Scf presentation it

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About SCF  National association born in 1975 and recognized by the Ministry of Labour and included in the national register for research  SCF accounts for 40 associates - that is more than 75 vocational training centres based in 11 regions: regions Friuli, Veneto, Lombardia, Piemonte, Liguria, Emilia Romagna, Marche, Abruzzo, Campania, Puglia, Sicilia.  More than 2000 people working within the association and associates  9.170.987 training hours in 2004  3 national headquarters: headquarters Venice-Mestre (administration), Bologna (development, and projectsʼ management), Roma (network coordination and institutional relations)  3 regional centres/seats: centres/seats Cologna Veneto, Roseto degli Abruzzi, Bari, Catania.

Our mission  "Human, civil and Christian promotion and valorisation of young people, adults and workers, by means of vocational training programmes aimed to peopleʼs integral development." development  "To guarantee a subsidiary approach towards our associates; their active role is our first attention, and SCF promotes it constantly."  "SCFʼ s main way of acting will be the integration of human resources firstly in view of the valorisation of the best practices developed within the association." (from SCF’ Services Chart - UNI EN ISO 9001-2000)

SCFʼ s services system  Projects development: at European, national and local level  Human Resources promotion (Master, workshops/seminars, conferences, specific targeted training courses…)  Learning or didactic materials (i.e.: “genderoriented” counselling tools)  Monitoring & Evaluation  Information (Nepente, Nepente-Info)

Our Network At National level: CONFAP (promoted by the Italian Bishops Conference- CEI) • FORMA (regrouping all vocational training organizations having a Christian values inspiration: CONFAP, ENAIP-ACLI, IAL-CISL, CIF, INIPA - Coldiretti, Confcooperative,…) At European level: CEC (Comité Européen de Coordination): regrouping organizations and networks in Belgium, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Romania, Czech Republic, Germany, Malta. Strategic Agreement with the con la Italian-Polish Chamber of Commerce. Partnerships in: in Portugal, Spain, France, UK, Ireland, Germany, Belgium, Denmark, Romania, Cyprus, Greece, Lithuania, Finland.

SCFʼ s “philosophy” To look at the local context and its needs

Specific attention to disadvantaged people


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To work together, through resources valorisation

Experiences’ monitoring and evaluation To share “best practices

To disseminate and transfer best practices

To create a “PROFESSIONAL COMMUNITY” Methodological innovation / tools development

Our philosophy -21. Personalisation 2. Flexibility of organisational models 3. Transition to work and accompanying measures 4. Networking 5. Co-development (co-design of projects and programmes)

SCFʼ s main activities At EU level:  Leonardo Mobility projects: since 2001, more than 300 young people, 185 trainers and 100 young workers (15 projects done or ongoing and 4 new).  Equal opportunities: opportunities on gender mainstreaming in counselling activities (DG Employment and social affairs).  Leonardo pilot projct “La strada per domani” addressed to EVT systemʼs management

At national level:  Transfer of best practices:  “Learning by doing: first experience contracts”  “YES: Transitional enterprise system”  “Quality point: long life learning <ground> (Financed by the Italian Ministry of Labour)  Equal projects in Veneto, Friuli and Liguria (Priority Employability)  FSE “system” projects: methodological innovation especially in initial training (vocational training system).

Kinds of training offered by SCFʼ s associates • • • • • • • • • • •

Vocational counselling Initial training (after compulsory school) Integrated programmes (vocational training & education) Second level vocational education (after secondary school or university) In-and-off-the job-training Continuous vocational training (for workers needing to adapt their skills and knowledge to stay or enter again in the labour market) Apprenticeships (for young people already working but who have not reached the “compulsory level” of education) Open Distance Learning Short vocational training programmes Accompanying measures to support work placement Activities to help to “intersect” offers and demands

SCF associatesʼ target groups • Young people having finished compulsory school (1417 years old) • Disadvantaged target groups: drop outs, immigrants, drug-abusers, ex drug-abusers, prisoners and ex prisoners, homeless, new poor (i.e. families having lost their job or suffering economically after financial cracks, lonely women with children to raise, nomads, etc.) • Unemployed (young, adult, disabled, long-duration unemployment) • Women (unemployed, wishing to enter again in the labour market, immigrants, etc.) • Workers: Workers for those who have to increase their qualification level, those risking to lose their job, those wishing to improve or change their job, etc.

Professional fields •

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Civil and industrial Electricity and Electronics, cars electronics, P.L.C., EIB, numerical control machines Mechanics, industrial mechanics and automation, car repairing Computer sciences

Environment, Quality and security systems Care Services Children education services and leisure services Tourism & Cooking (bakery, pastry, cook, barman, waiters, maid, Building: polyvalent masons, managers of building plans and yards, CSD, 3D

Restoration, carpentry Commerce (selling) Activities in the Tertiary sector (administration, secretary, payment services, accounting, import & export, marketing etc.) Foreign languages Graphics, editing and printing Agriculture Welding, air conditioning, thermohydraulics, tiring, CAD, CAM, CNC Taylor activities Hair stylists Beauty services Cultural assets and restoration

Specific offer for the disabled • Counselling (“bilan des compétences”, orientation labs,…). • Vocational training courses (short and long courses). • Protected Labour Centres: rehabilitation programmes based on labour for those who have finished a training programme but havenʼt acquired a sufficient level of autonomy and skills for a work placement. • Integration and placement within profit and non profit companies • In-and-off-the job-training

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