Enigma 11/13/14

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NOTHING COMPARES 2 HER Often controversial but very talented singer/songwriter and performer Sinead O’connor finds herself in the southern USA. The “Notihng Compares 2 U” singer will perform this weekend - Friday and Saturday to be exact at City Winery Nashville, you guessed it - in Nashville. Go ahead and check it out.

DROP DEAD GORGEOUS Leticia Wolf of Nashville’s The Dead Deads put on a killer set opening for hard rock favorites Halestorm Tuesday night in Chattanooga, TN at Track 29. Read more about the show and see exclusive pictures in next week’s edition of Enigma.

RIDIN’ SHOTGUN With no one one else but Southern Culture on the Skids as the residents of “Soul City” do the “Camel Walk” and head to Birmingham where they will play BottleTree Wednesday. ENIGMA

NOVEMBER 13 2014


T.S.O. Scores a TKO with Annual Christmas Tour In some respects, the success of Trans-Siberian Orchestra defies explanation. Incorporating elements of classical music with progressive elements of hard rock and heavy metal, TSO has become a Christmas holiday staple since it burst upon the scene in 1996. And to think, it all started because of a single song written by a melodic power metal band called Savatage.

channel his energies in a direction that would help him forget the past. Trans-Siberian Orchestra would provide that outlet. With the aid of Kinkel and Savatage guitarist Al Pitrelli, the 1996 release of CChhrr iiss ttm maa ss EEvvee aa nndd O Otthh eerr SSttoorr iiee ss would radically change the future

The seeds for TSO were planted in the tune “Christmas Eve (Sarajevo 24/7)”. Appearing on the 1995 Dee aadd W Wii nntteerr D D eeaadd , Savatage album D the cross-over success of the song, especially the heavy rotation it received on multiple radio formats during the Christmas season, sparked an idea in one of the song’s creators, Paul O’Neill. Why not combine progressive rock elements of metal with a full orchestra and rechristen the sound under the moniker Trans-Siberian Orchestra? The idea intrigued Savatage mainstay Jon Oliva and lives of all parties involved. songwriter Robert Kinkel, who had To say the unprecedented success also co-written “Christmas Eve”. of TSO took its founding members The timing of the project couldn’t by surprise would be an underhave come at a better time. The statement. Since Trans-Siberian Savatage founder Oliva had grown Orchestra began touring, the band disillusioned with the band since has donated over $10 million to the untimely automobile death of local and national charities. At his brother Criss by a drunken driv- every tour stop, the group donates er in 1993. O’Neill, who had co-pro- one dollar or more from each tickduced and written five previous of et sold to a local charity in the city the band’s albums, knew his good where they are friend needed a project to help performing.Seventeen years and


five rock opera albums later, the Trans-Siberian Orchestra has become, in the words of Pitrilli, ‘the gift that keeps on giving.’

called Trans-Siberian Orchestra. This is what we are going to do and this is how I’m going to go about getting it done. Do you want to be a part of it?” I just looked at him II bbee llii eevvee tthh ee ffiirr sstt ttiim mee II ee vveerr hheeaa rrdd and said, “Sure Paul, whatever.” aabboouu tt TT rr aannss --SSii bbeerr ii aann O Orr cchhee ssttrr aa ,, tthh ee ffiirr sstt w woorr dd oouutt ooff m myy m moouutthh AAnndd tthhaa tt w waa ss tthh aatt??

waass ,, ““H w H uuhh??”” TT hhee w w hhooll ee ccoonnccee pptt ll iitt-eerraa llll yy ccaauugghhtt m mee ooffff gguuaarr dd.. W Whhaatt waass yy oouu rr rree aacc ttiioonn w w whh ee nn PPaa uull OO’’NN eeii llll ffii rrss tt pprr eess eenntteedd tthhee ii ddeeaa ttoo yyoouu??

Here’s the thing. We first met when I toured with Michael Bolton the rocker, not the soul singer he became. Paul was part of the management team that handled Bolton back in 1984 when I started working for him. He was in the office one day when I went in and we struck up a conversation. At the end of our talk, Paul said, “We have to work together one day.” Now, if you factor that conversation in, and fast forward ten years, Paul hired me to play guitar on the Savatage record D D eeaadd W W iinnttee rr D D eeaa dd, which included “Christmas Eve (Sarajavo 12/24)”. That song would become the centerpiece to what is now Trans-Siberian Orchestra. So, to answer your question, there wasn’t a real conscious decision one day where Paul goes, “I want to do this.” There were little things, like a series of mini lightning strikes, leading up to the formation of the project.

AAll PPii ttrreell llii – I don’t know if I ever had a reaction to Paul’s idea to be honest with you. It wasn’t like he presented this proposal or II tt ss oouunnddss llii kkee oonnee ooff tthhooss ee ‘‘ssii xx prospectus to me about a business ddee ggrr eeee ss ooff ss ee ppaa rr aattii oonn’’ ttyyppee ooff he was starting. We were in my tthh iinnggss .. kitchen talking and he says to me, “Hey, I’m going to start this thing

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At the time of TSO’s formation in 1995-’96, you have to keep in mind what was going on in the music industry, especially with radio. Heavy metal and guitar-oriented hair bands from the ‘80s were dead. This incredibly huge scene of grunge, hip-hop, the Seattle movement, had all but killed off the hard rock industry. Everything, especially traditional rock and roll, was seemingly gone overnight. When Paul told me he wanted to create a record with a non-traditional orchestra, I looked at him and said, “Brother, I love you, but you are insane. This is so not going to work, but what the hell, let’s go and do it.” I think I got paid a couple of cheeseburger dinners out of the work I did. Literally, there was no money involved because all of it was being spent on production. Since I loved hanging out with Paul because he’s a musical genius, I told him flat out I didn’t care about money. If he wanted to create a piece of art, then let’s create something really special together. I was in – period! Besides, I was convinced it was never going to sell.

TT hhee TT SSOO ccoonncceepptt ooff ccoom mbbiinniinngg rroocckk muu ssii cc aa nndd aa ccll aass ss iiccaa llll yy ttrraa iinnee dd m oorrcchheess ttrraa ii ssnn’’tt nneew w .. EEm meerr ssoonn,, LLaakk ee && PPaa llm meerr ccoom mee ttoo m miinndd aa ss ssoorrtt ooff ppiioonneeee rrss ii nn tthhee ffiiee lldd.. AArree yyoouu ssuurr -pprrii ssee dd tthhii ss pprr oojjee cctt hhaass bbee eenn aa bbll ee ttoo ss uuss ttaaiinn ii ttss eell ff aallll tthhee ssee yyee aarr ss?? Yes and no. I’ve been in this business for over 30 years, so as a musician, I have helped nurture ideas, been part of recordings and tours, and seen concepts come and go. The direction Paul wanted to take, however, was clear cut from

the beginning. You couldn’t budge him from the musical path he saw in his head. Jon Oliva and Bob Kinkel understood Paul’s vision and immediately dove into the project with him.

AAll,, yy oouu’’vvee bbeeee nn aa ppaa rrtt ooff aa ll oott ooff rree ccoorr ddiinngg pprr oojj eeccttss tthhrroouugghhoouutt yyoouurr ccaarr eeeerr .. W W hhaa tt m maa kkee ss tthh iiss oonnee ssttaa nndd oouutt ffrroom m tthh ee rr eess tt?? Very few of the ventures I’ve been involved with I can go back and listen to without my skin crawling. The one thing about Paul is this. I may argue and fight tooth and nail with him in the studio about what he wants to do, but at the end of the day, he makes his case as the producer. What he says goes, and I’m fine with that. I don’t even try to figure it out. I just go with the flow and enjoy it. Honestly, through the years, the music he wanted me to recreate on the guitar is the only thing I can listen back to and enjoy. TThh aatt’’ss qquu iittee aa ss ttaattee m mee nntt.. I have tremendous respect for the man. He has a knack for creating something that is timeless. He has the instinct to know that the masses are going to get it – not only musically with his rock opera soundtracks – but the stories, the poetry and the Frank Capra-esque tales he writes. They are beautiful stories. I understand why the American public embraced TransSiberian Orchestra. Paul has his finger on the pulse of America and now we are moving globally. For whatever reason, this music is not too advanced to where it goes over

people’s heads, and it’s not so Neanderthal that it insults people. There’s a perfect balance with the music and the story being told.

for the visuals that are playing out on stage. It was a crash course for what I’d eventually be doing with Trans-Siberian Orchestra.

II iinntteerr vviiee w weedd ffaa m mee dd pprroodduuccee rr BBoobb EEzzrr iinn aabboouutt hhiiss ii nnvvoollvvee m meenntt w wiitthh PPii nnkk FFllooyydd’’ss TT hhee W Waall ll.. HH ee ttooll dd m mee woorrkk iinngg w w wii tthh A Allii ccee CC ooooppeerr ,, ttoo ccrr ee-aattee hhiiss ccoonnccee pptt aa llbbuum m pprroojj eeccttss iinn tthhee ‘‘7700ss,, w w aass iinnss ttrr uu m meenn ttaall ii nn pprr eeppaarr iinngg hhiim m ttoo ddee aall w wiitthh tthh ee iinntteennss iittyy,, aa nndd ss oom meew w hhaa tt m maa ddnnee ssss ,, tthhaatt eennss uuee dd w wii tthh hh iiss pprr oodduu ccttiioonn dduuttiiee ss ccrree aattiinngg tthhaa tt ee ppii cc rr eeccoorrddii nngg.. DDii dd tthhee ttiim mee yyoouu ss ppee nndd w wii tthh A Allii ccee iinn tthhee ll aattee ‘‘88 00ss,, aass hhiiss m muu ss iiccaall ddii rree ccttoorr ,, pprreeppaarr ee yyoouu ffoorr TT SSOO ??

HH aass w woorr kkii nngg w wii tthh TTSSOO ggii vveenn yy oouu aa ddiiffffee rree nntt kk iinndd ooff rr eess ppee cctt,, nnoott ss oo muu cchh ffrroom m m yyoouurr ppee eerrss ,, bbuutt tthhee ggee nn-ee rraall ppuubbllii cc??

Absolutely it did. Alice Cooper was a big, big part of my education. Working as his musical director taught me how to communicate and speak with trained musicians, and those that played purely by instinct. With Alice, he had a mixture of gifted, classically trained musicians who could read and speak all forms of music. On the other end of that spectrum, he mixed them in with guys who were self-taught players. Together, these individuals were equally talented at their particular craft. As a music director, I had to learn to speak to them all differently. Working with Alice taught me those skills. It also prepared me for the theatrical portion of a rock and roll concert which I had never been exposed to. As a musician on stage with Alice Cooper, you become a soundtrack

That’s a difficult question to answer. W oouull dd yyoouu rraa tthhee rr bbee rree ssppee cctteedd W moorree bbyy yyoouu rr ppee eerr ss tthh aann tthh ee ggeenneerr -m aa ll ppuubbllii cc?? Ideally, I’d rather be well respected by all of them. Success is a relative term. We have sold millions of records, have two complete touring bands, and 14 years later we are still selling out arenas around the country. At this stage of my life, and remember I’ve been doing this some 30 years, I don’t know many of my peers that are enjoying the type of success TSO does with their own careers. Today, I only care what people who have gone to the show think.

YY oouu kk nnoow w,, II ddoonn’’tt tthhiinnkk aann EEddddiiee VVaann HH aall eenn w woouulldd hhaavvee w woorrkk eedd ii nn TT SSOO?? TThheerr ee’’ss nnoo w waayy hhee w woouulldd hhaavvee ttaakk eenn tthhee ddiirr eeccttiioonn PPaauull ss aaw w iinn hh iiss miinndd.. m Interesting you say that. I’m going to paraphrase what someone quoted me one time. They said Eddie Van Halen would be the greatest unknown guitar player on the plan-

Retro Cafe

The Best of New Wave, Post Modern Classics and Other Odd Stuff

Wednesdays at 5pm est. on wawl.org ENIGMA

NOVEMBER 13 2014


et if it weren’t for David Lee Roth.

TT hhaa tt’’ss aa vveerr yy ddeebbaattaa bbll ee ssuubbjjeecctt AAll,, bbuutt hhee rree ’’ss ss oom mee tthhii nngg tthhaatt’’ss nnoott.. IInn myy ooppii nniioonn,, ll ooookkii nngg oovv eerr yyoouu rr m bbooddyy ooff w w oorrkk ,, YY O OU U aarr ee tthh ee bbii ggggeess tt uunnkk nnoow wnn gg uuii ttaa rr ppll aa yyee rr ii nn tthh ee woorrll dd.. w You know, I want to thank you for saying that to me. It’s a title I hold dear to my heart. It makes me very proud to hear that statement come from you.

SSeerr iioouussll yy,, II’’m m nnoott tthhrroow wii nngg tthhaatt oouutt ttoo aappppee aass ee yyoouurr ee ggoo.. II m meeaa nn tthhaa tt wii tthh tthhee uu ttm w moosstt ss iinnccee rrii ttyy.. YYoouu rr eeccll eeccttii cc ss ttyy llee ooff gguuiittaarr ppll aayyii nngg hhaass ss uuss ttaaiinnee dd yyoouu ii nn tthhii ss ttuum muull ttuuoouu ss bbuuss iinnee ssss ffoorr oovvee rr 33 00 yyee aarr ss.. You know what – I’m proud of that accomplishment as well. At one point in my career, being characterized as a good, unknown guitar player used to really irk me. Now I’m fine with the term. I’m 51 years old, sitting in the back of a tour bus pulling into an arena where we’re playing two sold-out shows. At this stage of my career, that’s not bad. I’m going to walk into this concert hall and nobody is going to know who I am. That doesn’t matter to me for a second. When I walk on the stage tonight, I’ll be surrounded by my family and friends. I will be playing music that I helped create and this audience will react with smiles on their faces. I’m a part of their holiday tradition. Over the years, that’s what TSO has become to hundreds of thousands of people around the country. Those are all the accolades I need.

IInn tthhee ‘‘8800ss ,, yyoouu ppllaayy eedd gguuii ttaarr w wii tthh Miicchh aaee ll BBooll ttoonn dduu rrii nngg hh iiss rr oocckk M pphhaass ee.. YY oouu tthheenn w weenntt oonn ttoo ttoouurr wii tthh A w All iiccee CC ooooppee rr.. YYoouu rr ttaallee nnttss ccoouull dd hhaavv ee llaa nnddee dd yy oouu aa ggii gg w wii tthh aall m mooss tt aannyy ooff tthhee uupp aa nndd ccoom miinngg gguuii ttaarr --oorr iiee nntteedd hhaaii rr bbaannddss ooff tthhee ttiim mee,, bbuu tt tthh ee w whh ooll ee ggllaa m m tthh iinngg ss oorrtt ooff ppaass ssee dd yyoouu bbyy.. I can’t begin to tell you how happy and fortunate I was not to get caught up in the crazy rock world of the ‘80s. It destroyed a lot of people. Over the years, I’ve learned I don’t need a pat on the back for the job I do with TSO. At the end of the evening, all I want to hear is, “Hey man, you did a good job tonight on guitar.” That in itself is why I appreciated your compliment of calling me a great unknown guitar player.

YYoouu rr eeaall llyy ddoonn’’tt hhaavv ee aa nn eeggoo,, ddoo yyoouu?? I don’t have the time or the energy to have one. What matters most to a musician when they walk out of a room is this. What are people saying about them now they’ve left? When you go through life doing a reasonably good job at whatever you do – and you’re a decent human being – when you turn your back and walk away from the crowd, that gesture can be a metaphor for anything you want it to be. I think it is safe to assume on my part that when I walk out of a room, people will say, “Hey, you know what? He’s a pretty good dude!” That is all my ego hopes is said about me at the end of the day.


YYoouurr bbooddyy ooff w w oorrkk oovvee rr tthhee ddee ccaaddeess hhaa ss ii nnccoorr ppoorr aattee dd ss oo m maannyy eeccllee ccttiicc ss ttyyllee ss ooff ppllaa yyiinngg,, hhoow w ddoo yyoouu kkee eepp iitt ssttrr aaii gghhtt iinn yyoouurr hheeaadd?? I’ve never looked at my playing as incorporating different styles. I grew up on Long Island in the 1960s. There was only one radio station for us back then, WABC-AM. At any given time, I would hear Sammy Davis Jr., Frank Sinatra, The Beatles, Gladys Knight, soundtracks from West Side Story or the Sound of Music, Paul Revere & the Raiders, you name it. As a young guitar player learning his instrument, one minute I’d be playing something by Glen Campbell, the next Eric Clapton. All I know is there are 12 notes of music with an infinite number of combinations. Seriously, I could care less if I am jamming to Ozzy, doing a heavy metal adaptation of Mozart’s 25th Symphony, or playing acoustic to a little vocal ballad. Whh eenn yyoouu jjooiinn aa ggrroouu pp aass aa ttoouu rr iinngg W muu ssii cciiaa nn,, aarr ee yy oouu ccaarr eeffuu ll hh oow m w yyoouu iinntteerr pprr eett tthhee gguuii ttaa rr ppllaayy iinngg ooff tthhee oorr iiggii nnaall gguuii ttaa rrii sstt?? DD ooee ss tthhaatt m maakk ee aannyy ddii ffffeerr eennccee ttoo yy oouu aatt aall ll??

make me lazy and foolish because that meant I wasn’t learning anything. Marty is such a great guitar player, that by exactly mimicking his solos, it forced me to play like him for those 30, 40 seconds. That in turn expanded my own insights on how to play different styles of music with my instrument. I really enjoy learning. By duplicating the sound, it kept Dave happy and made me a better guitar player.

YY oouu ss aaiidd DDaa vvee M Muuss ttaaii nnee ppuull llee dd yyoouu oouutt ooff aa ttrr oouubbllee dd ppeerr ssoonnaall llii ffee aanndd hheell ppeedd yyoouu ccooppee w wii tthh ootthh eerr pprroobb-ll eem mss aass w wee llll .. W W hh aatt w w eerr ee yy oouu ttaa llkk -ii nngg aa bboouutt?? I was going through a pretty heavy bout with alcohol abuse back in ‘99 as well as a real ugly divorce. My personal life was spiraling out of control. It never affected me professionally, but Dave had gone through his own bout with drug and alcohol abuse, so when he and I hooked up, he saw right through me. He knew I could play the guitar and do the job he wanted, but fortunately, he also took a personal interest in what was going on in my life. Dave attacked my addiction problems on a more militant level. I didn’t like his drill sergeant act at first, but in retrospect, it’s exactly what I needed. When he first confronted me about my abuse problems, my immediate reaction was, “Hey, there’s nothing wrong with me.” Once I saw how orderly his world was being sober, I thought there might be something to it. Turned out there was.

It makes a huge difference to me. It’s not my job to interpret someone else’s work. I’ve been hired to replicate it. When I played with Megadeth, Dave Mustaine didn’t want to hear anything about an interpretation of his music on my part. He wanted the guitar notes to sound exactly the way they do on the record. Megadeth fans wanted me to play every Marty Friedman Daa vvee M Muuss ttaaiinnee guitar solo note for note. If I was to II tt’’ss iinntteerr eess ttiinngg tthhaa tt D Mee ttaall ll iiccaa interpret it differently, that would ggee ttss kk ii cckk eedd oouu tt ooff M

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bbeeccaauuss ee hhee w waass aa nnaa ssttyy aa llccoohhooll iicc aanndd ddrr uugg aaddddiicctt.. HH ee w waa ss ssaa vveedd bbyy AAll iiccee CC ooooppeerr ,, w whhoo iinn ttuurr nn ggaa vvee yyoouu aa ppii vvoottaall jj oobb tthhaa tt nnoott oonnll yy pprree -ppaarr eedd yyoouu ffoorr TTSSOO ,, bbuutt hheell ppeedd yyoouu eess ccaappee tthhee ‘‘88 00ss rroocckk ssccee nnee ooff bbiigg hhaaii rr ,, m maakk eeuu pp aanndd ssppaa nnddeexx uunnssccaatthheedd..

Fillmore East note for note, gave me the musical vocabulary to create my own style. Believe it or not, learning to play the different guitar styles of a Dickey Betts, Jeff Beck, Eddie Van Halen, Neal Schon or a David Gilmore enables you to

When I was a kid growing up, what helped me grow as a player was duplicating guitar solos. It helped me understand what the guitar could actually do. For instance, learning to play the guitar parts of the Allman Brothers Live at the

out a lyric. I have to use the notes on a guitar to make a statement. That is really difficult, especially when Paul wants you to master what you’re saying. He has taught Hoow H ww w oouull dd yyoouu ddeess ccrrii bbee tthhee rrii ddee me so much over the last 15 years I yyoouu ’’vvee bbeeee nn oonn w wiitthh tthhee TT rraa nnss-- could never thank him enough.

AAnndd hheerr ee II tthhoouugghhtt SSttee vvee VVaaii aanndd EE rriicc JJoohhnnssoonn w wee rree tthhee oonnll yy aannaall ppeerr ffeeccttii oonnii ssttss II hhaa dd ee vveerr m mee tt..

And as you well know, Alice Cooper had his battles with alcohol and drugs that he too conquered. The music business is a tight knit community. People in this industry will reach out to help if you’re willing to take their hand. There are people in all walks of life chasing that dragon. Rock and roll is no different a profession than a lawyer or business man. Anyone can find themselves drowning in a sea of alcohol or drugs. You have to want to be rescued. Dave Mustaine knew I was in trouble and responded to that silent S.O.S. signal I was sending out. I’m forever grateful he did.

YY oouu ssaa iidd tthhaa tt rr eeccrr eeaattii nngg tthhee w w oorr kk ooff aannootthhee rr gguuiittaarr iiss tt,, nnoottee ffoorr nnoottee,, iim mpprroovvee ss yyoouu aass aa ppll aayyee rr.. W W hh aatt ddoo yyoouu m meeaa nn bbyy tthh aatt??

learning process should never stop. To this day, if I hear a really cool note or guitar passage on the radio, I will sit down and learn it.

You know, people who strive for that type of perfection are on a whole different plain than we are. I may never accomplish on the guitar what Steve Vai has done, but the journey to at least trying to get to that level is fun for me.

IIss ii tt ffaaiirr ttoo ccaa llll tthhee TTrr aann--SSiibbeerr iiaa nn OO rrcchheess ttrraa ‘‘SSaa vvaattaaggee ll iigghhtt’’??

understand the nuances and vibratos of the instrument. These guys are the masters. Duplicating their combinations and tones, believe it or not, ends up helping you create your own identity. The same principles apply to art, theater, acting, etc. This is how all artists learn their craft. You learn from the masters, take what they’ve taught you and then build on that information to make it your own. As far I’m concerned, the

(Silence for 10 seconds) No, and the only reason for the hesitation in my voice is I’m sure I’ve never heard that question before. If anything, TSO has become “Savatage – Oh My Gosh!”

SSii bbeerr iiaann O O rrcchheess ttrr aa?? Working with my friend Paul has taken me to an entirely different level of chasing perfection. He has had me redo the notes of guitar solos, or acoustic parts, 90 to 100 times in some instances, because he was looking for one particular sound. I just don’t see it while I’m playing. However, Paul’s ear will hear the music differently and bring a particular note, or sequence of chords I’m playing, to my attention to improve upon. When I listen back to the parts he’s finally happy with, I get what he was looking for. Performing Paul’s music is a tremendously rewarding, as well as frustrating experience, but I relish the challenge.

DDooeess PPaauull uussee JJee ddii m mii nndd ttrr iicckk ss ttoo ggee tt yyoouu ttoo ppllaayy w w hhaa tt hhee w w aannttss ttoo hhee aarr ee vveenn w w hhee nn yyoouu tthhiinnkk yyoouu’’vv ee aallrr eeaaddyy ddoonnee iitt?? He may have at some point, but I’d never know it would I? All joking aside, Paul uses subtle pressure like, “C’mon man, you can do better than that! Take me some place else with your music. Tell me a story with your guitar.” Over the years, Paul has taught me that as an instrumentalist, my job is ten times harder than a vocalist because I have to tell a story withENIGMA

NOVEMBER 13 2014


SSaa vvaa ttaagg ee aa nndd TT SSOO ffoouunnddee rr JJoonn OO llii vvaa hhaass ggoonnee oonn rr eeccoorrdd ss aayyii nngg tthhee TT rraa nnss--SSiibbee rrii aann OO rrcchheess ttrraa iiss aa m muu llttii -ppll aattii nnuum m bbaa nndd tthh aa tt ii ss aa ccttuu aall ll yy SSaa vvaattaaggee w wii tthh aa ddii ffffee rree nntt nnaam mee aanndd ddiiffffee rree nntt ss iinnggeerr ss.. Savatage was a great metal band that had tremendous success and took their style about as far as it could be taken. Paul O’Neill wrote several of their albums. There’s a big question mark that if it wasn’t for Savatage, TSO may not exist today. Yes, the Savatage song “Christmas Eve Sarajevo 24/7” on Dead Winter Dead was the spark that ignited what the TransSiberian Orchestra is today. Because of that one song, we have been able to give several musicians and singers the opportunity to be a part of something great. We gave the American public the chance to embrace something they didn’t have before. Paul decided to shift gears and create something that previously didn’t exist. Yesterday this wasn’t here. Today it is. Job well done!

IInn OO ccttoobbee rr 11 999933 ,, JJoonn OO llii vvaa’’ss bbrrootthheerr CC rrii ssss w w aass oonn hhii ss w waayy ttoo aa ccoonncceerr tt w iitthh hhii ss ss ppoouuss ee,, w w whhee nn aa ddrr uunnkk ddrr iivvee rr ss ttrr uucckk tthheeii rr vv eehhiiccll ee.. TT hhee

wrr ee cckk kkii ll llee dd tthh ee SS aavvaa ttaa ggee cc oo-w ffoouunnddeerr w whhiill ee ssee vveerr eell yy ii nnjjuurr iinngg hhii ss wii ffee.. D w Dii dd hhii ss ttrr aaggii cc ddeeaatthh nnoott oonnllyy ss iiggnnaall tthhee eenndd ooff tthhee bbaanndd,, bbuutt ii nn aa waa yy,, ooppee nn tthhee ddoooorr ffoorr tthh ee TT SSO w O ccoonncceepptt ttoo ssttee pp ii nn aa nndd ffiill ll aa vvooii dd??

At the end of the day I don’t need the money bad enough if I feel my integrity is going to be questioned or tested. It also comes down to the people I’m around. If they turn out to be different than what I thought, I’ll leave. For a little Italian, I suffer from a Napoleon complex and have a really bad temper. If everything is good, we’ll be best friends. If something about the situation makes my skin crawl, I won’t hesitate to walk out because I could care less. Nothing is that important to me where I’d compromise my integrity just for the sake of a dollar bill.

tremendous admiration for a man like that. I don’t have to like everything about him. Dave and I won’t ever walk through the woods singing show tunes. But here’s the thing. When I work with someone, I have to admire and respect them. If I like them on top of it, that’s an added bonus in my book. With Dave’s history and accomplishments, he’s allowed to speak his mind to me. I can either be smart enough to listen, or I can be foolish and more arrogant than I already am, and tell him I’m not interested in his opinion. When Dave would talk, I’d listen and make it work for both of us. I didWhhyy ddii dd ddrr ii llll ss ee rrggee aa nntt DD aavv ee n’t necessarily have to agree with W Muuss ttaaiinnee w M w iinn oouutt w whheerr ee ootthhee rrss ddiidd what he said, but I respected the fact it worked for him. nnoott??

I think the only thing Criss Oliva’s death accomplished was breaking a lot of people’s hearts. I believe in kismet and karma. I believe our lives are a series of left and right turns, where you make the decision on the direction you’re going to take. I don’t believe that anybody’s untimely death does anything but break the spirits of their loved ones. Did it create a void that gave me entrance into Savatage? Yes, but I’d rather have Criss alive and walking the planet than have the job offered to me. Every time I see Jon, I see that hole in his heart Because when I see Dave, I’m lookthat’s missing because his brother ing at someone who walks the walk and talks the talk. He’s not someis not here. body who comes in and says this is HH aavvee yy oouu eevvee rr ss aaii dd nnoo ttoo aa pprr oojjee cctt the way you have to do things whh eenn yyoouu w w w eerree aasskk eedd ttoo ppaarr ttiiccii -- because I say so. He was in ppaattee?? Metallica, got fired, then fought back and created the second greatI’ve never said no to a project est heavy metal band in the world. because even if it sounds funky, I That’s one hell of an accomplishwon’t know what it’s about until I ment. Most people would have get in it. Now I certainly have curled up in a ball like a pussy and walked off some projects once I quit. He said to himself, “Nope, I got involved. am going to fight back and do this.” He also successfully fought his W hhyy w W woouu lldd yyoouu ddoo tthh aatt?? alcohol and drug abuse to come out on the other side. I have


muu ssii ccaallll yy,, bbeeccaa uuss ee hh ee kk nnoow m w ss yyoouu’’llll ggee tt ii tt??

Yes it does. I’m very grateful to possess a talent a lot of guitarists don’t. As a matter of fact, that’s one of the reasons Paul and I work together so well. He knows that whatever comes out of his mouth, or is floating around in his mind, I’m going to be able to translate and get it on tape for him. It makes me feel good because that means I’m shutting off the creative switch in my head and paying attention to what someone else is saying. When Paul is on to something, I have to disengage how I hear music and listen to exactly what’s going on in that big brain of his. Sometimes he has three or four soundtracks of music going through his mind Muussii ccaall llyy,, PPaauull OO’’NN eeii llll iiss tthhee ppoollaarr simultaneously. M ooppppoossii ttee ttoo D Daa vvee M Muussttaa iinnee yyee tt,, tthh ee yy bbootthh eeaarr nneedd yy oouu rr rree ssppee cctt.. II nn tthh ee m muuss iicc bbuu ss iinneess ss,, ggrr eeaattnnee ssss EExxaaccttll yy w whhaa tt ddooeess tthhee w w oorrdd m mee aann uu nnffoorrttuu nnaatteell yy ffoorr aa m muu ssii cciiaann,, iiss ttoo yyoouu?? ddeeffii nneedd bbyy hhoow w ssuu cccceess ssffuu ll yyoouu aa rree ss eell llii nngg rree ccoorrddss aanndd hhaavvii nngg hhiitt ssii nn-Respect is like watching a really ggll eess .. YYoouu rr vvee rrss aattiill iittyy hh aass cceerrttaa iinnll yy w eell ll oovvee rr tthhee yyee aarr ss.. A Arree good movie. I can watch It’s a ss eerr vveedd yy oouu w whh eerr ee yyoouu w w aanntt ttoo bbee rr iigghh tt Wonderful Life every year at yyoouu w Christmas time. After that I can nnoow w iinn yyoouu rr llii ffee?? watch the Godfather trilogy. They are two different movies, two dif- I’m getting there. I want to continferent schools of cinematography, ue making great music and cultitwo masterpieces. These films were vate relationships in this business. directed and brought to life by I want people to say I was a good Frank Capra and Francis Ford guy who left a good legacy behind. Coppola who had two completely I want my children to be proud of separate ways of accomplishing the work I’ve done. I want a their goals. The one common stranger in the street, who doesn’t denominator they had was their know my name to recognize the work ethic which helped distin- music I’ve helped to create. At this guish their body of work. Paul point in my life, to at least be given O’Neill and Dave Mustaine are the chance to still be out here insane perfectionists when it doing the thing I love is amazing. comes to the music they create. Once you have run out of chalJust when I get tired and want to lenges in life, you might as well put my feet up at the end of the crawl up and die. I need to wake day, they are like “Hey Al, let’s try up and feel useful. I need to wake this on the guitar.” That type of up and feel I can accomplish somedrive gets me excited and motivat- thing on a daily basis. I want wake ed to see what I can pull out of up every day and create something. myself. It doesn’t matter I’m deal- I want to go to sleep tonight and ing with creative personalities that realize it was a good day because are polar opposites. They are bril- we built something together. I want liant in their own right, and as a some little kid to walk out of a guitarist, that excites me to work Trans-Siberian Orchestra show with them because I have to be at tonight inspired to buy a guitar, or play the piano, or learn the violin. the top of my game at all times. If I can inspire a 12-year old to walk DDooeess ii tt m maakkee yyoouu ffeeee ll pprr eettttyy ggoooodd away from computer games and go kknnoow wii nngg aann aa rrttii sstt ccaa nn ccoonnttaacctt yyoouu to a guitar store the next day, then aabboouutt aa pprr oojjee cctt,, eexxppllaa iinn ttoo yyoouu it was a good day for Al Pitrelli. whh aatt hh ee’’ss tthh iinnkk ii nngg aabboouu tt ddooii nngg w - David Huff

NOVEMBER 13 2014


“Thanks for Your Service” Like many of you, I say those four words now and then when I see a man or woman in uniform. Especially around Veteran’s Day. I was an “Air Force brat” for my first 18 years and I’ve always had respect for the members of our armed forces. I toyed with the notion of joining the armed forces my freshman year in college. But I realized that my rebellious nature and enthusiasm for cannabis might not be compatible with life in the service. But I’m still a supporter of those in our military… …Which is one reason I got a bit of a jolt when I saw David Masciotra’s article in Salon, one of my favorite liberal-leading online portals. The title was pretty provocative: “You don’t protect my freedom: Our childish insistence on calling sol-

Masciotra kind of nails it right able,” leading to unprecedentthere… ed numbers of amputees and multiple amputees returning …Those serving in our military from Afghanistan and Iraq… are often the victims of foreign \ policies that use them as living, …I’m still going to thank membreathing pawns in some bers of our military… past and geopolitical chess match. They present. Supporting our troops don’t fight and die to preserve doesn’t preclude me from critiour freedoms. They fight and cizing those who deploy them die to advance some economic with often reckless disregard. It policy or “send a message” to doesn’t prevent me from buganother country or faction. ging my senators and congressThose who survive these wars people about fixing the return to a country where they Veterans Administration. And it have to fight to get the medical sure won’t keep me from benefits they were promised. telling those who serve (or who They return to a country where have served) in our armed more than 2,000 troops have forces that I’m sorry they don’t killed themselves since 2001. get treated better… and I’m (More U.S. soldiers have died at doing all I can to force our govtheir own hands than have ernment to honor its commitbeen killed in Afghanistan.) ment to those who risk their Many of them return mangled lives to… to fight for whatever and/or suffering from the psy- the hell our politicians decide chological effects of war. they have to fight for… …But he also made a couple of Advancements in field mediinteresting points. “Wars that cine have made catastrophic - Mark Bedford are not heroic have no real battle injuries more “survivheroes, except for the people who oppose those wars,” he writes. “Far from being the heroes of recent wars, American troops are among their victims. No rational person can blame the soldier, the Marine, the airman, or the Navy man for the stupid and destructive foreign policy of the U.S. government, but calling them “heroes,” and settling for nothing less, makes honest and critical conversations about American foreign policy less likely to happen. If all troops are heroes, it doesn’t make much sense to call their mission unnecessary and unjust.” diers heroes deadens real democracy.” Masciotra explains his rationale for toning down our enthusiastic support for men and women who serve (and have served) in our armed forces. “The last time the U.S. military deployed to fight for the protection of American life was in World War II,” he writes, “an inconvenient fact that reduces clichés about ‘thanking a soldier’ for free speech to rubble. If a soldier deserves gratitude, so does the litigator who argued key First Amendment cases in court, the legislators who voted for the protection of free speech, and thousands of external agitators who rallied for more speech rights, less censorship and broader access to media.” Yeah, Masciotra’s a raging liberal…


NOVEMBER 13 2014


EXETER, England (UPI) - A British man accused of recording a woman showing in a swimming pool cubicle claimed he was testing if his phone was waterproof. Exeter Magistrates’ Court heard Zak Hardy, 18, of Plymouth, England, used his cellphone to take video of a naked woman showing in an adjacent cubicle at the Riverside swimming pool in Exeter. The woman noticed the phone over the cubi-

cle wall was pointed at her with the blue recording light on and alerted staff, who told police the man moved to a different cubicle before he was confronted. Hardy told police he had been holding his phone under the shower to test if it was waterproof and he had accidentally activated the camera. However, his defense lawyer, Nick Bradley, said Hardy now admits he gave a false account to police, and he admitted filming the woman on purpose. “He


accepts what he did,” Bradley said. “It is not the most serious offence although it was of course upsetting for the complainant.” Hardy, whose phone was destroyed, was sentenced to 18 months probation and ordered to pay $242 in compensation. He will also be registered as a sex offender for five years, the court ruled.

parking lot mistakenly spelled “right” as “rihgt.” The mistake in spelling “right turn” next to the Co-op store in Warsop, England, was first spotted Friday afternoon and photographed by resident Eric Hill before being painted over by the contractors. A spokesman for the Co-op supermarket said the contractors WARSOP, England (UPI) - were made aware of the mistake Contractors painting the road shortly after they finished paintoutside a British supermarket’s ing and it was corrected “as

NOVEMBER 13 2014


quickly as possible.” “You would have thought getting a right turn road sign right wouldn’t be too difficult,” one resident said. “But I guess spelling isn’t the road workers’ strongpoint.” WATERBURY, Conn. - Does the terror group ISIS have no scruples? Is there no depth of depravity to which they will not sink? Apparently not, because one of their agents has committed a crime against nature right here on our soil. The whole sordid affair began when Connecticut resident Alice Woodruff noticed a commotion in her yard. When she went to investigate she found her neighbor rolling around naked with her pit bull. “I thought my dog had killed somebody because I saw a man underneath her,” Woodruff explained to local news. “I started to scream ‘get off my dog, you have to get out of here.’ He said, ‘No, today is the day we are going to spend the rest of our lives together.’” As it turned out, it was the intruder who was attacking the dog, with his genitals. Woodruff said the man appeared mentally ill as he was telling her that the terror group ISIS sent him. “He pranced through the yard naked, yelling ‘this is our day and you have to prosper in it,’” Woodruff said. “I ran in, got my gun out of

the bedroom and showed him the clip went in, but I always kept the gun at my side while I was talking to him. He kept saying this is the plan, that we were going to die today in a massacre. He didn’t seem to care that I had the gun, and I kept it down. Then I gave him a warning and shot the gun to the right into the dirt.” “He put his arms out and started walking toward me, telling me to kill him, but to know that as soon as I kill him that we were going to die,” Woodruff said. “Honestly, the whole time I thought there was a bomb or gun and he was going to take it out and do a massacre.” I’m not sure where Ms. Woodruff thought he was keeping a bomb if he was completely naked. The Waterbury Police Department is investigating the incident. Authorities plan to charge him with cruelty to an animal, sexual assault and breach of peace. The man is currently hospitalized. CAIRO (UPI) - An Egyptian bus driver who tried to fool a drug test by using his wife’s urine ended up being told that he’s pregnant. Public Transportation Authority officials said they became suspicious when the male driver’s urine test detected a pregnancy and they confronted the man and asked him to


verify the sample was his own urine. The man confirmed ownership of the sample, leading officials to respond, “Congratulations, you’re pregnant.” The driver admitted the urine came from his wife and said he was not aware she was two months pregnant. The Public Transportation Authority said an investigation into the incident is underway. Officials said they will avoid repeat incidents by requiring blood samples for drug tests. LISSONE, Italy (UPI) - An Italian man who bought a new Fiat to help him get to work on time took an ax to the vehicle when it failed to start. Accountant Spartaco Capon, 34, purchased the Fiat 500 because public transportation was making him consistently late to work, but he turned against the vehicle when it failed to start at his Lissone home, making him late again. Police said Capon attacked the car with a pickax, filling the body of the vehicle with more than a hundred holes. “Normally in incidents like this it’s not people smashing up their own car, but he was able to prove it was his,” police spokesman Anastasio Gallo said. “We think he must have been under a lot of stress at work lately and he was taken to hospital where doctors

NOVEMBER 13 2014


helped to calm down and are keeping him in for tests.” The car was declared totaled and Capon is receiving psychiatric care at the local hospital, where doctors said he would benefit from a few days of relaxation. NEW YORK - There are some benefits to drinking alcohol, moderate amounts can be good for your health, immoderate amounts can give you a warm fuzzy feeling of fraternity with the whole human race, but there are disadvantages too, not the least of which is doing really stupid things when pulled over by the police. A 40-year-old man is facing multiple charges after New York state police say he tried to eat his DWI test results. Troopers say Kenneth Desormes, of Greenwich, Connecticut, was stopped for speeding at 5:30 a.m. After speaking with him, the troopers determined he was intoxicated and arrested him. Desormes was transported to the state police barracks to be processed. Troopers say when his breathalyzer tests results were printing, Desormes grabbed the paperwork and tried to eat it. He is charged with driving while intoxicated, obstructing governmental administration, and criminal tampering.

Exphacter MA M A RRAATTHHOONN M MUUSS IICC W WOORRKK SS (Nashville) Dillon Francis HHEEAAVV EENN AATT TT HHEE M MA ASSQ QU UEERRA AD DEE (Atlanta) Breathe Carolina, Candyland, Flinch, Dotcom BBII JJOOUU TT HHEEAA TTRREE (Knoxville) Leon Russell

TT U UEESSDDAAYY NNoovveem m bbee rr 1188

This week’s calendar covers events from Thursday, November 13, through Wednesday, November 19. We would be happy to publish your free listing in future Billboards, space permitting. Simply mail us the information so that we have it 7 days before the publication date. A photograph may be sent with the announcement. Send information to: Calendar Editor, Enigma, P.O. Box 825, Chattanooga, TN 37401 or e-mail to calendar@enigmaonline.com. All dates subject to change without notice.

TTH HUURRSSDDAAYY NNoovveem mbbeerr 1133 TTHHEE CCOOM MEEDDYY CCAATTCCHH (Chattanooga) Aida Rodriguez BBUUDD’’SS (Chattanooga) DJ Hammer TTRREEM MO ON NTT TTA A VVEERR N N (Chattanooga) Songwriters Showcase CCAAM MPP H HO OU USS EE (Chattanooga) Open Mic AARRII ’’SS HHAA RRBBOORR LLII GGHHTTSS (Chattanooga) Keyz Brown RRHHYYTTHHM M& & BBRR EEW WSS (Chattanooga) Caverna, The Red Rogues, Caney Village TTHHEE M MEELLTTIIN NG G PPO OIIN NTT (Athens, GA) Aaron Carter CCEENNTTEERR SSTTAA GGEE (Atlanta) Eric Hutchinson, Tristan Prettyman, Nick Howard BBUUCCKKHHEEAADD TTHHEEAA TTRREE (Atlanta) Hannibal Buress VVAARR IIEETTYY PP LLAAYYHHOOUUSS EE (Atlanta) Dirty Heads, Rome CCIITTYY W WII N NEERR YY N NA ASS H HVVIILL LLEE (Nashville) Daniel Lanois, Brian Blade RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITTO ORRII U UM M (Nashville) John Butler Trio

FFRRIID DAAYY NNoovveem m bbeerr 1144 TTHHEE CCOOM MEED DYY CCAATTCCHH (Chattanooga) Aida Rodriguez RRAAW W (Chattanooga) DJ Reggie Reg RRHHYYTTHHM M& & BBRR EEW WSS (Chattanooga) Departure, Matt Stephens Project FFOOXX TTHHEEAATTRR EE (Atlanta) Straight No Chaser TTHHEE LLOOFF TT (Atlanta) Aaron Carter BBUUCCKKHHEEAADD TTHHEEAA TTRREE (Atlanta) Jenny Lewis, Waxahatchee SSYYM MPP H HO ON NYY H HA ALLLL (Atlanta) Mary Chapin Carpenter TTHHEE TTAABB EERR NNAACCLLEE (Atlanta) John Butler Trio, Monica Heidal CCIITTYY W WII N NEERR YY N NA ASS H HVVIILL LLEE (Nashville) Sinead O’Connor CCAANNNNEERRYY BB AALL LLRROOOOM M (Nashville) Pierce the Veil, Sleeping With Sirens, Beartooth, The Wild Life ENIGMA

KKNNOOXXVVII LLLL EE CCOOLLIISS EEUUM M (Knoxville) Little Big Town, Brett Edredge, Brothers Osborne SSOOUUNNDD && PPAAGGEE (Birmingham) Charlie Mars IIRROONN HHOORR SSEE CCAA FFÉÉ (Birmingham) Puddle of Mudd AALLAA BBAAM MA A TTH HEEA ATTRR EE (Birmingham) St. Paul & the Broken Bones

SSA ATT UURRDDAAYY NNoovvee m mbbee rr 1155 TTHHEE CCOOM MEED DYY CCA ATTCCHH (Chattanooga) Aida Rodriguez RRHHYYTTHHM M && BBRREEW WSS (Chattanooga) Rubik’s Groove RRAAW W (Chattanooga) DJ Reggie Reg JJ..JJ ..’’SS BBOOHHEEM MIIA A (Chattanooga) Marina Orchestra, Glowing Bordis, Jordan Hallquist AALLAA BBAAM MA A TTH HEEA ATTRR EE (Birmingham) Straight No Chaser RROOCCKKEETTOOW WN N (Nashville) Aaron Carter CCIITTYY W WIIN NEERRYY N NA ASS H HVVIILLLL EE (Nashville) Sinead O’Connor TTHHEE W WA A RREEH HO OU USS EE (Clarksville, TN) Puddle of Mudd SSM MIITTH H’’SS O OLLD DEE BBA A RR (Atlanta) Stroke 9 FFOOXX TTHHEEAATTRREE (Atlanta) Little Big Town, Brett Edredge, Brothers Osborne DDRR UUNNKK EENN UUNNII CCOORRNN (Atlanta) Alvvays

SSU U NNDDAAYY NNoovvee m mbbee rr 1166 TTHHEE CCOOM MEEDDYY CCAATTCCHH (Chattanooga) Aida Rodriguez SSKKYYZZ OOOO (Chattanooga) DJ Exphacter TTEERR M MIIN NA ALL W WEESS TT (Atlanta) We Were Promised Jetpacks TTHHEE M MA ASSQ QU UEERRA AD DEE (Atlanta) Attila, Crown the Empire, Like Moths to Flames, Sworn In RREEDD LLII GGHHTT CCAAFF ÉÉ (Atlanta) Patty Larkin VVAARRII EETT YY PPLL AAYYHHOOUUSSEE (Atlanta) Bebel Gilberto AANNTTHHEEM M (Nashville) B.o.B., Kevin Gates BBOOTTTTLLEETTRREEEE (Birmingham) Alvvays

MOONNDDAAYY NNoovveem M mbbeerr 1177 RRAAW W (Chattanooga) DJ Spicolli TTRREEM MOONNTT TTAAVVEERRNN (Chattanooga) Trivia Night TTHHEE OOFFFF IICCEE (Chattanooga) SpeakEasy FFOOXX && HHOOUUNNDD (Chattanooga) DJ

NOVEMBER 13 2014


RRAA W W (Chattanooga) DJ Spicolli TTRR EEM MOONNTT TTAAVVEERRNN (Chattanooga) Open Mic w/ Mike McDade SS OOUUTTHHSS IIDDEE TTAA VVEERRNN (Chattanooga) Troy Underwood CCII TTYY W WIIN NEERRYY N NA A SSH HVVII LLLL EE (Nashville) Leon Russell CCAA NNNNEERRYY BBAA LLLLRR OOOOM M (Nashville) Pepper, The Movement, New Beat Fund

W EEDDNNEESSDDAAYY NNoovveem W mbbeerr 1199 RRAA W W (Chattanooga) Open Jam w/ Jonathan Wimpee and friends LL AASS M MA ARR G GA ARRII TTA A’’SS (Chattanooga) Priscilla & Little Rickee AA RRII’’SS HHAARR BBOORR LL IIGGHHTTSS (Chattanooga) Keyz Brown TTHHEE TTAA VVEERRNN (Soddy-Daisy) Roberts & Sims RR HHYY TTHHM M && BBRREEW WSS (Chattanooga) Caney Village, Jess Goggans II RROONN CCIITTYY (Birmingham) Method Man, Redman, BReal, Mick Jenkins BBOOTTTT LLEETTRREEEE (Birmingham) Southern Culture on the Skids CCII TTYY W WIIN NEERRYY N NA A SSH HVVII LLLL EE (Nashville) Leon Russell RR YYM MA AN NA AU UD DII TTO ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Phillip Phillips JJ UUPPIITTEERR OONN TTHHEE SS TTRRIIPP (Tuscaloosa) Aaron Carter

UPPCC OOM U M IINNGG EEVVEENNTTSS II M MPPRROOVV CCOOM MEEDDYY CCLL UUBB (Atlanta) Dave Koechner November 20 TTHHEE SSTTAA RR BB AARR (Atlanta) Southern Culture on the Skids November 20 CCII TTYY W WII N NEERR YY N NA A SSH HVVII LLLL EE (Nashville) David Grisman Sextet November 21 GGRR AANNDD OOLL EE OOPPRR YY HHOOUUSS EE (Nashville) Lori McKenna November 21 BB RRIIDDGGEESSTT OONNEE AARR EENNAA (Nashville) Slipknot, Korn, King 810 November 21 TTHHEE SSTTAA RR BB AARR (Atlanta) Southern Culture on the Skids November 21 II M MPPRRO OVV CCO OM MEED DYY CCLL U UBB (Atlanta) Dave Koechner November 21 SS M MIITTH H’’SS O OLLD DEE BB A ARR (Atlanta) Gangstagrass, Megan Jean & the KFB November 21 VVAA RRII EETT YY PPLL AAYYHHOOUUSS EE (Atlanta) Justin Townes Earle, Cory Branan November 21 RR EEDD CCLLAA YY TTHHEEAA TTRREE (Duluth, GA) Mindy Smith November 21

TTH HEE 11 2200 TTAAVV EERR N N (Marietta, GA) Waynestatic, Powerman 5000, American Head Charge November 21 TTH HEE CCO ON NCCO OU URR SSEE (Knoxville) Diarrhea Planet November 21 JJ ..JJ..’’SS BBO OH HEEM MIIAA (Chattanooga) Diarrhea Planet November 22 FF O OXX TTH HEEAA TTRREE (Atlanta) Mannheim Steamroller November 22 TTH HEE TTAA BBEERRN NAA CCLLEE (Atlanta) Slayer, Suicidal Tendencies, Exodus November 22 CCEEN NTTEERR SS TTAA G GEE (Atlanta) Anberlin November 22 IIM MPP RRO OVV CCO OM MEED DYY CCLL U UBB (Atlanta) Dave Koechner November 22 BBLL IIN ND DW WIILL LLII EE’’SS (Atlanta) The Nighthawks November 22 PPH HII LLLL IIPPSS AA RREEN NA A (Atlanta) Stevie Wonder November 22 CCIITT YY W WIIN NEERRYY N NA ASS H HVVIILL LLEE (Nashville) David Grisman Sextet November 22 SS CCRRU UFFFF YY CCIITTYY H HA ALL LL (Knoxville) Gangstagrass, Megan Jean & the KFB November 22 H && PPO 1122 TTH ORRTT EERR (Nashville) Adrian Belew, Saul Zonana November 22 CCIITT YY W WIIN NEERRYY N NA ASS H HVVIILL LLEE (Nashville) Rhett Miller November 23 WO W ORRK K PPLL AAYY TTH HEEA ATTRREE (Birmingham) Kill the Noise, Botnek, Two Fresh November 23 IIRR O ON N CCIITTYY (Birmingham) Better Than Ezra November 23 HA H ARR RRAA H H’’SS CCH HEERR O OK KEEEE EEVVEEN NTT CCEEN NTTEERR (Cherokee) Scotty McCreery, Daniel Bradberry November 22 TTRRA A CCK K 2299 (Chattanooga) Kill the Noise, Botnek, Two Fresh November 24 RRYYM MAA N N AA U UD DII TTO ORRII U UM M (Nashville) The Charlie Daniels Band November 24 D && LLII N 33RRD ND DSS LLEEYY (Nashville) Bonnie “Prince” Billy November 24 TTEERRM MII N NAA LL W WEESS TT (Atlanta) Sevendust, A.Z, November 25 VVA A RRIIEETTYY PPLL AAYYH HO OU USS EE (Atlanta) Eric Johnson, Mike Stern November 25 AN A NTTH HEEM M (Nashville) Kill the Noise, Botnek, Two Fresh November 25 ZZ A AN NIIEE’’SS CCO OM MEED DYY CCLL U UBB (Nashville) Ralphie May November 25 GEEM G M TTH HEEAATT RREE (Calhoun, GA) The Tams November 26 TTH HEE M MAA SSQ QU UEERRA AD DEE (Atlanta) Relient K, Blondfire November 26 SSYY M MPPH HO ON NYY H HAA LLLL (Atlanta) Melissa Etheridge November 26 CCEEN NTTEERR SS TTAA G GEE (Atlanta) Manchester Orchestra November 26 IIN NTTEERR N NAA TTIIO ON NAA LL (Knoxville) Kill the Noise, Botnek, Two Fresh November 26 IIRR O ON N CCIITTYY (Birmingham) Sevendust, A.Z. November 26 ZZ A AN NIIEE’’SS CCO OM MEED DYY CCLL U UBB (Nashville) Ralphie May November 26 TTRRA A CCK K 2299 (Chattanooga) The 1975 November 28

TTH HEE TTA A BBEERRN NA ACC LLEE (Atlanta) Blackberry Smoke November 28 TTEERRM MIIN NA A LL W WEESS TT (Atlanta) K Theory, Watch the Duck November 28 TTH HEE A A RREEN NA AA ATT G GW WII N NN NEETT TT CCEEN NTTEERR (Atlanta) Brantley Gilbert, Tyler Farr, Chase Bryant November 28 HEEA H AVVEEN NA A TT TT H HEE M MA ASS Q QU UEERR A AD DEE (Atlanta) Every Time I Die, The Ghost Inside, Architects, Hundredth, Backtrack November 28 TTH HEE BBU UCCK KH HEEA AD D TT H HEEA A TTRREE (Atlanta) Moon Taxi, Cosby Sweater November 28 TTH HEE LLO OFF TT (Atlanta) Augustana, Scars on 45 November 28 BBO OU UTTW WEELLLL A AU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Birmingham) Casting Crowns, Mandisa, Sidewalk Prophets November 28 TTH HEE TTA A BBEERRN NA ACC LLEE (Atlanta) The 1975 November 29 VVA ARR IIEETTYY PPLLA A YYH HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Shawn Mullins November 29 TTH HEE EEA ARR LL (Atlanta) Cracker November 29 CCO OBBBB EEN NEERR G GYY PP EERRFF O ORRM MIIN NG G AARR TTSS CCEEN N -TTEERR (Atlanta) Ralphie May November 29 CCA AN NN NEERRYY BBA A LLLLRR O OO OM M (Nashville) The Dirty Guvnahs November 29 MA M ARR A ATTH HO ON NM MU USS IICC W WO ORRK KSS (Nashville) Will Hoge, Logan Mize November 29 CCIITTYY W WIIN NEERRYY N NA ASS H HVVIILL LLEE (Nashville) Dave Davies November 30 CCIITTYY W WIIN NEERRYY N NA ASS H HVVIILL LLEE (Nashville) Johnnyswim November 30 TTH HEE EEA ARR LL (Atlanta) Cracker November 30 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DII TTO ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Clint Black, Parmalee December 1 CCIITTYY W WIIN NEERRYY N NA ASS H HVVIILL LLEE (Nashville) Johnnyswim December 1 IIRRO ON N CCIITTYY (Birmingham) Blue Sky Riders December 1 EEXXIITT//II N N (Nashville) Gwar, Corrosion of Conformity, American Sharks December 2 CCIITTYY W WIIN NEERRYY N NA ASS H HVVIILL LLEE (Nashville) Johnnyswim December 2 TTRRA A CCK K 2299 (Chattanooga) Dan + Shay December 3 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DII TTO ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Amy Grant, Vince Gill December 3 MA M ARR A ATTH HO ON NM MU USS IICC W WO ORRK KSS (Nashville) Bones Thugs-n-Harmony, Gillie the Kid December 3 EED DD DII EE’’SS A A TTTTIICC (Atlanta) Stephen Kellogg December 3 TTH HEE TTA A BBEERRN NA ACC LLEE (Atlanta) Black Veil Brides, Falling In Reverse, Set It Off December 3 TTH HEE M MA A SSQ QU UEERRA AD DEE (Atlanta) 3Ball MTY, Los Rakas, Modern Baseball, Knuckle Puck, Crying, Somos, Hostage Calm December 3 TTEEN NN NEESS SSEEEE TTH HEEA A TTRREE (Knoxville) Jim Brickman December 3 TTH HEE G GEEM M TTH HEEA A TTRREE (Calhoun, GA)


Howie Day December 4 TTRRA ACCK K 22 99 (Chattanooga) Bones Thugs N Harmony, Gillie da Kid December 4 TTEERR M MIIN NAALL W WEESSTT (Atlanta) Adrian Belew, Saul Zonana December 4 TTH HEE TTAABB EERR N NAACCLL EE (Atlanta) Common, Jay Electronica December 4 LLA AU UG GH HII N NG G SSK KU ULLLL LL O OU UN NG GEE (Atlanta) Bobcat Goldthwait December 4 RRYYM MAAN N AAU UD DIITTO ORR IIU UM M (Nashville) Amy Grant, Vince Gill December 4 SSCCH HEERRM MEERRH HO ORR N N SS YYM MPPH HO ON NYY CCEEN NTT EERR (Nashville) Michael W. Smith December 4 TTRRA ACCK K 22 99 (Chattanooga) Steep Canyon Rangers December 5 IIM MPPRR O OVV CCO OM MEED DYY CCLLU UBB (Atlanta) Paul Reiser December 5 CCO OBBBB EEN NEERR G GYY PPEERR FFO ORR M MIIN NG G AA RRTTSS CCEEN N-TTEERR (Atlanta) Brian Setzer Orchestra December 5 TTH HEE EEAARRLL (Atlanta) Nashville Pussy, Valient Thor, Against the Grain December 5 TTH HEE M MAASS Q QU UEERR AAD DEE (Atlanta) Obituary, Massacre, Rivers of Nihil December 5 TTH HEE TTAABB EERR N NAACCLL EE (Atlanta) Hoodie Allen, Chiddy Bang, Taylor Bennett December 5 LLA AU UG GH HII N NG G SSK KU ULLLL LL O OU UN NG GEE (Atlanta) Bobcat Goldthwait December 5 SSCCH HEERRM MEERRH HO ORR N N SS YYM MPPH HO ON NYY CCEEN NTT EERR (Nashville) The Manhattan Transfer December 5 BBRRII D DG GEESS TTO ON NEE AARR EEN NAA (Nashville) Brantley Gilbert, Chase Bryant, Tyler Farr December 5 CCIITTYY W WII N NEERR YY N NAA SSH HVVII LLLL EE (Nashville) Jackopierce December 5 CCO OU UN NTTRR YY TTO ON NII TTEE TTH HEEAA TTRREE (Pigeon Forge, TN) Ronnie Milsap December 5 GEEM G M TTH HEEAATTRREE (Calhoun, GA) Mandy Barnett December 6 IIM MPPRR O OVV CCO OM MEED DYY CCLLU UBB (Atlanta) Paul Reiser December 6 BBU UCCK KH HEEAAD D TTH HEEAATTRR EE (Atlanta) Skinny Puppy, VNV Nation, Haujobb, Youth Code December 6 HEEAA VVEEN H N AA TT TTH HEE M MAA SSQ QU UEERRAA D DEE (Atlanta) Gwar, Corrosion of Conformity, American Sharks December 6 TTH HEE AARR EEN NAA AA TT G GW WII N NN NEETTTT CCEEN NTTEERR (Atlanta) Hunter Hayes, Dan + Shay, The Railers December 6 FFO OXX TTH HEEAATTRR EE (Atlanta) Anthony Hamilton December 6 MAA RRAA TTH M HO ON NM MU USS IICC W WO ORR K KSS (Nashville) Haerts, Mikki Ekko December 6 BBIIJJ O OU U TTH HEEAATTRR EE (Knoxville) Hiss Golden Messenger December 6 CCIITTYY W WII N NEERR YY N NAA SSH HVVII LLLL EE (Nashville) Sonny Landreth, Cindy Cashdollar December 7 CCEEN NTTEERR SSTT AAG GEE (Atlanta) Circa Survive, Title Fight December 7 TTH HEE M MAASS Q QU UEERR AAD DEE (Atlanta) Misfits December 7 KN K NO OXXVV IILLLL EE CCO OLL IISS EEII U UM M (Knoxville)

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Diamond Rio December 7 SSYY M MPPH HO ON NYY H HAA LLLL (Atlanta) Diana Krall December 8 CCEEN NTTEERR SS TTAA G GEE (Atlanta) Devin Townsend Project, Animals As Leaders, Monuments December 8 MEEM M MO ORRII AALL AAU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Chattanooga) Joe Bonamassa December 9 SSYY M MPPH HO ON NYY H HAA LLLL (Atlanta) Medeski, Scofield Martin and Wood December 9 PPH HII LLII PPSS AARR EEN NAA (Atlanta) Usher December 9 CCIITT YY W WIIN NEERRYY N NA ASS H HVVIILL LLEE (Nashville) Living Colour December 9 RRYYM MAA N N AA U UD DII TTO ORRII U UM M (Nashville) Amy Grant, Vince Gill December 10 TTH HO OM MPP SSO ON N-- BBO OLLII N NG GA ARR EEN NA A (Knoxville) Trans-Siberain Orchestra December 10 ARR EEN A NAA @ @G GW WII N NN NEETTTT CCEEN NTTEERR (Atlanta) Eric Church, Dwight Yoakum, Halestorm December 11 PPH HII LLII PPSS AARR EEN NAA (Atlanta) The Black Keys, St. Vincent December 11 RRYYM MAA N N AA U UD DII TTO ORRII U UM M (Nashville) Amy Grant, Vince Gill December 11 JJ A AM MEESS K K.. PPO OLL K K TTH HEEA ATTEERR (Nashville) Trace Adkins December 11 TTRRA A CCK K 2299 (Chattanooga) Hard Working Americans December 12 CCIITT YY W WIIN NEERRYY N NA ASS H HVVIILL LLEE (Nashville) Rich Robinson December 12 CCA AN NN NEERR YY BBAA LLLL RRO OO OM M (Nashville) Relient K, Blondfire December 12 JJ A AM MEESS K K.. PPO OLL K K TTH HEEA ATTEERR (Nashville) Trace Adkins December 12 RRH HYYTT H HM M && BBRREEW WSS (Chattanooga) Rich Robinson December 13 BBJJ CCCC A A RREEN NAA (Birmingham) Eric Church, Dwight Yaokum, Halestorm December 13 TTH HEE TTAA BBEERRN NAA CCLLEE (Atlanta) Tyler the

Creator December 13 TTH HEE M MA A SSQ QU UEERRA AD DEE (Atlanta) Fozzy, Texas Hippie Coalition, Shaman’s Harvest December 13 CCIITTYY W WIIN NEERRYY N NA ASS H HVVIILL LLEE (Nashville) Matt Wertz December 14 TTH HEE TTA A BBEERRN NA ACC LLEE (Atlanta) Opeth, In Flames, Red Fang December 15 TTRRA A CCK K 2299 (Chattanooga) Trampled By Turtles, Nikki Lane December 17 PPH HIILL IIPP SS A ARREEN NA A (Atlanta) Fleetwood Mac December 17 SSYYM MPP H HO ON NYY H HA A LLLL (Atlanta) Trace Adkins December 17 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DII TTO ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Amy Grant, Vince Gill December 17 MA M ARR A ATTH HO ON NM MU USS IICC W WO ORRK KSS (Nashville) Steel Panther December 17 IIRRO ON N CCIITTYY (Birmingham) Blue October December 18 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DII TTO ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Amy Grant, Vince Gill December 18 TTH HEE TTA A BBEERRN NA ACC LLEE (Atlanta) Trampled By Turtles, Nikki Lane December 18 ATTLL A A AN NTTA A LL IIVVEE (Atlanta) Norm McDonald December 18 BBRRII D DG GEESS TTO ON NEE A A RREEN NA A (Nashville) Justin Timberlake December 19 IIRRO ON N CCIITTYY (Birmingham) Trampled By Turtles, Nikki Lane December 19 TTH HEE A A RREEN NA AA ATT G GW WII N NN NEETT TT CCEEN NTTEERR (Atlanta) Calvin Harris, T.I., Fallout Boy, Jessie J December 19 GEEM G M TTH HEEA ATTRR EE (Calhoun, GA) The Van Lears, Faye Pierce Bentley, Wrecking Ball, Jule Medders December 20 ARR EEN A NA A@ @G GW WIIN NN NEETTTT CCEEN NTT EERR (Atlanta) Justin Timberlake December 20 TTH HEE TTA A BBEERRN NA ACC LLEE (Atlanta) Flosstradamus, GTA, Two-9 December 20


CCA AN NN NEERRYY BBAALL LLRR O OO OM M (Nashville) Augustana, Scars on 45 December 20 CCIITTYY W WII N NEERR YY N NAA SSH HVVII LLLL EE (Nashville) Shemeika Copeland December 20 TTH HEE IIN NTTEERRN NAA TTIIO ON NAA LL (Knoxville) Adrian Belew December 20 TTH HEE TTAABB EERR N NAACCLL EE (Atlanta) Ben Howard January 21 TTEEN NN NEESS SSEEEE TTH HEEAATT RREE (Knoxville) Mannheim Steamroller December 22 EEG GYYPP TTIIAA N N BBAA LLLL RRO OO OM M AATT FFO OXX TTH HEEAA TTRREE (Atlanta) St. Paul &the Broken Bones December 27 BBRRII D DG GEESS TTO ON NEE AARR EEN NAA (Nashville) Bassnectar December 31 WAA RR M W MEEM MO ORR IIAA LL AA U UD DIITTO ORR IIU UM M (Nashville) Moon Taxi December 31 DO D OW WN NTTO OW WN NN NAA SSH HVVII LLLL EE (Nashville) Lady Antebellum December 31 PPH HIILL IIPPSS AA RREEN NAA (Atlanta) Keith Sweat, Dru Hill, The Isley Brothers, Jeffery Osborne December 31 SSYYM MPPH HO ON NYY H HAALL LL (Atlanta) Gregg Allman December 31 CCIITTYY W WII N NEERR YY N NAA SSH HVVII LLLL EE (Nashville) Cracker January 3 JJ..JJ ..’’SS BB O OH HEEM MII AA (Chattanooga) Birds of Avalon, Ex Hex January 6 BBIIJJ O OU U TTH HEEAATTRR EE (Knoxville) Steep Canyon Rangers January 7 TTRRA ACCK K 22 99 (Chattanooga) Kansas January 9 FFO OXX TTH HEEAATTRR EE (Atlanta) Sam Smith January 9 EEXX IITT//IIN N (Nashville) Reverend Horton Heat, Dale Watson, Rosie Flores January 9 EED DD DIIEE’’SS AATTTT IICC (Atlanta) Johnette Naplitano January 11 RRYYM MAAN N AAU UD DIITTO ORR IIU UM M (Nashville) Gregg Allman January 13/14

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SS CCH HEERRM MEERRH HO ORR N N SSYY M MPPH HO ON NYY CC EEN NTTEERR (Nashville) Kenny Rogers January 15 HAA RRRRAA H H H’’SS CCH HEERR O OK KEEEE CC AASS IIN NO O (Cherokee) Gregg Allman January 16 SS CCH HEERRM MEERRH HO ORR N N SSYY M MPPH HO ON NYY CC EEN NTTEERR (Nashville) Kenny Rogers January 16 BB RRIID DG GEESSTT O ON NEE AARR EEN NA A (Nashville) Linkin Park, Rise Against, Of Mice & Men January 17 SS CCH HEERRM MEERRH HO ORR N N SSYY M MPPH HO ON NYY CC EEN NTTEERR (Nashville) Kenny Rogers January 17 TTH HEE M MAASS Q QU UEERRAA D DEE (Atlanta) Pennywise, A Wilhelm Scream, Anti-Flag January 18 TTH HEE TTAABBEERR N NAA CCLLEE (Atlanta) Ben Howard January 21 TTH HEE TTAABBEERR N NAA CCLLEE (Atlanta) Billy Idol January 22 MEERRCCYY LLO M OU UN NG GEE (Nashville) Of Montreal, Nedelle Torio January 23 RR H HYYTTH HM M && BBRR EEW WSS (Chattanooga) Of Montreal, Nedelle Torio January 24 VVO ON N BBRRAA U UN N CCEEN NTTEERR (Huntsville) Ron White January 24 VVA A RRII EETT YY PPLL AAYYH HO OU USS EE (Atlanta) Antibalas, Zap Mama January 27 CCII TTYY W WII N NEERR YY N NAA SSH HVVII LLLL EE (Nashville) Jeff Daniels January 27 BB RRIID DG GEESSTT O ON NEE AARR EEN NA A (Nashville) Jack White January 28 TTII VVO OLLII TTH HEEAATT RREE (Chattanooga) Ron White January 31 RR YYM MAAN N AAU UD DIITTO ORR IIU UM M (Nashville) John Mellencamp, Carlene Carter January 28 TTEEN NN NEESSSS EEEE TTH HEEAATTRR EE (Knoxville) Ron White January 30 FF EERRSS TT CCEEN NTTEERR (Atlanta) Arlo Guthrie January 31 TTH HEE M MAASS Q QU UEERRAA D DEE (Atlanta) Less Than Jake, Reel Big Fish, Authority Zero February 2 TTRR A ACCK K 22 99 (Chattanooga) Shovels & Rope February 3 CCEEN NTTEERR SSTTAA G GEE (Atlanta) Kongos, Sir Sly February 5 FF O OXX TTH HEEAATTRR EE (Atlanta) Jerry Seinfield February 6 MAA RRAA TTH M HO ON NM MU USSII CC W WO ORRK K SS (Nashville) Cold War Kids, Elliot Moss February 6 TTH HEE 112200 TTAA VVEERRN N (Marietta, GA) Shooter Jennings With Waymore’s Outlaws February 7 CCU ULL TTU URRAALL CCEEN NTTEERR (Roswell, GA) Ruthie Foster February 7 BB U UCCK KH HEEAAD D TTH HEEAA TTRREE (Atlanta) Cold War Kids, Elliot Moss February 7 TTH HEE TTAABBEERR N NAA CCLLEE (Atlanta) Lotus February 7 GEEO G ORRG GII AA D DO OM MEE (Atlanta) Skillet, Jeremy Camp, Francesca Batistell, Building 429, Family Force 5, NewSong, For King And Country, Blanca, Veridia February 7 BB RRIID DG GEESSTT O ON NEE AARR EEN NA A (Nashville) Skillet, Jeremy Camp, Francesca Batistell, Building 429, Family Force 5, NewSong, For King And Country, Blanca, Veridia February 8 CCA AN NN NEERR YY BB AALL LLRRO OO OM M (Nashville)

Guster, Kishi Bashi February 12 CCIITT YY W WIIN NEERRYY N NA ASS H HVVIILL LLEE (Nashville) Colin Hay February 12 MA M ARR AATTH HO ON NM MU USSIICC W WO ORRK K SS (Nashville) Above &Beyond February 12 BBU UCCK KH HEEAAD D TTH HEEA A TTRREE (Atlanta) Shovels & Rope, Caroline Rose February 12 WIILL D W DH HO ORRSSEE SSAA LLO OO ON N (Nashville) Rick Springfield February 13 FF O OXX TTH HEEAA TTRREE (Atlanta) John Mellencamp, Carlene Carter February 13 TTH HEE TTAA BBEERRN NAA CCLLEE (Atlanta) Guster February 13 VVA A RRIIEETTYY PPLL AAYYH HO OU USS EE (Atlanta) Big Head Todd & the Monsters February 13 TTH HO OM MPP SSO ON N-- BBO OLLII N NG GA ARR EEN NA A (Knoxville) Skillet, Jeremy Camp, Francesca Batistell, Building 429, Family Force 5, NewSong, For King And Country, Blanca, Veridia February 13 VVO ON N BBRRAA U UN N CCEEN NTTEERR (Huntsville) Brian Regan February 14 RRYYM MAA N N AA U UD DII TTO ORRII U UM M (Nashville) Shovels & Rope February 14 CCIITT YY W WIIN NEERRYY N NA ASS H HVVIILL LLEE (Nashville) Dave Mason February 15 TTH HEE M MAA SSQ QU UEERRA AD DEE (Atlanta) Silverstein, Beartooth, Hands Like Houses, My Iron Lung, Major League February 15 BBJJ CCCC CC O ON NCC EERR TT H HA A LLLL (Birmingham) Ringo & His All Starr Band, Steve Lukather, Richard Page, Greg Rolie, Todd Rundgren, Gregg Bissonette, Warren Ham February 15 WA W ARR M MEEM MO ORRII A ALL A AU UD DII TTO ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Dr. John February 17 CCIITT YY W WIIN NEERRYY N NA ASS H HVVIILL LLEE (Nashville) Arlo Guthrie February 17 VVA A RRIIEETTYY PPLL AAYYH HO OU USS EE (Atlanta) Dark Star Orchestra February 18

CCIITTYY W WIIN NEERRYY N NA ASS H HVVIILL LLEE (Nashville) Arlo Guthrie February 18 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DII TTO ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Blackberry Smoke February 18 PPH HIILL IIPP SS A ARREEN NA A (Atlanta) Maroon 5, Magic!, Rozzi Crane February 19 SSCCH HEERR M MEERR H HO ORRN N SS YYM MPPH HO ON NYY CCEEN NTTEERR (Nashville) Styx February 19-21 EED DD DII EE’’SS A A TTTTIICC (Atlanta) John Hammond February 22 TTH HEE TTA A BBEERRN NA ACC LLEE (Atlanta) Pierce the Veil, Sleeping With Sirens February 22 BBRRII D DG GEESS TTO ON NEE A A RREEN NA A (Nashville) Maroon 5, Magic!, Rozzi Crane February 22 MA M ARR A ATTH HO ON NM MU USS IICC W WO ORRK KSS (Nashville) Goodbye June, Kongos, Sir Sly, Colony House February 27 TTH HEE M MA A SSQ QU UEERRA AD DEE (Atlanta) August Burns Red, Miss May I, Northlane, Erra March 4 TTH HO OM MPPSS O ON N--BB O OLLIIN NG GA ARR EEN NA A (Knoxville) Fleetwood Mac March 8 VVA ARR IIEETTYY PPLLA A YYH HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Hozier, George Ezra March 10 BBJJ CCCC CCO ON NCCEERRTT H HA ALL LL (Birmingham) John Mellencamp, Carlene Carter March 12 TTH HEE TTA A BBEERRN NA ACC LLEE (Atlanta) Hozier March 13 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DII TTO ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Hozier March 14 MCCK M KEEN NZZ IIEE A A RREEN NA A (Chattanooga) Skillet, Jeremy Camp, Francesca Batistell, Building 429, Family Force 5, NewSong, For King And Country, Blanca, Veridia March 15 SSCCH HEERR M MEERR H HO ORRN N SS YYM MPPH HO ON NYY CCEEN NTTEERR (Nashville) Vienna Boys Choir March 15 WO W ORRK K PPLLA A YY SS O OU UN ND DSSTTA AG GEE (Birmingham) Joshua Radin March 15 CCEEN NTTEERR SS TTA AG GEE (Atlanta) Joshua Radin


March 16 BBRRII D DG GEESS TTO ON NEE AARR EEN NAA (Nashville) Fleetwood Mac March 18 SSCCH HEERRM MEERRH HO ORR N N SS YYM MPPH HO ON NYY CCEEN NTT EERR (Nashville) Boyz II Men March 19-21 CCA AN NN NEERRYY BBAALL LLRR O OO OM M (Nashville) Meghan Trainor March 20 SSCCH HEERRM MEERRH HO ORR N N SS YYM MPPH HO ON NYY CCEEN NTT EERR (Nashville) Boyz II Men March 20 BBJJCCCC A ARR EEN NAA (Birmingham) Skillet, Jeremy Camp, Francesca Batistell, Building 429, Family Force 5, NewSong, For King And Country, Blanca, Veridia March 21 SSCCH HEERRM MEERRH HO ORR N N SS YYM MPPH HO ON NYY CCEEN NTT EERR (Nashville) Boyz II Men March 21 PPH HIILL IIPPSS AA RREEN NAA (Atlanta) Ariana Grande, Rixton March 24 TTEEN NN NEESS SSEEEE TTH HEEAATT RREE (Knoxville) Brian Regan March 26 SSYYM MPPH HO ON NYY H HAALL LL (Atlanta) Jane Lynch March 28 FFO OXX TTH HEEAATTRR EE (Atlanta) Brian Regan March 28 RRYYM MAAN N AAU UD DIITTO ORR IIU UM M (Nashville) Brian Regan March 29 EED DD DIIEE’’SS AATTTT IICC (Atlanta) Al Stewart March 29 SSCCH HEERRM MEERRH HO ORR N N SS YYM MPPH HO ON NYY CCEEN NTT EERR (Nashville) Bernadette Peters April 9-11 TTEERR M MIIN NAALL W WEESSTT (Atlanta) Ok Go April 14 BBJJCCCC CCO ON NCCEERRTT H HAALL LL (Birmingham) Roberta Flack April 18 SSYYM MPPH HO ON NYY H HAALL LL (Atlanta) Diana Krall April 19 AN A ND DRREEW W JJ AACCK K SSO ON NH HAALL LL (Nashville) Anjelah Johnson April 19

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AA LLYYSS RR O OBBIIN NSS O ON N SS TTEEPPH HEEN NSS CCEEN NTT EERR (Birmingham) Diana Krall April 20 RR YYM MAAN N AAU UD DIITTO ORR IIU UM M (Nashville) Diana Krall April 21 TTH HEE AARREEN NAA AA TT G GW WIIN NN NEETTTT CCEEN NTT EERR (Atlanta) The Who April 23 CCII TTYY W WII N NEERR YY N NAA SSH HVVII LLLL EE (Nashville) Joan Armatrading April 25 CCO OBB BB EEN NEERRG GYY PPEERRFF O ORRM MII N NG G AA RRTTSS CCEEN N-TTEERR (Atlanta) Lewis Black May 1 TTII VVO OLLII TTH HEEAATT RREE (Chattanooga) Lewis Black May 2 CCO OBB BB EEN NEERRG GYY PPEERRFF O ORRM MII N NG G AA RRTTSS CCEEN N-TTEERR (Atlanta) Bill Cosby May 2 TTEEN NN NEESSSS EEEE TTH HEEAATTRR EE (Knoxville) Lewis Black May 3 SS CCH HEERRM MEERRH HO ORR N N SSYY M MPPH HO ON NYY CC EEN NTTEERR (Nashville) Kenny G May 7-9 VVEERR IIZZ O ON NW WIIRR EELL EESSSS A AM MPPH HIITT H HEEAA TTRREE (Atlanta) ZZ Top, Jeff Beck May 10 BB RRIID DG GEESSTT O ON NEE AARR EEN NA A (Nashville) The Who May 11 PP H HIILLII PPSS AA RREEN NAA (Atlanta) Bette Midler May 13 II RRO ON N CCII TTYY (Birmingham) Kamelot, Dragonforce May 21 GEEO G ORRG GII AA D DO OM MEE (Atlanta) Kenny Chesney, Eric Church, Brantley Gilbert, Chase Rice June 13 A AARR O A ON N’’SS AA M MPPH HIITT H HEEA A TTRREE (Atlanta) 5 Seconds of Summer August 5 A AARR O A ON N’’SS AA M MPPH HIITT H HEEA A TTRREE (Atlanta) Nickelback August 29 BB RRIID DG GEESSTT O ON NEE AARR EEN NA A (Nashville) Taylor Swift, Vance Joy September 25/26 GEEO G ORRG GII AA D DO OM MEE (Atlanta) Taylor Swift, Vance Joy, Shawn Mendes October 24

OP ENING T HIS WEEK Beyond the Light PG-13 Beyond the Lights is the story of Noni Jean, the music world’s latest superstar. But not all is what it seems, and the pressures cause Noni to nearly fall apart - until she meets Kaz Nicol, a promising young cop and aspiring politician who’s been assigned to her detail. Drawn to each other, Noni and Kaz fall fast and hard, despite the protests of those around them who urge them to put their career ambitions ahead of their romance. But it is ultimately Kaz’s love that gives Noni the courage to find her own voice and break free to become the artist she was meant to be. Dumb And Dumber To PG-13

Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels reprise their signature roles as Lloyd and Harry in the sequel to the smash hit that took the physical comedy and kicked it in the nuts. The original film’s directors, Peter and Bobby Farrelly, take Lloyd and Harry on a road trip to find a child Harry never knew he had and the responsibility neither should ever, ever be given. The Homesman When three women living on the edge of the American frontier are driven mad by harsh pioneer life, the task of saving them falls to the pious, independent-minded Mary Bee Cuddy. Transporting the women by covered wagon to Iowa, she soon realizes just how daunting the journey will be, and employs low-life


Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels in Universal Pictures’ “Dumb & Dumber To”. drifter George Briggs to join her. The an existence in which she wakes unlikely pair and the three women every day believing herself to be sinhead east, where a waiting minister gle and with a whole lifetime of and his wife have offered to take the choice ahead of her she discovers women in. But the group first must instead that she lives with her hustraverse the harsh Nebraska band, Ben, with most decisions Territories marked by stark beauty, already made. Through her meetings psychological peril and constant with a doctor who is helping her to threat. recover her memory, Christine’s story begins to emerge, setting in motion a series of events that trigger startling NO N OW W SSH HO OW WII N NG G consequences for her and all who Alexander And The Terrible, love her, leading her to question Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day PG whether the truth is sometimes better Follows young Alexander through the left forgotten. mishaps of a terrible day for his family after he wishes they all would Big Hero 6 experience the same troubles he Robotics prodigy Hiro Hamada learns to harness his genius—thanks to his does. brilliant brother Tadashi and their like-minded friends: adrenaline Annabelle R John Form has found the perfect gift junkie Go Go Tamago, neatnik for his expectant wife, Mia—a beauti- Wasabi, chemistry whiz Honey Lemon ful, rare vintage doll in a pure white and fanboy Fred. When a devastating wedding dress. But Mia’s delight with turn of events catapults them into the Annabelle doesn’t last long. On one midst of a dangerous plot unfolding horrific night, their home is invaded in the streets of San Fransokyo, Hiro by members of a satanic cult, who turns to his closest companion—a violently attack the couple. Spilled robot named Baymax—and transblood and terror are not all they forms the group into a band of highleave behind. The cultists have con- tech heroes determined to solve the jured an entity so malevolent that mystery. nothing they did will compare to Dracula Untold PG-13 The year is 1462, and Transylvania has Before I Go To Sleep R Due to a catastrophic accident in her enjoyed a prolonged period of peace mid-twenties, Christine, now a forty- under the just and fair rule of the seven-year-old writer, is incapable of battle-weary Vlad III, Prince of forming and maintaining new memo- Wallachia, and his beloved and brave ries for more than a day. Trapped in wife, Mirena. Together, they have

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brokered peace for their country and ensured its people are well-protected, especially from the powerful Ottoman Empire-an ever-expanding scourge that has its sights on global domination. But when Sultan Mehmed II demands 1,000 of Wallachia’s boys-including Vlad’s own son, Ingeras be torn from their parents’ homes and forced to become child soldiers in his army, Vlad must decide: do the same as his father before him and give up his son to the sultan, or seek the help of a monster to defeat the Turks but ultimately doom his soul to a life of servitude. Vlad journeys to Broken Tooth Mountain, where he encounters a foul demon and enters into a Faustian bargain-one that gives the prince the strength of 100 men, the speed of a falling star and enough power to crush his enemies. However, he will be inflicted with an insatiable thirst to drink human blood. If by the end of three days Vlad manages to resist, he will return to his former self, and perhaps in that time manage to save his people. Though should he drink, he will be forced to dwell in the darkness for the rest of his days, feeding only on the blood of humans and destroying all that he holds dear. Fury R April, 1945. As the Allies make their final push in the European Theatre, a battle-hardened army sergeant named Wardaddy commands a Sherman tank and her five-man crew on a deadly mission behind enemy lines. Outnumbered and outgunned, and with a rookie soldier thrust into their platoon, Wardaddy and his men face overwhelming odds in their heroic attempts to strike at the heart of Nazi Germany. Gone Girl R GONE GIRL – directed by David Fincher and based upon the global bestseller by Gillian Flynn – unearths the secrets at the heart of a modern marriage. On the occasion of his fifth wedding anniversary, Nick Dunne (Ben Affleck) reports that his beautiful wife, Amy (Rosamund Pike), has gone missing. Under pressure from the police and a growing media frenzy, Nick’s portrait of a blissful union begins to crumble. Soon his lies, deceits and strange behavior have everyone asking the same dark question: Did Nick Dunne kill his wife?

that took everything from him. Nightcrawler R Lou Bloom, an ambitious young man desperate for work, discovers the world of L.A. crime journalism. When Lou learns of a group of freelance camera crews who film crashes, fires, murder and other mayhem, Lou muscles his way into the dangerous realm of night crawling, where a police siren wail means a possible windfall, and victims are converted into dollars and cents. Aided by Nina, a local TV news veteran, Lou blurs the line between observer and participant.

vengeance against anyone who would brutalize the helpless, McCall comes out of his self-imposed retirement and finds his desire for justice reawakened. If someone has a problem, if the odds are stacked against them, if they have nowhere else to turn, McCall will help. He is The Equalizer.

side world other than strange dreams about a mysterious organization known as W.C.K.D. Only by piecing together fragments of his past with clues he discovers in the maze can Thomas hope to uncover his true purpose and a way to escape. Based upon the best-selling novel by James Dashner.

The Judge R Big city lawyer Hank Palmer, who returns to his childhood home where his estranged father, the town’s judge, is suspected of murder. He sets out to discover the truth and along the way reconnects with the family he walked away from years before.


A Merry Friggin’ Christmas PG-13 Boyd and his family are forced to spend a dreaded Christmas at his parent’s house with his eccentric father Ouija PG-13 that he has been avoiding for years. A group of friends must confront When he realizes that he left his son’s their most terrifying fears when they The Maze Runner PG-13 gifts at home, Boyd and his father awaken the dark powers of an When Thomas wakes up trapped in a must hit the road in a blizzard to massive maze with a group of other retrieve the gifts before sunrise to ancient spirit board. boys, he has no memory of the out- save Christmas. St. Vincent PG-13 Maggie, a single mother, moves into a new home in Brooklyn with her 12year old son, Oliver. Forced to work long hours, she has no choice but to leave Oliver in the care of their new neighbor, Vincent, a retired curmudgeon with a penchant for alcohol and gambling. An odd friendship soon blossoms between the improbable pair. Together with a pregnant stripper named Daka, Vincent brings Oliver along on all the stops that make up his daily routine – the race track, a strip club, and the local dive bar. Vincent helps Oliver grow to become a man, while Oliver begins to see in Vincent something that no one else is able to: a misunderstood man with a good heart. The Best of Me When a mutual friend dies, former high school sweethearts Dawson Cole and Amanda Collier find themselves back in their hometown for the first time in 20 years. Amanda has moved on with a family of her own, but Dawson never got over his one true love. Their old relationship is rekindled, but the forces that drove them away in the first place are still there and violence and heartbreak are the only possible outcomes. The Book of Life PG THE BOOK OF LIFE, a vibrant fantasyadventure, tells the legend of Manolo, a conflicted hero and dreamer who sets off on an epic quest through magical, mythical and wondrous worlds in order to rescue his one true love and defend his village.

Interstellar PG-13 A group of explorers make use of a newly discovered wormhole to surpass the limitations on human space travel and conquer the vast distances involved in an interstellar voyage.

The Equalizer R McCall believes he has put his mysterious past behind him and dedicated himself to beginning a new, quiet life. But when McCall meets Teri, a young girl under the control of ultra-violent Russian gangsters, he can’t stand idly John Wick An ex-hitman comes out of retire- by – he has to help her. Armed with ment to track down the gangsters hidden skills that allow him to serve ENIGMA

Across 2. Worn to protect the clothing 6. Fermented grape juices 11. Lady's-finger 13. State resident 15. English princess 17. Fixes 18. Ogles 19. Underground part of a plant 20. Deuces 21. Thin glutinous mud 22. Authentic 23. Finish first 25. Biddies 26. Person whose religion is Judaism 30. Devote 32. Modify 36. Complete change 37. Shooting sport 38. Sealing compound 40. Purchase

NOVEMBER 13 2014

12. Flightless bird 14. Small dam 16. Part of speech 24. Rich and fashionable travellers 26. Trash 27. Spouse 28. Group of tents 29. Genus of vermin 30. Step in ballet 31. Short letter 33. Paint unskillfully 34. Be sorry for 35. Plaything 39. Highest 42. Public exhibition Down 43. Judges 1. Florida city 2. Inert elemental gas 44. Metal fastener 45. Mathematics 3. Move past 46. Raised platform 4. Lubricates 47. Evade work 5. Yuletide 6. Of moderate tem- 48. Unwieldy ship 51. Career golfers perature 52. Unpleasant smell 7. Insert 53. Salver 8. Planet 54. Stylish 9. Breathe noisily 10. Hates intensely 41. Places to sleep 47. Shaft horsepower 49. Executive Officer 50. Away 54. Pal 55. Imitator 56. Tester 57. Hawaiian port 58. Draw near 59. Book of the Bible 60. Annoys 61. Native of Switzerland 62. Type of packsack


later say he regretted.

“Get Off My Cloud”. 1199 6666 Donovan’s “Mellow Yellow” is released and begins its climb to #8 in the UK and #2 in the US. It was long rumored that the song is about smoking dried banana skins, which was believed to be a hallucinogenic drug in the 1960s, but this rumor has since been debunked. The song’s title actually refers to the fact that Donovan had suffered from liver disease in early 1966 and had become severely jaundiced. 11 995544 Bill Haley’s rendition of “Shake, Rattle and Roll” peaks at #7 during its US chart run of 27 weeks. Producer Milt Gabler would later say that he “cleaned up” the lyrics from Joe Turner’s original 1954 version in order to insure radio airplay. 11 9955 55 Billboard magazine publishes the results of its annual disc jockey poll. The most played R&B single is Johnny Ace’s “Pledging My Love”, the most promising artist is Chuck Berry, the favorite R&B artist is Fats Domino and Elvis Presley is voted the most promising Country And Western artist.

$100,000 to Sam Cooke in an effort to lure him to their label when his Keen Records contract expires. 11 996600 Ray Charles’ version of Hoagy Carmichael’s 1930’s standard “Georgia On My Mind” becomes the first of his three, US number one records. It made #24 in the UK. 11 996611 Brian Epstein went to Liverpool’s Cavern Club to see The Beatles perform for the first time. He had been getting requests at his NEMS music store for a record called “My Bonnie”. After several more visits, Epstein would offer to manage the group, which he did until his death in 1967.

11 9955 77 Buddy Holly’s “Peggy Sue” is released 119966 33 in the US, where it will rise to #3 and stay on the chart for sixteen weeks. The Kingsmen’s classic, “Louie, It was also a big hit in the UK, reach- Louie” is released in the US. It will enter the Hot 100 near the end of ing #6. November and peak at #2 in early Dance Teacher magazine denounces January. England’s Princess Margaret for endorsing Rock ‘n’ Roll, and in doing 119966 44 so, hastening the demise of Ballroom 24-year-old Tom Jones records “It’s dancing. The article went on to say Not Unusual” for Britain’s Decca that “Rock ‘n’ Roll should be discour- Records. The song, originally offered to, but turned down by Sandie Shaw, aged.” will become Jones’ breakthrough hit, reaching #1 in the UK and #10 in the 1199 5588 Elvis Presley’s “Hound Dog” became US. only the third record in history to 119966 55 sell over three million copies, joining “White Christmas” by Bing Crosby Velvet Underground made their live and Gene Autry’s “Rudolf the Red debut when they played at Summit High School in New Jersey. The newly Nosed Reindeer”. formed band, who took their name Hank Ballard And The Midnighters from a paperback about a secret sexrecord the original version of “The ual subculture of the early 1960s, Twist”. It was issued as the B side of were paid $75 for the gig. the Gospel style ballad “Teardrops On Your Letter” and although it James Brown’s “I Got You” enters reached #16 on the R&B chart, both the Billboard Pop and R&B Ballard’s version of “The Twist” charts, where it will reach #3 and #1 wouldn’t appear on the Billboard respectively. The record will become Pop chart until just after Chubby one of the Godfather of Soul’s most Checker’s version took off two years enduring and readily identifiable songs. It reached #29 in the UK. later.

Janis Joplin is arrested at her concert in Tampa, Florida and charged with using “vulgar and indecent language”. The incident began when a policeman with a bullhorn ordered people in the audience to sit down and Joplin responded, “Don’t fuck with those people! Hey, Mister, what’re you so uptight about? Did you buy a five dollar ticket?” When police backstage instructed Joplin to tell the audience to take their seats, she replied, “I’m not telling them shit.” After being arrested in her The Monkees’ debut album started a dressing room, Joplin was released 13 week run at the top of the on bond and all charges were evenBillboard album chart, selling over 3 tually dropped. million copies in three months. The first album by Karen and Richard Johnny Rivers went to #1 on the Carpenter, “Offering”, was released Billboard singles chart with “Poor by A&M Records. It would not be a Side Of Town”. In the UK however, big seller, but a single from the LP, a the record failed to become a hit. remake of The Beatles “Ticket to Ride”, would gain national attention, The Jefferson Airplane record climbing to #54 on the Billboard Pop “Somebody To Love”, which will chart. Their next album, “Close to reach #5 in the US in the summer of You” would establish them as major 1967. The single was also a featured international stars. track on their influential album 1199 7700 “Surrealistic Pillow”. Santana’s version of “Black Magic Woman” is released in the US, where 11 9966 77 The first issue of the Rock and Roll it will rise to #4 during a three month magazine Rolling Stone, which chart run. The song was written by included a free roach clip with every Peter Green and first appeared as a subscription, is published in San Fleetwood Mac single in various Francisco. The cover featured a countries in 1968. photo of John Lennon from his movie, How I Won The War. In a move which is later described by both sides as being conflicting egos, Roger McGuinn expels David Crosby from The Byrds. Crosby is replaced by Gene Clark, an original member of the group returning after two years away. 1199 6688 A US Army captain is quoted in Rolling Stone magazine as saying “Rock and Roll music contributes to both the usage of drugs and the high VD rate among enlisted men in the army today.” Jefferson Airplane stir up some controversy on The Smothers Brothers Show when Grace Slick, appearing in black face, gives the black power fist salute at the end of “Crown Of Creation”.

1199 6699 Simon And Garfunkel record what would become their signature tune, “Bridge Over Troubled Water”, with future member of Bread, Larry Knechtel on piano. Art wanted Paul The Rolling Stones make their US TV to sing the song, but Paul insisted 1199 5599 RCA executives offer a guarantee of debut on Hullabaloo, performing that Art’s voice was better suited for it. It was a decision that Paul would ENIGMA

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1199 7711 Three Dog Night’s “Old Fashioned Love Song” is released in the US, where it will climb to #4 on the Billboard Pop chart and #1 on the Easy Listening chart. It was a tune that songwriter Paul Williams would later say that he wrote in 20 minutes.

119977 66 Frank Zappa And The Mothers of Invention earn a Gold record for the 1973 album, “Overnite Sensation”.

Rod Stewart’s “Tonight’s the Night” was the top tune on the Billboard Hot 100, despite being banned from the play lists of many radio stations Slade, one of the most successful because of its sexually suggestive British bands of the 1970s, score the lyrics (“Spread your wings and let me first of their six UK number one come inside”). It made #5 in the UK. records with “Coz I Luv You”. The mis-spelt title became a trademark 11 997777 for the band, which caused a great Donna Summer is awarded a Gold deal of concern by school teachers in record for her Billboard #6 hit, “I Feel Love”. It was the second of her twenGreat Britain. ty, US Top 40 chart makers. 11 997722 A little over a year after The Allman 119977 88 Brothers Band lost Duane Allman in a Donna Summer’s Disco version of motorcycle accident, their bassist, “MacArthur Park” rose to the top of 24-year-old Berry Oakley was killed the Billboard chart, besting Richard when his motorcycle hit a bus, just Harris’ 1968 rendition by one spot. It three blocks away from the site that would be the first of four number claimed Allman. At first, Oakley one singles for Summer. Songwriter seemed all right, but died twenty Jimmy Webb would later explain that minutes after being brought to the the mysterious lyrics about the cake melting in the rain is simply a hospital. metaphor for a love affair ending. 11 9977 33 After years of struggling as a member Chic is awarded their second Gold of two New York area bands, The record of the year for “Le Freak”, Hassels and Attila, and as a bar room which will hit #1 in the US next piano player, Billy Joel releases what January. The group had earlier will ultimately be his breakthrough received a Gold record for “Dance, album, “Piano Man”. The title song Dance, Dance”. will be released as a single and become a Top Twenty-five hit early 119977 99 The Eagles had the number one song next year. in America with a tune that was coThirty radio stations across the written by Bob Seger, “Heartache United States broadcast what it billed Tonight”. It only reached #40 in the as a “live” show by Mott the Hoople. UK. It was really nothing more than 119988 22 Hoople’s studio tracks with dubbedMarvin Gaye’s first release since in applause. leaving Motown Records earlier in the year, “Sexual Healing”, becomes 11 997744 Randy Bachman, the former lead gui- his 13th and final #1 on the Billboard tarist for The Guess Who, enjoyed a R&B chart. The song will reach #3 on number one song with his new band, the Pop chart and #4 in the UK early Bachman-Turner Overdrive. Randy next year. stuttered through the lyrics of “You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet” on a demo After 42 weeks on the Billboard Hot recording as a private joke about his 100, Soft Cell’s “Tainted Love” finally brother Gary, who had a speech falls off of the chart, passing the old impediment. The record company longevity record held by Paul Davis’ liked that take better than the non- “I Go Crazy” by three weeks. stammering version and released it. 119988 77 The song not only gave the band their third US top thirty hit and a #2 Although they had been divorced for in the UK, Gary Bachman stopped twelve years, Sonny and Cher appear together on The Late Show, where stuttering. they are coaxed by David Letterman An impostor posing as Deep Purple’s into singing “I Got You Babe”. The guitarist Ritchie Blackmore borrowed crowd gave the pair a standing ovaa Porsche in Iowa City and wrecked tion for what would prove to be their it, having already conned food and final performance together, as Sonny shelter out of several Deep Purple would die in a skiing accident in fans. He was later arrested and 1998. charged. The real Ritchie Blackmore 11 999900 was playing a concert in San Milli Vanilli producer Frank Farian Francisco. ENIGMA

admits to reporters that Fabrice Morvan and Rob Pilatus never sang a note on the “Milli Vanilli” album. The duo eventually returned their Best New Artist Grammy. The Who’s Pete Townshend confesses his bisexuality to Newsweek magazine. Says Pete, “I know how it feels to be a woman because I am a woman. And I won’t be classified as just a man”. 11 9999 77 Billy Preston was sentenced to three years in prison for violating probation when he tested positive for cocaine. Another year was added to his sentence when he was convicted of having arranged a fake burglary of his house in 1994. He would be released after 18 months in California’s Avenal State Prison.

1199 9999 The Recording Industry Association of America announces their Artists Of The Century. The Beatles top the list for US sales of over 106 million albums. Garth Brooks was named most successful male artist (89 million albums sold) and Barbra Streisand the most successful female artist. (62 million albums sold). Elvis Presley had the most Gold and Platinum singles with 77, to go along with his 80 Gold and Platinum albums. Elton John’s “Candle In The Wind” (Princess Diana version) is the best selling single of all time and the Eagles “Greatest Hits 1971 - 1975” is the record holder for best selling album. 2200 0022 Viewers of the UK music channel VH1 voted Whitney Houston’s “I Will Always Love You” as the most romantic song ever. In 2nd place was Willie Nelson’s “You Were Always On My Mind” and 3rd was “My Heart Will Go On” by Celine Dion. 2200 0033 Tony Thompson, drummer for Chic, passed away from renal cell cancer at the age of 48. Thompson played on all the Chic hits, including “Dance, Dance, Dance”, “Le Freak”, “I Want Your Love” and “Good Times”. 22 00 0044 The Federal Communications Commission in the US finished the first phase of an investigation into the current practice of record labels paying radio stations for airplay. A Los Angeles jury ordered Rod Stewart to repay the $780,000 he accepted as a deposit for a 2002 tour of Latin America that was later cancelled.

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2200 00 88 Jimi Hendrix Experience drummer Mitch Mitchell was found dead in a Portland, Oregon hotel room. He had just completed the Experience Hendrix Tour and was starting a brief vacation before returning to his native England. The Multnomah County Medical Examiner’s office later ruled that the 62-year-old Mitchell had died of natural causes. 2200 00 99 61-year-old Yusuf Islam, known as Cat Stevens in the 1970s, took the stage in Dublin for the inaugural performance of his first full tour since 1976. After converting to Islam at the height of his popularity, he had rejected Pop music until 2006 when he released “An Other Cup”, following it with “Roadsinger” in May of ‘09. 2200 1100 Pamela Des Barres, a woman who describes herself as “The world’s most famous groupie”, defended Mick Jagger after Keith Richards questioned the size of his manhood in the Richards autobiography Life. Des Barres says “I beg to differ with Keith on the sexual prowess of his lead singer. In all ways (including size), I got plenty of satisfaction.” 2200 1133 Boy George announced that he was reforming Culture Club to record a new album.

This Love,” died of a stroke with methamphetamine intoxication. The report released Tuesday by the Shelby County medical examiner says the 63miissoonn died Sept. 1 at year-old JJaam a home in Memphis. The autopsy says Jamison had cardiovascular disease and narrowing of the arteries. It had been believed that Jamison died of a heart attack. The report says he died of a hemorrhagic brain stroke, with “acute methamphetamine intoxication contributing.” JJaam miissoo nn joined SS uurrvviivvoo rr in 1984, after it had already become known for “Eye of the Tiger,” the theme song to the SSyyllvveesstteerr SS ttaalllloonn ee film “Rocky miissoo nn replaced vocalist III.” JJaam DDaavvee BBiicc kklleerr.

business manager for two former members of the group, Arreeee BBoo ookkeerr , a funeral and A director with Eternity Funeral H aann kk, Services. BBiigg BBaann kk H H eennrryy whose real name was H JJaacckkssoo nn, was born in the Bronx borough of New York. He was a Gaann gg in part of the SSuu ggaarrhhiillll G 1979 when it had hip-hop’s first hit with “Rapper’s Delight.” The song was released as hiphop music started to emerge as a genre, and it landed in the Top 40 on the Billboard Hot 100 charts. It also peaked at No. 4 on the Hot Soul Singles chart, now called the Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs chart. The SSuu ggaa rrhhiillll GGaa nngg , which was formed in Englewood, also included M Maass tteerr G G eeee and Woo nndd eerr M W Miikkee .

…BBiigg BB aann kk H H aann kk, a member of the pioneering hipGaann gg hop group the SSuu ggaarrhhiillll G responsible for one of the most popular rap songs of all time, “Rapper’s Delight,” has died of complications of cancer at age 57. He died Tuesday …An autopsy report at a hospital in Englewood, mii JJaam miissoo nn, the according to DD aavviidd M shows that JJ iim Maalllliiee, a lead singer on SSuu rrvviivvoorr hits such as “Burning Heart” and “Is

D aavvee SS tteew w aarrtt – …D musician, producer and entrepreneur – is opening up an office in Nashville but it’s not as simple as “signing up country artists and selling a lot of waa rrtt, instead, records.” SS tteew wants to build an extension of his “idea factory” in Music City. Known to the general public as EEuurryytt hhm miicc ss , one-half of SStteew waarrtt has spent decades as a music producer, artist manager, businessman and allaround idea guy, having been one of the first artists to embrace the World Wide Web, and create the first bank dedicated to artists and their fans. Having been involved with

RRU UM MOOUU RR HH AASS IITT… … …Live Nation announced Wednesday that BBiillllyy JJoo eell will perform at Philips Arena on Saturday, February 28, 2015. The performance marks BBiillllyy JJoo eell’’ ss first solo appearance at Philips Arena since 2007. “It is a an honor and privilege to welcome BBiillllyy JJoo eell back to Philips Arena on Saturday February 28, 2015. We have had the pleasure to host Billy in the past and he always delivers an incredible show,” says TT rreeyy FFee aazzeellll , EVP & General Manager, Philips Arena. BBiillllyy JJ ooeell is one of the highest grossing touring artists in the world. Having sold over 150 million albums globally, his music has remained among the most popular in the world. The singer/songwriter/composer is the sixth best-selling recording artist of all time and the third best-selling solo artist.


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everything from directing music videos to launching marketing campaigns to publishing his book “The Business Playground,” Stewart doesn’t see a Nashville office for Dave Stewart Entertainment simply as a chance to tap into the burgeoning market. Instead, “I’m really looking forward to start doing some ‘world-building’ in Nashville,” SStt eew waa rrtt told Pollstar. Doo lloo rreess O O’’ RRiioo rrdd aann’’ ss …D flight from New York to Shanon, Ireland, ended with TT hhee CCrraann bbeerrrriieess frontwoman being detained and arrested. The singer is accused of assaulting a flight attendant in the business section of Aer Lingus flight EL 110. According to the BBC, the flight attended “suffered a suspected fracture in one of her feet.” The police were waiting to meet the flight when it landed in Shannon. OO ’’RR iioo rrdd aann also allegedly assaulted a police officer during the arrest. The officer was not seriously hurt. …San Francisco, Seattle, Calgary, Boston, Atlanta and Los Angeles are just some of the cities O OK KG Goo will play when the band climbs back onboard the tour bus for a March-May run beginning on the West Coast. The Grammy/VMA-winning band

has a new album to support. Hungry Ghosts was released in October on Paracadute/BMG. The band recently issued the official video for the LP’s second single, “I Won’t Let You Down,” during an appearance on NBC’s “Today.” The video has already accumulated more than 12 million views. …Pop violinist VVaann eessssaa--M Maaee was banned from competitive skiing for four years on Tuesday for taking part in races that were fixed to allow her to qualify for the Winter Olympics in Sochi. The findings by the International Ski Federation exposed as a sham what many fans thought was a feel-good celebrity Olympic story. FIS also banned five race officials from Slovenia and Italy for between one and two years for their role in the scandal. …The bass player for the heavy metal band BBllaacckk TTuusskk has died after being critically injured in a weekend motorcycle crash near his Georgia home. The death of JJ oonn aatt hhaann AAtt hhoo nn, 32, of Savannah was confirmed Monday by the band’s record label, Relapse Records. BBllaacckk TTuusskk recently finished recording a follow-up to the band’s 2011 album Set The Dial and the 2013 EP Tend No Wounds, said BBoo bb LL uugg oow wee , the label’s marAtthhoo nn suffered keting director. A critical injuries Friday night when his Harley-Davidson motorcycle crashed into the side of an SUV in Savannah’s downtown historic district, according to SavannahChatham County police. A Atthhoo nn died Sunday at a local hospital after being taken off life sup-

port, BB llaacc kk TTuu sskk said in a best! The shows will have all statement posted on its the hits and more.” Facebook page. Q uuee nntt iinn TTaarraa nntt iinn oo has …Q Hiiss A Allll SS ttaarrrr claimed that he will retire …RR iinngg oo SStt aarrrr && H BBaanndd reveal a February-March after he has made 10 films. The run that includes shows in director currently has seven South America, Mexico, Puerto films to his name. TTaarraann ttiinnoo Rico and Dominican Republic made the claim during a Q&A as well as in the U.S. for buyers at the American Destinations include Orlando, Film Market. He is currently Rio de Janeiro, San Francisco making his eighth directorial and Birmingham. For this out- title, The Hateful Eight. ing RR iinngg oo will be fielding the Speaking at the Q&A, TTaarraann ttiinnoo All ll SStt aarrrrss he’s been said: “I don’t believe you same A working with the last few should stay onstage until peoyears – SS tt eevvee LL uukk aatt hheerr , ple are begging you to get off. RR iicchh aarrdd PPaagg ee , GG rreegg gg RRoo lliiee , I like the idea of leaving them TToo dd dd RRuu nn ddgg rreenn , GG rreegg gg wanting a bit more. I do think BBiissssoonn eetttt ee and W Waarrrreenn H H aam m. directing is a young man’s Although the former BBeeaattlleess game and I like the idea of an drummer used to take out a umbilical cord connection different musicians with each from my first to my last movie. tour, he loves performing with I’m not trying to ridicule anythe 2012 lineup. “We have so one who thinks differently, but much fun playing together,” I want to go out while I’m still RRiinn ggoo said. “We don’t want it hard… I like that I will leave a to end!” 10-film filmography, and so I’ve got two more to go after …SS pp aanndd aauu BB aalllleett announces this. It’s not etched in stone, the North American leg of its but that is the plan.” “Soul Boys Of The Western World” tour, beginning in If you know any truths, halfJanuary on the West Coast. truths or outright lies about “We are over the moon at the music and club scene send rediscovering our friendship it to Sissy Vance c/o and are really looking forward rumoursmill@enigmaonline.co to playing live in the U.S. m. H aadd lleeyy said. again,” TT oonn yy H “Playing live is what we do - Sissy Vance

1. Ziggy Marley 2. AC/DC 3. Cracker 4. Foo Fighters 5. TV On The Radio 6. Trigger Hippy 7. Elle King 8. Shakey Graves 9. Tweedy 10. The Decemberists 11. Shovels & Rope 12. Joe Bonamassa 13. Leonard Cohen 14. Pink Floyd 15. Weezer 16. Jenny Lewis 17. Umphrey's McGee 18. Lucinda Williams 19. Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers 20. Fall Out Boy

ADVENTURE PICKS 1. Olivia Jean 2. Bleachers 3. Thurston Moore


NOVEMBER 13 2014


Dave Mason Leads A Traffic Jam What a long, strange trip it’s been for Dave Mason. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee brought a few of his friends to the Fine Arts Center at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga recently and reminded those in attendance of better time (in perspective). Mason, a founding member of later British Invasion band Traffic, brought the full house on a stroll down memory lane as he reminded folks of the era of free love and experimentation. The crowd in attendance was definitely older, and to be honest it felt nice to be one of the younger ones in attendance for a change. Those looking for stroll down memory lane were in store for a night of classic Traffic songs, some of which were written and recorded after Mason had left the band and then a set of solo material. Mason took center stage as his band began the magical mystery tour back to the ‘60s. To be honest with you I knew who Mason was for the most part before the show. Like many I knew of his being a founder of Traffic, whose material I was familiar with but not well versed. And I

knew the one solo hit back from when I was a kid, “We Just Disagree”. What I really didn’t understand or know about was his talent on guitar. Mason put on a clinic as he quite literally shredded it. His guitar style evoked everything

from psychedelic sounds of the late ‘60s to a more blues/country sounds of mid ‘70s FM radio with a rich warm tone. Traffic purists may have been a little put off as he put a Mason twist on the Traffic songs in the first set. First, Mason’s voice is a richer tone than Steve Winwood’s. Mason’s take on the songs gave them a more country/rock feeling than a British/psychedelic sound of the era of the song. His guitar playing was trippy and appropriate as it was reminiscent of ENIGMA

on Hendrix’s Electric Ladyland and it was his acoustic guitar solo in the beginning of “All Along the Watchtower, Rolling Stones’ Beggar’s and George Banquet Harrison’s first post Beatles album All Things Must Pass. There are tons of other Rock and Roll Hall of Famers whose albums he played on. It’s really quite impressive if you take a look at it. And it’s a shame many only know of a few of his songs – his one really big solo hit (“We Just Disagree”) that he didn’t even write and the biggest hit that he didn’t write no one unless they look at the liner notes know that he wrote (“Feelin’ Alright” that was made famous with that. Those in atten- by Joe Cocker). dance I hope weren’t there for a karaoke or tribute band After a brief intermission translation of the songs. Mason and his band reconMason definitely took cre- vened a played a set of songs ative liberty with them a quite from his solo career including songs from his recently frankly did them justice. released album, “Futures Between songs we would ban- Past”. He finished his set ter a bit about the songs he telling the story behind was playing and what was “Feelin’ Alright,” telling everygoing on at the time giving the one it had been recorded a attentive crowd some inside hundred times and made most knowledge of what was going famous by Joe Cocker. He then put his spin on it that on in their youth. was vastly different from the Enough can’t be said about original Traffic take on it and Mason’s mastery on guitar. Cocker’s. As he did with most Many don’t realize he played of the songs he played that Jimi Hendrix someone whom Mason recorded with. The songs’ paces were a little different and if you weren’t completely familiar with them it might take a few lines to figure out the song. That being said there’s nothing wrong




© Photo by Dave Weinthal

night he interpreted them in his own way. When through the crowd rose to their feet. After a brief second he told the crowd about Jimi Hendrix

and what he was like and the Electric recording of Ladyland. He then finished the night with his version of “All Along the Watchtower”. ENIGMA

quite like taking a step back After the show the crowd in time. shuffled out of the theater looking a little younger and - Dave Weinthal spry. I guess there’s nothing

NOVEMBER 13 2014


© Photo by Dave Weinthal





© Photo by Dave Weinthal









© Photo by Dave Weinthal





Are the Falcons Finally Back on Track?

For whatever’s been ailing the Atlanta Falcons the cure is Josh McCown. While it wasn’t the 56-14 whitewashing from week three the Falcons put their best complete performance of the season winning at Raymond James Stadium 27-17. For at least a week the bitching, moaning, crying and gnashing of teeth are silent in Georgia as the Falcons put on a complete game effort that saw Steven Jackson have his best day as a Falcon running the ball, both Kroy Biermann and Osi Umenyoia account for 1.5

sacks apiece and defense force 56-point lead before playing nice. four turnovers with the offense McCown started for the first time playing mistake free. since he was knocked out of game at the Georgia Dome in week But of course these were the 1-7 – three. The Tampa Bay signal caller now 1-8 Buccaneers. completed 27-of-43 for 301 yards and two touchdowns. Those were Sometimes it takes a team like the good things about his game. Tampa Bay to cure what ails you The bad – he was intercepted and gets everything back on track. twice: once in the end zone with under three minutes to play and That being said the Bucs did not again as time was running out. play like a one win team. They The Buc QB was sacked four times, have definitely improved since the rushed, hurried and knocked debacle in week one that saw around all day making the Atlanta Atlanta score 28 points in a little defense look impressive for the over one quarter and sprint to a first time since… well, the lat time ENIGMA




these two met. The Falcon defense was on fire most of the day forcing four turnovers; two interceptions and two fumble recoveries. The 17 points allowed were the second fewest points allowed since their last meeting against their divisional foes when they gave up 14. “We have been playing, even though the numbers may not dictate it, a little bit better over the last five or six weeks on defense. I think it really showed today. The guys were able to make plays

when they were presented. We put pressure on the quarterback, and we were able to sack the quarterback. We were able to create some interceptions and when we do that, you’re going to like what’s happening not only to the defense but your whole entire football team,” said Falcons coach Mike Smith.

The Falcon offense showed a tougher side of themselves Sunday as Jackson ran for 81 yards and a touchdown. That 81 yards sadly is the most yards he’s run for since joining the Birds in 2013. To his credit he ran with authority showing glimpses of his old self as the Falcons makeshift line was stacked with wide bodies and an extra tackle forgoing a tight end Smith has come under a lot of fire on a lot of sets. Matt Ryan had a this season and after last season better day under center as well as as well as pundit are already pre- he did not throw an interception dicting his ouster and trying to pick his replacement. A word to Arthur Blank if you actually read this – you are an idiot if you fire Smith. Yes, I am a Mike Smith fan. I realize the Falcons have only seven of their last 26 games. I look at the five years previous when he had the second most wins over that time. There have been four playoff berths during his tenure that leads all Falcons coaches. Seeing that the Falcons have only made the postseason ten times in their 49 year history. Two other coaches have two playoff appearances; Leamon Bennett with two in 1978 and 1980 and two by Dan Reeves in 1998 the only time the franchise has made it to the Super Bowl and 2002 when they upset Green Bay at Lambeau Field to be the first team to defeat the Packers at home. From 2010-12 Smith led the Falcons to three straight playoff appearances something unheard of for any Atlanta Falcons fan. Despite the past season and a half being down by comparison to what most Falcons fans expect these days Smith’s winning percentage is .700 and is one of only three coaches in the franchise’s history to have a winning record. He far outpaces Jim Mora whose winning percentage in Atlanta was .540 but was run out of the town by Michael Vick (before Vick in turn was run out of Atlanta that off-season by feds for a dog fighting ring he bankrolled). I just hope that Blank doesn’t give in to “popular” opinion and get rid of the best coach in the franchise’s history.

and was only sacked once. The new line alignment seemed to work well and give the Atlanta QB enough time a majority of the time.

comes to catching a pass in traffic as he proved in the first and fourth quarters. His catch in the fourth helped keep the Falcons drive alive as they trailed to one point early in the fourth quarter. Roddy White played like his old self as he caught all six passes thrown his way for 72 yards including the eventual game winner from five yards out. Even more impressive on the drive was the catch Harry Douglas made on the two-point conversion in acro-


Atlanta was unable to grind out a first down and was forced to give it back to the Bucs but once again the secondary came up big as second year safety Kemal Ishmael intercepted McCown’s Hail Mary on fourth down at the Falcons’ nine with 21 seconds to go to seal the victory. The win ends Atlanta’s five-game skid and despite winning by 10 it could have been a lot worse. Devin Hester was wide open at the goal line as he let the ball literally bounce off his hands and fall to the ground in Atlanta’s second drive forcing them to kick a field goal instead. Despite that the Falcons played their most complete game of the season scoring in each quarter Sunday.

batic action to made the lead seven.

A few minutes later Atlanta drove inside the Tampa Bay 20 to set up a Matt Bryant 33-yard field goal to “I thought our offensive line did a pretty much ice the game. great job today. Hats off to those guys. Having some continuity Despite that McCown and Tampa week-to-week, I think, was really Bay made it interesting. As they good for those guys. I think James drove inside the Atlanta\a ten on a Stone at center - it’s such an drive that featured three consecuimportant position for us in terms tive plays reversed thanks to of getting those guys on the same reviews. But the defense stood page. I think he’s doing a tremen- strong as Dwight Lowery interdous job. And Ryan Schraeder cepted McCown after the ball was coming in at right tackle. I think deflected in the corner of the end the five of those guys being able to zone. The safety scooped up the play a couple weeks back-to-back batted ball inches above the turf and having some time during the cradling it and coming up with the bye week to work together, I think interception. A review of the play that’s very good for us moving for- proved he caught the ball before it ward,” said Ryan. touched the ground. Julio Jones led the Falcons with eight receptions for 119 yards. He still had a case of stone hands on a couple of throws that he should of had, but there is no one in the league quite like him when it

out. When you get that opportunity, you capitalize on it and he did a good job on that,” said Falcon linebacker Paul Worrilow.

“It felt like we played good football. In all three phases, we were able to finish, something we have not been able to do. Defensively, I really felt we (put) a good game plan in place. The coaches did a very nice job. We were able to put pressure on the quarterback. We hit him 11 times, sacked him four times and created some turnovers there in the second half. It was definitely a team win. We stated early in the week that our goal was to be 1-0 and we got that accomplished. We’ll get on the plane, get back to Atlanta, and go for our next 1-0 week,” said Smith.

With the win the Falcons despite all the screaming and moaning this season find themselves only one game out of first place and in second place thanks to Carolina getting drilled Monday night by the Eagles. They do more to help their new lease on life as they travel to face Carolina Sunday. Kickoff is “That was huge. I knew he caught scheduled for 1pm and will be it as soon as he did and then they aired on Fox. called it incomplete. I mean, that was just a great reaction on the - Dave Weinthal ball and that’s what I was talking about — being able to close games




Cowboys End Losing Streak

Jolly ol’ England proved to be the ideal place for the Dallas Cowboys to land in order to clear their heads and concentrate on the business at hand as they broke a two-game losing skid defeating the Jacksonville Jaguars 31-17 at Wembley Stadium in London. Tony Romo returned to the fold in what was a must-win game for this franchise. He played through pain throughout the contest because the Cowboys had to have this win. Before the Arizona game last week, it had

been hoped that backup quarterback Brandon Weeden could guide the team while the quarterback healed. Those thoughts were dashed by his dismal performance that resulted in the Cowboys third loss at home. Dallas needed a reversal of fortune if they were going to salvage their season. Jason Garrett had never lost three games in a row as a head coach. Both he and Romo knew exactly what was at stake in London. He had to start the game.

Romo’s arm on the first drive as he overthrew a wide open Jason Witten streaking toward the end zone. Dallas had to settle for a field goal. Jacksonville responded with an impressive 80-yard drive with running back Denard Robinson scampering through the Cowboy secondary for a 32yard score – and lead. The 30,000 strong “Union Jacks” – Jacksonville’s English fan club – cheered wildly for their adopted American football team. The Jaguars defense came alive and forced to Dallas to punt on their There was a bit of rust on next possession. It would be the ENIGMA




turning point of the game. Jacksonville’s Ace Sanders attempted to field the kick at his ten-yard line but it slipped out of his grasp for the team’s 20th miscue of the season. The Cowboys C.J. Spillman recovered the ball at the six. Three plays later, Romo found Witten in the end zone for two yards and the lead. The Brits, more accustomed to European style football than the American gridiron type, were treated to an excellent highlight

reel featuring wide receiver Dez Bryant in the second quarter. In fact, it would be the only appearance he made in the game and he made it count. For all intents and purposes, you could have called this portion of the contest, “The Wrath of Dez”. He started the quarter by catching a pass from Romo then weaved through the Jacksonville secondary for a 35-yard touchdown. It was the 40th time in four seasons that the two had connected for a score. Defensive tackle George Selvie caused Denard Robinson to fumble the ball that safety Barry Church recovered. On the ensuing drive, Cole Beasley caught a pass and while diving for extra yards, coughed up the ball that the Jaguars recovered. Dallas held with 31 seconds to go in the half.

to Bryant streaking across the field near the goal line. He caught the ball and was literally off to the races. He broke a tackle and turned up field. The Jaguars secondary finally caught up to him as he powered his way across the goal line 68 yards later. It gave the Cowboys a formidable 24-7 lead and a much needed confidence boost heading into the locker rooms at the half.

Jacksonville took the kickoff to start the third quarter and went nowhere. Running back Joseph Randall, in relief of the record setting DeMarco Murray, broke the Jaguars line and ran 40 yard to the end zone for his first rushing touchdown of his career. The Cowboys have been limiting Murray’s carries to 19 attempts the last three games in On the first play from scrim- order to save the wear and tear mage, Romo dumped the ball off on his body. The certain All-Pro ENIGMA

running back rushed for exactly death of his best friend and 100 yards for the ninth time this team mate, Jerry Brown. season. Prior to the Jacksonville game, Jacksonville scored some mean- Dez Bryant only had five catches ingless points with two minutes for 45 yards in the Cowboys two left in the game for the final losses. Against the Jaguars, he score. Tony Romo scored the didn’t put his hands on three of highest quarterback rating of his the four quarters. The damage career with 138.8 passing grade he did with his six receptions in on 21-28 attempts for 258 yards, the second period, however, set three touchdowns and no inter- a franchise record for most ceptions. With Dez Bryant run- yards by a Cowboy receiver with ning 68 yards for a score to end 158. the first half, the QB recorded his 34th touchdown toss of 50 The Cowboys are the only undeyards or more since 2006. It’s feated team on the road in the the most in the NFL. NFL with a 4-0 mark. This coming weekend is a bye week for Coow C wbboo yy N Nootteess – – The Dallas Dallas before they travel to New Cowboys activated defensive York to face the Giants. They tackle Josh Brent and placed him then take on Philadelphia at on their 53-man roster. Brent home on Thanksgiving to battle has been out of football for two the Eagles for the top spot in the years following his arrest and NFC East. conviction for a drunken driving incident that resulted in the - David Huff




Titans Start Strong, But...

It was a tale of two halves – as it always seems to be in the NFL as the Titans fumbled away opportunities in the first half to fall to the Baltimore Ravens Sunday 21-7.

The Titans were on the verge of taking a 14-point lead when Shonn Greene fumbled on the goal line and the Ravens never looked back – and the Titans were never really Zach Mettenberger was impressive a threat the rest of the game. in the first half of his first road start as he led the Titans down for “We really did some good things a touchdown on their first drive early, the fumble at the goal line but did little after that. didn’t help us, but those things are going to happen and you can’t conThe Ravens looked a little hun- trol them. In the second half, we gover after last week’s shellacking just couldn’t convert third-down at the hands of the Steelers as the chances. Two of them were my Titans kept the ball for all but 2:10 fault, I needed to make better in the first quarter. After that it throws,” said Mettenberger. was pretty much vintage Ravens. ENIGMA

If people were expected an offensive showdown they were extremely disappointed. Neither team was overly impressive. Mettenberger, who looked sharp under center during the first series finished 16of-27 for 179 yards with a touchdown and interception. Joe Flacco was 16-of-27 as well for 169 yards and two interceptions.

We missed some opportunities today, but we kept working at it. We’ll keep working on it and we’ll get better,” said Titans running back Leon Washington who caught the Titans’ once touchdown pass on the day.

The difference in the game was running as Justin Forsett ran for 112 yards and two touchdowns to lead “They didn’t surprise us. They did the Ravens. what we saw them do on film. They have so many tough players on The first half finished tied at 7 and their team, so it’s quite a challenge, the Ravens took control the second and this is a tough place to play. half. The Titans weren’t able to get But this team keeps sticking togeth- a first down in the second half er, and I appreciate that so much. until there was under five minutes




to play in the game. “We started the game real well. We were able to move the ball. And then the second half came, and we were struggling a little bit. We struggled moving the ball at times. That’s one of the things when you play a good defense like the Ravens; you’ve got to be on you’re A game,” said Titans rookie running back Bishop Sankey.

defense and got a three-and-out and the offense took advantage of it. We played well in the first half, came into the locker room 7-7. We just weren’t able to finish in the second half,” said Titans’ cornerback Jason McCourty. It was a game of futility as neither team was anywhere adept on third down. Tennessee was 4-of-12 on third down efficiency and the Ravens even worse at 4-of-13.

The Ravens took the lead for good with 5:36 to go in the third quarter “I think we did an overall decent when Forsett ran the ball in from 11 job. We gave up some big plays, yards out. but, overall, I feel like we had a pretty decent effort. We just didn’t “In the beginning, we started out close out the game like we needed strong. The offense comes out with to,” said Titan linebacker Derrick a long drive for most of the first Morgan on the play of the defense quarter and [we] weren’t able to against the Ravens. capitalize. Then we went out on ENIGMA

“Tough game for us, I thought we did a nice job starting out on the road in a tough place to play. I thought our team responded well in that standpoint. Obviously, you can’t fumble the ball on the goal line. That hurts us because we have potentially a chance to be up two scores. It was unfortunate, we did it to ourselves some. They did it to us, field position in the second half. We missed some throws and couldn’t get anything going. So it’s very disappointing,” said Titans coach Ken Whisenhunt whose team fell to 2-8 on the season, losing seven of eight.

getting backed up, even at times back to the one-yard line. We just need to overcome some mistakes,” said Titan receiver Justin Hunter. “I have to do a better job of feeling the pressure. You try to have an internal clock, that lets you know when it’s time, but with the defensive lineman that they have, the clock goes a lot faster. I know I need to play a lot smarter. This is a quarterback driven league and I have to play better,” said Mettenberger.

The Titans return home this week hosting the Pittsburgh Steelers Offensive issues need to be Monday night at LP Field. Kickoff addressed as the Titans went two is 8:30pm and will be aired on whole quarters without a first ESPN. down Sunday. “Penalties. Some calls didn’t go our way, we kept - Dave Weinthal




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