STORMFRONT After scoring two top 10 singles (“I Get Off” and “It’s Not You”) from their self-titled debut and touring steadily for two years with acts as diverse as Shinedown, Stone Sour, Disturbed, Megadeth, Papa Roach, Godsmack and countless others, Pennsylvania quartet Halestorm are back with their second full-length, The Strange Case of…. Musically diverse and emotionally revealing, the album resonates with a newfound poignancy that takes Halestorm to a new level of creative achievement. Halestorm perSeparating Chrissie Hynde from the Pretenders is an impossibility. From forms Tuesday night in Chattanooga at Track 29. the start, Hynde was the undisputed leader of the band -- its lead singer and songwriter, its heart and soul -- but as the group started to lose members to a variety of tragedies, her name and face became synonymous with the group, the one constant over the decades. She'd occasionally step outside of the confines of the band. She’s got a new solo album out and will be performing Monday at the Ryman Auditorium in Nashville, TN.
ANTIPOP Primus is all about Les Claypool; there isn't a moment on any of their records where his bass isn't the main focal point of the music, with his vocals acting as a bizarre side-show. Which isn't to deny guitarist Larry LaLonde or drummer Tim "Herb" Alexander any credit; no drummer could weave in and around Claypool's convoluted patterns as effortlessly as Alexander, and few guitarists would willingly push the spotlight away, like LaLonde does, just to can produce a never-ending spiral of avant-noise. All of this means that they are miles away from being another punk-funk combo like the Red Hot Chili Peppers. The Primus roadshow will be coming to Atlanta on Friday where they will perform at The Tabernacle.
Judas Priest Still Screaming for Vengeance
It’s no stretch to say that Rob Halford will go down in history as one of the most revered and powerful singers in rock music. There’s a reason he’s called a Metal God by his legion of fans,
and that’s taking nothing away from the vocal prowess of the late, great Ronnie James Dio. The Judas Priest front man simply embodies the spirit and soul of metal.
Case in point! Several years ago, when Judas Priest toured as the special guests on Ozzfest featuring a reunited Black Sabbath, Sharon Osbourne called Rob late in the afternoon with a request.
Ozzy had developed bronchitis and couldn’t sing with Sabbath that night. Would he mind stepping in for him? Undaunted, Halford said yes. After the Priest
set, Rob sat in his dressing room and calmly had a spot of tea. When the lights went down, he walked out on stage with Black Sabbath. He told the audience Ozzy was sick and he’d be taking his place. Instead of jeers and hordes asking for refunds, the assembled, sold-out crowd in Camden, New Jersey cheered wildly. They were going to witness a unique moment in music history never to be forgotten. That reception is typical of the incredible respect Rob Halford has earned in the heavy metal community over the five decades he’s been creating decibel shattering music. Even when Judas Priest announced they were going to call it quits with the release of their first album in six mee rr ooff SSoouull ss, that years, RRee ddee eem circumstance changed as well. The infusion of new blood in the form of guitarist Richie Faulkner has unleashed a new kind of beast in Priest that’s present on their current tour with the talented and entertaining Steel Panter. So much for retirement!
IItt’’ss pprree ttttyy rreem m aarrkkaabbll ee tthhaa tt aatt tthhii ss ssttaaggee ooff yyoouurr ll iiffee ,, yyoouu’’rree ssttiill ll ttoouurriinngg w w iitthh JJuuddaass PP rrii eesstt 4400 yyee aarrss aa ffttee rr tthhee rreell ee aa ssee oo ff ii ttss ffii rrsstt aa llbbuum m.. IItt’’ss aassttoonnii sshhiinngg m m oorree tthhaann ii tt iiss iinncc rree ddiibbll ee ..
RRoobb HHaa llffoorrdd –It’s a great blessing, really, to be able to keep doing what we do. There comes a point in your life where you finally
aa rrtt iisstt oorr w w iitthh JJuuddaa ss PPrriiee sstt,, hhaa ss bbee ccoom mee tthhee ssoouunnddttrraacckk ffoorr aa ggeenn -ee rraattii oonn ooff aa hhaa rrdd rroo cckk ffaann ss.. W Whhee nn ppee ooppllee sseeee yyoo uu iinn ccoo nncceerrtt,, yyoouurr ccll aa ssssii cc m m aattee rrii aa ll ttrr aannssppoorr ttss tthhee m m bbaa cckk ii nn ttiim m ee.. TThhee nnee w w m muussii cc yy oouu’’vv ee cc rreeaa ttee dd m maa kkee ss tt hhee m m aa pppprree ccii aa ttee tt hhee ffaa cctt yy oouu’’rree aa ss vv iibbrraann tt ttooddaa yy aass yyoouu w wee rree yyee ssttee rr -I agree with you. What we do in ddaa yy.. this business – rock and roll – puts us in a different universe I can’t do what I do without the especially where time is con- fans supporting me. To still be YYoouurr ffoouurr ddeeccaa ddee ss ii nn tthhiiss bbuussii -- cerned. Once you are committed appreciated after all this time for nnee ssss hhaa ss cceerr ttaa iinnll yy ggii vvee nn yyoouu aa ddii ff-- to making a record, going into your music is quite humbling. The fans have called me to the House of Blues in Dallas, so I’ll be there. “But you know – I’m just a You and I are talking because of singer in a rock and roll band.” your love of rock and roll. We are all intertwined with each ffeerree nntt ppeerrssppeeccttii vvee oonn ll iiffee .. the studio to record it, then go other’s lives because of the way out on the road to support the music makes us feel, and I find I feel like I’m turning into the album’s release, that’s like a two that fascinating. The messages of Willie Nelson of heavy metal or three year slot of your life music, and the way you relate to because I’m always on the road, taken up in terms of commit- it personally, is a shared experiI’m always at the studio or I’m ment. You multiply that factor by ence for both the artist and their writing. I love music with such a five, six, ten album projects, and audience. Musicians reveal a lot passion, I find it difficult to find a big chunk of your life has of themselves emotionally when anything else that interests me, passed you by. Compared to the they sing their songs. It’s a kind or gives me pleasure. I told an quote “real” jobs some of my of unique relationship what we interviewer recently that I friends have back in the U.K. or do – this observation on life we haven’t taken a vacation in some Phoenix, they think I’m living in share with love and passion to 30 odd years. When I stop mov- some parallel universe. But hey, our audience. ing, the last thing I want to do is no complaints here; I’m going to go on a plane and fly somewhere keep doing this for as long as I A A ffrrii ee nndd oonnccee aa sskkee dd m mee w whhyy II nn eevv ee rr ii nnttee rrvv ii eew w ee dd aa cc ttoorrss to sit on a beach. That kind of can. tt hhrroo uugghhoo uutt tthhee 3300 ssoom m ee oo dddd thinking drives me off a cliff. YYoouurr m m uussii cc,, w whhee tthhee rr aass aa ssooll oo yy eeaa rrss II hhaa vvee bbee eenn ddooiinn gg tthhii ss jjoobb.. TThhoom m aass EE ddii ssoonn w w aass ff aam m oouussll yy II ttooll dd hhee rr aaccttoorrss ppll aayy m maannyy rr oollee ss qquuootteedd aa ss ssaayy iinngg ssuuccccee ssss ii ss 1100 ppeerrccee nntt ii nnssppiirraa ttiioonn ,, 9900 ppee rrccee nntt ppeerrssppiirraatt iioonn.. TThhaa tt m maa yy bbee ttrr uuee ii nn tthhee bbuussii nnee ssss w woorr lldd,, bbuutt nnoott ii nn
have figured it out. Many times Glenn (Tipton) and I will just look at each other and nod because there aren’t any words that need to be said. We are blessed that so many people are coming out to see our show. We are on the road doing what we were born to do. The whole reason for me being on planet Earth is to go around the world making metal. That’s the way it is really, for me.
muussii cc.. IInn ffaa cctt,, II’’ dd ttuurrnn tthhoossee nnuum m m-bbee rrss aarroouunndd.. IItt’’ss ffuunnnnyy hhoow w ttiim mee iiss ssee ee m mii nngg llyy ssuussppee nnddee dd ffoorr aa muussii ccii aann bbeecc aauussee ii nnssppii rr aattii oonn iiss m tthhee ddrrii vvii nngg ffaa ccttoorr ii nn tthhee ii rr w woorr ll dd,, ffoollll oow wee dd bbyy tthhee ppeerr ssppiirr aatt iioonn nnee cc-eessssaarryy ttoo cc oom mppllee ttee tthhaatt ccrr ee aattii vvee ssppaa rrkk..
Retro Cafe
The Best of New Wave, Post Modern Classics and Other Odd Stuff
Wednesdays at 5pm est. on ENIGMA
ii nn tthhee ii rr llii ffee ttiim mee aanndd nnoonnee ooff tthhee m m rreeaa ll.. M Muussiicc,, oonn tthhee ootthhee rr hhaa nndd,, ccoom m ee ss ff rroo m m tthhee ssoouull .. NNoobboo ddyy rreem m ee m mbbee rrss tthhee ffii rrsstt moovv iiee tthheeyy eevv eerr aa tttteennddee dd,, bbuutt m tthhee yy nnee vvee rr ffoorrggee tt tthhaa tt ffiirrsstt ccoonn -ccee rrtt.. PPee oopp llee ddoonn’’tt bboonn dd oo vvee rr aa ccttoorrss ffrroo m m ffii ll m mss,, bbuutt tthheeyy ddoo uunnii ttee oovvee rr m muussiiccii aann ss aanndd tthhee lloovv ee ooff tthheeii rr m muussii cc.. It’s cool that you pointed that out. When Judas Priest toured the 30th anniversary of British Steel, you could feel the love the people had for Priest. When we played “Living after Midnight” or “Breaking the Law”, it was like we transported ourselves and the fans back in time. Rock and roll, heavy metal, it’s like a time machine. I’m with you on the movie thing. That’s an entirely different experience. Music is such an intrinsic part of life and our own well-being; it carries far more impact than probably anything else that we experience in life. The real power of rock and roll is the way it’s enmeshed in our lives. It keeps us all close and connected. Whhee nn yyoouu ssaa iidd m W muussii cc ii ss ll iikkee aa ttii m mee m maa cchhii nnee,, yyoouurr rree ffeerree nnccee ttoo tthhee BBrrii ttiisshh SStteeee ll aall bbuum m ii m mm mee ddii -aa tteell yy tt ooookk m mee bbaacckk iinn ttiim mee ttoo 11998800.. EEvv ee rryy ttii m mee II hhee aa rr tt hhaatt aa llbbuum m ttiittll ee ,, II rree ccaa llll w wrr iittii nngg aa bbll uurrbb tthhaa tt ssaa iidd tthhee m maa ssttee rr ttaappee ss ttoo tthhaatt ssppee cciiffii cc rreeccoorrdd hhaadd bbee eenn ssttoollee nn.. DDoo yyoouu rree m meem mbbee rr tthhaatt ee vveenn tt??
Yes I do. There was a real sense of panic in the band because we had already booked a tour to support the new album and we couldn’t cancel it. Your master recordings, especially in the old days of reel-to-reel tapes, were like gold. Those are the things you kept in a vault hidden away in a bank. To an extent today, the hard drives that store your recordings, those are like precious jewels you keep in a safe as well. We went through a very difficult time trying to recover all of
sound, character and style with their instrument, they carry that with them. That is their identity. It’s the same way with singers. My voice, I imagine, is recognizable wherever I go. The only thing I can do is surround the voice with solid opportunities, and that involves working with solid musicians. In my solo work, I can be a bit more private and talk about things that have happened to just me. There are things I wouldn’t feel comfortable expressing in Judas Priest because that band is
“Honestly, I don’t think that much about the past. I am more concerned about the now.” those valuable pieces of information on those tapes. Thank the Lord we were able to. It was touch and go back then. Thankfully we had a lot of luck, and with some research and other assistance, we were able to sort it all out.
TThheerree hhaavvee bbee eenn ffee w w vv ooccaall ii ssttss ii nn tthhee hhii ssttoorryy ooff hheeaa vvyy m m eettaa ll w w hhoossee ssii nnggii nngg ssttyyll ee hhaa ss bbeeee nn aass ii nnfflluuee nn-ttiiaa ll aanndd iinnssttaa nnttllyy rreeccoogg nniizzaa bbllee aass yyoouurr oow w nn.. D Doo yy oouu ssee ee tthhaatt aass bbootthh aa bbll eessssiinn gg aa nndd aa ccuurrssee,, ee ssppee -ccii aall llyy w w hheenn yyoouu aa rr ee ttrryy iinngg ttoo eessttaa bbllii sshh aa sseeppaa rraa ttee iiddee nnttii ttyy w w iitthh yyoouurr m muussii cc ii nn yyoouurr ssooll oo w woorr kk?? There’s very little you can do there, and I dare say, it’s that way for any musician. When a guitarist creates their own specific
a whole different experience. But you know – I’m just a singer in a rock and roll band. That’s all I ever wanted to be and do. The voice is what it is. I’m lucky it can do a lot of the things I want it to do. Certainly I can’t sing some of the notes I did some 30 odd years ago. That’s the physical thing of growing older – father time taking its toll. That doesn’t bother me. In fact, I love that feeling of knowing I have to change my vocal style slightly to accommodate the subtle changes in the voice. I actually embrace getting older. I’m not in the least bit scared of it. I am enjoying all these fantastic opportunities my fans still give me in music. Sometimes, I wonder what I’m going to be doing 10 years from now. I’ll be in the business, still
singing, but what it will be I just don’t know what.
II’’m m aa ffiirrm m bbeell ii eevv eerr tthhaatt m muussii cc kkee eeppss yyoouu yy oouunngg aatt hheeaa rrtt nnoo m maa tt-ttee rr hhoow w oolldd yy oouu gg rroow w pphhyyssiicc aall llyy ii nn yyee aarrss.. YYoouu aarree aa ppee rrffee cctt ee xxaam m -ppll ee ooff tthhaa tt.. BByy kkee eeppii nngg yyoouurrssee ll ff rree llee vvaa nntt,, yyoo uu kkee eepp yyoouurr ffaann ss tthhaa tt w aayy aa ss w w wee llll .. TThhaatt’’ss aa ggrr ee aatt tteessttaa -mee nntt ttoo tthhee cc aarr eeee rr yyoouu’’vv ee hhaa dd ii nn m tthhii ss bbuussiinn eessss.. I mentioned in a humorous way, not disrespectful, that somebody like Willie Nelson, who I really admire, is always on the road performing well into his ‘70s. You also have Leonard Cohen, who just went out on the road and he’s in his ‘70s as well. And then you have the Rolling Stones. I agree. As long as you can do the job right, and not be a disappointment, there’s no reason to switch it off. Only you can make the decision when it’s time to stop. In this business, you future is truly in your own hands. You make the choice when it’s time to call it a day. For me, I can’t imagine stopping. This is like water for me, my body craves it. If I can’t get on a stage and sing, or be in a band to write and record songs, life would be very, very difficult for me.
II’’vvee aa ll w waa yyss bbee eenn ccuurriioouuss aa bboouutt oonnee tthhiinngg RRoobb.. TThhee bbaa nndd w w ii nnss tthhee 11999900 cciivv ii ll ccaa ssee ll ooddggee dd aaggaa ii nnsstt tthhee m m aa llll eegg iinngg aa JJuuddaa ss PPrrii ee sstt ssoonngg w aa ss rr ee ssppoonnssii bbll ee ff oorr tthh ee ssee llff -w
ii nnffllii ccttee dd gguunnsshhoott w woouunnddss ooff ttw woo UUttaahh ttee eenn ss.. W Wiitthh tthhee ttrriiaa ll ff iinnaa ll oovvee rr,, ddii dd iitt ccaa uussee yyoo uu ttoo rree eexx aam m -ii nnee yyoouurr rroollee ii nn JJuuddaa ss PPrrii ee sstt aanndd ppee rrhhaa ppss ppuusshh yyoo uu ttoow waa rrddss aa ssoolloo ccaa rree ee rr oouuttssiiddee ooff PPrriiee sstt??
No not really. I think the verdict made me feel stronger about the band itself. The tremendous support we received from fans around the world touched us all. The trial was a very difficult
experience. We were alleged to have done something that was abhorrent to us. The fact someone would suggest our music was capable of causing something as horrible as suicide made us feel really, really ill both mentally and physically. What came out of that afterwards, in terms of difficulties in life, you have to straighten up and shake it off. As a band, we had to keep moving forward. I think the end result of
the experience made us in Judas Priest stronger about what we wanted to do and be. As far as that having any connection to me wanting to do any solo activities, the trial didn’t affect the decision. It was in the cards anyway. Looking back over the years, the band has discussed what we possibly should have done after the trial and Painkiller tour. It probably would have been a good idea to maybe take two or three years
off, to go and do whatever we wanted to do as individuals, whether it involved music or anything else. But that’s really a different side of the story.
to drugs and booze, which is a world I know quite well. Those addictions have been in my life, and it’s the reason I wrote the song “Twenty-Five Years” on my last solo record, Made of Metal. That’s what the song is about. I know what destructive things addiction can do to a person. Looking back, the trial was a very powerful experience and we became stronger people because of it.
within me to explore. Think of yourself sitting in a library and reading just one book. That’s what Judas Priest had become to me. We had written several chapters together and I felt it was time for me to write a different book. Part of my make-up has always been this sense of adventure I have within me when it comes to music. I’ve always been curious about the opportunities music can bring when you open yourself up to work with differ-
FFii rrsstt OOzzzzyy iiss ttaa kkee nn ttoo ccoouurrtt 11998844 bbyy ppaarreenn ttss ooff aa ddee pprree ssssee dd ttee eenn aagg -ee rr w whhoo cc oom mm miitttt eedd ssuuii cciiddee .. TThhee yy bbll aa m mee dd hhii ss ssoonngg ,, ““ SS uuiicc ii ddee SSooll uuttiioonn ”” aass tthhee ccuull pprrii tt ffoorr iinn cciitt -ii nngg tthheeii rr ssoonn ttoo ttaakkee hhii ss oow wnn ll iiffee .. TThheenn yyoouu hhaavv ee aa ssoonngg bbyy JJuuddaa ss PPrriiee sstt ppuutt oonn ttrrii aall bbee ccaa uussee ppaa rr-ee nnttss w wee rr ee uunnw wii ll llii nngg ttoo sshhoouullddee rr aa nnyy oo ff tthhee rreessppoonnssiibbii ll iittyy ooff tthheeii rr “I feel like I’m turning into the cchhii ll ddrree nn’’ ss aa cc ttii oonnss.. TThhee rree w w aa ss Willie Nelson of heavy metal...” moorr ee ggooii nngg oonn iinn tthhee ssee ttrr ii aall ss tthhaann m tthhee ee yyee ccoouull dd ssee ee.. OOvvee rr tthhee yyee aa rrss II’’vv ee bbeeee nn oobbssee rrvv-- ent musicians and producers. iinn gg m muussii cc,, hheerree ’’ss tthhee oonn ee tthhiinn gg II One part of me was always satisWhheenn aa gg rroouupp fied, to a certain extent, with all The real element of this trial ddoonn’’tt uunnddeerr ssttaann dd.. W muussii cciiaa nnss gg eett ttooggee tthheerr tt oo bbuuii lldd the things I love about Judas most important to Judas Priest, ooff m mee ffoo rr Priest. On the other hand, I was and our fans, was to let the world aa bbaa nndd,, ttoo ccrr ee aattee aa nnaa m see this had nothing to do with tthheem mssee llvv eess w wii tthh tthhee ii rr ssoonn ggss,, aanndd always wondering what would music. Ozzy would tell you the tthheenn ssuuccccee eedd,, w w hhyy ii ss tthhee rree aa nn happen if I hooked up with this waa yy player or that player. The possisame thing. In our case, this was uurrgg ee bbyy tthhee ssii nnggee rr ttoo bbrr ee aakk aa w mee tthhiinngg bbrr aa nndd nneew w ?? bilities that come out of collaboa sad situation those boys were aanndd ssttaa rrtt ssoom Noo m m aatttt eerr w whhee rr ee tthhaa tt ppeerr ssoonn rations with other artists – that living their lives in. The verdict N vindicating us reinforced the fact ggooee ss,, oorr w whhaa tt ssoonnggss tthheeyy ssiinn gg,, sense of exploring outside the that nobody is responsible for tthhee ii rr ppaa sstt ii ddee nntt iitt yy ssttaa yyss w wii tthh comfort zone – that to me is what m nn oo m m aattttee rr w w hhaatt .. W Waass FFii gghhtt music’s really all about. your kids but yourself. As par- tthheem ents, you can only do as much as rree aa llll yy aa nnee ccee ssssaa rryy tthhiinn gg ffoorr yyoouu GGoooodd ppooii nntt.. you can do. It’s not about point- ttoo ddoo iinn tthhee eeaa rrll yy ‘‘9900ss?? ing the finger of blame. The real issue of that trial was addiction Honestly, it was a compulsion If you look at all the great rock and roll bands that have been lucky enough to make a long life in this business, a lot of us have gone from our established bands to embark on some solo experiences. It is just something that drives you. Like I mentioned earlier, you really want to see what’s on the next page. I think it’s a really good thing actually. Win or lose, so what? You don’t know what you are missing until you try it. Life is a gift. It’s about getting this much out, and putting as much into it as you possible can with no regrets. As a musician that is very important to me. HHaa dd yyoouu rree aacchhee dd tthhee ppooiinn tt w wii tthh PPrrii ee sstt w whhee rree yyoouu ffee ll tt ccoonn ssuum mee dd bbyy yyoo uurr oow w nn ccrree aatt iioonn aanndd yyoouu nneeee ddeedd ttoo ssttee pp oouuttssii ddee tthhee ffrraam mee -woorr kk iinn oorr ddee rr ttoo cc oom w mee bbaa cckk w wii tthh aa rreennee w wee dd ssppiirr iitt??
Honestly, I don’t think that much about the past. I am more concerned about the now. I am always thinking about what to do next. Once I have written a song, created a record then toured, it’s gone for me. I will cherish the memories that particular sequence of events brought me, but it’s gone. When I recreate those moments down the road, like “Breaking the Law”, it’s an incredibly valuable experience. But beyond that, what drives me is the sense of the unknown. That’s the great adventure in rock and roll music. It’s the position I find myself in now. In this business, at some point you have to step outside your comfort zone, you have too! Some people grow up and want to live in the same house they were born in. If that’s all you want out of life, that’s great. The creative process always gets me excited. That sense of urgency, more than anything else, is what really drives me. I’m always up for the search, the musical journey, to take me places I haven’t been before. It’s all powerful and very compelling.
HHoow w aa w waa rree ,, aann dd hhoow w ddiiff ffiiccuull tt ii ss ii tt ffoorr yy oouu,, ttoo w waa llkk tthhaa tt ffii nnee llii nnee bbee ttw wee ee nn yy oouurr oo w wnn ppaasstt,, aanndd w whhaa tt yy oouu aa rree ttrryyii nngg ttoo ccrreeaa ttee ii nn tthhee pprreessee nntt?? It’s not difficult at all, and I’ll tell you why. I try not to think about it that much. It’s easy to kill the soul and spirit of what we do. If you lie awake at night thinking about stuff like that, maybe you should be doing something else. It’s okay to ponder the possibilities just to get the greatness out of it. But if you feel you’re on a tight wire, and afraid you’re going to fall off, that’s not such a bad thing. Rock and roll is supposed to be a little bit dangerous, and thrilling, at the same time. I’m still getting the biggest thrill out of what I do, probably more so now than before.
- David Huff ENIGMA
Midterm Mayhem “Midterm” elections are often considered to be a referendum on the current president. And that’s what has the Democrats running scared on this particular Tuesday night. President Obama’s 41.8% approval rating kept him sidelined during the House and Senate campaigns. But that didn’t stop Republican challengers from trying to tarnish Democratic incumbents with the Obama brush… or prevent Republican incumbents from casting themselves as critical defenders against the Obama onslaught… …The pachyderm party hit Obama on Obamacare, federal spending and immigration policy. For its part, the donkey
team found itself backpedaling and defending. Gas is well under three bucks a gallon. The stock market is soaring. Unemployment figures are encouraging. But the Democrats were unable to adequately articulate their successes or defend their failures… …Pundits are predicting a Republican majority in the Senate, even though at least three races may come down to a runoff. Votes are still being counted as I type this and exit polls are still being tabulated. But a poll conducted by the Associated Press and the television networks shows voter dissatisfaction with both Obama and Republican congressional leaders. Only one in five voters interviewed said they trusted the government to do what is right “most or all of the time.” That ratio is worse than it was in 1994, the last time the exit poll asked that question. The Republicans won control of the House and Senate in those elections. More than 40% of those polled Tuesday disapprove of both Obama and Congress. Obama’s disapproval exceeded 50% among the 13,000 voters polled. More than three quarters of those interviewed disapproved of congressional Republicans…
approved of congressional Republicans. There’s either something weird about that poll or something weird about the predictions that the GOP will take over the Senate and build on its majority in the House. Or maybe there’s just something weird about voters in general. Regardless, projections so far show that the Republicans have picked up two of the six seats they need to take the Senate. There are still a lot of votes to be cast, but things don’t look good for the Dems… …I’m trying to imagine the last two years of Obama’s presidency with Republicans in control of both houses. It will make the current legislative gridlock look like your high school student council. I’d expect the GOP to do all it can
…Read that last sentence again. More than three quarters of those interviewed disENIGMA
to cripple or dismantle Obamacare. I’d expect Obama to exercise his veto power to keep the Republicans from running roughshod. I’d expect a total shutdown on judicial (and, potentially, Supreme Court) appointments. I’d expect even more dissatisfaction with President Obama and Congress… …I’ll keep tracking the predictions on the Senate race, but it’s feeling like a done deal. The Democrats can’t outspend the Republicans on the campaign trail and they can’t seem to out-think them, either. I guess we deserve the inevitable catfighting and chaos that seems inevitable at this point…
- Mark Bedford
BETHLEHEM, Pa. (UPI) - Police in Pennsylvania said a man who dressed as the yellow Teletubbie and broke into a friend’s home for leftover Chinese food has been charged with burglary. Bethlehem police said Lehigh University student Terez Owens Jr., 20, was dressed as Laa-Laa, the yellow Teletubbie, when he allegedly broke into a friend’s house about 2 a.m. Sunday and filled his “man purse” with left-
over Chinese food from the refrigerator. The door to the residence was damaged during the break-in, police said. Officers caught up to Owens, who police said was dressed up for a nearby Halloween party, shortly after the incident, but he was released when the victim initially declined to press charges. “I guess the victims thought about it and the landlord got involved with the damage,” Bethlehem police Chief Mark DiLuzio said. Owens has now been charged with burglary, police said. The chief said the
case was unusual for the department. “Not that many Teletubbies get arrested,” he said. “You can’t her vehicle smelled of marijuana. make it up.” Quinn, who prosecutors said should not have been conducting HOUSTON (UPI) - Texas prosecu- traffic stops as a school resource tors said a former school district officer, claims to have found a officer told a woman she could marijuana grinder in the go if she let him smell her feet or woman’s car. The woman, who handed over her underwear. The denied ownership of the grinder, Harris County District Attorney’s told authorities Quinn put her in Office said Cy-Fair School District the back of his patrol car. She Officer Patrick Quinn, who has said the officer told her she since been fired, pulled over a could go free if she allowed him woman at 3 a.m. Aug. 11 for an to smell her feet or if she gave expired sticker and told her that him her underwear. Documents
filed by prosecutors say Quinn told the woman if she allowed him to smell her feet, “he was probably going to lick them, too.” However, Quinn apparently had a change of heart and told the woman to “forget about it,” the district attorney’s office said. The woman, who Quinn allowed to leave the scene, reported the incident the following day. Her insurance card was found at the scene of the traffic stop and fingerprints on the card matched Quinn, prosecutors said. Quinn was charged with two counts of official oppression. PORT ST. LUCIE, FL. - Sometimes you have an itch you just have to scratch. And that is not always a euphemism. Unfortunately for this man, the itch he had was on his testicles. It was unfortunate not just because it is never good to have itchy testicles, but because when you are in your car and trying to scratch them it looks a lot like you are masturbating. That is what prompted a woman in the same parking lot with this man to call the police. The woman told Port St. Lucie, Florida police she saw a man in his vehicle “making an up and down motion in the area of his crotch.” The woman didn’t see his genitals but believed the man was masturbating. Now here is where things get bizarre. When police spoke to the man, he
been stored in neural pathways in the part of the amygdala that was removed to halt the man’s seizures. Medford said further research on the subject could be conducted without unnecessary invasive procedures. “It’s not uncommon for people to have temporal lobe surgery for severe epilepsy,” he said. “And arachnophobia is supposed to be reasonably common. So we might be able to test people for that phoBRIGHTON, England (UPI) - bia, or any other kind, before British doctors said a man who and after surgery.” underwent brain surgery to get rid of seizures awoke to find he HUEYTOWN, Ala. (UPI) - A man had also lost his crippling fear of who robbed four Subway restauspiders. Dr. Nick Medford, the rants in four days with a gun man’s observing physician at claims he did it because he was Brighton and Sussex Medical mad the “Jared Diet” didn’t work School and co-author of the for him. Zachary Torrance, 18, study published in the Neurocase was arrested Friday by Hueytown journal, said the 44-year-old man police after someone saw sursuffered from severe arachno- veillance videos on the phobia before undergoing sur- Hueytown Police Department’s gery on his amygdala — a portion Facebook page and recognized of the brain partially responsible Torrance from having witnessed for handling fear — to stop his him purchase a gun holster at a recurring seizures. The study, Walmart. Police say he was even titled Abolition of lifelong specif- wearing the same clothing and ic phobia: a novel therapeutic shoes as the suspect was the day consequence of left mesial tem- of the robbery. “He stated in the poral lobectomy, said the man course of his interview he had reported he was no longer afraid tried the ‘Jared Diet’ and it hadof spiders after the surgery. n’t worked for him like he Medford said the man instead thought it should have,” Police found spiders fascinating and Chief Chuck Hagler told WJBF. could hold a living arachnid “He was trying to get his money without fear. The researchers back.” He has confessed to the said the man’s fear may have crime and will face sentencing. explained that he got the urge to scratch his testicles because he has a rash there. When they were disinclined to believe him he pulled up his shorts and popped the boys out, showing the officers the, uhh, affected area. Police determined the man, who has no criminal history, did not expose himself and found no proof that he was performing lewd acts in public.
He is currently being held with a $250,000 bail. NEW YOR, NY - Well, that’s one way to get somebody’s goat. A pair of what appeared to be skinned goat heads were found dangling from a street light at a busy Park Slope intersection in New York, police said. At least one witness called 911 after spotting the bloody animal heads attached to a piece of twine hanging above Ninth Street and Fifth Avenue - sparking a police investigation. The skulls dangled in the wind until shortly before noon, when a staffer from a nearby car service company carried a ladder to the pole and knocked them down with a stick. That’s what they call a New York Pinata. Some wondered whether it was Santeria, a Halloween prank or voodoo. “Maybe it’s some of those wackos who go for Santeria or voodoo,” said local resident Louis Katenzakes. “It’s the occult. They do rituals. They kill animals.” The sighting wasn’t the first example of animal body parts discovered in the area. In March, severed goat heads and rooster heads were found in Prospect Park. Other locals said they were unmoved. “It’s New York. I’ve seen the towers come down, so beyond that, nothing really stings that bad,” said J. Sapp, who works in the area.
TTEE RRM MII NNAA LL W W EESSTT (Atlanta) Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr. MA M ARRA ATTH HO ON NM MU U SSIICC W WOORRKKSS (Nashville) Interpol CCAANN NN EERRYY BBAA LLLLRROOOOM M (Nashville) Noah Gundersen ZZ YYDDEE CCOO (Birmingham) Mayday Parade, Tonight Alive, Major League, Pvris TTHHEE M MA A SSQ QU UEE RRA AD D EE (Atlanta) The Ready Set, Metro Station, The Downtown Fiction, Against the Current This week’s calendar covers events from Thursday, November 6, through Wednesday, November 12. We would be happy to publish your free listing in future Billboards, space permitting. Simply mail us the information so that we have it 7 days before the publication date. A photograph may be sent with the announcement. Send information to: Calendar Editor, Enigma, P.O. Box 825, Chattanooga, TN 37401 or e-mail to All dates subject to change without notice.
TTH HUURRSSDDAAYY NNoovveem mbbeerr 66 TTHHEE CCOOM MEE DD YY CCAATTCCHH (Chattanooga) Killer Beaz BBUUDD ’’SS (Chattanooga) DJ Hammer TTRREEM MO ON NTT TTA A VVEERRN N (Chattanooga) Songwriters Showcase CCAAM MPP H HO OU U SSEE (Chattanooga) Open Mic AARRII’’ SS HHAARR BBOORR LLIIGGHHTTSS (Chattanooga) Keyz Brown RRHHYYTTHHM M && BBRR EEW W SS (Chattanooga) Seven Handle Circus TTRRAACCKK 22 99 (Chattanooga) O.A.R., Andy Grammer JJ..JJ ..’’ SS BBOOHHEE M MII A A (Chattanooga) The Black Cadillacs, Daniel Ellsworth and the Great Lakes WO W O RRK KPPLL A AYY TTH H EEA A TTRR EE (Birmingham) Rachel Yamagata MA M A RRK K CC.. SS M MII TTH H CCO ON N CCEERRTT H HA A LLLL (Huntsville) Loretta Lynn BBUUCCKK HHEE AADD TTHHEEAATTRREE (Atlanta) The New Pornographers, The Pains of Being Pure At Heart AAIISSLL EE 55 (Atlanta) Cunninlynguist, J-Live MA M A RRA ATTH HO ON NM MU USS IICC W WO ORRK K SS (Nashville) Mastodon TTEENN NNEE SSSS EEEE TTHHEEAA TTRR EE (Knoxville) Neon Trees
FFRRIID DAAYY NNoovveem mbbeerr 77 TTHHEE CCOOM MEE DD YY CCAATTCCHH (Chattanooga) Killer Beaz RRAAW W (Chattanooga) DJ Reggie Reg RRHHYYTTHHM M && BBRR EEW W SS (Chattanooga) Jerry Garcia Band Cover Band TTRRAACCKK 22 99 (Chattanooga) Kansas TTHHEE TTAABBEE RRNN AACCLLEE (Atlanta) Mastodon VVAARRIIEE TTYY PPLLAA YYHHOOUUSS EE (Atlanta) Ian Hunter BBIIJJOOUU TTHHEEAATTRREE (Knoxville) Robin Trower, Kevin Abernathy TTHHEE IINN TTEE RRNNAA TTII OONN AALL (Knoxville) The Floozies ZZYYDD EECCOO (Birmingham) Foxy Shazam, Masked Intruder, Sycamour
TTHHEE CCOOM MEE DDYY CCAA TTCCHH (Chattanooga) Killer Beaz RRHHYYTTHHM M && BBRREE W WSS (Chattanooga) Fly By Radio BBAARRTT’’SS LLAAKK EESS HHOORREE (Chattanooga) DJ E RRAAW W (Chattanooga) DJ Reggie Reg TTRRAA CCKK 2299 (Chattanooga) Robin Trower MEE TTRRO M OPP O OLL IITTA AN N TTA ABBEE RRN NA A CCLLEE (Chattanooga) Randy Stonehill, Buck Storm EEDD DDII EE’’ SS AA TTTTII CC (Atlanta) Chris Smither VVAA RRIIEE TTYY PPLLAAYYHHOOUUSSEE (Atlanta) The Horrors TTHHEE TTAABBEE RRNNAA CCLL EE (Atlanta) Primus TTHHEE LLOOFFTT (Atlanta) Melvins FFOOXX TTHHEEAA TTRREE (Atlanta) Aretha Franklin AANNTTHHEEM M (Nashville) The Floozies
SSU UNNDDAA YY NNoovveem mbbeerr 99 TTHHEE CCOOM MEE D DYY CCAA TTCCHH (Chattanooga) G.R. Goodwin & Friends SSKKYYZZOOOO (Chattanooga) DJ Exphacter BBIIJJOOUU TTHHEE AATTRREE (Knoxville) Dave Mason SSYYM MPPH HO ON N YY H HA A LLLL (Atlanta) Rufus Wainwright TTHHEE EEAA RRLL (Atlanta) Rev. Horton Heat BBRRIIDD GGEE SSTTOONNEE AARR EENN AA (Nashville) James Taylor D && LLII N 33RRD NDD SSLLEE YY (Nashville) Jeff Coffin and the Mu’ Tet
WEEDDNNEE SSDDAAYY NNoovvee m W mbbeerr 1122 RRAAW W (Chattanooga) Open Jam w/ Jonathan Wimpee and friends LL AASS M MA ARRG GA ARRII TTA A ’’SS (Chattanooga) Priscilla & Little Rickee AARR II’’SS HHAARRBBOORR LL IIGGHHTTSS (Chattanooga) Keyz Brown TTHHEE TTAAVVEERRNN (Soddy-Daisy) Roberts & Sims RRHHYYTTHHM M && BBRREE W WSS (Chattanooga) Kalob Griffen Band RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DII TTO ORRII U UM M (Nashville) Straight No Chaser RROOCCKKEE TTOOW WN N (Nashville) Issues, I Killed the Prom Queen, Ghost Town, Marmozets, Nightmares FF OOXX TTHHEE AATTRREE (Atlanta) Lynyrd Skynyrd, Trace Adkins, Alabama, Gregg Allman, The Charlie Daniels Band, Peter Frampton, Warren Haynes, Jamey Johnson, Moe, Gov’t Mule, Aaron Lewis, Robert Randolph, Blackberry Smoke, Cheap Trick, Donnie Van Zandt CCEE NNTTEE RR SSTTAA GGEE (Atlanta) Atmosphere, Prof, Dem Atlas, DJ Fundo IINN TTEE RRNNAA TTII OONN AALL (Knoxville) Halestorm 1111 TTHH FFRRAAM M EE A ATT M MA AD D IISSO ON N BBO OW WLL IIN NG G CCEE N N -TTEERR (Madison, AL) Puddle of Mudd BBJJ CCCC AARREE NNAA (Birmingham) James Taylor IIRR OONN CCIITTYY (Birmingham) Grayson Capps, The Mulligan Brothers
MOONNDDAAYY NNoovveem M mbbeerr 1100
RRAAW W (Chattanooga) DJ Spicolli TTRREE M M OONN TT TTAAVVEE RRNN (Chattanooga) Trivia Night TTHHEE OOFFFF IICCEE (Chattanooga) SpeakEasy FFOOXX && HHOOUU NNDD (Chattanooga) DJ Exphacter TTHHEE LLOOFFTT (Atlanta) Yelle TTHHEE TTAABBEE RRNNAA CCLL EE (Atlanta) Interpol CCII TTYY W WIIN N EE RRYY N NA A SSH H VVIILLLLEE (Nashville) John Oates RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD D IITTO ORR IIU UM M (Nashville) Chrissie Hynde IIRROONN CCIITTYY (Birmingham) John Butler Trio
TTHHEE M MEE LLTTIINN GG PPOOIINN TT (Athens, GA) Aaron Carter November 13 CCEE NNTTEE RR SSTTAA GGEE (Atlanta) Eric Hutchinson, Tristan Prettyman, Nick Howard November 13 BBUU CCKKHHEEAA DD TTHHEE AATTRREE (Atlanta) Hannibal Buress November 13 VVAARR IIEETTYY PP LLAAYYHHOOUU SSEE (Atlanta) Dirty Heads, Rome November13 CCIITTYY W W IIN N EERRYY N NA ASS H HVVII LLLLEE (Nashville) Daniel Lanois, Brian Blade November 13 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DII TTO ORRII U UM M (Nashville) John Butler Trio November 13 FF OOXX TTHHEE AATTRREE (Atlanta) Straight No Chaser November 14 TTHHEE LLOOFFTT (Atlanta) Aaron Carter November 14 BBUU CCKKHHEEAA DD TTHHEE AATTRREE (Atlanta) Jenny Lewis, Waxahatchee November 14 CCEE NNTTEE RR SSTTAA GGEE (Atlanta) Guided By Voices November 14 SS YYM M PPH HO ON NYY H HA ALL LL (Atlanta) Mary Chapin Carpenter November 14 TTHHEE TTAABBEERR NNAACCLL EE (Atlanta) John Butler
TTU U EESSDDAAYY NNoovveem mbbeerr 11 11 RRHHYYTTHHM M && BBRREE W WSS (Chattanooga) Uptown Big Band RRAAW W (Chattanooga) DJ Spicolli TTRREE M MO ON N TT TTA AVVEE RRN N (Chattanooga) Open Mic w/ Mike McDade SSOOUUTTHHSSIIDD EE TTAAVVEERRNN (Chattanooga) Troy Underwood TTRRAA CCKK 2299 (Chattanooga) Halestorm
Trio, Monica Heidal November 14 CCIITTYY W W IIN NEE RRYY N N AASSH H VVIILL LLEE (Nashville) Sinead O’Connor November 14 CCA AN NN NEE RRYY BBA ALL LLRRO OO OM M (Nashville) Pierce the Veil, Sleeping With Sirens, Beartooth, The Wild Life November 14 KN K NO OXXVVIILLLL EE CCO OLLII SSEEU UM M (Knoxville) Little Big Town, Brett Edredge, Brothers Osborne November 14 SSO OU UN ND D && PPA AG G EE (Birmingham) Charlie Mars November 14 IIRRO ON NH HO ORR SSEE CCAAFFÉÉ (Birmingham) Puddle of Mudd November 14 ALLAA BBA A AM MA A TTH H EEAA TTRR EE (Birmingham) St. Paul & the Broken Bones November 14 JJ..JJ ..’’SS BBO OH HEE M M IIA A (Chattanooga) Marina Orchestra, Glowing Bordis, Jordan Hallquist November 15 ALLAA BBA A AM MA A TTH H EEAA TTRR EE (Birmingham) Straight No Chaser November 15 RRO OCCK KEE TTO OW WN N (Nashville) Aaron Carter November 15 CCIITTYY W W IIN NEE RRYY N N AASSH H VVIILL LLEE (Nashville) Sinead O’Connor November 15 TTH H EE W WA ARREE H HO OU U SSEE (Clarksville, TN) Puddle of Mudd November 15 SSM M IITTH H ’’SS O OLLD D EE BBAARR (Atlanta) Stroke 9 November 15 FFO OXX TTH HEE A ATTRREE (Atlanta) Little Big Town, Brett Edredge, Brothers Osborne November 15 D RRU D UN NK KEE N NU UN N IICCO ORRN N (Atlanta) Alvvays November 15 TTEERR M MIIN NA ALL W WEE SSTT (Atlanta) We Were Promised Jetpacks November 16 TTH H EE M MA ASS Q QU U EERR AAD DEE (Atlanta) Attila, Crown the Empire, Like Moths to Flames, Sworn In November 16 RREE D D LLIIG GH H TT CCA AFFÉÉ (Atlanta) Patty Larkin November 16 VVA ARRIIEE TTYY PPLL A AYYH HO OU U SSEE (Atlanta) Bebel Gilberto November 16 AN A N TTH HEE M M (Nashville) B.o.B., Kevin Gates November 16 BBO OTTTTLL EETTRREE EE (Birmingham) Alvvays November 16 M AARRA M ATTH HO ON NM MU U SSIICC W WO ORRK KSS (Nashville) Dillon Francis November 17 H EEAA VVEE N H NA ATT TTH H EE M M AASSQ QU UEE RRAAD D EE (Atlanta) Breathe Carolina, Candyland, Flinch, Dotcom November 17 BBIIJJ O OU U TTH H EEA A TTRR EE (Knoxville) Leon Russell November 17 CCIITTYY W W IIN NEE RRYY N N AASSH H VVIILL LLEE (Nashville) Leon Russell November 18 CCA AN NN NEE RRYY BBA ALL LLRRO OO OM M (Nashville) Pepper, The Movement, New Beat Fund November 18 IIRRO ON N CCIITTYY (Birmingham) Method Man, Redman, BReal, Mick Jenkins November 19 BBO OTTTTLL EETTRREE EE (Birmingham) Southern Culture on the Skids November 19 CCIITTYY W W IIN NEE RRYY N N AASSH H VVIILL LLEE (Nashville) Leon Russell November 19 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITTO ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Phillip Phillips November 19 JJU U PPIITTEE RR O ON N TTH H EE SS TTRRIIPP (Tuscaloosa) Aaron Carter November 19 IIM M PPRRO OVV CCO OM MEE D D YY CCLLU UBB (Atlanta) Dave Koechner November 20 TTH H EE SS TTA ARR BBA ARR (Atlanta) Southern Culture
on the Skids November 20 CCIITTYY W WII N NEE RRYY N N AASSH H VVIILLLL EE (Nashville) David Grisman Sextet November 21 BBRRIID DG GEE SSTTO ON N EE AA RREEN N AA (Nashville) Slipknot, Korn, King 810 November 21 TTH HEE SSTTAA RR BBAARR (Atlanta) Southern Culture on the Skids November 21 IIM M PPRRO OVV CCO OM M EE D DYY CCLL U UBB (Atlanta) Dave Koechner November 21 SSM M IITTH H ’’SS O OLLD DEE BBAA RR (Atlanta) Gangstagrass, Megan Jean & the KFB November 21 VVA ARRIIEE TTYY PPLLAA YYH HO OU USS EE (Atlanta) Justin Townes Earle, Cory Branan November 21 RREED D CCLLAA YY TTH HEE AATTRREE (Duluth, GA) Mindy Smith November 21 TTH HEE 1122 00 TTAAVVEE RRN N (Marietta, GA) Waynestatic, Powerman 5000, American Head Charge November 21 TTH HEE CCO ON NCCO OU U RRSSEE (Knoxville) Diarrhea Planet November 21 JJ..JJ ..’’ SS BBO OH H EE M MII AA (Chattanooga) Diarrhea Planet November 22 FFO OXX TTH H EE AATTRREE (Atlanta) Mannheim Steamroller November 22 TTH HEE TTAABBEE RRN N AACCLLEE (Atlanta) Slayer, Suicidal Tendencies, Exodus November 22 CCEEN N TTEERR SSTTAAG G EE (Atlanta) Anberlin November 22 IIM M PPRRO OVV CCO OM M EE D DYY CCLL U UBB (Atlanta) Dave Koechner November 22 BBLLIIN ND DW WIILL LLIIEE ’’SS (Atlanta) The Nighthawks November 22 PPH H IILLLLII PPSS AA RREEN N AA (Atlanta) Stevie Wonder November 22 CCIITTYY W WII N NEE RRYY N N AASSH H VVIILLLL EE (Nashville) David Grisman Sextet November 22 SSCCRRU U FFFF YY CCIITTYY H H AALLLL (Knoxville) Gangstagrass, Megan Jean & the KFB November 22 H &&PPO 1122TTH ORRTTEE RR (Nashville) Adrian Belew, Saul Zonana November 22 CCIITTYY W WII N NEE RRYY N N AASSH H VVIILLLL EE (Nashville) Rhett Miller November 23 WO W ORRK KPPLL AAYY TTH H EEAA TTRR EE (Birmingham) Kill the Noise, Botnek, Two Fresh November 23 IIRRO ON N CCIITTYY (Birmingham) Better Than Ezra November 23 HAA RRRRAAH H H ’’ SS CCH H EERRO OK K EEEE EE VVEEN N TT CCEEN N TTEE RR (Cherokee) Scotty McCreery, Daniel Bradberry November 22 TTRRA ACCK K 22 99 (Chattanooga) Kill the Noise, Botnek, Two Fresh November 24 RRYYM MAA N N AAU UD D IITTO ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) The Charlie Daniels Band November 24 D && LL IIN 33RRD ND D SSLL EEYY (Nashville) Bonnie “Prince” Billy November 24 TTEERRM M IIN N AALL W WEE SSTT (Atlanta) Sevendust, A.Z, November 25 VVA ARRIIEE TTYY PPLLAA YYH HO OU USS EE (Atlanta) Eric Johnson, Mike Stern November 25 AN A N TTH H EE M M (Nashville) Kill the Noise, Botnek, Two Fresh November 25 ZZA AN N IIEE ’’ SS CCO OM MEE D D YY CCLLU UBB (Nashville) Ralphie May November 25 GEE M G M TTH H EEAATTRREE (Calhoun, GA) The Tams November 26 TTH HEE M M AASSQ QU U EERRAA D DEE (Atlanta) Relient K, Blondfire November 26 SSYYM M PPH HO ON N YY H H AALLLL (Atlanta) Melissa Etheridge November 26
CCEE N N TTEE RR SS TTA AG GEE (Atlanta) Manchester Orchestra November 26 IIN NTTEE RRN NA ATTIIO ON NA ALL (Knoxville) Kill the Noise, Botnek, Two Fresh November 26 IIRRO ON N CCIITTYY (Birmingham) Sevendust, A.Z. November 26 ZZA AN N IIEE ’’SS CCO OM MEE D DYY CCLL U UBB (Nashville) Ralphie May November 26 TTRRA A CCK K 2299 (Chattanooga) The 1975 November 28 TTH H EE TTA ABBEE RRN NA A CCLL EE (Atlanta) Blackberry Smoke November 28 TTEE RRM M IIN NA ALL W W EESS TT (Atlanta) K Theory, Watch the Duck November 28 TTH H EE A ARREE N NA AA ATT G GW W IIN NN NEE TTTT CCEEN N TTEERR (Atlanta) Brantley Gilbert, Tyler Farr, Chase Bryant November 28 HEE A H AVVEE N NA A TT TTH H EE M MA ASS Q QU U EERR A AD DEE (Atlanta) Every Time I Die, The Ghost Inside, Architects, Hundredth, Backtrack November 28 TTH H EE BBU U CCK KH HEE A AD D TTH H EEA A TTRR EE (Atlanta) Moon Taxi, Cosby Sweater November 28 TTH H EE LLO OFFTT (Atlanta) Augustana, Scars on 45 November 28 BBO OU U TTW WEE LLLL A AU UD D IITTO ORRIIU UM M (Birmingham) Casting Crowns, Mandisa, Sidewalk Prophets November 28 TTH H EE TTA ABBEE RRN NA A CCLL EE (Atlanta) The 1975 November 29 VVA A RRIIEE TTYY PPLLA AYYH HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Shawn Mullins November 29 TTH H EE EEA A RRLL (Atlanta) Cracker November 29 CCO OBBBB EE N N EERRG G YY PPEE RRFF O ORR M MIIN NG GA ARRTTSS CCEEN N TTEE RR (Atlanta) Ralphie May November 29 CCA AN NN N EERR YY BBA ALLLLRR O OO OM M (Nashville) The Dirty Guvnahs November 29 MA M ARRA A TTH HO ON NM MU USSII CC W WO ORRK KSS (Nashville) Will Hoge, Logan Mize November 29 CCII TTYY W WIIN N EE RRYY N NA A SSH H VVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Dave Davies November 30 CCII TTYY W WIIN N EE RRYY N NA A SSH H VVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Johnnyswim November 30 TTH H EE EEA A RRLL (Atlanta) Cracker November 30 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD D IITTO ORR IIU UM M (Nashville) Clint Black, Parmalee December 1 CCII TTYY W WIIN N EE RRYY N NA A SSH H VVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Johnnyswim December 1 IIRRO ON N CCIITTYY (Birmingham) Blue Sky Riders December 1 EEXXIITT//IIN N (Nashville) Gwar, Corrosion of Conformity, American Sharks December 2 CCII TTYY W WIIN N EE RRYY N NA A SSH H VVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Johnnyswim December 2 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD D IITTO ORR IIU UM M (Nashville) Amy Grant, Vince Gill December 3 MA M ARRA A TTH HO ON NM MU USSII CC W WO ORRK KSS (Nashville) Bones Thugs-n-Harmony, Gillie the Kid December 3 EED DD DII EE’’ SS A A TTTTII CC (Atlanta) Stephen Kellogg December 3 TTH H EE TTA ABBEE RRN NA A CCLL EE (Atlanta) Black Veil Brides, Falling In Reverse, Set It Off December 3 TTH H EE M MA ASSQ QU UEE RRA AD D EE (Atlanta) 3Ball MTY, Los Rakas, Modern Baseball, Knuckle Puck, Crying, Somos, Hostage Calm December 3 TTEE N NN NEE SSSSEE EE TTH HEE A ATTRREE (Knoxville) Jim Brickman December 3 TTH H EE G G EEM M TTH H EEA A TTRR EE (Calhoun, GA) Howie Day December 4
TTRRA ACCK K 2299 (Chattanooga) Bones Thugs N Harmony, Gillie da Kid December 4 TTEERR M MIIN NA ALL W WEE SSTT (Atlanta) Adrian Belew, Saul Zonana December 4 TTH H EE TTA A BBEERRN NA ACCLLEE (Atlanta) Common, Jay Electronica December 4 LLA AU UG GH HII N NG G SS K KU U LLLL LL O OU UN NG GEE (Atlanta) Bobcat Goldthwait December 4 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITTO ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Amy Grant, Vince Gill December 4 SSCCH H EERR M MEE RRH HO ORR N N SS YYM MPPH HO ON N YY CCEEN N TTEERR (Nashville) Michael W. Smith December 4 TTRRA ACCK K 2299 (Chattanooga) Steep Canyon Rangers December 5 IIM M PPRRO OVV CCO OM MEE D D YY CCLLU UBB (Atlanta) Paul Reiser December 5 CCO OBBBB EE N NEE RRG G YY PPEE RRFFO ORRM M IIN NG G AARRTTSS CCEE N N TTEE RR (Atlanta) Brian Setzer Orchestra December 5 TTH H EE EE A ARRLL (Atlanta) Nashville Pussy, Valient Thor, Against the Grain December 5 TTH H EE M MA ASS Q QU U EERR AAD DEE (Atlanta) Obituary, Massacre, Rivers of Nihil December 5 TTH H EE TTA A BBEERRN NA ACCLLEE (Atlanta) Hoodie Allen, Chiddy Bang, Taylor Bennett December 5 LLA AU UG GH HII N NG G SS K KU U LLLL LL O OU UN NG GEE (Atlanta) Bobcat Goldthwait December 5 SSCCH H EERR M MEE RRH HO ORR N N SS YYM MPPH HO ON N YY CCEEN N TTEERR (Nashville) The Manhattan Transfer December 5 BBRRIID DG G EESS TTO ON N EE AARREE N NAA (Nashville) Brantley Gilbert, Chase Bryant, Tyler Farr December 5 CCIITTYY W W IIN NEE RRYY N N AASSH H VVIILL LLEE (Nashville) Jackopierce December 5 CCO OU UN N TTRRYY TTO ON NIITTEE TTH H EEAA TTRREE (Pigeon Forge, TN) Ronnie Milsap December 5 G EEM G M TTH H EEA A TTRR EE (Calhoun, GA) Mandy Barnett December 6 IIM M PPRRO OVV CCO OM MEE D D YY CCLLU UBB (Atlanta) Paul Reiser December 6 BBU U CCK KH HEE A AD D TTH H EEAA TTRR EE (Atlanta) Skinny
Puppy, VNV Nation, Haujobb, Youth Code December 6 HEE AAVVEE N H N AATT TTH H EE M MAA SSQ QU UEE RRAAD D EE (Atlanta) Gwar, Corrosion of Conformity, American Sharks December 6 TTH HEE AARR EEN N AA AA TT G GW W IIN NN NEE TTTT CCEE N NTTEE RR (Atlanta) Hunter Hayes, Dan + Shay, The Railers December 6 FFO OXX TTH H EE AATTRREE (Atlanta) Anthony Hamilton December 6 MAA RRAATTH M HO ON NM MU USS IICC W WO ORRK K SS (Nashville) Haerts, Mikki Ekko December 6 BBIIJJO OU U TTH H EEAATTRREE (Knoxville) Hiss Golden Messenger December 6 CCIITTYY W WII N NEE RRYY N N AASSH H VVIILLLL EE (Nashville) Sonny Landreth, Cindy Cashdollar December 7 CCEEN N TTEERR SSTTAAG G EE (Atlanta) Circa Survive, Title Fight December 7 TTH HEE M M AASSQ QU U EERRAA D DEE (Atlanta) Misfits December 7 KN K NO OXX VVIILLLLEE CCO OLLIISS EEIIU UM M (Knoxville) Diamond Rio December 7 SSYYM M PPH HO ON N YY H H AALLLL (Atlanta) Diana Krall December 8 CCEEN N TTEERR SSTTAAG G EE (Atlanta) Devin Townsend Project, Animals As Leaders, Monuments December 8 MEE M M MO ORRII AALL AAU UD D IITTO ORRIIU UM M (Chattanooga) Joe Bonamassa December 9 SSYYM M PPH HO ON N YY H H AALLLL (Atlanta) Medeski, Scofield Martin and Wood December 9 PPH H IILLIIPPSS AARREE N N AA (Atlanta) Usher December 9 CCIITTYY W WII N NEE RRYY N N AASSH H VVIILLLL EE (Nashville) Living Colour December 9 RRYYM MAA N N AAU UD D IITTO ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Amy Grant, Vince Gill December 10 TTH HO OM M PPSSO ON N --BBO OLLIIN NG G AARREE N N AA (Knoxville) Trans-Siberain Orchestra December 10 ARREE N A NAA @ @G GW W IIN NN N EE TTTT CCEEN N TTEERR (Atlanta) Eric Church, Dwight Yoakum, Halestorm December 11
PPH HII LLIIPPSS A ARREE N NA A (Atlanta) The Black Keys, St. Vincent December 11 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD D IITTO ORR IIU UM M (Nashville) Amy Grant, Vince Gill December 11 JJA AM M EESS K K.. PPO OLL K K TTH H EE A ATTEERR (Nashville) Trace Adkins December 11 TTRRA A CCK K 2299 (Chattanooga) Hard Working Americans December 12 CCII TTYY W WIIN N EE RRYY N NA A SSH H VVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Rich Robinson December 12 CCA AN NN N EERR YY BBA ALLLLRR O OO OM M (Nashville) Relient K, Blondfire December 12 JJA AM M EESS K K.. PPO OLL K K TTH H EE A ATTEERR (Nashville) Trace Adkins December 12 RRH HYYTTH HM M && BBRREE W WSS (Chattanooga) Rich Robinson December 13 BBJJCCCC A ARREE N NA A (Birmingham) Eric Church, Dwight Yaokum, Halestorm December 13 TTH H EE TTA ABBEE RRN NA A CCLL EE (Atlanta) Tyler the Creator December 13 TTH H EE M MA ASSQ QU UEE RRA AD D EE (Atlanta) Fozzy, Texas Hippie Coalition, Shaman’s Harvest December 13 CCII TTYY W WIIN N EE RRYY N NA A SSH H VVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Matt Wertz December 14 TTH H EE TTA ABBEE RRN NA A CCLL EE (Atlanta) Opeth, In Flames, Red Fang December 15 TTRRA A CCK K 2299 (Chattanooga) Trampled By Turtles, Nikki Lane December 17 PPH HII LLIIPPSS A ARREE N NA A (Atlanta) Fleetwood Mac December 17 SSYYM MPPH HO ON N YY H HA A LLLL (Atlanta) Trace Adkins December 17 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD D IITTO ORR IIU UM M (Nashville) Amy Grant, Vince Gill December 17 MA M ARRA A TTH HO ON NM MU USSII CC W WO ORRK KSS (Nashville) Steel Panther December 17 IIRRO ON N CCIITTYY (Birmingham) Blue October December 18 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD D IITTO ORR IIU UM M (Nashville) Amy Grant, Vince Gill December 18 TTH H EE TTA ABBEE RRN NA A CCLL EE (Atlanta) Trampled By Turtles, Nikki Lane December 18
ATTLL A A AN NTTA A LLIIVVEE (Atlanta) Norm McDonald December 18 BBRRII D DG G EE SSTTO ON N EE A ARREE N NA A (Nashville) Justin Timberlake December 19 IIRR O ON N CCIITTYY (Birmingham) Trampled By Turtles, Nikki Lane December 19 TTH H EE A ARREE N NA AA ATT G GW WII N NN N EE TTTT CCEE N N TTEERR (Atlanta) Calvin Harris, T.I., Fallout Boy, Jessie J December 19 G EE M G M TTH H EE A ATTRREE (Calhoun, GA) The Van Lears, Faye Pierce Bentley, Wrecking Ball, Jule Medders December 20 ARR EEN A NA A@ @G GW WIIN NN N EETTTT CCEE N NTTEE RR (Atlanta) Justin Timberlake December 20 TTH H EE TTA ABBEERR N NA ACCLL EE (Atlanta) Flosstradamus, GTA, Two-9 December 20 CCA AN NN N EERRYY BBA A LLLLRRO OO OM M (Nashville) Augustana, Scars on 45 December 20 CCIITTYY W W IIN N EERRYY N NA ASS H HVVII LLLLEE (Nashville) Shemeika Copeland December 20 TTH H EE IIN N TTEE RRN NA ATTIIO ON NA ALL (Knoxville) Adrian Belew December 20 TTH H EE TTA ABBEERR N NA ACCLL EE (Atlanta) Ben Howard January 21 TTEE N NN N EE SSSSEE EE TTH HEE A ATTRREE (Knoxville) Mannheim Steamroller December 22 EE G G YYPP TTII A AN N BBA ALLLL RRO OO OM MA A TT FFO OXX TTH H EE A ATTRREE (Atlanta) St. Paul &the Broken Bones December 27 BBRRII D DG G EE SSTTO ON N EE A ARREE N NA A (Nashville) Bassnectar December 31 WA W ARR M M EE M MO ORRIIA A LL A AU UD DII TTO ORRII U UM M (Nashville) Moon Taxi December 31 DO D OW WN N TTO OW WN NN NA A SSH H VVII LLLLEE (Nashville) Lady Antebellum December 31 PPH H IILL IIPPSS A ARREEN NA A (Atlanta) Keith Sweat, Dru Hill, The Isley Brothers, Jeffery Osborne December 31 SS YYM M PPH HO ON NYY H HA ALL LL (Atlanta) Gregg Allman December 31 CCIITTYY W W IIN N EERRYY N NA ASS H HVVII LLLLEE (Nashville) Cracker January 3 BBII JJO OU U TTH H EE A ATTRREE (Knoxville) Steep Canyon Rangers January 7 FF O OXX TTH HEE A ATTRREE (Atlanta) Sam Smith January 9 EE D DD D IIEE ’’ SS A ATTTTIICC (Atlanta) Johnette Naplitano January 11 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DII TTO ORRII U UM M (Nashville) Gregg Allman January 13/14 SS CCH H EE RRM M EERRH HO ORRN N SSYYM M PPH HO ON N YY CCEEN N TTEE RR (Nashville) Kenny Rogers January 15 HA H ARRRRA AH H’’ SS CCH H EE RRO OK KEE EE CCA A SSIIN NO O (Cherokee) Gregg Allman January 16 SS CCH H EE RRM M EERRH HO ORRN N SSYYM M PPH HO ON N YY CCEEN N TTEE RR (Nashville) Kenny Rogers January 16 BBRRII D DG G EE SSTTO ON N EE A ARREE N NA A (Nashville) Linkin Park, Rise Against, Of Mice & Men January 17 SS CCH H EE RRM M EERRH HO ORRN N SSYYM M PPH HO ON N YY CCEEN N TTEE RR (Nashville) Kenny Rogers January 17 TTH H EE TTA ABBEERR N NA ACCLL EE (Atlanta) Billy Idol January 22 M EERR CCYY LLO M OU UN NG GEE (Nashville) Of Montreal, Nedelle Torio January 23 RRH H YYTTH HM M && BBRREE W WSS (Chattanooga) Of Montreal, Nedelle Torio January 24 VVO ON N BBRRA AU UN N CCEEN N TTEERR (Huntsville) Ron White January 24 VVA ARR IIEETTYY PP LLA AYYH HO OU U SSEE (Atlanta) Antibalas, Zap Mama January 27 CCIITTYY W W IIN N EERRYY N NA ASS H HVVII LLLLEE (Nashville) Jeff
Daniels January 27 BBRRIID DG G EESS TTO ON N EE AARREE N NAA (Nashville) Jack White January 28 TTIIVVO OLLII TTH H EE A ATTRREE (Chattanooga) Ron White January 31 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITTO ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) John Mellencamp, Carlene Carter January 28 TTEEN NN N EESS SSEE EE TTH H EE AATTRREE (Knoxville) Ron White January 30 FFEE RRSSTT CCEE N N TTEERR (Atlanta) Arlo Guthrie January 31 TTRRA ACCK K 2299 (Chattanooga) Shovels & Rope February 3 CCEEN N TTEE RR SSTTA AG G EE (Atlanta) Kongos, Sir Sly February 5 FFO OXX TTH HEE A ATTRREE (Atlanta) Jerry Seinfield February 6 M AARRA M ATTH HO ON NM MU U SSIICC W WO ORRK KSS (Nashville) Cold War Kids, Elliot Moss February 6 TTH H EE 11 2200 TTA AVVEE RRN N (Marietta, GA) Shooter Jennings With Waymore’s Outlaws February 7 CCU ULL TTU URRA ALL CCEEN N TTEERR (Roswell, GA) Ruthie Foster February 7 CCEEN N TTEE RR SSTTA AG G EE (Atlanta) Cold War Kids, Eliot Moss February 7 G EEO G ORRG G IIA AD DO OM M EE (Atlanta) Skillet, Jeremy Camp, Francesca Batistell, Building 429, Family Force 5, NewSong, For King And Country, Blanca, Veridia February 7 BBRRIID DG G EESS TTO ON N EE AARREE N NAA (Nashville) Skillet, Jeremy Camp, Francesca Batistell, Building 429, Family Force 5, NewSong, For King And Country, Blanca, Veridia February 8 CCA AN NN NEE RRYY BBA ALL LLRRO OO OM M (Nashville) Guster, Kishi Bashi February 12 CCIITTYY W W IIN NEE RRYY N N AASSH H VVIILL LLEE (Nashville) Colin Hay February 12 BBU U CCK KH HEE A AD D TTH H EEAA TTRR EE (Atlanta) Shovels & Rope, Caroline Rose February 12 WII LLD W DH HO ORRSSEE SS AALLO OO ON N (Nashville) Rick Springfield February 13
FFO OXX TTH H EE AATTRREE (Atlanta) John Mellencamp, Carlene Carter February 13 TTH HEE TTAABBEE RRN N AACCLLEE (Atlanta) Guster February 13 VVA ARRIIEE TTYY PPLLAA YYH HO OU USS EE (Atlanta) Big Head Todd & the Monsters February 13 TTH HO OM M PPSSO ON N --BBO OLLIIN NG G AARREE N N AA (Knoxville) Skillet, Jeremy Camp, Francesca Batistell, Building 429, Family Force 5, NewSong, For King And Country, Blanca, Veridia February 13 VVO ON N BBRRAA U UN N CCEE N NTTEE RR (Huntsville) Brian Regan February 14 RRYYM MAA N N AAU UD D IITTO ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Shovels & Rope February 14 CCIITTYY W WII N NEE RRYY N N AASSH H VVIILLLL EE (Nashville) Dave Mason February 15 WAARR M W MEE M MO ORR IIAALL AAU UD D IITTO ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Dr. John February 17 CCIITTYY W WII N NEE RRYY N N AASSH H VVIILLLL EE (Nashville) Arlo Guthrie February 17 VVA ARRIIEE TTYY PPLLAA YYH HO OU USS EE (Atlanta) Dark Star Orchestra February 18 CCIITTYY W WII N NEE RRYY N N AASSH H VVIILLLL EE (Nashville) Arlo Guthrie February 18 RRYYM MAA N N AAU UD D IITTO ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Blackberry Smoke February 18 PPH H IILLIIPPSS AARREE N N AA (Atlanta) Maroon 5, Magic!, Rozzi Crane February 19 SSCCH H EERRM M EE RRH HO ORRN N SS YYM M PPH HO ON NYY CCEE N N TTEE RR (Nashville) Styx February 19-21 EED DD D IIEE’’ SS AATTTTIICC (Atlanta) John Hammond February 22 TTH HEE TTAABBEE RRN N AACCLLEE (Atlanta) Pierce the Veil, Sleeping With Sirens February 22 BBRRIID DG GEE SSTTO ON N EE AA RREEN N AA (Nashville) Maroon 5, Magic!, Rozzi Crane February 22 MAA RRAATTH M HO ON NM MU USS IICC W WO ORRK K SS (Nashville) Goodbye June, Kongos, Sir Sly, Colony House February 27 TTH HEE M M AASSQ QU U EERRAA D DEE (Atlanta) August Burns Red, Miss May I, Northlane, Erra March 4 TTH HO OM M PPSSO ON N --BBO OLLIIN NG G AARREE N N AA (Knoxville)
Fleetwood Mac March 8 VVA A RRIIEE TTYY PPLLA AYYH HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Hozier, George Ezra March 10 BBJJCCCC CCO ON NCCEE RRTT H HA ALLLL (Birmingham) John Mellencamp, Carlene Carter March 12 TTH H EE TTA ABBEE RRN NA A CCLL EE (Atlanta) Hozier March 13 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD D IITTO ORR IIU UM M (Nashville) Hozier March 14 MCCK M KEE N N ZZIIEE A ARREE N NA A (Chattanooga) Skillet, Jeremy Camp, Francesca Batistell, Building 429, Family Force 5, NewSong, For King And Country, Blanca, Veridia March 15 SSCCH HEE RRM M EERRH HO ORRN N SSYYM M PPH HO ON N YY CCEE N NTTEE RR (Nashville) Vienna Boys Choir March 15 WO W ORRK KPPLL A AYY SSO OU UN ND D SSTTA AG G EE (Birmingham) Joshua Radin March 15 CCEE N N TTEE RR SS TTA AG GEE (Atlanta) Joshua Radin March 16 BBRRIID DG GEE SSTTO ON NEE A ARR EEN NA A (Nashville) Fleetwood Mac March 18 SSCCH HEE RRM M EERRH HO ORRN N SSYYM M PPH HO ON N YY CCEE N NTTEE RR (Nashville) Boyz II Men March 19-21 CCA AN NN N EERR YY BBA ALLLLRR O OO OM M (Nashville) Meghan Trainor March 20 SSCCH HEE RRM M EERRH HO ORRN N SSYYM M PPH HO ON N YY CCEE N NTTEE RR (Nashville) Boyz II Men March 20 BBJJCCCC A ARREE N NA A (Birmingham) Skillet, Jeremy Camp, Francesca Batistell, Building 429, Family Force 5, NewSong, For King And Country, Blanca, Veridia March 21 SSCCH HEE RRM M EERRH HO ORRN N SSYYM M PPH HO ON N YY CCEE N NTTEE RR (Nashville) Boyz II Men March 21 PPH HII LLIIPPSS A ARREE N NA A (Atlanta) Ariana Grande, Rixton March 24 TTEE N NN NEE SSSSEE EE TTH HEE A ATTRREE (Knoxville) Brian Regan March 26 SSYYM MPPH HO ON N YY H HA A LLLL (Atlanta) Jane Lynch March 28 FFO OXX TTH H EEA A TTRREE (Atlanta) Brian Regan
March 28 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DII TTO ORRII U UM M (Nashville) Brian Regan March 29 EE D DD D IIEE ’’ SS A ATTTTIICC (Atlanta) Al Stewart March 29 SS CCH H EE RRM M EERRH HO ORRN N SSYYM M PPH HO ON N YY CCEEN N TTEE RR (Nashville) Bernadette Peters April 9-11 BBJJ CCCC CCO ON N CCEERRTT H HA A LLLL (Birmingham) Roberta Flack April 18 SS YYM M PPH HO ON NYY H HA ALL LL (Atlanta) Diana Krall April 19 AN A ND D RREEW W JJ A ACCK KSSO ON NH HA ALLLL (Nashville) Anjelah Johnson April 19 TTH H EE A ARREE N NA AA ATT G GW WII N NN N EE TTTT CCEE N N TTEERR (Atlanta) The Who April 23 CCIITTYY W W IIN N EERRYY N NA ASS H HVVII LLLLEE (Nashville) Joan Armatrading April 25 CCO OBBBB EE N NEE RRG G YY PPEE RRFFO ORRM M IIN NG GA ARRTTSS CCEEN N TTEERR (Atlanta) Lewis Black May 1 TTIIVVO OLLII TTH HEE A ATTRREE (Chattanooga) Lewis Black May 2 CCO OBBBB EE N NEE RRG G YY PPEE RRFFO ORRM M IIN NG GA ARRTTSS CCEEN N TTEERR (Atlanta) Bill Cosby May 2 TTEE N NN N EE SSSSEE EE TTH HEE A ATTRREE (Knoxville) Lewis Black May 3 SS CCH H EE RRM M EERRH HO ORRN N SSYYM M PPH HO ON N YY CCEEN N TTEE RR (Nashville) Kenny G May 7-9 VVEE RRIIZZ O ON NW W IIRREE LLEE SSSS A AM MPP H HIITTH H EE A ATTRREE (Atlanta) ZZ Top, Jeff Beck May 10 BBRRII D DG G EE SSTTO ON N EE A ARREE N NA A (Nashville) The Who May 11 PPH H IILL IIPPSS A ARREEN NA A (Atlanta) Bette Midler May 13 IIRR O ON N CCIITTYY (Birmingham) Kamelot, Dragonforce May 21 AA A A RRO ON NSS A AM M PPH H IITTH HEE A ATTRREE (Atlanta) 5 Seconds of Summer August 5 BBRRII D DG G EE SSTTO ON N EE A ARREE N NA A (Nashville) Taylor Swift, Vance Joy September 25/26 G EE O G ORRG G IIA AD DO OM M EE (Atlanta) Taylor Swift, Vance Joy, Shawn Mendes October 24
OP ENING T HIS WEEK Big Hero 6 Robotics prodigy Hiro Hamada learns to harness his genius—thanks to his brilliant brother Tadashi and their likeminded friends: adrenaline junkie Go Go Tamago, neatnik Wasabi, chemistry whiz Honey Lemon and fanboy Fred. When a devastating turn of events catapults them into the midst of a dangerous plot unfolding in the streets of San Fransokyo, Hiro turns to his closest companion—a robot named Baymax— and transforms the group into a band of high-tech heroes determined to solve the mystery. Interstellar PG-13 A group of explorers make use of a newly discovered wormhole to surpass the limitations on human space travel
and conquer the vast distances involved in an interstellar voyage. NOW S HOWING 23 Blast PG-13 When a high school football star is suddenly stricken with irreversible total blindness, he must decide whether to live a safe handicapped life or bravely return to the life he once knew and the sport he still loves Addicted R Successful businesswoman Zoe Reynard appears to have attained it all - the dream husband she loves, two Matthew McConaughey in Paramount Pictures’ “Interstellar”. wonderful children and a flourishing career. As perfect as everything secretive life, Zoe finds herself risking her, leading her to question whether appears from the outside, Zoe is still it all when she heads down a perilous the truth is sometimes better left forgotten. drawn to temptations she cannot path she may not survive. escape or resist. As she pursues a Alexander And The Terrible, Horrible, Dracula Untold PG-13 The year is 1462, and Transylvania has No Good, Very Bad Day PG Follows young Alexander through the enjoyed a prolonged period of peace mishaps of a terrible day for his family under the just and fair rule of the batafter he wishes they all would experi- tle-weary Vlad III, Prince of Wallachia, and his beloved and brave wife, ence the same troubles he does. Mirena. Together, they have brokered peace for their country and ensured its Annabelle R John Form has found the perfect gift people are well-protected, especially for his expectant wife, Mia—a beauti- from the powerful Ottoman Empire-an ful, rare vintage doll in a pure white ever-expanding scourge that has its wedding dress. But Mia’s delight with sights on global domination. But when Annabelle doesn’t last long. On one Sultan Mehmed II demands 1,000 of horrific night, their home is invaded by Wallachia’s boys-including Vlad’s own members of a satanic cult, who violent- son, Ingeras be torn from their parents’ ly attack the couple. Spilled blood and homes and forced to become child solterror are not all they leave behind. diers in his army, Vlad must decide: do The cultists have conjured an entity so the same as his father before him and malevolent that nothing they did will give up his son to the sultan, or seek the help of a monster to defeat the compare to Turks but ultimately doom his soul to a life of servitude. Vlad journeys to Before I Go To Sleep R Due to a catastrophic accident in her Broken Tooth Mountain, where he mid-twenties, Christine, now a forty- encounters a foul demon and enters seven-year-old writer, is incapable of into a Faustian bargain-one that gives forming and maintaining new memo- the prince the strength of 100 men, the ries for more than a day. Trapped in an speed of a falling star and enough existence in which she wakes every day power to crush his enemies. However, believing herself to be single and with he will be inflicted with an insatiable a whole lifetime of choice ahead of her thirst to drink human blood. If by the she discovers instead that she lives end of three days Vlad manages to with her husband, Ben, with most deci- resist, he will return to his former self, sions already made. Through her meet- and perhaps in that time manage to ings with a doctor who is helping her to save his people. Though should he recover her memory, Christine’s story drink, he will be forced to dwell in the begins to emerge, setting in motion a darkness for the rest of his days, feedseries of events that trigger startling ing only on the blood of humans and consequences for her and all who love destroying all that he holds dear. ENIGMA
Fury R April, 1945. As the Allies make their final push in the European Theatre, a battle-hardened army sergeant named Wardaddy commands a Sherman tank and her five-man crew on a deadly mission behind enemy lines. Outnumbered and outgunned, and with a rookie soldier thrust into their platoon, Wardaddy and his men face overwhelming odds in their heroic attempts to strike at the heart of Nazi Germany.
only a few clues and two handsaws— too weak to break their steel shackles, but strong enough to cut through flesh and bone.
St. Vincent PG-13 Maggie, a single mother, moves into a new home in Brooklyn with her 12-year old son, Oliver. Forced to work long hours, she has no choice but to leave Oliver in the care of their new neighbor, Vincent, a retired curmudgeon with a penchant for alcohol and gambling. An odd friendship soon blossoms Gone Girl R GONE GIRL – directed by David Fincher between the improbable pair. Together and based upon the global bestseller with a pregnant stripper named Daka, by Gillian Flynn – unearths the secrets Vincent brings Oliver along on all the at the heart of a modern marriage. On stops that make up his daily routine – the occasion of his fifth wedding the race track, a strip club, and the anniversary, Nick Dunne (Ben Affleck) local dive bar. Vincent helps Oliver reports that his beautiful wife, Amy grow to become a man, while Oliver (Rosamund Pike), has gone missing. begins to see in Vincent something that Under pressure from the police and a no one else is able to: a misunderstood growing media frenzy, Nick’s portrait man with a good heart. of a blissful union begins to crumble. Soon his lies, deceits and strange The Best of Me behavior have everyone asking the When a mutual friend dies, former high same dark question: Did Nick Dunne school sweethearts Dawson Cole and Amanda Collier find themselves back in kill his wife? their hometown for the first time in 20 years. Amanda has moved on with a John Wick An ex-hitman comes out of retirement family of her own, but Dawson never to track down the gangsters that took got over his one true love. Their old relationship is rekindled, but the everything from him. forces that drove them away in the first place are still there and violence and Nightcrawler R Lou Bloom, an ambitious young man heartbreak are the only possible outdesperate for work, discovers the comes. world of L.A. crime journalism. When Lou learns of a group of freelance cam- The Book of Life PG era crews who film crashes, fires, mur- THE BOOK OF LIFE, a vibrant fantasyder and other mayhem, Lou muscles his adventure, tells the legend of Manolo, way into the dangerous realm of night a conflicted hero and dreamer who crawling, where a police siren wail sets off on an epic quest through magmeans a possible windfall, and victims ical, mythical and wondrous worlds in are converted into dollars and cents. order to rescue his one true love and Aided by Nina, a local TV news veteran, defend his village. Lou blurs the line between observer The Boxtrolls PG and participant. Cheesebridge is a posh Victorian-era town obsessed with wealth, class and Ouija PG-13 A group of friends must confront their the stinkiest of fine cheeses. Beneath most terrifying fears when they awak- its charming cobblestone streets dwell en the dark powers of an ancient spir- the Boxtrolls, foul monsters who crawl out of the sewers at night and steal it board. what the townspeople hold most dear: their children and their cheeses. At Saw R A young man named Adam wakes to least, that’s the legend residents have find himself chained to a rusty pipe always believed. In truth, the Boxtrolls inside a decrepit subterranean cham- are an underground cavern-dwelling ber. Chained to the opposite side of the community of quirky and lovable oddroom is another bewildered captive, balls who wear recycled cardboard Dr. Lawrence Gordon. Between them is boxes the way turtles wear their shells. a dead man lying in a pool of blood, The Boxtrolls have raised an orphaned holding a .38 in his hand. Neither man human boy, Eggs, since infancy as one knows why he has been abducted, but of their dumpster-diving and mechaniinstructions left on a microcassette cal junk-collecting own. When the order Dr. Gordon to kill Adam within Boxtrolls are targeted by villainous eight hours. If he fails to do so, then pest exterminator Archibald Snatcher, both men will die; Dr. Gordon’s wife, who is bent on eradicating them as his Alison, and his daughter will also be ticket to Cheesebridge society, the killed. Recalling a recent murder inves- kindhearted band of tinkerers must tigation by a police detective named turn to their adopted charge and Tapp, Dr. Gordon realizes he and Adam adventurous rich girl Winnie to bridge are the next victims of a psychopathic two worlds amidst the winds of change genius known only as “Jigsaw.” With - and cheese. only a few hours left to spare, they must unravel the elaborate puzzle of The Equalizer R their fate in the midst of mounting ter- McCall believes he has put his mysteriror. The killer has provided them with ous past behind him and dedicated ENIGMA
himself to beginning a new, quiet life. But when McCall meets Teri, a young girl under the control of ultra-violent Russian gangsters, he can’t stand idly by – he has to help her. Armed with hidden skills that allow him to serve vengeance against anyone who would brutalize the helpless, McCall comes out of his self-imposed retirement and finds his desire for justice reawakened. If someone has a problem, if the odds are stacked against them, if they have nowhere else to turn, McCall will help. He is The Equalizer.
The Maze Runner PG-13 When Thomas wakes up trapped in a massive maze with a group of other boys, he has no memory of the outside world other than strange dreams about a mysterious organization known as W.C.K.D. Only by piecing together fragments of his past with clues he discovers in the maze can Thomas hope to uncover his true purpose and a way to escape. Based upon the best-selling novel by James Dashner. COMI NG S OON
The Judge R Big city lawyer Hank Palmer, who returns to his childhood home where his estranged father, the town’s judge, is suspected of murder. He sets out to discover the truth and along the way reconnects with the family he walked away from years before.
Across 2. Worn to protect the clothing 6. Fermented grape juices 11. Lady's-finger 13. State resident 15. English princess 17. Fixes 18. Ogles 19. Underground part of a plant 20. Deuces 21. Thin glutinous mud 22. Authentic 23. Finish first 25. Biddies 26. Person whose religion is Judaism 30. Devote 32. Modify 36. Complete change 37. Shooting sport 38. Sealing compound 40. Purchase
A Merry Friggin’ Christmas PG-13 Boyd and his family are forced to spend a dreaded Christmas at his parent’s house with his eccentric father that he has been avoiding for years. When he realizes that he left his son’s gifts at home, Boyd and his father must hit the road in a blizzard to retrieve the gifts before sunrise to save Christmas.
12. Flightless bird 14. Small dam 16. Part of speech 24. Rich and fashionable travellers 26. Trash 27. Spouse 28. Group of tents 29. Genus of vermin 30. Step in ballet 31. Short letter 33. Paint unskillfully 34. Be sorry for 35. Plaything 39. Highest 42. Public exhibition Down 43. Judges 1. Florida city 2. Inert elemental gas 44. Metal fastener 45. Mathematics 3. Move past 46. Raised platform 4. Lubricates 47. Evade work 5. Yuletide 6. Of moderate tem- 48. Unwieldy ship 51. Career golfers perature 52. Unpleasant smell 7. Insert 53. Salver 8. Planet 54. Stylish 9. Breathe noisily 10. Hates intensely 41. Places to sleep 47. Shaft horsepower 49. Executive Officer 50. Away 54. Pal 55. Imitator 56. Tester 57. Hawaiian port 58. Draw near 59. Book of the Bible 60. Annoys 61. Native of Switzerland 62. Type of packsack
Francisco. The tour will come to an early end when Syd Barrett displays increasingly strange behavior, refusing to lip sync to “Arnold Layne” on American Bandstand and refusing to answer questions on The Pat Boone Show.
11 995544 Elvis Presley made his only commercial when he sang a jingle for Southern Maid Doughnuts on the Louisiana Hayride radio program. Elvis sang “You can get ‘em piping hot after four p.m., you can get ‘em piping hot. Southern Maid Doughnuts hit the spot, you can get ‘em piping hot after four p.m.” 1199 5566 Police use tear gas to break up a riot that broke out during a Fats Domino concert in Fayetteville, North Carolina. Fats and three of his sidemen suffer minor cuts.
Ray Charles is arrested in Indianapolis after police discover marijuana and heroin in his hotel room. 119966 22 A song called “He’s A Rebel” topped the Billboard Hot 100, credited to The Crystals. In reality, the song was recorded by a trio known as The Blossoms, featuring lead singer Darlene Love. Phil Spector had hastily put the song together while The Crystals were out of town and put their name on the label because they had already had two top twenty hits with “There’s No Other” and “Uptown”.
Elvis Presley’s “Love Me Tender” took 119966 33 over the top spot on the Billboard chart, pushing his double sided hit In a review of a recent show, the “Don’t Be Cruel” / “Hound Dog” to phrase Beatlemania is coined by London’s Daily Mirror. number two. 11 9955 77 Sun Records releases “Great Balls of Fire” by Jerry Lee Lewis. It will be his biggest hit, reaching number two on the Billboard Pop chart, number three on the R&B list and number one on the Country And Western chart. The single sold a million copies during its first ten days of release and would go on to sell over five million copies world-wide.
119966 55 The Who release a song called “My Generation” which will become a sort of anthem for British teens, rising to number two on the UK chart. In the US however, despite performing the tune on The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour, the song will be mostly ignored and would get no higher than number 74 on the Billboard chart. “My Generation” was named the 11th greatest song by Rolling Stone on their list of the 500 Greatest Songs 11 996600 33-year-old Johnny Horton, who had of All Time. a number one hit with “Battle of New Orleans”, died when his Cadillac was Bill Graham opened The Fillmore hit by a drunken truck driver in West in San Francisco as a west coast Milano, Texas. Ironically, Johnny had partner to his Fillmore East in New just played his last show at the York. The venue was the launching Skyline in Austin, where Hank pad for The Jefferson Airplane, The Williams had played his last show as Grateful Dead, Big Brother And The well. Horton’s widow, Billy Joe, was Holding Company and many other also Hanks Williams’ widow. local bands. Both sites remained in operation until 1971. Graham died in a helicopter crash in October, 1991 at 11996611 Jimmy Dean’s “Big, Bad John” the age of 60. becomes the 100th US number one single of the Rock and Roll era. It 11 996666 would prove to be his only chart top- Eight weeks after their TV series per, although he would have another debuted, The Monkees had the numTop Ten record with “P.T. 109” the ber one record in the US with “Last next year. Jimmy said he wrote the Train To Clarksville”. song in an hour and a half while fly119966 77 ing to Nashville for a recording sesPink Floyd make their US debut at the sion. Winterland Ballroom in San ENIGMA
drink coffee after he passed out from drugs and alcohol. 119977 33 The De Franco Family enjoyed their biggest hit when “Heartbeat - It’s a Lovebeat” topped out at #3 on the Billboard chart.
Smokey Robinson And The Miracles’ 119977 44 “I Second That Emotion” is released. The tune will top the Billboard R&B Three Dog Night’s next to last chartchart, reach #4 on the Pop chart and ing record, “Play Something Sweet”, enters The Hot 100 where it will peak climb to #27 in the UK. at number 33. August of 1975 would 1199 6688 see the end of their eight years as hit The Monkees’ three quarter of a mil- makers when “Til The World Ends” lion dollar feature film, Head debuts would reach number 32. in New York. Instead of being aimed at their target audience of teeny bop- Bad Company’s first Billboard chart pers, the flick contains a dark theme entry, “Can’t Get Enough” tops out at about the manipulation of the group, #5. The British quartet would go on to seemingly pointless walk-on appear- place eight more songs in the US Top ances by inappropriate guests and 40, but only one, “Feel Like Makin’ scenes of Vietnam War atrocities. Love”, would crack the Top 10. Reviews are harsh and the picture is a box office disaster. Rolling Stone reports that Ted Nugent has won the National Squirrel11 997700 Shooting Archery Contest by picking While making one of his rare stage off a squirrel at 150 yards. Nugent appearances, The Beach Boys’ Brian also wiped out 27 more of the small Wilson loses his balance several mammals with a handgun during the times and has to be helped backstage. three day event. His right ear, the better of the two, 119977 55 sustains severe damage because of The Sex Pistols play their first show the volume level on-stage. at St. Martin’s School of Art in MGM Records President Mike Curb London. The performance lasted announces that the company is drop- about 10 minutes. ping 18 acts from its roster in a move to discredit musicians who “exploit David Bowie made his US TV debut and promote hard drugs through performing “Fame”, on the Cher CBSmusic.” Among the acts dropped are Connie Francis, and The Cowsills, but not Eric Burdon. 11 9977 11 Announcer Al Dvorin utters what would become a well-known phrase: “Elvis has left the building” at the end of a Minneapolis concert by the King. He was asked to make the announcement in an effort to quiet the fans who continued to call for an encore. Ironically, Dvorin was killed in an automobile accident following a concert by an Elvis impersonator in August, 2004. Cher scored her first solo US number one hit with “Gypsys, Tramps and Thieves”, a song that reached #4 in the UK. It had been four years since she last appeared on the Billboard singles chart with “You Better Sit Down, Kids”. 1199 7722 Eight weeks after entering the Billboard Hot 100, “I Can See Clearly Now” by Johnny Nash claims the top spot. It made #5 in the UK. After a show at Imperial College in London, New York Dolls’ drummer, 21-year-old Billy Murcia, is accidentally suffocated when his girlfriend tries to wake him by forcing him to
TV show. 1199 7766 Country / Rock band Firefall is awarded a Gold record for their selftitled debut album, which includes the #9 US hit single, “You Are the Woman”.
Stevie Wonder’s “Part-Time Lover” topped the Billboard Pop chart, becoming his ninth single to do so. The song also led the R&B, Dance and Adult Contemporary charts, making Stevie the first artist to score a number one hit on four different Billboard charts. In the UK, it reached #3.
The Steve Miller Band scored their 11 998866 second US number one hit, “Rock’n’ Me”. It made #11 in the UK. After “More Than A Feeling” reached number five (1976) and “Don’t Look 119977 77 Back” made it to number four (1978), Ozzy Osbourne quits Black Sabbath, Boston finally scored their first and only to rejoin a few weeks later. He only number one single with eventually leaves again to pursue a “Amanda”. solo career. 119988 77 1199 7788 A sixteen-year-old singer named After returning from a two year hia- Tiffany had the top tune in the US tus, Anne Murray topped the with a cover version of Tommy James’ Billboard Hot 100 with the biggest 1967 hit, “I Think We’re Alone Now”. selling single of her career, “You His rendition stalled at number four. Needed Me”. It was her fourth US Top Tiffany became the youngest act to Ten single and made #22 in the UK. score a US #1 since a 14-year-old Anne would go on to put six more Michael Jackson with did it with songs on Billboard’s Top 40 Pop “Ben” in 1972. chart. 11 998888 1199 7799 The Beach Boys had the number one British musician Robin Scott, using record in the US when “Kokomo”, the pseudonym M, topped the US sin- from the movie Cocktail, reached the gles chart with a Techno-Pop, dance top. It made #25 in the UK. It had been tune called “Pop Muzik”. The record 22 years since the group had their last had reached number two in England US chart topper with “Good the previous May. Vibrations”. Their only other Top Ten hit in that time had been “Rock and 11998811 Roll Music” in 1976. Daryl Hall and John Oates achieve their third US number one single with John Fogerty was found not guilty of “Private Eyes”. Over the next three plagiarizing his own song, “Run years they would have three more. Through the Jungle” when he wrote “Private Eyes” reached #32 in the UK. “The Old Man Down The Road”. His former record label, Fantasy Records, 1199 8833 had brought about the suit, which The Fixx, a New Wave, Techno-Pop ended up costing Fogerty $400,000 in band from London, England, enjoy legal fees. their peak U.S. chart success when 11 998899 “One Thing Leads To Another” reaches #4 on the Billboard chart. The song Former US Army Staff Sergeant Barry would later be featured in the video Sadler died at a Veterans game Grand Theft Auto: Vice City on Administration hospital in Nashville the fictional radio station Flash FM. It from complications brought on by an also turned up in an episode of TV’s un-explained gun shot wound to the Everybody Hates Chris and in the head, suffered 14 months earlier in Guatemala City. Sadler is best rememmovie The House of the Devil. bered for his hit “The Ballad of the 1199 8844 Green Berets”, which stayed on top of After a judge rules that he shot in self Billboard’s Pop chart for five weeks defense, The Reverend Marvin Gay in 1966. He was 49 years old at time Sr. is given only five years probation of his death. for killing his son, Marvin Gaye. 11 999911 (Marvin added an “e” to his stage name) Ironically, it was Marvin Jr. Carter Cornelius of The Cornelius who had given his father the .38 Brothers And Sister Rose died of a heart attack at the age of 43. Their revolver used in the killing. biggest hits were “Too Late To Turn Billy Ocean started a two week run at Back Now” and “Treat Her Like A #1 on the Billboard singles chart with Lady”. “Caribbean Queen”. The song was recorded under different titles for 119999 44 different parts of the world, resulting Former Palm Springs mayor Sonny in versions such as “European Queen” Bono is elected to the US House of Representatives. Author Ronald and “African Queen”. Kessler later pointed out in his expose book Inside Congress that 1199 8855 ENIGMA
Bono was widely ridiculed and was called one of the “dimmest bulbs” in Congress by the political magazine The Progressive. 11 999955 Hootie And The Blowfish reach an out of court settlement with Bob Dylan for the group’s unauthorized use of Dylan’s lyrics in their song “Only Want To Be With You”. 2200 0022 Santana topped the Billboard album chart with “Shaman”, their fourth US #1 album. It would later be certified Double Platinum by the RIAA on the strength of the singles “The Game of Love” and “Why Don’t You & I”. 2200 0033 Bobby Hatfield, one-half of the Hall of Fame duo, The Righteous Brothers, died of an apparent heart attack at the age of 63. 2200 0055 Beach Boys singer Mike Love launched a lawsuit against former band mate Brian Wilson for using Love’s likeness and the band trademark to promote Wilson’s album “Smile”, allegedly costing the other band members millions in unpaid revenue.
Link Wray, the electric guitar innovator who is often credited as the father of the power chord, died at his home in Copenhagen of natural causes. He was 76. His 1959 instrumental, “Rumble” was banned by many US radio stations, even thought it had no lyrics what so ever. 2200 0077 The Eagles’ first studio album in 28 years, “Long Road Out Of Eden”, rose to the top of the Billboard Hot 200 chart after selling 711,000 copies in the US during its first week of release. The LP produced two singles on the Hot Country Songs charts: a cover of J.D. Souther’s “How Long” and “Busy Being Fabulous”, both of which were Top 30 hits on the Country charts as well as Top 20 hits on the Hot Adult Contemporary Tracks charts. 22 0000 88 Daryl Hall And John Oates launched a lawsuit against music publisher Warner / Chappell Music in Manhattan Supreme Court, accusing the company of failing to protect the copyright to their 1982 hit “Maneater” after an unidentified singer had used the song in a 2006 recording. 22 0011 00 Jim Clench, bassist for April Wine on their Billboard #32 hit “You Could Have Been A Lady” in 1972, died of lung cancer at the age of 61.
22 0011 11 19
A US Federal Appeals Court ruled that TV network NBC should not be fined for broadcasting Janet Jackson’s now infamous “wardrobe malfunction” in 2004. The Broadcaster aired a glimpse of Jackson’s breast during the Super Bowl half-time show. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) brought the case to the US Supreme Court in 2008 to force the TV network to pay a $550,000 (345,270 Pounds) fine. Andrea True, a Disco star and actress who had Top 40 hits with “More, More, More” (1976) and “N.Y. You Got Me Dancing” (1977), died of undisclosed causes at the age of 68. 22 00 1122 Cleve Duncan, vocalist for The Penguins on their 1955 Billboard #1 hit, “Earth Angel”, passed away at the age of 77. Reports surfaced that Jermaine Jackson had filed legal papers at Los Angeles County Superior Court asking to have the spelling of his surname altered to Jacksun for “artistic reasons.” The request would be granted in February, 2013. 2200 1133 During an interview on Detroit radio station WCSX, Ted Nugent was asked if he had a future in politics. He replied, “I have threatened to run for public office, because I have been prodded to do so... I believe that I would perform an enormous upgrade in returning to the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and most important of all, accountability.”
by 1960s counterculture hero KKeenn KKeesseeyy and his M Meerrrryy PPrraann kksstt eerrss. The band’s lineup Doogg’’ ss JJeeffff CChhiim meenntt ii included RRaa ttD Daa rrkk SSttaa rr’’ss JJ oohhnn K K aadd lleeccii kk. and D FFuurrtthhuurr delivered its “goodbye” via the band’s website, “To our loyal FFuurrtthhuurr fans and members of the FFuu rrtt hhuurr community at, we’d like to thank you for a terrific ride. We’ll be closing up shop at, and heading onward. Thanks for making the FF uurrtthhuurr community a great place to hang out, and for coming out to the shows. We’ll all be keeping very busy over the foreseeable future, and it’s time to let FFuurrtthhuurr take a bow. We enjoyed the ride more than we can possibly express. You can keep tabs on PPhhiill ’’ss activities at, BBoobb ’’ss activities at and all GGrraa tteeffuull DDeeaa dd news at”
wiifftt ’’ss label …TTaa yy ll oorr SSw home, Big Machine, is on the auction block. The news is apparently linked to the recent yanking of SSw wiifftt’’ ss entire catalog from Spotify, which lamented the decision in a blog post on the site. “We hope she’ll change her mind and join us in building a new music economy that works for everyone,” the post said. “We believe fans should be able to listen to music wherever and whenever they want, and that artists have an absolute right to be paid for their work and protected from piracy. That’s why we pay nearly 70 percent of our revenue back to the music community.” Sources reportedly close to the matter told the New York Post Big Machine owner SScc oott tt BBoorrcc hheettttaa is hoping to secure more than $200 million through a sale of the label. It’s …Several Georgia musiuncertain whether that number cians are working with a local is realistic. organization to save the steeple of a church in Athens where …Founded in 2009 by RR..EE ..M M.. played its first show in GGrraa tteeffuu ll DDeeaa dd members BBoobb 1980. Nuçi’s Space, a resource Weeiirr and PP hhii ll LLeesshh, FFuurrtthhuurr was center for musicians, hopes to W named after the famed psychedelic-painted touring bus used
raise $250,000 for the restoration effort. Donors who give $100 to the effort will get one of 2,000 bricks that were removed from the steeple during efforts to stabilize it. Nuçi’s Space and its foundation have worked to prevent suicide among people in the music community. The group helps people to obtain treatment for depression and other disorders. The group said it hopes that saving the steeple, which is directly behind Nuçi’s Space, helps bring awareness to the M.., The nonprofit’s mission. RR.. EE.. M BB--5522ss and the DDrriivv ee-- BByy TTrruucckkeerrss are among bands helping out in the effort. …One of the founders of popular file-sharing website The Pirate Bay has been arrested under an Interpol warrant as he was crossing into Thailand from Laos, police said Tuesday. H Haa nnss FFrreeddrriikk LLeenn nnaa rrtt NNeeiijj, who uses AM MO O, was detained the alias TTiiA Monday by Thai immigration police at a checkpoint in Thailand’s Nong Khai province, about 500 kilometers (310 miles) northeast of Bangkok. N Neeiijj , along with other Pirate Bay cofounders, was convicted of aiding copyright infringement by a court in Sweden in 2009. He fled the country after being released on bail. Regional Immigration Police Commissioner Maj. Gen. CChhaa rrttcchhaa ii EE iim mssaa eenngg said a U.S.based movie association had hired a Thai lawyer to search for NNeeiijj , and his photo had been given to immigration police in Nong Khai. The U.S. movie and music industries have for years
pursued strong legal action against sites such as The Pirate Bay, which they say aid the illegal distribution of copyrighted material, depriving its makers of profits due them. “It might have been a coincidence, but he was wearing the same gray T-shirt that was in the photo. The immigration police officer who spotted him in the car recognized him, so he pulled his car over,” CChhaa rrttcchhaa ii told The Associated Press by phone. CChhaarrttcchhaa ii said the 36-year-old Swede had lived in Laos since 2012 and traveled nearly 30 times to Thailand, where he has a house on the resort island of Phuket and 5 million baht ($153,000) in a savNeeii jj’’ss wife was in ings account. N the car with him. He was being sent to Bangkok later Tuesday and was expected to be returned to Sweden, the police officer said. …It’s all about that Meegghhaa nn TTrraa ii nnoorr. The pop star is M heading out on the road in February for her first ever North American headline tour. Before the tour begins you’ll be able to pick up a copy of her full-length debut, Title, which is due out Jan. 13. Practically the whole world is already in love with the six-time platinum single “All About That Bass.” The tune – which has been at the top of the charts for eight straight weeks – M ii cchhaa eell JJaa cc kkssoonn ’’ss has tied M record for longest leading No.1 single in Epic Records’ history.
The body positive song also holds bragging rights for the longest No. 1 by a female artist this year. Plus, “All About That Bass” hit No. 1 in the U.K., Australia, Canada, Germany, Austria, Denmark, Ireland and Mexico. The single peaked at No.1 on the iTunes singles chart in 58 countries. …Now that we’ve said Allllm maa nn BBrrootthheerrss goodbye to the A BBaa nndd with the act’s final shows last week, it’s time to say hello to G Grreegg gg A All ll m maa nn ’’ss new solo schedule. The outing includes a run of gigs in Georgia along with stops in Florida, Tennessee and All llm maa nn isn’t takNorth Carolina. A ing much time off the road in between the A All ll m maa nn BBrroo tthheerrss BBaa nndd’’ss farewell tour and his next adventure. The solo trip begins with a New Year’s Eve gig in Atlanta. The Rock and Roll Hall of famer will be joined by his band: guitarist SSccoott SS hhaa rrrraa rrdd, keyboardist PPeetteerr LLeevv iinn , drummer SS tteevv ee PPootttt ss, percussionist Maa rrcc Q M Quuii nn oonn eess , bassist RRoonn JJoohhnnssoonn, and horn players JJaa yy CCoolllliinnss, AA rrtt EE ddm maaii ssttoonn and M Maa rrcc FFrraa nnkklliinn. …Singer-songwriter LLaa uurryy nn HHiillll was 45 minutes late – twice – at the Voodoo Experience music festival in New Orleans. On the festival’s biggest stage, she arrived late Saturday and when her scheduled time ran out about 30 minutes later, her microphone was turned off, Times-Picayune reported. She was finishing “Ready or Not” when her microphone was cut off and M Miicc hhaaeell JJaa cckkssoo nn’’ss “Billie Jean” was piped into the speakers. She kept singing and gesturing until the lights were dimmed. Organizers later said she would have a second appearance in the final hour Saturday on the festival’s smallest stage. That time, she again
started 45 minutes late but was book, Myopia where he writes allowed to keep singing after the (via The Telegraph): “I hope to soon secure the means to comfestival’s 11 p.m. closing time. mission the construction of an W W a a y y n n e e S S t t a a t t i i c c , the important and sizeable theme … frontman for the metal band park to be conceived and SSttaa ttiicc--XX , has died at age 48. designed entirely by M Maa rrkk Moorrgg aann RR eenn kkeenn, who worked M M Mootthheerrssbbaa uugghh. For 40 years he with SSttaatt iicc and the band for 15 has set about creating a body of years, says SSttaa ttiicc died Saturday. work which amounts to his own She declined to give the location Magic Kingdom, where the visior the cause of the death. SS ttaattii cc tor is amused and frightened, was the lead vocalist, key- often simultaneously.” boardist and guitarist for SS ttaattii cc-XX, whose Wisconsin Death Trip meess BBll uunntt says his … JJ aam went platinum. He also released record label asked him to stop a solo album, Pighammer, in 2011. tweeting. JJaa m m eess BBll uunntt has RReennkkeenn says SSttaa ttiicc was set to revealed that his record label begin a monthlong U.S. tour initially asked him to abstain Monday and he planned to play from Twitter before realizing in Russia and England next year. that his social media presence SSttaa ttiicc was a native of Muskegon, was a hit with fans. Speaking to Michigan, and lived outside of Heat magazine, BBll uunntt said: “My Joshua Tree, California. He is record label set up the account survived by his wife, adult film and asked me to answer people, Wrraa yy. so I did. Then they phoned me up actress TTeerraa W and asked me to stop”, continu…W Weess AA nndd eerrssoonn is ing: “Twitter is just people’s reportedly working on setting up opinions, and opinions are like Deevvoo arseholes – everyone has one.” a theme park designed by D Maa rrkk M Moott hheerrssbbaa uugghh . The songwriter made headlines member M The pair have a long working earlier this year after posting a M ootthheerrbbaa uugghh series of sarcastic retorts to relationship with M having scored a number of online trolls. AAnn ddeerrssoonn ’’ss films, including Rushmore and The Royal If you know any truths, halfTenenbaums. However, a joint truths or outright lies about the theme park would represent a music and club scene send it to huge upscaling in the scope of Sissy Vance c/o Ann ddeerrssoonn their collaboration. A let slip of his plan in the foreword to M Moo tthheerrbbaa uugg hh’’ss new - Sissy Vance
1. Shovels & Rope 2. Leonard Cohen 3. Shakey Graves 4. AC/DC 5. Cracker 6. Foo Fighters 7. Tweedy 8. Ziggy Marley 9. Trigger Hippy 10. Elle King 11. Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers 12. TV On The Radio 13. Joe Bonamassa 14. Bush 15. Pink Floyd 16. Weezer 17. Jenny Lewis 18. Lucinda Williams 19. Fall Out Boy 20. Johnny Marr
ADVENTURE PICKS 1. The Decemberists 2. Ok Go 3. The Lone Bellow
Paul Collins Still Has the Beat On a cold October night I went to see The Beat. What I witnessed was kind of sad. I am a late bloomer when it comes to The Beat. This is Paul Collins’ Beat not the English Beat I’m talking about. While I consider myself a music aficionado I do not consider myself a music snob. I am quite familiar with the history of Paul Collins. He is considered by many the “Godfather of Power Pop”. Collins’ roots go back about 40 years or so when he formed a group with Peter Case called The Nerves out in L.A. They were a popular pop band that played powerful three-chord rock and roll like no one else. They got regionally popular even a record deal but never got above cult status. They cemented their legacy when a punk band out of New York named Blondie recorded one of their songs, “Hanging On the Telephone”. It wasn’t one of Blondie’s biggest hits but you will find it on just about every Blondie “Best of” or compilation.
its peak. The Knack took the world by storm with the number one single “My Sharona” and number one debut album “Get The Knack” and label execs were all about signing power pop bands. Paul Collins and his Beat were one of the bands signed and they delivered with their selftitled album in 1979. It garnered a lot of praise from critics and the kids took a liking to it. The first single “Rock N Roll Girl” garnered a lot of airplay and a spot on “American Bandstand”. But as quick as power pop blew up it faded almost as quickly. Bands like The Beat and the Plimsouls never garnered much traction and were left to the music snobs and other music fans.
Despite being dropped from the label a few albums later Paul Collins kept the band together and still does it preaching to those who will listen the gospel of power pop. Touring as Paul Collins Beat the man and the band just dropped a new album of power pop classics to the world. After The Nerves disbanded Case And he is on tour now. went on to form the Plimsouls whose big break came when they This brings us back to the first were featured in the movie and paragraph. Like I said I am a latesoundtrack of “Valley Girl” which comer to Paul Collins and The was Nicolas Cage’s first leading Beat. I am a fan. And I finally got role. Their song “A Million Miles my chance to see hem live. I was Away” is on every “cool” ‘80s disappointed when I arrived howcompilation. But enough about ever. It wasn’t the band’s fault. Case this is about Paul Collins and They were playing in the basehis Beat. ment of a vegetarian restaurant called Sluggo’s North. Yep, they The Beat signed with Columbia were in a basement. There were Records just as power pop was at maybe 25 people in attendance ENIGMA
for the show and that included members of the two opening bands. I felt bad for Paul and I felt bad for music as a whole. Collins and The Beat deserved a whole lot better.
around their hometown almost as long as some of the people in the crowd. At least three of them have played together in various other musical projects.
Frontman Doug Whitehead is an underrated frontman. He is eclectic, electric and original. With boundless energy and enthusiasm you can’t help but crack a smile watching his antics. His vocals are pretty good and he is very engaging jumping into the crowd and mixing it up. Easily one of the best in what he does, he’s just been stuck home all Despite all this Collins and his these years. I just wonder if it is Beat took the stage and let it all what he desired. hang out. They were loud, they were melodic and they rocked. The rest of the band is tight and The small crowd of posers assem- they are well versed in power bled even put down their PBR’s to pop, rock and such. Opening for rock along with the band. The set Paul Collins is the perfect pairing consisted of a lot of songs from for them. It is a shame that Doug, their first album The Beat and Tommy Cass and Jody Park encompassed Collins’ 40-year remain stuck in their hometown. career including material form They obviously have – or had the the newest release. Collins and talent to be big. Not really sure The Beat are true troupers play- why they never really pursued it. ing their heads off for the small but appreciative crowd. It is a The middle act was Future shame that hardly anyone was Virgins. Future Virgins are more here for it. For what its worth punk than Thee Finks or The Beat. Sluggo’s gets top kudos for host- While their music has power pop ing the show. They’re bringing in sensibilities they were more edgy better music than most of the with a real pop feel they put on larger music venues in town and an intense set all setting up the hopefully people will pick up on crowd for what was to follow – it besides hipsters, posers and Paul Collins Beat. other freaks. - Dave Weinthal Opening the night was Thee Finks and four-piece from Chattanooga, TN. The quartet has been playing I didn’t realize as first when I arrived that I was sitting next to Collins. I had my hunches but I wasn’t sure. He had a stern look on his face as he intently watched the two openers. I saw him get up and move around and pick up a guitar case. Had I really been that close and not acknowledged him?
© Photo by Dave Weinthal
© Photo by Dave Weinthal
© Photo by Dave Weinthal
Thee FiNKS
© Photo by Dave Weinthal
Thee FiNKS
© Photo by Dave Weinthal
Ray LaMontagne Brings Plenty of Treats to Fans on Halloween
© Photo by Dave Weinthal
I’m a latecomer to Ray LaMontagne. And I’m glad. His new album Supernova has caused a little controversy because of a shift in sound. While he built his loyal following through his acoustic singer/songwriting style the new album is more poppy, even psychedelic and more approachable to people like me who are sick and tired of everyone being labeled a singer/songwriter and having to sit there quietly while he goes through some singer/songwriter masturbation and politely applaud at the proper time.
It may have been Halloween when he performed at the Tivoli Theatre there were no tricks - only treats. He relied heavily on Supernova as the folkster sounded more pop than soulful. While it may be a diversion for longtime fans he has introduced himself to those like myself who automatically roll our eyes when we hear someone described in this day and age as a “singer/songwriter”. Sure, singer/songwriter meant something in 1990, but to those like me this was always codeword to me for someone with emotional issues using song to provide therapy for ENIGMA
themselves and hopefully making a returned to the stage to join him wheelbarrow full of money doing on “Meg White” from 2008’s Gossip so. In the Grain”. He finished the night off with “God Willin’ and the I like the new material. Some of Creek Don’t Rise” before coming the other stuff is fine as well, but out for two encores. He finished there is something to be said about the night with perhaps his best energy and that’s exactly what known single “You Are the Best LaMontagne and his band dis- Thing”. played on this particular Friday night. A lot of longtime fans pissed Opening for LaMonagne was The and moaned over the new materi- Belle Brigade. The band is fronted al, even acting indifferent. They by a brother/sister duo with sister piped up when LaMontagne sent Barbara Gruska on drums and his band offstage as he performed younger brother Ethan on guitar a trio of songs solo “Burn”, and doing the majority of the “Trouble” and “Jolene”. The band singing. The duo were joined by
© Photo by Dave Weinthal © Photo by Dave Weinthal
an additional guitarist and bass player and played a high-energy set that was more of an alt-pop genre than anything else. Ray La Montagne Setli s t R Lavender She’s the One
For the Summer Pick Up a Gun Supernova I Still Care for You Airwaves Ojai Repo Man Smashing ENIGMA
Burn (acoustic) Trouble (acoustic) Jolene (acoustic) Meg White Julia God Willin’ and the Creek Don’t Rise
E ncor e: E Hey Me, Hey Mama Drive-In Movies E ncor e 2: E You Are the Best Thing
- Dave Weinthal NOVEMBER 6
© Photo by Dave Weinthal
© Photo by Dave Weinthal
The Belle Brigade Š Photo by Dave Weinthal
The Belle Brigade
Š Photo by Dave Weinthal
Cowboys’ Slide Continues
Everything that goes up, the laws of physics tells us, must eventually go down. That downward trajectory is looming in the Dallas Cowboys future as the visiting Arizona Cardinals handed the team its second consecutive defeat, 28-17, in a game that was closer than the final score would seem to indicate. After rattling off six victories in a row with quarterback Tony Romo firmly in command, the injury he suffered last week against the Washington Redskins – two small fractures in his lower back – forced the $100 million dollar man to the sidelines in favor of his halfmillion dollar back-up, Brandon
Weeden. The drop off in production was dramatic, and somewhat shocking considering how well he played coming off the bench last week. But appearances, as they say, can be deceiving. That was certainly the case with Weeden. This game was a setback for many reasons. Most importantly, it unfortunately proved that the backup quarterback position for the Cowboys is still a glaring weakness. Brandon Weeden is stellar coming off the bench in a moments notice, but a complete dud when he has time to prepare. Last week against the Redskins, the former first round pick of the ENIGMA
Cleveland Browns (not a good indicator) didn’t have time to think when he was inserted into the game for the injured Romo. He engineered two successive scoring drives for 10 points before relinquishing his quarterbacking duties. With a week to prepare against the NFL’s worst passing defense – but third ironically against the run – you would have thought this quarterback would be more than prepared to attack the Cardinal secondary considering the extensive offensive weapons he had at his disposal. As it turns out, the pressure of guiding this potent offense was more than the former Oklahoma State quarterback could bear.
This game had a promising start to it. Arizona won the coin toss and elected to receive. The Dallas defense knocked the Cardinal offense about the first two plays before quarterback Carson Palmer finally got his footing. On the next three plays, he would guide the offense to three successive first downs covering 40 yards before Dallas defensive tackle Henry Melton dropped Palmer on a nine-yard sack. On the ensuing play, a well-time blitz confused Palmer and he threw the ball straight into the arms of cornerback Tyler Patmon who returned the ball 58 yards for the game’s first score. It was only the ninth
defensive play the undrafted yards on two back-to-back carfree agent from Miami had ever ries. But as quickly as the door played in the NFL. opened for the Dallas, Arizona’s defense shut it down. The drive Dallas’ no-name defense contin- stalled on the Cardinals’ 15-yard ued to give the Arizona offense line. As Dan Bailey attempted to fits on the next series and close the gap to 14-13 with a 35forced a punt. On a third and yard chip shot field goal, long, Weeden dumped off a Arizona cornerback Justin well-time screen pass to back Bethel rushed in untouched and Lance Dunbar that covered 40 blocked the kick. Safety Patrick yards and set Dallas up on the Peterson picked up the ball and Cardinal 30. He couldn’t take started running downfield. A the offense any further. Kicker head’s up play by Witten saved Dan Bailey was called in to sal- a touchdown. But the damage vage the drive, and he did with had been done. The momentum a 52-yard field goal with four had swung back to Arizona and minutes left in the first quarter. that one play would come back At that point, the highlight reel to haunt the Cowboys in the ended for the Cowboys and fourth quarter. started for the Cardinals. As maligned as the Dallas From the Cowboys first offen- defense was last year, this sive drive that produced a field group has done a great job of goal, to the very last one that bending but never really breakended with a meaningless Dez ing despite the rash of injuries Bryant touchdown with a it has had to endure. Going into minute left in the game, the the fourth, the score remained Dallas offense could only locked at 14-0. Had the offense muster 130 yards on 37 snaps. done its job, in particular Those eight drives ended with Weeden who over threw, under four punts, a blocked field goal, threw and completed two devtwo interceptions and a astating interceptions in the turnover on downs when fourth quarter, the Cowboys DeMarco Murray couldn’t were in excellent position to muster a yard on 4th and inch- beat the Cardinals. Despite those crushing miscues (espees. As the Cowboy offense literally cially the blocked field goal), ground to a virtual halt with the team was still within strikWeeden under center, Arizona’s ing distance of regaining the finally came to life with Palmer. lead. All it needed was a little Two short touchdown passes on luck. Unfortunately, that’s successive possessions to tight exactly what the team ran out end John Carlson and Jaron of. Brown put the Cardinals out With Dallas looking at a 4th and front with just under three min- inches on the Cardinal 36, head utes to go in the second quar- coach Jason Garrett decided to ter. The Dallas offense found a go for the first down instead of spark of life just before the half the points. (He earlier declined when tight end Jason Witten to go for it on 4th and a half caught an 18-yard strike, and yard). The Arizona defense Murray broke through the thoroughly stuffed DeMarco stacked Cardinal line to gain 26 Murray’s attempt to gain those ENIGMA
few inches. That momentum shift resulted in Palmer guiding his team 65 yards downfield in nine plays that ended with an easy toss to running back Andre Ellington for 21-10 lead. A Marion Grice one-yard plunge for a 28-10 came moments later after Antonio Cromartie intercepted Weeden on the Dallas 28.
Co wb oy Notes – After suffering C their third loss of the season at home, maybe it is time for Dallas to get out of town – I mean really out of town say London, England – where they will play the 1-7 Jacksonville Jaguars next Sunday. It will be another game time decision as to whether or not Tony Romo will play in this contest.
The drop off in production from Romo to Weeden was painfully obvious. It was head scratching as well. Despite the fact he had DeMarco Murray, the NFL’s leading rusher in the backfield, an All-Pro tight end in Jason Witten, an All-Pro wide receiver in former college teammate Dez Bryant, a dangerous deep threat in Terrance Williams and a dominating offensive line, the former Oklahoma State quarterback seemed confused most the game. His errant pass attempts went over, under and beneath his talented receiving corps thoroughly frustrating the group – in particular Bryant, who was caught by cameras on the sideline letting Weeden have it.
For the second week in a row, the Cowboys conversion rate on third downs was pathetic. Under Weeden’s leadership, the team was 3-11. More importantly, the inability of the offense to sustain time consuming drives allowed the Cardinals to rattle off 65 offensive plays and limited to the Cowboys to just 3 of 11 on third down conversions.
Dez Bryant had only two catches and finished with a season low 15 yards. It all came on a meaningless touchdown drive in the final two minutes with the Cowboys down by 18. His frustration was evident after he caught a garbage-time touchdown pass. Instead of crossing his arms and flashing his cusPerhaps the one player who suf- tomary X to the end zone fered the most from Weeden’s crowd, the player headed inability to take advantage of straight to the sidelines. the porous Arizona secondary was DeMarco Murray. His With a non-existent passing remarkable record-breaking attack to face, the Arizona streak of starting the season Cardinals were free to concenwith eight straight 100 plus trate on DeMarco Murray. They rushing yards ended when he routinely had nine men in the carried the ball 19 times for 79 box, yet Murray had still manyards. With a passing attack aged to gain 77 yards through barely visible until the last three quarters. He touched the drive – 10-22 for 97 yards – ball twice in the fourth, doomArizona’s defensive coordinator ing his chances of extending his Todd Bowles was able to stack NFL record breaking streak of the line and effectively end 100 yard games to start the seaMurray’s NFL record-making son. run. - David Huff
What A Long, Strange Trip It’s Been
© Photo by Dave Weinthal
“What a long, strange trip it’s that saw Atlanta have not only the first losing season in five been.” years, but also the first in - Jerry Garcia Falcons’ coach Mike Smith’s Indeed the 2014 trip has been a tenure leading the team and Matt strange trip for the Atlanta Ryan’s as well. Falcons coming out of the ashes of a disastrous 2013 campaign that Despite all the concerns over the saw the Falcons with their first defense which could easily be losing season since the days of sued for lack of support the Byron Leftwich and Joey much-hyped Falcon offense lived Harrington (remember them?) up to its billing in week one winning a shootout with division Hoping to shake off a 2013 season rival New Orleans. All hell broke ENIGMA
loose as the clock expired in the Georgia Dome as Matt Bryant’s 51yard field goal attempt sailed through the uprights letting everyone forget a minute and a half earlier when Mark Ingram game the Saints a three point lead. And then things got crazy 1:43 into overtime when Bryant nailed a 52-yarder to win.
turned heads on a Thursday night when they put up 56 points in three quarters of play against Tampa Bay. In fact against Tampa Bay put up 28 points one play into the second quarter. Good times. It has been downhill since.
After scoring 103 points in their first three games, my how the The Falcons have been an enigma once mighty high-flying Falcons since. After losing, putting up have had their wings clipped. only ten points in week two they During the current four game los-
ing streak the Falcons offense once considered the most dangerous in the league have put up a total of 89 points. That’s an average of less than 18 points a game. It is also a far cry from the 2012 team that was stopped 10 yards short of the Super Bowl that was averaging almost 29 points a game. Much like last year injuries have piled up for Atlanta. Last year everyone on offense and defense missed time. Matt Ryan has been the only constant here. And the Falcons are lucky for that since the offensive line that was supposedly rebuilt in the offseason through draft and free agency to protect their investment are being literally held together with duct tape smoke and mirrors. Tight end Levine Toilolo was thrown on the line during the Vikings game because literally there was no one else healthy enough to line up. The irony in that of course is the fact Toilolo can hold a block better than he can a ball proving to be a liability at tight end as a receiver. While he may resemble Tony Gonzalez in build that’s about as far as you can get on comparisons. Atlanta’s biggest liability coming into the season was the defense. It has underperformed since John Abraham was deemed too old (yet had double digit sacks last year in Arizona). Despite Mike Nolan’s taking over the unit, his reputation has taken a big hit. He built and maintained great defenses with the Baltimore Ravens, New York Jets, Washington Redskins, New York Giants, Denver Broncos and Miami Dolphins. Not so much here. A lot of that has to do with the talent he has been given to work with. How did the Falcons go from the second most winning team in the league (2008-12) to second only to New England to where they are
now? There are a few reasons. First - injuries. Starting with Michael Turner’s last year with the team despite going 13-3 he was greatly slowed down as were his running stats. Last year saw Ryan’s two biggest targets Roddy White and Julio Jones miss a great deal of the season as well as high-priced free agent back Steven Jackson who missed five games last year and while at times this year shows glimpses of his old self (before arriving in Atlanta) is not breaking as many tackles as in years past. He has yet to run for 100 yards in a game since joining the team. Guard Sam Baker missed a lot of last season and only suited up for one game this year before hitting the IR. On defense Kroy Biermann missed a majority of last season as did linebacker Sean Weatherspoon who is back in the IR this year with a ruptured Achilles tendon. GM Thomas Dimitroff has been under a lot of heat for his personnel decisions of late and there might be some merit to it. His first moves with the team were great drafting Ryan with the third overall pick in the 2008 draft and picking up Michael Turner a little used back in San Diego who now holds the franchise record for touchdowns. The following year he orchestrated the acquisition of Gonzalez out of Kansas City, who singlehandedly helped mature Ryan as a quarterback and team leader. But cracks in his tenure began when he traded away four picks including two first rounders to Cleveland to move up to take Julio Jones in the draft. Granted, Jones is a top five receiver in the league when he’s on the field but his durability is a big question mark. He missed almost half of his rookie season to injury and stayed healthy in 2012. Last year after a promising start he missed the last 11 games of this season and so far this year he was ENIGMA
slowed down a couple of weeks ago aggravating his surgically repaired foot. Also of late the man who has made more acrobatic catches than a circus performer has had hands of stone. Against the Bears he dropped a half dozen throws that he usually would haul in and in the debacle against the Lions he dropped a sure catch for a first down in the waning minutes of the game that not only stopped the clock but forced Atlanta to punt with under two minutes to play. There are also concerns of the defensive personnel and the inability for Dimitroff to successfully address it. Osi Umenyiora who was brought in from the Giants to be a younger alternative to Abraham has pretty much been a bust. His sack totals have been half of what Abraham’s was. Also Biermann has not stepped up his game as have any of the other drafted defensive linemen. 2013’s draft fixed what was a liability in the secondary with Robert Alford and Desmond Trufant. But unless you can put pressure on the quarterback there’s only so much any talented cornerback or safety can do. Injuries last season forced Smith’s hands to start Paul Worrilow at linebacker and he answered well leading the team in tackles. One of the biggest mistakes made in personnel decisions besides Umenyiora was letting Curtis Lofton leave and go to the Saints. The past offseason saw Dimitroff address only the offense in the draft with Jake Matthews and running back Devonta Freeman, using middle round picks to select over leftover defenders. Prince Shembo out of Notre Dame was a good pick but he is being underutilized for some reason. Granted the defense has shown marked improvement since giving
up 41 points to Minnesota. They’ve given up still a lot of points but are giving them up late watching what was supposed to be one of the best offenses in the league not execute or score. After building big leads in New York and against the Lions the offense forgot how to register a first down. One or two additional first downs against the Lions and no one would be talking about the heads of Smith and Dimitroff. That my friend is a lack of execution. The lack of offense in the second half of games keeping the Falcons defense on the field for what seems like an infinity is why they have given up points late. Ironically after all the moaning and gnashing of teeth the Falcons find themselves out of first place by only two games. No one in the NFC South is setting the world on fire. No one has a winning record. The Saints are leading with a 4-4 record. The Falcons start off the second half of the season Sunday against the Buccaneers who they manhandled 56-14 way back in September. Five of their next seven games after that are against either division leaders or teams with a winning records including two against Carolina. Carolina who may be the next easiest team on the schedule right now with Cam Newton completing less than 50 percent of his passes this season and a defense not as daunting as they were last year. Indeed, it has been a long strange trip indeed. Round and round we go. Where she stops no one knows, except maybe with another high draft pick. We’ll just have to see who will be around when that times comes for Atlanta.
- Dave Weinthal