ENMU-Ruidoso Spring 2017 Community Ed Classes

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COMMUNITY ED CLASSES ANIMALS Keep Your Animals Healthy and Happy with Essential Oils

Want to take care of your furry family without using toxic chemicals? Learn how to use pure essential oils too safely and effectively control fleas and other pests, ease stress, address behavioral issues, support healthy joints, skin, digestion, and much more to help keep your dogs, cats and horses happy and healthy. Make your own customized blends to take home for your four legged friends. Instructor: Janice Ladnier Date: TBA Time: 4 to 7 p.m. Room: TBA Fee: $40

ART & MUSIC Community Choir

Performance class culminating in a concert at the end of the semester. Repertoire ranges from classical to standards to Broadway to contemporary. Full ensemble as well as smaller ensembles and solos. Previous choral experience and/or reading music is a plus, but not required. Music is provided and is generally rated at intermediate level. Instructor: Melba Valdez Dates: Mondays, January 23 to May 8 Time: 5:30 to 7 p.m. Room: TBA Fee: $99


Concentrate on developing skills and techniques in watercolor painting. Emphasis is on methods and experimentation using studio, sketches and/or photographs for subject matter. Lab fee of $20 to instructor. Instructor: Carol Alvarado Day: Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday

Date: April 18, 19, 20 Time: 1 to 4 p.m. Room: TBA Fee: $55

Freestyle Painting

An opportunity to paint with others and home your skills in a supportive environment. Oils, acrylics, watercolors, pastels – whatever your choice. No instruction but lots of camaraderie. Other artist in the class are happy to provide suggestions and critiques if asked. Flexible hours. Bring a lunch and come for the full five hours or just stay for a two or three, in the morning or afternoon Instructor: Bonnie Soley Day: Tuesday Date: Jan. 17 to May 2 Time: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Room: TBA Fee: $65

COMPUTERS Online Cyber Security Certification Program

This program is designed to be completed in 9 months. While applicable in the job market, these classes are transferable for college credit. Prerequisite: One year computer and network related experience of successful completion of a Computing and Networking Fundamentals course. Other qualifications may apply. Call for information. The program consists of 5 classes: • Cyber Security Fundamentals • Guide to Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery • Understanding Cyber Security Tools • Cyber Security Defense and Counter Measures • Ethics and Professionalism for Cyber Professionals Instructor: Stephen Miller


ENMU-Ruidoso 2017 Spring Class Schedule

COMMUNITY ED CLASSES Day: Online Online Time: Self-Paced Fee: $2,595

meetings in between. Our goal is to raise the awareness of resources available to our growing demographic of retirees and seniors. We welcome interested participants to join us and to lend us your knowledge.


Please call Clara Farah, Ph.D. at 575-973-7835 or email her at clrfarah@gmail.com for more information.

Rainwater Harvesting/Management System Design

The course will cover steps in reducing treated water use, design, installation and use various rainwater harvesting and gray water usage systems for businesses and residences, and development of a rainfall and gray water usage plan for your property. The course will also review of existing rainwater regulations, introduce drip irrigation ‘black water’ systems; and, answer your questions. Numerous handouts will be provided. This popular class is offered the first Wednesday of each month, February through May. Register for one month. The course is a must for Lincoln and Otero Country residents, and members of the Mescalero Apache Tribe.

Instructor: Clara Farah, Ph.D. Dates: monthly Friday meetings, starting Jan. 20 to May 19 Time: 9 to 11:30 a.m. Fee: Free Location: ENMU and various locations around all of Lincoln County. Carpooling available.

Sacred Stones of the Sacramento

Explore the origins of prehistoric arts, its development and decline in this exciting handson field study class! Translation of rock art and artwork will be covered. Enjoy hiking, drawing and photography. This class will ultimately produce a calendar of rock art found in the region. Students will need hiking boots, water, a hat, camera and food for these trips. Student will also need good health and good hiking abilities.

Instructor: Jim Miller, Sun Valley Water & Sanitation District Dates: Tuesdays; March 7, April 11, & May 9 Time: 5:30 to 8 p.m. Room: 106 Fee $35 or $25 LLA

Instructor: Lay Powell Day: Organization meeting, Thursday and outdoor classes will be Saturdays or Sunday Date: March 16 to May 6 Time: 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Room: 115 Fee: $50/$45 LLA

PERSONAL ENRICHMENT Being of Service: Civic Engagement Creative Aging Advisory Committee to Lincoln County

CAAC invites you to participate in our mission serving older adults in Lincoln County. We, as volunteers, strive to create an opportunity to bring together decision makers to work in partnership with us, creating an environment of wellness and empowerment. Our goal is to raise awareness of available resources to facilitate changes focusing on quality of life issues. We manage a Creative Aging Resource Center at the college. We meet monthly with informal subcommittee ENMU-Ruidoso 2017 Spring Class Schedule


The New Mexico Liquor Control Act Mandates that every liquor license, lessee or server who manages, directs or controls the sale or service of alcohol for consumption on or off the license premises must satisfactorily complete an alcohol


server program every three (3) years. Our class provides all the state required training and cover all state laws and regulations concerning the sale and service of alcohol, liquor liability issues and driving under the influence of alcohol. Participants must be at least 19 years old and have valid photo ID. Instructor: Lalene Grogg Day: Tuesdays Date: Jan 10, Feb. 14, March 14, April 11, & May 9. Time: 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Fee: $40 Room: 107

Self-Care for Caring Professionals

Caring professionals who are deeply devoted to their clients often put their own needs last, and can become fatigued and burned out. Join us and learn to extend the same level of care and compassion to yourself that you provide to others. We’ll explore a variety of techniques, including breathing exercises, guided imagery and aromatherapy. Earn Three Continuing Education Units from the New Mexico Counseling and Therapy practice Board. CEUs available for counselors, social workers, massage therapists, physical therapists and nurses (other Licensed professionals can check with your licensing boards to verify eligibility for CEUs). Instructor: Janice Ladnier Dates: TBA Time: 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Room: 115 Fee: $45

Efficacy of Aromatherapy for Mood management and Emotional Health

Open to Everyone! Licensed professionals Can Earn Six continuing Education Units. Experience Dozens of essential oils and Blends and discover natural approaches to mood

management and emotional health. Learn how essential oils affect brain chemistry (and our emotions) and review scientific research on using essential oils to support emotional health and wellbeing. Explore how to use aromatherapy to uplift mood, ease stress, improve memory, and address behavioral issues, grief, trauma, and MORE! Please invite your friends and colleagues! Earn Six Continuing Education Units from the New Mexico Counseling and Therapy Practice Board. CEUs available for counselors, social workers, massage therapists, physical therapists and nurses (other licensed professionals can check with you licensing boards to verify eligibility for CEUs). Instructor: Janice Ladnier Dates: TBA Time: 9 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. and 1:30 to 4:45 p.m. Room: TBA Fee: $70 for 6 continuing education units $35 if no CEUs

Just Get Over It!

Join us for an in-depth exploration of disenfranchised grief, where the relationship, loss, griever, or method of grieving is not socially accepted or supported. Some examples include: • Pet loss • Loss by suicide, crime or AIDS • Psychosocial loss (due to dementia or mental illness) • Loss by caregiver • Losses by children and persons with disabilities loss of same-sex partner, exspouse or lover • Loss of health and mobility • Loss due to miscarriage or abortion Bring stories from your own life and share your experience and the insight you have gained in your healing process. Earn Three Continuing Education Units from the New Mexico Counseling and Therapy practice Board.


ENMU-Ruidoso 2017 Spring Class Schedule

COMMUNITY ED CLASSES This workshop will help you examine your business ownership potential, area facts and figures, and pre-business decisions as well as basic marketing and financial planning. You will also learn about the assistance and resources available to you at the local Small Business Development Center.

CEUs available for counselors, social workers, massage therapists, physical therapists and nurses (other licensed professionals can check with your licensing boards to verify eligibility for CEUs). Instructor: Janice Ladnier Dates: TBA Time: 1:30 to 4:30 pm Room: TBA Fee: $45

Instructors: Trish Livingston and Kathleen Hodgkinson Day: Wednesday Date: Jan. 11, Feb. 1, March 1, & April 5 Time: 1 to 4 p.m. Fee: Free Room: 115

Quick and Dirty Grant Writing

This two day course will prepare you to write and submit a grant application in order to secure funding for your non-profit organization. Many grant opportunities exist if you know where to look, how to apply, how to design and write a successful proposal. Foundation and corporate giving will be discussed as well as development of important foundation relationships. Managing the grant once you’ve earned it will also be discussed. Grant sources, how to search, will all be covered in this two-session course.

Google Places and Facebook for Business Workshop

The first part of this workshop will teach you how to “claim your business listing” on Google Places so that your business will show up on Google searches and maps.

Become one of the ten top grant writers in Lincoln County by registering for this potentially profitable course! Come to class with a grant proposal idea!

The second part of the workshop will focus on Facebook. Learn how to create a business fan page and how to use Facebook as a marketing tool to increase business and sales. Attend one of both sessions. This is a free workshop offered to the public.

Instructor: Jim Miller, Grant Writer - Placer Mountain Services LLC. Day: Tuesday Dates: Feb. 8 and March 8 Time: 5 to 8 p.m. Cost: $75 Room 115

Instructors: Trish Livingston and Kathleen Hodgkinson Day: Wednesday Date: May 3 Time: 1 to 4 p.m. Fee: Free Room: 115

Starting Your Business Workshop

Online Cyber Security Certification Program

Do you have a business idea? Would you like to explore the feasibility of turning your idea into profitable business? If so, this free workshop is for you! Designed to give you the tools you need to start a business legally and profitably, you will explore how an idea comes to fruition, why some businesses succeed and some fail, and how planning helps lead to business success. ENMU-Ruidoso 2017 Spring Class Schedule

This program is designed to be completed in 9 months. While applicable in the job market, these classes are transferable for college credit. Prerequisite: One year computer and network related experience of successful completion of a Computing and Networking Fundamentals course. Other qualifications may apply. Call for information.



The program consists of 5 classes: • Cyber Security Fundamentals • Guide to Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery • Understanding Cyber Security Tools • Cyber Security Defense and Counter Measures • Ethics and Professionalism for Cyber Professionals

Forest Health Series – WUI

Learn about your community and living in a Wildland Urban Interface. A collaborative outreach between USFS, Lincoln National Forest, NM State Forestry, Village of Ruidoso Forestry, Lincoln county, SCMRC & D, Mescalero/BIA, Little Bear Forest Reform Coalition, ENMU-Ruidoso Community Education and private citizens. Speakers: Various Day: Tuesday Date: April 4 Time: 5:30 to 7 p.m. Fee: Free Room: TBA

Instructor: Stephen Miller Day: Online Online Time: Self-Paced Fee: $2,595



ENMU-Ruidoso 2017 Spring Class Schedule

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