ENMU 2016 Summer Class Schedule

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PURSUE YOUR PASSION INDEX Important Dates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Summer Credit Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6 Student Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-8 Registration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9 Payment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-11 Financial Aid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Scholarships. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-13 Employment Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 NM Workforce Connection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Community Ed Classes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-19 CE Registration Form. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

2 | ENMU-Ruidoso 2016 Summer Class Schedule

For the most up-to-date information on additions, changes, filled and canceled classes, go to www.ruidoso.enmu.edu. The website is updated frequently and is the best source for the current status of both credit and non-credit offerings.

ACCURACY STATEMENT ENMU-Ruidoso has made every reasonable effort to ensure that the Class Schedule is accurate. Courses and programs that are offered, along with other information in the schedule, are subject to change without notice. The College further reserves the right to add, amend or repeal any of its rules, regulations, policies and procedures, consistent with applicable laws and policy established by the ENMU Board of Regents.

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4 | ENMU-Ruidoso 2016 Summer Class Schedule



BIOL 266 U 001 3 Cr CRN 40233 Ecology of the Southwest Uplands MTWRFSU 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Rm 110 6/6 - 6/12/2016 Hays, Quentin & McCaw III, Jack

HPE 136 U 001 1 Cr CRN 40655 Group Strength and Stretch TR 7:30 - 8:30 a.m., RAC Gym 8 weeks 6/6 - 7/29/2016 Coakley, Avril

BIOL 266LU 001 1 Cr CRN 40234 Ecology of the Southwest Uplands Lab MTWRFSU 5:01 - 7 p.m., Rm 110 6/6 - 6/12/2016 Hays, Quentin & McCaw III, Jack Lab Fees: $75

HPE 139 U 001 1 Cr CRN 40656 Group Stationary Cycling MW 5 - 6 p.m., RAC Gym 8 weeks 6/6 - 7/29/2016 Coakley, Avril



COMM 101 U 1WW 3 Cr CRN 40223 Interpersonal Communication (NMCCNS COMM 1213) Online 8 weeks 6/6 - 7/29/2016 Wills, Kimberly

EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION ECE 107 U 001 2 Cr CRN 40575 Health, Safety and Nutrition TBA 8 weeks 6/6 - 7/29/2016 Staff

ENGLISH ENG 222 U 1WW 3 Cr CRN 40578 British Literature Survey II Online 8 weeks 6/6 - 7/29/2016 Karabelski, Sarah

FAMILY AND CONSUMER SCIENCES FCS 221 U 001 3 Cr CRN 40576 Child Growth, Development and Learning TBA 8 weeks 6/6 - 7/29/2016 Torres-Ovrick, Melvina

HS 206 U 1WW 3 Cr CRN 40564 Alcohol & Drug Abuse Counseling: Families Online 8 weeks 6/6 - 7/29/2016 Anderson, Christi HS 207 U 1WW 3 Cr CRN 40565 Alcohol & Drug Abuse Counseling: Special Populations Online 8 weeks 6/6 - 7/29/2016 Anderson, Christi

MATHEMATICS MATH 104 U 001 4 Cr CRN 40566 Preparatory Algebra MTWR 9 - 11 a.m., Rm 106 8 weeks 6/6 - 7/29/2016 Thapa Magar, Krishna MATH 119 U 001 3 Cr CRN 40567 College Algebra MTWR 1 - 3 p.m., Rm 106 8 weeks 6/6 - 7/29/2016 Thapa Magar, Krishna ENMU-Ruidoso 2016 Summer Class Schedule | 5



NATR 268 U 001 3 Cr CRN 40250 Workshop in Natural Resources TBA 8 weeks 6/6 - 7/29/2016 Hays, Quentin

SPAN 101 U 1WW 4 Cr CRN 40579 Beginning Spanish Online 8 weeks 6/6 - 7/29/2016 Bennett, Cynthia



NA 111 U 001 3 Cr CRN 40224 Nursing Assistant FSU 8:30 - 11 a.m., WMA 25/26 6/17 - 7/12/2016 Rossiter, Bonnie

SPED 203 U 001 4 Cr CRN 40577 Assessment of Children & Evaluation of Programs TBA 8 weeks 6/6 - 7/29/2016 Torres-Ovrick, Melvina

NA 111LU 001 3 Cr CRN 40225 Nursing Assistant Laboratory FSU 11:01 a.m. - 4 p.m., WMA 25/26 6/17 - 7/12/2016 Rossiter, Bonnie Lab Fees: $85

NMCCNS - In accordance to state law, the New Mexico Higher Education Department has established policies to guarantee successful transfer of completed core courses between New Mexico postsecondary public institutions.

6 | ENMU-Ruidoso 2016 Summer Class Schedule



ENMU-Ruidoso has an open admissions policy. Applications for admission may be submitted to ENMU-Ruidoso. Applicants must be a high school graduate, hold an GED/HSE, or participate in the Early College Program. Students can apply for degree-seeking or nondegree seeking. Degree-seeking applicants must provide official transcripts from their high school and all college/universities to which they have been admitted to complete the admission process. Non-degree seeking students must provide an unofficial transcript for high school, and/or any colleges to which they have been admitted. Previous students may re-apply for admissions. Application forms can be found online at www.ruidoso. enmu.edu, or in Student Services.

First-time students are required to take the University Skills Placement Test (USPT) before registering. This free assessment provides a baseline of academic abilities and is used in placing students in appropriate courses. If there are other test scores (ACT or SAT) reported within the past 12 months, students may be exempt from taking the USPT. Nondegree seeking students enrolling for six hours or less are exempt from taking the USPT. Please call 575-257-3012 to schedule your free placement test.

For information on admission to the campus contact Student Services.

ADVISING Advisors are available to all prospective and current students. Advisors are trained to assist students in discovering their educational objectives, in degree planning, in exploring and applying for financial aid opportunities and more. Students are encouraged to make an appointment to visit with an advisor, but are also welcome on a drop-in basis. Don’t hesitate to speak with an advisor about applying for admissions, selecting a degree, applying for financial aid, or just to ask questions. Contact Student Services at 575-257-2120 or toll free at 800-934-ENMU (3668).

DROP/ADD AND WITHDRAWAL Drop/Add: Changing a class schedule requires adding or dropping one or more courses. Changes can be made in your MyENMU portal. Advisors can also assist with the process. Withdrawal: When a student feels he/she cannot complete a course or the semester, the student may withdraw from the course or the semester by completing a Withdrawal Form (available in Student Services). Note: When considering withdrawing from a class or the semester, please talk with an advisor – there may be some consequences that you have not considered (i.e., Financial Aid). Deadlines for Drop/Add and Withdrawal 8-week Drop/Add June 8 July 15 8-week Withdraw 1st 4-week Drop/Add June 8 1st 4-week Withdraw June 17 2nd 4-week Drop July 7 2nd 4-week Withdraw July 15 ENMU-Ruidoso 2016 Summer Class Schedule | 7

GENERAL INFORMATION Note: Verbally notifying your instructor that you are dropping or withdrawing from his/her course does not officially change your registration status. For information contact Student Services.

COURSE AUDITING Auditing a class means you pay for and attend classes but do not receive a grade. Audited courses do not meet degree requirements and are not eligible for financial aid or VA benefits. NC (Not for Credit option) must be marked on the original registration document. Changes to registration cannot be made after the end of the drop/add period.

OVERLOADS Enrolling in more than 18 credit hours in the fall or spring semester or 10 credits in the summer semester is considered an “overload.” You must have written permission from the Vice President of Student Learning prior to registering for a course overload. Additional fees apply.

COURSE CHANGES, CANCELLATIONS, CLOSURES ENMU-Ruidoso reserves the right to make changes to the published schedule or to cancel any classes that do not meet minimum enrollment requirements. Class enrollments will be closed when maximum class size has been reached.

CATALOG The ENMU-Ruidoso Catalog is available online. Degree plans and course descriptions are found in the ENMU-Ruidoso Catalog. 8 | ENMU-Ruidoso 2016 Summer Class Schedule

SPECIAL SERVICES Students with disabilities can request accommodation and assistance in the admissions process and with registration by contacting Student Services in advance. Students with disabilities can contact Student Services to begin the process for accommodations. Students are encouraged to schedule an appointment with the Special Services liaison in Student Services to bring in documentation as soon as possible. The process of accommodations can take 1-3 weeks. Students are highly encouraged to begin the process of setting up accommodations before the semester begins. Accommodations are based on individual needs according to documentation. Referrals can be offered to individuals who have documentation that is older than three (3) years or do not have documentation. For assistance, please contact the Special Services liaison in Student Services.

CLASS CANCELLATIONS In extreme weather conditions, classes may be canceled. Listen to local radio stations, Albuquerque TV newscasts and recorded announcements on the campus phone line (257-2120) for up-to-date information. You may also go to our web page: www.ruidoso. enmu.edu or call your instructor.

ON-CAMPUS REGISTRATION You may register in person at the College campus, Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. After registering, go to the Cashier’s office to make payment arrangements and

pick up your schedule. Please check your class schedule carefully. If your printed schedule is not what you requested, return to Student Services to make corrections. Registration for classes is not complete until payment is received.

ONLINE REGISTRATION Online registration is available for students who are currently enrolled. 1) Go to ENMU-Ruidoso homepage at www.ruidoso.enmu.edu 2) Click on MyENMU on the homepage 3) Enter username (See Student Account Activation for usernames and passwords) 4) Enter username 5) Click on login 6) At the MyENMU Portal page, click on the icon SSB to access the MyENMU information page 7) Click on Registration 8) Click on Look Up Classes to add or drop classes Remember: Classes with a “P” are in Portales and classes with a “U” are in Ruidoso Please contact Student Services at 257-2120 or 800-934-3668 for assistance.

RESIDENCY For tuition purposes, a resident is defined as a student who meets each of the requirements before the first day of classes for that term.

Residency Requirements: In general, a financially independent, adult person over 18 years of age must have resided in New Mexico for a period of 12 consecutive months immediately prior to the term for which the petition is being filed. If a student is under 23 and not financially independent, the residency is based on the parent/guardian residency. Furthermore, “residency” in this context means legal “residence.” Legal residence requires intent to remain in a place indefinitely, in the sense of making one’s permanent home here, as well as physical presence at the place. The distinction is that one may have any number of residences at one time, but never more than one legal residence. In New Mexico, for most purposes, the age of majority is 18. Persons under the age of 18 are considered minors under the law. A minor’s residence is presumed to be the same as that of his/her parent or legal guardian. The residency decision for students under 18 is based upon the legal residence of the parent or legal guardian. In the event that a noncustodial parent is a legal resident of New Mexico, the minor student will be classified as a resident. If you have questions concerning your residency, contact Student Services.

STUDENT ACCOUNT ACTIVATION (Student ENMU-email, MyENMU and Blackboard) 1) Go to ENMU-Ruidoso homepage at www.ruidoso.enmu.edu 2) Go to Students, Click on Current Students 3) Click on “Student Account Activation” ENMU-Ruidoso 2016 Summer Class Schedule | 9

GENERAL INFORMATION A student id number and date of birth is required for username and password. (For student ID number, please contact Student Services at 257-2120.)

TUITION Please visit www.ruidoso.enmu.edu for the most up-to-date tuition rates.

SENIOR TUITION FOR NEW MEXICO RESIDENTS A special $5 per credit hour tuition rate is available for New Mexico residents age 65 or older. Enrollment is restricted to 6 credit hours or less per semester, however if a senior student enrolls in more than 6 hours at any time during the semester, all credit hours will be adjusted to the applicable tuition rate. Students are responsible for payment of fees, books and other costs associated with their class.

FEES Check www.ruidoso.enmu.edu for the most up to date institutional, course and graduation fees.

The payment of tuition and fees is the obligation of the student. By processing a course registration either via the web or by submitting a course request form to an academic student registration area, a student acknowledges they have read and agree to the following terms and conditions. Registration constitutes a financial agreement between you (“Student”) and ENMU-Ruidoso. Once a student formally registers for classes, he or she assumes the responsibility for understanding ENMU-Ruidoso’s official policies concerning schedule changes, satisfactory academic progress and the financial policies of the College as described in the “ENMU-Ruidoso Catalog” for the term of enrollment. Installment payment arrangements must be made with the Cashier for any charges not paid in full within five (5) business days of the start of the term or registration cancellation will result. A payment plan fee of $10 is charged on all payment plans. The due date for setting up a payment plan is the Drop/Add Deadline.

PAYMENTS AND FINANCIAL AID TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF REGISTRATION By enrolling in classes at ENMU-Ruidoso, a student makes a financial commitment to pay the tuition and fee charges associated with that enrollment. The enrollment action constitutes a financial obligation between the student and ENMU-Ruidoso. 10 | ENMU-Ruidoso 2016 Summer Class Schedule

Students withdrawing after the stated refund dates remain liable for full tuition and fee charges. ENMU-Ruidoso accepts payment via student financial aid and third party sponsorship, but the responsibility for payment remains with the student. It is the student’s responsibility to monitor his or her account balance and any funding sources. If financial aid is not granted or if third party sponsors do

not pay within a reasonable period, the student will be required to pay the full amount due.

PAYMENT OPTIONS Payment arrangement deadline is June 8. • Pay at the Cashier’s office with cash, check, money order or credit card. • Mail check or money order to: Cashier, ENMU-Ruidoso, 709 Mechem Dr., Ruidoso, NM 88345. • Call the Cashier at 257-3016 to pay by credit card. ENMU-Ruidoso accepts Discover, Master Card, American Express and Visa. • Pay online at www.ruidoso.enmu.edu. • Set up a payment plan for a $10 fee. ENMU-Ruidoso offers an interest-free payment plan for students. Books and supplies can be added to the tuition and then divided into four equal payments. The paperwork is minimal. Reference addresses and phone numbers are required. You may call the Cashier at 257-3016 to process a payment plan by mail. A payment plan is required if any of the following circumstances apply: 1) You cannot pay your account in full and need to spread payments over the semester, or 2) Financial aid and/or scholarship awards will be paying, but the funds will not be applied to the account before June 8. 3) An employer or other sponsor is paying. (Written authorization is needed by the Cashier at the time of registration.)

PAYMENT ONLINE You can now pay online, enroll in a payment plan or create a financial aid refund profile at www.ruidoso.enmu.edu.

FINANCIAL AID Degree-seeking students are encouraged to apply for financial aid by completing the ENMU-Ruidoso Scholarship Application and the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at www.fafsa.ed.gov. Appointments for assistance in completing the FAFSA are available by contacting Student Services. Students applying for financial aid who have not yet been approved by the payment deadline must make other payment arrangements. Be aware that processing financial aid applications takes approximately 5 weeks – apply early. To maintain financial aid, have all transcripts sent to: ENMU-Ruidoso 709 Mechem Drive Ruidoso, NM 88345 Any questions concerning financial aid may be directed to Student Services, 575-257-2012.

REFUNDS Tuition and fee refunds will be processed after the close of late registration. 8 Week 100% - June 8 50% - June 15 ENMU-Ruidoso 2016 Summer Class Schedule | 11

GENERAL INFORMATION 1st 4-Weeks 100% - June 8 2nd 4-Weeks 100% - July 7


All textbooks, whether you are a local oncampus student or a distance education student, are available for purchase through the ENMU-Ruidoso’s on-line bookstore. Go to Ruidoso.enmu.edu and click on the On-line Bookstore link to order books from the comfort of your home.

FINANCIAL AID AND TEXTBOOK PURCHASES Financial Aid may be used for purchasing your books from the On-line Bookstore. Textbooks may be charged to your student account through the Drop/Add Date. The charges will be added to your account and your financial aid award will be applied against the cost. If Financial Aid has been disbursed before the charge for your books has posted to your student account, you will need to make payment to the college Cashier. Questions about your On-line Bookstore order, buyback options or a need to return any books? Email to sm613@bncollege.com or call 575-562-2715. Questions about your Financial Aid? Call 800934-3668 or 575-257-3010.

SCHOLARSHIPS Scholarship Eligibility Requirements: Scholarship recipients must be accepted for 12 | ENMU-Ruidoso 2016 Summer Class Schedule

admission and enrolled at the Ruidoso campus at the time of the scholarship application. Please apply only for scholarships for which eligibility applies. If awarded, the scholarship check will be sent directly to the Ruidoso campus and credited to the student’s account. The application must be completed and received by the ENMU-Ruidoso Foundation on the Ruidoso campus before the stated application deadline. Application due dates in all cases are final. An interview may be required as part of the selection process. Applications will be evaluated and final award decisions will be made by the Scholarship Committee or by the sponsoring donor or organization. Refer to the online Scholarship Guide for eligibility requirements. Back 2 U Daniel P. Austin Memorial Bennett Trust Fund Wesley Brown Memorial Gene Burdine City Bank Classic Industries General Contractors Richard J. and Gloria I. Lara Community Choir Ilana Cornelius “Pay It Forward” Daniel D. Draughon Scholarship Drs. Steve and Martha Ellis ENMU-Ruidoso Fine Art Scholarship Deborah Hewitt, MD Hubbard Foundation Dr. Bernie and Phyllis Hulme Lori Hulmes and Michael Aitkens Scholarship Josie’s Framery Art Scholarship

The Lincoln County Community Foundation Legacy Fund Jim and Nancy Miller Scholarship Linda Miller Art Scholarship NM Land and Title — Chili Currier Scholarship Bill Rakocy Art Scholarship Ruidoso Rotary Club Ruidoso White Mountain Clinic Zia Natural Gas Company

EMPLOYMENT SERVICES The New Mexico Workforce Connection-Lincoln County operates in agreement with ENMURuidoso. The center provides a variety of education and employment services. Some of the services provided include: Job Postings Prescreening, Recruitment and Referral of Qualified Workers Job Search Assistance Resumé Writing Assistance Basic Computer Classes Interview Coaching Occupational Interest Profiling Typing and Other Skills Assessments and Certifications WorkKeys® Career Readiness Certification Career Fairs Workplace Literacy Skills Classes Customized Training Classes On the Job Training Tax Credit/Federal Bonding Information Financial Aid Information Educational Funding Training for Eligible Participants

Labor Market/Wage Information Industry Specific Information Area Economic Data Labor Law Compliance/EEO Information Referral Information to Other Community Resources Resource Room/Conference Room Video Conferencing Senior (50+) Career Service

HIGH SCHOOL EQUIVALENCY PREPARATION CLASSES (GED) The Adult Basic Education program provides educational services to individuals 16 and over whose goals may range from basic literacy to obtaining a High School Equivalency diploma (GED/HiSet Exam). Classes are highly individualized and focus on student goals. New students first attend a Student Orientation and then select a study option which includes: morning classes, independent study, or evening classes. Supplemental online study or tutoring is also available.

ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE/ INGLÉS COMO SEGUNDO Being a non-English speaker in our community can present an overwhelming challenge. We offer free ESL classes designed to help all levels of speakers, beginner through advanced. U.S. Citizenship is not required. Morning, afternoon or evening classes are available. El no poder comunicarse en inglés en nuestra comunidad puede ser un desafío desconcertante. Ofrecemos clases gratuitas ENMU-Ruidoso 2016 Summer Class Schedule | 13

For more information call 575-258-1730 or 800-854-4712 or come by the White Mountain Annex offices at 201 White Mountain Drive to see how the New Mexico Workforce Connection can help you.

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Si quiere tener un certificado de secundaria de los Estados Unidos necesita esta clase . Estudiará cinco materias con un maestro bilingüe . Esto le dará más oportunidades para estudiar o trabajar en los EEUU .

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de ESL, las cuales han sido designadas para ayudarlo en todos los niveles del idioma: Desde nivel principiante hasta avanzado . ¡Ciudadanía estadounidense NO es requerida!



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Community enhancement through Education Community Education is a staple of most colleges . The classes are taught by members of the community who wish to share an interest, hobby or skill . The setting is informal and there are no educational requirement to teach a Community Ed class . Instructors set the class times, days and fees, and are paid based on the number of people who take the class . These classes are not for credit and do not transfer toward a degree program. Additionally, ENMU-Ruidoso’s Community Ed department hosts local events, such as the “Living in the WUI (Wildland Urban Interface)” series, providing critical information to residents of the community . ENMU-Ruidoso is committed to the enhancement of the community and all of Lincoln County . Community Ed offers many diverse programs of instruction including: • Community Education courses – live and online • Lifelong Learning Academy • Personal Development and Workforce Training • Customized Training • Kids’ College . . .and more . Visit ENMU-Ruidoso online at www.ruidoso.enmu.edu For more information, call ENMU-Ruidoso at 575 .257 .2120

14 | ENMU-Ruidoso 2016 Summer Class Schedule

COMMUNITY ED CLASSES ART & MUSIC Quilting Basics In this 6 week class you will receive all the instruction and fabric kit needed to create a beautiful 45” x 60” quilt. Included in the kit is fabric that has been pre-cut, and is ready to sew. In one weekly session you will learn how to make a consistent ¼” seam, how to match points perfectly every time, how to chain stitch and strip-piece, how to layer, square up, and bind a quilt with tried and proven methods. At the end of the class you will have a completed quilt to be proud of. Supply fee of $35 for the quilt top pattern and kit. Batting and backing will be purchased separately by students at a later point in the session. Instructor: Vicki Arnold Days: Mondays Dates: June 6, 13, 20, 27 and July 11, 18 Time: 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Fee: $75 Room: WMA 28

Photoshop Fixes for Bad Photos Digital photos taken with cameras and smart phones often have unfortunate results: too dark; too light; ‘red-eye,’ etc. With Photoshop’s tools, “almost” any photo can be improved. Please bring samples of bad photos on a USB thumb drive. Instructor: Katherine Kiefer Days: Friday Dates: July 15 and 22 Time: 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Fee: $60 Room: 101

Watercolor Concentrate on developing skills and techniques in watercolor painting. Emphasis is on methods and experimentation using studio, sketches and/or photographs for subject matter. Lab fee of $20 to instructor. Instructor: Carol Alvarado Days: Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday Dates: July 18, 19, and 20 Time: 1 - 4 p.m. Fee: $55 Room: 107

Basic Drawing Skills Improve your drawing skills – beginner to intermediate. Selected exercises from “Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain” by Betty Edwards (not required, but recommended) – chosen to help you “see” with different perspectives, which will, in turn, elevate your drawing skills. Relaxed, enjoyable atmosphere. Basics of portraiture, rules of perspective, negative space and contour drawing, will all be discussed. You will need comfortable clothing, Artisan drawing pad and graphite pencil to start. Instructor: Katherine Kiefer Day: Friday Date: May 6, 13, 20, 27 Time: 10 - 11:30 a.m. Fee: $80 Room: Corona High School

Freestyle Painting

An opportunity to paint with others and home your skills in a supportive environment. Oils, acrylics, watercolors, pastels – whatever your choice. No instruction but lots of camaraderie. ENMU-Ruidoso 2016 Summer Class Schedule | 15

COMMUNITY ED CLASSES Other artist in the class are happy to provide suggestions and critiques if asked. Flexible hours. Bring a lunch and come for the full five hours or just stay for a two or three, in the morning or afternoon Instructor: Bonnie Soley Day: Tuesday Date: June 7 to July 26 Time: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Fee: $30 Room: WMA 11

COMPUTERS Online Cyber Security Certification Program

This program is designed to be completed in 9 months. While applicable in the job market, these classes are transferable for college credit. Prerequisite: One year computer and network related experience of successful completion of a Computing and Networking Fundamentals course. Other qualifications may apply. Call for information. The program consists of 5 classes: • Cyber Security Fundamentals • Guide to Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery • Understanding Cyber Security Tools • Cyber Security Defense and Counter Measures • Ethics and Professionalism for Cyber Professionals Instructor: Stephen Miller Dates: Online Time: Self-Paced Fee: $2,595 16 | ENMU-Ruidoso 2016 Summer Class Schedule

PERSONAL ENRICHMENT Being of Service: Civic Engagement

Creative Aging Advisory Committee to Lincoln County The Creative Aging Advisory Committee to Lincoln County invites you to participate in our mission of serving seniors in Lincoln County. Recognizing that many of the key factors that influence a livable community are determined locally, we strive to create an opportunity to bring together decision makers across the public, private and volunteer sectors to work in partnership with seniors to create imaginative changes that will have an impact on the lives of all of us as we age in this frontier community. We meet monthly with informal subcommittee meetings in between. Our goal is to raise the awareness of resources available to our growing demographic of retirees and seniors. We welcome interested participants to join us and to lend us your knowledge. Please call Clara Farah, Ph.D. At 575-973-7835 or email clrfarah@gmail.com for more information. Instructor: Clara Farah, Ph.D. Days: monthly Friday meetings Dates: May 20, June 24, July 22 and Aug. 26 (optional) Time: 9 - 11:30 a.m. Fee: Free Location: ENMU and various locations around all of Lincoln County. Carpooling available. Room: 115


The New Mexico Liquor Control Act Mandates that every liquor license, lessee or server who manages, directs or controls the sale or service of alcohol for consumption on or off the license premises must satisfactorily complete an alcohol server program every three (3) years. Our class provides all the state

required training and cover all state laws and regulations concerning the sale and service of alcohol, liquor liability issues and driving under the influence of alcohol. Participants must be at least 19 years old and have valid photo ID. Instructor: Lalene Grogg Day: Tuesday Date: June 14 or July 12 Time: 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Fee: $40 Room: 109

CPR Certification

American Heart Association Basic Life Support. Pre-paratory books are available on loan prior to the class. Instructor: Jennifer Harvey Day: Sunday Date: June 26 Time: 1 - 5 p.m. Fee: $56 Room: WMA 26

Learning Chinese Language, Culture & Food

Time: 5 - 7 p.m. Fee: $59 Room: WMA 27

Starting Your Business Workshop

Do you have a business idea? Would you like to explore the feasibility of turning your idea into profitable business? If so, this free workshop is for you! Designed to give you the tools you need to start a business legally and profitably, you will explore how an idea comes to fruition, why some businesses succeed and some fail, and how planning helps lead to business success. This workshop will help you examine your business ownership potential, area facts and figures, and pre-business decisions as well as basic marketing and financial planning. You will also learn about the assistance and resources available to you at the local Small Business Development Center. Instructors: Trish Livingston and Kathleen Hodgkinson Day: Wednesday Date: June 15 or July 20 Time: 1 - 4 p.m. Fee: Free Room: 109

Visiting Chinese University Scholar/Professor will be in Ruidoso, offering business people and students the rare opportunity to learn the Chinese language quickly and efficiently. • Make valuable contacts to market your product in China • Learn basic conversation , cultural etiquette and cooking skills. • Basic travel Language skills. • Basic Orientation to the country, regions and peoples of China • Cultural Do’s and Don’t’s This will be a fun class where you will learn China has many similarities and the language can be fun.

The first part of this workshop (1:30 - 2:30) will teach you how to “claim your business listing” on Google Places so that your business will show up on Google searches and maps. The second part of the workshop (2:30 - 4:30) will focus on Facebook. Learn how to create a business fan page and how to use Facebook as a marketing tool to increase business and sales. Attend one of both sessions. This is a free workshop offered to the public.

Instructor: Wenfang.zhang (Lotus) Day: Thursdays Date: June 9 - July 14

Instructors: Trish Livingston and Kathleen Hodgkinson Day: Wednesday

Google Places and Facebook for Business Workshop

ENMU-Ruidoso 2016 Summer Class Schedule | 17

COMMUNITY ED CLASSES Date: June 22 Time: 1:30 - 4:30 p.m. Fee: Free Room: 101

Time: 5:30 - 7 p.m. Fee: Free Room: 102

Online Cyber Security Certification Program

A repeated series of Forest Management Workshops will be offered by Associate Professor of Natural Resources, Quentin Hays. The theme of these two-day offerings revolves around different management constraints, guidelines and outcomes on Mescalero Apache tribal lands and lands managed by the Lincoln National Forest. One day will be spent touring Mescalero tribal lands with resource professionals, and another day on Lincoln National Forest lands near Cloudcroft, NM. Attendees will have the opportunity to interact with resource professionals and to see firsthand how forest management occurs in the Sacramento Mountains. The fee includes a sack lunch, which will be provided to participants on both days. Attendees must be able to move effectively through forested terrain, off-trail, at relatively high altitude.

This program is designed to be completed in 9 months. While applicable in the job market, these classes are transferable for college credit. Prerequisite: One year computer and network related experience of successful completion of a Computing and Networking Fundamentals course. Other qualifications may apply. Call for information. The program consists of 5 classes: • Cyber Security Fundamentals • Guide to Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery • Understanding Cyber Security Tools • Cyber Security Defense and Counter Measures • Ethics and Professionalism for Cyber Professionals Instructor: Stephen Miller Dates: Online Time: Self-Paced Fee: $2,595

SCIENCE Forest Health Series – WUI

Learn about your community and living in a Wildland Urban Interface. This series is a collaborative outreach between USFS, Lincoln National Forest, NM State Forestry, Village of Ruidoso Forestry, Lincoln County, SCMRC & D, Mescalero/BIA, Little Bear Forest Reform Coalition, ENMU-Ruidoso Community Education and private citizens. Speakers: Various Day: Tuesday Date: June 7 and July 5 18 | ENMU-Ruidoso 2016 Summer Class Schedule

Forest Management Workshops

Instructor: Quentin Hays Dates: Aug. 19-20, 26-27 and Sept. 9-10 Time: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Fee: $40 per two-day workshop

KID’S CLASSES The Art and Literacy Encounter

The Art and Literacy Encounter is a music and art-based program for elementary school children with reading challenges or with problems paying attention/following directions in school. The children will take part in fun, creative art projects while listening to classical music that has been specially modified to improve their listening and cognitive skills. In addition to drawing, painting and collage, they may also work puzzles, play with construction sets, model with clay or choose

This is an evidence-based literacy program that produces clear results and helps children feel more confident in their ability to succeed in school . It will be offered for a total of 24 sessions, three days per week for 90 minutes per session . Regular attendance is very important in order to gain the desired results .

of 2.3 grade levels in reading fluency and comprehension during the course of the program. Significant gains are also seen in the areas of expressive language skills, listening skills, resiliency, attention span, short term memory, fine motor skills, balance and coordination and mood elevation (lower levels of anger, frustration, and anxiety) .

The Art and Literacy Encounter strengthens reading and language skills, reduces anxiety, helps children stay on task with minimum distractibility and helps them develop better listening skills . According to university-based studies, participating students gain an average

Instructor: Julia Price Days: Monday, Wednesday and Friday Dates: June 6 to July 29 Time: 10 - 11:30 a .m . Fee: $110 Room: WMA 12

from a selection of other enjoyable activities .


ENMU-Ruidoso 2016 Summer Class Schedule | 19

709 Mechem Dr. • Ruidoso, NM 88345

20 | ENMU-Ruidoso 2016 Summer Class Schedule

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