Known for his pioneering style of country music, the multi-nominated and Grammy winning singer/songwrite comes to town on September 10 at the Tivoli Theatre. Performing with him will be Willie Jones.
The late,great Russell Linneman would be proud of Songbirds as they keep the blues alive with a free open jam Mondays with folks like Rick Rushing (above) taking place. As he blues doctor would say, “Keep it “between the lines because the boys in blue are looking out for you.”
Prince Charming himself, Adam Ant is on tour with his “Friend or Foe” where he’ll be performing the album in it’s entirely that includDrive-By Truckers have always been outspoken, telling a distinctly concept ed monumental his such as “Goody Two Shoes”, “Desperate But Not American story via craft, character, and concept, all backed by sonic Serious” and more. be performing at Symphony Hall at Woodruff ambition and social conscience. The “Alabama Ass Whuppers” will bring Arts Center in AtlantaHe’ll on September 27. their soutthern charm to Walker Theatre on September 19. ENIGMA
another with my exes. LP
Dear Rocco, How can we stop arguing about politics? My husband is a Republican and I’m a Democrat, and we argue constantly! It is getting to the point where I’m seriously thinking about divorcing him. Is there any other solutions? MK
DDee aarr M MKK PPoolliitt iiccss sshh oouull ddnn’’ tt ddeess ttrr ooyy yyoouurr m maarrrriiaaggee bb eeccaauuss ee lleett ’’ss ffaa ccee iitt tt hheeyy aarree aallll ccrrooookkss .. JJuu sstt ttoo tthh rroow wm myy ppoolliittiiccaall hh aatt iinn tthh ee rriinngg II w w oouulldd ssuuggggeesstt yyoouu dduu m mpp tthh ee lliibb eerraall bbss aanndd bb eeccoom mee aa RRee pp uubb lliiccaa nn.. HHoow w eevveerr iiff yyoouu’’ rree nnoott rr eeaaddyy ttoo ccoom mee oovveerr ttoo tthh ee rriigghhtt ssiiddee tthh eenn yyoouu ccoouulldd jjuuss tt tt rryy aavvooiidd-iinngg tt aallkkiinngg aabboouu tt pp oolliittiiccss II meeaann uunnlleess ss yyoouu gguuyyss aarree m pp oolliitt iicciiaannss iitt sshhoouu lldd bb ee ffaaiirr llyy eeaassyy ttoo aavvooiidd.. Dear Rocco, My fiance is getting flabby! When we started dating, she weighed around 90 lbs. After I placed the ring on her finger, she has ballooned to around 130 lbs. I have told her to layoff the junk food but she’s not listening! I have told
her that I’m not marrying a cow — she’s not listening! She’s still wild in bed and I don’t want to lose her, but I can’t deal with her being fat! How do I get my fiance to lose weight? She’s not listening to me at all! LC
DDeeaarr LLCC SSoouu nnddss lliikk ee yyoouu’’ rree aa HHeellll ooff aa gguu yy w w hhoo w w aannttss ttoo m maarr rryy aa sskkeellee ttoonn aanndd nnoott tthh ee w w oom maann yyoouu lloovvee aanndd w w hhoo lloovveess yyoouu iinn rr eettuu rrnn.. IIff yyoouu aarree ggiivviinngg hheerr ss hhiitt ff oorr hh eerr w w eeiigghh tt tt hheenn yyoouu aa rree nnoott rreeaaddyy ffoorr m maa rr-rriiaaggee bbee ssiiddee ss w whh oo ssaayyss yyoouu hhaavveenn’’ tt lleett yyoouurrssee llff ggoo aa lliitt ttllee aass w w eellll??
DDeeaarr LLPP Weellll tthh iiss gguuyy iissnn’’tt yyoouu rr eexx yyeett W ssoo sstt oopp ccoom mpp aarriinngg hhiim m ttoo tthhee m m.. PPuu tt tthh ee pp aasstt bb eehh iinndd yyoouu iiff tthh iiss gguu yy iiss ggrree aatt tthh eenn eennjj ooyy iitt.. YY oouu ff oouu nndd aa kkeeeepp eerr.. GGiivvee hh iim m aa bbrreeaa kk hh ee iissnn’’tt tthhoossee oott hheerr gguu yyss..
DD eeaarr FFW W KKiicckk hhiiss aassss tt oo tthh ee ccuu rrbb.. GGeett rriidd ooff hhiiss ppssyycchhoo aassss bb eeff oorree hh ee ddooee ss hh iitt yyoouu.. AAdduulltt rreellaa -tt iioonnsshh iippss nneeeedd ttrruu sstt aanndd tthh iiss gguuyy ddooeessnn’’tt ttrr uusstt yyoouu bb eeccaauussee ooff hhiiss oow wnn ppaarraa nnooiiaa.. IIff hh ee iiss ssccaarriinngg yyoouu tthh eenn yyoouu nneeeedd ttoo ggeett aaw waayy ff rroom m hhiim m..
Dear Rocco, My boyfriend of over a year always thinks that I am seeing someone behind his back or talking to someone, when I have never given him any reason to think those things. He gets angry and screams at me for no reason. It looks like he will hit me but he has never actually done so. He can get very scary. What should I do about my boyfriend’s jealous outburst?
Rocco is a common sense, tell-it-like-it-is, no-nonsense kind of guy offering real advice on any subject put before him. Why pay thousands of dollars on a highpriced therapist when he’ll straighten you out for free. If you’d like advice from Rocco e-mail him at or drop him a line at Ask Rocco c/o Enigma P.O. Box 825 Chattanooga, TN 37401.
Dear Rocco, How do you know if your boyfriend is right for you? I have been dating my boyfriend for little over 4 months now and everything is going fine. However, I can’t stop myself from thinking that there has to be something wrong with him somehow. So far, he is the perfect man. I have been unlucky in love before and there’s always been some issue or ENIGMA
ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20) Use discretion, especially if involved with someone from work. Don’t rely on others to handle the workload. You can make financial deals, but it may be best if you’re not using your own cash. Doublecheck before you go out.
LEO (July 23-Aug 22) Opportunities to go out with clients or colleagues will be in your best interest. Take time to catch up on overdue correspondence. You could come into extra cash. Don’t give your heart too readily.
Your luckiest events this month Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Monday. will occur on a Saturday. VIRGO (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23) Changes in your home will be positive. Property investments should payoff. You will have to make some changes regarding your direction if you wish to keep on top of your career expectations. Go with the flow and don’t be concerned about your own job. Don’t Your luckiest events this month let situations get out of control. will occur on a Thursday. Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Sunday. GEMINI (May 22-June 21) Try not to jump to conclusions. LIBRA You need to make your lover feel (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23) wanted, not like a piece of the fur- You are best to put in some overniture. Travel will be favorable. time rather than get involved in You can gain knowledge from deal- family gatherings. Old friends may ing with foreigners. Be aware that not like your choices. Ask those in key positions to help you overyou might be at fault as well. come the delays and to support Your luckiest events this month your concerns in order to move on. Don’t turn down offers that will occur on a Saturday. include sports activities or children. CANCER (June 22-July 22) Secret affairs will come back to Your luckiest events this month haunt you. Don’t jump into invest- will occur on a Monday. ments too quickly. You can make the most headway if you put in SCORPIO some overtime. You will meet new (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) romantic partners through the Don’t evade issues or twist the truth around. Limitations at work company you keep. might set you back. Your mind may Your luckiest events this month not be on the job. Get help to finish a project if you need it. will occur on a Sunday. TAURUS (Apr. 21- May 21) Travel for business or pleasure will be enlightening. Don’t let your health suffer because of abuse. Losses are likely if you aren’t careful where you leave your valuables. Visitors may be likely to drop by.
Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Sunday. will occur on a Tuesday. AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19) SAGITTARIUS Your ideas may be good, but they (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21) Don’t be shy; if you want to spend aren’t necessarily right for everymore time with a special person, one. Social events will be favormake a commitment. You might able. Social events may lead to a find that coworkers will support romantic interlude. Opposition is your endeavors. Uncertainty present and you should be preregarding your direction is likely. pared to counteract it as best you Go out with friends who are posi- can. tive and supportive. Your luckiest events this month Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Thursday. will occur on a Tuesday. PISCES (Feb. 20-Mar. 20) CAPRICORN Minor accidents are likely if you (Dec 22.- Jan. 20) Family outings will make you feel take risks. Use your creative flair. secure and happy. You will be You may have difficulties with famoverly sensitive this month. Your ily members if you get involved in energy will be high; however, if petty arguments. Be aware that a not channeled suitably, temper female you work with may be trytantrums may erupt. Don’t let ing to hold you back. domestic problems interfere with Your luckiest events this month your objectives. will occur on a Sunday. Your luckiest events this month
Retro Cafe
The Best of New Wave, Post Modern Classics and Other Odd Stuff
Wednesdays at 5pm est. on ENIGMA
Making Criminals Out of Law Abiding Citizens or: Why Don’t We Punish the User Not the Innocent Gun Owner? It seems like after every recent is a Universal Background Check” gun to another private individual. Federal Firearms License holder mass shooting (how do you really (UBA)? When you buy a gun from a If you wanted to sell a gun to (gun dealer) and have them do a define those) that a certain politi- Federal Firearms Dealer you another party including friends, transfer. The problem with that is the FFL holder will have to do cal party starts demanding some paperwork and thus charge a fee. type of “gun control”. This gun Usually the minimum fee for a control is always a nebulous term, “transfer” of a firearm is $25.00 never being well defined, and is but some dealers charge $40.00 or usually constructed to affect peomore. Thus the cost of the gun has ple who are law abiding gun ownincreased that much. In Tennessee ers not convicted felons, violent there is a $10.00 background check criminals or the mentally fee. Some dealers include it in the deranged. Why wouldn’t laws cost of the transfer while others aimed at preventing mass shootadd it on. So the cost of a, for ings be constructed to address the example, $500.00 gun has just types of people who usually comincreased by ten percent. This is mit these crimes? current practice. If a federal law is passed that private citizens have One misguided idea promoted by to do a transfer through a dealer anti-gun forces is the “Universal Background Check”. Ask someone undergo an extensive background neighbors, coworkers or whomev- to sell a gun to another individual advocating this and they almost check. A UBA would require you to er you would have to go to a then some dealers may raise the never can define what it is. What go to a licensed dealer to sell a
45 Johnson Ferry Rd. NW Atlanta, GA 30328 P.O. Box 825 Chattanooga, TN 37401
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Paul E. Burke Sr. Publisher D.A. Weinthal Editor-In-Chief David Huff Music Editor Chris Eason Photo Editor
Contributing Editors: Mark Haskins, Jim Sells, Mark Bedford. Chris McKay, David N. Marks, William Alexander, Dave Fernandez Founder: D.A. Weinthal
price as the individual will not be able to legally transfer the gun without a background check. Who can do the background check? The dealer can. Is this making it harder to transfer guns a big part of the “liberal” agenda? I will let the reader decide for them self. What gun haters or anti-gun people don’t acknowledge is that background checks were performed on many of the deranged individuals who committed almost all of the high profile high casualty shootings in the last decade or so. While there were some mistakes made in at least two of these incidents (one where a felony conviction was not entered on the computer databank as the person was in the military and another where the felony conviction was somehow overlooked). The killer (I will not use the names of these cowardly scum and give them more infamy) who shot up a concert in Las Vegas in 2017, the Marjorie Douglas Stoneman High School shooter, the crazed killer who shot up a theater crowd in Aurora Colorado in 2012 , and the shooters who committed recent mass killings in Dayton, Ohio and El Paso, Texas had all passed background checks to legally obtain the weapons they used in their murderous attacks. I feel that if there is going to be any real use to a new or enhanced background check that it would have to have a mental health component not just a criminal background history. This type of enhanced check, while it could be tremendously useful, will face opposition by conservatives and liberals alike I’m sure. Conservatives will likely say it can be misused to deny certain people (for example veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) the ability to buy a gun while others may claim it violates the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) which sets standards for the use and disclosure of individuals’ health
information. I do not know exactly how this information could be put in a database or the legalities of it. Perhaps the individual would agree to the release of information as a condition of buying a weapon. If this is ever proposed there will be legal issues to be overcome I am sure. Regular background checks don’t weed out the mentally ill. It appears that what is needed is an enhanced type of background check which would include disqualifying mental health issues. Again would this stop all attacks by crazed people? No, but it is a possible useful measure to help prevent some attacks.
for $50.00 to $100 dollars to an agency doing a “gun buyback”? Most guns “sold back” are very cheap guns, so called Saturday Night Specials”, which have little to no value. The sellers feel like they are coming out ahead. And they are.
guidance as well as spending time with children would seem to be helpful. Perhaps Enhanced Background Checks not Universal Background Checks would be much more useful. Methods for detecting people with this type of desire to commit violent acts should be researched. Teachers, counselors, parents, School Resource Officers and others must be encouraged to report abnormal behaviors in young people so that hopefully they can be prevented from committing mass shootings or other violent mass attacks. It is important to not trample millions of people’s rights in a knee jerk effort to make people feel good by implementing an illegal, unconstitutional edict which will not address the situation realistically.
If the government demands you surrender your guns so that they can buy them back or “reimburse” you then it is obviously confiscation. Call it what you will. Using confusing language or doublespeak to camouflage what the government is doing does not change the outcome. If a citizen is forced to give up something (protected by the Second Amendment, by the Recently Kirsten Gillebrand (a way) then that is illegal, unconstiDemocratic candidate for tutional and should not be President of the United States) endured or allowed. Think about your Constitutional said that she would be in favor of “mandatory” gun buyback pro- What is the answer to controlling rights. grams. Gun buybacks are volun- guns without making law-abiding - Mark Haskins tary programs often administered citizens criminals? I wish I knew. by Police Departments to “buy back” guns from people. More parental monitoring and Ostensibly this is to get guns off the street and out of the hands of people who do not need them. What kind of 1984ish doublespeak is this? Mandatory according to Webster’s Dictionary is defined as “containing or constituting a command”. So these buybacks that are usually voluntary in the United States would be mandatory. It would be required. Also why are they called “buybacks’? A city government or state law enforcement agency is usually administering the program. The owners of these guns did not buy them from a city, county or state agency. Thus they are not being “bought back”. Where did this misnomer come from? There are problems already with gun “buybacks”. It has been proven that most guns bought at these government sponsored gun buying events are junk guns being of very poor quality or being broken. If the seller has a $100 dollar gun that would cost $50.00 or more to repair then why not sell it ENIGMA
The big mouth bass can step aside. A woman fishing in upstate New York snapped photos when she reeled in a trout with a unique feature — two mouths. Debbie Geddes said she was fishing on Lake Champlain with her husband when she reeled in the two-mouthed fish. Photos of the unusual trout went viral after a friend, Adam Facteau, posted them to Facebook. “I’ve had messages from all over the world, like people asking about this fish and it seems like everybody’s got an opinion on what is the cause of
this fish having two mouths,” Facteau reported. Theories from people who viewed the photos include a genetic mutation and an injury from a swallowed hook. Geddes said she released the fish back into the water after taking the photos. A woman who went to a Missouri doctor complaining of water in her ear was shocked to be told it was actually a highly venomous brown recluse spider. Susie Torres said she thought the discomfort in her left ear was being caused by some water, but she went to a clinic in Kansas City to have it checked out
and began to worry when the medical assistant expressed concern. “She ran out and said I’m going to get a couple more people,” Torres said. “She then said, ‘I think you have an insect in there.’” Torres said she was even more surprised a few minutes later. “She came back in and told me it was a spider,” Torres said. “They had a few tools and worked their magic and got it out.” Torres said she is taking some precautions while sleeping. “I went and put some cotton balls in my ear last night, because I did not have any ear plugs,” said Torres. “I’m pretty terrified of spiders.”
Police were called with reports of a man dragging around an unconscious, topless woman. When they caught up with him they found something totally unexpected. 911 callers reported that a man appeared to be carrying a “topless, unconscious woman” through downtown Kansas City. He’d slung the woman over his shoulder, let her head bump on a street curb and even looked like he might throw her over a bridge, the callers said. “Savior!” the man yelled while holding the woman near the 12th Street bridge, one caller told
police. Cops rushed to the scene and found something “totally unexpected,” according to a Kansas City Police Department tweet. The “woman” who callers were scared might be dead was indeed not alive. She was actually a life-size doll the man said he found in a dumpster behind a restaurant a few blocks away, according to police. The officers told the man he shouldn’t carry his doll in public anymore. A Wisconsin man who said he was, “trying to put out bed bugs with a cigarette,” accidentally set fire to his mattress in a Madison hotel. Guest were evacuated as firefighters responded. As firefighters entered the hotel, a manager notified them that the mattress had already been brought outside. They went outside to ensure the mattress was fully extinguished. A guest at the hotel explained to firefighters that he was trying to put out bed bugs with a cigarette when the mattress caught fire. The fire then activated an automatic sprinkler. Firefighters remained on
scene until several rooms impacted by the smoke were fully cleared. Nobody was injured during the incident. The bed bugs did not survive. This is what you get for living in Alaska. An intrusive moose crashed an Alaska family’s pool party and was filmed drinking water from the pool before stealing a taco. Annah Anderson said her daughters were having a pool party in the back yard of their Alaska home when the girls were sent running by an unexpected moose. Anderson’s video shows the moose drinking water from the pool. She said the animal also helped itself to some of the girls’ food. “Someone crashed my three daughters pool party. One daughter is still pretty upset about her taco being touched,” Anderson wrote. The most disgusting part about this story? Being Alaska; they were probably moose tacos. Authorities in Missouri are investigating after residents reported finding creepy dolls posed in odd locations around a county.
Residents of Jefferson County said the dolls have been discovered posed in strange locations that sometimes lead them to initially be confused for children. “When we found this one, it was laying in front of our building. We picked it up and it was the doll, they’ve been hanging on top of stop signs, laying in front of the license office,” Angela Ravellette told local news. Police said they have received calls about the dolls, some of which were found without heads. Festus Police Chief Tim Lewis said the dolls appear to be a prank, but authorities are concerned they could lead to unintentional injury. This is the kind of story that makes you wonder what you have lying around your attic. A California man got $50,000 for his “funky, old shoes” that happened to be a pair of extremely rare prototype Nike running shoes from 1972. Dave Russell of Sacramento said the shoes, now known as the Nike Waffle Racing Moon Shoes, were given to him at age 25 when he participated in the 1972 Olympic trials
in Eugene, Ore. Only 12 of the prototype shoes designed by Nike cofounder Bill Bowerman were ever made, and 10 were given to athletes trying out for the Olympic team. Russell said the shoes spent years in a box in his garage, next to the Christmas lights. He said he only decided to sell them a few months ago, and received an offer from The Graduate Eugene Hotel, which is building a Nike museum in Eugene. He said he knew the shoes were worth some money, but he was shocked to receive such a large sum for his “funky, old shoes.” A woman, whose name was not released, was skydiving in Quebec when her main and backup parachutes failed to open. She plummeted into a wooded area and miraculously survived! She is in the hospital with several fractures, including broken vertebrae, but police said her life isn’t in danger. Denis Demers, who saw the incident play out, told local news that the solo skydiver was falling faster than anybody else. “It’s a miracle,” Demers said. “I don’t know how a
person can survive a fall from an airplane like that.” Police said the woman had experience skydiving. An investigation is underway to determine whether it is a case of criminal negligence. Skydiving injuries are rare. In the US, the United States Parachute Association says, there was approximately 1 injury out of every 1,536 skydives in 2018. Doctors at a British hospital said a man whose dentures were missing after a surgical procedure was scanned with an X-ray eight days later and they were found lodged in his throat. Dr. Harriet Cunniffe of James Paget Hospital in Norfolk, England, wrote in the British Medical Journal that the 72-yearold patient returned to the hospital six days after surgery to remove a lump in his abdominal wall complaining of difficulties breathing and swallowing. An X-ray revealed the man’s false teeth, which had been missing since his surgery, were lodged in his throat, causing internal blistering and swelling. The man underwent surgery to remove the false teeth and was
released from the hospital again six days later. The doctors wrote that the case highlights the risks of leaving dentures in during the administering of anesthesia. That’s nationalized medicine for you. Doctors at a British hospital said a man whose dentures were missing after a surgical procedure was scanned with an X-ray eight days later and they were found lodged in his throat. Dr. Harriet Cunniffe of James Paget Hospital in Norfolk, England, wrote in the British Medical Journal that the 72-yearold patient returned to the hospital six days after surgery to remove a lump in his abdominal wall complaining of difficulties breathing and swallowing. An X-ray revealed the man’s false teeth, which had been missing since his surgery, were lodged in his throat, causing internal blistering and swelling. The man underwent surgery to remove the false teeth and was released from the hospital again six days later. The doctors wrote that the case highlights the risks of leaving dentures in during the administering of anesthesia. That’s
nationalized medicine for you. Police in Colorado said a bear that broke into a home left in the style of the Kool-Aid Man by bursting out through a wall when officers arrived. The Estes Park Police Department said officers responded to a report of a bear inside a residence. Police said the bear had apparently been drawn into the home by the “scent of refuse.” “Upon officer’s arrival, said bear forcibly breached a hole in the wall like the ‘Kool-Aid Man’ and made its escape,” police wrote. The beverage mascot is famous for crashing through walls while uttering the catchphrase, “Oh yeah!” Police reminded residents and visitors to keep all doors and windows firmly closed and locked on their homes and vehicles. Just as international rumors are surfacing about another nuclear accident in Russia, a group of scientists announced they have created vodka from ingredients harvested from inside the Chernobyl exclusion zone and verified that it is safe to drink.
Atomik vodka was created by University of Portsmouth scientists from grain and water from inside the exclusion zone as part of a three-year research project into the radioactivity of crops grown inside the 19-mile radius around the Chernobyl nuclear plant, which experienced a reactor explosion in 1986. “Thirty years on after the accident we found was that in the area the crops were slightly above the very cautious Ukranian limit for consumption. So technically, you can’t eat those crops. But we thought, ‘Well, we’ve got some grain, why don’t we try making a vodka,’” project leader Jim Smith said. Smith’s team found distilling the vodka reduced the radioactive contamination to an undetectable level, making it safe to drink. He said the newly founded Chernobyl Spirit Company will soon be selling Atomik vodka, with 75 percent of profits going to communities affected by the disaster. The vodka will be the first consumer product from the exclusion zone since the disaster.
You Are Worth It You deserve love, happiness, compassion, and understanding in your life. Regardless of what your past entails. Do not listen to the lies in your head. The words in your head are just playing games with you. Keeping you trapped into believing you are not worthy. Holding you down so you can never rise up and see true Freedom. Dragging you backwards to keep from feeling unconditional love. This is where your relationships play a key role in the outcome of your life.
going to keep you as far away as I possibly can. I may not offer you a seat at my table for months, even years.
is a natural aspect of life. Unfortunately, that change comes in the form of relationships we aren’t ready to let go of.
people and relationships into more than what they are. Evaluate whether that relationship is worth the hard work or should you fold ‘em and move on. Sometimes the Don’t take this personally. See, this Sometimes, we fixate our attention relationship or friendship we want isn’t about you, it is all me. I have trying to make something work, the most, aren’t the right ones. That is a hard fact to accept. This is especially hard if you have invested lots of time and effort. This doesn’t mean you can’t still be friends and love each other. It just means you do it from a distance. Stop making yourself small so others feel comfortable or accept a false you. You have found your value and they are still searching for theirs.
Relationships can be tricky though. In order to have a relationship with people, you have to learn to trust people. This is no easy task for some. OK... me! Most people build trust by letting people get close to them. Sharing experiences with them. Living life together. And whatever else normal people do. But not here. Nope. I play my cards close to my chest. Seriously. I was once told that I have steel doors over my heart. I was told I needed to open those doors to let some kindness and love come in, and flow out. Yes, true words from a now close friend. We all joke about it now. But the first time those words were spoken, the pain felt like a sharp knife being stabbed into my heart. I was devastated. I know I am rough at times but not that bad. I can’t even describe the wounds of those words. No fear, friends. My girl had no idea how bad those words hurt me. Her intention was not to cause harm. She was slightly teasing me on how rough around the edges I can be. For me, the by-product of the fights going on in mind is, I tend to keep people at bay. I can’t decide who deserves a seat at the table and who is out for blood. Most often, the fear of being hurt is too high of a price to pay. Sadly, people only know what they see. No matter how many times we say don’t judge a book by its cover, we still do. Especially when it comes to people. People see my cover as cold, hateful, stuck up, holier than thou, uninterested, cocky, and um yes, a bitch. There, I said it. Truth be told I have a great poker face. I am
Either way, you need to quit setting yourself up for disappointment and heartache.
- Michelle my own insecurities I am still walking through. I have allowed incorrect opinions of me take over my own mind. I need to know whether you are worth a place at my table. The more comfortable I get with who I am, the happier I am with less. #simpleisbetter. I would rather have fewer people at my table, if the quality of those relationships are top notch. Trust and security take time. So, if you aren’t able to give me time to process the information you are giving, then just smile and wave as you walk by. ‘Cause trust me, I won’t hold it against you, and I ask that you don’t hold anything against me. The time just isn’t right for us. When it is right, there will be room at the table. For everybody! Until then, I just need time to remove all the trash.
only to be destroyed in the process. We set expectations or standards for people to follow, whether we realize it or not. Funny thing about expectations/standards, if they aren’t spoken into words, expectations are the silent killer. I am not saying you need to sit down with people and physically speak words of expectations or standards into a relationship. Actions speak louder than words. Read the warning signs.
Michelle is a mom, wife, certified pharmacy tech, and an oil enthusiast. In a search for a simpler life, Michelle, along with her husband Curtis, has recently added ‘entrepreneur’ to her resume. Haman’s Homestead was created with the desire to share a simpler approach to all things life has to offer. Follow Michelle’s oil journey in her blog at She Often times, we expect too much can also be reached at hamanfrom other people. This isn’t right or wrong. Sometimes, we just build
I’ve learned a few things about relationships. If your relationships are all one sided, you need to wave bye, and move on. You are worth the same respect and time you have given. Here is the truth. If they cannot make time for you, then this relationship is not a priority for them. And that is OK. There is nothing wrong with that. No one is to blame. You both may be at different stages in your life. It is quite possible that the time is not right for this relationship. Or sadly, you have outgrown that relationship. Which is also OK. Change ENIGMA
Believer—Imagine Dragons
Get Off My Lawn no more aid.
Well, they have started to perform their abortion on Patten Parkway downtown (next to the old Yesterday’s). One of the first things scheduled to go is the beautiful tree... they need to leave the tree alone - look at the total mess they have made at MLK and Market Street (the cow pasture).
abort babies but have a fit about run by a computer, and you know executing criminals. A baby has how they act sometimes. Not getBring more manufacturing back to never committed a crime. ting me as a passenger. the USA. Glad to see Maxine Waters has If marijuana is legal, let people out Tell China to kiss our grits—make gone from public view. of prison convicted of marijuana the tariff field level. charges. It’s amazing - people will line up Why are TV sets so hard to oper- for free stuff but will not volunteer 24) Lower the drinking age to 19 or ate? What happened to just on and to give back or help out. 20 - they are drinking anyway. off, change channel, and volume? I know this country has freedom of How many people miss the old Red If UTC has a beach volleyball team, religion - how can we give freedom Food Stores or drive-in theaters. when does the surf team start. to a religion that wants to kill us. 2We have a right to be selective What’s wrong with people? They Self-driving cars – are they nuts, about whom we associate with - we
What the hell is going on with gas prices - it goes up then down then up again— what’s the game? Glad Israel didn’t let the two bitches in their country— wish we could throw them out of ours. Well, football season is here again, we need to support the Mocs, hometown pride is important Cannot believe all of the empty apartments and condos downtown and still building. Need to support Scotty’s on the River— they are getting a real screw job from the parking Nazis. TV programs are getting worse. Bring back rock’n’roll or songs that you can understand and relate to. Two dollars or more for a cup of coffee or tea - a real holdup, they should wear masks and carry guns. Does anybody cook at home any more - a good home cooked meal? Women are starting to rebel against transgenders competing against them in sports - way to go real women. No welfare for illegals— feed our homeless first. Make Mexico help at the border or ENIGMA
should be allowed to have private clubs where we can exclude people based on anything we choose to discriminate against.
They inspect restaurants post the health report on the wall and in the paper. They need to do the same for craft beer brewers.
Freedom of speech is dead, it has I am 80 years old – got my first job been replaced by political correct- at eight years old working at Engel ness. Stadium selling popcorn—had to get a Social Security card been payWhen are they going to raid the ing ever since then, yet the governcarpet mills in Dalton? I under- ment gives illegals who have never stand a lot of illegals work there - paid a cent more than I get - is that fine the mill owners. fair? I said it once, now again - pass a city ordinance that all buildings must have a street number attached to the front. Have you ever had a problem because the buildings were not numbered? ALL business signs should be in English. Why does the city not enforce the law against selling counterfeit handbags (made in China) from outdoor stands along Brainerd Road. Hello, dumbass— it’s against the law.
What is wrong with college students today? When I was at UC (not UTC) in the 1950s and 1960s we played football at Chamberlain field. The school had less than 1,200 students. I was a cheerleader and enjoyed the games and the crowd - yes, the crowd. We had more students attend the game with 1,200 students than we have now with 12,000. Has school pride gone away? The school runs buses from school to the game but still the student crowd sucks. Shame on the frats and sororities for not coming out en masse. Oh, they
party on the parking lot and in the pavilion, but they don’t come to the games, I don’t get it. I feel sorry for the cheerleaders today they do try hard.
getting hot meals and watching TV—wouldn’t it be nice if the kids of our homeless got the same treatment as these illegals? USA citizens first, no exceptions.
Anyone who burns our flag should Fat kids are unhealthy, if you love have their butts kicked on the spot. them tend to this. Go to the National Cemetery on Get off the sofa and take a walk. Bailey to see where part of your We don’t need girls in the Boy freedom came from. Scouts— what is this crap. Remember this heat when it’s Sometimes it’s good to grow old, it below freezing this winter. feels good to outlive your enemies. The school board and police need to address the dangerous parking Don’t know if I want to do business and traffic problem in front of with a company that uses “ChooNormal Park School, someone is Choo” or “’Nooga” in their business name. If that’s all the creativity going to get killed or hurt. they have, what’s their business or Just saw on TV that the jerks at service like? Google are sticking their noses in government business - do your Watch your “Buy One Get One job, take your pay, and demon- Free“ again (Publix is at it again). strate on your own time. Until Next Time, News reporter just commented that Paul Burke Sr. the kids at the Mexican border are
Neil Ratner’s Amazing Journey As A True Rock Doc “Rock Doc” is an autobiography that chronicles Neil Ratner MD’s extraordinary and colorful life journey from the music business to medicine, back to music and everywhere in between. Neil Ratner quit college in the late sixties and traversed the Hollywood celebrity world as a successful road manager for names like Edgar Winters White Trash and tour manager for Emerson Lake and Palmer. He established a full-service production company (a pioneering approach at this stage) to support the artists on tour and worked with T-Rex, Genesis, Pink Floyd and many others. Later in his career he managed the successful songwriter Denise Rich and built Dream Factory studios in NYC. After his successful career in the music industry he decided it was time to follow his heart and pursue his other childhood dream of becoming an MD. Neil became an anesthesiologist. Traditionally anesthesiologists worked in hospitals, but Neil had other ideas. He was the first to take the practice of anesthesia out of the hospital and into doctors’ offices in NYC. When Propofol became available in the U.S. in the late 1980 s Neil was one of the first to become expert in its usage as it was a perfect drug for office use. His relationship with the top plastic and reconstructive surgeons in New York allowed him to treat a number of high-profile patients. That is how Neil met Michael Jackson. He became his personal doctor and a close friend. They had a lot in common. Neil accompanied the star from late 1997 until his last performance in 2001. Neil became a
trusted friend of Michael’s from TThh eerree aarr ee aa lloott ooff pp oopp ccuu llttuu rree rree ffee rr-1994 to 2002, periodically going on eennccee ss iinn tthhee m m oovviiee.. tour and spending time with I’ll have to go back and check it out. Michael at Neverland. I’ll have to go back and watch that II’’m m aa bb iigg ffaann ooff tthh ee m m oovv iiee ““ FFaasstt movie and watch Sean Penn. What TTii m mee ss A Att RRii ddggee m moonntt H H iigghh”” .. O Onnee ooff was his name in that? Spicolli?
portray absolutely did happen back in those days. The moniker, “sex, drugs and rock and roll” was all sort of together and happening. It was crazy times as well as some incredible music. Lots of groups produced unbelievable music back in the day, but life on the road was life on the road.
HH oow w dd oo yyoouu bb aall aannccee tthhee rr iigghhtt aanndd ll eefftt ssii ddee ooff yyoouu rr bb rraa iinn,, bb eeii nngg aa m muu ssii -ccii aann aatt hh eeaarr tt aass w weell ll aass tthh ee w whh eerr ee-wii tthhaa ll ccoonndd uuccttii nngg tthh ee bbuu ss iinneess ss aass aa w m aa nnaaggee rr aass w m wee llll aass eevv eennttuu aall ll yy bb eeccoom mii nngg aa ddooccttoorr ?? W Waass iitt rree aallll yy dd iiffffiiccuu lltt ttoo bb aall aannccee iitt oouu tt w whhee nn yyoouu wee rree yyoouunnggeerr ?? w
tthh ee cchh aarr aa cctteerr ss iinn tthh ee m m oovviiee ii ss nnaam mee dd M M aarrkk RRaattnnee rr.. TT hhee bb ooookk aanndd tthhee m moovvii ee w waa ss w w rriitttteenn bbyy CCaam m eerr oonn CCrr oow w ee oorrii ggii nnaallll yy ooff RRoollllii nngg SSttoonnee ffaam mee .. II w waa ss w woonndd eerr iinngg ii ff ggii vviinngg tthh ee cchhaarr aacctteerr tthh ee llaass tt nnaam m ee w waass aa hh oom m -aaggee ttoo yyoouu w w iitthh yyoouu rr hh iiss ttoorryy ii nn tthh ee muu ssii cc ii nndduu ssttrryy ?? m I haven’t heard about this.
Yeah, a little bit. I wasn’t that great in school. I was okay. I felt more musically inclined, but of course later in life when I made the transition I was way more interested in that educational experience. You could turn it on and off to sandwich that depending on where you are in life and what you really want to accomplish at that point. When you’re young, you’re young. Certainly I think your artistic leanings unless you’re a real nerd and a guy all about math and science most young people want to be movie stars, musicians, doctors, sports figures – everything but intellectuals. (laughs) Or anything other than an intellectual pursuit. But having both it was interesting to be able to execute focusing exercise both sides of my brain at different times in my life focusing both on the intellectual side to be a doctor or the artistic side and be a drummer. Also, both sides come into play for everything. When you can unite both sides of your brain and get good communication going that’s when I think you’re helpless the most. (laughs)
(both laugh) YYeess.
I’ll have to go back and check it out. Funny you should mention Cameron Crowe. What I relate to more than that was “Almost Famous”, which of course was based on his experiences as a Rolling Stone reporter and certainly a lot of the stuff her portrayed was very familiar to me. I think he was semi portraying a Led Zeppelin tour, but we all experienced it back in the day. And it was very much like that. (both laugh) YY oouu ’’vvee oonnee oonn tthh ee rrooaadd w wii tthh ssoom mee ooff tthhee bb iiggggee sstt aaccttss ii nn tthh ee w woorrll dd –– BBee iinngg iinn tthh ee bb uuss iinneess ss aa ss yyoouu w weerr ee aass PPii nnkk FF llooyydd ,, EEm m eerr ss oonn LLaa kkee aanndd aa ttoouu rr m maannaaggee rr,, pp rr oodd uuccttii oonn aanndd PPaall m mee rr ffoorr ee xxaam m ppll ee.. W Whh aatt iiss yyoouurr eevveenn aa dd ooccttoorr //aanneess tthhee ssiiooll ooggii sstt ttoo aa pp eerr ccee ppttii oonn nnoow ww whh eenn yyoouu llii sstteenn ttoo nnuu m m bbeerr ooff cceell eebb rrii ttii eess dd oo yyoouu eevvee rr m m uuss iicc,, ii ff yyoouu ssttii llll ll iiss tteenn ttoo m m uucchh ffaacctt cchh ee cckk m m oovv iiee ss llii kk ee ““ A All m m ooss tt rr aadd iioo aannyy m moorree ?? D Doo yyoouu llii kkee w whh eerree FFaam moouu ss”” ffoorr aaccccuurr aaccyy?? yyoouu sseeee m muu ssii cc ggooii nngg?? W W hhaatt ii ss yyoouurr oopp iinniioonn ooff iitt?? Of course they had some accuracy and the filmmaker took certain lib- You know, a lot of people from my erties to make a good movie. (both generation will bemoan the fact laugh) Depending on the movie, there’s no good music out there – some are more accurate than oth- the only good music was their ers. A lot of what they’re trying to music. It’s kind of reminiscent of
my parents and their generation saying. (laughs) And I don’t happen to prescribe to that. I think there’s always good music going on. I’m fortunate to live in a community where we have an independent radio station – Radio Woodstock. As a matter of fact I have a little show every Saturday and Sunday – a little report on rock and roll talking about my old experiences or something back in the day. I also have a large Facebook following where I have the same thing. I post a lot of things; post live video work. And because I love live music and live in a place with an independent radio station I’ve been exposed to a lot of new music – and I like what I hear. Some of it I can’t listen to. I’m not really that attune to rap. Other than that, I think there’s some great music that’s usually always going on particularly. I have no problem with today’s music. I really don’t. Not everything I hear, but come on.
been with celebrity I could relate to celebrity in a different way. It’s very important, especially as an anesthesiologist you don’t vary
AAss aa dd ooccttoorr aanndd aann aa nneesstthh eessii oollooggiiss tt ttoo ss oom m ee ooff tthh ee llaarr ggeesstt ssttaarr ss iinn tthhee woorrll dd,, M w Mii cchhaaee ll JJaacckk ssoonn bbee iinngg oonnee ooff tthhee m m aanndd bbee iinngg aa m muu ssii cciiaann yyoouu rrss eellff,, hh aass tthh aatt hh eell pp eedd yyoouu rreell aattee aanndd uu nndd eerr ssttaanndd yyoouurr pp aattiieennttss m moorree tthhaa nn ootthheerr dd ooccttoorr ss?? Certainly with Michael that was one of the key points in how we became friendly. I wasn’t just a doctor; I was a real music guy with real music experiences that he was interested in hearing about. It was a level we could relate on almost instantaneously. In terms of other celebrities I gave anesthesia to, having
walks into the office and can’t really handle it that well on an interpersonal level. Having been in a business when I met celebrities all
.Ratner with Edgar Winter.
what you do necessarily for the status of the patient, so to speak. You develop a routine in what you do and when you start to make exceptions or do things you don’t normally do that’s when you can get into trouble. A lot of doctors who always wanted to be doctors get very impressed when a celebrity
the time I could relate to them on a different level, which made me better at what I did as an anesthesiologist. But on another level, music and anesthesiology had a big part. I was able to blend the two in a sense. I was one of the “grandfathers” who started office space anesthesiology in New York City. During my residency I paid attention to those kinds of cases that were done with intravenous medication. The patient was in a semistate of consciousness. Because I was a musician and because I knew the power of music, I was one of the first to introduce music into the operating room – not for the surgeon necessarily: they always had music, but for the patient. Put a pair of headphones on the patient and pick very specific non-worded spiritually uplifting music – classical pieces, the new age music was just coming about at that time and I found if I used music effectively it almost became another drug in my cabinet of drugs to use as anesthesia – and that was like an incredible thing. The whole music and medicine thing really interplayed itself in many different ways.
ttoo bb eeii nngg aa rr ooaadd m m aannaaggeerr aanndd ffrroom m tthh eerree ssttaarr ttee dd aa pp rroodd uuccttiioonn ccoom m pp aa-nnyy,, CC iirr ccuuss TTaall eennttss,, LLttdd .. YY oouu ssee eem m eedd ttoo bb ee aa hheeaa dd ooff tthh ee ggaa m mee oonn eevveerr yy-tthh iinngg yy oouu aa rree tthh ee rr eess ppoonnssii bbll ee ffoorr ccoom mii nngg uu pp w wiitthh tthh iinnggss m maannyy eeii tthh eerr ttaakk ee ffoorr ggrr aannttee dd oorr tthh oouugghh tt hh aadd bb eeeenn aa rroouunndd ffoorr eevveerr iinn bb ootthh tthhee ee nnttee rrttaaiinnm m eenntt aanndd m mee ddii ccaall ffii eelldd ss.. W hhaa tt w W waass yy oouu rr ee xxppee rrii eennccee w wii tthh RRiicckk ll iikkee ?? That must have been fate, karma, synchronicity – call it what you will. As you said, I had a summer job, which would have gotten me a license as an operating room technician which I had hoped would help me get into medical school. I just took a summer sub-let in the city. It happened to be in the East Village. I heard the guitar playing, went upstairs. Lo and behold it was Rick Derringer. We become very friendly - an incredible summer. Rick was involved in all sorts of things, not just musically, but Rick was all a part of the Andy Warhol crowd. And being let into that whole thing was incredible and interesting. And then at the end of the summer I had already lost my desire to go back to pre-med at the University of Vermont. I was so excited by all that I had experienced and said, “hey, get me a job in the business”. Lo and behold about eight months later he did but it was as a road manager as opposed to a drummer – which at first I was hesitant. I really didn’t want to do that. It wasn’t what I was looking for but Rick convinced me it was a great way to get in the business – you never know who you’re going to meet; never know what’s going to happen. And that started me on a path. In terms of being entrepreneurial in my life; yeah, I always had that idea in my head to look ahead at maybe what people weren’t doing. Anybody could look at what people are doing and say, “all right, I’m going to do that”. You may do it well and you may be successful and that’s fine. What’s really interesting is if you have the foresight to think of something that hasn’t been done. And if you have there wherewithal to put it all together that’s really an incredible experience. Success or failure just the act of doing that I think is an important kind of way to advance yourself as a human being in a sense put yourself out there and see what you’re going to accomplish.
Whh eenn yyoouu m W m oovv eedd ttoo tthh ee EE aasstt VVii llllaa ggee DD iidd yyoouu aaccttuuaa llll yy ggeett ttoo m m eeee tt W Waa rrhh ooll iinn NN eew w YY oorrkk aanndd ttooookk aa ssuu m mm m eerr jj oobb dd uurr iinngg tthhiiss eerraa ?? aatt aa ll ooccaall hhooss ppii ttaall.. YYoouu hhaa dd RRii cckk DDeerr rrii nnggee rr aass aann uupp ssttaa iirrss nneeiigghh bb oorr .. Yes I did. YYoouu w weenntt ffrroom m bb eeii nngg iinn m m eedd ss cchhooooll ENIGMA
W hhaatt w W waass tthh aatt eexxpp eerrii eennccee llii kkee?? We didn’t talk much. I met him once or twice with Rick. He took me to The Factory once or twice, which was in the studio. Then when I started to work for Steve Paul, Edgar’s [Winter] manager there was a place in New York called Max’s Kansas City. And that was a major, major hangout for the hip crowd – so to speak. It was a back room. You couldn’t get in the back room unless you were really somebody and Steve had a table back there and he’d be there every night with his entourage – Johnny, Rick – whoever. And Andy had a table right next to him and of course his entourage. And so, yeah I interacted with those people during that whole Edgar Winter time and before when I met Rick that summer.
YY oouu hhaa vvee aa nneew w bbooookk oouu tt aa bboouu tt yyoouurr eexxpp eerr iieenncceess bbee iinngg tthhee ““rroocckk dd oocc”” .. AA lloott ooff aa ttttee nnttii oonn II gguu eessss iiss ggooiinngg ttoo bbee oonn rree llaattii oonnss hhii pp w w iitthh M iicchh aaeell JJaacckkss oonn.. H M Hoow ww weellccoom m ee aa rree yyoouu ttoo aatttteennttiioonn ttoo tthhaatt aa sspp eecctt ooff yyoouurr ll iiffee?? Part of the reason I wrote the book was because I thought Michael was misunderstood. I felt that I had a very unique relationship with him and maybe I could straighten a few things out and I wanted to tell the story of the Propofol story. That’s how he died and I know most people that probably left a bad taste in their mouth. They didn’t understand it. It seemed like the guy was looking for a drug. It just seemed awfully weird and I wanted people to know the beginning of that story. I thought that was important. There are all kinds of things that go on in life and most of the time we never know the real story about these kinds of things. I had the real story and thought I owed it to Michael to tell that story. Having said that, nothing turned out the way that I thought it would relative to that story, the book and my relationship with Michael because shortly before the book was released the “Leaving Neverland” documentary came out. And that poisoned the waters for Michael Jackson – period. I tried to do some publicity for the book with for example the English tabloids and it was a disaster. They just wanted to pump me on the pedophile type information. As I stated in the book: that’s not the Michael I knew. I don’t know these guys and that’s not the Michael I knew and wouldn’t have accepted it. I would have stopped it. I would have called in the authorities – done whatever I had to. I’m a medical professional – not a game; not
a joke here. For the eight years I was with him that wasn’t the behavior I witnessed. And I’m an anesthesiologist - I’m an observer. I was with him at very intimate times. So that is all I can say about that. Unfortunately for me all that timing put a real damper about what we had hoped to do, relative to tell that story because nobody wanted to hear it any more. So it is what it is. It’s in the book and if they want to read it they can read it.
DDii dd yyoouu ggii vvee hhii m m aadd vvii ccee aalloonngg tthh ee waayy yy oouu w w wii sshh hhee hh aadd ttaakkee nn?? HHee hhaa dd iiss ssuu eess w wiitthh ppaa iinn m m aannaaggeem m eenntt aatt ttiim m eess.. Pain management was sort of… his issue was more sleep than pain management. Pain management – yeah, periodically. And at least when I was around him he was not addicted to opioids. He only did opioids very occasionally and only if a doctor gave it to him for whatever the doctor thought he needed it for. So he was not an opioid abuser at all.
TThh aatt w waass nn’’tt w whh aatt II w waass iim m ppll yyiinngg.. SSoom m eettii m mee ss ssoom mee oonnee w whh oo ii ss ccoonn-ssttaannttllyy iinn tthh ee sspp oottll iigghh tt tthhee yy hh aavvee nnoo ddoow wnnttiim m ee.. A Ass aa ffrriiee nndd II w w aass w woonn-ddee rrii nngg iiff tthhee rree w weerr ee tthhii nnggss yyoouu ss uugg -ggeessttee dd hh ee ddoo oorr ttrryy –– nnoott nnee ccee ssss aarr -iill yy m m eedd iiccaa ttii oonn bb uutt llii ffeessttyyll ee cchhaannggee..
HHee nneevvee rr ccaam m ee aaccrroossss tthhaatt w waayy ttoo again off again relationship with his mee eeii tthheerr .. m father and that was obviously out of hand because of the past and stuff. Although women found him very He loved his mother. Janet and me attractive - and were attracted to were super close. La Toya and he him. He had all kinds of female had their moments and the rest of fans and he had relationships with the family was the rest of the famiwomen – whether it was Lisa [Marie ly. It was all very disjointed and it Presley], Brooke [Shields]. It may wasn’t like this big family that was not have been many. You know united together. It was when he what I’m saying? There was some was five years old or something but attempt there; that was just not his at the time I met him, believe me, everybody was off in a different thing I don’t think. direction. Wee rree yyoouu ss uu rrpp rr iiss ee dd tthhaa tt yyoouu W bbeeccaa m mee ffrrii eenndd ss w w iitthh ssoom m eeoonnee w whhoo II ’’m m ssuu rrpp rriiss eedd yyoouu’’vvee oonnll yy w wrrii tttteenn waass tthhee bb iiggggeess tt cceell eebb rrii ttyy oonn tthh ee oonnee bb ooookk w w w iitthh aallll yyoouu rr ee xxppee rrii eenncceess.. ppll aanneett aatt oonnee ttii m mee?? II m mee aann,, hh ee’’ss ggoott YY oouu hhaa vvee aa lliibb rraa rryy ffuull ll ooff ss ttoorr iieess .. aa ll oott ggooiinngg oonn aa rroouunndd hh iim m aanndd II w waass woonndd eerr iinngg w w whh aatt iitt w waa ss llii kkee ggeettttiinngg I thought about it. I may at some tthh ee ttrruu sstt ooff tthhee ffaam m iill yy.. A Afftteerr aall ll,, hh ee point, but I need to take a break. waass tthh ee ccrr oow w wnn jj eew wee ll ooff tthhee JJaa cckk ssoonn Five years was enough. Maybe in ffaa m mii llyy.. another couple of years I want to write again but it’s not an easy thing When you talk about the Jackson to do although it’s easier now obvifamily it was a pretty dysfunctional ously that I’ve done it. It comes family in many ways. By the time I much easier than when I first sat met Michael in late ’94 he wasn’t down with an empty piece of paper totally connected to his whole fam- and a pen and I said, “Okay fill up ily. Believe me, there were differ- the paper and you don’t leave the ent factions and very few had the room”. (laughs) approval of everybody. (laughs) And so it didn’t really matter - Dave Weinthal because Michael controlled the show. Essentially he had an on
Well yeah, of course. As his friend I was aware of his good behavior. I was aware of his bad behavior. As a friend I would always try to correct his bad behavior. Even with the Propofol and the sleep therapy was designed to be a very temporary treatment and we would transition to a better lifestyle – something else so he wouldn’t have to have that type of treatment. That was always the case. And just in terms you would relate to a friend. We would give each other advice. He would tell me things and I would tell him things. We talked about lifestyle change. We talked about stress pressure. We talked about his love of children we discussed a lot. I got it. I understood it. I didn’t agree with his behavior relative to having the kids around – and I talked to him about that. And I talk about it in the book. But he just didn’t understand. It was obviously the lost childhood thing and he felt children were innocent. They wouldn’t betray him and they were true to who they were. And so it was more comfortable for him hanging out with kids than with adults. But to me, and what I saw was minimally sexual. He wasn’t a very sexual human being to me – honestly. ENIGMA
This week’s calendar covers events for the month of September and beyond. We would be happy to publish your free listing in future Billboards, space permitting. Simply mail us the information so that we have it 7 days before the publication date. A photograph may be sent with the announcement. Send information to: All dates subject to change without notice.
SSU U NNDDAAYY SSeepptteem mbbeerr 11 SSKKYYZZ OOOO (Chattanooga) Karaoke WA W AN ND DEE RRLLIIN NGG BBRREEW WII NNGG CCOO M MPPAANN YY (Chattanooga) The Other Brothers, Eric Turner TTHH EE CC OOM M EED D YY CCA ATT CC H H (Chattanooga) DJ Lewis PPUU CCKKEE TT TT’’ SS (Chattanooga) Mark Kelly Hall, Victoria Jones SSUUNN TTRRUUSS TT PPAARRKK (Atlanta) Steve Aoki TTHH EE M MA ASSQ QU U EERRA AD DEE (Atlanta) Boris CCIITT YY W WIIN N EERRYY A ATTLL A AN NTT A A (Atlanta) CeCe Peniston EEDDDD IIEE’’ SS AATT TT IICC (Atlanta) Charley Woods MA M ABBLLEE H HO OU USSEE BBA ARRN N EESS A AM MPPH HII TTH H EEA ATT RREE (Mableton, GA) Cameo, Glenn Jones, Midnight Star MA M AD DLLII FFEE SS TTA AG G EE && SSTT U UD DIIO O (Woodstock, GA) Atlanta Rhythm Section EEXXIITT //IINN (Nashville) Mac Sabbath, Okilly Dokilly, Playboy Manbaby PPUU BBLLIICC SSQQUU AARREE PPAARRKK (Nashville) “Live On the Green” Airpark, Liz Cooper & the Stampede, Steve Earle, Smooth Hound Smith TTHH EE BBAASSEE M MEE N NTT EEA ASSTT (Nashville) Band of Skulls JJAASSOO NN AALLDD EEAANN ’’SS KK IITTCC HH EENN ++ RROO OOFFTT OO PP BBAARR (Nashville) Dee Jay Silver CCIITT YY W WIIN N EERRYY N NA ASSH H VVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Ola Onabule AALLAABBAA M MA A TT H HEE A ATTRREE (Birmingham) 85 South
MOONNDDAAYY SSeepptteem M m bbeerr 22 TTRREE M MO ON N TT TTA AVVEE RRNN (Chattanooga) Trivia Night SSKKYYZZ OOOO (Chattanooga) Karaoke WA W AN ND DEE RRLLIIN NG G EERR BBRREE W WIIN NG G CC O OM M PPA ANNYY (Chattanooga) Trivia Night TTHH EE TT AABBEERRNN AACCLLEE (Atlanta) King Gizzard and The Wizard Lizard PPAARRKK TTAAVVEERRNN (Atlanta) Selwyn Birchwood SSM MIITT H H’’ SS O O LLD DEE BBA ARR (Atlanta) Freya Rae, Regnault Monday, Odiee, Tense D && LLIIN 33RRD N DDSSLLEE YY (Nashville) the Time Jumpers
TT U U EESSDDAAYY SSeeppttee m mbbee rr 33 TT RREEM M OONN TT TT AAVVEERRNN (Chattanooga) Open Mic w/ Mike McDade SSKKYY ZZOO OO (Chattanooga) Karaoke WA W AN ND DEE RRLLIIN NG G EERR BBRREEW W IIN NG G CCO OM MPPA AN N YY (Chattanooga) Forever Bluegrass RRYY M MA AN NA AU UD D IITTO O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Mark Knopfler CC AANNNN EERRYY BBAALLLLRROOOO M M (Nashville) Orchestral Manoeuvres In the Dark AAM M EERRIISS BBA AN NK KA AM MPPH H IITT H HEE A ATTRREE (Alpharetta, GA) Slipknot, Volbeat, Gojira, Behemoth SSM M IITT H H’’ SS O OLL D DEE BBA ARR (Atlanta) Kerosene Halo, Phil Madeira EE XXIITT// IINN (Nashville) Boris
W EEDDNNEESSDDAA YY SSee pptt eem W mbbeerr 44 SSKKYY ZZOO OO (Chattanooga) Karaoke WA W AN ND DEE RRLLIINNGG BBRREEW WIINN GG CC OO M MPPAANNYY (Chattanooga) Open Mic JJ ..JJ ’’SS BBOO HHEE M MIIA A (Chattanooga) Comedy Open Mic TT HHEE PPAALLM MSS (Chattanooga) DJ Keith, Jimmy Harris, Rosedale Remedy TT HHEE CC OOM M EED DYY CC A ATT CCH H (Chattanooga) Open Mic WA W AN ND DEE RRLLIIN NG G EERR BBRREEW W IIN NG G CCO OM MPPA AN N YY (Chattanooga) Marbin LLEE GGAACC YY AARREENN AA (Birmingham) Backstreet Boys IIRROO NN CC IITT YY (Birmingham) The Band Camino TT HHEE M MA ASS Q QU UEE RRA AD DEE (Atlanta) The Alarm, Jay Aston’s Gene Loves Jezebel, Modern English VVAARRIIEETT YY PPLLAAYY HHOO UUSSEE (Atlanta) Dirty Projectors, Deerhunter SSM M IITT H H’’ SS O OLL D DEE BBA ARR (Atlanta) Mike And The Moonpies, Nikki and the Phantom Callers CC AADDEE NNCC EE BBAANN KK AAM MPPH H IITT H HEE A ATTRREE (Atlanta) Mark Knopler BBRRIIDD GGEESS TTOO NNEE AARREENN AA (Nashville) Chris Brown RRYY M MA AN NA AU UD D IITTO O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Boz Scaggs MA M ARRA ATTH HO ON NM MU U SSIICC W WO ORRK KSS (Nashville) Flying Lotus CC AANNNN EERRYY BBAALLLLRROOOO M M (Nashville) Wallows
TTH HUURRSSDDAAYY SSee pptt eem mbbeerr 55 SSKKYY ZZOO OO (Chattanooga) DJ Zane WA W AN ND DEE RRLLIINNGG BBRREEW WIINN GG CC OO M MPPAANNYY (Chattanooga) Danimal and Friends
TT HHEE PPAALLM MSS (Chattanooga) DJ Keith, Jimmy Harris SSOO NNGG BBII RRDD SS SSOO UUTT HH (Chattanooga) The Dirty Doors JJ..JJ BBOO HHEE M MIIA A (Chattanooga) Jeff Hardy TT HHEE CCOO M MEE D DYY CC A ATTCC H H (Chattanooga) Jeff “D” MA M ARRA ATT H HO ON NM MU USS IICC W WO ORRK KSS (Nashville) The Band Camino TT HHEE BBAASSEEM M EEN NTT EE A ASSTT (Nashville) The Hold Steady TT EENN NNEESS SSEEEE TTHH EEAATT RREE (Knoxville) Boz Scaggs VVAARRIIEETT YY PPLLAAYY HHOO UUSSEE (Atlanta) Dirty Projectors, Deerhunter MII LLLL TT O M OW WN NM MU U SSIICC H HA ALLLL (Bremen, GA) Lee Roy Parnell TT EERRM MII N NA ALL W WEE SSTT (Atlanta) Billy Strings TT HHEE NNIICC KK (Birmingham) Republican Hair
FFRRII D DAAYY SSeeppttee m mbbeerr 66 SSKKYY ZZOO OO (Chattanooga) DJ Zane TT HHEE PPAALLM MSS (Chattanooga) DJ Keith, Jimmy Harris BBAALLDD HHEEAADD EEDD BBIISSTT RROO (Cleveland, TN) Fro & Fordham SSOO NNGG BBII RRDD SS SSOO UUTT HH (Chattanooga) The Breakfast Club TT HHEE CCOO M MEE D DYY CC A ATTCC H H (Chattanooga) Jeff “D” WA W AN ND DEERRLLII N NG G BBRREE W WIIN NG G CC O OM M PPA AN NYY (Chattanooga) Crooked Wits TT HHEE PPAALLM MSS (Chattanooga) Mojo Whiskey CC AADDEE NNCC EE BBAANN KK AAM MPPH H IITT H HEEA ATT RREE (Atlanta) The Gipsey Kings CC OOCC AA CC OOLLAA RROO XXYY (Atlanta) Babymetal TT EERRM MII N NA ALL W WEE SSTT (Atlanta) Billy Strings AAIISSLLEE 55 (Atlanta) Anna Wise RRYY M MA AN NA AU UD DIITT O O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Mandolin Orange, Bonny Light Horsemen TT HHEE BBAASSEEM M EEN NTT EE A ASSTT (Nashville) The Hold Steady CC IITT YY W WII N NEERRYY N NA ASSH HVVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Sonny Landreth, Kevin Gordon CC AANNNN EERRYY BBAALLLLRROOOO M M (Nashville) big Freedia TT HHEE NNIICC KK (Birmingham) Frankly Scarlet SSAATT UURRNN (Birmingham) Mark Farina OO AAKK M MO OU UN NTT A AIIN NA AM MPPH H IITT H HEE A ATTRREE (Pelham, AL) Hootie & the Blowfish, Barenaked Ladies FFOO OOTT HH IILLLLSS FF EESSTT IIVVAALL (Jasper, AL) Whiskey Myers, Brent Cobb, Alex Williams
SSA ATTUU RRDDAAYY SSeeppttee m mbbee rr 77 SSKKYY ZZOO OO (Chattanooga) DJ Zane TT HHEE PPAALLM MSS (Chattanooga) DJ Keith, Jimmy Harris SSOO NNGG BBII RRDD SS SSOO UUTT HH (Chattanooga) The Dirty Doors TT HHEE CCOO M MEE D DYY CC A ATTCC H H (Chattanooga) Jeff “D” TT HHEE SSIIGGNN AALL (Chattanooga) Whiskey Myers HHAA RRRRAAHH ’’SS CCHH EERROO KKEEEE CC AASSIINNOO (Cherokee, NC) 3 Doors Down, Clay Walker TT HHEE SSHHEE DD AA TT SS M MO OK K YY M MO OU UN NTT A AIIN NH HA ARRLLEE YY DDAAVVIIDD SSOONN (Maryville, TN) David Allan Coe OO PPEE NN CC HH OORRDD M MU USSII CC (Knoxville) Jeff Hardy WO W O LLFF CC RREEEE K KA AM MPPH H IITT H HEE A ATTEE RR (Atlanta) The Jacksons CC AADDEE NNCC EE BBAANN KK AAM MPPH H IITT H HEEA ATT RREE (Atlanta) The B-52s CC EENN TTEE NNNNII AALL OOLL YYM M PPIICC PPA ARRK K (Atlanta) Usher, DMX, Wu-Tang Clan, T-Pain, Rick Ross, Pharrell Williams, Gucci Mane, Ari Lennox, Chronixx, Koffee, Musiq Soulchild, Queen Naija, Rae Sremmurd, Raphael Saadiq, Summer Walker, Teyana Taylor,
Tory Lanez, Trina, Trick Daddy, Wizkid VVAARRII EETT YY PPLL AAYYHH OOUU SSEE (Atlanta) Doug Benson AALLAABBAAM MA A TT H H EEA ATT RREE (Birmingham) Sadie Robertson FFOO OOTT HHIILL LLSS FFEE SSTT IIVVAALL (Jasper, AL) North Mississippi Allstars, Drivin’ N’ Cryin’, Blues Traveler, The Red Clay Strays RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Mandolin Orange, Bonny Light Horsemen BBRRIIDDGG EESSTT OONN EE AARREE NNAA (Nashville) Hootie & the Blowfish, Barenaked Ladies TTHH EE BBAASS EEM MEE N NTT EEA ASS TT (Nashville) The Hold Steady EEXXIITT //II NN (Nashville) Republican Hair TTHH EE BBAASS EEM MEE N NTT (Nashville) Matthew And The Atlas TTHH EE BBAASS EEM MEE N NTT EEA ASS TT (Nashville) Strand of Oaks, Apex Manor
U PPCCOOM U MIINNGG EEVVEENNTT SS SSOONN GGBBIIRRDD SS NNOO RRTTHH (Chattanooga) Tommy Emmanuel, Logan Ledger September 8 TTHH EE CCOO M MEE D DYY CCA ATT CC HH (Chattanooga) Jeff “D” September 8 JJ..JJ..’’ SS BBOOHH EEM M IIA A (Chattanooga) The Roast of Benjamin Gilley Levin September 8 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Dwight Yoakam September 8 LLEEGG AACCYY AARREE NNAA (Birmingham) JoJo Siwa September 8 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Dwight Yoakam September 9 D && LLII N 33RRD NDDSS LLEEYY (Nashville) The Time Jumpers September 9 MEE RRCC YY LLO M OU UNNGG EE (Nashville) Boogarins, Mdou Moctar September 9 CCII TTYY W WIIN N EERRYY A ATT LLA AN NTT A A (Atlanta) Melanie Fiona September 9 SSOONN GGBBIIRRDD SS SSOO UUTT HH (Chattanooga) Hinder, Red, Hour Late September 10 TTII VVOO LLII TT HHEE AATT RREE (Chattanooga) Dwight Yoakam September 10 BBRRIIDDGG EESSTT OONN EE AARREE NNAA (Nashville) Jonas Brothers, Bebe Rexha, Jordan McGraw September 10 BBUUCC KKHHEE AADD TT HHEE AATT RREE (Atlanta) Burna Boy September 10 SSYY M MPPH HO ON NYY H HA ALLLL (Atlanta) Paul Anka September 10 AAVVOONNDD AALLEE BBRREE W WIIN NG G CC O OM M PPA AN NYY (Birmingham) Phantogram September 10 SSOONN GGBBIIRRDD SS SSOO UUTT HH (Chattanooga) Eoto September 11 THE PALMS (Chattanooga) Zech Dallas September 11 SSYY M MPPH HO ON NYY H HA ALLLL (Atlanta) Buddy Guy September 11 WA W AN ND D EERRLLIIN NG G BBRREE W WIIN NG G CC O OM M PPA AN NYY (Chattanooga) Rick Rushing September 12 CCOO NNCC EERRTT HH AALLLL AATT BBJJCC CC (Birmingham) Gary Allan September 12 SSAATT UURRNN (Birmingham) Flow Tribe September 12 IIRROONN CCII TTYY (Birmingham) Buddy Guy September 12 AASSCC EENNDD AAM MPPH H IITT H HEE A ATTEE RR (Nashville) Lenny Kravitz September 12 TTHH EE M MIILLLL && M MIIN N EE (Knoxville) Drive-By Truckers September 12 SSOONN GGBBIIRRDD SS SSOO UUTT HH (Chattanooga) The Velcro Pygmies September 13 WA W AN ND D EERRLLIIN NG G BBRREE W WIIN NG G CC O OM M PPA AN NYY (Chattanooga) Nicholas Williams September 13
TTHH EE CC OOM M EEDD YY CCAATT CC HH (Chattanooga) Michael Costa September 13 TTHH EE SSIIGG NNAALL (Chattanooga) The Molly Ringwalds September 13 TTHH EE CC AAVVEERRNNSS (Pelham, TN) Lettuce September 13 FFOOXX TT HH EEAATT RREE (Atlanta) Drive-By Truckers, Chris Robinson September 13 RRYY M MA AN NA AU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) The Mavericks September 13 TTHH EE CC OOW WA AN N (Nashville) Reignwolf, The Blue Stones September 13 SSOONN GGBBIIRRDDSS SSOOUU TTHH (Chattanooga) Jerry Douglas and The Earls Of Leicester September 14 TTHH EE CC OOM M EED D YY CCA ATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Michael Kosta September 14 TTHH EE PPAALLM M SS (Chattanooga) “The Coconut Room” No Big Deal September 14 TTIIVVOO LLII TT HHEE AATTRREE (Chattanooga) The Righteous Brothers September 14 AAM MEERRIISS BBA AN NK KA AM M PPH HIITT H HEE A ATT RREE (Alpharetta, GA) Lynyrd Skynyrd, Cody Jinks September 14 PPII EEDDM MO ON N TT PPA ARRK K (Atlanta) “Music Midtown” Cardi B., Panic At the Disco, Lil Yachty, Charlie Puth, Tash Sultana, Kali Uchis, Lizzo, Reignwolf, Madison Beer September 14 EEDDDD IIEE’’ SS AATT TT IICC (Atlanta) Sonia Leigh September 14 SSAATTUU RRNN (Birmingham) Jenny Lewis, The Watson Twins September 14 ZZYYDD EECC OO (Birmingham) Travis Denning September 14 TTHH EE SSTT AATT IIOONN (Knoxville) Bonnie Bishop September 14 RRYY M MA AN NA AU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Drew Holcomb & the Neighbors, Birdtalker September 14 OOPPRRYY M MIILLLLSS M MA ALLLL (Nashville) Randy Travis September 14 JJ..JJ..’’SS BBOOHH EEM MIIA A (Chattanooga) Them Coulee Boys September 15 SSCCHH EERRM M EERRH HO O RRN N SS YYM M PPH HO ON NYY CC EEN NTT EE RR (Nashville) The Righteous Brothers (Bill Medley and Bucky Heard) September 15 MEERRCC YY LLO M OU UN NG G EE (Nashville) Sigrid September 15 RRYY M MA AN NA AU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Tash Sultana, The Teskey Brothers September 15 TTHH EE CC OOW WA AN N (Nashville) Pvris September 15 CCIITT YY W WIIN N EERRYY A ATTLL A AN NTT A A (Atlanta) Jackopierce September 15 TTHH EE TT AABBEERRNN AACCLLEE (Atlanta) Butch Walker September 15 CCOO BBBB EENNEE RRGGYY PPEE RRFF OORRM M IIN NG GA ARRTT SS CC EEN NTT EERR (Atlanta) Greg Gutfeld September 15 PPII EEDDM MO ON N TT PPA ARRK K (Atlanta) “Music Midtown” Vampire Weekend, Travis Scott, Billie Eilish, 6lack, Walk the Moon, Cold War Kids, Jaden Smith Leon Bridges, Local Natives, Dominic Pike, Taylor Bennett99 Neighbors, The Coathangers, Hero The Band September 15 CCIITT YY W WIIN N EERRYY A ATTLL A AN NTT A A (Atlanta) Angie Stone September 16 BBUU CCKKHH EEAADD TT HHEE AATTRREE (Atlanta) Drew Gooden, Danny Gonzalez September 16 AAII SSLLEE 55 (Atlanta) Jerry Paper September 16 VVAARRIIEE TTYY PPLLAAYY HH OOUUSS EE (Atlanta) Tinariwen September 16 SSOONN GGBBIIRRDDSS SSOOUU TTHH (Chattanooga) The Growlers September 17 BBIIJJ OOUU TTHH EEAATT RREE (Knoxville) Dweezil Zappa September 17
M EERRCC YY LL O M OUUNN GGEE (Nashville) Snow Tha Product September 17 SSAATT UURRNN (Birmingham) Matthew Sweet September 17 TT HHEE LLOO FFTT (Atlanta) Barns Courtney September 17 SSOO NNGG BBIIRRDDSS SS OOUUTT HH (Chattanooga) Ruston Kelly, Donovan Woods September 18 SSOO NNGG BBIIRRDDSS NN OORRTT HH (Chattanooga) Popa Chubby September 18 TT HHEE CC OOM M EED DYY CC A ATT CCH H (Chattanooga) Open Mic Night September 18 TT HHEE PPAALLM MSS (Chattanooga) Kapo September 18 SSTT AATT EE FF AARRM MA ARREE N NA A (Atlanta) The Who September 18 SSM M IITT H H’’ SS O OLL D DEE BBA ARR (Atlanta) Shonen Knife September 18 TT EENN NNEE SSSSEEEE PPEERRFF OORRM MII N NG GA ARRTTSS CCEE N NTT EERR (Nashville) Dweezil Zappa September 18 RRYY M MA AN NA AU UD D IITTO O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Snarky Puppy September 18 TT HHEE BBAASSEEM M EEN N TT (Nashville) Futurebirds September 18 4400 W WA ATTTT CC LLU UBB (Athens, GA) Matthew Sweet September 18 TT HHEE CC OOM M EED DYY CC A ATT CCH H (Chattanooga) Dale Jones September 19 WA W ALLK K EERR TT H HEE A ATTRREE (Chattanooga) Drive-By Truckers, Jimbo Mathus September 19 BBIIJJ OOUU TTHH EEAATT RREE (Knoxville) Ruston Kelly, Donovan Woods September 19 DD UUM MPPLLII N N VVA ALLLLEE YY FF A ARRM M (Kokak, TN) “Dumplin Valley Bluegrass Festival” Jimbo Whaley & Greenbriar, The Po’ Ramblin’ Boys, Jerry Butler, Salt and Light September 19 IIRROO NN CC IITT YY (Birmingham) Whitey Morgan September 19 CC IITT YY W WIIN NEE RRYY A A TTLLA AN N TTA A (Atlanta) Matthew Sweet September 19 AATT LLAANN TTAA M MO OTT O O RR SSPPEEEE D DW WA AYY (Hampton, GA) “Imagine Festival” September 19 TT HHEE CC OOM M EED DYY CC A ATT CCH H (Chattanooga) Dale
Jones September 20 SSO ON NG G BBII RRD D SS N NO ORRTT H H (Chattanooga) Matt Heckler, Casper Allen September 20 WAAN W ND DEERRLLII N NG G BBRREE W WIIN NG G CC O OM M PPAAN NYY (Chattanooga) High Heat September 20 GRRAAN G ND DO O LLEE O OPPRRYY H HO OU USSEE (Nashville) The Oak Ridge Boys September 20 TT EEN NN NEESS SSEEEE PPEERRFFO O RRM MIIN NG G AARRTT SS CC EE N NTT EERR (Nashville) Paula Poundstone September 20 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD DIITT O O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Marina September 20 MEE RRCCYY LLO M OU UN NG GEE (Nashville) Matthew Sweet September 20 CC IITT YY W WII N NEERRYY N N AASSH HVVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Bruce Cockburn September 20 BBU UCC K KH HEE AAD D TT H H EEAATT RREE (Atlanta) Charli XCX September 20 TT H HEE TTAABBEE RRN NAACC LLEE (Atlanta) Snarky Puppy September 20 ATT LLAAN A NTT AA M MO OTT O ORR SS PPEEEED DW WAAYY (Hampton, GA) “Imagine Festival” September 20 SSA ATT U URRN N (Birmingham) Bob Mould, Will Johnson September 20 TT H HEE M MIILLLL && M MIIN N EE (Knoxville) GWAR, Toxic Holocaust, Against the Grain, Sacred Reich September 20 DU D UM MPPLLIIN N VVAALLLLEEYY FF AARRM M (Kokak, TN) “Dumplin Valley Bluegrass Festival” Rhonda Vincent, The Malpass Brothers, US Navy Band Country Current, Alex Leach, The Crowe Brothers September 20 SSO ON NG G BBII RRD D SS SSO OU UTT H H (Chattanooga) Drivin’ n’ Cryin’ September 21 WAAN W ND DEERRLLII N NG G BBRREE W WIIN NG G CC O OM M PPAAN NYY (Chattanooga) The Fridge September 21 TT H HEE CCO OM MEE D DYY CC AATTCC H H (Chattanooga) Dale Jones September 21 TT H HEE PPAALLM MSS (Chattanooga) “The Coconut Room” Sounds of Melange September 21 JJ..JJ..’’ SS BBO OH HEEM M IIAA (Chattanooga) High Waisted, Reality Something September 21 TT IIVVO OLLII TT H H EEAATT RREE (Chattanooga) Amy Grant September 21 PPA ARRK K AATT H H AARRLLIIN NSSD D AALLEE FFAARRM M (Franklin, TN) “Pilgrimage Music & Cultural Festival” Keith Urban, The Killers, Foo Fighters September 21 MAARRAATT H M HO ON NM MU USS IICC W WO ORRK KSS (Nashville) Charli XCX September 21 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD DIITT O O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Dane Cook September 21 SSA ATT U URRN N (Birmingham) Snarky Puppy September 21 AVVO A ON ND DAALLEE BBRREEW WIIN NG G CC O OM MPPAAN NYY (Birmingham) Snarky Puppy September 21 AM A MEE RRIISS BBAAN NK K AAM MPPH H IITT H HEEAATT RREE (Alpharetta, GA) Kid Rock September 21 EED DD DIIEE ’’SS AATTTT IICC (Atlanta) Randall Bramblett September 21 CC IITTYY W WII N NEERRYY AATT LLAAN N TTAA (Atlanta) Bob Mould, Will Johnson September 21 BBU UCC K KH HEE AAD D TT H H EEAATT RREE (Atlanta) dodie September 21 CC O OCC AA CC O OLLAA RRO O XXYY (Atlanta) Marina September 21 ATT LLAAN A NTT AA M MO OTT O ORR SS PPEEEED DW WAAYY (Hampton, GA) “Imagine Festival” September 21 BBO OW WLL @ @ SSU UG G AARR H HII LLLL (Sugar Hill, GA) The Commodores September 21 DU D UM MPPLLIIN N VVAALLLLEEYY FF AARRM M (Kokak, TN) “Dumplin Valley Bluegrass Festival” Lonesome River Band, Darin & Brooke Aldridge, Michael Cleveland And Flamekeeper, A Deeper Shade of Blue, Penny Creek September 21 TT H HEE CCO OM MEE D DYY CC AATTCC H H (Chattanooga) Dale
Jones September 22 TTH H EE TTA ABBEERRN NA ACCLL EE (Atlanta) Squeeze September 22 BBU UCC K KH HEE A AD D TT H HEE A ATT RREE (Atlanta) Starset September 22 CCEE LLLLA AIIRRIISS A AM MPPH HII TTH H EEA ATT RREE (Atlanta) Meek Mill, Megan Thee Stallion, Future, YG, Mustard September 22 IIN NFF IIN NIITT EE EEN NEE RRG GYY CC EEN N TTEE RR (Duluth, GA) Julio Iglesias September 22 ATTLL A A AN NTT A AM MO O TT O ORR SSPPEE EED DW WA AYY (Hampton, GA) “Imagine Festival” September 22 PPA ARRK KA ATT H HA ARRLLII N NSSD DA ALLEE FF A ARRM M (Franklin, TN) “Pilgrimage Music & Cultural Festival” The Killers, Jenny Lewis, Foo Fighters September 22 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) LeAnn Rimes September 22 GRRA G AN ND DO O LLEE O O PPRRYY H HO OU USSEE (Nashville) Chaka Khan, Macy Grey, Victory, Sparkle City Disco September 22 SSCC H HEERRM M EERRH HO ORRN N SSYY M MPPH HO ON NYY CC EEN N TTEE RR (Nashville) America September 22 TTH H EE BBA ASS EEM MEE N NTT (Nashville) The Moondoggies September 22 VVA ARRII EETT YY PPLL A AYYH HO OU U SSEE (Atlanta) Stereolab September 23 TTEE RRM MIIN NA ALL W WEESS TT (Atlanta) Tiffany September 23 AVVO A ON ND DA ALLEE BBRREE W WIIN NG G CC O OM M PPA AN NYY (Birmingham) The Head and the Heart September 23 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Sheryl Crow September 23 MA M ARRA ATT H HO ON NM MU USSIICC W WO O RRK KSS (Nashville) NF September 23 TTH H EE CCO ON NCC O OU U RRSS EE (Knoxville) Agent Orange, The Turbo A.C.s September 24 BBIIJJO OU U TT H HEE A ATTRREE (Knoxville) The Robert Cray Band September 24 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Sheryl Crow September 24 MA M ARRA ATT H HO ON NM MU USSIICC W WO O RRK KSS (Nashville) NF September 24 OA O AK KM MO OU UN NTT A AIIN NA AM MPPH H IITTH H EEA ATT RREE (Pelham, AL) Daryl Hall & John Oates September 24 EED DD DIIEE’’ SS A ATT TT IICC (Atlanta) Will Hoge September 24 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD D SS N NO O RRTTH H (Chattanooga) JD Simo September 25 TTH H EE PPA ALL M MSS (Chattanooga) Matt Thornton September 25 TTH H EE CC A AVVEERRN N SS (Pelham, TN) Greensky Bluegrass September 25 IIN NFF IIN NIITT EE EEN NEE RRG GYY CC EEN N TTEE RR (Duluth, GA) Disturbed September 25 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Chris Janson September 25 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD D SS N NO O RRTTH H (Chattanooga) Billy Cobham Crosswinds Project feat. Randy Brecker September 26 CCO O CC A A CCO O LLA A RRO O XXYY (Atlanta) Gary Allan September 26 BBU UCC K KH HEE A AD D TT H HEE A ATT RREE (Atlanta) Danny Duncan September 26 TTEE RRM MIIN NA ALL W WEESS TT (Atlanta) The New Mastersounds September 26 LLA AU UG GH HIIN NG G SS K KU ULLLL LL O OU UN NG GEE (Atlanta) Emo Philips September 26 CCO O BBBB EEN N EERRG G YY PPEE RRFFO O RRM M IIN NG GA ARRTT SS CC EEN N TTEE RR (Atlanta) Kevin James September 26 AVVO A ON ND DA ALLEE BBRREE W WIIN NG G CC O OM M PPA AN NYY (Birmingham) Clutch, Dropkick Murphys, Hatebreed, Amigo The Brother September 26 IIRRO ON N CCII TTYY (Birmingham) Calexico, Iron &
Wine, Natalie Prass September 26 MAARRAATT H M HO ON NM MU USSIICC W WO O RRK KSS (Nashville) Ingrid Michaelson September 26 CCA AN NN NEERRYY BBAALLLLRRO OO OM M (Nashville) Bad Religion, Dave Hause, Emily Davis September 26 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD DSS N NO O RRTT H H (Chattanooga) Forever Abbey Road September 27 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD DSS SSO OU U TTH H (Chattanooga) Larry Fleet September 27 TTH H EE CC O OM M EED D YY CCAATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Reno Collier September 27 BBRRIID DG GEE SSTT O ON NEE AARREEN N AA (Nashville) Carrie Underwood, Maddie & Tae, Runaway June September 27 RRYY M MAA N N AAU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) King Crimson September 27 AN A ND DRREE W W JJAACC K KSSO ON NH H AALLLL (Nashville) Kevin James September 27 SSYYM M PPH HO ON NYY H HAALL LL (Atlanta) Adam Ant September 27 BBU U CCK KH H EEAAD D TT H HEE AATTRREE (Atlanta) Ingrid Michaelson September 27 CCA AD D EEN NCC EE BBAAN NK K AAM M PPH HIITT H H EEAATT RREE (Atlanta) Maxwell September 27 TTH H EE TT AABBEERRN N AACCLLEE (Atlanta) The Head and the Heart September 27 27 FFRREED D RRIICCK K BBRRO OW WN N JJRR.. AAM MPPH H IITT H HEE AATTEE RR (Peachtree City, GA) KC & the Sunshine Band September 27 SSA ATTU U RRN N (Birmingham) Hiss Golden Messenger September 27 IIRRO ON N CCIITT YY (Birmingham) Bad Religion September 27 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD DSS N NO O RRTT H H (Chattanooga) David Leonard September 28 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD DSS SSO OU U TTH H (Chattanooga) Who’s Bad September 28 TTH H EE CC O OM M EED D YY CCAATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Reno Collier September 28 WAAN W ND DEE RRLLIIN NG G BBRREEW WII N NG G CCO OM MPPAAN N YY (Chattanooga) Sideways, SLZ SLZ September 28 TTH H EE PPAALLM M SS (Chattanooga) “The Coconut Room” David Anthony September 28 TTH H EE CC AAVVEERRN NSS (Pelham, TN) Los Lobos September 28 IIN NFFIIN N IITT EE EE N NEE RRG GYY CC EEN NTT EERR (Duluth, GA) Phil Collins September 28 LLA AU UG GH H IIN NG G SSK KU U LLLL LLO OU UN NG GEE (Atlanta) Emo Philips September 28 TTEE N NN NEE SSSSEE EE TT H HEE AATTRREE (Knoxville) Travis Tritt September 28 PPRREE TTEE N NTT IIO OU USS BBEE EERR CC O O (Knoxville) The Foxies September 28 RRYY M MAA N N AAU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Josh Ritter & The Royal City Band September 28 TTH H EE CC O OM M EED D YY CCAATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Reno Collier September 29 WAALLK W KEERR TT H H EEAATT RREE (Chattanooga) Lucinda Williams September 29 CCO O BBBB EEN NEE RRG GYY CC EEN N TTEE RR PPEERRFF O ORRM MIIN NG G AARRTTSS CCEE N NTT EERR (Atlanta) King Crimson September 29 VVA ARRIIEE TTYY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USS EE (Atlanta) Ride September 29 CCO O CCAA CCO O LLAA RRO OXXYY (Atlanta) Deep Purple September 29 LLA AU UG GH H IIN NG G SSK KU U LLLL LLO OU UN NG GEE (Atlanta) Emo Philips September 29 SSYYM M PPH HO ON NYY H HAALL LL (Atlanta) Mike Mills, Chuck Leavell, Robert McDuffie September 29 AM A MEERRIISS BBAAN NK K AAM M PPH HIITT H HEE AATT RREE (Alpharetta, GA) Godsmack, Halestorm September 29
JJ AAM MEESS K K.. PPO OLLK K TTH H EEAATT RREE (Nashville) Anjelah Johnson September 29 SSA ATT U URRN N (Birmingham) David Leonard September 29 CC O OCC AA CC O OLL AA RRO OXXYY (Atlanta) Die Antwoord September 30 VVA ARRIIEETT YY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Cuco, Kaina, La Dona September 30 AN A ND DRREEW W JJAACC K KSSO ON NH H AALLLL (Nashville) Deep Purple September 30 TT EEN NN NEE SSSSEEEE PPEERRFF O ORRM MII N NG GA ARRTTSS CCEE N NTT EERR (Nashville) Deep Purple September 30 JJ A AM MEESS K K.. PPO OLLK K TTH H EEAATT EE RR (Nashville) Mike Mills, Chuck Leavell, Robet McDuffie September 30 BBRRIID DG GEESS TTO ON NEE AARREEN N AA (Nashville) The Black Keys, Modest Mouse, Repeat, Repeat October 1 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD D IITTO O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Jon Pardi, Riley Green October 1 CC O OCC AA CC O OLL AA RRO OXXYY (Atlanta) Zedd, Jax Jones October 1 VVA ARRIIEETT YY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Sebastian Bach October 1 TT EEN NN NEE SSSSEEEE TT H HEE AATTRREE (Knoxville) Gov’t Mule October 1 SSO ON NG G BBIIRRD DSS N NO ORRTT H H (Chattanooga) Hayseed Dixie October 2 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD D IITTO O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Jon Pardi, Riley Green October 2 EE D DD DII EE’’ SS AATT TTIICC (Atlanta) Jolie Holland, Jonah Tolchin October 2 TT EERRM M IIN NAALL W W EESSTT (Atlanta) John Medeski October 2 SSTT A ATT EE FF AARRM M AARREE N NAA (Atlanta) Chris Brown, Joyner Lucas, Yella Beezy October 2 CC IITT YY W WIIN NEE RRYY AA TTLLAAN N TTAA (Atlanta) Paula Cole October 2 TT H HEE LLYY RRIICC TTH H EEAATT RREE (Birmingham) Mike Mills, Chuck Leavell October 2 IIRRO ON N CC IITT YY (Birmingham) Motionless In White, We Came As Romans, After the Burial, Twizted October 2 WAAN W ND DEE RRLLIIN NG G BBRREEW WIIN NG G CC O OM MPPA AN NYY (Chattanooga) Front Country October 3 TT H HEE CC O OM M EED DYY CC AATT CCH H (Chattanooga) Joe Machi October 3 JJ ..JJ ..’’SS BBO OH HEE M MIIAA (Chattanooga) C.W. Stoneking October 3 TT EEN NN NEE SSSSEEEE PPEERRFF O ORRM MII N NG GA ARRTTSS CCEE N NTT EERR (Nashville) Nick Cave October 3 SSCC H H EERRM MEE RRH HO O RRN N SSYY M MPPH HO ON N YY CCEE N NTT EERR (Nashville) Trisha Yearwood October 3 TT H HEE BBAASSEEM M EEN N TT (Nashville) Jolie Holland October 3 AN A ND DRREEW W JJAACC K KSSO ON NH H AALLLL (Nashville) Nick Cave October 3 EE XXIITT// IIN N (Nashville) Kongos, Fitness October 3 VVA ARRIIEETT YY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Mason Ramsey October 3 TT H HEE TT AABBEERRN NAACC LLEE (Atlanta) Eric Andre October 3 SSTT A ATT EE FF AARRM M AARREE N NAA (Atlanta) Tyler the Creator, Blood Orange, Goldlink October 3 BBU UCC K KH H EEAAD D TTH H EEAATT RREE (Atlanta) Zara Larsson October 3 IIRRO ON N CC IITT YY (Birmingham) Little Steven and The Disciples of Soul October 3 SSO ON NG G BBIIRRD DSS SS O OU UTT H H (Chattanooga) White Animals, Walk the West October 4 SSO ON NG G BBIIRRD DSS N NO ORRTT H H (Chattanooga) The Pool October 4 TT H HEE CC O OM M EED DYY CC AATT CCH H (Chattanooga) Joe Machi October 4 JJ ..JJ ..’’SS BBO OH HEE M MIIAA (Chattanooga) Prophet and
Salty October 4 TT IIVVO OLLII TT H H EEAATT RREE (Chattanooga) Michael W. Smith October 4 LLEE G GAACC YY AARREE N NAA (Birmingham) Alabama, The Charlie Daniels Band October 4 AVVO A ON ND DAALLEE BBRREEW WIIN NG G CC O OM MPPAAN NYY (Birmingham) Blackberry Smoke October 4 BBIIJJO OU U TT H HEE AATT RREE (Knoxville) Caroline Spence October 4 SSCC H HEE RRM MEERRH HO ORRN N SSYY M MPPH HO ON N YY CC EE N NTT EERR (Nashville) Trisha Yearwood October 4 JJA AM M EESS K K .. PPO OLLK K TTH H EEAATT RREE (Nashville) Eric Andre October 4 EEXXIITT // IIN N (Nashville) Cowboy Mouth October 4 VVA ARRIIEETT YY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Drew Holcomb & the Neighbors, Birdtalker October 4 TT H HEE CCO OM MEE D DYY CC AATTCC H H (Chattanooga) Joe Machi October 5 TT H HEE SSIIG GN N AALL (Chattanooga) Yacht Rock Review October 5 TT IIVVO OLLII TT H H EEAATT RREE (Chattanooga) Bill Maher October 5 TT H HEE CCAAVVEE RRN N SS (Pelham, TN) Blue October October 5 IIN N FFIIN NII TTEE EEN N EERRG GYY CC EEN N TT EERR (Duluth, GA) Gloria Trevi, Karol G October 5 AM A MEE RRIISS BBAAN NK K AAM MPPH H IITT H HEEAATT RREE (Alpharetta, GA) Brett Young, LoCash Hardy October 5 TT H HEE TTAABBEE RRN NAACC LLEE (Atlanta) Kali Uchis October 5 CC EELLLLA AIIAARRII SS AAM MPPH H IITT H HEEAATT RREE (Atlanta) Jekalyn Carr, Maurette Brown Clark October 5 SSCC H HEE RRM MEERRH HO ORRN N SSYY M MPPH HO ON N YY CC EE N NTT EERR (Nashville) Trisha Yearwood October 5 EEXXIITT // IIN N (Nashville) Emeli Sande October 5 JJA AM M EESS K K .. PPO OLLK K TTH H EEAATT EERR (Nashville) Craig Ferguson October 5 HAA RRRRAAH H H ’’SS CCH H EERRO OK KEEEE CC AASSIIN NO O (Cherokee, NC) Styx October 5 PPU UN NK KIIN N CCEE N NTT EERR M MO OTT O ORRCC YY CCLL EE RREESS O ORRTT (Maryville, TN) Mick Blankenship October 5 TT H HEE CCO OM MEE D DYY CC AATTCC H H (Chattanooga) Joe Machi October 6 TT H HEE SSIIG GN N AALL (Chattanooga) Theory of A Deadman, Scott Stapp October 6 TT IIVVO OLLII TT H H EEAATT RREE (Chattanooga) Lyle Lovette and his Acoustic Group October 6 SSCC H HEE RRM MEERRH HO ORRN N SSYY M MPPH HO ON N YY CC EE N NTT EERR (Nashville) Boyz II Men October 6 GRRAAN G ND DO O LLEE O OPPRRYY H HO OU USSEE (Nashville) Sara Bareilles October 6 JJA AM M EESS K K .. PPO OLLK K TTH H EEAATT EERR (Nashville) Craig Ferguson October 6 IIRRO ON N CC IITT YY (Birmingham) Napalm Death, Municipal Waste, Take Offense, Sick Of It All October 6 FFO O XX TT H HEE AATTRREE (Atlanta) Thom Yorke October 6 TT H HEE TTAABBEE RRN NAACC LLEE (Atlanta) Turnpike Troubadours October 6 HEE AAVVEEN H N AATT TTH H EE M M AASSQ QU UEERRAAD D EE (Atlanta) Taking Back Sunday October 6 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD DIITT O O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Catfish & the Bottlemen October 7 SSCC H HEE RRM MEERRH HO ORRN N SSYY M MPPH HO ON N YY CC EE N NTT EERR (Nashville) The O’Jays October 7 TT H HEE M MIILLLL && M MIIN N EE (Knoxville) Coin, Arkells October 7 TT IIVVO OLLII TT H H EEAATT RREE (Chattanooga) Gordon Lightfoot October 8 MEE RRCCYY LLO M OU UN NG GEE (Nashville) Psychedelic Porn Crumpets, Meatbodies October 8 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD DIITT O O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Toto
October 8 CCII TTYY W WIIN N EERRYY N NA ASS H HVVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Tiffany, Ali Morgan October 8 TTH H EE TTA ABBEERRN NA ACCLL EE (Atlanta) Catfish and Bottlemen October 8 BBU UCC K KH HEE A AD D TT H HEE A ATT RREE (Atlanta) Andy Grammer October 8 VVA ARRII EETT YY PPLL A AYYH HO OU U SSEE (Atlanta) Justin Townes Earle, The Wandering Hearts October 8 SSA ATT U URRN N (Birmingham) Kongos, Fitness October 8 TTEE RRM MIIN NA ALL W WEESS TT (Atlanta) Mudhoney, Pissed Jeans October 9 CCO O BBBB EEN N EERRG G YY PPEE RRFFO O RRM M IIN NG GA ARRTT SS CC EEN N TTEE RR (Atlanta) Gordon Lightfoot October 9 ALLA A ABBA AM MA A TT H H EEA ATT RREE (Birmingham) Toto October 9 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Josh Turner October 9 TTH HO OM M PPSSO ON N --BBO O LLIIN NG GA ARREEN NA A (Knoxville) Thomas Rhett, Dustin Lynch, Rhett Atkins, Russell Dickerson October 10 SSA ATT U URRN N (Birmingham) Luna October 10 TTH H EE N N IICC K K (Birmingham) Reverend Horton Heat, The Delta Bombers October 10 AM A MEE RRII SS BBA AN NK KA AM MPPH HII TTH H EEA ATT RREE (Alpharetta, GA) Brantley Gilbert, Lindsay Ell, Michael Ray October 10 CCO O BBBB EEN N EERRG G YY PPEE RRFFO O RRM M IIN NG GA ARRTT SS CC EEN N TTEE RR (Atlanta) Penn & Teller October 10 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD D SS N NO O RRTTH H (Chattanooga) Ray Wylie Hubbard October 11 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD D SS SSO OU UTT H H (Chattanooga) Boy Named Banjo October 11 TTH H EE SS IIG GN NA ALL (Chattanooga) Jon Langston October 11 TTH H EE CCO ON NCC O OU U RRSS EE (Knoxville) Mudhoney, Pissed Jeans October 11 HA H ARRRRA AH H ’’SS CCH H EERRO OK KEEEE CCA ASS IIN NO O (Cherokee, NC) ZZ Top, Cheap Trick October 11 BBIICCEE N NTT EEN NN NIIA ALL CCA APPIITT O O LL M MA ALL LL SSTT AATT EE PPAARRK K (Nashville) “Breakaway Music Festival” Chris Jobe, Lil Baby, Future, Fisher, Shallou, Gashi October 11 AN A ND D RREEW W JJ A ACCK KSS O ON NH HA ALLLL (Nashville) Peter And The Wolf October 11 MEE RRCC YY LLO M OU UN NG G EE (Nashville) Shawn James October 11 FFRRA AN NK K LLIIN N TT H H EEA ATT RREE (Franklin, TN) Ruthie Foster October 11 BBU UCC K KH HEE A AD D TT H HEE A ATT RREE (Atlanta) Dean Lewis October 11 CCO O BBBB EEN N EERRG G YY PPEE RRFFO O RRM M IIN NG GA ARRTT SS CC EEN N TTEE RR (Atlanta) Anjelah Johnson October 11 JJEEM M IISSO ON N CC O ON N CC EERRTT H HA ALLLL (Birmingham) Anthony Hamilton October 11 SSA ATT U URRN N (Birmingham) Mudhoney, Pissed Jeans October 11 SSO ON NG GBBIIRRD D SS SSO OU UTT H H (Chattanooga) The Dead Deads, Sevenstones, Plvnet October 12 WA W ALLK KEE RR TTH H EEA ATT RREE (Chattanooga) Delbert McClinton October 12 TTH H EE BBA ASS EEM MEE N NTT EEA ASS TT (Nashville) Mudhoney October 12 BBIICCEE N NTT EEN NN NIIA ALL CCA APPIITT O O LL M MA ALL LL SSTT AATT EE PPAARRK K (Nashville) Eklai, CVBZ, Bryce Vine, Kid Quill, Chris Lake, Zeds Ded, Kaskade October 12 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Home Free October 12 NA N ASSH H VVIILLLLEE M MU UN N IICC IIPPA ALL A AU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Thompson Square October 12 CCA AD D EEN N CCEE BBA AN NK KA AM MPPH HII TTH H EEA ATT RREE (Atlanta) Chicago October 12
Lettuce Man, both, bro. We’ve got tracks for both on that album.
Genre-defying funk-jazz-soulhip-hop-psychedelic-jam-artrock-experimental-avant-garde music titans Lettuce recently released their sixth studio album, Elevate, on June 14th and
IItt ’’ss rreeaallllyy ccooooll.. YY oouu gguu yyss jjuu sstt ddrroopp pp eedd tt hhiiss aa llbb uum m iinn tt hhee miidd ddllee ooff JJuu nnee m aanndd tt hheenn aa ccoouu -pp llee ddaayyss llaatt ee rr yyoouu ’’ rree pp llaa yyiinngg RRee dd RRoocckkss AA m m pp hh ii tt hh ee aa tt rr ee ,, hh ee aa dd ll ii nn ii nn gg ““ RRaaggee RRoocckkss ””.. TT hhaatt ’’ss oonnee hhee cckk grooves to an extensive tour o o f f a a n n a a l l b b u u m m r r eelleeaa ssee pp aarrttyy.. throughout the remainder of the year. We caught up with Adam Deitch, the collective’s Yeah, it was so amazing it drummer about the new worked out like that. (laughs) album, playing live and wear- It was kind of dreamy. This is ing the many hats that he our fifth year headlining Red does not only with Lettuce Rocks and this was the most but also other projects like special because we just Break Science and wherever a dropped the record.
in its support, the road warriors are bringing their blissful rhythms and sonic
back beat is needed. Not only that, he’s an in demand Grammy nominated producer having worked with the likes of 50 Cent, Matisyahu, Xzibit and Ledisi just to name a few.
YY oouu hhaavvee tt oo w w eeaarr aa lloott ooff hh aattss iinn tt hhee bb aanndd.. YY oouu’’rree aa ddrruum m -meerr aanndd aallll tt hhaatt ,, bb uutt yyoouu ’’rree m pp rroodduu cciinngg aass w weellll.. H H oow w dd oo tt hheeyy ccooeexxiisstt aanndd w whh aatt iiss yyoouu rr miinndd sseett lliikkee w m whhee nn yyoouu gguu yyss II’’m m kkiinndd ooff iinn aa qquu aannddaarryy aa nndd aarree rreeccoorr ddiinngg?? hhooppee yyoouu ccaa nn aannssw wee rr aa qq uueess -ttiioonn ff oorr m mee tthh aatt II hhaavvee.. II’’ vvee I do a lot of writing. I do a lot bbeeeenn lliiss tteenniinngg ttoo yyoouurr nneew w of composing of the songs aallbb uum m,, EElleevvaatt iioonn aanndd II ddoonn’’tt and sometimes we get to the kknnoow ww w hheett hhee rr tt oo llaayy bb aacckk aanndd studio and sometimes it’s a cchh iillll oorr ggeett uu pp aanndd m moovvee.. AAnnyy song we’ve been playing live sometimes on a series of ssuuggggee ssttiioonnss?? albums we’ve been dropping.
A lot of the songs we haven’t played before and I like that too. It’s nice and fresh. Album to album they have fresh tunes and tunes we’ve been playing out. It’s my job to make sure everybody feels good and feels comfortable and just get what they do.
ture of both.
ing guitar and bass, took a little saxophone in seventh YYoouu ccoom mee ffrroom m aa lloonngg lliinnee ooff grade, so I’ve got a basic ddrruu m mm meerrss.. DD iidd yyoouu ffeeeell aass iiff understanding of other tthh aatt w waass yyoouurr ddeessttiinnyy ggrroow w iinngg instruments. But drums were so natural, seeing my parents uupp?? playing all the time. It was something I really didn’t have to grind at because I could always ask my dad, “How do you do this” or ask my mom. They were right there. It was just a natural progression.
Whh aatt’’ss rreeaallllyy ccooooll iiss W tthh aatt iitt hh aass aa lliivvee ffee eell ttoo iitt.. AA lloott ooff tt iim mee ss yyoouu’’llll hh eeaarr aa bbaanndd lliivvee aanndd tt hhee nn aa YYoouu’’ vvee ggoott ttoo bb ee oonnee ooff rree ccoorr ddiinngg aanndd iitt ’’ ss tthh ee hh aarrdd eess tt w woorrkk iinngg lliikkee ttw w oo ttoottaallllyy dd iiff -meenn iinn ss hhoow m w bbuu ssiinneessss.. ff eerreenntt w w oorr llddss aanndd II w waass llooookkiinngg aatt yyoouu rr yyoouu ’’rr ee tthh iinnkk iinngg,, sscchheedd uullee aanndd yyoouu’’ llll bb ee ““W Whh aatt hhaa pp ppee nneedd pp llaayyiinngg TThh ee CC aavveerr nnss hh eerree ??”” YY oouu gguuyy ss hhee rree ss hhoorrttllyy bbuu tt tthh iiss sseeee m m ttoo hhaavvee tt hhaatt ffuu nnkkyy ffrr eesshh weeee kkee nndd yyoouu’’ llll bb ee pp llaayyiinngg w ff eeeell tthh rroouu gghhoouu tt tthh ee eenntt iirree Yeah man both my parents w wiitthh BBrree aakk SScciieennccee iinn AAtt llaannttaa.. rreeccoorrddiinngg pp rroocceessss.. were drummers as was my great uncle. They also played Yeah man. We always record every instrument. They live. And I’ve probably been played keyboard, guitar and doing it for years and we like sing and their both music to be in the same room and teachers and college professee each other and have a sors. I’ve been in this music vibe. When the song’s over game for a long time from the maybe the guys will fix a mis- time I was three year old, so take or two of one note yeah, meeting the guys for missed here or there. Other Lettuce was the catalyst for than that it’s a live take. where the potential to where Every song is a live take. I can take it to. These guys are my brothers and we’re all EElleevvaattee iiss tt hhee ffiirrss tt aallbbuu m m yyoouu trying to push each other and pp uutt oouutt iinn yyeeaarrss.. HHoow w rrooaadd make each other better. ttee sstteedd w waass tthh ee m maatteerriiaall oonn tthh ee nneew w aallbbuu m m?? Whhaatt m W maaddee yyoouu cchhoooossee dd rruum m oovvee rr ootthh eerr iinnssttrr uum meennttss ?? W Waass I would say maybe 30 to 40 iitt bb eeccaauu ssee ooff yyoouurr pp aarreennttss?? muulltt iipp llee percent was road tested. YYoouu ssaaiidd tthh eeyy pp llaayyeedd m meennttss...... About 60 was; “Let’s do this iinnss ttrruu m new tune guys. Here’s the recording and let’s all get I’ve been playing piano my together on it and make it the whole life – as long as I’ve best we can”. It was a mix- been playing drums. I’m playENIGMA
Oh yeah. Every break I have off with Lettuce I’m out with Break Science or I’m out with my quartet. I just try to keep trucking away – keep drawing from all the musical sides of my brain – just try to keep moving. We’re really excited for The Caverns. We had a really great time last time and this time we’re going to be a little more relaxed. It’s going to be a really great show. I’m really excited for it.
IIss w w hhaatt yyoouu ddoo oonn sstt aaggee aass ffaa rr aass ssoonnggss ssccrriipp tteedd oorr jjuuss tt ttoo w iitthh tthh ee ff lloow w w ?? II uu nnddeerr ssttaanndd yyoouu w w rriittee ssoonnggss aanndd w whh eenn yyoouu’’ rree iinn tt hhee m moom meenntt yyoouu ccaann ggoo oonn aa ttaannggeenntt eevveenn tt hhoouugghh aallll ssoonnggss hh aavvee aa bb aassiicc sstt rruu cc-tt uurree.. M Maannyy tthh iinnkk m muussiicc iiss jj uusstt oonnee ooff tthh oossee tt hhiinnggss yyoouu jjuusstt ddoo,, bb uutt tt hheerr ee sseeeem mss tt oo bb ee aa
lloott m moorree pp llaannnniinngg tt hhaann m mee eettss bbee iinngg oonn tthh ee rrooaadd oorr ddoo yyoouu tthh ee eeyyee.. ffiinndd bb eeiinngg oonn tthh ee rrooaadd aa rree lliieeff ffrroom m bb eeiinngg iinn tthhee ssttuu ddiioo?? We try to find a happy medium between the two – I need both in my life. I try to between the stuff we know be the studio guy who’s in the and the stuff we make up on studio 24 hours a day for the spot. Pretty much our months and then I get a little formula now is have something we know to play at the beginning, have a way to end it and the middles are up to the guys to create. So that keeps everybody fresh, keeps everybody happy. We get to the middle of a song and “Shmeeans” the guitar player might come up with something totally different – a different groove. He solos and goes wherever he wants. It’s really open. It’s open to a lot stir crazy. And then if I’m out of improvisations. Every song on the road too much I miss is 50/50 improv and an out- the studio. I really have to do line of what we’re going to both for my own sanity and it kind of balances each other do. out. BBeess iiddeess pp llaayyiinngg lliivvee yyoouu sspp eenndd aa lloott ooff tt iim mee iinn tthh ee ssttuu -- D Doo yyoouu ff iinndd yyoouu rrsseellff bbeeiinngg aa ddiioo pp rroodduu cciinngg,, nnoott oonnllyy yyoouurr ppeerr ffeeccttiioonniisstt?? pp rroojjee cctt ss bbuu tt ootthh eerrss aass w w eellll.. DD oo yyoouu ffiinndd tt hhaatt aa rree lliiee ff ff rroom m Not really. It’s not about per-
fection; it’s about having an outpouring of creativity. It’s about just putting stuff out for people to hear and enjoy – not making them wait too long for something. I want to have something new for them – something they can feel a
We finally got the guys that want to be a part of it. And we wanted to be on the road and playing everywhere, so it’s a beautiful thing. Everybody’s really happy and gelling good.
HHoow w ddoo yyoouu ffeeeell yyoouu rr m muu ssiicc hh aass ggrr oow wnn tt hhee ll aasstt ttw w oo aallbb uum mss?? Just more influences, man we’re influences by so many different things. All these new beat to check out from bands that play hip-hop records to crunk and old music from the ‘70s and ‘60s we’re listening to. We bring that all in. We’re expressing different sides, finding different genres to kind of pull beats from and write tunes over. It’s definitely a progression. The more we all listen to other stuff and keep sending each other music, the better that we write. There’s a progression happening.
part of. That’s the main goal. Perfection is an unattainable thing. I’m more into imperfection. Perfection is really imperfection – the little things that are real and human. I’m not trying to make perfect stuff, but I just want people to enjoy it and I want to keep on putting out Woouulldd yyoouu ss aayy m W muussiicc iiss aa creative stuff. nneevveerr-- eennddiinngg pp rroocceessss ?? LLeett ttuu ccee hhaass bb eeeenn aarroouu nndd oovveerr 2255 yyeeaarrss nnoow w .. W Whheerree dd iidd tthh ee Never-ending. It would take ttiim mee ggoo?? II tt sseeeem mss lliikk ee oonnllyy a million lifetimes to get yyee sstteerrddaayy yyoouu gguu yyss w w eerree tthh ee where we want to be. We’re nneew w kk iiddss oonn tt hhee bblloocckk – – ppaarr -- just here to chop away at that ddoonn tt hhee pp llaayy oonn w w oorr ddss.. ((bbootthh tree and try to carve somellaauu gghh)) thing out of that marble – you know what I mean? Make a Yeah man, we all tried being nice thing. It takes a long here and doing different time and we’re all down for things – going out with pop the ride. stars and different bands and then we all realized about - Dave Weinthal eight years ago we just wanted to play with each other. Lettuce performs Friday, We just wanted to hang out September 13 at The Caverns with our best friends and play in Pelham, TN (at the base of music. It just all worked out. Monteagle Mountain)
Backstreet Boys Won’t Go Breaking Your Heart ©Dave Weinthal
When I told my pal Lamanda the other day I was going to see the Backstreet Boys she go the oddest look on her face. It was a cross between jealousy and hate. Lowering her head slightly she said, “I wanted to go to that show”. “Come on,” I said. I was pretty sure we could find her a ticket. “No,” she said. “I’ve got to save my money for my wedding next month,” I then suggested that could be her bachelorette party. I saw the wheels grind-
what to expect. That was my second NKOTB show (I was there on business – honest – just like I was here at Backstreet Boys). Lamanda is the ideal music fan. She buys her own tickets, doesn’t try to scam her way in, ends up at the merch table. She’s a genuine fan of the artist she goes and sees – a rarity.
Last time I spoke about coming to an understanding an appreing in her head for a second. ciation of the boy band genre “Nah, I better not. But tell me thing. And so it continues. My all about it when you get history with boy bands was not back.” very good. A long, long time
shoot NSYNC instead?” “Hell, no,” I said. Boy, I was a fool for that. And like I said, I can’t even remember the name of the band I was denied; yet we all know the members (or former) of NSYNC. NKOTB was my introduction to the genre in its most current form and I remember sitting at Brainerd Beach Club watching the music video on the wall and kind of getting into it. (Yep, I am a little embarrassed). I always thought they were the biggest of all these bans until I watched a video of
I feel pressure now to report on this show because I don’t want to short change my pal. We met almost a year ago through business and became quick friends talking about music and pop culture. When I went to see NKOTB last month she already went to the show in Nashville and told me
Retro Cafe
The Best of New Wave, Post Modern Classics and Other Odd Stuff
©Dave Weinthal
Wednesdays at 5pm est. on ENIGMA
ago when this stuff was at its peak I had just broken up with my girlfriend. To top that the next week I was not approved for a photo credential for some hot alternative band I really wanted to shoot. The publicist called me and said, “I’m sorry Dave, I couldn’t get you approved. Would you like to go down to Birmingham and
the most popular boy bands and they barely made the top five. Who was number one? The Backstreet Boys. I was a little shocked. I figured if it wasn’t NKOTB it might have been NSYNC because of the chosen one, Justin Timberlake. Once I looked at the charting singles for the Backstreet Boys I understood. Being a tried
©Dave Weinthal
The show was pure synchronicity as they shared vocals between all five members – A.J., Nick, Howie, Kevin and Brian. The staging setup was reminiscent of something you would see in Vegas here in the dirty south. The mega large video screens, light and flash was enough to cause a While technically “men” now seizure add to that a 32-song and true rock and roll guy I was surprised (and slightly embarrassed) by the number of song titles I recognized. And while it seemed as if they’ve been around forever (almost 25) a couple of the guys to my surprise were still in their 30s.
(Backstreet’s Back)”, “I Want It That Way” off of Millennium, their first number one album and “Don’t Go Breaking My Heart” from DNA, which by the way is the group’s third number one album. With all the flash and panache the underlying aspect of the show that might get overlooked by many – myself included is the talented vocals and impressive harmonies. Sure the synchronized moves were all there but like I said about NKOTB, if you break it all down there is true musical talent there and unlike a majority of today’s hit makers there is no use – or for that matter no need for any Autotune. It was a great show, something BSB have never been accused of doing anything bust. I just wish my pal Lamanda was here to enjoy it as well. I guess she’ll have to live vicariously through me – at least for this show.
©Dave Weinthal
the “Boys” have not lost a step. On the DNA Tour, in support of their newest album released earlier this year it was part music, part harmony and a lot of synchronized choreography. For a bunch of white boys they sure can move well.
setlist you had an already giddy crowd going bonkers. And while on tour promoting DNA they touched on all albums dating back to 1996 with “I’ll Never Break Your Heart” to the song I think as their theme song, “Everybody ENIGMA
Back street B oys S etlist: B Everyone I Wanna Be With You The Call Don’t Want You Back Nobody Else New Love Get Down (You’re the One for Me) Chateau
1. The Black Keys 2. Jenny Lewis 3. Vampire Weekend 4. Jocelyn & Chris Arndt 5. Lukas Nelson and Promise of the Real 6. Christone “Kingfish” Ingram 7. Jr. Jr. 8. Avett Brothers 9. Larkin Poe 10. Of Monsters And Men 11. Sleater-Kinney 12. New Pornographers 13. Spoon 14. The Head And The Heart 15. Drew Holcomb & The Neighbors 16. Liam Gallagher 17. The Highwomen 18. Tegan & Sara 19. Shovels & Rope 20. Wilco
ADVENTURE PICKS 1. Joseph Arthur 2. Pixies 3. Soak
©Dave Weinthal
Show Me The Meaning of Being Lonely Incomplete Undone More Than That The Way It Was Chances Shape of My Heart Drowning Passionate Quit Playing Games (With My Heart)
I’ll Never Break Your Heart All I Have to Give (Conversation Mix) All I Have to Give Backstreet Boys DNA Tour Remix Everybody (Backstreet’s Back) We’ve Got It Goin’ On It’s Gotta Be You That’s the Way I Like It Get Another Boyfriend The One
©Dave Weinthal
As Long as You Love Me Happy Birthday to You (Mildred J. Hill & Patty Hill cover) (Sung to Howie) No Place Breathe Don’t Wanna Lose You Now
I Want It That Way Enc ore: E Don’t Go Breaking My Heart Larger Than Life
- Dave Weinthal ENIGMA
Lionel Richie: True American Idol A near capacity crowd at Chastain Park in Atlanta got its money’s worth and more as Richie presented a 17-song set list that featured seven No. 1 ballads and anthems, a little ditty of a tune he wrote for a soundtrack as well as a composition he co-wrote that helped raise $63 million for humanitarian aid in Africa and the You can’t help but nod your United States. head in appreciation to this American idol – pun intended - There was a lot of depth going whose soulful, heartfelt on this evening not only from approach to songwriting has this 70-year old icon on stage, been wowing audiences world- but from the audience itself. wide going on six decades. There’s no doubt that Richie That’s right, I said six decades. brought back a flood of memoIt is amazing how an artist’s body of work, generated in a short span of four years, can literally redefine a musician’s previous decade-long recording career while simultaneously creating another legion of admirers to go along with an already established fan base. Hello Lionel Richie!
ries to many in attendance brought to life when perwho sang the music and loving- formed onstage. ly danced to many of the iconic ballads brought to life by Richie and his masterful fivepiece backing band. Yes, there were videos, funny stories and quite a few sing-alongs, but this night really was reserved for an audience, new and old, to capture moments from their own past that many of this balladeer’s songs ENIGMA
larly meaningful was the simplicity and beauty of the songs themselves. About every facet of Richie’s personality were on display as he was flanked by huge video screens coupled with a very impressive light show. There really wasn’t a bad seat in the house.
careers to make their mark in the music business before their star finally flames out. This Alabama native defied the odds and saved his very best for last.
need to take a really close look at the period of time the evening’s performance centered around. Almost all artists have a very small window of time at the beginning of their
Grammy, win an Oscar and cowrite an iconic worldwide hit to raise money for African famine relief. All were performed tonight.
After spending 13 years and recording nine albums with the Commodores, Richie finally went solo. In the course of four To truly appreciate the depth years (1982-86), the songwriter and scope of the singer / song- would write five No. 1 singles, a writer’s 2019 Hello Tour, you host of Top Ten hits, receive a
What’s amazing about this concert was the specific period of time in this 70-year old’s songwriting career the show focused on. Half the songs paid tribute to Richie’s original musical vehicle, the Commodores, more specifically the albums released from 1976 to 1981. The most memorable part of
this concert, however, was relegated to the specific recordings Richie composed from October 1982 thru July 1986 that established him as one of the greatest songwriters in the world. A lot of reviews will focus on Lionel Richie the entertainer, and rightfully so. But the thing that made this evening particu-
Again, in the process of those four explosive years for Richie, he sold 20 million albums in the U.S. alone while endearing himself to a legion of new fans
Simply put, tonight’s ‘brick house’ performance had fans ‘running with the night’ as they smiled, sang and maybe even shed a tear as Lionel Richie
that still remain emotionally attached to him. Only one artist I can think of – Sting – can stand in this man’s shadow because what he achieved is so rare.
showered everyone with ‘endless love’ as they sashayed away to the evening’s musical extravaganza ‘all night long’.
- David Huff
THIS MONTH IN ROCK HISTORY 119 9 5566 Elvis Presley made his first appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show in front of 54 million TV viewers, which gave the program an 82.6 rating. Elvis sang “Don’t Be Cruel”, “Love Me Tender”, “Hound Dog” and “Ready Teddy” for host Charles Laughton who was filling in for Sullivan who was recovering from a recent car accident. Laughton mistakenly introduced the singer as “Elvin” Presley. The next day, record stores were swamped with requests for “Love Me Tender”, although its release date was weeks away. There were also well organized letter writing campaigns and petitions against Presley, but it was later brought to light that many of the signatures were fictitious or of deceased people.
Police are called to break up a crowd of rowdy teenagers following the showing of the film Rock Around The Clock at the Trocadero Cinema in London, England. The following day, The Times prints a reader’s letter that says in part: “The hypnotic rhythm and the wild gestures have a maddening effect on a rhythm loving age group and the result of its impact is the relaxing of all self control.” The film is quickly banned in several English cities. 11 9 95577 A 16-year-old Canadian lad named Paul Anka had the number one song in America with “Diana”. A story circulated that Paul had a crush on his younger brother and sister’s babysitter who wanted nothing to do with him. He then supposedly wrote a poem for her and later set it to music. Anka himself later refuted the story. The record became an international hit that stayed at the top of the UK chart for nine weeks.
The Beatles receive a Gold record was a Top Twenty hit for a group for John Lennon’s biographical com- called The Arbours in 1969 and a Top position, “Help!”, which was still ris- Ten song for Joe Cocker in 1970. ing up the charts. 19966 88 1 The Beatles release “Yesterday”, on The Doors are forced to perform as which only Paul is actually playing. a trio at a concert in Amsterdam More than 2,500 cover versions of after lead singer Jim Morrison colthe song exist, making it one of the lapses while dancing during the most recorded songs in history. Jefferson Airplane’s performance.
1 9966 77 1 Sam And Dave’s classic, “Soul Man” is released in the US, where it will rise to #4 by the end of November. The song would be given the 1968 Grammy Award for Best Rhythm & Recording Registry at the Library of Blues Group Performance, Vocal or Congress. That’s not bad for a song Instrumental. that Jerry Lee, along with drummer J.M. Van Eaton and guitarist Roland The Doors perform on The Ed Janes, had recorded in just one take Sullivan Show. Even though he because Sun Records’ producer Jack agreed to change some of the words Clement didn’t have enough tape left to “Light My Fire”, Jim Morrison sings for any other attempts. “Girl, we couldn’t get much higher” anyway. A furious Sullivan vowed Buddy Holly And The Crickets scored that the band would never appear their only US number one hit with on his show again. Morrison reporttheir first Billboard chart maker, edly just shrugged and said, “We just “That’ll Be the Day”. Holly would did the Sullivan show.” later reach the Top Ten with “Peggy Sue” and “Oh, Boy!” and crack the 16-year-old Alex Chilton led The Box Top 20 with “Maybe Baby” and “It Tops to the top of Billboard’s Hot 100 Doesn’t Matter Anymore”. with “The Letter”. In the UK, it reached #5. The record would go on 119 966 22 to sell over four million copies and The Beatles return to Abbey Road receive two Grammy nominations Studios where they record “P.S., I for Best Contemporary Group Love You”. Producer George Martin Performance and Best Performance is concerned with Ringo Starr’s abil- By A Vocal Group, although they lost ity and hires session drummer Andy both to The Fifth Dimension. As for White to re-record “Love Me Do”, on the song, “The Letter”, it’s come back which Ringo played maracas and twice since The Box Tops’ version. It tambourine. It remained a sore spot with Ringo for many years. 11 9 966 44 A 16-year-old lad won a Mick Jagger impersonation contest at The Town Hall, Greenwich, England. The winner turned out to be Mick’s younger brother, Chris Jagger.
Roy Orbison’s “Oh, Pretty Woman” reaches the top of the Billboard Hot 100. It would be the last of a string of nine straight Top Ten records for The Big O.
Herman’s Hermits were at the top of the British singles chart with “I’m Into Something Good”, the group’s only UK #1. The song was recorded earlier in the year by Earl-Jean McCrea, who had been the lead singer of the R&B vocal group The Cookies. Her version peaked at #38 Jerry Lee Lewis’ “Whole Lot Of in the US. Shakin’ Going On” peaks at #3 on the Billboard Top 100. The record would The Kinks release their first US hit, not only top the R&B and Country “You Really Got Me”. The song will charts, but it would go on to be spend 10 weeks on the Billboard ranked #61 on Rolling Stone maga- chart and rise to #7. zine’s Greatest Songs Of All Time and 119 966 55 in 2005 be added to the National ENIGMA
Eric Clapton records the guitar solo for the Beatles’ “While My Guitar Gently Weeps”, becoming the first non-Beatle to appear on one of their recordings. George Harrison later said that Clapton’s presence had another effect on the band: “It made them all try a bit harder; they were all on their best behavior.” 19966 99 1 Bob Dylan’s “Lay Lady Lay” peaks at #7 on the Billboard singles chart. Departing from his usual high pitched, nasal style, Dylan’s low-key vocal also pushed the song to #5 in the UK. Radio and print media on both sides of the Atlantic are full of stories that say Paul McCartney is dead. He was supposedly killed in a car accident in Scotland on November 9th, 1966 and that a double has been taking his place for public appearances. In fact, Paul and his girlfriend Jane Asher were on vacation in Kenya at the time. When a reporter contacted Paul at his Scottish farm, McCartney’s reaction was, “Do I look dead? I’m fit as a fiddle.”
The Beatles release their 13th album in the UK, “Abbey Road”, which debuts at #1 and will stay there for eleven straight weeks. It is issued in the US a week later and will top the Billboard album chart for twelve weeks. It has since gone on to sell over 31 million copies world wide. The album cover, showing the band crossing the street just outside the recording studio, will become one of the most imitated in recording history. The zebra crossing itself has become so popular with Beatle fans, it has its own webcam. 1199 7711 John Lennon’s “Imagine” LP is released. It would reach #1 on both sides of the Atlantic. In 2003, Rolling Stone magazine named “Imagine” as #76 on its list of The 500 Greatest Albums of All Time. Donny Osmond’s version of “Go Away Little Girl” hits number one in the US. The song was also a chart topper for Steve Lawrence in 1963 and reached #12 for The Happenings in 1966. The Jackson 5 Saturday morning cartoon show debuts on ABC-TV. The show features the voices of the five brothers. 11 9977 33 30-year-old Jim Croce was killed in a plane crash on September 20th, after playing a concert at North-western State University, Natchitoches, Louisiana. His small charter plane, a Beechcraft D-18, hit a tree just after take-off in bad weather. He and Maury Muehleisen, his lead guitarist, both died in the crash, along with the members of the plane’s crew. Only a week before, Croce finished recording his third album, “I Got a Name”.
met with some degree of controversy, since the lyrics were interpreted by many as having sexual connotations. It rose to #22 in the UK.
In The Wind” at the funeral of England’s Princess Diana. After the song is re-recorded and released as a single, it would become the largest selling record in history since UK 1199 8800 and US singles charts began in the “Upside Down” by Diana Ross goes to 1950s, with sales topping 33 million. number one on the Billboard Hot 100 1199 9988 where it will stay for four weeks, becoming her biggest solo hit. An episode of the American TV show Judge Judy airs in which Sex Pistol 35-year-old Bob Marley collapses on Johnny Rotten (nee Lydon) appears stage at the Stanley Theater in as the defendant in a case involving Pittsburgh. He will be flown to the drummer Robbie Williams, who sues Sloan-Kettering Hospital in New Rotten for wrongful termination York where he is diagnosed with a from a recent tour. Williams had brain tumor and told he has just one claimed that the Sex Pistols owed month to live, although he will actu- him $7,000. Rotten said Williams ally survive until next May. The rest quit and was owed nothing. Judge of his tour is canceled. Judy apparently found Rotten was most credible and ruled in his favor. 119988 22 John “Cougar” Mellencamp becomes 22 0000 11 the only male artist to have two sin- Earth, Wind And Fire announced gles in the US Top Ten as well as the that Viagra would sponsor their number one album. “Jack and Diane” forthcoming 30th anniversary was number 4, while “Hurts So American tour. Good” sat at number 8. The LP 2200 0033 “American Fool” stayed on top for nine weeks, eventually reaching Robert Palmer, who reached number multi-Platinum status. 14 in the US in 1979 with “Bad Case Of Loving You”, died of a heart attack at the age of 54. He found success both 119988 77 43-year-old Peter Tosh, the guitarist in his solo career and in the superin the original Wailing Wailers with group Power Station, and had Top 10 Bob Marley, was brutally murdered songs in both the US and the UK. at his Jamaican home. Though robbery was officially said to be the reason behind Tosh’s death, many believe that there were ulterior motives to the killing, citing that nothing was taken from the house. The Grateful Dead’s “Touch Of Grey” peaks at #9 on the US singles chart, becoming their only Billboard chart hit.
11 998899 Ozzy Osbourne was charged with threatening to kill his wife, Sharon. 11 997755 He was released on the condition Glen Campbell topped the Billboard that he immediately enter into detox Pop chart with “Rhinestone and the case was latter dropped Cowboy”, selling over 4 million when the couple decide to reconcile. copies in the process. The record gained three Grammy nominations The Pittsburgh Steelers are stopped and was the Country Music from practicing on their own field, Association’s Song of the Year for Three Rivers Stadium, because The 1976. In the UK, it reached #4. Glen Rolling Stones are rehearsing for had cracked the US Top Ten twice their upcoming concert. before with “Wichita Lineman” in 1968 and “Galveston” in 1969. 119999 55 The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame David Bowie had the top tune on opened in Cleveland, Ohio, with Bob Billboard’s singles chart with Dylan, Chuck Berry, Aretha Franklin, “Fame”, a song co-written by John Al Green, Booker T and the MGs, Lennon, who can be heard singing Little Richard, The Allman Brothers, near the end of the record. Boz Scaggs, James Brown and Martha Reeves making contributions. 1199 7766 119999 77 KC And The Sunshine Band had North America dancing in the streets While an estimated 2.5 billion people with their Billboard chart topper, watched on television, Elton John “Shake Your Booty”. The song was sings a re-worked version of “Candle ENIGMA
22 00 1122 The family of the late Dan Hamilton, of Hamilton, Joe Frank and Reynolds, won a significant jury verdict against publisher Music Force, who allegedly failed to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in royalty payments for the 1975, number one hit, “Fallin’ In Love”. 22 0011 55 The Chattanooga Times Free Press reported that Glen Campbell had moved from an Alzheimer facility and was being cared for by his wife Kim in their own home. The singer was listed as being in stage six of the seven stages of Alzheimer’s where his communication skills are severely limited and he is prone to lashing out physically. 22 0011 66 Kenny Rogers announced his retirement from music after his current tour ends in April, 2017. Telling members of the press that he had accomplished everything he set out to do, the Country music legend said he wanted to spend more time with his wife and their twelve-year-old twin sons.