Enigma 12:25:14

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FAMILY TRADITION Chattanooga comic DJ Lewis leaves for the greener pastures of L.A. afer performing at the Comedy Catch Friday through Sunday. A little trivia note about him is his father, Don was a regionally popular standup as well.

HALF THE CITY A tight sextet with a gospel-tinged neo-soul garage sound complete with horns and a dynamic lead singer, Birmingham, Alabama's St. Paul & the Broken Bones' stirring live shows quickly garnered them a fan following when the band was formed in 2011. Led by vocalist Paul Janeway, an impassioned soul singer with James Brown-like stage moves and command will give everyone an opportunity to show off their bad Christmas sweaters and presents Friday as they perform Friday evening at the Egyptian Room at the Fox Theatre in Atlanta.

RAMBLIN’ MAN Rock and Roll Hall of Famer, cofounder the band that has his name and the architect of Southern rock, Gregg Allman plans to usher in the new year in style. 2014 marked the retirement of the Allman Brothers Band, but their namesake continues on. allman will usher in 2015 by performing New Year’s eve at Symphony Hall at Wooruff Arts Center in downtown Atlanta. ENIGMA

DECEMBER 25 2014


Stirring Up Race Hatred and Waking the Silent Majority A week after demonstrators in New York shouted death to cops, they got what they asked for. NYPD officers Liu and Ramos were shot in an execution style murder. The murderer was obviously deranged, but that's not the point - he was responding to anti-police demonstrations across the country. And who was responsible for fermenting these demonstrations - how about Obama, Sharpton, Holder, and deBlasio for starters. These people have caused a racial divide that will take years to repair. You don't change minds by confrontation and dividing sides. That's really unfortunate because of all the positive racial progress that's been made over the last 60 or more years --- and I know because I'm now 73 years old and I have been privy to the real feelings of Caucasian people. The anti-police demonstrations were, in a subtle form, also anti-white demonstrations - a form of reverse discrimination where blacks are encouraged, by their leaders, to hate whites. In so doing, I believe that their

actions are causing an - unspoken and unreported -- white backlash. The anti-discrimination progress that blacks have made over many years is being squandered by today's black leaders who, in my opinion, are profiting by fanning the flames of hatred. Labeling the police as racists is disgusting to me. While there may be a few bad cops who are racist doesn't justify labeling all cops in this way. Neither does labeling or stereotyping all blacks as looters and arsonists. We need to keep in mind the sacrifices that our police do to keep us safe. I recently had the opportunity to visit a police department headquarters. While waiting in the front entrance I noticed several plaques on the wall. One plaque listed about 25 names of police officers that were killed - from that department - in the line of duty. Another plaque listed medal-ofhonor recipients for conspicuous heroism. Another plaque commemorated police officers who risked their lives to save people.


I don't have to guess what's going on in the minds of most police officers in our country - I know. After serving in Vietnam as an Army Lieutenant, and receiving the bronze star medal for risking my life for our country, I was very upset with how I was treated by our anti-war citizens when I came home. In fact one of my lifelong vivid memories was when I was walking through the San Francisco Airport. I was on my way home and needed to wear my uniform to get a government paid commercial flight ticket. While walking through a corridor to catch my next flight, I noticed how people were deliberately trying to avoid me - which included scornful looks. This picture has stuck in my mind to this day. How could people not recognize that what I had done was what our country had asked me to do to protect their freedom. Even If they were against the war - why were they shunning me for doing my duty? I had a bad and resentful feeling that I believe the police are feeling now.

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Let me be clear - the recent deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner, as a result of police action, doesn't -- a priori -mean that the police were racists. But, claiming that the police were racists and then instigating protests -- by black leaders -- was foolhardy and dangerous. It's clear to me that it led to an anti-police sentiment and ultimately to the execution style killing of the two NYPD police officers. It has also set race relations back many years and continues to put our police in danger. Too bad for all of the blacks who listened to Dr. Martin Luther King when he said that a person should be judged by the content of their character and not by the color of their skin. Hopefully we will elect a man like Dr. Ben Carson for president and pick up where Dr. King left off. The tactics being used by today's black leaders is blatantly wrong and dangerous.

- Don J Bongaards

Militarizing Our Local Police Departments The recent events in Ferguson, Missouri has once again raised the issue of militarizing our local law enforcement officers to a semi-military status. Like everyone else I am concerned to see this sort of thing come about. I get concerned when I see unmarked government cars, and some with Homeland Security stickers on the door driving down our expressways. Not long ago I saw an unmarked SUV with a “Special Forces” sign on the front window visor. He had a computer mounted on the dash like a police officer would have, he took a photo of a nondescript community sign and drove off, raising the visor so no one could see it. The back of his SUV had tourist type stickers on it like a normal tourist would have. I see a lot of such things that concern me. It makes me wonder what this country is coming to, and why the police and other law enforcement are gearing up they way they are.

I don’t think anyone wants to see their cities and homes burned to the ground, these types of incidents have to be controlled very quickly. We saw what happened in Ferguson, in many cases it was I think many well meaning more about looting and robbing Americans, like myself are than it was about someone’s civil becoming concerned. However, rights, or race. there are always two sides to a Most people, and the press story. jumped to conclusions. The press The riots in Missouri bring back and certain so called civil rights many memories of such events in leaders actually threw gasoline the past, the riots of the 60s, on an already explosive situation, from which Detroit has never having only their own selfish recovered, The Rodney King inci- agenda in mind. dent, and like several others, the Our civil rights are important and full story was never told. protecting the Bill of Rights is of The O.J. Simpson trial, where the utmost importance. riots broke out in Los Angeles, which would have been a lot Having said that, we don’t live in worse had he been convicted. the era of Barney Fife anymore. Even the Trayvon Martin incident The world has changed. There is a could have gotten a lot worse in real imminent threat to our way of life, our liberties, and our short period of time. security like never before. There have been several such events in the recent past that has Technology has made it possible brought major destruction to the for almost anyone to create a property of law abiding citizens. weapon of mass destruction. Because of the actions of our own federal government, we have thousands flooding across our southern border daily that threaten our security and our way of life. I get concerned there may be a takeover of our country by an overextending government who is hell bent on destroying our liberties.

I don’t want to be an alarmist, but our country probably has hundreds, if not thousands of terrorists living within our borders. They are walking amongst us, many supposedly leading socalled normal lives. We face threats on many levels, we will be attacked again, it is just a matter of time. When we ENIGMA

DECEMBER 25 2014


are, it will be up to the local authorities to control the situation until, and if help arrives. There may come a day when we are glad our local police forces are armed as they are. If things get really ugly, the federal government won’t be able to handle it, it will need to be taken care of on a local level. Our second amendment rights need to be preserved, that is a major necessity, but we may need more firepower than the citizenry can provide, plus the local police force can gather much needed information and coordinate it, something the local citizenry cannot do. Thankfully, most law enforcement officers have their heart in the right place and are dedicated to their mission. There are always some bad apples in the barrel. The best way to ensure we have dedicated people in our local law enforcement is to hire the best people, regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation, etc. It is time to stop hiring people to fill some quota, and fire and prosecute them if they overreach.

LLii kkee ee vvee rryyoonnee eell ssee,, II aam m ccoonn -ccee rrnneedd aa bboouutt tthhee m mii ll iittaa rryy bbuuii ll dd uupp ooff oouurr ll ooccaall ppooll iiccee ffoorrccee ss,, bbuutt II aam m eeqquuaa llll yy ccoonnccee rr nnee dd aa bboouutt tthhee ddaa nnggee rrss ffaa cciinn gg oouurr nn aattii oonn aa nndd oouurr aa bbiill ii ttyy ttoo ffaaccee tthhee m m.. O Ouurr lloocc aall ppooll iicc ee ffoorrccee m maayy bbee oouurr ffiirr sstt llii nnee ooff ddee ffeennssee .. - Gary Wonning


NEUROECONOMICS: THE BRAINS BEHIND THE INVESTMENT One area where the growth of neuroscience has been particularly notable in recent years is economics.

ing the types of relationships that are currently being investigated through neuroscience. This is a taste of things to come, as scanning methods become even more It may, at first, seem a strange rela- advanced and more specialists are tionship, but neuroscience has able to interpret the data. allowed us to better understand how the brain works and how deci- This coming together of economics, sions are made. This is key to neuroscience and psychology has understanding investment deci- given rise to 'neuroeconomics', sions, so, when viewed in this light, which has advanced the underit is a perfectly natural connection standing of economic decisionto make. making. Studies on risk: the investing brain In the past, economic models have A recent U.S. study looked at the been designed with little undereffect of different levels of mone- standing of how the human brain tary risk on the human brain. 61 works. Predictive models were participants were asked a variety designed by economists who of questions such as "Would you understood the mathematics very prefer a 50 percent chance of well, but the models would repeatreceiving $5 or would you rather edly fail due to a lack of allowance take a 13 percent chance of winning for human behaviour. $50?" and "Would you prefer $10 for sure or a 50 percent chance of Understanding more about how the receiving $50?" brain influences decision-making and thus behaviour is therefore a It was found that the make up of major breakthrough as economists the gray matter of participants' can include more realistic models brains contributed to the levels of of choice. tolerance to risk; the more gray matter in the right posterior pari- The choosing brain etal region of the cortex, the riskier the responses. Studies have helped to demonstrate that people generally While this study has some interest- become more risk-averse as they ing findings, it is limited and its age; and this would seem to corremajor importance is in demonstrat- spond with a thinning of the


brain's cortex in older age.

looked at trading success and how it was associated with areas of the This has consequences for impor- brain associated with reward and tant financial decisions that aging response to gut feelings. people need to make like choosing the most suitable retirement or One of the findings from the study health plan; even the most intelli- was that an area called the 'nuclegent older adults can make errors us accumbens' (associated with and can lose money through very reward) was more active and excitsimple mistakes in the selection ed when prices rose; the second process. key finding was that the more successful traders received signals Traditional models can now from the 'anterior insular cortex', accommodate more of what we which is an area that is active durknow about the decision-making of ing bodily discomfort and unpleasaging brains, for instance, by pro- ant emotional states: like an inviding clearer options and simplify- built warning to sell before a bubing the process of making financial ble bursts. choices. By presenting options in such a way that it plays to the Brian Knutson, a neuroscientist at strengths, not weaknesses of the Stanford University, interpreted brain, makes it less likely that the findings like this: expensive errors will be made amongst the elderly. It also reduces "This research shows that neural the need for a 'trial and error' type signals not only correspond to but of approach, making policy design predict important financial events better. in an experimental market." The trading brain Another area of economics that has come under the microscope from neuroscience is trading. The interest in what is going on in the brain when traders make their decisions to buy or sell is not surprising, given the huge stakes.

Perhaps this is how the likes of Warren Buffett do so well, while others fail? Does he receive brain signals and gut warnings when to buy and sell? It's an intriguing thought and one of the many questions that neuroscience throws up in the field of economics.

- Mark R Stephens A U.S. study earlier this year

DECEMBER 25 2014


ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20) Your self confidence will attract members of the opposite sex Make sure that you get legal matters checked out thoroughly. Your efforts won't go unnoticed; however, someone you work with may get jealous. Don't get involved in joint ventures.

GEMINI (May 22-June 21) Don't let others restrict you from saying how you feel about family issues. Your ability to put things together will be appreciated by your comrades. Be prepared to make compensations and adjustments. You'll be dropping friends for no apparent reason.

LEO (July 23-Aug 22) Problems with skin, bones, or teeth may mess up your schedule. You can come into money; however, perhaps not under the best circumstances. Take work home but be sure to spend some time with your mate. Losses are evident.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21) Make decisions about your professional objectives. Be aware that joint financial ventures could fall apart. Travel should be on your agenda. You will be popular and will easily attract members of the opposite sex.

Your lucky day this week will be Your lucky day this week will be Your lucky day this week will be Tuesday. Monday. Sunday. VIRGO TAURUS CANCER (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23) (Apr. 21- may 21) (June 22-July 22) You will be emotional about Consider the source before you You may have difficulties while money matters. Unexpected events believe what you hear. Your ability traveling or problems dealing with may upset your routine. You to relate will close the generation close friends or relatives. Take the haven't been totally honest with gap. Take time to make physical whole family and make it an enjoy- yourself and it's time to review improvements that will enhance able outing. Consider selling your your motives. You will be extremeyour appearance. Don't evade homemade crafts at the flea mar- ly receptive to new and progressive issues or twist the truth around. ket. Focus on using your creative methods at work. abilities in other ways. Your lucky day this week will be Your lucky day this week will be Saturday. Your lucky day this week will be Wednesday. Monday. LIBRA (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23) Get rich quick schemes will not be successful. You may find that depression is causing you to feel lonely and insecure. Coworkers may not be on your side. Groups you belong to will not only enjoy your company, but they will also share your interests.

Your lucky day this week will be Thursday. CAPRICORN (Dec 22.- Jan. 20) You need to keep the peace and you will have to bend in order to do so. Opportunities to get together with people in powerful positions could help you get ahead. Someone may be trying to take advantage of you. Get back to basics and reevaluate what is important in life. Your lucky day this week will be Sunday. AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19) Don't hold back; go with the flow and take a bit of a chance. Investments concerning your residence will be profitable. Changes in your home will be positive. Don't overload your plate.

Your lucky day this week will be Your lucky day this week will be Thursday. Tuesday. PISCES SCORPIO (Feb. 20-Mar. 20) (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) Children might be on your mind. You may experience setbacks due Don't hesitate to make special to additional responsibilities with plans just for two. You can finish loved ones. You can write beautiful projects early, which will bring you love letters this week. Pleasure praise from superiors. Avoid trips will turn out to be better than friends or acquaintances who anticipated. Be sure to pay atten- drink too much. Do not let others tion to your financial status. exhaust you financially. Your lucky day this week will be Your lucky day this week will be Wednesday. Thursday. ENIGMA

DECEMBER 25 2014


Unequal Justice After two uniformed NYPD officers were shot and killed last Saturday afternoon, it didn’t take long for the tragedy to become politicized. Officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos were sitting in an unmarked police car on a Brooklyn street corner when they were shot in the head by lone gunman Ismaaiyl Brinsley. The officers were working overtime as part of an anti-terrorism drill in Bedford-Stuyvesant. The killer had driven up to New York after allegedly shooting his girlfriend in the abdomen in Baltimore early Saturday morning… …Early Saturday afternoon, anti-police threats were posted to Brinsley’s Instagram page. Those threats refer-

enced the recent policeinvolved killings of Eric Garner (in Staten Island) and Michael Brown (in Ferguson, Missouri). “I’m Putting Wings on Pigs Today,” read one of the posts on Brinsley’s Instagram feed. “They Take 1 Of Ours… Let’s Take 2 of Theirs” read another. “This May Be My Final Post” was indeed the final post on Brinsley’s Instagram account. The cop-killer shot and killed himself in a nearby subway station not long after his point-blank gunshots ended the lives of officers Liu and Ramos… …Not long after the killings, Patrick Lynch of the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association was quick to assign blame. “There’s blood


on many hands tonight: those that incited violence on the street under the guise of protests that tried to tear down what New York City police officers did every day.” Lynch was just the first to blame the anti-police protests and protestors for Brinsley’s heinous crimes. Former New York mayor Rudy Guiliani cited the “four months of propaganda starting with the precedent that everybody should hate the police.” This despite the fact that the killer had a long criminal record (including two years in prison) and a history of mental illness… …Here’s the thing that Lynch and Guiliani don’t get. People have a right to protest when they feel that police officers aren’t held to the same standards of “justice” that apply to ordinary citizens. This past week, St. Louis County prosecutor Bob McCulloch admitted that he knowingly allowed lying witnesses to testify in the grand jury investigation

DECEMBER 25 2014


into the actions of Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson. Can you imagine a prosecutor allowing such testimony in a homicide investigation against someone who wasn’t a police officer? McCulloch essentially served as a defense attorney for Wilson during the grand jury sessions… …What Lynch, Guilliani and a host of other right-wingers fail to understand is that it’s possible to be upset at the unequal standards of justice that apply to law enforcement officers and ordinary citizens and also be disgusted at the murderous actions of Ismaaiyl Brinsley. The “us versus them” mentality is at the root of both the public’s concern about lack of oversight over police actions and the law enforcement community’s growing sense of persecution. Playing politics with human tragedy just adds to the problem…

- Mark Bedford

aaggaaiinn.. LLeett ’’ss ffaaccee iitt ,, iiff ssoom mee -oonnee cchh eeaattss ttrruu sstt iiss bbrrookkeenn aanndd tthhee rreellaatt iioonnsshh iipp w waassnn’’tt tthhaatt ggoooodd iinn tthh ee ff iirrsstt pp llaaccee ..

take her? What should I do? Dear Rocco, Why can’t we all just get I don’t want to screw this thing up. Also, should I bring along? flowers when I pick her up or ID is that too old-fashioned? KR DDee aarr IIDD BBeeccaauu ssee tthhee rree aarree ttoooo m maannyy Deeaarr K KRR sstt uupp iidd ff uucckkeerrss iinn tthhee w woo rrlldd D Y Y e e a a h h whh aatt tthh ee H w H eellll ttaakkee hh eerr whh oo iirrrriittaattee nnoorrm w maall pp eeoo ppllee.. fflloow weerrss.. YY oouu ccaa nn ggeett aa ddoo zzeenn r r o o s s eess aatt FFrreesshh M Maarrkk eett ff oorr 88 ..99 99 Dear Rocco, I’ve got a date with a girl I’ve aanndd iitt iiss oolldd ffaasshh iioo nneedd bb uutt ss hhee maayy lliikkee iitt .. A Asskk hhee rr w whh eerree been crushing on for some m waanntt ss tt oo ggoo .. M Maakkee tt hhee time. Help! Where should I sshhee w eevveenniinngg aallll aabb oouutt hheerr aanndd ss hhee wiillll aapppp rreecciiaattee tthh ee ffaacctt yyoo uu w waanntt tt oo pp llee aassee hheerr bb yy ddoo iinngg w whh aatt sshh ee w w waa nntt ss ttoo dd oo..

Dear Rocco, I am 35 and have never married and have no kids, I have always been the type of girl that would have short affairs. However last year I met a married man who came into where I work I am an exotic dancer, he offered me $500 to spend the night with him and I said yes we have been seeing each other for a year now. We have a great time when we are together he flies me sometimes just for dinner then back home the next day. I have to tell you that he is on his third wife. I don’t know what to do? I can see myself with him forever. Please help me... SL

Rocco is a common sense, tell-it-like-it-is, no-nonsense kind of guy offering real advice on any subject put before him. Why pay thousands of dollars on a highpriced therapist when he’ll straighten you out for free. If you’d like advice from Rocco e-mail him at Deeaarr SSLL D goaskrocco@yahoo.com or SSoo yyoo uu’’ rree aa hhiigghh pp rriicceedd hh oo ookk -- drop him a line at Ask Rocco eerr?? H H ee iiss ppaayyiinngg yyoouu tt oo ffuu cckk c/o Enigma P.O. Box 825 hhiim m tthhee nn sseenndd ss yyoouu aaw waa yy ssoo Chattanooga, TN 37401.

Dear Rocco, Can a guy be upset if his girlfriend cheats on him if he has a history of cheating on all his former girlfriends but has been faithful to her? Why or why not? GW

DDeeaarr GG W W KKaarr m maa iiss aa bbii ttcchh .. YY eess hh ee sshhoouulldd bbee m maadd tthh aatt sshh ee cchheeaatt -eedd oonn hh iim m bb uutt nnoo w w hhee kknnoo w wss hhoow w hh iiss ff oo rrm meerr ggiirrllff rriieenndd ss ffeelltt .. II tthh iinnkk tt hhee bbeess tt tthhiinngg iiss tt oo moovvee oonn aanndd rree m m mee m mbbeerr hhoo w w sshhiitt ttyy iitt ffeeeellss ssoo hhee w woo nn’’tt ddoo iitt ENIGMA

hh iiss tt hhiirrdd w wiiff ee dd ooeessnn’’tt sseeee yyoouu ssoouunndd ss lliikkee yyoouu ’’vvee ffoouunndd yyoouu rr PPrriinnccee CC hhaarrm miinngg.. W Whh aatt tt hhee HH eell ll aarree yyoouu tthh iinnkk iinngg?? IIff yyoouu ’’rree ffiinnee w wiitt hh bb eeiinngg hhii ss w hhoo rree kkeeeepp sseeeeiinngg hh iim w m bb uutt iiff yyoouu tthhiinnkk tthh aatt yyoouu aarree tthhee oonnllyy oonnee aa nndd yyoouu hh aavvee aa ff uutt uurree w w iitt hh tt hhiiss gguuyy yyoo uu’’rree ff uucckkiinngg ssttuu ppiidd .. BBrreeaakk iitt ooffff w iitthh hh iim w m aanndd sseeee iiff hh ee ttrriiee ss ttoo maakk ee uupp .. II ddoo nn’’tt tt hhiinnkk hh ee w m wiillll bb uutt m moosstt lliikkeellyy yyoouu w wiillll bbee jjuu sstt aa m meem moorryy ttoo hhiim m.. YY oouu hh aavvee ttoo hh aavvee aa lliitt ttllee m moorree ssee llff --rreess ppeecctt tthh aann tt oo ff uucckk aa gguu yy ff oorr $$ 550000..

DECEMBER 25 2014


LOS ANGELES (UPI) - A Los Angeles medical marijuana dispensary removed a pot-smoking Santa painting from its window following complaints from members of the public. The Harbor House of Dank in San Pedro hired an artist last week to create window paintings including Santa Claus smoking a blunt and a snowman holding a prescription bottle. Pictures of

the paintings were posted on Facebook, where they drew hundreds of complaints. Posts on the closed “Coastal San Pedro Neighborhood Watch” Facebook group criticized the paintings for being prominently displayed in an area frequented by children. The paintings were removed from the windows Tuesday. The store manager said he had the artist scrape them off the windows when he learned about the complaints from the public. The furor over


the pot-smoking St. Nick may have caused further troubles for the Harbor House, as Los Angeles Councilman Joe Buscaino’s office said the business is operating illegally. Los Angeles voters passed proposition D in May, which only allows for 135 dispensaries in business prior to a 2007 moratorium to remain in business, Buscaino’s office said. The Harbor House of Dank has only been open for a few weeks. The dispensary is one of hundreds

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being investigated by the City Attorney’s Office and the police department, officials said. MARSEILLE, France (UPI) Authorities said an aggressive monkey Tased after weeks on the loose had been subsisting on a diet of Kinder chocolates. Marseille police said the monkey had been the subject of more than a dozen calls to authorities from the Castellanne

area in recent weeks, including one occasion when it “caused bedlam” at an elementary school and “scratched some children,” but the primate always managed to flee before officers arrived. Police said they finally caught up to the monkey Monday and captured it using a Taser. Investigators said the monkey was apparently abandoned after being kept illegally. They said the animal had been subsisting on a diet of Kinder chocolates given to it by children. Malnutrition and suspected abuse from some children may have contributed to the monkey’s aggressive behavior, police said. An investigation has been opened to identify the animal’s owner and charges of illegal possession of a wild animal are possible, police said. The monkey, which was not seriously injured, was turned over to animal protection authorities and will join a zoo’s exhibit following a quarantine period.

mother called into C-SPAN to chastise them for bickering. The two were discussing bipartisanship on Washington Journal with host Steve Scully when a call came in from “Joy” from North Carolina. The brothers greeted their fellow southerner until she started to speak, to which Dallas said, “Oh God, it’s Mom.” “You’re right, I’m from down south,” she said. “And I’m your MOTHER.” “I disagree that many families are like ours,” she continued. “I don’t know many families that are fighting at Thanksgiving. I was very glad that this Thanksgiving was a year you were supposed to go to your in-laws. I’m hoping you’ll have some of this out of your system when you come here for Christmas. I would really like a peaceful Christmas.” While the pundits’ mother was on the phone, Scully asked her what it was like raising her boys. “It hasn’t been easy,” she replied, adding that she loved them both. Mrs. Woodhouse is a registered WASHINGTON (UPI) - Whether it Democrat, but admitted she has be at the Christmas dinner table split her ticket. or on television, moms do not want their kids bickering. SZCZECIN, Poland (UPI) - A Pundits Dallas Woodhouse, a Polish Rubik’s cube master beat Republican, and his brother his own record by solving a puzBrad Woodhouse, a Democrat, zle in 21.17 seconds while blindlearned their lesson when their folded. Marcin Kowalczyk, who


held the previous record for blindfolded Rubik’s cube solving with a 23.19-second finish, memorized the cube and completed the puzzle in 21.17 seconds at a Speed Cube competition in Szczecin, Poland. Kowalczyk, a veteran of 33 official Rubik’s cube competitions, has a list of accomplishments to his name that also include memorizing the patterns of 41 Rubik’s cubes and donning a blindfold to solve them in a total 54 minutes, 14 seconds. ROSWELL, GA - A Roswell, Georgia pastor spoke out after a man who was found naked allegedly set his church on fire. Police arrested Juan Ramirez, 24, after they found him naked near the church. Police said Ramirez admitted to setting the church on fire. According to the incident report, authorities responded after they were told a man was wandering around naked. Authorities found the man, identified as Ramirez, and said he told them he was trying to get in touch with Indian gods. Ramirez says he is Jesus Christ, but Father Phillip Scott thinks he’s far from it. “It was 36 degrees by the thermometer on my car and he was arrested totally nude ... I don’t know about it being crazy. Let’s just

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put it this way, there’s something wrong,” Scott said. Scott said Ramirez ignited four fires on the property. The father has lived on the property for more than 35 years. Part of the church building burned, but Scott said they have insurance, and people came from all over to help clean. TORONTO - A young man went to the Internet to find a travel partner for a trip he is planning. That isn’t all that bizarre, but the fact that he was looking for a travel partner named Elizabeth Gallagher is. You see, last year 27-year-old Toronto resident Jordan Axani had planned a once-in-a-lifetime, round-the-world trip with his then girlfriend Elizabeth Gallagher. As sometimes happens with boyfriends and girlfriends, they broke up. So there he was, with thousands of dollars in tickets and reservations for a woman named Elizabeth Gallagher, but no Elizabeth Gallagher. So he went to the Internet. And incredibly, he found her! A 23-year-old student named Elizabeth Quinn Gallagher agreed and is set to jet off with Axani around the world. However, the trip will be strictly platonic since she already has a boyfriend.

This week’s calendar covers events from Thursday, December 25, through Wednesday, December 31. We would be happy to publish your free listing in future Billboards, space permitting. Simply mail us the information so that we have it 7 days before the publication date. A photograph may be sent with the announcement. Send information to: Calendar Editor, Enigma, P.O. Box 825, Chattanooga, TN 37401 or e-mail to calendar@enigmaonline.com. All dates subject to change without notice.

TT H HUU RRSSDDAAYY DDeecceem mbbeerr 2255 BBUUDD’’SS (Chattanooga) DJ Hammer TTRREEM MOONNTT TTAA VVEERR NN (Chattanooga) Songwriters Showcase CCAAM MPP H HO OU USS EE (Chattanooga) Open Mic AARRII ’’SS HHAA RRBBOORR LLII GGHHTTSS (Chattanooga) Keyz Brown

FFRRIID DAAYY DDeecceem mbbeerr 2266 TTHHEE CCOOM MEEDDYY CCAATTCCHH (Chattanooga) DJ Lewis RRAAW W (Chattanooga) DJ Barnaby RRHHYYTTHHM M& & BBRR EEW WSS (Chattanooga) Drew Sterchi & Blues Tribe TTAALL UUSS (Lookout Mtn., GA) Mark Kelly Hall, Sabrina AATTLL AANNTTAA LLII VVEE (Atlanta) Reformed Whores

SSA ATT UURRDDAAYY DDeecceem mbbeerr 2277 TTH H EE CCOO M MEEDDYY CCAATT CCHH (Chattanooga) DJ Lewis RRHHYYTTHHM M && BBRR EEW WSS (Chattanooga) Jordan Halquist & the Outfit, Decibela, Rick Rushing & the Blues Strangers RRAAW W (Chattanooga) DJ Barnaby EEGGYY PPTTIIAA NN BBAA LLLL RROOOOM MA A TT FF O OXX TT H HEEA A TTRREE (Atlanta) St. Paul &the Broken Bones AATTLL AANNTTAA LLII VVEE (Atlanta) Reformed Whores

SSU U NNDDAAYY DDeecceem mbbeerr 2288 TTHHEE CCOOM MEEDDYY CCAATTCCHH (Chattanooga) DJ Lewis SSKK YYZZOOOO (Chattanooga) DJ Exphacter VVOONN BBRR AAUUNN CCEENNTTEERR (Huntsville) Kevin Hart

MOONNDDAAYY DDee ccee m M mbbee rr 2299 TTRREEM MO ONNTT TTAA VVEERR NN (Chattanooga) Trivia Night ENIGMA

TTHHEE OOFFFF IICCEE (Chattanooga) SpeakEasy FFOOXX && HHOOUUNNDD (Chattanooga) DJ Exphacter

TT U UEESSDDAAYY DDee ccee m mbbee rr 3300 TTRREEM MOONNTT TTAAVVEERRNN (Chattanooga) Open Mic w/ Mike McDade SSOOUUTTHHSSIIDDEE TT AAVVEERRNN (Chattanooga) Troy Underwood

WEEDDNNEESSDDAAYY DDee ccee m W mbbeerr 33 11 TTHHEE CCOOM MEEDDYY CCAATTCCHH (Chattanooga) Reno Collier RRAAW W (Chattanooga) Open Jam LLAASS M MA A RRG GA ARR IITTA A’’SS (Chattanooga) Priscilla & Little Rickee AARRII ’’SS HHAA RRBBOORR LLIIGGHHTTSS (Chattanooga) Keyz Brown TTHHEE TTAAVVEERRNN (Soddy-Daisy) Roberts & Sims RRHHYYTTHHM M && BBRREEW WSS (Chattanooga) That ‘90s Show, Tone Harm, Iscariots BBRRIIDDGGEESSTTOONNEE AA RREENNAA (Nashville) Bassnectar WA W A RR M MEEM MO ORRII A ALL A AU UD DIITTO ORR IIU UM M (Nashville) Moon Taxi DDOOW WN NTTO OW WN NN NA ASS H HVVIILLLL EE (Nashville) Lady Antebellum EEXX IITT//IINN (Nashville) Diarrhea Planet RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DII TTO ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Carolina Chocolate Drops PPHHIILL IIPPSS AARR EENNAA (Atlanta) Keith Sweat, Dru Hill, The Isley Brothers, Jeffery Osborne SSYYM MPPH HO ON NYY H HA A LLLL (Atlanta) Gregg Allman BBUUCC KKHHEEAADD TTHHEEAA TTRREE (Atlanta) Blank Range CCEENNTTEERR SSTTAA GGEE (Atlanta) Kishi Bashi, Roger Sellers CCOOBBBB EENNEERRGGYY PPEERRFF OORRM MIIN NG GA A RRTTSS CCEEN N-TTEERR (Atlanta) “Dancing With the Stars”


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JJ ..JJ..’’SS BBOOHHEEM MIIAA (Chattanooga) Birds of Avalon, Ex Hex January 6 BBII JJOOUU TT HHEEAA TTRREE (Knoxville) Steep Canyon Rangers January 7 AA TTLLAA NNTTAA LL IIVVEE (Atlanta) Brian Poesehn January 8 TTRR AACCKK 2299 (Chattanooga) Kansas January 9 FF OOXX TTHHEEAA TTRREE (Atlanta) Sam Smith January 9 VVII NNYYLL (Atlanta) Emerson Hart January 9 AA TTLLAA NNTTAA LL IIVVEE (Atlanta) Brian Poesehn January 9 EEXXII TT//IINN (Nashville) Reverend Horton Heat, Dale Watson, Rosie Flores January 9 CCII TTYY W WIIN NEERRYY N NA A SSH HVVII LLLL EE (Nashville) Judy Collins January 9 BBRR IIDDGGEESSTTOONNEE AA RREENNAA (Nashville) Eric Church January 10 AA TTLLAA NNTTAA LL IIVVEE (Atlanta) Brian Poesehn January10 TTHHEE CCOONNCCOOUURRSS EE (Knoxville) Roadkill Ghost Choir January 10 EEDDDDIIEE’’SS AA TTTTIICC (Atlanta) Johnette Naplitano January 11 TTHHEE TTAA BBEERRNNAACCLL EE (Atlanta) Seether, Papa Roach, Islander, Kying January 11 BBII JJOOUU TT HHEEAA TTRREE (Knoxville) Miranda Sings January 12 RR YYM MA AN NA AU UD DII TTO ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Gregg Allman January 13/14 SS CCHHEERR M MEERR H HO ORRN N SS YYM MPPH HO ON NYY CCEEN NTTEERR (Nashville) Kenny Rogers January 15 AA TTLLAA NNTTAA LL IIVVEE (Atlanta) Marlon Wayans January 15 HHAA RRRRAA HH’’SS CCHHEERROOKK EEEE CCAASS IINNOO (Cherokee) Gregg Allman January 16 SS CCHHEERR M MEERR H HO ORRN N SS YYM MPPH HO ON NYY CCEEN NTTEERR (Nashville) Kenny Rogers January 16 AA TTLLAA NNTTAA LL IIVVEE (Atlanta) Marlon Wayans January 16 BBRR IIDDGGEESSTTOONNEE AA RREENNAA (Nashville) Linkin Park, Rise Against, Of Mice & Men January 17 SS CCHHEERR M MEERR H HO ORRN N SS YYM MPPH HO ON NYY CCEEN NTTEERR (Nashville) Kenny Rogers January 17 OOZZ NNAA SSHHVVIILL LLEE (Nashville) Dean & Britta January 17 AA TTLLAA NNTTAA LL IIVVEE (Atlanta) Marlon Wayans January 17 EEDDDDIIEE’’SS AA TTTTIICC (Atlanta) Midge Ure January 17 BBII JJOOUU TT HHEEAA TTRREE (Knoxville) Miranda Sings January 17 TTHHEE M MA A SSQ QU UEERRA AD DEE (Atlanta) Pennywise, A Wilhelm Scream, Anti-Flag January 18 ZZ YYDDEECCOO (Birmingham) Mushroomhead, Like Monroe, The Family Ruin, Thira January 18 SS AAM MM MYY TT’’SS (Huntsville) Corey Smith January 21 ZZ YYDDEECCOO (Birmingham) Earphunk January 21 TTHHEE TTAA BBEERRNNAACCLL EE (Atlanta) Ben Howard January 21 AA LLAA BBAAM MA A TTH HEEA ATTRREE (Birmingham) Tedeschi Trucks Band January 22 TTHHEE TTAA BBEERRNNAACCLL EE (Atlanta) Billy Idol

January 22 BBII JJO OU U TTH HEEA ATTRR EE (Knoxville) Moon Taxi January 22 TTRRA A CCK K 2299 (Chattanooga) Corey Smith January 23 TTIIVV O OLL II TTH HEEA A TTRREE (Chattanooga) Tedeschi Trucks Band January 23 MEERRCCYY LL O M OU UN NG GEE (Nashville) Of Montreal, Nedelle Torio January 23 RRH HYYTTH HM M && BB RREEW WSS (Chattanooga) Of Montreal, Nedelle Torio January 24 TTRRA A CCK K 2299 (Chattanooga) Rebelution January 24 VVO ON N BB RRA AU UN N CCEEN NTTEERR (Huntsville) Ron White January 24 MAARR A M ATTH HO ON NM MU USSII CC W WO ORRK K SS (Nashville) G-Easy, Jay Ant, Kehlani, Kool John January 24 CCIITTYY W WIIN NEERRYY N NAA SSH HVVII LLLLEE (Nashville) Will Kimbrough January 24 LLA AU URREELL TT H HEEA A TTRREE (Knoxville) Dismembered Tennesseans January 24 TTH HEE M MA ASS Q QU UEERR AAD DEE (Atlanta) Machine Head January 25 TTRRA A CCK K 2299 (Chattanooga) Josh Turner January 27 VVA A RRIIEETTYY PP LLA A YYH HO OU USS EE (Atlanta) Antibalas, Zap Mama January 27 TTEERRM MIIN NA A LL W WEESSTT (Atlanta) Leon Russell January 27 CCIITTYY W WIIN NEERRYY N NAA SSH HVVII LLLLEE (Nashville) Jeff Daniels January 27 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITTO ORR IIU UM M (Nashville) John Mellencamp, Carlene Carter January 27 BBRR IID DG GEESS TTO ON NEE AARR EEN NAA (Nashville) Jack White January 28 CCO OBBBB EEN NEERR G GYY PPEERRFF O ORRM MII N NG G AARR TTSS CCEEN N -TTEERR (Atlanta) “School House Rock – Live) January 29 TTH HEE M MA ASS Q QU UEERR AAD DEE (Atlanta) Napalm Death, Volvod, Exhumed, Iron Reagan, Black Crown Initiate, Ringworm January 29 MAARR A M ATTH HO ON NM MU USSII CC W WO ORRK K SS (Nashville) Rebelution, Katchafire January 29 TTEEN NN NEESS SSEEEE TTH HEEAATTRR EE (Knoxville) Ron White January 30 TTEERRM MIIN NA A LL W WEESSTT (Atlanta) Paper Diamond January 30 WO W ORRK K PPLLA A YY TTH HEEAATTRR EE (Birmingham) Bob Schneider January 30 TTIIVV O OLL II TTH HEEA A TTRREE (Chattanooga) Ron White January 31 FF EERR SSTT CCEEN NTTEERR (Atlanta) Arlo Guthrie January 31 BBA A RRLLEEYY’’SS TTA APP RRO OO OM M (Knoxville) Wayne “The Train” Hancock January 31 ARR EEN A NA AA A TT G GW WIIN NN NEETTTT CCEEN NTTEERR (Atlanta) Bob Seger & the Silver Bullet Band, J. Geils Band January 31 TTH HEE M MA ASS Q QU UEERR AAD DEE (Atlanta) Less Than Jake, Reel Big Fish, Zero Authority February 2 TTRRA A CCK K 2299 (Chattanooga) Shovels & Rope February 3 PPH HII LLIIPP SS A ARREEN NAA (Atlanta) Chris Brown, Trey Songz, Tyga February 3 HEEAAVVEEN H NA A TT TTH HEE M MAA SSQ QU UEERRAAD DEE (Atlanta) Motion City Soundtrack, Copeland

February 3 CCIITTYY W WII N NEERR YY N NA ASS H HVVIILL LLEE (Nashville) Crystal Bowersox February 3 MEERR CCYY LL O M OU UN NG GEE (Nashville) Copeland February 4 CCEEN NTTEERR SSTTA AG GEE (Atlanta) Kongos, Sir Sly February 5 D && LL IIN 33RRD ND DSSLL EEYY (Nashville) Lucy Hale, John Dorr February 5 FFO OXX TTH HEEA ATTRR EE (Atlanta) Jerry Seinfield February 6 MA M ARRA A TTH HO ON NM MU USSII CC W WO ORRK K SS (Nashville) Cold War Kids, Elliot Moss February 6 BBA ARR LLEEYY’’SS TTA APPRR O OO OM M (Knoxville) American Aquarium February 6 TTH HEE 1122 00 TTA A VVEERRN N (Marietta, GA) Shooter Jennings With Waymore’s Outlaws February 7 CCU ULLTTU URRA A LL CCEEN NTTEERR (Roswell, GA) Ruthie Foster February 7 BBU UCCK KH HEEA AD D TTH HEEA A TTRREE (Atlanta) Cold War Kids, Elliot Moss February 7 TTH HEE TTA ABB EERR N NA ACCLLEE (Atlanta) Lotus February 7 GEEO G ORR G GIIA AD DO OM MEE (Atlanta) Skillet, Jeremy Camp, Francesca Batistell, Building 429, Family Force 5, NewSong, For King And Country, Blanca, Veridia February 7 CCEEN NTTEERR SSTTA AG GEE (Atlanta) Ingrid Michaelson February 7 PPH HIILL IIPPSS A A RREEN NA A (Atlanta) Katt Williams February 7 TTH HEE EEA ARRLL (Atlanta) Evan Dando February 7 BBRRII D DG GEESS TTO ON NEE A ARREEN NA A (Nashville) Skillet, Jeremy Camp, Francesca Batistell, Building 429, Family Force 5, NewSong, For King And Country, Blanca, Veridia February 8 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITTO ORRII U UM M (Nashville) Diana Ross February 8 TTEERRM MIIN NA ALL W WEESSTT (Atlanta) Phox February 10 CCA AN NN NEERRYY BB A ALL LLRRO OO OM M (Nashville) Guster, Kishi Bashi February 12 CCIITTYY W WII N NEERR YY N NA ASS H HVVIILL LLEE (Nashville) Colin Hay February 12 MA M ARRA A TTH HO ON NM MU USSII CC W WO ORRK K SS (Nashville) Above &Beyond February 12 D && LL IIN 33RRD ND DSSLL EEYY (Nashville) Echosmith, The Colourist February 12 CCEEN NTTEERR SSTTA AG GEE (Atlanta) Jessie J February 12 EED DD DII EE’’SS A ATTTTII CC (Atlanta) Lloyd Cole February 12 BBU UCCK KH HEEA AD D TTH HEEA A TTRREE (Atlanta) Shovels & Rope, Caroline Rose February 12 LLA AU UG GH HII N NG G SSK KU ULLLL LLO OU UN NG GEE (Atlanta) Emo Philips February 12 WO W ORR K KPP LLA AYY TTH HEEA ATTRREE (Birmingham) Robyn Hitchcock February 12 WII LLD W DH HO ORRSS EE SSA A LLO OO ON N (Nashville) Rick Springfield February 13 CCIITTYY W WII N NEERR YY N NA ASS H HVVIILL LLEE (Nashville) Colin Hay February 13 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITTO ORRII U UM M (Nashville) Tedeschi Trucks Band February 13


FFO OXX TTH HEEA ATTRREE (Atlanta) John Mellencamp, Carlene Carter February 13 TTH HEE TTA ABBEERRN NA A CCLLEE (Atlanta) Guster February 13 VVA ARRII EETT YY PPLL A AYYH HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Big Head Todd & the Monsters February 13 OPP EERR A O A (Atlanta) Datsik February 13 ATTLLA A AN NTTA A LLIIVVEE (Atlanta) Carlos Mencia February 13 LLA AU UG GH HIIN NG G SSK KU ULL LL LLO OU UN NG GEE (Atlanta) Emo Philips February 13 TTH HO OM MPP SSO ON N-- BBO OLLII N NG GA ARREEN NA A (Knoxville) Skillet, Jeremy Camp, Francesca Batistell, Building 429, Family Force 5, NewSong, For King And Country, Blanca, Veridia February 13 VVO ON N BBRRA AU UN N CCEEN NTT EERR (Huntsville) Brian Regan February 14 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DII TTO ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Shovels & Rope February 14 TTH HEE TTA ABBEERRN NA A CCLLEE (Atlanta) Wale February 14 ATTLLA A AN NTTA A LLIIVVEE (Atlanta) Carlos Mencia February 14 LLA AU UG GH HIIN NG G SSK KU ULL LL LLO OU UN NG GEE (Atlanta) Emo Philips February 14 CCIITTYY W WIIN NEERRYY N NA ASS H HVVIILLLL EE (Nashville) Dave Mason February 15 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DII TTO ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Craig Morgan, Deana Carter, Third Day, Mike Farris February 15 TTH HEE M MA ASSQ QU UEERRA AD DEE (Atlanta) Silverstein, Beartooth, Hands Like Houses, My Iron Lung, Major League February 15 LLA AU UG GH HIIN NG G SSK KU ULL LL LLO OU UN NG GEE (Atlanta) Emo Philips February 15 ATTLLA A AN NTTA A LLIIVVEE (Atlanta) Carlos Mencia February 15 TTH HEE M MA ASSQ QU UEERRA AD DEE (Atlanta) Silverstein, Beartooth, Hands Like Houses, My Iron Lung, Major League February 15 BBJJCCCC CCO ON NCCEERR TT H HA A LLLL (Birmingham) Ringo & His All Starr Band, Steve Lukather, Richard Page, Greg Rolie, Todd Rundgren, Gregg Bissonette, Warren Ham February 15 CCO OBBBB EEN NEERRG GYY PPEERRFF O ORRM MIIN NG GA A RRTTSS CCEEN N-TTEERR (Atlanta) Harry Connick Jr. February 16 CCO OBBBB EEN NEERRG GYY PPEERRFF O ORRM MIIN NG GA A RRTTSS CCEEN N-TTEERR (Atlanta) Harry Connick Jr. February 16 WA W A RR M MEEM MO ORRII A ALL A AU UD DIITTO ORR IIU UM M (Nashville) Dr. John February 17 CCIITTYY W WIIN NEERRYY N NA ASS H HVVIILLLL EE (Nashville) Arlo Guthrie February 17 VVA ARRII EETT YY PPLL A AYYH HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Dark Star Orchestra February 18 EED DD DIIEE’’SS A ATTTTIICC (Atlanta) Sean Watkins February 18 CCIITTYY W WIIN NEERRYY N NA ASS H HVVIILLLL EE (Nashville) Arlo Guthrie February 18 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DII TTO ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Blackberry Smoke February 18 BBIIJJ O OU U TTH HEEA A TTRREE (Knoxville) Robert Earl Keen February 18 PPH HIILL IIPPSS A ARR EEN NA A (Atlanta) Maroon 5, Magic!, Rozzi Crane February 19 SSCCH HEERRM MEERRH HO ORRN N SSYYM MPPH HO ON NYY CCEEN NTTEERR

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JANUARY 9 & 10








(Nashville) Styx February 19 TTH HEE BBAASS EE M MEE N NTT (Nashville) Sean Watkins February 19 MCCK M KEE N NZZII EE AARREE N NAA (Chattanooga) MercyMe, Crowder, Matt Maher, Jamie Grace, Tedashi, Group 1 Crew, I Am They, Jon Guerra February 20 VVIIN NYYLL (Atlanta) Bad Suns February 20 TTH HEE TTAABB EERR N NAA CCLLEE (Atlanta) Excision, Protohype, Minnesota February 20 SSCCH HEE RRM MEE RRH HO ORRN N SS YYM MPPH HO ON NYY CCEE N NTTEERR (Nashville) Styx February 20 BBRRII D DG GEE SS TTO ON NEE AA RREE N NAA (Nashville) Charlie Wilson, Kem, Joe February 20 SSCCH HEE RRM MEE RRH HO ORRN N SS YYM MPPH HO ON NYY CCEE N NTTEERR (Nashville) Styx February 21 BBRRII D DG GEE SS TTO ON NEE AA RREE N NAA (Nashville) Jason Aldean February 21 EE D DD DII EE’’ SS AATTTTIICC (Atlanta) John Hammond February 22 TTH HEE TTAABB EERR N NAA CCLLEE (Atlanta) Pierce the Veil, Sleeping With Sirens February 22 BBRRII D DG GEE SS TTO ON NEE AA RREE N NAA (Nashville) Maroon 5, Magic!, Rozzi Crane February 22 BBJJ CCCC A ARR EEN NAA (Birmingham) Charlie Wilson, Kem, Joe February 22 MAARR K M K CC.. SSM MIITTH H CCO ON NCCEE RRTT H HAALLLL (Huntsville) Gordon Lightfoot February 23 BBU U CCK KH HEE AAD D TTH HEE AATTRR EE (Atlanta) Ryan Bingham, Lucero, Twin Forks February 25 IIRR O ON N CCIITTYY (Birmingham) Ryan Bingham, Lucero February 26 TTH HEE TTAABB EERR N NAA CCLLEE (Atlanta) Punch Brothers February 26 ATTLL A A AN NTTAA LLIIVVEE (Atlanta) Tom Green February 26 MAARRAA TTH M HO ON NM MU USS IICC W WO ORRK K SS (Nashville) Goodbye June, Kongos, Sir Sly, Colony House February 27

TTEEN NN NEE SSSS EEEE PPEE RRFFO ORR M MII N NG GA ARR TTSS CCEE N NTTEE RR (Nashville) Harry Connick Jr. February 27 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DII TTO ORR IIU UM M (Nashville) Punch Brothers February 27 ATTLL A A AN NTTA A LL IIVVEE (Atlanta) Tom Green February 27 TTH HEE IIN NTTEE RRN NA ATTIIO ON NA ALL (Knoxville) Young the Giant February 27 PPH HIILL IIPPSS A ARR EEN NA A (Atlanta) Billy Joel February 28 HEELL LL A H ATT TTH HEE M MA AQ QU U EE RRA AD DEE (Atlanta) Helmet February 28 ATTLL A A AN NTTA A LL IIVVEE (Atlanta) Tom Green February 28 TTH HEE TTA ABBEE RRN NA ACCLL EE (Atlanta) Corey Smith February 28 CCO OTTTTO ON N EEYYEE D D JJ O OEE’’ SS (Knoxville) Dan + Shay, Canaan Smith February 28 TTH HEE TTA ABBEE RRN NA ACCLL EE (Atlanta) Above & Beyond March 1 BBRRII D DG GEE SSTTO ON NEE A ARR EEN NA A (Nashville) Chris Brown, Trey Songz, Tyga March 1 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DII TTO ORR IIU UM M (Nashville) Willie Nelson March 3 IIRRO ON NH HO ORRSS EE CCA AFF ÉÉ (Birmingham) 10 Years, Otherwise, The Glorious Sons, Luminoth March 3 TTH HEE M MA ASSQ QU U EE RRA AD DEE (Atlanta) August Burns Red, Miss May I, Northlane, Erra March 4 MEERR CCYY LLO M OU UN NG GEE (Nashville) 10 Years, Otherwise, The Glorious Sons, Luminoth March 4 ATTLL A A AN NTTA A LL IIVVEE (Atlanta) Pauly Shore March 5 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DII TTO ORR IIU UM M (Nashville) Gov’t Mule March 5 TTRRA ACCK K 2299 (Chattanooga) J.J. Grey & Mofro March 6 ATTLL A A AN NTTA A LL IIVVEE (Atlanta) Pauly Shore March 6


D && LLIIN 33RRD ND DSSLL EE YY (Nashville) Beth Hart March 6 BBJJCCCC CCO ON NCCEE RRTT H HAA LLLL (Birmingham) Little Big Town, Chris Stapelton March 6 MAA RRAATTH M HO ON NM MU U SSII CC W WO ORRK KSS (Nashville) Moe. March 7 D && LLIIN 33RRD ND DSSLL EE YY (Nashville) Beth Hart March 7 ATTLLAA N A NTTAA LL IIVVEE (Atlanta) Pauly Shore March 7 TTH HEE M MAA SSQ QU U EERR AAD DEE (Atlanta) 10 Years, Otherwise, The Glorious Sons, Luminoth March 7 MEE M M MO ORRIIAA LL AAU UD DII TTO ORRIIU UM M (Chattanooga) Little Big Town, Chris Stapelton March 8 TTH HO OM MPPSS O ON N--BBO OLL IIN NG G AARR EEN NAA (Knoxville) Fleetwood Mac March 8 TTH HEE LL O OFFTT (Atlanta) Aesop Rock, Rob Sonic, DJ Abilities, Homeboy Sandman March 8 TTRRA ACCK K 2299 (Chattanooga) Ryan Bingham, Lucero March 9 VVA ARRII EETTYY PPLLAA YYH HO OU U SS EE (Atlanta) Hozier, George Ezra March 10 ZZYYD DEECCO O (Birmingham) Aesop Rock, Rob Sonic, DJ Abilities, Homeboy Sandman March 10 AU A UD DII TTO ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Santana March 11 BBJJCCCC CCO ON NCCEE RRTT H HAA LLLL (Birmingham) John Mellencamp, Carlene Carter March 12 ATTLLAA N A NTTAA LL IIVVEE (Atlanta) Gilbert Godfrey March 12 TTH HEE M MAA SSQ QU U EERR AAD DEE (Atlanta) Andy Grammer, Alex & Sierra March 12 TTH HEE TTAA BBEE RRN NAACCLL EE (Atlanta) Hozier March 13 ATTLLAA N A NTTAA LL IIVVEE (Atlanta) Gilbert Godfrey March 13 RRYYM MAAN N AA U UD DIITTO ORR IIU UM M (Nashville) Hozier March 14

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MEE RRCCYY LL O M OU UN NG GEE (Nashville) Gang of Four March 14 A TTLLAAN A NTTAA LLII VVEE (Atlanta) Gilbert Gottfried March 14 MCCK M K EEN NZZ IIEE AARR EEN NAA (Chattanooga) Skillet, Jeremy Camp, Francesca Batistell, Building 429, Family Force 5, NewSong, For King And Country, Blanca, Veridia March 15 SS CCH HEERR M MEE RRH HO ORRN N SSYYM MPPH HO ON NYY CCEE N NTTEE RR (Nashville) Vienna Boys Choir March 15 RRO OCCK K EE TTO OW WN N (Nashville) The Devil Wears Prada, Born of Osiris, The Word Alive, Secrets March 15 WO W ORRK K PPLLAA YY SSO OU UN ND DSSTTA AG GEE (Birmingham) Joshua Radin March 15 BBJJ CCCC CCO ON NCCEE RRTT H HAA LLLL (Birmingham) Santana March 15 VVA A RRIIEE TTYY PP LLAAYYH HO OU U SSEE (Atlanta) Gang of Four March 15 CCEE N NTTEERR SSTT AAG GEE (Atlanta) Joshua Radin March 16 RR YYM MAA N N AAU UD DIITTO ORRII U UM M (Nashville) Hozier March 16 TTEE RRM MIIN NAA LL W W EE SSTT (Atlanta) The Church March 17 RR YYM MAA N N AAU UD DIITTO ORRII U UM M (Nashville) Hozier March 17 BBRR IID DG GEESS TTO ON NEE AARREE N NA A (Nashville) Fleetwood Mac March 18 SS CCH HEERR M MEE RRH HO ORRN N SSYYM MPPH HO ON NYY CCEE N NTTEE RR (Nashville) Boyz II Men March 19 A TTLLAAN A NTTAA LLII VVEE (Atlanta) Mitch Fatel March 19 TTEE RRM MIIN NAA LL W W EE SSTT (Atlanta) Buckwheat Zydeco March 18 BBJJ CCCC A A RREE N NAA (Birmingham) Michael Lambert, Justin Moore, Danielle Bradberry March 19 CCA AN NN NEE RRYY BBAALLLL RRO OO OM M (Nashville) Meghan Trainor March 20 SS CCH HEERR M MEE RRH HO ORRN N SSYYM MPPH HO ON NYY CCEE N NTTEE RR (Nashville) Boyz II Men March 20 CCII TTYY W W IIN NEERR YY N NAASS H HVVIILLLL EE (Nashville) Donna the Buffalo March 20 A TTLLAAN A NTTAA LLII VVEE (Atlanta) Mitch Fatel March 20 ZZ YYD DEECCO O (Birmingham) Suicide Silence, Emmure, Fit For An Autopsy, Within the Ruins March 20 BBJJ CCCC A A RREE N NAA (Birmingham) Skillet, Jeremy Camp, Francesca Batistell, Building 429, Family Force 5, NewSong, For King And Country, Blanca, Veridia March 21 SS CCH HEERR M MEE RRH HO ORRN N SSYYM MPPH HO ON NYY CCEE N NTTEE RR (Nashville) Boyz II Men March 21 KN K NO OXX VVIILL LLEE AAU UD DIITTO ORRII U UM M (Knoxville) Sarah McLachlin March 21 A TTLLAAN A NTTAA LLII VVEE (Atlanta) Mitch Fatel March 21 BBRR IID DG GEESS TTO ON NEE AARREE N NA A (Nashville) Nickelback March 22 PP H HII LLIIPP SS AA RREE N NAA (Atlanta) Ariana Grande, Rixton March 24 PP H HII LLIIPP SS AA RREE N NAA (Atlanta) Fleetwood Mac March 25 TTEE N NN NEESS SSEE EE TTH HEE AATTRREE (Knoxville) Brian Regan March 26

VVA ARR IIEE TTYY PPLL AAYYH HO OU U SSEE (Atlanta) King Tuff March 26 TTRRA A CCK K 22 99 (Chattanooga) The Stray Birds, Keller Williams March 27 BBLL IIN ND DW WII LLLL IIEE ’’SS (Atlanta) The Nighthawks March 27 TTRRA A CCK K 22 99 (Chattanooga) Dr. Dog, Mewithoutyou March 28 SSYYM MPP H HO ON NYY H HA A LLLL (Atlanta) Jane Lynch March 28 FF O OXX TTH HEE AATTRREE (Atlanta) Brian Regan March 28 CCEE N NTT EERR SSTTAA G GEE (Atlanta) “RuPaul’s Drag Race”, Cary Nokey March 28 TTEE RRM MIIN NAALL W W EESS TT (Atlanta) Swans March 28 RRYYM MAAN N AAU UD DIITTO ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Brian Regan March 29 EE D DD DII EE’’ SS AATTTTIICC (Atlanta) Al Stewart March 29 BBJJ CCCC CCO ON NCCEERR TT H HAALL LL (Birmingham) Sarah McLachlin March 31 TTH HEE TTAABB EERR N NAA CCLLEE (Atlanta) Damien Rice March 31 BBU U CCK KH HEE AAD D TTH HEE AATTRR EE (Atlanta) Taking Back Sunday, The Menzingers, Letlive. April 1 IIRR O ON N CCIITTYY (Birmingham) Mat Kearney April 2 CCH HAASS TTAAIIN N PP AARRK K (Atlanta) Alt-J April 4 RRYYM MAAN N AAU UD DIITTO ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Mat Kerney April 4 GRRAA N G ND DO OLL EE O OPPRRYY H HO OU USS EE (Nashville) AltJ April 6 SSCCH HEE RRM MEE RRH HO ORRN N SS YYM MPPH HO ON NYY CCEE N NTTEERR (Nashville) Bernadette Peters April 9 TTH HEE TTAABB EERR N NAA CCLLEE (Atlanta) The Decemberists April10 SSCCH HEE RRM MEE RRH HO ORRN N SS YYM MPPH HO ON NYY CCEE N NTTEERR (Nashville) Bernadette Peters April 10 TTH HEE TTAABB EERR N NAA CCLLEE (Atlanta) The Decemberists, Alvvays April 11

SSCCH HEE RRM MEE RRH HO ORRN N SS YYM MPP H HO ON NYY CCEEN NTTEE RR (Nashville) Bernadette Peters April 11 TTEEM MPPTT (Murfreesboro) Datsik April 11 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DII TTO ORR IIU UM M (Nashville) The Decemberists April 13 BBU U CCK KH HEE A AD D TTH HEE A ATTRREE (Atlanta) Ok Go April 14 TTRRA ACCK K 2299 (Chattanooga) Jason Isbell April 16 IIRRO ON N CCII TTYY (Birmingham) Zappa Plays Zappa April 16 BBJJCCCC CCO ON NCCEE RRTT H HA ALL LL (Birmingham) Roberta Flack April 18 VVA ARRII EETTYY PPLL A AYYH HO OU USS EE (Atlanta) Zappa Plays Zappa April 18 JJA AM MEESS K K .. PPO OLLK K TTH HEE A ATTRR EE (Nashville) Frank Caliendo, George Canter April 18 SSYYM MPPH HO ON NYY H HA ALL LL (Atlanta) Diana Krall April 19 AN A ND DRREE W W JJA A CCK KSS O ON NH HA A LLLL (Nashville) Anjelah Johnson April 19 ALL YYSS RR O A OBBIIN NSSO ON N SS TTEE PPH HEEN NSS CCEE N NTTEERR (Birmingham) Diana Krall April 20 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DII TTO ORR IIU UM M (Nashville) Diana Krall April 21 TTH HEE TTA ABBEE RRN NA ACCLL EE (Atlanta) SleaterKinney April 21 TTH HEE A ARREE N NA AA ATT G GW W IIN NN NEE TTTT CCEE N NTTEERR (Atlanta) The Who April 23 MA M ARRA A TTH HO ON NM MU U SS IICC W WO ORRK K SS (Nashville) Sleater-Kinney April 23 CCIITTYY W W IIN NEE RRYY N NA A SSH HVVIILL LLEE (Nashville) Joan Armatrading April 25 CCO OBBBB EE N NEE RRG GYY PP EERRFF O ORRM MIIN NG G AARRTTSS CCEE N N-TTEERR (Atlanta) Rodney Carrington April 25 TTH HEE TTA ABBEE RRN NA ACCLL EE (Atlanta) Walk the Moon, The Griswolds April 25 FFRR EED DRRII CCK KSS EE Q QU UII PPM MEEN NTT (Decatur, AL) .38 Special April 25 TTRRA ACCK K 2299 (Chattanooga) Keb’ Mo’ May 1 CCO OBBBB EE N NEE RRG GYY PP EERRFF O ORRM MIIN NG G AARRTTSS CCEE N N--


TTEE RR (Atlanta) Lewis Black May 1 TTIIVVO OLLII TTH HEEAA TTRREE (Chattanooga) Lewis Black May 2 CCO OBB BB EE N NEERR G GYY PPEE RRFF O ORRM MIIN NG G AA RRTTSS CCEE N N-TTEE RR (Atlanta) Bill Cosby May 2 UN U NIIVVEE RRSS IITTYY O OFF AA LLAA BBAAM MAA (Tuscaloosa) Steve Winwood May 2 TTEEN NN NEE SSSSEE EE TTH HEE AATTRREE (Knoxville) Lewis Black May 3 MAA RRAATTH M HO ON NM MU U SSII CC W WO ORRK KSS (Nashville) Zappa Plays Zappa May 7 SSCCH HEE RRM MEERR H HO ORR N N SSYYM MPP H HO ON NYY CCEE N NTTEE RR (Nashville) Kenny G May 7-9 CCH HAA SSTTAA IIN N PPAA RRK K (Atlanta) Hozier May 8 VVEERR IIZZ O ON NW WII RREE LLEE SSSS AAM MPPH HII TTH HEEAA TTRREE (Atlanta) ZZ Top, Jeff Beck May 10 BBRRIID DG GEE SSTTO ON NEE AARR EEN NAA (Nashville) The Who May 11 PPH HIILLII PPSS AARREE N NAA (Atlanta) Bette Midler May 13 PPH HIILLII PPSS AARREE N NAA (Atlanta) Iggy Azeala, Nick Jonas, Tinashe, DJ Wizz Kidd May 19 IIRRO ON N CCIITTYY (Birmingham) Kamelot, Dragonforce May 21 KIIN K NG GSSTTO ON ND DO OW WN NSS (Atlanta) (Rome, GA) “Counterpoint Music & Arts Festival” May 22-24 CCO OBB BB EE N NEERR G GYY PPEE RRFF O ORRM MIIN NG G AA RRTTSS CCEE N N-TTEE RR (Atlanta) Lisa Lampinelli May 30 ARREE N A NAA AA TT G GW W IIN NN NEETTTT CCEE N NTTEE RR (Atlanta) Barry Manilow, Dave Koz June 4 SSO OU U TTH HEE RRN N SSTTAATT EESS AAM MPP H HII TTH HEEAA TTRREE (Fayetteville, GA) Chuck Negron June 6 GEE O G ORRG GIIAA D DO OM MEE (Atlanta) Kenny Chesney, Eric Church, Brantley Gilbert, Chase Rice June 13 ARREE N A NAA AA TT G GW W IIN NN NEETTTT CCEE N NTTEE RR (Atlanta) Cheech & Chong, WAR June 13

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AA AARRO ON N’’ SS AA M MPPH HIITTH HEE A ATTRREE (Atlanta) Lana Del Ray June 14 TTEE N NN NEESS SSEE EE SSTTAA TTEE FF AAIIRR G GRR O OU UN ND DSS (Nashville) Van’s Warped Tour July 1 A AARRO A ON N’’ SS AA M MPPH HIITTH HEE A ATTRREE (Atlanta) Van’s Warped Tour July 2 CCH HAASS TTAAII N N PPAARR K K (Atlanta) Idina Menzel July 24 SS O OU UTTH HEE RRN NG GRR O OU UN ND DA AM MPP H HIITTH HEE A ATTRREE (Fayetteville, GA) Blood Sweat & Tears July 25 SS CCH HEERR M MEE RRH HO ORRN N SSYYM MPPH HO ON NYY CCEE N NTTEE RR (Nashville) Shirley MacLaine July 30 A AARRO A ON N’’ SS AA M MPPH HIITTH HEE A ATTRREE (Atlanta) 5 Seconds of Summer August 5 NAASS H N HVVIILL LLEE M MU UN NII CCIIPPA A LL A AU UD DII TTO ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) “Ink-N-Iron Festival” Merle Haggard, Three Times Bad August 7 CCH HAASS TTAAII N N PPAARR K K (Atlanta) ThePianoGuys August 8 NAASS H N HVVIILL LLEE M MU UN NII CCIIPPA A LL A AU UD DII TTO ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) “Ink-N-Iron Festival” Three Times Bad August 8 NAASS H N HVVIILL LLEE M MU UN NII CCIIPPA A LL A AU UD DII TTO ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) “Ink-N-Iron Festival” Three Times Bad August 9 A AARRO A ON N’’ SS AA M MPPH HIITTH HEE A ATTRREE (Atlanta) Nickelback August 29 BBRR IID DG GEESS TTO ON NEE AARREE N NA A (Nashville) Taylor Swift, Vance Joy September 25/26 SS CCH HW WAA RRTTZZ CCEE N NTTEE RR (Atlanta) Chick Corea and Bela Fleck October 3 CCEE N NTTEE N NN NIIAA LL O OLL YYM MPPIICC PPA ARR K K (Atlanta) Foo Fighters October 4 BBRR IID DG GEESS TTO ON NEE AARREE N NA A (Nashville) Foo Fighters October 5 GEE O G ORRG GIIAA D DO OM MEE (Atlanta) Taylor Swift, Vance Joy, Shawn Mendes October 24


Into the Woods PG A witch tasks a childless baker and Big Eyes PG-13 his wife with procuring magical Walter Keane became a household items from classic fairy tales to name in the 1950s, when his oddly reverse the curse put on their famemotional and best-selling paint- ily tree. ings of big-eyed children made him a coveted TV talk show guest. But The Gambler R was the art really his? His wife Lit professor and gambler Jim Margaret claims that Walter’s only Bennett’s debt causes him to borcontributions to the work were his row money from his mother and a signatures, and Keanes subsequent loan shark. Further complicating legal battle will destroy their mar- his situation is his relationship Jack O’Connell in Universal Pictures’ “Unbroken”. riage and lead to a jaw-dropping with one of his students. Will other way around. court showdown that will prove Bennett risk his life for a second Unbroken PG-13 After a near-fatal plane crash in once and for all who the real artist chance? WWII, Olympian Louis Zamperini Big Hero 6 is. spends a harrowing 47 days in a Robotics prodigy Hiro Hamada raft with two fellow crewmen learns to harness his genius— before he’s caught by the Japanese thanks to his brilliant brother navy and sent to a prisoner-of-war Tadashi and their like-minded camp. friends: adrenaline junkie Go Go Tamago, neatnik Wasabi, chemistry whiz Honey Lemon and fanboy NO N OW W SSH HO OW W II N NG G Fred. When a devastating turn of Annie PG events catapults them into the Annie is a young, happy foster kid midst of a dangerous plot unfoldwho’s also tough enough to make ing in the streets of San Fransokyo, her way on the streets of New York Hiro turns to his closest companin 2014. Originally left by her par- ion—a robot named Baymax—and ents as a baby with the promise transforms the group into a band that they’d be back for her some- of high-tech heroes determined to day, it’s been a hard knock life solve the mystery. ever since with her mean foster mom Miss Hannigan. But every- Dumb And Dumber To PG-13 thing’s about to change when the Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels reprise hard-nosed tycoon and New York their signature roles as Lloyd and mayoral candidate Will Stacks – Harry in the sequel to the smash hit advised by his brilliant VP, Grace that took the physical comedy and and his shrewd and scheming cam- kicked it in the nuts. The original paign advisor, Guy – makes a thin- film’s directors, Peter and Bobby ly-veiled campaign move and takes Farrelly, take Lloyd and Harry on a her in. Stacks believes he’s her road trip to find a child Harry guardian angel, but Annie’s self- never knew he had and the responassured nature and bright, sun- sibility neither should ever, ever be will-come-out-tomorrow outlook given. on life just might mean it’s the ENIGMA

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Exodus: God and Kings PG-13 Ridley Scott’s Biblical epic Exodus: Gods and Kings stars Christian Bale as Moses who, as the film opens, fights alongside his brother Ramses (a shaved-headed Joel Edgerton), to help defend Egypt, which is ruled by their father, Seti (John Turturro). During battle, Moses saves Ramses life, causing Ramses to fear that his brother will one day be King because it fits with a prophecy handed down by one of Seti’s trusted spiritualists. Soon after Seti’s death, Moses, who is actually Jewish and not Egyptian, is banished. However, he becomes the leader of the Jewish people and leads a rebellion, with the help of a wrathful God, against that Egyptians.

ing on an epic quest to save the magic before it is gone forever.

Horrible Bosses 2 R After barely escaping with their lives when their plans to murder their bosses goes out of control, Nick, Dale and Kurt decide that they’ll be better off launching a business of their own. But a slick investor has other plans, and when he manages to snake their successful venture right out from underneath them, the three friends launch a not-very-well-thought-out plan to kidnap the investor’s adult son and trade him for control of their company.

The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies PG-13 Peter Jackson takes cues from the appendices of The Lord of the Rings to expand New Line Cinema’s Hobbit adaptation with this third film completing the epic tale of Bilbo Baggins, as played by Martin Freeman.

Penguins of Madagascar PG Super spy teams aren’t born…they’re hatched. Discover the secrets of the greatest and most hilarious covert birds in the global espionage biz: Skipper, Kowalski, Rico and Private. These elitists of the elite are joining forces with a chic undercover organization, The North Wind. Led by handsome and husky Agent Classified (we could tell you his name, but then…you know), voiced by Benedict Cumberbatch. Together, they must stop the villainous Dr. Octavius Brine, voiced by John Malkovich, from destroying the world as we know it.

world. Based on the book by Chris Kyle with Scott McEwen and Jim DeFelice.

CO MIN G SO ON American Sniper R U.S. Navy SEAL Chris Kyle is sent to Iraq with only one mission: to protect his brothers-in-arms. His pinpoint accuracy saves countless lives on the battlefield and, as stories of his courageous exploits spread, he earns the nickname “Legend.” However, his reputation is also growing behind enemy lines, putting a price on his head and making him a prime target of insurgents. He is also facing a different kind of battle on the home front: striving to be a good husband and father from halfway around the

The Interview Dave Skylark and his producer Aaron Rapoport run the popular celebrity tabloid TV show “Skylark Tonight.” When they discover that North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un is a fan of the show, they land an interview with him in an attempt to legitimize themselves as journalists. As Dave and Aaron prepare to travel to Pyongyang, their plans change when the CIA recruits them, perhaps the two least-qualified men imaginable, to assassinate Kim Jong-un.

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 PG-13 Katniss Everdeen leads the districts of Panem in a rebellion against the tyrannical and corrupt Capitol. As the war that will determine the fate of Panem escalates, Katniss must decipher for herself who she can trust and what needs to be done, with everything she cares for in the balance.

Interstellar PG-13 A group of explorers make use of a newly discovered wormhole to surpass the limitations on human space travel and conquer the vast distances involved in an interstelTop Five R lar voyage. Andre Allen is a former stand-up Kirk Cameron’s Saving Christmas comedian and Hollywood movie star whose latest project - a serious PG Kirk is enjoying the annual film about the 1791 Haitian Christmas party extravaganza Revolution - has just been panned thrown by his sister until he real- by the New York Times. His agent is izes he needs to help out Christian, eager to get Allen back on track, his brother-in-law who has a bad being the funny-man his fans know and love, while his fiancée is eager case of the bah-humbugs. for him to help raise the profile of Night at the Museum: Secret of the her reality TV show. With some trepidation, Allen agrees to spend Tomb PG-13 Get ready for the wildest and most the day with a whip-smart, beautiadventure-filled Night At the ful journalist from the Times with Museum ever as Larry (Ben Stiller) whom he reflects on the life he left spans the globe, uniting favorite behind while ambling through variand new characters while embark- ous New York City boroughs. ENIGMA

Across 2. Worn to protect the clothing 6. Fermented grape juices 11. Lady's-finger 13. State resident 15. English princess 17. Fixes 18. Ogles 19. Underground part of a plant 20. Deuces 21. Thin glutinous mud 22. Authentic 23. Finish first 25. Biddies 26. Person whose religion is Judaism 30. Devote 32. Modify 36. Complete change 37. Shooting sport 38. Sealing compound 40. Purchase

DECEMBER 25 2014

12. Flightless bird 14. Small dam 16. Part of speech 24. Rich and fashionable travellers 26. Trash 27. Spouse 28. Group of tents 29. Genus of vermin 30. Step in ballet 31. Short letter 33. Paint unskillfully 34. Be sorry for 35. Plaything 39. Highest 42. Public exhibition Down 43. Judges 1. Florida city 2. Inert elemental gas 44. Metal fastener 45. Mathematics 3. Move past 46. Raised platform 4. Lubricates 47. Evade work 5. Yuletide 6. Of moderate tem- 48. Unwieldy ship 51. Career golfers perature 52. Unpleasant smell 7. Insert 53. Salver 8. Planet 54. Stylish 9. Breathe noisily 10. Hates intensely 41. Places to sleep 47. Shaft horsepower 49. Executive Officer 50. Away 54. Pal 55. Imitator 56. Tester 57. Hawaiian port 58. Draw near 59. Book of the Bible 60. Annoys 61. Native of Switzerland 62. Type of packsack


1199 5544 Singer Johnny Ace accidentally killed himself while playing Russian Roulette backstage at a Houston concert on Christmas Eve. Ace was well known for singing and playing piano with such Blues legends as Bobby Bland and B.B. King. He later signed with Duke Records and had a string of R&B hits, including “My Song”, “Saving My Love”, “Please Forgive Me”, “Cross My Heart” and “The Clock”, along with two more hits after his death, “Pledging My Love” and “Anymore”. Cashbox magazine had named Johnny Ace as its Most Promising New Artist earlier in the month. Bing Crosby’s “White Christmas” enters the Billboard Pop chart for the first time, seven years after it was recorded. According to Guinness World Records, Bing’s rendition has sold over 100 million copies around the world, with at least 50 million sales as singles. It was the largest selling single in the US and the UK until it was surpassed by Elton John’s “Candle in the Wind 1997”. (Princess Diana version) 11 995555 Bill Haley And His Comets’ version of the Bobby Charles tune “See You Later Alligator” is released by Decca Records. It will reach #6 on the US Pop chart and become Haley’s third and final million-selling single.

1199 5566 Billboard magazine reported that Elvis Presley had the most charting records this year with seventeen. Pat Boone was next with five, followed by Fats Domino, Little Richard and The Platters with three each. 1199 5599 Chuck Berry is arrested for transporting a minor across a state line for an immoral purpose. Berry claims he was only giving a young lady a ride to her job as a hat-check girl at his St. Louis nightclub. Unbeknown to Berry, 14-year-old Janice Norine was working as a prostitute. Although he will be con-

victed and given a five year sentence, the charges are eventually dropped after the judge allegedly made racist remarks. The Philadelphia Orphan’s Court gives Chubby Checker a raise in his weekly allowance from $150 to $200. The 19-year-old singer (who’s real name is Ernest Evans) has already put three songs, “The Class”, “The Twist” and “The Hucklebuck” in the US Top Forty. 119966 33 Capitol Records, the EMI-affiliated company which rejected the US rights to every Beatles record that they were offered until then, finally releases “I Want to Hold Your Hand” backed with “I Saw Her Standing There”. The song was currently topping the UK chart with “This Boy” on the flip side. Within five weeks the record will rise to number one in the US, where it would stay for seven weeks. The song was recorded the previous October and the hit version was take number 17. 11 9966 44 Brian Wilson of The Beach Boys suffered a breakdown while on a flight from Los Angeles to Houston. Wilson decided to retire from performing live, even though their “Beach Boys Concert” album was number 1 on the LP chart at the time. Glen Campbell became a temporary replacement before Bruce Johnston joined the group. With long hair for men now in fashion, The Rolling Stones place a notice in Britain’s Rock ‘n’ Roll magazine, New Musical Express, wishing starving hairdressers a Merry Christmas. 11 9966 55 The Beatles had the number one album in the US for the third Christmas in a row. “Rubber Soul” sat atop the LP chart in ‘65, following “Beatles For Sale” in 1964 and “With The Beatles” in 1963. The Fab Four would repeat this feat again in 1968 with “The Beatles” (The White ENIGMA

1199 7711 Album) and again in 1969 with Melanie Safka led both the Billboard “Abbey Road”. Hot 100 and the Cashbox Best Sellers Lou Christie’s biggest song, chart with “Brand New Key”, a song “Lightning Strikes” enters Billboard’s that she would later say took her Hot 100 for a 15 week stay. Although only fifteen minutes to write. he would have many other hits, this would be Christie’s only number After a trial run as a Summer replacement series, The Sonny And one. Cher Show begins its four and a half 1199 6666 year run on CBS. The Beach Boys receive three Gold 11 9977 22 Record citations for the single “Good Vibrations” and the albums The former manager of Grand Funk “Little Deuce Coupe” and “Shut Railroad, Terry Knight, showed up at a benefit concert staged by the Down, Vol. 2”. group, along with two deputy sherAt a Christmas Eve taping session, iffs and a moving van. Knight has a Tommy James And The Shondells court order that gives him the right record “I Think We’re Alone Now”, to seize and hold $1 million in which will go on to be the group’s money or assets pending settlement forth number one song in the US, of several lawsuits between him and the band. However, since the show selling over a million copies. can’t go on without the equipment, 1199 6688 Knight is not allowed to touch the Glen Campbell topped the Billboard amps or drums until after the conHot 200 album chart with “Wichita cert. Lineman”. The LP would stay on the 119977 33 chart for 46 weeks, but it would be Campbell’s only number one. Tom Johnson of The Doobie Brothers is arrested in Visalia, Led Zeppelin kick off their first California and charged with possesNorth American tour in Denver as sion of marijuana. His court date is the opening act for Vanilla Fudge. set for January 10th, the same day The MC5 were also on the bill. the band’s new LP is to be released. The album is ironically titled “What Were Once Vices Are Now Habits”. 1199 6699 One of Rock and Roll’s strangest 11 9977 44 oddities happened when “I Heard It Through The Grapevine” by Marvin Harry Chapin enjoys his only numGaye hit number one on the Cash Box music chart. The same song was also a number one hit for Gladys Knight And The Pips exactly one year earlier. The tune would also turn up on the chart by Creedence Clearwater Revival in 1976. Elton John and lyricist Bernie Taupin begin writing songs together. The pair have collaborated on more than 30 albums to date. The Supremes final single release with Diana Ross, “Someday We’ll Be Together”, becomes the last US number one song of the sixties. It made #13 in the UK. 11 9977 00 Joni Mitchell earns her first Gold record with her third album, “Ladies of the Canyon”. George Harrison’s “My Sweet Lord” becomes the first Beatles solo single to top the Billboard Hot 100. Five years later, a New York state judge would find Harrison guilty of copyright infringement for plagiarizing the Chiffon’s 1963 hit, “He’s So Fine”. The ruling would result in a legal battle that would carry on until 1998, with Harrison paying out $587,000.

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ber one single with “Cat’s In The Cradle”. The song’s theme about a distant father and son relationship was suggested to Harry by his wife, after he expressed disappointment about being on tour instead of attending his son’s birth. 1199 7766 “Hotel California”, The Eagles’ sixth album, goes Platinum and begins the first of eight non-consecutive weeks at the top of the Billboard chart. The effort was the band’s first LP with Joe Walsh and last with bassist Randy Meisner and has now sold over 21 million copies on the strength of two Grammy winning singles, the title track and “New Kid In Town”.

11 9977 77 Cat Stevens announces that he has converted to Islam and now wants to be known as Yuself Islam. Linda Ronstadt lived up to her nickname of “Linda Photostat” by copying two more songs that had been hits for other artists. Both “Blue Bayou” (Roy Orbison in 1963) and “It’s So Easy” (Buddy Holly in 1958) made it into Billboard’s top five. Two other songs from the same “Simple Dreams” album, “Poor Poor Pitiful Me” and “Tumbling Dice” couldn’t crack the top 30.

11 998811 Michael Jackson called Paul McCartney and suggested they write and record together. Their first effort would result in a US #2 and UK #8 hit, “The Girl Is Mine” in late 1982. 11 9988 22 In one of the most successful duets in Christmas music history, and surely the strangest, 30-year-old David Bowie and 73-year-old Bing Crosby achieved the number one song in the UK with “Peace On Earth / Little Drummer Boy”. The song had been recorded in September, 1977 when Crosby was in Great Britain to tape a TV special called Merrie Olde Christmas. Having him share a number with Bowie was the brainchild of producers Gary Smith and Dwight Hemion. After the recording circulated as a bootleg for several years, RCA decided to issue it as a single. It has since become a holiday standard, but it is entirely possible that neither Crosby or Bowie were familiar with each other’s work. 11 9988 55 Bruce Springsteen’s album, “Born in the USA” passed Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” to become the second longest-lasting LP on the Billboard Top 100. It stayed there for 79 weeks. Only “The Sound of Music” with Julie Andrews lasted longer at 109 weeks.

In a move that defied all logic, an audience that consisted mainly of children was treated to a Christmas Day concert at Ivanhoe’s in Huddersfield, England by The Sex Pistols.

11 9999 44 48-year-old Dan Hamilton, of Hamilton, Joe Frank and Reynolds, suffered a stroke and died in Los Angeles. He had earlier been diagnosed as suffering from Cushing’s 1199 7788 syndrome, a hormone disorder Kenney Jones, formerly of The Small caused by high levels of cortisol in Faces, becomes The Who’s drum- the blood. The group reached #4 in mer, replacing the late Keith Moon 1971 with “Don’t Pull Your Love” and who died two months earlier. #1 in 1975 with “Fallin’ In Love”. Rod Stewart gets in on the Disco craze when “Da Ya Think I’m Sexy” is released. It would rise to the top of the Billboard chart during an 18 week run. 1199 7799 Former studio musician Rupert Holmes had the last number one record of the seventies with “Escape” (The Pina Colada Song). The tune stayed at the top for two weeks and the follow-up, “Him”, also made the Top 10. Holmes had previously done studio work for The Drifters, The Platters and Gene Pitney. “Escape” made #23 in the UK. 11 998800 Three weeks to the day after John Lennon’s murder, “Starting Over” is number one in the US and the UK simultaneously.

efforts and spent time playing guitar chart in 1981 with “I Need Your in Jerry Butler’s touring band and Lovin’” and #4 in 1985 with provided Jerry with his first R&B hit “Lovergirl”. “He Will Break Your Heart”. 220011 11 22000022 Felice Catena, the sister of The Joe Strummer, lead singer for the Knack’s late drummer, Bruce Gary, landmark British punk band The launched a lawsuit against Capitol Clash, suffered a fatal heart attack Records in Los Angeles Superior Court, claiming the label failed to at the age of 50. pay the correct royalty rate when 22000044 licensing the band’s music to digital A North Carolina man named Wade download services. Jones sold three tablespoons of water taken from a cup used by Elvis Documents that reveal some of Presley during a 1977 concert for Janet Jackson’s tour requirements $455. were leaked on-line. Her performance contract was said to contain a 22000066 rider that specified any comedian Yusuf Islam, formerly known as Cat booked for her shows is forbidden Stevens, performed on stage before from poking fun at her or her a live US audience for the first time famous relatives. in nearly thirty years as he promoted his first Pop album since leaving 22001122 the music world for life as a devout Ray Collins, a singer who co-foundMuslim. Mixing new songs with such ed the Mothers of Invention with old hits as “Oh Very Young” and Frank Zappa but left when “too “Peace Train”, he sang with a gentle much comedy” started appearing in voice that had changed little from the band’s songs, passed away at the age of 75. his heyday in the 1970s. James Brown, known by all as The Godfather of Soul, died of pneumonia on Christmas morning at the age of 73. He recorded more than 50 albums and had well over 100 songs that hit the US charts, including “Papa’s Got A Brand New Bag” (#8) in 1965), “I Got You” (#3 in 1965), “Cold Sweat” (#7 in 1967), “Say It Loud” (#10 in 1968) and “Living In America” (#4 in 1986). His final words were reported to have been, “I’m going away tonight.”

22000077 The Police were the highest earning touring group for the past year, bringing in nearly $132 million (66.5m Pounds) The band’s 54 gig North American trek generated 11 9999 55 almost double the total of the secDean Martin, who recorded such ond-placed act, Country star Kenny standards as “Memories Are Made of Chesney. This” (#1 in 1955), “Return To Me” (#4 22000099 in 1958) and “Everybody Loves Somebody” (#1 in 1964), died of acute The FBI released 333 pages of docurespiratory failure on Christmas ments compiled about Michael morning at the age of 78. He had Jackson between 1992 to 2005. The been diagnosed with lung cancer files revealed that they made severtwo years earlier. During his career, al investigations into death threats Dean recorded over 100 albums and against him made by obsessed fans, placed 17 songs on the Billboard Top alleged inappropriate involvement 40 between 1955 and 1967. He also between Jackson and an underage starred in a popular TV variety show male, as well as fears that he may that ran from 1965 to 1974 for 264 have become the target for terrorepisodes. ists. 11 999999 After a decade of ill health, Soul singer Curtis Mayfield died at the age of 57. While a member of The Impressions, he recorded the Top 20 hit “For Your Precious Love” in 1960. He also released a handful of solo ENIGMA

220011 00 Teena Marie, known as the “Ivory Queen of Soul”, as she was Motown Records’ first White act, passed away at the age of 54. As well as scoring two Platinum albums, she reached #37 on the Billboard Pop

DECEMBER 25 2014


Elvis Presley and The Beatles topped the list of most-forged celebrity signatures in 2012, with less than half of their autographs for sale certified as genuine, according to memorabilia authenticators PSA/DNA. Astronaut Neil Armstrong landed at #3 on the list when fake signatures rose significantly after his death in July.


roof onto fans awaiting the start of a Sugarland concert. Two investigative reports found the stage rigging that collapsed didn’t meet industry safety standards and that fair officials lacked a fully developed emergency plan. The accident led to new regulations on the erection of rigging for outdoor events. Friday’s settlement resulted from mediation that began in the spring and is in addition to an earlier $11 million settlement with the state. Some plaintiffs did not accept Indiana’s settlement, but attorney K Keennnnee tthh JJ.. A Allll ee nn said the latest settlement with the other defendants involves all victims. He said one defendant, ESG Security, is not part of the settlement and that case could go to trial next year if no settlement is reached.

…A cast member on VH1’s “Love & Hip Hop Atlanta” has been ordered to spend 30 days at a drug rehabilitation center after prosecutors said he repeatedly failed cocaine and marijuana tests. The New York Post says SStteevv iiee JJ got that news Monday at a Manhattan federal court date in his child-support case. The reality star and Grammy-winning record producer was arrested in June. He has denied allegations of failing to pay over $1 million in support for two children while earning $27,000 a month. Prosecutors say SStteevv iiee JJ – whose formal name is SSttee vveenn JJoorrddaa nn – has failed 10 drug tests since his arrest. The tests …Although SScc oorrppii oonn ss were required by his $25,000 bond agreement. His lawyer argued that once said the “Get Your Sting And rehab would keep SSttee vvii ee JJ.. from Blackout World Tour” that began in 2010 would mark its farewell working and repaying debts. excursion, the German rockers …Country duo are still kicking. Today the act SSuuggaarr llaa nndd, concert promoter Live announced the release date for its Nation and 16 other defendants new album, following news this have agreed to pay $39 million to week of additional 2015 shows. settle claims stemming from the Return To Forever is due out Feb. deadly 2011 Indiana State Fair 20. Fans who pre-order the album stage collapse, lawyers for the vic- via iTunes or the band’s website tims and their families announced will receive an instant download Friday. Seven people were killed of Scorpions’ new single, “We and nearly 100 were injured in August 2011, when high winds toppled rigging and sent the stage


Built This House.” The album features 12 tracks – 16 if you opt for the deluxe edition. The release of the album and the upcoming 20152016 world tour marks the band’s 50th anniversary. During the past five decades Scorpions has put out nearly 20 albums with hit singles including “Rock You Like a Hurricane,” “No One Like You,” “Send Me an Angel,” “Still Loving You” and “Wind Of Change.” …Rockers, rejoice: The Broadway musical “Rock of Ages” may be going, but get ready for “The School of Rock.” Producers said Thursday that a musical version of the 2003 film starring JJaacckk BBll aacckk will start in early November, with an opening set for Dec. 6. Weebbbbeerr Composer Andrew LLllooyydd W Gll eennnn SSllaa tteerr will write and lyricist G new music to be added to some songs featured in the movie. The story – about a rocker who poses as a substitute teacher at a tony prep school – will be adapted by JJuullii aa nn FF eell ll oow w eess , who created “Downton Abbey,” as well as writing the stage musical of “Mary Poppins” and the film “Gosford Park,” and be directed by Laurence Connor, who co-directed the latest “Les Miserables” on Broadway and “Miss Saigon” in Annnn M M.. H Huunntteerr will London. JJooA handle choreography. Casting will begin in January in cities across the country, including New York, Chicago and Los Angeles. The show will take over the massive Winter Garden, which recently housed “Rocky,” another musical based on a film that underperformed.

members in recent weeks with the Wiinnff rree dd December passings of W ““ BBlluuee ”” LLoovvee tttt and EEddw w aarr dd ““ SSoonnnnyy”” JJee ssss ii ee BBiivv iinnss JJrr.. BBiivv iinnss and LLoovvee tttt K eennnnyy ““W Waa llll yy”” K Kee llll eeyy along with K and RRii cchhaarr dd ““RRii cckkyy”” TTaa yyll oorr combined their musical talents shortly after the individual members completed military service during the early 1960s. Lead singer Smith died following an injury in 1970, Geerr aall dd A All ssttoonn joining resulting in G the group. Praised as “two giants of the R&B music scene in Jersey City” by NJ.com/The Jersey Journal BBii vviinnss and LLoovveetttt died only days apart. Bivins, 78, passed away in Basking Ridge, N.J., Dec. 3 and LLoovveetttt , 74, succumbed to cancer Dec. 9 in Arizona.

A ss IItt IIss, BBeeaa uuttii ffuull …A BBooddiiee ss, CCrr oossss ffaaii tthh, FFii tt FFoorr AA KK iinngg, and SSppll iittbbrree eedd are the latest acts added to the lineup for the upcoming Vans Warped Tour. Plus, tickets go on sale soon for the trek’s official pre-tour show, “The Road To Warped.” The largest traveling music festival in the U.S. is continuing to unveil a new batch of acts each Wednesday as it counts down the days, hours, minutes and seconds until the 2015 extravaganza kicks off June 19 in Pomona, Calif. This week’s announcement marks the third round of artists. Previously Nee cckk announced acts include N DDeeee pp, PPaall iiss aaddee ss, FFrroonntt PPoorr cchh SStteepp , HHaannddgguunnss, KKooss hhaa DDiill llzz , AAll ii vvee LLiikkee Mee, bbll eess sstthhee ffaall ll, H M Huunnddrr eeddtthh , LLeeee CCoorree yy OOssw w aall dd, TTrr oopphhyy EE yyeess , and miill yy FFoorr ccee 55 . …Renowned R&B vocal FF aam Maannhhaattttaa nnss suffered group TThhee M the loss of two of its founding …A blast from the past

DECEMBER 25 2014


comes your way beginning in Haa ttffiiee ll dd February as tthhee JJuullii aannaa H TThhrr eeee saddles up for a road trip supporting the release of the group’s second album arriving 21 years after the trio’s first disc. The 1993 debut album, Become What You Are, was recorded with drummer TToodddd PPhhii llll iippss and bassist DDee aann FFii ss hheerr featured JJuullii aa nnaa HHaattffii eell dd’’ss biggest hit, “My Sister.” Haa ttffiiee lldd has reunited with Now H her bandmates to release Whatever, My Love, due out Feb. 17 on American Laundromat Records. The album’s “If I Could” is posted on SoundCloud. w the band is eyeing a February-March run through the U.S. in support of its first album since BBiill ll CCllii nnttoonn’’ss first year in the White House. The plan also calls for the JJuullii aannaa HHaattffii eell dd TThhrree ee to play Become What You Are in its entirety. … A University of Pennsylvania fraternity has been suspended pending an investigation into a holiday card showing the mostly white group posing with what it says was a BBee yyoonnccéé sex doll. Phi Delta Theta’s national leadership halted its Penn chapter this week amid concerns the image – criticized as racist and misogynistic – shows a lack of judgment that’s inconsistent with its values. The chapter issued an apology and says it displayed poor judgment by including the sex toy in a holiday picture. They say they weren’t being racist. In excerpts published by the Daily Pennsylvanian student newspaper, the chapter called the doll “distasteful” and acknowledged it could be offensive to some people.

- a decision which was branded “a mistake” by US President BBaarr aacckk OObbaa m maa. However, BBC News is reporting that the film will get a release after all, with Sony announcing a limited theatrical release. …A supergroup featuring DDaa vvee GGrroohhll and SSll ii ppkknnoott’’ss CCoorree yy TTaayy lloo rr among its ranks have signed a record deal. TTee eennaa ggee TTiim mee K Kii llll eerr have signed to Rise Records (via Kerrang) and will release an album in 2015. The Quuee eenn’’ss OOff band also boasts ex-Q TThhee SSttoonnee AAggee bassis NNiicckk OOll iivv eerr ii mbb O Off G Goodd’’ss RRaa nnddyy BBll yytthhee and LLaa m among its large list of members and collaborators. The group Grroohhll ’’ss recorded their album at G 606 Studio in California using the Sound City mixing board. TTee eennaa ggee TTiim m ee K Kii ll llee rr were formed in Off February by CCoorr rroo ssii oonn O CCoonnffoorr m mii ttyy ’’ss RRee eedd M Muull ll ii nn. Muullll iinn Speaking earlier this year M mee K K iill llee rr was said that TTee eenn aaggee TTii m first planned as a much shorter project but grew in size with the number of people who became involved. “We had all these other folks that want to participate. It’s a very good mixture of old hardcore punk, punk and metal stuff … People are going to be pleasantly surprised. It’s pretty cool.” …YouTube is facing a $1 billion lawsuit from PPhhaa rrrr ee ll ll Wiill llii aam W mss, EE aaggll eess and others after lawyers demanded the removal of around 20,000 videos from the video streaming service. IIrrvv iinngg AAzzooffff , founder of new legal group

Global Music Rights, which represents up to 40 artists including PPhhaa rrrr ee llll W Wiill ll iiaa m mss , the EEaa ggllee ss, JJoohhnn LLee nnnnoonn, CChhrrii ss CCoorrnnee llll and SSm mookkee yy RRoobbii nnss oonn, has claimed that YouTube does not have the performance rights to thousands of Azz ooffff said songs by his clients. A that although YouTube may have negotiated deals with the record labels, they didn’t do so with the artists themselves. He told the Hollywood Reporter that his clients want to pursue YouTube, as opposed to other sharing sites, because they have been “least cooperative and the company and our clients feel are the worst offenders”. Google, which is planning to launch Music Key - its own subscription music service to rival Spotify and Pandora - in the new year, has maintained that YouTube does have the performance rights due to prior deals. But in a letter to YouTube earlier this month, Global Music Rights’ Hoow waarr dd K K iinngg wrote that lawyer H the service has not provided details of any prior agreements. “Without providing a shred of documentation, you blithely proffer that YouTube can ignore the Notices because it operates under blanket licenses from performing rights organizations other than K iinngg wrote. Global,” K If you know any truths, half-truths or outright lies about the music and club scene send it to Sissy Vance c/o rumoursmill@enigmaonline.com.

1. Cracker 2. AC/DC 3. TV On The Radio 4. Foo Fighters 5. Trigger Hippy 6. Joe Bonamassa 7. The New Basement Tapes 8. VA - The Art of McCartney 9. The Decemberists 10. Pink Floyd 11. Lucinda William 12. Ziggy Marley 13. Elle King 14. Paul McCartney 15. Weezer 16. Jenny Lewis 17. New Build 18. James McMurtry 19. Shovels & Ropes 20. Mariachi El Bronx

- Sissy Vance


mee ss …SSeetthh RRooggeenn and JJaam FFrr aa nnccoo’’ ss previously scrapped comedy film The Interview is set to be released in a number of independent cinemas in the US on Christmas Day. The controversial movie was originally due to open in US cinemas on Christmas Day, but Sony Pictures cancelled its release last Wednesday in the wake of an apparent safety threat

1. Modest Mouse 2. Catfish and the Bottlemen 3. Rose's Pawn Shop


DECEMBER 25 2014


Falcons Keep Hope Alive

THEY’RE ALIVE! One down and one to go. The Atlanta Falcons kept their playoff hope alive and in the process ended the New Orleans Saints’ with a massive 3014 win at the Superdome Sunday. “I was really proud of the way our football team came out and performed. They did an outstanding job. Preparation was very good throughout the week. I thought that the coaching staff, offensive, defensive and special teams, did a very good job preparing these guys. We went out and we executed. We did a very good job of putting pressure on the quarterback, probably the best that we have done all season. We had five sacks, two recovered fumbles, and the two picks (interceptions),” said a proud Falcons’ coach Mike Smith.

For the first time all season the Falcons fired on all cylinders on both offense and defense turning quite a number of heads in the process. The Falcons defense forced four turnovers – two interceptions of Drew Brees and two fumbles returning one on the last play of the game 86 yards for a touchdown. The newfound pressure on the quarterback sacked Brees five times. Coming into the game the team only had 16 ? sacks as a whole. “The ranking that we have in the NFL doesn’t fit our defense. If they put their mind to it and are confident, you’ll see the results you saw out there Sunday. You have to show it each and every week and for the last two weeks,” said Devin Hester on the play of his defense. ENIGMA

Matt Ryan was impressive completing 30-of-40 passes for 322 yards, one touchdown and no turnovers. Devonta Freeman had a coming out party of sorts scoring his first rushing touchdown of his career from 31 yards out in the third quarter to extend Atlanta’s lead to 20-7 at the time. Julio Jones made his presence felt as he hauled in seven passes for 107 yards – all for doubledigit gains. “You can’t say enough about what Julio (Jones) did. Obviously he’s been hurting the last couple of weeks and for him to gut it out and play the way he did, I think that speaks volumes about his great toughness but also showcases what a stud he is. When he’s out there, he’s making plays that a lot of other people aren’t capable of making. So, obviously when he’s on the field,




that’s a big deal for us,” said Ryan. But the defense stole the show from the offense with maybe the season defining moment when they converged on Saint tight end Jimmy Graham at the goal line when safety Dezmen Southward hit him now allowing the All-Star to cross the goal line while Kemal Ishmael ripped the ball free and recovered it and advanced it. The Saints and their fans cried that Graham cross the plane of the goal but replay upheld the turnover. Later in the fourth quarter the Saints were trying to get the lead again trailing this time 20-14 with a little over five minutes to play when Robert McClain stepped in front of a Brees pass on the New Orleans’ 13. Atlanta for all

intents and purposes put the game out of reach with 1:56 to play on Matt Bryant’s third field goal of the game making the score 23-14. “It was an effort play. I felt it came out clean on the strip, when it popped out. Jimmy Graham is a big guy. Once he caught the ball it was all about effort, and all I tried to do was hold him up and get the ball out,” said Ishmael about the play. The Saints still tried to make a miracle happen in the final moments as Brees drove the Saints deep in Atlanta’s territory. Brees got the ball down to the Falcons 8 with less than 15 seconds to play. Kroy Biermann sacked Brees knocking the ball loose and Osi Umenyiora scooped up the loose ball and rambled 86 yards for the score as time expired to add insult to injury and make the final 30-14. “To come in here and beat them

– I mean the last time we did that was 2010 – and I think before that, it was a very long time when we got the win. Hopefully we can take this feeling into next week,” said Bryant. Atlanta is still alive for the division title and control their own destiny as they face the only team to stop them Sunday is the Carolina Panthers whom they face in the season finale Sunday at the Georgia Dome. I’m going to love this. I wonder how many sports talking heads are going to explode after Sunday’s game after they’ve been calling for Mike Smith’s head all season. Sure the winner of the NFC South will have a sub .500 record but that doesn’t mean they or the play in the division is bad. Sometimes teams with gaudy records are a lot worse. Remember, the Falcons’ only win outside of the division was over ENIGMA

Arizona who at the time had the best record in the league at the time and ironically may end up back in the Georgia Dome as a wild card team in the first week of the playoffs sporting a thirdstring quarterback this time. All I can say now is Atlanta’s defense is starting to gel and peak at the right time. Remember – the Broncos and Giants had 9-7 regular season records the year they won it all and the Titans were 97 the year of their only Super Bowl appearance.

as well and is second in passing yards in his first seven series to only Peyton Manning.

“It’s amazing. Next week, we’re playing one game to get into the dance (playoffs). You can’t ask for anything better than that, and anytime you have a chance like that you have to be prepared and give it your all. We came into this game knowing it was like a playoff game. I mean, you lose and you’re out. For us, the playoffs are already starting. For us, it’s win or go home, basically,” said The Falcons broke a lot of hearts McClain. and records with the win. The Falcons swept the season series It’s do or die Sunday for the for the first time in the Mike Falcons who host the Carolina Smith era as head coach. It was Panthers Sunday at the Georgia also the first season sweep since Dome. Win and they’re in and 2005, the season of Katrina and host a playoff game the next one year before the Brees era week. Loose and they go home. started in New Orleans. Ryan Kickoff is scheduled for 4:25pm continued his streak of passing Sunday and will be aired on CBS. for over 200 yards in road games - Dave Weinthal

DECEMBER 25 2014


Titans Make It Nine

In a game many predicted to unwatchable, it pretty much lived up to the “hype”. Two 2-12 teams faced off in Jacksonville and those brave enough to watch witnessed the Jaguars down the visiting Tennessee Titans 21-13. The outcome is bittersweet for both teams. With the win the Jags have won one more game than they won last year and with the loss the Titans are one step closer to the number one pick in the draft. That spot is currently being held by Tampa Bay who finishes the season Sunday against the New Orleans Saints.

needs to be overhauled in Tennessee is the offensive line. Despite sprinting to a 10-0 lead Thursday night and throwing for a career high 287 yards, Charlie Whitehurst spent a lot of time on the turf. The Jaguars sacked the Titan signal caller four times and made life miserable for him as well as the running game that really hasn’t had much of a presence all season unless you count whoever was under center running for their life. At some point of the season all three quarterbacks on the roster have been knocked out of a game, missed time and in the case There will be a lot of auditions tak- of Jake Locker and Zach ing place Sunday in the Titan sea- Mettenberger were lost for the season finale against the Colts in son. Nashville. The only person whose job is safe is coach Ken Thursday’s game pretty much Whisenhunt. Regardless of what exemplified the Titans’ season. At happens Sunday the one area that times Tennessee looked like worldENIGMA

beaters. They started the season with a dominating win over Kansas City who won 11 games last year and are still in contention for the playoffs this season. Since then it’s been nothing but injuries and missed opportunities. The team is currently on a nine game losing streak – their longest since they were the Houston Oilers. During this nine game streak they have been outscored by their opponents an average of 13.1 points. What makes matters worse about that fact is that in five of those games they were either leading at the half or tied. They wilted in the second half. And one of those games – against the Eagles they had pulled within six points in the third quarter before things went awry.

season. Rookie running back Bishop Sankey leads the team going into the Colts game with 551 yards and averaging 3.7 yards per carry. The passing game is even more dismal considering the pedigree of the coach. The three QBs have combined for a total of 19 touchdown passes and 16 interceptions. Andrew Luck and Peyton Manning have thrown for twice as many touchdowns as the Titans’ QBs combined. Even Geno Smith of the Jets has thrown for more touchdowns than any of the three Titan signal callers having thrown ten while Mettenberger and Locker lead the team with nine apiece.

The Titans combined quarterback rating is 82.2 with Locker being low man on the totem pole at 70.9 and The running game has been one of Whitehurst at the top with a 92.2. the weak points for the Titans this Mettenberger is conveniently in-




between the two. The three have been sacked a total of 46 times going into the last game of the season, an average of over three a game. The three have collectively thrown for 3,659 yards. By comparison Drew Brees along has thrown over 1,000 yards more than the Titans. The Titans rank 13th in passing yardage. Even the dysfunctional Washington Redskins has thrown for almost 500 more yards as a team better than the Titans. Of course the Redskins were one of the teams to beat Tennessee during this nine-game skid. “We didn’t protect Charlie as well as we should have. I am sure that affected us to some degree. He made some good throws, but he missed some. We didn’t play well enough as a team tonight,” said Whisenhunt.

The defense while it has had a healthy pass rush totaling 30 with one game remaining have fallen victim to the offense that doesn’t score that many points. The Titan defense has given up an average of 29.2 points a game while the offense has averaged only 16.2 a game. That’s almost a two touchdown deficit per game. Tennessee’s lack of offense has caused the defense to be on the field longer and as indicated earlier they are falling apart in the second half of games. Granted, the last two games they have played much better giving up an average of 18.5 points but it’s a moot point when your offense averaged only 12 points during those two games.

won handily. The Titans had more first downs, total yards, were far more efficient on third down but were outgained almost 2:1 with 62 of Jacksonville’s yards coming on a 62 yard touchdown run by Jordan Todman. And for what it’s worth it was relatively a mistake-free game as neither team turned over the ball and there were only ten penalties.

“Obviously, it was a disappointing loss for us. I thought we played well. There are a few things you worry about on a short wee, especially on the road with how you start and it couldn’t have started much better for us. Defensively, we did a nice job on them until the last drive of the first half. A lot of peoDespite all the stats quoted if one ple ask ‘Why do you defer kicks?’ looked at the stat sheet Thursday it What they did scoring going in and would have looked as if the Titans scoring coming out on the first ENIGMA




drive that was the turning point of the game. We didn’t do a good enough job of stopping them. Obviously, the big play after we went for it on fourth down hurt us. We have to convert those. It was a disappointing loss,” said Whisenhuunt. “We have one more week. We have to keep doing what we’ve been doing for the last 15, 16 weeks, keep going out there to practice and trying to make it better. We have to keep working,” said titan nose tackle Sammie Hill about the loss. The Titans conclude the 2014 season Sunday as they host division leading Indianapolis Sunday at LP Field. Kickoff is scheduled for 1pm and will be aired on CBS.

- Dave Weinthal

How ‘Bout Them Cowboys! Finally, Dallas delivered a “December to Remember” to its fans and themselves as they thoroughly humiliated the AFC Central division champions Indianapolis Colts 42-7. The defeat was so devastating that had it not been for a questionable interference call in the end zone, the Colts would have been shut out for the first time in 21 years. There were two instances in the first quarter that turned what could have been a close contest into a route. During the opening series drive by the Cowboys, Indianapolis linebacker Jerrell Freeman barked at running back Lance Dunbar who he had just tackled for a loss. Instead of

facing an obvious punting situation on fourth and 11, Freeman drew a flag from the referee who cited him for taunting and the drive continued. It would end with Terrance Williams catching a nine-yard pass for the game’s first score. The second momentum shifting play occurred two minutes later. The Dallas defense forced a quick three and out. As the Colts lined up to punt, kicker Pat McAfee noticed Cowboy safety Tyler Patmon cheating up to the line of scrimmage leaving his outside post. The Dallas rookie thought he was making a good play leaving his man all alone to rush the punter. McAfee quickly audibled and lofted a pass ENIGMA

downfield to a wide open Dewey McDonald. All the safety had to do was catch the ball for the first down. He would have gained extra yardage as well before Dallas punt returner Duane Harris could get to him. Instead the ball slipped out of his hands. The Cowboys made the Colts pay for their impudence. On the next play, Romo found Dez Bryant in the end zone for an easy 19-yard touchdown reception. The route was one. The Colt’s offensive receiving corps leads the NFL in dropped passes. They padded their league leading total in this game. Watching this contest, you had to wonder how bad was




the AFC Central for Indianapolis to sport a 10-4 mark. Entering the game, Indy was also the highest scoring team in the NFL. The Cowboy defense frustrated Andrew Luck so much the quarterback had the worst game of his career going 15 of 22 for 109 yards and two interceptions. For the entire contest, the Colts running backs only managed to gain a single rushing yard on ten carries. On the other side of the ball, Tony Romo was 18 of 20 for 218 yards and four touchdowns. In the process, the former walk-on from Eastern Illinois passed the Cowboys former No. 1 pick from UCLA, Troy Aikman, to become the all-time leader in passing

yardage. He celebrated his holiday spirit with touchdown passes to all his starting receivers – Williams, Bryant, Cole Beasely and Jason Witten. Running back DeMarco Murray also rushed for a score. Though he only managed 58 yards on 22 carries, he is now just 29 yards shy of Emmitt Smith’s franchise rushing record of 1,773 yards. For the first time in four years, the playoff fate of the Dallas Cowboys has been decided. Every single pundit that predicted dire consequences for the franchise after the San Francisco loss to start the season, are now solid believers that this Cowboy team has all the tools necessary to go all the way to the Super Bowl. The road to Glendale, Arizona begins against the Washington Redskins. Cowboy Notes – Dallas is send-

ing six players to the Pro Bowl – all offensive players, no defense. They include the team’s next generation “triplets” – Tony Romo, DeMarco Murray, Dez Bryant. The other three were first round draft picks by the Cowboys – left tackle Tyron Smith, center Travis Frederickson and right guard Zack Martin. Selected No. 16 in the draft, Cowboy owner and GM Jerry Jones whined earlier this year about how he wished Dallas would have selected quarterback Johnny Manziel instead of the right guard from Notre Dame. His son Stephen told his father to stop publicly lamenting that Johnny Football was the one that got away. Zack Martin is the first rookie offensive lineman the team has ever sent to the Pro Bowl. Manziel is out with a hamstring injury after guiding Cleveland to a 30-0 loss in his first start as quarterback. ENIGMA

The Cowboys “December to Remember” is only the third time in 19 years that the team has had a winning record for the month. In going 3-0 and extending their road streak to seven straight, quarterback Tony Romo has gone 61-77 for 688 yards, 10 touchdowns and no interceptions. The team has averaged 40 points and 379 yards total offense per game, holding the ball 40 minutes more than the opposition. Only one other time in its storied history have they scored five or more touchdowns in three successive games. When the Cowboys hired Scott Lineham to call the offensive plays, he instructed Tony Romo to not change the play at the line of scrimmage and trust the system the team had in place. The result was Murray rushing for more than 100 yards in eight




straight games to start the season breaking the 45-year NFL record set by the great Jim Brown. The move allowed the former offensive coordinator, Bill Callahan to concentrate solely on the offensive line. He worked his magic and now Dallas has the youngest, and best line in the NFL. Just ask DeMarco Murray. According to owner Jerry Jones and head coach Jason Garrett, all starters will be playing in the Washington contest. They are treating the contest as a must win game to keep momentum going for their playoff run starting Jan. 4 at home probably against the Detroit Lions. Dallas has everything to play for and plenty to lose by treating this as a non-consequential game.

- David Huff

Usher and All HIs Rowdy Friends Haven’t Settled Down 30 years ago Hank Williams Jr. released his iconic anthem and theme song, “All My Rowdy Friends Are Coming Over Tonight’. That same sentiment took place at Philips Arena in Atlanta recently where Usher had his homecoming. Granted, it was the farthest thing from country music but there was a major showing on stage of hip hop royalty, more specifically Atlanta hip-hop royalty.

casing his great vocal range. It was a fun night as Usher was all about sharing the stage with some of the other heavyweights of hiphop, sharing the spotlight and letting them perform their signature songs to the thrilled and starstruck audience. Always the good host he didn’t allow things to get out of hand and knew when to take back over. After Lil Jon left he finished the night with “DJ Got Us Fallin’ in Love” and one his first number one songs, “Yeah!” before coming out for one encore, finishing the night with “Without You”.

Usher has come a long way from his days as a youth performing with NuBeginnings in Chattanooga, TN with the likes of Anthony Byrd. He was the only member of that promising youth vocal group to gain traction in the entertainment industry. The 36-year-old really broke out in the late ‘90s both musically and a few youth-oriented films. Today he is one of R&B and hip-hops reigning stars with eight Grammys and over 23 millions albums sold in the United States alone and over 65 million worldwide. Playing to a packed house at Philips Arena in Atlanta where Usher calls home, we welcomed on stage one member of Atlanta hiphop royalty to join him on stage during the 25-song show. He was joined on stage at various times by Young Jeezy, Jermaine Dupri, Ludacris, Lil Jon, Juicy J, T.I., Young Thug and Rae Sremmurd. While New York and LA are famous for their rap beginnings and feuds many may not realize Atlanta’s part in hip-hop culture. With the names listed above it only proves that Atlanta may be the most relevant city when it comes to hip-hop over cities on either coast or Chicago. Let us not forget other hip-hop artists from the area such as OutKast and Waka Flocka Flame, and R&B legend and bad boy Bobby

U sh er Se t Li st U My Way OMG Love In This Club U Make Me Wanna Lil Freak (Interlude) Nice & Slow U Remind Me Twisted Caught Up She Came to Give it to You Dot Com (Interlude) Climax Confessions Medley: Think Of You / Throwback / Lemme See / Hey Daddy / My Boo / I Need a Girl / Lovers and Friends / I Don’t Mind / Body Language / New Flame Burn There Goes My Baby U Got It Bad Superstar (Intro) Bad Girl Good Kisser U Don’t Have to Call DJ Got Us Fallin’ in Love Yeah!

Brown also calls Atlanta home.

sang, he danced gracefully for them. And in doing so he broke Usher made a grand appearance quite a sweat. emerging from the smoke and pyrotechnics that started the show. Usher’s show was complete with He glided across the stage to “My wardrobe changes, yet no malfuncWay” and then the thunderous bass tions much to the disappointment thumped the arena marking the of the majority females in attenbeginning of his last number one dance. Guest like T.I. tried to steal single, “OMG”. During the opening the show at times but Usher was and throughout the show Usher able to take back the spotlight and EEncore : reminded folks after a four-year quickly remind everyone he was Without You hiatus from performing in his the headliner and supreme being hometown that he was an all this night. He adeptly mixed - Chris Eason around entertainer as he not only upbeat rhythms with ballads showENIGMA




© Photo by Chris Eason













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