Enigma Magazine for February 2019

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Is she really goin gout with him still? Well, there’s always something Not to be confused with the early hip hop duo who wore their clothes breaking us in two as Joe Jackson celebrates 40 years of musical genisu backwards, the real Christopher Cross rode high on the charts in the very with a tour encompassing his vast catalog, Jackson stops in at Center early ‘80s with hits like, “Ride Like The Wind”, “Sailing” and Arthur’s Stage Theatre in Atlanta on Friday, February 7. Theme (The Best That You Can Do”. Still very popular on Adult Contemporary radio, Cross is bringing his “Take Me As I Am Tour” to town. He’ll be performing February 19 at the Walker Theatre.



Alternative Rock and hipster faves, Young the Giant Comes to town. They’ve built a big following with singles, “Cough Syrup”, “It’s About Time” and most recently “Superposition”. The band is coming to town to invade the sanctity of The Signal Tuesday, February 12. ENIGMA

Country music legend Suzy Bogguss who’s had a number of top ten hits like”Outbound Plane” and “Aces”, “Letting Go” and Drive South” is coming to town for an intimate performance where she’ll perform a number of her singles as well as enlighten folks on some of the backstory involved. She performs Friday, February 15 at Songbirds Guitar Museum on the North Stage (upstairs).



Dear Rocco, I am a divorced mother of two boys from different fathers. Their ages are 17 and 6. My first husband died in an accident. My second husband and I divorced two years ago and he has recently disappeared. My youngest has been sick recently. He will recover but requires ongoing treatment and medications. The costs exceed my health insurance benefits. It has been financially difficult. My 17-year-old works after school. Because of our problems, he’s had to pay for many things himself that I would have liked to help him with. He has not complained. He recently gave me a check that will go a long way towards helping to pay for his brother’s medical bills. This check will drain his college savings. He’s an honors student and has athletic and academic scholarships. This would have been his spending money for next year. He wants me to take it. I was almost in tears. I feel so guilty about taking this money from my son. What should I do? DV

nnoottiiccee dd tthhii ss w w oorr lldd ii ss ii nn aa ss eerr iioouuss moorraa ll ddee ccllii nnee.. II nn tthh ee U m Unnii ttee dd SSttaatteess aalloonnee tthhii ss ccoouunnttrryy ’’ss ffoouu nnddii nngg ttrr aaddii-ttiioonnss ,, CChh rr ii ssttii aann iittyy ,, ffaa m miill yy aanndd moorraa llii ttyy hhaass bbee eenn aattttaacckk eedd iiss ll iittee rr-m aallll yy bbeeiinngg ddii ssaass ssee m mbb ll eedd iinn ffrr oonntt ooff oouu rr eeyy eess.. M M eenn aanndd m maass ccuu lliinnii ttyy hhaass ccoom mee uu nnddee rr aall m moosstt ffaattaall aattttaacckkss tthh aatt w wii tthhoouu tt ii ttss ee xxiiss tteennccee ssooccii eettyy wiill ll ccoom w mee ffaall llii nngg ddoow wnn.. TThh ee ttrr aadd ii-ttii oonnaa ll ffaam miillyy hh aass bb eeeenn uunndd eerr aattttaacckk ffoorr ccllooss ee ttoo aa cceennttuu rryy hhee rree aanndd w whh yy II ddoonn’’tt kk nnoow w.. IItt’’ss aann uu tttteerr dd iiss ggrraaccee .. SSee xx iiss nnoott aa ssppeeccttaattoorr ss ppoorrtt ddeess ppii ttee whhaa tt yy oouu ssee ee oonnllii nnee aanndd tthh ee pp uu rr-w ppoossee iiss nn’’tt ffoorr yyoouu ttoo ““ffeeee ll ggoooodd”” ,, ii tt’’ss ffoorr tthh ee ll iitt eerr aall ssuu rr vvii vvaall ooff tthh ee ssppeecciiee ss.. YYoouurr m moom m’’ss ffrr iiee nndd ddee ffii-nnii tteell yy ssoouu nnddss llii kkee aa pprreeddaattoorr .. YY oouu nnee eedd ttoo ccoonnffrroonntt yyoouu rr m mootthh eerr ffii rrss tt,, kkeeee pp aa nn eeyyee oonn tthh ee ss iittuu aattiioonn aanndd tthh eem m tteell ll tthh ee bb ooyyffrrii eenndd ttoo hh iitt tthh ee tthhee rree aarr ee ggoovv eerrnnm meenntt pprr ooggrraam mss ffoorr ssttrree eett.. II ff hh ee ddooeess nn’’tt ll iiss ttee nn,, ccaall ll m mee aass ssiiss ttaannccee aa vvaaii llaabb llee llii tteerraa llll yy eevvee rryy -- aanndd II ’’llll bb ee ggll aadd ttoo ccoom mee oovvee rr aanndd whh eerree .. IItt’’ss aa sshh aam w mee w whhee nn aa tteeeennaagg -- kkiicckk hhii ss aass ss.. eerr iiss m moorr ee rree ssppoonnssii bbll ee w wii tthh m moonneeyy tthh aann tthh ee iirr pp aa rree nnttss .. G G oo aa hhee aa dd Dear Rocco, aacccceepp tt hhii ss ooffffee rr,, bb uu tt ss ttaarrtt pp aayyiinngg My father threw me a huge wedding hhii m m bbaa cckk aa ss ss oooonn aass ppoossss iibbll ee.. IItt last autumn. We had over 300 peoddooee ssnn’’tt hhaa vvee ttoo bb ee aa lluu m mpp ss uum m bb uutt ple attend, many of them business muu ll ttii pp llee ppaa yym m mee nnttss.. YYoouu rr ttee eenn oobb vvii -- acquaintances of my father. We oouuss llyy hhaa ss aa ggrree aatt w w oorr kk eetthh iicc aa nndd received hundreds of gifts that have uunnddeerr ssttaannddss ffii nnaanncciiaall rreess ppoonnss iibbiill ii -- been cataloged in a book by the ttyy m moorree tthh aann m moosstt kkii ddss hhii ss aaggee aa nndd wedding consultants. My father oollddeerr.. TThh oossee ppaayy m mee nnttss w wii llll ccoom mee expects me to write a thank you iinn hh aannddyy aanndd oofftteenn aa tt aa ggoooodd ttiim mee note for each gift, including those whh eenn hh ee ccoouu lldd uuss ee ss oom w mee ggaass m moonneeyy from people I don’t know. My husoorr ggrroocceerryy m moonneeyy.. BBuu tt dd oonn’’tt nneegg -llee cctt ttoo rree ppaayy ii tt bbeeccaa uu ssee ““yy oouu bbrr oouugghh tt hh iim m iinn tthh ii ss w woorr lldd ””.. II ff yyoouu ddoo,, II hh ooppee w whh eenn tthhee ttiim meess ccoom mee ss hhee ’’llll ppuutt yyoouu aaw waayy iinn aa nnuu rrss iinngg hhoom mee aanndd ffoorr ggee tt yy oouu ’’rree tthh eerr ee.. Dear Rocco, My parents are divorced. My mother left my father about five years ago. I am married and a mother of two. My mother is now involved with a man no one likes. This man is rude and crude. He treats my mother poorly. Recently he asked my mother whether he could sleep with my older married sister. I think he was joking. He is very nice to my 15-year-old sister (who lives with mom). He waits on her and coddles her. This strikes me as odd. My little sister loves this guy and will actually go next-door and call to talk to him when my mother and he have had a tiff. My father has tried to get custody but the courts allow my sister to choose, and mom has no rules at her house. Do you think this creep could possibly be sexually involved with my baby sister? Do you think my mother might know? What should I do? FG

DDee aarr DD VV,, UUnnll eess ss yy oouu aa rree nnoott tteellll iinngg ii m mppoorr -ttaanntt,, ggrraa ccii oouuss llyy aaccccee pptt tthhee m moonneeyy.. II ddoo hhaa vvee ttoo aasskk iinn tthhee 2211 sstt ccee nnttuu rryy whh yy yy oouu aa rree nnoott ffiinnaannccii aallll yy ffii tt.. A w Arree yyoouu ggaaii nnffuu llll yy ee m mpp ll ooyy eedd oorr aallw w aayyss llooookk iinngg ffoorr aa jjoobb?? HH oow w ddoo yyoouu ssppee nndd tthh ee m moonneeyy yyoouu ’’vvee ee aarr nnee dd?? II uu nnddee rrssttaa nndd iiff AALLLL yyoouu rr ffiinnaannccii aall iiss ssuu eess aarr ee rr eell aatteedd ttoo m mee ddii ccaall bbii llll ss.. II wii llll aasskk hhoow w wee vveerr ,, w whh yy dd oonn’’tt yyoouu hh aavv ee hh ee aall tthh iinnss uu rraa nnccee oonn yyoouu rr miinnoorr cchhii lldd ?? II kknnoow m wm myy pp aarr eennttss ddiidd bbaacckk iinn tthh ee ddaayy aa nndd m myy ss cchhooooll aaccttuu aallll yy pprroovviiddeedd iitt.. II tt’’ss ccaall llee dd bbeeiinngg aa rree ssppoonnss iibbllee ppaarree nntt.. W Wii tthh tthh ee eerr aa ooff OO bbaa m maa ccaarree ,, ii tt w waass llii tteerr -Dee aarr FFG G,, aall llyy m maa nnddaa ttee dd – – hhee aalltthh ii nnss uu rraannccee D iinn ggeennee rraall .. IIff yyoouu ccaann’’tt aaffffoorrdd ccaa rree YYee ss II ddoo..


II nn ccaassee yyoouu hh aavvee nn’’tt FEBRUARY 2019


band refuses, he says he took care of the thank yous for the twenty or so gifts from his side. What do I do? CW

DD eeaarr CC W W,, II tthh iinnkk yyoouu aanndd yyoouurr nneew w hhuu bbbbyy aarree ddiiss rree ssppeeccttffuu ll llii ttttll ee sshh **ttss.. IItt iiss aa ttrr aa-ddiittii oonn ttoo ss eenndd aa tthh aannkk yyoouu nnoottee ffoorr ee vveerr yy ssii nnggllee ggiifftt yyoouu rree cceeii vvee aa tt yyoouurr wee dd ddii nngg.. TThh ee ffaacctt ssoom w meeoonnee ss pp eenntt nnoott oonnllyy ttii m mee bb uu tt aall ssoo m moonneeyy ttoo ppiicckk oouu tt aa ggii fftt ffoorr yyoouu –– ee vveenn aa ggii fftt ccee rrttiiffii ccaattee aa llw waa yyss dd ee sseerr vveess aa ssiim mpp llee tthh aannkk yyoouu ccaarrdd.. TT oo nnoott ddoo ss oo iiss nnoott oonnllyy ddii ssrr eess ppee ccttffuu ll,, iitt’’ss aa ddiiss ggrraaccee aa nndd aa kkii nn ttoo ssppiittttiinngg ii nn ssoom meeoonnee’’ss ffaaccee .. II ff yyoouu ddoonn’’tt,, II hh ooppee tthhee yy ss eenndd yyoouu aa bbii llll .. NN oo oonnee rree aallll yy ll iikk eess ggooii nngg ttoo w wee dddd iinnggss w weerr ee tthh eeyy dd oonn’’tt rreeaa llll yy kk nnoow w tthh ee bb rr iidd ee aanndd ggrroooom m,, tthh ee ffaacctt tthh eeyy nnoott oonnllyy aa ttttee nnddee dd bbuu tt w w eerree ccoouu rrtteeoouu ss eennoouugghh tt ccoom mee w wii tthh ggii fftt ss hh oouu lldd bbee pprr ooppee rr llyy rr ee ssppee ccttee dd.. AAttttiittuu ddeess ll iikk ee yyoouurr ss aanndd yy oouu rr hh uuss -bbaanndd aarree oonnee ooff tthh ee tthh iinnggss tthh aatt aarree ss eerr iioouuss llyy w wrr oonngg w wii tthh tthh iiss w woorr lldd .. Rocco is a common sense, tell-itlike-it-is, no-nonsense kind of guy offering real advice on any subject put before him. Why pay thousands of dollars on a high-priced therapist when he’ll straighten you out for free. If you’d like advice from Rocco e-mail him at goaskrocco@yahoo.com.

ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20) Your ability to talk circles around your colleagues will help you forge ahead in the workforce. You will have to be careful not to fall into traps set by jealous colleagues. Someone may be trying to take advantage of you. Your charisma will no doubt attract a lot of attention.

Your luckiest events this month will hanging over your head. You’ll comoccur on a Saturday. municate easily and develop new friendships. LEO (July 23-Aug 22) Your luckiest events this month will Make plans to do the things you occur on a Tuesday. enjoy. A quiet restful day just staying in bed or catching up on reading SAGITTARIUS will be your best bet. Be sure to get (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21) involved in self improvement pro- You can get ahead if you are willing grams that will bring you in contact to take a partner. This is a wonderwith interesting people. Your ten- ful day to look into courses or hobYour luckiest events this month will dency to overreact could get you bies that interest you. This will not occur on a Saturday. into trouble. be the best day to make changes or renovations to your residence. Do TAURUS Your luckiest events this month will not get involved in joint financial (Apr. 21- May 21) occur on a Friday. ventures. You will do well in social settings, and new and interesting individuals VIRGO Your luckiest events this month will may spark a romantic curiosity. (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23) occur on a Thursday. Look into ways to better yourself Your ability to come up with good through improving your dietary solutions for problems related to CAPRICORN habits and daily routines.Get busy work will no doubt help you in get- (Dec 22.- Jan. 20) on those home improvement proj- ting a promotion. Problems with Rewards, gifts, or money from ects that you’ve been procrastinat- your boss could lead to unemploy- investments or taxes can be expecting about. Put your efforts into ment. Deception is probable if you ed. If you’re looking to do somephysical fitness programs or com- don’t use discrimination. Don’t thing worthwhile, consider volunpetitive sports. press your luck with your loved teer work. Uncertain changes ones. regarding your personal life are eviYour luckiest events this month will dent. Get into fitness programs to occur on a Sunday. Your luckiest events this month will keep in shape. Your ambitious mood occur on a Tuesday. may not go over well with loved GEMINI ones. (May 22-June 21) LIBRA You may interest some of them in a (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23) service you have to offer. You may have a problem with someEntertainment could cost you more one you live with if you don’t than you expect. This will not be the include them in your gathering. best day to make changes or renova- Investments that deal with property tions to your residence. will pay off but could cause conflict Accommodate others but not before with some family members. Curb or you do your own thing. Do the prop- cut out that bad habit you’ve been er safety checks before you go out. meaning to do something about. Partnerships may be strained if one Your luckiest events this month will of you has been erratic and hard to occur on a Saturday. deal with.

Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Wednesday. AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19) Your attitudes at work will open new avenues for you. You can make professional changes and direct your energy into making all the right moves. Go after your goals. You can get into weight loss programs or go out and change your image with a new look in clothing, hairstyle, and attitude. Tempers will mount if you’re too pushy at work or at home. Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Friday. PISCES (Feb. 20-Mar. 20) Opportunities to learn important information will surface through discussions with peers or seminars you attend. Don’t invest too much of your own money. You can get ahead if you work diligently behind the scenes. Travel opportunities must be taken advantage of.

Retro Cafe

Your luckiest events this month will

The Best of New Wave, Post Modern Classics and Other Odd Stuff

CANCER (June 22-July 22) Make changes to your home that will be pleasing to everyone involved. Get motivated and follow up on some self-improvement resolutions. You can make changes that will enhance your appearance. Try not to take others for granted. Tempers could get out of hand this month.

Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Monday. SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) Don’t let friends convince you that you should contribute to something you don’t believe in. Expect problems with settlements that you are trying to resolve. You have to let go of your past if you wish to get out of any sentimental mood that might be ENIGMA

Wednesdays at 5pm est. on wawl.org



More Adventures in Eating Out In Chattanooga - Good Ones This Time I have in past issues of Enigma chronicled some of my negative eating out experiences. This time I thought I would relate some positive eating experiences. More specifically places I have had regular good or great service and food. I recently read an article about things to do in Chattanooga but was disappointed to find out many of them were definitely not in what I consider the immediate Chattanooga area. These places are all in the Chattanooga area with one in Soddy Daisy. I was a Chattanooga Police Officer for just shy of thirty years. For many years I was a Detective or in Plainclothes. I could go anywhere in the Chattanooga to eat. As I worked evening shift almost my whole career I would “eat out” for lunch or dinner usually five times a week. This gave me plenty of experiences eating at new and old culinary spots.

I started to do this alphabetically but I just kept thinking of one particular place where I have eaten many times so I’ll talk about it first, Bud’s Sports Bar at 5751 Brainerd Road. Don’t be mislead by the name. Bud’s is a very good restaurant. They have a very good meat and two vegetable plate special through the week and if you just want a sandwich they have a great fried bologna sandwich, prime rib sandwich and club sandwich just to name three. The burgers are very good and on Wednesday night they have a taco special. These tacos are better than many tacos I’ve had at Mexican restaurants. The sweet tea is always good and my service is always top notch. Shout-outs to Marcia on day shift and JoJo on evening shift. Their service is fast and friendly and my tea glass is quickly refilled. There is a nonsmoking section that not everybody is aware of. Back when I was working for the C.P.D. A subordi-

nate of mine and I were eating at Bud’s on a Friday. I realized we had eaten there every day that week! We hadn’t eaten the same thing twice. We liked it that much. I don’t know what more I can say to recommend it. I’ve eaten at Ankar’s Hoagies at 4764 Highway 58 for over thirty years. The food is consistently great and the table to table visits by Sam Ankar the owner are always entertaining. While the big seller is the Steak in a Sack; the hamburgers there are top notch. I get them in pita bread. They use special pita bread baked in Nashville on their sandwiches. It’s not just some out of the bag stuff. I developed a taste for good pita bread on a trip to Israel years ago if you wondered why pita bread. Years ago Mr. Ankar asked me why I got the hamburger there. He said “You can get a hamburger at


45 Johnson Ferry Rd. NW Atlanta, GA 30328 P.O. Box 825 Chattanooga, TN 37401

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info@enigmaonline.com (423) 933-5170

Paul E. Burke Sr. Publisher D.A. Weinthal Editor-In-Chief David Huff Music Editor Chris Eason Photo Editor

Contributing Editors: Mark Haskins, Jim Sells, Mark Bedford. Chris McKay, David N. Marks, William Alexander, Dave Fernandez Founder: D.A. Weinthal




Central Park!” I told him “Yes but they would not be near as good as yours”. He didn’t argue with that. If you like onion rings Ankar’s has some of the best in town. I rotate through the Club, Special Hoagie, Turkey Rider (Turkey in pita pocket) and the chicken Parmesan. I personally don’t eat much hummus but I have a friend who gets the hummus every time he eats there. The Gyros are really good and for something good but a little different try the half done pickles. I highly recommend Ankar’s Hoagies on Hwy 58. If you haven’t eaten there try it. I’m sure you’ll like it. I’m a big breakfast eater. I only eat two meals a day so if I do breakfast I want it to be a good one. My number one breakfast spot is Karl’s restaurant at 5100 Hixson Pike. Karl’s serves breakfast all day so if I can’t get there until 11AM or after I can still get a good

breakfast. I usually get the special (two eggs, bacon or sausage, biscuits and gravy, or toast or pancakes) when I’m in that mood. Their sweet tea is very good also. If you haven’t figured it out yet I really like sweet tea. Karl’s has meat and vegetable specials and a really good hamburger, their “Superburger” if you are not in the breakfast mood. However, if you’re wanting breakfast and it’s after breakfast hours at most other restaurants never fear. Go to Karl’s. You’ll be glad you did. Another Hixson area restaurant with a good breakfast is the Southern Restaurant at 7714 Hixson Pike. They have a good breakfast special and I recommend the gravy and biscuits. The sweet tea is very good and in season they have tasty fresh sliced tomatoes. The Southern serves breakfast until noon so that is a little later than most restaurants serve breakfast if you want to sleep in. While I’m talking about breakfast another place I like is Wally’s at 1600 McCallie Ave. I usually sit at the counter as I am often by myself and I can get seated immediately. While sitting there I can overhear the banter between the waitresses and the servers as well as cus-

tomers when paying their check. I like to hear the waitresses answer the almost constantly ringing phone with a singsong “Wally’s on McCallie” as they take carry-out orders. The cooks always get my bacon very crispy as I like it .The gravy and biscuits are very good as is the sweet tea. If you aren’t in the mood for breakfast Wally’s has daily meat and two or three vegetables specials. I highly recommend the fresh cut chicken strips. As dessert is included in the vegetables get the banana pudding. The waitresses always offer me a sweet tea to go. How can you go wrong? They are only open until 2pm these days so you have to do breakfast or lunch.

cheese sandwiches also. If you eclairs are “Mark” tasted and haven’t eaten at Wally’s East Ridge approved. I recommend you give it a try soon. For a good hot dog try the (I think) Last on my list of good breakfast last Kays Kastle in existence at places is Rembrandt’s Coffee 8804 Dayton Pike Soddy Daisy, TN. House at 204 High Street here in They have a two hot dog and drink Chattanooga. While I am usually special for under $5.00. I recomprimarily about the food this place mend following that up with either located in the scenic Bluffview Art hot fudge cake or a banana split. District, has plenty of atmosphere. There is a shaded outside porch so If weather permits eat outside and you can eat outside if you want or people watch. Take the time to go eat inside near the front window around back and check out the for a picturesque view of Walden’s water fountain. It reminds me of Ridge. European courtyards and cafes. While there walk around the I wanted to cover some other Bluffview area and get a great view places I like but I’m out of space. I of the Tennessee River. Check out have eaten multiple times at all the the adjacent sculpture garden. The restaurants I mentioned here. I Walnut Street walking bridge is personally recommend them. None very close if you want to walk off are four star and most are pretty your breakfast. It has an excellent plain but have good food. Thats view of the Tennessee river and how I roll. I hope you have good the three nearby bridges spanning food and good service if you try it. But getting to the food, I recom- any of these places. Hopefully mend the ham and egg croissant some of these are new to you and with either a sticky bun or fruit you will have a new and enjoyable tart for a “chaser”. Better get there dining experience. before 11am though as the croissants and sticky buns are usually Bon Appetit sold out before then. Their lemon tarts, blueberry muffins and - Mark Haskins

As I am talking about Wally’s. There is another Wally’s at 6521 Ringgold Road that has the best pork chops I’ve ever eaten at a restaurant. These chops are seasoned with something delectable. The chicken finger plate is great and I always get the banana pudding for dessert. Guess what? The sweet tea is very good. This Wally’s has a buffet which has several meats, vegetables, salad and desserts. On Wednesday nights this food bar has a breakfast bar also if you want ‘Breakfast for dinner”. I really like the grilled ham and ENIGMA



A woman was charged with driving under the influence after consuming whipped cream. Police said that 28-year-old Anna Thomas of Franklin, Tennessee, used cans of aerosol whipped cream to get high. She was charged with driving under the influence after crashing her car. When police arrived, Thomas was disoriented. Officers found 13 cans of whipped cream scattered inside the vehicle. Almost

all of the bottles were empty. No As long as you have a friend like Lambert who is willing to pull pie was discovered. the trigger for you. Deputies There are friends, and there are arrested Lambert for the shootfriends. Then there are friends ing, but the Sacramento County like Elijah Ray Lambert who will Sheriff’s Department has characwillingly shoot you in the chest. terized the incident as an “uninLambert was friends with the tentional killing”. Martinez’s late Miguel Martinez of Citrus brother reported that, “The bulHeights, California. Somewhere let had actually penetrated the Miguel got hold of a bullet proof top of his vest,” indicating that vest and decided he wanted to not only does Lambert have bad test it to see if it would really judgment, he is also a lousy shot. stop a bullet. But why put it on a The pair were with two other mannequin or tie it to a tree friends, the police said. The when you can put it on yourself? group initially reported the




shooting as a robbery but later confessed it was an accident. A group of males with swords robbed two different pizza delivery men over the weekend at the same address in Spring Grove Village neighborhood of Cincinnati, according to police reports. The first man was delivering for Domino’s on Saturday night when four males with swords approached him, police said. One suspect held a sword

to the man’s throat and took money from his pockets. The attackers fled on bicycles. In a separate incident, another man encountered a group of three sword-wielding males Sunday night while delivering pizza for LaRosa’s. While investigating that robbery, police were told by a neighbor that several of his swords were recently stolen from his home. Earlier this week police arrested a suspect in connection with the two incidents. The arrest was at the suspect’s grandmother’s home, said Lt. Dan Ogilvie. The house is also where the robberies occurred. Considering the brilliance of the cunning plan it is not surprising that the suspect is 13-years-old. Police are still searching for two more suspects.

point of inebriation” for a training exercise. The Kutztown Police Department said in a Facebook post it is seeking three volunteers to help with a training event designed to teach officers how to administer Standardized Field Sobriety Tests during suspected DUI incidents. “Alcohol will be provided however you will not receive any compensation for your time,” the department said. The post said volunteers should be between the ages of 25 and 40, have a clean criminal history and “be willing to drink hard liquor to the point of inebriation.” The department said the volunteers should also arrange for someone sober to take responsibility for them after the event.

A nearly three-hour standoff A Pennsylvania police depart- with police at a Bethlehem, Pa. ment is seeking volunteers will- home turned out to be at an ing to “drink hard liquor to the empty house. The incident began


when the father of a man who lives at the house called 911 and said he thought his son had been shot by his wife. Police surrounded the house and ordered nearby residents to shelter in place. After about two-and-ahalf hours, the man returned to the house and said he had been out for a walk. The shelter-inplace order was lifted shortly before 11 p.m. Police reported the man’s wife had left the house before they arrived. The man was taken to a hospital for evaluation. A Wisconsin man was arrested Sunday night after police in Madison said he took an ax to smash his car, television set and laptop computer after he believed his wife damaged his action figures. According to Madison police Chief Mike Koval, the man, 34, was charged with disorderly conduct and felony



damage to property and booked into the Dane County Jail. According to police, the man called 911 around 10 p.m. Sunday and said he used an ax to destroy a TV, a TV stand, a laptop computer and several items in the house. The man then went outside and chopped off both mirrors of the family car. The man, who said he had been drinking, smashed the ax into the windshield so hard that it became embedded in the glass. The man told police he overreacted after he thought his 46-year-old wife had damaged “some of his prized property,” which included action figures. The damages were estimated to be approximately $5,000. The damage to the doll was not reported. A Pennsylvania man says his pet alligator is an emotional support animal, and he has been taking the reptile to visit the elderly.

Joie Henney, who hosted his own hunting and fishing show from 1989 until 2000 on outlets including ESPN Outdoors, and his 4 1/2-foot alligator, Wally, paid a visit to the Glatfelter Community Center at assisted living development the Village at Sprenkle Drive north of York. Henney encouraged residents and staff members not to be afraid of the alligator’s mouth full of teeth. “He’s just like a dog,” Henney told the York Daily Record. “He wants to be loved and petted.” He said Wally pays frequent visits to schools and senior centers. Henney said the alligator is a registered emotional support animal. Henney said Wally spends the bulk of his time in a 300-gallon pond in his living room. He said the gator enjoys watching TV and hiding in his home’s cupboards.

Promobots was taken out by a self-driving Tesla on the eve of the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. Promobot shared a video recorded outside of the Westgate Las Vegas Resort & Casino showing one of its namesake machines at the side of a driveway at the facility. Multiple cars easily pass by the autonomous robot, but a selfdriving Tesla Model S collided with the robot and drove away. The Promobot, which is knocked off its wheels, was destroyed, the company said. The collision took place about half a mile from CES, the technology trade show.

A Sri Lankan man apparently read too many Tarzan books when he was a kid because he tried to hypnotize a wild elephant. He wasn’t successful. Video footage shows the A Russian robotics company said unnamed man walking up to a one of its autonomous wild male elephant grazing in a

forest clearing. He then gestures to get the huge animal’s attention, after which it begins charging at him. In what is said to have been an attempt to ‘hypnotize’ the elephant and stop it in its tracks, the man does not run away. The elephant knocks the man to the ground and tramples him to death on the spot. Human interaction with wild elephants is not uncommon in the area as expansion of infrastructure and homes has destroyed the animals natural habitat. t’s an ancient gag. If you leave a job you are dissatisfied with, or even better, if you are fired under hostile circumstances, the exiting party will defecate in his or her boss’s desk drawer. It’s probably never happened. It’s another urban legend like reveille oil or tent jacks. But one disgruntled teacher in Florida was not put off by any lack of credible precedent. In fact, she took this mythical stunt two steps over the line. A substitute teacher accused of spreading human feces on tables and grills at a park where a principal was set to host a birthday party told deputies she was “displeased” with how the principal was handling a professional issue. A Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office report says Phillippi Shores Elementary School substitute teacher Heather Carpenter told deputies she spread the feces to disrupt the birthday party Principal Allison Foster had planned for her daughter. Damage to the park totaled more than $2,300, including grills and tables that had to be replaced. Carpenter, 42, was charged with damaging property and criminal mischief. Carpenter is pleading not guilty, according to court documents. Rhys Howard of Perth, Australia, screamed so loudly while he was





killing a spider that police were called to his house. A concerned resident called police after they heard Howard shouting “why won’t you die?” along with a child screaming. Howard, despite being scared of spiders, killed it using a diaper — as his partner Kara was in the shower. His daughter, the child heard screaming, was nearby. “The first thing I could grab was a nappy... so I was on the floor saying ‘why won’t you die’, and screaming and my daughter was screaming in the playroom,” Howard told local news. Howard described how shocked he was to see police at his door. Howard also said his fear of spiders comes from having one land on his head as a child. Deputies at the Lafourche Parish Jail in Louisiana found a gun concealed in the buttocks of a man during a search. Police spotted suspicious activity at the home of Lori Dupuy on December 28. When the officers approached to investigate, Dupuy gave a false name and then fled the scene. The officers then questioned Justin Savoie, who was also at the home. During a pat down of Savoie, officers discovered a concealed handgun, marijuana, and a pipe used for smoking marijuana. While Savoie was undergoing a strip search during his processing, deputies found a small gun concealed in his buttocks. Savoie was charged with first offense possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia, and improper registration of a firearm. Surprisingly he was NOT charged with improper transportation of a firearm. Maybe keeping a gun up your butt is legal in Louisiana. The caliber and make of the gun has not been released.

Why Valentines Day Is Not A Big Deal In a nutshell, Valentine’s Day is all about comparing your love status with everyone else’s. It is all just a comparison game that can leave you feeling like your relationship is lacking. Everyone seems to put a huge emphasis on this over-commercialized “holiday”. People literally invest hours upon hours, loads of energy, and tons of money for one perfect romantic evening. Proclaiming their love for each other over dinner at a fancy restaurant, over a purchase of expensive chocolates in a heart-shaped box, over a flashy piece of jewelry, or better yet on overpriced flowers that will die in a few days. Let’s not even mention the amount of time/money spent on getting ready for the said night. (hair, nails, lingerie) But guess what? The reality is there are 364 other days of the year that your loved one needs to hear you proclaiming your love and commitment. What would your relationship look like if you celebrated each other all year long? Imagine proclaiming your love just because. Imagine celebrating your love on your time and not having to share your day with the world. Talk about making someone feel special.

you love each other and cele- And, even though it’s healthy to brate that all year long, on your have “me time”, you have to find balance in that area as well, and time. make sure you aren’t spending all My favorite advice when talking your time with your buddies and relationships is, at the end of the none with your spouse. As for day is your partner getting the social media, and TV for that matter, I get it. It is a mindless activbest of you or your leftovers? ity that takes little to no effort. Just don’t get so distracted by Quit giving your best to everyone the noise that you forget and everything else in your life. about the people directly in Whether that front of you. means you spend I am not t o o a g a i n s t much Valentine’s Day. As a time at matter of fact, my huswork, too band and I celebrate much time on your kids,

too much time with friends, or too much time on social media or in front of the TV. If at the end of the day you can not build up your partner or spend quality time with them, then something on your schedule has to change.

Valentine’s Day. We just celebrate the day after when the candy goes 50% off. My main point is to focus on what is important. The other 364 days of the year. This year make an effort to

Yes, please go to work and do your job. But at the end of the day, learn to leave work at work. What is the point of having all the money in the world, the biggest house, and most expensive cars, if the person that holds your It is hard to have a committed heart is spending their life with relationship. It takes a lot of someone who found time for work. Relationships are not them? always fairy tales, roses, hugs, and kisses. There are going to be As for the kids, I promise they days when you want to throw the can survive without you for one shoe at each other, quite literally, night. I am not saying ignore your and that is life. Remember why kids. Just make sure you make time for your spouse, as well. ENIGMA




ensure the person who holds your heart knows how valuable they are. Sacrifice a little to protect the love you have. Go do some wild and crazy activity with each other. Start a business together. My husband and I saw the biggest growth in our relationship when we did this. Step up to the next level and watch your relationship soar. Book To Read this month: Lucy Libido- Lucy Libido says there’s an oil for that.

- Michelle Haman Michelle is a mom, wife, pharmacy tech, and an oil enthusiast. In a search for a simpler life, Michelle, along with her husband Curtis, has recently added ‘entrepreneur’ to her resume. Haman’s Homestead was created with the desire to share a simpler approach to all things life has to offer. Follow Michelle’s oil journey in her blog at www.HamansHomestead.com. She can also be reached at hamanshomestead@gmail.com.

Get Off My Lawn

If possible, avoid the emergency room at Erlanger Hospital. I wonder if they know what they are doing.? My lady friend had an appointment at the medical mall at Erlanger. The doctor sent her to the emergency room because something wasn’t quite right and she was worried— ten hours later they got her in a room. Ten hours of waiting around. When a doctor sends you to the ER it’s for a reason, you shouldn’t go on the wait list with the walk-ins- the doctor sent you, go to the top of the line. I hope I never have to go to their ER - send me to Memorial.

13. Support our tariffs - when was the Looks like all the Democrat women last time you saw a shirt, pants, are running for President in 2020. shoes, TV sets, etc. made in this Why hasn’t that foulmouthed woman country? in Congress been censured for calling the President a MFer? She has a Krystal— $1 each, that’s nuts. lot of class (NOT). Can’t say what I really want to say— we no longer have freedom of Why doesn’t Obama shut up and go speech, we have to be politically cor- the hell away, and take Hillary with rect— well bullshit. Oops, I offended him. bovines. You will not believe what they have Nancy Pelosi is a total disgrace and I done to Daytona Beach... awful. If you are illegal— go home. wish her the worst.

New Orleans got screwed. Game Why wouldn’t Nancy Pelosi meet should be played over— fire all the with the mothers of children killed When are all the celebs that were refs in that game, all of them. by illegals? going to leave if Trump was elected leaving? Got a Social Security raise - then they Nancy has a wall around her house. raised the prices on meds. What a Boycott Nike products— don’t sup- screw job. Enough for now... port a man who doesn’t support our Until Next Month, country. Build the damn wall (said it again). Paul Burke Sr.

I predicted three and a half years ago that Chattanooga was going nuts and overbuilding downtown and southside. Looks like my predictions are coming true. I predict that apartment and condo prices will now fall. The next big bust will be the local craft beer industry— overbuilt and still building (most of it tastes like crap anyway). The bike lanes downtown are a total bust, so are the bike lanes in traffic, close that loser down. The downtown cow pasture at MLK & Market looks awful— another idiot idea from Chattanooga good intentions - (you know good intentions lead to hell). To all the nut cases out there— no matter if you like it or not, Trump is your President. There are too many tattoo parlors and vape shops in town— watch them start closing. I hate to be so negative— just trying to spread info about the future. Build the damn wall— the Democrats wanted it until Trump started talking about it. We need it for our safety. Too many real citizens not getting enough to eat and don’t have a decent place to live than to worry about illegals. ENIGMA




UT Has Successfully Transistioned From A Football School To A Basketball School \Congratulations University of Tennessee as you are now officially a basketball school and no longer a football school. The men’s basketball program was climbed to the top of the sport’s rankings with impressive wins over foes while frequent top-tier programs like Duke suffered a loss thus making UT’s ascent possible. Am I being mocking by saying this? Not really and maybe.

followed by basketball and everything else. ACC schools like Duke and North Carolina for example are known as basketball schools because of the success of the program and it is what put the national spotlight on the school. Sure, they

Big Orange Country as long as I have been alive has had an over-inflated and undeserving opinion of their football program. To be honest with you it’s been a basketball school for decades – on the women’s side thanks to pioneering ladies basketball coach Pat Summitt. When people talk sports in college there is a tier program. Football is universally the most popular sports often

may have some pro prospects in their football programs for example and have strong teams that rank but those said

teams are not consistent like traditional football schools like Alabama, Oklahoma and USC.

fans are livid after that last statement. Get over yourself. Tennessee is competitive with every team they play but are nowhere close to being an In the hierarchy of finances a elite program. There are legsuccessful football program is endary games in the books a windfall for a college and by with Alabama, Auburn, Georgia - you name it that they truly dominated, however never on a consistent basis. They’ve always had unrealistic expectations for their football teams that make them frankly unlikable. With an obnoxious fan base that is never completely happy to an attitude towards other team (often a superiority complex) I often find myself cheering against the program.

and large basketball not so much. Football boosters tend to support the teams financially and otherwise at a greater clip than any other sport hands down. Contrary to what Vols fans think, their football program has always been a second-tier SEC program. They’re good, sometimes very good but rarely if ever great. And despite their romantic notion of historic conference rivalries with Alabama, Florida and LSU, they don’t measure up to these three programs. They’re not even close. I’m sure Vol





As a kid who was a transplant from New York to the South I never understood the behavior of Volunteer football fans and boosters. My first indoctrination into it was as a little boy when I read that after one too many Liberty Bowl appearances by the team, coach Bill Battle had moving trucks show up at his residence. I didn’t understand this as a seven-year-old and still don’t to this day. My father always taught me fight hard and when you’re done brush yourself off, shake hands, go home and accept the results. My family’s football roots are deeper than most, but my father’s ethos was play your best game and if you don’t win this week go out

the next and get ‘em. Not in two receivers that set NFL the state of Tennessee, how- records this past season on ever. the same NFL roster. Both Julio Jones and Calvin Ridley In Tennessee football is go, accomplished that this season. unfortunately more than God Alabama as well as Auburn, itself, which is a problem. Florida, Georgia and LSU have Football is a game – plain and had many linemen – both simple. A win or loss will not offense and defense drafted alter history or the rotation of on a regular basis, however the earth. If you think it does UT not so much. you are a sad individual and should take serious evaluation And while I know anyone in with your life. Vol Nation that is still reading this and not burned it or If you look at the history of thrown it in the trash are the Volunteer football pro- livid. Being a basketball gram while it’s had stretches school is fine. I actually have of good records it lacks respect for you now. It may enough quality wins. They not be as financially rewardalso lack in National ing or ego-boosting like footChampionship titles and skill ball, but I’ve actually can say players in the NFL. the women’s program gave me a more positive impression of To be the great football team the school than the football that UT’s hardcore fan base is program. I’ve actually been to they’ve only won two National as many of their games as I Championships in their histo- have the football team and I’m ry. Even Georgia Tech a tradi- a football guy through and tional basketball school has as through. Under Pat Summitt a many championships. Schools class organization was built like Alabama, LSU and Auburn second to none. have at least of two National Unfortunately, I don’t think Championships since Holly Warlick will be able to Tennessee’s last title in 1998. sustain its legacy as it’s erodWhen it comes to NFL talent ed every season since there aren’t many household Summitt’s departure. names except Peyton Manning, Eric Berry and As for the men’s basketball maybe Alvin Kamara right team I was always a fan except now. the early ‘80s under Don DeVoe. They were arrogant Whenever a UT fan wants to for no reason and refused to talk about their team Peyton play UTC. If you remember, Manning’s name always comes during the Murray Arnold era up especially if they’re losing at UTC of the early ‘80s the the conversation or game. men’s basketball team was They want to remind you ranked top 15 in the country Peyton went there as if it’s the and with a new arena, “The bane of their existence. Roundhouse” (now McKenzie Arena). I’m guessing they By comparison Alabama has were literally scared. Even ENIGMA

Michael Jordan and North Carolina mustered enough courage to come to The Roundhouse and barely escaped with a victory.

fun. Unfortunately Pearl was fired based on his misconduct of lying to the NCAA in the ongoing investigation tarnishing the program for many years, something they almost But my respect outside of the never recovered. DeVoe era is honest. I really enjoyed the Bruce Pearl era Rick Barnes has added not that brought personality and only stability to a program winning to the program. I still that was greatly in need of it. chuckle over the time he Not only that he has built a showed up at a Lady Vols top-tier program that is at the game painted Orange to cheer top – both literally and figurathe team to victory. And you tively. Take pride in this actuknew Summitt appreciated it ally unlike the football proimmediately because she gram that was never as great showed up not long after to as you believed. Your longone of men’s game dressed in term success in men’s organan old-school cheerleading ized sports is with basketball outfit complete with pom- and not football. Go Vols! poms. Those two gestures were not only examples of - David N. Marks mutual respect, but what college sports is supposed be -




Scott JJ ..JJ ..’’SS BBO OH HEE M MIIAA (Chattanooga) Superbody, Luke Wild, Dirty Blonde, Mariela CC EEN N TTEE RR SSTT AAG GEE (Atlanta) Joe Jackson TT H HO OM MPPSSO ON N-- BBO OLLIIN NG G AARREE N NA A (Knoxville) James Taylor RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD D IITTO O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) St. Paul & the Broken Bones CC A AN NN N EERRYY BBAALLLLRRO OO OM M (Nashville) Murder By Death D && LLIIN 33RRD ND D SSLLEE YY (Nashville) DeVotchka

VVO ON N BBRRAAU UN N CCEE N NTT EERR (Huntsville) ) TobyMac, Ryan Stevenson, Aaron Cole, Jordan Feliz, We Are Messengers, Jeremy Camp This month’s calendar covers events for the month of February and beyond, February 6. We would be happy to publish your free listing in future Billboards, space permitting. Simply mail us the information so that we have it 7 days before the publication date. A photograph may be sent with the announcement. Send information to: calendar@enigmaonline.com. All dates subject to change without notice.

FFRRIID DA AYY FFeebbrruu aarryy 11 SSK KYY ZZO OO O (Chattanooga) DJ Zane SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD D SS N NO O RRTTH H (Chattanooga) The Steel Woods, Josh Card TTH H EE CCO OM MEE D DYY CCA ATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Landry JJ..JJ..’’ SS BBO OH H EEM M IIA A (Chattanooga) Bohannons, Listning Skulls HII-- FFII CC LLYY D H DEE ’’SS (Chattanooga) Ryan Oyer WA W ALLK KEE RR TTH H EEA ATT RREE (Chattanooga) The SteelDrivers CCA AN NN NEE RRYY BBA ALLLL RRO OO OM M (Nashville) The Magpie Salute CCII TTYY W WIIN N EERRYY N NA ASS H HVVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Delbert McClinton MEE RRCC YY LLO M OU UN NG G EE (Nashville) Daniel Romano RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Tedeschi Trucks SSTT A ATTEE FFA ARRM MA ARREEN NA A (Atlanta) “Bud Light Music Festival” Aerosmith IIRRO ON N CCII TTYY (Birmingham) Jason Ricci TTH H EE N N IICC K K (Birmingham) No Name Blues

SSA ATT U URRD DA AYY FFeebbrruuaa rryy 22 SSK KYY ZZO OO O (Chattanooga) DJ Zane WA W ALLK KEE RR TTH H EEA ATT RREE (Chattanooga) Drew and Ellie Holcomb TTH H EE CCO OM MEE D DYY CCA ATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Landry SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD D SS SSO OU UTT H H (Chattanooga) Telemonster, Elk Milk, Psychic Dungeon SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD D SS N NO O RRTTH H (Chattanooga) The Pool JJ..JJ..’’ SS BBO OH H EEM M IIA A (Chattanooga) Milele Roots HII-- FFII CC LLYY D H DEE ’’SS (Chattanooga) Lenox Hills TTH H EE CC O OW WA AN N (Nashville) Bayside TTH H EE RRO OW W (Nashville) Bayside RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Tedeschi Trucks MIILLLL TTO M OW WN NM MU USSII CC H HA ALLLL (Bremen, GA) Nitty Gritty Dirt Band MA M AD D LLIIFFEE SSTT A AG GEE && SSTT U UD DII O O (Woodstock, GA) Lee Roy Parnell SSTT A ATTEE FFA ARRM MA ARREEN NA A (Atlanta) “Bud Light Music Festival” Cardi B, Bruno Mars ATTLL A A AN NTT IICC SSTT A ATTIIO ON N PPA ARRK K (Atlanta) Foo Fighters, Run the Jewels TTH H EE LLYYRRIICC TT H HEE A ATT RREE (Birmingham) The Magpie Salute ZZYY D DEECC O O (Birmingham) Landon Tewers

SSU UN ND DA AYY FFee bbrruu aarryy 33 ENIGMA

SSK KYYZZ O OO O (Chattanooga) DJ Av TTH H EE BBAASSEE M MEE N NTT EEAASSTT (Nashville) Joyce Manor, Jeff Rosenstock TTH H EE BBAASSEE M MEEN N TT (Nashville) Jeff Rosenstock, Joyce Manor, Remember Sports TTH H EE BBAASSEE M MEE N NTT EEAASSTT (Nashville) Joyce Manor, Jeff Rosenstock EED DD D IIEE’’ SS AATT TT IICC (Atlanta) Francine Reed

MO M ON ND DA AYY FFeebbrruuaa rryy 44 TTRREE M MO ON N TT TTAAVVEE RRN N (Chattanooga) Trivia Night D && LLIIN 33RRD ND DSSLLEE YY (Nashville) The Time Jumpers EEXXIITT //IIN N (Nashville) Jmsn, Daley MEERRCC YY LLO M OU UN NG G EE (Nashville) Jason Walker, Kyle Reynolds, Bryce Merritt, Jackson Bruck SSA ATTU U RRN N (Birmingham) Lucy Dacus

TT U UEE SSD DA AYY FFeebbrruu aarryy 55 TTRREE M MO ON N TT TTAAVVEE RRN N (Chattanooga) Open Mic w/ Mike McDade NAASSH N H VVIILL LLEE M MU UN NII CCIIPPAALL AAU UD DII TTO O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Toni Braxton, SWV EEXXIITT //IIN N (Nashville) Josie Dunn CCIITT YY W WIIN N EERRYY AATTLL AAN NTT AA (Atlanta) Rachael Yamagata EED DD D IIEE’’ SS AATT TT IICC (Atlanta) John Latham, Joshua Black Wilkins, Sean Quinn TTEE RRM MIIN NAALL W WEESSTT (Atlanta) Devotchka

WEED W DN NEESSD DA AYY FFee bbrruu aarryy 66 TTH H EE CC O OM M EED D YY CCAATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Dave Scott SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD DSS N NO O RRTT H H (Chattanooga) Wade Bowen JJ..JJ..’’SS BBO OH H EEM MIIAA (Chattanooga) Open Mic Comedy, Callilope Music TTEE N NN NEE SSSSEE EE TT H HEE AATTRREE (Knoxville) Young the Giant, Sure Sure AII SSLLEE 55 (Atlanta) Toubab Krewe A VVA ARRIIEE TTYY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USS EE (Atlanta) JMSN, Daley EED DD D IIEE’’ SS AATT TT IICC (Atlanta) Elise Davis TTH H EE BBAASSEE M MEE N NTT EEAASSTT (Nashville) Becca Mancari TTH H EE N N IICCK K (Birmingham) When Particles Collide, Happy Lemmy ALLAABBAA M A MAA TT H HEE AATTRREE (Birmingham) Brothers Osborne, The Wild Feathers

TT H HU URRSSD DA AYY FFee bbrruu aarryy 77 SSK KYYZZ O OO O (Chattanooga) DJ Av TTH H EE CC O OM M EED D YY CCAATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Dave




UPPCC O U OM M IIN NG G EEVVEEN NTTSS SSO ON NG G BBIIRRD DSS N NO ORRTT H H (Chattanooga) Muriel Anderson February 8 SSO ON NG G BBIIRRD DSS SS O OU UTT H H ((Chattanooga) Rock The 90’s USA February 8 TT H HEE CC O OM M EED DYY CC AATT CCH H (Chattanooga) Dave Scott February 8 JJ ..JJ ..’’SS BBO OH HEE M MIIAA (Chattanooga) Soundsystem Culture Takeover February 8 H II--FFII CCLL YYD H D EE’’ SS (Chattanooga) Ashley & the X’s February 8 TT IIVVO OLLII TTH H EEAATT RREE (Chattanooga) Disney’s DCappella February 8 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD D IITTO O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) St. Paul & the Broken Bones February 8 BBRRIID DG GEESS TTO ON NEE AARREEN N AA (Nashville) TobyMac, Ryan Stevenson, Aaron Cole, Jordan Feliz, We Are Messengers, Jeremy Camp February 8 SSO ON NG G BBIIRRD DSS SS O OU UTT H H (Chattanooga) Jerry Garcia Cover Band, Winston Ramble February 9 SSO ON NG G BBIIRRD DSS N NO ORRTT H H (Chattanooga) BJ Barham February 9 TT H HEE CC O OM M EED DYY CC AATT CCH H (Chattanooga) Dave Scott February 9 JJ ..JJ ..’’SS BBO OH HEE M MIIAA (Chattanooga) Three Star Revival, The Vegabonds February 9 H II--FFII CCLL YYD H D EE’’ SS (Chattanooga) Sam Holt and friends February 9 M EEM M MO O RRIIAALL AAU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Chattanooga) Paul Belcher presents The McKameys Final Chapter February 9 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD D IITTO O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Dawes February 9 VVA ARRIIEETT YY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) G Love & Special Sauce, Rob Artis II & the Truth February 9 VVIIN NYY LL (Atlanta) The Suffers February 9 TT H HEE N NIICC K K (Birmingham) The Burning Peppermints February 9 SSO ON NG G BBIIRRD DSS SS O OU UTT H H (Chattanooga) Martin Sexton February 10 TT H HEE CC O OM M EED DYY CC AATT CCH H (Chattanooga) Dave Scott February 10 TT EERRM M IIN NAALL W W EESSTT (Atlanta) Matt Nathanson February 10 VVA ARRIIEETT YY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Sierra Hull February 10 PPU U RRG G AATT O ORRYY AATT TT H HEE M MA ASSQ QU UEE RRA AD D EE (Atlanta) Saving Abel February 10 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD D IITTO O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Dawes February 10 WAARR M W MEEM MO ORRIIAALL AAU UD DIITT O O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Bob Woodward February 10 M AARRAATTH M HO ON NM MU U SSIICC W WO ORRK KSS (Nashville) Interpol February 11 SSO ON NG G BBIIRRD DSS SS O OU UTT H H (Chattanooga) Pigeons Playing Ping Pong, Mungion February 12

TT H HEE SSIIG GN N AALL (Chattanooga) Young the Giant, Sure Sure February 12 TT H HEE CCO OW WAAN N (Nashville) Pop Evil February 12 EED DD DIIEE ’’SS AATTTT IICC (Atlanta) Missy Raines February 12 TT H HEE CCO OM MEE D DYY CC AATTCC H H (Chattanooga) Dale Jones February 13 JJ..JJ..’’ SS BBO OH HEEM M IIAA (Chattanooga) Black Magic Flower Power, Pinecone February 13 LLEE G GAACC YY AARREE N NAA (Birmingham) Fleetwood Mac February 13 EEXXIITT // IIN N (Nashville) Chelsea Cutler February 13 D && LLIIN 33RRD ND D SSLLEEYY (Nashville) John Schneider February 13 TT EERRM MII N NAALL W WEE SSTT (Atlanta) John Maus February 13 SSO ON NG G BBII RRD D SS N NO ORRTT H H (Chattanooga) Robin Grant and The Standard February 14 TT H HEE CCO OM MEE D DYY CC AATTCC H H (Chattanooga) Dale Jones February 14 TT H HEE SSIIG GN N AALL (Chattanooga) Travis Greene, Mosaic MSC February 14 CC IITTYY W WII N NEERRYY AATT LLAAN N TTAA (Atlanta) Donavon Frankenreiter February 14 VVA ARRIIEETT YY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Jacob Banks February 14 TT EERRM MII N NAALL W WEE SSTT (Atlanta) Devin Dawson February 14 4400 W WAATT TT CC LLU UBB (Athens, GA) Drive-By Truckers February 14 EEXXIITT // IIN N (Nashville) Chelsea Cutler February 14 TT H HEE BBAASSEEM M EEN NTT (Nashville) Copeland, From Indian Lakes, Many Rooms February 14 SSO ON NG G BBII RRD D SS N NO ORRTT H H (Chattanooga) Suzy Bogguss February 15 SSO ON NG G BBII RRD D SS SSO OU UTT H H (Chattanooga) Rumours February 15 TT H HEE CCO OM MEE D DYY CC AATTCC H H (Chattanooga) Dale Jones February 15 HII --FFII CCLLYY D H DEE ’’SS (Chattanooga) Over Easy February 15 TT H HO OM MPPSSO ON N--BBO O LLIIN NG G AARREE N NAA (Knoxville) Luke Combs, Jameson Rodgers, Lanco February 15 TT H HEE M MIILLLL && M MIIN N EE (Knoxville) Switchfoot February 15 HAA RRRRAAH H H ’’SS CCH H EERRO OK KEEEE CC AASSIIN NO O (Cherokee, NC) Colt Ford, The Lacs February 15 CC A AN NN N EERRYY BBAALLLLRRO OO OM M (Nashville) Deerhunter, Faye Webster February15 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD DIITT O O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Brothers Osborne February 15 CC IITT YY W WII N NEERRYY N N AASSH HVVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Radney Foster February 15 CC EEN NTT EE RR SSTT AAG GEE (Atlanta) Gino Vanelli February 15 CC IITT YY W WII N NEERRYY AATT LLAAN N TTAA (Atlanta) Steve Earle February 15 CC O OCC AA CC O OLLAA RRO O XXYY (Atlanta) Excision, Sullivan King, Squinto February 15 TT EERRM MII N NAALL W WEE SSTT (Atlanta) Here Come the Mummies February 15 VVA ARRIIEETT YY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) The Crystal Method February 15 4400 W WAATT TT CC LLU UBB (Athens, GA) Drive-By Truckers, Eyelids February 15 TT H HEE CCO OM MEE D DYY CC AATTCC H H (Chattanooga) Dale Jones February 16 SSO ON NG G BBII RRD D SS N NO ORRTT H H (Chattanooga) E.G. Kight February 16 SSO ON NG G BBII RRD D SS SSO OU UTT H H (Chattanooga) The Dirty Doors: A Tribute February 16

TTH H EE SS IIG GN NA ALL (Chattanooga) Walk The Moon, Bear Hands February 16 HII-- FFII CC LLYY D H DEE ’’SS (Chattanooga) Drew Sterchi & the Blues Tribe February 16 VVA ARRII EETT YY PPLL A AYYH HO OU U SSEE (Atlanta) Delbert McClinton February 16 TTH H EE TTA ABBEERRN NA ACCLL EE (Atlanta) Switchfoot February 16 CCII TTYY W WIIN N EERRYY A ATT LLA AN NTT A A (Atlanta) Al Di Meola February 16 MIILLLL TTO M OW WN NM MU USSII CC H HA ALLLL (Bremen, GA) Collin Raye February 16 IIN NFF IIN NIITT EE EEN NEE RRG GYY CC EEN N TTEE RR (Duluth, GA) TobyMac, Ryan Stevenson, Aaron Cole, Jordan Feliz, We Are Messengers, Jeremy Camp February 16 4400 W WA ATT TT CCLLU U BB (Athens, GA) Drive-By Truckers February 16 BBRRIID DG G EESSTT O ON N EE A ARREE N NA A (Nashville) Disturbed, Three Days Grace February 16 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Brothers Osborne February 16 MA M ARRA ATT H HO ON NM MU USSIICC W WO O RRK KSS (Nashville) The Floozies, Dreamers Delight, Too Many Zooz February 16 SSA ATT U URRN N (Birmingham) Robyn Hitchcock February 16 TTH H EE CCO OM MEE D DYY CCA ATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Dale Jones February 17 CCII TTYY W WIIN N EERRYY A ATT LLA AN NTT A A (Atlanta) Procol Harum February 17 FFO O XX TTH H EEA ATT RREE (Atlanta) Sarah Brightman February 17 EED DD DIIEE’’ SS A ATT TT IICC (Atlanta) The Krickets February 17 IIN NFF IIN NIITT EE EEN NEE RRG GYY CC EEN N TTEE RR (Duluth, GA) Michael Buble February 17 TTH H EE M MIILLLL && M MIIN N EE (Knoxville) Walk the Moon, Bear Hands February 17 TTH H EE CC O OW WA AN N (Nashville) “Pop Tour 2000” OTown, Lance Bass, Aaron Carter, Ryan Cabrera February 17 TTH H EE RRO OW W (Nashville) O-Town February 17 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Switchfoot February 17 MA M ARRA ATT H HO ON NM MU USSIICC W WO O RRK KSS (Nashville) Alison Wonderland, Dillon Francis February 17 CCA AN NN NEE RRYY BBA ALLLL RRO OO OM M (Nashville) The Kooks February 18 CCO O CC A A CCO O LLA A RRO O XXYY (Atlanta) Anderson Paak February 18 JJ..JJ..’’ SS BBO OH H EEM M IIA A (Chattanooga) Chachuba, Stig February 19 WA W ALLK KEE RR TTH H EEA ATT RREE (Chattanooga) Christopher Cross February 19 CCII TTYY W WIIN N EERRYY A ATT LLA AN NTT A A (Atlanta) Tommy Emmanuel February 19 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Tesla February 19 MARATHON MUSIC WORKS (Nashville) Ashley Gorley, Josh Orborne, Nicolle Galyon, Josj Kear, Luke Combs February 19 TTH H EE CCO OM MEE D DYY CCA ATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Dean Napolitano February 20 CCII TTYY W WIIN N EERRYY A ATT LLA AN NTT A A (Atlanta) Tommy Emmanuel February 20 VVII N NYY LL (Atlanta) The Glorious Sons February 20 EED DD DIIEE’’ SS A ATT TT IICC (Atlanta) Great Lake Swimmers February 20 TTH H EE M MIILLLL && M MIIN N EE (Knoxville) Coheed & Cambria February 20 KN K NO O XXVVIILLLLEE CC O O LLIISSEEU UM M (Knoxville) Tyler Perry February 20 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Sarah


McLachlin February 20 CCA AN NN NEERRYY BBAALLLLRRO OO OM M (Nashville) Wheatus, Mike Doughty February 20 TTH H EE CC O OM M EED D YY CCAATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Dean Napolitano February 21 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD DSS SSO OU U TTH H (Chattanooga) Will Hoge Band February 21 ALLAABBAA M A MAA TT H HEE AATTRREE (Birmingham) Kacey Musgraves, Sinclair February 21 SSA ATTU U RRN N (Birmingham) Deerhoof February 21 RRYY M MAA N N AAU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) I’m With Her February 21 HIIG H GH HW WAATT TT (Nashville) Great Lake Swimmers February 21 MAARRAATT H M HO ON NM MU USSIICC W WO O RRK KSS (Nashville) Clutch February 21 CCIITT YY W WIIN N EERRYY AATTLL AAN NTT AA (Atlanta) Dave Mason February 21 TTH H EE CC O OM M EED D YY CCAATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Dean Napolitano February 22 HII--FF II CC LLYYD H D EE’’ SS (Chattanooga) Kindora February 22 WAAN W ND DEE RRLLIIN NG G BBRREEW WII N NG G CCO OM MPPAAN N YY (Chattanooga) Playin Possum Blues Band February 22 VVA ARRIIEE TTYY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USS EE (Atlanta) Kasey Chambers February 22 CCIITT YY W WIIN N EERRYY AATTLL AAN NTT AA (Atlanta) Los Lobos February 22 CCEE N NTT EERR SSTT AAG GEE (Atlanta) Christopher Cross February 22 MAARRAATT H M HO ON NM MU USSIICC W WO O RRK KSS (Nashville) Zoe, Metric February 22 RRYY M MAA N N AAU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Blackberry Smoke February 22 EEXXIITT //IIN N (Nashville) The Aces February 22 HIIG H GH HW WAATT TT (Nashville) Hailey Knox February 22 SSA ATTU U RRN N (Birmingham) Murder By Death February 22 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD DSS N NO O RRTT H H (Chattanooga) Kasey Chambers, Carly Burguss February 23 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD DSS SSO OU U TTH H (Chattanooga) “Johnny Cash Birthday Bash” Cash Unchained, Outlaw 45 February 23 TTH H EE CC O OM M EED D YY CCAATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Dean Napolitano February 23 JJ..JJ..’’SS BBO OH H EEM MIIAA (Chattanooga) Super Happy Funtime Burlesque February 23 HII--FF II CC LLYYD H D EE’’ SS (Chattanooga) Convertibull February 23 VVA ARRIIEE TTYY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USS EE (Atlanta) Delbert McClinton February 23 RRII A ALLTTO O CC EEN N TTEE RR FFO O RR TT H HEE AARRTTSS (Atlanta) Joey Alexander February 23 CCEE N NTT EERR SSTT AAG GEE (Atlanta) Justin Heyward, Mike Dawes February 23 KN K NO O XXVVIILL LLEE CC O OLL IISSEEU UM M (Knoxville) Shinedown, Asking Alexandria, Papa Roach February 23 MAARRAATT H M HO ON NM MU USSIICC W WO O RRK KSS (Nashville) Randy Rogers Band February 23 RRYY M MAA N N AAU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Blackberry Smoke February 23 NAASSH N H VVIILL LLEE M MU UN NII CCIIPPAALL AAU UD DII TTO O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Sir Charles Jones, Pokey Bear, Theodis Ealey, Lenny Williams, Terry Wright February 23 RRYY M MAA N N AAU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Will Hoge February 23 TTH H EE CC O OM M EED D YY CCAATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Dean Napolitano February 24 WAALLK W KEERR TT H H EEAATT RREE (Chattanooga) Justin Hayward February 24 RRYY M MAA N N AAU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Rainbow Kitten Surprise, Mt. Joy February 24



PPU URRG G AATTO O RRYY AATT TTH H EE M M AASSQ QU UEERRAAD D EE (Atlanta) RDGLDGRN February 24 TT EERRM MII N NAALL W WEE SSTT (Atlanta) Elizabeth Cook, Chris Shiflett, Kendell Marvel February 24 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD DIITT O O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Rainbow Kitten Surprise, Mt. Joy February 25 SSO ON NG G BBII RRD D SS SSO OU UTT H H (Chattanooga) The Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band February 26 SSO ON NG G BBII RRD D SS N NO ORRTT H H (Chattanooga) Jake Shimabukuro February 26 TT H HEE CCO ON NCC O OU URRSSEE (Knoxville) Agent Orange, The Last Gang February 26 TT H HEE LLO OFF TT (Atlanta) Nina Nesbitt February 26 CC IITTYY W WII N NEERRYY AATT LLAAN N TTAA (Atlanta) Southside Johnny February 26 CC A AN NN N EERRYY BBAALLLLRRO OO OM M (Nashville) Blood Orange February 26 TT H HEE CCO OM MEE D DYY CC AATTCC H H (Chattanooga) Open Mic Wednesday February 27 BBRRIID DG G EESSTT O ON NEE AARREE N NAA (Nashville) Fleetwood Mac February 27 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD DIITT O O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Kacey Musgraves February 27 HII G H GH HW WAATTTT (Nashville) Nina Nesbitt February 27 MAARRAATT H M HO ON NM MU USS IICC W WO ORRK KSS (Nashville) LP February 27 SSO ON NG G BBII RRD D SS SSO OU UTT H H (Chattanooga) Jon Mayfield, Paint The Ghost February 28 TT IIVVO OLLII TT H H EEAATT RREE (Chattanooga) Home Free February 28 HU H UM MAAN N IITT IIEESS TT H H EEAATT RREE AATT CC H HAATT TT AAN NO OO OG GA A SSTT A ATTEE (Chattanooga) “Carmina Burana” February 28 ALLAABBAAM A MAA TTH H EEAATT RREE (Birmingham) Tedeschi Trucks Band February 28 AIISSLLEE 55 (Atlanta) Kodie Shane February 28 A SSM M IITTH H ’’SS O OLLD D EE BBAARR (Atlanta) The Mother Hips February 28 CC IITTYY W WII N NEERRYY AATT LLAAN N TTAA (Atlanta) Morgan James February 28 BBIIJJO OU U TT H HEE AATT RREE (Knoxville) George Winston February 28 D && LLIIN 33RRD ND D SSLLEEYY (Nashville) Charlie Worsham, Striking Matches February 28 SSO ON NG G BBII RRD D SS SSO OU UTT H H (Chattanooga) The Maleman, The Power Players March 1 TT H HEE CCO OM MEE D DYY CC AATTCC H H (Chattanooga) Kellen Erskin March 1 TT O OW WN N SSEEN ND D AATT EELL IIEERR (Chattanooga) Max Ginsburg Workshop “Developing a Painting from Life” March 1 HU H UM MAAN N IITT IIEESS TT H H EEAATT RREE AATT CC H HAATT TT AAN NO OO OG GA A SSTT A ATTEE (Chattanooga) “Carmina Burana” March 1 CC O OCC AA CC O OLLAA RRO O XXYY (Atlanta) Dan + Shay, Morgan Evans March 1 VVA ARRIIEETT YY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Paul Thorn March 1 SSO ON NG G BBII RRD D SS N NO ORRTT H H (Chattanooga) The Mailboxes March 2 SSO ON NG G BBII RRD D SS SSO OU UTT H H (Chattanooga) Dave Matthews Tribute Band March 2 TT H HEE CCO OM MEE D DYY CC AATTCC H H (Chattanooga) Kellen Erskin March 2 TT H HEE SSIIG GN N AALL (Chattanooga) Abbey Road Live! March 2 TT O OW WN N SSEEN ND D AATT EELL IIEERR (Chattanooga) Max Ginsburg Workshop “Developing a Painting from Life” March 2 TT H HEE CCAAVVEE RRN N SS (Pelham, TN) Ricky Skaggs March 2 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD DIITT O O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Kacey

Musgraves March 2 MIILLLL TTO M OW WN NM MU USSII CC H HA ALLLL (Bremen, GA) Gatlin Brothers March 2 VVA ARRII EETT YY PPLL A AYYH HO OU U SSEE (Atlanta) Marc Broussard March 2 TTH H EE N N IICC K K (Birmingham) The Last Gang, Agent Orange March 2 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD D SS N NO O RRTTH H (Chattanooga) Della Mae March 3 TTH H EE CCO OM MEE D DYY CCA ATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Kellen Erskin March 3 TTO OW WN NSS EEN ND DA ATT EELLIIEE RR (Chattanooga) Max Ginsburg Workshop “Developing a Painting from Life” March 3 SSTT A ATTEE FFA ARRM MA ARREEN NA A (Atlanta) Fleetwood Mac March 3 EED DD DIIEE’’ SS A ATT TT IICC (Atlanta) Michael Martin Murphy March 3 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) James Bay March 3 KN K NO O XXVVIILLLLEE CCIIVVIICC CC O OLLIISS EEU UM M (Knoxville) Joe Bonamassa March 5 FFO O XX TTH H EEA ATT RREE (Atlanta) Mariah Carey March 5 BBU UCC K KH HEE A AD D TT H HEE A ATT RREE (Atlanta) Gin Blossoms March 5 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD D SS N NO O RRTTH H (Chattanooga) Oz Noy, Weckl, Jimmy Haslip March 6 SONGBIRDS SOUTH (Chattanooga) Soulcrush March 6 TTH H EE CCO OM MEE D DYY CCA ATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Open Mic Night March 6 TTH H EE SS IIG GN NA ALL (Chattanooga) Dr. Dog, The Nude Party March 6 EED DD DIIEE’’ SS A ATT TT IICC (Atlanta) Richard Shindell March 6 CCII TTYY W WIIN N EERRYY A ATT LLA AN NTT A A (Atlanta) Chris Difford March 6 MA M ARRA ATT H HO ON NM MU USSIICC W WO O RRK KSS (Nashville) Steel Panther, Wilson March 6 MEE RRCC YY LLO M OU UN NG G EE (Nashville) Walker Hayes, Filmore March 6 TTH H EE CCO OM MEE D DYY CCA ATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Cee-Jay Jones March 7 TTH H EE M MIILLLL && M MIIN N EE (Knoxville) Dr. Dog, The Nude Party March 7 KN K NO O XXVVIILLLLEE CCIIVVIICC CC O OLLIISS EEU UM M (Knoxville) Gabriel Iglesias March 7 HIIG H GH HW WA ATTTT (Nashville) Miya Folick March 7 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD D SS N NO O RRTTH H (Chattanooga) Doug Stone March 8 TTH H EE CCO OM MEE D DYY CCA ATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Cee-Jay Jones March 8 WA W ALLK KEE RR TTH H EEA ATT RREE (Chattanooga) Trae Crowder March 8 AN A ND D RREEW W JJ A ACCK KSS O ON NH HA ALLLL (Nashville) Gabriel Iglesias March 8 MEE RRCC YY LLO M OU UN NG G EE (Nashville) Opposite Box March 8 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Amos Lee, Ethan Gruska March 8 SSA ATT U URRN N (Birmingham) Saves the Day March 8 TTH H EE LLYYRRIICC TT H HEE A ATT RREE (Birmingham) Jeff Tweedy March 8 EED DD DIIEE’’ SS A ATT TT IICC (Atlanta) Sonia Leigh March 8 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD D SS N NO O RRTTH H (Chattanooga) Over The Rhine March 9 TTH H EE CCO OM MEE D DYY CCA ATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Cee-Jay Jones March 9 TTII VVO O LLII TT H HEE A ATT RREE (Chattanooga) Gabriel Iglesias March 9 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Amos Lee, Ethan Gruska March 9 TTH H EE BBA ASS EEM MEE N NTT EEA ASS TT (Nashville) Lucy


Dacus, Fenne Lilly, Mal Blum March 9 CCIITT YY W WIIN N EERRYY AATTLL AAN NTT AA (Atlanta) Cowboy Junkies March 9 TTH H EE M M IILLLL && M M IIN NEE (Knoxville) Dropkick Murphys, Amigo The Devil March 9 TTEE N NN NEE SSSSEE EE TT H HEE AATTRREE (Knoxville) Pixies March 9 HAARRRRAAH H H’’ SS CC H HEE RRO OK KEE EE CC AASSIIN NO O (Cherokee, NC) Dwight Yoakam March 9 TTH H EE CC O OM M EED D YY CCAATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Cee-Jay Jones March 10 BBRRIID DG GEE SSTT O ON NEE AARREEN N AA (Nashville) Pink March 10 CCIITT YY W WIIN N EERRYY AATTLL AAN NTT AA (Atlanta) Cowboy Junkies March 10 TTEE N NN NEE SSSSEE EE TT H HEE AATTRREE (Knoxville) Amos Lee, Ethan Gruska March 11 MEERRCC YY LLO M OU UN NG G EE (Nashville) Dean Lewis March 11 CCIITT YY W WIIN N EERRYY AATTLL AAN NTT AA (Atlanta) Marsha Ambrosius, Bonfyre March 11 TTIIVVO O LLII TT H HEE AATTRREE (Chattanooga) “Experience Hendrix” Billy Cox, Joe Satriani, Dave Mustaine, Jonny Lang, Dweezil Zappa, Eric Johnson, Doug Pinnick, Chris Layton, Mato Nanji, Kenny Aronoff, Slide Brothers, Henri Brown, Kevin McCormick March 12 SSTTA ATT EE FFAARRM M AARREE N NAA (Atlanta) Pink March 12 TTH H EE LLO O FFTT (Atlanta) Chelsea Cutler March 12 CCIITT YY W WIIN N EERRYY AATTLL AAN NTT AA (Atlanta) Marsha Ambrosius, Bonfyre March 12 IIRRO ON N CCIITT YY (Birmingham) Travis Greene March 12 EEXXIITT //IIN N (Nashville) Oliver Tree March 12 CCIITT YY W WIIN N EERRYY AATTLL AAN NTT AA (Atlanta) Marsha Ambrosius, Bonfyre March 13 EED DD D IIEE’’ SS AATT TT IICC (Atlanta) Jason Eady March 13 RRYY M MAA N N AAU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Maren Morris, Cassadee Pope March 13 LLEEG GAA CCYY AARREEN N AA (Birmingham) Pink March 14 ALLAABBAA M A MAA TT H HEE AATTRREE (Birmingham) Dan+Shay, Morgan Evans March 14 KN K NO O XXVVIILL LLEE CC IIVVIICC CCO O LLIISSEE U UM M (Knoxville) Lauren Daigle March 14 EEXXIITT //IIN N (Nashville) Cass McCombs, Sam Evian March 14 CCO O BBBB EEN NEE RRG GYY PPEE RRFF O ORRM M IIN NG G AARRTT SS CC EEN NTT EERR (Atlanta) KC & the Sunshine Band March 14 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD DSS N NO O RRTT H H (Chattanooga) Terry McBride March 15 TTH H EE CC O OM M EED D YY CCAATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Jen Kobler March 15 ALLAABBAA M A MAA TT H HEE AATTRREE (Birmingham) Amos Lee, Ethan Gruska March 15 RRYY M MAA N N AAU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Little Feat March 15 SSTTA ATT EE FFAARRM M AARREE N NAA (Atlanta) Erykah Badu, Nas March 15 TTH H EE CC O OM M EED D YY CCAATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Jen Kobler March 16 TTIIVVO O LLII TT H HEE AATTRREE (Chattanooga) “Who’s Live Is It Anyway?” with Chip Esten, Joel Murray, Greg Proops, and Jeff B. Davis March 16 RRII VVEE RR D DRRIIFF TTEE RRSS (Chattanooga) Playin Possum Blues Band March 16 TTEE N NN NEE SSSSEE EE TT H HEE AATTRREE (Knoxville) “Experience Hendrix” Joe Satriani, Jonny Lang, Dweezil Zappa, Eric Johnson, Ernie Isley, Billy Cox, Chris Layton, Mato Nanji, Kenny Aronoff, Slide Brothers, Henri Brown, David Hildago, Cesar Rosas March 16 RRYY M MAA N N AAU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Kurt Vile March 16




CC IITT YY W WIIN NEE RRYY AA TTLLAAN N TTAA (Atlanta) Adrian Belew March 16 TT H HEE CC O OM M EED DYY CC AATT CCH H (Chattanooga) Jen Kobler March 17 TT IIVVO OLLII TTH H EEAATT RREE (Chattanooga) For King & Country March 17 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD D IITTO O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Lauren Daigle March 17 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD D IITTO O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Lauren Daigle March 18 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD D IITTO O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) John Mellencamp March 19 TT EEN NN NEE SSSSEEEE TT H HEE AATTRREE (Knoxville) Kacey Musgraves March 19 SSA ATT U URRN N (Birmingham) Tokyo Police Club March 19 TT H HEE CC O OM M EED DYY CC AATT CCH H (Chattanooga) Open Mic Night March 20 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD D IITTO O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) John Mellencamp March 20 H IIG H GH HW WAATT TT (Nashville) Tokyo Police Club March 20 M AARRAATTH M HO ON NM MU U SSIICC W WO ORRK KSS (Nashville) The Claypool Lennon Delirium March 20 JJ A AM MEESS K K.. PPO OLLK K TTH H EEAATT EE RR (Nashville) Jeff Tweedy March 20 SSTT A ATT EE FF AARRM M AARREE N NAA (Atlanta) Mumford & Sons March 20 SSO ON NG G BBIIRRD DSS N NO ORRTT H H (Chattanooga) Little Texas March 21 TT H HEE CC O OM M EED DYY CC AATT CCH H (Chattanooga) TRIXX March 21 M EEM M MO O RRIIAALL AAU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Chattanooga) Ben Rector March 21 TT IIVVO OLLII TTH H EEAATT RREE (Chattanooga) Cat Power March 21 D && LLIIN 33RRD ND D SSLLEE YY (Nashville) Novo Amor March 21 IIRRO ON N CC IITT YY (Birmingham) Switchfoot, Colony House, Tyson Motsenbocker March 21 SSO ON NG G BBIIRRD DSS N NO ORRTT H H (Chattanooga) Rebel Union March 22 SSO ON NG G BBIIRRD DSS SS O OU UTT H H (Chattanooga) Mighty Sideshow, Voodoo Slim March 22 TT H HEE CC O OM M EED DYY CC AATT CCH H (Chattanooga) TRIXX March 22 CC IITT YY W WIIN NEE RRYY AA TTLLAAN N TTAA (Atlanta) Chris Difford March 22 SSTT A ATT EE FF AARRM M AARREE N NAA (Chattanooga) Travis Scott March 22 FF RRA AN NK KLLIIN N TT H HEEAATT RREE (Franklin, TN) Poco March 22 SSO ON NG G BBIIRRD DSS N NO ORRTT H H (Chattanooga) Callista Clark March 23 TT H HEE CC O OM M EED DYY CC AATT CCH H (Chattanooga) TRIXX March 23 WAALLK W K EERR TT H HEE AATTRREE (Chattanooga) Graham Nash March 23 LLEE G GAACC YY AARREEN N AA (Birmingham) Mumford & Sons March 23 H AARRRRAAH H H’’ SS CC EERRO OK KEEEE CCAASS IIN NO O (Cherokee, NC) Foreigner March 23 TT EERRM M IIN NAALL W W EESSTT (Atlanta) Spiritualized March 23 CC O OCC AA CC O OLL AA RRO OXXYY (Atlanta) Hozier, Jade Bird March 23 CC IITT YY W WIIN NEE RRYY AA TTLLAAN N TTAA (Atlanta) Aaron Neville March 23 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD D IITTO O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Fisk Jubilee Singers, India.Arie March 23 TT H HEE CC O OM M EED DYY CC AATT CCH H (Chattanooga) TRIXX March 24 SSCC H H EERRM MEE RRH HO O RRN N SSYY M MPPH HO ON N YY CCEE N NTT EERR (Nashville) Jeffery Osborne, Peabo Bryson March 24

GRRAAN G ND DO O LLEE O OPPRRYY H HO OU USSEE (Nashville) Hozier, Jade Bird March 24 VVA ARRIIEETT YY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Buckethead March 24 CC IITTYY W WII N NEERRYY AATT LLAAN N TTAA (Atlanta) Aaron Neville March 24 CC O OCC AA CC O OLLAA RRO O XXYY (Atlanta) Meek Mill March 24 TT H HEE BBAASSEEM M EEN NTT EE AASSTT (Nashville) Dilly Dally March 25 SSTT A ATT EE FFAARRM M AARREEN N AA (Atlanta) Muse March 26 WO W O RRK KPPLLAAYY TTH H EEAATT RREE (Birmingham) Kat Edmonson March 26 EEXXIITT // IIN N (Nashville) Molly Nilsson, Ruby the Rabbitfoot March 26 TT H HEE CCO OW WAAN N (Nashville) T-Pain March 26 SSO ON NG G BBII RRD D SS N NO ORRTT H H (Chattanooga) Reverend Horton Heat & Kinky Friedman March 27 SSO ON NG G BBII RRD D SS SSO OU UTT H H (Chattanooga) Brent Cobb, Adam Hood March 27 EED DD DIIEE ’’SS AATTTT IICC (Atlanta) John McEuen March 27 IIRRO ON N CC IITT YY (Birmingham) Patty Griffin, Scott Miller March 27 SSCC H HEE RRM MEERRH HO ORRN N SSYY M MPPH HO ON N YY CC EE N NTT EERR (Nashville) Dennis DeYoung March 28 IIN N FFIIN NII TTEE EEN N EERRG GYY CC EEN N TT EERR (Duluth, GA) Kelly Clarkson, Kelsea Ballerini March 28 CC IITTYY W WII N NEERRYY AATT LLAAN N TTAA (Atlanta) Reverend Horton Heat, Kinky Friedman March 28 SSA ATT U URRN N (Birmingham) The War and Treaty March 28 SSO ON NG G BBII RRD D SS N NO ORRTT H H (Chattanooga) Jason D. Williams March 29 TT H HEE SSIIG GN N AALL (Chattanooga) Buckethead March 29 TT IIVVO OLLII TT H H EEAATT RREE (Chattanooga) Bob Weir and Wolf Bros March 29 SSCC H HEE RRM MEERRH HO ORRN N SSYY M MPPH HO ON N YY CC EE N NTT EERR (Nashville) Dennis DeYoung March 29 CC O OBBBB EE N NEERRG G YY PPEERRFFO O RRM MIIN NG G AARRTT SS CC EEN N TT EERR (Atlanta) Kristin Chenoweth March 29 SSO ON NG G BBII RRD D SS N NO ORRTT H H (Chattanooga) Erick Baker March 30 SSCC H HEE RRM MEERRH HO ORRN N SSYY M MPPH HO ON N YY CC EE N NTT EERR (Nashville) Dennis DeYoung March 30 CC O OBBBB EE N NEERRG G YY PPEERRFFO O RRM MIIN NG G AARRTT SS CC EEN N TT EERR (Atlanta) The Temptations, The Four Tops March 30 MEE RRCCEE D M DEE SS BBEEN N ZZ SSTT AAD DII U UM M (Atlanta) George Strait, Chris Stapleton, Ashley McBryde, Chris Janson March 30 CC IITTYY W WII N NEERRYY AATT LLAAN N TTAA (Atlanta) Kermit Ruffins March 30 IIRRO ON N CC IITT YY (Birmingham) Gogol Bordello March 30 TT IIVVO OLLII TT H H EEAATT RREE (Chattanooga) Jackson Browne March 31 SSO ON NG G BBII RRD D SS SSO OU UTT H H (Chattanooga) Paul Thorn Band, Reckless Kelly March 31 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD DIITT O O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Jenny Lewis March 31 MAARRAATT H M HO ON NM MU USS IICC W WO ORRK KSS (Nashville) Gogol Bordello March 31 CC O OBBBB EE N NEERRG G YY PPEERRFFO O RRM MIIN NG G AARRTT SS CC EEN N TT EERR (Atlanta) Jackson Browne April 1 TT H HEE SSIIG GN N AALL (Chattanooga) The Infamous Stringdusters April 2 IIRRO ON N CC IITT YY (Birmingham) Maggie Rogers April 3 SSO ON NG G BBII RRD D SS SSO OU UTT H H (Chattanooga) Jonathan McReynolds April 4 CC A AN NN N EERRYY BBAALLLLRRO OO OM M (Nashville) Guster, Saintseneca April 4 MAARRAATT H M HO ON NM MU USS IICC W WO ORRK KSS (Nashville)

Maggie Rogers April 4 CCII TTYY W WIIN N EERRYY A ATT LLA AN NTT A A (Atlanta) Rhett Miller April 4 SSTT A ATTEE FFA ARRM MA ARREEN NA A (Atlanta) Omarion, Bobby V, Pretty Ricky, Mario, Chingy, Lloyd, Ying Yang Twins April 4 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD D SS SSO OU UTT H H (Chattanooga) Unknown Hinson April 5 TTH H EE CCO ON NCC O OU U RRSS EE (Knoxville) Reverend Horton Heat, Legendary Shack Shakers April 5 TTH H EE CC O OW WA AN N (Nashville) Veil of Maya, Intervals April 5 LLEEG GA ACCYY A ARREE N NA A (Birmingham) TobyMac, We Are Messengers, Aaron Cole, Ryan Stevenson, Jeremy Camp April 6 CCA AN NN NEE RRYY BBA ALLLL RRO OO OM M (Nashville) Rival Sons, The Sheepdogs April 6 TTH H EE TTA ABBEERRN NA ACCLL EE (Atlanta) Adventure Club April 6 CCEE N NTT EERR SS TTA AG G EE A ATT LLA AN N TTA A (Atlanta) Roseanne Cash April 6 CCII TTYY W WIIN N EERRYY A ATT LLA AN NTT A A (Atlanta) John Parr April 7 SSTT A ATTEE FFA ARRM MA ARREEN NA A (Atlanta) KISS April 7 EED DD DIIEE’’ SS A ATT TT IICC (Atlanta) Blake Morgan, Tracy Bonham April 7 TTH H EE W WA ARREEH HO OU USSEE (Clarksville, TN) Saliva April 7 CCII TTYY W WIIN N EERRYY N NA ASS H HVVIILLLLEE (Nashville) John Parr April 8 TTH H EE CC O OW WA AN N (Nashville) Buckcherry April 8 BBRRIID DG G EESSTT O ON N EE A ARREE N NA A (Nashville) KISS April 9 TTH H EE LL O OFFTT (Atlanta) Buckcherry April 9 CCO ON NCC EERRTT H HA ALLLL A ATT BBJJCC CC (Birmingham) Death Cab For Cutie April 10 BBU UCC K KH HEE A AD D TT H HEE A ATT RREE (Atlanta) Todd Rundgren April 10 BBU UCC K KH HEE A AD D TT H HEE A ATT RREE (Atlanta) Todd Rundgren April 11 CCII TTYY W WIIN N EERRYY A ATT LLA AN NTT A A (Atlanta) Carbon Leaf April 11 CCO O CC A A CCO O LLA A RRO O XXYY (Atlanta) Maren Morris, RaeLynn April 11 TTH H EE M MA ASSQ QU UEERRA AD D EE (Atlanta) Children of Bodom, Swallow the Sun April 11 KN K NO O XXVVIILLLLEE CC O O LLIISSEEU UM M (Knoxville) Jeff Dunham April 11 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD D SS SSO OU UTT H H (Chattanooga) Emerge, Camp Normal, Seven Stones April 12 MEE M M MO ORRIIA ALL A AU UD D IITTO O RRIIU UM M (Chattanooga) Leon Bridges April 12 TTH H EE SS IIG GN NA ALL (Chattanooga) Lord Huron April 12 TTEE RRM MIIN NA ALL W WEESS TT (Atlanta) Hayes Carll April 12 CCII TTYY W WIIN N EERRYY A ATT LLA AN NTT A A (Atlanta) Joan Osborne April 12 VVA ARRII EETT YY PPLL A AYYH HO OU U SSEE (Atlanta) Jenny Lewis April 12 CCO O CC A A CCO O LLA A RRO O XXYY (Atlanta) Jamey Johnson, Kelsey Waldron April 12 CCO O TT TTO ON N EE YY EED D JJO OEE (Knoxville) Buckcherry April 12 JJA AM MEE SS K K.. PPO O LLK K TT H HEE A ATT EERR (Nashville) Nate Bargatze April 12 MIILLLL TTO M OW WN NM MU USSII CC H HA ALLLL (Bremen, GA) Shenandoah April 13 EED DD DIIEE’’ SS A ATT TT IICC (Atlanta) Charlie Mars April 13 PPIIEED DM MIIO ON NTT PPA ARRK K (Atlanta) Jessica Meuse April 13 LLEEG GA ACCYY A ARREE N NA A (Birmingham) KISS April 13





Robin Grant Creating A Higher Standard One Song At A Time When Robin Grant released her debut album, the jazzfueled Good Girl two years ago the world was introduced to a vocalist with a distinctive sonic clarity that is best described as three-dimensional with perfect pitch and range. The songs ran through a series of emotions and scenarios that quickly struck a chord with many as it quickly shot up to number four on the iTunes charts. With a new year upon us Robin and her band, The Standard have returned to the studio to recreate their magic and evolve as well as perform more live shows. She is a very busy gal balancing art, family and a job like the rest of us. A rare true vocal quality in an era of popular music that celebrates sloppy and even off-key performances, Robin Grant and The Standard are an oasis in a tal-

ent desert with a voice hhee ttrryy ttoo eenncc oouurraagg ee yyoo uu ttoo ssiinngg described as cinematic. ccoouu nntt rryy aass w weellll oorr aalllloow w yyoouu ttoo ffiinndd yyoo uurr oow wnn w waayy?? Whh aatt cc aauu sseedd yyoouu ttoo ccaatt cchh tthhee W bbuugg ffoo rr m muu ssiicc aanndd ppeerrffoo rrm miinn gg?? He let me find my own way. I think just like any parent-child Honestly, my mother and relationship you want to do the father both sang, so I think I opposite of what your parents caught it in vitro. (laughs) My were doing and I was no differdad was a professional per- ent. (laughs) Even though I former in the country music appreciated the music he was genre and my mother loved listening to – Merle Haggard, everything from Streisand to Waylon Jennings, Johnny Cash Karen Carpenter and so I grew – all of that, I had it bent more up with all that music in the to strong vocals and I think my house. They said when I start- ear was always drawn to those ed singing was the same time I would light up a torch song or started talking. I actually have impress me with a power balrecordings of myself when I lad. And so I was always was maybe 10 months old drawn to strong female voices I singing and so it’s something I could mimic. Where I first came about pretty honestly. started to learn those voices musical theater and jazz that’s YYoouu ssiinn gg iinn tthh ee jjaazzzz ggeenn rree aann dd where I found voices that were ggrreew w uu pp w wiitthh aa ffaatthheerr tt hhaatt closer to mine. ccoo uunntt rryy m muussiicc ppeerrff oorrm meerr.. D Diidd YYoouu’’ rree aa yyoo uunngg gg aall.. DDiidd yyoouu lliiss-tteenn ttoo tthh ee rraaddiioo m muucchh gg rroow wiinngg uupp oo rr w weerree yyoo uu m moorree iinntt oo lliiss-tteenniinn gg ttoo aallbbuum mss?? Albums really. My mother and my father were so into music, there was a lot of music around the house. It was mostly albums. So we really didn’t have the radio on that much. It was more she would play Streisand a lot or he would play Johnny Cash a lot or Elvis or stuff like that. I honestly think that also helped influENIGMA



ence my songwriting because a lot of his songs during that time were strong. I didn’t exactly grow up in the era musically that I was born into but I was influenced more by the music they were listening to, and a lot of it was older music.

AAtt w whhaatt pp ooiinn tt dd iidd yyoouu ffeeeell tt hhiiss waass yyoouu rr ccaalllliinn gg aann dd iitt w w waassnn’’tt jjuusstt aa hhoobb bbyy oo rr ssoom meetthh iinn gg lliikkee tthh aatt ?? Honestly, from the moment I was born I knew music was all I ever wanted to do. I remember thinking at nine years old that ten would be a good age to make it in the music business. (laughs) I remember literally thinking that and if I auditioned for “Annie” at the Chattanooga Theatre Centre that would be my path. (laughs) Obviously it wasn’t. I was a first-born and my parents – and my dad knowing the allure and also the heartbreak of being a musician encouraged me to go on and get my education, get a job, have a fallback plan and pursue a professional track and make music your hobby. And so I guess that was really what I did because I thought I don’t want to be a starving artist and I did finish college at 20 so I could do music or what I thought I wanted to do at the time. I ended

©Dave Weinthal





up working in the music industry for a publicity company ironically enough – Myer’s Media. We had a lot of eclectic artists – Bela Fleck, Junior Brown, The Delvantes who were from Hoboken, New Jersey with our most prominent being Alison Krauss. I ended up working in the industry, but it was harder for me being that close to it but not being in it. And so at that point I decided I’m going to move back to Chattanooga, get a real job. So I did that path very successfully for a long time, but as I started raising my children and as my children

esting to me because I love all aspects of it. I’m really a people person and I know a lot of artists are not and are introverted. But for me I feel I’m a bit on an introverted extrovert. I do enjoy people, but I BBeeiinn gg aa ppuubb lliicc iisstt aaff tteerr bbeeiinngg aann do enjoy my alone time too. aarrttiiss tt ff iirrsstt w w aass tt hheerree ssoom mee That’s when I’m introspective weeiirrdd ffeeeelliinngg lliikk ee,, ““II ccoo uulldd dd oo w tthhaatt”” oorr ““II sshhoouu lldd bb ee ddooiinn gg tthhaatt””.. W Whhaatt w waass gg ooiinn gg tthh rroouugg hh yyoo uurr m miinndd dduurriinn gg tthh aatt eerraa??

grew older and more independent I found myself having more time to immerse myself back into my music. That was when I decided it’s time to do an album.

songs when I was singing them when I was little. I remember just making up nothing and singing melodies and songs. I would sit and swing outside for hours and make up music and I won my first actual songwriting contest in the fifth grade with just a piano song I had written.

Well for me personally, it was very interesting. Alison Krauss was profusely private and didn’t really enjoy the publicity part of the job. That was inter-

©Dave Weinthal

Robin and her band, The Standard performed recently at Barking Legs Theater working on new materrial as they prepare for the studio to record the second album.

in writing the songs. From that perspective I think it taught me if you’re going to go into this you’re going to have to appreciate all aspects of the job and you have to be willing to do all aspects of the job. That is what’s required of you – not just I’m going to sing these songs and write them and enjoy my art. You have to be willing to meet the people, do interviews, get up at four in the morning and do whatever’s called on radio or television even though you might not be feeling it. And if you don’t want to do that you don’t need to pursue this because it’s more than just one thing.

YYoouu’’ rree nn oott oo nnllyy aa ssiinn ggeerr,, yyoo uu wrriitt ee aass w w weellll.. W Whheerree dd iidd tt hhee wrriitt iinn gg cc oom w mee?? DDiidd yyoo uu ffeeeell yyoo uu nn eeeeddeedd ttoo w wrriittee yyoouurr oow wnn maatt eerriiaall?? m Whh aatt eexxaacc ttllyy W bbrroouugg hhtt iitt aabboouu tt?? Honestly, I started writing ENIGMA




I remember thinking that someday I’m going to put words to this that actually make sense. In college I was practically a double major with English and Vocal Performance. I lacked being a double major by two classes. So I was into reading. I loved writing prose. I loved poetry – all of that. I wanted to do that to strengthen my songwriting because I knew in order to be a great writer you have to be a voracious reader. That’s really where you learn about writing. And so I think it was after that time in college that I really started focusing on taking some of my poems that I had written and transformed them into songs. But then later it became more about the music and the moment. Now when I write it’s pretty much a melody line will come in my head and the words will follow. I’ll record them on my phone and Voice Notes and then I’ll come

back and put the chorus to it, but it’s almost as if they happen simultaneously. They’re like these serendipitous gifts that fall in my lap all at once where it’s almost as if the song’s already created and record it. It’s strange. That’s the methodology that happens for me. I know it’s different for everybody.

much in every situation.

II ssaaw w yyoo uurr m muu ssiicc vviiddeeoo [[““GGoooo dd GGiirrll””]] aann dd lliissttee nneedd tt oo yyoo uurr ssoonn ggss.. FFrroo m mw whhaatt pp eerrssoonn dd oo yyoouu cc oom mee ff rroo m m w whhee nn yyoo uu wrriittee?? IIss w w whhaatt yyoouu w wrriittee vveerryy ppeerrssoonn aall oo rr ddoo yyoouu ccrreeaatt ee aa ff iicc -ttiioonn aall cc hhaarraacctt eerr tt hhaatt yyoouu vviiccaarr-iioouussllyy lliivvee tthh rroouugg hh??

I think early it was experiential, but later on look through people’s life perspectives and I think it makes your writing richer if you can almost try to dive inside a person’s mind – what they’re thinking, what they’re living and write about it. So, I would say more of my newer material is coming out from the perspective of trying to experience others and their own lives – almost try to inhabit them from a character, Usually a melody will run which I guess draws back to my through my head and some- theater background a little bit, times, for instance there’s too. going to be a song on the new Whh eenn yyoo uu ffoouu nndd yyoouurr vvoo iiccee ddiidd album called, “Within the W Sound of My Voice”. When I yyoo uu rreeaalliizzee yyoo uu w w eerreenn ’’tt aa ““pp oopp”” s s i i n n g g e e r r ? ? J J a a z z z z h h a a ss aallw waayyss bb eeeenn started writing it I was thinking it was kind of about one thing rroom maannttiicc aallllyy rreeffeerrrreedd ttoo aass tthhee muu ssiicc ooff aann oolldd ssoo uull””.. D Doo yyoo uu that was kind of lighthearted ““m and love related. But then it ffeeeell lliikkee aann ““oolldd ssoo uull”” tthh aatt’’ss Whhaatt dd oo was almost as if the song wrote bbrreeaatthhiinn gg lliiffee iinntt oo iitt?? W itself. The more I got into the yyoo uu sseeee aass yyoouu ggoo aall?? lyric component of it and matched it up with the music I I definitely think I was born an found out that I’m writing “old soul” and my grandmother something a little deeper than I and I were very close and anticipated. This is really when I would spend time at the about how technology can tear house she didn’t want me to us apart relationally. And that watch modern day television wasn’t what I started out to and she thought that would write. It’s interesting: some- corrupt me. She would often times I think you’ll start out change it from what I was with a melody line that kind of watching to some old dictates how you’re writing, Hollywood film. And so I kind how you’re thinking, as soon as of felt like musically I was you get deeper into the process drawn to the old Hollywood it changes and it evolves based film style – the epic imagery, on the music. The music will lush orchestration – all of that really drive my lyric pretty – how the story was bigger

DDoo eess iitt ddeeppeenn dd oonn tthh ee ssoo nngg oorr ddoo yyoouu hh aavvee aa m meetthhoo dd ttoo yyoouurr wrriittiinngg m w maadd nneessss?? D D ooeess tthhee pprroo ssee ccoo m mee ffiirrsstt oorr tt hhee m muussiicc ccoo m mee ffiirrsstt aann dd yyoouu hhaavvee ttoo ffiigg-uurree oouu tt –– II nn eevveerr uunn ddeerrssttoo oodd iitt myysseellff hh oow m w ffoo llkk ss cc aann pp uutt woo rrdd ss ttoo tthhee m w muussiicc.. II’’vvee hheeaarrdd iinnsstt rruum meenn ttaallss aann dd II’’vvee hheeaarrdd ppeeoo ppllee cc oom mee uu pp w wiitt hh tthhee w woorrddss ffoo rr tt hheem m bbeeff oorree.. IInn yyoouurr m miinn dd-sseett hh oow w dd ooeess iitt cc oom mee aabboo uutt??





©Dave Weinthal

than life. And so I found myself writing like that and then honestly singing like that because I was drawn a lot to those voices. Judy Garland was one of the first voices I remember hearing as a little girl and thinking, “Man, that’s power”. It gave me chills and still does to this day. And now it’s like you realize in those voices there’s a lot of pain and a lot of tragedy that has brought about that art in that person. And for me, it’s not like I have some tragic childhood story like that, but I think just characterization-wise I can relate to that and to that richness and depth of emotion. I remember listening to a lot of the stories my grandmother used to tell me about her upbringing and the

anyone. I ended up at Vanderbilt Vocal Center in recovery. Dr. Thomas Cleveland who was my vocal coach after that said, “You sound like you’re not from America. Why is that?” (laughs) I don’t know. I traveled a lot in college with my college choir overseas to Europe. The first time I got in a plane was to go to England on a tour. We went to Australia, New Zealand. I do have this desire to travel with my music. I don’t know what it is about – maybe it is something that we were talking about – the characterizations I feel like I’m another person. Sometimes when I’m writing a certain song I put on a voice maybe that person would use if they were singing about their own life. Right now I’m writing things for whatever comes next. A lot of them are French-influenced. I’m putting a lot of French into the music. And I’m thinking I don’t know where this is coming from. (laughs) Art just has a life of its own I think and if you open up to whatever the artist that is inside you and you follow that path, it’s going to go someplace interesting, so you can’t reject any of it I think.

toughness of that life and put myself in those shoes. And you see why they kind of sing with such soul and such graveness of voice that they brought to the table because there was a lot of depth with their life experiences. I just relate to YYoouu’’ rree aa bbuu ssyy ggaall,, ppllaayyiinn gg oouu tt that. ssoom mee w w iitthh ss oom mee bb iigg ss hhoo w wss ccoom miinngg uupp pplluuss yyoouu hhaavvee aa nn eew w II dd oo nnoo ttiiccee iinn aa lloo tt oo ff yyoouurr aallbb uum m ccoom miinngg oouu tt.. D Doo yyoo uu sseeee ssoonn ggw wrriittiinn gg,, w whhiillee iitt hh aass aa vveerryy yyoo uurrsseellff m moorree ooff aa rreeccoo rrddiinngg ttrruuee jjaazzzz ssoo uunn dd ttoo iitt,, iitt aallssoo hhaass aarrtt iisstt oorr aa lliivvee aarrtt iisstt ?? aa lliittttllee bb iitt oo ff aa bbeeaatt tt oo iitt –– aallm mooss tt aa SSoo uutt hh Live. I love live. I love the AAm meerriiccaann //LL aattiinnoo iinnfflluu eenn ccee tt oo connection with the people. iitt .. To me it’s all about the song and the song creates a connecYeah, it’s funny that you way tion with other people. You that. When we recorded the can meet people that you first album I think we spent 12 would have never been friends hours in the studio on that day. with that you connect with I would not recommend that to over a song. And that’s what ENIGMA




1. Morrissey 2. Pedro the Lion 3. Morrissey 4. Greta Van Fleet 5. Tedeschi Trucks Band 6. Elvis Costello & The Imposters 7. Joe Jackson 8. Elle King 9. Jeff Tweedy 10. Maggie Rogers 11. Hippo Campus 12. Iron & Wine 13. Gary Clark Jr. 14. The Beths 15. Weezer 16. Sara Bareilles 17. The Raconteurs 18. Muse 19. Juliana Hatfield 20. Imagine Dragons

ADVENTURE PICKS 1. Jenny Lewis 2. Vampire Weekend 3. Passenger

it’s all about to me. I love live performance and it’s different every time, kind of like theater. I do not enjoy the studio. I do that because it’s a necessary means for getting the music out there, but it’s not very personal. Sometimes it feels very cold. I really only like recording when I can record vocally the same time my band is playing because I feed off that energy and to go into a studio by myself it’s hard to feed off that head space of sound like jazz?” This time where I need to be. Live set- when I was writing, I just wrote ting I never have that problem. what I felt, I didn’t sift everything through the lens of “Is TThh ee nneew w aallbb uum m,, TThh iinngg ss W Wee this Jazz?”. I refused to do that DDiiddnn ’’tt SS aayy,, iiss tthhee ff oolllloow w uupp ttoo this time. I wanted to write GGoo oodd GGiirrll.. BB eeiinn gg tthh aatt yyoo uu hhaavvee what I felt. And so a lot of it is moo rree oo ff aa tt hhee aattrriicc aall bb aacc kk-- “sophistipop”, some of it is m gg rroo uunn dd.. W Whh aatt ddoo yyoo uu sseeee tthhee “cinematic jazz”. A lot of times dd iiffffee rreenn ccee bb eett w weeeenn aallbbuu m mss?? when we perform people will M aann yy aarrtt iissttss w M wiillll ttaallkk aabboo uutt say, “Gosh that should be in a hhoo w w tthheeyy’’vvee eevvoollvveedd aass aa ssoonn gg-- Bond film. It sounds like James wrriitteerr.. IInnsstteeaadd oo ff eevvoollvviinngg – w – Bond film music.” And I guess II’’m m gguu eessssiinn gg yyoo uu hhaavvee ttoo aa it does to them. That’s what’s ddeegg rreeee,, ddoo yyoo uu ffeeeell aass iiff yyoouu cool and I don’t think we cc hhaann gg eedd dd iirreecc ttiioo nn ss ttrryyiinn gg should put labels on music ssoom meetthh iinn gg ccoo m mpp lleetteellyy nneew w ttoo really. I know we have to, to yyoouu?? market them to where they should land radio play-wise. I think my first album I was try- But now that things aren’t realing to write for jazz and this ly radio specific, you can one I don’t think I care. I’m choose your own music and it’s just writing what I feel, writing personal. I know on my perwhat I connect with, writing sonal playlist, it’s very eclectic what I felt from other people, – the pendulum swings wide. so I don’t feel like its genre Why can’t it be that way with specific to jazz. We’ve started music in general? I think there calling it “sophistipop” because are a lot of people if I say this I think musically were all musi- is jazz that would be off-put cal products of everything and not want to listen to this, we’ve ever listened to and I’m who would really enjoy it if no different. There’s some they kept an open mind Merle Haggard somewhere in because its influence is from a one of my songs. There’s some lot of things. I think overall Diana Krall, there’s some Sarah the arching thing was “Things Vaughn and there’s some Louis We Didn’t Say” – and that’s a Armstrong. There’s some song that is actually on the Aerosmith. There’s a little bit album, means things maybe we of everything, so this time I haven’t said – a couple in a didn’t really care. “Does this ENIGMA

things unspoken and you want to get them out there. So I think for me, there are also things musically unspoken that I want to get out there. That’s why I thought, “Things We Didn’t Say” – it fits it well because it’s not just talking about the lyrical content, but musical content as well.

- Dave Weinthal Robin Grant and The Standard perform on Valentine’s Day at relationship – and it doesn’t have to be in a love relation- Songbirds Guitar Museum ship, it can be in any kind of North. relationship where there are


©Dave Weinthal


HAPPY HOUR All day Thursday 5-10pm Fri & Sat



Accoutrement! Chic kicked things off with a dynamic performance that had this audience mesmerized. The eight-song set

were performed this evening. I don’t care how old you are, if you didn’t get out of your seat to join in the celebra-

©Dave Weinthal

For some reason, this word is the first thing that popped into my mind the very moment the spotlights at the Infinite Energy Center in Duluth lit up the stage to introduce the extraordinary

chanteuse known universally as Cher. Before I get into Cher and all her resplendent glory, the opening act deserves to be mentioned. Nile Rodgers and

©Dave Weinthal

showcased some of the most tion as hit after hit were perimportant dance music of all time that Rodgers had a hand in creating. This mastermind was the architect of such hits as “We Are Family”, Diana Ross’ “Upside Down” as well as the iconic pop music anthem, “Get Happy” that





The dizzying array of costume changes and choreography designed around each tune made any minor disap-

©Dave Weinthal

the show, Cher belted out the ABBA staples “Waterloo”, “S.O.S” and “Fernando” to the delight of those in attendance.

©Dave Weinthal

pointment eventually fade away. It was also nice to hear Cher’s rendition of Mark Cohn’s classic “Walking in Memphis”, Elvis’ “Heartbreak Hotel” and the Laura

©Dave Weinthal

formed onstage, you should- eight cover tunes – touched n’t have been in the arena. on only four albums released in the last 20 years. The point The crowd was still buzzing I’m trying to make here is when the lights finally went this. Cher has five decades of down to introduce the belle recorded material to draw of the ball, the former from when putting together Cherilyn Sarkisian. At 72 this show. The crowds that years young, this woman is come out to witness these indeed very well-preserved. two-hour spectacles cover As she made her grand the gamut of the age specentrance, accompanied by trum. This fact wasn’t taken what looked like a shielded into consideration when it attachment of Elfin guard came to song selection. Two assigned to protect their of the most notable musical ethereal queen, Cher casualties that were glaring launched into the dance omissions included “Halffloor hits “Woman’s World” Breed” and “Gypsies, Tramps followed by “Strong Enough”. and Thieves”. I could have easily done without Interestingly enough, despite “Welcome to Burlesque” or the fact Cher has released 26 “Gayatri Mantra” but it wasstudio recordings, the bulk of n’t my call. this show – outside of the ENIGMA

©Dave Weinthal

Branigan cover, “I Found Someone”. Apparently Cher’s exposure to Abba music from the movie she appeared in, Mama Mia – Here We Go Again last year, had a huge impact on the 72-year old superstar. Midway through



The one touching moment in the show came when Cher actually did turn back time to recreate the set of the TV show that launched her career, The Sonny and Cher Comedy Hour. With her former husband delivering his lines through a video monitor, the pair sang their timeless hits “The Beat Goes On” and “I Got You Babe”. For those old enough in the crowd to remember this duo’s heyday in the early ‘70s – and there were plenty of them in attendance this evening – the stroll down memory lane was a cherished one. Cher ended the evening’s performance with arguably her two biggest hits, “If I Could Turn Back Time” and “Believe.” It was a fitting conclusion to this aural delight as well as a tremendous tribute to the unique woman at the center of it all. Accoutrement indeed!

- David Huff

THIS MONTH IN ROCK HISTORY 119 42 “Chattanooga Choo Choo” by Glen Miller And His Orchestra becomes the first recording to be awarded a Gold record. It was actually just a master copy of the disc sprayed with gold lacquer by RCA as a publicity stunt. The actual award recognized today as a Gold Record would not be initiated for another sixteen years when the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) borrowed the idea and trademarked the Gold Record. The first Gold single was awarded to Perry Como in 1958 for “Catch A Falling Star” and the first Gold album was given to Gordon McRae for the soundtrack to Oklahoma.

Their plane took off a little after 1 AM from Clear Lake, Iowa, when a cold North-East wind gave way to a blinding snow storm which drastically reduced visibility. Encased in a sea of snow with only white below, pilot Roger Peterson seemed to become disoriented and flew the plane into the ground. One wing hit the frozen earth and the small plane tumbled over and over, killing the three musicians and the plane’s young pilot.

119 964 Boone himself later admitted that In response to a storm of controhe didn’t even want to record the versy, Max Firetag, the publisher of song because “it didn’t make The Kingsmen’s hit, “Louie Louie”, sense” to him. offers $1,000 to anyone who can find suggestive lyrics in the song. Although she was reluctant to The reward is small change considrecord it in the first place, “Rock ering that the disc cost less than and Roll Waltz” by Kay Starr $50 to record and has sold millions becomes the first number one of copies. record by a female in the Rock era. The disc would go on to sell over a The Beatles made their first million copies, but Kay would later appearance on The Ed Sullivan say that she was never asked to Show, which was watched by over perform the record on TV and sel73 million people (60% of the viewdom sang it during a live show. ing audience). The Fab Four performed “All My Loving”, “Till There 11 9 95588 Was You”, “She Loves You”, “I Saw The Royal Teens’ biggest hit, “Short Her Standing There” and “I Want to Shorts” enters the US record charts Hold Your Hand”. Before their peron its way to number 3. The song formance, Beatles’ manager Brian was originally an instrumental Epstein told Sullivan, “I would like warm up number that the group to know the exact wording of your added silly lyrics to. The tune was recorded in about twenty minutes of left over studio time and released after a record label executive took a liking to it.

119 55 Sales of 45 rpm records outsold 78 rpm discs in the US for the first time. The number 45 came from taking 78 and subtracting Columbia’s 33 rpm. RCA introduced the first 45 on March 31, 1949 when they released 104 single vinyl records. The first 45 to hit the 1 959 Billboard charts was “You’re Frankie Avalon releases his biggest Adorable” by Perry Como, on May hit, “Venus”, which will reach num7th, 1949. ber one in the US and number sixteen in the UK. Somewhat surpris11 9 9 5566 ingly, the record also reached numThe Coasters sign with Atlantic ber ten on the Billboard R&B chart. Records, where they will record ten US Top 40 hits. Former Mouseketeer Annette Funicello sees her first hit, “Tall Little Richard records “Long Tall Paul” enter the Billboard Pop Sally”, which will go on be his high- chart, where it will reach #7. The est charting record in the US, record was only 1 minute and 38 climbing to number 6 on seconds long. The song’s writers, Billboard’s Pop chart and number 1 Robert and Richard Sherman, on the R&B chart by next April. would go on to work for Walt Rolling Stone magazine has listed Disney and won two Oscars for the tune as #56 on its list of The 500 Mary Poppins several years later. Greatest Songs Of All Time. February 3rd, 1959 was for many, Pat Boone’s cover version of Little “the day the music died”, when Richard’s #17 hit, “Tutti Frutti”, Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and peaks at #12 on the US Pop chart. The Big Bopper were all killed.





introduction.” Sullivan replied, “I would like you to get lost.” Also performing on the show was a future member of The Monkees, Davy Jones, who appeared as part of the cast of Oliver. American newspapers report that “millions of teenage boys are spending extra time in front of the mirror trying to make their hair look like Paul McCartney’s”, following an appearance of the Beatles on The Ed Sullivan Show the previous night. 11 9 966 6 The Beatles’ LP “Rubber Soul” rose to #1 on the Billboard Hot 200 chart, becoming the group’s seventh US album chart topper. Paul McCartney conceived the album’s title after overhearing someone’s description of Mick Jagger’s singing style as “plastic soul.” To date, the album has sold over six million copies in America.

119 9 6677 Pink Floyd record their first single, “Arnold Layne”, which will top the UK charts but won’t crack the Hot 100 in the US.

11 9 966 88 Simon And Garfunkel record “Mrs. Robinson”, which will become their

second US number one and win a Grammy Award for Record Of The Year. Simon would later say that his inclusion of the phrase “coocoo-ca-choo” is an homage to the Beatles’ “I Am the Walrus”. The Beatles record Paul McCartney’s “Lady Madonna” at Abbey Road studios in just three takes. The Fats Domino inspired tune will reach #1 in the UK and #4 in the US. Domino himself would release a cover version of the song that topped out at #100 on the Billboard chart later in the year. Tommy Boyce and Bobby Hart enjoy their biggest success as recording artists when “I Wonder What She’s Doing Tonight” peaks at #8, where it will stay for three consecutive weeks. As songwriters, the duo wrote “Last Train To Clarksville”, “Come A Little Bit Closer”, “Hurt So Bad”, “Valleri”, and many more. 11 9977 22 Paul McCartney’s Wings make their concert debut at Nottingham University in England.

On the strength of their hit, age of 52. “Sultans Of Swing”, England’s Dire 22000033 Straits kick off their first US tour, selling out every one of their 51 Legendary music producer Phil Spector was arrested for investigascheduled shows. tion of murder after police found a 1199 8800 woman shot to death at his Los Bill Wyman announces that he will Angeles mansion. The 62-year-old quit the Rolling Stones in 1983. He Spector, whose Wall Of Sound techis persuaded not to and stays nine nique transformed 1960s Pop more years, eventually leaving in music, was freed after posting $1 1992. million bond. The body of 40-yearold Lana Clarkson, a TV and film 1199 8811 actress, was found in a pool of Rock and Roll pioneer, Bill Haley blood with a gunshot to the face at died of a heart attack at the age of the marble entrance to Spector’s 55. He was still a big star in Europe home. and in Mexico where his “Twist” 22000077 album was the best selling LP of all time for many years. Haley was get- 67-year-old Billy Henderson of The ting ready to release a new Country Spinners passed away from compliAnd Western album when he cations of diabetes. The group passed away in Harlingen, Texas. placed 18 songs on Billboard’s Top He had been suffering from a brain 40, including 7 Top 10 hits. tumor and had given his last con220011 00 cert in South Africa in April of 1980. During his career, Bill Haley Doug Fieger, the lead singer for sold over 60 million records. The Knack on their 1979 hit “My Sharona”, died after a six-year battle with cancer. He was 57. 11 9988 33 After cracking the Billboard Top 40 on four earlier occasions, the six22001122 man, L.A. band known simply as Toto achieves their first and only US number one record with “Africa”.

11 9977 33 The Midnight Special premieres on NBC-TV with Helen Reddy as host. Wolfman Jack would later take over for an eight-and-a-half-year Michael Jackson’s album “Thriller” rose to #1 on the US album chart run. where it would stay for 37 weeks. It went on to become the most suc1199 77 44 Keith Emerson’s hands are injured cessful album of all time, with sales during an Emerson, Lake & Palmer estimated by various sources as performance when a rigged piano being between 65 and 110 million copies worldwide. explosion goes off too soon. 11 9988 55 The L.A. quartet Autograph enter the Billboard Hot 100 with “Turn Up The Radio”, which will peak at #39. The single, taken from their Platinum selling album “Sign In 1199 7799 Please”, was later featured in an While celebrating his freedom episode of Miami Vice and numerafter serving seven weeks in jail ous other films. for assault, Sid Vicious (born Simon 11 9999 55 Ritchie) died of a drug overdose after injecting heroin that his Original Temptations singer Melvin mother had bought for him. The 21- Franklin died after suffering a year-old had been the bass player seizure. He was 52. for one of Britain’s most influential Punk-Rock bands, The Sex Pistols, 11 9999 77 which had broken up a year earli- Brian Connolly, vocalist for Sweet, er. who reached #3 in 1973 with “Little Willy”, died of kidney failure at the Kiss release their self titled debut album, but it will barely crack the Hot 100. It would take three more attempts for the band to establish itself.





Whitney Houston, whose majestic voice helped her place 32 songs on the Billboard Pop chart between 1985 and 2001, passed away at the age of 48. 64-year-old Davy Jones, of the made-for-TV group The Monkees, suffered chest pains while riding one of his fourteen horses at a farm near Indiantown, Florida. He was rushed to Martin Memorial South Hospital in Stuart, Florida, where he was pronounced dead of a severe heart attack due to coronary artery disease. His former band mate Micky Dolenz would later say, “He was the brother I never had and this leaves a gigantic hole in my heart.” 220011 66 Maurice White, vocalist and cofounder of Earth, Wind And Fire died in his sleep at the age of 74. He helped the band place sixteen songs on Billboard’s Top 40 chart between 1974 and 1983. Health problems forced him to retire from touring in 1994, but he remained active on the business side of the group.

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