Annual report 2016_ENSIE

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Annual Report



1. 1. 2016 in brief................................................. 3

in brief

Th e ye ar 2016 w as a

2. About us....................................................... 4 3. Our strategic guidelines 2014-2017..............7



enterprises a important


European challenges

4. Networking.................................................. 10 5. Advocacy...................................................... 16 6. Projects........................................................ 18 7.

................................... 23


Investment Funds and the European Semester processes. New topics w ere also addressed a ccording t o the E uropean studied a ccording t o the i nterest of E NSIE's members and

framework partnership pean Commission Programme f or and Social (E aSI) .

the f ramework o f its 4 -years agreement with the E urounder the EU Employment


2. About us Social Enterprises (WISEs).

Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.

Treasurer Salvatore Vetro,

Joint treasurer Manuela Vollmann,

RES, Belgium

BDV, Austria

Igor Pavel, entreprises

ENT, Slovenia

France Alex Sobel,

Georges Tabacchi,


Social Firms England, United Kingdom

CSAL, Italy

Our Board of Directors President Ignasi Parody Nuñez, FAEDEI, Spain

Vice President Hubert Quintelier, SST, Belgium

Our Team President Maria Nieves Ramos Rosario,

Aurélie Duprés,

Patrizia Bussi, Director


Secretary Esteve Ferrer, FEICAT, Spain

Erika Lambert,

Ruth Kasper, Volunteer Project



3. Our strategic guidelines 2014-2017

the Department for the Development o f Social I nclusion o f Hungarian M inistry of Human R esources – o ngoing

TESSEA (Czech Republic)

regions, t o the support of social e nterprises i nterests and l obbying through a wareness r aising, mapping, training,

four years. They were the basis of ENSIE memorandum.



Klaster PS


THE WORK INTEGRATION SOCIAL ENTERPRISES, PROMOTING THE EMPLOYMENT OF PEOPLE FURTHEST FROM THE LABOUR MARKET The 2020 Strategy and the achievement of its goals would move towards the sustainable development far from being achieved, as shown the current data on employment and people in poverty or at risk

employment, inclusion of the most disadvantaged people and local development.

(European Parliament) and for the Union interests (European Commission) that put in place concrete including the most excluded people. principal fundamentals:

economic model that fulfi ll a mission of general interest, with reduced VAT rates and

• The primacy of the person and the community purpose; The development of a monitoring mechanism for the use of the European Structural and ENSIE strongly believes in the possibility to develop ‘another way of entrepreneurship’ that would not

trade, personal services, etc.), usually have a strong local dimension. It represents an important return on investment for the community that has to be taken into account. ENSIE thus calls the candidates

needs of the sector to be taken into account.

To set up a new European Parliament Social Economy Intergroup. To create within the European Commission a dedicated unit or a transversal department incharge of social economy

exist yet, aswell as increasing the visibility of these enterprises and their added-values.

1 See the Social Economy Europe Memorandum, the reference european network concerning the social economy:

(2011) 682 fi nal 25 October 2011.



4. Networking 26th February – Brussels, Belgium

sessions with other members of the network.

16th & 17th June – Dublin, Ireland In Dublin, Ireland, 30 p ersons g athered on t he 16th of J une 2016 a t the o ccasion o f the network g eneral assembly

learning session o rganized with t he Board o f Directors in F ebruary, ENSIE invited Robin Hannon f rom EAPN I reland, member of the European Semester Alliance, to share its experience with our members. In Ireland, our member is taking

countries in 2006 and 19 members and 15 European countries in 2011.



17th & 18th November – Brussels, Belgium

Results of the European seminar ‘Being WISE towards EU2020 strategy!’

The study based on the ‘Impact WISEs’ tool of ENSIE and presented on November 17th, 2016 at the European Parliament, underlines two important results:

ENSIE organised the E uropean seminar ' Being W ISE t owards EU2020 s trategy!' o n November 1 7 a t the E uropean


The seminar was hosted by Jens NILSSON, Member of the European Parliament who introduced the event together with 9 countries of the European Union and among the 12,954 disadvantaged workers: •

48,5% found a job in the same WISE, in another WISE or in the classic labour market;

16,5% became self-entrepreneurs or found a professional training;

and 35% have other outcomes such as unemployment, illness or death.

and t raining that l eads t o social i nclusion. I n fact, the R ICE Report by the UNHCR r eveals that the key c oncerns o f

their needs and impact.


any other social problems such as housing, childcare, health, mobility… The main challenge for WISEs w ill b e linked to financing, as the t arget group i s increasing, and thus put a financial


In this period of crises, characterized by a high youth unemployment rate,

job culture and value that brings them to be socially excluded both from labour market and social life.

Social Economy Europe

Some examples of the topics on which we have been working with those networks:



The social economy intergroup meets Commissioner Bienkowska, with Social Economy Europe


5. Advocacy


ENSIE grows again and again!

European Forum of Social and Solidarity Economy (EFSSE)

Public policies for accessible social services Building bridges between social service providers

Proposals to make the social economy into a pillar of the European Union

Results of the European seminar ‘Being WISE towards EU2020 strategy!’


Proposal for a mandatory Transparency Register Challenges of work life balance Survey on civil dialogue mechanisms Survey Interreg central Europe Applicant Survey - Feedback on programme guidance and support


European pillar of social rights

L’atelier WeStart Bruxelles-Wallonie

L’Economie sociale et solidaire : Quelle place pour les femmes? - WeStart Luxembourg

#ESDE2015 Conference: A Review of Employment and Social Developments in Europe in 2015

Social Keys for Social Entrepreneurship

Capacity building seminar - Building enabling ecosystem for social enterprises

PROFIT project first user day

Scale me up

European day of Social Economy Enterprises

Debate on the European Pillar of Social Rights in Portugal

Expert round table on the measurement of social impact

EFESEIIS final conference

A few numbers

13 Spoke at EU level

8,969 Website visits

Who we met

• • •



DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs DG Regional Policy 2 EU presidencies: The Netherlands and Slovakia

arliamentary Intergroup on Social Economy




o migrants' entrepreneurship

EU Agencies Forum

GSEF 2016: Local Governments and Social Economy Stakeholders - Allies for the intelligent and sustainable

Parliamentary Intergroups: Social Economy, Extreme Poverty and Human rights

2 consultant firms


6. Projects ENSIE is a partner

Our Social Europe


The project aims t o increase the civic

inclusion of vulnerable groups The project aims at increasing professional competences of social enterprises and raising their ability to meet the new

areas w ith l ocal l evel decision t o deepen the E U agenda for “Community Led L ocal

Enhance training and consultancy programmes using project output and results

The project mobilises community groups at the local level in each

2020”), on “Community Led Local Development” (Structural Fund

1 final conference

among which 2 training modules

2 study visits: Ludlow, United-Kingdom Porto, Portugal

5 partners (Portugal, Italy, Austria, United-Kingdom and Belgium)

1 conférence finale des membres d’ENSIE


2 séminaires locaux organisés par ENSIE Liège, Belgique Dublin, Irlande


4 partenaires (Irlande, Roumanie, Italie, Belgique)


ENSIE is an expert


Jobcoach +

Wallonia and Brussels Region / WE START - Luxembourg

The main goal of the project is to create a training module for The project is divided in 3 parts:

women’s social entrepreneurship in Europe. ENSIE was selected t o implement the research i n two countries:

modules and real needs of enterprises on the topic: 1. Building

Belgium, Wallonia Region and Luxembourg in the second phase of the project in 2016. A first pilot project, which focuses on ten European countries, was the first


CREATION PHASE – 9 months: Create the training module

step in a longer-term strategy to help foster women’s social entrepreneurship supports women’s leadership in this growing sector and ended in 2015. The WeStart project is led by the European Women’s Lobby.

to be trained

1 synthesis report on 10 studied countries 12 mini reports (Bulgaria, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Spain, Sweden, United-Kingdom, Belgium and Luxembourg) 1 data base

7 partenaires de 5 pays européens


The p roject endeavours t o produce new knowledge and p rovide it to to b e involved i n the social and s olidarity-based e conomy. It aims a t thorough analysis of data gathered in 10 European countries.

1 final conference Relevant results on the support to social entrepreneurship



PROFIT people in Europe. of the network in 2017. Next year will be a turning point for the network with the renewal of its governing bodies and a revision of the strategy,

area. The Forum provides the project with regular feedback.

capacity as relevant stakeholders in employment and social policies; as well as concrete projects on social and economic

6 partners from 5 European countries (Slovakia, Greece, United-Kingdom, Austria, Belgium) 7 associated partners and 20 User Forum Members 1st User day – Brussels, Belgium

European Pillar of social rights.



Published in June 2017.

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