tour with his Great American Nightmare tour through Halloween, the show is drawing near capacity crowds throughout the fruited plain. Zombie’s multimedia production is complete with oversized LED screens constantly showing a collage of monster film clips, a giant robot shooting flames from its body, and of course the
ent on music, especially with all the changes that have occurred in the industry. For instance, I have gone through more A&R people than I can count. There were even occasions where I didn’t even have one. I’m a real hand’s on person with everything I do. I hate to say this, but turmoil at the label probably worked to my advantage. Interscope is a great company. During the merger mania, of all the places to be, Interscope was probably the most artist friendly environment for someone like me to be at. It’s probably the most creative of the labels left standing.
YYoouu w weerr ee ggiivvee nn rree llaa ttiivvee ffrree eeddoom m ttoo ddoo w whhaatt yyoouu w w aanntteedd w whheenn yyoouu w eenntt ssooll oo w w w iitthhoouutt ii nnttee rrffee rree nnccee ffrr oom mG G eeffffee nn ii nn tthhee eeaarr llyy ddaa yyss.. YY oouu ss eeee m meedd ttoo tthhrr iivvee uunnddee rr tthhee ttuum muull tt tthhaatt w waa ss ggooiinngg oonn aarr oouunndd yyoouu..
band itself. Is this the greatest moil over the years in a real selftouring show on earth? Don’t bet sufficient way. There’s really nothagainst it. ing that can happen at the label that affects me. YYoouu ttooll dd m mee yyee aarr ss aa ggoo tthhaatt tthhee muuss iicc bbuuss iinnee ssss ii ss ssoo ffll uuiidd yyoouu w m w eerr ee IIss tthhaatt oonnee ooff tthhee rreeaa ssoonnss yyoouu hhaavvee nneevvee rr ccoonncceerr nneedd w wiitthh rree ccoorrdd ccoom m -- uuss eedd yyoouurr ccrree aattii vvee ttaall eennttss ii nn ootthheerr ppaannyy ttuurrnnoovvee rr oorr ccoonnss ooll iiddaa ttiioonn.. aarree aass ooff tthhee eenntteerr ttaaii nnm mee nntt ii nndduuss -YYoouu’’vvee bbee eenn w wiitthh G Gee ffffeenn lloonnggee rr ttrr yy?? tthhaa nn aannyy ooff tthhee eem mppllooyyee eess ccuurrrr eenntt -llyy aatt tthhee ccoom mppaa nnyy .. TThhaatt’’ss m moorr ee A lot of artists become dependent tthhaa nn ii rroonnii cc.. on the one thing that broke them. I didn’t want that happening to me. RRoobb ZZoom mbbii ee – – I know, it’s kind of When David Geffen sold out, the weird and funny when you think heart and soul of the company about it. I feel really bad for every- went with him. I realized I need to one that lost their jobs over the look beyond music because the years. I liked a lot of the people I music business was unpredictable. worked with and was always sad The movie industry seemed a natuwhen they were let go. I have kind ral fit. It also allowed me to wean of insulated myself from the tur- myself from being totally dependENIGMA
Pressure was always there to produce, especially with Hellbilly Deluxe. It would have been incredibly naive on my part to think otherwise. When a label gives you money to make a product, they expect a return on that investment. It’s as simple as that. I never had any false illusions that, “Oh, these people are my friends. They’d never get rid of me.” A record company loves you when you’re selling records and they couldn’t give a shit about you when you don’t. That’s just life in the music business. It’s never been any different.
YYoouu hhaavv ee ll iitteerr aall llyy oovv eerr ssee eenn eevv eerryy ss ii nnggll ee aa ss ppeecc tt ooff yyoouurr m muuss iicc aall ccaa rree eerr ss iinnccee yyoouu ss ttaarr tteedd W Whhiittee ZZ oom mbbii ee iinn 119988 55.. YY oouurr ll aass tt ttw w oo aa llbbuum mss w wiitthh tthhee bbaanndd hhaa dd rr eeaall llyy ss ttaarr tteedd tthhee bbaa llll rrooll llii nngg ffoorr tthhee ggrr oouupp.. TThhee nn yyoouu ccaall llee dd ii tt qquuii ttss.. EE xxaaccttll yy w whhaatt ttrroouubbllee dd yy oouu aabboouutt tthhee W Whhiittee ZZ oom mbbii ee iinnccaa rrnnaa ttiioonn tthhaa tt ll iittee rraa llll yy ffoorr cceedd yyoouurr hhaanndd ttoo ss ttaarr tt oovvee rr aaggaa iinn??
tthhaa tt aa pppprr ooaacchh w wiitthh W Whhii ttee ZZoom mbbiiee ?? ttii m meess ttoooo hhaarr dd oonn yyoouurrss eell ff ii nn yyoouurr qquueess tt ffoorr aa m muuss ii ccaall nnii rrvvaa nnaa. It really wasn’t a musical thing. It was personalities in the band. I’m I think everyone is their harshest critic. A lot of people would go, not going to name names. “Oh no! It’s great! Don’t worry HHee llll ,, tthheerr ee’’ss oonnllyy ttw w oo -- SSee aann aanndd about it.” JJaayy.. VVii nnccee LLoom mbbaarrddii oonnccee ss ttaa tteedd tthhaatt Let me put it to you this way. Even ppee rrffee ccttiioonn iiss nnoott aattttaa iinnaabbll ee,, bbuutt ii nn band’s in bars that stand and smile cchhaa ssii nngg iitt,, yyoouu ccoouull dd cc aattcchh ee xxcceell -maa kkee ss aa ll oott ooff ssee nnssee .. together, probably can’t stand lleennccee .. II tt m each other back stage. Who the hell knows what’s going on? All I Yes it does. I don’t think you’ll Whhaa tt II nneevvee rr ccoouulldd ffii gguurr ee oouutt w W w aass know is I didn’t feel like doing it never make anything perfect tthhiiss .. YY oouu ffiinnaall llyy hhaa vvee ppuutt W Whhiittee ZZoom mbbiiee oonn tthhee rroocckk aa nndd rr oollll m maa pp aaffttee rr yyee aarr ss aa nndd yy eeaarr ss ooff ss ttrruuggggll ee,, tthheenn oonnee ddaa yy iitt’’ss oovvee rr aanndd yyoouu’’rr ee llii kkee ,, ‘‘H Heeyy,, ii tt’’ss nnoo bbiigg ddeeaa ll..’’ IItt w w aass aa bbiigg ddeeaall ..
The personalities in the band had slowly degenerated over the course of the 13 years we were together. White Zombie stayed together a lot longer than most bands hang in there. Also, people just change. When you are 18 years old and start a band, you grow up and change as a person. After 13 years and four albums, everyone wanted different things. It wasn’t fun anymore to be in White Zombie.
You know, having the money come in, along with the success, didn’t make the band situation any better.
II kk nnoow w tthhee W Whhiittee ZZ oom mbbii ee tthhii nngg ee nnddee dd lloonngg aa ggoo,, bbuutt II tthhii nnkk iitt’’ss ii m mppoorr ttaanntt ffoorr ppee ooppll ee ttoo uunnddeerr -ss ttaanndd w whhyy yyoouu ffeell tt yyoouu jj uusstt hhaadd ttoo moovvee oonn.. II tt’’ss ss ttiill ll hhaarr dd ffoorr m m mee ttoo bbeell iiee vvee tthhaa tt AAssttrr oo CCrr eeee pp 22000000 w w aass tthhee aa ppee xx ooff yyoouurr m muuss iiccaa ll ooddyyssss eeyy w iitthh W w Whhiittee ZZoom mbbii ee.. D D iidd ii ttss ssuuccccee ssss ccrr eeaa ttee pprroobbllee m mss tthhaatt ccaa uugghhtt yyoouu ooffff gguuaa rrdd?? Not really. You know, to say anything negative now is like all the other people in the band, blah, blah, blah. I think that when you gain a measure of success, and separation happens, then the personalities involve change and it makes looking at the future harder.
DD ooee ss ffaam miill iiaa rrii ttyy aatt ttii m meess bbrree eedd aa ccoonntteem mpptt yyoouu jj uusstt ggee tt ttii rree dd ooff ddeeaa llii nngg w w iitthh oonn aa ddaa iill yy bbaa ssii ss?? I think that situation had literally run its course. It’s difficult for bands to stay together for really long periods of time. We entered a period where our creativity just came together and it clicked with the public. We made two really good records, but what you are failing to understand is the fact we were burned out on each other. A lot of bands stick out those situations and end up making crappy record after crappy record. It isn’t any fun. People have always asked me, “When do you know it’s over?” I always know it is over when what you’re doing stops being fun. That’s when it is really over.
I basically think of music as being entertainment, and if you get other things from it, great. If it can teach you something, or you can feel something, that’s all bi-products of being entertained. Music starts with the amusement factor first. It doesn’t matter what group or song you’re talking about either. If music isn’t enjoyment to you, you’ll just shut it off.
anymore with everybody.
TThhee m muuss iicc bbuuss iinnee ssss iiss ssoo uunnccee rrttaa iinn nnoow waaddaayy ss,, oonnccee yyoouu hhaavv ee ccrree aatteedd aa ssuucccceess ssffuull eennttii ttyy tthhaatt ttooookk yy oouu yyeeaa rrss ttoo bbuuiill dd,, ii tt aa llm moosstt ssee eem mss ssii llll yy ttoo ss ttaa rrtt oovveerr aa ggaaii nn.. CC hhaannggee ccaann aall m mooss tt bbee ddee ssttrr uuccttii vvee iinnss tteeaadd ooff ccoonnssttrr uuccttii vvee.. DD iidd yyoouu w wee iigghh tthhooss ee ttw woo ffaaccttoorr ss w w hhee nn yyoouu m maa ddee tthhee ddeecciiss ii oonn ttoo ssaa yy ggoooodd bbyyee ttoo 11 33 yyeeaa rrss ooff yyoouurr ll iiffee?? At the time, it was insane to do something like I did. People remarked to me during that period that what I was doing was not a smart thing. You work forever to make one thing happen. The chances of it happening twice are pretty slim, especially at the moment when the White Zombie records were selling really well. , and the next one you can really cash in and get the big money you can of build towards. But I didn’t care. No guts, no glory.
TThhee rree aarr ee ssoom mee gg rreeaa tt bbaa nnddss iinn rr oocckk tthhaatt hhaa vvee bbee eenn aa bbll ee ttoo eenndduurr ee tthhrr oouugghh tthhee yyee aarr ss ,, ss uurr vvii vvee tthhee ccyyccll eess ooff cchhaa nnggee tthhaatt ooccccuurr w w iitthhiinn tthhee iinndduussttrr yy,, eevvee nn ii ff tthhee yy hhaavv ee hhaa dd ttoo cchhaa nnggee oouutt ppaarr ttss ooff tthhee bbaanndd ttoo moovvee ffoorrw m w aarr dd.. U U 22,, A Aeerr oossm mii tthh,, tthhee RRee dd HHoo tt CChhii ll ii PPee ppppee rrss aann dd Mee ttaall llii ccaa ccoom M mee ttoo m mii nndd.. TT hheeii rr muussii ccaall aa pppprr ooaa cchh w m w aass ttoo ccrree aattee aa nneew w ppll aattee aauu ffoorr tthheeii rr m muussii cc ttoo A Ass tthhee ccrr eeaattii vvee ffoorrccee bbeehhiinndd ee vvee rryy -ppeerr cchh oonn.. W Whhyy ddiiddnn’’tt yyoouu aaddoopptt tthhii nngg yyoouu ddoo,, aarr ee yy oouu nnoott ssoom mee -ENIGMA
because every time you finish one thing, you can see the next level on the horizon. In general, that’s the nature of art of any kind, you know, trying to obtain some goal you can’t obtain. If I ever felt that I made the perfect album, and I could never do anything better, I would quit the music business because what would be the point. Basically, you’ve stated that it’s all downhill from there.
BBaacckk tthhee nn,, yy oouu w weerr ee ccaall llee dd ““aa hheerr oo ttoo ee vveerr yy ffuucckkee dd uupp kk ii dd iinn AAm mee rrii ccaa..”” No, I think that would have been Stone Cold Steve Austin. Whhyy w W waass ddrr uum mm mee rr JJoohhnn TTeem mppeess tt aa hhoollddoovvee rr ffoorr yyoouu w whheenn tthhee ggrroouupp tthhiinngg ee nnddee dd aa nndd yyoouu w wee nntt ss oolloo??
Basically he was new coming into the White Zombie thing. The two of Haa ss ii tt bbee eenn ii m H mppoorr ttaanntt ffoorr yy oouu ttoo us didn’t have a long history where ccrreeaa ttee aa ssyynnee rrggyy bbee ttw weeee nn eenntteerr -- things could go wrong. Between ttaaii nnm meenn tt aann dd m muussii cc w whheenn yyoouu Sean, Jay and John, we were the ccoom mppoossee aallbbuum mss?? best of friends.
Yeah, I don’t see any difference YY oouu uunnddeerr ssttoooodd w w hhee nn JJaa yy jjooii nnee dd woouulldd ssttii cckk ii tt oouutt between entertainment and music. tthhee bbaanndd tthhaa tt hhee w w iitthh yyoouu nnoo m maa tttteerr w w hhaa tt.. What other purpose for music is w there? Yeah I know. It just didn’t happen. SSoom mee ppeeooppll ee w waanntt iitt ttoo hhaavv ee aann eem moottiioonnaall vvaall uuee rr aatthheerr tthhaa nn aann EE xxppllaaii nn tthhii ss ssttaa ttee m meenntt ffoorr m mee .. ““II aaeess tthheettiicc oonnee.. W Whheenn yyoouu ggeett ddoow wnn ddoonn’’tt w w aanntt ttoo hhaa vvee iiddee aass ffoorr tthhiinnggss ttoo iitt,, tthhaatt’’ss w whhyy vvii ddeeooss bbeeccaa m mee aann tthhaatt ccaann’’tt bbee ddoonnee,, jjuuss tt bbee ccaauussee iim mppoorr ttaanntt ffaaccttoorr ii nn m muussii cc iinn tthhee ootthheerr ppee ooppll ee aa rree nn’’tt ii nnttoo iitt.. A Anndd II ‘‘8800ss ,, ttoo vv iiss uuaa llll yy ee nnttiiccee ppeeooppllee ttoo ddii ddnn’’tt w waa nntt ttoo m maakk ee rree ccoorrddss ffoorr ggeett iinnvvooll vveedd w wii tthh aa ss oonngg?? moonneeyy ,, w m whhiicchh iiss w whhaatt ii tt w w oouull dd
hhaavvee ttuurr nneedd iinnttoo..”” I was talking about the past going into the future. I don’t want to nnoott do something because one person in the band says that will suck. That’s like not doing what’s best for the project, you’re doing something to please everyone’s ego, and that’s the most annoying aspect of being in a band to me.
YYoouu kk nnoow w,, w w hhee nn yyoouu ssaa yy yyoouu’’rr ee ““tthhee m maa nn”” iinn aa bbaa nndd,, aarr ee yyoouu rree aall -llyy ““ tthhee m maa nn..””
right there you’re looking at three and a half years after the release of Astro Creep. At that point it was like, “I’ve got to make a record.” Then there were problems with the band.
tell you, all of its important when finding the right people to have in your band. If they’re bad it’s like, “I can’t be driving around with this guy in a bus for two years. He’s annoying as hell. I’d have to kill him.”
I couldn’t for two reasons. One, this project wasn’t White Zombie. Second, I couldn’t legally. The name was owned by a joint venture of Sean and Jay. You do things early on with people that sometimes come back to bite you. It’s alright for everyone to get a fair share if they are doing their fair share of the work. If they are not, and you still share everything, it will come back to bite you on the ass big time. I kept management intact, and the organization changed very little. The only thing different was the band.
Whheenn yyoouu ddii ssbbaa nnddee dd W W Whhii ttee ZZoom mbbii ee,, ddii dd yyoouu m maakk ee aa nnyy ppll eeddggee ss DDii dd aagg ee aanndd eexxppeerr iiee nnccee ppllaa yy aa ffaacc-ttoo yy oouurr ss eell ff tthhaatt cc eerr ttaa iinn tthhiinngg ss ttoorr iinn tthhee ddee cciiss iioonnss yyoouu m maaddee ?? wee rr eenn’’ tt ee vvee rr gg ooiinn gg tt oo hhaa ppppeenn w aaggaaii nn.. No, actually both those guys are younger than I am, but not by The only thing I tried to make cer- much. Except for Joey, I had no tain was this. Find the right combi- idea how old Mike and Rob were nation of new people that were when I asked them to join my band. I could just tell by the way right for me. they acted and carried themselves RRoobb,, yyoouu ccaam mee oouutt ooff tthhee ggaattee,, llii tt-ee rraa llll yy,, w w iitthh ll aavvii sshh ss ttaaggee pprroodduucc-ttii oonnss w whhiicchh yy oouu ccoonnttii nnuuee ttoo ccrr eeaattee ttoo tthhiiss ddaayy.. IInn tthhii ss ddaa yy aanndd aa ggee,, iiss ii tt w w oorrtthh ii tt??
Yes, and I don’t mean that egotistically either. .Listen, maybe I made enemies within the band because I couldn’t let anything happen that I didn’t think was right. I don’t know if it’s just because I cared so much. If I heard or saw something that I didn’t think was right for White Zombie, it would make me feel sick mppooss ss iibbllee ?? IItt’’ss and I’d go crazy. It had to be just IIss nn’’tt tthhaatt kk iinndd ooff ii m right for me, and unfortunately, it llii kkee llooookkii nngg ffoorr ppeerrffee ccttiioonn?? wasn’t. It is impossible, you’re right. Waass aa nnyy ooff tthhee m W muuss iicc oonn yyoouurr ssooll oo However, here’s the thing. As the ddeebbuutt,, HHeell llbbee llll yy DD eell uuxx ee,, hhee lldd oovvee rr years go by, and you’re now workffrroom m aannyy ss eess ssii oonnss tthhaa tt w w eerr ee ttoo ing with your eighth guitar player aappppeeaa rr oonn tthhee AA ssttrr oo CCrr eeee pp ffooll lloow w-- or your fifth drummer, you get a better sense faster of what you uupp?? need to create the musical landYes and no. None of the actual scape in your head. You can read music existed previously, but pret- someone’s personality quicker. It ty much anything I brought to doesn’t take you a year to figure Hellbelly is what I would have out that they are crazy. brought to White Zombie. I don’t know what that is exactly, but this TT hhee ppee ooppll ee yyoouu ii nnii ttii aall ll yy hhii rr eedd w iitthh yy oouu ffoorr ss eevvee rraa ll yyeeaa rrss .. was the next record I was going to ssttaa yyeedd w O O u u t t s s i i d d e e ooff JJooeeyy ,, w whhaa tt tthhoouugghhtt make one way or the other. pprroocceess ss ddii dd yyoouu ffoollll oow w iinn hhiirr iinngg YYoouu kkii nndd ooff w wee nntt m miiss ss iinngg iinn aaccttii oonn M Miikk ee RRii ggggss oonn gg uuii ttaa rr aanndd RRoobb aaffttee rr tthhee AAssttrr oo CCrr eeee pp 22000000 ttoouurr NNii cchhooll ssoonn oonn bbaa ssss ?? wii tthh W w Whhiittee ZZoom mbbiiee .. FFoorr aa m muussii cciiaann ttoo ttaa kkee ffiivvee yy eeaarr ss bbeettw w eeee nn aa llbbuum m It had more to do with personality pprroojj eeccttss iiss aakk iinn ttoo ccaa rree eerr ssuuii cciiddee more than anything else. Of course bbee ccaauuss ee tthhee m muussii cc bbuuss iinnee ss ss they had to play, but that was like cchhaannggee ss ss oo m muucc hh.. D Dii dd yyoouu ppuurr ppooss ee -- a given. The right attitude and perll yy ppuutt tthhaa tt m muucchh ddii ss ttaannccee bbeettw w eeeenn sonality are the two most imporWhhiitt ee ZZoom W mbbii ee aa nndd yy oouurrss ee llff ss oo tant attributes I needed moving tthheerr ee w woouulldd bbee nnoo ccoonnffuuss iioonn oonn forward as a solo artist. I can tell yyoouurr ffaannss ppaa rrtt w whheenn yyoouu ddee bbuuttee dd when someone comes into a room aass aa ssooll oo aa rrttii sstt?? whether or not they’d be cool to hang around with by the way they First off, that last tour with White talk. That’s how I respond to peoZombie went on for almost two ple immediately. How a person years. Then, for eighteen months communicates, whether it’s by after the tour, I was working on a talking with you, listening to what movie that never happened. So you have to say, or even jokes they
“In a sense, you could say I created my own hell, but it’s kind of the nature of this business.”
Yes and no. For some bands, it’s a hard line to follow. In one sense, you are generating huge sums of money while you’re on the road. But here’s the thing. Say a tour generates $4 million dollars, but it cost you $3, 999, 999 to stage it.
they’d be great to work with. I wasn’t looking for a younger perspective to flesh out the music I was creating. I wanted to find people that were enthusiastic about doing things. They were cool. It sounds Whheenn D D aavvii dd GGii llm moouurr aanndd NNii cckk like a bunch of crap, but it wasn’t. W Maass oonn ttoouurr eedd aass PPiinnkk FFllooyydd bbaacckk M ii nn 11 998877,, tthhee oonnllyy ppeerr ssoonn w whhoo m maaddee DDii dd yyoouu ssppee llll oouutt aa ffoorr m maa tt tthhee yy m moonnee yy w w aass cc oo--ffoouunnddeerr RRii cchhaarr dd weerr ee ggooiinngg ttoo hhaa vvee ttoo ffoollll oow w w ?? Wrr iigghhtt.. H W H ee w waa ssnn’’tt aa ppaarr ttyy ttoo tthhee ll aaw wss uuiitt G Gii llm moouurr aanndd M Maassoonn hhaadd I basically told them that this is w w oonn aaggaa iinnss tt RRooggee rr W Waa tteerr ss ffoorr tthhee mee.. what I want to do. If you guys want rr iigghhtt ttoo uussee tthhee PPiinnkk FFllooyydd nnaam H ee w waa ss aa hhiirr eedd gguunn bbeeccaa uussee ii tt to do it with me, then tell me now. H I don’t want you to waste my time ll ooookk ee dd bbee tttteerr ttoo hhaa vvee tthhee tthhrr eeee oorr iiggii nnaall m mee m mbbee rrss oonn ssttaa ggee ii nnssttee aadd or your own. ooff ttw woo.. TThhee eennss uuii nngg ttoouurr ss ooll dd oouutt,, Whhaatt w W waass tthhee ii nniittii aall vvii ssii oonn yyoouu bbuutt G G iill m moouurr aanndd M Maa ssoonn ll oosstt m moonneeyy ssppeell llee dd oouutt ffoorr tthheem m tthhaatt yyoouu ssaa w w bbeeccaa uussee tthhee yy ttooookk oonn tthhee ccooss tt ooff RRoobb ZZoom mbbii ee ccrr eeaa ttii nngg?? tthhee ee xxttrraa vvaaggaa nntt ssttaaggee pprroodduuccttii oonn tthheem mss eell vveess .. W Wrrii gghhtt ii ss tthhee oonnllyy oonnee I talked to them about the stage w w hhoo w waa llkk eedd aaw waa yy w wii tthh aa pprrooffii tt.. show, the music, the way I saw things. They knew about White Believe me I hear what you’re sayZombie, so they knew what I was ing. I can tell you that I put a lot talking about anyway. I didn’t have of thought into my stage shows to spell it out that much. I have before taking them out on the been around enough musicians road. The general public has and people to where you can tell absolutely no idea how much when they aren’t going to work. I money is involved to actually take could tell in a few seconds if some- tours on the road. The more elabbody wasn’t going to cut it. orate the production, the higher the cost. Whhyy ddii dd yyoouu jjuusstt nnoott kk eeee pp tthhee W nnaa m mee W Whhii ttee ZZoom mbbiiee?? IIssnn’’tt tthhaatt yyoouurr ffaauulltt tthhoouugghh??
It is and it isn’t. It’s really the fault of the whole industry. When kids go to a big rock show, they expect a BIG rock show. If they go to see Jewel, they expect to see her with an acoustic guitar and a spotlight. If I did that, kids would scream, “What they hell is this?”
YYoouu ccrree aattee dd yyoouurr oow wnn m moonnssttee rr,, nnoow w yyoouu hhaa vvee ttoo ll ii vvee w wii tthh ii tt?? In a sense, you could say I created my own hell, but it’s kind of the nature of this business. It’s the same thing with a movie star who’s known for action movies. You can’t make a decent action movie unless you spend at least $150 to 200 million filming it. People come to expect certain things at my shows, and it those things are expensive to take on the road. If they are not there, the audience is going to be bummed and might not come back. I’m not complaining boo-hoo about the money. It’s just the nature of it all. It’s expensive to take out a tour with all the production involved. There are crews, buses, hotels and other considerations that go into these shows night after night. Hell, even rock videos started getting insane with the prices directors wanted to charge. It’s hard to get them made for cheap anymore .They are extremely overpriced, and it’s hard to make them nowadays, even harder to get them played. Unfortunately, you still need them into today’s business world.
CC oouull dd RRoobb ZZoom mbbiiee ppllaa yy w wiitthh aa bbaarr ee ss ttaa ggee??
been hard work. Basically, by not thing. ever being the hip thing at the Wii tthh aall ll tthhee ccoonnss oollii ddaattiioonn ggooii nngg oonn W moment, I have been unhip. iinn tthhee m muuss ii cc bbuuss iinnee ssss ,, hhaa vvee yyoouu ss aatt YYoouu aarr ee ss oom mee w whhaatt nnoottoorrii oouuss ffoorr ddoo w wnn w w iitt hh m maa nnaa ggee m meenntt aabboouutt ttaakk iinngg yyoouurr ttii m mee bbeettw wee eenn aall bbuum m w whhaatt’’ss ggooiinngg oonn?? pprroojjee ccttss.. FF oorr m mooss tt aaccttss,, tthhaatt w woouulldd bbee ttaa nnttaam moouunntt ttoo ccaa rree eerr ss uuiiccii ddee .. The thing is I don’t care. Listen, YYoouu hhaa vvee ggootttteenn aa w waayy w w iitthh ii tt?? don’t get me wrong, there’s no way not to, but what’s going on doesn’t Listen, of course people forget you affect my music. There’s nothing fast in this business. I’m well that takes place in the music busiaware of what you’re saying. I used ness that could affect what I do. It to always keep track of the cata- never has and it never will. If a logue sales of White Zombie label ever told me I had to make a records to see which albums were record a certain way, I’d say, selling strong. The more records “Yeah, right, thanks. Fuck you!” we sold of each succeeding album Arree yyoouu aann eenntteerr ttaaii nneerr m moorree tthhaann would tell me new kids were buy- A
have a very fragmented, scattered way of doing things in my brain. Conceptually, I don’t really plan out anything from start to finish because I go off in so many different directions. In the end, it just comes together. For the new people that are just working with me, it makes them crazy because it seems like the project is never going to get done, and what we’re doing doesn’t make any sense.
AA rree ppaa cckk aaggee ttoouurr ss nnee ccee ssss aa rryy ttooddaayy?? Personally, I think they are, yeah! MTV and a lot of other factors have killed the business. Unless you go on the road with an overload of support, you’re not going to do the business anymore.
SSppeeaa kkii nngg ooff M MTTVV,, ccaa nn RRoobb ZZoom mbbiiee ee vveenn ggeett oonn tthhaatt ccaabbllee ssttaattii oonn aa nnyy-moorree ?? IItt hhaass cchhaa nnggeedd qquuii ttee aa bbiitt.. m MTV no longer follows the concept that originally launched the network. It’s all this Real World type shows and whatever reality crap they can come up with.
ing the product and were interested in what I was doing. You’re always hoping to attract both when you create a new record. The balance of keeping the two sides interested is something you really don’t have any control over. If you try to act hip with the new kids, you’ll end up making yourself a jackass. You kind of just have to do what you do. Your old fans that still like it will stick around. Ozzy is a good example of that. He has young kids that are just getting into him as well as the old fan base from 35 years ago.
I could do it, and we have done that. We’ve played huge festivals where all we did was walk out on stage with our equipment and play. It’s not like I couldn’t do it, I just don’t think the audience would like it. There first reaction would be, “What the fuck!” EEvv eerr ccoonn ssii ddee rree dd uuss ii nngg oouuttss ii ddee wrr iittee rrss ttoo hheell pp ffll eess hh oouutt ii ddeeaass ?? w HHaass tthhee ddoow wnnw w aarr dd ccyyccll eess ,, ccoonnss ooll ii -ddaattii oonnss aanndd ttrree nnddss ooff tthhee bbuussii nneess ss I haven’t considered doing it only maa ddee iitt ddiiff ffiicc uull tt ttoo kk ee eepp RR oobb because I haven’t ever been faced m ZZoom mbbiiee ii nn tthhee ggaam mee,, ss oo ttoo ss ppee aakk ?? with, “Oh my, gosh! I’m out of ideas!” I’m not opposed to anyNothing has ever been particularly thing. It’s not like I don’t do it easy for me. Music has always because I think it’s wrong or anyENIGMA
YYoouu ddii dd aa RRooll llii nngg SSttoonnee ccoovveerr sshhoott tthhaatt w w aass ss oom meew whhaa tt ccoonnttrr oovveerr ssii aall aa tt tthhee ttii m mee.. D D iidd yyoouu hhaa vvee aannyy tthhii nngg aa m muuss iiccii aann?? ttoo ddoo w wii tthh tthhee ccoonnccee pptt?? YY oouu llooookk ll ii kkee aa CC hhaa rr llee ss M Maa nnss oonn ffiigg uurree No, I consider it all art. From the ppeerr cchheedd iinn tthhaatt pphhoottoo.. first note of music we play on a record, to making a video or even That cover was actually shot twice. building an elaborate set design to The picture inside of me with the tour on, it’s just one big project for mummies, the pig’s head and the me. I don’t even know what to call white contact lens, tthhaa tt was the what I do because basically I just original cover. When the editors at do what I like. I never just change Rolling Stone saw it, they said, “No who I am for the sake of it. way! We just want a cover of you sitting there, and nothing else.” So, DDooee ss aannyy tthhiinn gg iinnff lluuee nnccee tthhoossee that’s what I did. I just basically ddee cciiss iioonnss?? went in dressed the way I was dressed, sat down, and they took a No. I have pretty much been a picture. The first photo took seven withdrawn person since I was a lit- hours to put together. The second tle kid. I’m sure world events must one was so basic, it was like when seep into my mind subconsciously, you have your picture taken in but I never feel influenced by grade school. You go in, sit down, what’s going on in the world and you’re done. I didn’t do anything but sit there, that’s what they around me. wanted. It was kind of a bummer. AArree yy oouu aa ccoonncceepptt kkii nndd ooff gguuyy?? - David Huff There’s no theme for what I do. I
King Diamond Center Stage Theatre Atlanta, GA
When you are looking up at a stage bathed in purple light and find your eyes drawn to a microphone stand actually made out of a human femur bone topped with tibia bone to form the shape of a cross, it’s a good bet you’re about to witness an event you won’t soon forget. That’s exactly what happened at Center Stage in Atlanta when
the venerable King Diamond literally held court ‘center stage’ before a sold-out crowd of devoted subjects. It had been more years than anyone dared to count since this Danish metal icon last stepped foot in Atlanta. That time seemed to evaporate as soon as the King stepped on stage and launched into the ENIGMA
song that started it all for Diamond, “The Candle”. This tune, off the 1985 debut album FFaatt aall PPoorrttrr aaiitt, began the conceptual gothic horror visions that would come to life in a succession of albums – A Abbiiggaaiill,, TT hheem m ,, CCoonnssppiirraaccyy and TT hh ee EEyyee. Each album was featured this evening by a song or two or three – “At the Graves,” “Cremation” and
“Sleepless Nights” – from the TT hheem m companion recording CC oonnss ppiirraaccyy.. One of the great things about a show of this magnitude besides the music is watching and listening to the hundreds of knowledgeable fans that attended this performance. This show was based primarily around the first five
albums King Diamond released from 1986 through 1990. Every time a cut from one of the aforementioned records filtered out through the sound system, a huge roar of approval went out from the crowd. And so did the singing. Obviously no one was going to reach the high falsettos their hero on stage easily hit, but they gave it a valiant effort nonetheless.
situation for any band. Then again, this isn’t your typical group. Rising from the ashes of its legendary predecessor, Mercyful Fate – which the King paid tribute to with the songs “Evil” and “Come to the Sabbath” – to sustain a solo career that’s now into its fourth decade is an incredible feat. Amazingly enough, guitarist Andy LaRoque has been with Diamond since the beginning of this 28-year solo Opening night can be a tricky odyssey. He was joined on ENIGMA
stage in the twin-guitar attack by an equally outstanding musician, Michael Wead. King Diamond’s wife, Livia Zita, served as the backing vocalist, but it was the voices coming from the devoted audience that truly turned this concert into a family affair. I’m not going to go into detail about the stage set up or the show itself. The fact that no one left disappointed or felt
short-changed is all you need to know. King Diamond’s voice was in exceptional form and yes, ‘Grandma’ did make an appearance. I’ll leave her fate up to the imagination. Suffice to say you really need to be there to witness this 90-minute opera of terror. Face paint optional.
- Chris Eason
Welcome to Alice Cooper’s Nightmare
What Halloween season would be complete without a visit from Alice Cooper. Cooper, the original as far as shock rock and metal go did not disappoint a full house at the Macon Centreplex in Macon, recently. Currently on the “Raise the Dead” tour Cooper is fresh off of touring with Motley Crue on their farewell tour. The crowd dressed the part donning black eyeliner and makeup as the original hit the stage. His set was a perfectly
mixed bag of classic songs as ed the youth of an earlier genwell as some intriguing and eration but still remains releappropriate covers. vant to today’s. Alice Cooper, like a blue blazer never goes Complete with a trio of guitar out of style. And by judging of players on stage the Godfather the multiple generations repreof Goth and Glam took control sented in the crowd, he never right away as he dominated the will. stage for well over two and a half hours. It’s been 45 years Still with a fire in his voice since his debt album and while Cooper complete with all the members of the band have stage antics that not only made changed, not much else has. him legendary but the inspiraThe night was full of theatrics, tion to everyone else in his a lot of energy and highlighted genre and beyond. If you’ve songs that not only represent- ever seen Rob Zombie, Motley ENIGMA
Crue and others in concert, they all learned from Cooper. It was nice to see the original still outpacing his contemporaries and those he’s influenced. There was plenty of smoke, fire, confetti, blood and even Frankenstein on hand for the show that started with a cover of Judy Collins’ “Hello Hooray” that was quickly followed by “House of Fire” and “No More Mr. Nice Guy”. The show was turbocharged as no ballads were included in
the show that featured 24 songs. As he got towards the end of the set he paid tribute to those that influenced him as he covered The Beatles (“Revolution”), The Who (My Generation”), The Doors “break On Through”), and Jimi Hendrix (“Foxy Lady”). Cooper closed out the set with classic Alice Cooper, “I’m Eighteen” and “Poison”. After a quick breather he came out for an encore as he and the band shook the foundation of the theater with “School’s Out”. The show benefited greatly from great production and organization from promoter GoBig Entertainment (GoBig The show was the perfect prelude to Halloween.
AAlliicc ee CCoooo ppeerr SS eettlliisstt Hello Hooray (Judy Collins cover) (Partial) House of Fire No More Mr. Nice Guy Under My Wheels I’ll Bite Your Face Off Billion Dollar Babies Caffeine Department of Youth Hey Stoopid Dirty Diamonds (Bass, Drum and Guitar solos) Welcome to My Nightmare Go to Hell He’s Back (The Man Behind the Mask) Feed My Frankenstein Ballad of Dwight Fry Killer (partial) I Love the Dead (excerpt) Break On Through (to the Other Side) (The Doors cover) Revolution (The Beatles cover)
EEnn ccoorree:: School’s Out
Foxy Lady (The Who cover) (The Jimi Hendrix Experience I’m Eighteen cover) Poison My Generation ENIGMA
- Chris Eason 43
...and no Halloween Issue of Enigma would be complete without including Ghost B.C. from Sweden. Papa Emeritus and his band of nameless ghouls are very spooky indeed.... Ghost B.C. is the Swedish heavy metal band that was formed in Linkรถping in 2008. In 2010, they released a 3-track demo followed by a 7" vinyl titled "Elizabeth," and later their debut full-length album Opus Eponymous. The Grammis (Sweden's version of the Grammys) -nominated album was widely praised and increased their popularity significantly. Their second album and major label debut Infestissumam was released in 2013, debuted at number one in Sweden, and won the Grammi Award for Best Hard Rock/Metal Album. Easily recognizable because of their eccentric on-stage presence. Five of the group's six members wear hooded robes and the vocalist appears wearing skull make-up and dressed as a Roman Catholic pope. The band's members keep their identities secret and their names have not been publicly disclosed; the vocalist calls himself Papa Emeritus and the musicians are referred to only as Nameless Ghouls to add to their mystique.
Different Continent Same Nighmare for Falcons A change of continents did no good for the Atlanta Falcons. For most of the day it seemed different, but as has been the Falcons’ story going back literally over a decade, it was a tale of two games. The Falcons in a “home” game over in Wembley Stadium led the Detroit Lions all day until the clock expired. Sprinting to a 21-0 lead the Falcons melted down in the second half (again) and fell as the clock hit 0:00 22-21 on a literal last second field goal.
new to Atlanta. They don’t really know the history of the team. Until Mike Smith arrived the Falcons never had back-to-back winning seasons – ever. They are probably the only NFL franchise to
past two seasons is injuries. The Falcons were very lucky the first five years of Smith’s reign as they escaped serious injury of their main players. Last year and this year are different. If there is any-
Since the meltdown all hell has broken loose in Atlanta as they head into the bye. Emotions, emotions, let’s act like adults folks. Who is to blame for the Falcons who are literally a year-and-a-half removed from the NFC championship game are now 2-6? Since losing to the 49er in the game the Falcons are 6-18. People want heads to roll. Why? Knee-jerk reaction is all it is. Why fire coach Mike Smith? Don’t. Arthur Blank is an idiot if he does. Until Smith arrived the Falcons players at best were a mess. Sure, there has always been some level of talent on the roster, but for the most part it was the inmates running the asylum. Despite all the accolades the team owner gets from other NFL personnel and business professionals, still burned in my mind’s eye is Blank wheeling Michael Vick around the sideline after he broke his leg in 2003. Blank looked like Vick’s bitch at that point. It was after the wayward quarterback signed his first $100 contract and three years before the infamous federal dog fighting conviction. Inmates running the asylum. There are many reasons the Falcons have been snake bit the past 18 months. It doesn’t begin with Smith.
thing wrong with the roster is the depth. This is obvious during preseason when the first team would march up and down the field and once they turned things over to the reserves the bottom dropped out. If you look at their preseason record the past seven years they are almost all losing records. Two preseasons they finished 0-4. People are shortsighted. Many are The Falcons’ biggest problem the Preseason doesn’t count - I realize have such a record. It took 43 years, but Smith was not only able to have a winning season two years in a row, they actually won five years in a row. Until the debacle of last year the only NFL coach with more wins in that five year span was the Patriots’ Bill Belichick.
that. But when the team can’t move the ball or stop the opponent that proves there is a lack of depth in the reserves. The past two seasons the Falcons suffered so many injuries their sideline looks like a MASH unit. Three weeks ago literally over half of the offensive line was knocked out of the game and had to insert a tight end to play offensive tackle. Is that Smith’s fault? Your number one and two receivers, Roddy White and Julio Jones were lost for most or all of last season. Those injuries weren’t Smith’s fault either. And linebacker and defensive leader Sean Weatherspoon has spent more time on crutches the past two years than on the line of scrimmage. Is it the coordinator’s fault? Maybe. Dirk Koetter took a boring offensive unit and converted them into one of the most feared units in the game – for one year. The Falcons offense is very reminiscent of the Rams’ “Greatest Show on Turf”. People started to blame Michael Turner’s skills for not running as in years past, but it wasn’t his fault. Koetter’s offense is pass first and quite frankly more interesting to watch. It is all finesse and timing. The run was an afterthought. The problem since Koetter first arrived has been the big first half and then holding on for dear life in the second. Technically the offense has only been solid the first season. Ironically the offense only scored on average only one more point per game from 2011 to 2012. This season the offense has sputtered only showing flashes of brilliance in the season opener against the Saints and the blowout win over Tampa Bay. During this five game slide the offense has averaged only 17.8 points a game. No very highpowered. Finesse is the name of the game under Koetter but finesse
also requires everything to run perfectly. And with a minimal offensive line and slowed receivers it hasn’t worked out and no adjustments to the game plans have taken place.
losing streak except in Minnesota where they surrendered 41 points. Last week’s 29 points I blame the offense for at least 9 of those points – a safety and a last second touchdown pass in poor taste by Joe Flacco after the game was pretMike Nolan’s defense have strug- ty much over in the last minute gled since his arrival. I don’t know added insult to injury. why. He is – or was an defensive genius who built some of the best The offensive unit, much like durdefensive units wherever he went ing Koetter’s whole time in Atlanta until arriving in the Peach State. had the same results. They jumped There actually is no depth on the off to a big lead – 21-0 and then defensive side of the ball and the players drafted have not developed. The defensive unit has suffered as many injuries as the offense. Nolan was able to rebuild the secondary in the draft with two of the best young corners in the game. The pass rush hasn’t been the same since John Abraham was allowed to leave and the linebacking corps hasn’t been the same since Curtis Lofton left to go to New Orleans. So does the blame fall onto the broad shoulders of GM Thomas Dimitroff? Maybe. The draft is like buying a lottery ticket at times. You never know who is or isn’t going to develop. They hit a homerun with Matt Ryan, Julio Jones, Robert Alford and Desmond Truffant. Even Paul Worrilow a middle round pick has been super impressive since taking over in a depleted linebacker corps last year. Others have developed slowly and others total busts. It is all a game of chance. Dimitroff has built one of the most feared offenses on paper. Defense has been his Achilles. Free agent busts, slow to develop linemen and linebackers have killed the defensive unit that was ranked 11th in the league under Brian Van Gorder. Is it personnel or philosophy? I don’t know. Injuries have really been what is holding Atlanta back the past two seasons. Who’s fault is that? God? There is no real answer to this. That being said, Sunday’s game looked promising for so long. The defensive unit has shown marked improvement each week shutting out the Lions in the first half. The defense has actually held its own during a majority of the five game
throws are just purely poor deci- team because when you do, they’re sions on Ryan’s part. going to come back and haunt you. They did. We never got on track “We did not execute our training offensively in the second half. that we spent all week training on. Things went so easy in the first We got our quarterback hit, came half, and we did not play nearly right out and started on the first the type of football in the second play of the second half. We’ve got half as we did in the first half, and to try and make sure that we play in turn we did not get the win. with the same level of efficiency in With that, I’ll open it up for quesboth halves, and obviously we did- tions,” said Smith. n’t do that today,” said Smith. Trailing by two and sitting inside On Atlanta’s final drive the Falcons their 10 the Lions got some big passes from Matthew Stafford to get into Falcons territory. And with four seconds left the 43-yard field goal attempt was pulled left. But a flag - delay of game on the Lions. They were given a reprieve since it was a dead ball foul. This time the kick sailed through the uprights with no time left on the clock. The final score 22-21 in favor of the Lions. “That was tough. Obviously you go from where you think you have won the game to where they have another opportunity. And it probably makes it tougher than it wasn’t a penalty on us, it was a penalty on them. From a frustration standpoint, that hurts, but the rules are the rules, and that’s the way it’s set up. They didn’t go in our favor today, but that was a tough one to take,” said Ryan. The Falcons have a bye this week. There is no telling what will happen by the next time the team hits the field. Hopefully brass will look at the big picture and not give into emotions or loudmouth fans and sports talking heads who really don’t know much of the game.
could not buy a first down until late and then no one (Julio Jones to be specific) could catch a ball that literally hit them in their hands. Inexcusable. Matt Ryan’s play has been hard to figure out as well. His one interception was a head-scratcher. It was as if the Lion defender was the intended receiver and was returned all the way inside the Atlanta 10. Kudos to the defensive unit that held the Lions to a field goal somehow after that turnover. Ryan’s accuracy has been sketchy lately. A lot of that is the fact he has a makeshift offensive line. But a lot of these errant ENIGMA
“When you lose a football game, it hurts. We felt coming into this game that if we took care of what we needed to today that it would put us in a very different situation than what we’ve been over the last couple of weeks, because of the bye week and two division games coming after the bye week. You know, it’s a tough way to lose a football game. There’s a bunch of guys that feel just as bad or worse “Very disappointed in the way that than I do,” said Smith. we played in the second half of the football game. You can’t make the - Dave Weinthal mistakes that we made in the second half against a good football were able to move the ball into Lions’ territory. The drive stalled thanks to a penalty and then on third down an incomplete pass – both plays stopping the clock. If they had run the ball on at least one of those plays they could have run at least another 30 seconds off the clock since the Lions were out of timeouts. But no, they decided to pass. And they paid dearly.
Mettenberger Shows Promise in Titans’ Loss
Usher in the Zach Mettenberger in Tennessee. The sixth round draft pick out of LSU got his first start Sunday and after a slow start showed great promise in the Titans’ 30-16 loss to the Houston Texans. The rookie quarterback actually made a name for himself inadvertently before the game as he was taken to task by the Texans’ J.J. Watt for posting “selfies” on social network including one before Sunday’s game. Watt got the last laugh and “selfie” after sacking Mettenberger for a second time. “It was one of those things where their quarterback
had posted a few ‘selfies’ this week, including one before the game. It is kind of a reminder that this is the National Football League, not high school. Welcome to the show,” he said. Mettenberger was sacked twice by Watt and picked off once in his NFL debut. “I take my job very seriously. If I was a rookie quarterback being named the starter for the first time in the league, I feel like I would be a little more focused than that. Maybe he will learn from it, maybe not. We won the game, so that is all that matters,” said Watt. ENIGMA
After a slow first half Mettenberger started to show signs of why he’s starting (besides injuries to the other two QBs on the roster). One game into his career Mettenberger is already in the team’s record book. Throwing for 299 yards and two scores he set a franchise record for most passing yards in a game by a rookie beating the old record that was actually set in the team’s first year of existence in 1960. His two touchdown passes were the most for the franchise by a first-time rookie starter since Jacky Lee’s three touchdown passes against Denver on Nov. 20, 1960 when
they were the Houston Oilers. The Titans got off to an early lead taking a 3-0 lead on Ryan Succop’s 35-yard field goal less than five minutes into the game. The Titans didn’t expect to happen what took place next. The Texans scored 27 unanswered points as Arian Foster ran around and over Titan defenders all day for 151 yards on the ground running for two touchdowns and catching one to move them closer to division leading Indianapolis who lost to the Steelers. “We did a good job of sustaining
blocks and staying up there. I think as the season progresses we are getting more and more consistent. We would like to start faster. Last week we started fast but we didn’t finish well. This week we didn’t start fast, but we finished well. We are a little inconsistent, but there are sparks of being a very good offense and that is what we are working toward,” said Foster.
“You know, we did a lot of good things. In this league, things aren’t as open as you think. Those guys are coming to get you so you’ve got to get back there and get the ball out of your hand. For the most part, I did a good job on that. I just need to continue to build on that and when the shots are available down field, be able to hit more. Overall, I think I did an OK job of managing the huddle, getting us together, getting out of the huddle. We didn’t really have any clock problems. A lot of good things to build on and the only thing we can do is keep working,” said Mettenberger.
After a relatively quiet first half Mettenberger started to warm up midway through the third quarter with completions of 43 and 48 yards. Mettenberger’s 299 passing yards was almost 40 greater than the season’s previous high “He’s a young quarterback getof 261 yards. ting his first start in Week 8, so ENIGMA
it’s going to take him a little bit of time. He’s new at it; seeing different schemes and the defense rolling its coverage. As the game wore on, you could tell he started understanding more, and I think he’s going to be a good quarterback. It was his first game, so he’s going to have his bugs here and there; he has to get those out,” said tight end Delanie Walker about the rookie signal caller.
there in the red zone. I was probably a little too conservative with the two runs that first time and then putting him in a third down, but we got three points out of it. Then obviously, we didn’t do very well offensively from that point on, especially the first half with the penalties. We got behind the sticks every drive, the next three consecutive drives and we couldn’t overcome that,” said Titans coach Ken Whisenhunt.
“Obviously very disappointed with how it went today. I thought The Titans have a bye this week. we started the game out just the They travel to Baltimore to take way you wanted to. Our defense on the Ravens November 9. did a good job getting off the field. We had a good punt return - Dave Weinthal by Dexter (McCluster) which was nice to see which put us down
Cowboys Fumble Away Victory
To say the Dallas Cowboys game against the Washington Redskins was a comedy of errors would be an understatement. No one at the team’s home stadium, AT&T Field, was laughing as they watched their team lose in overtime, 20-17, to their bitter rivals on the Monday Night football stage. This game was ugly from the get-go. There was no attempt by either team to pretty things up either. It’s clear as the game unfolded that the Redskins conceded the fact DeMarco Murray was going to get his 100 yards no matter what kind of defense they stacked against him. The best thing they could do was contain and minimize whatever damage he could do. They were
going to concentrate their resources to stopping the not-soslippery Tony Romo. Mission accomplished.
and kept the defense on its toes with his scrambling. Still, Dallas shouldn’t have lost this contest and they knew it.
The Redskins defensive coordinator Jim Haslett called a brilliant game against his counterpart across the field, Scott Linehan. The variety of blitz packages he threw against the Cowboy quarterback stymied the offense and resulted in hurried passes, five sacks and worst of all, a miserable 5-12 on third down attempts. To add insult to injury, the Washington’s offense, led by their third-string quarterback Colt McCoy, held the ball 38 minutes to the Cowboys 28. McCoy went 25-30 for 299 yards
This was the one game where DeMarco Murray’s fifth fumble of the season in the second quarter was a miscue the team couldn’t overcome. To Murray’s credit – and this has happened every time he’s fumbled – the former Oklahoma Sooner running back redeemed himself in the third quarter with a spectacular 52-yard run down to the Redskin five-yard line. Unfortunately, the Cowboys brain trust couldn’t figure out a way to get the ball in the end zone and had to settle for a field goal.
That successful stand by Washington would come back to haunt the team later. The Redskins got on the board first with a 44-yard field goal by Kai Forbath. The Cowboys answered by driving 80 yards in 23 plays. It ended with an amazing fingertip grab by Dez Bryant on the five and an even more spectacular stretch into the end zone for the score. The Cowboys next possession would prove to be the decisive drive of the game. Murray took a swing pass from Romo and rumbled all the way down to the Redskins 6yard line. While churning his legs and fighting for more yardage – it’s a switch the running back just can’t turn off – he fumbled the ball.
Whether the Cowboys would have scored seven points or three points had he held the ball is irrelevant. The fumble changed the entire dynamics of the game. The silver lining around the cloud Dallas had been riding on the past six games all but dissipated. In the second half, the Redskins came to life behind the legs of Alfred Morris and the playmaking ability of wide receiver DeShawn Jackson. They took a 10-7 behind Morris’ five-yard jaunt into the end zone. It should be noted that Jackson gave Dallas cornerback Brandon Carr fits all evening as he hauled in six passes for 136. His timely catch and runs through the Dallas secondary was the catalyst behind all of the Redskin scores in regulation time. The heated exchanges between Carr and Jackson made for some great prime time television viewing as well. As the second half unfolded, it was clear that Washington’s Haslett knew exactly when to make an allout assault on Romo – on third down. Dallas came into this game leading the NFL in third down efficiency. Haslett was determined to change statistic. In previous games,
all-out blitzes had been contained by the offensive line giving Romo the time he heeded to find Bryant, Terrance Williams or Jason Witten open for a first down. This time, the 34-year old took his fourth sack from the relentless Redskin attack, as well as a knee to the back by Washington linebacker Keenan Robinson. As Romo lay prone on the field, his back-up Brandon Weeden, prepared to enter the game. Murray made the QB’s first regular season appearance a little easier on him when he took a pitch and ran to the Washington five where the drive stalled resulting in a tie game Undaunted, Colt McCoy led Washington on a 9-play 80-yard drive that ended with him scampering seven yards into the end zone. Dallas fans would then get the opportunity to fully assess Romo’s backup on the team’s next possession. The Oklahoma State product didn’t disappoint. He calmly marched the team the length of the field starting at their own 20 in about four minutes. His 25-yard scoring toss was a thing of beauty to tight end Jason Witten. With the score knotted up once again, Weeden not only looked comfortENIGMA
able behind center, he was starting Murray who was stopped for a loss. to flourish in his backup role. The usually reliable Witten then dropped a first down pass. On For some reason, Tony Romo fourth down, a throw to Bryant was returned to the field. The kick in broken up. A thoroughly discomthe back wasn’t going to slow him bobulated Dallas team walked into down. Haslett’s blitzing defense their locker room shaking their most certainly would. The defen- heads wondering how in the world sive coordinator took advantage of they could have lost this game. Romo’s lack of mobility to pressure him constantly with six, seven or This was a game the Cowboys needeight defensive players coming at ed under their belt to knock the him on every play. Instead of hand- fairy dust off their six-game win ing the ball off to Murray – who streak. Murray is going to have to only carried the ball 19 times for 141 figure out how to keep the ball yards – he elected to change the from popping out of his hands at plays at the line of scrimmage and the most inopportune times. look for a quick throw to anyone. Linehan is going to have to have The intense pressure Washington’s more options for Romo to call on defense unleashed on Romo didn’t those all-out blitzes he’s sure to give him the time to do any dam- face now because of his limited age. This game was going to be set- mobility. If there’s any consolation tled in overtime. to this game, Dallas fans can at least rest a bit easier knowing they Washington won the toss and have a capable back-up if their QB McCoy calmly led the team down- gets hurt again. The next contest field. Forbath drilled his second the Cowboys face is against the field goal of the game to put his team sporting the best record in team ahead. Dallas needed to the NFL, the 7-1 Arizona Cardinals. answer the call, and looked like The game is on Nov. 2 where Dallas they were ell on their way to doing under Romo, has a 25-6 record with it. Murray gained 8 yards on first him as a starter. Mediocrity or down. Then everything fell apart. greatness will now be determined. Instead of rushing for the first down, Romo tossed the ball to - David Huff