7.1 Trip Request Patterns Figure 11 shows the spatial distribution of trips across the three station areas; Appendix B shows the spatial patterns for trip request origins and destinations separately. Appendix C shows that the association between the number of Via trips in a tract and local characteristics is distance of the tract from the pilot station rather than local sociodemographic characteristics. Appendix A presents spatial patterns of neighborhood characteristics across the three station areas as well as the broader region. In each case, what stands out, perhaps unsurprisingly, is that trips are more common closer to the actual station. The Appendix also shows regression models that analyze the number of trips in each Census tract, which confirms a reasonably strong association between the number of Via rides and the distance between the tract centroid and the original station area. Roughly speaking, every additional mile in added distance is associated with between 173 and 188 fewer Via requests. The model also shows that trip requests are more common in Census tracts with more zero-car households. Each percentage point increase in the carless households is associated with between 60 and 70 additional Via rides. Our regression models also tested the relationship between Via rides and an array of other Census tract characteristics, but other than population (intuitively, more
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