Help to the refugees transiting Serbia 8 . S e p t e m b e r
A c ti v i ti e s Distribution of food parcels and candies Organization of volunteering activities with translators who talked to the refugees Organization of volunteer activity of the clown who made children’s day happier Playing cartoons for children on their native languages Engaging more than 30 employees and volunteers on activities aiming to help refugees
Area of i n t e r v e n ti o n :
Organization of activities for the youngsters September 2015 Since the beginning of September 2015, IDC has started implementing the program of activities for refugee children and their families residing in the park near the Belgrade bus station and the Faculty of Economics. Together with their parents, the children traveled a long way through often dangerous and inhospitable areas, without much food and water, most of the time sleeping in tents or under the open sky. In a situation of existential insecurity, often their psycho-social needs are put aside and one forgets that they are still only children who need support, to be able to play and experience joy, as well as every other child. Therefore, IDC started a program primarily designed for children refugees from Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Eritrea and other countries, that are transiting the territory of Serbia, aiming to make their short stay in
our country easier and at least a little bit more pleasant. Starting from the 4th of September, together with a number of organizations, including Ana and Vlade Divac Foundation and organization ADRA, IDC's young volunteers distributed food, water and sweets to children, refugees in the park near the bus station, that were donated by Mondelez International. During September, IDC's volunteers will continue with distribution of food and sweets to refugees.
- Belgrade
Cartoons, clown, and amusing program for the children at Miksalište Park near Belgrade central bus station and Faculty of Economics - Subotica Old brickyard - Kanjiža Vašarište
On Saturday, 5th September, the International Day of charity, IDC organized a screening of cartoons for children in Arabic, Kurdish and Farsi language at Miksalište, near the park at the bus station. During the day, IDC's volunteers were handing out sweets to children, along with leaflets with the information in their own language about the playing of cartoons later in the evening. Volunteers, students of Arabic language from the
Faculty of Philology in Belgrade, together with many translators, talked with refugees and amused children, but most of laughter and joy to children was brought by a clown, whose jokes, balloons and toys made children's Saturday evening happier.
2 0 1 5 .
8 .
S e p t e m b e r 2 0 1 5 .
Emergency assistance to the refugees transiting territory of the Republic of Serbia In September this year, IDC has
of baby slings, raincoats, rubber
initiated a project funded by the
boots, socks and other necessary
Spanish humanitarian organization
things, to refugee women and
children who are making a short
objective is to provide emergency
break in Subotica and Kanjiza on
assistance to women and children,
their way towards the EU.
refugees from the Middle East and Africa who are briefly stopping in the
northern Serbia. During the next two months, IDC will distribute 800 food parcels, more than 200 hygiene packages for women and babies, as well as a large number
IDC continues its active participation in PAG on Asylum and Migration In September, the Policy Advocacy Group (PAG) on Asylum and Migration is continuing its activities aiming at improving the status and treatment of asylum seekers and irregular migrants, and establishing a clear migration policy in line with European standards. Meetings of the PAG on Asylum and Migration are attended by representatives of organizations ASTRA, Balkan Centre for Migration and Humanitarian Activities (BCM), Belgrade Center for Security Policy
(BCSP), Belgrade Center for Human Rights (BCHR), Group 484, Humanitarian Centre for Integration and the tolerance (HCIT), the Initiative for Development and Cooperation (IDC), International Aid Network (IAN), Novi Sad Humanitarian Centre (NSHC) and PRAXIS. On 5th October , a conference will be organized with the topic 'Balkan Route and Refugee Crisis-What CSOs Can Do? What Do We Expect from the EU and National Governments?’ organized by
Group 484 and Open Society Foundation Serbia.
IDC actively seeks support from potential partners and donors for realization of activities concerning refugee crisis Since July 2015, IDC's team is constantly present on the field in Subotica
refugees remain 1-2 days on their way towards the EU. Information
from hour to hour, of which IDC's
t h e
r e f u g e e s
t r a n s i t i n g
organizations we cooperate
area are changing from day to day,
t o
information with a number of
on the needs of refugees in the
H e l p
informed and also regularly share
S e r b i a