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How could you improve your nutrition intake for a healthier lifestyle? -What type of movement could you focus on to improve the strength of your body? -What can you do to gain the proper amount of rest your body needs on a daily basis? What would happen if you decided to accept your body flaws and all? Thanked your body for
by EnjaneekL
The section for spirit on the Wellness Wheel may be a little confusing so I made sure to provide some clarity below.
Beliefs When we say beliefs, we are asking if whatever it is you believe in is strong or a lack of. It can be your beliefs in a religion, a practice, or your perspective on life and death.
Practices On the 1-10 scale, how often do you participate in spiritual practices? Spiritual practices can be activities like praying, meditating, chanting, breathing exercises, ceremonies, or rituals. May also include attending religious services.
Output I like to refer to spiritual output like a footprint. Is your spiritual output low (1 on the wheel) or is it high (10 on the wheel). Then think about if the energy you are putting out is good or bad. There will be a few questions for this section in the next pages.
Self/Ego Author and Spirit Junkie Gabrielle Bernstein defines the ego as: “The ego is synonymous with fear. It’s the fear voice that keeps your separate and disconnects you from others through judging, attacking, self-sabotaging and does not want to forgive. It rules everyone’s lives. Even if you are really mindful and conscious, the ego can still take over.”
If you feel like you are consumed in negative thoughts/thought patterns then maybe you rate your self/ego at a one. If you have learned how to improve these thoughts and turn them into positive thoughts then maybe you can rate yourself at a 7. As Gabrielle says, you can be really mindful and aware but the ego can still swoop in at any time.
Our goal isn’t to totally eliminate the ego (that would be amazing though) but more so we want to be able to identify the ego when it moves in and learn how to change our thought patterns to be more positive.