Editor’s Note Vice President, Brand Director Eric Savitch, esavitch@ensembleiq.com
A Fresh New Look The commerce marketing industry is undergoing massive transformation — not just in the ways that shoppers engage with brands across an increasingly complex ecosystem, but also in how the role of the omnichannel marketer continues to shift. To keep pace with that change, we too at the Path to Purchase Institute are continuing to evolve, right there alongside you, with aim to better serve the needs of our industry. So far this year, we’ve already introduced several new departments to this magazine (think The New Consumer, In-Store Experience and Brand Watch, to name a few) in order to paint a more complete picture of the shopper journey and its myriad touchpoints. In addition to those new departments, we’ve also taken a deep dive into our exclusive research — both B2B and consumer — to offer our audience the latest insights and analysis on the topics that are top of mind for marketers (check out our latest data on the “State of Retail Media” starting on page 22 and be on the lookout for the September/October issue for our findings on consumer Ushering in a new era for the engagement with retail media). Path to Purchase Institute, we And speaking of hot topics, be introduce a revamped logo, sure to flip to page 18 for our design and name — welcome Social Commerce Playbook, and don’t miss the feature on the to P2PI Magazine. 10 trends shaping the future of consumer engagement on page 42. With this July/August issue, we are proudly introducing the full “refresh” of our brand — complete with an updated logo and a new name for the magazine that brings our offerings together all under one powerful umbrella: the Path to Purchase Institute. This magazine — now called P2PI Magazine — is just one of the many ways the Path to Purchase Institute will continue to serve the rapidly evolving world of commerce marketing. In addition to tracking the latest news, trends and insights, our commitment to the industry is anchored in offering a robust member community that gathers the top thought leaders in the field for education, inspiration and connection. As part of our brand’s revamped look and feel for both the logo and magazine, we’re also launching a brand-new website experience to usher in this new era for the Path to Purchase Institute. Debuting in mid-July, our two websites (P2PI.org and PathtoPurchaseIQ.com) converge into one powerhouse site — P2PI.com — that will be much easier to read and navigate. In addition to delivering a smoother performance and a premium mobile experience for all our readers, Path to Purchase Institute members also will be able to easily access the full depth of member perks and bonus content all on the same site, with a simple click of the login button. Whether you’ve been reading this magazine for years or this is the first issue you’ve seen — welcome. We’re excited to partake in the journey with you, transforming together in this new era of commerce.
Editorial Director Jessie Dowd, jdowd@ensembleiq.com Executive Editor Tim Binder, tbinder@ensembleiq.com Managing Editor Charlie Menchaca, cmenchaca@ensembleiq.com Digital Editor Jacqueline Barba, jbarba@ensembleiq.com Director/Member Content Patrycja Malinowska, pmalinowska@ensembleiq.com Managing Editor/Member Content Cyndi Loza, cloza@ensembleiq.com Editor/Member Content Beth Christenson, echristenson@ensembleiq.com Events Content Director Lori Pugh Marcum, lpughmarcum@ensembleiq.com Director – Production Ed Ward, eward@ensembleiq.com Creative Director Colette Magliaro, cmagliaro@ensembleiq.com Art Director Michael Escobedo, mescobedo@ensembleiq.com CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Michael Applebaum, Ed Finkel, Erika Flynn, Chris Gelbach, Jenny Rebholz, Bill Schober
SALES & P2PI MEMBER DEVELOPMENT Associate Director, Brand Partnerships Arlene Schusteff, 773.992.4414, aschusteff@ensembleiq.com Regional Sales Manager Orlando Llerandi, 678.591.8284, ollerandi@ensembleiq.com Membership and Media Account Executive Patrece Remmel, premmel@ensembleiq.com Director of Member Development Nicole Mitchell, 203.434.5733, nmitchell@ensembleiq.com Member Experience Manager Ann Estey, aestey@ensembleiq.com Member Experience Manager Heather Kurtik, 724.553.0093, hkurtik@ensembleiq.com
AUDIENCE List Rental MeritDirect Marie Briganti, 914.309.3378 SUBSCRIBER SERVICES/CUSTOMER CARE TOLL-FREE: 1.877.687.7321 FAX: 1.888.520.3608 Between 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST weekdays contact@pathtopurchaseiq.com
ENSEMBLEIQ LEADERSHIP TEAM Chief Executive Officer Jennifer Litterick Chief Financial Officer Jane Volland Chief Human Resources Officer Ann Jadown Executive Vice President, Operations Derek Estey Executive Vice President, Content & Communications Joe Territo
JESSIE DOWD, Editorial Director
8550 W. Bryn Mawr Ave., Suite 200 Chicago, IL 60631 Phone: 773.992.4450 | Fax: 773.992.4455
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