2010 Ford Focus
2008 Chevrolet Aveo
2009 Scion XB
2009 Kia Spectra
2006 Buick LaCrosse
2009 Pontiac G5
P15590 P15591
2004 Dodge Neon
2006 Lincoln LS
2007 Hyundai Tuscon
Obama, Kenya and Homosexuality Kenyans have strongly warned the president of the United States of America Mr Barack Obama not to preach same-sex relationship when he visits the country - his ancestral home later this month. Politicians, lawmakers, business community, clergy and youths are all united in this warning that Mr Obama must not come to promote this immoral, unethical, unnatural, ungodly and unacceptable sexual preference in their country. They told him that their country still respects the word of God and the course of nature. Irungu Kangata, a lawmaker in Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta's the National Alliance (TNA) party, said that if the US president tries to bring the abortion and the gay agenda, then they (Kenyans) will surely tell him to shut up and go home. My God! Is this now where God's own country and it's once revered president have fallen into. Now, infamous and repulsive for promoting ungodliness and sodomy. What at pity! What a
shame!! But Irungu is not alone in this warning, Deputy President William Ruto speaking recently in a church in Nairobi said that homosexuality is against
the plan of God and that God did not create man and woman so that men would marry men and women marry women. He made it clear that no amount of persuasions, theories or philosophy will make Kenyans change their position. Listen to him, "We believe in God, this is a God fearing nation and will continue to be so." As a people and government they are main-
taining that homosexual relations are not only unnatural and but unAfrican. Justin Muturi, the speaker of the National Assembly, on his part said to an Anglican Church congregation: "Liberal
thoughts are being entertained in some countries under the guise of human rights." He added: "We must be vigilant and guard against it. We must lead an upright society and not allow obnoxious behavior as we have a responsibility to protect our children." And so many others. But Kenyans are not alone in this rejection of immoral enticement. Countries like
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Nigeria, Ghana and others have in the past rebuffed American, Britain and other sodomite nations and organizations on this issue, even when it is tied to aids. Now, how did America expose herself to this global ridicule? A country that was founded on the word of God? A country that has God enshrined in her constitution and currency? A country that is known as 'God's Own Country' An acclaimed champion of Christianity and freedom? I am sure that people like John Adams, John Hancock, Charles Thompson and all of those 56 men - ministers, businessmen, teachers, university professors, sailors, captains, farmers who signed the Declaration of Independence will be turning in pains in their graves. I can hear them lamenting aloud, "Is this what we labored and risked our lives for?" What a disappointment! - Gabriel Agbo
anything like that. I’m single and it would just be a date… I’m not desperate or actively looking for someone. Do I go out with him or not? BG
DDeeaa rr BBGG IIff yyoouu sseenn ssee ssoom m eetthhiinngg iiss w wrroonn gg wii tthh hhiim w m ddoonn ’’tt gg oo oouutt w wiitthh hhiim m.. BBeetttt eerr ssaaffee tthhaa nn ssoorrrryy tt hhee w waayy yyoouu ddeessccrriibbee hhiim m iiss tthhee ssaa m mee waa yy w w woom m eenn ddeesscc rrii bb eedd TTeedd BBuunnddyy iinn tthhee 7700’’ss.. Dear Rocco, I’m getting mixed signals from my new boyfriend and I don’t know what to think any more… I feel judged, questioned and pressured because I have had relationships with other men, prior to my current boyfriend. Is it important to men that girlfriends are virgins? SM
”loving” partner. Since then he has been pushing me to try it again, and to talk to one of my other girlfriends. I have said to him that I don’t want to do it again, but he keeps pushing and pushing the issue. I’m starting to feel that he getting one of my other girlfriends in bed is more important than what my needs and wants are. Why are three- D Deeaa rr SSM M somes so important to my boyfriend? I feel inadequate in the way he is pushing me, and I’m starting to doubt if he really cares for me at all. He’s not “all that” in his pants or bed either… Deeaarr KKHH D RRuunn aa ss ffaa sstt aass yyoouu ccaa nn aa w waayy ffrroom m I taught him what he knows! tthhaa tt nnaa ssttyy ddii sseeaa sseedd m moo tthheerrffuucckk -- What should I do? eerr.. G Goo ttoo aa ddooccttoorr ttoo ffiinndd oouutt iiff IC yyoo uu’’vvee ccoonn ttrraa cctteedd tthhee ddii sseeaa ssee ssoo Deeaa rr IICC yyoo uu ccaa nn bbeegg iinn ttrreeaattm m eenn tt aa nndd bbee D m.. IItt ssoouunnddss ll iikkee yyoouurr aa bbllee ttoo tteell ll ppootteennttii aall ll oovv eerrss.. IIff LLeeaavv ee hhii m yyoo uu kknnoow wii nnggll yy ggii vvee aa SSTTD D ttoo bbooyyffrrii eenndd ii ss uussii nngg yyoouu ttoo ggeett ssoom meeoonnee yy oouu ccaann bbee aa rrrreesstteedd.. ssoom mee sstt rraa nnggee.. M Moovv ee oonn ttoo ssoom mee-PPrraa ccttiiccee ssaa ffee sseexx tthheerree aa rree ttoooo oonnee iinntteerreesstteedd iinn pplleeaassiinngg yyoouu maa nn yy nnaa ssttyy m m m ootthheerrffuu cckkeerrss ii nn nnoott aa ccttii nngg oouutt hhii ss ppoorrnnoo ffaa nn-mw whhaa tt yy oouu’’vvee ssaa iidd hhee tthhiiss ttoow wnn ttoo hhaa vvee uunn pprroott eecc tteedd ttaassii eess.. FFrroom woo nn’’tt bbee hhaarrdd ttoo rreeppllaa ccee.. w sseexx ..
Dear Rocco, I started seeing this guy. We hit it off and thus began a relationship. After a month of blissful, unprotected sex, my boyfriend told me that he has herpes! He said that he got it a long time ago at his bachelor party. I want to dump the jerk, but he’s telling me that he hasn’t had an outbreak in three years and that if I really cared about him it wouldn’t make a difference. What do you think? KH
Dear Rocco, I had a threesome with my boyfriend and a girlfriend of mine, about 6 months ago. It sort of just happened, and I was drunk. I didn’t like it and I swore I would never do it again, as it just didn’t feel like a loving thing to do with an “exclusive” and
Dear Rocco, This co-worker of mine asked me out on a date. He is a great looking, seemingly nice guy, and all women where I work talk about him. The weird thing? I sense there is something “off”, and perhaps even “scary” about him. Maybe I’m just nervous? It’s not as if I have a crush on him, or ENIGMA
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II ddoo nn’’tt tthhiinnkk ssoo bbuutt tthheerree aarree ssoom mee m meenn w whhoo ccaa nn’’tt hhaa nnddllee tthhee ffaa cctt tthhaa tt w woom meenn lliikkee sseexx aa ss m muucc hh iiff nnoott m m oorree tthhaa nn m meenn.. IItt ssoo uunnddss lliikkee hhee hh aass aann eeggoo pprroobblleem m,, m aayy bbee hhee ffeeeell ss ii nnaadd eeqquuaa ttee aass aa m lloovv eerr.. IIff hhee m maakkeess yy oouu ffeeeell llii kkee tthhaa tt tthheenn ttaa llkk ttoo hhiim m aa bboouutt iitt .. IIff hhee ssttiillll jjuuddggeess yyoouu aa nndd m m aakkeess yy oouu ff eeeell uu nnccoo m mff oorrttaa bbll ee tthh eenn m oovvee oonn w m wii tthh yy oouurr ll iiff ee.. FF iinn dd ssoo m meeoonn ee m m aa ttuurree eennoo uugghh tt oo m aakkee yyoouu ffeeeell ll iikkee tthhee ssppeecc iiaa ll m woom w maa nn yy oouu aarree.. Rocco is a common sense, tell-itlike-it-is, no-nonsense kind of guy offering real advice on any subject put before him. Why pay thousands of dollars on a highpriced therapist when he’ll straighten you out for free. If you’d like advice from Rocco email him at goaskrocco@yahoo.com or drop him a line at Ask Rocco c/o Enigma P.O. Box 825 Chattanooga, TN 37401.
ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20) You can make money if you are wise in your choices. Property investments will payoff. Take a break; you can finally mend any disputes on the home front. Don't bother retaliating, just walk away. Your lucky day this week will be Wednesday. TAURUS (Apr. 21- May 21) You can gain valuable cultural knowledge through dealing with foreigners. Chances to express your ideas and beliefs can bring popularity as long as you're not arrogant. Your need to be in a leadership position will help you surpass any rivals you might encounter. Lovers may no
be truthful.
ate change. Anger may cause you grief; control your temper and try to Your lucky day this week will be sit back and calm down. Arguments Friday. will flare up if you get backed into an emotional corner. Your ability to talk GEMINI circles around your colleagues will (May 22-June 21) help you forge ahead in the workFinancial investments that deal with force. joint money can be extremely prosperous. Look for professional guid- Your lucky day this week will be ance if it will help unite the family. Monday. Don't let your boss make you feel guilty enough to take work home LEO with you. You may be sensitive to a (July 23-Aug 22) point of absurdity. You can ask for favors and get sound advice from close friends or relaYour lucky day this week will be tives. You may find out that someone Thursday. is trying to undermine you. Sudden changes regarding colleagues may CANCER surprise you. This is a great day to (June 22-July 22) beautify your living quarters or to This will not be the best day to initi- entertain at home.
to get involved with those who can introduce you to unusual forms of entertainment. There's a good chance that they won't come back. Your lucky day this week will be Thursday. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21) Get involved in groups and organizations that are of a distinguished nature. In return, the satisfaction you get is enough for you. You may find that female colleagues will be more help than you anticipated. Overindulgence may be a problem. Your lucky day this week will be Wednesday.
CAPRICORN (Dec 22.- Jan. 20) Your lucky day this week will be Don't let others saddle you with guilt Friday. that isn't warranted. Talk to employers in order to promote your career VIRGO objectives. You can change your liv(Aug. 23 -Sept. 23) ing arrangements. You may experiYour high energy, original ideas, and ence financial loss if you don't use excellent memory will aid your good judgment. accomplishments. Follow through on some of the good ideas that come up, Your lucky day this week will be and you could have a real winner of Wednesday. a deal. Make any necessary changes to your insurance policy. Call siblings AQUARIUS or old friends to catch up on recent (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19) news. Now is the time to concentrate on building a strong financial future for Your lucky day this week will be your family. You may be fortunate Tuesday. while traveling. Find out if they have other commitments. Minor accidents LIBRA could occur if you don't take precau(Sept. 24 -Oct. 23) tions. You can make new friends and get involved in new hobbies successful- Your lucky day this week will be ly. You can meet friends who will let Friday. you know how valuable you are. You should be in business for yourself. PISCES Find an outlet for any mounting frus- (Feb. 20-Mar. 20) tration. Consider a creative hobby. Your ability to organize and get everyone together will enhance your Your lucky day this week will be popularity and bring interest from Friday. potential mates. Take a break; you can finally mend any disputes on the SCORPIO home front. Travel for business or (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) pleasure. Look into some form of Make decisions about your profes- physical recreation. sional objectives. Take care when dealing with older relatives. Be sure Your lucky day this week will be Saturday.
JULY 16 2015
I'M AN ARAB-AMERICAN AND I SHOULDN'T BE TREATED ANY BETTER OR LESS THAN ANYONE ELSE I'm an Arab-American and I ed noticing brands that I've never shouldn't be treated any better or seen before here, but were prevalent in Texas, and asked the driver less than anyone else. what he thought. He said that he Born in Texas and raised in the felt disgraced at himself and the country of Jordan, you learn how people around him. I looked surmuch people value others more prised and inquired about the reathan themselves. I was always told son of that. He looked surprised. that my American passport was He said that people will buy the getting me places. Be it a great same product from an American education, good security or even brand than from a Jordanian benefits that'll secure me for life. brand, solely because we value the When it came to discussion, I was international name. Doctors and always envied by my friends for engineers with degrees from having one. During math class, a abroad are also valued much more classmate said that I was lucky for highly here. I remember my dad having an American passport. My saying that an American degree 11-year old self asked "why." The might give you 4 times more pay blasphemous expression on his for the same exact job, opposed to face took a good 5 seconds of someone with a Jordanian degree. silence until he responded with I wondered if it was the quality of "Because you get to do whatever the education, or just the brand name that gave such a contribuyou want!" tion. I felt nostalgic today in the cab and I remembered that confronta- Nevertheless, I picked up a friend tion in detail. I was spending and his cousin last night and we another month on vacation in headed to the Abdali Boulevard Jordan, and then would head back (one of my favorite places in to University in the States. I start- Amman). As we parked the car and
were headed to the entrance, a man stopped us and said that today was only for families. My friend and I looked surprised and stated that we had a 12-year old child with us. He said, once again, that today was only for families. I looked at my friend and said that he was visiting from America for the summer. I added that it would be a shame not to show him the beautiful sights in Amman. The man asked if he had any form of identification that showed that he was from the United States. I attempted to hold my laughter while my friend pulled his Texas driver's license and was greeted by the man "welcome to the boulevard." "How absurd!" yelled my friend was we walked in. All three of us were surprised at how a male Jordanian teenager was not
45 Johnson Ferry Rd. NW Atlanta, GA 30328 P.O. Box 825 Chattanooga, TN 37401 Follow us on Twitter @EnigmaMag www.enigmaonline.com
info@enigmaonline.com (423) 991-1657
Paul E. Burke Sr. Publisher D.A. Weinthal. Editor-In-Chief David Huff Managing Editor Chris Eason Photo Editor
Contributing Editors: Mark Haskins, Jim Sells, Mark Bedford. Chris McKay, David N. Marks, William Alexander, Dave Fernandez Founder: D.A. Weinthal Like us on Facebook ENIGMA
JULY 16 2015
allowed to enter during family day, but an American one was. My friend explained to his cousin that this is only prevalent in Arab countries. I added that during my visits to Israel, Italy, Germany or Bulgaria, I felt belittled. I loved the pride and respect they had in their own citizens. A good number of countries will also maintain equality amongst all citizens from all different nationalities. I believe that with globalization and the increase of democracy amongst all nations of the world, generation Y will be able to overcome this obstacle, if not then reduce it. However, this raises an interesting question: should a country put its own citizens first, or treat everyone equally? Abdullah Ghali
Sports Gazpacho It’s just too hot and humid for a batch of sports gumbo. So I’m tossing a bunch of refrigerated sports stuff into the blender and whipping up a batch of sports gazpacho. (Gazpacho is a chilled tomato soup that I’ve only eaten a couple of times and have never had the patience to make myself.) Here goes… …I watched more of Wimbledon this past weekend than I have in years. Back in the day, the men’s final of the grass court tennis tournament was one of my favorite televised sporting events. My old buddy Yogi used to throw an amazing “Breakfast at Wimbledon” party. Someone would bake fancy quiches while the rest of us conjured up Bloody Marys, screwdrivers, mimosas and other concoctions created to make a.m. drinking more socially acceptable. I miss those parties…
last Sunday. The first two sets went to tiebreakers, but Djokovic’s serve was just more reliable down the stretch. In the end, the Serb won 76 (7-1), 6-7 (10-12), 6-4, 6-3. Federer is a brilliant, graceful tennis player… but he doesn’t show much emotion on the court. Djokovic, on the other hand, is a fist-shaking, highly vocal type. Federer looked a bit psyched out at times... …I miss the days of John McEnroe, to be honest. Mac was the best serve and volley player I’ve ever seen. He would throw that lefthanded hook serve into an opponent’s backhand corner and get to the net with seemingly superhuman speed. He was also prone to the occasional emotional outburst...
became the oldest female winner of a major in the Open era. She has now won Wimbledon, the French Open and the Australian Open in 2015. If she wins the U.S. Open (which begins August 31), she’ll become the first “calendar Grand Slam” winner since Steffi Graf did it in 1988... ...But despite Williams’ dominance, some press coverage of her Wimbledon victory revisited the sad “body shaming” that lame reporters have relied on throughout her career. Serena isn’t built like other tennis players. She’s thicker and a lot more muscular. She also routinely mops the court with scrawnier, whiter players. There are those who say the younger Williams sister might be the best player… ever. Haters gotta hate. Winners just win…
…Serena Williams plays with emotion and occasionally crosses over into McEnroe-ish meltdowns, but she was calm, cool and collected in …ESPN’s decision to give Caitlyn Saturday’s women’s Wimby final. Jenner its Arthur Ashe Award for …Novak Djokovic spoiled Roger Williams picked up her 21st career “courage” is getting a lot of critiFederer’s attempt to win a record Grand Slam title with a 6-4, 6-4 win eighth men’s singles championship over Garbine Muguruza and, at 33,
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cism. Understandably. The “worldwide leader” overlooked the courageous efforts of several current athletes in favor of someone who has never been an athlete. Bruce Jenner won the Olympic decathlon in 1976. Caitlyn Jenner hasn’t participated in any athletic completion that I’m aware of. Bruce’s decision to “transition” into a female didn’t really come as much of surprise to most folks. Caitlyn’s decision to turn that transition into a media circus seemed more driven by narcissism than courage... ...ESPN has been a bit vague about the selection process for the Arthur Ashe Award, but I think that Thomas Lee Jr. should have gotten more consideration. Lee is the Iraq war vet who competes in triathlons with an artificial leg. That, sports fans, is courage…
— Mark Bedford
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (UPI) - The real-life version of Sharknado proved to be far less threatening than its Syfy counterpart when a small shark fell from the sky into a Virginia back yard. Sue Bowser of Virginia Beach said her grandchildren found the 13-inch dogfish shark, also known as a sand shark, dead near a pond in her back yard about two weeks ago. “This could be the shark house, but hopefully not too many more will be falling from the sky,” Bowser told WAVY-
TV. “The kids found it, and they came upstairs and they were all excited and said, ‘We found a shark in the backyard.’” Bowser said she suspects the baby shark was the victim of an osprey that lost its lunch. “There’s a little mark on his side where the talons probably went in, and it’s a little bloody on the side where the talons had poked him,” she said. Susan Barco, research coordinator and senior scientist with the Virginia Aquarium and Marine Science Center Foundation, said it would not be unusual for an osprey to grab a dogfish shark pup
from the shallow waters where they are born. Bowser said she is keeping the shark frozen as an object of curiosity. “I would like to preserve the shark because a lot of people have asked about it and I think it’s just so unique,” she said. LOUISVILLE, Ky. (UPI) - A Jeep seen driving around the Louisville area is turning heads for an unusual reason — it looks like a skeleton is driving. Mr. Bonz, a prop skeleton belonging to mechanic Andrew Johnson, has become a regular sight “driving” Johnson’s Jeep around Louisville and the sur-
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rounding area. Johnson said the driving skeleton was born out of his affection for the Jeep, which has its steering wheel and pedals on the right side — which is usually the passenger side for cars in the United States. Johnson installed a fake steering wheel in front of the left front seat and hired Mr. Bonz as his fake driver. “I get everything from screams, to ‘man that’s fantastic,’” Johnson told WDRB-TV. “It’s just all in fun. It’s just to make people smile. If I’ve scared anybody, I apologize.”
Johnson said Mr. Bonz was originally a temporary feature of the Jeep two Halloweens ago, but locals demanded his return. “People would stop me in Walmart, Kroger, Kmart, wherever and say, ‘where’s your skeleton?’” CALGARY - In 1982 there was Lawnchair Larry. He was a man with a dream, and that dream was to launch himself into the sky in a lawn chair tied to 45 helium-filled weather balloons. His wild plan took him right into the controlled airspace of Los Angeles International Airport where miraculously he and his contraption did not get sucked into a jet engine. In 2008 an Oregon man named Kent Couch became the first person to achieve interstate travel by balloon-powered lawn chair when he traveled 240 miles to land safely in western Idaho. This year it is 26year-old Canadian Daniel Boria. Boria’s wild idea was to promote his cleaning-products company by flying a helium balloon-powered lawn chair over the city of Calgary where he planned to parachute into a rodeo event called the Calgary Stampede, because nothing makes Canadian cowboys want to buy cleaning products more than a crazy man committing suicide in the middle of their rodeo. But Mr. Boria is probably better at selling cleaning products than he is at physics. He slightly over-estimated the lifting power he needed, and the 120 over-sized party balloons
he attached to his chair took him much higher than he expected. “I was sitting in a lawn chair looking down through the clouds at 747 airplanes and looking up to a cluster of balloons,” Boria told the Toronto Star. “I rose to a certain altitude and the winds got pretty intense. I was somersaulting out the chair and it felt like minus 30. I watched below as the stampede and my dream drifted away.” He missed the rodeo by a bit, landing in a field just outside the city, but he did not die. He suffered a broken ankle and was arrested for ‘causing mischief’ and could face further charges. The chair was never found and is probably somewhere over Saskatchewan by now. KUNMING, China (UPI) - A Chinese man turned his pets over an animal rescue group after the two “puppies” he adopted two years ago grew up to be Asian black bears. Wang Kayui of Yunnan Province said he adopted the two “puppies” from Vietnam about two years ago and when the animals began to grow he discovered they were actually bears. Wang said the animals were very well behaved and he kept them at his home until he recently saw a leaflet about endangered animals from the local Public Security Bureau and discovered his pets were Asian black bears, a Category 2 protected species. The bears were taken June 30 to the Yunnan Wild Animal Rescue Center, where officials con-
firmed they were male and female Asian black bears, also known as moon bears. A spokesman for the center said both animals were in good health. NEW YORK (UPI) - An audience member apparently caught up in the illusion of live theater at a Broadway show stunned onlookers by trying to charge his phone on stage. Cast members and theatergoers at the July 2 showing of adult puppet play Hand to God said the man climbed on stage before the start of the show and attempted to charge his phone in an electrical outlet. Witnesses said the man’s attempt failed, as the outlet was a non-functioning part of the show’s set, and workers quickly arrived to unplug the phone and make an announcement about not using the set for charging. “Well, where can I charge it?” the man was quoted as saying by the blog Broadway Adjacent. Cast members Sarah Stiles and Marc Kudisch talked about the incident on Twitter. “A guy jumped on the stage and plugged his phone into the fake outlet on our set just before we started. @HandtoGodBway #fullmoon or #idiot?” Stiles tweeted. “Dear general audience, an electrical socket that’s a part of the set of the play is NOT for you to charge your iPhone.....just an FYI,” Kudisch wrote. Witnesses said the man was not kicked out of the play and was seen drinking at the bar during intermission. Some suggest-
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ed the incident may have been a dare from someone attending the play with the man. MAINE - You can almost picture it in your mind: a backyard Fourth of July party in Maine. The state only legalized fireworks there two years ago, so they are still kind of novel. There is some drinking going on and an adventurous (let’s call him) young man decides to play the class clown by tying a mortar tube on top of his head. Maybe he was going to pretend to be a sparkler. But when he “pretended” to light the mortar things went very, very bad. 22-year-old Devon Staples died at the scene. “I was the first one who got there. There was no rushing him to the hospital. There was no Devon left when I got there,” his brother, Cody Staples, said, adding that his brother accidentally lit the fuse by holding a lighter near his head. “It was a freak accident... But Devon was not the kind of person who would do something stupid. He was the kind of person who would pretend to do something stupid to make people laugh.” Devon became the first person killed by fireworks in Maine since the state legalized them. “He loved making people happy,” his brother said. “Anyone who would want to give a tribute to Devon should go out and do something nice for someone. Show some love to someone you don’t know.”
Widowspeak CC IITT YY W WIIN NEE RRYY N N AASSH H VVIILL LLEE (Nashville) Vertical Horizon
JULY 3& 5
JULY 9-11
JULY 16-19
JULY 23-26
TT U UEESSD DA AYY JJuu llyy 22 11
This week’s calendar covers events from Thursday, July 16, through Wednesday, July 22. We would be happy to publish your free listing in future Billboards, space permitting. Simply mail us the information so that we have it 7 days before the publication date. A photograph may be sent with the announcement. Send information to: Calendar Editor, Enigma, P.O. Box 825, Chattanooga, TN 37401 or e-mail to calendar@enigmaonline.com. All dates subject to change without notice.
SSA ATT U URRD DA AYY JJuu llyy 1188
TTH H EE CCO OM MEED D YY CCA ATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Dale Jones BBU UD D’’ SS (Chattanooga) DJ Hammer TTRREE M MO ON NTT TT A AVVEE RRN N (Chattanooga) Songwriters Showcase CCA AM M PP H HO OU USSEE (Chattanooga) Open Mic RRH HYY TT H HM M && BBRREE W WSS (Chattanooga) Underhill Rose, David Benedict, Michael Moore JJJJ..’’ SS BBO OH H EEM M IIA A (Chattanooga) Scarlet Love Conspiracy, Kate and Corey TTU U SSCC A ALLO OO O SSA AA AM M PPH H IITT H HEE A ATTRREE (Tuscaloosa, AL) Rod Stewart WO W ORRK KPPLLA AYY TT H H EEA ATT RREE (Birmingham) The Freddy Jones Band TTH H EE FF O OU UN ND DRRYY (Athens, GA) Lee DeWyze IIM MPPRRO O VV CCO OM MEE D DYY CCLL U UBB (Atlanta) Caroline Rhea TTH H EE CCO ON NCC O OU U RRSS EE (Knoxville) Saliva D && LLII N 33RRD ND DSS LLEEYY (Nashville) Civil Twilight
TTH H EE CC O OM M EED D YY CCAATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Dale Jones RRH H YY TTH HM M && BBRREE W WSS (Chattanooga) Unknown Hinson, Roger Alan Wade JJJJ..’’ SS BBO OH H EEM MII AA (Chattanooga) Molly McGuires, Subterranean Cirquis, Shakim CD Release Show TTH HU UN ND D EERR CC RREEEE K KH H AARRLLEEYY D DAAVVIID D SSO ON N (Chattanooga) Pains Chapel, Marlow Drive AAARRO A ON N’’ SS AAM M PPH HIITT H HEE AATT RREE (Atlanta) Lady Antebellum, Hunter Hayes, Sam Hunt WO W OLLFF CCRREE EEK K AA M MPPH HIITT H H EEAATT RREE (Atlanta) Cameo, Midnight Star, Atlantic Starr, Brick, Double D BBU U CCK KH H EEAAD D TT H HEE AATTRREE (Atlanta) Stephen Stills IIM MPPRRO OVV CC O OM M EED D YY CCLLU U BB (Atlanta) Caroline Rhea GEEO G O RRG GIIAA TTH H EEAATT RREE (Athens, GA) Kate Pierson FFEESSTT IIVVA ALL CC EEN N TTEE RR (Duluth, GA) Vertical Horizon SSLLO OSSSS FFU URRN N AACCEE SS (Birmingham) “Sloss Music & Arts Festival” Modest Mouse, First Aid Kit OAAK O KM MO OU UN NTT AAIIN N AAM M PPH HIITT H H EEAATT RREE (Pelham, AL) Dierks Bentley TTH H EE IIN N TT EERRN NAATT IIO ON NAALL (Knoxville) Styles & Complete
FFRRIID DA AYY JJ uullyy 1177
SSU UN ND DA AYY JJ uu llyy 1199
TTH H EE CCO OM MEED D YY CCA ATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Dale Jones RRA AW W (Chattanooga) DJ Barnaby RRH HYY TT H HM M && BBRREE W WSS (Chattanooga) The Average, New Planet, Space Train, Remembering January MIILLLLEE RR PPLLA M AZZA A (Chattanooga) “Nightfall Concert Series” Selwyn Birchwood AA A ARRO ON N ’’SS A AM MPPH HII H HEEA ATT RREE (Atlanta) Fall Out Boy, Wiz Kalifa, Hoodie Allen VVA ARRII EETT YY PPLL A AYYH HO OU U SSEE (Atlanta) Kate Pierson IIM MPPRRO O VV CCO OM MEE D DYY CCLL U UBB (Atlanta) Caroline Rhea VVEERRIIZZO ON NW W IIRREELLEE SSSS A AM M PPH H IITT H HEE A ATTRREE AATT EEN N CCO O RREE PPA ARRK K (Alpharetta, GA) Tedeschi Trucks Band, Sharon Jones & The DapKings, Doyle Bramhall II RREED D CCLLA A YY M MU USSIICC FF O OU UN ND DRRYY (Duluth, GA) The Freddy Jones Band MIILLLL TTO M OW WN NM MU USSII CC H HA ALLLL (Bremen, GA) Exile, Juice Newton RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) “American Idol Live” CCII TTYY W WIIN N EERRYY N NA ASS H HVVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Stephen Stills IIRRO ON N CCII TTYY (Birmingham) Robert Earl Keen
TTH H EE CC O OM M EED D YY CCAATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Dale Jones SSK KYYZZ O OO O (Chattanooga) DJ Exphacter JJJJ..’’ SS BBO OH H EEM MII AA (Chattanooga) Mudsex, Tricounty Terror AAARRO A ON N’’ SS AAM M PPH HIIH H EEAATT RREE (Atlanta) Kid Rock, Foreigner VVA ARRIIEE TTYY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USS EE (Atlanta) Leon Russell CCIITT YY W WIIN N EERRYY N NAASSH H VVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Kate Pierson, Mike & Ruthy TTH H IIRRD DM M AAN N RREE CCO O RRD DSS (Nashville) Death From Above 1979 SSLLO OSSSS FFU URRN N AACCEE SS (Birmingham) “Sloss Music & Arts Festival” Primus, Grifters, First Aid Kit TTH H EE IIN N TT EERRN NAATT IIO ON NAALL (Knoxville) Psychonauts, Saint Thomas LeDoux
TT H HU URRSSD DA AYY JJ uu llyy 1166
MO M ON ND DA AYY JJ uullyy 2200 TTRREE M MO ON N TT TTAAVVEE RRN N (Chattanooga) Trivia Night TTH H EE O O FFFFIICC EE (Chattanooga) SpeakEasy FFO OXX && H HO OU UN ND D (Chattanooga) DJ Exphacter CCO O BBBB EEN NEE RRG GYY PPEE RRFF O ORRM M IIN NG G AARRTT SS CC EEN NTT EERR (Atlanta) Fifth Harmony, Natalie La Rose, Bea Miller, Debby Ryan & The Neverending VVA ARRIIEE TTYY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USS EE (Atlanta) Lord Huron,
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TT RREEM MO ON N TT TT AAVVEERRN N (Chattanooga) Open Mic w/ Mike McDade JJ JJ..’’SS BBO OH HEE M MIIAA (Chattanooga) Folk Killer, GT CC H HAASS TTAAIIN N PPAARRK K (Atlanta) Rob Thomas PPU U RRG G AATT O ORRYY AATT TT H HEE M MA ASSQ QU UEE RRA AD D EE (Atlanta) “PopNation Summer Tour” Round2crew, Carson Lueders, Sweet Suspense,The Fooo Conspiracy, After Romeo, Chris Miles, Frankie Zulferino, The Bomb Digz, Katelynjae RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD D IITTO O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Fifth Harmony, Natalie La Rose, Bea Miller, Debby Ryan & The Neverending M EERRCC YY LL O M OU UN NG GEE (Nashville) Veruca Salt
WEED W DN NEESSD D AAYY JJuu llyy 22 22 RRAAW W (Chattanooga) Open Jam RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD D IITTO O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Rob Thomas EE XXIITT// IIN N (Nashville) Toadies CC IITT YY W WIIN NEE RRYY N N AASSH H VVIILL LLEE (Nashville) Toad the Wet Sprocket, Derik Hultquist
UPPCC O U OM M IIN NG G EEVVEEN NTTSS JJ JJ..’’SS BBO OH HEE M MIIAA (Chattanooga) Broke Down Hound, Horti, Emily Robinson July 23 ATT LLAAN A N TTAA BBO O TT AAN NIICC AALL G GA ARRD DEEN N (Atlanta) Smash Mouth, Toad The Wet Sprocket, Tonic July 23 IIM M PPRRO OVV CC O OM M EED DYY CC LLU UBB (Atlanta) Tim Meadows July 23 M IILLLLEERR PPLL AAZZAA (Chattanooga) “Nightfall M Concert Series” Band of Heathens July 24 JJ JJ..’’SS BBO OH HEE M MIIAA (Chattanooga) Eternal Summers, Saint PE, Mad Libre July 24 CC H HAASS TTAAIIN N PPAARRK K (Atlanta) Idina Menzel July 24 WO W O LLFF CCRREE EEK K AAM M PPH HIITT H HEE A ATT RREE (Atlanta) Kem July 24 ATT LLAAN A N TTAA BBO O TT AAN NIICC AALL G GA ARRD DEEN N (Atlanta) The Beach Boys July 24 IIM M PPRRO OVV CC O OM M EED DYY CC LLU UBB (Atlanta) Tim Meadows July 24 CC EEN N TTEE RR SSTT AAG GEE (Atlanta) The Vamps July 24 EE D DD DII EE’’ SS AATT TTIICC (Atlanta) Lera Lynn July 24 CC IITT YY W WIIN NEE RRYY N N AASSH H VVIILL LLEE (Nashville) Delbert McClinton July 24 G RRAAN G ND DO OLLEE O OPPRRYY H HO OU USS EE (Nashville) Carrie Underwood July 24 RRIIVVEERRFF RRO ON N TT N N IIG GH H TT SS (Chattanooga) Shanytown, Ragdoll July 25 SSO OU UTT H HEE RRN NG G RRO OU UN ND D AAM MPPH H IITTH H EEA ATT RREE (Fayetteville, GA) Blood Sweat & Tears July 25 CC H HAASS TTAAIIN N PPAARRK K (Atlanta) Keith Sweat, After 7 Feat. Kevon Edmonds, Troop, Shai July 25 AAARRO A ON N’’ SS AAM MPPH H IIH HEE AATT RREE (Atlanta) Smashing Pumpkins, Marilyn Manson July 25 PPH H IILLIIPPSS AARREE N NAA (Atlanta) Slipknot, Lamb Of God, Bullet For My Valentine, Motionless In White July 26 IIM M PPRRO OVV CC O OM M EED DYY CC LLU UBB (Atlanta) Tim Meadows July 25 BBJJCC CC CC O ON N CCEE RRTT H H AALLLL (Birmingham) Fifth Harmony, Natalie La Rose, Bea Miller, Debby Ryan & The Neverending July 25
TT H HEE BBO OW WEE RRYY (Knoxville) Magic Mike Male Revue July 25 CC EEN NTT EE RR SSTT AAG GEE (Atlanta) Every Time I Die, Real Friends, Counterparts, Gnarwolves, Brigades July 26 AAARRO A ON N SS AAM M PPH HIITT H HEE AATT RREE (Atlanta) Slipknot, Lamb Of God, Bullet For My Valentine, Motionless In White July 26 TT EEN NN NEESS SSEEEE TTH H EEAATT RREE (Knoxville) Diana Krall July 27 JJJJ ..’’ SS BBO OH HEE M MIIAA (Chattanooga) Lazyeyes, The Teen Age July 28 IIRRO ON N CC IITT YY (Birmingham) 311 July 28 TT H HO OM MPPSSO ON N BBO O LLIIN NG G AARREEN N AA (Knoxville) James Taylor July 28 TT H HEE LLO OFF TT (Atlanta) Jake Miller July 28 TT H HEE CCO ON NCC O OU URRSSEE (Knoxville) Whitechapel July 28 CC H HAASSTT AAIIN N PPAARRK K (Atlanta) Tony Bennett & Lady Gaga July 29 VVA ARRIIEETT YY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) KMFDM, Chant July 29 AAARRO A ON N ’’SS AAM MPPH H IIH HEE AATTRREE (Atlanta) “Rockstar Energy Mayhem Festival” Slayer, King Diamond, Devil Wears Prada, Hellyeah, Whitechapel, Code Orange, Feed Her To The Sharks, Jungle Rot, Kissing Candice, Shattered Sun, Sister Sin, Sworn In, Thy Art Is Murder July 29 SSCC H HEE RRM MEERRH HO ORRN N SSYY M MPPH HO ON N YY CC EE N NTT EERR (Nashville) Shirley MacLaine July 30 ASSCC EEN A ND D AAM M PPH HIITT H HEE AATT EERR (Nashville) Eric Church, J Roddy Walston & the Business July 30 TT H HEE W WO OO OD DSS AATT FFO ON N TT AAN NEELL (Whites Creek, TN) R5, Jacob Whitesides, Ryland July 30 MAASS Q M QU UEE RRAAD DEE M MU USS IICC PPAARRK K (Atlanta) Faith No More July 30 AAARRO A ON N ’’SS AAM MPPH H IIH HEE AATTRREE (Atlanta) Toby Keith, Colt Ford July 30 IIRRO ON N CC IITT YY (Birmingham) The Molly Ringwalds July 30 JJJJ ..’’ SS BBO OH HEE M MIIAA (Chattanooga) Iscariots, Downtown beat Abbey July 31 BBRRIID DG G EESSTT O ON NEE AARREE N NAA (Nashville) Shania Twain, Gavin DeGraw July 31 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD DIITT O O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Dolly Parton July 31 EED DD DIIEE ’’SS AATTTT IICC (Atlanta) Pat McGee July 31 AAARRO A ON N ’’SS AAM MPPH H IIH HEE AATTRREE (Atlanta) Phish July 31 TT H HEE TTAABBEE RRN NAACC LLEE (Atlanta) Shinedown, Nothing More July 31 O AAK O KM MO OU UN NTT AAIIN N AAM MPPH H IITT H HEE AATTRREE (Pelham, AL) Toby Keith July 31 IIRRO ON N CC IITT YY (Birmingham) The Molly Ringwalds July 31 RRIIVVEERRFFRRO ON NTT N N IIG GH H TTSS (Chattanooga) London Souls, Jordan Hallquist & he Outfit August 1 RRIIVVEERR SSTT RREE EETT TT A AVVEE RRN N (Ellijay, GA) Ramble in the Attic August 1 PPH HII LLIIPPSS AARREEN N AA (Atlanta) Shania Twain, Gavin DeGraw August 1 EED DD DIIEE ’’SS AATTTT IICC (Atlanta) Pat McGee August 1 AAARRO A ON N ’’SS AAM MPPH H IIH HEE AATTRREE (Atlanta) Phish August 1 WO W O LLFF CC RREEEE K K AAM MPPH H IITT H HEE AATTRREE (Atlanta) Joe, Ruben Studdard, Mystikal, Donell Jones, Adina Howard, Griff August 1 VVEERRIIZZ O ON NW WIIRREELLEE SSSS AAM M PPH HIITT H H EEAATT RREE AATT EEN N CCO O RREE PPAARRK K (Alpharetta, GA) Hillsong United, Crowder, Kari Jobe, Bethel Music, Lauren Daigle, Trip Lee, DJ Promote, Shaun Groves, Nick Hall August 1 RRIIVVEERRFFRRO ON NTT PPAARRK K (Nashville) Chicago, Earth, Wind & Fire August 1
RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Dolly Parton August 1 BBJJCC CC CC O ON NCC EERRTT H HA ALL LL (Birmingham) Jill Scott August 1 TTRRA ACC K K 2299 (Chattanooga) Coal Chamber, Fear Factory, Devil You Know, Saint Ridley, Madlife August 2 AA A ARRO ON N ’’SS A AM MPPH HII TTH H EEA ATT RREE (Atlanta) Nicki Minaj, Meek Mill, Rae Sremmurd, Tinashe, Dej Loaf August 2 CCH HA ASSTT A AIIN N PPA ARRK K (Atlanta) Jill Scott August 2 TTH H EE M MA ASSQ QU UEERRA AD D EE (Atlanta) The English Beat August 2 TTU U SSCC A ALLO OO O SSA AA AM M PPH H IITT H HEE A ATTRREE (Tuscaloosa) Phish August 2 IIRRO ON N CCII TTYY (Birmingham) Andy Grammer, American Authors August 2 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Deep Purple August 2 CCH HA ASSTT A AIIN N PPA ARRK K (Atlanta) Counting Crows, Hollis Brown, Citizen Cope August 3 RRIIVVEERRFFRRO ON NTT PPA ARRK K (Nashville) Phish August 4 CCII TTYY W WIIN N EERRYY N NA ASS H HVVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Kasey Chambers August 4 ZZYY D DEECC O O (Birmingham) Whitechapel August 4 TTH H EE M MA ASSQ QU UEERRA AD D EE (Atlanta) Upon A Burning Body, Dance Gavin Dance, A Skylit Drive, Iwrestledabearonce, Within The Ruins, Oceano, Dayshell, Come The Dawn, Chasing Safety, Conquer Divide August 4 AA A ARRO ON N ’’SS A AM MPPH HII TTH H EEA ATT RREE (Atlanta) 5 Seconds of Summer August 5 VVA ARRII EETT YY PPLL A AYYH HO OU U SSEE (Atlanta) Kasey Chambers August 5 IIRRO ON N CCII TTYY (Birmingham) Col. Bruce Hampton & The Aquarium Rescue Unit August 5 ASSCC EEN A ND DA AM MPPH H IITT H HEE A ATTEE RR (Nashville) Jill Scott August 5 CCA AN NN NEE RRYY BBA ALLLL RRO OO OM M (Nashville) The Aquarium Rescue Unit August 6 VVA ARRII EETT YY PPLL A AYYH HO OU U SSEE (Atlanta) Dark Star Orchestra August 6 NA N ASSH H VVIILLLLEE M MU UN N IICC IIPPA ALL A AU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) “Ink-N-Iron Festival” Merle Haggard, Three Times Bad August 7 BBIICCEE N NTT EEN NN NIIA ALL CCA APPIITT O O LL M MA ALL LL SSTT AATT EE PPAARRK K (Nashville) Reverend Horton Heat August 7 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Alice in Chains August 7 WA W ARR M MEE M MO O RRIIA ALL A AU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) “Happy Together Tour” The Turtles feat. Flo & Eddie, The Association, Mark Lindsay, The Grass Roots, The Buckinghams, The Cowsills August 7 ASSCC EEN A ND DA AM MPPH H IITT H HEE A ATTEE RR (Nashville) Counting Crows, Citizen Cope, Hollis Brown August 7 TTEE N NN N EESSSSEE EE TT H H EEA ATT RREE (Knoxville) “Weird Al” Yankovic August 7 TTH H EE IIN NTT EERRN NA ATTIIO ON NA ALL (Knoxville) 10 Years, Nonpoint, The Family Ruin, Awaken The Empire August 7 FFO O XX TTH H EEA ATT RREE (Atlanta) My Morning Jacket, Mini Mansions August 7 BBU UCC K KH HEE A AD D TT H HEE A ATT RREE (Atlanta) Col. Bruce Hampton & The Aquarium Rescue Unit August 7 TTH H EE EE A ARRLL (Atlanta) Nashville Pussy August 7 FFRREED D RRIICC K K BBRRO OW WN N JJRR.. A AM M PPH HIITT H HEE AATT RREE (Peachtree City, GA) Colin Mochrie & Brad Sherwood August 7 RRIIVVEERRFFRRO ON NTT N NIIG GH HTT SS (Chattanooga) The Whiskey Gentry, The Mules August 8 JJJJ..’’ SS BBO OH H EEM M IIA A (Chattanooga) Dead Soldiers
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August 8 CC H HAASSTT AAIIN N PPAARRK K (Atlanta) ThePianoGuys August 8 FFO O XX TT H HEE AATTRREE (Atlanta) My Morning Jacket, Mini Mansions August 8 TT H HEE M MAASSQ QU UEE RRAAD D EE (Atlanta) “The Wrecking Ball” August 8 TT O OW WN N CC EEN NTT EE RR PPAARRK K (Suwanee, GA) Soul Asylum August 8 NAASS H N HVVIILLLLEE M MU UN NIICC IIPPAALL AAU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) “Ink-N-Iron Festival” Three Times Bad August 8 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD DIITT O O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Alice in Chains August 8 ASSCC EEN A ND D AAM M PPH HIITT H HEE AATT EERR (Nashville) Steely Dan, Elvis Costello August 8 GRRAAN G ND DO O LLEE O OPPRRYY H HO OU USSEE (Nashville) Alison Krauss, The Cox Family, Larry Sparks & The Lonesome Ramblers August 8 SSA ATT U URRN N (Birmingham) Good Old War August 8 CC H HAASSTT AAIIN N PPAARRK K (Atlanta) Steely Dan, Elvis Costello August 9 TT H HEE M MAASSQ QU UEE RRAAD D EE (Atlanta) “The Wrecking Ball” Coheed And Cambria, Desaparecidos, Thrice, Glassjaw, American Nightmare, Basement, Cave In, The Appleseed Cast, Knapsack, Modern Life Is War, Yuck, Foundation, Make Do And Mend, Girlpool, Frankie Cosmos, You Blew It!, Mutoid Man, Superheaven, Beach Slang, Microwave, Somos, Big Jesus, Free Throw, The Weaks, Slingshot Dakota, Northbound, Whirr, Better Off, Lvl Up August 9 NAASS H N HVVIILLLLEE M MU UN NIICC IIPPAALL AAU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) “Ink-N-Iron Festival” Three Times Bad August 9
ASSCC EEN A ND DA AM MPPH H IITT H HEE A ATTEE RR (Nashville) The Smashing Pumpkins, Marilyn Manson August 9 IIRRO ON N CCII TTYY (Birmingham) Christina Perri August 9 TTH H EE N N IICC K K (Birmingham) Nashville Pussy August 9 BBJJCC CC CC O ON NCC EERRTT H HA ALL LL (Birmingham) My Morning Jacket, Mini Mansions August 10 EEXXIITT //II N N (Nashville) KMFDM, Chant, Inertia August 11 TTH H EE BBO OW WEERRYY (Knoxville) Nashville Pussy August 11 BBLLU UEEBBIIRRD D CC A AFFÉÉ (Nashville) Will Kimbrough, Brigitte DeMeyer August 11 BBRRIID DG G EESSTT O ON N EE A ARREE N NA A (Nashville) The Charlie Daniels Band, Travis Tritt, Montgomery Gentry, Billy Ray Cyrus, Kentucky Headhunters, The Outlaws, Lee Roy Parnell August 12 FFO O XX TTH H EEA ATT RREE (Atlanta) Culture Club August 12 EED DD DIIEE’’ SS A ATT TT IICC (Atlanta) Howie Day August 12 AA A ARRO ON N ’’SS A AM MPPH HII H HEEA ATT RREE (Atlanta) Incubus, Deftones, Death From Above 1979, The Bots August 12 TTRRA ACC K K 2299 (Chattanooga) The Lacs August 13 HEE LLLL A H ATT TT H HEE M MA ASS Q QU UEE RRA AD DEE (Atlanta) The Dickies August 13 WO W ORRK KPPLLA A YY SS O OU UN ND DSSTT A AG G EE (Birmingham) Macy Gray August 13 TT-- BBO ON NEE ’’SS (Chattanooga) Georgia Pine August 14 CCH HA ASSTT A AIIN N PPA ARRK K (Atlanta) Gipsy Kings August 14 CCLL A ASSSSIICC CCEE N NTT EERR (Athens, GA) Robert
Randolph & The Family Band, The Georgia Flood August 14 ASSCCEE N A ND D AAM MPPH H IITTH H EEAATT EERR (Nashville) Needtobreathe, Switchfoot, Drew Holcomb & The Neighbors, Colony House August 14 CCIITT YY W WIIN N EERRYY N NAASSH H VVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Howie Day August 14 RRII VVEE RRFFRRO ON N TT N NIIG GH HTT SS (Chattanooga) Hank & the Cupcakes, Glowing Bordis August 15 AAARRO A ON N’’ SS AAM M PPH HIIH H EEAATT RREE (Atlanta) J. Cole, Big Sean, YG, Jeremih, Bas, Cozz August 15 FFRREED D RRIICCK K BBRRO OW WN N JJRR.. AAM MPPH H IITT H HEE AATTRREE (Atlanta) Peter Frampton, Cheap Trick August 15 RRYY M MAA N N AAU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Meghan Trainor, Charlie Puth, Life Of Dillon August 15 MAARRAATT H M HO ON NM MU USSIICC W WO O RRK KSS (Nashville) Between The Buried And Me, Animals As Leaders, The Contortionist August 15 ASSCCEE N A ND D AAM MPPH H IITTH H EEAATT EERR (Nashville) Idina Menzel August 15 WO W ORRK KPPLLAAYY TT H HEE AATTRREE (Birmingham) Howie Day August 15 TTH H EE IIN N TT EERRN NAATT IIO ON NAALL (Knoxville) “The Summer Slaughter Tour” Arch Enemy, Of Osiris, Veil Of Maya, The Acacia Strain, Obscura, After The Burial, Cattle Decapitation, Beyond Creation August 11 MEEM M MO ORRIIAALL AAU UD DIITT O O RRIIU UM M (Chattanooga) “A Prairie Home Companion” Garrison Keillor August 16 CCH H AASSTT AAIIN N PPAARRK K (Atlanta) Jim Gaffigan August 16 TTH H EE TT AABBEERRN N AACCLLEE (Atlanta) Meghan Trainor, Charlie Puth, Life Of Dillon August 16 VVA ARRIIEE TTYY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USS EE (Atlanta) Howard
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Jones August 16 SSYY M MPPH HO ON N YY H HAALLLL (Atlanta) Engelbert Humperdinck August 16 ASSCC EE N A ND D AAM MPPH HIITT H H EEAATT EERR (Nashville) Peter Frampton, Cheap Trick August 16 CC IITT YY W WIIN NEE RRYY N N AASSH H VVIILL LLEE (Nashville) Rickie Lee Jones August 16 TT H HEE W WO OO OD D SS AATT FFO ON NTT A AN NEE LL (Whites Creek, TN) Damien Rice August 16 TT H HEE TT AABBEERRN NAACC LLEE (Atlanta) Brandon Flowers August 17 BBA ARRK KIIN NG G LLEE G GSS TTH H EEAATT EERR (Chattanooga) Danny Kroha August 18 BBRRIID DG GEESS TTO ON NEE AARREEN N AA (Nashville) Def Leppard, Styx, Tesla August 18 ASSCC EE N A ND D AAM MPPH HIITT H H EEAATT EERR (Nashville) Sublime with Rome, Rebelution, Pepper, Mickey Avalon August 18 CC IITT YY W WIIN NEE RRYY N N AASSH H VVIILL LLEE (Nashville) Firefall August 20 DU D UM MPPYY ’’SS (Ocoee, TN) Georgia Pine, Ramble in the Attic August 21 CC H HAASS TTAAIIN N PPAARRK K (Atlanta) Lyle Lovette August 21 EE D DD DII EE’’ SS AATT TTIICC (Atlanta) Marty Stuart August 21 VVEERRIIZZ O ON NW WIIRREE LLEESSSS AAM MPPH HII TTH H EEA ATT RREE A ATT EE N NCC O ORREE PPAARRK K (Alpharetta, GA) Alabama Shakes August 21 CC IITT YY W WIIN NEE RRYY N N AASSH H VVIILL LLEE (Nashville) Kevin Nealon August 21 H AARRRRAAH H H’’ SS CC H HEE RRO OK KEE EE CC A ASSIIN NO O (Cherokee) Joan Jett & the Blackhearts August 21 PPH H IILLIIPPSS AARREE N NAA (Atlanta) Luke Bryan, Randy Houser, Dustin Lynch August 22 CC H HAASS TTAAIIN N PPAARRK K (Atlanta) Air Supply August 22
ATT LLAAN A NTT AA BBO O TTAAN N IICC AALL G GAARRD D EEN N (Atlanta) Melissa Etheridge August 22 VVEERRIIZZ O ON NW WIIRREELLEE SSSS AAM M PPH HIITT H H EEAATT RREE AATT EEN N CCO O RREE PPAARRK K (Alpharetta, GA) Yes, Toto August 22 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD DIITT O O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) John Hiatt, Taj Mahal August 23 CC IITT YY W WII N NEERRYY N N AASSH HVVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Gin Blossoms August 23 IIRRO ON N CC IITT YY (Birmingham) Hard Working Americans August 23 GRRAAN G N FFAALLLLO OO ON N (Chattanooga) Lost Element August 24 VVEERRIIZZ O ON NW WIIRREELLEE SSSS AAM M PPH HIITT H H EEAATT RREE AATT EEN N CCO O RREE PPAARRK K (Alpharetta, GA) O.A.R., Brynn Elliott, Allen Stone August 25 TT H HEE CCO ON NCC O OU URRSSEE (Knoxville) Reel Big Fish August 25 FFRRA AN NK KLLIIN N TTH H EEAATT RREE (Franklin, TN) “Gallagher’s Jokes On You Comedy Tour” Gallagher, Artie Fletcher, Bob Nelson August 25 CC H HAASSTT AAIIN N PPAARRK K (Atlanta) Sugar Ray, Better Than Ezra, Eve 6, Uncle Kracker August 26 CC IITT YY W W IIN NEERRYY N N AASSH HVVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Steep Canyon Rangers August 26 TT RRA ACCK K 22 99 (Chattanooga) Gent & Jawns, Meaux Green August 27 JJ..JJ..’’ SS BBO OH HEEM M IIAA (Chattanooga) Diarrhea Planet August 27 MIILL LLEERR PPLLAAZZ AA (Chattanooga) “Nightfall M Concert Series” Escondido August 28 CC H HAASSTT AAIIN N PPAARRK K (Atlanta) Boyz II Men, Bell, Biv DeVoe August 28 VVA ARRIIEETT YY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) “Gallagher’s Jokes On You Comedy Tour” Gallagher, Artie Fletcher, Bob Nelson August 28 ATT LLAAN A NTT AA BBO O TTAAN N IICC AALL G GAARRD D EEN N (Atlanta) The Mavericks, Los Lobos August 28 GEE O G ORRG G IIAA TT H HEE AATTRREE (Athens, GA) Corey Smith August 28 ASSCC EEN A ND D AAM M PPH HIITT H HEE AATT EERR (Nashville) Old Crow Medicine Show August 28 IIRRO ON N CC IITT YY (Birmingham) The Dirty Guvnahs August 28 RRIIVVEERRFFRRO ON NTT N N IIG GH H TTSS (Chattanooga) Samantha Fish, Austin Nickels August 29 DAALL TTO D ON ND D EEPPO O TT (Dalton, GA) Ramble in the Attic August 29 AAARRO A ON N ’’SS AAM MPPH H IITTH H EEAATT RREE (Atlanta) Nickelback, Lifehouse August 29 CC H HAASSTT AAIIN N PPAARRK K (Atlanta) Rick Springfield, Loverboy, The Romantics August 29 SSYY M MPPH HO ON N YY H H AALLLL (Atlanta) Keb’ Mo’ August 29 GEE O G ORRG G IIAA TT H HEE AATTRREE (Athens, GA) Dirty Guv’nahs August 29 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD DIITT O O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Social Distortion, Nikki Lane, Drag the River August 29 ASSCC EEN A ND D AAM M PPH HIITT H HEE AATT EERR (Nashville) Sugar Ray, Better Than Ezra, Eve 6, Uncle Kracker August 29 PPH HII LLIIPPSS AARREEN N AA (Atlanta) Motley Crue, Alice Cooper August 30 HEE AAVVEEN H N AATT TTH H EE M M AASSQ QU UEERRAAD D EE (Atlanta) Earl Sweatshirt, Remy Banks August 30 ASSCC EEN A ND D AAM M PPH HIITT H HEE AATT EERR (Nashville) ZZ Top, Blackberry Smoke September 1 O AAK O KM MO OU UN NTT AAIIN N AAM MPPH H IITT H HEE AATTRREE (Pelham, AL) Chris Brown, Kid Ink, Omarion, Fetty Wap, Teyana Taylor September 1 PPH HII LLIIPPSS AARREEN N AA (Atlanta) Madonna September 2 TT H HEE CCO OU UN N TTRRYY M MU USSIICC H H AALLLL O O FF FFAAM M EE A AN ND D MU M U SSEEU UM M (Nashville) Roseanne Cash
September 2 IIRRO ON N CCII TTYY (Birmingham) Jonny Lang September 3 TT-- BBO ON NEE ’’SS (Chattanooga) Ramble in the Attic September 4 MA M ARRA ATT H HO ON NM MU USSIICC W WO O RRK KSS (Nashville) ZZ Ward September 4 IIRRO ON N CCII TTYY (Birmingham) GWAR, Butcher Babies, Battlecross September 4 RRIIVVEERRFFRRO ON NTT N NIIG GH HTT SS (Chattanooga) Stokeswood, Remembering January September 5 BBRRIID DG G EESSTT O ON N EE A ARREE N NA A (Nashville) Kelly Clarkson, Pentatonix, Eric Hutchinson September 5 ASSCC EEN A ND DA AM MPPH H IITT H HEE A ATTEE RR (Nashville) Widespread Panic September 5 AA A ARRO ON N ’’SS A AM MPPH HII TTH H EEA ATT RREE (Atlanta) Chris Brown, Kid Ink, Omarion, Fetty Wap, Teyana Taylor September 5 WO W OLL FF CC RREEEEK KA AM MPPH H IITTH H EEA ATT RREE (Atlanta) Morris Day & the Time, Con Funk Shun, Lakeside, Zapp Band September 6 CCII TTYY W WIIN N EERRYY N NA ASS H HVVIILLLLEE (Nashville) X September 6 CCEE N NTT EERR SS TTA AG G EE (Atlanta) ZZ Ward September 7 MA M ARRA ATT H HO ON NM MU USSIICC W WO O RRK KSS (Nashville) Purity Ring September 8 TTRRA ACC K K 2299 (Chattanooga) GWAR, Butcher Babies, Battlecross September 10 AA A ARRO ON N ’’SS A AM MPPH HII TTH H EEA ATT RREE (Atlanta) Kelly Clarkson, Pentatonix, Eric Hutchinson September 10 AVVO A ON ND DA ALLEE BBRREE W WIIN NG G CC O OM M PPA AN NYY (Birmingham) Umphrey’s McGee September 10 CCO O TT TTO ON N-- EEYY EED D JJO OEE ’’SS (Knoxville) Shooter Jennings With Waymore’s Outlaws September 10 BBRRIID DG G EESSTT O ON N EE A ARREE N NA A (Nashville) Lady Antebellum, Hunter Hayes, Sam Hunt September 11 TTH H EE M MA ASSQ QU UEERRA AD D EE (Atlanta) Reverend Horton Heat, The Adicts September 11 SSYY M MPPH HO ON NYY H HA ALLLL (Atlanta) Dwight Yoakam September 11 IIRRO ON N CCII TTYY (Birmingham) Earl Sweatshirt, Remy Banks September 11 CCO O BBBB EEN N EERRG G YY PPEE RRFFO O RRM M IIN NG GA ARRTT SS CC EEN N TTEE RR (Atlanta) Josh Groban September 12 PPH HIILLII PPSS A ARREEN NA A (Atlanta) Ed Sheeran, Christina Perri September 12 AA A ARRO ON N ’’SS A AM MPPH HII TTH H EEA ATT RREE (Atlanta) “One Music Fest” The Roots, Ms. Lauryn Hill, Wale, Big K.R.I.T., A$AP Rocky, Janelle Monáe, Ghostface Killah, Raekwon, Scarface, 8Ball & MJG, Jidenna, Sza, St. Beauty, Raury, Deep Cotton, Roman GianArthur, The Internet September 12 4400 W WA ATT TT CCLLU U BB (Athens, GA) Best Coast September 12 PPU UBBLLIICC SSQ QU UA ARREE PPA ARRK K (Nashville) Ben Folds, All Them Witches, Anderson East, Elle King, Kaleo, Lennon & Maisy, The Districts September 12 BBRRIID DG G EESSTT O ON N EE A ARREE N NA A (Nashville) Ed Sheeran, Christina Perri September 13 ASSCC EEN A ND DA AM MPPH H IITT H HEE A ATTEE RR (Nashville) Daryl Hall & John Oates September 14 EEXXIITT //II N N (Nashville) Swervedriver September 14 VVA ARRII EETT YY PPLL A AYYH HO OU U SSEE (Atlanta) Snarky Puppy September 14 TTH H EE CCO ON NCC O OU U RRSS EE (Knoxville) Three Days Grace September 14
VVA ARRIIEE TTYY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USS EE (Atlanta) Blues Traveler September 15 TTH H EE TT AABBEERRN N AACCLLEE (Atlanta) Three Days Grace September 15 IIRRO ON N CCIITT YY (Nashville) Steve Earle, The Mastersons September 15 MAARRAATT H M HO ON NM MU USSIICC W WO O RRK KSS (Nashville) Earl Sweatshirt, Remy Banks September 15 IIRRO ON N CCIITT YY (Birmingham) Blues Traveler September 16 GEEO G O RRG GIIAA TTH H EEAATT RREE (Athens, GA) Diarrhea Planet September 16 4400 W WAATT TT CC LLU U BB (Athens, GA) Swervedriver, Gateway Drugs September 16 OAAK O KM M TTN N .. AAM MPPH H IITT H HEEAATT RREE (Pelham, AL) Van Halen, Kenny Wayne Shepherd September 17 RRYY M MAA N N AAU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Billy Idol September 18 EEXXIITT //IIN N (Nashville) Kap Slap September 18 CCO O BBBB EEN NEE RRG GYY PPEE RRFF O ORRM M IIN NG G AARRTT SS CC EEN NTT EERR (Atlanta) Kristin Chenoweth September 18 SSYYM M PPH HO ON NYY H HAALL LL (Atlanta) Seth MacFarlane September 18 CCA AM M PP FFEESSTT (Camp Blue Ridge, GA) Cold War Kids, Hey Rosetta!, Langhorne Slim, The Whigs, Margo & the Pricetags, Alanna Royale September 18-20 HO H OM MEERR H H AAM MIILL TTO ON N AAM M PPH HIITT H H EEAATT RREE (Knoxville) Warrant September 18 MAARRAATT H M HO ON NM MU USSIICC W WO O RRK KSS (Nashville) Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Xylouris White September 19 CCA AM M PP FFEESSTT (Camp Blue Ridge, GA) Cold War Kids, Hey Rosetta!, Langhorne Slim, The Whigs, Margo & the Pricetags, Alanna Royale September 19
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LLEE G GAACC YY AARREEN N AA AATT TTH H EE BBJJ CCCC (Birmingham) Ariana Grande, Prince Royce September 20 CC A AM MPP FF EESSTT (Camp Blue Ridge, GA) Cold War Kids, Hey Rosetta!, Langhorne Slim, The Whigs, Margo & the Pricetags, Alanna Royale September 20 BBRRIID DG GEESS TTO ON NEE AARREEN N AA (Nashville) Ariana Grande, Prince Royce September 22 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD D IITTO O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Indigo Girls September 22 ASSCC EE N A ND D AAM MPPH HIITT H H EEAATT RREE (Nashville) Daryl Hall & John Oates September 23 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD D IITTO O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Kacey Musgraves September 23 TT H HEE LLIIBBRRAARRYY TT H HEEAATT RREE (Hoover, AL) The Blind Boys of Alabama September 24 4400 W WAATTTT CC LLU UBB (Athens, GA) Helmet September 24 H IIG H GH HW WAATT TT (Nashville) Steve’n’Seagulls September 24 TT --BBO ON NEE’’ SS (Chattanooga) Georgia Pine September 25 BBRRIID DG GEESS TTO ON NEE AARREEN N AA (Nashville) Taylor Swift, Vance Joy September 25 TT U USSCC AALLO OO OSSAA AAM MPPH HII TTH H EEA ATT RREE (Tuscaloosa) The Spinners September 25 TT H HEE TT AABBEERRN NAACC LLEE (Atlanta) Nick Jonas, Bebe Rexha September 25 JJ JJ..’’SS BBO OH HEE M MIIAA (Chattanooga) WAXFANG September 26 BBRRIID DG GEESS TTO ON NEE AARREEN N AA (Nashville) Taylor Swift, Vance Joy September 26 PPA ARRK K AATT H H AARRLLIIN NSS D DAALLEE FFA ARRM M (Franklin, TN) “Pilgrimage Music & Cultural Festival” Madisen Ward And The Mama Bear, The Decemberists, Dr. John October 26
America: The Shining City on the Hill July 4th, 1776 is one of the most important days in human history. The signing of the American Declaration of Independence, one of the most precious documents since the beginning of time ushered in a new Era in the history of man. Never before had a nation been created where mankind could worship, believe, and act as he so desired as long as he didn't infringe upon the rights of others. As Americans, we sometimes forget how important this is and how much people from across the globe look up to us because of what we have done to preserve freedom over the cen-
lage I noticed an old C-47 aircraft parked on a deserted airstrip. I hardly noticed the aircraft had U.S. markings. Our destination was the tiny pub in the center of town. Daly Waters, with a population of seventeen, saw over a hundred percent increase in population when we arrived, our bus carried twentyfour weary travelers.
partying, they said they were celebrating the 4th of July. We asked why they were celebrating an American holiday. A loyal world two vet promptly replied."We just appreciate what the yanks did for us during ww2. We were attacked by the Japanese and if it wasn't for the Americans, Australia would have fallen". I never realized.
Entering the pub, it was apparent there was a party going on. This was interesting, I knew it wasn't the weekend yet, we were to be in Darwin on Saturday and since we weren't We drove into the small town of in Darwin, it couldn't be the Daly Waters in the Northern weekend. Territory about two in the afternoon. As we entered the tiny vil- Asking someone why they were
The second event came about while we were cruising on an Italian cruise ship in November of 2014. The ship had over 2,700 passengers on board and probably less than 20% were Americans. It was unusual to even hear English spoken. The night before our 2014 election the theater theme was Simply
turies.. I never thought about it much until three separate instances almost twenty years apart solidified this in my mind. The first incident came about several years ago while traveling in the outback of Australia. We had been in the bush for over three weeks. After that amount of time, with little contact to the outside world, we had forgotten what day it was. Time really didn't matter, one day just became the next.
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ly stranded at the airport I he was from as he had an decided to take a chance and accent. He replied Denmark. pick them up. Now, wait, who flies from I would just try and be incogni- Denmark to Tampa with duct to, stop at the curb, pick them tape in their pocket. Is that People began to stand and sing, up and be on my way before legal? What does the TSA say about that? placing their hands over their anyone saw me. heart. The plan was working perfectly. The tape worked and as we I looked around, everyone in the They were in the car, luggage in started to pull away my passenaudience was standing. As the the trunk and we are on the ger asked him what we owed him for helping. His response. anthem came to an end America way. Nothing, it's the least I can do was giving at least a two-minute Only problem. The trunk won't after the United States bailed us standing ovation. stay latched. My cover is blown out of two world wars. The third such instance took the curb side is jammed with place just a few months later. I people and with each closing Never saw that coming! occasionally shuttle people to more and more people are In spite of what we are often the local airports. During one noticing the commotion. told by the media and those who such ride I received a call asking if I would pick up someone at A rather tall gentleman stepped would want to destroy our counthe Tampa airport that forgot to forward and offered to duct tape try and turn it into a socialist make a reservation. The car I my trunk shut. He wants to tape nightmare, the United States is was driving didn't have any air- the trunk of a Lincoln Towncar still that new Jerusalem, that shining city on the hill that most port stickers so it would be shut with duct tape? look to for guidance and leaderrisky, the airport police frown Thinking it wouldn't work I said ship. upon this sort of activity. sure try it. As he began taping Deciding I didn't want this fami- my passenger asked him where Italian. All the beautiful Italian songs were sung. Near the end of the program the vocalist began singing our national anthem.
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We currently see what happens to the world condition when America shirks its duty and let's evil reign over the land. We have a responsibility to the rest of our world citizens, there isn't any other country that can do it. It is the price we pay for living in the greatest country ever known to mankind. We sometimes overreach, but we are the world's police force. The rewards are great, and the consequences are disastrous if we fail in our mission. I have traversed the globe in search of truth, my truth, during which time I have had an opportunity to study with Aborigine elders, native American Indians, and some of the world's finest intuitives. All of this has lead me to better understand our world and all things therein contained.
- Gary Wonning
TAX MISTAKES EVERY BUSINESS OWNER MAKES When tax time rolls around, opting to file jointly or separately is something that usually crosses the minds of most married couples. Filing separately means each spouse opts to file their separate earnings. A joint filing means preparing a single tax return with both spouse's combined income. A lot of couples decide their filing status without knowing all the facts, and rely on their own reasons. Some couples make purely emotional decisions or hasty decisions; some couples just favor to keep their finances separate. The decision usually requires calculations, and if possible the calculations should be done by an experienced CPA firm.
Basically, the answer boils down to which filing status produces a lower tax bill. The lowest tax bill is usually the most important thing to the clients; however each spouse is responsible for the tax declared on a joint return.
spouse's actions.
In most cases, filing jointly offers the most tax savings. However, there is also a potential tax savings from filing separately. Deductions are calculated on various levels of income. When one spouse has significant amounts of medical expenses, casualty losses, or miscellaneous itemized deductions; this is a time to consider crunching some numbers. These deductions are reduced by a certain percentage of adjusted gross income (AGI). Note that these deductions are only to be deducted when: Tax Credits and Benefits
Joint and several liability is a concept that means the couple is liable with respect to the tax declared on the return. This is a concern if one spouse takes positions on the return that are overly aggressive and if the return were questioned, it is more likely to be changed than "not changed" by the IRS. Some spouses opt to file a separate a) Medical expenses: return because they do not want the liability for the other Deduction is allowed when the amount of the medical expenses is greater than 10% of AGI • For taxpayers over age 65 the deduction is allowed when the amount of the medical expenses is greater than 7.5% of AGI. b) Casualty losses deductions are allowed when the amount of the loss is greater than 10% of AGI
c) Miscellaneous deductions for example investment expenses, out-of-pocket employee expenses, and tax preparation fees, are deductible when the amount of the miscellaneous deductions is greater than 2% of AGI. Example: A Married couple has combined income of 200,000. The wife makes 160,000 and the husband makes 40,000. The husband had a torn knee that resulted in 24,000 of "out-ofpocket" medical expenses that came out of the couple's joint checking account. Married Filing Jointly Adjusted Gross Income ENIGMA
$200,000 Medical expenses: $24,000 Adjustment (10%*200,000) ($20,000) Allowable deduction $4,000 Married Filing Separately Adjusted Gross Income $40,000 Medical expenses: $24,000 Adjustment (10%*40,000) ($4,000) Allowable deduction $20,000
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There are several tax credits that are material and only available to married couples that file jointly. The child and dependent care credit, adoption expense credit, American opportunity tax credit, and lifetime learning credit are only available to married couples that file jointly. IRA contributions may not be deductible if one of the spouses is covered by a retirement plan provided by their employer. The decision to file jointly or separately also influences state and local tax returns and the total tax bill needs to be considered. Saving on federal taxes might be counteracted by an increase in state taxes and vice versa. The tax laws are complex and usually it is not easy to formulate a quick answer when a couple should file separately. This is an example for purposes of illustration only and is intended as a general resource, not a recommendation.
- Peter D. Rudolph
being a huge hit in the US, it could only reach #38 in the UK. Tommy would later say, “One night I was playing for 20 drunks in a bar in Michigan, and the next night I’m playing for 10,000 screaming fans in Pittsburgh. It was literally overnight.” Bobby Fuller, who was still riding high on the success of “I Fought The Law”, was found dead in his car in Hollywood. The incident is ruled a suicide but evidence suggests foul play, as his clothes and lungs contained gasoline. Fuller was just 22 years old. 11 9955 55 “Baby Let’s Play House” becomes Elvis Presley’s first national hit when it enters the Billboard Country Best Sellers list, where it will top out at #5. The song had been written and recorded a year earlier by Arthur Gunter, but Presley’s version used some altered lyrics and a different arrangement. 1199 5599 The Coasters record “Poison Ivy” at the Atlantic studios in New York. The song would become their sixth consecutive Billboard Top Ten hit. A later biography of the song’s writers, Jerry Lieber and Mike Stoller, claims that the lyrics are actually referring to sexually-transmitted disease and not to the poisonous, itch-causing plant. 11 996600 Hank Ballard And The Midnighters become the first group to place three records on The Billboard Hot 100 at the same time - “Finger Poppin’ Time”, “Let’s Go, Let’s Go, Let’s Go” and “The Twist”. Roy Orbison saw his first record, “Only The Lonely” climb into the Top 5 in the United States after The Everly Brothers and Elvis both turned the song down. Over the next six years, The Big O would have 22 Top 40 hits. 15-year-old Brenda Lee had the number one song in the US with “I’m Sorry”, a tune that was recorded in the last ten minutes of a session and originally meant to be the “B” side of “That’s All You Gotta Do”. The record reached #12 in the UK. 11996611 Motown Records releases The Supremes’ second single, “Buttered Popcorn” with “Who’s Loving You” on the flip side. The record, featuring Florence Ballard on lead vocal, would be a total flop. 1199 6644 The Four Seasons scored their fourth US number one hit with “Rag Doll”. Co-writer Bob Gaudio said that he got the inspiration for the song from a young girl in tattered clothes that cleaned his car windows at a stop
light. The song reached #2 in the UK. The Supremes’ “Where Did Our Love Go?” enters Billboard’s Hot 100. It would stay on the chart for 14 weeks and become the group’s first number one hit. The Rolling Stones chart in the US for the first time when a cover of Buddy Holly’s “Not Fade Away” peaks at #48.
11996677 Jimi Hendrix either quit or was fired as the opening act for the Monkees’ US tour after only five days. Mickey Dolenz later recalled, “Jimi would amble out onto the stage, fire up the amps and break out into ‘Purple Haze’ and the kids in the audience would instantly drown him out with ‘We want Daaavy!’ God, was it embarrassing.” Hendix’s replacement was Vanilla Fudge.
119966 55 King Records releases “Papa’s Got a The Beatles released “All You Need Is Brand New Bag” by James Brown. It would go on to sell over 2 million copies and receive the Grammy Award for best R&B recording. The Miracles’ “Tracks of My Tears” is released. It will reach #16 in the US and #9 in the UK and sell over a million copies. 11 996666 Eric Clapton formed a new band he called Cream, along with two former members of the Graham Bond Organization, bassist Jack Bruce and drummer Ginger Baker. The trio lasted just two years, but left us with some classic Rock tunes like “Sunshine of Your Love” and “White Room”. To this day, Clapton says he does not look back on those days with great fondness, but many fans feel that he was at his best at this point. The Lovin’ Spoonful release “Summer In The City”. Although they would place seven straight songs in Billboard’s Top Ten, this would be their only number one. Tommy James And The Shondells started a two week run at #1 on the US singles chart with “Hanky Panky”, a song first recorded by The Raindrops in 1963. A Pittsburgh DJ had begun playing the two year old recording and regional record sales had reached over 80,000. James called the members of his now defunct band, but they were no longer interested. He recruited a group called The Raconteurs to be the new Shondells and took the master tape of “Hanky Panky” to Roulette Records, who released it. Despite ENIGMA
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Love” / “Baby You’re A Rich Man” (originally titled “One Of The Beautiful People”) in the US, where it would go on to become their 14th #1 single. During the ‘live’ recording of “All You Need Is Love”, John can be clearly seen chewing gum while singing the lead vocal. 119966 88 The Beatles’ film, Yellow Submarine debuted in theatres this week. The Fab Four weren’t originally too keen about the picture, but after seeing elements of the cartoon, liked it enough to make a cameo appearance at the end. The voices in the film were actually actors and not The Beatles themselves, but Ringo Starr said that years later, people were still asking him why he “pushed the button” that created all of the chaos in the animated picture. 119966 99 The Beatles worked on two new George Harrison songs, “Here Comes The Sun” and “Something” during recording sessions at Abbey Road studios in London.
11 997722 Smokey Robinson performed his final show with The Miracles before going solo. They had been together since 1959. Throughout the 1970s and ‘80s, Smokey would continue to make hit records, including “Cruisin’” (#4 in 1979), “Being With You” (#2 in 1981) and “Just To See Her” (#8 in 1987), while The Miracles would reach #1 in 1975 with “Love Machine”.
divorce from Ringo, Maureen was so upset that she rode a motorbike at full speed into a brick wall and required plastic surgery to repair injuries to her face. Maureen died at the age of 48 on December 30, 1994.
Chapin’s blue 1975 VW Rabbit burst into flames when it was hit from behind by a tractor-trailer truck. The 38-year-old Chapin is best remembered for his top 20 hit “Taxi” in 1972 and “Cat’s in the Cradle”, a numberone in 1974.
119977 66 Kenny Loggins and Jim Messina announce that they were dissolving their partnership after a six year run. The pair had cracked the Billboard Top 40 three times, including the #4 hit “Your Mama Don’t Dance” in 1972. Loggins’ solo career would bring 14 more US Top 40 hits.
Jefferson Starship is awarded a Gold record for the album “Modern Time”. Grace Slick only made a few vocal appearances on the LP because it was nearly finished when she rejoined the group.
A bomb explodes under a Rolling Stones equipment truck in Montreal and although no one is hurt, the blast blows out the cones of 30 speakers stored inside. It’s never determined 11 997777 who planted the dynamite and the Barry Manilow had the #1 LP on the show went on as planned. Billboard Hot 200 album chart with 11 997744 “Barry Manilow Live”. It has since The Moody Blues opened their own been certified quadruple Platinum. 32 track recording studio in London. It was the first in Britain to be Shaun Cassidy’s remake of The equipped for quadraphonic record- Crystals’ 1963 hit “Da Doo Ron Ron” ing, a now almost-forgotten form of topped the Billboard Hot 100. Shaun stereo which required a playback sys- would say that he first heard the song tem with four speakers. when he was in kindergarten and that it was the first record he ever The US Justice Department ordered owned. John Lennon out of the country by September 10th. The Immigration and 119977 88 Naturalization Service denied him an John Travolta and Olivia Newtonextension of his non-immigrant visa John are awarded a Platinum record because of his guilty plea in England for their number one hit, “You’re The to a 1968 marijuana possession One That I Want”. charge. The US Court of Appeal would overturn the deportation order in Gerry Rafferty, once a member of 1975 and Lennon was granted perma- Stealers Wheel, earns a Gold record nent resident status the following for “Baker Street”, which reached #2 in the US and #3 in the UK. year. 11 997755 After ten years of marriage, Ringo Starr and Maureen Cox are officially divorced. She had briefly dated Paul McCartney before taking up with Ringo and was later linked with George Harrison. In her book John, Cynthia Lennon wrote that after her
119977 99 Gary Moore left Thin Lizzy during a US tour and was replaced by former Slick guitarist, Midge Ure.
Retro Cafe
11 998811 Harry Chapin was killed in an accident on the Long Island Expressway.
The Best of New Wave, Post Modern Classics and Other Odd Stuff
11 998822 “Valley Girl” by Frank Zappa and his 14 year old daughter Moon Unit, enters the Billboard Pop chart at #75. It will peak at #32 in August. Chicago’s “Chicago 16” album enters the Hot 200. The L.P. featured the #1 hit “Hard To Say I’m Sorry” and ultimately went Platinum, reaching #9. 1199 8888 Ike Turner was sentenced in Santa Monica, California to one year in jail for possessing and transporting cocaine. Police had stopped Turner, former husband of Tina Turner, in August 1987 for driving erratically and found about six grams of rock cocaine in his car.
James Brown was honored by the state of Georgia for his comeback after a two-year prison term. The proclamation cited the Godfather of Soul for his “unique brand of Funk.”
Michael Jackson performs at a birthday party for the Sultan of Brunei and is paid between 15 and 20 million dollars.
2200 00 11 The Kiss Kasket, an actual coffin featuring the faces of the four founding members of the band, went on sale. Also included were the Kiss logo and the words “Kiss Forever.” Endorsing the item, Gene Simmons quipped, “I love livin’, but this makes the alternative look pretty damn good.” 22 0000 44 Nearly half of the 4500 people in the audience walked out of Linda Ronstadt’s show with the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra at the Aladdin Resort and Casino in Las Vegas after the singer dedicated an encore of “Desperado” to filmmaker Michael Moore and urged the crowd to see his film Fahrenheit 9/11. 22 00 0077 A Los Angeles Superior Court judge ordered Michael Jackson to pay more than $256,000 in legal fees to a firm that handled some side issues during his 2005 child molestation trial. The law firm of Ayscough & Marar sued the 48-year-old King of Pop for failing to pay legal fees for preventing the release of some information to the public and to lawyers in civil cases during his 2005 criminal trial in Santa Barbara County.
A California appeals court upholds a lower courts’ decision to dismiss a 22 0000 99 case against Ozzy Osbourne and CBS Records. In 1984 a teenager allegedly Gordon Waller of the Pop duo Peter killed himself after listening to Ozzy’s and Gordon died of cardiac arrest at the age of 64. Waller and his partner “Suicide Solution”. Peter Asher were part of the 1960s 1199 9911 British Invasion and had a string of A revamped version of Lynyrd hits including “A World Without Skynyrd opened its world tour in Love”, “I Don’t Want To See You Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Fourteen Again”, “I Go to Pieces” and “Lady years earlier, the band was on its way Godiva”. to a concert in that city when their 22 0011 44 private plane crashed, killing three members of the group including lead Johnny Winter, Blues guitarist who singer Ronnie Van Zant. The new overcame albinism and poor eye Lynyrd Skynyrd was fronted by Van sight and rose to fame as an arenaZant’s brother Johnny and featured level concert draw in the early to mid-’70s, died at the age of 70. original guitarist Gary Rossington.
119999 55 Wayne Osmond of The Osmonds underwent a successful brain tumor operation at Duke University Medical Centre, North Carolina.
Wednesdays at 5pm est. on wawl.org
Illusion”, “Mr. Roboto”, “Come Sail Away” and “Babe”.
John Panozzo of Styx died of a hemorrhage brought on by alcoholism at the age of 48. The band had a string of hits that included “Grand
JULY 16 2015
RRU UM MOOUURR HHAASS IITT… … …General Motors said Tuesday it’ll continue its sponsorship of K Kii dd RRoocckk ’’ss summer concert tour, despite a request by a Detroit activist group that the automaker cut financial ties with the musician if he displays the Confederate flag onstage. Members of the National Action Network and Detroit chapter president, the Rev. CC hhaarr llee ss Wiill llii aam W mss IIII , will meet Thursday with representatives from GM’s Chevrolet brand. The two sides have been in discussions recently Kiidd RRoocckk, who has been critiover K cized in the past for displaying the rebel battle flag during performances. “We need to let some open
and constructive dialogue occur as a first step, and we’ll go from there” GM spokesman PPaa ttrr iicc kk Moorrrr ii ssss eeyy said. It’s not clear M whether K Kiidd RRoocckk still displays the flag during his concerts, though Moorr rrii ssss eeyy noted: “The only flag on M stage during the Chevy-sponsored summer concert tour is the American flag, and to our knowlKii dd RRoocckk has not used the edge, K Confederate flag on stage for several years.” …Rapper D DM MXX has been sentenced to serve six months in an upstate New York jail for failing to pay child support. The Erie County Sheriff’s Office says the 44year-old rapper whose real name mm moonnss was placed in the is EEaa rrll SSiim Erie County Holding Center in Buffalo on Tuesday. A spokesman
for the New York City Sheriff’s DM MXX was Office tells WPIX-TV that D arrested right before his scheduled performance at Radio City Music with several post-trial issues, Hall on June 26 in New York City including a request by TT hhiicckk ee and Wiill llii aam W mss ’’ lawyers for a new trial. for several “issues outstanding.” The judge rejected that motion, …A judge on Tuesday and also refused to issue an G aayy ee’’ss trimmed more than $2 million from injunction requested by G a verdict aaggaa iinnss tt RRoobbiinn TT hhii cckk ee and family that would have temporariPPhhaa rrrr eell ll W Wiill llii aam mss over their hit ly blocked sales and performance Maa rrvvii nn G Gaa yyee’’ss of “Blurred Lines.” The jury in “Blurred Lines,” but M family will also get a significant March sided with Gaye’s family, share of future earnings from the who contended “Blurred Lines” Maa rrvvii nn G Gaa yyee’’ss 1977 hit “Got 2013 hit song. U.S. District Judge copied M JJoohhnn AA.. KKrroonnss ttaaddtt ruled that the to Give It Up.” Jurors found that copyright infringement verdict a rapper TT.. II.. , who received songwritjury reached in March should be ing credit and a share of the royalcut from nearly $7.4 million to $5.3 ties, did not commit copyright Krr oonnss ttaaddtt ruled million. The judge’s ruling, howev- infringement, but K er, gives Gaye’s family 50 percent Tuesday that other elements of the of the song’s future royalties. jury’s verdict mean he must be KKrroonnss ttaaddtt’’ss 56-page ruling dealt included in the judgment.
JULY 16 2015
…It brought on two long YouTube apologies, but A Arr iiaa nnaa GGrraannddee ’’ss doughnut licking video won’t lead to criminal charges. Police in Lake Elsinore, California said in a statement Monday that the owner of Wolfee Donuts, where the licking took place, declined to press charges against GGrraannddee. They say their investigation was primarily to help the Department of Health, which lowered the restaurant’s grade from an “A’’ to a “B’’ for leaving the tray of doughnuts exposed. In the second of her two YouTube apologies posted last week, the 22-year-old singer said she was “disgusted” with herself and wanted to “disappear” after TMZ posted the video. In another online apology earlier in the week she expressed regret at saying “I hate America” in the same video. …JJooee JJaacckk ssoonn returns to the road in September, just a few days before he releases his first album filled with original songs in seven years. Tickets go on sale later this week for gigs in Seattle, Austin, Chicago, Atlanta and other
markets. The new album is called Fast Forward but JJaa cckkss oonn’’ss camp is describing it as a “Tale Of Four Cities” because the LP consists of sessions recorded in New York, Amsterdam, Berlin and New Orleans. Jackson chose to work with different musicians in each city. The New York recording sessions included guitarist BBii llll FFrrii ssee llll , drummer BBrr ii aann BBll aaddee , longtime bassist G G rraa hhaa m mM Maa bbyy and jazz violinist RRee ggiinnaa CCaa rrttee rr, resulting in three original compositions and a rendition of TT eell eevvii ssii oonn’’ss “See No Evil.” Frequent collaborators SStteeffaann KKrr uuggeerr and SStteeffaa nn SScchhm miiddtt from ZZuuccoo 11 0033 joined JJaacckk ssoonn in the Amsterdam studio along with the Concertgebouw orchestra and the album’s only guest vocalist – 14-year-old M Mii ttcchhee ll ll SS iinnkk from Broadway’s “Matilda.”
African American, made the comments to The Santa Fe New Mexican after a status hearing D oonnii ttaa before Magistrate Judge D SSee nnaa. TThhoom mppss oonn’’ss client, CC hhrrii ssttii aann EEnnggllaa nnddee rr, who is white, is facing charges of disturbing the peace and battery after the fruit-throwing incident in March. EE nnggll aannddeerr had acknowledged throwing a peel from a banana he had eaten earlier because he took offense to jokes CChhaappppeell llee, who is African American, made about his companion, according to police. The friend reportedly was drawing in a sketchbook during the show when CChhaappppeell llee noticed and asked the man his name, which he gave as “JJoohhnnnnyy A Appppll eess ee eedd .” CC hhaa ppppeell llee then made jokes about the moniker, and police say that’s why EEnnggllaa nnddee rr got upset. At the time, CChhaappppeell llee’’ss agent declined to com…The attorney for the ment on the situation. man accused of throwing a banana D aavv ee CC hhaa ppppee llll ee peel at comedian D …JJaacckk BBllaa cckk has spoken Kaannyyee W Weess tt. The during a performance in Santa Fe out in defense of K said Monday his client isn’t a racist actor and TT eennaa ccii oouuss D D musician and that CC hhaa ppppee llll ee should have to appeared on US TV’s Conan O’Brien testify in the case or drop it. Show on Monday night, describing Attorney RRoodd TT hhoom mppssoonn, who is the Chicago rapper as both “talented” and “an asshole”. “It makes me mad that everyone is really K aannyyee W Wee sstt ,” BBll aacckk told mean to K O’’BBrr iiee nn. “I’m sick of it. It’s host O become the popular thing to pile on Kanye. ‘Everyone can agree that KKaannyyee is an asshole, ha ha ha’. I don’t agree. Well, I do aaggrree ee that he is an asshole but I don’t agree that he’s not talented.” …Track 29, Chattanooga’s premier live music venue if moving towards the front of the complex where they are situated. Located in the rear of the Chattanooga Choo Choo complex in the old ice skating rink they will move next year to where the Centennial Theatre is located just inside the complex. The old skating rink will be taken down and a high rise apartment complex will be built. If you know any truths, half-truths or outright lies about the music and club scene send it to Sissy Vance c/o rumoursmill@enigmaonline.com.
- Sissy Vance
JULY 16 2015
1. My Morning Jacket 2. Dawes 3. Jason Isbell 4. Beck 5. Albert Hammond Jr 6. Modest Mouse 7. Grace Potter 8. Good Old War 9. They Might Be Giants 10. Nick Lutsko 11. Michael Franti & Spearhead 12. Langhorne Slim And The Law 13. Ben Folds 14. Courtney Barnett 15. Alabama Shakes 16. X Ambassadors 17. Florence and The Machine 18. Matt & Kim 19. Brandi Carlile 20. Mumford & Sons
ADVENTURE PICKS 1. Frank Turner 2. The California Honeydrops 3. The Arcs
JULY 9 2015
Daryl Hall and John Oates are Definitely Not “Out of Touch” With Their Fanbase Has it really been 40 years? According to the wayback time machine it’s about right. Hall and Oates have been a part of my play list for longer than most of you have been alive. And despite that great length of time the music still to this day does not sound dated at all.
as much of a musician before. I was used to his voice and his moves on It is simple judging by the stage back when I saw him sellout crowd at Atlanta’s On this extremely humid and John Oates perform with Chastain Park Amphitheatre evening in the old south it The Temptations back in the on a night of high humidity was like summer camp and melodic tones. Daryl around an imaginary camp- day – over 20 years ago. Hall and John Oates brought fire as everyone took part in Wow, has it been that long? their white soul and rock to and those in attendance all John Oates with his lead guitown and pretty much did a probably have a memory tar work and who penned a paint by the numbers great- associated with the each est hit set with only a few song they sang along to be it lot of those songs that Granted, they didn’t follow rare tracks played. And joy, heartbreak or whatever. remain stuck in our heads any real trends although 30-plus years later has what we’ve become accusthey teased old school R&B tomed to lately with old Daryl Hall, with his flowing matured well finally abanand as a kid I thought they doning the famed mullet and favorites playing to their gold locks put on a fine (he) were Holland Oates (my crowd it was more of a sing- show with guitar in hand. I the porn star mustache. mistake). So how did this all along than a concert we Oates seems to be the less never really thought of his work out?
were taking part in. And it is fun.
JULY 9 2015
Say It Isn’t So It’s Uncanny Back Together Again Las Vegas Turnaround She’s Gone Sara Smile Do What You Want, Be What You Are I Can’t Go For That (No Can Do)
appreciated of the duo and he seems fine with it although over the past 15 years he’s done a couple solo albums and has co-written a number of songs for other artists. But it’s all about teamwork and the two work together and still compliment each other well to this day. The duo, backed by a full band played to a full house a set involving 14 songs total and two encores, not missing a hit. Despite the fact they played almost a year ago in the same place and haven’t put out a new album in almost ten years didn’t Da ryl Hall and J oh n Oat es seem to faze anyone or their D enthusiasm or euphoria for Se tt List Maneater being there.
Encore: E Rich Girl You Make My Dreams Encore 2 : E Kiss on My List Private Eyes
- Chris Eason Out of Touch
JULY 16 2015
JULY 16 2015
JULY 16 2015
JULY 16 2015
JULY 16 2015
Having thought that monogamy was never possible, a commitment-phobic career woman may have to face her fears when she meets a good guy.
After a girl moves to a new home, her emotions are plunged into chaos as they compete for control of her mind. Amy R A Despite just two albums to her name Amy Winehouse is one of the biggest music icons in British
Paul Rudd in Walt Disney Pictures’ “Ant-Man”.
Mr. Holmes PG Ian McKellen reunites with his “Gods and Monsters” director, Bill Condon, for this drama about the final years in the life of the legendary detective Sherlock Holmes, still trying to crack the one case that slipped away from him.
Ant-Man PG-13 Armed with a super-suit with the astonishing ability to shrink in scale but increase in strength, con-man Scott Lang must embrace his inner hero and help his mentor, Dr. Hank Pym, plan and pull off a heist that will save the world. Trainwreck R
(423) 756-3222 ENIGMA
JULY 16 2015
history. With a voice oft described as a combination of Billy Holiday, Dinah Washington and Sarah Vaughan, Amy Winehouse was a pop star with soul; a once in two generational musical talent whose more »appeal crossed cultural and demographic boundaries. But while her music made her a star, her chaotic personal life stole headlines. Jurassic World PG-13 Twenty-two years after the events of Jurassic Park (1993), Isla Nublar now features a fully functioning dinosaur theme park, Jurassic World, as originally envisioned by John Hammond. After 10 years of operation and visitor rates declining, in order to fulfill a corporate mandate, a new attraction is created to re-spark visitor’s interest, which backfires horribly. Mad Max: Fury Road R In a post-apocalyptic world, in which people fight to the death, Max teams up with a mysterious woman, Furiousa, to try and survive.
of the stripper life at the top of his game, he and the remaining Kings of Tampa hit the road to Myrtle Beach to put on one last blow-out performance. Max PG A dog that helped US Marines in Afghanistan returns to the U.S. and is adopted by his handler’s family after suffering a traumatic experience. Minions PG Minions Stuart, Kevin and Bob are recruited by Scarlet Overkill, a super-villain who, alongside her inventor husband Herb, hatches a plot to take over the world. Self/less PG-13 An extremely wealthy man, dying from cancer, undergoes a radical medical procedure that transfers his consciousness into the body of a healthy young man. But all is not as it seems when he starts to uncover the mystery of the body’s origin and the organization that will kill to protect its cause.
trate the world of a deadly arms Ethan and team take on their most dealer, and prevent diabolical impossible mission yet, eradicating the Syndicate - an global disaster. International rogue organization as highly skilled as they are, comTed 2 R Newlywed couple Ted and Tami- mitted to destroying the IMF. Lynn want to have a baby, but in order to qualify to be a parent, Pixels PG-13 Ted will have to prove he’s a per- When aliens misinterpret video feeds of classic arcade games as a son in a court of law. declaration of war, they attack the Earth in the form of the video Terminator Genysis PG-13 After finding himself in a new games. time-line, Kyle Reese teams up with John Connor’s mother Sarah Southpaw R and an aging terminator to try and A boxer fights his way to the top, stop the one thing that the future only to find his life falling apart around him. fears, “Judgement Day”. The Gallows R Twenty years after an accident caused the death of the lead actor during a high school play, students at the same small town school resurrect the failed stage production in a misguided attempt to honor the anniversary of the tragedy-but ultimately find out that some things are better left alone.
Unexpected R An inner-city high school teacher discovers she is pregnant at the same time as one of her most promising students and the two develop an unlikely friendship while struggling to navigate their unexpected pregnancies.
Vacation R Rusty Griswold takes his own family on a road trip to “Walley COMIN G SOON Spy R World” in order to spice things up A desk-bound CIA analyst volun- Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation with his wife and reconnect with Magic Mike XXL R his sons. Three years after Mike bowed out teers to go undercover to infil- PG-13
JULY 16 2015
Supporting Characters From Past Teen Sitcoms Where Are They Now? Former teen star Hilary Duff resurfaced for the first time in years upon the release of a new album in June. Titled Breathe In Breathe Out, the record was the first Lizzie McGuire star's first album in eight years.
Actors from other popular teen shows from the last decade have been less publicized in whatever new endeavors they have undertaken. Here are five of those supporting characters from Nickelodeon and Disney sitcoms who have moved on to In that interval of a near other projects. decade, Duff was focussing on motherhood and mar- Adam Lamberg from "Lizzie riage. She also probably wit- McGuire" nessed, like the rest of us, other teen stars make the The actor who portrayed the transition into adulthood. character of Gordo, the charMiley Cyrus, former star of acter who loved Lizzie from the "Hannah Montana" afar, no longer is involved in series, has been constantly in acting. As soon as the series the spotlight via twerking on ended, Lamberg enrolled at national TV and establishing the University of California, some worthy musical collab- Berkeley to major in geograorations. Both Demi Lovato phy. He is currently of "Sonny with a Chance" employed by the Irish Arts fame and Selena Gomez of Center in New York City. "The Wizards of Waverly Place" have also been Jake T. Austin from "The engaged in music making Wizards of Waverly Place" since their respective shows stopped airing. Austin is immediately recognizable as the youngest of the After gaining fame as the lit- family's three wizards, Max tle sister Meghan in the Russo. Now he is co-starring "Drake and Josh" series, in the show "The Fosters" as Miranda Cosgrove landed the the character of Jesus Foster. starring role in another sit- Dylan Sprouse from "The com. Her new show, also Suite Life of Zack and Cody". directed by Dan Schneider, Co-starring with his twin was of course " iCarly." brother Cole as teenagers livENIGMA
ing in a hotel at which their mom was employed as a singer, Dylan played the part of Zack Martin on the popular series. In 2013, several years after he show's demise, Dylan Sprouse found employment as a well-known host of a New York City restaurant while also finding time to broadcast some Super Smash Bros. tournaments.
She is half of the title duo in a show called show "Kramer and Tiffany" and has a popular blog on DisneyBaby.com. Annaleise van der Pol from "That's So Raven"
The best friend of the title character from the popular sitcom, a gifted singer named Chelsea Daniels, pretty much concentrates now on playing Tiffany Thornton from in musicals. A few years ago "Sonny with a Chance" she starred in a stage version of Jane Austen's Emma as Since portraying Sonny's well as Oscar Wilde's The somewhat self-centered best Importance of Being Earnest. friend Tawnie Hart, Thornton has become a radio personal- - Doug Poe ity in Hot Springs, Arkansas.
JULY 16 2015
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