Enigma 4:18

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From the Publisher’s Notebook What genius in the banking industry thought it was a good idea to put chips on credit cards? Have you noticed how long it takes to OK your card when compared to swiping it? Just think of how much time that adds up to in a day for the merchant. Multiply that by the number of cards they take in a day times the number of stores. That’s a lot of added payroll.

at the cost of taking advantage of others. If he identifies as a male, he should act accordingly, and not give others who are going through what he is a bad name.

of the world. Way to go! Is anyone out there having problems deciding which bathroom to use? You should go where your equipment belongs. What the hell is going on with gasoline prices—it goes up and down all the time sometimes as much as 20¢ at a time - really. You might enjoy life more if you if you have something to be for rather than spending all the time being against things. plane and am taking off to Miami in 15 minutes on Runway 3. Please board and take your assigned seat, snacks and drinks will be served after takeoff.

Oh yeah, one last thing: The difference between a Walmart shopper and a Target shopper is a Target shopper takes a shower before going there.

We all have the right to be what we I don’t know if Daytona Beach identify as. should be proud or not—it has been ‘Til next month, Having said that, I think I’m a jet recognized as the shark bite capital Paul Burke Sr.

Why can bars sell wine on weekends but grocery stores can’t? They can’t sell wine but you can buy beer—strange. I’m 78 years old and look a lot older than 21, yet I have to show my ID in supermarkets to buy beer or wine – another stupid rule. When are all the high-paying jobs going to come to Chattanooga - the ones needed to fill all the highpriced apartments being built , or the salary needed to buy all of the condos under construction? The group that’s trying to run the frat out of Fortwood should be wary of what they are trying to do. Rumor has it the frat is looking for property to build on and is in discussions with a government agency to sell the present house to be used as a halfway house for drug and alcohol patients. I think I’d rather have the frat as a neighbor (they’ve been in Fortwood since 1947). Can you believe they have a game called Cornhole? Really. Are young people really eating Tide pods, or is it a huge hoax? The Texas State Girls High School Wrestling championship has been won by a person who was born female that is undergoing the process to be male. He is taking hormones to be male yet the state let him wrestle as a girl. His record is over 50 wins and zero losses against girls. This is not fair, creating bad vibes in all sections. I think a person has the right to do what’s right for themselves, but not ENIGMA

APRIL 2018


tthhee llaa tttteerr iiss nnoott aass m m uucchh aa ggiivveenn aass iinn yy eeaa rrss ppaasstt.. II m meeaa nn aa ss lloonn gg aass tthheeyy’’rree ccoom mppee nnssaattii nngg yyoouu aa nndd tthhee kkiidd’’ss nnoott aa ccaa nnddiiddaa ttee ttoo eenndd uupp oonn CCNNNN ggoo ffoorr iitt..

Dear Rocco, My girl’s done gone psycho and no matter how hard I try I can’t get rid of her. She’s making my life and the lives of my friends and family hell. How can I get rid of her once and for all? CW

TThheerree’’ss tthhiiss tthhiinngg ccaa lllleedd ppeerrssoonnaa ll rreesspp oonnssiibbiilliittyy .. IIff eevv eerryy bboo ddyy woouull dd hhooll dd tthhee m w msseell vvee ss aacc ccoouunntt-aabbllee ffoorr tthheeiirr aa ccttiioonnss aann dd ffaacc ee tthhee cc oonnsseeqquueenncceess ggoooodd aann dd bbaadd tthheenn tthhiiss iinn ddeeeedd w w oouull dd bbee aa ggrree aatt woorrll dd.. w

Dear Rocco, Our neighbors just divorced and the wife and three children are staying on at the house. The husband has left. She is always calling to have my husband come over and fix the different household problems that come up. At first we felt sorry for her and the kids but now she seems to be calling almost every day. My husband works hard and has a lot to take care of here at the house. We have both talked about it and are at a loss of how to tactfully turn her down, we don’t want to be un-neighborly but… PY

yy oouu ssuurree hhee’’ss nnoo tt w woorrkkiinngg oonn hheerr pplluum mbbiinngg –– iiff yy oouu kknnoow ww whhaatt II mee aa nn.. SS oom m meett hhii nngg ddooee ssnn’’tt ssee eem m rriigghhtt.. M Maayy bbee II’’ vvee sseeee nn oonn ee ttoo oo maa nnyy aa dduulltt ffii llm m m ss.. IIss yy oouurr hhuuss-bbaa nndd ccoom mppll aa iinnii nngg aa bboouutt ii tt oorr ddooeess hhee llooookk ffoorrw waa rrdd ttoo hhee llppii nngg.. AA nndd iiss hhee bbeeiinngg cc oom mppeenn ssaa ttee dd – – ffiinnaa nncciiaallllyy aatt aa llll ffoorr tthhee w w oorrkk hhee’’ss ppuuttttiinngg iinn aatt yy oouurr nneeiigg hh-bboorrss.. SSuurree gg eettttiinngg aa ddiivvoorrccee iiss ddiiffffiiccuulltt ff oorr aa nneew wll yy ssii nnggll ee m moo tthh-eerr iinn m maa nnyy w w aa yyss.. SS eeee ii ff yyoo uu ccaann ggeett aa ssuuppppoorrtt gg rroouupp ttoo ggeett hheerr oorr ccoo uunn sseelliinn gg ffrroo m m tthhee cchhuurrcchh ffoorr hheerr bbuutt iinn tthhee m moosstt ppooll ii ttee w w aayy tteellll hheerr sshhee nneeeeddss ttoo ggiivvee yyoouurr hhuussbbaann dd aa rreesstt..

Rocco is a common sense, tell-itlike-it-is, no-nonsense kind of guy offering real advice on any subject put before him. Why pay thousands of dollars on a highpriced therapist when he’ll D D e e a a r r P P Y Y , , straighten you out for free. If Dear Rocco, you’d like advice from Rocco eS S o o m m e e t t h h i i n n g g s s o o u u n n d d s s f f i i s s h h y y t t o o m m e e . . Yesterday my neighbor stopped him at Arree yy oouu ssuurree hhee’’ss nnootthhiinngg m moo rree mail by to tell me they are moving. We A m aaiinntteennaa nnccee m m aann?? AA rree goaskrocco@yahoo.com. have been good neighbors but tthhaann aa m not extraordinarily close. They are moving to another state, her husband has been transferred. She asked me whether we would let her 17-year-old son live with us while he finished his last year of school here in our town. She also offered to pay room and board. We don’t know these people well at all and are surprised to find them wanting us to care for their son. What should we do? PB

DDeeaa rr CCW W,, DDoonn’’tt ddaa ttee iitt iinn tthhee ffiirrsstt ppllaaccee.. JJuusstt bbeecc aauussee iitt llooookkss ggoo oodd,, iiss ffuunn ttoo ppllaayy w wii tthh ii ss nnoo rreeaa ssoonn ttoo ddaa ttee ssoom mee oonnee .. TThhee rree ii ss aa rree aassoonn w w ee ccoom mm m uunniicc aattee w wii tthh w w oorrddss – – oorr ssyym mbbooll ss ii ff yy oouu aa rree ddeeaa ff.. IItt iiss iinn oorrddeerr ttoo gg eett ttoo kknnoo w w ee aacc hh oo tthheerr.. LLiikkee ssoo m maann yy w w aa nnkkeerrss ll iikkee yy oouurr-sseellff yyoouu m mii ssttaa kkee aa ppll aayy ttoo yy ffoorr bbeeiinn gg iinn lloovvee.. YYoouu’’rree iinn lluusstt –– nnoott lloovv ee dduum mm myy .. TTaa kkee ssoom mee ttii m mee ttoo ggeett ttoo kknn oow w aa ggii rrll bbee ffoorree yyoouu ddoo ssoom m eetthhii nngg ssttuuppiidd aann dd ee nndd uupp eeiitthheerr ffiilliinngg aa rreesstt rraa iinn iinngg oorrddeerr oorr hhaa vviinngg oonnee ffiilleedd oonn yyoouu.. SS uurree,, II m m aayy ssoouunndd ooll dd ffaa sshhiioonn eedd bbuutt II ddoonn’’tt hhaavv ee ssoom mee sskkaannkk sshhaa ddoow w -DDeeaa rr PPBB ,, iinngg m mee nnoorr ddoo II hhaa vvee aann SSTTD D.. AAtt tthhaatt aa ggee aa kkiidd oonnllyy nneeeeddss aa ppllaa ccee ttoo ccrraasshh.. TThheeyy ddoonn’’tt nneeeedd Dear Rocco, m uucc hh ppaa rree nnttii nngg aass ii ff tthhee yy w weerree How can you justify owning a gun aass m w iill ll bbee when there are innocent kids out llii ttttll ee kkii ddss.. SSuurree ,, tthhee rree w ttiim m eess tthhee yy m maa yy nnee ee dd aaddvv iicc ee bbuutt there getting killed? wii tthh ttoo ddaayy ’’ss tteecc hhnnooll ooggyy m w moom m aa nndd DH ddaadd aarreenn’’tt ffaa rr aa w waa yy.. TThhee ffaa cctt yyoouu DDeeaa rr DDHH,, aarreenn’’tt tthhaatt cclloossee m maa yy ccoom mee ii nn HHoow w ccaann yy oouu jjuussttii ffyy aa bboorrttiioonn ?? IIff hhaa nnddyy bbee cc aauussee yyoo uu’’rree nn oott aass m oottiioo nnaall ll yy iinnvv ooll vvee dd.. YYoouu’’rree jjoobb iitt’’ss yyoouurr bbooddyy aanndd yyoouu cchhooiiccee,, eem maa kkee ssuurree tthhee kkii dd ggee ttss ttoo w hhyy aam w m II ssuuppppoosseedd ttoo ffoooott tthhee iiss tt oo m bbiillll ooff yyoo uurr bbaa dd dd eecc iissiioonnss?? ccllaassss aa nndd ddooeessnn’’tt ddiiee –– aalltthhoouugghh ENIGMA

APRIL 2018


ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20) Make sure any presentation you have is ready. Anger may cause you grief; control your temper and try to sit back and calm down. Be careful not to take on other people’s problems. You may find yourself in a financial bind. You may find yourself in the midst of a pretty good deal. Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Thursday. TAURUS (Apr. 21- May 21) Pleasure trips will be most enjoyable if you take them with that special person in your life. You can’t live your life for others. Don’t avoid your true feelings. Be careful; you

may upset someone you live with if One-sided relationships are likely. You can make financial deals, but it you don’t consult with them. may be best if you’re not using your Your luckiest events this month will own cash. Take on positions that offer on the job training or pay for occur on a Saturday. courses related to the business. You may need to make a few alterations GEMINI to your living arrangements. (May 22-June 21) Your mate may not have been honest with you. Emotional disputes Your luckiest events this month will will only end in sorrow. Be pre- occur on a Friday. pared to counteract the damage that adversaries are about to cre- LEO ate. Club memberships or donations (July 23-Aug 22) could be expensive and prove Look at your options before making commitments that could jeopardize unnecessary. your financial position. Help those Your luckiest events this month will incapable of taking care of their personal affairs. New partnerships occur on a Wednesday. will develop if you join investment groups. Make changes that will CANCER enhance your appearance and (June 22-July 22) entice potential partners.

again. Family outings will make you feel secure and happy. You are best to put your efforts into redecorating or inviting friends over. Legal matters that have been pending may be alleviated through compromise. Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Friday. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21) Don’t get involved in other people’s problems. Your ability to work with detail will bring recognition. Secret information will be eye opening. You need some help this month. Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Friday.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22.- Jan. 20) Control those desires to cast your Your luckiest events this month will fate to the wind. Don’t let your emotions take over. You’ll have occur on a Thursday. great insight. Your ability to put a deal together will surprise others. VIRGO (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23) Travel could include delays and Your luckiest events this month will other minor problems. Renovations occur on a Tuesday. to your domestic scene will pay high rewards. People who try to AQUARIUS persuade you to do things their way (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19) will annoy you. Problems with your Don’t do something silly just to get boss could lead to unemployment. back at your mate. Focus your efforts on your work. Romantic Your luckiest events this month will encounters are evident through travel or educational pursuits. occur on a Saturday. Opportunities to make financial gains through investments look LIBRA promising. (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23) Go over their important documents and take the time to suggest alter- Your luckiest events this month will natives. You may be overreacting to occur on a Wednesday. personal problems. Old friends may not like your choices. Your social PISCES skills with people may be more than (Feb. 20-Mar. 20) Stick to doing things that will make just helpful. you a better person both physically Your luckiest events this month will and mentally. Don’t push your luck with your boss. Your fickle nature occur on a Tuesday. may cause jealousy. Friends and relatives may not understand your SCORPIO needs. (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) You need to spend some time getting to know this person all over Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Monday.


APRIL 2018


Donnie & Vlad I had to let Google help me find the date, but I remembered candidate Trump saying it. “I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters.” That was back in January of 2016. Even though the comment seemed mildly amusing at the time, it was also frighteningly close to the truth… ....We have a President whose administration is being investigated by a Justice Department Special Counsel. Turnover in that administration is higher than at any time within the last 100 years. Trump’s first pick for National Security Adviser, Michael Flynn, had to resign

once his ties to the Russians and Ukranians became known. A complete list of all the casualties would run far too long, but the Flynn fiasco deserved special mention…

took the polygraph test at the request of a magazine that interviewed her but did not publish its content. The lie detector report was accompanied by a sworn declaration by the examiner, dated March 19, ...And then there’s the whole 2018... Stormy Daniels thing. The former porn star is entangled in a ...Despite all that, there are legal battle with Trump and his staunch Trump supporters who lawyers. Daniels underwent a remain behind him. I don’t polygraph exam in 2011. The think the President has shot topic: Daniels’ relationship with anyone on 5th Avenue yet, but Trump. The polygraph examiner I’m afraid some Trumpsters found that there was a more would still stick with him if he than a 99 percent probability did… that she told the truth when she said she had unprotected sex ...While pondering such blind with Trump in 2006. Daniels (legal name: Stephanie Clifford)


45 Johnson Ferry Rd. NW Atlanta, GA 30328 P.O. Box 825 Chattanooga, TN 37401

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info@enigmaonline.com (423) 933-5170

Paul E. Burke Sr. Publisher D.A. Weinthal Editor-In-Chief David Huff Music Editor Chris Eason Photo Editor

Contributing Editors: Mark Haskins, Jim Sells, Mark Bedford. Chris McKay, David N. Marks, William Alexander, Dave Fernandez Founder: D.A. Weinthal


APRIL 2018


loyalty, I wondered (again) why Trump seems so loyal to Russian President Vladimir Putin. After a week when the Russians were pilloried in the international community for basically assassinating a former Russian spy and his daughter in Salisbury, England, Trump must have thought that Putin needed a good talking-to. So Trump called him… wait for it… to congratulate him for “winning” yet another “re-election.” That’s right. The President of the United States did not personally condemn the Russians for such a brazen act on the soil of our greatest ally. Instead, he sucked

up to the head Russkie, whose Trump have to be caught in the You’re imagining such a conver- bromance going on… underlings most likely commit- act of shooting Russian hookers sation taking place. Could hapted the assassinations... on 5th Avenue? The mind reels pen. It sure seems like there’s a — Mark Bedford at what the next Trump sex ...Trump’s business ties with scandal might be… Russian oligarchs and Putin cronies are already a bit sus- ...Maybe Trump and Putin are pect. But some suspect that Vlad both sex fiends. In a way, it has some dirt on Donnie. Some makes a twisted kind of sense. speculation centers on possible Putin has absolute power over shady financial dealings. Others Russia and is one of the world’s think there might be blackmail richest men. Trump is still tryevidence ot Trump’s dalliances ing to figure out how U,S. govwith Russian prostitutes. The ernment works and has his own latter has been rumored for YUGE fortune, Maybe they talk months now. One has to won- on the phone about Russian vs. der… if such evidence exists… American hookers or other such will it sway the Make America weighty matters. Admit it. Great Again crowd? Or would


APRIL 2018


Customs officials at a New York airport said an airline crew member on a flight from Jamaica was found to be hiding 9 pounds of cocaine inside his pants. U.S. Customs and Border Protection said Jamaican citizen Hugh Hall was a crew member on a Fly Jamaica Airways flight that arrived at John F. Kennedy International Airport from Montego Bay. Hugh presented himself for inspection upon arriving in New York and he was taken to a private search room, where officers found four packages of cocaine taped to his legs under his pants. The cocaine weighed about 9 pounds

and had an estimated street value of $160,000. “This seizure is another example of our CBP officers being ever vigilant in protecting the United States from the distribution of illicit drugs,” said Leon Hayward, acting director of CBP’s New York Field Operations. Researchers visiting a wildlife area in India captured video of a bizarre scene: A “smoke-breathing” elephant. The Wildlife Conservation Society said scientists and colleagues were visiting Nagaharole National Park to check camera-trap locations for a long-term tiger study when they came across the unusual elephant. Vinay Kumar, assistant director of WCS India, captured


video appearing to show the elephant exhaling thick clouds of smoke. WCS researchers said they have no concrete answers for the strange scene, but experts suggested some possibilities. “I believe the elephant may have been trying to ingest wood charcoal,” said Varun Goswami, WCS India scientist and elephant biologist. “She appeared to be picking up pieces from the forest floor, blowing away the ash that came along with it, and consuming the rest.” Experts said charcoal may have medicinal value for elephants, as it has toxin-binding properties and works as a laxative for the animals.

Ashley Carrelli, 22, both of Ohio, were charged with public indecency and disorderly conduct after the couple was arrested for having sex in full view of children. The sheriff’s office received a call about two people having sex in front of the children at the Walker Elementary School. Officers located the couple behind the school next to a playground, where 11 children were playing and several adults were supervising them, according to the police report. The two continued having sex even when the deputies approached them. Carrelli, who was 23-year-old Jacoby Schmidt and totally naked and wrapped in a blanket, reportedly exposed her

APRIL 2018


breasts. Schmidt was naked from the waist down. Schmidt and Carrelli told authorities they did not know that it was illegal to have sex at that spot, according to police. They also said they did not realize there were people watching from the nearby playground. Authorities found several cans of Bud Light beer in the grass close to where the couple was having sex. They were taken into custody. Acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine that was invented and practiced by the ancient Chinese. It involves piercing the skin with needles for various health benefits like pain relief. But needles get boring. You can achieve much more dramatic results with something with a little more ‘sting’. It’s called apitherapy, or live bee acupuncture. A bee is positioned directly over a relevant point on a patient’s body and its head is squeezed repeatedly until the stinger comes out. The stinger is inserted into the skin, the venom is released and the bee dies. Unfortunately, so did a recent patient. A 55-year-old Spanish woman died after receiving live bee acupuncture. The cause of death was a severe allergic reaction to the venom. Still, some practition-

ers and patients swear by it, including celebrity lifestyle guru Gwyneth Paltrow, who credits bee venom for getting rid of an old injury. But medical experts recommended that people avoid the procedure. Police in Houston said officers raided a supposed Zumba dance studio in the city and seized dozens of illegal gambling machines. Members of the Major Officers Unit raided the illegal game room in a strip mall in Southwest Houston. The facility “was masquerading as a Zumba Dance room,” investigators said, “but inside were only illegal electronic gaming devices.” Officers arrested an attendant seized more than 40 motherboards from the illegal machines, as well as thousands of dollars in cash. The constabulary quipped there is “no dancing around gambling laws in Precinct 5.” “Game rooms are not just illegal in Texas,” the statement said. “They and their customers are often targets for other types of crime due to large amounts of cash on hand and patrons who are often elderly. Operators of these establishments are often reluctant to report crimes to the proper authorities due to the illegal nature of their businesses.”


A man who was desperate for some cigarettes in the middle of the night used a stolen snowmobile to crash through the glass windows of a store, according to police in Michigan. The Bay County Sheriff’s Office said that they have arrested 38-year-old Michael P. Stark after being accused of breaking into the store and stealing cigarettes and lottery tickets. Stark was charged with breaking and entering with intent to commit a larceny, unlawfully stealing a motor vehicle, and larceny in a building. In addition to the robbery-related charges, Stark is facing one count of assaulting, obstructing, or resisting police. According to the police investigation, Stark found a snowmobile and used it to break the glass doors of Dore’s Party Store. He then entered the store through the broken doors and took cigarettes and lottery tickets. Stark then fled the scene with the stolen snowmobile. Police officers who responded to the scene followed the snowmobile tracks and found Stark. Security surveillance at the store recorded the moment Stark crashed through the doors with the snowmobile. If convicted, Stark faces up to 10 years in prison.

APRIL 2018


A package that was initially thought to be suspicious at a New Jersey church turned out to be something surprising — a baby Jesus statue stolen 90 years ago. The Rev. Alex Santora of the Our Lady of Grace Church in Hoboken said staff were concerned when a mysterious package showed up at the building without a return address, so he decided to contact police as a precaution. Once the box was found to be clear of heat readings, an officer opened the box and revealed the contents — a baby Jesus statue and a note explaining the item. The note read: “To Whom it may concern, My Mom told me that the Baby Jesus had been stolen from the church Nativity display at Our Lady of Grace when she was a young girl of about twelve years of age in the early 1930’s. It came into her father’s possession somehow, and I don’t know why he didn’t return it. Instead, he gave it to my Mother after she was married, and she too kept it until her passing when it came to me. Knowing the story, I felt it should be returned to the rightful owner, and you will find it enclosed.” Santora applauded the sender’s drive to do the right thing.

Chattanooga’s Most Fun Night Out


Special Engagement

“Go See Live Music”







APRIL 12-15



APRIL 19-21



APRIL 27 & 28



MAY 3-6



This month’s calendar covers events for April and beyond. We would be happy to publish your free listing in future Billboards, space permitting. Simply mail us the information so that we have it 7 days before the publication date. A photograph may be sent with the announcement. Send information to: calendar@enigmaonline.com. All dates subject to change without notice.

SSU UN ND DA AYY A Apprriill 11 SSK KYY ZZO OO O (Chattanooga) DJ Av TTH H EE BBA ASS EEM MEE N NTT EEA ASS TT (Nashville) Margaret Glaspy OPPRRYY M O MIILL LLSS M MA ALL LL (Nashville) Ashley Taylor EEXXIITT //II N N (Nashville) Cut Copy EED DD DIIEE’’ SS A ATT TT IICC (Atlanta) Sugarcane Jane CCII TTYY W WIIN N EERRYY A ATT LLA AN NTT A A (Atlanta) The Weight Band

MO M ON ND DA AYY A Apprriill 22 TTRREE M MO ON NTT TT A AVVEE RRN N (Chattanooga) Trivia Night PPU URRG GA ATT O O RRYY A ATT TT H H EE M MA ASSQ QU U EERRA AD DEE (Atlanta) Good Tiger, Icarus the Owl, Megosh AIISSLLEE 55 (Atlanta) Ryan Caraveo A HIIG H GH HW WA ATTTT (Nashville) Jordan Rager, Scott Stevens, Stephen Carey, 17 Memphis TTH H EE BBA ASS EEM MEE N NTT EEA ASS TT (Nashville) Khruangbin, Mattson 2 SSA ATT U URRN N (Birmingham) Rostam

TTU U EESSD DA AYY A Apprriill 33 TTRREE M MO ON NTT TT A AVVEE RRN N (Chattanooga) Open Mic w/ Mike McDade CCII TTYY W WIIN N EERRYY N NA ASS H HVVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Jolie Holland HIIG H GH HW WA ATTTT (Nashville) Matt Gomez GRRA G AN ND DO O LLEE O O PPRRYY H HO OU USSEE (Nashville) Trace Adkins, Terri Clark, Steve Curtis Chapman, Craig Morgan, Dailey & Vincent, Dustin Lynch EED DD DIIEE’’ SS A ATT TT IICC (Atlanta) Casey Adams BBU UCC K KH HEE A AD D TT H HEE A ATT RREE (Atlanta) Cradle of Filth, Jinjer OPPEE N O N CC H HO O RRD DM MU USSIICC (Knoxville) Dylan LeBlanc TTH H EE N NIICC K K RRO OCC K KSS (Birmingham) 1967

WEED W DN NEE SSD DA AYY A Apprriill 44 TTH H EE VVIISS TTA A RRO OO OM M (Atlanta) Marcia Ball, Joe Krown BBU UCC K KH HEE A AD D TT H HEE A ATT RREE (Atlanta) Cradle of Filth, Jinjer VVII N NYY LL (Atlanta) Taylor Bennett CCII TTYY W WIIN N EERRYY N NA ASS H HVVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Casey Abrams EEXXIITT //II N N (Nashville) Kayzo


TTH HU U RRSSD DA AYY A Apprriill 55 SSK KYYZZ O OO O (Chattanooga) DJ Av SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD DSS (Chattanooga) Froggy Fresh JJ..JJ..’’SS BBO OH H EEM MIIAA (Chattanooga) Lonely Biscuits, Okinawa, Lottery BBU U CCK KH H EEAAD D TT H HEE AATTRREE (Atlanta) Booker T. Jones EED DD D IIEE’’ SS AATT TT IICC (Atlanta) Max Gomez TTH H EE TT AABBEERRN N AACCLLEE (Atlanta) Why Don’t We RRYY M MAA N N AAU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Larry Gatlin & the Gatlin Brothers CCA AN NN NEERRYY BBAALLLLRRO OO OM M (Nashville) Andy Grammer MEERRCC YY LLO M OU UN NG G EE (Nashville) Curtis Harding SSA ATTU U RRN N (Birmingham) Japanese Breakfast, Snail Mail, Art School Jocks

FFRRIID DA AYY A Apprr iill 66 SSK KYYZZ O OO O (Chattanooga) DJ Zane TTH H EE CC O OM M EED D YY CCAATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Jermaine “FunnyMaine” Johnson JJ..JJ..’’SS BBO OH H EEM MIIAA (Chattanooga) Behold the Brave, Sweet Talker, Brother Lee and the Leather Jackets SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD DSS (Chattanooga) “North Stage” Farewell Angelina SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD DSS (Chattanooga) “South Stage” Scott Sharrard PPA ALL AACCEE TT H HEEAATT EE RR (Chattanooga) Dirty Blonde, Good Parenting, David Webb’s Burning Bush, Gumm TTIIVVO O LLII TT H HEE AATTRREE (Chattanooga) Rodney Carrington CCLLYY D DEE ’’SS (Chattanooga) Three Star Revival SSYYM M PPH HO ON NYY H HAALL LL (Atlanta) David Feherty TTH H EE TT AABBEERRN N AACCLLEE (Atlanta) Big K.R.I.T. MU M USSII CC RRO OO OM M AATT SSM MIITT H H ’’SS O OLLD D EE BBAARR (Atlanta) White Animals, Navajo Joe SSA ATTU U RRN N (Birmingham) Dweezil Zappa LLEEG GAA CCYY AARREEN N AA (Birmingham) Kevin Hart LLEESSLLIIEE SS.. H H AARRTT FFIIN NEE AARRTT SS CC EEN N TTEE RR (Birmingham) Jeremy Camp, Micah Tyler BBRRIID DG GEE SSTT O ON NEE AARREEN N AA (Nashville) Brad Paisley, Lindsay Ell, Dustin Lynch, Chase Bryant CCIITT YY W WIIN N EERRYY N NAASSH H VVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Kim Richey RRYY M MAA N N AAU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Home Free CCO OU UN NTT RRYY M MU U SSIICC H HAALLLL O OFF FFAAM M EE (Nashville) Mary Chapin Carpenter MEERRCC YY LLO M OU UN NG G EE (Nashville) Rogue Wave, Dear Boy TTH H EE IIN N TT EERRN NAATT IIO ON NAALL (Knoxville) Dying Fetus, Thy Art Is Murder, Sanction, Rivers of Nihil, Enterprise Earth

APRIL 2018


SSA ATTU U RRD DA AYY A Apprriill 77 SSK KYY ZZO OO O (Chattanooga) DJ Zane TT H HEE CC O OM M EED DYY CC AATT CCH H (Chattanooga) Jermaine “FunnyMaine” Johnson SSO ON NG G BBIIRRD DSS (Chattanooga) “North Stage” White Animals SSO ON NG G BBIIRRD DSS (Chattanooga) “South Stage” Of Montreal, Mega Bog CC LLYY D DEE’’ SS (Chattanooga) Roshambeaux ABBBBAA’’ SS H A HO OU USSEE (Chattanooga) Bob Bennett, Mark Kelly Hall, Dana Harding M EEM M MO O RRIIAALL AAU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Chattanooga) “’90s Block Party” Jagged Edge, Ginuwine, Guy 112 VVA ARRIIEETT YY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Dweezil Zappa TT H HEE M MAASS Q QU UEE RRAAD DEE (Atlanta) Glass Mansions TT H HEE VVEELLVVEETT N NO OTT EE (Alpharetta, GA) Laila Biali CC O OU UN NTT RRYY TTO ON NIITT EE TTH H EEA ATT RREE (Pigeon Forge, TN) Tanya Tucker TT U USSCC AALLO OO OSSAA AAM MPPH HII TTH H EEA ATT RREE (Tuscaloosa, AL) “Funkaloosa” Sheila E, Morris Day & the Time, George Clinton & Parliament Funkadelic, Doug E. Fresh G RRAAN G ND DO OLLEE O OPPRRYY H HO OU USS EE (Nashville) Bobby Bare, Stephanie Quayle, Charlie Worsham CC IITT YY W WIIN NEE RRYY N N AASSH H VVIILL LLEE (Nashville) Tim Reynolds and TR3 TT H HEE BBAASSEEM M EEN N TT EEAASSTT (Nashville) Lee Ann Womack FF RRA AN NK KLLIIN N TT H HEEAATT RREE (Franklin, TN) Paul Thorn

UPPCC O U OM M IIN NG G EEVVEEN NTTSS TT H HEE CC O OM M EED DYY CC AATT CCH H (Chattanooga) Jermaine “FunnyMaine” Johnson April 8 TT U USSCC AALLO OO OSSAA AAM MPPH HII TTH H EEA ATT RREE (Tuscaloosa, AL) Styx, REO Speedwagon, Don Felder April 8 LLYY RRIICC TT H HEEAA TTRREE (Birmingham) Sara Evans April 8 TT H HEE M MII LLLL && M MII N NEE (Knoxville) All Time Low, Dreamers, Gnash April 9 CC EEN N TTEE RR SSTT AAG GEE (Atlanta) O.M.D. April 10 JJ ..JJ ..’’SS BBO OH HEE M MIIAA (Chattanooga) Mickman, Brightside, Deez April 11 SSO ON NG G BBIIRRD DSS (Chattanooga) Rivers And Rust April 11 TT H HEE M MII LLLL && M MII N NEE (Knoxville) Judah & the Lion April 11 EE D DD DII EE’’ SS AATT TTIICC (Atlanta) Mike Farris April 11 BBU UCC K KH H EEAAD D TTH H EEAATT RREE (Atlanta) Karl Denson’s Tiny Universe April 11 TT H HEE CC O OM M EED DYY CC AATT CCH H (Chattanooga) Janet Williams April 12 JJ ..JJ ..’’SS BBO OH HEE M MIIAA (Chattanooga) From Another Planet April 12 SSO ON NG G BBIIRRD DSS (Chattanooga) “Saw Red” – A Tribute to Sublime & No Doubt April 12 TT EERRM M IIN NAALL W W EESSTT (Atlanta) Yo La Tenga April 12 TT H HEE M MII LLLL && M MII N NEE (Knoxville) Judah & the Lion April 12 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD D IITTO O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Larry Gatlin & the Gatlin Brothers April 12 TT H HEE CC O OM M EED DYY CC AATT CCH H (Chattanooga) Janet Williams April 13 WAALLK W K EERR TT H HEE AATTRREE (Chattanooga) “Weird Al” Yankovic April 13 TT IIVVO OLLII TTH H EEAATT RREE (Chattanooga) America April 13

TT H HEE SSIIG GN N AALL (Chattanooga) The Black Angels, The Black Lips April 13 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD D SS (Chattanooga) “Cash Unchained” April 13 PPA ALLAACC EE TT H H EEAATT EERR (Chattanooga) Cutthroat Comedy April 13 ABBBBAA’’SS H A HO OU USSEE (Chattanooga) Casting Crowns, I Am They April 13 CC LLYYD D EE’’ SS (Chattanooga) Nathcez Tracers April 13 FFO O XX TT H HEE AATTRREE (Atlanta) Alabama April 13 CC IITTYY W WII N NEERRYY AATT LLAAN N TTAA (Atlanta) Candlebox April 13 VVA ARRIIEETT YY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) The Dirty Guvnahs April 13 TT H HEE TTAABBEE RRN NAACC LLEE (Atlanta) Bush April 13 PPH HII LLIIPPSS AARREEN N AA (Atlanta) Martin Lawrence, Michael Blackson, Adele Givens, J.B. Smoove, Benji Brown April 13 FFRREE D DRRIICC K K BBRRO OW WN N JJRR.. AAM M PPH HIITT H H EEAATT RREE (Peachtree City, GA) The Commodores April 13 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD DIITT O O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) The Decemberists April 13 TT H HEE BBAASSEEM M EEN NTT EE AASSTT (Nashville) Yo La Tengo April 13 TT O OPPG GO OLLFF LLIIVVEE (Nashville) Berlin April 13 HAA RRD H D IISSO ON NM M IILLLL FF AARRM M CC O ON N CCEE RRTT H HAALLLL (Columbia, TN) Rory Feek April 13 SSA ATT U URRN N (Birmingham) J. Roddy Walston & the Business, Dan Luke And The Raid April 13 TT H HEE CCO OM MEE D DYY CC AATTCC H H (Chattanooga) Janet Williams April 14 TT H HEE SSIIG GN N AALL (Chattanooga) X Ambassadors April 14 JJ..JJ..’’ SS BBO OH HEEM M IIAA (Chattanooga) Sinai Vessel, Dead Testaments April 14 WAALLTT EERR TT H W H EEAATT RREE (Chattanooga) Phillip Phillips April 14 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD D SS (Chattanooga) Jack Pearson, The Weeks, Blank Range April 14 CC LLYYD D EE’’ SS (Chattanooga) Jacks River Band April 14 IIN N FFIIN NII TTEE EEN N EERRG GYY CC EEN N TT EERR (Duluth, GA) Lorde April 14 FFO O XX TT H HEE AATTRREE (Atlanta) Alabama April 14 PPIIEED DM MO ON NTT PPAARRK K (Atlanta) Shawn Mullins April 14 TT H HEE TTAABBEE RRN NAACC LLEE (Atlanta) The Fab Faux April 14 CC IITT YY W WII N NEERRYY N N AASSH HVVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Candlebox April 14 OZZ N O NAASS H HVVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Kid Koala April 14 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD DIITT O O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) The Decemberists April 14 7777 (Knoxville) America April 14 TT H HEE CCO OM MEE D DYY CC AATTCC H H (Chattanooga) Janet Williams April 15 JJ..JJ..’’ SS BBO OH HEEM M IIAA (Chattanooga) The BoomBachs, Dr. B & the Ease, Slicksilver April 15 BBRRIID DG G EESSTT O ON NEE AARREE N NAA (Nashville) Lorde April 15 CC IITT YY W WII N NEERRYY N N AASSH HVVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Christopher Cross April 15 OZZ N O NAASS H HVVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Kid Koala April 15 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD DIITT O O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) X Ambassadors, Son Little, The Aces April 15 TT H HEE TTAABBEE RRN NAACC LLEE (Atlanta) Weird Al Yankovic April 15 TT H HEE CCO O CC AA CC O OLLAA RRO O XXYY (Atlanta) The Decemberists April 15 CC A AH HAABBAA BBRREEW W IIN NG G CCO OM MPPAAN N YY (Birmingham) Banditos April 15 SSA ATT U URRN N (Birmingham) SuicideGirls April 15

VVA ARRII EETT YY PPLL A AYYH HO OU U SSEE (Atlanta) Christopher Cross April 16 JJ..JJ..’’ SS BBO OH H EEM M IIA A (Chattanooga) Comedy w/ JT Habberstat April 17 WA W ARR M MEE M MO O RRIIA ALL A AU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) “Weird Al” Yankovic, Emo Phillips April 17 VVEERRIIZZO ON NA AM M PPH HIITT H H EEA ATT RREE (Alpharetta, GA) Jimmy Buffett April 17 JJ..JJ..’’ SS BBO OH H EEM M IIA A (Chattanooga) Matthew Paul, BB Palmer April 18 EED DD DIIEE’’ SS A ATT TT IICC (Atlanta) Mother’s Finest April 18 BBIIJJO OU U TT H HEE A ATTRREE (Knoxville) M Ward April 18 SSLLO O SSSS FFU U RRN NA ACC EESS (Birmingham) Modest Mouse April 18 TTH H EE CCO OM MEED D YY CCA ATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Julie Scoggins April 19 PPA ALLA ACC EE TT H HEE A ATTEE RR (Chattanooga) “Chatt Talk Live” April 19 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD DSS (Chattanooga) “North Stage” Darrell Scott April 19 JJ..JJ..’’ SS BBO OH H EEM M IIA A (Chattanooga) Faux Ferocious April 19 WA W ALLK KEE RR TTH H EEA ATT RREE (Chattanooga) Darrell Scott April 19 SSLLO O SSSS FFU U RRN NA ACC EESS (Birmingham) Judah & The Lion April 19 LLEEG GA ACCYY A ARREE N NA A (Birmingham) Eagles April 19 TTU U SSCC A ALLO OO O SSA AA AM M PPH H IITT H HEE A ATTRREE (Tuscaloosa, AL) Chris Young, Morgan Evans, Dee Jay Silver, Kane Brown April 19 TTH H EE CCO OM MEED D YY CCA ATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Julie Scoggins April 20 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD DSS (Chattanooga) “North Stage” Steve Warnier April 20 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD DSS (Chattanooga) “South Stage” Drivin N Cryin April 20 PPA ALLA ACC EE TT H HEE A ATTEE RR (Chattanooga) The Experience April 20 JJ..JJ..’’ SS BBO OH H EEM M IIA A (Chattanooga) Milele Roots, Comedy All-Studs April 20 TTH H EE SS IIG GN NA ALL (Chattanooga) Ghostland Observatory April 20 TTH H EE LL O OCC A ALL (Chattanooga) Anna Rose, Andrea Nardello April 20 CCLLYY D D EE’’SS (Chattanooga) Gaslight Street, Daniel Donato April 20 CCII TTYY W WIIN N EERRYY A ATT LLA AN NTT A A (Atlanta) Bruce Cockburn April 20 TTH H EE TTA ABBEERRN NA ACCLL EE (Atlanta) Judah & the Lion, Tall Heights April 20 PPH HIILLII PPSS A ARREEN NA A (Atlanta) Bon Jovi April 20 CCEE N NTT EEN NN NIIA ALL O OLLYY M MPPIICC PPA ARRK K (Atlanta) “Sweetwater 420 Fest” Stick Figure, The Motet, The Record Company, Sturgill Simpson, String Cheese Incident, Southern Avenue, Spafford, Bird Dog Jubilee, The Universal Sigh, Emma’s Lounge, The Vegabonds, Los Colognes, The Mantras April 20 RREED D CCLLA AYY M MU USSIICC FF O OU UN ND DRRYY (Duluth, GA) Glen Phillips, Hoot and Holler April 20 BBRRIID DG G EESSTT O ON N EE A ARREE N NA A (Nashville) Jeff Dunham April 20 GRRA G AN ND DO O LLEE O O PPRRYY H HO OU USSEE (Nashville) Old Crow Medicine Show, Terri Clark, Joshua Hedley April 20 BBIIJJO OU U TT H HEE A ATTRREE (Knoxville) The Wood Brothers April 20 TTH H EE CCO OM MEED D YY CCA ATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Julie Scoggins April 21 JJ..JJ..’’ SS BBO OH H EEM M IIA A (Chattanooga) Kerchief, Deacons, Rock Europa April 21 CCLLYY D D EE’’SS (Chattanooga) Tropidelic April 21 IIN NFF IIN NIITT EE EEN NEE RRG GYY CC EEN N TTEE RR (Duluth, GA) Little Big Town, Kacey Musgraves, Midland April


21 MIILLLL TT O M OW WN NM MU USSIICC H H AALLLL (Duluth, GA) Herman’s Hermits feat. Peter Noone April 21 PPH H IILLIIPPSS AARREE N NAA (Atlanta) Pink April 21 CCEE N NTT EEN NN NIIAALL O O LLYY M MPPIICC PPAARRK K (Atlanta) “Sweetwater 420 Fest” Anders Osborne, The Vegabonds, Durand Jones & The Indications, The Infamous Stringdusters, SOJA, Funk You, Joe Russo’s Almost Dead, Tedeschi Trucks Band, Ghostland Observatory, Marco Benevento, Brandon Niederauer, Bennett Wales & The Relief, The Orange Constant, Hedonistas, Walden April 21 CCEE N NTT EERR SSTT AAG GEE (Atlanta) Minus the Bear, The Coathangers April 21 FFRRA AN NK KLLII N N TT H HEE AATTRREE (Franklin, TN) Bruce Cockburn April 21 BBRRIID DG GEE SSTT O ON NEE AARREEN N AA (Nashville) “Comedy Get Down” Cedric the Entertainer, George Lopez, DL Hughley, Eddie Griffin April 21 RRYY M MAA N N AAU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Tim Allen April 21 TTH H EE CC O OM M EED D YY CCAATT CC H H (Chattanooga) DL Hughley April 22 PPA ALL AACCEE TT H HEEAATT EE RR (Chattanooga) Weaves, Superbody April 22 JJ..JJ..’’SS BBO OH H EEM MIIAA (Chattanooga) Tacomouth April 22 TTIIVVO O LLII TT H HEE AATTRREE (Chattanooga) Jason Isbell, Richard Thompson April 22 IIRRO ON N CCIITT YY (Birmingham) As the Crow Flies, Once & Future Band April 22 CCEE N NTT EEN NN NIIAALL O O LLYY M MPPIICC PPAARRK K (Atlanta) “Sweetwater 420 Fest” Sister Sparrow And The Dirty Birds, Bennett Wales & The Relief, Greensky Bluegrass, Vulfpeck, Umphrey’s McGee, Hirie, Tauk, Papadosio, Dr. Strangelove, Migrant Worker, The Quaildogs, The Trongone Band, Maddy O’Neal April 22 CCIITT YY W WIIN N EERRYY AATTLL AAN NTT AA (Atlanta) Richie Kotzen April 23 RRYY M MAA N N AAU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Modest Mouse April 23 SSLLU UG GG GO O ’’SS N NO ORRTT H H (Chattanooga) Screaming Females April 24 IIRRO ON N CCIITT YY (Birmingham) Trey Anastacio April 24 RRYY M MAA N N AAU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Modest Mouse April 24 GRRAAN G ND DO OLL EE O O PPRRYY H HO OU U SSEE (Nashville) Tommy Emmanuel, Trace Adkins, Terri Clark, Jerry Douglas, Drake White and the Big Fire April 24 HEELL LL AATT TTH H H EE M MAASSQ QU UEERRAAD D EE (Atlanta) Powerman 5000 April 24 TTH H EE SSIIG GN NAALL (Chattanooga) Papadosio April 25 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD DSS (Chattanooga) Deer Tick, John Moreland April 25 CCEE N NTT EERR SSTT AAG GEE (Atlanta) Ministry April 25 IIRRO ON N CCIITT YY (Birmingham) The Breeders April 25 TTH H EE CC O OM M EED D YY CCAATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Preacher Lawson April 26 JJ..JJ..’’SS BBO OH H EEM MIIAA (Chattanooga) Peak Physique, Cutless Cult April 26 TTH H EE SSIIG GN NAALL (Chattanooga) As The Crow Flies, Once And Future Band April 26 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD DSS (Chattanooga) The Main Squeeze April 26 DO D OLL LLYYW WO OO OD D TT H HEE M MEE PPAARRK K (Pigeon Forge, TN) Orleans April 26 TTEE RRM MIIN NAALL W WEESSTT (Atlanta) Superchunk April

APRIL 2018


26 HEE LLLL AATT TT H H HEE M MAASS Q QU UEE RRAAD DEE (Atlanta) Texas Hippie Coalition, Kobra and the Lotus, Brand of Julez, Granny 4 Barrel April 26 CC A AN NN N EERRYY BBAALLLLRRO OO OM M (Nashville) The Breeders April 26 TT H HEE CCO OM MEE D DYY CC AATTCC H H (Chattanooga) Preacher Lawson April 27 JJ..JJ..’’ SS BBO OH HEEM M IIAA (Chattanooga) Genki Genki Panic, Matt Wittle April 27 TT H HEE SSIIG GN N AALL (Chattanooga) Clutch, The Bronx, Red Fang, Fireball Ministry April 27 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD D SS (Chattanooga) “North Stage” David Wilcox April 27 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD D SS (Chattanooga) “South Stage” Cosmic Charlie April 27 CC LLYYD D EE’’ SS (Chattanooga) The Traveling Kine, Gavin Cooper April 27 IIN NN NO OVVAATT IIO ON N AAM M PPH HIITT H HEE AATT RREE (Winder, GA) The Marshall Tucker Band, Scooter Brown Band April 27 TT H HEE CCO O CC AA CC O OLLAA RRO O XXYY (Atlanta) Billy Currington, LoCash April 27 TT H HEE TTAABBEE RRN NAACC LLEE (Atlanta) Dita Von Teese, Miss Dirty Martini, Gia Genevieve, Ginger Valentine, Jet Adore, Zelia Roes April 27 TT H HEE M MIILLLL && M MIIN N EE (Knoxville) The Dirty Guvnahs April 27 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD DIITT O O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) The Temptations, The Four Tops April 27 TT H HEE CCO OM MEE D DYY CC AATTCC H H (Chattanooga) Preacher Lawson April 28 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD D SS (Chattanooga) “South Stage” Anderson East April 28 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD D SS (Chattanooga) “North Stage” The Beaters April 28 PPA ALLAACC EE TT H H EEAATT EERR (Chattanooga) “Once A Month” Comedy Showcase April 28 JJ..JJ..’’ SS BBO OH HEEM M IIAA (Chattanooga) The Breaknecks, Nosecone Prophets, The Breaks April 28 CC LLYYD D EE’’ SS (Chattanooga) Heathen Sons April 28 GEE O G ORRG G IIAA SSTT AATT EE SSTT AAD D IIU UM M (Atlanta) Foo Fighters April 28 TT EERRM MII AALL W WEESSTT (Atlanta) The Darkness April 28 TT H HEE CCO O CC AA CC O OLLAA RRO O XXYY (Atlanta) Haim, Lizzo April 28 TT H HEE TTAABBEE RRN NAACC LLEE (Atlanta) Todd Rundgren’s Utopia April 28 DO D O LLLLYY W WO OO OD D CCEE LLEEBBRRIITT YY TTH H EEAATT RREE (Pigeon Forge, TN) Firefall April 28 TT H HEE CCO OM MEE D DYY CC AATTCC H H (Chattanooga) Preacher Lawson April 29 WAARR M W M EEM MO O RRIIAALL AAU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Haim, Lizzo April 29 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD DIITT O O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) As The Crow Flies, Once & Future Band April 29 HEE AAVVEEN H N AATT TTH H EE M M AASSQ QU UEERRAAD D EE (Atlanta) Devon Allman Project, Duane Betts April 29 JJ..JJ..’’ SS BBO OH HEEM M IIAA (Chattanooga) Independents, The Unsatisfied April 30 TT H HEE SSIIG GN N AALL (Chattanooga) Beach House April 30 VVA ARRIIEETT YY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Built to Spill, Afghan Whigs April 30 TT H HEE TTAABBEE RRN NAACC LLEE (Atlanta) Beck April 30 IRON CITY (Birmingham) Underoath, JJ..JJ..’’ SS BBO OH HEEM M IIAA (Chattanooga) Shakey’s Bad Knee May 1 VVA ARRIIEETT YY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Echosmith May 1 HEE AAVVEEN H N AATT TTH H EE M M AASSQ QU UEERRAAD D EE (Atlanta) Stone Temple Pilots May 1 TT H HEE TTAABBEE RRN NAACC LLEE (Atlanta) Beck, Twin

Shadow May 1 CCO O CC A A CCO O LLA A RRO O XXYY (Atlanta) Billy Idol May 1 CCEE N NTT EERR SS TTA AG G EE (Atlanta) Rick Astley May 1 TTU U SSCC A ALLO OO O SSA AA AM M PPH H IITT H HEE A ATTRREE (Tuscaloosa, AL) Jack Johnson May 1 GRRA G AN ND DO O LLEE O O PPRRYY H HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Luke Combs May 1 EEXXIITT //II N N (Nashville) Buckethead May 1 TTH H EE SS IIG GN NA ALL (Chattanooga) Buckethead May 2 TTII VVO O LLII TT H HEE A ATT RREE (Chattanooga) Celtic Women May 2 FFO O XX TTH H EEA ATT RREE (Atlanta) Yanni May 2 ASSCC EEN A ND DA AM MPPH H IITT H HEE A ATTRREE (Nashville) Jack Johnson May 2 CCA AN NN NEE RRYY BBA ALLLL RRO OO OM M (Nashville) Sevendust, Fire From The Gods, Memphis May Fire, Madame Mayhem May 2 TTH H EE M MIILLLL && M MIIN N EE (Knoxville) Stone Temple Pilots May 2 TTH H EE CCO OM MEED D YY CCA ATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Jodi White May 3 JJ..JJ..’’ SS BBO OH H EEM M IIA A (Chattanooga) LA Witch May 3 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD DSS (Chattanooga) “South Stage” Perpetual Groove May 3 WA W ALLK KEE RR TTH H EEA ATT RREE (Chattanooga) The Mavericks May 3 TTH H EE SS IIG GN NA ALL (Chattanooga) Breaking Benjamin May 3 ASSCC EEN A ND DA AM MPPH H IITT H HEE A ATTRREE (Nashville) The National, Big Thief May 3 MA M ARRA ATT H HO ON NM MU USSIICC W WO O RRK KSS (Nashville) Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Pete International Airport May 3 NA N ASSH H VVIILLLLEE M MU UN N IICC IIPPA ALL A AU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Halestorm, In This Moment, New Years Day, Stitched Up Heart May 3 IIRRO ON N CCII TTYY (Birmingham) Clutch, The Bronx May 3 SSA ATT U URRN N (Birmingham) Andrew W.K. May 3 TTH H EE M MIILLLL && M MIIN N EE (Knoxville) Underoath, Dance Gavin Dance, Veil of Maya. LIMBS May 3 TTH H EE CCO OM MEED D YY CCA ATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Jodi White May 4 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD DSS (Chattanooga) “North Stage” The Pool May 4 JJ..JJ..’’ SS BBO OH H EEM M IIA A (Chattanooga) Socro May 4 WA W ALLK KEE RR TTH H EEA ATT RREE (Chattanooga) Henry Cho May 4 CCLLYY D D EE’’SS (Chattanooga) The Voodoo Fix May 4 MIILLLLEE RR PPLLA M AZZA A (Chattanooga) “Nightfall Concert Series” Vandoliers May 4 FFO O XX TTH H EEA ATT RREE (Atlanta) Joe Bonamassa May 4 RREED D CCLLA A YY M MU USSIICC FF O OU UN ND DRRYY (Duluth, GA) Shawn Mullins May 4 BBRRIID DG G EESSTT O ON N EE A ARREE N NA A (Nashville) Foo Fighters May 4 ASSCC EEN A ND DA AM MPPH H IITT H HEE A ATTRREE (Nashville) Brantley Gilbert, Aaron Lewis, Josh Phillips, The Ones That Like Me Orchestra May 4 TTU U SSCC A ALLO OO O SSA AA AM M PPH H IITT H HEE A ATTRREE (Tuscaloosa, AL) Alan Jackson, Riley Green May 4 CCEE N NTT RRA ALL PPA ARRK K (Atlanta) “Shaky Knees Music Festival” The War on Drugs, Manchester Orchestra, Jimmy Eat World, Lord Huron, Bully, Fleet Foxes May 4 TTH H EE CCO OM MEED D YY CCA ATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Jodi White May 5 JJ..JJ..’’ SS BBO OH H EEM M IIA A (Chattanooga) Caitlin Rose, The Kernal May 5 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD DSS (Chattanooga) “North Stage” Lera Lynn May 5


SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD DSS (Chattanooga) “South Stage” Susto May 5 CCLLYY D DEE ’’SS (Chattanooga) Jess Goggans Band May 5 MIILLLL TT O M OW WN NM MU USSIICC H H AALLLL (Bremen, GA) Tanya Tucker May 5 FFO OXX TT H H EEAATT RREE (Atlanta) Joe Bonamassa May 5 CCEE N NTT RRAALL PPAARRK K (Atlanta) “Shaky Knees Music Festival” Bully, Andrew WK, Rival Sons, Charly Bliss, Lord Huron May 5 RRYY M MAA N N AAU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) “A Prairie Home Companion” Chris Thile May 5 CCO ON NCC EERRTT H HAA LLLL AATT BBJJCC CC (Birmingham) Beck May 5 TTH H EE SSH H EED D AATT SSM MO OK KYY M MO OU UTT AAIIN NH HAARRLLEE YY-DAAVVIID D DSSO ON N (Maryville, TN) David Allan Coe May 5 TTH H EE CC O OM M EED D YY CCAATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Jodi White May 6 JJ..JJ..’’SS BBO OH H EEM MIIAA (Chattanooga) Skinny Bumpkin May 6 CCEE N NTT RRAALL PPAARRK K (Atlanta) “Shaky Knees Music Festival” The National, Bully, Nathaniel Rateliff, Lord Huron, Sir Sly May 6 RRYY M MAA N N AAU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) David Byrne, Benjamin Clementine May 6 ASSCCEE N A ND D AAM MPPH H IITTH H EEAATT RREE (Nashville) Beck, Kimbra May 6 BBRRIID DG GEE SSTT O ON NEE AARREEN N AA (Nashville) Shinedown, Five Finger Death Punch, Starset, Bad Wolves May 6 MEERRCC YY LLO M OU UN NG G EE (Nashville) Calexico May 6 CCIITT YY W WIIN N EERRYY N NAASSH H VVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Devon Allman Project, Duane Betts May 6 VVIIN N YYLL (Atlanta) Fu Manchu May 7 TTO O PPG GO O LLFF LLIIVVEE (Nashville) Kiefer Sutherland May 7 TTH H EE SSIIG GN NAALL (Chattanooga) Stone Sour May 8 MEERRCC YY LLO M OU UN NG G EE (Nashville) Calexico May 8 JJ..JJ..’’SS BBO OH H EEM MIIAA (Chattanooga) Hive Theory, Natural Born Leaders May 9 BBRRIID DG GEE SSTT O ON NEE AARREEN N AA (Nashville) Justin Timberlake May 9 TTIIVVO O LLII TT H HEE AATTRREE (Chattanooga) Ghost May 10 TTH H EE SSIIG GN NAALL (Chattanooga) Aaron Watson May 10 TTH H EE CC O OCC AA CC O O LLAA RRO OXXYY (Atlanta) Alice in Chains May 10 BBU U CCK KH H EEAAD D TT H HEE AATTRREE (Atlanta) Sum 41 May 10 HEEAAVVEE N H N AATT TT H HEE M MAASSQ QU UEE RRAAD DEE (Atlanta) The Wonder Years, Tigers Jaw, Tiny Moving Parts, Worriers May 10 SSCCH H EERRM M EERRH HO O RRN N SS YYM M PPH HO ON NYY CC EEN NTT EE RR (Nashville) Brian Wilson May 10 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD DSS (Chattanooga) The Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band, Over Easy May 11 JJ..JJ..’’SS BBO OH H EEM MIIAA (Chattanooga) Over Easy, Dr. B & the Ease May 11 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD DSS (Chattanooga) “North Stage” Over Easy May 11 WAALLK W KEERR TT H H EEAATT RREE (Chattanooga) Edwin McCain May 11 CCLLYY D DEE ’’SS (Chattanooga) Lord Nelson May 11 MIILLLLEE RR PPLLAAZZAA (Chattanooga) “Nightfall M Concert Series” Ruby Velle & the Soulphonics May 11 PPRRIIN N CC EESSSS TT H H EEAATT RREE (Harriman, TN) Delbert McClinton May 11 SSCCH H EERRM M EERRH HO O RRN N SS YYM M PPH HO ON NYY CC EEN NTT EE RR (Nashville) Brian Wilson May 11 RRYY M MAA N N AAU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Dashboard

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Confessional May 11 HA H ARRD DIISSO ON NM MIILLLL FF AARRM M CC O ON NCC EERRTT H HA ALL LL (Columbia, TN) Rory Feek May 11 IIN N FFIIN N IITTEE EEN N EERRG G YY CCEE N NTT EERR (Duluth, GA) Justin Timberlake May 11 CC EEN N TTRRAALL PPAARRK K (Atlanta) “Shaky Beats” Ludacris, Dillon Francis, Minnesota, Marvel Years, Manic Focus, Marshmello, London On Da Track, Space Jesus, Thriftworks, Buku, Jack Harlow May 11 CC IITT YY W WIIN NEE RRYY N N AASSH H VVIILL LLEE (Nashville) Graham Parker, James Maddock May 12 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD D IITTO O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Jimmy Eat World, The Hotelier May 12 ASSCC EE N A ND D AAM MPPH HIITT H H EEAATT RREE (Nashville) Odesza May 12 SSCC H H EERRM MEE RRH HO O RRN N SSYY M MPPH HO ON N YY CCEE N NTT EERR (Nashville) Brian Wilson May 12 TT O OPPG GO OLLFF LLIIVVEE (Nashville) Myles Kennedy May 12 H AARRD H DIISSO ON NM MIILLLL FF AARRM M CC O ON NCC EERRTT H HA ALL LL (Columbia, TN) Rory Feek May 12 CC EEN N TTRRAALL PPAARRK K (Atlanta) “Shaky Beats” Zedd, Exision, Playboi Carti, San Holo, Borgore, Whethan, K?D, Shiba San, Ookay, Wolfgang Gartner, Bonnie X Clyde, Luis Futon, Bleep Boop, Phantoms, Kidswaste, Vandal Rose May 12 CC IITT YY W WIIN NEE RRYY AA TTLLAAN N TTAA (Atlanta) Graham Parker, James Maddock May 13 CC EEN N TTRRAALL PPAARRK K (Atlanta) “Shaky Beats” Kygo, Seven Lions, Louis The Child, Kayzo, TroyBoi, Tokimonsta, Autograf, YehMe2, Medasin, Brohug, Ofenbach, Dr. Fresch, Unlike Pluto, Billy Kenny, Parker, Midnite Panda May 13 CC O ON N CC EERRTT H HAALLLL AATT BBJJ CCCC (Birmingham) Primus, Mastodon, All Them Witches May 14 CC IITT YY W WIIN NEE RRYY AA TTLLAAN N TTAA (Atlanta) Myles Kennedy May 14 TT EEN NN NEE SSSSEEEE AAQ QU U AARRIIU UM M (Chattanooga) Strung Like A Horse May 15 TT IIVVO OLLII TTH H EEAATT RREE (Chattanooga) Chicago May 16 M AARRAATTH M HO ON NM MU U SSIICC W WO ORRK KSS (Nashville) Greta Van Fleet May 16 FF O OXX TT H HEE AATTRREE (Atlanta) Primus, Mastodon, All Them Witches May 16 CC EEN N TTEE RR SSTT AAG GEE (Atlanta) Little Steven May 16 TT H HEE SSIIG GN NAALL (Chattanooga) Chase Rice, Kenton Bryant May 17 IIRRO ON N CC IITT YY (Birmingham) Dr. Dog, Son Little May 17 JJ ..JJ ..’’SS BBO OH HEE M MIIAA (Chattanooga) Friendship Commanders May 18 M IILLLLEERR PPLL AAZZAA (Chattanooga) Jeffery M Broussard & the Creole Cowboys May 18 SSO ON NG G BBIIRRD DSS (Chattanooga) “South Stage” Three Star Revival May 18 CC LLYY D DEE’’ SS (Chattanooga) Strahan & the Good Neighbors May 18 O ’’CC O O ON NN NO O RRSS RRIISSH H PPU UBB (Clarksville, TN) Puddle of Mudd, Tantric, Saving Abel May 18 ASSCC EE N A ND D AAM MPPH HIITT H H EEAATT RREE (Nashville) Willie Nelson, Alison Krauss May 18 TT H HEE TT AABBEERRN NAACC LLEE (Atlanta) Dr. Dog May 18 TT EERRM M IIN NAALL W W EESSTT (Atlanta) Guided By Voices May 18 SSO ON NG G BBIIRRD DSS (Chattanooga) “South Stage” Runaway Gin May 19 FF O OXX TT H HEE AATTRREE (Atlanta) “A Prairie Home Companion” Chris Thile May 19

An Important Message from Paul Burke Sr. Hi, my name is Paul Burke, the publisher of this magazine. I usually don’t write anything about any of our advertisers. Today I’m making a one time exception. Recently I experienced a painful three weeks caused by a pinched nerve in my neck.

exam they agreed it was a nerve in my neck. They proceeded to give me a steroid shot and write a prescription for pain medication—none of this did any good, no relief of

I lived on ibuprofen (four at a time several times a day). I also did heating pads and ice packs.

which a femur in their leg was broken. This also led to a back pain that made sleeping painful they were also having trouble sleeping.

Nothing was stopping the After one visit to Doctor Wall, they felt 100 percent better that day. At that point in time, I was willing to try anything, so I went for a visit.

The funny thing was my neck wasn’t even sore.

To make this long story short—I felt better that first day.

What was sore was my right shoulder blade, right arm, elbow, and hand. On a scale of 1 to 10, this pain was an 11. It was that bad. It felt as if someone had stuck a very large knife under my right shoulder blade. The pain also radiated down my right arm. The muscle in my arm was so sore I couldn’t even touch it. My elbow was the same way.

I now have gone for five treatments over a two week period, and I feel great. I haven’t even had to take an aspirin in nine days. It’s wonderful. If you are tired of the pain and want relief, I suggest you give Doctor Wall a try.

No matter how I stood, sat, or lay down, there was no symptoms. relief (I couldn’t even sleep in peace). I had to do some- So for over two weeks I went thing. I couldn’t stand it. to two different walk-in clinics and got a total of three Over the next two weeks I more shots (no help), went to did the following in search of a chiropractor four different something that would stop times (no help), went to a the pain - here is a list of the physical therapist three times things I tried: (no help), got prescriptions for three more different pain I started by going to the meds (only thing these did emergency room at one of was make me nauseous). the local hospitals. After an ENIGMA

pain, sometimes I got a short period where the pain dropped from an 11 on a scale of 1 to 10, down to a 6 or 7. It was hell.

It’s great to know I will not have to have the neck surgery that one of the doctors I went to said might be necessary.

Do yourself a favor; you’ll Then I heard about Doctor thank me for it. Wall and his Chattanooga Spine & Nerve Institute. The Written with all sincerity and person that told me about it a great feeling of no pain, raved about how much better their back and legs felt after Paul Burke Sr. treatment. They had had a (see Doctor Wall’s ad on the hip replacement during next page )

APRIL 2018


The Simple Things The other day I was sitting with some company out in the front yard reclining in an Adirondack chair. It was a perfect warm spring evening and it was quiet in the neighborhood. We had the radio playing softly in the background. I was just having pleasant conversation enjoying “an adult beverage” (Henry’s Orange Hard Soda - note: Grape is even better) and watching the world go by. It was about as close to an idyllic evening as it gets for me. It hit me that even though this was a very simple thing that I was enjoying it tremendously. I was reminded that most of the time in life it’s the simplest things that are the best. This caused me to reflect back and remember as a kid how my Father used to take me to a Service Station (Orey’s Amoco) where he hung out and talked with his buddies. This was in the days when gas stations

did oil changes, mechanical work, customer was there. Simple times made it the great. sold and put on tires and other and simple things. Sadly I will I had some great times at getmechanical work. The employees never see those days again. togethers on my Mothers’ side of would check your car’s oil and tire pressure and even wash the windshield. I would sit there drinking my Mountain Dew out of the green bottle (with the picture of the moonshiner on the side and the slogan” It’ll tickle your innards”, often while eating a pecan pie. I would listen to these characters tell jokes, discuss community events, people’s health and swap stories about hunting, fishing, cars and other guy stuff. This was back in the day when in polite conversation you did not use profanity. I never heard any of these guys curse. I can still remember the pssst pssst sound of the lift when they were raising a car for an oil change or to put on tires. I can distinctly recall the ding ding of the bell when a car rolled over the tube by the pumps announcing a

Talking about childhood simple pleasures I remember as a child when my Fathers’ side of the family got together. This was usually at my Grandparents’ house. We would often go to Dooley’s Ice Cream shop in Cleveland and get grape ice cream. It came in a large round cardboard looking container like you’ll see ice cream in at ice cream stores now. I don’t know how much was in it but it was a lot. I never saw the container not get cleaned out however. The Haskins are known for their sweet eating ability. I won’t even get into their banana pudding eating. That was the best ice cream I’ve ever eaten and some of the best times I ever had. It was really good but the company in which it was shared ENIGMA




the family at fish fries, holidays and birthdays. That side did homemade ice cream with Nehi grape soda. Those were simple but great times. Speaking of simple childhood family experiences. When I’m out riding my motorcycle I occasionally see large concrete picnic tables at roadside pull-offs. These are often near scenic overlooks. I wistfully remember back when I was a kid and my family would have picnics at locations like those. I thought that was so cool. I enjoyed those meals and never realized how special they would seem to me later in life. I never see anybody eating at these tables. It makes me wonder why nobody s using them. I guess

families don’t eat together as much. Maybe roadside family pic- There are things I do now that are nics aren’t cool anymore. I think simple but are really good or enjoyable. Just the other day I it’s kind of sad. asked somebody where they wantAnother simple childhood pleasure ed to go eat. We decided on ‘hot I remember was going to the Star- dogs and hot fudge cake’. We Vue Drive-In Movie Theater in headed to Kay’s Kastle in SoddyCleveland, TN. My parents would Daisy. It was an excellent choice. A park the car and my brother and I very simple meal in a very simple would head for the playground that restaurant but it was just right. was located at the front of the huge lot at the base of the movie screen. About two years ago a friend came We would give the playground over to my house. I was sitting in a equipment a workout while enjoy- recliner while we talked. He coming the delicious smells of cooking mented on my dog Fido laying on burgers, hot dogs and popcorn the floor with his head resting on wafting from the snack bar there. my feet. I hadn’t even noticed Fido When the movie started we’d head doing that - just a simple loving act back to the car and eat popcorn by my dog. Learn to treasure and Mom made at home and brought. savor such moments. This was Nobody worried about kids getting about two weeks before Fido was snatched by child molesters back diagnosed with cancer. He was then. Those were simpler and I gone in a month. think better times.

I really enjoy walking my remaining dogs. I like how much pleasure a walk gives them. They have a large fenced in back yard to run in but they really like it when we walk the neighborhood. They like the new sights and smells. It gives me time to think and get some fresh air. The dogs and I all get satisfaction from our walk… the simple things can be the best for man and animal. Sometimes I’ll just jump on my motorcycle and take a short ride. It’s a simple thing but it clears the mental cobwebs. Long rides are better and with friends even better. If you’ve never walked the Walnut Street Bridge I highly recommend it especially in the Spring and Fall. You can leisurely walk along and look down at the Tennessee River with boat traffic, people paddle boarding, rowing and engaging in other water activities. There are walkers, runners, dog walkers, tourists and all kinds of people to watch up on the bridge. It’s a simple thing with no cost. Again aren’t ENIGMA

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those often the best? I got up this morning and had a frosted blueberry Pop-tart and a Diet Pepsi. I was instantly reminded of simple mornings I used to spend in a friend’s kitchen in Montana. Their young daughter Kylie and I would get up before everyone else. The house would be quiet and still. You could look out the front window and see a vista of snow capped mountains and usually deer and antelope in the fields nearby. Kylie would cuddle up sitting on the heater vent by the stove sometimes snuggling with her dog Sally. We’d hang out prior to everybody getting up and getting ready to go to work and her to school. Simple things and simple times. They were the best. Really aren’t they always?

- Mark Haskins Background music: “Home Movies” The best of Everything But The Girl, Robert Miles ‘’Dreamland” PS: Happy Belated Birthday to Rocco

Who’s Screwing Who? Let me be blunt “Stormy Weathers” is a whore. A whore will do anything of moral ambiguity for money and fame often hoping to gain both. And that’s just what the big-boobed blonde is. An exotic dancer/porn star grasping for 15 minutes of fame for a purported tryst with Donald Trump over a dozen years ago. The fact the story hasn’t gone away proves the hypocrisy of not only the media but also the political system and the so-called “deep state”. The story that came out about two months ago was that the porn star has signed a non-disclosure agreement involving a purported affair between her and the President. The alleged liaison took place in 2006 when President Trump’s wife was pregnant with their son, Barron.

of her life literally selling her body. Not that I’m putting down the “oldest profession”. First let me say I have a question about the $130,000 “hush money”. Why did she need to get paid to hush? Who would have known outside of her, Trump and perhaps his wife and possibly whomever may have set up the tryst. And in that case it is no longer “hush” money it’s extortion or blackmail to keep shut. Why haven’t we looked into the reason to be paid to keep quiet?

I question if this actually happened and if it did, I doubt it was unknown by the president’s wife. There are published pictures of the three together. So if the media is trying to drive a wedge between Trump and his wife I don’t think it’s While I am not one to defend some- going to work. one who is not faithful in a relationship (I realize I am very old- To quote Hillary Clinton who ironifashioned but I don’t care what you cally is awfully quiet about the allethink), I don’t know if I can trust a gations, “What difference does it woman who has spent the majority make?” By traditional left-wing standards this is ancient history. And unlike Kennedy, LBJ and Clinton this did not take place in the Oval Office and during an era when Donald Trump was a private citizen and at that time no one knew he had any inclination to serve in an elected position. I am not one to legitimize or make excuses for Trump if he did actually cheat on his wife with Stormy Daniels. To be honest we all knew he was a cheat before he even announced his candidacy for the presidency. It was well documented and reported of his affair with Marla Maples while still married to his first wife Ivana. He did end up marrying Maples, the Dalton, GA beauty queen, however, but that doesn’t mean he’ll end up marrying Daniels. And it’s not like he committed an actual crime. Well, back in the 19th century it might have still been a crime but not in the latter 20th and now 21st centuries unlike crimes that have been committed in the White House such as perjury, illegal spying on political opponents or even actual election rigging (lest we forget how Kennedy won the White House – feel free to Google it). ENIGMA

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The American should be angry at the government and their once trusted media who have for the most part distracted the public to the corruption in the most hallowed halls in government such as the CIA and FBI and justice department who once everything is said and done will be exposed for their failed attempts to rig – or in their eyes confirm an election for an approved establishment candidate (Clinton). Things are even pointing at former President Obama being involved and that my friend is treason. Add to that they rather talk about Trump’s tweets and cheer a huge out of control spending bill rather than tax reform, the lowest unemployment in decades, the growing job sector and for all intents and purposed defeat of ISIS – not to mention rebuilding the military that was decimated by the previous administration. I’m in no way endorsing President Trump’s behavior in any way whatsoever. After all he’s no Clinton or Obama. And for that I am indeed thankful.

- Wm. Alexander

©Jeff Fasano

Raven and Red Raven and Red is a folk-Americana group that is refreshing in today’s entertainment climate – they have actual talent. The trio made up of Brittany Lynn Jones and brothers

Mitchell Lane and Cole King released in February their album of all original songs, We Rise Up to accolades and for the right reason. They can sing and perform their


ML: It is a little bit intimidating, waiting to get your first review, because you don’t know what they are going to say about it. We were hoping that the people who were willing to spend time writing about would have something positive to YYoouu gguu yyss aa rree jj uuss tt aa llii ttttll ee oovveerr aa say. moonntthh rr eem m moovvee dd ff rroom m rree ll eeaa ssii nngg yyoouu rr ffiirr ss tt aa llbb uu m m.. W W hhaa tt’’ss ggooii nngg BLJ: We were lucky. The first review tthh rroouu gghh yyoouu rr hhee aadd ss rrii gghhtt nnoow w?? came out in December, right around Christmas, and it was a BLJ: It’s been really exciting. It’s good one. That made us really one of the first times we have got- happy. We get excited when a ten a lot of reviews for one of our review comes in but we are always albums. This was our first album concerned for a few minutes. Like, with original music on it. It has “I hope it doesn’t say anything terbeen exciting to see the reviews rible.” that are out there and our fans have had a really good response to (laughter) it as well. ?? RReeccoorr ddii nngg m muu ss iicc ii ss aa lloott dd iiffffeerr eenntt miinngg iitt.. W Whh aatt w waass ii tt ML: Our fans have had a good tthh aann pp eerr ffoorrm maakk iinngg tthh ee aall bbuu m m?? response as well. Some of our fans ll iikk ee,, m have been hearing some of those songs – we have been doing them ML: It was interesting because we live – for the better part of a year had been working on these songs now. It’s pretty cool to have that and arranging them, just to perform out officially for people to put on live. Then, when we to start recordwhenever they want to. ing them, it was an opportunity to take a step back and listen to them. BLJ: We have been getting some We also had some demo recordings radio play too. We have been get- that we would make and listen to ting some radio play in the from the perspective of a producer Netherlands and that’s been cool, and an arranger and look and see too. what we could add, what we could take away. We were coming in to Weerr ee yyoouu nnee rrvvoouu ss w W waa iittiinngg ffoorr tthh ee make adjustments as we wanted rreevvii eew wss ttoo ccoom mee oouu tt?? W Whh aatt ii ss iitt ll iikk ee to.? waaiittii nngg ttoo ss eeee w w whh aatt ss oom meeoonnee ee llss ee tthh iinnkk ss?? BLJ: We would listen to the first version of how we recorded a song. instruments without the aid of modern technology. With music that borders on traditional folk, country with a tinge of Celtic influences they bring a refreshing approach to their music.

APRIL 2018


When we would step back and listen to it, we would sometimes come up with more ideas or we would hear a part where we wanted to add another instrument. So, we would add some instrument fills to a section that did not have it before. I think the songs really came into their own once we recorded them.

everything we had done. It really gave it that sparkle that we were looking for that we are able to get performing live.

sound like.

songwriting competition where we wanted to have a few extra songs to be able to pull out during some of the rounds. We wrote, “Another Empty Bottle” and “Lead Me Back to You.” Those two came together pretty quickly. Towards the end, we wanted to end the album on a positive note and we kind of struggled. Then we came up with the idea for “We Rise Up,” which became the title track.

Whh eenn yy oouu w W w eerree ppuuttttii nngg tthhii ss aa llbbuum m ttooggee tthhee rr,, w w aass iitt eeaa ssyy ffoorr yyoouu gguu yyss ttoo ppii cckk w whh iicchh ss oonnggss ttoo pp uu tt oonn tthh ee aallbbuu m m oorr dd iidd yyoouu eenndd uu pp aa dddd iinngg nneew wm maa ttee rrii aall ttoo tthhee m miixx?? W Waa ss tthh eerr ee aannyy kk iinndd ooff aa tthheem mee ttoo tthh ee m maatteerr ii -H oow H w ssee llff--ccrrii ttiiccaall w whh eenn yyoouu rree ccoorr dd-- aall?? iinngg aanndd llii sstteennii nngg ttoo pp llaayybb aacckk oorr eevv eenn ll iiss tteennii nngg ttoo dd ee m mooss yyoouu ’’vvee BLJ: Originally, when we went into maaddee?? II tt hhaa ss ttoo bbee ddii ffffee rree nntt hh eeaa rrii nngg it, there wasn’t a theme but, as time m yyoouurr ssee llff llii vvee w whh eenn yyoouu aa rree ppeerr -- passed a few developed. The first ffoorrm miinngg aanndd tthh eenn hhee aarrii nngg yyoouu rrss eell ff five or six songs were some of the rree ccoorrdd eedd .. W Whh aatt w w aass tthhaa tt ll iikk ee,, hhee aarr -- first songs we finished writing together and we we wanted to have iinngg yyoouurr ssee llff?? all of those on it. We have a really good friend who wrote “Grandpa’s Both: We’re very critical. Beer” - a songwriter in Nashville BLJ: It is very rewarding when it and we wanted to add that to it comes out like you want it to come because we really liked that song. out. However, we also would go We knew we wanted to record the through and if we heard a certain classic folk song, “Today,” because word or phrase that we did not like we play that a lot live. We like a lot the sound of, we would go back and of songs that are considered classic change how we were doing that. It nowadays and people kept asking if even kind of shaped our live per- we were going to record that. The formances to because it makes you first seven songs came together more aware of what the songs easily and then we were doing a

ML: This was our first kind of real record that we were recording and also it was an independent, selfproduced CD, so when we were first doing those demo recordings, what we were able to achieve. The vocals, combined with the violin, are our strengths, the three-part harmonies … when we were listening to the demos, we were like, “The vocals could sound better.” I did not know if we could record those in the best way to sound the best that they possibly could. So we ended up talking to someone who was going to help us mix the album and it turned out he had a great recording microphone for our vocals with all the right pre-amps. We were able to fine-tune those vocals and we added those back to

HHoow w ddii dd bbee iinngg ttrraa iinneedd vvooccaall iiss ttss aaffffeecctt w whh aatt ttyyppee ooff m muuss iicc yy oouu gguu yyss ppll aayy?? YY oouu aa rree ll aabbeell eedd aass bbee iinngg iinn tthhee AAm meerr iiccaannaa //bb lluu eeggrraa ssss ggee nnrree … … BLJ: Yeah.

DDii dd tthh aatt ttrr aaiinnii nngg hhaavv ee aannyy ii nnfflluu eennccee oonn w whh yy yyoouu cchhoossee tthh aatt ssttyyll ee ooff muu ssii cc?? m ENIGMA

APRIL 2018


ML: I went to school for classical voice. I did songs in four or five different languages. I studied opera and stuff like that. Brittany was doing her classical stuff, moved on, and did a bluegrass/folk/old B time Celtic program at East Tennessee State in Johnson City. It was exciting to see all the stuff that was going on out there. It was a neat opportunity because a lot of the instrumentation in folk/bluegrass/Americana is acoustic and we were already very used to doing things acoustically in the classical realm. When we combined the history from Bach to Celtic music and then into the American traditions like Bill Monroe and the Carter family and such, it just kind of was a continuation of our musical education going into that. We actually did not write songs when we first started. We were just interpreting and coming up with our own ways of doing folk music. Now, we kind of combine of our techniques and all the things we’ve learned from all the different places we’ve been to create our own sound. If you listen to the album, even if I’m putting on a little bit of a country twang for a song, I’m still using many of the techniques that I would use in singing anything classical. We are known as a bit of a variety group. We can do a bit of everything in our live shows, so we wanted to reflect that in our songwriting and on our new album. W hhaatt iiss tthhee w W wrr iittii nngg pprroocceess ss llii kkee ffoorr yyoouu gguuyy ss?? BBeeii nngg ttrraa iinneedd vvooccaall iiss ttss,, ddoo yy oouu ccoom mee uupp w wii tthh tthh ee w woorrddss ffiirr sstt oorr iiss ii tt aa bbii tt ooff ggiivvee aa nndd ttaakkee ?? BLJ: It’s really been a blend. A lot of

BLJ: “Or it reminds me of another song I like but it’s something different at the same time.” ML: The writing has gotten easier and easier. BLJ: Different approaches to familiar themes can still make original songs. W eerr ee tthh eerr ee aa nnyy ss oonnggss tthhaa tt yyoouu w W wii sshh hh aadd m maa ddee tthh ee aall bbuu m m tthh aatt ddii ddnn’’tt??

the songs we did begin with writing the words and then there’s somewhere we might have come up with a little idea for a melody and we’d record that on our phones just so we can remember it. Sometime it can even just be a chord progression that we like. Then we try to write words that fit if the melody came first. Most of the songs, it has been easier to write the words first and then try to come up with a melody that reflects it and a rhythm can fit the words. When we are put-

ML: There are some songs where we were like, “I wish this was a twenty-song album.” There also was a part of us that was like, “Let’s hold some back. That way, we can put out a new album in the next year or two.” A song that John Denver recorded that really speaks to us was going to go on the album. However, there are a lot of ballads on this album, so it felt like we might need to hold that ballad for the next album. We like to have one track that is a very traditional folk song that has inspired us and, on this album, that song is “Today,” written by Randy Sparks and performed with the New Christy Minstrels. That song has been a big hit for a long time and many artists ting a melody with lyrics, we will have recorded it. try to reflect the way you would almost speak something or act out BLJ: Been a while since it has been the words with the inflection in popular. pitch with the melody going up and down. When we do that, it usually A Arr ee yyoouu ttoouurr iinngg rrii gghh tt nnoow w?? II kk nnoow w comes out sounding a little more yyoouu aarr ee ccoom mii nngg ttoo CChh aa ttttaa nnooooggaa natural. nneexx tt m moonntthh .. Wii tthh W W W ee RRiiss ee UUpp hhaa vvii nngg bbee eenn rreell eeaass eedd llaass tt m moonntthh,, hh oow w ddoo yy oouu ffee eell yyoouurr ssoonnggw wrr iittiinngg hh aass eevv ooll vveedd ssii nnccee tthh ee bbee ggiinnnnii nngg ooff w w rr iittii nngg maattee rrii aall ffoorr tthhaa tt aall bbuu m m m aanndd w whh eerr ee tthh ee bbaanndd ii ss nnoow w ?? ML: I think that as we continue writing, we get a bit quicker at it. BLJ: And more and more ideas. ML: Now, getting though that first song or two was a big step because you’re still trying to discover how you want to do things. We try to create things that can be familiar to people, as far as lyrics are concerned, but try to write the music in a way to make it as original as possible so that you feel like you are getting something fresh but it also has that folk element …

ML: Right now, we have some selected dates and we are working on trying to get a tour together for the spring, summer, and fall. We have been working toward a new recording because we know we are only going to get busier from here on out. We have been using this time to do that. We did some shows for the St. Patrick's Day weekend. We were in Knoxville Friday and then we went to Owensboro, Kentucky, Saturday. We have been playing on and off. We also like to do various open mikes and writers' nights here around Nashville. BLJ: The past few years, usually it's around May when our schedule really picks up. We have a few select shows January through April and then in May, when the different festivals start, we really get a lot busier.

BLJ: That has a familiar sound.

- Dave Weinthal ML: That helps audiences go, “Oh! This is me. I love the violin solo in Raven and Red perform April 6 at this.” Chattanooga Brewing Company. ENIGMA

APRIL 2018


New Politics Break A Sweat & It’s Not All Smoke and Mirrors And that’s pretty impressive since with his instrument as his curly they were playing outside. hair soon became a mop because of such a sweat he broke during The music is danceable alternative the heated set. Despite this visuals rock reminiscent of Panic! At the with strobe lights and smoke Disco, except with more raw ener- machines going it was a pretty bare gy. But unlike the guy next to me bones layout with drummer Louis said, it wasn’t just jumping. It was Vecchio set up stage right giving running, even Boyd doing a hand- Boyd and Hansen plenty of room to stand or two, but he really brought dance, jump and move around. it to the crowd – literally. Early And even though Vecchio was during the first set he climbed off behind the drums, even he got into into the crowd, not missing a beat the act standing at times and and literally stood up as the sea of motioning the crowd to get fired ©Dave Weinthal

As I waited for New Politics to take the stage a guy next to me whispered, “I’ve seen them a few times. They jump around a lot on stage.” Okay, I thought. This could be interesting. The band continues to pick up momentum since hitting the scene in 2009 and is riding high off last year’s release of Lost In Translation. With all the flash and glitter (figurative) and smoke of the Village People New Politics took the stage. A three-piece band that sounds a lot bigger they broke a sweat and had folks joining them. As headliner on this particular night a fairly reserved crowd up to that point got loud – really loud. Even the band’s frontman David Boyd told the

©Dave Weinthal

arms held him afloat as he sang, up. And that they did. eventually working his way back to the stage. During the course of the set the band play a nice representation of He was not the only one getting in their four albums including songs on the action. Søren Hansen, the like “Istanbul”, “Harlem” and “Yeah band’s guitarist and keyboard play- Yeah Yeah.”

©Dave Weinthal

crowd they were the loudest crowd er danced back and forth, up and they’ve has since their tour started. down and bent over backwards ENIGMA

Neew N w PPooll iti cs Songl is t Istanbul Everywhere I Go (Kings & Queens) Love Is A Drug 15 Dreams Girl Crush Lifeboat Color Green 50 Feet Tall Dignity Tonight You’re Perfect CIA Madeleine Stardust Berlin West End Kids One Of Us Harlem Lifted Pretend We’re in a Movie Yeah Yeah Yeah

- Dave Weinthal

APRIL 2018


1. They Might Be Giants 2. David Byrne 3. Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats 4. The Decemberists 5. Jack White 6. Greta Van Fleet 7. Queens of the Stone Age 8. Belle and Sebastian 9. Father John Misty 10. Joan As Police Woman 11. Dr. Dog 12. Chvrches 13. Brett Dennen 14. Pearl Jam 15. Courtney Barnett 16. Mt. Joy 17. Tinsley Ellis 18. Glen Hansard 19. Robert Plant 20. Brandi Carlile

ADVENTURE PICKS 1. Trampled By Turtles 2. Frank Turner 3. Rainbow Kitten Surprise

Pylon Reenactment Society & Dead Daryl I may be the only guy my age that could not name for you a single song by the band Pylon. Even after seeing them recently perform at Songbirds I still can’t nor do I remember any of their songs after seeing them or the Pylon Reenactment Society perform.

mainstream as a major influence.

Chattanooga during this time if a band was advertised as being from During the eighties and early Athens always packed the house. It nineties Athens, GA was the south- didn’t matter if the band was any ern “Hitsville USA” as they gar- good or if you never heard of them

They’re not in it for the money, man”. I smirked and said, “I bet if a major label comes calling they sign.” “DD” got upset and said to me in no uncertain terms, “No way man, they’re about the music.” Needless to say “DD” never made it in the fraternity and actually became an enemy of it and R.E.M. signed with Warner Brothers a few years later. The signing was proof you can make it big without selling your soul to the devil. Or as my mother would say, not cutting your nose off to spite yourself.

Anyone who went to college in the south in the eighties and considers themselves a music snob or as I refer to them – “too cool for school” knows the band and can name a couple of the songs or remember seeing them in concert. I did see them once – back in 1989 opening for R.E.M. on the “Green” tour. Athens, GA was the epicenter for alternative rock. Many credit ©Dave Weinthal Pylon as one of the pioneers of the genre as R.E.M. who many point as nered the most acts on college or any of their songs. By God, they being the band that not only creat- radio than any other city until had to be good. They were from ed it but also brought it to the grunge hit in 1992. Living in Athens. I remember we had this pledge at our fraternity we nicknamed “Dead Daryl”. I won’t go into details of how he got the nickname but “DD” as I’ll refer to him instead of wasting my time typing his name out was the first of a new generation of drinkers. Sure, drinking is bad… perhaps. But with a lot of youth it is a right of passage – especially in college. Frat boys aren’t completely dumb. We know the real world is a just a few years ahead of us and this is our last fling with acting like a fool before we have to be completely accountable for out actions. “DD” drank to get messed up – really messed up; thus the nickname. One of the things I remember about “DD” besides turning blue on our front porch was his love of R.E.M. It was almost an obsession. He always carried a notebook with him that had pictures cut out of the band and other pictures that related to the band cut and pasted into this notebook. I remember sitting a arguing with him over “real music” one afternoon. He told me, “R.E.M.’s about the music, man. ENIGMA

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I hated pretentious music snobs like “DD” my whole life and I when they were musicians, it was double jeopardy for me. Why be a martyr when you have a chance to influence a larger audience or for that matter a generation? I remember in the late eighties an old joke was the best songwriter in Athens was the guy that just delivered your pizza. And that’s my take of Pylon and one of the reasons they’re just a mere mention in the Athens scene and not a cornerstone like artists like R.E.M., Indigo Girls and B-52s to name a few. Until recently I’ve heard nothing of Pylon until I started seeing dates for Pylon Reenactment Society on music calendars. I wondered if… and then looked up and sure enough it was Pylon frontwoman Vanessa Briscoe Hay with a new backing band performing the old catalog. That seemed pretty cool. I barely remember their opening set at the Roundhouse almost 30 years ago. I


do remember Hay dancing around an actual pylon and a heavily percussive beat. I don’t remember being overly impressed but an arena setting was obviously not Pylon or their fans’ thing. When I saw they were coming to town I wanted to check it out. Songbirds Guitar Museum offers an intimate setting – more like a small club that would fit the legend of

Michelangelo’s, The Sand Bar or even the original Brew & Cue on McCallie Avenue. The crowd in attendance was a little better heeled than they were back in the day – also considerably older. This didn’t stop one couple do the preppie dance as I call it. I remember frat brothers at parties dancing to R.E.M., Guadalcanal Diary, the Blake Babies and bands like that. The dance looked like a scarecrow

©Dave Weinthal

Pylon. Prior to the band taking stage a documentary from the late eighties was shown about the Athens music scene and included a long interview with the members of Pylon. During the documentary I remember what I hated about the Athens and most local music scenes. During the interview with Pylon they talked about how U2 courted them to open for them in the early eighties and turned them down. It wasn’t their thing. They talked about how sure they weren’t millionaires but they didn’t care. In other words they were too cool to become popular or as my mother would say, they cut their noses off to spite themselves. Once again, why would you not want to have the opportunity to go big and leave your imprint on the world of music? And that is why R.E.M. still sells more records today than any other band from Athens to this day and Pylon – or a facsimile is playing a 200-seat venue with plenty of room to spare for more as they hit the stage. I looked around at those in attendance and remember a lot of faces or similar faces from back in the day that would go see any band from Athens that played

having a seizure with flailing arms and legs. They were doing that this night as well. It was indeed a trip down memory lane. And while I wanted to not like the band as it took stage after watching the documentary, I’ll have to admit they wore me down as the evening went on. At 62, Hay is still a formidable frontwoman with a voice as strong as ever. What really got me into the music was watching the band. Kay Stanton is a great bass player and her enthusiasm is addictive. She jumped up and down on stage holding down the backbeat flipping her hair like a teenager on a sugar buzz, smiling the whole time. Joining in the excitement was keyboardist Damon Denton who got up and danced from time to time behind his setup. For a time being the guitar museum was turned into a frat party with dancing and many who weren’t dancing or getting immersed into the music stood with their arms crossed staring at and judging everyone in attendance. It was indeed at a local rock show, however no sighting of Dead Daryl anywhere. I guess he’s still too cool for school.

- Dave Weinthal ENIGMA

APRIL 2018


Flying High With Noel Gallagher Their press has tainted my view of Oasis and the Gallagher brothers. They were depicted and rightly so as being for lack of a better word – asses. They were good and they knew it. They lived the rock and roll lifestyle – may be a little too much. When you think of Brit rock you automatically think of Oasis first. And when you think of Oasis you think of “Champagne Supernova”, “Wonderwall” and “Don’t Look Back In Anger” as well as the non-stop feuding been the Noel and Liam Gallagher.

anthems of all time. You know it’s a great song when it’s being covered by all your contemporaries live in concert (Coldplay and The Killers). Often compare to the Beatles in their earlier days it was fitting that Gallagher finished the night covering The Beatles’ “All You Need Is Love”. And indeed we do – and perhaps one more round by Oasis before it’s took late. N oel G al la ghe r’s Hi gh F lyi ng Bi rds N See tl is t S Fort Knox Holy Mountain Keep on Reaching It’s a Beautiful World In the Heat of the Moment Riverman Ballad of the Mighty I If I Had a Gun... Dream On Little by Little (Oasis cover) The Importance of Being Idle (Oasis cover) Dead in the Water Be Careful What You Wish For She Taught Me How to Fly Half the World Away (Oasis cover) Wonderwall (Oasis cover) AKA... What a Life!

Over the course of their 18 year run the two managed to piss off just about everyone insulting just about every Brit musician including Paul McCartney. Their volatile existence came to an end after an altercation between the two brothers that supposedly came to physical blows. Noel, the band’s guitarist left the band going solo and starting The High Flying Birds while Liam, the band’s singer kept the remaining members of Oasis renaming themselves Beady Eye. It didn’t take long for Noel to win this feud as he was Oasis’ main songwriter and quite frankly Beady Eye just didn’t have the mojo of Oasis or Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds.

Encore : E The Right Stuff Go Let It Out (Oasis cover) Don’t Look Back in Anger (Oasis cover) All You Need Is Love (The Beatles cover)

Retro Cafe

A packed house was buzzing as Gallagher and his High Flying Birds took the stage and right out of the gate they began with four new songs off the recently released Who Built The Moon? - the first three songs performed; “Fort Knox”, “Holy Mountain” and “Keep on Reaching” are grittier, more rock and roll and less “poppy” like a lot of Gallagher’s more famous songs with Oasis and first two albums with the High Flying Birds.

©Dave Weinthal

drama and mega media praise and Look Back In Anger” which is perundying fans in recent years I gave haps one of the greatest Brit pop - Dave Weinthal it a second listen and look. Much like year ago as I mourned the passing of Amy Winehouse, dismissing her for her tabloid antics and not really paying attention to her true talent, I can change course now and embrace Noel Gallagher’s talent. I did get top see Oasis in their prime but that was more out of curiosity than fandom. Even The concert was a glimpse into seeing the High Flying Birds were Gallagher’s career performing more out of curiosity than fandom equal cuts off of the first three solo as well. efforts and as the show was well established he performed a half But as I listened to the band and dozen Oasis classics most of which even took in the sights throughout Gallagher sang and not his brother the crowd, a greater appreciation began as I realized these songs originally. strike chords with the listeners – I never really appreciated Oasis or and that indeed is what makes a Gallagher much when they were in great songwriter. This was never their prime, mostly because of all more evident than during the the tabloid fodder. But as I get encore as Gallagher and company older and look past the tabloid played what is perhaps my favorite Wednesdays at 5pm est. on wawl.org these days of the old stuff, “Don’t

The Best of New Wave, Post Modern Classics and Other Odd Stuff


APRIL 2018


THIS MONTH IN ROCK HISTORY 11 994499 An article by Deac Aylesworth in Look Magazine predicted that radio was doomed and that within three years, TV would overshadow radio completely. 11 99 5566 Little Richard’s “Long Tall Sally” enters the US Pop chart, where it would climb to #6. The record would top the R&B chart and became the first of his three US Top 10 hits. A cover version by Pat Boone appeared on the Pop chart simultaneously and reached #8. 1199 5577 The Everly Brothers release “Bye Bye Love”, a song that was rejected by 30 labels before Cadence Records picked it up. The song went to #2 on the US Pop chart and #1 on the Country & Western chart. 11 99 5599 Goldband Records releases “Puppy Love” by Dolly Parton, a song that was recorded two years earlier when she was just eleven years old. The record will flop and Dolly would have to wait until 1968 to make her first Billboard chart appearance with a Porter Wagoner duet called “The Last Thing On My Mind”. 11 9966 44 The Beatles receive $140,000 for the rights to having their pictures included in packages of bubble gum in the USA. 11 99 6655 Bruce Johnston joins The Beach Boys, replacing Glen Campbell, who was playing bass on the road and singing Brian Wilson’s vocal parts.

11 9966 66

The Troggs use 45 minutes of spare studio time to record “Wild Thing” at Regent Sound Studio in London. The raw, simple little tune would climb to #2 in the UK and #1 in the US, selling over a million copies by the following June. The Young Rascals enjoy the first of 14 Billboard Top 40 hits when “Good Lovin” reached #1. Another version of the same song by The Olympics had stalled at #81 the previous year. 11 9966 77 Aretha Franklin releases “Respect”, a song that will become her signature tune and go on to win two Grammy Awards in 1968 for Best Rhythm & Blues Recording and Best Rhythm & Blues Solo Vocal Performance, Female.

tracks for “The Long and Winding ensuing trial, Lyndon’s lawyers Road”, “Across The Universe” and argued that he had been temporar“I Me Mine”. ily insane at the time of the incident and that touring with the Paul McCartney announces a “tem- Allman Brothers would drive anyporary break with The Beatles,” cit- one insane. Incredibly, Lyndon was ing “personal differences” and acquitted. adding that he will no longer 1199 7711 record with John Lennon. Paul disapproved of Yoko Ono and of Fleetwood Mac announce that guiBeatles financial advisor Allen tarist Bob Welsh will be the Klein. When a reporter called replacement for the departed Lennon to comment upon Jeremy Spencer. McCartney’s resignation, John said, “Paul hasn’t left. I sacked him.” A Canada’s Five Man Electrical Band week after McCartney’s announce- saw their hit single “Signs” peak at ment, he released his first solo #3 on the US Pop chart. It would go album, spelling the end of The on to sell over a million copies and Beatles. be awarded a Gold Record by the R.I.A.A. A string of other hits folGrace Slick of Jefferson Airplane is lowed: “Absolutely Right”, “Money inadvertently invited to Tricia Back Guarantee”, “Moonshine”, Nixon’s White House party. Guards “Werewolf”, and “I’m A Stranger stop her escort, Chicago Seven Here”, but none could match the defendant Abbie Hoffman, and band’s earlier success. both leave without incident. 11 9977 44 Twiggs Lyndon, the road manager Terry Jacks was at #1 on the UK sinfor the Allman Brothers Band, was gles chart with “Seasons In The arrested for murder after he Sun”, an English-language adaptastabbed a club manager during an tion of the song “Le Moribond” by argument over a contract. At the Belgian singer-songwriter Jacques

Nancy and Frank Sinatra had the #1 song on the Billboard Hot 100, The Cashbox Best Sellers List and Britain’s New Musical Express record chart with “Something Stupid”. To this day, they are the only father and daughter team to have a US chart topping single. (“Unforgettable” by Natalie Cole and Nat “King” Cole reached #14 in 1991) 1199 6688 The Doors are awarded a Gold record for “Hello, I Love You”, which had reached #15 in the UK and #1 in the US. 1199 6699 The Carpenters sign with A&M Records, where they will have twenty Billboard Top 40 hits. 11 9977 00 Only Ringo Starr is present at the final Beatles recording session, where he overdubs percussion ENIGMA

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Brel. Earlier recordings had been ered Marvin Sr. had a brain tumor Billy Joel had the number 1 album released by The Kingston Trio and that would kill him in October, in the US when “River of Dreams” The Fortunes. reached the top on the strength of 1998. the title track and “All About Soul”. 1199 77 55 11 9988 55 The L.P. would go on to sell over 4 27-year-old Peter Ham, singer / gui- David Lee Roth quit Van Halen million copies in America, but the tarist for Badfinger, committed sui- shortly after releasing his version album cover, which was painted by cide by hanging himself in the of The Beach Boys’ “California Billy’s then wife Christie Brinkley, garage of his home. He was report- Girls”, which featured Carl Wilson was bashed by critics, some calling ed to be deeply depressed by on background vocals. Roth’s it the worst album cover of the financial problems the group was record actually sold slightly better year. The couple would divorce a having and left a note blaming the than the original. He was replaced year later. group’s manager for his troubles. by Sammy Hagar later in the year. 22000011 1199 7766 1199 8888 Joey Ramone, of the ‘70s punk Johnnie Taylor’s “Disco Lady” Dave Prater of Sam And Dave was band The Ramones, died of lymbecomes the first song to be certi- killed in a car accident near phatic cancer at the age of 49. His fied Platinum by the RIAA (for two Sycamore, Georgia while driving to real name was Jeff Hyman. million copies sold). his mother’s house. He was 50 years old. The original duo had 22000033 split on New Year’s Eve, 1981 and Only days after Madonna tried to 11 9977 77 ABBA earned their only number 1 Prater continued to tour as The strike back at illegal sharing of hit in the United States when New Sam And Dave Revue with Sam songs from her “American Life” “Dancing Queen” went to the top. Daniels. album by flooding the Internet The song also led the charts in 13 with fake MP3s, her web site was other countries. The Traveling Wilburys record hacked and real digital files of the “Handle With Care” in Malibu, songs were leaked. 1199 88 00 Florida. The Quintet is comprised 22001133 Black Sabbath began their first tour of Nelson (George Harrison), Lucky with vocalist Ronnie James Dio, (Bob Dylan), Otis (Jeff Lynn), Two founding members of The who had replaced Ozzy Osbourne. Charlie (Tom Petty) and Lefty (Roy O’Jays, Eddie Levert and Walter Orbison). Williams, filed a 1 million dollar 1199 8833 lawsuit against the makers of 1199 8899 Blues guitarist Muddy Waters, born Crown Royal Whiskey. The suit McKinley Morganfield, died of a Roy Orbison had his final Top 10 claimed that the company ripped heart attack at the age of 68. He is single on the US chart with “You off their tune “For Love of Money” considered “the father of modern Got It”, four months after he for a commercial without asking Chicago Blues” and was a major passed away. The song was written for permission. inspiration for the British Blues by Jeff Lynne and Tom Petty and explosion in the 1960s. He has been appeared on Orbison’s “Mystery Richie Havens, who rose to fame as ranked #17 in Rolling Stone maga- Girl” album that was released the opening act at the Woodstock zine’s list of the 100 Greatest posthumously. Festival in 1969, died following a Artists of All Time. heart attack at the age of 72. During 1199 9911 his lengthy career he scored just After leading the Billboard chart 44-year-old Steve Marriott, who one Billboard Top 40 hit, a cover of for seven weeks with “Billie Jean”, found success in The Small Faces George Harrison’s “Here Comes The Michael Jackson was back on top and Humble Pie, died when a fire Sun”, which reached #16 in 1971. with “Beat It”. His ten week run at thought to have been caused by a 22001155 the top was interrupted for a week cigarette swept through his 16thby Dexys Midnight Runners’ “Come century home in Arkesden, Essex. Robert Burns Jr., Lynyrd Skynyrd’s On Eileen”. He and Peter Frampton were in the original drummer, was killed in a process of re-forming and had 11 9988 44 written and recorded several new 44-year-old Marvin Gaye was shot songs at the time of his death. Rod and killed by his father after a Stewart had been his replacement heated family argument. Gaye had in the Small Faces. just received a Grammy for his hit, 11 9999 33 “Sexual Healing”, his first Top 40 single in 5 1/2 years. Remarkably, Ray Charles became the first perGaye’s father received only a six- former to have hits on Billboard’s year suspended sentence and five charts in five different decades years probation after pleading when his version of Leon Russell’s guilty to voluntary manslaughter. “A Song For You” entered the R&B Charges of first-degree murder singles chart. were dropped after doctors discovENIGMA

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single car accident in Georgia at the age of 64. He played on the band’s first two albums, 1973’s “Pronounced ‘Leh-’nerd ‘Skin’nerd” and 1974’s “Second Helping” before leaving due to the rigors of touring. He rejoined Skynyrd on stage at the band’s Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremony performance in 2006 where he was enshrined alongside his former band mates. R&B legend Ben E. King passed away at the age of 76. He was a member of The Drifters and sang lead on their biggest singles, “This Magic Moment”, “Save The Last Dance For Me” and “There Goes My Baby.” King also reached the Billboard Top 40 seven times as a solo artist, including his 1961 #4 hit, “Stand By Me”. John Fogerty paid a visit to The Late Show With David Letterman during a week-long farewell to the legendary host who was set to retire on May 20th. Fogerty performed a medley of his CCR hits, including “Travelin’ Band”, “Proud Mary” and “Fortunate Son”. Eagles’ drummer Don Henley lashed out on his Facebook page against fans using cell phones to capture images and video at the band’s concerts. “The madness, the rudeness, the thoughtlessness must stop. Constantly looking at the world through a viewfinder is not seeing. Listening to live music while recording on a smartphone is not hearing. Experiencing life second-hand is not living. Be here now.” At Eagles’ shows on their most recent tour, ushers were instructed to reprimand those who ignored the ban and remove repeat offenders.

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