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From the Publisher’s Notebook Why do certain groups insist on keeping racism alive? I’m not talking about white supremacists or the KKK, two groups that are racist to the bone. I’m talking about the NAACP and Black Lives Matter. These four groups just mentioned do more harm to race relations and keep the hate stirred up. If all four would go away, it would help this country heal itself.

in). If print is dead, why do Walmart, Ford, Chevrolet, etc. still run print ads? You are allowed to express your opinion no matter if it is unpopular. Speak out. Exercise your rights.

How many more craft beer and burger joints can this city support? I see a lot of closings in the future. No one seems to be rushing to rent the empty places on north shore or North Market near the bridges… what’s up with that?

We need to bring Kirkman High School back. Remember Kirkman? It was a vocational school that also taught the students a trade (mechanic, hair care, carpenter, etc.) along with reading, writing, & arithmetic. Let’s give some students a chance to prepare for the work Everyone seems to be excited force. Everyone isn’t going to about SEC football season start- college. ing. When was the last time you Well, it seems the new city park used algebra? at MLK and Market is going to be one of those drawn out proj- Bye for now. ects. I miss the beautiful trees they destroyed. So many mil- Paul E. Burke Sr.| lions spent—what a waste.

Why don’t people shut the hell up and let President Trump do his job. Get over it, shut the hell up, and let the man do his job. He is President whether you like it or not. I see the city has taken no steps to require street numbers be affixed to all buildings and homes. Have you ever tried to find a place by using the street number? Good luck. Also, why aren’t all business signs required to be at least 50 percent English? This is not a racist request; it is a request to make the city come together more. How many times have you driven by a road project full of equipment and no one is there? Social media my butt— I get sick of hearing people say “we get our message out on social media.” Most websites are very confusing (try to look up a movie time & theater it’s playing ENIGMA



Dear NW Why are you letting a drunk who made an ass of herself at your wedding bother you? You can mark her email to spam or get the IT guys to block her emails completely. Remember, she made the ass of herself, you didn’t.

Dear Rocco, If America is such a great country why does it have so many problems with addictions and vices? VP Dear VP The problem with America is the American train of thought. We have to have the biggest and best of everything. Unfortunately, you have to take the good with the bad. The best drugs = worst addicts. Dear Rocco, Why is it okay for some people to say racist remarks and not okay for others? It seems like we’re living in a world of contradictions with no uniform code of conduct. What do you think? DS Dear DS I don’t think it’s okay for anyone to say racist remarks. I think some people make a big deal depending on who makes the comments. The best thing to do is ignore the ignorant racist remarks made by those who seek to start shit.

My husband and I married a month ago. At the reception my mother-in-law became drunk and said many crude and uncalled for remarks. She and my husband got into a screaming match. She included me in their fight and criticized my family. I was very hurt. I am upset and my husband and I agreed not to contact her but my husband has been emailing her behind my back. She has started emailing me too and acts as if nothing happened. I asked her to stop emailing me especially since this was at my job and quite frankly I didn’t want to be bothered by her. Then she proceeded to ask what my problem was NOW. I told her in no uncertain terms to stop emailing me, but she continues. Receiving her emails disturbs me. I really want an apology for all the trouble that she has caused me. It hasn’t interfered with my marriage but it is a difficult situation for my husband. How do I make the point that I really don’t want to have anything to do with her right now. How do I deal with this situation? NW

Dear SB That’s messed up. You married your ex-brother inlaw? Did you take your cousin to the prom? I don’t think your family will come around to you and your new hubby anytime soon. You may have a reality TV show Dear Rocco, I am involved with my sister’s offer if news of this strange ex-husband. We are in love marriage gets out though. and have bought a house together. How can our rela- Rocco is a common sense, telltionship be accepted by our it-like-it-is, no-nonsense kind families? I am worried about of guy offering real advice on hurting my sister’s feelings. any subject put before him. We found out that it is legal to Why pay thousands of dollars marry each other here. He has on a high-priced therapist asked and I want to. I guess when he’ll straighten you out what I’ve been looking for is for free. If you’d like advice someone’s blessing. My sister from Rocco e-mail him at or left the marriage and I cannot goaskrocco@yahoo.com help that things worked out drop him a line at Ask Rocco this way. Is there any way I c/o Enigma P.O. Box 825 can overcome our family Chattanooga, TN 37401.

Dear Rocco, ENIGMA

issues? SB



ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20) Opportunities for romance will develop through activities with large groups. You can meet new and exciting friends who will provide mental stimulation. You have a lot to offer. You should get into programs that will enhance your appearance and help you to be the best that you can. Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Monday. TAURUS (Apr. 21- May 21) Your temper may get the better of you if a colleague has tried to ruin your reputation. Socially, you need a fast paced form of entertainment. Enjoy some socializing this month. You will not impress others by being foolishly generous.

Your luckiest events this month will ing to take the credit for your work. occur on a Tuesday. Don’t get intimately involved with a coworker. Take advantage of the GEMINI opportunities that present them(May 22-June 21) selves. You may have a rather hectic Come to your own conclusions rather day due to events that children are than taking the word of someone involved in. else. You will back yourself into a corner if you are baited and your Your luckiest events this month will stubbornness will only make matters occur on a Tuesday. worse. Make changes to your living quarters that will please the whole LEO family. Don’t let someone talk you (July 23-Aug 22) into parting with your cash unless You are in a high energy, get it all you can truly see the benefits of done, mood and you’ll have little doing so. patience with those who are slacking off. Focus, and concentrate on yourYour luckiest events this month will self and your future. Your words will occur on a Thursday. be taken out of context if you’re evasive with coworkers or employers. CANCER Make plans that will take you to exot(June 22-July 22) ic destinations. There might be one who is quite willYour luckiest events this month will occur on a Friday.

viate the problem, but consider putting some extra work into your house. this month will be rather hectic on the domestic scene. Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Friday. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21) Travel will be on your mind, but you should be sure that you’ve got all your work up-to-date. Emotional partnerships may develop through projects you initiate. Sudden changes regarding work and colleagues are apparent. Look into ways that you can make extra cash. Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Saturday.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22.- Jan. 20) Take care of your personal needs. Health problems may prevail if you don’t take care of them immediately. VIRGO Make the necessary changes that will (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23) Pleasure trips will be a form of heal- enable you to advance financially. ing for your emotional state of mind. You can get ahead if you present your Be cautious when dealing with ideas to superiors. coworkers. You are best not to nag or criticize. Visit friends who have not Your luckiest events this month will been well. occur on a Saturday. Your luckiest events this month will AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19) occur on a Wednesday. They won’t pay you back and you’ll be upset. Your fight for those less forLIBRA tunate is not likely to end in sweet (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23) You can benefit financially if you put victory. Try to keep ahead of the money or maintenance into your liv- game. Don’t jump as quickly as you ing quarters. Try to make your lover usually do. understand that you need to do things with your friends. Don’t avoid Your luckiest events this month will situations that may deteriorate; try to occur on a Saturday. mend them. Do not sign contracts or get involved in any uncertain finan- PISCES (Feb. 20-Mar. 20) cial deals. Talk to your emotional partner about Your luckiest events this month will your intentions. Things will be hectic and family members will be erratic. occur on a Wednesday. You can have a working relationship with children if you exercise patience SCORPIO and understanding of the dilemmas (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) Your boss may be on the rampage they face. Put your time and energy and you certainly don’t want to be into home improvement. the one to take the brunt of a bad situation. Put some energy into getting Your luckiest events this month will back into shape. Listen to reason. occur on a Tuesday. There is not much you can do to alle-




So Long Old Pal “What going on, you ole asshole?” Whenever I heard those words spoken I knew I was home – and loved. That was how I was greeted every time I ran into Denny Hennen even more than a decade after the locally historic Yesterday’s closed down. Denny passed away recently from cancer and boy I already miss him. I believe every baby boomer that lived, worked and went to college in Chattanooga, TN has a Denny Hennen story or know whom he was. You couldn’t help but know who he was and more than likely if you didn’t know him at one point a friend would take you to his kingdom


45 Johnson Ferry Rd. NW Atlanta, GA 30328 P.O. Box 825 Chattanooga, TN 37401

info@enigmaonline.com (423) 933-5170

Paul E. Burke Sr. Publisher D.A. Weinthal. Editor-In-Chief Chris Eason Photo Editor

Contributing Editors: Mark Haskins, Jim Sells, Mark Bedford. Chris McKay, David N. Marks, William Alexander, Dave Fernandez Founder: D.A. Weinthal Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter @EnigmaMag www.enigmaonline.com ENIGMA



named Yesterday’s where he reigned supreme. My introduction to Yesterday’s was when I was literally a kid. My sister who was attending UTC was stuck with looking after her little brother. She took me to lunch at Yesterday’s when it first opened. I was fascinated by the décor as I have always been a nostalgia buff and the original theme was more retro ‘30s décor. My sister also took me to the original Brass Register that opened around the same time and had a similar theme but seemed more intimate. Not long after, Yesterday’s became the place

to see live music on a regular basis in town. It really hit its stride not long after the release of “Animal House” as it became the home away from home for many a college student. Fortunately for Denny almost no antics from the movie were reenacted at the bar except for the occasional frat boy yelling, “Wait ‘til Otis sees us! He loves us!” In return Denny loved us and we loved Denny. Denny was an authority figure that didn’t need to inform you he was one. He ran the place like precision clockwork. His patrons, and casual attendee alike quickly appreciated his being a hands on owner – actually partner with his two brothers Tim and Johnny Denny. Yesterday’s may have been the first place in Chattanooga to build a real sense of community between Denny, his staff and those who regularly attended. Even after the glory days Denny was happy to see any number of us - be it out of routine or because he was actually happy to see us. And likewise we were happy to see him even though after landmark club closed it seemed a little unsettling not seeing him behind the bar, at the door or sitting on the garbage can outside on Patten Parkway. From about 1979 to 1992 Yesterday’s was the best place to see live music in Chattanooga. Denny booked in what I refer to circuit bands that are cover bands that played similar clubs and colleges across the country. In the foyer when you first walked into the place he

would post the play list or artists that the band covered. Often we made our mind up week to week depending on what songs we wanted to hear. Of course we were always there but we would decide what time to arrive depending on their set list. Personal favorites over the years included The Cartoons, Tomboy then The Bucks, Sheba’s Breakdown and more. Even though they were cover bands they were rock stars to us because the quality of live music wasn’t very good at times as far as variety and notoriety. It wasn’t until 1990 that more and more original “known” bands started to play Chattanooga first at Michelangelo’s then Warehouse Billiards and then the Sand Bar. Not to take anything away from the Brass Register but they catered to a more mature crowd. People that want to complain about the number of live music venues in Chattanooga now should look up 1988 and you will appreciate what you have now even though it could still improve.

All good things can’t last forever despite what we might think. The fact Yesterday’s lasted a quarter of a century as a shining example of Chattanooga nightlife and dining is something that will never be topped especially when you consider most places like that fold within the first six months. Denny had a lot of influence on all of us. He gave many a person their first job. A lot of people that worked for him even followed him into business for themselves. Not only that he taught loyalty, how to relate to others no matter how different they were and even if you didn’t agree it was noting a pat on the back a smile and actual sincerity could fix.

The one constant was Denny Hennen. From his first day running the place until his last in February 1998 Denny was king and his followers loved him and came out in droves the last night. And even in his passing we still love and respect him as anyone who ever entered those doors has their own personal Denny and Yesterday’s stories – many which will live in infamy. But all in love for not only Yesterday’s but also Denny himself. ENIGMA



Thanks to Denny and Yesterday’s many of us made friendships that have lasted our lifetime including one with him. I’m not sure if he knew or even thought about the impact his presence had on so many people that came out to listen to music and drink a Budweiser, but the fact whenever I saw him in public he’s smile, slap me on the back and call me an “ole asshole” I know I felt special. I could bore you on and on with a number of stories from Yesterday’s but I won’t. If you went there you have your stories and no one can take that away from us – even if Denny was prematurely taken away from us. Rest in peace Denny, you ole asshole.

- Dave Weinthal

A restaurant in Washington has come under fire after a gay couple claimed that a waiter refused to serve them an ice cream with two spoons for them to share. 55-yearold Ron Gage and 58-year-old Henry McKinnon said they went to the Prime Rib restaurant to enjoy a romantic night out. They said that everything went fine until they asked for a single serving of ice cream with two spoons. The waiter’s mood soured, and he refused to serve them the ice cream in a

single serving, saying that it would not sit will with ambiance of the restaurant. Gage and McKinnon were speechless, and did not say anything to the waiter or the manager. The following day, the couple made their story public on social media sites after which James MacLeod, the manager of the Prime Rib restaurant, fired the waiter. Police in Louisiana released security camera footage of a shoplifter taking 18 bottles of wine and liquor from a store by shoving them in her clothes and purse. The


security camera footage from the Thrifty Liquor Store in Shreveport shows a woman concealing 18 bottles of wine and liquor in her purse, pants and bra before paying for a single bottle of alcohol and leaving the store. The video, posted to YouTube by the ShreveportCaddo Crime Stoppers, led to the Shreveport City Marshal’s Office and Louisiana State Probation and Parole Office identifying the woman in the footage as Sekonie Jones, 37. Jones was contacted by investigators and surrendered. She was arrested on a count of misdemeanor theft.



Police in Florida, have released a video, showing a wanted thief engaging in sex acts with a woman during a burglary. The incident unfolded at around 9:15 p.m., in the parking lot of Twin Lakes Pool and BBQ in Cooper City. The suspect was seen on surveillance video backing a truck into the parking lot. According to detectives, before he stole the trailer, the suspect “dived into some adult behavior with a companion.” In the video, the man was seen stand-

ing at the door of the vehicle while the woman was performing sex acts on him. Once that deed was done, the man was seen pulling his pants up and walking towards the trailer. He removed the trailer from the fence on which it was chained, and hooked it up to his pickup. The man then drove away with the $1,200 trailer. Police said that the male thief wore a baseball cap, long sleeve shirt and a s—teating grin. He was driving a silver two-door pickup with a retractable bed cover. Authorities in Florida said they arrested a suspected car thief who pulled into a store while being pursued so he could buy a welding mask and look at the eclipse. The Orange County Sheriff’s Office said members of the Auto Theft Unit were pursuing a car driven by Jocsan Feliciano Rosado, 22, when the vehicle pulled into a parking lot in Kissimmee. Deputies said Rosado went into the store and bought a welding helmet with blue flame decals on it. He was arrested while standing next to the stolen car and looking at the solar eclipse. “He never saw it coming,” the sheriff’s office said. “That only happens every 99 years.” Police in Arkansas shared security camera footage of a thief using a forklift to steal an entire ATM from the drive-through lanes at a bank. The Conway Police Department posted a video showing a person in a forklift using the construction vehicle to uproot the ATM from its foundation and lift it into the air before it was loaded onto a truck and hauled away. Police said a worker at the First Service Bank discovered the ATM was missing and the drive-through area was damaged when she arrived for work. A review of the security camera footage revealed the 3 a.m. theft. Police said they suspect the thieves work in the construction industry. A naked woman approached a fisherman and took away his equipment while cruising, according to police in Florida. The St. Johns

County Sheriff’s Office said that they have arrested 22-year-old Alexandria Turner, after being accused of biting the man’s fishing line and swimming away with his fishing equipment. According to the police investigation, The man was fishing when Turner, who was naked, showed up. She bit into his fishing line and began swimming away with his rod. Turner also cursed the man, who was identified as Robert Gonzales. Police were called to the scene, but Turner refused to come to shore. When police tried to put handcuffs on her, she yelled “I am f**king naked” several times. Turner spent two days in jail, and was sentenced to time served.

servation of the Cape Adare artefacts, finding such a perfectly preserved fruitcake in amongst the last handful of unidentified and severely corroded tins was quite a surprise,” Lizzie Meek of the trust said. The trust said the fruitcake, made by Britain’s Huntley and Palmers, was a favorite treat of

A drunk driver lost control of his vehicle and slammed into a road sign that urges people to report drunk drivers, according to police in California. The California Highway Patrol (CHP) said that they have arrested 57-year-old Stephen DeWitt, after being accused of driving drunk on a highway until his Jeep rolled over. “Here is an update on the SR-1 crash at Buena Vista. The driver of the Jeep was arrested for DUI following a CHP investigation. He left this behind. Don’t drink and drive, it’s just not worth it!” Police wrote on Facebook. DeWitt was drunk when he hit the sign, stating: “report drunk drivers call 911.” The vehicle then rolled over and it landed upside down. Police said that DeWitt survived the crash because he was wearing his seat belt.

A fruitcake more than 100 years old was recently discovered in near-edible condition by conservators in Antartica. The New Zealand-based Antarctic Heritage Trust uncovered a rusted iron alloy tin in Cape Adare containing the fruitcake which could be at least 106 years old. Conservators said the tin was in poor condition, but the paper wrapping was largely intact and the fruitcake nearly looked and smelled edible. “With just two weeks to go on the conENIGMA



Robert Falcon Scott and could date back to the Northern Party of his Terra Nova expedition from 1910 to 1913. “It’s an ideal high-energy food for Antarctic conditions, and is still a favorite item on modern trips to the Ice,” Meek said. She plans to send the fruitcake to her in-laws this Christmas.

Chattanooga’s Most Fun Night Out



“Go See Live Music”


















This month’s calendar covers events September and beyond. We would be happy to publish your free listing in future Billboards, space permitting. Simply mail us the information so that we have it 7 days before the publication date. A photograph may be sent with the announcement. Send information to: calendar@enigmaonline.com. All dates subject to change without notice.

FRIDAY September 1 SKYZOO (Chattanooga) DJ Av THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Vic DiBitetto J.J.’S BOHEMIA (Chattanooga) Shabti CLYDE’S (Chattanooga) Frazier Band, Winston Rumble REVELRY ROOM (Chattanooga) Fly By Radio TERMINAL WEST (Atlanta) Nathan Angelo CITY WINERY NASHVILLE (Nashville) Shelby Lynne, Allison Moorer PUBLIC SQUARE PARK (Nashville) Sheryl Crow, Drew Holcomb & the Neighbors, Big Head Todd & the Monsters, Shel, Goodbye June, Ron Gallo, The Whistles & the Bells ROCKETOWN (Nashville) Metro Station, Assuming We Survive, Avion Roe, Lancifer, Allistar OPERA (Atlanta) Alan Walker THE MUSIC ROOM (Atlanta) Mark Farina AISLE 5 (Atlanta) Richard Devine, The Flashbulb, Mesa

SATURDAY September 2 SKYZOO (Chattanooga) DJ Av THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Vic DiBitetto J.J.’S BOHEMIA (Chattanooga) Rock Europa, Focus Fox CLYDE’S (Chattanooga) Annabelle’s Curse MUSIC BOX ZIGGY’S (Chattanooga) Minor Nine, Clockwork Asylum, 113, Rushing Wind NORTHWEST GEORGIA AMPHITHEATRE (Ringgold, GA) “US 101 Country Fest” Kane Brown CITY WINERY ATLANTA (Atlanta) Shelby Lynne, Allison Moorer AISLE 5 (Atlanta) Roky Erickson, Death Valley Girls CHASTAIN PARK (Atlanta) Il Divo INFINITE ENERGY CENTER (Duluth, GA) Marco Antonio Solis THE BOWL AT SUGAR HILL (Sugar Hill, GA) Ben Folds PUBLIC SQUARE PARK (Nashville) The Lone Bellow, LP, Paper Route, Future Islands, The Delta Saints, The Record Company, Elliot Root, Guthrie Brown


SUNDAY September 3 SKYZOO (Chattanooga) DJ Av MUSIC BOX ZIGGY’S (Chattanooga) Brandon Harmon, Creatio, The Chemical Lizards, Zestrah, Sparrus CHURCH STREET BLOCK PARTY (Nashville) Porches, Mary Lambert, Brooke Candy, Alex Newell, Mykki Blanco, Morgxn, Bob the Drag Queen, Daniella Mason, Suspended Gravity, Magnificent Light Entertainment, DJ Jane Dupree, Dylan Radford THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Dita Von Teese WOLF CREEK AMPHITHEATRE (Atlanta) Anthony Hamilton, Tank EDDIE’S ATTIC (Atlanta) Mike Farris

MONDAY September 4 TREMONT TAVERN (Chattanooga) Trivia Night CHASTAIN PARK (Atlanta) Goo Goo Dolls, Phillip Phillips PURGATORY AT THE MASQUERADE (Atlanta) The Ongoing Concept, Eidola, Save Us From the Archon

TUESDAY September 5 TREMONT TAVERN (Chattanooga) Open Mic w/ Mike McDade J.J.’S BOHEMIA (Chattanooga) Frankie Banjo HELL AT THE MASQUERADE (Atlanta) Metro Station, Assuming We Survive, Avion Roe, Sarah and the Safe Word, Lancifer CENTER STAGE (Atlanta) Apocalyptica THE BASEMENT (Nashville) The Woggles FRANKLIN THEATRE (Franklin, TN) Clint Black, John Rich

WEDNESDAY September 6 J.J.’S BOHEMIA (Chattanooga) Open Mic Comedy CENTER STAGE (Atlanta) “Prog Power USA” Haken, Orphaned Land, Serenity, Power Quest HELL AT THE MASQUERADE (Atlanta) Metro Station, Assuming We Survive, Avion Roe, Sarah and the Safe Word, Lancifer VARIETY PLAYHOUSE (Atlanta) Thee Oh Sees, All the Saints THE MILL & MINE (Knoxville) Future Islands

THURSDAY September 7 SKYZOO (Chattanooga) DJ Av




THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) J.B Ball BESSIE SMITH CULTURAL CENTER (Chattanooga) Terrance Simien & the Zydeco Experience J.J.’S BOHEMIA (Chattanooga) Whores, Red Necklace REVELRY ROOM (Chattanooga) Zoogma TERMINAL WEST (Atlanta) Afghan Whigs CENTER STAGE (Atlanta) “Prog Power USA” Metal Church, Between The Buried And Me, Vanden Plas, Twilight Force, Next To None THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Future Islands HELL AT THE MASQUERADE (Atlanta) Family Force 5 SATURN (Birmingham) Will Hoge, Lucero OAK MOUNTAIN AMPHITHEATRE (Pelham, AL) Lady Antebellum, Brett Young, Kelsea Ballerini CITY WINERY NASHVILLE (Nashville) BoDeans THE BASEMENT (Nashville) Nathan Angelo, Matt Simons, The Weeks, Hannah Aldridge, Dead Soldiers

UPCOMING EVENTS THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) J.B Ball September 8 J.J.’S BOHEMIA (Chattanooga) Chuck Mosley, Iron Chef, Sweet GA Brown September 8 CLYDE’S (Chattanooga) Stolen Rhodes September 8 UTC FINE ARTS CENTER (Chattanooga) Mipso September 8 VERIZON WIRELESS AMPHITHEATRE (Alpharetta, GA) Lady Antebellum, Kelsea Ballerini, Brett Young September 8 CENTER STAGE (Atlanta) “Prog Power USA” Mike Portnoy, Myrath, Angel Dust, Lords of Black, Distorted Harmony, Sunburst September 8 OPERA (Atlanta) Breathe Carolina September 8 THE VISTA ROOM (Atlanta) Cowboy Mouth September 8 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Judah & The Lion September 8 ASCEND AMPHITHEATRE (Nashville) Young the Giant, Cold War Kids, Joywave September 8 MARATHON MUSIC WORKS (Nashville) Penny & Sparrow September 8 BARN CONCERT (Nashville) Rory Feek September 8 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) J.B Ball September 9 TIVOLI THEATRE (Chattanooga) Garrison Keillor, Fred Newman, Richard Dworsky, Heather Masse September 9 J.J.’S BOHEMIA (Chattanooga) Bohannons September 9 CLYDE’S (Chattanooga) Guy Marshall September 9 REVELRY ROOM (Chattanooga) Rick Rushing Experience September 9 MUSIC BOX ZIGGY’S (Chattanooga) Asphalt Crown, Jerry Grant and the Corruptors September 9 INFINITE ENERGY CENTER (Duluth, GA) “I Love The 90’s - The Party Continues Tour” TLC, Naughty By Nature, Montell Jordan, Color Me Badd, Snap! September 9 CENTER STAGE (Atlanta) “Prog Power USA” Katatonia, Amaranthe, Pain, Snowy Shaw, Dynazty, Teramaze September 9

EDDIE’S ATTIC (Atlanta) Kurt Thomas September 9 TERMINAL WEST (Atlanta) Will Hoge September 9 LAKEWOOD AMPHITHEATRE (Atlanta) “One Music Fest” Too $hort, Sean Paul, Bey aka Mos Def, Jill Scott, Damian “Jr. Gong” Marley, Kaytranada, Tank and the Bangas, Jidenna, Ro James, J.J.D., Ari Lennox September 9 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Judah & The Lion September 9 BRIDGESTONE ARENA (Nashville) Lady Antebellum, Kelsea Ballerini, Brett Young September 9 BARN CONCERT (Nashville) Rory Feek September 9 THE WAREHOUSE (Clarksville, TN) DevilDriver, 36 Crazyfists, Tetrarch, Cane Hill, Uncured September 9 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Pauly Shore September 10 FREDRICK BROWN JR. AMPHITHEATRE (Peachtree, GA) Pat Benatar & Neil Geraldo, Toto September 10 PURGATORY AT THE MASQUERADE (Atlanta) Japanese Breakfast, Mannequin Pussy, The Spirit of the Beehive September 10 COCA COLA ROXY (Atlanta) Modest Mouse September 10 HELL AT THE MASQUERADE (Atlanta) The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus September 10 BIJOU THEATRE (Knoxville) Penny & Sparrow September 10 MUSIC BOX ZIGGY’S (Chattanooga) Eyehategod, Mountain of Wizard, Haunting Humans, STD2, Praymantha, Infidel September 11 SCHERMERHORN SYMPHONY CENTER (Nashville) The Cranberries September 11 J.J.’S BOHEMIA (Chattanooga) Comedy Buffet September 12 THE CONCOURSE (Knoxville) Toadies, Local H September 12 SATURN (Birmingham) David Cook September 12 ACME FEEDE & SEED (Nashville) “Americana Music Festival & Conference” Jamie Kent & The Options, The Danny Burns Band, The Mulligan Brothers September 12 CANNERY BALLROOM (Nashville) “Americana Music Festival & Conference” Mike Mills, Mitch Easter, Django Haskins, Chris Stamey, Jody Stephens, Pat Sansone, Skylar Gudasz September 12


“Americana Music Festival & Conference” Tim Easton, Mando Saenz, Marc Broussard, Kim Richey, Joan Osborne, James McMurtry, Colin Hay, Robert Cray September 12 HIGH WATT (Nashville) “Americana Music Festival & Conference” Will Hoge, Lee Roy Parnell, Low Cut Connie September 12 RAZOR & TIE (Nashville) “Americana Music Festival & Conference” Christian Lopez Band, Austin Plaine, Cody Brooks September 12 THE 5 SPOT (Nashville) “Americana Music Festival & Conference” Sally & George September 12 THE BASEMENT (Nashville) “Americana Music Festival & Conference” Jesse Dayton, Lukas Nelson & Promise Of The Real, Joseph Huber, Joana Serrat, Zach Schmidt, The Steel Woods September 12 THE BASEMENT EAST (Nashville) “Americana Music Festival & Conference” The Mavericks, Brian Wright, Chuck Mead, Darrin Bradbury, Ladies Gun Club, John Latham September 12 THE BLUEBIRD CAFÉ (Nashville) “Americana Music Festival & Conference” All Our Exes Live in Texas, Taasha Coates, Andy Golledge Band September 12 WAR MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM (Nashville) “Americana Music Festival & Conference” Teddy Thompson, Shelby Lynne, Patterson Hood, Otis Taylor, Mike Cooley, Marcus Hummon, Joe Henry, Hayes Carll, Gretchen Peters, Elizabeth Cook, The Blind Boys of Alabama, Billy Bragg, Rhiannon Giddens, Rev, Sekou September 12 J.J.’S BOHEMIA (Chattanooga) Open Mic Comedy September 13 REVELRY ROOM (Chattanooga) David Cook, Kathryn Dean September 13 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) The Cranberries September 13 EXIT/IN (Nashville) Toadies, Local H September 13 CANNERY BALLROOM (Nashville) “Americana Music Festival & Conference” The Wood Brothers, Lukas Nelson September 13 CITY WINERY NASHVILLE (Nashville) “Americana Music Festival & Conference” Julian Lage, AJ Croce, Chris Eldridge, Haas Kowert Tice September 13 HIGH WATT (Nashville) “Americana Music Festival & Conference” The Brothers

Comatose, The Lil’ Smokies, Mipso


September 13 MERCY LOUNGE (Nashville) “Americana Music Festival & Conference” Deer Tick, Sam Outlaw, Billy Strings September 13 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) “Americana Music Festival & Conference” Van Morrison, Jim Lauderdale, Iris DeMent, Graham Nash, Buddy Miller, Robert Cray September 13 STATION INN (Nashville) “Americana Music Festival & Conference” Hayes Carll, Caitlin Canty, Blair Crimmins & the Hookers September 13 THE BASEMENT EAST (Nashville) “Americana Music Festival & Conference” Mickey & the Motorcars, Cris Jacobs, Band of Heathens September 13 THE CONCOURSE (Knoxville) DevilDriver, 36 Crazyfists, Tetrarch, Cane Hill, Uncured September 13 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Jen Kobler September 14 J.J.’S BOHEMIA (Chattanooga) Terror Pigeon, In the Whale September 14 REVELRY ROOM (Chattanooga) Flow Tribe September 14 BESSIE SMITH CULTURAL CENTER (Chattanooga) Avery*Sunshine September 14 THOMPSON-BOLING ARENA (Knoxville) Tim McGraw, Faith Hill September 14 OPEN CHORD MUSIC (Knoxville) Denny Laine September 14 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) UB40 September 14 ASCEND AMPHITHEATER (Nashville) “Americana Music Festival & Conference” Van Morrison, Shana Morrison September 14 THE BASEMENT EAST (Nashville) “Americana Music Festival & Conference” North Mississippi Allstars, Ted Russell Camp, Blackfoot Gypsies, The Last Bandoleros, Rev Sekou September 14 12 TH & PORTER (Nashville) “Americana Music Festival & Conference” Paul Thorn, Bonnie Bishop, The Blind Boys of Alabama, The McCrary Sisters, Escaping Pavement, Mike Galbraith September 14 ALLEY TAPS (Nashville) “Americana Music Festival & Conference” Mary Gauthier, Ben Glover, Amy Speace, Emily Barker & the Red Clay Halo, Michael Logen, Jaime Wyatt, Wild Ponies, Claran Lavery, The Orphan Brigade September 14 3RD & LINDSLEY (Nashville) Shannon McNally, Lori McKenna, Brent Cobb, Cody Canada and the Departed, Willie Watson September 14 CANNERY BALLROOM (Nashville) “Americana Music Festival & Conference” Nicole Atkins, Drive-By Truckers, Buddy Miller September 14 HOWLIN’ BOOKS (Nashville) “Americana Music Festival & Conference” North Mississippi Allstars, Mary Lindsay Dickinson September 14 MERCY LOUNGE (Nashville) “Americana Music Festival & Conference” Futurebirds, Cordovas, Susso, Cat Clyde September 14 RAZOR & TIE (Nashville) “Americana Music Festival & Conference” Sarah Siskind, Kasey Chambers, Sean McConnell, Jill Andrews, Peter Groenwald, Heathen Sons, Leah Blevins, Grizlee Train, Darling West September 14




STATION INN (Nashville) “Americana Music Festival & Conference” Iron & Wine, Deer Tick, My bubba, Skyway Man, Early James & The Latest September 14 THIRD MAN RECORDS (Nashville) “Americana Music Festival & Conference” Hiss Golden Messenger, Lilly Hiatt, Blank Range, Joshua Hedley, Lillie Mae September 14 UNION STATION HOTEL (Nashville) “Americana Music Festival & Conference” Del McCoury Band September 14 EDDIE’S ATTIC (Atlanta) AJ Croce September 14 TERMINAL WEST (Atlanta) Andrew WK September 14 THE MASQUERADE (Atlanta) Trapt September 14 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Jen Kobler September 15 J.J.’S BOHEMIA (Chattanooga) Hive Theory, Monday Night Social September 15 CLYDE’S (Chattanooga) Opposite Box, DirtyGirl September 15 REVELRY ROOM (Chattanooga) Rumours September 15 MUSIC BOX ZIGGY’S (Chattanooga) Alright Junior September 15 CALHOUN LITTLE THEATRE (Calhoun, GA) “The Last 5 Years” September 15 SYMPHONY HALL (Atlanta) The B-52’s September 15 TERMINAL WEST (Atlanta) Swervedriver September 15 TUSCALOOSA AMPHITHEATRE (Tuscaloosa, AL) Eric Church, Brothers Osborne, Ashley McBryde September 15 FOOTHILLS FESTIVAL (Birmingham) Wildflowers, Shotgun, Bonnie Bishop September 15 GRAND OLE OPRY HOUSE (Nashville) The Last Bandoleros September 15 THE INTERNATIONAL (Knoxville) Gwar September 15 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Jen Kobler September 16 J.J.’S BOHEMIA (Chattanooga) nameless nameless September 16 REVELRY ROOM (Chattanooga) Southern Culture on the Skids September 16 MUSIC BOX ZIGGY’S (Chattanooga) Kay B Brown w/ DJ D-Whit, Heatherly, and Rick Rushing w/ Dakari September 16 CALHOUN LITTLE THEATRE (Calhoun, GA) “The Last 5 Years” September 16 WILDHORSE SALOON (Nashville) Hanson September 16 PIEDMONT PARK (Atlanta) “Music Midtown Festival” Blink 182, Wiz Khalifa, Big Sean, The Naked and the Famous, The Strumbellas, Bruno Mars, Vintage Trouble, Sunflower Bean, Broods, Pryis, Tove Lo, Milky Chance, AJR, Oh Wonder, Daye Jack, Dua Lipa, Bourelly, “Razer Experience Tour” September 16 FOX THEATRE (Atlanta) Lalah Hathaway, *Avery*Sunshine September 16 OAK MOUNTAIN AMPHITHEATRE (Pelham, AL) Chris Stapleton, Brett Cobb September 16 FOOTHILLS FESTIVAL (Birmingham) Spin Doctors, North Mississippi Allstars, John Paul White, Muddy Magnolias, Deja Blue September 16 HARRAH’S CHEROKEE CASINO (Cherokee,


NC) Doobie Brothers September 16 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Jen Kobler September 17 J.J.’S BOHEMIA (Chattanooga) Bronzi Blonde, Shabti, Whiskey Angel September 17 REVELRY ROOM (Chattanooga) The Lonely Biscuits, Okey Dokey September 17 IRON CITY (Birmingham) Hanson September 17 PIEDMONT PARK (Atlanta) “Music Midtown Festival” Collective Soul, Bastille, Hiss Golden Messenger, Coin, Young the Giant, Mumford & Sons, Haim, Two Door Cinema Club, Joywave, Lizzo, Future, Zara Larrson, Judah & the Lion, Circa Waves, Missio, Russ, Midnight Larks, “Razer Experience Tour” September 17 CITY WINERY ATLANTA (Atlanta) The Dirty Dozen Brass Band September 17 RED CLAY MUSIC FOUNDARY (Duluth, GA) Denny Laine, The Cryers September 17 SATURN (Birmingham) Deer Tick September 17 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Scotty McCreery, Steven Curtis Chapman, Amy Grant, The Steeldrivers September 17 CITY WINERY NASHVILLE (Nashville) Avery*Sunshine September 17 BIJOU THEATRE (Knoxville) Graham Nash September 17 ASCEND AMPHITHEATRE (Nashville) Depeche Mode September 18 J.J.’S BOHEMIA (Chattanooga) Morning Teleportation, Over Easy September 19 REVELRY ROOM (Chattanooga) Chris Robinson Brotherhood September 19 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Little Big Town September 19 TERMINAL WEST (Atlanta) Deer Tick September 19 HEAVEN AT THE MASQUERADE (Atlanta) Quicksand September 19 STAR BAR (Atlanta) Lydia Loveless September 19 BIJOU THEATRE (Knoxville) Mary Chapin Carpenter September 19 J.J.’S BOHEMIA (Chattanooga) Open Mic Comedy, Jenny Parrott September 20 HEAVEN AT THE MASQUERADE (Atlanta) Boy Harsher, Front 242 September 20 BUCKHEAD THEATRE (Atlanta) Hanson September 20 STAR BAR (Atlanta) Lydia Loveless September 20 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Little Big Town September 20 EXIT/IN (Nashville) Quicksand September 20 3RD & LINDSLEY (Nashville) the Dirty Dozen Brass Band September 20 THE LYRIC THEATRE (Birmingham) Mary Chapin Carpenter September 20 THE LIBRARY THEATRE (Birmingham) Carlene Carter September 20 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Michael Mack September 21 J.J.’S BOHEMIA (Chattanooga) Courtney Reid September 21 BESSIE SMITH CULTURAL CENTER (Chattanooga) Julie Dexter September 21 REVELRY ROOM (Chattanooga) Zach Deputy, Milele Roots September 21 CALHOUN LITTLE THEATRE (Calhoun, GA) “The Last 5 Years” September 21



CITY WINERY NASHVILLE (Nashville) Jim Messina September 21 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Trombone Shorty & Orleans Avenue September 21 INFINITE ENERGY ARENA (Duluth, GA) Arcade Fire, Wolf Parade September 21 SATURN (Birmingham) !!!, Algeirs September 21 THE LIBRARY THEATRE (Birmingham) Carlene Carter September 21 COTTON EYED JOE (Knoxville) Yelawolf September 21 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Michael Mack September 22 TIVOLI THEATRE (Chattanooga) Band of Horses September 22 J.J.’S BOHEMIA (Chattanooga) Subterranean Circus, Tinderbox Circus Sideshow September 22 CLYDE’S (Chattanooga) The High Divers September 22 MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM (Chattanooga) Newsboys, Sidewalk Prophets, Blanca, 7eventh Time Down September 22 SLUGGO’S NORTH (Chattanooga) Ice Ballons, Sun Foot September 22 REVELRY ROOM (Chattanooga) Humming House, Becca Mancari September 22 CALHOUN LITTLE THEATRE (Calhoun, GA) “The Last 5 Years” September 22 ASCEND AMPHITHEATRE (Nashville) Sam Hunt, Maren Morris, Chris Janson, Ryan Follese September 22 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Broken Social Scene September 22 COBB ENERGY PERFORMING ARTS CENTER (Atlanta) The Temptations, The Four Tops September 22 VARIETY PLAYHOUSE (Atlanta) Lizz Wright, Lyric September 22 INNOVATION AMPHITHEATRE (Winder, GA) Foghat September 22 THE CONCOURSE (Knoxville) Wednesday 13, Eyes Set to Kill September 22 BIJOU THEATRE (Knoxville) Donna the Buffalo September 22 KNOXVILLE CIVIC AUDITORIUM (Knoxville) Rodney Carrington September 22 THE LIBRARY THEATRE (Birmingham) Carlene Carter September 22 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Michael Mack September 23 CLYDE’S (Chattanooga) Fish Out of Water September 23 SONGBIRD’S (Chattanooga) Soulcrush September 23 REVELRY ROOM (Chattanooga) The Velcro Pygmies September 23 MUSIC BOX ZIGGY’S (Chattanooga) BB Palmer, Andrea Colburn & Mud Moseley, Matthew Paul Revere September 23 CALHOUN LITTLE THEATRE (Calhoun, GA) “The Last 5 Years” September 23 VARIETY PLAYHOUSE (Atlanta) Adam Ant, Glam Skanks September 23 SUNTRUST PARK (Atlanta) Fitz & the Tantrums September 23 COBB ENERGY PERFORMING ARTS CENTER (Atlanta) Tracy Morgan September 23 CHASTAIN PARK (Atlanta) Brian Regan September 23 CENTER STAGE (Atlanta) Misterwives September 23 VERIZON WIRELESS AMPHITHEATRE (Alpharetta, GA) “Kicks Country Fair” Darius Rucker, Randy Houser September 23

PARK AT HARLINSDALE FARM (Franklin, TN) “Pilgrimage Music & Cultural Festival” Trombone Shorty & Orleans Avenue, Sinclair, Justin Timberlake, The Avett Brothers, Jerry Douglas, Big Sam’s Funky Nation, Better Than Ezra, Gary Clark Jr., Nikki Lane, Colony House, Blackfoot Gypsies, Shovels & Rope, The Shadowboxers, Karen Elson, Walk The Moon, Ruby Amanfu, Steelism, Colter Wall, The Texas Gentlemen September 23 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Mary Chapin Carpenter, John Paul White September 23 ASCEND AMPHITHEATRE (Nashville) Sam Hunt, Maren Morris, Chris Janson September 23 THE INTERNATIONAL (Knoxville) Nothing More, My Ticket Home, Hell or Highwater, As Lions September 23 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Michael Mack September 24 J.J.’S BOHEMIA (Chattanooga) Mothers September 24 WAR MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Adam Ant, Glam Skanks September 24 CITY WINERY NASHVILLE (Nashville) Lizz Wright September 24 PARK AT HARLINSDALE FARM (Franklin, TN) “Pilgrimage Music & Cultural Festival” Ryan Adams, Ralph’s World, Mavis Staples, Marty Stuart, Langhorne Slim, Kingfish, Eddie Vedder, Amanda Shires, The Revivalists, Pokey Lafarge, Fitz And The Tantrums, Valerie June, Larkin Poe, Banditos, Joseph, Electric Western, Muddy Magnolias, Bishop Gunn, Towne September 24 DRUID CITY MUSIC HALL (Birmingham) Band of Horses September 24 SYMPHONY HALL (Atlanta) Tesla September 24 CITY WINERY ATLANTA (Atlanta) The Church September 24 BIJOU THEATRE (Knoxville) The Chris Robinson Brotherhood September 22 HEAVEN AT THE MASQUERADE (Atlanta) Epica, Lacuna Coil, Insomnium, Elantris September 25 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Harry Styles September 25 SATURN (Birmingham) ZZ Ward September 25 J.J.’S BOHEMIA (Chattanooga) Comedy Buffet w/ Shane Torres September 26 REVELRY ROOM (Chattanooga) Robert Randolph & the Family Band, Jessica Hernandez & the Deltas September 26 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Father John Misty, Weyes Blood September 26 CITY WINERY NASHVILLE (Nashville) Herb Albert September 26 THE WAREHOUSE (Clarksville, TN) Fozzy September 26 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) The War on Drugs September 26 HELL AT THE MASQUERADE (Atlanta) Wednesday 13, Eyes Set to Kill, The Casket Creatures, Death is a Dialogue September 26 CONCERT HALL AT BJCC (Birmingham) Young the Giant, Cold War Kids, Joywave September 26 DRUID CITY MUSIC HALL (Birmingham) Shovels & Rope September 26 IRON CITY (Birmingham) Kesha September 26

TUSCALOOSA AMPHITHEATRE (Tuscaloosa, AL) Daryl Hall & John Oates, St. Paul & the Broken Bones September 26 J.J.’S BOHEMIA (Chattanooga) Open Mic Comedy, Dance After Party September 27 REVELRY ROOM (Chattanooga) Space Jesus, Thriftworks, Esseks September 27 SYMPHONY HALL (Atlanta) Indigo Girls September 27 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Father John Misty, Weyes Blood September 27 CITY WINERY ATLANTA (Atlanta) Paul Kelly, Jess Cornelius September 27 HIGH WATT (Nashville) Dada, Sound and Shape September 27 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Shaun Jones September 28 J.J.’S BOHEMIA (Chattanooga) When Particles Collide, One Timers September 28 BESSIE SMITH CULTURAL CENTER (Chattanooga) Nick Lutsko September 28 REVELRY ROOM (Chattanooga) Backup Planet, Lespecial September 28 KNOXVILLE CIVIC AUDITORIUM (Knoxville) “Air 1 Positive Hits Tour” Skillet, Britt Nicole, Colton Dixon, Tauren Wells, Gawvi September 28 CENTER STAGE (Atlanta) Kenny Wayne Shepherd September 28 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Shaun Jones September 29 J.J.’S BOHEMIA (Chattanooga) Shakey Bad Knee September 29 JIM OLIVER’S SMOKE HOUSE (Monteagle, TN) Chelsea Williams September 29 FIRST TENNESSEE PARK (Nashville) Kings Of Leon, Dawes September 29 SYMPHONY HALL (Atlanta) Trey Anastasio September 29 CENTER STAGE (Atlanta) Ani DiFranco September 29 VARIETY PLAYHOUSE (Atlanta) Drive-By Truckers, Strand of Oaks September 29 BUCKHEAD THEATRE (Atlanta) Beats Antique September 29 THE COCA COLA ROXY (Atlanta) Kesha September 29 THE MASQUERADE (Atlanta) The Wonder Years, Laura Stevenson, The Obsessives, Jetty Bones September 29 KNOXVILLE CIVIC AUDITORIUM (Knoxville) Mastodon, Russian Cirlces, Eagles of Death Metal September 29 THE MASQUERADE (Atlanta) The Wonder Years, Laura Stevenson, The Obsessives, Jetty Bones September 29 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Shaun Jones September 30 CLYDE’S (Chattanooga) Soulhound September 30 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Trevor Noah September 30 VARIETY PLAYHOUSE (Atlanta) Drive-By Truckers, Strand of Oaks September 30 INFINITE ENERGY CENTER (Duluth, GA) Gloria Trevi, Alejandra Guzman September 30 VERIZON WIRELESS AMPHITHEATRE (Alpharetta, GA) Thomas Rhett, Walker Hayes, Old Dominion September 30 COBB ENERGY PERFORMING ARTS CENTER (Atlanta) John Mulaney September 30 CHASTAIN PARK (Atlanta) David Gray, Allison Krauss September 30 VARIETY PLAYHOUSE (Atlanta) Drive-By Truckers, Strand of Oaks September 30


LAKEWOOD AMPHITHEATRE (Atlanta) Jack Johnson September 30 UAB’S ALYS STEPHENS CENTER (Birmingham) Afghan Whigs, Har Mar Superstar September 30 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Shaun Jones October 1 ALLEN ARENA (Nashville) “Air 1 Positive Hits Tour” Skillet, Britt Nicole, Colton Dixon, Tauren Wells, Gawvi October 1 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) David Gray, Allison Krauss October 1 3RD & LINDSLEY (Nashville) The Chris Robinson Brotherhood October 1 THE MASQUERADE (Atlanta) Hollywood Undead October 1 FOX THEATRE (Atlanta) Paramore, Best Coast October 2 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) MuteMath, Colony House, Romes October 2 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) David Gray, Alison Krauss October 2 J.J.’S BOHEMIA (Chattanooga) David Liebe Hart October 3 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) MuteMath October 3 THE MILL & MINE (Knoxville) STS9, Sunsquabi October 3 TIVOLI THEATRE (Chattanooga) Kansas October 4 ALABAMA THEATRE (Birmingham) The Head and the Heart October 4 IRON CITY (Birmingham) MuteMath October 4 CITY WINERY NASHVILLE (Nashville) Paul Kelly October 4 ASCEND AMPHITHEATRE (Nashville) The xx, Perfume Genius October 4 BUCKHEAD THEATRE (Atlanta) Whitney Cummings October 4 THE MILL & MINE (Knoxville) STS9, Jade Cicada October 4 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Erik Griffin October 5 BESSIE SMITH CULTURAL CENTER (Chattanooga) All Crows Eat Grass October 5 VARIETY PLAYHOUSE (Atlanta) Hard Working Americans October 5 EDDIE’S ATTIC (Atlanta) Vance Gilbert October 5 FRANKLIN THEATRE (Franklin, TN) Michael Martin Murphey October 5 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Erik Griffin October 6 ROSS’ LANDING (Chattanooga) “Three Sisters Music Festival” October 6 BRIDGESTONE ARENA (Nashville) Ed Sheeran October 6 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Anderson Cooper, Andy Cohen October 6 CARL BLACK CHEVY WOODS AMPHITHEATRE AT FONTENEL (Whites Creek, T) “Kid Rock’s Fish Fry” Kid Rock October 6 FRANKLIN THEATRE (Franklin, TN) Atlanta Rhythm Section October 6 THE WAREHOUSE (Clarksville, TN) Saliva October 6 BLIND WILLIE’S (Atlanta) The Nighthawks October 6 FOX THEATRE (Atlanta) Mastodon, Russian Circles, Eagles of Death Metal October 6 THE MASQUERADE (Atlanta) Boyce Avenue October 6 CENTER STAGE (Atlanta) Kevin Smith October 6



September 1 Shabti

September 2

Rock Europa, Focus Fox

September 5 Frankie Banjo

September 6 Open Mic Comedy

September 7

Whores, Red Necklace

September 8

chuck Mosley, Iron Chief, Sweet GA Brown

September 9 Bohannons

September 12 Comedy Buffet

September 13 Open Mic Comedy

September 14

Terror Pigeon, In the Whale

September 15

Hive Theory, Monday Night Social

September 16 nameless nameless

September 17 Bronzi Blonde, Shabti, Whiskey Angel

September 19

Morning Teleportation, Over Easy

September 20 Open Mic Comedy + Jenny Parrott

September 21 Coutney Reid

September 22 Subterranean Circus, Tinderbox Sideshow

September 24 Mothers

September 26

Comedy Buffet w/ Shane Torres

September 27

Open Mic Comedy, Dance Party

September 28 When Particles Collide, One Timers

September 29 Shakey’s Bad Knee

She Was A Daisy To me when I write I’ve found me or through my legs to get out- audacity to attempt to eat from that starting a story is always the side to chase after her nemesis, these bird feeders. She would get hardest part. Especially when the squirrels. For some reason Daisy up on the couch and growl and story involves the death of your friend. I’m writing this as I listen to “Dredd’s Song” by the Cure. I didn’t realize how appropriate this song would be for the situationmy dog Daisy would be in. “ Never surrender, never say give up, never say give in. Always have to fight... however much it takes.” My Daisy fought hard to battle the cancer that ravaged her body. She lost the battle on August 18th 2017. Let me tell you about my Daisy. What kind of dog was she? I’m not sure. Part terrier of some type. If someone reading this knows from the pictures drop me an e-mail and let me know. The thing about Daisy was that she was like an unstoppable force. I don’t know how many times she shot around

could not “abide “ a squirrel. I have bird feeders in my front yard and Daisy delighted in chasing any squirrel who had the


bark at these intruders whenever she saw them. Frequently this would get my other dogs barking and howling. It set up quite the



cacophony of a dog barking concert. While chasing squirrels was one of Daisy’s favorite things she really liked to walk. When I got up in the morning often at the urging of Daisy and my Chihuahua Buddy, I would take Daisy, Buddy and Fido (see his story in the June 2016 Enigma) for a loop around my neighborhood cul de sac. Daisy would always take the lead and intercept anyone we encountered or chase any squirrels she saw. I’m going to really miss those walks with my friends... Daisy also loved to walk at the park at Big Soddy Gulf. Unfortunately I didn’t find out about Big Soddy Gulf until after Daisy’s cancer was diagnosed. She went on walks there like a trooper. It’s a very pretty dog-friendly

park. If you have a dog or even if my backyard. We were horrified and ran over to check on Daisy. you don’t go check it out. She shook it off and started walkOne of Daisy’s other great joys ing through the yard like nothing was to tear the “squeakers” had happened. That was my (noisemakers) out of stuffed pet Daisy. play toys. I would give her one of these toys and usually in less than Another incident highlighting her a minute she would have the unstoppable character occurred squeaker out and disabled. Then one Thanksgiving. As it was a nice she would go looking for my day Daisy was left out in my other dogs’ toys to steal them and fenced backyard. She had shade tear the squeakers out. A couple and water. However, Daisy liked of times I bought one that had human company. When we eleven squeakers in it. I timed returned home from a family her. She had them all out in under four minutes. That was my Daisy. Daisy was rescued from the Pet Placement Center. If you are considering getting a cat or dog PLEASE look at this shelter or the Humane Society. There are plenty of dogs and cats at these shelters that need a home. Why buy an animal off the internet? Sadly there are puppy-mills out there that raise the dogs inhumanely just to breed and sell animals. Daisy did not like to be crated or caged. The first time I crated her she tried to chew her way out. No gathering we saw Daisy in the more crate for Daisy. neighbors’ yard. She had dug her In another unstoppable incident way out. The neighbors said they before I had a fence around my had put her back inside the fence backyard Daisy was left up on my and tried to repair the hole but deck blocked by a baby-gate. My she was back at their house in girlfriend and I were down in the short order. That was my Daisy. yard when Daisy leaped over the deck rail and landed with a yelp. I always said Daisy should have The deck is about ten feet above been a “drug dog” as she had a

phenomenal sense of smell. (usually for food). I know some people will say “all dogs do” but not in my experience. Most dogs probably have a far more developed sense of smell then a human but Daisy would locate things my other dogs did not smell. When I eat out I always try to bring scraps (treats) back for my dogs. Sometimes I would forget I had these treats in my pocket. Daisy would be sniffing my pocket and I would realize I had some scraps for the dogs. Several times I had

As I took Daisy to the vet, gave her medicine and spent more and more time with her we bonded even more. I dreaded the day I would lose her.

taken off my cargo pants or a jacket that had such treats in the pocket and I had forgotten the treats were in there. Daisy would sit patiently guarding the clothes making sure no other dog, or God forbid, a cat got the treat. She never disturbed the clothes. She would just sit there waiting until I realized there were treats in the clothing and get it out to give her a reward for being so observant and patient. Late in February 2017 I noticed Daisy’s stomach looked distended. I had at first thought she was just putting on weight. I realized that was not the case. I took her to the vet where they did some tests then set up a scan at a more advanced veterinarian facility. Sadly my friend had terminal cancer. At this time Daisy had lived with me now for almost 13 years. She had been with me through


thick and thin. Every day when I came home she was there to greet me wagging her nub tail and smiling her dog smile. Very often she would bring me a stuffed toy as a thanks for coming home. Now my friend was given three to six months if she took oral chemotherapy treatments. Now the walks around the cul de sac became minutes to be treasured. I had to take Daisy to have fluid drained frequently then weekly. The vet and staff said Daisy bravely underwent the draining procedures. She had to have the needles inserted then stand often for 20 to 30 minutes while the fluid drained. My poor Daisy.



In mid-July Daisy became very selective about her food. I guess the chemo finally got to her. I tried scrambled eggs, rice, home fried hamburgers, special dog foods, cottage cheese, and many more foods. Eventually she would hardly eat anything but cat food then almost exclusively Gerber turkey baby food. I knew her time was running out. Daisy still had the energy to play with my Chihuahua Buddy. She would lower her head and push him across the floor with her head often nipping at his paws and legs while play growling. Sometimes Buddy would growl and nip at Daisy while she was lying on the floor and let him win the play fight. They had great fun and were a delight to watch while fighting their mock battles. In late July after a walk on the Walnut Street Bridge it was obvious that Daisy was nearly exhausted. She lacked the energy she once had. The day came when she stopped tearing the stuffing out of her toys. She soon stopped

eating I knew the end was coming fast.

ing for a treat. I realize when I look twice as I go out the door that my Daisy won’t be trying to get by me to get out and chase squirrels. I ‘ll miss giving her toys to chew the squeaker out of and her guarding my clothes if I left treats in them. But I will also smile when I remember those things and I remember my sweet Daisy girl. I sure loved that dog.

It is hard to express how close you get to an animal when you are for months giving it medicine several times a day (after cutting the medicine into smaller pieces to make it easier to swallow) trying different kinds of food, taking it to the vet weekly for treatments, worrying if it’s getting enough to eat and dreading the day you may have to make the awful decision to have your friend euthanized. Daisy became very weak and in her final days somehow hurt her leg. It was difficult for her to walk. I would pick her up to take her outside to go to the bathroom and I would carry her around the cul de sac. She was alert and watched the comings and goings in the neighborhood. Thankfully I am retired so I could stay home and spend time with her.

- Mark Haskins Thanks to the Pet Placement Center where Daisy came from. Address 5975 Dayton Boulevard buried her in my yard where she Chattanooga,Tn.37415 Phone 423 can keep an eye on those pesky 877-0735 squirrels trying to raid the bird feeders. I put a couple of squeaky Thanks once again to Dr. Yvonne toys in with her. Ward of Northgate Animal hospi-

True to her nature Daisy went out fighting as I knew she would. I had told her that if she was ready she could let go. Whether she heard or understood me I don’t tal for her treatment of Daisy and know. Later that week at around Now when I get home I miss the her compassion for people with midnight my sweet Daisy slipped little dog bringing me a chewed sick and terminal animals. away. I took her for a last walk up toy, sniffing my pockets lookaround the cul de sac. She was spared having to go to the vet for her last time. The next day I




Fall Forward Fashionwise

While the old saying is to “fall back” quite the opposite is true for your fall fashion options. Our resident fashionista Betty True of Backstreet Betty’s gives us insight on what to expect in style this fall and how to put your best and most stylish foot forward. So, as another summer winds down fall is just around the corner, we put away the lawn chairs, sunscreen and bathing suits and look forward to another exciting season of fun fashion and trends for Fall 2017! Seemingly a lot of things have kind of stayed the same over the past few years with fall fashion in particular. We love our leggings and refuse to put them on the shelf! So

with that, tunic’s, tee’s and fun funky tops are highlighted adding that extra pop of color and needed coverage. The cold shoulder, double open shoulder look we still love is still here. This year we have a fun added twist: the single one-sided slash look with a mock turtleneck. It’s a fresh and funky look that totally is a daytime into nighttime transition. And for a little more of an extreme ENIGMA

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cuts, high-wasted, low-rise, free funky feel. And, I’m all fun designs... the looks go on about it! and on. If you’re a jeans and t-shirt girl, this is your year. And don’t forget jumpsuits. We saw them some last year We are seeing the return of and this summer they dominated! Fall is no different because we are stilling loving the look. You’ll find them for

grommets again! Such a big trend of the ‘80s has returned, but as always with fashion-fashionista there’s a different twist. We are seethe back detailed sweatshirts ing a lot of this look on tops and tops for you. and jackets in particular, big or small grommets, they add a pop to a simple tee or a lace dress to glam it up for a

Denim is big, big, BIGGER again! Skirts, button downs and all kinds of extreme jean looks: ripped, high low ankle




the office and cocktail hour, with sleeves, sleeveless, low cut, high-cut, back detail and simplistic coverage. And if you venture out of your comfort zone and try one - you’re going to love it!!

Now for the girlie girl, never fear! Dresses are a neverending staple with so many looks and lengths, to fit every body type and height issue. Minis, midis and maxis are everywhere and another daytime to nighttime look that has a place in everyone’s closet. Minimalist to glitz and glam, everyone has their favorite style and look - and we are loving it all!

patterned tight and ankle we can’t wait to see what booties- this can push age pops up! friendly with the right added classic pieces! My favorite, sparkle and more sparkle will be seen in A newer trend on the horizon clothing and accessories everywhere! A little shine never hurt anyone and we’re loving it in sweatshirts, dresses, jackets and more. The return of the overall is around if it hits your fancy, and graffiti pieces can be found in about anything you want! For the younger fashion lover, rompers are not going away. From casual to dressy, taking the place of dresses; even for events at times, you’ll find them in all the colors and styles you love this Fall into Winter season. Bare-legged or with a fun

As we turn the corner into fall, these are some of our favorite looks we can find now and closer into Winter, we await with anticipation for the new trend du jour! Whatever your style, this year promises to be your favorite - until the next seawe are seeing a lot of Asian son! The true Fashionista inspired design and detail in understands and agrees, we jackets, tops and dresses just LOVE our clothes!! both in brocade and stitching, adding a powerful punch Happy Fall Ya’ll ! of color and fun to our upcoming wardrobe. Accessories continue almost

as a personal statement. Short necklace or long - big bag or small... simple boots or heavily ornate footwear, we always have those late in the year sudden trends and ENIGMA



A Funny Thing Happened On the Way to the Forum So long Georgia Dome, it seems like I barely knew ya. Well hello Mercedes Benz Stadium. A little over a month ago I drove past the new stadium site and thought to myself, “this thing will never be ready on time.” The places looked like a war zone and sure enough the Falcons scheduled their two home preseason games to the final two weeks. I’m one of those on the fence about the new stadium. I’ve been a Falcons fan my whole life through thick and thin, but I thought the Georgia Dome was a great place. Being around only 25 years it seemed like it only opened yesterday. I feel the NFL strong-armed team owner Arthur Blank into building a new stadium if the city of Atlanta ever wanted to play host to a Super Bowl again. The last Super Bowl played in Atlanta is still one for the ages as the St. Louis Rams held on to down the Tennessee Titans who came up six yards short as time expired to send the game into overtime. But there has been a big stigma against Atlanta since that Super Bowl. Future Hal of Fame linebacker Ray Lewis was involved and acquitted in connection with a murder during the weeklong Super Bowl celebration. It’s still debated on what really happened with many believing Lewis was guilty of the crime. While he was not charged with the crime he wasn’t allowed in the city until his final year in the league. Between 2000 and his retirement

Gameday Gallery Here ©Dave Weinthal

after the 2012 season the Ravens Until now. only came to Atlanta for preseason games. Any regular season match Team owner Arthur Blank ups were played in Baltimore. announced at the end of 2014 he And ever since that fateful weekend the city of Atlanta has been shut out from hosting the big game.

©Dave Weinthal




would be building a new state-ofthe-art facility that the people of Atlanta would be proud. That came to fruition Saturday evening as the Atlanta Falcons christened their new home in humble fashion however, falling to the Arizona Cardinals 24-14. Oh yeah, the newly opened Mercedes Benz Stadium will host the Super Bowl in 2019.

preseason, right?

©Dave Weinthal

Having covered the team for two decades the first thing I noticed was that the price of parking increased by a rate of about 25 percent over last year. Less than ten years ago I paid only $8 to park. I meal for press. The new digs were do miss those days. impressive. There was a huge layAlso across the street from the sta- out of food set out banquet style. dium was a parking lot exclusive to There were four kind of salad to pick from. Getting there after Mercedes Benz owners. everyone else the only salad left For years walking to the Georgia was a kale salad. I laughed to Dome it stood out in the skyline of myself because photographers neighborhood. No longer. It looks aren’t usually the healthiest of like a first aid tent outside the new eaters. I remember years ago when they had an Italian themed stadium now. meal with three different kinds of The Georgia Dome could be daunt- lasagna. The one left untouched ing for someone looking for their was the veggie lasagna. Fresh vegentrance as it had multiple levels. etables and potatoes were served Mercedes Benz Stadium’s entrance as long as a three-cheese mac and from what I could se was one level cheese. A Panko breaded chicken and the next thing I noticed was breast along with pulled pork was the proteins available as well as how friendly the staff was. fresh baked goods for dessert. In past years you felt as if you were Even better if you believe such a walking through landmines at the thing is the fact once I stepped out Georgia Domes as security looked the door I was five feet from the for reasons to stop or yell at you. field. Maybe because everything is new they were more sedate but we’ll To be as big as Mercedes Benz Stadium is it is an intimate venue. see as the season progresses. The fans are literally on top of the Once stepping inside the place was field, as the sidelines were cut in intimidatingly large. I was like a half compared to the Georgia city within the city. It took me a Dome. It was 12 feet from the back good half hour to finally get where of the end zone to the crowd and I needed to go. I was sent on a only a little wider along the sidewild goose chase over three levels lines. Floor level suites have a railbefore a member of the staff per- ing where they are at player level sonally walked me to where I need- and only a few feet away from the ed to be. He wasn’t too sure him- action. The overall feeling of the self but thanks to him I got to place reminded me of Arena Football with the tight sidelines where I was going. and the fans literally in on the One of the perks of covering pro action. sports is the legendary pre-game meal. Depending on the team and Another thing I noticed on the field sport it can vary greatly. I remem- was not only was the turf more ber I had a staff member working comfortable under my feet, but the Titans games and he had to leave security staff was very friendly. the press box early because he got Over the years I got to be friendly sick from the food. A long time ago with a number of the staff at the I worked an Arena Football game Dome but at times they looked on and the pre-game meal was a edge. Everyone at Mercedes Benz Subway party sub. If you didn’t get Stadium were smiles and went out there within an hour after it was of their way to be friendly. I even set down you were out of luck. To joked with one of the guys that the the Falcons credit they always had stadium had that “new car smell”. interesting spreads put a halftime We both laughed. Whether they’ll remain friendly we’ll have to see, ENIGMA

The defense did hit hard as they forced four Cardinal fumbles with Arizona losing three of them. It wasn’t until less than four minutes were left that the offense came to life. Matt Simms threw a swing pass to rookie receiver Josh Magee. Magee got his 15 minutes of NFL fame as he cut into the middle of the field and outran everyone 57 yards for the first touchdown scored by the Falcons in their new home. Magee unfortunately will have an impossible time making the team because of how deep the as the new will eventually wear off. receiver corps are but might snag a spot on the practice squad. Oh yeah, a football game broke out amid all the hoopla over the With the loss the Falcons remain newest jewel in the city of Atlanta. winless in preseason and finish up Thursday at MB Stadium as they Matt Ryan and the Falcons looked host the Jacksonville Jaguars out of sync with the reigning MVP before opening the regular season being intercepted on his first throw on the road on September 10 in the new digs. Tevin Coleman against the Chicago Bears. looked great in limited time and the defensive secondary got - David N. Marks burned a couple of times. But it’s



You Can Take the Girl Out of the Mall, But... A Conversation with the Most Famous Mall Walker Of All

By Dave Weinthall 30 years ago there was “no there place like Hamilton Place”. At the time its opening in 1987 the region had never seen a shopping mall quite like it. And what better way to experience that that a girl who was synonymous with shopping malls at the time. The pop star Tiffany, who still remains the youngest person to ever have a number one song on the charts with 1987’s “I Think We’re Alone Now” will celebrate her own 30th anniversary as well. Over the course of her career she has sold over 16 million albums with two number one singles, along with two more Top Ten singles and another

Top Twenty and a Top Forty. There’s a lot more to that what meet the eye regarding the former teen sensation such as her start in country music and a return to those root a few years ago for an album and an entirely new album, A Million Miles that she produced and wrote all but one track. Despite growing up she still proudly remain a “mall girl’.

Oh yeah! And I still love malls of course. It’s one of my favorite things. I’m a mall girl. It all makes sense. I definitely feel something very special about a mall. It’s 30 years for me as well in September from the very beginning. It’s a good year for me.

When you were 16 you had a number one song on the chart and literally toured performing at shopYou’re coming into Chattanooga ping malls. What do you remember Saturday as part of the festivities to about the tour and the reception celebrate Hamilton Place Mall’s you got while on the mall tour? 30 th anniversary. In a way it’s like you’re coming full circle. I remember the end of course was like really crazy. There were tons of people. It was kind of sad because we were coming to an end at the mall mall. There’s something so precious and intimate. Then people were starting to get hurt because there were so many people there and there were barricades. It wasn’t safe. From that I had to go on to bigger venues. It was different for me. I have a warm place in my heart for the mall. At first when I first started doing it I was pretty resilient. I’m pretty resilient now. I love to sing. Just singing in front of strangers at a mall didn’t sound like a bad ENIGMA



thing. It was a lot of fun. On Friday I would go down and play. I went all over the country doing three shows a day usually on Friday, Saturday and Sunday and then fly back home to California and then I would start school again. For me, it was never really the audience. A lot of the store shopkeepers knew we were coming and a lot of times a lot of times they would yell at us. (laughs) So it had a slow start and some people weren’t overly thrilled because some people weren’t overly thrilled when I would be singing in front of a jewelry store. They thought it was a deterrent to their customers. (laughs) I let the adults kind of cover all of that. There was a bump in the road a few times where somebody would yell at me – I remember one of the shop owners and I cried. They then saw me 30 minutes later on stage singing. (laughs) Being world famous at such a young age, how did you handle all that came along with fame? Well, I love to sing. I kind of followed the music a little bit - followed what people told me to do.

Traveling and singing and being in front of a band meeting people this was all really my dream as a little girl. I don’t reven eally know how that was supposed to be my life, but I did. I had friends that were musicians. I had already shown signs of singing and dancing. I didn’t come from a musical family. We did have friends that were musicians across the street. I had already shown signs of singing and dancing, practicing in my room and wanting a piano and wanting all these different things I was five or six. I officially started singing and entertaining things when I was two or three. And my mom just thought it was cute and it was just something that I did. I put on living room concerts for my family. They didn’t know Hollywood at all was in L.A. So my mom didn’t really think too much about it. I was a dancer at the time. I did fusion dancing. I was a little pageant girl. I was never shy in front of people. Literally by the age of nine I was singing for the neighbors. They were having a going away party for and they kind of booked a mini tour and I got up and I sang. And that’s when everybody, “She has the voice of a 30-year-old. We need to do something with it. So I’ve been doing ti 30 years now and

were originally singing country music before you became With the way the world is today America’s pop sensation. with social media internet and a lot of so-called news outlets do you I started off in country music it didfeel lucky some of this stuff wasn’t n’t happen for me. I always thought around when you started or how I’d be a rock, country, bluesy – do you think you would have uti - that’s more of my foundation. lized it? That’s what I listen to. I always thought that’s how I’d end up. I I think it was more organic to me ended up being a pop singer – which is great. There wasn’t more which is great, but mor rock and going around singing and showing blues is where my heart is. I’m my talent rather than popping up a very grateful for my start. Now I’m video – not that that’s bad. For me wrioting and producing and I’m I got hands on experience those having success in the dance marrules will last me a lifetime. That’s ket. Rose Tattoo sounded like the how I learned to work my audi- full story of Tiffany. There’s a lot ence, greet people. Sometimes you of layers here. I don’t think I actugo out and so a show and have a ally ever stopped to say thank you set list, a major production and the for the people who helped me start lighting cues. For what I’m doing in before there was an artist named my indie shows I can change things. Tiffany. The nine-year-old, the Sometimes they have to change if ten-year-old was recording with I’ve never been to that venue Hoyt Axton; opening for him and before. You get to the event and performing with Mickey Gilley and they want to be a part of your Johnny Lee and all of that begot a world so you strip it down more. lot of experience for me. And I I’m lucky to have my and like that. loved it. Every day was a new I learned all that off my early expe- adventure and I met a lot of great riences and the mall tour really. people. I think I got to be grounded a little bit in that I got to see a You sort of came more full circle a lot of artists have their family, have number of years ago when you put their babies, be able to raise their out a country album. Not many children and still have a tour, a life either realize or remember you and a musical career. That’s not I’m really proud of it.




easy in the pop world but it ews something in the country world that it was great. Relocating to Nashville in 2008, how did the songwriting communi ty embrace you? I had to work at it a little bit, which I’d expect and you should. That’s one thing about Nashville – it doesn’t really open its arms to everybody – you’re accountable; you have to prove yourself. I mean they’re warm people just hanging out having a cup of coffee but with music like when I got there in the early ‘90s and before it was, “let’s see what she can do”. (laughs) They check you out a little bit. They call it a challenge but to me as a songwriter it’s been great. I mean there are people that know me as Tiffany but they know me now as a songwriter now more than anything in Nashville. I have great family members in the songwriting community here, so I can be more proud. It’s definitely something my songwriting career is exactly that – it’s another facet of myself and I take it very serious. I worked really hard to be a better songwriter. So I’ve really gone to writers rounds and put myself into their showcases and stuff like that.

I’m very glad I got to write with of the some of the amazing writers that I’ve written with. I really like the partnership of it. I think it’s a cool process. You latest album, A Million Miles, you had pretty much complete con trol over in all aspects including writing almost every song. Was there a greater sense of freedom or did you feel more pressure since the proverbial buck stopped with you? There was a great sense of freedom. I kind of really knew what I wanted to do on this project. I wanted to get back to being the vocalist. I wanted to have some beautiful tearjerkers again. I went through a patch in my life where a lot of circumstances were changing. People have passed away, a lot of my friends had gotten sick and things hitting me out of nowhere – real life happening. It really changes you when you lose family members or best friends. Different things like son growing up going to college, finishing college. There’s always different changes and I really had that on my heart when I was writing this album. It was kind of literally my therapy album. But I wanted a lot of the instrumentation to be beautiful cellos and strings. I kept hearing the production in my head it

true. We worked together. I enjoy doing records with him. It’s a fun process. All the musicians are my buddies. They come in and they play and they play beautifully. We just have a great time. When you envisioned the songs as you wrote did they play out as expected in the finished product? Some of them more than others were even bigger than I expected them to be like “Daddy’s Girl”. I didn’t write “Daddy’s Girl” but I had always been good friends with Bridgette Tatum and she wrote with Jason Aldean and she’s a dear friend of mine. She had always done the song “Daddy’s Girl” in her songwriting rounds and it always made me cry. I don’t think I ever really told her that. When I asked her if she minded if I recorded the song it won’t be country per se – keep a little bit of country in there but it’s going to be more pop. But I do her it stripped down and the message in that song spoke to a lot of people. I’m lucky I had two dads – I had a real father and a stepfather and they both raised me and I had a lot of love. But they were also tough. My real father never wanted me in the industry. He thought it would break my heart. ©Dave Weinthal He wanted to shelter me. As I grew and it would drive me crazy unless help of my co-producer Stephen up in my teens and everything it it was recorded. (laughs) With the Lieweke; he made my dream come was always better for him to turn a




blind eye I don’t want to say get to know me but to accept that I was growing up was hard on him. I think at times there were a lot of things that weren’t told to me, “You can do this” or supported my career until later on until after I made it. “Oh, this was meant to be.” My other dad – my stepfather was more my pushing – my rally guy. And I take a lot after him. You can’t be in this business and faint of heart. You had to be pretty resilient. My stepfather came into my life and was a prime example of that. He was, “if this is what you want to do, go get it. He wasn’t a cog guy but he was like if this is what you want to do – go get it. It was “go get it” every day. Every day you should be making traction. Go get it, there’s no time for pity parties. When I heard that song, “Daddy’s Girl” there were so many girlfriends of mine and so many different people that I’d seen that sometimes didn’t get that extra “dad love”. We picked bad choices or we went out and did things we weren’t supposed to. (laughs) But that’s normal for girls I think; it really is. There’s something about it from funny little things you make fun of to the bigger things. Some people who didn’t grow up with a father and wonder about their life, but mom was universal and every-

body can relate to that to some degree for good or for bad. When I was able to sing that song it was so meaningful to me and the production. I started crying on the way home hearing it for the first time on the car radio because that’s where you really test all your mastering and your mixing is in the car. (laughs) And I pulled up to my house and that song came on and tears started flooding out. That was one for me that really spoke to me in a weird way and I didn’t write that. You would have thought it would have been “A Million Miles” or “Hello Again”, which I loved. I beamed literally a smile from the start of that production until the end. In the studio you obviously have more control over the finished product. What is it like taking that song on the road and being able to interpret it live on stage? To me, I’m a live performer so that’s more meaningful for me. Of course when you’re recording you want to get it right – put yourself in that place, the vulnerability or whatever you’re trying to display. But when you’re in front of an audience I think you can pull the energy. I’ve been in different venues from small, little theatres –


which are beautiful theatres and some older theatres across America to clubs to like retro stuff. And all our shows are a little rock and roll retro because I’ve always been a rocker in my heart. I haven’t changed my hits or anything but I’ve added a little flair. I think when I’m singing some of these ballads in front of people you play off the audience. There are times when there’s dead silence. When it goes right it’s so magical. And you can feel people. I’ve had so many people sit there and cry in front of me while singing “A Million Miles” because that is as song that does stand out for a lot of people. It talks about loss and wishing that people were here and be a part of your life. You’re still pulling strength from these people and encourage them because they are a part of your life. It’s tapping into all of that. I’ve literally had the whole front row in tears sometimes. (laughs) And I’m like, “this is a happy thing, I didn’t mean to make you cry”. When you can share that with a bunch of people it’s an amazing feeling.

We’re going to do tracks like “I Think We’re Alone Now”, Could’ve Been”, “All This Time” old school stuff with again a little bit of a flair. And I had a thing in the mall, which is what I don’t usually do any more. Yeah, celebrate 30 years. Why not? It sounded like a great thing. I’m there shopping at malls anyway. (laughs) It sounded like a lot of fun. I do think there is something about the malls. When we were in the mall in the ‘80s it was about being engaged with your friends, being in the moment looking at things that you hoped to afford one day and that you shouldn’t be trying on – all those different things. Now I think it’s a sad case we don’t get a chance to do that – have fun and adventure like a mall used to hold. Also I think the devices for non-engaging and I’m always like, “girl, I’m will drop you at the mall” because you should go and do that and experience that. You should have shopping, you should share stuff. You can save your allowance. Those were good things that didn’t need to change. (laughs) I love. I just took my niece to a mall the other I know you’ve been on an acoustic say and she had a blast. She’s the tour. Will you perform acoustical- queen – and she’s only three. She ly at Hamilton Place Mall? walked around that mall like she owns it. (laughs) No, we’re going to do it old school.



©Dave Weinthal

Was I Just Dreaming or Am I Paranoid? Blondie & Garbage Blondie Gallery Here Garbage Gallery Here

It’s a great thing when you get to see your two musical crushes share the same stage. That’s exactly what happened to me when I saw Garbage and Blondie on a co-headlining tour. I’ve had a crush on Deborah Harry dating back to my high school says and despite it being many, many decades later that crush hasn’t died down. I’ve gotten to see Blondie a number of times over the years and nothing has dismissed my school boy crush. One of the best birthday gifts I ever received was tickets to a Blondie concert when they first reformed in the late ‘90s. My friend Randee who was in the music business made a few calls and then the week of my birthday I received a message on my answering machine that I will take to my grave. Randee sang happy birthday on my answering

machine and happily told me she had gotten me a pair of tickets. Sadly Randee passed away a number of years ago a victim of cancer. I miss her dearly and her getting me those tickets are something I will always cherish along with our many “business” calls regarding new music and laughter we shared. Just in case she can see this from heaven above, thank you Randee.

charts. Their comeback album,1999’s No Exit mixed good old fashioned alt-rock with swing (that was all the rage in the late ‘90s) and even gangsta rap with a collaboration with Coolio who was on the charts at the time with “Gangsta’s Paradise”.

What’s even harder to believe is that Blondie has been going strong for over 40 years and Blondie was one of those bands judging by their performance that made punk and new wave they have no desire to slow mainstream. The New York out- down. fit wore their influences on their sleeves to top the charts multiple Harry has one of the greatest times as they flirted with disco voices in rock music if not music (“Heart of Glass”), reggae (“The in general. Her vocals soar. She Tide Is High” – actually a cover), can growl and emote a sensualirap (“Rapture”) even alt/dance ty no one else that has ever (“CallMe”) that was a harder taken the stage. She came on edged rock song but with the stage dressed as a bee in support help of Giorgio Moroder found of preserving the bee populaitself crossing into the dance tion. It was appropriate since ENIGMA



Harry has been the Queen Bee of rock/new wave/alt rock longer than many have been alive. The night started off with one of their most aggressive rocks songs “One Way Or Another” as Queen Bee strutted her stuff across the stage. On stage with Harry was longtime partner and collaborator Chris Stein and original drummer Clem Burke. Rock and roll is a volatile business especially once post punk and new wave came into being. Those genres signaled the first mainstream acceptance of independent rock as most bands beginning in that era took charge to a great degree of their public image without interference (or much) from the record label. And because of that you started seeing a lot of one hit wonders and bands that were short-lived even though their music still

©Dave Weinthal




©Dave Weinthal




but she doesn’t look, act or sing like it. I think it’s her crowd that has aged more than she. And when you’re playing in a large amphitheatre with people sitting in front of you with picnic baskets instead of wearing leather jackets, I can only imagine what was going through the band’s collective heads especially when you consider their roots. Blondie finished the night off with a murderer’s row of hits beginning with “Atomic”, “Heart of Glass”, “The Tide is High” and ending with “Dreaming”.

©Dave Weinthal

Sharing the bill with Blondie was Garbage. Shirley Manson and I go back a quarter of a century. I knew of her before she began fronting the band. I have a friend that was a music director for an alt-rock station in the early ‘90s who I used to stop by and see all the time. He turned me on a band called Angelfish

endears well past their existence. So it was nice to see three of the core members of the band still playing together. That was quickly followed by a song that first put them on the map, “Hanging On the Telephone” that many didn’t realize at first except for music snobs at the time was a cover of a song by The Nerves (Peter Case and Paul Collins). That was followed by one of the band’s newer songs, “Fun”. “Fun” is a great song. It sounds like a Blondie song without trying. Harry and company have made a living of being adaptable to what’s out there and making it their own with no apologies.

1. Gregg Allman 2. The Killers 3. John Mayer 4. Dan Auberbach 5. Jocelyn & Chris Arndt 6. Iron & Wine 7. Matt Pond PA 8. X-Ambassadors 9. Jason Ibell & the 400 Unit 10. Imagine Dragons 11. Nine Inch Nails 12. Will Hoge 13. Ringo Starr 14. Fleet Foxes 15. Cage the Elephant 16. The Jerry Douglas Band 17. Deer Tick 18.Tori Amos 19. Cigarettes After Sex 20. Arcade Fire

ADVENTURE PICKS 1. Beck 2. Robert Plant 3. Gogol Bordello

While I never got to see Blondie back in the early days I can only imagine how intense the show was at CBGB had to be. Granted, Harry is in her seventies now,

©Dave Weinthal





©Dave Weinthal




and played for me a song called “Suffocate Me”. It was dance infused hard rock with an angel’s voice. My buddy showed me an autographed picture of Manson that was included with the CD. He kept it in his desk drawer. Over the years I would ask if he still had the picture and he would proudly pull it out of his drawer to show me his prized possession. After seeing Garbage open for Blondie I went by to see him again to brag. He’s a big fan of Garbage as well. I asked him if he still had the picture. He put his index finger in front of his mouth and said, “Shhh! Don’t tell my wife.” We both laughed. He’s been happily married for as long as I’ve known him and it’s not like he would have any kind of chance with the Garbage lead singer. But I digress.

Manson is to ‘90s alt rock that Harry was to new wave and post punk. The Scottish singer has a voice that is instantly recognizable – and for good reason. Like

a double bill. I can’t think of any with all original members. Sure, way the co-headlining bill could they’ve taken long breaks at have been topped. time, but the time apart has made they a greater unit. The only one who didn’t seemed There’s a camaraderie there that is evident. They started the night with literally a brand new song they dropped earlier in the week called “No Horses”. The only difference in new Garbage compared to the songs off their debut album and Garbage 2.0 is the fact the sound is fuller with a strong backbeat. It doesn’t hurt when your drummer, Butch Vig engineered some of the greatest albums in rock music history. ©Dave Weinthal

Harry, there’s a sultry and sensuality in her voice that no other female singer in any genre can emote as well. It was about time the two toured together. It was kind of like a wet dream for such

amused by the lineup was Mother Nature. She was probably jealous. About midway through Garbage’s set they had to leave the stage because of heavy rain and lightning in the area. Garbage was undaunted and returned after they were give an all’s clear. Garbage is a unique band that has been around since 1993. What I love best perhaps about the band besides Manson’s stage presence and voice is the fact that the band remains intact

Garbage played a well-balanced set performing songs off their latest album last year’s Strange Little Birds and 2012’s Not Your Kind of People, as well as songs off their other four albums including two soundtrack songs, “#1 Crush” off of Romeo & Juliet and “The World Is Not Enough” the theme from the James Bond film. Manson challenged Harry with her strong vocals and stage presence. Harry was up to the task. And for those in attendance it was a win-win situation.

- Dave Weinthal

Retro Cafe

The Best of New Wave, Post Modern Classics and Other Odd Stuff

Wednesdays at 5pm est. on wawl.org ENIGMA



©Dave Weinthal




Moon Taxi ©April Henderson

Moon Taxi opened their "Put 'Em Up" Tour Friday, August 18 at Chattanooga's historic Tivoli Theatre with great enthusiasm from the packed house. The indie rockers who call Nashville home made themselves home a little over 130 miles away as the indie darlings with their blues-tinged rock.

Mississippi got the night off to a great start bringing their raw and rowdy energy. They put on a wonderful show for the nearly full house and Moon Taxi took the stage shortly after.

Still pulling heavily from their last full-length album, Daybreaker the band played their newest single, “Two Opening the show, The Weeks, High” that according to band an idie rock favorite from leader Trevor Terndrup is lyri-

In the City" off their new album that was released in May. Lead singer Trevor Terndrup's amazing voice had the fans mesmerized from start to finish. The band filled out their set with great versions of The Eagles' "Hotel California" and John Lennon's Band members Trevor "Imagine". All in all the show Terndrup, Tyler Ritter, Tommy was incredible and the night Putnam, Spencer Thomson and was full of good vibrations. Wes Bailey were ready to jam into the night. The progressive - April Henderson indie rock group brought the energy and the crowd could feel it throughout the entire show. The Nashville-based band opened with "Mercury". Playing many of the popular songs off their five studio albums like "Morocco", "River Water," and "Year Zero" the crowd acted accordingly. One of the highlights of the show was their performance "Livin' cally "a song about hope," he told Relix Magazine. Comparisons have been made to Kings of Leon and The Black Keys but no matter what the full house at the Tivoli was into the music and the band itself.





©April Henderson




THIS MONTH IN ROCK HISTORY 1955 Little Richard entered J&M Studios in New Orleans for a two day recording session. Things were not going well and during a break, Richard and his producer, Bumps Blackwell, went to the Dew Drop Inn. With few people there and an old upright piano, Richard started playing like crazy, singing loud, lewd and hamming it up. Blackwell was stunned... why couldn’t he record this? They went back to J&M with only fifteen minutes left in the session and “Tutti Fruiti, good booty” became “Tutti Fruiti, awrootie”. The song would be Richard’s break-out hit and managed to make it to #17 early the following year, but a cover by Pat Boone over shadowed Richard’s version and went to #12 on the Billboard Pop chart.

record stores were swamped with requests for “Love Me Tender”, although its release date was weeks away. There were also well organized letter writing campaigns and petitions against Presley, but it was later brought to light that many of the signatures were fictitious or of deceased people. 1957 Jerry Lee Lewis’ “Whole Lot Of Shakin’ Going On” peaks at #3 on the Billboard Top 100. The record would not only top the R&B and Country charts, but it would go on to be ranked #61 on Rolling Stone magazine’s Greatest Songs Of All Time and in 2005 be added to the National Recording Registry at the Library of Congress. That’s not bad for a song that Jerry Lee, along with drummer J.M. Van Eaton and guitarist Roland Janes, had recorded in just one take because Sun Records’ producer Jack Clement didn’t have enough tape left for any other attempts.

British record to crack the US Top 20. The vocal group was made up of Tim Field, Tom Springfield and his sister Dusty, who would go on to have her own solo hits like “I Only Want To Be With You”.

Sam And Dave’s classic, “Soul Man” is released in the US, where it will rise to #4 by the end of November. The song would be given the 1968 Grammy Award for Best Rhythm & 1963 Blues Group Performance, Vocal or New York disc jockey Murray The K Instrumental. receives a copy of The Beatles’ “She Loves You” and plays it on radio Jimi Hendrix’s debut LP, “Are You station WINS-AM. It is believed to Experienced?” enters the Billboard be the first Beatles’ song ever Hot 200 album chart, where it will broadcast in the US. stay for 106 weeks, including 77 weeks in the Top 40. In 2003, 1966 Rolling Stone magazine ranked it The Association had their first #15 on their 500 Greatest Albums of number one single with “Cherish”. All Time and two years later it was The song had been released in selected for permanent preservaAugust and within two months tion in the National Recording would be a million seller, remain- Registry at the Library of Congress ing at the top of the US Pop charts in the United States. for nearly a month. Oddly, it did 1968 not do well overseas, perhaps because of poor distribution. Only It was rare that a Country tune when the song was re-recorded by could top the Billboard Pop chart, David Cassidy in 1971, did “Cherish” but Jeannie C. Riley’s “Harper become an international hit. Valley P.T.A.” did just that. The record sold over 1,750,000 copies 1967 in the first two weeks after its Boz Scaggs joins the Steve Miller release. Although she never Band. He would stay with the group cracked the Top 50 on the Pop for two albums, “Children of the chart again, Riley went on to have Future” and “Sailor”, before leaving several big Country hits.

The Platters’ “Only You” enters the Billboard Pop chart at #24 on its way to becoming a million selling, US number one hit. The song would also become the first record to sell 1960 more than a million copies in France. In Britain, the director of public prosecution is called upon to ban 1956 the American hit “Tell Laura I Love 19-year-old Jerry Lee Lewis arrives Her” by Ray Peterson. The song at Sun Records hoping for an audi- was being denounced in the press tion, only to find that owner Sam as likely to inspire a teen-age “gloPhillips is on vacation in Florida. rious death cult.” The story tells of Producer and engineer Jack a lovesick youngster who drives in Clement has Jerry Lee record some a stock car race to win the hand of demos that Phillips will hear when his sweetheart. He crashes and just he gets back and Lewis will begin before dying, groans out the words recording as a solo artist and ses- of the title. sion musician in early December. With the American music scene still Elvis Presley made his first appear- reeling from the “payola” scandal, ance on The Ed Sullivan Show in the US Federal Communications act front of 54 million TV viewers, was amended to outlaw payments which gave the program an 82.6 of cash or gifts in exchange for airrating. Elvis sang “Don’t Be Cruel”, play of records. “Love Me Tender”, “Hound Dog” 1962 and “Ready Teddy” for host Charles Laughton who was filling in for A song called “Silver Threads and Sullivan who was recovering from a Golden Needles” by The recent car accident. The next day, Springfields became the first ENIGMA

for a successful solo career in 1969.



Jimi Hendrix’s “All Along the The Emotions held down the top Watchtower” is released in the US spot. where will become his only Top 40 1978 hit single, topping out at number 20. The Who’s drummer, Keith Moon died of an overdose of a sedative 1971 called Heminevrin that had been John Lennon’s “Imagine” LP is prescribed to prevent seizures released. It would reach #1 on both induced by alcohol withdrawal. sides of the Atlantic. In 2003, The 31-year-old Moon died in the Rolling Stone magazine named same apartment that had previous“Imagine” as #76 on its list of The ly belonged to Harry Nilsson and 500 Greatest Albums of All Time. earlier, Mama Cass Elliot. He is eventually replaced in The Who by 1972 ex-Faces drummer Kenney Jones. The O’Jays receive a Gold record for their first single, The Rolling Stones’ “Beast Of “Backstabbers”, which made it to #3 Burden” is released in the US on Billboard’s Pop chart. where it will reach #8. In 2004 Rolling Stone magazine ranked the Curtis Mayfield’s LP, “Super Fly” song #435 on their list of the 500 goes Gold as it tops the Billboard Greatest Songs of All Time. Hot 200 album chart on the 1979 strength of the title track and “Freddie’s Dead”. The album is one The first Rap record makes it onto of the few soundtracks to out-gross vinyl when the Sugar Hill Gang’s the film it accompanied. “Rapper’s Delight” was recorded over the instrumental break from Three Dog Night reach number one Chic’s “Good Times”. The single on the Billboard Hot 100 for the becomes a Disco smash, selling two third time with a song written in million copies in the US. Rap has 1955 called “Black and White”. In gone on to open up a whole new the UK however, the record failed industry for people who can’t sing, to chart at all. write music or play an instrument. 1973 Paul and Linda McCartney along with Denny Laine begin recording tracks for Wings’ upcoming album “Band On The Run” at EMI studios in Lagos, Scotland.

1983 The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) certifies ZZ Top’s seventh album, “Eliminator” as Platinum. The LP reached number 9 on the US album chart and number 3 in the UK.

1974 At 300 pounds, he didn’t look like a Rock star, but Barry White scored his first US number one and second of five Top Ten singles with “Can’t Get Enough Of Your Love, Babe”. It made #8 in the UK.

1986 Michael Nesmith joins the other three Monkees on stage for the first time since they disbanded in 1970.

1977 The Rock group Blondie, featuring former Playboy Bunny Debra Harry, sign their first major record company contract with Chrysalis Records.

1991 Garth Brooks becomes the first Country artist to enter the Billboard Hot 200 album chart at number one. His “Ropin’ the Wind”, a collection of Pop and Country tunes, had advance orders of over 4 million copies.

Marc Bolan of T. Rex was killed when a car driven by his girlfriend, Gloria Jones, left the road and hit a tree. An investigation would later blame the accident on mechanical failure. Bolan was just weeks away from his 30th birthday. Fleetwood Mac’s “Don’t Stop” peaks at #3 on the US singles chart while E.L.O.’s “Telephone Line” reaches #7. “Best Of My Love” by

and was owed nothing. Judge Judy and enjoying VIP perks at a New apparently found Rotten was most York night spot. Club officials only credible and ruled in his favor. realized that the man wasn’t Jagger after looking at a photo of the While brandishing a shotgun, Rolling Stones’ front man and James Brown bursts into an insur- noticing that the unnamed ance office next to his and imposter was younger and heavier demands to know which of the than Jagger. forty-odd salesmen used his per2008 sonal washroom. Police were called and a two-state car chase Jerry Reed, whose hits included ensued, during which nearly two “Amos Moses” (#8 in 1971) and dozen shots were fired into “When You’re Hot, You’re Hot” (#9 Brown’s pick-up. He was eventually in 1971), died of complications from arrested in Georgia without further emphysema at the age of 71. He is incident. Although he was offered a also remembered for his 1977 codeal to plead guilty and spend starring role in Smokey And The ninety days in jail, he refused and Bandit with Burt Reynolds, Jackie was sentenced instead to two con- Gleason and Sally Field, in which current six-year terms. He was his song “East Bound and Down” paroled on February 27th, 1991. was featured. Bobby McFerrin’s a cappella tune, “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” hit the top of the record charts, not only in the US but in almost every country in the world. The song would go on to win Grammy Awards for both Record of the Year and Song of the Year. It made #2 in the UK. During his career, McFerrin became tentime Grammy Award winner.

2010 Reality TV star Kelly Osbourne told the press that her father Ozzy was once banned from her school in England after passing wind and falling asleep in the middle of a parent / teacher interview.

2003 Warren Zevon, the singer / songwriter best remembered for his 1978 breakthrough album “Excitable Boy”, which contained his only hit single, “Werewolves Of 2013 London”, died of lung cancer at the age of 56. Former Village People vocalist Victor Willis won a legal battle that Sheb Wooley, best remembered for began in 2011 to reclaim the rights his 1958 #1 hit, “The Purple People to more than 30 of the Disco Eater”, died of leukemia at the age group’s hit songs. Willis, who porof 82. As an actor, he appeared in trayed a traffic cop in the band, more than 60 films, including High left the group in 1979 and transNoon and Giant. He also appeared ferred his rights to 33 tracks, as Pete Nolan in the US television including “Y.M.C.A.” and “In the series Rawhide. Navy”, to his publisher. After having a change of heart, he filed suit 2005 to win back ownership of the A Mick Jagger impersonator spent tunes. over an hour accepting free drinks

1998 An episode of the American TV show Judge Judy airs in which Sex Pistol Johnny Rotten (nee Lydon) appears as the defendant in a case involving drummer Robbie Williams, who sues Rotten for wrongful termination from a recent tour. Williams had claimed that the Sex Pistols owed him $7,000. Rotten said Williams quit ENIGMA

2009 Mary Travers, the striking blonde in the Folk trio Peter, Paul And Mary, passed away after suffering from leukemia for several years. She was 72. Mary’s lead vocal can be heard on the group’s biggest hit, 1969’s “Leaving On A Jet Plane”.



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