Enigma Magazine April 2019

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Legenary singer/wongwriter activist and Grammy and Oscar winner Melissa Etherirdge comes to town on april 30 to the Walker Theatre. Her new album, “The Medicine Show” drops the 12th of this month so expect to hear some new stuff as well as some classic favorites.

A Who’s Who of legenary guitar greats performed at Experience Hendrix at the Tivoli last month. Zakk Wylde of Black Label Society tookk it to the next level to show his chops by climbing to the upper balcony of the Tivoli to show off his shredding skills.



Comboning the sultry vocaks of Ashley Hicks with the steadfast ease of the x’s, Ahsley and the X’s has become one of the more in demand bands You got the best. The greatest band in the world KISS! Rock legends KISS in the Chattanooga area. They will be putting their talents on display are on their final tour and they have a number of shows in our area. KISS April 12 at J.J.’s Bohemia along with Sunsap and SLZSLZ. comes to State Farm Arena n Atlanta on April 7, Bridgestone Arena in Nashville on April 9 an d Legacy Arena in Birmingham on April 13. ENIGMA

APRIL 2019


Dear Rocco, I am an attractive woman in my 60s. I have no problem meeting men. I have been told numerous times I look 20 years younger than my age. The problem is, if I hear another man tell me how beautiful I am, I may go ballistic. I want a man to appreciate me for my intellect and my personality. I thought when I was past 50 I would no longer have to hear about my looks. I want a man to appreciate the person I am inside, not outside. I don’t wear makeup, and I don’t dress up. What does an old lady do to get a man to appreciate her for her brain and not her looks? CB

DDeeaarr CC BB,, TT oo aann ss w weerr yyoouu rr ll aass tt qq uu eessttii oo nn –– nn eevveerr.. GG uuyyss aarree vviiss uuaall llyy aattttrraacctteedd,, whhee rreeaass m w moo sstt w woo m mee nn aarree m moo rree ee m moo -ttiioo nnaall llyy aattttrraacctteedd ttoo ss oom m eeoonn ee.. IItt’’ss bbee eenn tthhaatt w waa yy ssii nnccee tthhee bbeeggiinn nn iinn gg oo ff ttiim m ee aann dd eevveenn aass ppoo llii ttii ccaa llllyy ccoorrrr eecctt aass oo uurr ssoo ccii eettyy hhaass bbeeccoo m mee ii tt w wii llll nn eevveerr cchhaann ggee.. M M oosstt gguuyyss ccoo uull dd ccaarree llee ssss aabboo uutt yyoouu rr bb rraaii nn uunn ttiill tthheeyy ggeett ttoo kk nnoo w w yyoouu .. LLoo ookk ss aattttrraacctt m m ooss tt mee nn aann dd ii nn oo rrdd eerr ffoorr tthh eem m m ttoo ss ttaa yy aarr oouu nn dd tthhee rree m m uuss tt bb ee ss oom m eetthhii nn gg moo rree tthh aann lloo ookkss aalloo nn ee.. A m Arree yyoo uu ss hhaall -lloo w w ssiinn ccee yyoo uu ttaallkk aabb oo uutt hh oow w ggoooo dd lloo oo kkiinn gg yyoouu aarree ?? W Whh aatt qquu aalliittii eess dd oo yyoo uu bb rrii nngg ttoo aa rreell aattiioonn sshh iipp oo tthheerr tthhaann aa pp rreettttyy ffaaccee.. AAss kk yyoouu rrssee llff tthh aatt bbee ffoo rree yyoouu ssttaarrtt ccoo m mpp llaaiinn iinn gg.. A Ann dd aatt yyoo uurr aa ggee II w woo uull ddnn ’’tt bbiittcchh aa bboo uutt bbee iinn gg ttooll dd yyoouu w weerr ee pprree ttttyy,, jjuu sstt bb ee ggll aadd tthheeyy’’rr ee nnoo tt aasskkii nngg yyoo uu ttoo bbaakkee tthh eem m ssoo m mee ccoooo kkii eess.. Dear Rocco, I decided to propose to my girlfriend on our three year anniversary. I flew her to Hawaii. We spet a lot of time exploring the islands as they were on her bucket list. After a long day of hiking in the heat we retired back to our hotel and when we were alone together I proposed and she said yes.

We kissed and I had planned to take her to the waterfall the next day to celebrate. It’s really beautiful. She took a shower and I laid in bed thinking what an amazing day I just had and how I would get to spend the rest of my life with the women I loved. When she came out of the shower however she was in tears. She handed me back the ring saying she couldn’t accept it because she didn’t want her memory of my proposal to be in a hotel room. I played it cool and said I understood but truthfully it hurt. It seems to me that I had offered her something of value... If she had found a million dollars in a dumpster she wouldn’t throw it back because of where it came from. So she can’t possibly value me or what I have to offer as an individual if she’s willing to reject it because she didn’t like the place I asked. I’m preparing to end things when we get back. She wants me to propose again and better and then she’ll say yes, but I’m done. Am I wrong? Should I do it over? GK

bbeeggiinn w wiitthh aann dd yyoouu ss eeee hheerr aass aa pp llaayy nn eeii gghh bboo rr yy oouu ccaann ccaall ll tthh ee ttoo yy tthh aatt yyoouu ee xxppeecctt ttoo bb ee aatt yyoouu rr DD eeppaarr ttm meenn tt ooff CChh iill ddrree nn’’ss SSee rrvviicceess bbeecckk aa nndd ccaallll –– w whh iillee yyoouu tthhrroo w w aann dd tthhee yy w wiill ll ddoo aa w weell llnn eessss cchhee cckk .. moonn eeyy aatt ii tt.. m Dear Rocco, Dear Rocco, I find myself attracted to mean My neighbor has two kids and I have women. Ones who date others never seen them in school. We have behind my back, or who treat me kids close to our age and our kids poorly. I never go out with the nice rarely get together. My neighbor women from my church or work. doesn’t work and I’ll see him take his Instead, I am only attracted to kids out late at night (which is odd women who actually don’t like me since they’re under 10 years old). very much. My sister pointed this out Should I be worried about the wel- to me. I want a home and family. fare of the kids? Am I over thinking How do I change? everything or a nosey neighbor? It AC just seems odd the kids rarely come DDee aarr AACC ,, out of the house. II tt ssoo uunn ddss llii kkee yyoo uu ss uuffffeerr ffrr oom m lloo w w VW ss eell--eesstteeee m m oo rr eenn jjoo yy ppll aayyiinn gg tthhee vviicc-DDeeaarr VVW W,, ttiim m .. W Whh aatt tthh ee rroo oott oo ff tthh aatt ii ss II ccaann ’’tt II w woo uulldd bbee ccoo nn ccee rrnn eedd.. IIff tthhee kk iidd ss tteell ll w wiitthh oouu tt ttaall kkii nngg ttoo yyoouu iinn dd eepptthh .. aarreenn ’’tt iinn ttrr aaddii ttiioonn aall sscchhoo ooll tthheeyy ccaann W W hhaatt w waass yyoouu rr rr eellaattii oonn ss hhiipp w wiitthh bbee hhoo m mee sscchhoo ooll eedd.. BB uutt tthheerr ee iiss aa ll oott yyoo uurr m moo tthheerr oo rr oo tthheerr w woom m eenn iinn yyoo uurr ttoo ggoo tthhrr oouu gghh aann dd iitt ccoo ssttss m moo nneeyy – – ffaam m iillyy ll iikkee ?? SSoo uunn ddss lliikk ee yyoo uu’’rree ii nnttoo moo rree tthh aann ggooii nngg ttoo pp uubb lliicc sscchhoo ooll .. IInn ss eellff--ttoo rrttuu rree aanndd yyoouu nn eeeedd m m moo rree tthhaann TTeenn nnee sssseeee ii tt w wii llll ccooss tt yyoo uu $$99 0000 aa aadd vviiccee ffrr oom mm m ee.. yyee aarr ttoo hhoo m meess cchh oooo ll yyoo uurr cchhiill dd aa ss wee llll aass bb eeiinn gg cceerrttiiffiieedd ttoo bbee aabb llee ttoo Rocco is a common sense, tell-it-likew tteeaa cchh yyoo uurr cchh iilldd ,, pprroo oo ff oo ff iim mm muu nnii zzaa-- it-is, no-nonsense kind of guy offerttii oonn aann dd m m aannyy m m oorr ee.. II ff yyoo uurr nnee iigghh-- ing real advice on any subject put bboo rr dd oo eessnn ’’tt hhaavvee aa jjoo bb hhee pp rroo bbaabb llyy before him. Why pay thousands of ccaann ’’tt aaffffoorr dd ttoo hh oom m eesscchh oooo ll uunn lleess ss hh ee dollars on a high-priced therapist iinn hheerrii tteedd aa ll oott oo ff m moo nneeyy.. H Hoow w dd oo tthh ee when he’ll straighten you out for kkiidd ss lloo oo kk w whhee nn yyoo uu ss eeee tthheem m ?? A Arr ee free. If you’d like advice from Rocco him at tthh eeyy ccllee aann?? DD oo tthh eeyy ll oooo kk llii kkee tthh eeyy e-mail aarree nn oott eeaa ttii nngg w weell ll?? II ff yyoo uu ttrruu llyy hh aavvee goaskrocco@yahoo.com. ccoo nn cceerr nnss aann dd dd oonn ’’tt jjuu sstt dd iissll iikkee yyoouu rr

DDeeaarr GGKK,, HHoo oo bboo yy!! TThh ee w woorrdd ss II ccoo uull dd tthhiinn kk ttoo ddeess ccrriibb ee yyoo uurr ggii rrllffrrii eenn dd.. TThh eerree’’ss tthhee ““CC”” w woo rrdd ,, tthh ee ““ BB”” w woo rrdd aann dd aa bbuu nncc moo rree m m m yy ee ddiittoo rrss w woo uull dd ffiirr ee m mee oo vveerr iiff II w weerree ttoo ttyyppee tthheem m uupp .. II ’’dd bbee ppii sssseedd .. SShhee’’ss oo bbvvii oouu ssllyy hh iigghh m maaii nnttee -nnaa nnccee bb yy tthhee ffaacctt yyoouu ttoooo kk hheerr oonn aa nn eexxttrr aavvaaggaa nn tt vvaaccaa ttii oo nn ttoo pp rroo pp ooss ee uunn ll eessss yyoo uu aarr ee eeqq uu aallll yy aa dd rraa m maa qquu eeeenn .. W Whhee nn ttrr uuee lloo vvee iiss ii nnvvoo llvveedd iitt ddoo eessnn ’’tt m m aattttee rr w whheerr ee oo rr w whhee nn,, jj uusstt tthhaatt tthheerr ee ii ss hh oonn eessttyy aa nndd ttrruuee ffeeeellii nngg iinn vvooll vveedd.. YYoo uu ss eett yyoo uurr sseell ff uupp ffoo rr tthhii ss aann dd dd eeppeenn dd iinn gg oo nn yyoouu rr llii ffee ssttyyllee yyoo uu woouu lldd ccoo nnttiinn uu aallllyy hh aavvee ttoo ccoo m w mee uu pp wiitthh w w waayy ss oo nn hhoo w w ttoo ttoo pp ee aacchh ““m moo m mee nntt””.. TT hhaatt’’ss oonn yyoo uu bbrr ootthh eerr.. BBuu tt hh oonn eess ttll yy II w woo uulldd kkii cckk hheerr ttoo tthhee ccuurrbb .. YY oouu ’’rree qquu iicckk ttoo w waann tt ttoo eenn dd iitt aaffttee rr tthh iiss hh ootteell rroooo m m ffiiaa ssccoo aann dd tthhaatt tteellllss m mee yyoo uu dd oonn ’’tt rreeaall llyy lloo vvee hhee rr ttoo ENIGMA

APRIL 2019


ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20) You will need to work diligently in order to accomplish even the smallest amount. Get busy making those changes to your home. You will tend to overeat this month. A little volleyball or other outdoor sports should be on your agenda. Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Friday. TAURUS (Apr. 21- May 21) You could be quite erratic regarding your personal relationship. A passionate encounter with your mate should help alleviate that pent-up energy. Think twice before you pursue an unrealistic endeavor. You need to mingle with people who can spark enthusiasm and confidence in you. Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Monday. GEMINI (May 22-June 21) Changes in your domestic scene are evident. Spend a quiet day with the one you love. Be cautious while traveling to foreign countries. Added knowledge will give you the edge when dealing with peers.

LEO (July 23-Aug 22) Real estate and joint financial ventures will be profitable. Be prepared to make compensations and adjustments. You will be able to get along well with colleagues. Get proper medical attention and confront your situation decisively.

will occur on a Tuesday.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21) You will be able to work with fine detail this month. You can evade the issue as usual by being affectionate, fun loving, and far too active for your lover to catch on. You’ll find travel or involvement in Your luckiest events this month large groups gratifying. Don’t let others know about your private will occur on a Wednesday. affairs. VIRGO Your luckiest events this month (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23) Refuse to get involved in idle chat- will occur on a Saturday. ter; it will only make you look bad. Social activities or travel should be CAPRICORN in your plans. You might find that (Dec 22.- Jan. 20) delays will cause setbacks and You need to keep everyone on upset. You’ve been in a rut and you your domestic scene too busy to need to do something that will complain. You will get upset over help you break the pattern you’ve trivial matters. You will have the ability to capture the interest of fallen into. others. You have a real need to be Your luckiest events this month vocal. will occur on a Friday. Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Monday. LIBRA (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23) Be sure to take care of any minor ailments. Depression may be likely if you’re away from home. Don’t be too confident that coworkers are on your side. You must be sure not to be frivolous, because as the saying goes, easy come, easy go.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19) You have to let go of your past if you wish to get out of any sentimental mood that might be hanging over your head. Be prudent and don’t be led down the garden path. Don’t prejudge. You may get drawn into a personal situation that will not be to your liking. You can help them more than they can help you. Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Saturday. PISCES (Feb. 20-Mar. 20) You can expect changes in your living arrangements. Take a look at the possibilities of starting a small part time business with friends or relatives. Try to be reasonable. Accept the inevitable, and opportunities for advancement will follow.

Retro Cafe

Your luckiest events this month Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Tuesday. will occur on a Wednesday. SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) Enjoy taking courses or lecturing others. You may experience financial loss if you don’t use good judgment. Emotional matters may not be easy for you to handle. Consider a conservative investment that will stay solid when Your luckiest events this month everything else goes sour. will occur on a Monday. Your luckiest events this month

Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Friday.

The Best of New Wave, Post Modern Classics and Other Odd Stuff

CANCER (June 22-July 22) You can enjoy short trips. You will be too quick to point your finger at your mate. Keep an open mind when dealing with youngsters. You should be getting into selfimprovement projects.


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APRIL 2019


The Accidental Death of Officer Nicholas Galinger: A True Tragedy On a gloomy January morning a funeral procession winds its way thought the looping roads of Mount Moriah cemetery in Cincinnati, Ohio. The rumble of motorcycles proceeds the actual view of the procession. In the lead are motorcycles ridden by Police Officers of the “Motor Unit” of the Chattanooga Police Department. They are in front of a hearse containing the body of their fallen brother, Officer Nicholas Galinger. In the procession is a riderless horse. The empty saddle symbolic of the fallen officer with a pair of cavalry boots positioned backwards in the stirrups to represent the officer looking back at family. After the hearse stops near the

gravesite the casket is carried to the final resting place by members of the Chattanooga Police Department Honor Guard. Echoing across the cemetery there is a dispatchers voice calling “Adam 2?” “Adam 2?” “Adam 2?” “Attention all cars, all departments, no response from Adam 2. Officer Nicholas Galinger Badge 1016. You performed bravely and made the ultimate sacrifice protecting your community. Adam 2 has now answered his last call. His end of watch is January 24,2019.Rest in peace. We will carry on the watch.” Bagpipes play invoking a primal and martial feel. There are police officers from numerous Police Departments and Sheriff’s offices

in attendance standing at somber “Attention”. Chattanooga Chief David Roddy spoke and read what Officer Galinger had written during the application process as to why he wanted to be a police Officer: “I believe being a police officer is truly the most noble of occupations. Police officers are a team instilled with morals, values and a calling greater than one’s self.” A chilling prophecy it turned out. Chief Roddy closing the eulogy said, “To Nick, Godspeed. You fought the good fight. You have finished your work. The badge of the Chattanooga Police Department shines brighter… At the close of the funeral service a volley of


45 Johnson Ferry Rd. NW Atlanta, GA 30328 P.O. Box 825 Chattanooga, TN 37401

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info@enigmaonline.com (423) 933-5170

Paul E. Burke Sr. Publisher D.A. Weinthal Editor-In-Chief David Huff Music Editor Chris Eason Photo Editor

Contributing Editors: Mark Haskins, Jim Sells, Mark Bedford. Chris McKay, David N. Marks, William Alexander, Dave Fernandez Founder: D.A. Weinthal


APRIL 2019


rifle fire from seven rifles booms across the cemetery three times. Then the family of Officer Galinger is handed a carefully folded American flag The flag had earlier flown over the United States Capitol Building. Why were the Chattanooga Tennessee Police Chief, the Chattanooga Police Department Motor Unit, and many of Officer Galinger’s academy mates in Cincinnati? Officer Galinger was to be laid to rest there after being tragically killed. Cincinnati was where his father and mother were. Officer Galinger had graduated from the Chattanooga Police Academy just a month prior but

had not run the typical course of becoming a police officer. While most officers start in their early twenties (most departments require applicants to be 21 to apply) Officer Galinger was 38 when he graduated from the Chattanooga Police Academy. So he had to keep up with people typically 15 years his junior. He had driven a long distance to take the entrance exams and spent the

local hospital where he died from his injuries. Thus a mundane call turned into a tragedy. A promising young officer’ s life had been cut far too short.

night in his car to take a test the following day. He wanted to be a cop... bad. He made it through the academy and had been assigned a Field Training Officer. On January 24th at approximately 11:00pm Officer Galinger and his training officer were dispatched to a call about a manhole cover causing a traffic hazard in the 2900 block of Hamill Road. Apparently the manhole cover had been dislodged by heavy rains and flooding. A vehicle struck him while he was in the road and fled the scene. Officer Galinger was transported to a

The TBI announced Janet Elaine Hinds of Hixson, a suburb of Chattanooga, was the suspect. Hinds accompanied by her attorney came to the Chattanooga Police Department Services Center where she was taken into custody on Monday the 26th of January. However, this was approximately 30 hours later. Hinds was charged with suspicion of vehicular homicide, reckless driving, leaving the scene of an accident, failure to report, failure to render aid and speeding. Hinds gave no statement as to why she

There was an immediate manhunt started to locate the driver of a 2017 or 2018 Honda CRV with heavy front-end damage. The following day a suspect vehicle was located and a suspect developed.


did not stop after hitting the officer. It was later determined that Hinds had been drinking at a restaurant in the nearby town of Ringgold, Georgia - Farm To Fork. One report by the Chattanooga Times Free Press stated Hinds had consumed four beers and a ‘lemon drop shot”, during her approximately three and one half hours at the establishment. There was also mention of a beer that was bought by her son which she consumed. The amount of alcohol consumed was listed as 76 ounces. Then this person drove home in the dark in stormy, rainy conditions. Hinds check was cleared out at 10:37 pm and at approximately 11:00 pm Officer Galinger was struck and killed.

could have been hurt or killed due to the situation. It is beyond tragic.

As May 15th is Law Enforcement Memorial day I would also like to remember Sgt. Tim Chapin of the Chattanooga Police Department killed April 2nd 2011 in a robbery attempt, Officer Julie Jacks shot and killed May 6, 2002, Deputy Donald Bonds killed in am ambush shooting on September 6th 2001, and Chattanooga Police officer Richard Alexander killed in a car crash on October 5th,2000. These were all killed during my time with the Chattanooga Police Department. I would also like to mention the untimely passing of Sgt. John Monroe. Rest easy brothers and Thus we have a horrible tragedy . sister. We have the watch. A brand new police officer who had attained his dream and found This article is dedicated to the his calling cut down in the prime families of these officers and all of life. Although he was on the fallen officers. simplest of calls it was a call regarding public safety. A citizen - Mark Haskins

APRIL 2019


Petco promises their customers that all leashed pets are welcome. So one Texas couple decided to test them. Vincent Browning and Shelly Lumpkin brought Oliver, a Ankole-Watusi steer, to Petco earlier this week where employees welcomed him “with open arms.” “We decided to take a chance and call Petco’s bluff on the ‘ALL LEASHED PETS ARE WELCOME’ policy,” Browning said in a Facebook post. “The awesome crew at Petco - Atascocita did not disappoint!” Lumpkin said the couple was on its

way back from an event with Oliver when they stopped at the Petco. She asked an employee they knew if she wanted to come see Oliver and the employee insisted they bring the animal inside. “People couldn’t believe it,” Lumpkin said. “The whole staff there was really nice about it and excited.” The Petco store, located about 25 miles north of Houston, responded to Browning’s challenge on Facebook saying, “We mean it when we say ALL leashed pets are welcome in our stores.” Oliver, who has his own Facebook page with more than 37,000 followers, weighs a little more than 1,600 pounds according


to Lumpkin. She said his horns are 114 inches from tip to tip when measured along the curve. A pair of men doing cleanup work in Nebraska floodwaters discovered a “magic fridge” in an empty field that was filled with ice-cold beer. Kyle Simpson and Gayland Stouffer said they were heading back toward the highway after a day of cleanup work on Simpson’s land, near Schuyler, when they spotted a black box that had apparently been dropped into the empty field by the flooded Platte River, which had since receded from the field. The box turned out to be a refrigerator filled with Busch Light

APRIL 2019


and Bud Light beers. The men shared photos of the “magic fridge” with friends, who posted the pictured to social media. Simpson and Stouffer said the photos went viral and were eventually seen by the owner of the fridge. “I couldn’t hardly believe they found it all intact,” Healy told the Omaha World-Herald. “The pictures really made me laugh.” Simpson said he plans to reunite Healy with his property. “I told the guy as soon as my roads are repaired that I would return it to them,” he told local news. “Minus a couple of a beers.”

A 32-year-old woman known as ‘The Beast’ paid a hefty price for her drug-fueled marathon of lovemaking. It was reported that the woman and her male partner had sex for five consecutive hours. I guess that’s why they call her ‘The Beast’. She told her partner that she felt dizzy before going into cardiac arrest at a hotel in southern Cali, Colombia. Her partner called for emergency services but they reportedly took too long to arrive. He then wrapped the unconscious woman in a blanket and took a taxi to the University Hospital of Valle. However when they arrived the hospital, doctors failed to revive her and pronounced her dead. Police officers learned later that the pair had taken drugs in attempt to prolong the sex. An investigation into the woman’s death has been launched to determine if the woman was a habitual drug user and if the substance had an influence on her death. How do you know somebody really doesn’t trust the cops? When he’d rather be burned alive than surrender to them. That’s what almost

happened to a man in Princeton, Illinois. The situation started when a man reportedly pointed a weapon at another person, according to the Princeton Police Department. According to a report the man had pointed a firearm at a woman, who was later removed from the home. The man then reportedly barricaded himself inside. Police said they continued negotiations with the suspect until the home started burning. “The subject continued to resist police efforts to order him out of the house despite the fact the house was engulfed in flames,” read the police statement. Eventually the man was taken into custody. He was charged with aggravated unlawful use of a weapon. Hancock, Michigan police were called after midnight on reports of numerous gun shots. Arriving on the scene officers found a 37-yearold Hancock man standing outside his vehicle, which was stuck in a snowbank. Officer investigation revealed the man was intoxicated. Officers also found numerous bullet casings on the ground. After a search of the vehicle, officers

found and confiscated a Glock 9mm pistol. It appeared the shots had been fired into the snowbank. The man was arrested and lodged in the Houghton County Jail. The snow was unharmed. With all of these gun restrictions and background checks, not every American can get his hands on a firearm whenever he wants to knock over a gas station. But you know what you can get your hands on whenever you want? A machete. That was the weapon of choice (or availability?) of 32-year-old Seth Holcomb who tried to rob a Conoco in Huntsville, Alabama. The only problem was, the clerk had a machete too. Newly-released surveillance video shows the bizarre machete fight. Police say Holcomb went inside the gas station and started to buy something, going back and forth to his car several times before pulling a large knife on the clerk and demanding cash. Surveillance video shows Holcomb then tried to leave the store, but the clerk auto-locked the door. The unidentified clerk then pulled a bigger knife, a machete, on Holcomb. The insane video shows several wild swipes being traded back and forth between the clerk and Holcomb, before Holcomb gets frustrated and tries to leave the store. With the door being autolocked, he literally has to kick down the entire wall. Pretty impressive actually. The clerk followed Holcomb outside and ended up fighting with Holcomb’s partner, 33-year-old Laney Nicholson, who had her own knife. Eventually both Holcomb and Nicholson get back inside their vehicle and drive off, but not before the the clerk gave their car several good whacks with his machete, smashing the windshield in the process. Huntsville Police stopped the couple a short time later and took them into custody. They both face attempted robbery charges. Incredibly, out of all that swinging, slashing and smashing, no serious injuries were reported. If you think government workers are lazy, wait until you hear this. Thanks to a government-funded conceptual art project in Gothenburg, Sweden, a person will be hired for a permanent position to do absolutely nothing. The





employee in question will report to Korsvagen, a train station still under construction in the city, and will receive a salary of about $2,320 a month in U.S. dollars, plus annual wage increases, vacation time off and a pension for retirement. The job’s requirements couldn’t be more simple: An employee shows up each morning and punches the time clock. At the end of the day, the worker returns to clock out. In between, they can do whatever they want, aside from work at another paying job. They’re not even obligated to stay at the station all day long. And their employment is guaranteed for life. While the artists behind the project won’t be taking applications until the station will be closer to opening, a draft of the help-wanted ad is already available online. Oh, and anyone in the world can apply. You’d just have to live in Sweden. South African Rainer Schimpf was filming a sardine run when he realized just how small humans are. As he was snorkeling on the surface of the water a Bryde’s whale emerged and engulfed him headfirst. “Once you’re grabbed by something that’s 15 tonnes heavy and very fast in the water, you realize you’re actually only that small in the middle of the ocean,” he said. Mr. Schimpf said: “I was busy concentrating on the sharks because you want to know if the shark is in front of you or behind you, left or right, so we were very focused on the sharks and their behavior - then suddenly it got dark.” He estimated the whale was up to 15m long and weighed 20 tonnes, saying: “There was not really time for fear at that moment, just pure instinct.” “Once I felt something had grabbed me on the hip, I knew instantly it was a whale and my next thought was that, firstly, he can’t swallow me because I’m too big - so that was kind of an instant relief. “So my next thought was that the whale may take me down into the ocean and release me further down, so I instantly held my breath. Obviously he realized I was not what he wanted to eat so he spat me out again.” In almost 20 years as a dive tour operator, Mr. Schimpf said such an experience was unusual because the whales would usually be spotted by divers before they made a dash for dinner.

I Want You to Fail Today Yep, I said it. I want you to fall ing in comparison to the satisflat on your face today. faction of success they plan to achieve. Their identity, failures, Today, I want you to go out (or and success are only defined by stay inside) and do something them. No one else. If we gave up you have never done before. everytime we failed we would Something so ridiculously out of never walk, eat and much less the norm for you, that there is talk. You at one time were learnno possible way you can achieve ing to crawl. Do you think you this task. I am talking crazy crawled successfully the first insane. I am talking about you time? No, but every time you doing that thing. You know that failed, and landed on your face thing you have dreamed about or your bum, you cried and doing for so long, but for what- yelled then sucked it up and ever reason, never took that tried again. Because you were first step. Yes, that thing. Now determined. Also, alongside you go do it! Then email me and tell was a cheering section. They me what you did. I am here wait- were encouraging you to get up ing to send you an email to con- and try again. Praising all your gratulate you on your failure. failed attempts. Eventually, you acquired the skills you needed, Do you think that sounds stupid? and BAM! - you are crawling. That I am hoping, wait, wanting you to fail. On top of that, I am This same concept is true no dying to congratulate you on matter how old you are. No one your failure. Well, guess what: expects you to be perfect on your thought process is the your first attempt. Well, besides problem, and that’s not entirely yourself, of course, for some all your fault. unknown reason. The expectation is for you to fail. It is at the Somewhere along the way we point of failure when you grow have deemed the fact that if a the most. You go back reevaluperson fails at something that ate, study more, readjust, learn they are a loser, stupid or even more skills, and then go back worse worthless. Instead, we after it again. If you are always should be cheering on people playing it safe, you will never who fail. Those are the people know your full potential. brave enough to try and change things. Those are the people Will it be easy? Hell, no. Will it who are inventors of what the be scary? Hell, yes. Will it be future holds. Those are the peo- worth the struggle? Hell, yeah! ple who are smarter than we can ever be. Those are the people Let me ask you a question. How willing to take the risks. different would your life look if you failed more often? I know I The fear of them failing is noth- would never be writing this artiENIGMA


cle today. I would still be holding on to this deep dark secret that I always wanted to write. True story, my husband actually bought me a book for Christmas one year, when we first started dating, on Getting Published for Dummies. I tried not to take the dummy part too personal. Instead of reading the book and putting myself out there. I let the book just sit there and collect dust. I played it safe. I knew when I started I wasn’t going to be great. I knew I would get some nasty mean comments that would hurt my feelings. Comments that I would allow to literally shut me down and make me quit writing. It never occurred to me that people would actually enjoy reading what I had to say. I also never thought that my words would help anyone. My only regret is not starting sooner.



Your fear of failure is holding you back from succeeding. What big adventure are you ready to fail at?

This month’s book: The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon Your song: Come Alive- The Greatest Showman Soundtrack

Michelle is a mom, wife, pharmacy tech, and an oil enthusiast. In a search for a simpler life, Michelle, along with her husband Curtis, has recently added ‘entrepreneur’ to her resume. Haman’s Homestead was created with the desire to share a simpler approach to all things life has to offer. Follow Michelle’s oil journey in her blog at www.HamansHomestead.com. She can also be reached at hamanshomestead@gmail.com.

Get Off My Lawn It seems the Medical profession has hit on a perfect scam. It goes under the title of physician’s assistant or nurse practitioner. You book an appointment to see a doctor with a medical or physical problem. At the appropriate time you show up at the doctor’s office expecting a college-educated, diploma-holding doctor who has served an internship. But no, you are not seen by a medical-collegetrained professional with an MD license but instead by an assistant or practitioner— not who you booked with or went to see— too late, you’ve been had… when the bill comes to your home or insurer you are charged for seeing a doctor. RIP OFF!

Why has college tuition gotten office corner— you spent so expensive? Where is the enough money on the project, now get it right. money going? When will our elected officials in Washington DC cut out all the crap and start working for our country? What a miserable bunch, on both sides of the Democratic Party uncovered aisle. that President Trump once got a parking ticket— let’s impeach Don’t forget that Israel is one of our last friends in the world. him for that. It’s time that Big Pharma is brought to the court and made to answer questions about pricing.

credit to their profession when I see some of the ambulance When are all the people who chasers who are on TV. lied to Congress going to be brought to trial? Still haven’t figured out the park at Market and MLK— no Fix the damn bump created at investors grazing yet. MLK at the new park at the Post

Are people in this country serous when they say 16-yearolds should be allowed to vote? Give me a break. Worse than that, some are saying illegals should be allowed to vote and collect Social Security benefits. Are they really serious? What in the world does a job which requires a $70,000 or $90,000 pickup truck pay? What do you haul in it, your oversized ego and small brain? Ten Krystals for $6.00 , if you only want one it’s $1.00— who thought that up? I feel sorry for the fine upstanding attorneys who have brought ENIGMA




I’m sick of all of it, how about you? Until Next Time, Paul Burke Sr.

One and Finally Done? I sort of feel sorry for Holly Warlick. I’m far from a fan, but I do feel bad for her. Warlick is the head coach for the Tennessee Lady Vols basketball program who just finished their season last season with a one and done appearance at the NCAA tournament. The heat is on from everyone to replace Warlick whose team endured their lowest win total (19 games) since winning only 16 games during the 1976-76 season, the program’s second season in existence. (That year they only played 27 games total).

season. But UT fans expect perfection – or near perfection. Summitt owns the record for the most wins in college basketball (both men’s and women’s) winning

How do you follow a legend? Not only was she a legend, but also a pioneer in college athletics. Pat Summitt was not only the school’s legendary coach, but the one responsible for there being a team. It’s odd to look in this day and age and see that the Lady Vols in their entire existence have had only two coaches – Summitt and Warlick. Many college and pro programs go through almost a dozen head coaches in a ten-year span. Tennessee has been fortunate. eight NCAA tournaments and during one stretch three in a row. Under Warlick the team has slow- Under Warlick the Lady Vols have ly become less dominant as the gotten no further than the Elite win totals show since she took Eight in the tournament, only makover beginning with the 2012-13 ing the second round two years in

a row before this year’s one and that replaces a legend. Other done. schools found that out the hard way in multiple sports. As a head coach on paper Warlick is very successful. She has won After 27 years at the helm at UCLA and winning eight NCAA national championships in nine years John Wooden retired, possibly the gold standard among college basketball coaches along with Summitt. His successor was Gene Bartow who only stayed at the school for two seasons even though he had a better winning percentage than Wooden (85 percent to 81 percent). Bartow like Warlick did well but did not get any further than the Final Four, which during that era was not good enough for UCLA fans and boosters. Bartow left and was the first basketball head coach at UAB where he had success bringing teams to the Sweet 16 and Elite Eight. Since Wooden’s retirement 40 years ago the team has gone through ten head coaches with only one lasting ten seasons (Ben Howland).

over 72 percent of her games. Many long time NCAA coaches would kill for a record like that. The problem is she follows Summitt who won 84 percent of her games and 87 percent against SEC foes compared with Warlick’s 67 percent. Since last week’s loss in the tournament the voices have been getting louder that a change needs to be made in the program. There was even news that there is as little dissention on the team, something never heard of before in the UT program and rarely in women’s college athletics. Warlick has done well since taking over the reigns from Summitt, but not great. And that is the problem and a conundrum faced by any coach





North Carolina’s Dean Smith won 879 games and two national championships in 36 years coaching the team. For almost four decades his name was synonymous with North Carolina and success, who coached a ton of NBA talent with Michael Jordan topping the list. And while North Carolina remains a top tier basketball program, Smith was initially was seceded by Bill Guthridge. Like Warlick he was a longtime assistant to a legend. Guthridge only lasted three seasons with two Final Four appearances. Roy Williams has been coach since 2003 after a successful career at Kansas. Since joining the Tar Heels he’s won two national championships and has only missed the NCAA tournament once. You can see a lot more in college football, too many to mention but if you find a coach synonymous with a school you will find a suc-

cessor that did not last very long. It’s an old saying you don’t want to follow a legend. It has been true almost every time and the shadow cast by the legend can never be equaled. Unfortunately that is the case for Warlick. Unlike other successors Warlick has lasted longer than anyone else (seven seasons currently). That could be that there still isn’t as much excitement over women’s sports compared to the men and others may see it the women’s programs are more than just winning games with a greater emphasis on the player/student than titles. But Tennessee is a little different than most programs. Warlick is in an impossible situation that is not her fault. Unlike most coaches that followed socalled legends, Pat Summitt was more than that to the university and women’s athletics as a whole.

first head coach, she basically built it from scratch doing everything from washing uniforms to driving the team van. Summitt’s 1,098 wins at Tennessee is an NCAA record for both men’s and women’s basketball. Only University of Connecticut coach Geno Auriemma has a real chance at toppling that record with 1,060 wins currently. If Auriemma remains at UConn for two more seasons her record will unfortunately fall.

Warlick not only replaced the most successful coach in college basketball history, she replaced the only coach the Volunteers ever knew, something unheard of in sports be it men’s or women, especially in today’s competitive climate where head coaches aren’t given much leeway to succeed. And while whispers about Warlick’s coaching have been heard since the day she officially Summitt not only was the school’s took over they are much more


audible now. In the last 15 years women’s sports, most notably basketball had become higher profile. When a lot of schools were just fulfilling Title IX requirements, women’s basketball became popular because there were a handful of dominant teams (casual fans prefer winners) and the women’s game was more fundamental – a team effort and not as much every man for themselves as in men’s basketball. With it’s increasing exposure we are seeing more money coming into a lot of these programs and have become an asset to the schools and less a liability. Does Holly Warlick deserve the growing criticism she’s been receiving? Maybe so. After averaging over 28 wins her first three seasons (many will credit that to she inherited Summitt’s players) to

APRIL 2019


less than 22 the last four seasons and in the past four years the best the team has done has been to finish in fourth place in the SEC, finishing tied for eighth place this season. Those are numbers that are not what voracious Tennessee fans are used to or expect. Sports today is all about winning and losing and bringing revenue to the school. There is little to be said about loyalty. This makes Warlick a potential casualty after seven years leading the Lady Vols. Maybe it’s time for women’s sports to take that next step and like men’s sports look at wins and points totals, especially if they want to compete against the men’s programs. Tennessee AD Phil Fulmer has a big task ahead of him, as he and most fans never thought at UT there would ever be this kind of discussion involving the women’s basketball program.

- David N. Marks

Nine Music Artists Named After Attire Always a painful undertaking, Get Happy. He then explained in particular loved to play star of this guy whose name is my bi-yearly trip to pay my that he once played drums in an “Watching the Detectives.” associated with socks. insurance bill did have a pleasant consequence today. A conLos Straightjackets versation with my agent about These guys were the dominant music, prompted by the tee shirt instrumental guitar band of the I was wearing, eased the fact Nineties, cranking out albums that almost three thousand dolblending metal, rockabilly and lars would be deducted from my jazz. already meager savings. Corduroy Since he recognized the Elvis Denim would seem a more likely Costello album cover on my pants material to inspire a band chest, the agent told me he liked name, but this acid jazz quartet most of the early records like My went with an even heavier mateAim Is True, Armed Forces and Elvis Costello cover band, and he rial. That long extinct band lasted just a few months, he said, and The Cardigans as far as he knew there were no Nina Persson fronted this other such groups around. When Swedish band who had consisI got home I made an unsuccess- tent chart success in the late ful internet search for that band, Nineties, topped by “Lovefool.” which he had identified as The Red Shoes after one of Costello’s The Psychedelic Furs most famous characteristics. PETA might not be big fans of these “Pretty In Pink” musicians That name made me think of if their name did indeed refer to other groups who referred to clothing or something to be themselves as articles of cloth- worn. ing or accesories. Here are the nine I came up wth. Golden Earring “Radar Love” made the Top Ten” Plain White T’s but the Dutch rockers had to The pop quintet hit it big with wait another twenty years to “Hey There Delilah” and they reach that mark again, when have been releasing power pop they scored with “The Twilight records like Big Bad World ever Zone.” since. Boots Randolph The Jo Boxers Saxophone was relatively “Just Got Lucky” has endured as unknown in country music their most recognizable songs, before Randolph showed many of which sparkle with that Nashville that brass could New Wave sheen from the enhance honky tonk tunes. Eighties. - Doug Poe Hollywood Argyles Singles like the one about a cave man named Alley Oop made a ENIGMA





This week’s calendar covers events for the month of April and beyond. We would be happy to publish your free listing in future Billboards, space permitting. Simply mail us the information so that we have it 7 days before the publication date. A photograph may be sent with the announcement. Send information to: calendar@enigmaonline.com. All dates subject to change without notice.

MO M ON ND DA AYY A Apprr iill 11 TTRREE M MO ON N TT TTAAVVEE RRN N (Chattanooga) Trivia Night SSK KYYZZ O OO O (Chattanooga) Karaoke JJ..JJ..’’SS BBO OH H EEM MIIAA (Chattanooga) Psychic Dungeon, LVNDR CCO O BBBB EEN NEE RRG GYY PPEE RRFF O ORRM M IIN NG G AARRTT SS CC EEN NTT EERR (Atlanta) Jackson Browne TTEE RRM MIIN NAALL W WEESSTT (Atlanta) Summer Walker CCIITT YY W WIIN N EERRYY AATTLL AAN NTT AA (Atlanta) Nate Myers & the Aces FFG GLL H HO OU USSEE (Nashville) Bobby Bones D && LLIIN 33RRD ND DSSLLEE YY (Nashville) The Time Jumpers

TTU U EESSD DA AYY A Apprriill 22 TTRREE M MO ON N TT TTAAVVEE RRN N (Chattanooga) Open Mic w/ Mike McDade SSK KYYZZ O OO O (Chattanooga) Karaoke JJ..JJ..’’SS BBO OH H EEM MIIAA (Chattanooga) A Sunday Fire, Glass Mansions, Keeping Composure, Matthew Paul Revere TTH H EE SSIIG GN NAALL (Chattanooga) The Infamous Stringdusters RRYY M MAA N N AAU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Lucinda Williams CCIITT YY W WIIN N EERRYY N NAASSH H VVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Tab Benoit D && LLIIN 33RRD ND DSSLLEE YY (Nashville) The Cleverlys BBO OU URRBBO ON N SSTT RREEEE TT BBLL U UEESS && BBO OO OG GIIEE BBAARR (Nashville) Sugaray Rayford EED DD D IIEE’’ SS AATT TT IICC (Atlanta) Victoria Canal AII SSLLEE 55 (Atlanta) Sasha Sloan A

WEED W DN NEE SSD DA AYY A Apprriill 33 SSK KYYZZ O OO O (Chattanooga) Karaoke JJ..JJ..’’SS BBO OH H EEM MIIAA (Chattanooga) Peelander Z, Toward Space, Shakey’s Bad Knee IIRRO ON N CCIITT YY (Birmingham) Maggie Rogers ZZYYD D EECC O O (Birmingham) As I Lay Dying VVA ARRIIEE TTYY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USS EE (Atlanta) Nick Lowe, Los Straitjackets TTEE RRM MIIN NAALL W WEESSTT (Atlanta) Tab Benoit AII SSLLEE 55 (Atlanta) Consider the Source A





EE D DD DII EE’’ SS AATT TTIICC (Atlanta) Lydia Luce, Andrew Duhon CC IITT YY W WIIN NEE RRYY AA TTLLAAN N TTAA (Atlanta) DEZ and friends RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD D IITTO O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Brandi Carlile, Ruby Amanfu, Shemekia Copeland, Levi Hummon, John Prine TT H HEE BBAASSEEM M EEN N TT EEAASSTT (Nashville) Molly Tuttle D && LLIIN 33RRD ND D SSLLEE YY (Nashville) Dave Pahanish TT H HEE BBAASSEEM M EEN N TT (Nashville) Shawn Jones

TT H HU URRSSD DA AYY A Apprriill 44 SSK KYY ZZO OO O (Chattanooga) DJ Zane SSO ON NG G BBIIRRD DSS SS O OU UTT H H (Chattanooga) Jonathan McReynolds TT H HEE CC O OM M EED DYY CC AATT CCH H (Chattanooga) Janet Williams JJ ..JJ ..’’SS BBO OH HEE M MIIAA (Chattanooga) Messer Chups, Genki Genki Panic CC A AN NN N EERRYY BBAALLLLRRO OO OM M (Nashville) Guster, Saintseneca M AARRAATTH M HO ON NM MU U SSIICC W WO ORRK KSS (Nashville) Maggie Rogers N AASSH N HVVIILLLLEE M MU UN NIICC IIPPAALL A AU UD DIITT O O RRII U UM M (Nashville) Kodak Black, YNW Melly EE XXIITT// IIN N (Nashville) As I Lay Dying TT H HEE BBAASSEEM M EEN N TT EEAASSTT (Nashville) New Madrid CC IITT YY W WIIN NEE RRYY AA TTLLAAN N TTAA (Atlanta) Rhett Miller SSTT A ATT EE FF AARRM M AARREE N NAA (Atlanta) Omarion, Bobby V, Pretty Ricky, Mario, Chingy, Lloyd, Ying Yang Twins CC O OBBBB EE N NEE RRG GYY PPEERRFF O ORRM MIIN NG GA ARRTTSS CCEE N NTT EERR (Atlanta) George Clinton VVA ARRIIEETT YY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Mandolin Orange EE D DD DII EE’’ SS AATT TTIICC (Atlanta) Shawn Jones H EELLLL AATT TTH H H EE M M AASSQ QU U EERRA AD DEE (Atlanta) SWMRS, The Regrettes

FFRRIID DA AYY A Apprriill 55 SSK KYY ZZO OO O (Chattanooga) DJ Zane SSO ON NG G BBIIRRD DSS SS O OU UTT H H (Chattanooga) Unknown Hinson JJ ..JJ ..’’SS BBO OH HEE M MIIAA (Chattanooga) Okey Dokey, BOA, ICANJAPAN, Lewis and Clark TT H HEE CC O OM M EED DYY CC AATT CCH H (Chattanooga) Janet Williams H II--FFII CCLL YYD H D EE’’ SS (Chattanooga) Matt Stephens Project

TT H HEE CCO ON NCC O OU URRSSEE (Knoxville) Reverend Horton Heat, Legendary Shack Shakers SSCC RRU UFFFF YY CCIITT YY H HAALL LL (Knoxville) Every Mother’s Nightmare BBA ARRLLEEYY ’’ SS TT AAPPRRO OO OM M && PPIIZZ ZZEE RRII AA (Knoxville) Blue Mother Tupelo TT H HEE CCO OW WAAN N (Nashville) Veil of Maya, Intervals TT H HEE RRO OW W (Nashville) Veil of Maya TT H HEE BBAASSEEM M EEN NTT EE AASSTT (Nashville) Reckless Kelly TT H HEE TTAABBEE RRN NAACC LLEE (Atlanta) Guster VVA ARRIIEETT YY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Dark Star Orchestra EED DD DIIEE ’’SS AATTTT IICC (Atlanta) Sam Burchfield

SSA ATTU U RRD DA AYY A Apprriill 66 SSK KYY ZZO OO O (Chattanooga) DJ Zane JJ..JJ..’’ SS BBO OH HEEM M IIAA (Chattanooga) Bohannons TT H HEE CCO OM MEE D DYY CC AATTCC H H (Chattanooga) Janet Williams SSO ON NG G BBII RRD D SS N NO ORRTT H H (Chattanooga) Paul Childers RRIIVVEERR D D RRIIFFTT EERRSS (Chattanooga) Lew Card HII --FFII CCLLYY D H DEE ’’SS (Chattanooga) Rick Rushing and the Blues Strangers LLEE G GAACC YY AARREE N NAA (Birmingham) TobyMac, We Are Messengers, Aaron Cole, Ryan Stevenson, Jeremy Camp CC A AN NN N EERRYY BBAALLLLRRO OO OM M (Nashville) Rival Sons, The Sheepdogs TT H HEE CCO OW WAAN N (Nashville) Goodbye June, Red Sun Rising TT H HEE TTAABBEE RRN NAACC LLEE (Atlanta) Adventure Club CC EEN NTT EE RR SSTT AAG GEE (Atlanta) Roseanne Cash CC O OCC AA CC O OLLAA RRO O XXYY (Atlanta) Kodak Black YNW Melly VVA ARRIIEETT YY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Dark Star Orchestra TT EEN NN NEESS SSEEEE TTH H EEAATT RREE (Knoxville) Willie Nelson BBLLIIN ND DW WIILLLL IIEE’’ SS (Atlanta) Albert Castiglia

SSU UN ND DA AYY A Apprr iill 77 SSK KYY ZZO OO O (Chattanooga) Karaoke SSO ON NG G BBII RRD D SS SSO OU UTT H H (Chattanooga) Red Sun Rising, Goodbye June, Dirty Honey TT H HEE CCO OM MEE D DYY CC AATTCC H H (Chattanooga) Janet Williams CC IITTYY W WII N NEERRYY AATT LLAAN N TTAA (Atlanta) John Parr SSTT A ATT EE FFAARRM M AARREEN N AA (Atlanta) KISS EED DD DIIEE ’’SS AATTTT IICC (Atlanta) Blake Morgan, Tracy Bonham TT EERRM MII N NAALL W WEE SSTT (Atlanta) Alec Benjamin VVIIN NYY LL (Atlanta) Ella Vos VVA ARRIIEETT YY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Alec Benjamin TT H HEE W WAARREEH HO OU U SSEE (Clarksville, TN) Saliva TT H HEE BBAASSEEM M EEN NTT EE AASSTT (Nashville) Phoebe Bridgers, Conor Oberst D && LLIIN 33RRD ND D SSLLEEYY (Nashville) Ron Gallo CC A AN NN N EERRYY BBAALLLLRRO OO OM M (Nashville) Better Oblivion Community Center BBA ARRLLEEYY ’’ SS TT AAPPRRO OO OM M (Knoxville) Bonnie Bishop

UPPCCO U OM MIIN NG G EEVVEEN NTTSS CC IITT YY W WII N NEERRYY N N AASSH HVVIILLLLEE (Nashville) John Parr April 8 TT H HEE CCO OW WAAN N (Nashville) Buckcherry April 8 JJ..JJ..’’ SS BBO OH HEEM M IIAA (Chattanooga) Space Tyger,

Art Smashes Records April 9 BBRRIID DG G EESSTT O ON N EE A ARREE N NA A (Nashville) KISS April 9 CCA AN NN NEE RRYY BBA ALLLL RRO OO OM M (Nashville) Ice Nine Kills, From Ashes To New, Afterlife, Palisades April 9 TTH H EE LL O OFFTT (Atlanta) Buckcherry April 9 JJ..JJ..’’ SS BBO OH H EEM M IIA A (Chattanooga) Open Mic Comedy April 10 CCO ON NCC EERRTT H HA ALLLL A ATT BBJJCC CC (Birmingham) Death Cab For Cutie April 10 BBU UCC K KH HEE A AD D TT H HEE A ATT RREE (Atlanta) Todd Rundgren April 10 JJ..JJ..’’ SS BBO OH H EEM M IIA A (Chattanooga) Bug Hunter, Scenic April 11 TTH H EE CCO OM MEE D DYY CCA ATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Mike Gardner April 11 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD D SS SSO OU UTT H H (Chattanooga) Funk You April 11 BBU UCC K KH HEE A AD D TT H HEE A ATT RREE (Atlanta) Todd Rundgren April 11 CCII TTYY W WIIN N EERRYY A ATT LLA AN NTT A A (Atlanta) Carbon Leaf April 11 CCO O CC A A CCO O LLA A RRO O XXYY (Atlanta) Maren Morris, RaeLynn April 11 TTH H EE M MA ASSQ QU UEERRA AD D EE (Atlanta) Children of Bodom, Swallow the Sun April 11 TTEE RRM MIIN NA ALL W WEESS TT (Atlanta) Kyle Hollingsworth April 11 KN K NO O XXVVIILLLLEE CC O O LLIISSEEU UM M (Knoxville) Jeff Dunham April 11 TTH H EE SSH HEE D DA ATT SSM MO OK KYY M MO OU UN N TT A AIIN NH H AARRLLEEYY DA D AVVIID DSSO ON N (Maryville, TN) Red Hot Chili Peppers April 11 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD D SS SSO OU UTT H H (Chattanooga) Emerge, Camp Normal, Seven Stones April 12 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD D SS N NO O RRTTH H (Chattanooga) Kevn Kinney April 12 TTH H EE CCO OM MEE D DYY CCA ATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Mike Gardner April 12 JJ..JJ..’’ SS BBO OH H EEM M IIA A (Chattanooga) Ashley and the X’s, Sunsap, SLZSLZ April 12 MEE M M MO ORRIIA ALL A AU UD D IITTO O RRIIU UM M (Chattanooga) Leon Bridges April 12 TTH H EE SS IIG GN NA ALL (Chattanooga) Lord Huron April 12 HII-- FFII CC LLYY D H DEE ’’SS (Chattanooga) The Royal Hounds April 12 TTEE RRM MIIN NA ALL W WEESS TT (Atlanta) Hayes Carll April 12 CCII TTYY W WIIN N EERRYY A ATT LLA AN NTT A A (Atlanta) Joan Osborne April 12 VVA ARRII EETT YY PPLL A AYYH HO OU U SSEE (Atlanta) Jenny Lewis April 12 CCO O CC A A CCO O LLA A RRO O XXYY (Atlanta) Jamey Johnson, Kelsey Waldron April 12 TTH H EE TTA ABBEERRN NA ACCLL EE (Atlanta) DMX April 12 CCO O TT TTO ON N EE YY EED D JJO OEE (Knoxville) Buckcherry April 12 JJA AM MEE SS K K.. PPO O LLK K TT H HEE A ATT EERR (Nashville) Nate Bargatze April 12 VVA AN ND DEE RRBBIILLTT U UN NII VVEE RRSSIITT YY (Nashville) 21 Savage, Big K.R.I.T., Jamila Woods, Moon Taxi, Soulja Boy April 12 ZZYY D DEECC O O (Birmingham) Unknown Hinson April 12 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD D SS SSO OU UTT H H (Chattanooga) 10,000DAYS: A Night of Tool April 13 TTH H EE CCO OM MEE D DYY CCA ATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Mike Gardner April 13 RRIIVVEERR D DRRIIFF TTEE RRSS (Chattanooga) Stacy Wilson & The Band Raven April 13 JJ..JJ..’’ SS BBO OH H EEM M IIA A (Chattanooga) Soundsystem Takeover April 13 HII-- FFII CC LLYY D H DEE ’’SS (Chattanooga) Monday Night Social April 13


MIILLLL TT O M OW WN NM MU USSIICC H H AALLLL (Bremen, GA) Shenandoah April 13 EED DD D IIEE’’ SS AATT TT IICC (Atlanta) Charlie Mars April 13 PPII EED DM M IIO ON N TT PPAARRK K (Atlanta) Jessica Meuse April 13 LLEEG GAA CCYY AARREEN N AA (Birmingham) KISS April 13 JJA AM MEE SS K K.. PPO O LLK K TT H HEE AATTEE RR (Nashville) Sebastian Maniscalco April 13 VVA AN ND DEE RRBBIILL TT U UN NIIVVEERRSS IITTYY (Nashville) ) 21 Savage, Big K.R.I.T., Jamila Woods, Moon Taxi, Soulja Boy April 13 TTH H EE CC O ON N CC O OU URRSSEE (Knoxville) The Living Deads, Outlaw Ritual April 13 TTH H EE CC O OM M EED D YY CCAATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Mike Gardner April 14 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD DSS SSO OU U TTH H (Chattanooga) Bluetech April 14 TTH H EE SSIIG GN NAALL (Chattanooga) Up Next Barber Showcase April 14 WAALLK W KEERR TT H H EEAATT RREE (Chattanooga) Jeff Tweedy April 14 FFO OXX TT H H EEAATT RREE (Atlanta) John Crist, Aaron Weber, Dustin Nickerson April 14 RRYY M MAA N N AAU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Death Cab For Cutie April 15 MEERRCC YY LLO M OU UN NG G EE (Nashville) Olivia O’Brien April 15 TTH H EE CC O OW WAAN N (Nashville) Parmalee April 15 JJ..JJ..’’SS BBO OH H EEM MIIAA (Chattanooga) Whisky Dick, 110 Watt Vipers April 16 RRYY M MAA N N AAU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Death Cab For Cutie April 16 TTEE RRM MIIN NAALL W WEESSTT (Atlanta) Com Truise April 16 EED DD D IIEE’’ SS AATT TT IICC (Atlanta) Dave Alvin, Jimmie Dale Gilmore, The Guilty Ones April 16 OPPEEN O N CC H HO O RRD DM MU USSIICC (Knoxville) Charlie Hunter, Lucy Woodward April 16 BBIIJJ O OU U TTH H EEAATT RREE (Knoxville) The Head and The Heart April 16 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD DSS N NO O RRTT H H (Chattanooga) John Paul White ft. Caleb Elliott April 17 JJ..JJ..’’SS BBO OH H EEM MIIAA (Chattanooga) Boom Boom Shake, Jill Babb Apriol 17 AN A ND DRREE W W JJAACC K KSSO ON NH H AALLLL (Nashville) Dream Theater April 17 RRYY M MAA N N AAU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Patty Griffin, Lori McKenna April 17 OPPEEN O N CC H HO O RRD DM MU USSIICC (Knoxville) Albert Cummings April 17 TTH H EE CC O OM M EED D YY CCAATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Jermaine “FunnyMaine” Johnson April 18 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD DSS SSO OU U TTH H (Chattanooga) Boy Named Banjo April 18 JJ..JJ..’’SS BBO OH H EEM MIIAA (Chattanooga) Didges Christ Superdrum April 18 WAALLK W KEERR TT H H EEAATT RREE (Chattanooga) Mandolin Orange April 18 KN K NO O XXVVIILL LLEE CC O OLL IISSEEU UM M (Knoxville) Kelsea Ballerini, Brett Young, Brandon Ratcliff April 18 TTEE RRM MIIN NAALL W WEESSTT (Atlanta) Cassadee Pope, Hannah Ellis, Clare Dunn April 18 CCEE N NTT EERR SSTT AAG G EE (Atlanta) Glenn Hughes April 18 TTH H EE CC O OM M EED D YY CCAATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Mike Paramore April 19 WAALLK W KEERR TT H H EEAATT RREE (Chattanooga) David Sedaris April 19 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD DSS N NO O RRTT H H (Chattanooga) Ward Davis April 19 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD DSS SSO OU U TTH H (Chattanooga) The Velcro Pygmies April 19 JJ..JJ..’’SS BBO OH H EEM MIIAA (Chattanooga) Monteagle, Swimming Bell April 19

APRIL 2019


H II--FFII CCLL YYD H D EE’’ SS (Chattanooga) The Stolen Faces April 19 CC IITT YY W WIIN NEE RRYY AA TTLLAAN N TTAA (Atlanta) The Subdudes April 19 TT H HEE M MII LLLL && M MII N NEE (Knoxville) Moon Taxi April 19 WAARR M W MEEM MO ORRIIAALL AAU UD DIITT O O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) The Marshall Tucker Band April 19 SSO ON NG G BBIIRRD DSS SS O OU UTT H H (Chattanooga) The Grass Is Dead April 20 SSO ON NG G BBIIRRD DSS N NO ORRTT H H (Chattanooga) Erin Enderlin April 20 JJ ..JJ ..’’SS BBO OH HEE M MIIAA (Chattanooga) Milele Roots, Cosmic Shift April 20 TT H HEE CC O OM M EED DYY CC AATT CCH H (Chattanooga) Mike Paramore April 20 RRIIVVEERR D DRRIIFFTT EERRSS (Chattanooga) Marty Von Schaaf April 20 WAALLK W K EERR TT H HEE AATTRREE (Chattanooga) The Head And The Heart April 20 H II--FFII CCLL YYD H D EE’’ SS (Chattanooga) Sullivan Band April 20 TT H HEE CC O OW WAAN N (Nashville) Jack & Jack April 20 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD D IITTO O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Todd Snider April 20 CC IITT YY W WIIN NEE RRYY N N AASSH H VVIILL LLEE (Nashville) Chris Knight April 20 TT EERRM M IIN NAALL W W EESSTT (Atlanta) The Church April 20 FF O OXX TT H HEE AATTRREE (Atlanta) Big Boi, Goodie Mob April 20 TT H HEE TT AABBEERRN NAACC LLEE (Atlanta) Lord Huron April 20 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD D IITTO O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Lord Huron April 21 TT H HEE BBAASSEEM M EEN N TT EEAASSTT (Nashville) The Wild Reeds April 21 G RRAAN G ND DO OLLEE O OPPRRYY H HO OU USS EE (Nashville) Santana April 22 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD D IITTO O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Lord Huron April 22 JJ ..JJ ..’’SS BBO OH HEE M MIIAA (Chattanooga) Jonathan Gable Book Release party April 23 TT EEN NN NEE SSSSEEEE TT H HEE AATTRREE (Knoxville) Joan Baez

April 23 CC O ON N CCEE RRTT H H AALLLL AATT BBJJ CCCC (Birmingham) Leon Bridges, Jess Glynne April 23 DRRU D U IID D CC IITT YY M MU USS IICC H HAALLLL (Tuscaloosa, AL) The Head And The Heart April 23 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD DIITT O O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Snow Patrol April 23 TT H HEE TTAABBEE RRN NAACC LLEE (Atlanta) Dream Theater April 23 JJ..JJ..’’ SS BBO OH HEEM M IIAA (Chattanooga) Free Comedy Show April 24 TT H HEE CCO OM MEE D DYY CC AATTCC H H (Chattanooga) WSOC Preliminary Round April 24 AM A MEE RRIISS BBAAN NK K AAM MPPH H IITT H HEEAATT RREE (Alpharetta, GA) Santana April 24 TT H HEE TTAABBEE RRN NAACC LLEE (Atlanta) Snow Patrol April 24 MAARRAATT H M HO ON NM MU USS IICC W WO ORRK KSS (Nashville) Neko Case, Shannon & the Clams April 24 TT H HEE BBAASSEEM M EEN NTT EE AASSTT (Nashville) Caroline Rose April 24 SSO ON NG G BBII RRD D SS N NO ORRTT H H (Chattanooga) Darlingside, Lula Wiles April 25 JJ..JJ..’’ SS BBO OH HEEM M IIAA (Chattanooga) Brett Newski, Zackary Scout, Magnificent Lions April 25 April 25 TT H HEE CCO OM MEE D DYY CC AATTCC H H (Chattanooga) Jason Cheny April 25 IIRRO ON N CC IITT YY (Birmingham) Lord Huron April 25 TT U USSCC AALLO OO OSSAA AAM M PPH HIITT H H EEAATT EERR (Tuscaloosa, AL) Zac Brown Band April 25 AM A MEE RRIISS BBAAN NK K AAM MPPH H IITT H HEEAATT RREE (Alpharetta, GA) Jimmy Buffett April 25 CC IITTYY W WII N NEERRYY AATT LLAAN N TTAA (Atlanta) Graham Parker, Adam Ezra Group April 25 EED DD DIIEE ’’SS AATTTT IICC (Atlanta) Jonathan Edwards April 25 SSO ON NG G BBII RRD D SS N NO ORRTT H H (Chattanooga) Kenny Neal April 26 SSO ON NG G BBII RRD D SS SSO OU UTT H H (Chattanooga) Jeremy’s Ten: A Tribute to Pearl Jam April 26 JJ..JJ..’’ SS BBO OH HEEM M IIAA (Chattanooga) Sad Baxter, Reality Something, Kerchief, Handsome Grandsons April 26 TT H HEE CCO OM MEE D DYY CC AATTCC H H (Chattanooga) Jason Cheny April 26 TT H HEE SSIIG GN N AALL (Chattanooga) Midland April 26 TT IIVVO OLLII TT H H EEAATT RREE (Chattanooga) Brit Floyd April 26 HII --FFII CCLLYY D H DEE ’’SS (Chattanooga) The Beaters April 26 SSCC H HEE RRM MEERRH HO ORRN N SSYY M MPPH HO ON N YY CC EE N NTT EERR (Nashville) Branford Marsalis April 26 TT H HEE LLYY RRIICC TT H H EEAATT RREE (Birmingham) Taylor Hicks April 26 CC O OCC AA CC O OLLAA RRO O XXYY (Atlanta) NCT 127 April 26 JJ..JJ..’’ SS BBO OH HEEM M IIAA (Chattanooga) Liz Cooper and the Stampede, Briston Marony, Pony April 27 TT H HEE CCO OM MEE D DYY CC AATTCC H H (Chattanooga) Jason Cheny April 27 SSO ON NG G BBII RRD D SS SSO OU UTT H H (Chattanooga) Blizzard of Ozzy April 27 RRIIVVEERR D D RRIIFFTT EERRSS (Chattanooga) Sistren April 27 HII --FFII CCLLYY D H DEE ’’SS (Chattanooga) Convertibull April 27 MII LLLL TT O M OW WN NM MU U SSIICC H HAALLLL (Bremen, GA) Dailey & Vincent April 27 TT EERRM MII N NAALL W WEE SSTT (Atlanta) Of Montreal, Yip Deceiver April 27 VVA ARRIIEETT YY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Johnny Marr April 27 HAA RRRRAAH H H ’’SS CCH H EERRO OK KEEEE CC AASSIIN NO O (Cherokee, NC) Travis Tritt, The Marshall Tucker Band,

The Cadillac Three April 27 OPPEE N O N CC H HO O RRD DM MU USSIICC (Knoxville) Radney Foster April 27 ZZYY D DEECC O O (Birmingham) Fantastic Negrito April 27 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD D SS SSO OU UTT H H (Chattanooga) Tauk April 28 TTH H EE CCO OM MEE D DYY CCA ATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Jason Cheny April 28 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) LANY April 28 TTH H EE BBA ASS EEM MEE N NTT (Nashville) Laura Jane Grace, Mercy Union April 28 EED DD DIIEE’’ SS A ATT TT IICC (Atlanta) Radney Foster, Zach DuBois April 28 WA W ALLK KEE RR TTH H EEA ATT RREE (Chattanooga) Melissa Etheridge April 30 CCA AN NN NEE RRYY BBA ALLLL RRO OO OM M (Nashville) Beartooth, Hands Like Houses, Of Mice & Men April 30 VVA ARRII EETT YY PPLL A AYYH HO OU U SSEE (Atlanta) Indigo Girls, Matt Nathanson April 30 CCII TTYY W WIIN N EERRYY A ATT LLA AN NTT A A (Atlanta) Virginia Schenck April 30 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD D SS SSO OU UTT H H (Chattanooga) Badflower May 1 WA W ALLK KEE RR TTH H EEA ATT RREE (Chattanooga) Blue October May 1 TTII VVO O LLII TT H HEE A ATT RREE (Chattanooga) Needtobreathe May 1 VVA ARRII EETT YY PPLL A AYYH HO OU U SSEE (Atlanta) FKJ May 1 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Buddy Guy May 1 TTH H EE BBA ASS EEM MEE N NTT EEA ASS TT (Nashville) The Joy Formidable May 1 IIRRO ON N CCII TTYY (Birmingham) Beartooth, Hands Like Houses, Of Mice & Men May 1 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD D SS N NO O RRTTH H (Chattanooga) Lost Dog Street Band May 2 TTH H EE CCO OM MEE D DYY CCA ATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Keir May 2 TTH H EE SS IIG GN NA ALL (Chattanooga) Aaron Lewis May 2 TTII VVO O LLII TT H HEE A ATT RREE (Chattanooga) Scott Bradlee’s Postmodern Jukebox May 2 LLEEG GA ACCYY A ARREE N NA A (Birmingham) Hillsong United May 2 ASSCC EEN A ND DA AM MPPH H IITT H HEE A ATTRREE (Nashville) Tame Impala May 2 TTEE RRM MIIN NA ALL W WEESS TT (Atlanta) Liz Phair May 2 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD D SS N NO O RRTTH H (Chattanooga) The Secret Sisters May 3 TTH H EE CCO OM MEE D DYY CCA ATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Keir May 3 TTH H EE SS IIG GN NA ALL (Chattanooga) Black Label Society May 3 HII-- FFII CC LLYY D H DEE ’’SS (Chattanooga) The Afternooners May 3 LLEEG GA ACCYY A ARREE N NA A (Birmingham) Carrie Underwood, Runaway June, Maddie & Tae May 3 IIRRO ON N CCII TTYY (Birmingham) Tom Jones May 3 SSTT A ATTEE FFA ARRM MA ARREEN NA A (Atlanta) Hillsong United, Amanda Cook May 3 CCEE N NTT RRA ALL PPA ARRK K (Atlanta) Tame Impala, Cage the Elephant, Beck, Incubus May 3 FFO O XX TTH H EEA ATT RREE (Atlanta) Al Green, The War and Treaty May 3 VVA ARRII EETT YY PPLL A AYYH HO OU U SSEE (Atlanta) Fidlar, Liily May 3 TTH H EE TTA ABBEERRN NA ACC LLEE (Atlanta) Garbage May 3 HA H ARRRRA AH H ’’SS CCH H EERRO OK KEEEE CCA ASS IIN NO O (Cherokee, NC) Aaron Lewis May 3 CCA AN NN NEE RRYY BBA ALLLL RRO OO OM M (Nashville) Eels May 3 MA M ARRA ATT H HO ON NM MU USSIICC W WO O RRK KSS (Nashville) Ace Frehley May 3 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD D SS SSO OU UTT H H (Chattanooga)



Departure May 4 TTH H EE CC O OM M EED D YY CCAATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Keir May 4 TTH H EE SSIIG GN NAALL (Chattanooga) Tom Morello May 4 RRII VVEE RR D DRRIIFF TTEE RRSS (Chattanooga) TNT May 4 MIILLLL TT O M OW WN NM MU USSIICC H H AALLLL (Bremen, GA) Farewell Angelina May 4 TTH H EE TT AABBEERRN N AACCLLEE (Atlanta) Parkway Drive, Killswitch Engage May 4 VVA ARRIIEE TTYY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USS EE (Atlanta) Grouplove, Natalie Prass May 4 ASSCCEE N A ND D AAM MPPH H IITTH H EEAATT RREE (Nashville) Hillsong United May 4 RRYY M MAA N N AAU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Cody Johnson May 4 AVVO A ON ND D AALLEE BBRREE W WIIN NG G CC O OM MPPAAN N YY (Birmingham) Flogging Molly May 4 FFRRA AN NK KLLII N N TT H HEE AATTRREE (Franklin, TN) Lynda Carter May 4 TTH H EE SSH H EED D AATT SSM MO OK KYY M MO OU UN N TTAAII N NH H AARRLLEEYY DAAVVIID D DSSO ON N (Maryville, TN) Drivin’ N’ Cryin’ May 4 BBIIJJ O OU U TTH H EEAATT RREE (Knoxville) Steep Canyon Rangers May 4 TTH H EE CC O OM M EED D YY CCAATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Keir May 5 RRYY M MAA N N AAU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Midland May 5 HIIG H GH HW WAATT TT (Nashville) Uli Jon Roth May 5 SSA ATTU U RRN N (Birmingham) Earl Sweatshirt, Mike May 5 IIRRO ON N CCIITT YY (Birmingham) Los Lobos May 5 TTH H EE SSIIG GN NAALL (Chattanooga) Sevendust May 6 NAASSH N H VVIILL LLEE M MU UN NII CCIIPPAALL AAU UD DII TTO O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Judas Priest, Uriah Heap May 6 TTH H EE BBAASSEE M MEE N NTT EEAASSTT (Nashville) Marc Rebillet May 6 RRYY M MAA N N AAU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Jon Anderson May 6 TTH H EE M M IILLLL && M M IIN NEE (Knoxville) Beartooth, Of Mice & Men, Hands Like Houses May 6 CCIITT YY W WIIN N EERRYY AATTLL AAN NTT AA (Atlanta) Uli Jon Roth May 6 CCO O CCAA CCO O LLAA RRO OXXYY (Atlanta) Jorja Smith, Kali Uchis May 6 TTH H EE CC O OM M EED D YY CCAATT CC H H (Chattanooga) T.J. Miller May 7 TTH H EE SSIIG GN NAALL (Chattanooga) Shakey Graves May 7 CCO O CCAA CCO O LLAA RRO OXXYY (Atlanta) Shinedown May 7 OAAK O KM MO OU UN NTT AAIIN N AAM M PPH HIITT H H EEAATT RREE (Pelham, AL) Dave Matthews Band May 7 TTH H EE CC O OM M EED D YY CCAATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Open Mic Night May 8 SONGBIRDS SOUTH (Chattanooga) Black Pistol Fire, Emily Wolfe May 8 CCIITT YY W WIIN N EERRYY AATTLL AAN NTT AA (Atlanta) Herb Albert And Lani Hall May 8 FFO OXX TT H H EEAATT RREE (Atlanta) Judas Priest May 8 CCO O CCAA CCO O LLAA RRO OXXYY (Atlanta) Shinedown May 8 TTH H EE CC O OW WAAN N (Nashville) Marianas Trench May 8 TTH H EE BBAASSEE M MEE N NTT EEAASSTT (Nashville) The Winery Dogs May 8 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD DSS SSO OU U TTH H (Chattanoooga) Nashville Pussy, Guitar Wolf, The Turbo A.C.’s May 9 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD DSS N NO O RRTT H H (Chattanooga) Cicada Rhythm, Oliver Wood May 9 TTH H EE CC O OM M EED D YY CCAATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Jerry Harvey May 9 WAALLK W KEERR TT H H EEAATT RREE (Chattanooga) Marc Broussard May 9



CC O OCC AA CC O OLL AA RRO OXXYY (Atlanta) Evanescence May 9 ZZ YYD D EECC O O (Birmingham) The Black Dahlia Murder, Traitors May 9 SSO ON NG G BBIIRRD DSS N NO ORRTT H H (Chattanooga) Reignwolf May 10 TT H HEE CC O OM M EED DYY CC AATT CCH H (Chattanooga) Jerry Harvey May 10 H II--FFII CCLL YYD H D EE’’ SS (Chattanooga) Jess Goggans Band May 10 M IILLLL TT O M OW WN NM MU USSIICC H HAALL LL (Bremen, GA) Lorrie Morgan May 10 TT H HEE TT AABBEERRN NAACC LLEE (Atlanta) The Cult May 10 TT U USSCC AALLO OO OSSAA AAM MPPH HII TTH H EEA ATT RREE (Tuscaloosa, AL) Lynyrd Skynyrd, Cody Jinks May 10 SSO ON NG G BBIIRRD DSS SS O OU UTT H H (Chattanooga) Son Volt ft. Ian Noe May 11 SSO ON NG G BBIIRRD DSS N NO ORRTT H H (Chattanooga) Lucy Dacus ft. Mothers May 11 TT H HEE CC O OM M EED DYY CC AATT CCH H (Chattanooga) Jerry Harvey May 11 RRIIVVEERR D DRRIIFFTT EERRSS (Chattanooga) David Bingaman May 11 TT H HEE SSIIG GN NAALL (Chattanooga) Trevor Hall May 11 WAALLK W K EERR TT H HEE AATTRREE (Chattanooga) Preacher Lawson May 11 H II--FFII CCLL YYD H D EE’’ SS (Chattanooga) Voodoo Slim May 11 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD D IITTO O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Gladys Knight May 11 TT H HEE BBAASSEEM M EEN N TT EEAASSTT (Nashville) Sean McConnell May 11 BBRRIID DG GEESS TTO ON NEE AARREEN N AA (Nashville) Dave Matthews Band May 11 SSTT A ATT EE FF AARRM M AARREE N NAA (Atlanta) Michelle Obama May 11 AM A M EERRIISS BBAAN NK K AAM MPPH H IITT H HEE A ATTRREE (Atlanta) Bryan Adams May 11 FF RREED DRRIICC K K BBRRO OW WN N JJ RR.. A AM MPPH H IITTH H EEA ATT EERR (Peachtree City, GA) Amos Lee May 11 H AARRRRAAH H H’’ SS CC H HEE RRO OK KEE EE CC A ASSIIN NO O (Cherokee, NC) Earth Wind & Fire May 11 TT H HEE SSH H EED D AATT SSM MO OK KYY M MO OU UN NTT A AIIN NH HA ARRLLEE YY D AAVVIID D D SSO ON N (Maryville, TN) Jackyl May 11 SSO ON NG G BBIIRRD DSS N NO ORRTT H H (Chattanooga) California Guitar Trio May 12 FF O OXX TT H HEE AATTRREE (Atlanta) Greta Van Fleet May 12 CC O OCC AA CC O OLL AA RRO OXXYY (Atlanta) Juice WRLD, Ski Mask, The Slump God May 12 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD D IITTO O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Michelle Obama May 12 TT H HEE BBAASSEEM M EEN N TT EEAASSTT (Nashville) Sum 41 May 12 FF O OXX TT H HEE AATTRREE (Atlanta) Greta Van Fleet May 13 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD D IITTO O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Shinedown May 13 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD D IITTO O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Shinedown May 14 VVA ARRIIEETT YY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Lukas Nelson & Promise of The Real May 14 ASSCC EE N A ND D AAM MPPH HIITT H H EEAATT RREE (Nashville) The 1975, Pale Waves May 15 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD D IITTO O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Mavis Staples May 15 CC IITT YY W WIIN NEE RRYY AA TTLLAAN N TTAA (Atlanta) Sara Evans May 15 SSO ON NG G BBIIRRD DSS N NO ORRTT H H (Chattanooga) Ellis Paul May 16 SSO ON NG G BBIIRRD DSS SS O OU UTT H H (Chattanooga) The Wild Feathers May 16 BBRRIID DG GEESS TTO ON NEE AARREEN N AA (Nashville) The Who May 16 BBIIJJ O OU U TTH H EEAATT RREE (Knoxville) Nick Lowe May

16 SSO ON NG G BBII RRD D SS SSO OU UTT H H (Chattanooga) No Quarter: The Ultimate Legacy Tribute Led Zeppelin Band May 17 HII --FFII CCLLYY D H DEE ’’SS (Chattanooga) Sexy Beast May 17 CC O OBBBB EE N NEERRG G YY PPEERRFFO O RRM MIIN NG G AARRTT SS CC EEN N TT EERR (Atlanta) Amanda Palmer May 17 CC IITTYY W WII N NEERRYY AATT LLAAN N TTAA (Atlanta) The Producers May 17 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD DIITT O O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Lukas Nelson May 17 ASSCC EEN A ND D AAM M PPH HIITT H HEE AATT RREE (Nashville) Anderson Paak, Thundercat, Earl Sweatshirt May 17 TT H HEE SSH HEE D D AA TT SS M MO OK K YY M MO OU UN NTT AAIIN NH HAARRLLEE YY DAAVVIID D D SSO ON N (Maryville, TN) Blackberry Smoke, Band of Heathens May 17 SSO ON NG G BBII RRD D SS N NO ORRTT H H (Chattanooga) Nick Lowe May 18 SONGBIRDS SOUTH (Chattanooga) Nirvanna: A Tribute To Nirvana May 18 RRIIVVEERR D D RRIIFFTT EERRSS (Chattanooga) ET May 18 HII --FFII CCLLYY D H DEE ’’SS (Chattanooga) Captain Midnight Band May 18 VVA ARRIIEETT YY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Perturbator May 18 CC IITTYY W WII N NEERRYY AATT LLAAN N TTAA (Atlanta) The Producers May 18 CC O OCC AA CC O OLLAA RRO O XXYY (Atlanta) Christian Nodal May 18 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD DIITT O O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Amanda Palmer May 18 TT EEN NN NEESS SSEEEE TTH H EEAATT RREE (Knoxville) Jerry Lee Lewis May 18 TT H HEE SSH HEE D D AA TT SS M MO OK K YY M MO OU UN NTT AAIIN NH HAARRLLEE YY DAAVVIID D D SSO ON N (Maryville, TN) Blackberry

Smoke, Band of Heathens May 18 SSCC H HEERRM M EERRH HO ORRN N SSYY M MPPH HO ON NYY CC EEN N TTEE RR (Nashville) KC & the Sunshine Bam May 19 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) George Benson May 19 MA M ABBLLEE H HO OU USSEE BBA ARRN NEESS A AM MPPH H IITT H HEEAATT RREE (Mableton, GA) Con Funk Shun, Brick May 19 TTH H EE LLYYRRIICC TT H HEE A ATT RREE (Birmingham) Apocalyptica May 20 TTEE RRM MIIN NA ALL W WEESS TT (Atlanta) Nitzer Ebb May 21 TTH H EE CCO OM MEE D DYY CCA ATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Open Mic night May 22 TT H HEE CCO OM MEE D DYY CC A ATTCC H H (Chattanooga) Chris Cope May 23 HIIG H GH HW WA ATTTT (Nashville) Tacocat, Sammi Lanzetta May 23 TTH H EE CC O OW WA AN N (Nashville) P.O.D., Nonpoint May 23 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD D SS SSO OU UTT H H (Chattanooga) Tuesday’s Gone May 24 TTH H EE CCO OM MEE D DYY CCA ATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Chris Cope May 24 TTU U SSCC A ALLO OO O SSA AA AM M PPH H IITT H HEE A ATTRREE (Tuscaloosa, AL) Kenny Chesney May 24 VVA ARRII EETT YY PPLL A AYYH HO OU U SSEE (Atlanta) Piff the Magic Dragon May 24 TTH H EE SSH HEE D DA ATT SSM MO OK KYY M MO OU UN N TT A AIIN NH H AARRLLEEYY DA D AVVIID DSSO ON N (Maryville, TN) The Chris Robnson Brotherhood May 24 HA H ARRRRA AH H ’’SS CCH H EERRO OK KEEEE CCA ASS IIN NO O (Cherokee, NC) Alabama May 24 CCA AN NN NEE RRYY BBA ALLLL RRO OO OM M (Nashville) Animals As Leaders, The Contortionist May 24 RRIIVVEERR D DRRIIFF TTEE RRSS (Chattanooga) Charissa Mrowka May 25 TTH H EE CCO OM MEE D DYY CCA ATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Chris



Cope May 25 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD DSS N NO O RRTT H H (Chattanooga) Caney Creek Company May 25 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD DSS SSO OU U TTH H (Chattanooga) Rubik’s Groove May 25 HII--FF II CC LLYYD H D EE’’ SS (Chattanooga) Roshambeaux May 25 NIISSSSAAN N N SSTT AAD DIIU UM M (Nashville) Eric Church May 25 AM A MEERRIISS BBAAN NK K AAM M PPH HIITT H HEE AATT RREE (Alpharetta, GA) Rascal Flatts May 25 TTH H EE LLYY RRIICC TT H HEE AATTRREE (Birmingham) Piff The Magic Dragon May 25 TTH H EE SSH H EED D AATT SSM MO OK KYY M MO OU UN N TTAAII N NH H AARRLLEEYY DAAVVIID D DSSO ON N (Maryville, TN) Black Stone Cherry, Jive Mother Mary, The Josephines May 25 TTH H EE CC O OM M EED D YY CCAATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Chris Cope May 26 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD DSS SSO OU U TTH H (Chattanooga) Layla Shook Benefit featuring Outlaw 45, Mojo Whiskey & more May 26 VVA ARRIIEE TTYY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USS EE (Atlanta) David Crosby May 26 CCIITT YY W WIIN N EERRYY AATTLL AAN NTT AA (Atlanta) Nils Lofgren May 26 CCO O CCAA CCO O LLAA RRO OXXYY (Atlanta) David Gray May 28 RRII VVEE RRBBEE N ND D FFEE SSTTII VVAALL (Chattanooga) Weezer, Larkin Poe, Jimmie Allen, Nakid PHunk, Rubiks Groove May 29 TTH H EE CC O OM M EED D YY CCAATT CC H H (Chattanooga) WSOC Qualifying Round May 29 SSTTA ATT EE FFAARRM M AA RREE N NAA (Atlanta) Ozzy Osbourne, Megadeth May 29 RRII VVEE RRBBEE N ND D FFEE SSTTII VVAALL (Chattanooga) Lionel Richie, Black Stone Cherry, LancoIda Mae,



Mitch Rossell May 30 TT IIVVO OLLII TTH H EEAATT RREE (Chattanooga) Shovels & Rope, I’m With Her May 30 FF RRA AN NK KLLIIN N TT H HEEAATT RREE (Franklin, TN) Marc Cohen May 30 RRIIVVEERRBBEE N ND D FFEESS TTIIVVAALL (Chattanooga) Keith Urban, Old Crow Medicine Show, Conner Smith, La Misa Negra, Neon Moon May 31 CC O OCC AA CC O OLL AA RRO OXXYY (Atlanta) Coheed & Cambria, Every Time I Die, Mastodon May 31 TT H HEE TT AABBEERRN NAACC LLEE (Atlanta) Trey Anistasio Band May 31 TT EEN NN NEE SSSSEEEE TT H HEE AATTRREE (Knoxville) Shovels & Rope, I’m With Her May 31 RRIIVVEERRBBEE N ND D FFEESS TTIIVVAALL (Chattanooga) Macklemore, The War and Treaty, Brandon “Taz” Niederauer, The Get Right Band June 1 CC EELLLL A AIIRRIISS AAM M PPH HIITT H HEE AATT RREE A ATT LLA AK KEE W WO OO OD D (Atlanta) Barenaked Ladies June 1 TT H HEE TT AABBEERRN NAACC LLEE (Atlanta) Trey Anastasio Band June 1 KN K NO OXXVVIILLLLEE CC IIVVIICC CCO O LLIISSEE U UM M (Knoxville) Derek Hough June 1 CC A AN NN N EERRYY BBAALLLLRRO OO OM M (Nashville) Betty Who June 1 CC O OCC AA CC O OLL AA RRO OXXYY (Atlanta) LANY June 2 CC IITT YY W WIIN NEE RRYY N N AASSH H VVIILL LLEE (Nashville) Howie Day June 2 TT EERRM M IIN NAALL W W EESSTT (Atlanta) The Lemonheads, Tommy Stinson June 4 TT H HEE CC O OM M EED DYY CC AATT CCH H (Chattanooga) Open Mic Night June 5 TT H HEE CC O OM M EED DYY CC AATT CCH H (Chattanooga) DJ Sandhu June 6\\

This Bud’s For You: Hemp’s Growing Popularity and Mainstream Acceptance While hemp has been around since the beginning of time, it’s only been the past couple of years that the “miracle” plant is gaining mainstream acceptance and use. The plant goes back to the beginning of time but in the United States it is often confused with its cousin the marijuana plant, which has been romanticized by its counter culture appeal because of it’s psychoactive affects thanks to the chemical THC. Hemp has many industrial uses and with a THC of less than .3 percent has no psychoactive properties. Hemp as a plant for generations is like a miracle plant as it has been used to make paper, building material, rope and clothing. Many may not realize that during World War II many uniforms were made with hemp.

marijuana in 1970 it became illegal to grow hemp without a permit. With a number of states legalizing marijuana, interest in the hemp plant has seen resurgence within the past ten years. As of 2015 hemp sales amounted to over $600 million dollars. The Hemp Farming Act of 2018 changed hemp from a controlled substance to an agricultural commodity, legalizing hemp federally, thus making it easier for farmers to get productions licenses, get loans to grow hemp and get federal crop insurance.

Why all the buzz about hemp now? That’s because of the cannabidiol (CBD) found in the hemp plant. CBD has holistic properties that seem like a miracle organic fix-all for a lot of ailments in the human bodies. There have been documents studies with its help in Because of its association with reducing and in some cases


ending epileptic seizures. Infused into oils and topical treatments as well as edibles, there has been documented proof CBD can aid in anxiety and pain. Many claim it can cure anything.

the idea of Hemp House was born.”

Chattanooga being a traditionally conservative town one would have thought there were a lot of headaches as Madden got his business One of those seeing the bene- together. “Actually, not at all,” fits of CBD infused products as Madden says. “Chattanooga well as the flowers themselves was pretty awesome.” is Dewayne Madden. Madden, a pioneer of sorts in the Madden’s biggest headaches greater Chattanooga area was getting Hemp House was just the first to open a hemp retail the typical business opening store selling products infused headaches including finding a with CBD – everything from legit credit card processor. drops, patches, lotions, edi- Reception from local authoribles, he opened his store on ties has been awesome he the Northshore 18 months ago. said. “We reached out to the local police chief, David Roddy “I was looking at getting in the upon opening and invited his cannabis industry and there staff to our store, which they wasn’t any real feasible have come in multiple times options to move out west were and some of them came back the laws are a little bit more and shopped around,” he says. liberal, so I started to look at “As far as Chattanooga being what was available in receptive it’s been an amazing Tennessee and did a local experience as far as opening a event, ‘Hemp History Week’ cannabis-based business.” that was put on by a small group of local hemp advocates With hemp a hot commodity days, even in and was held at the Edney these Building,” recalls Madden. Chattanooga with other hemp While attending the event he stores opening and others add met a lot of local Tennessee the product to their shelves. farmers where he first got Many places online describe introduced to the Tennessee hemp as a “cure all, but how grown products. “After talking much is fact and hype? It’s to the vendors at the event hard to say,” says Madden. and seeing they all had these products but there was nowhere distributing them I What Madden learned is the aw the need for a brick and human body has an endomortar store and that’s where cannabinoid system and is

APRIL 2018


©Dave Weinthal





built with receptors that are made to receive cannabinoids. That includes CBD, CBG, CBN, THC and a long, long list of others. The human body is built to receive these cannabinoids and so the reason that it feels like CBD fixes all of one’s ailments is because our system was actually, in fact deficient and once you replenish those receptors with the proper cannabinoids everything starts feeling good again. “You feel like essentially all has been fixed,” he says. “There are definitely people that say it’s taken care of everything.” There are others that say it isn’t working but like any medication of “cure all” that goes with the territory as not everyone reacts the same to anything. “It’s not going to

work for everybody and it’s not going to fix everybody’s everything,” says Madden. Madden and his staff do individual assessments of the people to see what they’re looking for or what they’re hoping to achieve with CBD and try to recommend the best product they think will help them out. There was more to opening Hemp House than just putting product on the shelf and opening the doors. Madden stays connected with his local farmers were he purchases his product directly from. “We stay away from some of the bigger companies that send in sales reps and you’ve got distributors for this region and all that,” he says. “They can tell you their stuff is grown here and all that but those are

©Dave Weinthal

Madden checks out the crop at one of the hemp suppliers in the Chattanooga area as he visits Little Tree Farms, owned and operated by Travis Phillips.

just words that really that’s all he says should be industry they are for me. We make standard. “If you are purchasing a product – especially sure we visit our farmers.” from my standpoint – if you’re Madden is very involved with purchasing it to resell it out the process from planting to you absolutely have to have the processing of CBD. “It’s that third party testing,” he definitely a task to make sure says. Madden says he also what you’re putting on your sends off some of his products shelf is a quality product and to make sure the test results working with these small that the test results he was Tennessee farmers who pro- given by the farmers is exactly duce small batches I feel gets aligned with what he’s showus the best quality control out ing on his shelf. “We don’t purchase from anyone that’s there,” he says. not offering COAs (certificate Quality control is of utmost of authenticity) and another importance. The best thing thing I said is we work side by Madden says he found to do side with these farmers. We was third party testing, which visit them, we’re there when ENIGMA




recalls. There is very little of that in his store he says. He’s been extremely surprised that nearly 95 percent of his customer base legitimately comes in looking for a product to better their health. “. I think that’s what the primary benefit Things are very hands on for for CBD is.” Madden and he wouldn’t have it any other way. “I’m not a Besides topicals and edibles guy who’s going to go out – I Hemp House started carrying could make bulk purchases, the hemp flower a few months put them on a shelf with a high ago. “Most of the people price tag and make tons of know how to use the product, The hemp money,” he says. “That does- Madden says. n’t seem to be really hard to flower’s been a pretty good addition he says. It was somedo.” thing they brought on once Madden says he loves being customers started asking for hands on, knowing whatever it. “A lot of people take it role he plays – be it store home and infuse their own owner with a shelf or helping edibles,” he says. “I always a farmer trim or help harvest liked that.” some plants, he believes his role is literally going to help Madden says he likes to hear someone better their self and customers telling him what they’re using the flower for better their life. rather than just smoking it, Despite its mainstream popu- which he says is probably the larity and acceptance there is least healthy way to use the often a common misconcep- product. While the product tion of who comes through the looks and smells like its doors of a place like Hemp cousin marijuana a Tennessee House. Madden says all ages state bill allows sale of the filter through the business on flowers since they are under .3 a daily basis, but most cus- percent THC making it nontomers fall into the Baby psychoactive. He admits he Boomer generation. “Anyone keeps the flowers a bit hidden 55 and up is kind of who we’re from his older customers who seeing the most coming in the don’t want to see or be store, he says. “They’re the exposed to it. “Here we are ones that have lived life and promoting education so we’ll take the time to explain to the aches and pains.” anybody exactly what it is, “When I opened up I assumed why we have it and what it’s like a lot of people I think that good for.” we’d have a bunch of my friends in there – the tie-dyed For the most part everything hippie looking people that are at Hemp House has been just trying to smoke a doobie geared pretty well with the or whatever it is, but it’s not medicinal side like tinctures been that at all,” Madden and vapes Madden says. What they’re cutting their plants,” he says. “We’re helping them trim it. We are fully involved with it as much as the farmers will allow us to be and that third party testing just comes along with it.”





ity Madden is happy to see other retailers coming into the market. “Competition is always healthy,” he says. “There’s room for everybody in the industry. We just hope that everyone is getting in the industry for the right reasons, which is to truly help people and not cash in or take advantage.”

viewed as the pioneers of it that I put enough pressure on us to make sure we’re kept to a higher standard, but obviously if people are looking for us in that manner that is always hanging over you.”

Business has been great all over for the hemp industry and that includes Hemp House. Madden recently opened a second location in Knoxville that is doing great and later this spring he will be opening a Hemp House in East Ridge.

Madden wants Hemp House and his staff to be perceived in the best possible manner which is trying to provide good education, good quality products and want to be the place people come to as they

With a year and a half under his belt and opening new locations Madden has been humbled by the awesome reception he and the store have received from the community and their customers. “I am

grow and expand. “We hope that anyone else looking to be in the industry to look at the way we’re doing it and let us be the industry standard about how things should be done and the proper way to get CBD out to the community.”

truly excited to get up every day and come to work. Monday mornings are not that bad for me”, he gushes. “I know that in some way I’m going to make a difference in somebody’s life throughout the day.”

With hemp’s growing popular-

- Dave Weinthal

©Dave Weinthal

he likes seeing is all the edibles coming available and all the different creations people come up with. The edibles are guilt-free since the consumer doesn’t have to worry about a “head high”. “You can eat the whole gummy bear or eat the whole truffle or the whole chocolate bar,” he says. “You don’t have to be worried about being laid out versus if you get a THC edible where one bite could be half a bite too many depending on that.” The topicals, Madden says have been a surprise best seller as people are getting a lot of relief from using them. “We’ve know about the tinctures,” he says. “They’ve been around 1500s/1600s – I have no idea, but they’ve been around forever,” he says. “People are getting creative with the active/inactive ingredients that go along with that and help aid the CBD benefit.” As other retailers pop up and online sellers of hemp and CBD infused products continue to grow, many consider Madden kind of a pioneer in the hemp industry at least locally. “I definitely feel that way about Hemp House, he says. “I like if we’re being





1. Vampire Weekend 2. Jocelyn & Chris Arndt 3. Larkin Poe 4. Jenny Lewis 5. Tedeschi Trucks Band 6. Gary Clark Jr. 7. Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers 8. Passenger 9. Dr. Dog 10. The Black Keys 11. Avett Brothers 12. Jeff Tweedy 13. Kacey Musgraves 14. Weezer 15. Imagine Dragons 16. Cage the Elephant 17. Meat Puppets 18. Dandy Warhols 19. Johnnyswim 20. Greta Van Fleet

ADVENTURE PICKS 1. Jamestown Revival 2. Jr. Jr. 3. The Head and the Heart

Wasted Riffs Keeps Their Head Above Water with Digital Quicksand song opens with some nasty guitar work and then finds a groove. I was instantly brought back to the glory days when guitar rock was king, and rock as a whole. I was really impressed with the intricate guitar work of lead singer/guitarist Ed Howard. A veteran of the Chattanooga area music scene it is too easy to overlook some of the Unlike their name, Wasted Riffs is talent. far from it on their debut EP Digital Quicksand. The four-song opus “Digital Quicksand” brought this manages to throw everything more current. The songs as a ‘90s including the kitchen sink at their alt-rock feel reminiscent of the era listeners. when grunge was phasing out and alternative was taking over. I was The EP is a conundrum in style. A blown away by the harmonies in the little old school rock, some of the song as it kind of clashes with the heavier stuff at time and even har- style but fits in perfectly. I could monies I wasn’t expecting on the imagine everyone singing along title track. with the chorus.

“Cheers” is an odd song mixing tempos and giving the listener a case of whiplash. Angry vocals and drumming worthy of the best thrash metal bans out there it is a stark comparison compared to the rest of the EP. Edgier than the rest the song will lull you into a clam moment only to pick up the pace faster than any Indy pace car.


Lost in the mix was the bass that I had to listen very hard to pick out as the guitars and drums play front and center the entire mix. Like the old saying goes, you only get one chance to make a first impression and while I realize I am pickier than most, I see great potential in a number of these songs that with a little The four songs on Digital Quicksand engineering magic will blow the are a definite contrast as no one doors off of anyone that likes rock style is more relevant than the and roll and music in general. other. Listening to the players individually you tell there is a lot of Wasted Riffs’ EP is a diamond in the

While I realize it is a recording I often got the feel listening to ˆ that the band was live as it had all the earmarks of that.

The pace drastically slows down on “Backroads”. Anthem-esque at times once again features a great guitar solo. A little long in the tooth, it’s worth listening to for the The album opens up with the appro- guitar solos. priately titled “Wasted Riffs”. The

overlooked talent there – part of the curse of being a local band rough and if they decide to go that extra mile there’s no telling were to here, but now the bad stuff. band could find itself. Of course I hate to be the bearer of bad news, the real test of a band’s mettle is but there were certain things I how they perform live – the intercould not overlook on Wasted Riffs’ action with the crowd, getting EP. The good part it’s all technical caught up in the moment and stuff stuff, not songs or even perform- like that. The two can be compared ance, but stuff that makes a local EP at the official EP release party on sound local compared to something April 13. They’ll be performing at Mountain Grill in you would find in stores (if any of Pigeon you still buy music via a brick and Chickamauga that evening, headlinmortar outlet). The reason I use the ing a three-band bill. The all ages last analogy is the guys in the band event is free to the public. aren’t kids. They’ve put in the work and done the hard work with other - Wm. Alexander projects. I was actually surprised this is their debut EP since I’ve known of the and for years, but hey, what do I know? My problem and only one I had with Digital Quicksand is the actual recoding. The mix is way off and things at times aren’t as modulated as they should. Yeah, I realize we’ve been in the era of the DIY, I’m still old school when it comes to my music. A great mix and a little tweak here and there makes a song go from good to holy crap in an ENIGMA









THIS MONTH IN ROCK HISTORY 1199 5544 Bill Haley records “Rock Around The Clock”, a song that was first released by Sunny Dae in 1952. The record will become a modest hit, selling 75,000 copies, but would become a national sensation when it was featured in the movie The Blackboard Jungle twelve months later. 11 99 5566 Paramount Pictures signs Elvis Presley to a three-picture deal just five days after his first screen test in Hollywood. Elvis was to be paid $100,000 for his first movie, $150,000 for the second and $200,000 for the third.

parts. 1199 6666 Jan Berry, the younger half of Jan And Dean, was paralyzed after he ran his Corvette into a parked truck on a side street in Beverly Hills. Berry suffered total physical paralysis for over a year as well as extensive brain damage which made it impossible to return to performing. The pair started their hit streak in 1958 with “Jennie Lee” and followed with “Baby Talk”, “Surf City”, “Sidewalk Surfin’”, “Drag City”, “Dead Man’s Curve”, “The Little Old Lady From Pasadena” and “Popsicle”. Jan’s accident ended their career as hit makers, although they attempted a comeback in 1978 after the biographical movie, Dead Man’s Curve, was shown on TV.

1199 5577 Elvis Presley’s “All Shook Up” went to #1 on the Cash Box best seller list and The Billboard Pop chart, where it would stay for the next eight 11 9966 77 weeks. 18-year-old Steve Winwood left The Spencer Davis Group to join Dave Mason, Jim Capaldi and Chris Wood 1199 6633 Jan And Dean record “Surf City” in Traffic. Winwood had been with with The Beach Boys providing Spencer Davis since he was 15. background vocals. The Brian Wilson penned tune became the Police in Poland use tear gas and first surf song to reach number one batons to control several thousand on the Billboard Hot 100 and even teenagers who turned out to see crossed over to the R&B chart The Rolling Stones’ first show where it reached #3. behind the Iron Curtain.

tal hits in the early 1960s including “Walk Don’t Run” and “Slaughter on Tenth Avenue”, The Ventures were back on Billboard’s Hot 100 for the last time with the theme from the TV show, Hawaii Five-0.

ten Billboard Top 40 hits he will enjoy over the next ten years.

1199 77 00 Paul McCartney announces a “temporary break with The Beatles,” citing “personal differences” and adding that he will no longer record with John Lennon. Paul disapproved of Yoko Ono and of Beatles financial advisor Allen Klein. When a reporter called Lennon to comment upon McCartney’s resignation, John said, “Paul hasn’t left. I sacked him.” A week after McCartney’s announcement he released his first solo album, spelling the end of The Beatles.

11 9977 44 A seven piece group called Blue Swede became the first Swedish act to top the US charts when their version of “Hooked On A Feeling” went to number one. Although the arrangement brought a fresh sound to the old B.J. Thomas hit, the single didn’t chart at all in the UK.

The Rolling Stones release “Brown Sugar”, the first single on their own label, Rolling Stones Records, which introduces the infamous Blood, Sweat And Tears’ first hit, licking-tongue-and-lips logo “You’ve Made Me So Very Happy”, designed by John Pasche. tops out at number two on the Billboard Pop chart. They would John Lennon, Ringo Starr and have two more second place finish- George Harrison officially end es with “Spinning Wheel” and “And their plans to appeal Paul When I Die”, but never enjoyed a McCartney’s efforts to legally disnumber one record on the Hot 100. solve The Beatles.

Terry Jacks was at #1 on the UK singles chart with “Seasons In The Sun”, an English-language adaptation of the song “Le Moribond” by Belgian singer-songwriter Jacques Brel. Earlier recordings had been released by The Kingston Trio and Elton John makes his solo concert The Fortunes. debut, opening for T. Rex in London, England. Elton John reached the top spot on the Billboard singles chart for the second time with “Bennie and the 11 9977 11 Ringo Starr releases “It Don’t Come Jets”. It made #37 in the UK. Easy”, which will climb to #4 in both the US and the UK. It is the first of Mama Cass Elliot collapses before

1964 The Beach Boys record “I Get Around”, which will become their first US #1 single by the following July, selling nearly two million copies. It reached #7 in the UK.

16-year-old Janis Ian sings “Society Child” on the CBS-TV show, Inside Pop - The Rock Revolution. A year before, the song was banned by many radio stations because of its interracial love affair theme. Following her television appearance, the record shot into the US 11 99 6655 The Beach Boys record “California Top Twenty. Girls”, which will reach number three in the US by August. In 2004, 1199 6688 the song was ranked #71 on Rolling Pink Floyd announces that founder Stone’s list of The 500 Greatest Syd Barrett has officially left the Songs of All Time. group, saying that he is suffering from psychiatric disorders comBruce Johnston joins The Beach pounded by drug use. Boys, replacing Glen Campbell, who was playing bass on the road 1199 6699 and singing Brian Wilson’s vocal After scoring a series of instrumenENIGMA




an appearance on The Tonight subsequently signed by a new Show where she had been sched- record label. uled to host the program. She was later taken to hospital on a stretch1199 9911 er. Johnny Thunders, the guitarist who rose to fame with The New York Dolls, died at the age of 38. The 11 9977 77 Fleetwood Mac’s “Rumors” album cause of death appeared to be went to #1 on the Billboard chart drug-related, but it has also been where it stayed for 31 weeks. speculated that foul play may have Worldwide, the LP would sell over been involved. 25 million copies. 11 9999 44 ABBA earned their only number 1 Grace Slick pleads guilty to pointhit in the United States when ing a shotgun at police in her “Dancing Queen” went to the top. Tiburon, California home on March The song also led the charts in 13 5, 1994. She says that she was under other countries. stress because her Mill Valley home had burned down the previous Fall and she lost most of her posses1199 7799 Mickey Thomas replaces Marty sions. On June 7th, she will be senBalin as the lead singer for tenced to 200 hours of community Jefferson Starship. Thomas’ voice service and four Alcoholics had previously been heard on the Anonymous meetings a week for 1976 Elvin Bishop hit, “Fooled three months. Around and Fell in Love”. 11 9999 77 ABC’s telecast of U2: A Year in POP 1199 8833 Pete Farndon, bassist for The becomes the lowest-rated primePretenders on their US Top 20 hits time program in the history of “Brass In Pocket” (1980) and “Back major network television. On The Chain Gang” (1983), died of a drug overdose. He was 30 years 1199 9988 old. Wendy O. Williams, the chainsawwielding singer for the Punk Rock Dexys Midnight Runners went to band The Plasmatics, committed the top of the Billboard singles suicide in the woods near her chart with “Come On Eileen”, the Connecticut home. group’s only US #1. The song also topped the UK chart. The band Country music legend Tammy took their name from the ampheta- Wynette died in her sleep at the mine Dexedrine, commonly known age of 55. She crossed over to the as Dexys, and therefore the group’s Pop chart in 1968 with “Stand By name is improperly spelled when Your Man” (#19), a strangely titled an apostrophe is used between the hit for a woman who was married y and the s. five times. 11 9988 88 Sonny Bono is elected Mayor of Palm Springs, California, an office he held until 1992 when he ran for the Republican nomination for United States Senate. He was elected to the United States House of Representatives in 1994 to represent California’s 44th congressional district. Whitney Houston breaks the record held by The Beatles and The Bee Gees of scoring seven consecutive US number one hits when “Where Do Broken Hearts Go” tops the Billboard Pop chart.

in the US in 1975 with “Poetry Man”, he also managed to reach #28 on died of complications from a the Billboard Hot 100 in 1974 with stroke at the age of 60. “If We Make It Through December”. 22001122 Dick Clark, who brought Rock ‘n’ Roll into the homes of millions of viewers on his daytime TV show American Bandstand from 1956 to 1988, suffered a fatal heart attack at the age of 82.

22001155 74-year-old Ringo Starr was inducted into Cleveland’s Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame, becoming the last of The Beatles to receive that honor. Since the band’s break-up in 1970, he had released 18 solo studio albums, including his latest, “Postcards From Paradise” earlier this month. Also inducted into The Hall were Bill Whithers, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Lou Reed, Joan Jett And The Blackhearts, The Paul 220011 88 Butterfield Blues Band, The 5 Fleetwood Mac officially Royals and Green Day. announced that they had fired guitarist Lindsey Buckingham and replaced him with Mike Campbell 220011 66 Merle Haggard died of complica- of Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers tions from pneumonia at the age of and Neil Finn of Crowded House 79. Most often remembered for the for their upcoming tour. hits “Mama Tried”, “Okie From Muskogee” and 36 other number one records on the Country chart,

22000066 Martha And The Vandellas’ version of “Dancing in the Street” is announced as one of 50 sound recordings preserved by the Library of Congress to the National Recording Registry. 22000099 Phil Spector was convicted of second-degree murder in the shooting death of actress Lana Clarkson at his mansion six years before. The verdict would send the 69 year old music producer to prison for at least 18 years. His former wife Ronnie wrote in her book Be My Baby, “When I was locked up in his mansion, there were many, many nights when I was sure I’d never get out of that house alive.”

11 9988 99 After two DJ’s at Los Angeles station KLOS asked “what ever happened to David Cassidy?”, the singer phoned the station and was 22001111 invited on the show. David played Phoebe Snow, the velvet voiced three songs live on air and was singer / songwriter who reached #5 ENIGMA


Prince, the flamboyant singer / songwriter and multi-instrumentalist died at the age of 57 after suffering flu-like symptoms for several weeks. Born Prince Rogers Nelson, he had 32 Billboard Top 40 entries between 1979 and 1999 including “Little Red Corvette”, “When Doves Cry”, “Purple Rain” and “Sign O’ The Times”. Over the course of his career he sold over 100 million records worldwide, making him one of the best-selling artists of all time. He won seven Grammy Awards, a Golden Globe and an Academy Award and was inducted into the Rock And Roll Hall of Fame in 2004, the first year of his eligibility.



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