NSIE (European Network of Social Integration Enterprises), a.s.b.l., unites national and regional networks of Work Integration Social Enterprises (WISEs). Currently, ENSIE a.s.b.l. comprises 27 national and regional networks, representing 19 countries of the European Union (Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom) as well as Moldavia and Serbia. Together, they total some 3,166 Work Integration Social Enterprises, and more than 378,000 salaried people. All these networks pursue objectives of social integration of disadvantaged people in a manner adapted to local constraints. These networks are made up by enterprises with these identifying principles: • the social and professional integration of individuals, who, due to their exclusion and their relegation to a marginal role in society, have fallen victim to increasing social and professional challenges; • enterprises at the core of the economic system: work integration social enterprises have decided to carry on their activities at the very core of the current economic system which often plays a significant role in the phenomenon of social exclusion; • in comparing to conventional enterprises, WISEs provide a focus on the individual, which is essential to people presenting with social and professional challenges. Based on strong pedagogical methods, WISEs initiate training and educational programs designed around the existing potential of the target group and develop this individual potential (at a professional level and in their participation in society) within the enterprise. This approach is crucial for the effective sustainable integration of disadvantaged people.
WISEs advocate for the empowerment of people in order to contribute to a stronger and sustainable society! They demonstrate a positive social impact in terms of integration of disadvantaged people into society and the workforce. Since 2015, ENSIE has been conducting a study on the social impact of WISEs and in 2017, in the 866 work integration social enterprises (WISEs) interviewed, present in 10 countries of the European Union and among the 60,986 disadvantaged workers:
65 %
found a job in the same WISE, in another WISE or in the classic labour market
13 % became
entrepreneurs (self-employed) or found a professional training
22 %
and have other outcomes such as unemployment, illness or passed away
These figures illustrate the effectiveness of WISEs with their success rate: 78% of people obtain positive results after their integration pathways.
Therefore, WISEs can be considered as sustainable investment by the public authorities because they generate an economic and social return to society, their added value must be recognised and the public policies must be adapted in order to grant them the same privileges as that of conventional companies. For this reason, ENSIE network is asking the new members to the European Parliament and the European Commission with these ACTIONS TO BE PUT IN PLACE FOR THE WISEs PROSPERITY:
• Promoting the WISEs representatives participation in the European Semester economic and fiscal policy coordination within the EU for the definition of inclusive European economic and social policies through the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights and the Sustainable Development Goals.
• Definition of a strong and clear European message on the WISEs recognition as a sustainable vector of social inclusion for vulnerable people.
• Skills recognition in the context of the non-formal training provided by the WISEs to facilitate the professional integration of vulnerable groups.
• Development of a positive European framework for WISEs throughout the review process of existing EU legislation (eg ‘de minimis’ (2020), definition of ‘disadvantaged worker’ and ‘severely disadvantaged worker’ and their employment aid (2020), SME definition).
• Adapting policies on digitalisation in order to promote innovation and inclusion and to avoid the abolition of workplaces, especially for the most vulnerable.
• Support and follow-up of the implementation of the message and the positive framework (especially legal and financial) of the EU in the development of WISEs in the Member States, especially in the ones where these do not exist yet or are undeveloped.
• Promotion of effective European mechanisms (training, awareness campaigns, guides) to encourage responsible national, regional and local public procurement that foresees the presence of reserved contracts and the use of social considerations.
• In the framework of the new European funds and above all the future ESF + program 2021-2027, improving financing measures for an inclusive labour market and enhancement of employment potential within WISEs.
As a member of Social Economy Europe, ENSIE, also supports the 10 proposals presented by Social Economy Europe in its Memorandum and in particular:
• Promotion and support for the creation of positive legal, financial, market access framework for WISEs in the European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations.
1 Set-up a European Action Plan for the Social Economy
2 Re-establish the European Parliament’s Social Economy Intergroup
3 Consolidate the structured dialogue between the Social Economy and EU Institutions And also the Statement of the networks partners from the EaSI programme.
European Network of Social Integration Enterprises Rue Botanique 75 – B-1210 Brussels T: +32 (0) 4 275 53 08 E: