At the core of digital globalisation Intelligent Community Forum
Global Cities Dialogue
Since 2000, the American think tank "Intelligent Community Forum" has identified numerous local bodies all around the world for their success in the use of digital technologies for social and economic development. An international organisation, Alumni of Intelligent Community Forum, was created in 2009. Issy-les-Moulineaux is one of its founding members. In 2011, for the 4th time in 10 years, Issy-lesMoulineaux was nominated, along with Eindhoven and Riverside, California among the top seven intelligent communities in the world. This year, Issy is the only French city competing to become "Top intelligent community of the year 2011"! The nominations to the Top 7 Intelligent Communities 2011 were revealed during the annual conference of the Pacific Telecommunications Council, held on January the 19th in Honolulu, Hawaii. The selection is the result of a rigorous analytic method conducted by an international team of analysts from the academic, business and international organisation sectors.
International organisation founded in Helsinki,Finland's capital,in November 1999, the Global Cities Dialogue on Information Society was founded on the firm conviction that cities have a key role to play in the information society. They are the geographical, political, socio-economic and cultural entities where millions of people live, work and directly exercise their rights as citizens and consumers. "They are close to grassroots processes and directly face a number of information-society issues, changes and opportunities from local democracy to more cost-effective services" said Erkki Liikanen, EU commissioner for information society at the time of the GCD creation. Therefore to honour membership to this network,the mayor has to be personally involved in its actions. Membership also involves an actual contribution of experiences, utilisations and techniques linked to media and information technologies, everything being done in a civic minded approach. Issy-lesMoulineaux is a GCD founding member and assumed its presidency from 2000 to 2010.
In March 2011, Robert Bell, co-founder and Executive Director of the Intelligent Community Forum, met the ICT actors in Issy-les-Moulineaux and discovered the actions undertaken in the field of new technologies.
European Living Labs
On the 25th November 2008, Issy was labelled "Living Lab" in the scope of the 2008 European ICT conference. The "Living Lab" label's goal is to identify territories which develop innovative services and applications in the ICT to promote these territories within a unique network (The European Network of Living Labs) and to have them share their experiences. In order to set up and test different innovative services in "real life" and to take research out of the laboratories, the "living labs" gather public and private stakeholders as well as end users. This international recognition spurs Issy to improve further its services to the population through e-services, to modernise its administration, to promote participatory democracy and to remain a benchmark in terms of economic dynamism. â–