From the Publisher’s Notebook
(BS). Had a friend whose insurance premiums went from $600 a month in 2005 to $1,400 a month now. Obamacare is really working (BS). I’ve tried to stay out of politics in my column, but enough—get off your knees you ungrateful overpaid jocks, and honor the men (black and white) that died for your freedom.
How can some people say they can’t afford health insurance, yet they have cable TV with all the premium channels, an expensive cell hone with all the apps, or a highspeed internet connection? Makes you wonder, doesn’t it?
you-in-the-back Republicans. Keep it up Mr. President (he IS the How much money did the US get for Bring back good old American valthe uranium that Hillary sold the ues and erase Obama from the hisPresident). Russians? How much did it cost us tory book. Maybe when the swamp is drained to produce it? God Bless America, more we will get a government for the people and not for the special Hillary’s daughter gets out of college and gets a $900,000 a year Paul E. Burke Sr.| interests. job—that seems perfectly honest Publisher Is it really news about Harvey Weinstein? They have had the casting couch mentality for years. Why doesn’t the US government make pro sports teams become racially balanced? They get special tax and regulations breaks—no one is protesting this. Have you wondered why liquor stores and supermarkets can’t sell wine on Sundays but restaurants and bars can? Our government needs term limits in all elected public offices. Have you noticed how much TV sucks lately? What happened to creative programming? Can’t believe that UTC let our past, successful college football coach get away—look at the results. Recently went to my 60th high school reunion. Sure were a lot of old people there. The denizens of the swamp are getting antsy. Trump’s type of no BS government has them in a tizzy— they don’t know how to react to a no nonsense President. Neither does the lying press. They use every excuse to slam him. I can’t believe the witch in the red corduroy made an event out of something the President was trying to do out of compassion. Let’s not get into the actions of the two stabENIGMA
llee aarr nn aa ll iittttll ee rree ssppoonnssii bbii llii ttyy aa nndd eennjjooyy tthhee pprr iiddee ooff ssppee nnddii nngg yyoouurr oow w nn m moonnee yy ii nnss tteeaa dd ooff ddee ppee nnddii nngg oonn tthhee ggeenn eerr oossii ttyy ooff ootthhee rrss..
DDee aarr EEHH,, SSeenndd ffll oow wee rrss..
ttrr uusstt iiss yyoouurr sseell ff aa nndd ddeeppee nnddiinn gg oonn yyoouurr rree llaa ttiioonn sshhii pp w w iitthh yyoouurr ppaa rree nnttss m maayy bbee tthhee m m.. IItt ttaakkeess aa ll oonngg ttiim mee bbee ffoorr ee II ttrr uusstt aa nnyyoonnee tthhee ssee ddaa yyss.. PP eeooppll ee ttooddaayy aa rree w w aayy ttoooo m muucchh ii nnttoo ss eell ff--ggrr aattii ffiiccaa ttii oonn aa nndd ggoossssiipp iinnssttee aadd ooff hhoonnee ssttyy aa nndd ii nnttee ggrrii ttyy.. IIff yyoouu bbee ll iiee vvee ii nn aa hhii gghh-ee rr bbeeii nngg tthhaa tt tthhaatt iiss ee llssee w whheerr ee yy oouu ccaann llooookk ffoorr ttrruusstt.. TThhee oonnllyy w aayy ttoo bbuuii lldd ttrr uuss tt w w wii tthh ssoom mee oonnee ii ss ttoo oobbsseerr vvee tthheeii rr w waa yyss ,, tthhee w w aayy tthhee yy iinnttee rraa cctt w wii tthh ootthhee rrss bbee ss iiddee yy oouu aanndd ee vvee nn tthheenn tthhee rr ee ii ss nnoo gguuaa rraa nnttee ee iinn ttooddaa yy’’ss w woorr lldd uunnffoorr -ttuunnaa tteell yy..
Dear Rocco, I am an honest person who keeps the secrets that people tell me. I have misjudged the character of certain people and told them some very personal things. Now a lot of people know my secrets and I am embarrassed. Who can I trust? DW
Rocco is a common sense, tell-itlike-it-is, no-nonsense kind of guy offering real advice on any subject put before him. Why pay thousands of dollars on a highpriced therapist when he’ll straighten you out for free. If you’d like advice from Rocco email him at
Dear Rocco, I want to break up with my boyfriend. We have a lousy relationship but we have been together for a long time. I am afraid he will commit suicide if we break up. What should I do? EH
Dear Rocco, My father is a self-made man and started a company that made a lot of money. And while he never really spoiled me with money he always made sure I had what I needed and paid for my education wherever I wanted to go. As an adult I find it hard to live up to my dad’s example as every business I’ve tried to start has failed. He’s seen my businesses fail yet never give me advice on how to succeed. How come I can’t catch a break. JP
bbeeffoorr ee yyoouu’’rr ee ttoooo oolldd ttoo bbee ccoonn-ssii ddee rree dd aa w w oorr tthhw w hhiill ee iinnvv eessttm mee nntt.. OOtthhee rr w wii ssee yyoouu’’llll bbee ss ii ttttiinn gg aa rroouunndd waa iittii nngg oonn aann ii nnhheerr ii ttaannccee aanndd ii ff II w kknnoow w yy oouu ddaa dd,, hhee ’’llll pprroobb aabbll yy ssppeenn dd w w hhaatt w w oouull dd hhaa vvee bbeeee nn whhaa tt w w w oouulldd hhaavv ee bbee eenn ll eefftt ttoo yyoouu bbeeffoorr ee hhee ddii ee ss..
Dear Rocco, What do you do when your mom DDee aarr DDW W,, doesn’t buy you everything you N N oo oonnee .. TThhee oonnll yy ppeerr ss oonn yy oouu ccaa nn want or need? All my friends have the newest iPhone and other really cool stuff. It’s hard to hang with my buds when I’m light years behind in what I have and wear. What would you do if you were Deeaa rr JJPP,, D SSii m mppllee .. YYoouu ssoouunndd ll iikkee aa lloosseerr .. me? Myy gg uuee ssss ii ss yyoouu aa nndd yy oouurr ffaatthhee rr CW M hhaavv ee ddii ffffee rree nntt ppeerr ss oonnaall ii ttiiee ss.. H Hee ss ttaarr tteedd ss oom meetthhii nngg ffrr oom m nnootthhiinngg DDee aarr CCW W,, Geett aa jj oobb.. YYoouu llaa zz yy,, ss ppooiill ee dd aa ss ss aann dd kknnoow wss tthhee ssttrruugggg llee w w hhee rr eeaa ss G yyoouurr ddaa dd ssee tt tthhee ttaa bbllee ffoorr yyoouu ttoo bbrraa tt – – ll iikkee m moosstt kkiiddss ttooddaayy hhaavv ee iitt Kii ddss llii kkee yy oouu aarr ee tthhee ss uucccceeee dd aanndd yy oouu ss uucckkeedd aa tt iitt.. TToo ttoooo ee aass yy.. K wee cc aa nn’’tt hhaavv ee nnii cc ee bbee aa ssuuccccee ssss yyoouu hhaavv ee ttoo ffoorr ggeett rr eeaa ssoonn ““ w aabboouutt hhaavv iinngg aa ssaaffee ttyy nnee tt ttoo ccaattcc hh tthhiinnggss”” .. AAll ll yy oouu cc aarr ee aa bboouutt iiss tthhee w aann dd nnoott w whhaa tt rree aa ll-yyoouu.. AAll ssoo rree m meem mbbee rr ddaa ddddyy w woonn’’tt hheerr ee aanndd nnoow l l y y m m a a t t t t e e r r s s ? ? A A r r e e y y o o u u s s t t a a rr vvii nngg?? DDoo bbee aa rroouunndd ffoorr eevvee rr ssoo yyoouu nneeee dd ttoo y y o o u u h h a a v v e e a a r r o o o o f f o o v v e e r r y y o o uurr hhoouussee ?? ll eeaa rrnn hhoow w ttoo ss uucc cceeee dd.. BBee bbrruuttaa ll -ll yy hhoonnee sstt aa ss ttoo w w hhaa tt yy oouu w w eeaa kk-- IIff ssoo aa nndd yy oouu’’rr ee cc oom mppll aa ii nnii nngg m nn ss m maa rrtt pphhoonnee ?? nnee ssss iiss aann dd w w hheerr ee yy oouu ss ttrr eenngg tthh aabb oouutt aa dd aam ll iiee ss.. FFii nndd ppeeooppll ee ttoo bbee aa ppaarr tt ooff YYoouu’’rr ee aa ssppooii llee dd bbrr aatt.. OOff ccoouurr ssee maayy bbee yy oouurr ppaarr eenn ttss ffaauull tt iiff w hhaa tt yyoouu ddoo tthhaa tt ccaann cc oom w mppll ii m meenntt tthhiiss m yyoouurr ttaall eenn tt aa nndd bbee hhoonnee sstt w w ii tthh tthheeyy hhaavv eenn’’tt ttaa uugg hhtt yyoouu tthhee aaccttuuaa ll yyoouu ii ff yy oouu’’rree ggooiinngg ii nn tthhee rr iigg hhtt vvaa lluuee ooff aa ddoollll aarr aa nndd aarr ee ttrryy iinngg ttoo ddii rree ccttiioonn ii nnsstteeaa dd ooff bbeeii nngg tthheerr ee bbuuyy ooffff yyoouu aaffffee ccttiioonn ss bbyy tthhrr oow w-i i n n g g m m a a t t e e r r i i a a l l g g o o o o d d s s a a t t y y o o u u . . IIff ttoo ggee tt aa cchheecc kk.. NNoott ee vvee rryy oonnee ii ss uupp ttoo bbeeii nngg aa nn ee nnttrree pprree nnee uurr oorr aa yyoouu’’rr ee ooll dd eennoouugghh ggee tt aa ppaarr tt ttii m mee woonn’’tt ii nnttee rrffee rr ee ii nn ss cchhooooll bbuussii nnee ssss oow wnnee rr.. YYoouu m mii gghhtt hhaa vvee jjoobb tthhaa tt w ttoo ssttaarr tt llooookkiinn gg ff oorr aa ddaa yy jjoobb ssoo yyoouu hhaavv ee yyoouurr oow wnn m moonnee yy aanndd ENIGMA
ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20) Things are looking up. You can come up with future trends in creative fields. Someone may try to damage your reputation. Difficulties with your mate may lead to isolation. Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Saturday. TAURUS (Apr. 21- May 21) You will learn a great deal from people with different cultural backgrounds. Avoid too much discourse with colleagues this month. Your sensitive, affectionate nature will capture the heart of anyone you are attracted to. You’ll find it easy to upgrade your environment by redecorating or changing your resi-
crusade. Colleagues may try to undermine you when talking to Your luckiest events this month will superiors. Your creative ideas will be put to good use if you dig in and occur on a Friday. do things around the house that will make your family happy. You can GEMINI look into new jobs but don’t count (May 22-June 21) You may want to take another look on getting help from someone who at the investment you are about to may have promised you assistance. make. Take action. Stubborn about making changes around your home. Your luckiest events this month will You may be ill-treated if you have to occur on a Wednesday. deal with institutional environLEO ments. (July 23-Aug 22) Your luckiest events this month will You can make money if you work on personal investments. Don’t hold occur on a Thursday. back. You can meet a new romantic partner or secure the love connecCANCER tion you already have by going out (June 22-July 22) Don’t jump too quickly if someone and entertaining yourself. Things tries to make you join in on their are looking good for you, so open your eyes and get to it. dence.
ers do not do things the way you want; however, if the job gets done, let it pass. Try not to spend too much on children or entertainment. Your own small business on the side sounds pretty lucrative. Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Monday. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21) Creative pursuits should payoff. Empty promises will cause confusion. You will be able to make favorable changes in your living quarters. You are likely to be left alone if you aren’t willing to bend just a little. Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Friday.
CAPRICORN (Dec 22.- Jan. 20) Your luckiest events this month will Romantic opportunities will develop through friends or relatives. Try to occur on a Wednesday. understand their point of view. Travel should be on your agenda. VIRGO You may need to lend an ear to an (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23) Do not get involved in joint finan- old friend. cial ventures. You may want to put your creative thinking cap on. Make Your luckiest events this month will changes around your house and occur on a Wednesday. plan to do some entertaining. Talk to an older, established individual AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19) about your present situation. It may be a disappointing day emoYour luckiest events this month will tionally. You’ll find it easy to charm members of the opposite sex this occur on a Sunday. month. Someone you live with will get angry if you are neglecting your LIBRA duties. Sudden romantic encounters (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23) Older family members may try to put will set your head spinning. unreasonable demands on you. Your emotional life may be up in the air Your luckiest events this month will if your mate has been going through occur on a Friday. a change of heart. You will have to watch out for minor health prob- PISCES lems related to stress. You must (Feb. 20-Mar. 20) You need activity. You have a lot to consider yourself for a change. offer. You can mix business with Your luckiest events this month will pleasure to get favorable results. Too many opportunities and too occur on a Tuesday. many changes going on. SCORPIO Your luckiest events this month will (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) Take care of the needs of elders in occur on a Wednesday. your family. You may find that oth-
Round Two With one hashtag, Senator Bob ...When asked if the thought Corker achieved Twitter the president was a role immortality. model for children, Corker’s answer was quick and #AlertTheDayCareStaff went unequivocal. “No. Absolutely super-viral. After comparing not.” Does he regret his previthe Donald Trump White ous support of Trump? “Would House to a dad care without not do that again,” Corker adult supervision, our former said… mayor followed up with further observations… ...Corker is not the only GOP opposition voice, John McCain …”Much of what he says is continues to be a thorn in untrue,” Corker told CBS Trump’s side. But threatening News. “Provably untrue. I retribution against a war don’t know why he lowers hero, a former POW, a man himself... debases our coun- with almost certainly fatal try. The president has got brain cancer… who has served great difficulty with the truth this nation so long and so on many issues.” That’s severe well… that’s just low, criticism from a Republican Donnie… Senator to a Republican President… ...Jeff Flake, Arizona’s “other” Republican Senator, took to
the Senate floor this past Tuesday to announce that he would not be running for reelection and to deliver a stern rebuke against his own party and those in charge of it. “Sustained incumbency is certainly not the point of seeking office,” Flake told the Senate. “And there are times when we must risk our careers in favor of our principles. Now is such a time.” He went on… …”It must also be said that I rise today with no small measure of regret. Regret, because of the state of our disunion,
45 Johnson Ferry Rd. NW Atlanta, GA 30328 P.O. Box 825 Chattanooga, TN 37401 (423) 933-5170
Paul E. Burke Sr. Publisher D.A. Weinthal. Editor-In-Chief Chris Eason Photo Editor
Contributing Editors: Mark Haskins, Jim Sells, Mark Bedford. Chris McKay, David N. Marks, William Alexander, Dave Fernandez Founder: D.A. Weinthal Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter @EnigmaMag ENIGMA
regret because of the disrepair and destructiveness of our politics, regret because of the indecency of our discourse, regret because of the coarseness of our leadership, regret for the compromise of our moral authority, and by our – all of our – complicity in this alarming and dangerous state of affairs. It is time for our complicity and our accommodation of the unacceptable to end. In this century, a new phrase has entered the language to describe the accommodation of a new and undesirable order – that
been elected to serve.”... ...Corker’s counterpunching with Trump on Twitter and Flake’s parting remarks to his fellow Senators both reveal a lot about how the game is played in Washington. Both men’s remarks came after they had announced they would not seek re-election. The term, “lame duck” is meant as a mockery, but there’s a lot of freedom that comes with not having to campaign or owe anybody anything. We’re left with another “time will tell” scenario. Will there be a rising swell against Trump among lawmakers? Time will tell. The redundancy was intentional. To emphasize the uncertainty…
©Dave Weinthal
phrase being “the new normal.” But we must never adjust to the present coarseness of our national dialogue – with the tone set at the top. We must never regard as “normal” the regular and casual
undermining of our democratic norms and ideals. We must never meekly accept the daily sundering of our country - the personal attacks, the threats against principles, freedoms, and institutions, the flagrant
disregard for truth or decency, the reckless provocations, most often for the pettiest and most personal reasons, reasons having nothing whatsoever to do with the fortunes of — Mark Bedford the people that we have all
A New York hotel announced the return of one of its most famous limited-time menu items — a goldtopped bagel with a $1,000 price tag. The Westin New York hotel in Times Square announced the $1,000 bagel, which had a limited run in 2007, is making a return to the hotel after multiple requests. The pricey bagel’s toppings include goji berry infused Riesling jelly, gold leaves and Alba white truffle cream cheese. “Pound for pound, the white truffle is the second most expensive food in the world, next to caviar,” the hotel said. The hefty
price tag includes tax and gratuity, the hotel said. All proceeds from sales of the bagels will be donated to the Holy Apostles Soup Kitchen. The bagels will only be available from Nov. 1 until Dec. 15, and interested guests are being instructed to order their decadent breakfast foods 24 hours in advance. A Swedish transport company has given in to the will of the people by officially naming a new train Trainy McTrainface after a public vote. Transport company MTR Express, which earlier this year asked readers of Swedish newspaper Metro to vote on a name for the train, said 49 percent of the
vote went to “Trainy McTrainface,” making it the top choice. Officials with MTR Express said they were resolved to abide by the public’s decision, in part to avoid the sort of disappointment that resulted when a British polar research ship was not named Boaty McBoatface despite winning a public poll. “We saw pretty quickly that Trainy McTrainface was in the lead and the popular option. There was a bit of international attention on the vote, and I imagine that some people were quite delighted to get some revenge for the Boaty McBoatface thing,” MTR Express marketing chief Per Nasfi said.
Seems like some people would go to any length to get cosmetic surgery done at a low price. Police in Canada, believe that this includes going to an unlicensed teenage doctor. Toronto Police announced that they arrested a teenager who ran an unlicensed medical clinic. According to the police report, 19year-old Jingyi “Kitty” Wang advertised her services, offering cosmetic surgical procedures under the name “Dr. Kitty.” A woman who responded to the advertisement was invited to the basement of a home, where “Dr. Kitty” performed a “face-filler” procedure to smooth
out wrinkles. Within a few weeks, the woman developed an infection and had to seek medical help from a licensed plastic surgeon in Toronto. The victim required corrective surgery and reported Dr. Kitty to police. Police arrested Wang on charges of aggravated assault. Investigators believe there may be other victims and are urging those people to contact them. It was a mystery that had police puzzled for a while: a rash of thefts reported by passengers who had taken the 75-minute bus trip between Paris and Beauvais airport. A driver has been credited with helping crack the case after he spotted a suspicious suitcase being loaded onto his bus as he prepared to drive from Paris to the airport. Acting on his tip-off about a large brown bag that appeared to be moving on its own, police at Beauvais pounced on a Romanian man who picked up the suitcase and a smaller black rucksack as he arrived. After arresting him, detectives found an accomplice hidden inside the case who, once alone in the baggage hold during the trip, would pull a strap to unzip himself
and then begin his thieving. Both men, aged around 40, were from Romania and had criminal records for theft.
finally came out in one piece. To the paramedic’s amazement, it was a whole Dover sole, measuring about 6 inches. After the patient arrived at hospital, he was able to A British man’s heart stopped after respond to some questions, and he accidentally swallowed a 6-inch has since made a full recovery. long Dover sole on a fishing trip in Boscombe, in southern England. Police were called after two The man, 28, who was not named, women posed as workers from a went into cardiac arrest after the cable television company to gain fish jumped in his mouth, blocking access into a home, where they his throat. However, paramedics robbed a woman. Authorities in were able to clear his airway after Massachusetts, said that 29-yeardrawing the sole free with forceps. old Lily B. Bodenlos and an accomMatt Harrison, an emergency plice robbed the home of the elderresponder for the South Western ly woman. The women sprayed Ambulance Service, said he was on pepper spray on her face and tied the scene in under two minutes. her up before taking more than When he arrived on the dimly lit $8,000 in cash, several bottles of pier where the man was fishing, a prescription pills and a key to the friend of the man’s was already woman’s safe. According to detecperforming CPR. This friend, also tives, Bodenlos, who is from not named, told Harrison the 28- Naugatuck, Connecticut, forgot year-old had jokingly placed a fish something very important in the he had just caught over his mouth. house, her resume. After arriving at The sole then wriggled free and the victim’s home, detectives in jumped in. “It was clear that we Springfield found a folder with needed to get the fish out or this Bodenlos’ history, telephone numpatient was not going to survive ber and email address in the firstthe short journey to the Royal floor bathroom, according to the Bournemouth Hospital,” Harrison arrest report. Three weeks later, said. After six attempts, the fish Bodenlos and her accomplice,
Melissa Mimitz, 37, from Newington, Connecticut, were arrested and charged with seven felony counts, including possession of firearms, armed robbery, possession of firearms, and kidnapping. A Finnair flight that took off Friday morning might give pause to the superstitious: Flight 666 to “HEL” on Friday the 13th. The flight departed at 1:18 p.m. local time from Copenhagen, Denmark, and landed at 3:53 at Finland’s HelsinkiVantaa airport — which has a three-letter airport code of “HEL.” An airline spokesman said Flight 666 has been making the flights to Helsinki for 11 years, and 21 of the trips took place on various Fridays the 13th. The airline said the perceived unluckiness of the date, combined with the number 666 and the “HEL” destination, has not appeared to have any affect on passenger numbers for flights. Finnair said the flight marked the final time Flight 666 will make the trip on a Friday the 13th, as a reordering of flight data is causing the flight to be renumbered to 954.
Chattanooga’s Most Fun Night Out
“Go See Live Music”
NOVEMBER 24 & 25
NOVEMBER 28 & 29
This month’s calendar covers November and beyond. We would be happy to publish your free listing in future Billboards, space permitting. Simply mail us the information so that we have it 7 days before the publication date. A photograph may be sent with the announcement. Send information to: All dates subject to change without notice.
WEEDDNNEESSDDAAYY NNoovvee m W mbbee rr 11 RREEVVEELLRRYY RROOOO M M (Chattanooga) Pigeons Playing Ping Pong, Flamingosis RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Ben Folds CCM MA A TT H HEE A ATTRREE (Nashville) Gavin DeGraw SSM MIITT H H ’’SS O O LLD D EE BBA ARR (Atlanta) Trashcan Sinatras PPIILLOOTT LLIIGG HHTT (Knoxville) Jessie and the Jacksons
TT H HUU RRSSDDAAYY NNoovveem mbbeerr 22 SSKKYY ZZOOOO (Chattanooga) DJ Av TTHH EE CCOO M MEEDD YY CCAATT CC HH (Chattanooga) J Chris Newberg JJ..JJ..’’ SS BBOOHH EEM M IIA A (Chattanooga) Ashley and the Xs, Blonde Bones, Rye Baby RREEVVEELLRRYY RROOOO M M (Chattanooga) Perpetual Groove, Funk You MA M ARRA ATT H HO ON NM MU USSIICC W WO O RRK KSS (Nashville) Gogol Bordello, Lucky Chops RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Sheryl Crow BBUUCC KKHHEE AADD TT HHEE AATT RREE (Atlanta) Gavin DeGraw TTHH EE EE AARRLL (Atlanta) Blitzen Trapper, Qty TTHH EE LL OOFFTT (Atlanta) Living Colour TTHH EE IINNTT EERRNN AATTIIOO NNAALL (Knoxville) Keller Williams PPIILLOOTT LLIIGG HHTT (Knoxville) Lee Bains III & The Glory Fires SSAATT UURRNN (Birmingham) Futurebirds, Tyler Ramsey ZZYY DDEECC OO (Birmingham) We Came As Romans, The Word Alive
FFRRIID DAAYY NNoovveem mbbeerr 33 SSKKYY ZZOOOO (Chattanooga) DJ Av TTHH EE CCOO M MEEDD YY CCAATT CC HH (Chattanooga) J Chris Newberg TTII VVOO LLII TT HHEE AATT RREE (Chattanooga) The Beach Boys SSOONN GGBBIIRRDDSS (Chattanooga) Victor Wooten CCLLYY DD EE’’SS (Chattanooga) Natchez Tracers RREEVVEELLRRYY RROOOO M M (Chattanooga) Fritz + Domino SSYY M MPPH HO ON NYY H HA ALLLL (Atlanta) Amos Lee BBIIJJOO UU TT HHEE AATTRREE (Knoxville) North Mississippi Allstars, Danielle Nicole PPIILLOOTT LLIIGG HHTT (Knoxville) Lee Bains III & The ENIGMA
Glory Fires HHAARRRRAAHH’’ SS CC HHEE RROOKKEE EE CC AASSIINN OO (Cherokee, NC) Alabama TTHH EE BBAASSEE M MEE N NTT EEA ASSTT (Nashville) Jessica Lea Mayfield, Idle Bloom
SSA ATTUU RRDDAAYY NNoovveem mbbeerr 44 SSKKYYZZ OOOO (Chattanooga) DJ Av TTHH EE CC OOM M EEDD YY CCAATT CC HH (Chattanooga) J Chris Newberg TTIIVVOO LLII TT HHEE AATTRREE (Chattanooga) Emmylou Harris JJ..JJ..’’SS BBOOHH EEM MIIA A (Chattanooga) The Dead Deads, Lottery Live CCLLYY DDEE ’’SS (Chattanooga) Bird Dog Jubilee RREE VVEELLRRYY RROOOO M M (Chattanooga) Whitey Morgan, Ward Davis PPHH IILLIIPPSS AARREE NNAA (Atlanta) Fallout Boy, Blackbear CCIITT YY W WIIN N EERRYY A ATTLL A AN NTT A A (Atlanta) Los Lobos EEDDDD IIEE’’ SS AATT TT IICC (Atlanta) Five Eight AALLAABBAA M MA A TT H HEE A ATTRREE (Birmingham) The Beach Boys FFRRAANNKKLLIINN TT HHEE AATTRREE (Franklin, TN) David Archuleta CCAANN NNEERRYY BBAALLLLRROO OOM M (Atlanta) The Strumbellas, Noah Kahan
SSU U NNDDAAYY NNoovvee m mbbee rr 55 SSKKYYZZ OOOO (Chattanooga) DJ Av TTHH EE CC OOM M EEDD YY CCAATT CC HH (Chattanooga) J Chris Newberg JJ..JJ..’’SS BBOOHH EEM MIIA A (Chattanooga) Michael Bond SSOONN GGBBIIRRDDSS (Chattanooga) Adrian Legg SSAATTUU RRNN (Birmingham) Cannibal Corpse, Power Trip, Gatecreeper UUAABB’’SS AALLYYSS SSTT EEPPHH EENNSS CCEE NNTT EERR (Birmingham) Emmylou Harris CCIITT YY W WIIN N EERRYY A ATTLL A AN NTT A A (Atlanta) Los Lobos
TTU U EESSDDAAYY NNoovveem mbbeerr 77 TTRREE M MOONN TT TTAAVVEE RRNN (Chattanooga) Open Mic w/ Mike McDade JJ..JJ..’’SS BBOOHH EEM MIIAA (Chattanooga) Local H, The
Tammys TT HHEE CC OOCC AA CC OOLLAA RROOXXYY (Atlanta) Alt-J PPHH IILLIIPPSS AARREE NNAA (Atlanta) Imagine Dragons, Grouplove, K.Flay HH EEAAVVEENN AATT TT HHEE M MA ASSQ QU UEERRA AD D EE (Atlanta) Hinder, Josh Todd, Adelita’s Way, Wayland TT EENN NNEE SSSSEEEE TT HHEE AATTRREE (Knoxville) Primus
WEEDDNNEESSDDAAYY NNoovveem W mbbeerr 88 TT HHEE CC OOM M EEDDYY CC AATT CCHH (Chattanooga) Improv Chattanooga JJ ..JJ ..’’SS BBOO HHEE M MIIA A (Chattanooga) Gools, Haunted, Pinecone TT HHEE CC OOCC AA CC OOLLAA RROOXXYY (Atlanta) Alt-J PPUU RRGG AATT OORRYY AATT TT HHEE M MA ASSQ QU UEE RRA AD D EE (Atlanta) Barb Wire Dolls, Svetlanas, 57 TT HHEE IINN TTEE RRNNAATT IIOONN AALL (Knoxville) Blue October SSW W EEEETT PP’’ SS BBBBQ QA AN ND D SSO OU U LL H HO OU USSEE (Knoxville) Webb Wilder CC OONN CC EERRTT HHAALLLL AATT BBJJ CCCC (Birmingham) Bon Iver, Aero /Flynn BBRRIIDD GGEESS TTOO NNEE AARREENN AA (Nashville) “CMA Awards” Old Dominion, Miranda Lambert, Little Big Town, Eric Church, Jon Pardi, Garth Brooks, Luke Bryan, Thomas Rhett, Carrie Underwood, Brothers Osborne, Chris Stapleton
UPPCC OOM U M IINNGG EEVVEENNTTSS TT HHEE CC OOM M EEDDYY CC AATT CCHH (Chattanooga) Killer Beaz November 9 JJ ..JJ ..’’SS BBOO HHEE M MIIA A (Chattanooga) Webb Barringer Band, Jesse James Jungkurth and the Patron Haints November 9 SSCC HH EERRM MEE RRH HO O RRN N SSYY M MPPH HO ON N YY CCEE N NTT EERR (Nashville) Amos Lee November 9 CC AANNNN EERRYY BBAALLLLRROOOO M M (Nashville) Blue October November 9 RRYY M MA AN NA AU UD D IITTO O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Kurt Vile, Courtney Barnett, Jen Cohler November 9 CC IITT YY W WIIN NEE RRYY N NA ASSH H VVIILL LLEE (Nashville) Living Colour November 9 TT HHEE M MII LLLL && M MII N NEE (Knoxville) Grizzly Bear November 9 TT HHEE TT AABBEERRNNAACC LLEE (Atlanta) Primus November 9 FF OOXX TT HHEE AATTRREE (Atlanta) Bon Iver, Aero Flynn November 9 EE DDDDII EE’’ SS AATT TTIICC (Atlanta) Chris Smither November 9 VVAARRIIEETT YY PPLLAAYY HHOO UUSSEE (Atlanta) Justin Townes Earle November 9 TT HHEE CC OOM M EED DYY CC A ATT CCH H (Chattanooga) Killer Beaz November 10 JJ ..JJ ..’’SS BBOO HHEE M MIIA A (Chattanooga) Mark “Porkchop” Holder, Uncle Lightning. Red Necklace November 10 TT IIVVOOLLII TTHH EEAATT RREE (Chattanooga) Ray LaMontagne November 10 CC LLYY DDEE’’ SS (Chattanooga) Roshambeaux November 10 RREE VVEE LLRRYY RROO OOM M (Chattanooga) Departure November 10 HH AARRRRIISS AARRTT SS CC EENN TTEE RR (Calhoun, GA) “Christmas Belles” November 10 AALLYY SS SS TTEE PPHHEE NNSS CC EENN TT EERR (Birmingham) Dionne Warwick November 10 ZZ YYDD EECC OO (Birmingham) Black Dahlia Murder, Suffocation, Birth Necrot, SSCC HH EERRM MEE RRH HO O RRN N SSYY M MPPH HO ON N YY CCEE N NTT EERR (Nashville) Amos Lee November 10 RRYY M MA AN NA AU UD D IITTO O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Jason
Isbell November 10 MEE RRCCYY LLO M OU UN NG GEE (Nashville) Mewithoutyou, Pianos Becomes the Teeth, Slow Mass November 10 VVA ARRIIEETT YY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Rodney Crowell November 10 SSYY M MPPH HO ON N YY H H AALLLL (Atlanta) Tori Amos November 10 CC EEN NTT EE RR SSTT AAG GEE (Atlanta) Hoodie Allen November 10 TT H HEE EEAARRLL (Atlanta) Cindy Wilson November 10 HEE AAVVEEN H N AATT TTH H EE M M AASSQ QU UEERRAAD D EE (Atlanta) Whitechapel, Carnifex, Entheos, So This Is Suffering, Rings of Saturn November 10 UAABB’’ SS AALLYY SS SSTT EE PPH U HEEN N SS CC EEN N TTEE RR (Birmingham) Dionne Warwick November 10 ZZYY D DEE CCO O (Birmingham) The Black Dahlia Murder, Suffocation, Decreit Birth, Necrot, Wormwitch November 10 TT H HEE CCO OM MEE D DYY CC AATTCC H H (Chattanooga) Killer Beaz November 11 CC LLYYD D EE’’ SS (Chattanooga) The Orange Constant November 11 SSLLU UG GG GO O’’ SS N NO O RRTTH H (Chattanooga) Waxahatchee, Ought November 11 SSO ON NG G BBIIRRD D ’’SS (Chattanooga) Rodney Crowell November 11 HAA RRRRIISS AARRTTSS CCEE N H NTT EERR (Calhoun, GA) “Christmas Belles” November 11 PPH HII LLIIPPSS AARREEN N AA (Atlanta) Jim Gaffigan November 11 FFO O XX TT H HEE AATTRREE (Atlanta) Ringo Starr & His All Starr Band November 11 TT H HEE CCO O CC AA CC O OLLAA RRO O XXYY (Atlanta) Gary Allan November 11 VVA ARRIIEETT YY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Lukas Nelson & Promise Of The Real, Nikki Lane November 11 EED DD DIIEE ’’SS AATTTT IICC (Atlanta) Robyn Hitchcock November 11 SSCC H HEE RRM MEERRH HO ORRN N SSYY M MPPH HO ON N YY CC EE N NTT EERR (Nashville) Amos Lee November 11 WAARR M W M EEM MO O RRIIAALL AAU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) John Cleese November 11 CC IITT YY W WII N NEERRYY N N AASSH HVVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Craig Morgan November 11 HAA RRRRIISS AARRTTSS CCEE N H NTT EERR (Calhoun, GA) “Christmas Belles” November 12 PPH HII LLIIPPSS AARREEN N AA (Atlanta) Marc Anthony November 12 SSYY M MPPH HO ON N YY H H AALLLL (Atlanta) John Cleese November 12 EED DD DIIEE ’’SS AATTTT IICC (Atlanta) Robyn Hitchcock November 12 VVA ARRIIEETT YY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) The Jesus and Mary Chain November 12 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD DIITT O O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Tori Amos November 12 BBRRIID DG G EESSTT O ON NEE AARREE N NAA (Nashville) “Country Rising” Reba, Martina McBride, Little Big Town, George Strait, Dierks Bentley, Jason Aldean, Lady Antebellum, Carrie Underwood, Garth Brooks, Chris Stapleton, Sam Hunt November 12 ASSCC EEN A ND D AAM M PPH HIITT H HEE AATT RREE (Nashville) “Country Rising: Downtown Jam” Chris Janson, Lindsay Ell, Eric Paslay, Tucker Beathard, Bailey Bryan, Carly Pearce, Bobby Bones, Jon Pardi, Drake White and The Big Fire November 12 JJ..JJ..’’ SS BBO OH HEEM M IIAA (Chattanooga) Gatefold, Vinyl Night November 13 TT H HEE TTAABBEE RRN NAACC LLEE (Atlanta) Tegan & Sara November 13 EED DD DIIEE ’’SS AATTTT IICC (Atlanta) Carl Broemel
November 13 BBRRIID DG G EESSTT O ON N EE A ARREE N NA A (Nashville) Guns N’ Roses November 13 JJ..JJ..’’ SS BBO OH H EEM M IIA A (Chattanooga) Hogpig November 14 PPH HIILLII PPSS A ARREEN NA A (Atlanta) Jay-Z November 14 BBU UCC K KH HEE A AD D TT H HEE A ATT RREE (Atlanta) Squeeze November 14 CCH HA AM MEE LLEEO ON N CC LLU UBB (Atlanta) Hinder, Josh Todd, Adelita’s Way, Wayland November 14 CCA AN NN NEE RRYY BBA ALLLL RRO OO OM M (Nashville) The Maine, Dreamers, Night Riots November 14 TTH H EE CCO OM MEED D YY CCA ATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Open Mic Night November 15 JJ..JJ..’’ SS BBO OH H EEM M IIA A (Chattanooga) Thirstain Daniels and the Louisiana Purchase November 15 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) The Shins, BAIO November 15 BBRRIID DG G EESSTT O ON N EE A ARREE N NA A (Nashville) Jay-Z November 15 CCA AN NN NEE RRYY BBA ALLLL RRO OO OM M (Nashville) Hoodie Allen November 15 WA W ARR M MEE M MO O RRIIA ALL A AU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) The Used, Glassjaw November 15 CCII TTYY W WIIN N EERRYY A ATT LLA AN NTT A A (Atlanta) Shawn Colvin, Larry Campbell, Teresa Williams November 15 IIRRO ON N CCII TTYY (Birmingham) Cults November 15 TTH H EE CCO OM MEED D YY CCA ATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Reno Collier November 16 JJ..JJ..’’ SS BBO OH H EEM M IIA A (Chattanooga) Lacing, Ruined November 16 RREEVVEELLRRYY RRO OO OM M (Chattanooga) Elizabeth Cook, Lew Card November 16 SSA ATT U URRN N (Birmingham) Cults November 16 EEXXIITT //II N N (Nashville) Cults November 16 CCII TTYY W WIIN N EERRYY A ATT LLA AN NTT A A (Atlanta) Shawn Colvin, Larry Campbell, Teresa Williams November 16 TTH H EE CCO OM MEED D YY CCA ATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Reno Collier November 17 JJ..JJ..’’ SS BBO OH H EEM M IIA A (Chattanooga) Bill Fox, Dead Testaments, Smoking Tombs, Hans Chews November 17 CCLLYY D D EE’’SS (Chattanooga) Lord Nelson November 17 RREEVVEELLRRYY RRO OO OM M (Chattanooga) Zoso November 17 HA H ARRRRIISS A ARRTT SS CCEE N NTT EERR (Calhoun, GA) “Christmas Belles” November 17 FFO O XX TTH H EEA ATT RREE (Atlanta) John Prine, Kacey Musgraves November 17 SSYY M MPPH HO ON NYY H HA ALLLL (Atlanta) Randy Newman November 17 AIISSLLEE 55 (Atlanta) Cults November 17 A CCO O CC A A CCO O LLA A RRO O XXYY (Atlanta) The Shins, BAIO November 17 EED DD DIIEE’’ SS A ATT TT IICC (Atlanta) Leftover Salmon November 17 VVA ARRII EETT YY PPLL A AYYH HO OU U SSEE (Atlanta) Steep Canyon Rangers November 17 IIRRO ON N CCII TTYY (Birmingham) Susto November 17 TTH H EE N N IICC K K (Birmingham) Lee Bains III & The glory Fires November 17 ALLA A ABBA AM MA A TT H H EEA ATT RREE (Birmingham) John Prine, John Moreland November 17 TTH H EE BBA ASS EEM MEE N NTT (Nashville) Emerson Hart November 17 TTH H EE CCO OM MEED D YY CCA ATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Reno Collier November 18 JJ..JJ..’’ SS BBO OH H EEM M IIA A (Chattanooga) Strung Like A Horse November 18 TTII VVO O LLII TT H HEE A ATT RREE (Chattanooga) Mannheim Steamroller November 18 CCLLYY D D EE’’SS (Chattanooga) Voodoo Visionary
November 18 MEEM M MO ORRIIAALL AAU UD DIITT O O RRIIU UM M (Chattanooga) Charley Pride November 18 RREE VVEELLRRYY RRO OO OM M (Chattanooga) Chattanooga Hip Hop Festival November 18 HAARRRRIISS AARRTT SS CC EEN H N TTEE RR (Calhoun, GA) “Christmas Belles” November 18 ALLAABBAA M A MAA TT H HEE AATTRREE (Birmingham) John Prine November 18 SSA ATTU U RRN N (Birmingham) Hiss Golden Messenger November 18 LLYYRRIICC TT H HEE AATTRREE (Birmingham) Shawn Colvin, Larry Campbell, and Teresa Williams November 18 TTH H EE N N IICCK K (Birmingham) Lee Bains III & The glory Fires November 18 MIILLLL TT O M OW WN NM MU USSIICC H H AALLLL (Bremen, GA) Exile November 18 CCIITT YY W WIIN N EERRYY AATTLL AAN NTT AA (Atlanta) Jackopierce November 18 VVA ARRIIEE TTYY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USS EE (Atlanta) The Motet, Dopapod November 18 CCIITT YY W WIIN N EERRYY N NAASSH H VVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Leftover Salmon November 18 TTH H EE BBAASSEE M MEEN N TT (Nashville) Lydia Loveless November 18 EEXXIITT //IIN N (Nashville) Phil Lesh November 18 TTH H EE CC O OM M EED D YY CCAATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Reno Collier November 19 TTIIVVO O LLII TT H HEE AATTRREE (Chattanooga) Alton Brown November 19 SSCCH H EERRM M EERRH HO O RRN N SS YYM M PPH HO ON NYY CC EEN NTT EE RR (Nashville) Joe Biden November 19 CCIITT YY W WIIN N EERRYY N NAASSH H VVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Shawn Colvin, Larry Campbell, Teresa Williams November 19 TTH H EE BBAASSEE M MEE N NTT EEAASSTT (Nashville) Modern English November 19 EED DD D IIEE’’ SS AATT TT IICC (Atlanta) Hiss Golden Messenger November 19 VVA ARRIIEE TTYY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USS EE (Atlanta) Echosmith, Banner November 19 TTEE N NN NEE SSSSEE EE TT H HEE AATTRREE (Knoxville) Lewis Black November 19 PPII LLO OTT LLIIG GH HTT (Knoxville) Southern Culture on the Skids, The Woolly Bushmen November 19 JJ..JJ..’’SS BBO OH H EEM MIIAA (Chattanooga) 20 Watt Tombstone, Mark “Porkchop” Holder November 20 SSCCH H EERRM M EERRH HO O RRN N SS YYM M PPH HO ON NYY CC EEN NTT EE RR (Nashville) John McLaughlin, Jimmy Herring November 21 RRYY M MAA N N AAU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) St. Vincent November 22 CCO O BBBB EEN NEE RRG GYY PPEE RRFF O ORRM M IIN NG G AARRTT SS CC EEN NTT EERR (Atlanta) Lindsey Stirling November 22 TTH H EE CC O OM M EED D YY CCAATT CC H H (Chattanooga) James Gregory November 24 JJ..JJ..’’SS BBO OH H EEM MIIAA (Chattanooga) DDS November 24 CCLLYY D DEE ’’SS (Chattanooga) American Watermelon November 24 TTEE N NN NEE SSSSEE EE TT H HEE AATTRREE (Knoxville) St. Vincent November 24 TTH H EE TT AABBEERRN N AACCLLEE (Atlanta) Blackberry Smoke, Jason & the Scorchers November 24 EED DD D IIEE’’ SS AATT TT IICC (Atlanta) Livingston Taylor November 24 TTH H EE CC O OM M EED D YY CCAATT CC H H (Chattanooga) James Gregory November 25 CCLLYY D DEE ’’SS (Chattanooga) Jahman Brahman November 25 RREE VVEELLRRYY RRO OO OM M (Chattanooga) Peewee Moore November 25 VVA ARRIIEE TTYY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USS EE (Atlanta) Drivin’ N’
November 1 Free Kittens Open Mic Comedy
November 2 Ashley and the Xs, Blonde Bones, Rye Baby
November 4 The Dead Deads, Lottery Live
November 5 John Michael Bond
November 7 Local H, The Tammys
November 8 Gools, Haunted, Pinecone
November 9 Webb Barringer Band, Jesse James Jungkurth and the Patron Haints
November 10 Mark “Porkchop” Holder Record Release Part, Uncle Lightning, Red Necklace
November 13 Gatefold - Vinyl Night
November 14 Hogpig
November 15 Thirstain Daniels and the Louisianna Purchase
November 16 Lacing, Ruined
November 17 Bill Fox, Dead Testaments, Smoking Tombs, Hans Chews
November 20 20 Watt Tombstone, Mark “Porkchop” Holder
November 24 DDS
November 30 Cindy Wilson, Yip Deceiver, Material Girls
December 1 Cory Branan, The Whskey Gentry
December 2 Caleb and the Gents, Megan Jean and the KFB
December 8 Jon Mayfield Record Release Party
December 9 Beats for Blanket (Benefit Sow)
December 14 Dirty Blonde, Brandon Wadley
Cryin’, Elizabeth Cook November 25 IIN NFF IIN NIITT EE EEN NEE RRG GYY CC EEN N TTEE RR (Duluth, GA) Michael W. Smith, Amy Grant, Jordan Smith November 25 SSCC H HEERRM M EERRH HO ORRN N SSYY M MPPH HO ON NYY CC EEN N TTEE RR (Nashville) Fantasia November 25 EED DD DIIEE’’ SS A ATT TT IICC (Atlanta) Kristian Bush November 26 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Lee Greenwood, Rhonda Vincent November 26 TTII VVO O LLII TT H HEE A ATT RREE (Chattanooga) Robert Earl Keen November 27 EED DD DIIEE’’ SS A ATT TT IICC (Atlanta) Kristian Bush November 27 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Little Big Town November 27 TTH H EE CCO OM MEED D YY CCA ATT CC H H (Chattanooga) “wellRED Comedy Tour” Trae Crowder, Drew Morgan, Corey Ryan Forrester November 28 PPH HIILLII PPSS A ARREEN NA A (Atlanta) Lady Gaga November 28 TTH H EE M MIILLLL && M MIIN N EE (Knoxville) Hollywood Undead November 28 MA M ARRA ATT H HO ON NM MU USSIICC W WO O RRK KSS (Nashville) Chevelle, 10 Years November 28 TTH H EE CCO OM MEED D YY CCA ATT CC H H (Chattanooga) “wellRED Comedy Tour” Trae Crowder, Drew Morgan, Corey Ryan Forrester November 29 WA W ARR M MEE M MO O RRIIA ALL A AU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville Dream Theater November 29 SSYY M MPPH HO ON NYY H HA ALLLL (Atlanta) 98 Degrees November 29 PPH HIILLII PPSS A ARREEN NA A (Atlanta) Dead & Company November 29 EED DD DIIEE’’ SS A ATT TT IICC (Atlanta) The Secret Sisters, Jill Andrews November 29 IIRRO ON N CCII TTYY (Birmingham) Alter Bridge, All That Remains November 29 SSA ATT U URRN N (Birmingham) Cindy Wilson November 29 TTH H EE CCO OM MEED D YY CCA ATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Master Hypnotist Gary Conrad November 30 JJ..JJ..’’ SS BBO OH H EEM M IIA A (Chattanooga) Cindy Wilson, Yip Deceiver, Material Girls November 30 RREEVVEELLRRYY RRO OO OM M (Chattanooga) The War & Treaty, Randy Steele November 30 LLEEG GA ACCYY A ARREE N NA A (Birmingham) Xscape, Monica, Tamar Braxton November 30 EED DD DIIEE’’ SS A ATT TT IICC (Atlanta) The Secret Sisters, Jill Andrews November 30 TTH H EE CCO OM MEED D YY CCA ATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Master Hypnotist Gary Conrad December 1 JJ..JJ..’’ SS BBO OH H EEM M IIA A (Chattanooga) Cory Branan, The Whiskey Gentry December 1 MEE M M MO ORRIIA ALL A AU UD D IITTO O RRIIU UM M (Chattanooga) Mark Chesnutt December 1 CCLLYY D D EE’’SS (Chattanooga) Downright December 1 RREEVVEELLRRYY RRO OO OM M (Chattanooga) The Breakfast Club December 1 3377 M MA AIIN N (Buford, GA) L.A. Guns December 1 HEE A H AVVEE N NA ATT TT H H EE M MA ASSQ QU U EERRA AD DEE (Atlanta) Reverend Horton Heat, Junior Brown, Faren Rachels December 1 EED DD DIIEE’’ SS A ATT TT IICC (Atlanta) Michael Tolcher December 1 MU M USS IICC RRO OO OM MA ATT SSM M IITTH H ’’ SS O OLL D DEE BBAARR (Atlanta) Memory Dean December 1 TTH H EE LLYYRRIICC TT H HEE A ATT RREE (Birmingham) Squirrel Nut Zippers December 1 BBRRIID DG G EESSTT O ON N EE A ARREE N NA A (Nashville) Xcape, Monica, Tamar Braxton December 1 TTH H EE CCO OM MEED D YY CCA ATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Master Hypnotist Gary Conrad December 2
JJ..JJ..’’SS BBO OH H EEM MIIAA (Chattanooga) Caleb and the Gents, Megan Jean and the KFB December 2 CCLLYY D DEE ’’SS (Chattanooga) Boo Ray December 2 MU M USSII CC RRO OO OM M AATT SSM MIITT H H ’’SS O OLLD D EE BBAARR (Atlanta) White Animals, Navajo Joe December 2 EED DD D IIEE’’ SS AATT TT IICC (Atlanta) Diane Durrett December 2 BBU U CCK KH H EEAAD D TT H HEE AATTRREE (Atlanta) WAR December 2 EEXXIITT //IIN N (Nashville) The Spill Canvas, Super Whatever December 2 CCA AN NN NEERRYY BBAALLLLRRO OO OM M (Nashville) Simple Plan, Patent Pending, Hit the Lights December 2 SSA ATTU U RRN N (Birmingham) New Found Glory December 2 TTH H EE CC O OM M EED D YY CCAATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Master Hypnotist Gary Conrad December 3 RRYY M MAA N N AAU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Brian Setzer Orchestra December 3 TTH H EE BBAASSEE M MEE N NTT EEAASSTT (Nashville) New Found Glory December 3 HEEAAVVEE N H N AATT TT H HEE M MAASSQ QU UEE RRAAD DEE (Atlanta) GWAR, He Is Legend, Ghoul, U.S. Bastards December 3 EED DD D IIEE’’ SS AATT TT IICC (Atlanta) Glen Phillips December 3 TTEE N NN NEE SSSSEE EE TT H HEE AATTRREE (Knoxville) Jennifer Nettles December 3 MEEM M MO ORRIIAALL AAU UD DIITT O O RRIIU UM M (Chattanooga) Joe Bonamassa December 4 SSA ATTU U RRN N (Birmingham) Chevelle, 10 Years December 4 RRYY M MAA N N AAU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) “Shine For Susie ALS Benefit” The Warren Brothers, Trent Tomlinson, Craig Campbell, Love And Theft, Florida Georgia Line, Canaan Smith, Stevie Monce Band, Tyler Farr, Jerrod Niemann December 4 CCM M AA TTH H EEAATT RREE (Nashville) David Crosby December 4 RREE VVEELLRRYY RRO OO OM M (Chattanooga) JD McPherson December 5 SSCCH H EERRM M EERRH HO O RRN N SS YYM M PPH HO ON NYY CC EEN NTT EE RR (Nashville) Jennifer Nettles December 5 CCIITT YY W WIIN N EERRYY N NAASSH H VVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Squirrel Nut Zippers December 5 CCM M AA TTH H EEAATT RREE (Nashville) Jason Isbell December 5 CCIITT YY W WIIN N EERRYY AATTLL AAN NTT AA (Atlanta) David Crosby December 5 SSYYM M PPH HO ON NYY H HAALL LL (Atlanta) Richard Marx, Rick Springfield December 5 SSYYM M PPH HO ON NYY H HAALL LL (Atlanta) Brian Setzer Orchestra December 6 SSCCH H EERRM M EERRH HO O RRN N SS YYM M PPH HO ON NYY CC EEN NTT EE RR (Nashville) Jennifer Nettles December 6 EEXXIITT //IIN N (Nashville) Cannibal Corpse, Power Trip, Gatecreeper December 6 TTH H EE CC O OM M EED D YY CCAATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Jay Stevens December 7 BBRRIID DG GEE SSTT O ON NEE AARREEN N AA (Nashville) Janet Jackson December 7 RRYY M MAA N N AAU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Vince Gill, Amy Grant December 7 TTH H EE M M AASSQ QU U EERRAAD DEE (Atlanta) Cannibal Corpse, Power Trip, Gatecreeper December 7 SSA ATTU U RRN N (Birmingham) Pokey Lefarge December 7 TTH H EE CC O OM M EED D YY CCAATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Jay Stevens December 8 JJ..JJ..’’SS BBO OH H EEM MIIAA (Chattanooga) Jon Mayfield December 8 CCLLYY D DEE ’’SS (Chattanooga) Iron Fez December 8
RREE VVEE LLRRYY RRO OO OM M (Chattanooga) Banditos, Rye Baby December 8 VVA ARRIIEETT YY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Kamasi Washington, Kelsey Lu December 8 H IIG H GH HW WAATT TT (Nashville) 10 Years December 8 DO D OW WN N TTO OW WN N PPRREESSBBYY TTEE RRIIA AN N CC H HU URRCC H H (Nashville) Andrew Bird December 8 H EE CC O H OM M EED D YY CCAATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Jay Stevens December 9 JJ ..JJ ..’’SS BBO OH HEE M MIIAA (Chattanooga) Beats for Blanket December 9 CC LLYY D DEE’’ SS (Chattanooga) Gimme Hendrix December 9 LLEE G GAACC YY AARREEN N AA (Birmingham) Janet Jackson December 9 VVA ARRIIEETT YY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Robert Earl Keen December 9 IIN N FFIIN N IITTEE EEN N EERRG G YY CCEE N NTT EERR (Duluth, GA) Trans-Siberian Orchestra December 9 DO D OW WN N TTO OW WN N PPRREESSBBYY TTEE RRIIA AN N CC H HU URRCC H H (Nashville) Andrew Bird December 9 TT H HEE CC O OM M EED DYY CC AATT CCH H (Chattanooga) Jay Stevens December 10 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD D IITTO O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) LeAnn Rimes December 10 TT IIVVO OLLII TTH H EEAATT RREE (Chattanooga) Needtobreathe December 11 H EEAAVVEEN H N AATT TT H HEE M MAASSQ QU UEERRA AD D EE (Atlanta) Gary Numan December 11 EE XXIITT// IIN N (Nashville) Gary Numan December 12 CC M MAA TT H H EEAATT RREE (Nashville) Jason Isbell December 12 PPH H IILLIIPPSS AARREE N NAA (Atlanta) Katy Perry December 12 H EE CC O H OM M EED D YY CCAATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Improv Chattanooga December 13 TT EEN NN NEE SSSSEEEE TT H HEE AATTRREE (Knoxville) Needtobreathe December 13 WAARR M W MEEM MO ORRIIAALL AAU UD DIITT O O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Jason Bonham’s Led Zeppelin Experience December 13 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD D IITTO O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Vince Gill, Amy Grant December 13 EE D DD DII EE’’ SS AATT TTIICC (Atlanta) Patterson Hood December 13 AVVO A ON ND DAALL EE TT O OW WN N EE CC IIN N EEM MA A (Atlanta) Shooter Jennings, Jason Boland & The Stragglers December 13 TT H HEE CC O OM M EED DYY CC AATT CCH H (Chattanooga) The Swinger Dave Scott December 14 JJ ..JJ ..’’SS BBO OH HEE M MIIAA (Chattanooga) Dirty Blonde, Brandon Wadley December 14 SSO ON NG G BBIIRRD D’’ SS (Chattanooga) Shooter Jennings, Jason Boland & The Stragglers December 14 RREE VVEE LLRRYY RRO OO OM M (Chattanooga) The Infamous Stringdusters, Dangermuffin December 14 VVA ARRIIEETT YY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Gin Blossoms December 14 EE D DD DII EE’’ SS AATT TTIICC (Atlanta) Dar Williams December 14 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD D IITTO O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Vince Gill, Amy Grant December 14 TT H HEE CC O OM M EED DYY CC AATT CCH H (Chattanooga) The Swinger Dave Scott December 15 JJ ..JJ ..’’SS BBO OH HEE M MIIAA (Chattanooga) Ramons vs. Devo December 15 RRO O BBEERRTT K KIIRRK KW WAALL K KEERR CC O OM MM MU UN NIITT YY TTH H EE -ATT RREE (Chattanooga) John Berry December A 15 CC LLYY D DEE’’ SS (Chattanooga) The Southern Belles December 15 RREE VVEE LLRRYY RRO OO OM M (Chattanooga) Interstellar Echoes December 15
BBIIJJO OU U TT H HEE AATT RREE (Knoxville) Dave Barnes December 15 MAARRAATT H M HO ON NM MU USS IICC W WO ORRK KSS (Nashville) Puddles Pity Party December 15 PPH HII LLIIPPSS AARREEN N AA (Atlanta) “iHeart Radio Jingle Ball Tour” Demi Lovato, Zedd, Logic, Charlie Puth, Julia Michaels, Why Don’t We, Nick Jonas, Fifth Harmony, Camila, Cabello, Liam Payne December 15 WO W O RRK KPPLLAAYY TTH H EEAATT RREE (Birmingham) Patterson Hood, Lilly Hiatt December 15 TT H HEE CCO OM MEE D DYY CC AATTCC H H (Chattanooga) The Swinger Dave Scott December 16 JJ..JJ..’’ SS BBO OH HEEM M IIAA (Chattanooga) Hank and the Cupcakes, Side Affect December 16 RRO OBBEE RRTT K KIIRRK KW WAALLK KEE RR CC O OM MM MU UN N IITT YY TT H H EE-ATT RREE (Chattanooga) Puddles Pity Party A December 16 CC LLYYD D EE’’ SS (Chattanooga) The Voodoo Fix December 16 RREEVVEELL RRYY RRO OO OM M (Chattanooga) Neon Moon, Dakota Williams December 16 TT H HEE IIN NTT EERRN N AATTII O ON N AALL (Knoxville) Whitechapel, Carnifex, Entheos, So This Is Suffering, Rings of Saturn December 16 MAARRAATT H M HO ON NM MU USS IICC W WO ORRK KSS (Nashville) Clutch, The Obsessed, Devin Townsend Project December 16 TT H HEE CCO OM MEE D DYY CC AATTCC H H (Chattanooga) The Swinger Dave Scott December 17 PPH HII LLIIPPSS AARREEN N AA (Atlanta) Janet Jackson December 17 VVA ARRIIEETT YY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Dave Barnes December 17 D && LLIIN 33RRD ND D SSLLEEYY (Nashville) Shooter Jennings, Jason Boland & The Stragglers December 17 TT IIVVO OLLII TT H H EEAATT RREE (Chattanooga) Jennifer Nettles December 18 SSCC H HEE RRM MEERRH HO ORRN N SSYY M MPPH HO ON N YY CC EE N NTT EERR (Nashville) Dave Barnes December 18 TT H HEE M MIILLLL && M MIIN N EE (Knoxville) Seether, Shaman’s Harvest December 18 FFO O XX TT H HEE AATTRREE (Atlanta) Ricky Skaggs December 18 BBIIJJO OU U TT H HEE AATT RREE (Knoxville) Jim Brickman December 19 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD DIITT O O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Vince Gill, Amy Grant December 19 CC M MAA TT H HEE AATTRREE (Nashville) Jason Isbell December 19 SSYY M MPPH HO ON N YY H H AALLLL (Atlanta) Jennifer Nettles December 20 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD DIITT O O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Vince Gill, Amy Grant December 20 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD DIITT O O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Vince Gill, Amy Grant December 21 CC LLYYD D EE’’ SS (Chattanooga) Masseuse December 22 CC EEN NTT EE RR SSTT AAG GEE (Atlanta) Puddles Pity Party December 22 CC LLYYD D EE’’ SS (Chattanooga) Gaslight Street December 23 RREEVVEELL RRYY RRO OO OM M (Chattanooga) New Madrid, David Barbe & Inward Dream Ebb December 23 MU M U SSIICC RRO OO OM M AATT SSM M IITT H H’’ SS O O LLD DEE BBAARR (Atlanta) B.o.B. December 24 CC IITTYY W WII N NEERRYY AATT LLAAN N TTAA (Atlanta) Indigo Girls December 27 IIRRO ON N CC IITT YY (Birmingham) The Molly Ringwalds December 28 CC LLYYD D EE’’ SS (Chattanooga) Cranford Hollow December 29 CC IITT YY W WII N NEERRYY N N AASSH HVVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Jerry
Douglas December 29 WO W ORRK KPPLLA AYY TT H H EEA ATT RREE (Birmingham) Cowboy Mouth December 29 CCLLYY D D EE’’SS (Chattanooga) Dead Affect December 30 EEXXIITT //II N N (Nashville) Papadosio, Doyle December 30 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Old Crow Medicine Show December 30 CCII TTYY W WIIN N EERRYY N NA ASS H HVVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Jerry Douglas December 30 TTH H EE TTA ABBEERRN NA ACCLL EE (Atlanta) Moon Taxi December 30 TTH H EE IIN NTT EERRN NA ATTIIO ON NA ALL (Knoxville) Clutch, The Obsessed, Devin Townsend Project December 30 MA M ARRA ATT H HO ON NM MU USSIICC W WO O RRK KSS (Nashville) Papadosio, Push-Pull, Zoogma December 31 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Old Crow Medicine Show December 31 BBRRIID DG G EESSTT O ON N EE A ARREE N NA A (Nashville) Jimmy Buffett, Huey Lewis & the News December 31 TTH H EE TTA ABBEERRN NA ACCLL EE (Atlanta) Moon Taxi December 31 PPH HIILLII PPSS A ARREEN NA A (Atlanta) Xscape, Tamar Braxton December 31 TTEE RRM MIIN NA ALL W WEESS TT (Atlanta) Eric Gales January 5 MEE RRCC YY LLO M OU UN NG G EE (Nashville) The Babys, Desolation Angels January 5 VVA ARRII EETT YY PPLL A AYYH HO OU U SSEE (Atlanta) Henry Rollins January 7 MEE M M MO ORRIIA ALL A AU UD D IITTO O RRIIU UM M (Chattanooga) Henry Rollins January 11 RREEVVEELLRRYY RRO OO OM M (Chattanooga) Stelle Amor January 11 CCO ON NCC EERRTT H HA ALLLL A ATT BBJJCC CC (Birmingham) Jerry Seinfeld January 11 BBRRIID DG G EESSTT O ON N EE A ARREE N NA A (Nashville) Avenged Sevenfold, Bullet For My Valentine, Breaking Benjamin January 12 MA M ARRA ATT H HO ON NM MU USSIICC W WO O RRK KSS (Nashville) Henry Rollins January 12 TTII VVO O LLII TT H HEE A ATT RREE (Chattanooga) David Rawlings January 17 MA M ARRA ATT H HO ON NM MU USSIICC W WO O RRK KSS (Nashville) Black Label Society, Eyehategod, Corrosion of Conformity January 18 BBRRIID DG G EESSTT O ON N EE A ARREE N NA A (Nashville) Kid Rock January 19 BBIIJJO OU U TT H HEE A ATTRREE (Knoxville) Neko Case January 20 RREEVVEELLRRYY RRO OO OM M (Chattanooga) Iron Horse Bluegrass January 20 CCEE N NTT EERR SS TTA AG G EE (Atlanta) Black Label Society, Eyehategod, Corrosion of Conformity January 20 IIN NFF IIN NIITT EE EEN NEE RRG GYY CC EEN N TTEE RR (Duluth, GA) Miranda Lambert, Brent Cobb, Jon Pardi January 20 IIN NFF IIN NIITT EE EEN NEE RRG GYY CC EEN N TTEE RR (Duluth, GA) The Killers January 21 CCEE N NTT EERR SS TTA AG G EE (Atlanta) Jonny Lang January 22 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) John Mulaney January 24 RRO OBBEERRTT K KII RRK KW WA ALLK KEE RR CCO OM MM MU UN NII TTYY TT H HEE -ATTRREE (Chattanooga) Neko Case January 25 A EED DD DIIEE’’ SS A ATT TT IICC (Atlanta) Sonia Leigh January 25 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) John Mulaney January 25 MCC K M KEEN N ZZIIEE A ARREEN NA A (Chattanooga) The Harlem Globetrotters January 26 IIRRO ON N CCII TTYY (Birmingham) Corey Smith
January 26 CCIITT YY W WIIN N EERRYY AATTLL AAN NTT AA (Atlanta) Don McLean January 27 EEXXIITT //IIN N (Nashville) Say Anything January 27 RRYY M MAA N N AAU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Walk the Moon January 28 EEXXIITT //IIN N (Nashville) Say Anything January 28 TTEE RRM MIIN NAALL W WEESSTT (Atlanta) Tennis January 29 CCO O CCAA CCO O LLAA RRO OXXYY (Atlanta) Walk The Moon January 30 MEERRCC YY LLO M OU UN NG G EE (Nashville) Tennis January 30 RRYY M MAA N N AAU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) First Aid Kit, Van William February 1 VVA ARRIIEE TTYY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USS EE (Atlanta) Aimee Mann February 1 EED DD D IIEE’’ SS AATT TT IICC (Atlanta) John Berry February 3 VVA ARRIIEE TTYY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USS EE (Atlanta) Big Head Todd & The Monsters February 3 PPH H IILLIIPPSS AARREE N NAA (Atlanta) Lana Del Rey, Kali Uchis February 5 MAARRAATT H M HO ON NM MU USSIICC W WO O RRK KSS (Nashville) Killswitch Engage, Anthrax February 5 BBRRIID DG GEE SSTT O ON NEE AARREEN N AA (Nashville) Lana Del Rey, Kali Uchis February 6 CCEE N NTT EERR SSTT AAG GEE (Atlanta) Machine Head February 6 WO W ORRK KPPLLAAYY TT H HEE AATTRREE (Birmingham) Jay Farrar February 6 IIRRO ON N CCIITT YY (Birmingham) Killswitch Engage, Anthrax February 6 FFO OXX TT H H EEAATT RREE (Atlanta) Jason Isbell February 8 RRO O BBEERRTT K KIIRRK KW WAALLK KEERR CC O OM MM MU UN NIITT YY TT H HEE -ATT RREE (Chattanooga) Steep Canyon Rangers A February 9 SSYYM M PPH HO ON NYY H HAALL LL (Atlanta) Diana Krall February 9 VVA ARRIIEE TTYY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USS EE (Atlanta) Blues Traveler February 9 HEEAAVVEE N H N AATT TT H HEE M MAASS Q QU UEE RRAAD DEE (Atlanta0 August Burns Red, Born of Osiris, Ocean Grove, Erra February 9 EED DD D IIEE’’ SS AATT TT IICC (Atlanta) Atlanta Rhythm Section February 10 MAARRAATT H M HO ON NM MU USSIICC W WO O RRK KSS (Nashville) August Burns Red, Born of Osiris, Ocean Grove, Erra February 11 EED DD D IIEE’’ SS AATT TT IICC (Atlanta) Atlanta Rhythm Section February 11 SSCCH H EERRM M EERRH HO O RRN N SS YYM M PPH HO ON NYY CC EEN NTT EE RR (Nashville) Diana Krall February 13 MAARRAATT H M HO ON NM MU USSIICC W WO O RRK KSS (Nashville) Asking Alexandria, Black Veil Brides, Crown The Empire February 13 SSCCH H EERRM M EERRH HO O RRN N SS YYM M PPH HO ON NYY CC EEN NTT EE RR (Nashville) Diana Krall February 14 IIN NFFIIN N IITT EE EE N NEE RRG GYY CC EEN NTT EERR (Duluth, GA) Chris Young, Lanco, Kane Brown February 15 HEEAAVVEE N H N AATT TT H HEE M MAASSQ QU UEE RRAAD DEE (Atlanta) Silverstein, Tonight Alive, Broadside, Picturesque February 15 RRO O BBEERRTT K KIIRRK KW WAALLK KEERR CC O OM MM MU UN NIITT YY TT H HEE -ATT RREE (Chattanooga) Jim Brickman February A 16 RRYY M MAA N N AAU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Josh Ritter February 16 VVA ARRIIEE TTYY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USS EE (Atlanta) Delbert McClinton February 17 3377 M M AAIIN N (Buford, GA) Junkyard, Enuff Z’Nuff February 17 CCIITT YY W WIIN N EERRYY N NAASSH H VVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Howard Jones February 20
Adventures In Eating Out Part Deux When I went to BK to claim my Whopper I found out I had to buy fries and a drink. I never received a call back from Burger King even though I requested to speak to a “Burger King representative”. To add insult to injury the other day I again frequented the same BK. I ordered pancakes. They had gone up considerably in price. Looks like the King got me again.
For those of you who may not have caught last months article (October 2017) I discussed some of my experiences, mostly misadventures in eating out. As I had more misadventures to tell about and a continuation of sorts to one of the stories from last month I decided to follow up with part two.
When last we left our frequent diner I had related that I had ordered pancakes at a Burger About a year ago I stopped into King and when I got them I was a local fast food place with then told the restaurant was out golden arches. I was in line of butter. When I protested I waiting to get something. I was was told the pancakes ‘’tasted behind a gentleman who had like butter”. I kept my receipt just ordered French fries. Right which said if I went to a website and registered my comments I would get a FREE Whopper. Alas I did not read the fine print. after he ordered a girl who was
working on getting orders of fries sneezed mightily right over the French fry bin. I don’t know if she didn’t have time to cover her nose and mouth or she just didn’t care. The guy in front of me looked stupefied. He then declared “That’s disgusting”, turned and left. The clerk looked at me. I said “I wasn’t even gonna get fries but that is disgusting”. I left. Were the fries discarded? Let’s hope so. Several years ago when I was working for the Chattanooga Police Department I was assigned to the Regulatory Bureau that was charged with doing bar checks and checks of restaurants with beer sales licenses. Frequently the Health Department inspectors accompanied us. They would obviously check the kitchen and food preparation areas. One night we were standing in the kitchen of a barbeque restaurant. We were
standing behind workers who were loading the plates with food. I was shocked to see one worker scoop up a handful of coleslaw with his bare hands! He would sling a helping on a plate then pass it on down the line. After a few plates he would wipe his hand on his apron then scoop up another helping. I looked over at the other officer with me (yes it was Officer John) with a “Are you seeing this?” look. We summoned the Health Inspector who got the problem squared away immediately and cited the business for the violation. As we left the officer with me spotted someone he knew in line waiting to get in. He admonished him to skip the coleslaw.
usually not a good thing to hear. The waitress told me her name and said I had put her husband in prison. Awkward. However, she related it was for the best as he was cheating on her and they were divorced shortly after his arrest.
Another time a similar incident didn’t end so well as our waitress announced that I had arrested her son. Very awkward. I remembered the incident as he had stolen a car and was parked in my apartment complex parking lot. I thought he was suspicious and summoned a patrol unit. This miscreant had fled on foot and was later arrested. I actually did not arrest the son but the waitress/mother recognized me One day at lunch when I was from my going to her house still working at the Police looking for her fleeing felon Department our waitress asked son. me” You don’t remember me do you? “ As a police officer this is A few years back Officer John and myself were preparing to leave a Brainerd area restaurant. A nightclub owner with dubious connections came to our table and briefly chatted with us. After he left we found out he had paid our check. It was our belief this person was probably under surveillance by the Feds (he later did Federal time). We figured we were on tape having our lunch bought by this person then chatting with him after our meal. We paid our waitress what our check would have been and told her to keep his money as a tip. We never heard anything about the incident from anyone.
turbed looking customers. I asked one how long he had been waiting and he said a long time. I had waited twenty minutes when a manager came out and told me they “were out of chicken.” What he meant was they were out of prepared or cooked chicken . He said it would be several minutes before my order was ready. I told him it had been twenty minutes already ( by the time stamp on my receipt) and I would just like my money back. I got a super weak apology from the manager. I didn’t bother to go there for about six months. Recently I tried them again. Deja vu. My order took a long time. Apparently they were “out of chicken” again. An employee asked if I would take another type of chicken other than original recipe. Heck no! That’s the reason I go to the Colonel’s. I sighed and said I would wait for what I ordered. I finally got my food and ate. As I was leaving a manager came up and apologized for my wait and gave me a card for a free meal. Well there are still some good managers out who care out there. So remember when eating out. Read the fine print on “free” offers for your opinion surveys, maybe give that “bad experience place” a second or maybe even a third try. Finally remember eating out may not just be eating out. It may turn out to be a really good or really bad experience. Maybe an adventure not a misadventure.
- Mark Haskins The last incident I wanted to relate was a trip to the Colonel’s. About six months ago I went to a local fried chicken franchise. I ordered my chicken and waited, and waited, and waited. I noticed other perENIGMA
Totally unashamed plug: Wooden’s Apple Barn, Dayton MTN,TN Mercier ‘s Apple Orchard, Blue Ridge, GA
The $30,000 Beer Can Most people who know me know that I’m very outspoken. Outspoken to the point that you either love and admire my spunk and tenacity or think I’m a total jerk. My detractors do not bother me because what they think of me does not define who I am. Having laid that thought as a foundation, I would like to share how a beer made me $30,000 richer. As a lot of you know, I spend my time between Daytona Beach and Chattanooga. When I still owned the Native Tan suntan lotion company, I spent most of my time in Daytona. I also became active in
civic affairs. I was president of the neighborhood watch for three years—the neighborhood watch was organized to see that commercial development did not
cessful and is still an effective being able to drive on the beach. organization in Daytona. Our job was to fight the unscrupulous developers and a-hole politiI was president of Sons of the cians who wanted to take the peoBeach, whose purpose was to pro- ple’s rights to access the beach from them (more about that in a future article. I was able to get appointed to the Beach Trust Commission, much to the dismay of the aforementioned a-holes.
I also served on the Black College Reunion task force, whose duty was to bring a very disruptive and dangerous event under control (I’ll not go into that at this time). It encroach on our beachside neigh- tect the citizens right to full access was successful as the event died a borhood and to minimize tourist to the beach. As you know, peaceful death. traffic and crime. It was very suc- Daytona was world famous for
Serving on these committees fighting for the citizens’ rights and privileges along with my no-compromise attitude did not make me many friends among greedy politi-
on the problems the event caused. One of the rules concerned drinking on public and private property. As a member of the neighborhood watch and the BCR committee, I
ties of the event took place —to watch the miles and miles of cars parading back and forth, with all kinds of actions taking place… what a show, it was unbelievable.
Having done my homework, I put out the word - we were okay and the party had been approved. On the big day — it was a two-day event but Saturday was the big day. We all brought food, beer, and whatever we wanted to drink, and met at the house next to the lot (by the way, I forgot to mention, we had permission to use the lot from the owner), and the neighborhood party started with a cookout and lots of fellowship.
The city passed an ordinance to cut down on drinking in cars and on the sidewalks, stating that open containers had to be so many feet from the center of Atlantic Avenue. This was to help hold down the noise and other problems. People walking back and forth or driving back and forth As the parade of cars and people could not consume alcohol in this started, we would wander up to the party lot and watch the fun. no-drinking zone. No big deal, just a way to deal with To continue the neighborhood cus- a very annoying event and try to tom of the cookout and party get some enjoyment out of it. watching the wild show go by, I wanted to be sure we were in total After a couple of hours, I was compliance. I took the ordinance standing in the party lot talking to and read it several times. I then one of our elderly members. This got a tape measure and measured person was close to 80 years old, all the distances of our “party lot.” born and raised in Daytona, and a We met all the requirements. I retired and highly respected citidrew a detailed map and present- zen of the city. He was standing ed it to the city manager. It met having a beer when he was with his complete 100 percent approached by two policemen city and county. They proceeded approval. to start to place him under arrest
cians and greedy developers, but I didn’t give a damn, I was for the people’s rights—the people and only the people… among them I had a large following.
was very aware of these rules.
One of the things that we as a neighborhood would do during BCR was to gather at a member’s house that was next to a large As a member of the Black College empty lot that fronted on Atlantic Reunion committee, I helped for- Avenue. Atlantic Avenue was the mulate certain rules to cut down street where all of the main activi-
for drinking a beer there. I was standing next to him, and tried to explain to them that we had followed the rules and had permission to party and drink on the lot. They didn’t want to hear it, and I was told to shut up and move away (I’m sure you know what I mean). I tried to show them the map, and was again told to shut up and move away. I had an unopened can of beer in my hand and knew I had to do something – I couldn’t let them take this elderly gentleman to jail. I faced the officers and said, “we are perfectly legal here and are not breaking the law.” Having said that, I opened the can of beer I had in my hand and took a drink. To say that one of the cops went bananas would be an understatement. He grabbed my hand with the beer and sprayed us both. Once again I tried to explain that we were following the rules and had been approved. He didn’t want to hear any of it. In the meantime the elderly gentleman walked away to the cookout next door and was forgotten.
I didn’t get mad or raise my voice, because my inner voice told me I was right, and we all know that right prevails. One thing that stuck out in my mind was that watching all of this from the sidelines was a city commissioner who knew I was right, and she did nothing. This would help her lose an election later on. I was placed in the back seat of a police car (great views of the crowds passing by) and left there for approximately two hours. I guess they were trying to figure out what to do, because after a time I’m sure they figured out they had screwed up and “Oh my God, it’s Paul Burke” ( I did have a reputation for standing up for what’s right). Finally after about two hours, they opened the door, uncuffed me, and didn’t say a word. They just turned and walked off. Not a “I’m sorry, it was a mistake”, “kiss my butt”, or anything. They just turned and walked away. Well, I was a little miffed. My wrists were sore and I needed a beer. I walked back to the party lot and got a cold one. There were no more problems the rest of the party time. A friend had rescued the beer can I had opened earlier for me— it’s the one in the photo.
The cops went nuts, they didn’t care to hear or understand. They wouldn’t call anyone to check the story. They just wanted to arrest someone (me). Other people at the party tried to explain but to no avail. I was handcuffed, hand There were no more problems that behind my back, and put in the night, the fireworks started the following Monday with the end back of a police car. results of $5,000 from the county (one of the police was a county officer) and $25,000 from the city the one that went nuts was a city cop. So, $30,000 for sitting in the back of a police car isn’t bad pay— $17,500 an hour. The can and copies of the two checks are on display at the Oyster Pub in Daytona Beach. People still ask me if I am sorry it happened. No, I am sorry that the police were so stupid - power to the People, if they are in the right.
- Paul Burke Sr. A Legend in His Own Mind
Critical Thinking: Why Do Some White People Hate Themselves? If one pays attention to the mainstream media and/or spends time on different social media sites, they may have come across at least one white person who blames their entire race for all the problems in the world. It is then going to be clear that they are ashamed of the colour of their own skin and what their ancestors have supposedly done.
that, or they could feel the need to look even deeper. One Difference If one was to look into the news organisations that cover this topic, they may find that there are certain websites and papers, for instance, which stand out. It is then not that every news organisation is saying the same thing; it is that there are certain ones that support this outlook.
A Strange Affair After one saw this for the first time, they may have wondered why someone would behave in this way. Even so, they may have just carried on with their life and put this experience behind them. Alternatively, it might not have been possible for them to do this, and this could show that they have been exposed to this kind of behaviour on a number of occasions. It is then going to be apparent that this is an outlook that a number of white people have.
There are then going to be the news organisations who talk about this, but for different reasons. When these news organisations cover this topic, it will be to report on what someone has said. Two Sides
ŠDave Weinthal
people have to say about their own race. Through doing this, they may find that these people have a number of reasons as to why they believe their race is the problem.
And while some of these reasons can appear to be well thought out, there can be others that can come What one could then do is to read across as being completely irraup on what these self-hating white tional. One could then leave it at The Worst Race
It would then be normal for one to come to the conclusion that certain news organisations are anti-white, whilst others are not. Said another way, certain news sites will have an agenda, and their priority is then not going to be to inform people. This could be something that is hard for them to comprehend; especially if they have trusted this source of information up until this point. Then again, there is the chance that they have known this for quite some time.
perately need. What this can then show is that they don’t have a strong sense of self, and perhaps this was why they went along with the ‘white people are the problem’ propaganda in the first place.
In their eyes, their race is oppressing every other race, and always has done, and it is then only right for them to hate themselves. If they did feel worthless to begin with, this may mean that they were abused and/or neglected during their early years.
Before they were exposed to what the media had to say or what they were told at university/college (that’s if they went), they may have already felt worthless. This would have given them a strong need to belong and to be accepted by others.
Yet, even if a white person hates themselves, it doesn’t mean that this will stop them from being able to feel good. While can sound hard to believe, they will have another An Early Wound way to elevate themselves. Due to what they believe about their own race and how they behave as a result, they can end up feeling morally superior. Ultimately, one will feel good about hating themselves (and their race), and this will allow them to rise up.
Another Factor Self-Righteous If one was to look into what a lot of these self-hating whites have in common, they may find that a lot of them have been to college/university. So while these people may have gone there to learn new skills, this wouldn’t have been the only thing that took place; that’s if this happened at all.
In order for them to keep their true feelings at bay, it will be vital for them to behave in ways that will allow them to receive positive feedback from other self-hating white people and people from other races who blame their race for just about everything. This is then similar to being in a cult, as one will need to Instead, this would have been a continually prove how loyal they time when they were slowly indoc- are. trinated to hate themselves, their ancestors and every other white Through saying the right things person on the planet. Put another online and offline, they will valiway, their world view would have date the belief that their race is the been defined by what is often problem, and this will allow them called ‘Cultural Marxism’. to get the approval that they des-
When one race is held accountable for every problem in the world, it is the perfect example of what happens when black and white thinking is utilized. Everyone on this planet is likely to see life in this way from time to time, but when Their weak sense of self would then this is the norm for someone it can have been propped up by their new show that something is wrong with identity as someone who hates their brain. their own race. At first, this would have reminded them of how flawed For example, black and white they are, but it would also have thinking is part of the borderline been seen as a way for them to personality disorder, and what is redeem themselves. also part of this is an unstable sense of self and self-loathing, Born Again amongst other things. This is not to say that every white person who It is then not going to matter if one hates themselves has this disorder, is religious or not, as it will be as if but it is highly likely that a number they have been born again. Hating of them do. themselves and their own race will be a way for them to atone for what - Oliver JR Cooper their race is doing and what they have done in the past.
Evanescence is Pure Synthesis Evanescence broke out over a dozen years ago thanks to the powerful voice of Amy Lee. With one over the top hit that rode the border between metal and prog rock (although both genres are very similar if you break it down) the band has languished as one of those bands with one or two “hits” to their name.
entity. Actually it was a week before this show that I realized they were playing. So much for promotion…
The concept adds a symphonic aspect to the music – something that actually was already there yet performed as a metal/prog hybrid with admit-
small genre that may have limited the band’s growth in the long run. Adding strings, woodwind and brass section adds a dimension to Evanescence’s music that more than likely been overlooked by fan, critics and commercial radio (if there really is such a thing any more). The music that initially comes across as bombastic and powerful and at time anthematic thanks to the reworking with a symphony reveals the intricate layers that makes up Lee’s music. Lee writes a majority of the material as well as playing piano and singing.
Lee remains as the sole original member and to be honest for all intents and purposes was always Evanescence. Touring in support of soon to be released Synthesis Lee held no prisoners. Synthesis is the ©Dave Weinthal band’s first album in six years and fourth overall. The band Synthesis is a reworking of the tedly good success for the most in fact seems to spend more band’s previous material with a part although it labeled or Lee’s voice is an instrument time on hiatus than as an active couple of new songs thrown in. pigeonholed the band into a that for some reason has fallen
through the cracks. Sure she’s got a Grammy (the band at least) but because of formatting and genre labeling she gets lumped in with a number of other hard rock/metal singers. And that’s not fair or accurate. The Evanescence singer showed in concert her range as at times her soaring vocals were bombastic and empowering and then in an instant were delicate in intricate. It was an extremely intoxicating and moving experience to hear the
soon stood. The use of the symphony only amplified the songs’ textures and combined well with Lee’s vocal and the bombastic drums of Will Hunt as they melded perfectly. That was followed by a new composition, “Hi Lo”. The symphony’s strings intertwined with the rock ballads and rockers gave the music a texture that bordered on exotic at times. You could hear the crowd’s enthusiasm really rise once the band started “Bring Me to Life”, the
©Dave Weinthal
texture to their music the vocal diva still remains a Goth queen with her long billowing dress and raven locks. The guy sitting next to me was gushing how she’s held up well. I looked it up and besides the fact the band broke at the beginning of the millennium, Lee her self is still a youthful 35 years of age – far from a rock relic or refugee compared to a lot of those out there these
©Dave Weinthal
range and diversity that is traditionally lost in today’s music – especially rock music where everyone is compared to everyone else and individualism is not often touted. As the symphony began a the light rose slightly as Lee was sitting up front on piano as the song “Never Go Back” began. Playing intricately on the keys and her strong voice rising she
band’s signature song – at least signature to the casual Evanescence fan. The original song incorporated spoken word or rap into the anthem but the newly interpreted version omits that and with the embellishment from the orchestration made the song much more melodic. And while Lee and Evanescence has added a more sophisticated ENIGMA
days. Heck, she may be the one of the youngest to perform this season at Chastain Park. A good mix of crowd featuring younger and more mature as well as rockers, Goths, preps and the much made for a good night of music and a rebirth or reinvention of sight and sound for Evanescence.
- Dave Weinthal
©Dave Weinthal
Viva Le Ant
©Dave Weinthal
I feel sorry for this generation’s music. You’re music sucks. Yeah, I’m old (perhaps) but I can’t find myself getting psyched up for a clown sitting behind a laptop on stage pumping his fist in the air like some badass. He’s not. And it’s not real music. Today’s music involves a series of drum loops, auto-tuned divas (both male and female) that have the majority of songs written by a handful of “producers”. They find a system that works and they use it to flood the airwaves. That’s why songs by Katy Perry, Rihanna and even Kesha sound(ed) so much alike. And they were hits because of a so-called formula and not talent. Every generation says theirs was the best. Mine was. And that was never more evident than seeing Adam Ant perform before a sold out crowd. While I may seem prejudice by the following statement you have to realize I see well over 100 shows a year in just about
every genre and so unlike a lot of you I have a little insider knowledge even if it sounds a bit snobbish. Oh well. What can there be said about Adam Ant that hasn’t already been stated? Probably nothing. The handful of times I’ve gotten to see him over the years always leaves me in awe. As just about everyone knows Ant came into international prominence during the heyday and early glory years of MTV. His videos were quite creative thematic masterpieces that portrayed him as a cavalier dandy complete with warpaint with catchy pop/punk roots with a serious dance groove and tribal rhythm the entranced the eyes and ears of the listener and viewer.
like watching a video as he dances, spins and expresses to the crowd. I’ve literally been to thousands of concerts and have never seen a crowd worked into such frenzy as last night. As soon as he started with “Beat My Guest” the crowd was worked into a dancing frenzy. The house was packed and everyone crammed towards the stage as he sang, danced, spun and even played guitar. I have never experienced a crowd so into a show as I did tonight. And the really cool thing about it is that everyone was into it, leaned on each other, danced and got into the show as the crown prince dandy of punk rock did what he did best – work the crowd into a fever pitch. Before, during and after the show I don’t think I have ever seen so many people smile that didn’t win the lottery.
Adam Ant mixes the flamboyance of Freddie Mercury with the punk attitude and moves of Iggy Pop. And while his moves seem well choreo- Ant – both solo and with the graphed they are natural and Ants effortlessly mixed punk fluid. Seeing him in concert is with new wave. The set was a ENIGMA
1. Beck 2. Liam Gallagher 3. Gregg Allman 4. Kings of Leon 5. Jocelyn & Chris Arndt 6. Tori Amos 7. Blitzen Trapper 8. The Killers 9. Morrissey 10. Iron & Wine 11. Dhani Harrison 12. Trombone Shorty 13. Alvvays 14. Robert Plant 15. Silver Torches 16. Jack Johnson 17. Matt Pond PA 18.X Ambassadors 19. First Aid Kit 20. Jason Ibell & the 400 Unit
ADVENTURE PICKS 1. Courtney Barnett & Kurt Vile 2. Alice Merton 3. Portugal, The Man
but I had never seen a band with two full drum kits before. And that’s what brings the music alive for Ant. The pulsing, throbbing beat of the drums give off a tribal, guttural aura that evoke the primitive of reactions from the audience that is unable to remain standing still as they listen to the music. And if you listen to the songs in retrospect outside of the concert venue it is obvious that the drums play a more important role in the music than in other songs in both similar genres and pop and rock music in general. At one point during the night – during “Prince Charming” to be exact there were five drummers on stage with the lone exception Ant who played guitar during the bare bones track that is this song. Besides the two drummers both guitarists and bassist began beating war drums and he danced around the stage strumming his guitar to their beat.
showcase of his singles with the exception of the song “Wonderful”. “Wonderful” of course was his “comeback” hit from 1995 that was a marked departure from his danceable driving rhythm and was an acoustic change of pace. It was perhaps appropriate he didn’t play the songs since the set was at such a high pace as he worked the crowd into a fever pitch it might have destroyed momentum although I heard a number of his female fans lament the fact after the show. I had figured he would throw it in the encore like his did the last time I saw him years ago but the set mixed enough album cuts and B-Sides it wasn’t really missed. It also blended both the solo material with material from the Ants. ©Dave Weinthal
One of the things that caught my eyes decades ago the first time I saw Adam Ant in concert was his use of dual drum kits. Sure bands have multi percussionists for decades and I’ve seen metal bands espe- Ant came out dressed in full cially with double kick drums leather with the exception of his now trademark straw buc-
Retro Cafe
The Best of New Wave, Post Modern Classics and Other Odd Stuff
Wednesdays at 5pm est. on ENIGMA
Apollo 9 Friend or Foe Antmusic (Adam and the Ants song) Room at the Top Desperate But Not Serious Cartrouble (Adam and the Ants
Ants song) Stand and Deliver (Adam and the Ants song)
EEnnccoo rree:: Goody Two Shoes Lady/Fall In (Adam and the ©Dave Weinthal
©Dave Weinthal
caneer’s hat that he kept on the entire show until he appropriately tossed off the jacket during “Strip”. Part performance art, catchy lyrics – often with him allowing and encouraging audience participation and a backbeat rhythm that made even the lame dance, I cannot come close to explain what a joy the show was.
Artists not engineers make real music. Music involves a number of musicians coming together with real instruments and not recorded and layered tracks. Those guys are deejays.
AAddaam m AAnntt SSeett LLiisstt song) Ants song) Beat My Guest (Adam and the Zerox (Adam and the Ants Red Scab Ants song) song) Physical (You’re So) Vive Le Rock Young Parisians (Adam and the Dog Eat Dog (Adam and the Ants song) - Dave Weinthal And I feel sorry for kids today. Ants song) Prince Charming (Adam and the Ants song) Gotta Be a Sin Puss ‘n Boots Can’t Set Rules About Love Christian D’or (Adam and the Ants song) Strip Kings of the Wild Frontier (Adam and the Ants song) Greta X B-Side Baby (Adam and the
©Dave Weinthal
THIS MONTH IN ROCK HISTORY 118899 44 William Donaldson and James H. Hennegan published their first edition of Billboard as “A monthly resume of all that is new, bright and interesting on the boards.” The eight page magazine was “devoted to the interests of advertisers, poster printers, bill posters, advertising agents & secretaries of fairs.” It later began reporting on circuses, carnivals, vaudeville and other forms of live entertainment before focusing on motion pictures and later still, the music industry. The cost of that initial publication was 10 cents or 90 cents a year.
119966 33 The Kingsmen’s classic, “Louie, Louie” is released in the US. It will enter the Hot 100 near the end of November and peak at #2 in early January. 11 9966 44 Three years after he wrote “Crazy” for Patsy Cline, Willie Nelson made his first appearance at the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville when he opened for Roger Miller.
both the usage of drugs and the high that Art’s voice was better suited for VD rate among enlisted men in the it. It was a decision that Paul would army today.” later say he regretted. The Spiral Staircase record their million selling tune, “More Today Than Yesterday”, which will reach #12 on the Billboard chart and #7 on the Cash Box Best Sellers list the following Spring. Unfortunately, about 18 months following the single’s release, after issuing one album and a couple of more singles, the group disbanded due to management issues and squabbles over finances. An L.A. based quartet made up of Randy Meisner, Jim Messina, Richie Furay and Rusty Young, who called themselves Pogo, debuted at The Troubadour. After building up an local following, they would be forced to change their moniker, which they had openly pilfered from Walt Kelly’s comic strip of the same name, when Kelly filed suit. They settled on Poco because it sounded like the original name that fans had come to know.
1199 6699 Simon And Garfunkel record what 11 9966 55 would become their signature tune, Rochester, New York police halt a “Bridge Over Troubled Water”, with Rolling Stones concert until over future member of Bread, Larry 1199 5544 3,500 screaming fans return to Knechtel on piano. Art wanted Paul An R&B group called The Famous order. to sing the song, but Paul insisted Flames, led by singer James Brown, cut their first demo of “Please, The Young Rascals begin recording Please, Please” at a radio station in “Good Lovin’”, which will rise to #1 Macon Georgia. It will lead to their in the US early next year. . signing with King Records, where 119966 77 they re-recorded the song in February, 1956 and watched it climb The first issue of the Rock and Roll magazine Rolling Stone, which to #6 on Billboard’s R&B chart. included a free roach clip with every 1199 5588 subscription, is published in San Communist East Germany leaders Francisco. The cover featured a dub Elvis Presley as “Public enemy photo of John Lennon from his number one.” An East Germany movie, How I Won The War. youth publication wrote: “The 23 year old star Presley is no artist and “Incense and Peppermints” by The enjoys only limited brain power.” Strawberry Alarm Clock hits the top of the Billboard Pop chart. The recording was initially intended as a 1199 5599 For the first time since 1954, Elvis ‘b-side’ and the lead vocal is actualPresley doesn’t have a record on ly that of a friend of the band, 16any of the Billboard charts. He is year-old Greg Munford, who was currently in Germany serving with just hanging around during the sesthe US Army. sion. Munford was not even a regular band member, but ended up RCA executives offer a guarantee of singing a tune that would become a $100,000 to Sam Cooke in an effort Rock and Roll standard and sell over to lure him to their label when his a million copies. Despite this sucKeen Records contract expires. cess, Munford never actually joined After Cooke signed with RCA, he the original group and drummer would go on to achieve 19 more Randy Seol sang the song in concert. Billboard Top 40 hits to go along Although it was a huge success in with the 8 he had with Keen. America, the single didn’t chart at all in the UK. . 11 9966 11 11 996688 Ray Charles is arrested in Indianapolis after police discover A US Army captain is quoted in marijuana and heroin in his hotel Rolling Stone magazine as saying room. “Rock and Roll music contributes to ENIGMA
The Monkees make their final live appearance at a show in Oakland, California. Mike Nesmith announces plans for a new band, while Davy Jones and Mickey Dolenz say they will keep the Monkees act going. It would be fifteen years before the original four would play together live again. 1199 7700 MGM Records President Mike Curb announces that the company is dropping 18 acts from its roster in a move to discredit musicians who “exploit and promote hard drugs through music.” Among the acts dropped are Connie Francis, and The Cowsills, but not Eric Burdon. Santana’s version of “Black Magic Woman” is released in the US, where it will rise to #4 during a three month chart run. The song was written by Peter Green and first appeared as a Fleetwood Mac single in various countries in 1968. 1199 7711 The three surviving members of The Doors tell Rolling Stone magazine that they are determined to carry even after the death of singer Jim
119988 77 A 16-year-old singer named Tiffany had the top tune in the US with a cover version of Tommy James’ 1967 hit, “I Think We’re Alone Now”. His rendition stalled at number four. Tiffany became the youngest act to score a US #1 since a 14-year-old 11 9977 22 Michael Jackson with did it with Paul McCartney And Wings release “Ben” in 1972. “Hi, Hi, Hi”, which is promptly 11 998888 banned from the BBC because of its “unsuitable lyrics.” The song still After using his guitar in court to managed to be a hit, reaching #5 in show a jury how several hit songs the UK and #10 in the US early the have contained the same short series of notes, John Fogerty was next year. found not guilty of plagiarizing his 11 9977 33 own record, “Run Through the After years of struggling as a mem- Jungle” when he wrote “The Old ber of two New York area bands, Man Down The Road”. His former The Hassels and Attila, and as a bar record label, Fantasy Records, had room piano player, Billy Joel releas- brought about the suit that ended up es what will ultimately be his break- costing Fogerty $400,000 in legal through album, “Piano Man”. The fees. title song will be released as a single 1199 9900 and become a Top Twenty-five hit Nearly twenty years after their first early next year. US chart appearances, two former Chuck Berry was released from teen heart-throbs returned to Lompoc Prison Farm in California Billboard’s Hot 200 album list. The after serving four months for tax Partridge Family’s David Cassidy evasion. While he was away, his last reached number 27 with his self studio album of new material, “Rock titled L.P., while Donny Osmond was It”, was issued by Atco Records. As enjoying the success of “My Love Is of 2016, this non-charting LP A Fire”, which would climb to numremains his most recent studio ber 21. album, although he has released Milli Vanilli producer Frank Farian some ‘live’ recordings since. admits to reporters that Fabrice Morvan and Rob Pilatus never sang 11 997744 The band Spooky Tooth split up a note on the “Milli Vanilli” album. after releasing seven albums since The duo eventually returned their 1968. At various times, the group Best New Artist Grammy. included Gary Wright (who would 11 999911 have solo success with “Dreamweaver” and “Love Is Alive”), 45-year-old Freddie Mercury, lead Mick Jones (later with Foreigner), singer of Queen, died of bronchopChris Stainton (who went on to work neumonia induced by HIV, at his with Joe Cocker), and Henry home in London, England, only one McCullough. (recruited by Paul day after publicly acknowledging he McCartney And Wings) The British had the disease. band never charted in their home 11 9999 44 country, but gained modest success Songwriter Tommy Boyce committed in the US. suicide by shooting himself at his 1199 8844 Nashville home. Besides writing “Do They Know It’s Christmas?”, a “Last Train To Clarksville”, “Valleri” song written by Bob Geldof and and “I’m Not Your Steppin’ Stone” Midge Ure, was recorded in London, for The Monkees, Boyce and his England by an all-star cast of British partner Bobby Hart scored a numartists that included Paul Young, ber eight hit of their own with “I Sting, Phil Collins, members of U2 Wonder What She’s Doing Tonight” and many others. The tune quickly in 1967. became a best seller and raised a 11 9999 55 ton of money for famine relief in The Rolling Stones become the first Ethiopia. act to broadcast a concert over the 11 9988 66 Internet. For the first time in Billboard chart history, the top three spots are 11 999966 occupied by female artists. #1 is Tiny Tim, who reached #17 in the US Cyndi Lauper’s “True Colors”, #2 is in 1968 with “Tip-Toe Thru’ The Tina Turner with “Typical Male” and Tulips”, suffered a heart attack on #3 is Janet Jackson’s “When I Think stage and later died in a Of You”. Minneapolis hospital. He was 63. Morrison. Despite their efforts, they will officially disband in 1973. In September, 2002, nearly thirty years to the day after their final concert, a reunited version of The Doors returned to the stage with a new singer, Ian Astbury of the Cult.
1199 9988 Despite objections from The Recording Industry Association of America, who is worried about the growing problem of internet file swapping, the first portable MP3 player goes on sale in the US. Ten years later, over 150 million had been sold. 1199 9999 The Recording Industry Association of America announces their Artists Of The Century. The Beatles top the list for US sales of over 106 million albums. Garth Brooks was named most successful male artist (89 million albums sold) and Barbra Streisand the most successful female artist. (62 million albums sold). Elvis Presley had the most Gold and Platinum singles with 77, to go along with his 80 Gold and Platinum albums. Elton John’s “Candle In The Wind” (Princess Diana version) is the best selling single of all time and the Eagles “Greatest Hits 1971 - 1975” is the record holder for best selling album.
Wyman threatened a US journalist with legal action because he shares the same name as the musician. The star’s lawyers ordered the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reporter to “cease and desist” writing under his birth name, insisting that he add a disclaimer to everything he writes, “clearly indicating that (you are) not the same Bill Wyman who was a member of the Rolling Stones”. The writer however was born with the name in 1961, three years before the musician changed his name from William George Perks to Bill Wyman. The whole thing eventually died down and no suit was ever filed. 220011 11 Andrea True, a Disco star and actress who had Top 40 hits with “More, More, More” (1976) and “N.Y. You Got Me Dancing” (1977), died of undisclosed causes at the age of 68. 22001155 Carly Simon finally revealed part of the mystery behind one of Pop music’s most enduring puzzles: the inspiration for her 1972 hit “You’re So Vain”. Simon said the subject in question is actually based on a composite of three of the men in her life around that time, and the second verse is about actor Warren Beatty.
22000000 The Beatles’ album simply titled “1”, a collection of their UK and US chart toppers, reaches number one in Great Britain. It will top the US chart a week later and will become the best selling album in a total of 28 countries worldwide. Defamation lawsuits filed by Tom Scholz, the founder of the Rock group Boston, against the ex-wife of 22000011 Johnnie Johnson filed a lawsuit the band’s late lead singer, Brad against Chuck Berry that claimed Delp and the Boston Herald were that Johnson had co-written many dismissed by the highest court in of Berry’s hits, including “Sweet Massachusetts. Scholz sued after the Little Sixteen” and “Roll Over Herald published articles in which Beethoven”. Johnson, who was Micki Delp made remarks that Berry’s piano player, claims to have Scholz claimed could be construed written the melodies to which Berry as blaming him for Delp’s 2007 suisimply added the lyrics. Berry had cide. stated earlier that he composed 220011 66 “Johnny B. Goode” to honor Johnson, who was later inducted Poet, composer and singer Leonard into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Cohen passed away at the age of 82. The suit would be dismissed two Inducted into Cleveland’s Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame in 2008, his comyears later. position “Hallelujah” has been covered by over 300 artists. 22000022 Former Rolling Stone bassist Bill