Enigma Magazine for April 17

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to be someone or something pitching the next big thing to financial freedom. Whatever happened to good old-fashioned hard work and determination? YD

DDeeaarr YYDD Whhaatt eevveerr hhaapppp eenn eedd ttoo sspp aann kk-W iinn gg aa cchhiilldd w whh eenn tt hheeyy m miissbbee-hhaavv eedd?? GGoooodd iidd eeaa’’ss tt hhaatt w woorrkk hhaavv ee bbeeeenn tt hhrroow w nn aaw waayy… … PPrroobbaabbllyy tthhee ddeem m ooccrraattss ffaauulltt.. Dear Rocco, It seems like everyone is coming out of the closet these days. Why do people think they deserve special attention because of who or what they sleep with? Is there anything you would like to come out of the closet while I have your attention? ED

DDeeaarr EEDD CCaann’’tt tthhiinn kk oo ff aannyy tthhiinngg .. NNoott gg aayy .. OOrr sslleeeeppiinn gg w wiitt hh aa cc eelleebbrriittyy.. II’’m m pprreettttyy m muucc hh bboorriinngg iinn m m yy oolldd aaggee.. II w waakkee uupp aarroo uunndd nnoo oonn ttoo ggeett rreeaaddyy ffoorr w woorrkk.. W W oorrkk ttiill 1111 tthheenn II m maayy gg oo tt oo tthhee gg yym m ‘‘tt iill 11 oo rr 11::3300 tthheenn w waatt cchh tt vv uu nnttiill II ffaallll aasslleeeepp aann dd rreeppeeaatt uunn ttiill m m yy ooffff ddaayy ss.. OOnn m myy ooffff ddaayyss II sslleeeepp,, waattcchh ttvv ,, rruunn eerrrraann ddss,, ppllaayy gg oollff,, w rriiddee m m yy m m oottoorrcc yycc llee oorr sshhoooott m m yy gguu nnss.. II ddoo nn’’tt kknnoo w ww whhyy aannyy oonn ee tthh iinnkk ss tthheeyy dd eesseerrvv ee ssppeecc iiaall aatttteenntt iioo nn ffoorr w whh oo oo rr w whhaatt tthheeyy sslleeeepp w w iitthh.. IItt dd ooeessnn ’’tt m maakk ee sseennssee ttoo m mee bbuutt II’’ m m aallll ff oorr ppeeoo -ppllee ccoom m iinngg oo uutt.. TThh ee m m oorree m meenn ccoo m mee oouutt ooff tthhee cc lloo sseett ,, tthh ee moo rree m m myy ssttoo cckk rriisseess w wiitthh tthh ee llaadd iieess aanndd tthhee lleessss II hhaavvee ttoo cchhaanngg ee..

we both know socially. My friend is one of those guys who is the life of the party and has never met a stranger. He’s always a lot of fun to hang out with and seems to make friends wherever he goes. Well while out one night he was confronted by an obviously drunk individual who for some reason didn’t like him and slapped him around. When I asked my friend about it he just dismissed it admitting he was pushed around and that was all. I was told differently. How can I get my friend to stand up for himself and what can I do to get back at the guy that hit someone who couldn’t protect themselves? MK

Dear Rocco, I am 34 years old and have been an introvert all my life. I simply feel more comfortable to talking to some people and tend to clam up around others. Since I have this shyness and insecurity, people sometimes think I act like a snob. I feel bad about this and have few friends. Some people have told me I have a phony smile. It is bothering me

DDeeaarr M MKK IIff yyoo uu’’rree oouutt w wiitthh yy oouurr ffrriieenndd aanndd tthh ee gguuyy ttrriieess iitt aagg aaiinn tthheenn kknnoo cckk hhiim m oo nn hhiiss aassss.. YYoouurr ffrriieenn dd ssoouunn ddss lliikkee hhee nn eeeedd ss aa ccoonn ffiiddeenncc ee bboooo sstt .. II w woouulldd ttrryy ttaallkkiinn gg w wiitthh hhiim m .. LLeett hhiim m kknnoow w yyoo uu hhaavvee hhiiss bbaacckk..

Dear Rocco, There seems to be a million and one get rich schemes out there. Whether I’m online, reading the Dear Rocco, One of my closer friends was newspaper, watching TV or lisrecently accosted by someone tening to the radio there seems ENIGMA

APRIL 17 2020


that people I meet are getting the wrong impression. I want to make more friends. Help! JS

DDeeaarr JJSS HHoo w w aabboo uutt ssttoopp ffeeeelliinngg ssoorrrryy ffoo rr yyoo uurrsseellff.. GGrroow w ssoom mee bb aallllss aanndd ssaayy FF UUCCKK IITT.. IIff ssoom meeoonn ee lliikkeess yy oouu tthh eenn ggrreeaatt iiff nn oott,, W Whhoo CCaarreess?? TThheerree aarree sseevv eerraall oo tthheerr ppeeoo ppllee iinn tthh ee w woorrlldd.. TThheeyy ccaann’’tt aallll tthhiinnkk yy oouu’’rree aa ssnnoo bb.. RR eellaaxx aanndd ddoonn ’’tt ssw weeaatt tt hhee ssm maallll ssttuuff ff.. Rocco is a common sense, tellit-like-it-is, no-nonsense kind of guy offering real advice on any subject put before him. Why pay thousands of dollars on a high-priced therapist when he’ll straighten you out for free. If you’d like advice from Rocco e-mail him at goaskrocco@yahoo.com or drop him a line at Ask Rocco c/o Enigma P.O. Box 825 Chattanooga, TN 37401.

ARIES March 21 - April 20 Relatives will want to get together. Pleasure trips will be emotionally favorable. Romantic encounters will develop through group activity. Get proper medical attention and confront your situation decisively. Your lucky day this week will be Sunday. TAURUS April 21 - May 20 Take time to do some writing, whether it’s correspondence, poetry, or keeping a journal. Do not get into uncertain financial deals. Your ability to deal with humanitarian groups will enhance your reputation. Children will want to help, too. Your lucky day this week will be Monday. GEMINI May 21 - June 21 Be prepared to step into the limelight if you wish to promote your ambitions. Offers of joint ventures are likely. You have done all you can to sort things out a personal level. This may not be the day to get involved in risky joint financial ventures. Your lucky day this week will be Tuesday.

Your lucky day this week will be CAPRICORN December 21 - January 19 Friday. Your talents are likely to be discovered. Your own small business on the VIRGO side could ease your financial stress. August 23 - September 22 False information is likely if you lis- Be careful not to hurt the ones you ten to idle chatter or gossip. love. Knowledge can be acquired if Correspondence may not clear up you listen. issues. You can enhance your cash flow if you pick up additional skills. Your lucky day this week will be Don’t expect others to live up to Monday. their promises and you won’t be disappointed or find yourself stuck with AQUARIUS January 20 - February 18 delays. Things aren’t as they appear. Put Your lucky day this week will be your plans into motion by presenting your intentions to those who should Thursday. be able to give you financial support. Travel will be exciting. Real estate LIBRA investments will be extremely profSeptember 23 - October 22 You should get involved with activities that can be enjoyed by both young and old alike. Try to channel your energy into professional endeavors. Don’t let others try to create unwarranted guilt if you can’t meet their demands. Travel will be fun, but expect it to cost you. Your lucky day this week will be Monday. SCORPIO October 23 - November 21 Your creative ideas must be put to good use. You may find that your boss is not delighted with your work lately. You will not be pleased with family members who try to put demands on you when you just don’t have the time. Time is money and you must be ready to take action in order to reach your highest potential.

CANCER June 22 - July 22 Concentrate on work or make changes to yourself. Love can be yours if you get out and about. Find a quiet spot where you can work diligently and stay out of the way. Avoid friends or acquaintances who drink Your lucky day this week will be Tuesday. too much.

Your lucky day this week will be SAGITTARIUS November 22 - December 20 Thursday. Take advantage of moneymaking ventures. Uncertainty regarding your LEO direction is likely. You can become July 23 -August 22 Look into the cost factor, but don’t obsessed with detail and must be try to get backing yet. You will do sure to divide your time appropriateextremely well if you get involved in ly. You won’t get the reaction you competitive activities this week. want from your mate this week. Take care of the needs of elders in your family. There will be hidden Your lucky day this week will be matters that you may find disturbing. Sunday. ENIGMA

APRIL 17 2020


itable in the long run. Your lucky day this week will be Saturday. PISCES February 19 - March 20 Don’t be afraid to confront situations concerning loved ones in order to solve any problems that may exist. You may have a rather hectic day due to events that children are involved in. Don’t fall for damaging rumors, and refuse to get involved in gossip. Be creative in your efforts. Your lucky day this week will be Monday.

Reflections On Some Of My Favorite Song Lyrics I recently lost my brother. I was in charge of his funeral service. I picked some one song that people agreed was very appropriate. That song was, “My Way” performed by Frank Sinatra. When I was picking out the music I wanted to use for my brother Lyle’s funeral ceremony I knew this was one I was going to use for sure. When I told some family members, old friends and the funeral director who was an old friend of Lyle’s they all smiled and nodded in agreement. As the song rolled across the chapel and I listened to the words I felt that the song was even more fitting than I realized. Some very appropriate phases stood out to me. “I’ll state my case of which I’m certain. I did it my way. But through it all when there was doubt, I ate it up and spit it out,

and did it my way. And may I say, one who kneels.. The record absolute best song to describe not in a shy way... I did it my shows, I took the blows, but I did my brother. I had several people remark upon the song with “That was Lyle” or ‘that really fits him”. One cousin in particular summed it up with “That was it, right there”. I knew then that this song was exactly right for my brother’s service. After so many comments about it I was reassured I had made the right choice. However, had people disagreed I would not have changed things. I have some of that ‘My Way” spirit in me also. That song was just so right for Lyle that I had to use it. This ability of a song to convey such a description of a persons character led me to think about way. For what is a man, what has it my way”. That was Lyle for songs whose lyrics are very fithe got? If not himself, then he sure. I knew I had picked the ting for a person or event or has not. To say the words he truly feels. And not the words of


45 Johnson Ferry Rd. NW Atlanta, GA 30328

info@enigmaonline.com (423) 933-5170

P.O. Box 825 Chattanooga, TN 37401

Paul E. Burke Sr. Publisher D.A. Weinthal Associte Publisher/Editor-In-Chief David Huff Music Editor Chris Eason Photo Editor Will Russell Sales

Contributing Editors: Mark Haskins, Jim Sells, Mark Bedford. Chris McKay, David N. Marks, William Alexander, Dave Fernandez

Founder: D.A. Weinthal Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter @EnigmaMag www.enigmaonline.com ENIGMA

APRIL 17 2020


which have some inherent wisdom (at least to me); so much that I thought about writing this article. Another such song is ‘The Dance’ as performed by Garth Brooks. I was not into country music much in the ‘90s so I wasn’t familiar with the song until a friend of mine sang it at karaoke in David’s Restaurant and Bar (sadly closed long ago). As I listened to the words I thought they could definitely apply to some aspects of many peoples lives. The words, “For a moment all the world was right, how could I have known you’d ever say goodbye. And now I’m glad I didn’t know, the way it would end, the way it would go. Our lives are better left to chance. I could have missed the pain, but I’d have to miss the dance. This could apply to a love being lost or a loved one dying. But it makes you realize the time spent, the emotions felt of ‘the Dance’ are worth the hurt. The song goes on “for a moment wasn’t I the king, but if I’d known how the king would fall, hey who’s to say you know I might have changed it all. And now I’m glad I didn’t know the way it all would end, the way it all would go. Our lives are better left to chance. I could have missed the pain but I’d of had to miss the dance:” Would we continue with our course in life if we knew what was coming and it was going to be emotionally painful? Perhaps it is very contrite but it seems the song is saying “ it’s better to have lived and lost then never loved at all.”. I think this song could also apply to having loved and lost a child or relative not just a romantic interest. That’s the beauty of music. It can be interpreted by the listener. It can invoke emotional highs and lows . It can put the listener back to a time and place OR make you think with the words and convey a message.

Take the song, “Last Worthless Evening” by Don Henley. When I hear it I think Henley is basically saying goodbye, telling his lover “this is the last worthless evening that you’ll have to spend. “However the lines before that are “ just gimme a chance to show you how to love again.” Another line says “but there’s just so many summers and just so many springs and this is the last worthless evening that you’ll have to spend”. I pick up on that part and again think he is talking about that they are wasting their time and need to move on. But he goes on to ask, “Just gimme a chance darling to show you how to love again”. Perhaps people hear what they want to in the lyrics of a song. Another Henley song that reminds of my father, grandfather and our family farm is “A Month of Sundays”. One line goes “ Had some time for farmin’ then, banks back then was lendin’ money. The banker was the farmer’s friend. And I’ve seen dog days and dusty days; Late spring snow and early fall sleet; I’ve held the leather reins in my hand and felt the soft ground under my feet.” While I never plowed with a mule both my father and grandfather did. They also suffered through the ups and downs of weather that affect farmers crops. Another line offers “Now I’m glad that I have quit, folks these days just don’t do nothin’ simply for the love of it.” My father’s day job was as a teacher. He farmed in his “off time”. This often meant before he left for school in the morning and soon after he came home from work, many times until dark. Anyone who thinks a farmers life is easy is badly mistaken. It’s more like another line, “one step forward and two steps back...I don’t see next years crop”.

brother I was reminded of a line from “The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald, “Does anyone know where the love of God goes when the waves turn the minutes to hours?” As your loved one slips away each breath seems like it lasts an eternity. Each second drags on and drains you emotionally.

Some lyrics that really seem to fit our current situation (March 2020) are from “The Boys of Summer”. “Nobody on the road, nobody on the beach; I feel it in the air, the summer’s out of reach.” Due to these dark days it does seem as if summer is “out of reach”. We are living quarantined day by day. The song continues “Empty lake, empty streets, the sun goes down Thank you to friends and family alone”. People are not out near who helped me after the passing as a much. There are no crowds of my brother Lyle. or gatherings. The dusk is a lonely place. Later the song goes, - Mark Haskins “Out on the road today I saw a

Due to the recent death of my ENIGMA

Deadhead sticker on a Cadillac. A little voice inside my head said “Don’t look back, you can never look back”... then “Those days are gone forever, I should just let them go but”. Perhaps that will be our situation as a society. We can never look back. We will have to look forward and hope for brighter days. But can we really help but thinking we hope there’s a day where “I can see you, your brown skin shining in the sun, you got your hair slicked back and those Wayfarers on...” Maybe the Boys of Summer will get here soon and make us forget these dark days. Perhaps unlike the song we will forget those nights and wonder if it was a dream...

APRIL 17 2020 2019


Transportation Authority spokesman Tim Minton told the New York Daily News. “That’s unacA New York subway rider was ceptable.” caught on camera taking social distancing too far by clinging to the An endurance kayaker is 26 days outside of a moving train. A rider into her attempt to circumnavigate on the No. 2 train in the Bronx cap- all five Great Lakes — a distance of tured video of the masked subway about 4,200 miles. Traci Lynn surfer clinging to the side of the Martin, 52, of Kansas City, Mo., train as it traveled on the elevated embarked March 1 from Buffalo, tracks. “This is ridiculously danger- N.Y., and said Wednesday she was ous behavior at any time, and in nearing Cleveland’s Lake Erie the middle of a pandemic it also shore. Martin previously attempted distracts police officers from the feat in 2017, but was forced to efforts to keep people safe, spread end her attempt due to ice on Lake out and healthy,” Metropolitan Ontario after completing only


three lakes. She finished having paddled for a distance of 3,592 miles, 230 miles short of the Guinness World Record. Martin said she is not attempting to break the Guinness record this time, freeing her from rules that previously barred her from having a back-up boat in case her kayak gets damaged. The kayaker said she is hoping to finish her journey of about 4,200 miles by Christmas. A Pennsylvania supermarket says they were forced to destroy more than $35,000 in food after a woman’s coronavirus prank

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involved intentionally coughing all over it. Gerrity’s Supermarket in Luzerne County, says the woman intentionally coughed on the fresh produce, a small section of the bakery and meat case. The supermarket’s co-owner said he believes this was an attempt at a “very twisted prank.” “We will not take any chances with the health and well-being of our customers. We had no choice but to throw out all product she came in contact with,” the supermarket’s co-owner Joe Fasula posted on Facebook. The

store has not calculated the exact loss but believes it will be more than $35,000. The store said the police were contacted, and they believe the woman is not infected with the coronavirus. A Washington man was arrested following a high-speed chase that left officers dumbfounded after they found the man’s pit bull behind the wheel. The incident unfolded Sunday afternoon after police received calls about a driver hitting two vehicles in an area south of Seattle and then speeding away, state trooper Heather Axtman reported. Axtman said that as officers gave chase, they got close to the vehicle and were shocked to see a pit bull in the driver’s seat and a man steering and pushing the gas pedal from the passenger side. The pursuit ended after police deployed spike strips and arrested 51-year-old Alberto Tito Alejandro. “When we took him into custody... he admitted to our troopers that he was trying to

teach his dog to drive,” Axtman said. The female pit bull, which was not aggressive toward the arresting officers, had been placed in an animal shelter.

shared CCTV footage showing the confused officers gathered outside the empty club. “I think it was a waste of their time, but I don’t think whoever called them did it deliberately, I think it was just a A British comedy club said about 20 misunderstanding,” Blair said. police officers responded to the facility to shut-down a live show Brooklyn photographer, Jeremy that actually took place more than Cohen, 28, gained notoriety after two weeks earlier. The owners of he shared a video on social media the Hot Water Comedy Club in of him flying a drone with his Liverpool, England, said a phone number attached to the Facebook Live show featuring woman, named Tori, while self-isocomedian Paul Smith hosting a lating. Cohen explained in an earliselection of clips from when the er video how he first noticed the club was still open led a concerned woman from his apartment when viewer to contact police and report she was seen dancing on a nearby the club for violating bans on large rooftop, and decided to put his gatherings amid the coronavirus time in quarantine to good use by pandemic. “I was really surprised. asking her out in a very novel way. The first we heard about it was An hour later, Tori texted Cohen when we got a call from the con- her response. ‘I can’t believe this venience store next door, saying a actually worked and yes this is a full police squad had turned up at real story,’ Cohen wrote on the club,” Paul Blair, one of the Twitter. In the days since, Cohen club’s owners said. “I looked at our reported that Tori and he had gone CCTV and saw about 20 police offi- on a first ‘date’, revealing that they cers outside,” he said. The club arranged to have a socially-distant


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dinner, with him sitting on his balcony while Tori set up her meal on the rooftop where he first saw her. After a successful dinner date, Cohen said he planned to ‘take this relationship to the next level’ - a step that would once again require some clever thinking on his part. Cohen messaged Tori and asked her to meet him outside her apartment for their first official in-person date - to which she quickly agreed. What Tori could not have guessed was that Cohen would be wearing an enormous inflatable bubble to ensure that the two of them remained socially distant even while hanging out together. The pair then go on a walk together through their neighborhood when a cop stops them. But it turns out the police officer recognized Cohen’s story from the news and just wanted a selfie. Of the date Cohen wrote: ‘Just because we have to social distance, doesn’t mean we have to be socially distant.

On toasted bread with Mayo

Delivery & Take Out Menu

Mandy’s Club Deluxe - $8.15 Ham, Turkey, Bacon & American Cheese. On 3 slices of bread with lettuce, tomato & mayo Open Face Mule Dog - $5.75 Topped with mustard, chili, slaw & cheese Smokin Butts BBQ Sandwich $8.69 Served on a bun with slaw & our house BBQ sauce Homemade Tuna Salad Sandwich - $6.69 On toast with lettuce, tomato & mayo

3904 Ringgold Road 423-531-6357 APPETIZERS Mason’s Smokin’ Butts Pork Stacker - $8.69 Fries Topped With Bbq, Sour Cream, Cheese, And Chives Maddie’s Fresh Fried Green Tomatoes = $5.75 Jenn’s Pimento Cheese Sliders - $5.95 3 pieces Marcus’ Jumbo Wings $9.39 Served with Ranch Mace’s Mac & Cheese Wedges - $6.59 (9 Pc.) Served With Ranch Or Honey Mustard KK’s Fried Pickles - $6.59 Cowboy Buffalo Fingers $8.59 LIGHT & COLD SIDE

Topped with Chicken, Cheese, Bell Peppers & Boiled Egg Fried Chicken Salad - $9.39 Cheese, Bell Peppers & Boiled Egg

Grilled Chicken Spud - $8.15 Large Baked Potato With Butter, Sour Cream, Cheese, Bacon Bits, Chives, And Grilled Chicken. Served With Texas Toast.

Chef Salad - $8.45 Fresh Iceberg Mix, Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Purple Onions, Turkey, Ham, Bacon Bits, Shredded Cheese, Bell Pepper, Boiled Egg, And Your Choice Of Dressing.

Dirty Spud - $7.85 Large Baked Potato With Butter, Sour Cream, Cheese, Bacon Bits, Chives, And Chili. Served With Texas Toast.

Melodee’s Cold Plate $11.19 (1) Scoop Of Tuna Salad And Chicken Salad On A Bed Of Lettuce. Served With Sliced Tomatoes, Boiled Egg, Cucumbers, And Your Choice Of (1) Cold Vegetable. Stuffed Tomato - $6.59 with Chicken/Tuna Salad served with cucumbers & boiled eggs

SPUDS Our salads are made fresh with Iceberg Mix, Tomatoes, Our Large Baked Potato. With Cucumber, Purple Onions and butter and sour cream with Choice of Dressing your favorite toppings and Texas Toast House Salad - $5.45 Mattix’s Southern Loaded All of the above topped with Spud - $7.95 Bell Peppers & Shredded Large Baked Potato With Cheese Butter, Sour Cream, Cheese, Grilled Chicken Salad Bacon, Ham, And Chives. $9.39 Served With Texas Toast.

Mad Dog’s BBQ Pork Spud $8.69 Large Baked Potato With Butter, Sour Cream, Cheese, Bacon Bits, And BBQ Pork. Served With Texas Toast. SIGNATURE SANDWICHES Served with House Chips for $1.25 or Fries for $1.59 Big Papa’s Grilled Ham & Cheese Sandwich - $7.45 Swiss Cheese, Lettuce, Tomato & Mayo Grilled Cheese Sandwich $5.45 On Texas Toast (Add lettuce and tomato for $0.65) Mimi’s Grilled Pimento Cheese - $6.69 On Grilled bread with lettuce and tomato Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato Sandwich - $5.35

Homemade Chicken Salad Sandwich - $6.69 On toast with lettuce, tomato & mayo Dee’s Philly Steak & Cheese $8.69 Roast Beef on a hoagie bun with peppers & onions Open Faced Hot Roast Beef Sandwich - $11.19 With Gravy, Mashed Potatoes & Slaw Turkey Melt - $8.59 On Sourdough Bread with Swiss Cheese & Mayo WRAPS All wraps are made with fresh spinach, tomato, onion & dressing. Served with House Chips for $1.25 or Fries for $1.59 Veggie Wrap - $4.59 With bell pepper, Swiss, & Italian Dressing Grilled Chicken Wrap $7.09 With Swiss Cheese & Honey Mustard Sliced Turkey Wrap - $5.85 with Swiss Cheese & Ranch Tuna Salad Wrap - $5.85 with Swiss Cheese Chicken Salad Wrap - $5.85 with Swiss Cheese Turkey & Bacon Wrap $6.59 with Swiss Cheese & Ranch

DAILY SPECIALS Served with Cornbread or Rolls

Cabbage or any Everyday Veggies

Thursday Meat & Two Vegetables Country Dinner $10.35 Monday Daily Special Thursday Meat & Three Vegetables Country Dinner Choices include: Chicken & Dressing, Grilled or Fried Pork $11.59 Chops, Stewed Cabbage, Thursday Three Vegetables Country Dinner - $7.45 Sweet Potato Casserole, or Thursday Four Vegetables any Everyday Veggies Country Dinner - $8.69 Monday Meat & Two Friday Daily Special Vegetables Country Dinner $10.35 Choices Include: Fried Catfish Monday Meat & Three Filets, Grilled or Fried Pork Vegetables Country Dinner Chop, Meal Loaf, White $11.59 Beans, Squash Casserole or Monday Three Vegetables Country Dinner - $7.45 any Everyday Veggies Monday Four Vegetables Country Dinners - $8.69 Friday Meat & Two Vegetables Country Dinner $10.35 Tuesday Daily Special Choices Include: Chicken & Dumplings, Oven Baked Pot Roast, Fried Potatoes & Onions, Stewed Cabbage, Broccoli Casserole or any Everyday Veggies Tuesday Meat & Two Vegetables Country Dinner $10.35 Tuesday Meat & Three Vegetables Country Dinner $11.59 Tuesday Three Vegetables Country Dinner - $7.45 Tuesday Four Vegetables Country Dinner - $8.69 Wednesday Daily Special Choices Include: Country Style Steak & Gravy, Baked Italian Chicken, White Beans, Sweet Baby Carrots, Hash Brown Casserole or any Everyday Veggies Wednesday Meat & Two Vegetables Country Dinner $10.35 Wednesday Meat & Three Vegetables Country Dinner $11.59 Wednesday Three Vegetables Country Dinner - $7.45 Wednesday Four Vegetables Country Dinner - $8.69 Thursday Daily Special Choices Include: Chicken Casserole, Baked Spaghetti with Salad & Garlic Toast, Baby Lima Beans, Stewed

Cheese, Chili, Slaw & Spicy Mustard Southern Ass Burger - $11.19 Topped with Pimento Cheese, Fried Green Tomato & Fried Onions (Veggies on Request) Dixie Mamma - $11.19 Topped with Smoking Butts BBQ, Fried Onion Rings, and Smoked Cheddar Cheese Mike D’s Southwestern Pattie Melt - $8.69 with Smoked Cheddar Cheese, Grilled Onions & Peppers served on Texas toast with House Sauce DINNER ENTREES Marah’s Chicken Fingers $11.19

SIDES Small Side of Fries - $2.85 Large Side of Fries - $4.39 Onion Rings - $4.39 Baked Potato - $3.15 Small Tater Tots - $2.85 Large Tater Tots - $4.39 Sweet Corn Nuggets - $3.35 Small Cheese Fries - $3.59 Large Cheese Fries - $5.75 Cup of Homemade Chili $2.95 Bowl of Chili - $4.95 Side order of Everyday Veggies - $2.45 Chili Cheese Fries - $5.95 MEL’S HOMEMADE DESSERTS Strawberry Shortcake - $4.39 Sour cream pancake with strawberries & whipped cream

Friday Meat & Three Vegetables Country Dinner $11.59

Served with 2 vegetables. Generous portion of chicken breast tenders, fresh breaded and fried or grilled to order

Friday Three Vegetables Country Dinner - $7.45 Friday Four Vegetables Country Dinner - $8.69

Bobo’s Boneless Fried Chicken Breast - $11.19 Served with White Gravy & 2 Vegetables

Mel’s Banana Pudding $4.09

8 oz Jap’s Hamburger Steak $11.19 Our fresh ground chuck grilled & topped with white gravy & onions. Served with fries, slaw and Texas Toast

Gallon of Unsweetened Tea $5.00 Gallon of Sweet Tea - $5.00

BURGERS All our burgers are 8 oz patties made daily from fresh ground chuck. Served with House Chips for $1.25 or Fries for $1.59

12 oz Jap’s Hamburger Steak Andy’s Ultimate Cheeseburger - $13.69 - $9.95 with Smoked Cheddar & Our fresh ground chuck American Cheese on a grilled & topped with white Brioche Bun with Lettuce, gravy & onions. Served with Tomato, Onion & Mayo fries, slaw and Texas Toast Hamburger - $8.69 with lettuce, tomato, onion, mustard & mayo Melodee’s Sweet & Salty Burger - $12.45 Served on a Belgian Waffle. with Swiss & Smoked Cheddar Cheese, Fried Egg, Bacon Jacked Up Burger - $10.45 with Pepper Jack & Swiss Cheese, Fried Jalapenos, Lettuce, Tomato, Onions with Jalapenos Dirty Burger - $10.45 with Smoked Cheddar

Smokin Butts BBQ Plate $12.09 Served with French Fries, Slaw, Baked Beans & Toast Nana’s Jumbo Fried Shrimp Dinner (7) - $12.95 Served with Fries & Slaw Clark’s Fried Shrimp & Hamburger Steak - $15.45 Served with Slaw, Fries & Texas Toast. Four Shrimp and our 8 oz Hamburger Steak with Gravy & Onions Marcus’s Signature Jumbo Wings Dinner - $16.19 with our House Sauce with French fries & slaw

Southern Peach Cobbler $4.09


KIDS MEALS Lil Diva’s Grilled Cheese & Fries - $5.35 Sander’s Cheeseburger Slider & Fries - $6.19 Carson’s Hot Dog Slider & Fries - $6.19 Charlie’s Chicken Fingers & Fries - $6.19 Sutton’s Macaroni & Cheese Wedges - $6.19 FAMILY MEAL DEAL Smoking Buttes BBQ Family Deal - $24.99 Family Meal Deal for Four Includes one pound of meat with 2 pints of sides, slaw, sauce and six buns Delivery Hours Monday: 11:00pm - 2:30pm Tuesday: 11:00pm - 2:30pm Wednesday: 11:00pm 2:30pm Thursday: 11:00pm - 2:30pm Friday: 11:00pm - 2:30pm Saturday: 11:00pm - 2:30pm Sunday: 11:00am - 2:30pm

The Madness Chronicles Special Martial Law Episode In this special martial law episode of the Madness Chronicles, we’ll take a look at the madness of government gone wild. Remember, madness is a state of being mentally ill, especially severely, extremely foolish behavior, and a state of frenzied or chaotic activity. Let’s take a look at government overreach around America.

people who allowed other people in their home for a private wedding. The crime? Violating the Governor’s social distancing order. What makes this one ‘special’ is they were turned in by their neighbors. So very Nazi of them. Chaos reigns all over the country.

unique case. A man who had walked some three or so miles from his home was shot by someone. When police arrived, they arrested him because walking from his home was not essential, and he violated the Governors stay at home order. Really? A woman in Georgia was arrested because she tested In Cincinnati, we have a positive to coronabalogna

First, out of Pennsylvania, a 19-year-old young woman was arrested for ‘driving around.’ That’s right; the State Police arrested the York County woman for violating the Governors’ stay at home order. She was fined $200.00. It seems walking, running, or hiking is permitted, but only if it is essential. Apparently, the State Police deemed driving around nonessential? A father and former State Patrol officer in Brighton, Colorado, was recently arrested while playing softball with his 6-year-old daughter in a city park. The man was cuffed and placed in the back of the police cruiser. While his wife and the little girl looked on. His crime? Violating the social distancing order issued by the Governor. Suddenly Governors are powerful. Moving back east to New Jersey, police arrested two ENIGMA

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and wouldn’t quarantine. Said she wasn’t sick, but that didn’t matter. In an apparent preemptive strike, Nevadas’ Democratic Governor recently announced he will order large Easter gatherings in homes to be broken up. Back in Jersey, 15 people were arrested for attending their

Rabbi’s funeral. It sure is a good thing we live in a free country protected by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Not. In Fond du loc County, Wisconsin, the District Attorney’s office has filed 10 charges for violating the Governor’s stay at home order. In Milwaukee, Police are advising people they will arrest violators and are encouraging people to report violators. Big Brother is coming. In San Diego County, California police issued 52 citations for violating the Governors’ stay at home order. In their grand county, violators face a fine of up to $1,000.00 and a possible 6

year-old man left home to go to McDonald’s, Once there, he assaulted his ex-girlfriend. He was charged with assault as well as violating the Governors’ stay at home order. Give a man a new law and some authority, and by golly, he will enforce it. Yet, Governor’s coast to coast say they are reserving the right to enact martial law. You could have fooled me. May we wake from this madness before it’s too late. I wish you good health and Maryland, Alabama. In many months in jail. Lovely. until next time... have fun, cases, the charges are tacked enjoy life, and watch out for There were 3 people arrest- on to other violations. Law the madness amongst us. ed in Toledo, Ohio, in enforcement is acting like Minnesota’s twin cities 8 kids in a candy store. - Ed Kugler people have been arrested, as well as arrests in Indiana, Finally, out of Florida, a 28-


APRIL 17 2020


Radio Industry In the Age of Hyper-Niche Music The radio business is more competitive than ever and the audience is more diverse than ever. Why has this happened? Well, I guess we can blame it on the Internet and YouTube which allows small niche artists to get a following, then there are the copycats, and sub-niches, and then sub-niches of the sub-niche. Folks can download the music they want, anytime they want, so why would they bother listening to the radio - well, that’s just it, most of the new generation doesn’t listen to radio much anymore.

Even Yuppies in their BMWs, today, and how some winners Another strategy for radio SUVs, and Mini-Vans who have satellite radio have over 100 channels, so what are the chances of them tuning into any given local radio station, which if you live in even a medium sized city is probably more than 10-20 stations that service that market. The New York Times had a decent article posted on February 11, 2013 titled; “The Blush of Youth at the Grammy’s - A music awards season tilting towards the new and fresh,” by James McKinely Jr. and if you watched the Grammy’s you know how diverse the music is

were folks you’d never heard of in your life. Even many in the music industry didn’t know all the winners. So, how can a radio station make money? Well, maybe you can’t, in fact there are many very well established radio stations going out of business or merging. Look in your own phone book and see the number of stations all run by various radio groups, as they usually call themselves. By putting together several niches they can interest their various advertisers so they can get coverage in the proper demographic group. In some ways this helps advertisers target market, but it also means that for it to be worth the cost, those ads need to be quite reasonable. ENIGMA

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groups is to use syndication on off-hours, perhaps playing music from a similar station across the country, splitting up the advertising time with their national advertisers, then the rest with local ads. No, it’s not easy to operate in such a diffused, diverse, and hyperniched sector, but that doesn’t mean some radio stations haven’t worked out most of the details in their strategy as they evolve with all these changes, some of which we noted at the Grammy’s in 2013. Indeed, we can expect these and new trends to continue well into the future, they must evolve or the radio industry cannot survive. Please consider all this and think on it.

- Lance Winslow

Exercising In Lockdown With NO Equipment and Very Little Space Being stuck in our homes and unable to go out for a walk or a change of view can be quite a problem for many of us, and after a while of lazing on the couch and watching TV reruns we start getting the urge to get moving and getting our blood circulating again.

your heel up to the height of your bellybutton by kicking it upwards. You can put your hand on a table or a doorhandle to keep your balance. Alternate legs, so do left, right, left, right continuously until you get tired. After about 20 of these you will notice that your breathing is getting heavier. But what to do in such a small That means your blood is startspace! Well, here are some ing to move! Yay! ideas and suggestions that you can use as a kick off point to Then turn around and, keeping developing your own exercise your legs straight, kick up each routine! leg backwards in the same manner, doing left, right, left, You’ve heard it said “Use what right and so on until tired. you have, not what you don’t have.” What we have are two Get your breath back, then run legs that weigh quite a bit, even easily on the spot for a bit until if you’re quite slim. One leg you feel ready for some more, weighs about 15 percent of your and then repeat as much as you body weight. So lifting those can. legs will use quite a bit of energy. So lets use them as follows. Then there’s dancing. Nothing fancy, something like a two Stand in an area of your house step dance, as long as it gets where you have at least a you jumping around and getmetre of space in front of you. ting that blood circulation (More if you’re tall) Then keep- going! So put some lively music ing your leg as straight as you on with a good beat and start can, quickly lift it up forwards dancing! Try and invent new as high as you can. Try to get dance steps, go a little ballistic


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and get those legs up and the arms going crazy - the more movement the better. This will also save you on heating costs because you’ll get so warm you won’t need any heating. It also helps with your digestion, makes you slimmer eventually, and flushes all the toxins out of your body. A win-win situation.

around fairly easily to go back to the start again. Then measure this “track” so you know how far one “lap” is. Now you

so you work all your muscles more pleasant. I managed to equally. Count the number of walk 2km in my small house, so laps so you know how far try and top that. you’ve walked, then you can try If you have young kids, piggy back them all over the house. They will love it, and you’ll get fit! If you have carpets you can push the little ones all over the place in a cardboard box, they always enjoy that, and it really works all the muscles in your body!

Bit too frail for all this crazy exercise? Well, make some space in your biggest room, or multiple rooms, and make a “track” that you So no excuse now! can walk along, could You have all the gym be in a figure of eight equipment you need type of shape or a ranbuilt right into your dom shape through your house can walk around this track for and improve on that next time own body! Let’s do it! or flat. Make sure you have a as long as you can, changing you walk. You can also put place where you can turn direction every now and again music on to make it a little - Duncan Kelly


APRIL 17 2020


Ladies: For Your Consideration There is a question that has been gnawing at my mind (and perhaps the minds of others) for years now that only women could truly answer, never mind that they seldom have occasion to broach the subject (that I’ve noticed, anyway; the answer may be buried in some back issue of Cosmo that I would not dare to be seen reading in public). As a preface, let me state that I certainly understand that many young, modern women choose to “play the field” either before or instead of marriage.

For me, there is no bone of contention. Do as ye will, and so forth. The question is, therefore, not based on any moral consideration of whether or not your periodic romps at “the club”, frat parties, seedy bars, and any number of other hip and happening destinations is right or wrong, but rather, the question is this: are you actually having any fun doing it, especially when so many of you end a night of entertainment by having sex with one or more men?


Stop and think for a moment: how many men are actually providing you with anything resembling sexual entertainment? In my experience,

formance levels will tell you that, worldwide, the average male genitalia is 5 inches long (in the United States, the average jumps to a whopping six

women have more stories of past lovers who were disappointments in bed than they have any other, though this may be a result of the female tendency to complain about negative experiences than to brag about positive ones, even though I somehow doubt that. Any cursory investigation of male genitalia and sexual per-

inches), while the average male sexual performance lasts somewhere between 5 and 15 minutes. Ladies, we are not all Ron Jeremy or Peter North; in fact, the vast majority of us are not. And, thanks to the raucous behavior of men who will lie about nearly anything at “the club” and the suspicious nature of women who have likely

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already had their fill of “minute men” on past dates, there are few reliable ways for the rare few well-endowed gentlemen to actually advertise themselves in any sensible fashion. Why would anyone believe them without having firsthand knowledge? So many fabulous ladies venture forth into the night and continue to flit from one bar to the next, to see and be seen, all of which makes sense until the hookups commence. Is it the liquor? It could be, for all I know. If you’re too drunk to remember what happened, the previous night’s performance might not mean anything. Is it the popularity you think you’re gaining by being sexually active, especially if you manage to bed someone socially wellheeled? Are we all still in high-

hunting for a husband as a secondary or tertiary consideration, then maybe jumping one or two of them as a “test drive” makes sense. Maybe. That is, if they don’t all lose respect for you when they flag you as being “easy” which is one of the most idiotic social behaviors men have ever exhibited, in my opinion, but that’s another discussion for another time. But honestly, if you’re out for a night of fun, dressed to kill after hours of wardrobe planning and preparation, bouncing from one hot night spot to the next, why spoil the whole night by haphazardly hopping into bed with so many disappointments? We all know that it happens, and it happens frequently. Perhaps you should not be Plenty of those “minute men” blamed, since your locality’s might actually make for good equivalents of Ron Jeremy and marrying material, and if you’re school? I suppose those of you with fake IDs might be, but otherwise, why bother? If you will recall, sleeping with even one man, much less dozens or even hundreds of them, can be a dangerous affair. STDs, unplanned pregnancies, domestic violence, blah blah blah. Okay, so let’s assume you’ve apprised yourselves of all the risks and taken the necessary steps to mitigate them. There’s still the cold, hard fact that most men, even by non-pornographic standards, are probably going to disappoint in bed unless you, too, are awful under the sheets, at which point everyone’s going to be unhappy. At least you’ll be even.


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Peter North may have the looks and social skills of mangy walruses. Many young men spend an equal amount of time preparing themselves with the right looks, lines, and scents to bag any number of unsuspecting ladies who will never know how bad they truly can be in bed, further muddying the waters. But, honestly, if you’re going to take all the social and biological risks associated with hooking up, shouldn’t you at least enjoy some sort of reward for all the risk? Landing in bed with another “minute man” draped in the latest fashions and reeking of Axe or Tag doesn’t seem like it should be high on your list of things to do.

- Matthew Anderson

NEVER LIKED THE BEATLES NEVER LOVED ELVIS JIM SELLS I love it when an artist, shafted by the critic community, gets a “Best of” or “Greatest Hits” release. Nothing tickles me more than to slide a verbal blade between the third and fourth ribs of the conventional rock wisdom with an upward, twisting motion. I LOVE my fellow critics with all my blackened little heart.

make a whore blush, and whores are usually better company to boot. This week’s example of how the conventional wisdom is wrong is Billy Squier. He is among the latest artists to have an “Icon” low price greatest hits package inflicted on them by Capitol. All the big radio hits are here for cheap, but Billy Squier is so much better than Well no, I don’t either. The that. shameless groupthink of the rock critic herd is enough to Billy Squier went solo from


his band Piper and hit his stride almost immediately. The first album, “Tale of the Tape”, smokes, featuring three tunes – “Calley Oh”, “The Big Beat”, and “You Should Be High, Love” – that still show up in Squier’s set lists. His sophomore effort, “Don’t Say No”, is where everybody else showed up to the party. The first three tracks – “In the Dark”, “The Stroke”, and “My Kinda Lover” – are truly classic

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rock tunes, on the playlist of every station in the world with any taste. Throw in the title track and “Lonely Is The Night” and you have an album that stands with any released in its time or any other, if you like hard rock, that is. If not, what are you doing reading this anyway? “Emotions In Motion” comes next in the catalog and continues Squier’s winning streak. Songs like the title

track, “Everybody Wants You”, and the Stones-esque “Catch 22” flat-out smoke and there are hidden gems like “She’s A Runner” to reward listening to the whole album. This point in Squier’s discography marks the start of a dry spell, albeit a dry spell many artists would kill to have. The albums “Signs of Life” and “Enough Is Enough” have their high points with the singles “All Night Long”, “Rock Me Tonite”, and “Lady With A Tenor Sax” (an instrument that I used to play and, more interestingly, a song coauthored by Freddie Mercury); however, the damage done by the pink pants ficult to overcome to this Billy Squier still plays out and Squier wore in the video for day. is an utter knockout live … “Rock Me Tonite” proves difwhich is exactly all that is


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wrong with “Icon”. Billy Squier is neither dead not is he defined by the eleven tunes present on “Icon”. Squier is an album artist from an era of albums and trying to define him by his singles is like trying to fornicate for celibacy – it might be fun at first but, ultimately, it doesn’t work out for anyone. If you must start with a Billy Squier compilation, try “Reach For The Sky: The Anthology”, a two-disc set that gives a better overview of his catalog. Better yet, avoid all that and give the first five albums a spin. If you’re not hip, you will be. Despite what the critic community will tell you, Billy Squier rocks. Hard.

New Album ‘Danzig Sings Elvis’ To Be Released April 24 Available In A Special Digipak for CD And On Vinyl In A Deluxe Gatefold Jacket Anticipation for the DANZIG April 24 with Cleopatra Records. one of his greatest influences, Sings ELVIS oneDanzig has of-a-kind album wrapped up a release increases full-length as the first single album that will is finally in sight. also be availDanzig’s version of able on vinyl. “One Night” stays While recording true to its classic this project, it Elvis foundation was important while exhibiting a to not only modern alternainclude some tive sheen unlike well-known anything fans Elvis recordings, would expect to but also some hear. The single that were not was exclusively hits, but influpremiered by ential nonetheRolling Stone on less. With tracks April 9. such as “One Night,” “First In Heavy metal icon Line,” “Like A and punk pioneer Baby,” a sinister Danzig will be take on “Fever” releasing DANZIG Sings ELVIS on After crediting Elvis Presley as and a haunting rendition of “Always On My Mind,” it is evident that Danzig cut no corners when creating this iconic record. Danzig will play more traditional hard rock shows with his famed self-titled band DANZIG this summer in Europe and will also headline the Psycho Las Vegas festival in August. Listeners of the album and show audiences will be on the edge of their seats before each new single begins, awaiting the perfect modern rock/classic hits blend. Be on the lookout for other, more intimate Exclusive DANZIG performances happening later this year in support of this DANZIG Sings ELVIS release. ENIGMA

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1. Finneas 2. Pearl Jam 3. Jason Isbell & The 400 Unit 4. Soccer Mommy 5. The Strokes 6. Monday Night Social 7. Drive-By Truckers 8. Nathaniel Rateliff 9. AJR 10. The Killers 11. Wolf Parade 12. Drew Holcomb & The Neighbors 13. The Highwaywomen 14. Mike Campbell’s The Dirty Knobs 15. Andy Shauf 16. Best Coast 17. Tame Impala 18. The Lumineers 19. Robin Grant & The Standard 20. Umphrey’s McGee

ADVENTURE PICKS 1. The Pretenders 2. Larkin Poe 3. Indigo Girls

Best Ten Artists Who Became Famous Using Pseudonyms Now, one called “Under Lime” flamboyant lead singers in and the other dubbed rock history, forever known as Freddie Mercury of Queen. “Unwanted Number.” Its release will almost coincide with the fortieth anniversary of his very first album, the sensational My Aim Is True. Hits like “Allison” and “Watching the Detectives” helped insure that the man who was born Declan McManus would become a legend almost as big as that of the singer who shares his first name.

Vincent Furnier Early on the entire band was referred to as Alice Cooper, but very soon that name was used solely for its lead singer. Robert Zimmerman

Of course the Hibbing, Minnesota native would take on the name of a poet, for Bob Here are ten other recording Dylan himself would eventualartists who adopted pseudo- ly win the Nobel Prize for nyms that they have immortal- Literature on the strength of his remarkable verses set to ized. music. Fred Bulsara David Jones He became one of the most

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Elvis Costelloreleased a newthe Imposters since the album in October, his first withMomofuko record from back

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Wednesdays at 5pm est. on wawl.org in 2008. Two singles are ENIGMA APRIL 17 already streaming from Look



Since the Monkees and their lead singer had been around for several years, this aspiring young folk rock artist would go on to “fame-fame-fame” as David Bowie.

Anyone even faintly aware of rock history knows that this influential drummer became Ringo Starr just before finding immortality with a group known as The Beatles.

Reginald Dwight William Michael Albert Broad Like his original identity, his new surname was a common first name like John. His adopted first name, Elton, is now the only one he needs.

Four names were shortened to a mere nine letters after he became Billy Idol, who scored huge hits with “White Wedding”, “Dancing with Gordon Sumner Myself”, “Eyes Without a Face” and a cover version of “Mony One can only suppose that his Mony” first made famous by pseudonym did not hurt much, Tommy James and the since Sting went on to lead the Shondells. quite popular rock band called the Police. John Richard Baldwin Steven Tallorico He cut the syllables in half while keeping the same initial, making Aerosmith’s lead singer forever known as Steven Tyler.

He can be heard playing organ on “Stairway To Heaven” but he mostly kept the rhythm as bassist John Paul Jones of the legendary rock band Led Zeppelin.

Richard Starkey

- Doug Poe ENIGMA

APRIL 17 2020


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“Wild Thing” by The Troggs is released. Adults hate it, the UK music trade paper Record Retailer dubbed it “A most curious record...” but by next June it will be number one in the US and number two in the UK.

Lennon, “Power To The People” and George Harrison: “My Sweet Lord”.

11 9966 77 Nancy and Frank Sinatra had the #1 song on the Billboard Hot 100, The Cashbox Best Sellers List and Britain’s New Musical Express record chart with “Something Stupid”. To this day they are the only father and daughter team to have a US chart topping single. (“Unforgettable” by album was released in Great Britain. Natalie Cole and Nat “King” Cole It sold over 200,000 copies, hitting reached #14 in 1991) number one two weeks later and was the first non-Beatles album to 1199 6699 reach the top in over a year. Six After scoring a series of instrumenweeks later it would be issued in tal hits in the early 1960s including America where it would reach #11. “Walk Don’t Run” and “Slaughter on Tenth Avenue”, The Ventures were 119966 55 back on Billboard’s Hot 100 for the The Hollies began their first US tour last time with the theme from the TV in New York. It wasn’t until the fol- show, Hawaii Five-0. lowing year that the group cracked the US Top Ten with “Bus Stop”. Blood, Sweat And Tears’ first hit, “You’ve Made Me So Very Happy”, The Beach Boys’ “Help Me Rhonda” is tops out at number two on the released, featuring rhythm guitarist Billboard Pop chart. They would Al Jardine on lead vocal. The song have two more second place finishes will become the group’s second with “Spinning Wheel” and “And Billboard #1. When I Die”, but never enjoyed a number one record on the Hot 100. Cannibal And The Headhunters entered the Billboard chart with The Monkees’ TV special, 33 1/3 “Land Of 1000 Dances”, which would Revolutions per Monkee, aired on climb to #30. Wilson Pickett’s version NBC. The plot featured Rock musiof the same song would reach #6 the cians Brian Auger and Julie Driscoll following year. as mad scientists looking for something to rot the minds of young peoRCA and LearJet Corporation ple. Also appearing were Jerry Lee announce the development of the Lewis, Fats Domino, Little Richard, combination 8 track tape player and The Buddy Miles Express and others. car radio that will become available The effort will prove to be The in next Fall’s new cars. Monkees’ final performance as a quartet until 1986, as Peter Tork quit 11 996666 the group at the end of the producJan Berry, the younger half of Jan tion. And Dean, was paralyzed after he ran his Corvette into a parked truck 11 997700 on a side street in Beverly Hills. Paul McCartney releases his first Berry suffered total physical paraly- solo album, officially ending his days sis for over a year as well as exten- with The Beatles, just as the group’s sive brain damage which made it single “Let It Be” reached #1 in impossible to return to performing. America. The pair started their hit streak in 1958 with “Jennie Lee” and followed 11 9977 11 with “Baby Talk”, “Surf City”, Three Dog Night’s “Joy to the World” “Sidewalk Surfin’”, “Drag City”, hit the top of the US singles chart for “Dead Man’s Curve”, “The Little Old a six week stay. It made #24 in the Lady From Pasadena” and UK. The record became the best sell“Popsicle”. Jan’s accident ended ing song of the year in the US, beattheir career as hit makers, although ing out Rod Stewart’s “Maggie May”. they attempted a comeback in 1978 Hoyt Axton, son of “Heartbreak after the biographical movie, Dead Hotel” author, Mae Axton, wrote the Man’s Curve, was shown on TV. song.

119977 22 Roberta Flack’s “The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face” became an unlikely Billboard number one hit after it was featured in the Clint Eastwood film Play Misty For Me. The song had been originally released as an album cut three years earlier, but after Eastwood included it in his movie, Atlantic Records rush released it as a single. The song reached #14 in the UK.

THIS WEEK IN ROCK HISTORY 11 995544 Bill Haley records “Rock Around The Clock”, a song that was first released by Sunny Dae in 1952. The record will become a modest hit, selling 75,000 copies, but would become a national sensation when it was featured in the movie The Blackboard Jungle twelve months later. 11 995555 Fats Domino’s “Ain’t That a Shame” is released on Imperial Records. It will rise to the top of the Billboard R&B chart and #10 on the Pop chart, becoming the first of 37 Top 40 hits The Fat Man will have over the next eight years. 11 996600 Rock and Roll pioneer Eddie Cochran was just 21 years old when he was killed after the taxi in which he was riding blew a tire, then hit a lamppost. Cochran enjoyed hits with”Sittin’ in the Balcony” (#18 in 1957), “Summertime Blues” (#8 in 1958) and “C’mon Everybody” (#35 in 1959). Gene Vincent, who recorded “Be Bop A Lula” in 1956, and Cochran’s fiancee, Sharon Sheeley, survived the crash. Their touring mate, Freddy Cannon, was supposed to be with them, but was running late and took another cab. 11 9966 11 Paul Revere And The Raiders’ first US chart hit, “Like Long Hair” tops out at #38 on the Billboard chart. The song was a boogie-woogie arrangement of Rachmaninoff’s “Prelude in C-Sharp Minor” and featured Revere on piano.

1199 6633 “Surfin’ USA” by the Beach Boys was released in the US, where it will become the group’s second Billboard chart-maker, reaching #3. The song was a note-for-note copy of Chuck Berry’s “Sweet Little Sixteen” with new lyrics. After Berry sued, he was granted royalties and all further issues of the song gave him writing Buffalo Springfield perform for the credit. first time, opening for The Byrds at a concert in San Bernardino, California. 1199 6644 The Rolling Stones’ self-titled, debut ENIGMA

All four former Beatles have solo singles on the UK chart: Paul McCartney: “Another Day”, Ringo Starr: “It Don’t Come Easy”, John

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The Doors’ “Love Her Madly” is released. It would become the band’s 7th Billboard Top 40 single, reaching #11.

The Electric Light Orchestra played its first live show, promoting their debut album, “No Answer”. The concert didn’t get very good reviews and founding member Roy Wood split several months later, leaving Jeff Lynne to write and produce most of the band’s material. 119977 33 Pink Floyd receives a Gold Record for “The Dark Side of the Moon”, one of Rock’s landmark albums. The LP remained on the charts for 741 weeks from 1973 to 1988, longer than any other album in history and has sold an estimated 45 million copies. 11 9977 44 Elton John reached the top spot on the Billboard singles chart for the second time with “Bennie and the Jets”. It made #37 in the UK. Paul McCartney’s LP “Band On The Run” topped the Billboard album chart. It went on to sell over 6 million copies worldwide. 11 997766 Stevie Wonder signed a $13 million deal with Motown, the largest music contract to that date. Wonder would go on to have a half a dozen Top Ten hits from several hot selling albums. 11 997799


Mickey Thomas replaces Marty Balin as the lead singer for Jefferson Starship. Thomas’ voice had previously been heard on the 1976 Elvin Bishop hit, “Fooled Around and Fell in Love”. With only drummer John Hartman and guitarist Patrick Simmons left over from the band that reached #1 in 1975 with “Black Water”, The Doobie Brothers scored their second Billboard chart topper with “What A Fool Believes”. It made #31 in the UK. The record, sung by Michael McDonald, would win Grammy Awards in 1980 for both Song of the Year and Record of the Year. 11 9988 11 Yes temporarily split up when bassist Chris Squire and drummer Alan White left the group to rehearse with Robert Plant and Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin fame. The intended super group never got off the ground and Yes would reform 2 1/2 years later, releasing “90125”, which contained the number 1 single, “Owner of a Lonely Heart”.

1199 8833 Pete Farndon, bassist for The Pretenders on their US Top 20 hits “Brass In Pocket” (1980) and “Back On The Chain Gang” (1983), died of a

drug overdose. He was 30 years old.

KISS appear in full make-up at the 38th Grammy Awards, where they announce a reunion tour. It will 11 9988 44 Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” LP mark the first time all four members marks its 37th week at #1 in US, the have appeared together in fifteen longest run in Rock history to that years. date. 1199 9988 11 998888 Linda Eastman McCartney, wife of Sonny Bono is elected Mayor of Palm former Beatle Paul McCartney, died Springs, California, an office he held while vacationing with her family until 1992 when he ran for the near Tucson, Arizona. She had been Republican nomination for United diagnosed with breast cancer in States Senate. He was elected to the 1995. Paul was at her bedside, speakUnited States House of ing to her when she passed away. Representatives in 1994 to represent 22 0000 11 California’s 44th congressional district. Joey Ramone, of the ‘70s punk band The Ramones, died of lymphatic cancer at the age of 49. His real name 11 998899 Roy Orbison had his final Top 10 sin- was Jeff Hyman. gle on the US chart with “You Got It”, four months after he passed away. 22 00 0022 The song was written by Jeff Lynne Ravi Shankar’s daughter, 23-year-old and Tom Petty and appeared on Norah Jones, makes her TV debut on Orbison’s “Mystery Girl” album that CNN International’s The Music Room. was released posthumously. She would go on to win nine Grammy Awards and sell over 50 11 999966 million albums worldwide. Billboard The rest of Jerry Garcia’s ashes were named her the top Jazz artist of the scattered near the Golden Gate 2000 - 2009 decade. Bridge in San Francisco. A small portion had been placed into the 22 0000 99 Ganges River in India 11 days earlier. Phil Spector was convicted of secThe Grateful Dead leader had died ond-degree murder in the shooting on August 9th, 1995. death of actress Lana Clarkson at his


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mansion six years before. The verdict would send the 69 year old music producer to prison for at least 18 years. His former wife Ronnie wrote in her book Be My Baby, “When I was locked up in his mansion, there were many, many nights when I was sure I’d never get out of that house alive.” 22 00 1122 Dick Clark, who brought Rock ‘n’ Roll into the homes of millions of viewers on his daytime TV show American Bandstand from 1956 to 1988, suffered a fatal heart attack at the age of 82. 22 0011 55 Former Rolling Stones bassist, 78year-old Bill Wyman announced that he would release “Back to Basics”, his first solo album in 33 years, on June 22nd on Proper Records. Nielsen SoundScan released figures that showed vinyl album sales were up 53% during the first three months of the year, compared to last year. The top selling album during that period was The Beatles’ “Abby Road”, which sold 172,000 copies. Vinyl unit sales rose to 9.2 million in 2014, up from 6.1 million in 2013.

Ste v a r in o’s Take Out Menu

Chattanooga Location! Now Offering Beer To-Go! Take home a gallon of beer with the purchase of food. Domestic $17 Craft $25 Stevarinos Chattanooga 325 Cherokee Blvd #100 Chattanooga, TN 37405 423-648-5420


Sampler Combination of fried mozzarella sticks, Irish egg rolls, and beach bread $11.00

Fried Mozzarella Hand breaded to order, fresh, not frozen. Served with marinara sauce $8.00 Irish Egg Rolls Tender baked Corned Beef and cheese rolled in an egg roll skin, fried, and served with 1000 island dressing $9.00 Buffalo Spring Rolls Chicken wing sauce and mozzarella stuffed in an egg roll skin. Served with Bleu cheese and celery $9.00

Stuffed Mushrooms Stuffed with crabmeat then baked in white wine, garlic and topped with fresh mozzarella cheese $8.00 Beach Bread An in house creation! A Hoagie roll toasted with garlic and oil, covered with bleu cheese dressing, tomatoes, bacon and baked with mozzarella $9.00 Spinach Dip Bread Bowl Fresh spinach and artichoke hearts in a creamy sauce $9.00 Buffalo Wings Jumbo wings, served naked and tossed in Frank’s Hot Sauce. Served with French Fries $10.00

Buffalo Shrimp* Lightly floured and flash fried, tossed in Frank’s Hot Sauce. Served with bleu cheese and celery $9.00 Fried Calamari Lightly breaded then flash fried. Served with marinara sauce $9.00

Potato Skins Deep fried skins topped with bacon and 2 cheeses. Served with sour cream $8.00

Stevarinos South Pittsburg 238 S. Cedar Ave S. Pittsburg, TN 37380 423-837-5420

Ahi Tuna* Sushi grade Ahi tuna, dusted in sesame seeds and pan seared rare. Served with Wasabi and ginger on the side. Also available blackened $10.00

Chicken Finger Basket Hand breaded fresh jumbo Chicken Tenders served with French fries & your choice of Honey mustard or BBQ sauce $9.00 Salads

Bleu Cheese Walnut Salad Mixed baby greens with dried cranberries, walnuts, bleu cheese crumbles, bacon, tomatoes, and strawberries tossed in a balsamic walnut vinaigrette $9.00 Greek Salad House greens, green peppers, sun-dried tomatoes, onions, black olives, pepperoncini, fresh tomatoes and feta cheese tossed in our house dressing $9.00

Fried Chicken Salad House greens topped with fried chicken breast tenders, cheddar cheese, tomatoes, red onions and your choice of dressing $9.00 Cobb Salad House greens topped with grilled chicken, bacon, ham, hard-boiled eggs, tomatoes and bleu cheese crumbles $9.00

Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad Romaine hearts, country croutons, Romano and Parmesan cheese, tossed in Caesar dressing $9.00 Topped with a Chicken Breast $11.00 Topped with Shrimp

Papa Joe’s Salad This salad comes from our friends in Cape Coral, Florida. Diced ham, salami, and provolone cheese on a bed of greens with tomatoes, red onions, black olives and topped with diced pepperoncini and our house dressing $9.00 Chicken Salad

Stevarinos Scottsboro 3509 S. Broad St Scottsboro, AL 35769 256-259-5420

Our own recipe and made fresh daily. Chunks of chicken breast, mayonnaise, walnuts, craisins, celery and onions on a bed of greens $9.00

Ahi Tuna Salad* Mixed greens tossed with tomatoes and craisins in a sesame ginger dressing, topped with rice noodles, mandarin oranges, feta cheese, and seared ahi tuna $13.00 Spinach Salad Fresh Spinach with egg, bacon, strawberries, walnuts and feta cheese tossed in a raspberry vinaigrette $13.00 Topped with Salmon $9.00

Caprese Salad Italian Salad made with Fresh Mozzarella, tomatoes, fresh basil, with a balsamic glaze $8.00 House or Caesar Salad $6.00 Pasta Entrees

Chicken Parmesan Breaded chicken breasts baked in marinara sauce and smothered with mozzarella cheese. Served with a side of pasta. Substitute Eggplant Parmesan $13.00 Chicken Fettuccini Alfredo Alfredo sauce mixed heartily in pasta $2.00 extra Substitute Shrimp $14.00

Tuscan Tortellini Alfredo Cheese stuffed pasta with fresh spinach, sundried tomatoes, artichoke hearts and kalamata olives combined in a creamy alfredo sauce and topped with feta cheese $14.00 Chicken Francese Sautéed chicken breasts in an egg batter covered in a lemon cream sauce with tomatoes. Served on top of spaghetti pasta $2.00 extra Substitute Veal


Spaghetti & Meatballs Spaghetti with marinara sauce, topped with your choice of Meatballs or Italian sausage $10.00 Cajun Pasta Andouille sausage, blackened chicken, and blackened shrimp, mixed with ziti and tossed in a cajun cream sauce $15.00

Chicken Pesto Pasta Sautéed artichoke hearts, spinach, mushrooms, black olives, and onions in a creamy pesto sauce $2.00 extra Substitute Shrimp $14.00 Pasta Carbonara Classic Italian pasta dish with bacon spinach and sundried tomatoes in a cream sauce $14.00

Chicken Marsala Boneless breast of chicken sautéed in Marsala wine with mushrooms. Served over pasta $2.00 extra Substitute Veal $14.00

Pasta Primavera Tri-colored rigatoni with sautéed fresh vegetables tossed in a lemon garlic and fresh herb sauce $10.00 Baked Pasta

Ask us about our Gluten Free options. Baked Ziti

Baked in ricotta and Romano cheeses mixed with marinara, smothered with mozzarella cheese $2.00 extra to add a Topping $11.00

Baked Ravioli

Jumbo cheese stuffed ravioli baked in marinara sauce and smothered with fresh mozzarella cheese $10.00 Baked Manicotti Pasta shells stuffed with our 3 cheese blend and covered marinara sauce and topped with mozzarella $11.00

Baked Lasagna Layers of pasta, beef, and assorted cheeses smothered with marinara sauce and mozzarella cheese, baked to perfection $12.00

Italian Casserole Pasta with marinara sauce, sausage, mushrooms and cheese topped with pepperoni and cheese” $12.00 Eggplant Rollatini Fresh eggplant breaded stuffed with our 3 cheese blend, covered with marinara sauce and topped with mozzarella $13.00 House Specialities

Mediterranean Chicken Lightly breaded chicken breast stuffed with feta cheese, sun-dried tomatoes, spinach, pepperoncini and baked in a white wine sauce. Served with your choice of two sides $14.00

Monterey Chicken Boneless chicken breasts covered with caramelized peppers and onions, melted cheese and topped with diced tomatoes. Served with your choice of two sides $14.00 Seafood

Shrimp Scampi* Jumbo shrimp sautéed in white wine, garlic, olive oil and Italian spices with a touch of lemon. Served over pasta $15.00

Fish and Chips Atlantic Cod dipped in a traditional English beer batter served with fries and slaw $14.00

Tuscan Salmon* Charbroiled then topped with sauteed artichoke hearts, spinach, sundried tomatoes, kalamata olives and feta cheese, served on a bed of wild rice $16.00 Beef

8 oz. Flat Iron Steak* Certified Black Angus Steak served with your choice of two sides” $18.00 12 oz. Ribeye* Hand-cut UDSA choice Ribeye and served with your choice of two sides $20.00

12 oz. Prime Rib* Hand-cut USDA choice Prime Rib and served with your choice of two sides $20.00 Hoagies, Paninis & Sandwiches Your choice of a side.

Chicken Parmesan Hoagie Boneless breaded chicken breast smothered in marinara sauce and topped with fresh mozzarella cheese $9.00 Meatball Hoagie Our handmade meatballs smothered in marinara sauce and topped with mozzarella cheese $9.00

Cuban Panini Ham, salami, seasoned pork tenderloin, Swiss cheese, pickles, mayonnaise and mustard on a pressed hoagie roll $9.00

Italian Hoagie Sliced ham, Genoa salami, pepperoni, provolone cheese, lettuce, tomato, red onion and topped with Italian dressing $9.00

Chicken Salad Sandwich Chicken salad served with lettuce, tomato and onion on a Kaiser roll $8.00 Hand Pattied Burger 1/2 pound fresh ground beef cooked medium, served with lettuce, tomato & onion on a Kaiser roll. Additional toppings: bacon, fried egg, marsala mushrooms, tumbleweed onions, cheddar, swiss, provolone, or fresh mozzarella cheese $1.00 extra Additional Toppings for (each) $8.00

Turkey Burger Grilled turkey burger topped with mushrooms and onions sautéed in Marsala wine, provolone cheese, bacon, lettuce tomato, onion, chipotle mayo on an onion roll $9.00 Smoked Turkey Pesto Panini Smokey turkey breast, cheddar cheese, pesto, bacon and mayo on a pressed hoagie roll $9.00

Reuben Panini In house cooked corned beef, Swiss cheese, sauerkraut and 1000 island dressing on a pressed hoagie roll $9.00 Prosciutto Panini Thinly sliced prosciutto, fresh basil, fresh mozzarella and balsamic glaze $9.00

Club Reuben 3 slices of rye bread with a traditional Reuben on bottom and turkey, bacon, swiss, on top $11.00

Buffalo Chicken Sandwich Breaded chicken filet dipped in buffalo sauce with Lettuce Tomato and blue cheese dressing on a Kaiser roll $9.00

Grilled Chicken Sandwich Grilled chicken filet with lettuce tomato and onion on a split top bun $9.00

Black Bean Walnut Burger In house made gluten free plant based 1/4lb patty served with chipotle sauce on an onion roll $9.00 Prime Rib Hoagie* Our own slow roasted prime rib, caramelized peppers and onions, baked with provolone cheese $10.00 Pizzas

Al Capone Pizza Prosciutto fresh mozzarella topped with fresh basil and balsamic glaze Small $11.00

Medium $15.00 Large $18.00

Cajun Pizza Cajun Alfredo sauce topped with Andouille sausage, shrimp, chicken & mozzarella cheese Small $15.00

mata olives, mozzarella, feta


Small $13.00

Small $10.00

Medium $17.00 Large $21.00

Beach Bread Pizza

Pepperoni, Canadian bacon, sausage, onions, bacon, mushrooms, tomatoes, green peppers and black olives

Small $13.00

Small $13.00

Medium $17.00

Medium $17.00

Buffalo Chicken Pizza

Hawaiian Pizza

Large $21.00

Large $21.00

Bleu cheese dressing with chopped breaded chicken tenders red onions mozzarella cheese and topped with spicy buffalo sauce

Canadian bacon pineapple and mandarin oranges

Small $13.00

Medium $15.00

Large $21.00

Calzone You must be hungry, this is huge! Stuffed with ricotta and mozzarella cheese $3.00 extra for Additional Toppings Each - $13.00

Medium $17.00 Taco Pizza

Topped with salsa, spicy ground beef, lettuce, tomato, onion, black olive, jalapeno, fresh mozzarella cheese and a dollop of sour cream Small $11.00

Medium $15.00 Large $18.00

The Dublin Pizza

All meat pizza including Canadian bacon, pepperoni, sausage, meatball, Andouille, grilled chicken and Bacon Small $15.00

Medium $19.00

Small $11.00

Large $18.00

Build Your Own Pizza

Toppings: Pepperoni, sausage, meatball, Canadian bacon, bacon, andouille, onion, artichoke hearts, mushroom, green pepper, green olive, black olive, spinach, tomato, pineapple, banana pepper, jalapeno and anchovies Cheese Pizza

Traditional pies! Hand tossed, topped with in-house pizza sauce and a blend of fresh mozzarella and Romano cheeses. 10” $8.00

14” $11.00

16” $13.00

Large $23.00

+ Additional Toppings 10” $1.00

Pesto sauce, spinach, onion, mushroom, feta and mozzarella cheese

+ Additional Toppings 16” $1.75

Pesto Pizza

Small $13.00

+ Additional Toppings 14” $1.50 Sides

Medium $17.00

French Fries, Pasta Salad, Green Beans, Daily Fresh Vegetable, Wild Rice, Cole Slaw, Roasted Potatoes

Chicken Alfredo Pizza

New York Cheese Cake $5.00

Large $21.00

Alfredo sauce, grilled chicken, bacon, tomato and fresh mozzarella cheese Small $13.00

Medium $17.00

Mediterranean Pizza

White Pizza

Red sauce, spinach, sun dried tomatoes, artichoke hearts, banana peppers, kala-

Large $16.00

Stevarinos Deluxe

Garlic & oil bleu lue cheese dressing, tomato and fresh mozzarella

Medium $19.00 Large $23.00

Medium $13.00

Large $21.00

Fresh garlic, olive oil, ricotta and fresh mozzarella cheese. Topped with Italian


Tiramisu A traditional luxurious dessert consisting of alternating layers of imported mascarpone and ladyfingers delicately soaked in espresso with a hint of liqueur $5.00 Peanut Butter Pie $6.00 Cannoli $4.00

Chocolate Cake A rich chocolate layer cake, perfect for any chocolate lover $5.00

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