table of contents
Important Dates..................... Summer Credit Classes......... Student Services.................... Registration............................ Payment.................................. Financial Aid........................... Scholarships........................... NM Workforce Connection.... Adult Education..................... Community Ed Classes......... Bookstore.............................. CE Registration Form...........
3 4-5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14-22 23 24
Accuracy Statement ENMU-Ruidoso has made every reasonable effort to ensure that the Class Schedule is accurate. Courses and programs that are offered, along with other information in the schedule, are subject to change without notice. The College further reserves the right to add, amend or repeal any of its rules, regulations, policies and procedures, consistent with applicable laws and policy established by the ENMU Board of Regents.
For the most up-to-date on additions, changes, filled and cancelled classes, go to www. The website is updated frequently and is the best source for the current status of both credit and noncredit offerings.
important dates
Instruction begins June 1 Drop/Add deadline for 1st 4 week and 8 week classes June 3 Payment Arrangement deadline June 5 1st 4 week withdraw deadline June 12 2nd 4 week classes begin June 29 Drop/Add deadline for 2nd 4 week classes July 1 Campus closed for July 4 holiday July 3 Withdraw deadline for 2nd 4 week and 8 week classes July 10 Instruction ends July 24
credit classes Course ID
Credit Hours
Course Title
ART 293
1 Italy Trip
ART 293
3 Navajo Weaving
MTWRFS 0800-400pm Pekelsma
WMA 11
ART 293 ART 293 ART 293
40601 40602 40218
3 Photo Portfolios 3 Plein Air Painting 3 Art in Nature Journaling
MTWRF 0800-400pm DeFord MTWRF 0800-400pm Hamilton MTWRF 0800-400pm Lane
WMA 27 WMA 11 WMA 27
Communication COMM 101 40194
3 Interpersonal Communication (NMCCNS COMM 1213)
ECE 265 ECE 280
3 Guiding Young Children 3 Family and Community Collaboration I
8 weeks 6/1-7/24/2015
Early Childhood Education 40604 40603
English ENG 233
MTWRF 0800-400pm Torres-Ovrick 108 MTWRF 0800-400pm Torres-Ovrick 108
3 Writing for Technical Professionals Online
Health and Physical Education HPE 135 HPE 136 HPE 136
40609 40610
6/15-6/19/2015 6/8-6/12/2015
1 Group Resistance Training- TR Body Pump
Coakley, S
1 Group Strength and Stretch- MW Body Flow
1 Group Strength and Stretch TR
0730-0830am Serino
8 weeks 6/1-7/24/2015
Lab Fees: $79.00
8 weeks 6/1-7/24/2015
Coakley, S
Lab Fees: $79.00
8 weeks 6/1-7/24/2015
Lab Fees: $79.00
8 weeks 6/1-7/24/2015
HPE 142
IS 151
1 Fundamentals of Physical Well-Being
Coakley, A
Information Systems and Computer Science Basic Computer Skills
8 weeks
Lab Fees: $5.00 8 weeks 6/1-7/24/2015
IS 153
Introductions (Foundations) of Information Systems IS 153LU 40599 1 Introductions (Foundations) of Information Systems Lab
40598 3
8 weeks 6/1-7/24/2015
Lab Fees: $25.00 8 weeks 6/1-7/24/2015
Course ID
Credit Hours
Course Title
Mathematics MATH 104 40597 MATH 119 40356
MUS 293 40606
credit classes
4 Preparatory Algebra
TWR 0900-1115am Serino
8 weeks 6/1-7/24/2015
3 College Algebra (NMCCNS MATH 1113)
8 weeks 6/1-7/24/2015
3 Sing Out, Louise
MTWR 0800-400pm Wilson/ Ellison
WMA 28
MSU 0830-1130am Rossiter MSU 1200-330pm Rossiter
WMA 25 WMA 26
Nursing Assistant NA 111 40367 NA 111LU 40368
3 Nursing Assistant 3 Nursing Assistant Lab
Natural Resources NATR 268 40231
SPAN 101 40360
STAT 213 40357
3 EcoServants Summer Workshop
1st 4 weeks 6/1/2015-6/26/2015
MTWRF 0900-500pm Carter
4 Beginning Spanish (NMCCNS SPAN 1114) 4 Statistical Methods I (NMCCNS MATH 2114)
Lab Fees: $85.00
Online TWR
1130-145pm Serino
8 weeks 6/1-7/24/2015
8 weeks 6/1-7/24/2015
8 weeks 6/1-7/24/2015
ENMU-Ruidoso has an open admissions policy. Applicants may be admitted to ENMU-Ruidoso as long as they have either graduated from high school or obtained an equivalency, or are non-degree seeking and 18 years of age or older. ENMU-Ruidoso reserves the right to deny admission to any person when admission is determined not to be in the best interest of ENMU-Ruidoso or when there is reason to believe that the person presents a danger to himself or herself or other members of the College community. Conviction of a felony will not be an automatic bar to admissions but will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. In order to allow sufficient time for the preparation of registration materials, students are urged to apply for admission well in advance of registration and the start of classes. Applications are available at Student Services or online at
student services
advising If you are a first-time degree-seeking student, you must make an appointment with a student advisor before registering. Advisors are here to help you achieve your educational objectives by explaining requirements, answering questions about classes and programs, reviewing your past, current and proposed coursework, guiding you in educational planning and helping you with academic and related problems. Advisors are available by appointment or on a drop-in basis. Appointments are the best way to obtain advisement. You may make an appointment by calling Student Services at 257-2120 or toll free at 800-934-ENMU (3668). Advisors are also available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
university skills placement test First-time students are required to take the University Skills Placement Test (USPT) before registering. This free assessment provides a baseline of academic abilities and is used in placing students in
appropriate courses. If there are other test scores (ACT or SAT) reported within the past 12 months, students may be exempt from taking the USPT. Non-degree seeking students enrolling for six hours or less are exempt from taking the USPT.
course drop/add Course additions, deletions or changes require completion of a “Drop/Add� form available at Student Services. Verbally notifying your instructor does not officially change your registration status. (Deadlines apply: See Important Dates on page 3.)
course withdraws Deadline to withdraw for Summer 8 week classes: July 10, 2015. Students unable to attend class or who no longer wish to attend the College must OFFICIALLY withdraw by the published deadlines (refund amounts vary depending on withdraw dates). Withdraw forms are available at Student Services. Class withdraws can be processed via online services. Verbally notifying your instructor does not officially change your registration status.
Auditing a class means you pay for and attend classes but do not receive a grade. Audited courses do not meet degree requirements and are not eligible for financial aid or VA benefits. NC (Not for Credit option) must be marked on the original registration document. Changes to registration cannot be made after the end of the drop/add period. (Deadlines apply: See Important Dates on page 3.)
overloads Enrolling in more than 18 credit hours in the fall or spring semester or 10 credits in the summer semester is considered an “overload.� You must have written permission from the Vice President of Student Learning prior to registering for a course overload. Additional fees apply.
course changes cancellations, closures
ENMU-Ruidoso reserves the right to make changes to the published schedule or to cancel any classes that do not meet minimum enrollment requirements. Class enrollments will be closed when maximum class size has been reached.
catalog The ENMU-Ruidoso Catalog is available online. Degree plans and course descriptions are found in the ENMURuidoso Catalog.
special services
Students with disabilities can request accommodation and assistance in the admissions process and with registration by contacting Student Services in advance.
Students with disabilities can contact Student Services to begin the process for accommodations. Students are encouraged to schedule an appointment with the Special Services liaison in Student Services to bring in documentation as soon as possible. The process of accommodations can take 1-3 weeks. Students are highly encouraged to begin the process of setting up accommodations before the semester begins. Accommodations are based on individual needs according to documentation. Referrals can be offered to individuals who have documentation that is older than three (3) years or do not have documentation. For assistance, please contact the Special Services liaison in Student Services.
course audits
class cancellations In extreme weather conditions, classes may be cancelled. Listen to local radio stations, Albuquerque TV newscasts and recorded announcements on the campus phone line (2572120) for up-to-date information. You may also go to our web page: or call your instructor.
on-campus registration You may register in person at the College campus, Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. After registering, go to the Cashier’s office to make payment arrangements and pick up your schedule. Please check your class schedule carefully. If your printed schedule is not what you requested, return to Student Services to make corrections. Registration for classes is not complete until payment is received.
residency For tuition purposes, a resident is defined as a student who meets each of the requirements before the first day of classes for that term. 7
Residency Requirements: In general, a financially independent, adult person over 18 years of age must have resided in New Mexico for a period of 12 consecutive months immediately prior to the term for which the petition is being filed. If a student is under 23 and not financially independent, the residency is based on the parent/guardian residency. Furthermore, “residency” in this context means legal “residence.” Legal residence requires intent to remain in a place indefinitely, in the sense of making one’s permanent home here, as well as physical presence at the place. The distinction is that one may have any number of residences at one time, but never more than one legal residence. In New Mexico, for most purposes, the age of majority is 18. Persons under the age of 18 are considered minors under the law. A minor’s residence is presumed to be the same as that of his/her parent or legal guardian. The residence decision for students under 18 is based upon the legal residence of the parent or legal guardian. In the event that a non-custodial parent is a legal resident of New Mexico, the minor student will be classified as a resident. If you have questions concerning your residency, contact Student Services.
student account activation
(Student ENMU-email, MYENMU and Blackboard) 1) Go to ENMU-Ruidoso homepage at www.ruidoso. 2) Go to Students, Click on Current Students 3) Click on “Student Account Activation.” A student id number and date of birth is required for username and password. (For student id number, please contact Student Services at 257-2120.)
register for classes online
Online registration is available for students who are currently enrolled. 1) Go to ENMU-Ruidoso homepage at www.ruidoso. 2) Click on MYENMU on the homepage 3) Enter username (See Student Account Activation for usernames and passwords) 4) Enter username 5) Click on login 6) At the MYENMU Portal page, click on the icon SSB to access the MYENMU information page 7) Click on Registration 8
8) Click on Look Up Classes to add or drop classes Remember: Classes with a “P” are in Portales and classes with a “U” are in Ruidoso Please contact Student Services at 2572120 or 800 934-3668 for assistance
tuition Please visit for the most up-to-date tuition rates.
senior tuition for NM residents A special $5 per credit hour tuition rate is available for New Mexico residents age 65 or older. Enrollment is restricted to 6 credit hours or less per semester, however if a senior student enrolls in more than 6 hours at any time during the semester, all credit hours will be adjusted to the applicable tuition rate. Students are responsible for payment of fees, books and other costs associated with their class.
fees Check for the most up to date institutional, course and graduation fees.
terms and conditions of registration By enrolling in classes at ENMURuidoso, a student makes a financial commitment to pay the tuition and fee charges associated with that enrollment. The enrollment action constitutes a financial obligation between the student and ENMU-Ruidoso.
Registration constitutes a financial agreement between you (“Student”) and ENMU-Ruidoso. Once a student formally registers for classes, he or she assumes the responsibility for understanding ENMU-Ruidoso’s official policies concerning schedule changes, satisfactory academic progress and the financial policies of the College as described in the “ENMU-Ruidoso Catalog” for the term of enrollment.
payment options Pay at the Cashier’s office with cash, check, money order or credit card. Mail check or money order to: Cashier, ENMU-Ruidoso, 709 Mechem Dr., Ruidoso, NM 88345. Call the Cashier at 257-3016 to pay by credit card. ENMU-Ruidoso accepts Discover, Master Card, American Express and Visa.
The payment of tuition and fees is the obligation of the student. By processing a course registration either via the web or by submitting a course request form to an academic student registration area, a student acknowledges they have read and agree to the following terms and conditions.
Pay online at Set up a payment plan for a $10.00 fee.
Installment payment arrangements must be made with the Cashier for any charges not paid in full within five (5) business days of the start of the term or registration cancellation will result.
ENMU-Ruidoso offers an interest-free payment plan for students. Books and supplies can be added to the tuition and then divided into four equal payments.
A payment plan fee of $10.00 is charged on all payment plans.
The paperwork is minimal.
The due date for setting up a payment plan is the Drop/Add Deadline. (See Important Dates on page 3.)
payments and financial aid Students withdrawing after the stated refund dates remain liable for full tuition and fee charges. ENMU-Ruidoso accepts payment via student financial aid and third party sponsorship, but the responsibility for payment remains with the student. It is the student’s responsibility to monitor his or her account balance and any funding sources. If financial aid is not granted or if third party sponsors do not pay within a reasonable period, the student will be required to pay the full amount due.
Payment plan deadline is June 5, 2015.
Reference addresses and phone numbers are required. You may call the Cashier at 257-3016 to process a payment plan by mail. A payment plan is required if any of the following circumstances apply: 1) You cannot pay your account in full and need to spread payments over the semester, or 2) Financial aid and/or scholarship awards will be paying, but the funds will not be applied to the account before June 3, 2015. 3) An employer or other sponsor is paying. (Written authorization is needed by the Cashier at the time of registration.)
payment online You can now pay online, enroll in a payment plan or create a financial aid refund profile at 9
financial aid Degree-seeking students are encouraged to apply for financial aid by completing the ENMU-Ruidoso Scholarship Application and the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at www.fafsa. Appointments for assistance in completing the FAFSA are available by contacting Student Services.
Students applying for financial aid who have not yet been approved by the payment deadline must make other payment arrangements.
Summer 2015 8 Week Session 100% through June 3 50% through June 10
The last day to apply for financial aid for the 20152016 year is June 30, 2015. To maintain financial aid, have all transcripts sent to: ENMU-Ruidoso 709 Mechem Drive Ruidoso, NM 88345 Any questions concerning financial aid may be directed to Student Services.
Tuition and fee refunds will be processed after the close of late registration. Refund amounts vary and are determined by the schedule below.
First 4 Week Session 100% through June 3 50% through June 10 Second 4 Week Session 100% through July 1 50% through July 8 See website for other refund dates.
scholarships Scholarship Eligibility Requirements: Scholarship recepients must be accepted for admission
AND enrolled at the Ruidoso campus at the time of the scholarship application. Please apply ONLY for scholarships for which eligibility applies. If awarded, the scholarship check will be send directly to the Ruidoso campus and credited to the student’s account. The application must be completed and received by Student Services on the Ruidoso campus before the stated application deadline. Application due dates in all cases are final. An interview may be required as part of the selection process. Applications will be evaluated and final award decisions will be made by the Scholarship Committee or by the sponsoring donor or organization. Refer to the online Scholarship Guide for eligibilty requirements. Back 2 U Daniel P. Austin Memorial Bennett Trust Fund Wesley Brown Memorial Gene Burdine City Bank Classic Industries General Contractors Richard J. and Gloria I. Lara College Choir Ilana Cornelius “Pay It Forward” Daniel D. Draughon Scholarship Drs. Steve and Martha Ellis ENMU-Ruidoso Fine Art Scholarship Deborah Hewitt, MD Hubbard Foundation Dr. Bernie and Phyllis Hulme Lori Hulmes and Michael Aitkens Scholarship Josie’s Framery Art Scholarship The Lincoln County Community Foundation Legacy Fund Jim and Nancy Miller Scholarship Linda Miller Art Scholarship NM Land and Title--Chili Currier Scholarship Bill Rakocy Art Scholarship Ruidoso White Mountain Clinic The Title Company Zia Natural Gas Company
employment services
nm workforce connection
The New Mexico Workforce ConnectionLincoln County operates in agreement with ENMU-Ruidoso. The center provides a variety of education and employment services. Some of the services provided include: Job Postings Prescreening, Recruitment and Referral of Qualified Workers Job Search Assistance ResumĂŠ Writing Assistance Occupational Interest Profiling Typing and Other Skills Assessments WorkKeysÂŽ Career Readiness Certification Job Fairs Workplace Literacy Skills Classes Customized Training Classes Training on the Job Tax Credit/Federal Bonding Information Financial Aid Information Training for Eligible Participants Labor Market/Wage Information Industry Specific Information Area Economic Data Labor Law Compliance/EEO Information Referral Information to Other Community Resources Resource Room/Conference Room Video Conferencing
HSE preparation classes The Adult Basic Education program provides educational services to individuals 16 and over whose goals may range from basic literacy to obtaining an HSE. Classes are highly individualized and focus on student goals. New students first attend a Student Success Course and then select a study option which includes: morning class, independent study, evening class, online study or tutoring.
English as a second language/ Inglés como segundo Being a non-English speaker in our community can present an overwhelming challenge. We offer free ESL classes designed to help all levels of speakers, beginner through advanced. U.S Citizenship is NOT required. Morning, afternoon or evening classes are available.
adult education
El no poder comunicarse en inglés en nuestra comunidad puede ser un desafío desconcertante. Ofrecemos clases gratuitas de ESL, las cuales han sido designadas para ayudarlo en todos los niveles del idioma: Desde nivel principiante hasta avanzado. ¡Ciudadanía estadounidense NO es requerida!
HSE en Español Si quiere tener un certificado de secundaria de los Estados Unidos necesita esta clase. Estudiará cinco materias con un maestro bilingüe. Esto le dará más oportunidades para estudiar o trabajar en los EEUU.
For more information call 575 258-1730 or 800 854-4712 or come by the White Mountain Annex offices at 201 White Mountain Drive to see how the New Mexico Workforce Connection can help you.
community education
Concentrate on developing skills and techniques in watercolor painting. Emphasis is on methods and experimentation using studio, sketches and/or photographs for subject matter. Instructor: Carol Alvarado Days: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Dates: July 14, 15 and 16 Time: 1:00 to 4:00pm Fee: $55.00 Room: 115
B.Y.O.P. (Bring your own paint)
Choose your creative weapon: watercolor, acrylic, oil, pastel or whatever, to use during this course. Also bring the canvas, board, paper or other surface that you need. Each week a new painting subject matter will be explored together. Students may enroll for just one or for more weeks. Bring a camera to class if you would like to shoot reference photos. (Art supply suggestions will be provided, upon request.) B.Y.O.P. Week 1 - Still Life B.Y.O.P. Week 2 - Plein Air B.Y.O.P. Week 3 - Figurative Painting of live, clothed model (Plan to bring $ donation for our volunteer model(s)) B.Y.O.P. Week 4 - Fearless Portraits A course designed to overcome the portrait anxiety that many artists experience Ages: Adult, 15-100. All levels of art experience The instructor, Deborah Wenzel, is a professional fine artist. This is her 12th year teaching art in Ruidoso public schools. Wenzel was a graphic designer for many years and taught college level art courses. Instructor: Deborah Wenzel Days: Monday and Wednesday Dates: June 8 through July 1 (4 weeks) Time: 9:00am to 12:00 noon Fee: $75.00 per week Room: WMA 11 14
Learn and Participate in the Traditional Tanning Method
Freestyle Painting
An opportunity to paint with others and hone your skills in a supportive environment. Oils, acrylics, watercolors, pastels – whatever your choice. No instruction but lots of camaraderie. Other artists in the class are happy to provide suggestions and critiques, if asked. Flexible hours. Bring a lunch and come for the full five hours or just stay for a two or three, in the morning or afternoon. Instructor: Bonnie Soley Day: Tuesday Dates: June 2 through July 28 Time: 10:00am to 4:00pm Fee: $20.00 Room: WMA 11
community education
This will be a class that will teach one way that indigenous and EuroAmerican cultures tanned hides, also known as dressing skins. This process dates back to being used centuries ago and is a process that to some degree is still practiced today. This will be a four day class. During this class you will both watch and take part in the tanning of several deer skins. This class will show you the results of how to take a green hide, remove the hair and proceed to next important process that enables the hide to be softened and turned into serviceable leather. You will need to bring rubber gloves and an apron and the instructor will provide the rest of the materials. At the end of the class, you will receive a small neck pouch. Instructor: Paul Wenzel Day: Saturday Dates: June 6 through June 27 Time: 10:00am to 4:00pm (with lunch break, bring your lunch) Fee: $60.00 Room: 107
Simple Ceramic Molds
A demonstration class on how to make tile press, drape, slump and simple two-piece molds out of plaster for clay. Instructor: Lisa Maue Day: Saturday Dates: July 18 and 25 Time: 1:00 to 4:00pm Fee: $35.00 or $25.00 LLA Room: Dizzy Lizard Studio Space is limited for these classes. Register early.
Air Brushing Ceramic Glaze A demonstration class on how to use an airbrush for viscous glazes and touch up spray painter for clear glazes. Includes advice on equipment, glazes and safety. Instructor: Lisa Maue Day: Saturday Date: July 18 Time: 9:00am to 12:00 noon Fee: $35.00 or $25.00 LLA Room: Dizzy Lizard Studio
community education Historic Buildings, Districts and Designations
Learn what makes a building significant, the difference between state and National Register designations and historic zoning and how a nomination is developed, listed and evaluated. Marty Davenport has written many successful National Register nominations, including the Old Dowlin Mill and Paden’s Drugstore (now Roy’s Ice Cream Parlour in Carrizozo, right). Instructor: Marty Davenport Day: Friday Date: July 17 Time: 10:00 to 11:30am Fee: $25.00 Room: 115
Intro to Blacksmithing
The purpose of this class is to introduce the interested student to the art of traditional blacksmithing as it is used in making tools, architectural hardware, furniture, metal sculpture and utilitarian blades. The student will be introduced to the traditional tools and skills and terminology of blacksmithing. (This is NOT a class in horse shoeing.) All tools and materials will be provided in class. Safety glasses, leather or Kevlar gloves, hearing protection, and a leather apron will be required. All Participants will be required to sign a liability release form. Age 16 and older. Instructor: Terrell Perkins Day: TBA Date: TBA Time: TBA Cost: $145.00 Room: Workshop in Capitan
community education Through the eyes of a Zoo Man, see the changes that have taken place in Moscow since the days of the Soviet Union. We will see some of the animals and how they are cared for in Moscow’s Zoopark, the counterpart of our National Zoo in Washington DC. See how the way animals are treated relates to political systems. Instructor: Ray Pawley Day: Thursday Date: June 11 Time: 3:00 to 5:00pm Fee: $30.00 Room: 115
Moscow and its Zoopark
science Animals and Ancestors: How They Brought Us Here
Without the horses that pulled the wagons and without the wild animals that were here to meet our ancestors, the human history of Lincoln County would have been very different. Did you know camels ran wild in the area until the 1940s? How did the African Aoudad and Killer Bees get here? Without the beaver how could early tribes and pioneers have ever settled here? Before horses, how did tribes get around? Before cars, what was travel like? There is much to talk about and we start with the very first animals that were here-the Permian coral under our feet. Instructor: Ray Pawley Day: Thursday Date: June 4 Time: 3:00 to 5:00pm Fee: $30.00 Room: 115
Forest Health Series
A continuation of talks on the first Tuesday of the month from 6:00 to 7:30pm on topics concerning living in the wildland urban interface. Call for topics and to register. Free.
personal enrichment
Covered Call Writing (Selling Stock Options)
If you are an investor with at least $20,000 in stocks and want to make your portfolio work harder, then join us for this interactive class. While nothing is guaranteed and there is always a risk in stocks, SELLING covered options may be a way for you to earn an additional 5-20% or more annually on your stock portfolio. This is a conservative investing model (if you get a chance-Google “covered call writing”) and is approved by the IRS for use in both IRA and Brokerage accounts. There will be four one-hour classes and some interesting homework assignments. No complicated math beyond simple addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Remember when you sell options you collect $ you do not spend $. Taught by Jules Videau. Jules is a long time Ruidoso business owner and has a background in engineering, finance and law. He has been writing covered call for over thirty years. Instructor: Jules Videau Day: Tuesday Dates: June 2 through June 23 Time: 10:00 to 11:00am Fee: $90.00 or $75.00 LLA Room: CE Classroom
Creative Aging Advisory Committee
Started as a small gathering of seniors, this class has exploded into a social and political tour-de-force that has made significant changes in institutions and the lives of those over the age of 50 throughout our county. We are focusing on improving the quality of life for all seniors in Lincoln County. Past projects include an AARP adapted questionnaire that assessed various needs for services, changes to ENMU-Ruidoso’s lobby and registration process, helping to overhaul the Community Education curriculum, advocating for increased public transportation and advising a senior center to become an intergenerational community center. Our goal for CAAC is to raise the awareness of the resources available to the growing demographic of retirees and seniors. Instructor: Clara Farah Day: Friday Dates: June 5 through August 14 Time: 9:00 to 11:30am Fee: Free Room: 109 19
professional development Alcohol Server
The New Mexico Liquor Control Act Mandates that every liquor license, lessee or server who manages, directs or controls the sale or service of alcohol for consumption on or off the license premises must satisfactorily complete an alcohol server program every five years. This one-time class provides all the state required training and covers all state laws and regulations concerning the sale and service of alcohol, liquor liability issues and driving under the influence of alcohol. Participants must be at least 19 years old and have valid photo validation. Instructor: Lalene Grogg Herding Tourists Day: Tuesday Herding tourists can be like herding cats. Year Date: June 9, July 14 or August 11 to year, marketing strategies need to keep pace Time: 9:00am to 2:00pm with changes in visitor attitudes and preferences Fee: $40.00 as you boost the science of merchandizing to a Room: 102
successful art form. Find out about sales tactics that have worked and those that have not. One hour of lecture combined with an hour of discussion will provide some fresh material to help you succeed in the tight Ruidoso area market Instructor: Ray Pawley Day: Thursday Office Administration Certification Date: June 18 The Office Administration program prepares students for a Time: 3:00 to 5:00pm second career in all types of professional offices. Students Fee: $25.00 will develop communication, organizational, leadership and technology skills that prepares them for the high-tech, customer-focused, world-class work environment. This 8-week program includes a 2-week internship at a local business to be scheduled after successful completion of program. Partial scholarships are available for a limited amount of students over the age of 50. Instructor: Coda Omness Day: Wednesday Dates: July 1 through August 5 Time: 9:00am-12:00 noon Fee: $295.00 Room: 102 20
kids’ college
Kid’s College is made up of classes designed for children ages 6 to 12. Activities vary by day. Classes include cooking, field trips, art, history, science projects and physical education. Lunch and supplies are included. Graduation is June 27. Week 1 – All about reading and writing Week 2 – All about science Week 3 – All about math Week 4 – All about art Instructor: Mathew Hernandez Days: Monday thru Friday Dates: June 2 through June 26 Time: 8:00am to 5:00pm Fee: $95.00 a week or $325.00 for the month Room: WMA 17
driver’s education
C.R.A.S.H. Course Drivers Ed will be on-campus to teach a driver’s education class. Based in Roswell, Bobby Moody will be in Ruidoso July 20th thru July 30th, Monday thru Thursday 5:30 pm (tentatively). To register for class, email student's name, date of birth, address and best contact number to For more information call 575/840-9945.
santa fe trip
Join Dr. Clayton Alred, president of ENMU-Ruidoso, on a trip to Santa Fe to listen to the Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival, shop the Indian Market, visit museums, eat fabulous food and experience the “City Different.” The college van will leave ENMU-Ruidoso on Saturday, August 22 at 8:00am and return Monday, August 24 at 5:00pm. The fee is $435.00 for individuals and $335.00 for couples and includes transportation, two nights lodging, tickets for the Saturday night performance featuring Alan Gilbert conducting Mozart’s Serenade No. 10 in B-flat Major for Winds. The fee does not include the cost for meals and museum fees. Registration must be made by June 30. The trip is limited to 8 students. Call 257-3012 to register.
Introduction to Excel
Intro to Windows 8
This training teaches the core features and functions of Windows 8. Participants will learn how to use the Start menu and taskbar, move and resize windows, create and manage files, folder and libraries and search for content on their computers. Instructor: Coda Omness Day: Thursday Dates: June 11 and June 18 Time: 5:30 to 7:00pm Fee $35.00 or $25.00 LLA Room: 101 22
For beginners interested in using spread sheets to analyze data and plot trends. In this course, you will learn how to format worksheets, use numerical functions, create graphs and charts and sort information. Instructor: Jules Videau Day: Thursday Dates: June 11 and June 18 Time: 10:00 to 11:30am Fee: $45.00 or $35.00 LLA Room: 101
Bookstore Hours: Monday – Thursday 8:30am to 5:00pm Friday 8:30am to Noon Closed Saturday & Sunday Textbook Sales: Textbooks for Summer 2015 go on sale May 21, 2015 at 1:00pm. The last day you will be able to purchase your textbooks will be June 15, 2015. Financial Aid – Summer 2015 Textbooks may be charged to financial aid ONLY through June 3, 2015. After this date you must setup a payment plan with the cashier and bring a copy of the payment plan to the bookstore to purchase your books.
Textbook Returns: TEXTBOOKS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED WITHOUT A RECEIPT AND YOUR STUDENT ID NUMBER! The book must be returned in the condition that you purchased the book. New books must be in new condition and shrink-wrapped books must be in shrink-wrap and unopened. Any CDs or Access Codes (not used) that were included in the purchase of the textbook must be included. ACCESS CODES THAT HAVE BEEN OPENED CANNOT BE RETURNED! The last day to return books for 100% refund is June 3, 2015. We will process refunds up to 30 days after the first day of class on a case-by-case basis; i.e. the refund is due to wrong bookexchange only; complete withdrawal from the college; class cancelled, etc. or situations that are no fault of the student. Book Buyback – Summer 2015: Monday, July 20, 2015 – 1:00pm to 4:30pm Tuesday, July 21, 2015 – 8:30am to 4:30pm Wednesday, July 22, 2015 - 8:30am to 4:30pm Thursday, July 23, 2015 - 8:30am to 4:30pm Friday, July 24, 2015 – 8:30am to 4:30pm Closed Saturday & Sunday Monday, July 27, 2015 - 8:30am to 4:30pm Tuesday, July 28, 2015 – 8:30am to Noon
To Register for Credit Classes You may register in person at the college, Monday through Thursday, 7:30 am to 5:30 pm or Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. The campus is located at 709 Mechem Drive in Ruidoso. Continuing students may register online at For more information, call (575) 2572120.
To Register for Community Education Classes Register for Community Education classes at the campus, over the phone at (575) 257-3012, by fax at (575) 257-9409 or by mail by filling out the form below and sending to ENMURuidoso, 709 Mechem Drive, Ruidoso, NM, 88345. Classes may be cancelled if not enough students enroll. Maximum numbers are set by the instructor. Early registration is encouraged. Registration must be made three days before the class is scheduled to begin. Registration Form for Community Education
Detach and mail to: ENMU-Ruidoso Community Education 709 Mechem Drive Ruidoso, NM 88345