Digital Technology as a development tool for Education
PAPOO: Keep an eye on your child on-line! Keep an eye on your child gone on holiday camp and take part in the video conference at CLAVIM (Centre de Loisirs et d'Animation de la Ville d'Issy-les-Moulineaux) ("Centre for Leisure and Animation of Issy-lesMoulineaux") When going on holiday camps, the first separation is always charged with emotion and it is often much more difficult for the parents than for the children.
During summer the Papoo photo blog gives the parents an insight into their children's activities at their holiday camps. The tools available in these holiday camps allow families to communicate efficiently and pleasantly despite the distance: emails, video conference, photo blog... a wide range of tools are made available for parents and children! CLAVIM has been repeating the "Papoo" operation for the past 13 years. â–
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