Flash Fiction Aficionado -- Issue 005-- The Holiday Issue

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Hello & Welcome

Hey there Fiction Lovers, It gives me great pleasure to release Tis’ The Season, the second half of this quarter's DOUBLE ISSUE. When we decided to release a double issue of Flash Fiction Aficionado, we knew that it would be challenging to accomplish because of the late announcement. However, I am beyond pleased at how this issue came out. It has been my dream to produce a magazine that was timely and accurate and effective in addressing the world we live in, and I believe the stories included in this magazine do just that. With this issue, the featured contributors demonstrate that there are people out there who still believe in the power and magic of the holidays. So often, we get caught up in the mundane insanity that exists in our lives that we miss out on the reason why we get up in the morning, go to work every day and why we go to bed at night with hope for a new day. It’s because of the breath that our Lord gives us each moment. Hopefully, the stories in this issue will encourage you to keep the faith, stay the course and remember that great things are happening all around you if you only remember to open your eyes and your heart. As always, remember to be BRAVE, be BOLD, and WRITE ON! Celeste Williams Editor

Picture by IG:@ALWAYSUTV

Immanuel is the Reason

Immanuel is the Reas By Michelle Early

I love the good things about this time of year; temperatures drop, and the snow begins to fall, and joy and kindness demonstrations abound as folks pass through the streets. Compassion and kindness come out of hiding in December, and that’s what I love to see. “It’s time for breakfast, sweetheart!” I heard my wife announce through my thoughts. We had been married for almost one year, and this was to be our first Christmas together as a married couple. I was excited about our planned trip to Hawaii, but then the reality of both of our work schedules kicked in, and we were forced to postpone our trip. So instead of sunny, warm Hawaii for Christmas, we were stuck in cold, dreary Maryland. Of course, our families were excited, but I was not. I’m no Scrooge or Grinch, but I’m tired of the extravagance. “Coming dear!” I responded as I stood from my desk. I had been sitting there writing the sermon for tomorrow’s service before I got lost in my thoughts. I had been lead pastor of Greater Hope Church for five years. Unlike every other Sunday that I had preached, the words for the message were not coming to me. It was as though God had withheld His Spirit from my writing. I felt empty as I sat at that desknothing was in me, and nothing was coming to me. Marilyn could handle it, and that’s why she offered to cook breakfast for me at five a.m.. She was a beautiful woman, and I loved being with her, but this Christmas was different. As I sat at the table, Marilyn came over and held my hand as she led us in grace. When she finished, she smiled and gestured for me to eat. I was starving because I had barely grazed the night before, but my mind would not allow my hands to move or my mouth to chew. “You have to eat, Judah,” she said lovingly, “this will help you as you go into the study.” When we had finished, she kissed me and sent me on my way as she cleared the table and washed the dishes. I reluctantly went back to my desk and stared out of the office window. As I looked out at the swing in our yard, I uttered, “I miss you both” to my parents in heaven. It had been only a few months since their fateful car crash, and this is my first Christmas without them. Christmas was their favorite time of year, and they made each Christmas more memorable than the one before. I was so looking forward to spending my first Christmas with Marilyn at their home, but then a drunk driver took them and


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Immanuel is the Reason

that dream away from me. How was I supposed to come up with a Christmas themed sermon when I could barely stand the thought of this day without them? I had prayed and prayed, but it seemed like my prayers went nowhere; lost in a sea of worshippers. God wasn’t answering, and I was tired.

in soft tones to the baby King, and I heard Him cooing as they talked. Just as I was about to pray to Him, I felt a soft tug on my shoulder. “Judah, honey, it’s time for you to get ready for church.” I heard Marilyn say. “You fell asleep here last night, but now it’s time for service.”

I had slept through the night, but I had not I closed my eyes and saw my parents again. written a message for service. They always appeared in my dreams and comforted me as I slept. This time, however, “Merry Christmas, my love,” I said to her as I brought her in for a kiss. She smiled and wished they were dressed up came running to me. me the same. We both knew that our Christmas “Judah; you’re late!” Momma fussed. celebration wouldn’t start until after church, “Son, we’ve got to go; hurry up!” Pops added. so we dressed and departed. “Late? Late for what? Where are we going?” I As I sat in the pulpit, visions from my dream asked. danced in my mind, and I felt the Spirit send me His word for the sermon. Even though “We are going to see Mary; she and her family this was my first time speaking without a preare expecting us so we must hurry,” said written sermon, I trusted God to carry the Momma. word. When we arrived, I noticed that we were at “Tis the season, beloved, because Immanuel is a modest home in the country. I thought we the reason…” I began with clarity and comfort. were overdressed, but Momma assured me that As I spoke, I saw my parents nodding, as we were “dressed to meet a King.” We knocked Mary held a bubbling Immanuel in her arms. at the door and a beautiful woman, young and Immanuel was pleased as I shared with the warm, opened the door. She extended her congregation the truth of His birth. arm and invited us into her home. Her home greeted us with a sweet aroma of baked goods and love. Next, her husband welcomed us and Driving home, I told Marilyn everything. She led us to a back room where a baby lay in a sang praises to our God. This Christmas was small bassinet. unlike any other that I had ever experienced “Here is He that you have come to see,” the and I will carry that dream in my heart until husband said as he walked towards the door, the day that I see Him again. leaving us alone with the baby. Immediately I understood where we were and just Who that baby was. It was Immanuel, the Son of God, and the couple was Mary and Joseph, His earthly parents. As I sat there acknowledging my location, my parents spoke


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Flash fiction Aficianado


Writers Spotlight

Writers Spotlight


For this issue of Flash Fiction Aficionado, we decided to focus on one of our writers who is always on duty to

contribute to the magazine. Celeste Williams is a writer, author, and teacher. She also serves as the Editor-in-

Chief of Flash Fiction Aficionado and is responsible for securing contributors for each issue and supporting

writers as they work through their process, assuring they meet the preset deadlines. A graduate of University of

Maryland Eastern Shore and Full Sail University, Celeste is currently working towards a Master of Education in Education Administration.

Why do you write?

I guess the most straightforward answer to that question would be that I write to make the voices in my head quiet. A longer answer is that I have thousands of characters inside of me screaming to get out. They are begging me to tell their story to the masses and the only I can sleep at night is to know that I have done everything possible to say to the world all about them... their lives, their loves, their hopes, and even their dreams. How has writing changed your life?

Well, writing saved my life. There have been several times in my life when I wanted to give up. Many of the people who know

me know that I am quasi-disabled. I have an unknown chronic muscular condition that causes me excruciating, and often, debilitating pain. The kind of pain that makes you strongly consider suicide. If it weren’t for my writings, my ability to be a comprehensive and compassionate storyteller, I would be dead right now.

If you could write a letter to your biggest influencer, who would it be and why?

That ’s such a weird question though. I don’t think I can honestly say that I have a single influencer because ILOVE

fiction. I will read almost anything. I would have to say the first Urban Fiction novel I ever read was Imani All Mine by

Connie Porter, so I may be inclined to ask her a question or two about her process and what it takes to have a best seller. When did you first realize that writing was your creative outlet?

If you ask my mother, I have been writing since I was two years old; however, I think I was eleven when I wrote my first

church play. It made me feel great to write something and then see people’s opinion of my words. That’s when I knew that writing would have a significant impact on my life. Even though I teach, I still teach writing. It’s my first love. Where do you see your writing career in 5 years?

In five years, I plan to have sold at least 150,000 books and be living in Hollywood, CA and working as a professional

writer for a major television network. Either that or I will own my television network and employ writers like myself who only want to make their mark on this industry and this world.


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The Reason for the Season

In my family, Christmas celebrations are unique and beautiful. First, we set a limit on what we are willing to spend on gifts. Last year, we set a $50 limit on presents. It gets hard sometimes because we love each other and want to get the very best gift possible for each other. For a few years now, I have gone over the limit. I want my people to be happy and smiling as they think back onto their holiday season.

The Reason for the Season

Then, we go to a local farm, and one of my brothers cuts down a fresh tree, and we bring it home. Cutting our tree started back when we were young, and now, it has continued through our 30’s. The saw was too big for my older brother’s hand when we first went. Now, he can hack down the tree in one swipe. Bringing home the tree is probably the official start of the Christmas season, in my book. Then, we drink cocoa and listen to Christmas music. We always use store bought, but this year, I think I will make some hot cocoa from scratch. I found a great recipe on the internet that I have been dying to try. The steaming cup of chocolatey goodness always puts me in a great mood to celebrate the holidays. Next, we decorate it with our reserve mixture of homemade and store-bought ornaments. Later on, we hang the stockings along the fireplace. Establishing a home that’s filled with the Christmas spirit is worth the time that it takes to create the

After that, we stockpile all this years’ gifts under the Christmas tree so that on Christmas morning, all we need to do is run down and start opening presents. We look like little kids again as we tear open all the presents and marvel at what our family members have given us. It’s beyond amazing!


By Celeste Williams

Finally, we relax by the fire and tell stories about when we were growing up. I usually tell stories of how my brothers got away with “murder” in our house. They often talk about all the times they spent punished because I said everything when we were younger. In the end, we laugh, and joke, and drink cocoa and live as a family. The entire season, filled with love and memories of all that we have done in the past, is the real reason for the season.

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