CO-CREATION The co-creation of a new Air Quality Plan started in 2019 and finished in September 2020 when the final version of the document was published and ratified by the Regional Authorities. The AQP is the result of the process of extensive consultations and co-creation workshops that took place in 2019. The activities undertaken by the KTP in 2019 included a series of workshops with various stakeholders in order to understand their perspectives, expectations and identify a catalogue of initial project proposals aimed at reduction of air pollution. Some of them became also priorities for the hackathon coorganised by KTP in December 2020. All reflections, insights, recommendations as well as catalogue of project proposals were collected by Marshall Office of Malopolska Region and used in defining the 1st version of the Air Quality Plan. It was published in January 2020 including a set of rules and restrictions but also proposals for activities which should be implemented in the region to improve the quality of air. In contrast to 2019, when all activities took place in real life, the activities undertaken in 2020 switched to the digital world due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The AQP has been disseminated during 6 meetings in 5 major cities of Malopolska region, to let all interested stakeholders provide their feedback. During these face to face meetings, the AQP draft was presented by the authorities followed by an open discussion. After the first round of consultations in January 2020, the draft of the AQP was revised, the recommendations were analysed and incorporated to the second version of the prototype.
Since April 2020, the consultation phase has been transferred to the digital environment that partially limits the desired depth and scope of discussions. However, to ensure inhabitants of Malopolska chance to participate in the final debate over the 2nd version of AQP, the consultation meeting was organized both in real-life environment, following the covid-19 restrictions, as well as in digital world with open streaming in real-time, giving all inhabitants a chance to ask questions or express their opinions.