bdv austria
Case Studies Austria Bicycle SEPP – Strengthening emergent professional profiles in the third sector – a way to foster innovative bridges to work and social inclusion of disadvantaged groups Meeting in Liège 7th/8th May 2015 Charlotte Gruber, bdv austria
Verein BICYCLE Entwicklungsprojekt F ahrrad 1. What lead to the selec3on of this case? Bicycle was selected, because it was among the first WISE’s to be founded. It is in comparison with the other case study a medium size WISE and all persons employed work within the enterprise. It is well established and but sAll very innovaAve, creaAng new fields of acAvity. Bicycle is mainly targeAng young people offering them orientaAon and stabilisaAon and moAvate them to go for further qualificaAon
2. How is the selc3on of this case useful to understand the coaching and marke3ng func3on in WISE‘s? Coaching the target group is a prime task of Austrian WISE’s, specially regulated in guidelines. Bicycle was in the past also involved in developing a concept of coaching and accompanying the target group during their stay in the WISE. Bicycle is also innovaAve concerning markeAng ideas and organises several events each year.
Charactaris3cs of Bicycle Name: Verein Bicycle – Entwicklungsprojekt Fahrrad Founda3on Date: 1989 Legal Status: non-‐profit associaAon Mission: offering temporary jobs to unemployed persons in
order to improve their chances on the regular labour market, to offer them coaching, training and qualificaAon and to earn own income to cover part of the cost
Target Audiance: long-‐term unemployed with a main focus on young people Territorial scope: Graz and the surrounding districts
Number of Workers
Target group: 28 temporary workplaces with a maximum duraAon of nine months
Professional staff:
11 persons
Managing Director Job coach Book-‐keeping, invoicing Secretary Instructors Repair of bicycles 5 Sale of bicycles 2
1 1 1 1 7
Volunteer work only very sporadic for bigger events.
Main areas of ac3vity
Repair of bicycles Sale of bicycles Assembling of bicycles in cooperaAon with the universiAes of Graz: specially designed bicycles for the university staff
Special offers
Bicycle wash equipment
Special offers
Bicyle Coffe Shop (E-‐bike with Trailer)
Special Offers
Workplaces for self-‐repair of bicycles with all necessary tools and technical assistance when desired
Main partners Funding partners: Public Employment Service, City of Graz Coopera3on with the universiAes of Graz, the City of Graz Contacts to private companies to find jobs or vocaAonal training possibiliAes for the target group