eno mag 3 2009 (englisch)

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Edition 3-2009

customer magazine of E.N.O. ENERGY

10 years of e.n.o. energy Rostock business windst채rke11

© 3-2009 e.n.o. mag

Content 04 10 years of e.n.o. energy A corporate success story 05 06

New operational management with e.n.o. energy Anniversary celebrations with employees and business partners Baltic Sea sailing cruise on board the “Sunthorice”

07 Rostock Business Interview with Christian Weiß 08

VEM wind power generators – a quality brand Sachsenwerk Dresden as the wind energy industry’s partner

09 Windpark Domnitz II Further 3 e.n.o. 82 wind turbines erected in September 10 Fresh wind for the Hansa cog Players’ jerseys with new “Windstärke 11” logo 11 New office complex for e.n.o. energy

Please note: New contact addresses for e.n.o. energy

12 Technical data e.n.o. 82

Publisher e.n.o. energy GmbH Am Strande 2 e 18055 Rostock . Germany Fon +49 (0)381 . 20 37 92-0 Fax +49 (0)381 . 20 37 92-20 info@eno-energy.com www.eno-energy.com Editor-in-chief Dipl.-Kffr. Britta Kunis (BK) Artwork WERK3.de

New WEA in Domnitz II

03 e.n.o. mag

EDITORIAL Dear Readers, According to a study commissioned by the “Initiative Neue Soziale Marktwirtschaft” (Initiative for a New Social Market Economy) and “Wirtschaftswoche” magazine in 2008 Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania occupies 2nd place in the dynamism rankings of the German federal states, with Hamburg topping the list. The wind energy industry makes a substantial contribution to this placing. While wind energy’s share in total energy consumption throughout the Federal Republic was 7.0 % in late 2008, it accounted for 34.4 % in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania. By way of comparison: the Federal Government’s climate protection plan aims for a 15 % share in the mid-term!

Karsten Porm

Some 13,000 wind turbines are currently producing a total of 1,431 MW in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. According to a statement made by Christian Weiß, managing director of Rostock Business, this represents roughly the same capacity as that of a large coal-fired power plant. This comparison is particularly interesting since, based on a national gross power consumption of 617.5 TWh in 2008, utilization of the proportionate wind energy in this mix resulted in a reduction in CO2 emissions of 34.6 million tonnes. To achieve the climate protection goals set by European Union members CO2 emissions will have to be reduced by at least a further 20 million tonnes annually. This target cannot be reached without wind energy! The Federal Government has thus also provided a legal framework for the development of the wind energy industry by way of grants and subsidies and based on the Renewable Energy Sources Act (Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz: EEG) and subsequent amendments.

Britta Kunis

The state government of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania recognised the economic opportunities this represented for the region early on and since then has consistently provided support in the form of a wind energy network. In the north-east of Germany there are thus already 40 companies with 2,000 employees in the wind energy industry alone. e.n.o. energy in Rerik and Rostock is one of these companies. Set up in 1999, the company marked its 10th anniversary this year (P. 4). A highlight of the celebrations was a sailing cruise on the Baltic Sea during the Hanse Sail festival, together with business partners, customers and employees (P. 6). Although e.n.o. energy is active all over Europe the company continues to maintain firm ties to the region. It thus made perfect sense to found an initiative in cooperation with 10 other wind energy companies also located in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania under the name “WINDSTÄRKE 11” (Gale Force 11) to support F.C. Hansa Rostock football team (P. 10).

Dipl.-Ing. Karsten Porm Managing Director

Dipl.-Kffr. Britta Kunis Marketing/PR

04 e.n.o. mag

10 years of e.n.o. energy A corporate success story

e.n.o energy’s principal managing director, Karsten Porm, can look back on 10 eventful years. He founded the company in 1999 as “Energiegesellschaft Nordost”, shortened e.n.o., and the origin of company’s current name. The abbreviation has, however, since lost its meaning following a change of company name. The first location of the planning office, which initially consisted of 3 employees, was in the attic of Porm’s home in Diedrichshagen. The number of employees quickly increased and the company soon outgrew the attic space available. As a result, in 2001 operations were moved into a former baracks in Rerik on the German Baltic coast. This was, however, only to be a temporary solution which ended when a brand new building, opposite the site, was completed.

firstly, its linear, modern style and, secondly, fantastic views of the Baltic Sea from the top floor. On good day it is possible to see as far as the island of Fehmarn; Denmark or even the Nysted offshore wind park. Erection of a wind turbine

While the company’s business activities were initially in the planning, financing and construction sectors as well as the operation and marketing of wind parks from 2007 onwards preparations began for in-house manufacturing of wind turbines. To achieve this goal additional investment was, however, required. Due to its better infrastructure the only new location to come under serious consideration was Rostock with its harbour and motorway connections.

The defining characteristics of the new company premises in “Strasse am Zeltplatz” are,

As a first step a complex in the Stadthafen harbour consisting of a large and a small grain silo was purchased and office space for the construction department was set up. In addition to this Karsten Porm purchased a plot

Press coverage

The two warehouses in Stadthafen harbour

of land near the Überseehafen harbour for the construction of production facilities. Rostock Business provided e.n.o. energy with exemplary support during the search for a suitable location. In March 2008 the prototype of the company’s first wind turbine, the e.n.o. 82 – 2.0 MW, was erected in close proximity to the production facilities and connected to the electricity grid. Delivery of the first serial production wind turbine to Domnitz, Saxony-Anhalt on 17th December 2008 was given massive press coverage. Two wind parks, each with 6 e.n.o. energy wind turbines, are currently in operation at the site.

05 e.n.o. mag

e.n.o. energy Managing Directors 2001-2005 Eberhard Voss 2005-2007 Kai Kloss 2007-2005 Bodo Helm 2005-2009 Ralf Breuer Seit 2009 Klaus Nielsen Company premises in Rerik

By extending the value creation chain to include manufacture of wind turbines managing director Karsten Porm has undoubtedly proved his entrepreneurial breadth of vision. Thus last year saw the company achieving the highest turnover in its history: 68.3 m euros. Engineers are currently working flat out on the development of the e.n.o. 92 with 2.2 MW capacity. Erection of the prototype is scheduled for late 2009. As well as the offices in Rerik and Rostock there is an additional planning office in Dresden, also the location of the planning department.

Alongside this e.n.o. energy also employs field sales staff all over Germany. A branch office was set up in France in Autumn 2008 to supplement the market presence in Germany. The company furthermore has excellent business relationships in Sweden, Turkey and Italy.

When the company celebrates its 10th anniversary this year its management, workforce and business partners can rightly be proud of their achievements. Many years of experience, know-how and hard work are the guarantors for this success. Our common goal for the future should be the promotion of the use of renewable energy, thus making a contribution to protecting the environment. BK

2009 also began particularly successfully for e.n.o. energy. The sale of 6 wind parks with a financial volume of some 50 m euros meant that it was possible to meet most of this year’s profit expectations.

New operational management with e.n.o. energy The management with e.n.o energy was again organized effective 1st August 2009: Klaus Nielsen is now the managing director of e.n.o. energy systems GmbH. He began his activity with e.n.o. energy in September 2008 as the department manager purchase. Now be-long to his areas of responsibility the purchase, production, the operation management and the sales. After bank teachings and an economic college Klaus Nielsen has worked in leading functions of medium-size

Klaus Nielsen

enterprises of the construction industry, metalworking, electrical industry and wind energy. His career in the wind energy industry began before approx. 20 years with the Husumer dockyard (HSW), which was assigned to the company Repower later. Followed some years of freelance activity in medium-size enterprises, whose management he answered for. At the beginning of 2000 led finally the way back to the wind energy, last with a manufacturer of wind energy plants as the purchase department manager. Thomas Gipp entered November 2007 as the commercial leader in the enterprise. In the autumn 2008 he received with e.n.o. energy power of attorney. Under his responsibility within the company management now the ranges financial and account system, financing, project planning and management, personnel management and general administration. After a bank apprenticeship he completed study of the management economics

with the conclusion Diplom-Kaufmann at the correspondence university Hagen. For over 17 years Thomas Gipp is active in leading commercial positions of medium-size enterprises; from 1992 to 2000 in the foodstuffs industry and from 2000 to 2007 in the wood industry. For their new responsible functions with e.n.o. energy we wish Klaus Nielsen and Thomas Gipp all to property and much success! BK

Thomas Gipp

06 e.n.o. mag

Anniversary celebrations with employees and business partners Baltic Sea sailing cruise on board the “Sunthorice”

Karsten Porm greets his guests

On a hot, sunny Friday, 7th August numerous guests arrived at Pier 78 in Rostock’s Stadthafen harbour. They had been invited on board the three master “Sunthorice” by principal managing director Karsten Porm – not only to join the traditional sailing cruise during the Hanse Sail festival but, most importantly, to celebrate e.n.o. energy’s 10th anniversary. In a short but polished speech Porm thanked business friends

and customers for their partnership: “We would like to join with you in being just as successful in the next 10 years!”

Le Pomm provided us with an exceptional gourmet treat. Guests all raved about the buffet, which included maritime specialities.

The business partners at the event had come from all over Germany and Europe. Together with e.n.o. energy’s employees the guests enjoyed a relaxed gathering against the impressive backdrop of Rostock.

Jazzprojekt Hundehagen played excellent background music and their foot-tapping tunes made for a tremendous party atmosphere.

The ship set sail in the early evening, joining many other sailing ships on a tour around the harbour district; along the Scandlines ferry quays; through the Hohe Düne yachting marina; past Warnemünde and out onto the open Baltic Sea. It was a very special moment when the sun, a glowing red fireball, sank behind the horizon into the sea whilst the shining full moon was simultaneously reflected in the water. Caterer Stephan Jaenichen and his team from

Karsten Porm (l.) and Katrin Beckmann (r.) in conversation with business partners from the NORD/LB bank

For the “sailors” on board the cruise was over all too soon and so a number of them met up at the Hanse Sail festival in the Stadthafen harbour to round off the pleasant evening. BK

Guests marvel at the hustle and bustle in the Stadthafen harbour

07 e.n.o. mag

Rostock Business – a competent service provider for business Interview with managing director Christian Weiß What are the activities of Rostock Business? As a company specialising in the promotion of business and technology we are mediators between business and the city and our aim is to make the region an interesting location for businesses. To do this we focus on moderating between companies and the authorities – a service which, for example, companies frequently use when applying for government subsidies. Rostock Business places its emphasis on service, providing local and newly locating companies with specialist know-how including, among other things, helping with the search for suitable commercial premises or sites. Over and above assisting companies Rostock Business serves as a service provider for businesses in the city; helps with the search for suitable specialist personnel and provides access to local networks. All enquiries made by our business partners are handled with the utmost customer orientation and service. The goal of our commitment is to make Rostock the region’s leading economic centre in 2010. What is the significance of Rostock Business for the Rostock region? Rostock Business serves as the region’s central port of call for representatives of business, politics, government administration and other bodies. Thanks to our cross-industry contacts and competent advice in particular Rostock Business is able to assist with the focused settlement of businesses or other corporate issues such as, for e.g., contacts with the authorities. This high degree of commitment bolsters the region’s economy and provides new business perspectives. The region’s benefits are highlighted and actively communicated to potential

investors. A business location on the quayfront is, for example, an attractive proposition for many companies and the assistance provided to renewable energy players, an industry of the future, is playing an increasing role for Rostock as a business location. Another point to be emphasised is our close cooperation with the Region Rostock Marketing Initiative, a powerful image promoter carrying out regional marketing and linking politics, business and the sciences with its high quality events. What is wind energy’s role in the region’s economic development? The wind energy industry and, in particular, the offshore wind energy sector are industries of the future and play a key role in Rostock’s economic development. The new perspectives for product and service innovations they generate ensure future growth, particularly for the maritime industry. Rostock Business coordinates and bundles the industry’s interests and marketing activities within the Wind Energy Network Rostock e.V., an alliance of manufacturers and suppliers in the wind energy industry. This strengthens the area’s economic structure, so that good growth opportunities and thus new jobs can be expected despite the current difficult economic situation for the wind energy sector in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. The Wind Energy Network can further develop and professionalise growth in this future-oriented industry, in particular thanks to local government subsidies. In 2010 the first commercial German wind park in the Baltic Sea, the “Baltic I” offshore wind park, will be connected to the electric grid, supplying clean electricity for some 57,000 households. In 2011/2012 a second project,

Christian Weiß (41) · Gained a degree in geography from Trier University · Parallel to this, internship at the Canadian Wheat Board in Winnipeg · 1996-98 Junior Consultant at Kienbaum Development Services GmbH · 1999-2003 Consultant at Wirtschaftsförderung Berlin GmbH, responsible for the biotechnology and pharmaceuticals fields · Since 2003 employed at Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Technologieförderung Rostock mbH, initially as Division Head for Corporate Acquisitions and Business Promotion; from 2004 as a company officer with signing powers; from 2008 as managing director As a business and technology promotion company Rostock Business showcases the Hanseatic City of Rostock as a growing business location for national and international investors. In this regard it views itself as a competent service provider bringing a structure to regional marketing.

the “Kriegers Flak” offshore wind park north of the island of Rügen, will follow. How do you rate the partnership between Rostock Business and e.n.o. energy? Rostock Business acted as an experienced contact providing e.n.o energy with specialist know-how for its expansion. e.n.o. energy also received assistance during its search for a suitable site for the construction of a new production facility in 2008. We also supported the company throughout consultations with the relevant government authorities in this connection, thus forcing the pace of the project’s implementation. Rostock Business will, furthermore, continue to act as a partner for any and all matters within the scope of e.n.o energy’s future expansion strategy. e.n.o energy has been a member of the Wind Energy Network Rostock since August 2009 and is thus integrated into the industry’s network. Thank you for the interview.


08 e.n.o. mag

VEM wind power generators – a quality brand

· The VEM Gruppe includes VEM Sachsenwerk, VEM motors Thurm and VEM motors · In the 2008 financial year 1,686 employees generated a turnover of 334 m euros

Sachsenwerk Dresden as the wind energy industry’s partner

(export share 109 m euros) · VEM develops and manufactures wind power generators with the following output ratings:

Wind as a power generation source has experienced substantial global growth right up until the present. With exports making up in excess of 80 percent of production German technology’s headstart in this sector has paid off on the global market and also assisted economic growth in Germany. At the end of 2008 Germany had a total installed capacity of 23,902 megawatts. Sachsenwerk Dresden’s VEM Group has also made a significant contribution to this development with its wind power generators, auxiliary drive systems and casting products. Sachsenwerk has become one of the leading suppliers of wind power generators, above all in the upper capacity range – both for double-fed generators with slip ring motors as well as also for modern synchronous generators. The well-known wind turbine manufacturer has supplied 4,585 generators in the last 10 years. The total installed capacity is 7,500 megawatts. The Dresden-based company’s VEM brand includes the world’s largest double-fed wind power generators, with a 6 megawatt capacity.

Development and manufacturing programme

1.5/ 2.0/ 2.5/ 3.2/ 3.7/ 5.4 MW · Tailor-made solutions guarantee a high degree of competitiveness and international success

The development and manufacturing of wind power generators in particular have benefitted from the Dresden-based VEM Group company’s industrial applications and its decades of experience in building electrical machinery. VEM offers its customers tailor-made solutions with its product range of double-fed motors as wind power generators. Close cooperation with leading manufacturers of frequency converters makes optimum solutions for any system configuration possible. To this end the development departments work hand in hand with partners from the sciences and research. In the field of technical engineering, wind power generators based on standard components from VEM Group electric motors have been developed according to customer specifications for over a decade now. They are among the technical leaders on the market and play a key role in sett ing the pace for the product generation of wind turbines. Low voltage motors for hydraulic, oil or cooling units are also part of the VEM Group’s scope of supply for wind turbines. And, finally, machine moulded cast parts from Keulahütte GmbH in

For further information visit: www.vem-group.com

Krauschwitz are also used in these systems for generating alternative energy. When dimensioning generators both customer specifications and also general regulations are considered and, in particular, the independent findings of academic research are taken into account. It is thus, for example, thanks to participation in the SIMU-Wind working group together with the TU Dresden and the RWTH Aachen that VEM today has significantly more know-how regarding mechanical requirements in extreme situations for wind turbines. This knowledge is already being included in generator design, thus increasing generator availability. For its customers VEM in turn has become an expert whose specific application knowledge allows it to also meet challenging drive unit requirements instead of just supplying single components. This is true both for the generators as well as for the dimensioning of motors for auxiliary drive systems. Advantages and technical parameters


Independent of wind power generator principles a defining characteristic of the generators is their high utilization thanks to electro-magnetic optimization while the mounting volume remains small. Additional technical advantages include: · Use of VPI technology to guarantee consistently high insulating strength of the formwound coils · Suitability of the double-fed generators’ rotor windings for medium voltage and special dimensioning for high rates of voltage rise

Wind power generator assembly shop

09 e.n.o. mag · Manufacturing of the grounding system main slip rings and slip ring components in stainless steel as standard. This means that operation of VEM wind power generators near to the coast or offshore is unproblematic. Furthermore, redundant grounding systems in combination with specially developed bearing insulations guarantee reliable control of converter operations. Use of modern calculation programmes makes it possible to dimension generators for any and all requirements. · Technical parameters: Output range Voltage range Frequencies converter operation Cooling methods

1 to 6 MW 690 V to 12 kV 50/60 Hz or air/water, air/air

Windpark Domnitz II Further 3 e.n.o. 82 wind turbines erected in September

The roll out of the first wind turbine from the Rostock production facility in December 2008 was a special event. The next two followed in January 2009. These three turbines were then transported to Saxony-Anhalt and erected in the Domnitz I wind park. The technicians had been looking forward to this moment for a long time as it finally provided them with the opportunity to put into practice everything they had learnt in theory.


To avoid any possible errors the schedule for completion was generous. This gave all those concerned the opportunity to scrutinize the erection process in detail, thus gaining even more experience. This patience was rewarded. By August the availability rate of the wind park was, on average, 98.91 %.

So when it came to Domnitz II wind park everything was more familiar. The heavy goods vehicles with the components for the next three wind turbines left the production facility in early September. Perfectly planned preparations meant that work in Domnitz started on 14 September, as scheduled. Thanks to the good weather it was possible to erect the three turbines in just two weeks. Their connection to the electric grid is planned for midOctober. The Domnitz II wind park has a special characteristic: its turbines have distinctive towers. The “eno-energy.com” signs on them are clearly visible to vehicles passing on the Löbejün section of the A14 motorway. Keep an eye out for them!

Transfer of a 3.6 MW wind power generator in the Sachsenwerk assembly shop

Wind power generator options · · · ·

Asynchronous squirrel-cage motors Double-fed asynchronous generators Synchronous generators (electrically or permanently actuated) Synchronous motors as a multi-pole model for gearless or single stage transmission solutions

Thanks to its high vertical range of manufacture VEM is able to react quickly and flexibly to customer requests. Parallel to this, decades of experience and competent management are the guarantee for tailor-made effective solutions for all applications. VEM has thus become a strong partner for wind power generator requirements and is thus a correspondingly important, reliable partner for e.n.o. energy. The new wind park is erected directly adjacent to Domnitz I

10 e.n.o. mag

Fresh wind for the Hansa cog Players’ jerseys with new “Windstärke 11” logo

Hansa supervisory board chairman HansUlrich Gienke was visibly pleased with the agreement: “F.C. Hansa and “WINDSTÄRKE 11” are a perfect match. It enables us to present not only an attractive, financially strong partner but also an innovative sponsoring solution, the like of which has not been seen in the German Bundesliga before”.

Reinhardt Weinberger, managing director of Infront Deutschland, added: “It is truly remarkable that innovative companies from the field of renewable energy are using F.C. Hansa Rostock as a broad communication platform. As the club’s marketing partner we will assist “WINDSTÄRKE 11” in developing the brand throughout the entire region to the very best of our abilities and help to position MecklenburgWestern Pomerania as Germany’s No. 1 wind energy region”. It is, however, not just the sponsors who expect their initiative to have an influence on the players’ morale. While the first games of the new season still seemed to be stuck in the doldrums it is to be hoped that the “WINDSTÄRKE 11” logo on the Hansa players’ chests will fire them up to raise a gale-force storm on the pitch. After all, only won matches are successful advertising; both for the Hansa cog on its charted course to the Bundesliga as well as for the region’s wind energy industry. BK

© F.C. Hansa Rostock

Since early August e.n.o. energy has been one of the major sponsors of football club Hansa Rostock. At the suggestion of WIND-projekt Ingenieur- und Projektentwicklungsgesellschaft mbH in Börgerende 11 companies, all located in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and including e.n.o. energy, set up the “Renewable Energy from Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania for Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania” initiative under the “WINDSTÄRKE 11” label with the aim of supporting F.C. Hansa. All 11 come from the wind energy industry. The participating companies are using their involvement at F.C. Hansa to express their solidarity with the club, the players and the fans.

Martin Retov, Jerseys with the new logo

E.N.O. Energy on industry events You will find us on the Eolica Mediterranean in Rom, Italien, 30.09.-2.10.2009, Hall 4, Stand E34

and on the RENEX in Istanbul, Turkey, 5.-8.11.2009, Hall 1, Stand C10.

11 e.n.o. mag

New office complex for e.n.o. energy

e.n.o. energy’s successful development since it was set up in 1999 has meant a steady increase in the number of employees and the corresponding office space required. The company’s office building in Rerik, completed in 2006, was soon too small, meaning that offices had to be set up in the warehouse at the Stadthafen harbour in Rostock.

With the beginning of serial production of wind turbines at the site in Harbour Forearea East more office space was again required to bring together the production and construction departments. To this end an extension housing an office complex was added to the production facility. The new offices were ready for occupation in late September.

“I am thrilled with the large, bright offices,” says Klaus Platen, Head of Production. “Having direct access to the purchasing and construction departments has meant that we can clarify open issues immediately, making many phone calls and emails superfluous. Our work as a team has thus become far more effective”. BK

Please note: New contact addresses for e.n.o. energy Since 28.09.2009 the company’s departments have been located at the following sites: Executive Management, Planning, Legal: Am Strande 2 e D-18055 Rostock

Klaus Platen in his new office

Construction, Production, Purchasing, Sales, Marketing: Swienskuhlenstraße 5 D-18147 Rostock Company Management, Accounting: Straße am Zeltplatz 7 D-18230 Ostseebad Rerik All employees can be contacted at the central number: +49 (0)381 . 20 37 92-0

The office complex adjacent to the production facility

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