Enigma 3/01/17

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From the Publisher’s Notebook

is my home for over 50 years, I’ll survive.

dear old friends do. I’m stuck here in Florida for a few more weeks getting a sticky legal matter settled. Believe it or not, it can sometimes be boring. I’m in the middle of the speed week month, and things are starting to heat up. No problem, as Daytona

Well, the sun calls, and I must answer. Paul E. Burke Sr.| Publisher

Sitting out by the pool today work- the promoter had a hard time taking on my suntan. ing them out for dinner since most places refused to serve them I’ve been hearing good things because of their long hair. about Coyote Jack’s and The Living Room. We have a fancy place here See the boohoo crowd is still on in Daytona called 31. It’s a lot like Trump’s case. Leave him alone and the Living Room club on Cowart let’s see what he can do. I didn’t


like Obama but I survived the eight years.

Wonder what they will put in the old T-Bones building— probably Speaking of elections. Local elecsomething original like a brewpub tions are coming up on March 7th. that sells hamburgers— would that I’m kind of disappointed I haven’t be original? seen any lively campaigning like during the presidential election. What’s the big deal about the Wish someone would sling a little Southside Social instituting a dress mud. No wonder they haven’t had code that has since been rescind- many early voters. ed? I’ve got news for you – restaurants and nightclubs have had Isn’t it amazing how divorces can dress codes since the beginning of be drug out by certain attorneys time. They should have a right to that want to run up the per hour tell people how they should dress fee… I’m not talking about the and act in their establishment. If aboveboard honest working ones you don’t like it go somewhere — the other group. I think it is a else. I used to see signs posted in shame that certain attorneys now a lot of businesses that they hustle on TV like vacuum cleaner reserve the right to refuse service salesmen. I prefer when it was to anyone. Anyone means you. I thought of as an honorable profesread a story a few years back that sion, practiced like some of my the first time ZZ Top played Atlanta ENIGMA

Across 1. Derisive sounds 8. Like some exercise 15. Issue forth 16. Grade-school project 17. Extension 18. Romance, for 14 Down 19. 1987 Peace Prize winner 20. Relax, with ''out'' 22. Bart's mother 23. Object to 24. Craze 26. Roulette bet 27. Islanders' surface 28. Great numbers 30. Name in Beatles history 31. Tumbled down 33. Flower part 35. At __ (conflicting) 36. Hit the water 37. Mole's work 40. Oater heroes 44. ''Femenino'' suffix 45. Some pro golfers 47. Edge 48. Telejournalist Cosby 50. Overindulges 51. News follower 52. Vibrant 54. Poodle pro 55. Triumphal outburst 56. Branch off 58. Major unrest 60. Ceaseless 61. Inherent quality 62. Organized ways 63. Came out

MARCH 2017

Down 1. Like terra cotta 2. ''Ventura Highway'' band 3. Four teeth 4. Work clay 5. Passed bills 6. Depot info 7. Fabric edges 8. Ballet duet 9. Austrian article 10. Travel far and wide 11. Bach instrument 12. Saloon 13. Think of 14. ''Terminator 2'' director 21. Camelot lady 24. Interfered 25. What some keys have 28. Takes on cargo 29. Moves a bit 32. Bilk 34. End of Jack's boast 36. Closet item 37. Diatribes 38. Public service 39. You find them in your travels 40. Place 41. On the lam 42. Get behind 43. Freeloaded 46. Long stories 49. Head off 51. After a while 53. Bird of prey 55. Model 57. Herd of whales 59. Belief


Unless he is oblivious to the real world and has no true goals we should realize that it will be time to man up and get more motivated career-wise. You on the other hand have you thought about why he is the way he is? Sure we love to philosophize on life and how things should be but there’s this thing called life and it is pretty much in black and white and not in shades of gray.

Dear Rocco, I come from a relatively prominent family. I have been unable to live up to their standards or achieve the same success in business or life. I have gone from one relationship to the other and all I have to show for it is exhaustion and divorce settlements. I’m about to go through another divorce and am beginning to wonder where I went wrong. What should I do? WN Dear WN, Shoot yourself. Well, don’t do any thing that drastic just yet. The first mistake you’re making is probably that you’re trying to follow too much in your parent or parent’s footsteps. While you are their child doesn’t mean you can’t follow your own path. If it’s the same as your parent’s that’s fine, but only do it because you want to do it and it comes naturally. Too often we try to unrealistically live up to our parent’s standards that they often have set unrealistically for others to follow. But what is your motivation? Are you living off of mommy and daddy’s name and fame, refusing to create your own identity? This is something you need to soul search out. And if all else fails do what I initially suggested.

tradition once set. I remember as my mother got older she listened to music less and less. As an adult myself, I find I not only listen to some of the stuff from my youth but keep an ear as to what’s on the radio and trending today. Many baby boomers, which you fall into, tend to keep evolving and stay active physically and mentally instead of being set in your ways and become old in more ways than one. Let me ask you this. Why would she want to go out with you? Why do you want to go out with her? Is it she’s young or something else? If you guys have some common ground go for it, but please don’t end o=up being that creepy dude who will be featured on some crime program.

Dear Rocco, I have been attracted to this much younger woman who works at my health club. I am divorced for many years and in my early fifties. She is in her late twenties. I have the majority believes. Why are been debating asking her out but people like this? wonder whether a fifty-year-old MD man will find a lot of common ground with a twenty-year-old Rocco is a common sense, tell-itDear MD, woman. like-it-is, no-nonsense kind of guy It is not the religion it’s the indi- MT offering real advice on any subject vidual and they actions. It’s unfair put before him. Why pay thouto the actual religion to judge the Dear MT, sands of dollars on a high-priced people based on their faith. While You’re only as old as you act. Age therapist when he’ll straighten you a lot of you will disagree there is is a state of mind as is maturity. out for free. If you’d like advice parts of most religions that are People your age actually are from Rocco e-mail him at similar and actually don’t promote younger than their age because goaskrocco@yahoo.com. violence in the name of their faith. they aren’t set in certain roles as We often use our faith, skin color, sex and so on and so forth as a crutch to excuse our actions or beliefs (non-religious) so as not to take full responsibility for our actions. If we actually took responsibility for our actions and acted like true adults this world would be a better place.

Dear Rocco, I am involved with a genuinely kind man and we are planning a future together. He doesn’t have any great wants and tends to go along to get along. He is very tenderhearted and I love him dearly. We have talked about him going back to school. Today he said he was just as happy to stay where he is, he clerks in an electronics store. I have a good job and can support us both comfortably. However, I am concerned about his lack of interest in the future. I guess I am having some doubts. Dear Rocco, I have friends of all religions and FJ we all get along great with no issues. I don’t understand attacks Dear FJ, in this country putting down reli- Everything will change as soon as gions that are different from what your plans together move forward. ENIGMA

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ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20) Don’t overspend to impress others. You may find that someone you really cared for in the past has come back into your life. You may find that others do not do things the way you want; however, if the job gets done, let it pass. Do your job and don’t ask for favors.

month if you neglect your responsi- get. Get busy trying to make more bilities. Do not get involved in joint money. Don’t cause a scene, but when you get home let your partner financial ventures. know how you feel and why. Your luckiest events this month will Patience will be of utmost importance. occur on a Tuesday.

GEMINI (May 22-June 21) Your self confidence will attract members of the opposite sex Stand Your luckiest events this month will up and propose your ideas, and you’ll be surprised how many people occur on a Wednesday. will follow you. You can’t win and they won’t listen. Your ability to help TAURUS others will win you points. (Apr. 21- May 21) Don’t get so wrapped up in being rich that you overlook the fact that your Your luckiest events this month will plan may not be as solid as you occur on a Tuesday. thought. You will reach the most people if you speak out at an organiza- CANCER tional function. Your childlike quali- (June 22-July 22) ty may get you into big trouble this Use discrimination and play hard to


Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Thursday.

a split in the family. Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Sunday. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21) Don’t start any arguments unless you’re prepared to accept irrevocable results. Business trips will be more productive than trying to fight the red tape facing you. Take things slowly, especially for the sake of those you love. Problems with females you live or work with will try your patience and cause temper flare ups.

LEO (July 23-Aug 22) Family members will not be happy with the amount of time you are spending away from home. Don’t make financial contributions in order to impress others. Interaction with colleagues will only be upsetting. This is a great day to start that Your luckiest events this month will new health regimen you’ve been occur on a Friday. talking about. CAPRICORN Your luckiest events this month will (Dec 22.- Jan. 20) Be careful while traveling. Try to occur on a Tuesday. avoid being extravagant this month. Your high energy and discipline will VIRGO enable you to complete any seeming(Aug. 23 -Sept. 23) You won’t be admired at home if you ly insurmountable tasks. You may haven’t been taking care of your find yourself in the midst of a pretty share of the work. Don’t do some- good deal. thing silly just to get back at your mate. Try to deal with it quickly; Your luckiest events this month will don’t dwell on past regrets. Take occur on a Monday. care of your personal needs. AQUARIUS Your luckiest events this month will (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19) You may find that your documents occur on a Monday. are not in order. Someone may be trying to damage your reputation. LIBRA You will want to complain about the (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23) Try to be reasonable. Keep calm. in justice that is going on, You may Someone around you is bouncing off find that your documents are not in the walls. Changes to your self image order. will be to your benefit as long as you don’t over pay. Time to deal with Your luckiest events this month will institutional environments, govern- occur on a Thursday. ment agencies, and matters of a priPISCES vate nature this month. (Feb. 20-Mar. 20) Your luckiest events this month will Praise will be yours if you have been pursuing your goals. You won’t be occur on a Wednesday. able to keep a secret. You may be emotional and quick to judge others. SCORPIO You may think gifts will win their (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) You have a tendency to think that no heart, but it could add stress from one else will do things properly. You lack of funds. have more than enough on your plate already. Be prudent and don’t Your luckiest events this month will be led down the garden path. occur on a Wednesday. Arguments with relatives may lead to

MARCH 2017


The Resistance

I had an interesting discussion with a liberal-leaning friend the other day. We both admitted that waking up every day to learn of President Trump’s latest offensive tweet or antimedia tirade is both tiresome and scary. We are both concerned with the future of our country... and concerned at how it is perceived around the world. These are scary times, indeed...

the country. Trump tweeted to claim that much of this protest was organized by liberal organizations. So protesters began wearing stickers with their home zip codes on them...

...But then we had to admit something. There is something oddly invigorating about being part of the “opposition.” I don’t remember a time in my life when there has been such an organized effort against a U.S. president. The “women’s march” on the day after the inauguration was really just the beginning. There are protests at almost every Trump appearance and at “town halls” across

...But all of this stuff is basically political performance art. The Democrats lost the presidency, the House and the Senate. They have no lawmaking power if they can’t convince a few Republicans to jump the fence and vote their way. As we all try to navigate the unprecedented chaos and ineptitude of Trump and his inner circle, it’s important to remember who’s really to blame: Donna Brazile. Brazile and her cronies at the Democratic National Committee overestimated Hillary Clinton’s popularity, underestimated Donald Trump’s appeal to working

45 Johnson Ferry Rd. NW Atlanta, GA 30328

info@enigmaonline.com (423) 933-5170

class voters, and flunked elec- general election... or a more toral college math in a YUGE centrist philosophy that will be way... more in tune with the white working class voters who put ...So this is the time when the Trump in the White House... Dems should be consolidating their feces. Protests are great. ...The survivors at the top of Lots of people in the street. the Democratic party are aimCool, homemade signs. Catchy ing for November 6, 2018. All chants and megaphones. You 435 congressional districts and know the drill. Political per- 33 of the 100 Senate seats will formance art. What the donkey be up for grabs in those party needs now is to find a midterm elections, which will sense of identity that will (as is always the case) be seen appeal to the middle of the as a “report card” on President voter base. Debates among the Trump. Overly optimistic Dems Democrats is about which are already doing the math and direction the party should take pondering impeachment pro— a more liberal tack to appeal ceedings against the president to the Bernie Sanders backers if they capture both houses. who abandoned HRC in the Overly optimistic...


P.O. Box 825 Chattanooga, TN 37401

Paul E. Burke Sr. Publisher D.A. Weinthal. Editor-In-Chief Chris Eason Photo Editor

Contributing Editors: Mark Haskins, Jim Sells, Mark Bedford. Chris McKay, David N. Marks, William Alexander, Dave Fernandez Founder: D.A. Weinthal Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter @EnigmaMag www.enigmaonline.com ENIGMA

MARCH 2017


...Unfortunately for the opposition party, they don’t seem any more organized on the local level than they are on the national level. Here in Tennessee, the Democrats have

been unable to mount any serious opposition to senators Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker. Locally, even Rep. Chuck Fleischmann has been able to coast in his re-election efforts. Is any of that going to


change before November of 2018? Probably not. But, until then, the resistance to the Trump administration will grow and become more organized. The same social media tools that the Fondler-in-Chief used

MARCH 2017


to win The White House are now being used against him. This is a fascinating time in American politics. I just hope America can survive it...

— Mark Bedford

A Stamford, Connecticut chapel was the site of a bizarre crime this week, when police said a naked woman broke through a window and started smashing down doors and walls. “Yesterday was my first anniversary here!” said the Rev. Carlos Rodrigues, “What a gift, right?” The naked woman was seen wildly swinging a fire extinguisher in the basement chapel of the Rectory of the church of St. Clement. “She was like a human tornado - just ripped through the place very fast!” Rodrigues said.

Stamford police said Celina Kelly, 32, was high on drugs when she broke a window to gain access to the chapel. Marks were left on the door, which police said she broke down with the fire extinguisher. Kelly went on to kick and punch holes in the drywall of the boiler room behind the chapel, police said. Rodrigues said the suspect was apparently looking for something. “A bomb - she kept saying: ‘Where the F is the bomb? The bomb, the bomb!’” he said. As luck would have it, a Stamford police officer drove through the church parking lot on routine targeted patrol just as it all unfolded. Police


said Kelly has no fixed address. She is charged with burglary and criminal mischief. ing stance and unsheathed the swords in a threatening manner Brooksville, Florida police arrested while approaching customers exita man they say was swinging ing their vehicles.” Officers also swords at customers in Walmart on found less than 20 grams of mariBroad Street. The responding offi- juana on Schenck, as well as a glass cers were called by the store’s pipe with marijuana residue. manager, who said someone was threatening customers in the park- A bank robber failed to get any ing lot. When they got there, they money from a teller after a securifound Shannon Schenck carrying ty guard realized that she was using two swords and appearing to be a large water gun as her weapon, under the influence of drugs or according to police in Texas. alcohol, the police department Amarillo police said that they have said. Several witnesses told offi- arrested 31-year-old Lashondra cers Schenck had “assumed a fight- Deniece Sandoval-Martin, after

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being accused of stealing a pickup truck and holding up National Bank. According to the criminal complaint, Sandoval-Martin stole the pickup truck that a worker left running with the keys in the ignition, then drove it to the National Bank location. She walked into an area that is restricted to the public and pointed her water gun at a teller, demanding cash. When a security guard walked into the room, Sandoval-Martin pointed the water gun at him. That is when the security realized that she was holding a large water gun. He attempted to detain her, but she managed to break free and ran out of the bank. Sandoval-Martin was later apprehended and charged with aggravated robbery and unauthorized use of a motor vehicle. A Mexican woman born without arms broke a world record for lighting candles with her feet on an Italian game show. Adriana Irene Macias Hernandez used her feet to light 11 candles and claim the Guinness World Record for “Most birthday candles lit with the feet in one minute” in front of the audience of Italy’s Lo Show dei Record. The previous record of seven was set by American Ashrita Furman, who holds multiple world records. Hernandez became proficient at completing tasks with her feet after she was born without arms. In addition to breaking the record, Hernandez graduated with a law degree, has written multiple books and travels around the world to deliver lectures about her disability. Runners in 37 U.S. cities and 12 Australian cities stripped down to their skivvies to run through the streets and raise money for cancer research. Cupid’s Undie Run, an annual event timed to coincide with Valentine’s Day, took place Saturday afternoon in U.S. cities including New York, Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, Salt Lake City, Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles, Nashville, Philadelphia, and Oklahoma City. Twelve Australian cities, including Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, and Canberra, also participated in the underwear run. The event featured participants in their underwear

running a mile to raise money for the Children’s Tumor Foundation. Organizers did not yet offer numbers for the event, but last year’s undie run raised more than $3.5 million for neurofibromatosis research. “Why do we run with our butts out? It’s simple. We run in our undies because people with NF can’t cover up their tumors. They can’t put clothes on to feel more comfortable, so why should we?” the event’s official website explains.

visions a month, so the odds that that TV came at that particular moment with that woman, she opened it up, started dismantling it and finding the cash box — it’s like finding the lottery,” the manager said. The cash box also contained documents that helped police track down the rightful owner, a 68-

A man is happy that his furry friend protected his home from a thief. Adam Pearl of Idaho, said that he came home to find footprints in the snow, leading to the back of his home. He said that this was strange as nobody goes to the back of his home. However, when he went into his home, he found that things were out of place and that doors have been left open. He then checked his gun safe and found that it had been tampered with, but the safe was still locked and the guns were inside. He called the Meridian Police, and he filed a report. While the officer wrote up the report, Pearl said that she was startled by a noise in the home. Pearl told the female officer that the noise came from his pet squirrel named Joey. The officer asked if the squirrel bites people and Pearl responded that he does not. Later, Pearl got a call from the officer who informed him that they had the suspect in custody. The officer said that the suspect had scratch marks and when she asked if he get that from the squirrel, the suspect replied: “Yes, that thing kept attacking me and wouldn’t stop until I left,” according to Pearl. A worker at an Ontario recycling plant opened up an old TV set and made a shocking discovery — more than $100,000 cash. Rick Deschamps, general manager of Global Electric Electronic Processing, said the TV was brought to the facility over a year ago, but a worker just started disassembling it in January. “She came running up with this security cash box and she goes, ‘I found $10,000,’” he said. “We do anywhere from 10,000 to 30,000 teleENIGMA

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year-old man in Bolsover, Ontario. The man told police the money was inherited from his parents and stashed in the TV for safe-keeping, but he eventually forgot about the cash and gave the TV to a family friend. Meanwhile, I found a dollar seventy-five in change behind the sofa cushions.

Chattanooga’s Most Fun Night Out



“Go See Live Music”




MARCH 9-12



MARCH 17-19



MARCH 23-26







This calendar covers events for the month of March and beyond. We would be happy to publish your free listing in future Billboards, space permitting. Simply mail us the information so that we have it 7 days before the publication date. A photograph may be sent with the announcement. Send information to: calendar@enigmaonline.com. All dates subject to change without notice.

WEDNESDAY March 1 RAW (Chattanooga) Open Jam THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Improv Chattanooga J.J.’S BOHEMIA (Chattanooga) Sam Killed the Bear, Antler Hopkins, Vedra, Dr. B and the Ease CITY WINERY ATLANTA (Atlanta) Los Lonely Boys RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Norah Jones THE LYRIC THEATRE (Birmingham) Ben Folds IRON CITY (Birmingham) Jimmy Eat World

THURSDAY March 2 SKYZOO (Chattanooga) DJ Av THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) John Wesley Austin MCKENZIE ARENA (Chattanooga) TobyMac, Matt Maher, Mandisa, Mac Powell, Capital Kings, Stevenson, Hollyn RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Tedeschi Trucks Band, Leon Russell EXIT/IN (Nashville) Agent Orange, Guttermouth, The Queers, Atom Age THE BASEMENT (Nashville) John Doe BUCKHEAD THEATRE (Atlanta) George Clinton And Parliament Funkadelic VINYL (Atlanta) The Internet IRON CITY (Birmingham) Aaron Lewis ZYDECO (Birmingham) Cory Branan THE LYRIC THEATRE (Birmingham) “Southern Soul Assembly” J.J. Grey, Luther Dickinson, Anders Osborne, Marc Broussard

FRIDAY March 3 SKYZOO (Chattanooga) DJ Av RAW (Chattanooga) DJ Barnaby THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) John Wesley Austin ZIGGY’S (Chattanooga) It Is Written REVELRY ROOM (Chattanooga) Attila, New Years Day, Bad Omens, Cane Hill HARRIS ARTS CENTER (Calhoun, GA) “A Time to Kill” RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Tedeschi Trucks


HIGH WATT (Nashville) The Velcro Pygmies COBB ENERGY PERFORMING ARTS CENTER (Atlanta) Alan Cumming HEAVEN AT THE MASQUERADE (Atlanta) Suicidal Tendencies, Crowbar, Havok VARIETY PLAYHOUSE (Atlanta) Japandroids, Craig Finn IRON CITY (Birmingham) Dawes BJCC CONCERT HALL (Birmingham) Norah Jones

SATURDAY March 4 SKYZOO (Chattanooga) DJ Av THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) John Wesley Austin REVELRY ROOM (Chattanooga) Margo Price HARRIS ARTS CENTER (Calhoun, GA) “A Time to Kill” RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Tedeschi Trucks IRON CITY (Birmingham) Dropkick Murphys, Blood Or Whiskey, The Interrupters BJCC CONCERT HALL (Birmingham) “Back to the 80’s - Live” Doug E. Fresh, Slick Rick, Al B. Sure!, Jalil And Ecstasy, Hi Five, Force M.D.’s, Big Daddy Kane, Chubb Rock VARIETY PLAYHOUSE (Atlanta) Dawes PARK TAVERN (Atlanta) Cowboy Mouth THE LOFT (Atlanta) Valerie June, Oh Pep!

SUNDAY March 5 SKYZOO (Chattanooga) DJ Av THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) John Wesley Austin HARRIS ARTS CENTER (Calhoun, GA) “A Time to Kill” THE MASQUERADE (Atlanta) Tantric BUCKHEAD THEATRE (Atlanta) Wynonna & The Big Noise CITY WINERY ATLANTA (Atlanta) Tift Merritt, Sera Cahoone

MONDAY March 6 TREMONT TAVERN (Chattanooga) Trivia Night THE OFFICE (Chattanooga) SpeakEasy CITY WINERY NASHVILLE (Nashville) Los Lonely Boys MILL & MINE (Knoxville) Jimmy Eat World

TUESDAY March 7 TREMONT TAVERN (Chattanooga) Open Mic w/ Mike McDade TRACK 29 (Chattanooga) Jimmy Eat World ZIGGY’S (Chattanooga) Taboo, Praymantha,

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Prayer Circle, Wohlglemut, Emily Robinson THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Cold War Kids, Middle Kids SYMPHONY HALL (Atlanta) The Chieftains HIGH WATT (Nashville) Voodoo Glow Skulls, El Escapado, Lonesome Town Drifters

WEDNESDAY March 8 RAW (Chattanooga) Open Jam INFINITE ENERGY ARENA Duluth, GA) The Lumineers, Kaleo, Susto THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Young The Giant HEAVEN AT THE MASQUERADE (Atlanta) Born Of Osiris, Volumes, Oceans Ate Alaska, Within The Ruins, Fire From The Gods TERMINAL WEST (Atlanta) Sleigh Bells, Tunde Olaniran THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) “The Worship Tour” Travis Greene, Jonathan McReynolds, Anthony Brown & Group TherAPy GEORGIA THEATRE (Athens, GA) Amos Lee 3RD & LINDSLEY (Nashville) Amy Ray

UPCOMING EVENTS THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Michael Kosta March 9 REVELRY ROOM (Chattanooga) Tribute March 9 INFINITE ENERGY ARENA Duluth, GA) TobyMac, Matt Maher, Mandisa, Mac Powell, Capital Kings, Stevenson, Hollyn March 9 BUCKHEAD THEATRE (Atlanta) Dwight Yoakam March 9 SCHERMERHORN SYMPHONY CENTER (Nashville) The Chieftains March 9 WORKPLAY THEATRE (Birmingham) Son Volt March 9 THE MILL & MINE (Knoxville) The Head and the Heart, Mt. Joy March 9 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Michael Kosta March 10 ZIGGY’S (Chattanooga) DJ Victor Serene, The American Standard, Midnight Promise March 10 REVELRY ROOM (Chattanooga) Jocelyn & Chris Arndt March 10 HARRIS ARTS CENTER (Calhoun, GA) “A Time to Kill” March 10 INFINITE ENERGY CENTER (Duluth, GA) Green Day, Against Me! March 10 COBB ENERGY PERFORMING ARTS CENTER (Atlanta) “MJ Live” Michael Jackson Tribute March 10 TERMINAL WEST (Atlanta) Son Volt March 10 FOX THEATRE (Atlanta) “NuSoul Revival” Musiq Soulchild, Lyfe Jennings, Kindred The Family Soul, Avery*Sunshine March 10 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Young the Giant, Lewis Del Mar March 10 RIVER STREET TAVERN (Ellijay, GA) Ramble in the Attic March 10 SCHERMERHORN SYMPHONY CENTER (Nashville) The Chieftains March 10 MERCY LOUNGE (Nashville) Mike Doughty, Wheatus March 10 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Beth Hart March 10 GRAND OLE OPRY HOUSE (Nashville)

Montgomery Gentry, Old Crow Medicine Show, Terri Clark, Craig Campbell, Henry Cho March 10 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Michael Kosta March 11 TRACK 29 (Chattanooga) Get the Led Out March 11 ZIGGY’S (Chattanooga) Stonerpop, Deejaye Luvv, Idyll Hensley March 11 HARRIS ARTS CENTER (Calhoun, GA) “A Time to Kill” March 11 SCHERMERHORN SYMPHONY CENTER (Nashville) The Chieftains March 11 FOX THEATRE (Atlanta) Norah Jones March 11 COBB ENERGY PERFORMING ARTS CENTER (Atlanta) Jim Jefferies March 11 EDDIE’S ATTIC (Atlanta) Livingston Taylor March 11 VARIETY PLAYHOUSE (Atlanta) City and Colour March 11 CITY WINERY ATLANTA (Atlanta) Taj Mahal March 11 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Michael Kosta March 12 TRACK 29 (Chattanooga) Greensky Bluegrass March 12 FOX THEATRE (Atlanta) Maluma March 12 VARIETY PLAYHOUSE (Atlanta) Madeleine Peyroux, Rickie Lee Jones March 12 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Gordon Lightfoot March 12 SATURN (Birmingham) Neko Case March 12 CITY WINERY ATLANTA (Atlanta) Devon Allman Band March 13 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Carol Burnett March 14 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Bryan Ferry March 14 MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM (Chattanooga) Earth, Wind & Fire March 15 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Carol Burnett March 15 ZYDECO (Birmingham) Devon Allman Band March 15 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) WSOC Sub-Satellite March 16 REVELRY ROOM (Chattanooga) Son Volt March 16 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Regina Spektor March 16 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Cee-Jay Jones March 17 ZIGGY’S (Chattanooga) Silver Tongued Devilz, The Murder Of Jane Crow, Wheathouse, Sparky & The Band March 17 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Carol Burnett March 17 3RD & LINDSLEY (Nashville) Son Volt March 17 NASHVILLE PALACE (Nashville) Mickey Gilley March 17 CLUB 1341 GRILL (Sevierville, TN) Kelen Heller March 17 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Cee-Jay Jones March 18 HONEST PINT (Chattanooga) Rock Skool, Slim Pickins Trio, Caney Creek Company, Ashley and the X’s, The Molly Maguires, Elk Milk, Kindora, Hank & Cupcakes, Side Affect, Superbody, Tryezz and Nick Lutsko’s Symphonic Sideshow March 18 MERCY LOUNGE (Nashville) Reverend Horton Heat, Birdcloud March 18 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville)) Norah

Jones March 18 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Cee-Jay Jones March 19 GRAND OLE OPRY HOUSE (Nashville) Steve Martin, Martin Short, Steep Canyon Rangers March 19 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Regina Spektor March 20 VINYL (Atlanta) Bridgit Mendler, Powers March 20 THE INTERNATIONAL (Knoxville) Reverend Horton Heat, Unknown Hinson, Birdcloud, The Goddamn Gallows March 21 VARIETY PLAYHOUSE (Atlanta) Minus The Bear, Beach Slang, Bayonne March 21 EDDIE’S ATTIC (Atlanta) James McCartney March 21 TRACK 29 (Chattanooga) Conor Oberst, The Felice Brothers March 22 GEORGIA THEATRE (Athens, GA) Blue October March 22 THE NICK (Birmingham) James McCartney March 22 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) D.S Sanders March 23 BIG EARS FESTIVAL (Knoxville) Carla Bley, Blonde Redhead, Anna Meredith, My Brightest Diamond, Michael Hurley, Sarah Kirkland Snider, DakhaBrakha, Dave Harrington, Nief-Norf, Bobby Kapp, Matthew Shipp, Ahleuchatistas, Matana Roberts, Lisa Moore, The Quavers, Frode Haltli, Emilia Amper, Knoxville Jazz Orchestra March 23 CANNERY BALLROOM (Nashville) Dinosaur Jr. March 23 VARIETY PLAYHOUSE (Atlanta) Conor Oberst, The Felice Brothers March 23 CITY WINERY ATLANTA (Atlanta) Paul Thorn March 23 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) D.S Sanders March 24 BARKING LEGS THEATER (Chattanooga) Pierre Bensusan March 24 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Bring Me the Horizon, Underoath, Beartooth March 24 BIG EARS FESTIVAL (Knoxville) Wilco, Meredith Monk, Carla Bley, The Crossing, Johann Johannsson, Matmos, Maya Beiser, Tortoise, Hans-Joachim Roedelius, Laetitia Sadier, Colleen, Frederic Rzweski, Richard Teitelbaum, Nils Økland, Oliver Coates, Lisa Moore, Claire Chase, Ståle Storløkken, Arve Henriksen, Frode Haltli, Imarhan, Matthew Shipp, Michael Hurley, Nief-Norf, Shane Parish, Yuki Numata Resnick March 24 OPEN CHORD MUSIC (Knoxville) James McCartney March 24 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Steve Miller Band March 24 GEORGIA THEATRE (Athens, GA) Dinosaur Jr. March 24 BJCC CONCERT HALL (Birmingham) Chris Rock March 24 LEGACY ARENA (Birmingham) Charlie Wilson, Johnny Gill, Fantasia March 24 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) D.S Sanders March 25 REVELRY ROOM (Chattanooga) Abbey Road Live March 25 ZIGGY’S (Chattanooga) 4 Daze Dead March 25 BIG EARS FESTIVAL (Knoxville) The Magnetic Fields, Gavin Bryars, Supersilent, Deerhoof, Maya Beiser, Glenn Kotche, Henry Grimes, Meredith Monk, Colin


Stetson, Aurelia Smith, The Crossing, Joan Shelley, Steve Lehman, Theo Bleckmann, Jeff Tweedy, Nels Cline, Yuka Honda, Horse Lords, Xiu Xiu, Six Organs Of Admittance, DJ Rupture, Nief-Norf, Jessica Moss, Nils Økland, Xylouris White, Yasmine Hamdan, Sir Richard Bishop, Ståle Storløkken, White Magic March 25 LEGACY ARENA (Birmingham) Keith Sweat March 25 THE FIVE SPOT (Nashville) James McCartney March 25 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Steve Miller Band, Marty Stuart March 25 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Bring Me the Horizon March 25 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) D.S Sanders March 26 ZIGGY’S (Chattanooga) Matthew Paul Revere, Sweet GA Brown, Chase Neil Crawford March 26 SCHERMERHORN SYMPHONY CENTER (Nashville) Peter Frampton March 26 BIG EARS FESTIVAL (Knoxville) Henry Threadgill, Magnetic Fields, Deathprod, Rachel Grimes, Xiu Xiu, Oliver Coates, Julian Lage, Chris Eldridge, Aoife O’Donovan, Rangda, Theo Bleckmann, Ben Monder, Nief-Norf, Jeremy Gara, Colleen, Nils Økland, Mats Eilertsen, On Fillmore, Quindar March 26 VARIETY PLAYHOUSE (Atlanta) The Magnetic Fields March 27 VARIETY PLAYHOUSE (Atlanta) The Magnetic Fields March 28 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Chris Franjola March 29 WAR MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM (Nashville) The Flaming Lips March 29 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) The Rides, Los Lobos, March 29 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Chris Franjola March 30 J.J.’S BOHEMIA (Chattanooga) Diarrhea Planet March 30 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Chris Franjola March 31 ZIGGY’S (Chattanooga) Perihelion, Wings Denied, From Another Planet, Malviant, Age Of Atrocity March 31 REVELRY ROOM (Chattanooga) Who’s Bad March 31 NASHVILLE MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM (Nashville) “Legends Of Southern Hip Hop” Scarface, 8Ball & MJG, Mystikal, Bun B, Trick Daddy, Juvenile, Project Pat March 31 CITY WINERY NASHVILLE (Nashville) Poi Dog Pondering March 31 SATURN (Birmingham) Modern Baseball, Kevin Devine, Sorority Noise, The Obsessives March 31 CHATEAU ELAN WINERY & RESORT (Braselton, GA) Lou Gramm March 31 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Chris Franjola April 1 MARATHON MUSIC WORKS (Nashville) Modern Baseball, Kevin Devine, Sorority Noise, The Obsessives April 1 PHILIPS ARENA (Atlanta) Radiohead April 1 CITY WINERY ATLANTA (Atlanta) Poi Dog Pondering April 1 COTTON EYED JOE (Knoxville) Aaron Lewis April 1 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Chris Franjola April 2 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) The Flaming Lips

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April 2 CITY WINERY NASHVILLE (Nashville) Coco Montoya April 3 GRAND OLE OPRY HOUSE (Nashville) Clint Black April 4 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) The World Series of Comedy, Satellite Competition April 5 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) The World Series of Comedy, Satellite Competition April 6 KNOXVILLE COLISEUM (Knoxville) “I Love The 90s” Salt-N-Pepa, All-4-One, Color Me Badd, Coolio, Tone Loc, Rob Base, Young M.C. April 6 VARIETY PLAYHOUSE (Atlanta) Mike Posner April 6 WORKPLAY THEATRE (Birmingham) Howie Day, Katie Rose April 6 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) The World Series of Comedy, Satellite Competition April 7 J.J.’S BOHEMIA (Chattanooga) Aaron Lee Tasjan April 7 STONEWOOD BLUFF AND AMPHITHEATRE (McMinnville, TN) Ramble in the Attic April 7 LEGACY ARENA (Birmingham) Panic! At the Disco, Misterwives, Saint Motel April 7 VARIETY PLAYHOUSE (Atlanta) Keller Williams, Leo Kottke April 7 THE MASQUERADE (Atlanta) Young Dubliners April 7 FOX THEATRE (Atlanta) Jerry Seinfeld April 7 CANNERY BALLROOM (Nashville) Jojo, Stanaj April 7 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) The World Series of Comedy, Satellite Competition April 8 ZIGGY’S (Chattanooga) Moth Face in Tennessee April 8 VARIETY PLAYHOUSE (Atlanta) The Zombies feat. Colin Blunstone & Rod Argent April 8 THE COCA COLA ROXY THEATRE (Atlanta) Glass Animals, Jagwar Ma April 8 BUCKHEAD THEATRE (Atlanta) JoJo April 8 CHASTAIN PARK (Atlanta) Duran Duran April 8 COBB ENERGY PERFORMING ARTS CENTER (Atlanta) Ron White April 8 ZIGGY’S (Chattanooga) Minor 9 April 9 JAMES K. POLK THEATRE (Nashville) The Zombies feat. Colin Blunstone & Rod Argent April 9 SYNDICATE LOUNGE (Birmingham) Shovels & Rope, Matthew Logan Vasquez April 10 EDDIE’S ATTIC (Atlanta) Chris Shiflett, Brian Whelan April 10 FOX THEATRE (Atlanta) The Decemberists, Julien Baker April 11 GRAND OLE OPRY HOUSE (Nashville) Terri Clark April 11 PHILIPS ARENA (Atlanta) Ariana Grande April 12 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Anthrax, Killswitch Engage April 12 INFINITE ENERGY ARENA Duluth, GA) Panic! At the Disco, Misterwives, Saint Motel April 12 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) The Decemberists, Julien Baker April 12 THE CONCOURSE (Knoxville) Coco Montoya April 13 FIRESIDE GRILLE (Chattanooga) Ramble in the Attic April 14


PHILIPS ARENA (Atlanta) Red Hot Chili Peppers April 14 TERMINAL WEST (Atlanta) Hayes Carll April 14 CITY WINERY ATLANTA (Atlanta) Todd Snider April 14 NASHVILLE MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Katt Williams April 14 KINGS NIGHTCLUB (Clarksville) Puddle of Mudd April 14 CENTER STAGE (Atlanta) Testament, Sepultura, Prong April 15 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Loretta Lynn April 15 TERMINAL WEST (Atlanta) Foxygen, Gabriella Cohen April 18 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Big Sean, Madeintyo April 18 VARIETY PLAYHOUSE (Atlanta) “Asia On Tour” Miyavi, Slot Machine, Kiha & The Faces April 18 BRIDGESTONE ARENA (Nashville) Neil Diamond April 19 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Shaun Jones April 20 TRACK 29 (Chattanooga) Jason Isbell April 20 THE STAR BAR (Atlanta) Southern Culture on the Skids April 20 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Shaun Jones April 21 J.J.’S BOHEMIA (Chattanooga) Susto April 21 LEGACY ARENA (Birmingham) Tim McGraw, Faith Hill April 21 ASCEND AMPHITHEATRE (Nashville) Thomas Rhett, Kelsea Ballerini, Russell Dickerson, Ryan Hurd April 21 CENTENNIAL OLYMPIC PARK (Atlanta) “Sweetwater 420 Festival” The Hip Abduction, Dirty Heads, Trey Anastasio, Natalie Cressman April 21 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Shaun Jones April 22 PHILIPS ARENA (Atlanta) Tim McGraw, Faith Hill April 22 CENTENNIAL OLYMPIC PARK (Atlanta) “Sweetwater 420 Festival” Sister Sparrow And The Dirty Birds, Anders Osborne, Trombone Shorty & Orleans Avenue, Widespread Panic April 22 COCA COLA ROXY THEATRE (Atlanta) Corey Smith April 22 VARIETY PLAYHOUSE (Atlanta) Sister Hazel April 22 BIJOU THEATRE (Knoxville) Jason Isbell April 22 COUNTRY TONITE THEATRE (Pigeon Forge) Tanya Tucker April 22 3RD & LINDSLEY (Nashville) David Grisman April 22 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Shaun Jones April 23 CENTENNIAL OLYMPIC PARK (Atlanta) “Sweetwater 420 Festival” Lettuce, Dark Star Orchestra, Ween, Widespread Panic April 23 SYMPHONY HALL (Atlanta) Ben Folds April 24 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Brandi Carlile April 24 BRIDGESTONE ARENA (Nashville) Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers, Joe Walsh April 25 GRAND OLE OPRY HOUSE (Nashville) Terri Clark April 25 OAK MOUNTAIN AMPHITHEATRE (Pelham,

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AL) Blink-182 April 25 BIJOU THEATRE (Knoxville) Dawes April 26 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Hypnotist Herb McCandles April 27 BARLEY’S TAPROOM (Knoxville) Paleface April 27 KNOXVILLE COLISEUM (Knoxville) Blink-182 April 27 BRIDGESTONE ARENA (Nashville) Def Leppard, Poison, Tesla April 27 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Hypnotist Herb McCandles April 28 TRACK 29 (Chattanooga) Paula Poundstone April 28 NASHVILLE MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Keith Sweat April 28 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Dawes April 28 THE EARL (Atlanta) Clap Your Hands Say Yeah April 28 SUN TRUST PARK (Atlanta) Billy Joel April 28 IRON CITY (Birmingham) Mastodon, Eagles Of Death Metal, Russian Circles April 28 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Hypnotist Herb McCandles April 29 FOX THEATRE (Atlanta) Jeff Foxworthy, Larry the Cable Guy April 29 GEORGIA WORLD CONGRESS CENTER (Atlanta) Hank Williams Jr. April 29 CITY WINERY ATLANTA (Atlanta) Dave Davies April 29 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Dawes April 29 NASHVILLE MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Sister Hazel April 29 HARRAH’S CHEROKEE CASINO (Cherokee) Alice Cooper April 29 THOMPSON-BOLING ARENA (Knoxville) Florida Georgia Line, Dustin Lynch, Chris Lane April 29 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Hypnotist Herb McCandles April 30 REVELRY ROOM (Chattanooga) Dawes April 30 PHILIPS ARENA (Atlanta) Neil Diamond April 30 EXIT/IN (Nashville) Clap Your Hands Say Yeah April 30 CITY WINERY NASHVILLE (Nashville) Dave Davies April 30 TRACK 29 (Chattanooga) Scott Bradlee’s Postmodern Jukebox May 31 CITY WINERY NASHVILLE (Nashville) Dave Davies May 1 IRON CITY (Birmingham) Silversun Pickups May 1 VERIZON WIRELESS AMPHITHEATRE AT ENCORE PARK (Alpharetta, GA) A Perfect Circle May 2 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Coheed And Cambria, The Dear Hunter May 2 VARIETY PLAYHOUSE (Atlanta) The New Pornographers, Waxahatchee May 2 TUSCALOOSA AMPHITHEATRE (Tuscaloosa, AL) Def Leppard, Poison, Tesla May 2 THE MILL & MINE (Knoxville) Machine Gun Kelly May 2 LAKEWOOD AMPHITHEATRE (Atlanta) Def Leppard, Poison, Tesla May 3 TERMINAL WEST (Atlanta) Adrian Belew, Saul Zonana May 3 BRIDGESTONE ARENA (Nashville) A Perfect Circle May 3 MARATHON MUSIC WORKS (Nashville) Coheed And Cambria, The Dear Hunter May

3 TUSCALOOSA AMPHITHEATRE (Tuscaloosa, AL) Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds May 3 TRACK 29 (Chattanooga) Drive By Truckers May 4 REVELRY ROOM (Chattanooga) Every Time I Die, Wage War, ‘68 May 4 WAR MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Opeth, Gojira May 4 ASCEND AMPHITHEATRE (Nashville) Bastille May 5 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Pixies, Public Access T.V. May 5 KNOXVILLE SYMPHONY (Knoxville) Blood Sweat & Tears May 6 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Ben Harper & The Innocent Criminals May 6 CENTER STAGE (Atlanta) Midnight Oil May 6 VERIZON WIRELESS AMPHITHEATRE AT ENCORE PARK (Alpharetta, GA) Chris Stapleton, Brothers Osborne, Lucie Silvas May 6 ASCEND AMPHITHEATRE (Nashville) Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds May 6 TUSCALOOSA AMPHITHEATRE (Tuscaloosa, AL) Soundgarden May 6 TIVOLI THEATRE (Chattanooga) Brian Wilson May 7 CENTER STAGE (Atlanta) SuicideGirls May 7 BJCC CONCERT HALL (Birmingham) Brian Wilson May 9 GRAND OLE OPRY HOUSE (Nashville) Terri Clark May 9 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Steve Winwood May 10 BJCC CONCERT HALL (Birmingham) Julianne Hough, Derek Hough May 10 COCA COLA ROXY THEATRE (Atlanta) Bush May 10 HEAVEN AT THE MASQUERADE (Atlanta) The Damned May 11 FOX THEATRE (Atlanta) Julianne Hough, Derek Hough May 11 LAKEWOOD AMPHITHEATRE (Atlanta) Kings of Leon May 11 VERIZON WIRELESS AMPHITHEATRE AT ENCORE PARK (Alpharetta, GA) Zac Brown Band May 12 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Ali Wong May 12 CENTENNIAL OLYMPIC PARK (Atlanta) “Shaky Knees Music Festival” LCD Soundsystem, Cage The Elephant, Pixies, Portugal. The Man, Highly Suspect, Fidlar, Wolf Parade, The Growlers, Car Seat Headrest, Modern Baseball, Twin Peaks, Temples, Pup, Preoccupations, Pinegrove, Lo Moon, The London Souls, Margaret Glaspy, Cymbals Eat Guitars, Zipper Club, Tyler Bryant & The Shakedown, Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes May 12 PHILIPS ARENA (Atlanta) The Weeknd May 13 CENTENNIAL OLYMPIC PARK (Atlanta) “Shaky Knees Music Festival” The xx, Nick Murphy, X Ambassadors, Moon Taxi, Sylvan Esso, Dr. Dog, Catfish And The Bottlemen, Shovels & Rope, The Revivalists, Anderson East, Bishop Briggs, The Record Company, Lewis Del Mar, Run River North, Family And Friends, Fantastic Negrito, Mariachi El Bronx, Foreign Air, Mondo Cozmo, The Quaker City Night Hawks, Public Access T.V., Flagship May 13 VERIZON WIRELESS AMPHITHEATRE AT ENCORE PARK (Alpharetta, GA) Zac Brown Band May 13

ANDREW JACKSON HALL (Nashville) Alice Cooper May 14 CENTENNIAL OLYMPIC PARK (Atlanta) “Shaky Knees Music Festival” Phoenix, The Shins, Ryan Adams, Third Eye Blind, Bleachers, J. Roddy Walston And The Business, Saint Motel, Warpaint, Hamilton Leithauser, Cloud Nothings, Whitney, Pond, Fruit Bats, Arkells, Hoops, Con Brio, Ron Gallo, Great Peacock, Amythyst Kiah May 14 TUSCALOOSA AMPHITHEATRE (Tuscaloosa, AL) John Legend, Gallant May 16 BRIDGESTONE ARENA (Nashville) New Kids on the Block, Paula Abdul, Boyz II Men May 17 NASHVILLE MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM (Nahville) Korn, Ded May 17 EXIT/IN (Nashville) Com Truise May 17 BJCC CONCERT HALL (Birmingham) Julianne Hough, Derek Hough May 17 TERMINAL WEST (Atlanta) Kiefer Sutherland May 17 EDDIE’S ATTIC (Atlanta) Kip Winger May 17 ASCEND AMPHITHEATRE (Nashville) John Legend, Gallant May 18 EXIT/IN (Nashville) New Found Glory, Trash Boat May 18 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Korn, Animals As Leaders, Ded May 18 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Little Big Town May 19 EXIT/IN (Nashville) Kiefer Sutherland May 19 CHASTAIN PARK (Atlanta) John Legend, Gallant May 19 BRIDGESTONE ARENA (Nashville) Lionel Richie, Mariah Carey May 20 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Little Big Town May 20 12 TH & PORTER (Nashville) Adrian Belew,

ASCEND AMPHITHEATRE (Nashville) Train, O.A.R., Natasha Bedingfield May 31 VERIZON WIRELESS AMPHITHEATRE AT ENCORE PARK (Alpharetta, GA) Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds May 31 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Billy Currington June 1 LAKEWOOD AMPHITHEATRE (Atlanta) Train, O.A.R., Natasha Bedingfield June 2 ASCEND AMPHITHEATRE (Nashville) Muse, Thirty Seconds To Mars, Pvris June 3 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Joan Baez, Mary Chapin Carpenter, Indigo Girls June 3 LAKEWOOD AMPHITHEATRE (Atlanta) Muse, Thirty Seconds To Mars, Pvris June 6 FOX THEATRE (Atlanta) The Avett Brothers June 8 TIVOLI THEATRE (Chattanooga) Gregg Allman June 9 FOX THEATRE (Atlanta) The Avett Brothers June 9 ALYS ROBINSON STEPHENS PERFORMING ARTS CENTER (Birmingham) Jonny Lang June 10 FOX THEATRE (Atlanta) The Avett Brothers June 10 LAKEWOOD AMPHITHEATRE (Atlanta) Chance the Rappe June 11 ANDREW JACKSON HALL (Nashville) Sigur Rós June 12 LAKEWOOD AMPHITHEATRE (Atlanta) Dead & Company June 13 BRIDGESTONE ARENA (Nashville) Iron Maiden, Ghost June 13 ASCEND AMPHITHEATRE (Nashville) Third Eye Blind, Silversun Pickups June 15 VERIZON WIRELESS AMPHITHEATRE AT

Saul Zonana May 20 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Mac DeMarco, Tonstartssbandht May 20 CITY WINERY ATLANTA (Atlanta) Brandy Clark, Charlie Worsham May 20 CITY WINERY ATLANTA (Atlanta) Richie Kotzen May 21 HIGH WATT (Nashville) Elf Power, Tobin Sprout May 22 CITY WINERY NASHVILLE (Nashville) Rihie Kotzen May 22 HELL AT THE MASQUERADE (Atlanta) Okilly Dokilly, Beatallica May 23 FOX THEATRE (Atlanta) Sigur Rós May 23 IRON CITY (Birmingham) Primus May 23 GRAND OLE OPRY HOUSE (Nashville) Terri Clark May 23 PHILIPS ARENA (Atlanta) Lionel Richie, Mariah Carey May 24 OAK MOUNTAIN AMPHITHEATRE (Pelham, AL) Train, O.A.R., Natasha Bedingfield May 24 HARRAH’S CHEROKEE CASINO (Cherokee) Chris Rock May 25 FOX THEATRE (Atlanta) Chris Rock May 26 BRIDGESTONE ARENA (Nashville) Eric Church May 26 FOX THEATRE (Atlanta) Chris Rock May 27 BRIDGESTONE ARENA (Nashville) Eric Church May 27 FOX THEATRE (Atlanta) Chris Rock May 28 TRACK 29 (Chattanooga) Flux Pavillion, Kayzo, Jaykode May 31 GRAND OLE OPRY HOUSE (Nashville) Julianne Hough, Derek Hough May 31


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ENCORE PARK (Alpharetta, GA) Luke Bryan, Brett Eldredge, Lauren Alaina June 16 VERIZON WIRELESS AMPHITHEATRE AT ENCORE PARK (Alpharetta, GA) Luke Bryan, Brett Eldredge, Lauren Alaina June 17 HUTTON & SMITH BREWING COMPANY (Chattanooga) Strung Like A Horse June 21 SCHERMERHORN SYMPHONY CENTER (Nashville) Johnny Mathis June 23 VERIZON WIRELESS AMPHITHEATRE AT ENCORE PARK (Alpharetta, GA) Chicago, Doobie Brothers June 23 ASCEND AMPHITHEATRE (Nashville) Chicago, Doobie Brothers June 23 CHASTAIN PARK (Atlanta) Dispatch, Guster June 24 CHASTAIN PARK (Atlanta) John Mellencamp, Emmylou Harris, Carlene Carter, Lily & Madeleine June 27 FREDERICK BROWN JR. AMPHITHEATER (Peachtree City, GA) Melissa Etheridge July 1 OAK MOUNTAIN AMPHITHEATRE (Pelham, AL) Journey, Asia July 8 LAKEWOOD AMPHITHEATRE (Atlanta) Incubus, Jimmy Eat World July 8 TUSCALOOSA AMPHITHEATRE (Tuscaloosa, AL) Rod Stewart, Cyndi Lauper July 9 SUNTRUST PARK (Atlanta) Metallica, Avenged Sevenfold, Volbeat July 9 CITY WINERY ATLANTA (Atlanta) Dweezil Zappa July 9 ASCEND AMPHITHEATRE (Nashville) “Honda Civic Tour” OneRepublic, James Arthur July 10




Why BlueCross Makes Me See Red I have experienced situations where the insurance company/conglomerate BlueCross /BlueShield denied medications prescribed by my doctors. I’ll discuss some of my problems with BC/BS later in this article. Before I get into that I want to discuss why I am concerned about this situation. My medications were not anything that was immediately needed like a chemotherapy drug or antibiotic for example. After my experiences I am concerned that there are people out there who might be denied a medication that would work better but is more expensive so it is denied. Or like in my case payment for a medication is denied basically because I didn’t have enough physical damage yet. I have had problems with acid reflux for years. At one time my insurance paid for Nexium to help control the symptoms. Several years ago BlueCross somewhere in it’s monolithic building (I get a vision of where the creator of the androids lived in the classic movie “Bladerunner”) that it would not pay for my Nexium. I tried the generics which I’m sure were cheaper than Nexium. However, the generics never worked as well for me. As time passed I began to have problems swallowing

food. Eventually I could not cialist’s prescriptions for scribed in a way that helps you live a healthier life”. It swallow roast beef, steak, Nexium for me again. looks like to me as if it is and many cereals. I had sevbeing prescribed correctly by my doctors then being denied by my insurance provider. The letter tells me “coverage for the prescribed drug is only provided for endoscopy confirmed Grade 111 erosive esophagus ….” So apparently my esophagus had not eroded enough to qualify me for Nexium. It had scarred enough that I could not swallow many foods. Hmm… shouldn’t medicine be preventative? Perhaps if I had been provided the Nexium my esophagus would not be eral episodes where food This denial occurred after I scarred and I wouldn’t have the esophagus basically clogged my esopha- was scheduled for an needed gus and I would have to endoscopy and colonoscopy stretching procedure that was regurgitate. Yeah, not too due to my swallowing issues performed. This cost myself pretty or pleasant. I felt that and to check for other possi- and the insurance company. the swallowing problems ble internal issues. Prior to The letter goes on to tell me were likely exacerbated by my procedure I got a letter “YOU MAY STILL BUY THE scarring in my esophagus due from BlueCross saying that it MEDICINE IF YOU WANT, BUT to acid reflux. At a recent “works hard to make sure the YOU WILL NEED TO PAY THE appointment at my medicine you take is pre- FULL COST”. Really? Gee Gastrointestinal Doctor’s office I was told my amateur prognosis was correct in their opinion. Again after I have had BlueCross deny my doctor’s prescriptions for Nexium several times. Although it has been available for several years now over the counter and while not hugely expensive it is not cheap. Recently BlueCross denied my general practitioner’s and G.I. speENIGMA

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thanks. Now the letter does say Express Scripts “the independent company that manages your pharmacy benefits for BlueCross received a request on your behalf for prior authorization of Nexium Capsule”. I am not clear why BlueCross uses an “independent company” to “manage” pharmacy benefits. I have been taking a prescription medication to reduce my cholesterol for several years with no problems. Several years I was informed my insurance would not pay for the name brand drug and I would be getting a generic. The only problem was when I took the new drug with my multivitamin I threw up. I tried taking them at different times and would still get ill. I was told it was likely the “binder” used in the new medication. Sometimes cheaper is not better. A few years ago I was prescribed a cream to put on my face to basically peel my skin in order to strip pre-cancer cells hopefully to prevent future skin cancer. This was not a cosmetic procedure. My dermatologist prescribed one type of medication that would not be as aggressive in peel-

ing the skin and would have to be used for a shorter duration. However my insurance required I pay over one thousand dollars for this medication. I ended up using a medication that left me looking like I had a horrible case of road rash for weeks. Recently my doctor prescribed a medication that was to be applied in one type of cream or form to be better absorbed into my system. Once again my insurance declined one type of medication which my doctor had said would be better. It seems to me that a company that pays it’s Chief Executive Officer 1.6 million yes million dollars, and has profits of 199.7 in 2014 (from an article in the Chattanooga Times Free Press) could pay for more expensive medications when a doctor specifies a certain medication or the medication does not work as effectively than the more expensive medicine. In the interest of full disclosure the denial letters I received have an appeals process. However, I reasoned that as my doctor resubmitted the request in most of my instances that an appeal would be a waste of


time. Thankfully my prescription drug denial/replacements have not been life-threatening (so far) .I wonder if there have been cases where people were denied one medication and given a cheaper generic or cheaper replacement that did not work as well. What if for example a person had pneumonia and the doctor prescribed one antibiotic but the insurance company refuses to pay for that drug and the person dies because a lesser anti-biotic does not work? What if a person really needs a certain type of chemotherapy drug but the insurance company denies approval for payment

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and the person’s cancer does not respond to treatment from that drug? These are just two scenarios in which the denial of a certain drug could be a life and death issue. Doctors frequently have a reason to prescribe certain drugs. Doctors have human interaction with patients. People need the best medication for their illness/ailment not just the cheapest medication. Perhaps insurance companies should pay more attention to the doctors and patients and less to the “bottom line”.

- Mark Haskins

Up in Smoke “Smoke ‘em if you got ‘em”. A phrase popularized during World War II still applies today as many still take part in the centuries old pastime that many refer to cigarettes. Smoke Stack on Highway 58, a smoker’s paradise has seen business continue to grow and grow despite the anti-smoking campaigns that were launched a half a century ago and continue to this day. While those who smoke have dropped by more than 50 percent since the 1960s, the habit – love it or hate it still remains popular. According to recent

statistics 19 percent of the pop- street from where we were. We relocated to 4729 Highway ulation still lights up. 58 about a year and are getting Like other businesses and ready to hit our five-year habits smoking has evolved. anniversary,” says Rex. Rex Henry, owner of Smoke Stack located on Highway 58 in While smoking was a part of Chattanooga has noticed an life for many generations with upturn in business, much of people being inundated by which is due to his keeping up aggressive marketing thanks to with trends and offering a bet- the backlash smoking has become more of a niche than a ter quality product. lifestyle. And in order for a “Yeah, we were at our old loca- niche to survive a number of tion at EZ Liquor for four years things must take place, the and the shop ended up being most important being quality. too small as our business grew. We had a chance to purchase Considered a valuable comanother building down the modity almost of the level of gold and silver in the early Americas tobacco was used as a commodity that was traded for goods by early settlers with Native Americans. Ironically unlike the backlash it’s received since the mid 20th

part they don’t outweigh the dangers. And while people’s knowledge of smoking has changed so has the business and how to reach out to those who do indulge.

century tobacco was considered to have medicinal qualities including applications for “Business has been good. We wanted to expand our selecpain relief and toothaches. tion and product lines, so this While smoking has been larger shop has enabled us to around for centuries it wasn’t do that,” says Rex. Smoke until 1865 that they were sold Stack has evolved from a tiny commercially. It began spread- store to three times larger in ing widely in 1881 when James size. His shop carries not only Bonsack invented the ciga- cigarettes, but cigars, water rette-making machine. And pipes. A trend that’s been from there it became an inter- growing a lot over the past number of years is a section national addiction. for those who choose to roll Today’s smoker is a whole lot their own cigarettes. better versed in tobacco, its dangers and even its benefits – “There’s quite a few of them and yes there are a few bene- and we have people that like fits to smoking but for the most one brand and some that like ENIGMA

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another. Some are full flavored, some are lights and some are ultra lights just like the regular cigarettes. But what they try to do is move from a pack of cigarettes that say costs them $5-6 and when they roll their own the cost if half that,” says Rex.

“The reason that cigars are in a select group is generally the upkeep of them,” says Rex. “We have a humidor room that’s climate controlled and we keep the humidity at the proper level. If you don’t do that your cigars dry out and if they dry out they burn too fast and that’s not good for the Unlike cigarettes where a consumer. Also when you have smoker tends to be loyal to a an item you have to make your particular brand it’s not neces- humidor room lined in wood

sarily the case according to Rex. “Let’s say for example they like Marlboros, there are some that will be similar to Marlboros and they will buy that or buy something that is similar to what they’ve been smoking and they will be loyal to that brand.” Smoke Stack also finds itself one of the few places to find a quality cigar. 20 years ago the cigar-smoking craze hit and literally there was a cigar store, kiosk or humidor not only on every street corner but also often in restaurants and bars. But as what happens with most fads things begin to die down and your left with true connoisseurs. When only a select group partakes that’s when those serious about it tend to excel.

that is called Spanish cedar and it is a wood that keeps the tobacco bugs out of your cigars. If you don’t have the proper wood and don’t have the proper humidity you can ruin a person’s good smoke.” The savvier smoker of today is also more selective of which brands they smoke. Quality conquers quantity although your friendly neighborhood convenience store will most likely carry Swisher Sweets. Today’s cigar sellers carry a more limited supply of brands and while brands like Macanudo are still popular (and a quality cigar) there are newer brands trending. “There are a lot of really good brands. Acid is a good brand. The younger people like to smoke Acid,” says Rex. There’s also a ENIGMA

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MARCH 2017

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lot of flavoring that’s going into some cigars that one wouldn’t find in the past. “You can get chocolate cigars; you can get grape and a lot of flavors now. Those are trendy,” he says. “They might be good today and a month from now not sell at all, but you have to follow the trends of what your consumers want.”

Very prominent upon entering Smoke Stack is their selection of water/tobacco pipes that vary in size, detail and of course price. Made popular by the counter culture, more and more traditional tobacco smokers, the pipes range anywhere from a simple, traditional pipe shape and size to a more ornate, larger device similar to its ancient ancestor the

Rex Henry (pictured left) credits his staff for the success and expansion of his business.

Even TV and pop culture is getting in the act as far as cigars. Another popular brand is called “Sons of Anarchy”, based on the TV show. “They have a couple of different ones. One of their best sellers comes in a hand-carved box,” says Rex. “They actually had a big shortage of those when they first came out because they had only one person hand-carving the boxes and he had trouble keeping up with the demand.”

hookah. To Rex his attraction to them is aesthetic as well as being good for business. “I just liked some of the artwork some of the folks do. The ability of some of the guys and gals that do the artwork is just phenomenal,” he says. “I wish I could do it but I can’t. I like looking at their work and appreciate the kind of skill they have.” Some of the artists that do this kind of work have a really ENIGMA

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good eye for it Henry says. “Good skills – it’s really phenomenal some of the work I’ve seen go to market that some of these people can do.” When looking choosing what kind of pipes to sell at Smoke Stack Rex looks at both the artistry and functionality. “You have two different consumers – some looking for an item that’s one of a kind and a consumer looking for something lower cost and mass-produced,” he says. When you get into either line the quality of the product is very important. When going to market to inspect pipes he will take a micrometer as well as a magnifying glass. “We check the airflow and thickness of the glass – the quality of the work.” The market is constantly changing so he is always looking for what’s new as well as consumers seeing something online. Smoke Stack besides the brick and mortar store sells online as well. If you can’t make it to the store they sell their goods online through

Amazon. Expanding into a larger location didn’t necessarily mean Rex would increase the variety of items offered. “We’ve taken

with more and more states legalizing use not only for medicinal purposes but recreational as well, Rex sees a change coming. “The trend in the country is to legalize for

businessperson would, you have to change with the market,” he says. “The old saying goes: change or die. If and when they legalize the product here in Tennessee at that time we would look at what kind of items we would have to bring in for somebody interested in smoking.”

Closing in on their fifth anniversary Rex attributes a lot of success to his staff and business philosophy. “We try to give good service. In today’s big-box store climate a lot of times you just can’t find good service,” he says. “So we try to provide our customers with product knowledge, good pricing, convenience and that’s the existing product lines we medical use. I think there is helped us do well in business.” had and expanded those,” something like 30 states now. Henry says. “Instead of carry- As the market changes and any - Dave Weinthal ing five of a particular product we might have moved it to seven, eight or even ten. The general product lines are still the same.” With public opinion changing regarding the use of marijuana


MARCH 2017


Don’t Criticize NASA’s Wasteful Climate Change Budget Or You Are Anti-Science Our thinking group has come to the conclusion that NASA’s climate science budget of over $2 Billion per year is far too rich for the taxpayer, especially considering that NASA’s main mission is one of aeronautics and space. While it is true that NASA has engaged in Earth Sciences to better estimate our potential future visitations to other planets during human space exploration, how we went from that to climate science is quite a stretch. Of course, if one mentions any of these, they are called anti-science and accused of having a right-wing political agenda, something I find rather troubling indeed. You see, suggesting that NASA could be more efficient, and stick to its original mission is a positive thing, saving taxpayer’s money is a positive thing, and being more productive at NASA is positive. NASA needs to get back to space and focus on the space mission. Further, getting NASA in line with the stated goals of the incoming administration is a positive thing - it may save NASA and their budget even as early as this year.

emissions from industry. In the statement below the video it speaks of “climate science” and states: “The science team is particularly interested in methane, tropospheric ozone and black carbon particles,

NASA better hurry up and do research on how the doom and gloom of global warming theory is overblown and refind the submerged and sidelined data NASA and others have collected showing this

compounds, gases, elements. Some things we already know, just like we know if you fly that old CO2 burning fuel-guzzling NASA DC-8 aerial laboratory too close to a volcanic eruption, all four engines could quite simultaneously meaning potential loss of aircraft, or need for rebuilt engines. Use a drone to collect that data - whoops, NOAA has two such aircraft capable of that already - which brings me to my final point. Let the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) study our Earth’s Atmosphere as it relates to climate science and let’s get NASA back to space and focus its energies there. Think on this.

- Lance Winslow which have strong effects on climate and which all have both human and natural origins.” I find that pretty much proof that NASA hasn’t woken up to the new Administration’s policies and we have insiders in NASA’s climate science division who are against this administration - I believe that is a really bad political play for NASA, and wonder how this work in this video helps NASA’s mission in space.

Not long ago, I watched an interesting NASA Climate Science video on the study of volcanoes on the atmosphere and how these emissions were similar to those of human The climate science side of ENIGMA

reality - otherwise I am certain it will be in for substantial budget cuts in that division. You are not making friends or winning influence attacking me. If pointing this out doesn’t appear to be an important message, I guess NASA isn’t listening to what I am saying here or to the change in Washington politics. With regards to the particular project in the video, and its importance - well, we already know different volcanoes have different percentages of aerial affluent - particles,

MARCH 2017


The War on Words As President Donald Trump con- unheard from a Republican knowledge of what they are tinues his war on the press he’s politician. Ronald Reagan did to doing. The problem with that is become a human piñata by news a degree, but he dismissed it. with minimal knowledge comes outlets often unfairly for their coverage beginning with his improbable campaign to his improbable election to the reality of his assuming the reigns of the United States.

in college. There are very few actual journalists out there these days. A true journalist has a responsibility and that is to be accountable for what they publish or broadcast. Roughly ten years ago I had a writer working for me wanting to break in the business. She was also becoming a blogger, which was in its infancy at the time. Prior to ten years ago websites were still trying to figure out how to make money with news outlets using them to direct readers to the printed page. Now it has reversed as what printed publications that remain use it to send people to their website. Note the web address on the cover of this magazine for instance.

Trump is known for his tweeting and random Twitter rants lashing out at critics (mostly the press and the entertainment industry) as well as keeping everyone engaged. Whether you like him or not both sides follow him on social media because they agree with what he posts or for ammunition for social media accounts of detrac- There were only a handful of minimal responsibility. news outlets back then – or tors. more accurate, media platforms Unlike many in this business I Now entering his second month calling themselves news outlets. actually majored in journalism Prior to the internet you actualin office things are becoming even more heated between the Until a dozen years ago there Trump administration and the were only a handful of broadnews media. It was a fight the cast news outlets and literally news organizations started in every city and township had a 2015 and since engaging in it newspaper of record. Since the with the now president they digital age there are literally find themselves on their heels thousands of news outlets, webacting just as immaturely as they sites parading as news outlets and even newspapers and magaclaim their combatant is. zines which are a dying brand The phrase “fake news” has and are in a state of flux as they been constantly hurled by try to redefine themselves to Trump at news organizations not only remain relevant, but putting them up in arms and remain in business. reeling. Polls do show that much like the president’s popu- The digital age has destroyed larity, trust in media is at an all- many traditional businesses – everything from photography, time low. radio and television broadcastIt’s obvious that Trump doesn’t ing, the music industry and the like criticism. It’s understand- news media. Technology has able. Unlike George W. Bush taken what was once a craft or instead of being a whipping boy art and made it pretty much for media he stands his ground, what I call idiot proof – accessisomething that has been ble to anyone with minimal ENIGMA

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involved which are ultimately decided in the court of law, unless the defendant is able to resolve the matter with the complainant.

ly had to literally leave your house to do research. Over the years I spent countless hours researching, reading other publications as sources for my topics, reading microfiche, leafing through reference books and making phone calls. All sources were accredited and you would rewrite your facts in your own words and not copy them verbatim. One day at her urging I visited the blog of the girl working for me. Today she is a relatively popular blogger but her blog bothered me. I noticed, because I actually witnessed it once as she literally cut and pasted a paragraph from another website and posted it on her blog. I refer to this and today’s journalists as “cut and paste” journalists. If I had ever written a term paper or article the way she and many bloggers do today I would have been accused or even sued for plagiarism. Today they don’t

seem to care. Nothing is sacred anymore as people online steal artwork, pictures and portions of articles and claim it as their own. If they were called out on it, they would simply delete it and go on without any recourse or accountability. Today there is a lack of responsibility to what is posted, written or broadcast. It’s all about attaining precious “hits” and it it’s stolen content it’s deleted before they can be held accountable for it once hits are accumulated. So for Trump’s


argument there definitely is fake news out there. If not fake, it’s borrowed/recycled news and content. The news outlets screamed at President Trump for his verbal and social media attacks as an assault on their First Amendment rights. If you are going to hide behind the First Amendment there comes some responsibility. The often referred to amendment is basically freedom of speech and of the press. But there is a caveat if you are going to exercise your First Amendment right. You have to be responsible. While you are free to express an opinion you have to make sure you are accountable for what you say or write. By that I mean there are consequences for maliciously broadcasting and writing anything that false. There are actually laws on the books for this. Most recently we saw the website Gawker literally forced out of business for posting a libelous article about wrestling personality Hulk Hogan. Sure, being a public figure opens you up to criticism and goes with the territory but what’s written - broadcast or spoken if it harms an individual’s rights that would cause them harm – financial or otherwise that is either false or not entirely true makes the individual or outlets liable for damages incurred to the subjects

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With the digital age and social media all of a sudden everyone believes they are a journalist or a reliable news source. It doesn’t. Social media allows instant posting or broadcasting of events that one would have to wait for traditional news outlets to broadcast be it on radio, TV or print. No longer. It’s caused traditional outlets to alter how they do business and the fact social media outlets like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and so on and so forth are free, there is no investment in the product or news put out. It has lowered news and journalism down to a highs school homecoming queen race with the most popular (garnering hits, likes, views) as the winner without taking into consideration if what is posted is accurate or inciteful. And if they catch heat they just delete it. Traditional news mediums had to be accountable for what they printed or broadcast. Sure, it’s cool that you just posted a new podcast and you have a number of followers. Traditional radio used to require anyone on air to have an actual license they paid for annually to be allowed to get behind a microphone. Unlike posting something to social media or even a website were the cost is minimal, a newspaper or magazine literally spend thousands of dollars to print and distribute their medium. So it is important for them to make sure what they print is both accurate and accountable to scrutiny. The equipment for a traditional TV station, even the smallest low-power station

is in the tens of thousands of accountable. dollars before the first broadAnd thanks to this traditional cast. news outlets have to modify During the last presidential their business model to survive election the web was fraught in in the highly competitive world a number of fake news sites or of news gathering and broadsites with articles written as news that were parody of actual news complete with fake quotes. Some were so well written the average reader was unable to discern fact from literal fiction. They were promoted through social media providing links to the articles all the while the site owners knew they were fake stories. They made a fortune off the sites because they were paid for every view of their website thanks to Google Adsense and similar companies where you put their ads on your site and you get paid every time someone clicks to that particular page.

the internet stole their thunder. Traditionally alternative weeklies besides their concert calendars and music and arts coverage outside of the mainstream became had more journalist integrity than the daily paper.

casting. Newspapers are no longer newspapers. Because it is already old news by the time it hits the streets in order for the daily paper to survive they must take on the model of the alternative weekly. Alternative weeklies peaked in popularity and profit in the late ‘90s when

Because it came out once a week a writer, be it an investigative journalist or op-ed writer had more time to flesh out their story. With longer deadlines the writers for altweeklies could do more indepth research and would tackle topics that while current, were not time sensitive. Now the dailies are taking that away from the weeklies and more and more content is opinionated and not actual news – although it may bring out stories that are not traditionally covered. And being big brother with deeper pockets they can outspend and basically force a majority of altweeklies out of business because they can’t afford to keep up. For an alt-weekly to survive in this day and age they must as well alter their business plan. Instead of being alternative they must find a niche the competition isn’t concentrating on and exploit it, becoming

While the internet and social media allows for instant broadcast of breaking new and events there still isn’t enough accountability or liability what is posted. A great as it can be there is a lot of responsibility and unfortunately there is very little done to hold those posting

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MARCH 2017


more of a boutique publication. Watching coverage of the election and the White House today it’s relatively apparent there are few actual news outlets covering the beat. They may call themselves news or journalists but sadly they are not. The responsibility of a news organization is to cover the news unbiased. There is a place for news and a place for opinion. Unfortunately the major networks and newspapers don’t follow this or are completely oblivious to it. Today’s news outlets have violated an unwritten law in coverage. Instead of reporting the news they are too often concerned with being the news or part of the actual story. President Trump is famous, if not infamous for his Twitter account. Upon winning the election advisors told him he needed to curb his constant tweeting and act more presidential. Trump responded back the reason he tweeted so much was because the news outlets were not covering him fairly or accurately. And to a degree he’s absolutely right. So for the most part Donald Trump is right about fake news. The lines have blurred on what is journalism and what accounts for news. While ratings always warped news, and with the delivery system of news pretty much unfiltered and unregulated it has reached crisis mode. There is a difference between news and opinion. Back in the ‘60s television was referred to as the Great Wasteland. With all the outlets available now news and actual journalism has done it’s gone farther down the proverbial drain.

- Wm. Alexander

The Entertainment Industry is Becoming Less Entertaining The Academy Awards is another “I love me” show. If you are not one of the “Special People,” you do not get the opportunity to attend or pat yourself on the back while holding a precious Oscar. Almost weekly, those who believe the public worships them as great and entitled to adoration, hold another award ceremony to prove they are loved and have the ear of the Nation to listen to them spew their hatred on every topic of which they disagree. Those things over which that they have no domination are targets. They attempt to change America through venomous rhetoric and cannot understand most of us could not care less for their opinion. They believe they are anointed to convey and support threats, incite civil disobedience, and influence drooling fans to participate in their delusional antics. They need all their award ceremonies to maintain their illusion of greatness and of course, enhance their ability to make more money from their adoring fans. These ceremonies are intentional promotional based events designed to allow political discord to be presented and for celebrities to fulfill their role of “Brainless Zombies” to those who control their future.

tainment rants significantly million dollars. Data indicate increase. viewers watching movies and television on a TV screen has An extremely liberal faction declined by 13 percent globalthat desires to change the ly over the past year, and by 11 Constitution and the American percent in the United States. lifestyle has inundated the entertainment industry. They There is no hard data about utilize every opportunity to the cause for the decline. influence how we see Perhaps it is economics, possiAmerican and incite their base bly it is a loss of interest; peoto act upon the rants they ple are tired of the rhetoric on both the right and the left; it may be complacency and loss of respect, or maybe; it is the sick heart of America getting sicker. The entertainment industry should take notice before they put themselves out of business. Their rhetoric is one of the reasons behind the decline in viewers. It is growing and unless the industry returns to making movies and television shows their priority, maybe the days of the “Special People” will end. Entertainment was so much platform to relay the talking reinforce weekly through more enjoyable when it was points designated for that their “I love me,” televised entertaining. media. They use all forms of event. media to increase their influ- - Mac McGovern ABC News in January this year ence. reported there was 564 different entertainment industry Fortunately, there are fewer awards shows in 2016. 35 of American’s buying into their these shows were televised dangerous rhetoric; there is a nationally. By the numbers, in declining interest in award 2016, 36 million people shows, television in general, watched the Oscars, 26 million or buying tickets to the thethe Grammy Awards, ten mil- ater to see their movies. From lion the Emmy Awards, and 20 2012 to 2016, ticket sales at million the Golden Globes. movie theaters in the United Add social media the number States have decreased each of people exposed to year losing annual sales of Hollywood and other enter- over six hundred seventy-two Those who control the power of the purse string in Hollywood determine who and who will not receive the optimal contracts for the best movies and other projects. They display an iron fist to those who object to their ideology and extend the hand of wealth to those who follow as sheep and use the opportunity of an award ceremony as a



MARCH 2017


Sweatin’ to the Oldies

Post-Grunge Veterans Candlebox Bring Something Old and Something New to A Sell Out Crowd Seeing Candlebox perform the instrument – nothing to hide memorable night – or at least other night reminded me of both behind. It’s also cool to see how not the kind of memories you what I love and hate about live many of the songs were original- like. music. ©Dave Weinthal

Candlebox performed at the Revelry Room the other night in front of a sold out crowd performing an array of songs spanning their 24-year history acoustically. I saw these guys a number of times when they were on the charts and the crowd hasn’t changed much. The crowd on this particular night was a mix of new and old. There are a few cool things about seeing a band like Candlebox in a club setting. You’re closer to the action in many ways. If you get there early enough there is a certain buzz in the air that there’s going to be a concert going down soon. People are running around in multiple directions almost in synchronization – like a well-oiled machine. Everyone from roadies, stagehands and even club staff are doing their part to make sure the show goes off. It can be kind of cool to observe. And of course there’s the show. A club is a more intimate setting. Your proximity to the performers of course will be closer adding to the experience. This show in particular was acoustic. Prior to this night I had only seen Candlebox “electric”. Acoustic performances, much like the venue tend to be more intimate as you can pick up every nuance of the song that may have been masked by effects pedals and other tricks of the trade in a traditional concert setting. It’s the musician with their theoretically “unplugged” or acoustic

seeing the last time I saw the band to many that weren’t even born when Candlebox broke out. The mentality hasn’t changed much, but I’ll get to that later. With a club or bar setting you also have other distractions that can change your experience – provided you there to actually listen to the band. Alcohol for instance. Sure the show was a sell out but a venue like this profits from selling alcohol to attendees. Too bad they don’t all react the same way when consuming.

I was in attendance with my camera and the crowd was pretty ly written as a lot of songwriters On this particular night I was sur- much elbow to elbow. I had this will write with an acoustic guitar prised by the varying age of the one guy lean into me spotting my in hand, plus you get the stripped crowd – from old timers I recall camera and asked me in his gin – down version of the song without post production effects. This will also give you a clue as to if it is a well-written song or if the band owes everything to production. Kevin Martin of Candlebox.

And there are the bad things about seeing a band like Candlebox in a club. The crowd. Many times when a band with name recognition like Candlebox performs in a club setting you are literally squished together as if being in a can of sardines. The first time I saw these guys perform in the ‘90s was at a club in Atlanta called the Cotton Club. We were squeezed in there and the kind of the music the band plays – grunge/post-grunge does not bode well for listening. The crowd was obnoxious and people were bouncing off of each other with each note played. It was like standing in place riding bumper cars. Add alcohol to the mix and depending upon your tolerance can lead to a not so ENIGMA

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©Dave Weinthal

released last April. They didn’t forget their old hardcore fans as they played songs such as “You”, “It’s Alright” and “Far Behind” just to name a few. It was interesting watching Martin and Quinn play guitar side by side as at times it looked like a well oiled synchronized machine as their arms and hands seemed in unison (a weird observation, I know). They were able to pull the songs off acoustically, giving the hard-edged songs a little smoother but not mellow feel.

or craft beer soaked voice (you know the guy – the kind that kind of spits when he talks) what kind of camera I had. I told him and he replied he had one too (not there mind you). I nodded in approval and tried to concentrate on listening and taking pictures. He then leaned into me again and asked what ISO I was shooting at. I told him 1600. “Me too!” he slurred. I dried my ear and tried to pay attention to the show. Kevin Martin and rhythm guitarist Brian Quinn took the stage and everyone went wild. Martin, the band founder and only original member remaining took his seat center stage when something you would expect to happen at a Candlebox show happened. As soon as Martin began strumming his guitar a fight broke out between two drunks near the front of the stage. The singer told the two combatants to cool out and security got everything under control very

quickly. Old habits are hard to break at a grunge/post-grunge show even if it is acoustic. That was all the drama for the night as Martin and Quinn played uninterrupted for 90 minutes.

Opening the show for Candlebox was a band from Chattanooga called Sam Killed the Bear. They were a good choice as an opener since style of music compliments the headliner. Sam Killed the Bear’s sound is ‘90s influenced gritty rock with subtle pop influences and they were able to convert their songs to acoustic without losing any of its edge although it was a bit mellower (acoustic always is). The band took the stage sans their drummer and got a good reaction from the crowd. The band told the crowd of an upcoming album ©Dave Weinthal

1. Muddy Magnolias 2. Old 97s 3. The xx 4. New Pornographers 5. Delbert McClintoon & Self-Made Men 6. Car Seat Headrest 7. Robert Randolph & the Family Band 8. Passenger 9. Georgia Flood 10. Shovels & Rope 11. Mike Doughty 12. Chuck Prophet 13. Goldfrapp 14. Matt Pond PA 15. Cold War Kids 16. Son Volt 17. Ed Sheeran 18. Depeche Mode 19. The Lumineers 20. Dropkick Murphys

ADVENTURE PICKS Sam Killed the Bear opened the show for Candlebox.

The show was a mix of something and something new as well as back-stories Martin told about some of the band’s more familiar songs. The duo was busy promoting their newest release, Disappearing in Airports, ENIGMA

release party on March 1 and brought only one copy to the show to sell. If they had brought more, judging from the crowd they would have sold a lot more.

- Dave Weinthal

MARCH 2017


1. Father John Misty 2. Five Alarm Funk 3. Tennis

©Dave Weinthal


MARCH 2016


©Dave Weinthal


MARCH 2017


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©Dave Weinthal


MARCH 2017



on the Billboard Pop chart. They would have two more second place finishes with “Spinning Wheel” and “And When I Die”, but never enjoyed a number one record on the Hot 100.

1970 Having recently changed their name from Earth to Black Sabbath, Ozzy Osbourne, Tony Iommi, Geezer Butler and Bill 1955 two years later to join The Ward make their concert debut Sam Phillips launches Sun Hassles. He would make his at The Roundhouse in the North Records by releasing “Drivin’ breakthrough in 1973 with London district of Camden Town. Slow” by 16-year-old saxophon- “Piano Man”. ist Johnny London. Peter Yarrow of Peter, Paul And 1967 was arrested in Fats Domino records “Ain’t It A Jimi Hendrix suffered minor Mary Washington, DC for “Taking Shame” which will top the US burns after he set fire to his guiR&B standings and reach #10 on tar for the first time at The immoral liberties” with a 14the Pop chart by July. Pat Rainbow Theatre. That night, he year-old girl. He pleads guilty Boone’s cover version, “Ain’t shared the stage with The and is sentenced to three That A Shame” would rise to #1 Walker Brothers, Cat Stevens months in jail. Just days earlier, on the Pop chart the same and, believe it or not, Engelbert the trio had won a Grammy Award for Best Recording for month. Humperdinck. Children for their album, “Peter, 1957 The Everly Brothers record “Bye Bye Love”, a teenage love song that was written by 37-year-old Boudleaux Bryant and his 31year-old wife, Felice. Although nearly 30 other artists turned the song down, The Everly’s version will rise to #2 in the US and #6 in the UK by next May.

1968 Elton John’s first record, “I’ve Been Loving You Too Long” was released in the UK by Philips Records. It failed to chart and the label would drop him the following year. 1969 Jim Morrison is arrested after a Doors concert in Miami. He would be found guilty of indecent exposure and profanity in March of 1970. His sentence of eight months of hard labor and a $500 fine was on appeal when he died in Paris in 1971.

1964 The Beatles start working on their first film, A Hard Day’s Night, shooting the first scene at Marylebone train station in London. They also hold the top two spots on Billboard’s Hot 100 with “I Want to Hold Your Hand” Tommy Roe led both the and “She Loves You”. Billboard Hot 100 and the Cashbox Best Sellers list with A New York band called The “Dizzy”, a record that would sell Echoes recruited a young piano 6 million copies. His first chart player named Billy Joel. The topper was “Sheila” in 1962. quartet would play cover songs under the names The Lost Souls, Blood, Sweat And Tears’ first hit, The Commandos and The “You’ve Made Me So Very Emerald Lords before Billy split Happy”, tops out at number two ENIGMA

MARCH 2017


Paul and Mommy”. Yarrow was later pardoned by US President Gerald Ford. 1972 Los Angeles radio station KHJ is raided by L.A. police after calls from listeners who feared there’d been a take over at the station. DJ Robert W. Morgan had played Donny Osmond’s “Puppy Love” over and over for 90 minutes straight. The police left without making any arrests. The record would eventually rise to number three on Billboard’s Hot 100, one position shy of the original Paul Anka recording. 1973 Elton John had the #1 album in the US with “Don’t Shoot Me I’m Only The Piano Player”, which contained two hit singles, “Crocodile Rock” and “Daniel”. According to Philip Norman’s 1990s authorized biography,

Groucho Marx jokingly pointed his index fingers at Elton, as if holding a pair of six-shooters. John is reported to have put up his hands and said, “Don’t shoot me, I’m only the piano player”, so naming the album.

1977 Manfred Mann earns a Gold record for “Blinded by the Light,” a song written by Bruce Springsteen. It was their first US number one record since “Do Wah Diddy Diddy” thirteen years earlier.

REO Speedwagon returned to Billboard’s top spot with “Can’t Fight This Feeling”. The song made #16 in the UK. It had been a little over five years since the band’s first number one hit, “Keep On Loving You”.

Michigan. The fan was stopped by two security guards, who he stabbed instead. After he was arrested, he told police that he wanted to kill Jimmy Page because of the Satanic music he was playing.

Dr. Hook And The Medicine Show got their picture on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine after their hit, “The Cover of Rolling Stone” reached number 6 on the US singles chart. According to members of the group, they really did buy five copies for their mothers, just like the song said.

1990 The Jacksons TV show aired for Milli Vanilli are awarded the the final time on CBS-TV, finish- Best New Artist Grammy. It ing dead last in the ratings. would take until the following November for producer Frank Daryl Hall And John Oates score Farian to confess that the duo of the first of their six Billboard Fab Morvan and Rob Pilatus number one hits when “Rich never actually sang a single note Girl” reached the top. The song on their recordings, causing the was not a hit in the UK. award to be withdrawn.

2007 Brad Delp, the lead singer for the band Boston, was found dead in his home in southern New Hampshire. He was 55.

1974 David Essex received a Gold record for the hit “Rock On”, which made #5 in the US and #3 in the UK.

1980 Seven years after its release, Pink Floyd’s “The Dark Side of the Moon” breaks the record for the longest-charting Pop album, previously held by Carole King’s “Tapestry”. At the same time, their latest single “Another Brick In The Wall” was topping both the Cashbox Best Sellers chart and the Billboard Hot 100.

1975 The Eagles had their first million seller and first number one record in the US when “Best of My Love” reached the top of the Billboard chart. “Take It Easy” had made it to number 12, “Witchy Woman” reached number 9, “Peaceful Easy Feeling” hit number 22 and “Already Gone” stalled at number 32. The Doobie Brothers have the first of their two Billboard #1 singles with “Black Water”, a song that was issued as the “B” side of “Another Park, Another Sunday”. Four years later, they would duplicate the feat with “What A Fool Believes”. Olivia Newton-John enjoyed her second US #1 album with “Have You Ever Been Mellow”, which included the title track and “Please Mr. Please”.

1994 Madonna caused trouble on the set of The Late Show With David Letterman. The network had to delete 13 offending words from the audio track before the show aired. An obviously annoyed Letterman told the singer “People don’t want language like that coming into their living room.” Madonna also handed Letterman a pair of her panties 1981 and told him to sniff them. He Dolly Parton topped the declined and stuffed them into Billboard Pop Chart with her his desk drawer. Robin Williams own composition, “9 to 5”. The later described the segment as a record reached #47 in the UK. “battle of wits with an unarmed woman.” REO Speedwagon started a 15 1995 week run at the top of the Billboard album chart with “Hi Jimmy Page escaped injury Infidelity”. when a fan rushed the stage at a Page And Plant concert at The 1983 Palace of Auburn Hills, Bonnie Tyler had her only UK #1 single with “Total Eclipse Of The Heart”, which will also top the charts in the United States, Australia and Canada, selling over six million copies.

1985 Mick Jagger releases a solo sinLed Zeppelin had all of their six gle called “Just Another Night” albums in the Top 100 of which will reach #12 in the US Billboard’s album chart. and #32 in the UK. ENIGMA

MARCH 2017


2011 The Cars announced that May 10th would be the release date for their first new album in 24 years. 2014 Scott Asheton, drummer for legendary punk-rock band The Stooges, died at age 64. Asheton co-founded The Stooges in 1967 along with Iggy Pop, bassist Dave Alexander and his brother, guitarist Ron Asheton, who died in 2009. 2015 59-year-old Mike Porcaro, bassist for Toto, died after a long battle with Lou Gehrig’s Disease. He was with the band from 1983 until 2007 and appeared on such albums as “Isolation” (1984), “Fahrenheit” (1986), “Mindfields” (1998) and “Through the Looking Glass” (2002).

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