Online εγγραφο discover σκοπελοσ 1 lower

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Hotel Prince Stafilos / 4 star Ôel: +30 24240.22744 +30 24240.22775 Email:

Fax: +30 24240.22825


ÌÇÔÅ: 0726K014A0184200

Ôï ðáñáèåñéóôéêü óõãêñüôçìá Delphi âñßóêåôáé óôï åéñçíéêü êáé ãñáöéêü ðåñéâÜëëïí ôïõ ÷ùñéïý ¸ëçïò, ìüëéò ëßãá ìÝôñá ìáêñéÜ áðü ôç èÜëáóóá êáé ðåñéôñéãõñéóìÝíï áðü ðëïýóéá ðåõêïäÜóç. ÄéáèÝôåé 48 äéáìåñßóìáôá äéáöïñåôéêþí ìåãåèþí, êáôÜëëçëá ãéá ôç äéáìïíÞ 2 - 6 áôüìùí, ðëÞñùò åîïðëéóìÝíá, ìå éäéùôéêü ìðáëêüíé êáé èÝá ôïí êÞðï, ôçí ðéóßíá êáé ôç èÜëáóóá. Ôï Delphi Hotel Resort ðñïóöÝñåé Ýíá ãáëÞíéï êáôáöýãéï ìå åîáôïìéêåõìÝíåò õðçñåóßåò. Áðïëáýóôå Ýíá äñïóéóôéêü ìðÜíéï óôç ìåãÜëç åîùôåñéêÞ ðéóßíá, ÷áëáñþóôå ìå Ýíá êïêôÝéë, ãåõôåßôå öñÝóêá ðáñáóêåõáóìÝíá ãåýìáôá óôï åóôéáôüñéü ôïõ Þ óôçí éäéùôéêüôçôá ôïõ äùìáôßïõ óáò. Delphi resort hotel is situated in the peaceful and picturesque environment of the village Elios, just a few meters away from the sea surrounded by rich pine forests. It has 48 apartments of various sizes, suitable for the residence of 2-6 people, fully equipped, with a private balcony and view of the garden, swimming pool and sea. Delphi Hotel Resort offers a serene refuge with personalized services. Enjoy a refreshing swim in the large open air pool, relax while sipping on a cocktail, taste the freshly cooked meals in the restaurant or in the privacy of your room.

Neo Klima, Skopelos, Greece tel: +30 2424033301, +30 2424033788, +30 2424033172 fax: +30 2424033174 Email: ÌÇÔÅ: 0726K030Ã0023500

DELPHI resort hotel

Contents DISCOVER SKOPELOS 2015 - 2016

ÐÅÑÉÅ×ÏÌÅÍÁ Editorial áðü ôïí ÓùôÞñç ÐáñáóêåõÜ 08 Intro áðü ôïí ÃéÜííç Áðïóôïëßäç 10 Focus 06

XñÞóôïò Âáóéëïýäçò, äÞìáñ÷ïò ÓêïðÝëïõ ÔïõñíïõÜ Masters Beach Volley ÖåóôéâÜë ðáñáäïóéáêþí ÷ïñþí SIFFY, ÄéåèíÝò ÖåóôéâÜë ÊéíçìáôïãñÜöïõ ÓêïðÝëïõ ãéá ôïõò ÍÝïõò ÄéåèíÝò óõíÝäñéï äáìÜóêçíïõ Ôï Camphill óôç Óêüðåëï H “äéÜóçìç” Óêüðåëïò Ìáñßá Âïãéáôæüãëïõ


AROUND THE ISLAND Ìéá ðñþôç ãíùñéìßá ìå ôï íçóß



40 46 48 50 52 54

Glossa Loutraki Elios (Neo Kima) Palio Klima Panormos Agnontas


THE DISCOVER SKOPELOS LIST Your Guide to the Good Life in Skopelos


20 THINGS TO SEE & DO Ôé ìðïñåßôå íá äåßôå êáé íá êÜíåôå óôéò äéáêïðÝò óáò

110 112 114 116

ÐÜó÷á óôç Óêüðåëï / Easter in Skopelos AðïêñéÜ óôç Óêüðåëï / Carnival in Skopelos Méá ìáôéÜ óôçí Éóôïñßá / A glance in History Ç öïñåóéÜ ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ / The Costume of Skopelos




ÃÜìïò óôç Óêüðåëï / Wedding in Skopelos


Taste Skopelos ÄïêéìÜæïõìå ôçí êïõæßíá ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ


THE BEACHES OF SKOPELOS Óáò ðáñïõóéÜæïõìå ìßá ðñïò ìßá ôéò ðáñáëßåò ôïõ íçóéïý


Á.Ï. ÓêïðÝëïõ Ç ðïäïóöáéñéêÞ ïìÜäá ôïõ íçóéïý Ôhe soccer team of Skopelos





Ç Óêüðåëïò óôï äéáäßêôõï

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Cover photo: Agios Ioannis at Kastri Photorgapher: Zachos Stamoulis






ÄÇÌÏÓÉÅÓ Ó×ÅÓÅÉÓ ÃéÜííçò Ôñéáíôáöýëëïõ ÓÕÍÔÁÎÇ ÊÅÉÌÅÍÙÍ Óðõñéäïýëá ÌðåôóÜíç ÖÙÔÏÃÑÁÖÉÅÓ ÆÜ÷ïò Óôáìïýëçò, ÂáããÝëçò Ìáñïýëçò, Êþóôáò ÁíäñÝïõ, Steffen Piermaier Ó×ÅÄÉÁÓÌÏÓ / ÓÅËÉÄÏÐÏÉÇÓÇ ENTOS - Magazine & Travel Guides

28çò Ïêôùâñßïõ 85-87, Âüëïò 383 33 ôçë. 24210 33114, ÌÅÔÁÖÑÁÓÅÉÓ Äþñá ÅõáããåëéíÜêç, ¼ëãá Ìé÷åëÞ ÈåñìÝò åõ÷áñéóôßåò: Ìáßñç ÄéáìÜíôç, Ãéþñãï ÑïõóÝôç, Âéñãéíßá ÓéäÝñç, ÌÜ÷ç Äñüóïõ, ÁèçíÜ ÍôÜêç, ÈÜëåéá ÓöïíäõëéÜ Áðáãïñåýåôáé ç áíáäçìïóßåõóç, ç áíáðáñáãùãÞ, ïëéêÞ, ìåñéêÞ Þ ðåñéëçðôéêÞ Þ êáôÜ ðáñÜöñáóç Þ äéáóêåõÞ áðüäïóç ôïõ ðåñéå÷ïìÝíïõ ôïõ ðåñéïäéêïý ìå ïðïéïíäÞðïôå ôñüðï, ÷ùñßò ðñïçãïýìåíç ãñáðôÞ Üäåéá ôïõ åêäüôç. Ôá êåßìåíá ðïõ äçìïóéåýïíôáé äåí åêöñÜæïõí áíáãêáßá ôéò áðüøåéò ôïõ ðåñéïäéêïý êáé ôïõ åêäüôç.



Yiannis Apostolidis PUBLIC RELATIONS

Yiannis Triantafyllou TEXTS

Spyridoula Mpetsani PHOTOGRAPHERS Æachos Stamoulis, Vangelis Maroulis, Costas Andreou, Steffen Piermaier DESIGN / DTP ENTOS - Magazine & Travel Guides 28is Octovriou 85 - 87, Volos 383 33, Greece tel. +30 24210 33114, TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISH Dora Evangelinaki, Olga Micheli MANY THANKS ÔÏ: Maria Diamanti, Giorgos Rousetis, Virginia Sideri, Machi Drosou, Athina Ntaki, Thalia Sfondylia Photo: Zachos Stamoulis

ISSN: 2459-279X


06 Editorial

Ç Óêüðåëïò, óôá ÷Ýñéá óáò! ¸íá üíåéñï ðïëëþí áíèñþðùí, ìéá áíáãêáéüôçôá, ãéá ôçí ôïõñéóôéêÞ êáé ü÷é ìüíï ðñïâïëÞ ôïõ íçóéïý, Ýãéíå ðñáãìáôéêüôçôá. Áðü öÝôïò ôï êáëïêáßñé êáé êÜèå ÷ñüíï ôÝôïéá åðï÷Þ, ôï ðåñéïäéêü DISCOVER SKOPELOS áðïôõðþíåé ìå ìéá öñÝóêéá ìáôéÜ ôç “öõóéïãíùìßá” ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ, äßíïíôáò ôçí åõêáéñßá óôïõò åðéóêÝðôåò áëëÜ êáé óôïõò êáôïßêïõò íá ãíùñßóïõí êáëýôåñá áõôüí ôïí ðáñáäåéóÝíéï ôüðï. Ç öõóéêÞ ïìïñöéÜ, ïé ðáñáëßåò, ç ðáñÜäïóç, ï ðïëéôéóìüò, ôá Ýèéìá, áëëÜ êáé ïé Üíèñùðïé ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ êáèþò êáé ôá üóá äéáäñáìáôßæïíôáé ó’ áõôÞí, áðïôåëïýí ôïí êýñéï êïñìü ôçò ýëçò ôïõ ðåñéïäéêïý. Óôçí ðñïóðÜèåéá áõôÞ, ðïõ ãßíåôáé ãéá ðñþôç öïñÜ êáé ìÜëéóôá óå äýóêïëïõò êáéñïýò, áñùãïß óôÝêïíôáé ôüóï ç äçìïôéêÞ áñ÷Þ êáé ïé öïñåßò ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ üóï êáé ïé áðëïß Üíèñùðïé ðïõ ç áãÜðç ôïõò ãéá ôïí ôüðï, ìáò Ýäùóå ÓÙÔÇÑÇÓ ÐÁÑÁÓÊÅÕÁÓ Åêäüôçò & ÉäéïêôÞôçò ôïõ DISCOVER SKOPELOS

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Hotel Dionyssos H ðáñáäïóéáêÞ áñ÷éôåêôïíéêÞ ôïõ îåíïäï÷åßïõ, åßíáé ðëÞñùò åíáñìïíéóìÝíç ìå ôçí üìïñöç ðüëç ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ The hotel's traditional architecture, is fully harmonized with the beautiful town of Skopelos

Ôel.: +30 24240 23210

Fax: +30 24240 22954

Email: ÌÇÔÅ:



08 Intro


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Beach Front Villas Luxury Villas

Neo Klima, Skopelos Tel.: +30 2424033626

(Main road Skopelos - Glossa)

+30 6979195511 (Summer months)


Open: 1st June - 30 September

ÌÇ.Ô.Å. 0756K92000437301


10 Focus ÄÞìïò ÓêïðÝëïõ Municipality of Skopelos

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Photo: Vangelis Maroulis

×ñÞóôïò Âáóéëïýäçò, ÄÞìáñ÷ïò ÓêïðÝëïõ

TOURISM, A COLLECTIVE AFFAIR Nowadays, it is a commonplace for all those working with Tourism, either due to their profession or due to their statutory function that it does not constitute just one part of the tertiary sector of our island-based economy, but it penetrates every aspect of our social life. The fact that the actions that are being developed in the local economy are strongly linked to the rapid - and sometimes unexpected - changes that take place both on a national and international level, forces all bodies, which have any responsibility, to create a strategy not to constitute closed structures but to give feedback to and enrich their policies. Flexibility, innovation and specialization, flagship requests in a period where state interventionism retreats, obtain their effective content when they truly become a property of collectivities that participate in this attempt. This targeting is also assisted by readjustments launched by the Municipality of Skopelos in the operation of the Tourism Committee, thus combining scientific theoretical specialization with productive experience as well as the originality that originates from the synergy of social partners and entrepreneurial powers in the framework of its executive role, advertising and the promotion of our island. We also place the ambitious endeavor of those who contribute to the publication of the 1st issue of DISCOVER SKOPELOS in this framework. We believe that with its rich content it will take its readers, the visitors and the island's inhabitants by storm and will support the multiform communication forms and "underground" streams of offers, which seek new ways of expression with its presence. May it have a successful journey! Christos Vasiloudis, Mayor of Skopelos

Óôçí ðåñéï÷Þ ôïõ ÓôÜöõëïõ, ìßá áðü ôéò ðéï üìïñöåò ðáñáëßåò ôïõ íçóéïý ìáò, âñßóêïíôáé ôá åíïéêéáæüìåíá äùìÜôéá Stafylos rooms. ¼ëá ôá äùìÜôéá åßíáé öùôåéíÜ êáé åõÜåñá. ÄéáèÝôïõí tv, aircodition, øõãåßï, äùñåÜí WiFi êáé parking, êáé âåñÜíôåò ìå èÝá ôçí ðáñáëßá ôïõ ÓôÜöõëïõ, áöïý áðÝ÷åé ìüíï 70ì. áðü ôá äùìÜôéá. Óå áðüóôáóç 150ì. âñßóêåôáé ç óôÜóç ôùí ëåùöïñåßùí, ìå ôáêôéêÜ äñïìïëüãéá ðñïò ôï ëéìÜíé ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ, (4 ÷ëì.) êáèþò êáé ðñïò ôéò õðüëïéðåò ðáñáëßåò ôïõ íçóéïý. Óáò õðïó÷üìáóôå îÝíïéáóôåò êáé åõ÷Üñéóôåò äéáêïðÝò óå Ýíá ïéêïãåíåéáêü êáé öéëéêü ðåñéâÜëëïí.


At Stafylos area, one of the most beautiful beaches of our island, there are the rooms to let ‘STAFYLOS ROOMS’. All of the rooms are illuminated and airy. Equipped with tv, a/c, refrigerator, free WiFi, free parking and balconies with view of the Stafylos beach, (it is only 70m. from your room). After 150m. there is a bus stop with regular routes to the port of Skopelos (4km) and the rest beaches of the island. We guarantee pleasant holidays in a homy and friendly environment.

Stafylos, Skopelos Manager: Sofia Provia

Ôel.: +30 24240 22773 +30 6989 157114


12 Focus

Skopelos: 2ï TïõñíïõÜ Masters Ðáíåëëçíßïõ ÐñùôáèëÞìáôïò Beach Volley 2015 2nd Tournament of the Panhellenic Beach Volley Championship Masters 2015 Text: Spyridoula Mpetsani

Photos: Vangelis Maroulis, Costas Andreou, Zahos Stamoulis

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The island of Skopelos found itself in the "heat" of the ... sand on the 17-18-19 of July. Nothing was left to be desired from the impressive "duels" of these top beach volley athletes (35 teams in total): aces, blocks, net, sweat, toned bodies, disappointment, enthusiasm... offering locals and the island's visitors intense athletic moments. The operational bodies of Skopelos showed their potentiality and proved that "feats" can be achieved with great cooperation. For the record, it is noted that Thodoris Papadimitriou and Dimitrios Niopas reached the top in the male category and Pigianna Metheniti and Penny Karagkouni in the female category. The games left a great "dowry" to Skopelos, the experience of hosting a great sports event which sets the basis for future ones too, a motive for youth to take up sports, the two courts at "Ammos" beach and of course the fact that the spotlight fell on the island during these three days.


14 Focus


ÖåóôéâÜë Ãëþóóáò

Ôï ðñþôï ÖåóôéâÜë Ðáñáäïóéáêþí ×ïñþí óôá íçóéÜ ôùí Âïñåßùí ÓðïñÜäùí, äéïñãáíþèçêå áðü ôïí Ðïëéôéóôéêü & Åîùñáúóôéêü Óýëëïãï Ãëþóóáò, ôïí Áýãïõóôï ôïõ 2013, áöÞíïíôáò ôéò êáëýôåñåò åíôõðþóåéò. ¸ôóé êáé öÝôïò, ãéá ôñßôç óõíå÷üìåíç ÷ñïíéÜ óôéò 28, 29 & 30 Áõãïýóôïõ 2015, óôï ãÞðåäï ôùí Ó÷ïëåßùí ôçò Ãëþóóáò, ÷ïñåõôéêïß Óýëëïãïé áð’ üëç ôçí ÅëëÜäá êáé ôï åîùôåñéêü, èá áíôáìþóïõí ôéò ßäéåò ìÝñåò, óôá ßäéá ìÝñç, óôç ãéïñôÞ ôçò ðáñÜäïóçò, ôùí ÷ïñþí êáé ôçò ðáñáäïóéáêÞò ìïõóéêÞò. Eêåß üðïõ ðñéí áðü ôñßá ÷ñüíéá îåêßíçóáí ôá ÷ïñåõôéêÜ áíôáìþìáôá êáé Ýãéíáí èåóìüò ãéá ôéò Â. ÓðïñÜäåò.

The first Festival of Traditional Dances in the islands of the Northern Sporades was organized by the Glossa Culture and Development Association in August 2013, leaving the best impressions. Thus this year, for the third consecutive year, on August 28, 29 & 30 2015, at the court of the Schools of Glossa, dancing Associations from all over Greece and abroad will meet on the same dates, at the same places, in the celebration of tradition, dancing and traditional music. There, where three years ago dancing meetings began and became an institution for the Northern Sporades.

3o ÄéåèíÝò ÖåóôéâÜë Ðáñáäïóéáêþí ×ïñþí "ÄéáìáíôÞò Ðáëáéïëüãïò" Text: Spyridoula Mpetsani Photos: V. Maroulis - “Dromena tou topou mas” Óôïõò ñõèìïýò ôçò ðáñáäïóéáêÞò ìïõóéêÞò èá "÷ïñÝøåé" ç Óêüðåëïò óôéò 23-2425 Áõãïýóôïõ 2015. 600 ÷ïñåõôÝò áðü êÜèå ãùíéÜ ôçò ÅëëÜäáò, ôçí Êýðñï êáé ôï ÍåðÜë, èá ðñïóöÝñïõí óôï êïéíü îå÷ùñéóôÝò óôéãìÝò, Ýíôïíçò óõãêßíçóçò, åèíéêÞò áíÜôáóçò, èáõìáóìïý êáé ðåñçöÜíéáò. Ôçí ÊõñéáêÞ óôéò 23 Áõãïýóôïõ, üëïé ïé ÷ïñåõôÝò ðéáóìÝíïé ÷Ýñé - ÷Ýñé óå åíôõðùóéáêü êýêëï, ðïõ èá “áãêáëéÜóåé” üëï ôï ëéìÜíé ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ, óå "÷ïñü êõêëùôéêü", èá óçìÜíïõí ôçí Ýíáñîç ôïõ ÖåóôéâÜë. ËÜâáñá, ÷ñþìáôá, îå÷ùñéóôÝò êáé éäéáßôåñåò ôïðéêÝò åíäõìáóßåò èá ðëçììõñßóïõí ôïí ÷þñï. Ç óõíÝ÷åéá èá ãßíåé óôï áíïéêôü èÝáôñï ÓêïðÝëïõ. Ôï ÖåóôéâÜë ðñáãìáôïðïéåßôáé ðñïò ôéìÞí ôïõ "ÄéáìáíôÞ Ðáëáéïëüãïõ", ï ïðïßïò ãåííÞèçêå êáé ìåãÜëùóå óôï Ðáëáéü ÊëÞìá, õðÞñîå ôáëáíôïý÷ïò ÷ïñïäéäÜóêáëïò, ìáèçôÞò ôçò Äþñáò ÓôñÜôïõ êáé øõ÷Þ ôïõ ÷ïñåõôéêïý óõãêñïôÞìáôïò ôçò Ãëþóóáò ÓêïðÝëïõ, ôï ïðïßï áðÝóðáóå ðïëëÝò ðáíåëëÞíéåò äéáêñßóåéò. ×áñáêôçñßóôçêå ãéá ôçí áíéäéïôÝëåéá ôïõ êáé õðïóôÞñéæå ìå ðÜèïò ü,ôé èåùñïýóå êáëýôåñï ãéá ôïí ôüðï ôïõ. ÐïëëÝò ãåíéÝò áãÜðçóáí ôïõò ðáñáäïóéáêïýò ÷ïñïýò ëüãù ôïõ ÌÜíôïõ êáé ôçò óõæýãïõ ôïõ ×ñéóôßíáò. Ôï üñáìá ôùí äéïñãáíùôþí êáé ôçò ìåãÜëçò ïìÜäáò ôùí åèåëïíôþí ôïõ ÖåóôéâÜë, åßíáé ç êáèéÝñùóç ôïõ ùò ìéá áíïéêôÞ ãéïñôÞ ðïõ èá öÝñíåé êïíôÜ ÷ïñåõôÝò êáé óõãêñïôÞìáôá áð’ üëïí ôïí êüóìï áëëÜ êáé ç áíÜäåéîç ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ ùò êÝíôñï ëáúêïý ðïëéôéóìïý êáé ðáñÜäïóçò. Äéïñãáíþíåôáé áðü ôçí áóôéêÞ ìç êåñäïóêïðéêÞ åôáéñåßá "ÐëÝãìá" óå óõíåñãáóßá ìå ôçí ÐåñéöÝñåéá Èåóóáëßáò, ôåëåß õðü ôçí áéãßäá ôïõ Õðïõñãåßïõ Ðïëéôéóìïý, Ðáéäåßáò êáé ÈñçóêåõìÜôùí, ôïõ Åëëçíéêïý Ïñãáíéóìïý Ôïõñéóìïý, ôïõ ÄÞìïõ ÓêïðÝëïõ êáé ôçò ¸íùóçò Îåíïäü÷ùí ÓêïðÝëïõ.

3rd International Festival of Traditional Dances "Diamantis Palaiologos"

“Äñþìåíá ôïõ ôüðïõ ìáò”

“Äñþìåíá ôïõ ôüðïõ ìáò”

“Äñþìåíá ôïõ ôüðïõ ìáò”

Skopelos will dance to the rhythms of traditional music on 23-24-25 August 2015. 600 dancers from every corner of Greece, Cyprus and Nepal will offer unique moments of intense emotion, national exaltation, admiration and pride. On Sunday, August 23rd, all dancers, hand by hand in an impressive circle, will "embrace" the entire port of Skopelos, in a "circling dance", and will signal the beginning of the Festival. Flags, colors, as well as unique and special local costumes will fill the area. This will be continued in the open theatre of Skopelos. The Festival takes place in honor of "Diamantis Palaiologos", who was born and grew up in Palaio Klima, was a talented dance teacher, student of Dora Stratou, and the soul of the dancing group of Glossa, Skopelos, which has received many pan-Hellenic distinctions. He was characterized for his selflessness, and he passionately supported what he considered to be best for his homeland. Many generations loved traditional dances thanks to Mantos and his wife, Christina. The vision of the organizers and the big group of volunteers of the Festival is its establishment as an open celebration that will bring together dancers and groups from all over the world, as well as the promotion of Skopelos as a center of popular culture and tradition. It is organized by the civil, non-profit association "Plegma" in collaboration with the Region of Thessaly, under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture, Education and Religious Affairs, the Greek Tourism Organization, the Municipality of Skopelos and the Skopelos Hoteliers Association.


16 Focus


Skopelos International Film Festival for Youth ÄéåèíÝò ÖåóôéâÜë ÊéíçìáôïãñÜöïõ ÓêïðÝëïõ ãéá ôïõò ÍÝïõò Ìå "ÊÝöé", èá õðïäå÷ôïýí ãéá Ýêôç óõíå÷üìåíç ÷ñïíéÜ, ïé äéïñãáíùôÝò êáé åèåëïíôÝò ôïõ Äéåèíïýò ÖåóôéâÜë ÊéíçìáôïãñÜöïõ ãéá ôïõò ÍÝïõò, ôïõò Ýëëçíåò êáé îÝíïõò óõììåôÝ÷ïíôåò áðü ôéò 27 Éïõëßïõ Ýùò ôéò 3 Áõãïýóôïõ. Ôï èÝìá áõôÞ ôç ÷ñïíéÜ åßíáé ôï åëëçíéêü "ÊÝöé" êáé ç ðñïâïëÞ ôçò ôáéíßáò ðïõ èá äçìéïõñãÞóïõí ôá ðáéäéÜ ìå ôçí êáèïäÞãçóç ôùí åéäéêþí, èá ãßíåé óôéò 3 Áõãïýóôïõ óôïí êéíçìáôïãñÜöï "ÏñöÝá". Ãé' áõôüí ôïí ëüãï ïé óõììåôÝ÷ïíôåò, èá äéäá÷èïýí åëëçíéêïýò ÷ïñïýò êáé èá ìõçèïýí óôçí åëëçíéêÞ ìïõóéêÞ, ðïõ ðáßæïõí ãéá áõôïýò ïé íôüðéïé êáëëéôÝ÷íåò. 29 óêçíïèÝôåò êáé ðáñáãùãïß, ëáìâÜíïõí ìÝñïò áðü ÁìåñéêÞ, Áããëßá, Áõóôñßá, ÔáúâÜí êáé Íüôéá ÊïñÝá, ðïõ êáèïñßæïõí áñìïäéüôçôåò óôá íÝá ðáéäéÜ, ðïéïß äçëáäÞ èá åßíáé çèïðïéïß, óêçíïèÝôåò, óåíáñéïãñÜöïé, cameramen/women, êëð. Ôï SIFFY, äéïñãáíþèçêå ãéá ðñþôç öïñÜ ôï 2009. Ôçí ðñïçãïýìåíç ÷ñïíéÜ, ï êáèçãçôÞò Wangtae Lim áðü ôï Dong-Ah Éíóôéôïýôï ÌÝóùí ÅíçìÝñùóçò êáé Ôå÷íþí åß÷å óêçíïèåôÞóåé Ýíá íôïêéìáíôÝñ ãéá ôéò ÓðïñÜäåò, ìå ôç âïÞèåéá ôçò Jill Somer, Áíáðëçñþôñéáò Äéåõèýíôñéáò ôïõ Éäñýìáôïò ÓêïðÝëïõ ãéá ôéò ÔÝ÷íåò. Ï êáèçãçôÞò Lim óõãêéíÞèçêå áðü ôï íçóß êáé ôïõò áíèñþðïõò êáé èåþñçóå üôé èá Þôáí ôï ôÝëåéï “óêçíéêü” þóôå ôá íÝá ðáéäéÜ íá ðÜñïõí ôéò âÜóåéò ôçò êéíçìáôïãñáöéêÞò äéáäéêáóßáò, åíþ ðáñÜëëçëá áðïêôïýí åìðåéñßåò êáé áíé÷íåýïíôáé ïé äåîéüôçôÝò ôïõò ãýñù áðü áõôÞí.

The organizers and volunteers of Skopelos International Film Festival for Youth will welcome "with kefi" (spirit) the Greek and foreign participants from July 27th to August 3rd. The subject for this year is Greek "Kefi" (spirit), and the projection of the film that the youngsters will create with the guidance of specialists will take place on August 3rd at "Orfeas" cinema. This is why the participants will be taught Greek dances and will be introduced to Greek music, which will be played for them by local artists. 29 directors and producers from America, England, Austria, Taiwan and South Korea, participate and they assign duties to the youngsters, i.e. who will be the actors, the directors, the script writers, the cameramen/women etc. SIFFY was organized for the first time in 2009. The previous year, Professor Wangtae Lim from the Dong-Ah Institute of Mass Media and Arts had directed a documentary about Sporades, with the assistance of Jill Somer, Deputy Director of the Skopelos Foundation for the Arts. Professor Lim was moved by the island and the people, and considered that it would be the perfect "setting" for youngsters to obtain the bases of filming procedure, while, at the same time, they acquire experiences and their skills on it are identified.

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International Plum Convention in Skopelos

Costas. Andreou

Skopelos will be in the focus of international interest on August 20th to 22nd thanks to the organization of the International Convention "III PLUM AND PRUNE WORKING GROUP MEETING", regarding the cultivation and use of "Plum Tree" products. Of course, it could not be realized anywhere else, since three plum varieties, which are unique in the world, are cultivated and developed in Skopelos. The cultivation of plum trees in Skopelos managed to financially sustain many families that had no other income, for many decades. Researchers from university institutes and Research Institutes from all over the world will participate.

Óôç Óêüðåëï ôï ðñþôï Camphill óôçí ÅëëÜäá Ðñüêåéôáé ãéá ìßá êïéíüôçôá ðïõ èá öéëïîåíåß ðáéäéÜ ìå åéäéêÝò éêáíüôçôåò êáé ôá ïðïßá èá Ý÷ïõí ôç äõíáôüôçôá íá åêðáéäåýïíôáé áðü åéäéêïýò, èá ôïõò ðñïóöÝñåôáé ç áíÜëïãç õðïóôÞñéîç ðñïêåéìÝíïõ íá åßíáé áõôüíïìá, íá åñãÜæïíôáé ìÝóá óôï óõãêåêñéìÝíï ÷þñï êáé íá ãåìßæïõí ìå äçìéïõñãéêÝò äñÜóåéò ôçí êáèçìåñéíüôçôÜ ôïõò üðùò æùãñáöéêÞ, éððáóßá ê.á. Óôï Camphill èá öéëïîåíçèïýí ðáéäéÜ êáé áðü ôá ôñßá íçóéÜ ôùí Âïñåßùí ÓðïñÜäùí, áëëÜ êáé ôçò åõñýôåñçò ðåñéï÷Þò ôçò Ìáãíçóßáò. Ôá êôßñéá èá áíåãåñèïýí óå ìéá ðáíÝìïñöç ðåñéï÷Þ ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ, ôçí ðåñéï÷Þ ÁëõêéÜò, óå êôÞìá 5 óôñåììÜôùí, ôá ïðïßá ðáñá÷þñçóå ç ïéêïãÝíåéá ôçò ÌÜ÷çò êáé ÉùÜííç Ðáðáäáõßä. Ðñüêåéôáé ãéá ìéá ðñùôïâïõëßá áãÜðçò áðü ôçí ïéêïãÝíåéá Ðáðáäáõßä, ç ïðïßá âëÝðåé ôï üíåéñï ôçò, íá ðáßñíåé óÜñêá êáé ïóôÜ, Ýíá üíåéñï ãéá ôçí áãáðçìÝíç ôïõò êüñç ÊÝñõ êáé ãéá ôïí ëüãï áõôü, ôï ßäñõìá ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ èá ïíïìáóôåß "Ôï Ðåñéâüëé ôçò ÊÝñõò".

The first Camphill in Greece takes place in Skopelos. Children with special needs from all three islands of the Northern Sporades, as well as from the wider area of Magnesia, will be hosted at the Camphill. The buildings will be erected in a beautiful area of Skopelos, the area of Alykia, in a 5,000 m2 estate, which was granted by the family of Machi and Ioannis Papadavid. The children, who will be hosted in the community, will have the opportunity to be autonomous, to work in the specific space, and to fill their daily routine with creative actions, such as painting, horse riding etc. This is an initiative of love by the Papadavid family, who saw "their dream taking shape", a dream for their beloved daughter, Kerrie, and for this reason the foundation of Skopelos will be named "Kerrie's Orchard".


18 Focus

Ï åðßãåéïò, êáôáðñÜóéíïò ðáñÜäåéóïò ìå ôá óìáñáãäÝíéá íåñÜ, äåí Üöçóå áóõãêßíçôïõò ôïõò ðáñáãùãïýò ôïõ "Mamma Ìia!" ðïõ ôï åðÝëåîáí ìÝóá áðü åêáôïíôÜäåò íçóéÜ ôçò ÅëëÜäáò ãéá ôá ãõñßóìáôá ôçò ôáéíßáò. Text: S. Mpetsani Photos: V. Maroulis



Ôï ÓåðôÝìâñéï ôïõ 2008, ôï íçóß ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ ìåôáôñÜðçêå óå ×üëõãïõíô. Óõíåñãåßá, ðáñáãùãïß, äéÜóçìïé çèïðïéïß üðùò ç ÌÝñéë Óôñßð êáé ï Ðßñò Ðñüóíáí, ÷ïñåõôÝò, ãÝìéóáí ôïõò äñüìïõò êáé ôéò ðáñáëßåò ôïõ íçóéïý. Ïé ôïðïèåóßåò ðïõ åðéëÝ÷ôçêáí Þôáí ï ¢ãéïò ÉùÜííçò óôï Êáóôñß óôç Ãëþóóá, óôïí ïðïßï ãõñßóôçêå ï “ãÜìïò”, ç ðáñáëßá ÊáóôÜíé, üðïõ óôÞèçêå îýëéíç ãÝöõñá, ï ÁìÜñáíôïò ìå ôéò âñá÷þäåéò ðáñáëßåò êáé ôï ÷áñáêôçñéóôéêü ðåýêï ðïõ âãáßíåé ìÝóá áðü ôç èÜëáóóá, ôï ìïíïðÜôé ìåôáîý ÌçëéÜò êáé ÊáóôÜíé, ðïõ öáßíåôáé óôá ðñþôá ëåðôÜ ôçò ôáéíßáò, êáé ðëÜíá åîáéñåôéêÞò èÝáò, ðïõ ôñáâÞ÷ôçêáí áðü ôçí ðåñéï÷Þ ìå ôçí ïíïìáóßá "Íçóß" óôç Óêüðåëï êáé ÃëõóôÝñé. Ìçí îåãåëáóôåßôå... áõôÜ ôá ìÝñç, èá ôá âñåßôå ìüíï óôç Óêüðåëï! Ãéá ôçí éóôïñßá áíáöÝñåôáé üôé åäþ Ý÷åé ãõñéóôåß ç åëëçíéêÞ ôáéíßá "Ï ÌåôáíÜóôçò" êáé ç ôçëåïðôéêÞ óåéñÜ åðï÷Þò "Ôï ÊáðëÜíé ôçò Âéôñßíáò", åíþ ôïí Éïýíéï ðïõ ìáò ðÝñáóå, ïëïêëçñþèçêáí óôï íçóß ôá ãõñßóìáôá ôáéíßáò ÑùóéêÞò ðáñáãùãÞò.

The green paradise on earth, with the emerald waters, hasn't left the producers of "Mamma Mia!" unaffected, who selected it among the hundreds of islands of Greece for shooting the movie. In September 2008, the island of Skopelos was transformed into Hollywood. Crews, producers, famous actors, such as Meryl Streep and Pierce Brosnan, and dancers filled the island's streets and beaches. The locations selected were Agios Ioannis at Kastri in Glossa, where the wedding was shot, "Kastani" beach, where a wooden bridge was set, Amarantos with its rocky beaches and the characteristic pine tree that emerges from the sea, the path between Milia and Kastani, which is shown during the first minutes of the movie, and shots of great view, which were taken in the area called "Nisi" (Island) in Skopelos and Glysteri. Don't be fooled… you will find these places only in Skopelos! For the record, it is mentioned that the Greek film "The Immigrant" and the old television series "Shop Window Tiger" were shot in Skopelos, while in July of the previous year the shootings of a Russian production film were completed on the island.


20 Focus

interview: Sotiris Paraskevas

Máñßá Âïãéáôæüãëïõ Õðåýèõíç Äçìïóßùí Ó÷Ýóåùí ôçò ¸íùóçò Îåíïäü÷ùí ÓêïðÝëïõ Ìðïñåßôå íá ìáò ðåñéãñÜøåôå ìå äõï ëüãéá ôçí “öõóéïãíùìßá” ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ ùò ôïõñéóôéêü ðñïïñéóìü; ÊáôáðñÜóéíï íçóß, ìáãåõôéêÝò ðáñáëßåò ìå êáôáãÜëáíá íåñÜ, äéáôçñçôÝïé ïéêéóìïß, öéëüîåíïé êÜôïéêïé, ôïðéêÜ ðáñáäïóéáêÜ ðñïúüíôá êáé åäÝóìáôá, ðïéïôéêÞ äéáóêÝäáóç. Éäáíéêüò ðñïïñéóìüò ãéá æåõãÜñéá êÜèå çëéêßáò êáé ïéêïãÝíåéåò. Ðþò ÷áñáêôçñßæåôå óôï óýíïëü ôïõ, ôï îåíïäï÷åéáêü ðñïúüí ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ; Ç Óêïðåëïò óáí ôïõñéóôéêü ðñïúüí åìöáíßóôçêå óôç äåêáåôßá ôïõ ´70. Áñ÷éêÜ, ëüãù ôçò äýóêïëçò ðñüóâáóçò êáé ôçò Ýëëåéøçò îåíïäï÷åéáêþí êáôáëýìáôùí ç êßíçóç Þôáí áñêåôÜ ðåñéïñéóìåíç êáé óå áñéèìü åðéóêåðôþí êáé óå ÷ñïíéêÞ äéÜñêåéá. Áðï ôéò áñ÷Ýò ôçò äåêáåôéáò ôïõ ‘80 ìå ôçí åðÝêôáóç ôïõ áåñïäñüìéïõ ôçò ÓêéÜèïõ, äçìéïõñãÞèçêå ç õðïäïìÞ ðôÞóåùí charter áð’ åõèåßáò áðü ôï åîùôåñéêü, ðïõ ùöÝëçóå êáé ôï íçóß ìáò, ìå áðïôÝëåóìá ç Óêüðåëïò íá áðïêôÞóåé ðïëëÜ ìéêñÜ êáé ìåóáßá ôïõñéóôéêÜ êáôáëýìáôá. Ç óçìåñéíÞ êáôÜóôáóç ôçò îåíïäï÷åéáêÞò õðïäïìÞò ôïõ íçóéïý, ðáñÜ ôçí Ýëëåéøç ìåãÜëùí ìïíÜäùí (ðÜíù ôùí 300 êëéíþí) êáëýðôåé üëá ôá âáëÜíôéá êáé ç ó÷Ýóç ðïéüôçôáò êáé ôéìÞò åßíáé åîáéñåôéêÞ.

Maria Vogiatzoglou Responsible for the Public Relations of the Skopelos Hoteliers Association Can you describe for us the "physiognomy" of Skopelos as a tourist destination? A lush island, with majestic beaches with clear blue waters, listed settlements, hospitable inhabitants, local traditional products and delicacies, and quality entertainment. An ideal destination for couples of all ages, and families. How do you characterize the hotel product of Skopelos in its entirety? Skopelos as a tourist product appeared during the '70s. Initially, due to the difficult access and the lack of hotel accommodations, there was quite a limited movement both in visitor numbers and duration. Since the beginning of the '80s, with the expansion of the airport of Skiathos, the charter flights infrastructure directly from abroad was created, which benefited our island, resulting in Skopelos obtaining many small and medium-size tourist accommodations. Today's condition of the island's hotel infrastructure, besides the lack of large units (above 300 beds) covers all price ranges, and the quality-price relationship is great. Please mention to us some of the activities-actions of the Skopelos Hoteliers Association, which are linked to the tourist "profile" of the island. We undertook the management of a TOPSA (local employment program, which is adjusted to the needs of the local labor market) Thessaly program, and we materialized it to the benefit of the Association. We have already managed to create and operate a dynamic site for the Association, “”, which will project the island of Skopelos and the members of the association. We came in contact with all the organizations of the island in order to contribute and support the events, which will take place this summer in Skopelos, and which will contribute significantly to the projection of the island. We are in contact with the Greek Tourism Organization (EOT) and its offices abroad, in order to invite journalists, aiming at the projection of our island to the reading and television audience. Which are the Association's future moves for the creation of a powerful tourist "brand name" with international awareness? Pursuing a determining move for the promotion of our island, in collaboration with the Local Committee of Tourism Promotion, in which the Association participates, we assigned to the specialized company "Marketing Greece S.A.", one of the biggest companies, which has effectively and successfully undertaken the promotion of other destinations in Greece (Crete, Ionian islands, Thessaloniki, Chalkidiki etc.), the promotion and more effective advertizing of our homeland. We are also preparing a day conference with Open Tourism, where distinguished speakers will inform on the new ways of promotion - marketing of the local tourist product of Skopelos. Mrs. Vogiatzoglou is also the Managing Director of the hotel business VILLAGE OF SKOPELOS S.A., which is the owner of the SKOPELOS VILLAGE hotel.

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Ç êõñßá Âïãéáôæüãëïõ, åßíáé ðáñÜëëçëá Äéåõèýíïõóá Óýìâïõëïò ôçò îåíïäï÷åéáêÞò åðé÷åßñçóçò ÓÊÏÐÅËÉÔÉÊÏ ×ÙÑÉÏ ÁÅ, ðïõ Ý÷åé óôçí éäéïêôçóßá ôçò ôï îåíïäï÷åßï SKOPELOS VILLAGE.

Eden apartments Elios (Neo Klima), Skopelos Ôel: +30 24240 33301

+30 24240 33788

+30 24240 33172


ÌÇÔÅ: 0726Ê123Ê0206600


22 Around the island


Áí Ýðñåðå íá ðåñéãñÜøïõìå ôçí Óêüðåëï ìå äýï ÷ñþìáôá, áõôÜ èá Þôáí ôï ðñÜóéíï êáé ôï ãáëÜæéï áöïý ðñüêåéôáé ãéá ôï ðéï ðñÜóéíï íçóß ôïõ Áéãáßïõ êáé Ýíá áðü ôá ðéï ðñÜóéíá íçóéÜ ôçò Ìåóïãåßïõ, ìå ôï ðåõêïäÜóïò íá áðëþíåôáé óå üëï ôï ìÞêïò êáé ôï ðëÜôïò ôïõ íçóéïý. Óå ðïëëÝò ðåñéðôþóåéò áããßæåé ôç èÜëáóóá, äßíïíôáò ôçò ôï ÷ñþìá ôïõ óìáñáãäéïý êáé áõôü áêñéâþò ôï ðÜíôñåìá ôçò èÜëáóóáò êáé ôïõ ðåýêïõ åßíáé ðïõ ôçí êÜíåé ìïíáäéêÞ. Ïé åéäõëëéáêÝò áêôÝò, ôá ðáñèÝíá äÜóç, ôá âïõíÜ ìå èÝá ðïõ êüâïõí ôçí áíÜóá, ïé ðáñáäïóéáêïß ïéêéóìïß ôçò ×þñáò êáé ôçò Ãëþóóáò, ôá åðéâëçôéêÜ ìïíáóôÞñéá, ôá ãñáöéêÜ ìáãáæéÜ, ïé ðáñáäïóéáêÝò ôáâÝñíåò êáé øáñïôáâÝñíåò äßðëá óôï êýìá, ôá cosy ìðáñÜêéá áëëÜ êáé ôï Üñùìá ôïõ ×üëõãïõíô, ðïõ Üöçóå ðßóù ôçò ç ôáéíßá "Mamma Ìia!", (áöïý ôá ðåñéóóüôåñá ãõñßóìáôá Ýãéíáí åäþ), èá âÜëïõí ôç Óêüðåëï óôéò øçëüôåñåò èÝóåéò ôùí åðéëïãþí óáò, ùò ôüðï éäáíéêþí äéáêïðþí. ÊÅÉÌÅÍÏ: ÓÐÕÑÉÄÏÕËÁ ÌÐÅÔÓÁÍÇ

PANORMOS Photo: Zachos Stamoulis


If we had to describe Skopelos with two colors, these would be green and blue, since it is the greenest island of the Aegean and one of the greenest islands of the Mediterranean, with its pine forest expanding throughout the length and width of the island. In many cases, it touches the sea, giving it the color of emerald and this exact matching of sea and pine is what makes it unique. These idyllic coasts, the virgin forests, the mountains with views that catch the breath, the traditional settlements of Chora and Glossa, the imposing monasteries, the picturesque shops, the traditional taverns and fish taverns by the sea, the cozy bars, as well as the scent of Hollywood that the "Mamma Mia!" movie left behind (since most shootings were performed here), will place Skopelos in the highest ranks of your choices, as a place for ideal vacations.

Text: Spyridoyla Mpetsani Photos: Zachos Stamoulis, Costas Andreou


24 Around the island

Z. Stamoulis

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C. Andreou

Z. Stamoulis

"PLANNING ON THE MAP" EXERCISES Skopelos is located in central Aegean, to the east of Pelion and to the north of Evoia, between Skiathos and Alonnisos and it is the capital of the island complex of Northern Sporades. The perimeter of its coastline is 67 km., and it covers a 95.8 surface. Its higher peak is "Delphi" at 680m. and Palouki follows with 565m. It has three ports, the ones of Skopelos, Agnontas and Loutraki. Besides the main settlement, Skopelos' Chora, there are three villages, located to the south, southwest of the island, Glossa, with Loutraki as its port, and Neo Klima (Elios), and also three small settlements, Agnonta, Panormo and Palio Klima. There are three routes to reach these starting from Chora: The first is by following the perimeter of the island, clockwise, which crosses the entire south, southwest side -where the most and most beautiful beaches are located - and ends after 37 km at its other edge, Loutraki of Glossa. The second route starts from the ring road, passes above Skopelos' Chora in order to reach its higher point, mountain Delphi and ends at Elios. The third route starts from the ring road, follows the road towards the Heliport, where the Monastery of Saint Riginos, Protector of the island, is located, passes through the beaches of Panormo, Antrines, Milia, Kastani, the village of Elios and ends where all roads end, at Loutraki of Glossa.

WHAT TO SEE There are many sights in Skopelos, and you will need a few days of stay in order to admire them. In Chora, the Folklore Museum, the "Vakratsa" Mansion and the house-museum of Pavlos Nirvanas. The Venetian Castle-Fortress, which was built by the Venetians in the 13th century. Below the Castle, the Acropolis of classical years with the wall of ancient Peparithos is located. In the new port, and specifically at "Ampeliki" position, you can see archaeological findings from the ancient temple, which was dedicated to Asclepius in the 4th century B.C., the "Asclepion". The Byzantine Monasteries of Evangelistria (Annunciation), Prodromos (John the Baptist), Agia Varvara (Saint Barbara), Agioi Taxiarches (Archangels), Sotiras (Savior), unique monuments of cultural heritage, at Palouki mountain. Also, the monastery of "Agia Moni" (Holy Monastery), which is at the north side of the island, and of Agios Efstathios in Karya. At a distance of 2 km to the south of Chora "Episkopi", a church of the 4th century. At the same road, the Monastery of Agios Riginos, the protector of Skopelos. Sentoukia, the carved tombs of pirates, which are located at Karya mountain. In Stafylos, the area where the tomb and the sword of king Stafylos were found. Drakonoschisma, the area where the mountain was split in half and

C. Andreou

the dragon was killed following its battle with Agios Riginos, is found in a detour before Agnontas. Palio Klima at Elios, which is a wonderful sample of a traditional settlement. Ai Giannis at Kastri, at Glossa, the chapel that was built on a very high and sharp rock, and became globally famous because of the shootings of the "Mamma Mia!" movie. The Monastery of Agioi Taxiarches (Archangels) in Glossa, the Folklore Museum, the Maritime Museum, the Roman Baths and the ancient walls in Loutraki, "Faros" (1887), a historical, listed monument, which is located at Gourouni Cape, 10 km outside Glossa. Discover hidden Skopelos, by crossing its mountains with the endless forests and the sensational view.

WHAT TO TASTE It is a sin to visit Skopelos and not taste the famous traditional Cheese Pie of Skopelos! It is crispy, fried, and filled with local goat cheese. The must of gourmants is fresh grouper cooked as stew, spaghetti with lobster, and pork with plums from Skopelos, which constitute a unique variety in the world. The tasting is supplemented by the delicious baby goat of Skopelos, of the famous rare breed of "Goat of Skopelos". For desert, choose the "chamalia" marzipans scented with flower water and rose water, and the "Avgato Plum" spoon sweet. Don't forget to take plums, almonds, butter pears, olives, oil, honey, and choose between a large variety of sweets and jams made by local producers.

HAPPENINGS IN SKOPELOS The activity that characterizes the inhabitants of the island results in a variety of cultural and sports events. The pan-Hellenic poetry competition "Caesarius Daponte" in the end of May, the Musical Festival in the end of June, the PanHellenic Beach Volley Masters Championship, which took place this year for the first time in "Ammos" on July 17-19. The International Sailing Week of the Northern Aegean "DIEBA" (from August 1st to August 8th). The Pan-Hellenic Festival of Traditional Dances "Diamantis Paleologos" (August 23-25). The "SIFFY" Youth Film Festival (August 3rd). The International Plum Conference (August 20th-22nd). "Loizeia", which take place in Glossa (at the end of June). The festival of traditional dances that takes place in Glossa (at the end of August). The Tour of Elios, which takes place every year in May. The fish night in Glossa (beginning of August) and the squid light in Elios.

STRONG PRESENCE OF TRADITION Something that characterizes Skopelos is the "religious" love of its inhabitants


26 Around the island

Z. Stamoulis

C. Andreou

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for the preservation of its customs and its tradition. You will certainly be present in some of the many cultural events, which are organized by the numerous Associations of the island, such as the Cultural and Folklore Association of Skopelos with its dancing group, the Cultural Association of Active Citizens, the Maritime Sailing Swimming Association, the FAROS Association, the Amateur Theatrical Group of Skopelos of the famous actor, Takis Moschos, the Sports Group of Skopelos, the Cultural - Embellishing Association of Glossa, the "Plegma" non-governmental organization, the Sports Group of Elios, "Keravnos" and many more… If you are lucky and attend the annual exhibition of artists, which takes places in the beginning of August, you will be impressed by the masterpieces of micro-shipbuilding, traditional knives, unique black-figure pottery, painted plates, which are all samples of folk art, while, if you love literature, don't miss the lectures on Pavlos Nirvanas from Skopelos, who has written poetic collections, studies, essays, narratives and theatrical plays, as well as on Caesarius Daponte, one of the most significant scholars of the 18th century, who lived in Skopelos. Choose the island as a destination during Easter and experience the Sufferings of Christ in an atmosphere of devoutness. Finally, see the unique carnival customs, which are revived during the last two Sundays of the Carnival, the Dionysian custom of Tranta and the custom of "Kales or Bramdes". Natural beauty of dense pine tree forests and bluegreen beaches, picturesque traditional settlements, sensational sunsets, Byzantine monasteries and countless chapels, history and mythology, folk art and tradition, hospitable and friendly hosts. This is Skopelos, the proud lady of North Sporades. It maintains a low profile and lets its dreamy sceneries talk. This is Skopelos, paradise on earth, which is calling you to live your dream!

Apanemo Restaurant & Beach bar Limnonari, Skopelos

Tel.: +30 24240 24535

+30 6942 669685


Ôï “Apanemo restaurant & beach bar” âñßóêåôáé óôï ËéìíïíÜñé ÓêïðÝëïõ. ÐñïóöÝñïõìå Ýíá óýíïëï õðçñåóéþí áðü ôéò 9 ôï ðñùß ìå ôá õðÝñï÷á ðñùéíÜ, ôçí ïñãáíùìÝíç ðáñáëßá, ôá èáëÜóóéá óðüñ, êáèþò åðßóçò êáé ôïí áðïëáõóôéêü êáöÝ. Ç ðéóßíá ìå èáëáóóéíï íåñü êáé ôï pool bar ëåéôïõñãïýí áðü ôï ðñùß ìÝ÷ñé ôéò 10 ôï âñÜäõ, ðñïóöÝñïíôáò õðÝñï÷á ñïöÞìáôá êáé cocktails. Óôï åóôéáôüñéï èá âñåßôå ïëüöñåóêá øÜñéá áðü ôçí Óêüðåëï êáé ôçí Áëüííçóï, êáèþò êáé ìïíáäéêÜ ðéóôïðïéçìÝíá âéïëïãéêÜ ðñïúüíôá üðùò ëÜäé, ôõñß, ìÝëé, êáé êñÝáò.

"Apanemo restaurant & beach bar" is located at Limnonari of Skopelos. We offer a series of services from 9 in the morning with wonderful breakfasts, organized beach, sea sports, as well as delicious coffee. The pool with sea water and the pool bar operate from the morning till 10 o' clock at night, offering wonderful beverages and cocktails. In the restaurant, you will find fresh fish from Skopelos and Alonnisos, as well as unique certified biological products, such as oil, cheese, honey and meat.


28 The town

S. Paraskevas


Ç ×þñá áðïôåëåß áðü ìüíç ôçò áîéïèÝáôï, óå åíôõðùóéÜæåé Ýôóé üðùò ôç âëÝðåéò íá óå õðïäÝ÷åôáé öôÜíïíôáò ìå ôï êáñÜâé. Åßíáé áìöéèåáôñéêÜ êôéóìÝíç êáé ï ÷áñáêôçñéóìÝíïò, ðáñáäïóéáêüò ïéêéóìüò ôçò, ìå ôéò âåíåôóéÜíéêåò, ìáêåäïíéêÝò êáé ðçëéïñåßôéêåò åðéññïÝò, åßíáé óáãçíåõôéêüò. Ðëáêüóôñùôá óïêÜêéá, ïëüëåõêá óðßôéá ðïõ áðëþíïíôáé ãýñù áðü ôï ÊÜóôñï êáé êáôáëÞãïõí óôï ëéìÜíé, äéþñïöá êáé ôñéþñïöá áñ÷ïíôéêÜ ðïõ Ý÷ôéóáí ïé ðëïýóéïé Ýìðïñïé ôçò. ÁìÝôñçôá äéÜóðáñôá åêêëçóÜêéá, âïõêáìâßëéåò êáé ãéáóåìéÜ óõíèÝôïõí Ýíá ïéêéóôéêü óýíïëï ìå éäéáßôåñç ôáõôüôçôá êáé îå÷ùñéóôü ÷ñþìá. ÓÞìá êáôáôåèÝí ç Ðáíáãßôóá ôïõ Ðýñãïõ, ðïõ óôÝêåé ðåñÞöáíç ðÜíù óôï âñÜ÷ï ôçò, óôçí Üêñç ôïõ ðáëéïý ëéìáíéïý, åíþ óôçí Üëëç Üêñç âñßóêåôáé ôï áñ÷áßï Áóêëçðéåßï, ðïõ ìáñôõñÜ ôçí éóôïñßá ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ ç ïðïßá ÷Üíåôáé óôá âÜèç ôùí áéþíùí.

THE TOWN OF SKOPELOS The main town is alone an attraction. As the boat approaches its welcome is impressive. A traditional village, amphitheatrically built with Venetian, Macedonian and Pelion influences can only be seductive. Cobbled streets, whitewashed houses spread around the Castle to end at the port, two and three storey mansions built by local wealthy traders. Countless little churches, bougainvillea and jasmine create a residential complex with distinct identity and color. Panagitsa of Pyrgos (the church) is the trademark. It stands proud on the edge of the cliff above the old port, while at the other side stands the ancient Temple of Asclepius, as if to witness the long history of Skopelos, throughout the centuries.

Text: Sotiris Paraskevas, Spyridoyla Mpetsani

Photos: Sotiris Paraskevas, Costas Andreou, Zachos Stamoulis


30 The town

Z. Stamoulis

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C. Andreou

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C. Andreou

S. Paraskevas

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C. Andreou

A walk in Chora

Follow us in a short tour within the town of Skopelos

FROM THE OLD PORT TO THE CASTLE The old harbor is the ideal place to start. On the right you have the sea. Small boats, fishing boats, excursion boats. On your left, right before the neoclassical building of the Town Hall, the “Rock”, geniously lit, will capture your eye. Count 50 cemented stairs to climb to the namesake Cafe -Bar, and enjoy the panoramic view. Moving on, you will see several beautiful taverns, while opposite, next to the waterfront, the monument of the Unknown local Soldier in Navy, impresses. At the edge of the harbor, you will see emerging from the coast of Plakes, Chadoula’s rock and all along the length of the anchorage, luxury boats and yachts giving a cosmopolitan flair to the main town. However, what really magnetizes the visitor is the whitewashed church of "Panagitsa of Pyrgos", as the locals call the church of the Virgin Mary located on the edge of the harbor. It has a cruciform shape and is built on the imposing rock (on our left as we look at the sea), which we reach climbing the small stone steps. The temple dates from the 17th century and unfolds scenes from the Old and New Testaments. Then, follow the winding roads and landings leading to the ruins of the Venetian castle (13th cent.). As you ascend, you are gradually situated in a totally different era. It is film scenery: splendid churches next to cliffs overlook-


32 The town

Z. Stamoulis

S. Paraskevas

S. Paraskevas

Z. Stamoulis

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C. Andreou

S. Paraskevas

S. Paraskevas

S. Paraskevas

ing the magnificent Aegean Sea and Alonissos, and if the time for the sunrise has come, your inner self will be reborn! Reknown "Anatoli" however, the tavern of well-known “rebetis” Yiorgos Xintaris, a benchmark for all visitors, will be awaiting you. The Greek and the... pirate flag waving at the top right next to the remains of the Castle, the colors of the West and the sounds of “rebetika” will engrave your mind.

THE INLAND In order to acquire a deeper knowledge of the main town and to realize the volume of its traditional character, choose one of the narrow, cobbled streets that start from the old port and go up. The freshly whitewashed houses, so tightly hugged, you can hardly tell their distinct lines, form the small neighborhoods with the bougainvillea embracing the balconies hiding tiny courtyards. Occasionally, vibrant colors pop out and create a sharp contrast with the brown tones that the locals used to paint the doors and windows. The architecture is of particular interest as it is divided between Venice, Pelion, Macedonia, rural and neoclassical, influenced by the culture the residents occasionally brought with them on the island... However, what will really impress you are the churches and the numerous small chapels that pop up between the roofs of the houses and the winding streets. The opinion of the locals about their exact number differ, some talk about over 100, others double the number. What is undeniable is that their presence testifies the deep religious feeling of the people of Skopelos, who, with great respect continue to care for their religious tradition. Among the beautiful churches it is worth visiting the Church of the Nativity of Christ, the cathedral of the city, below the Castle. The temple dates back to 1765. Old icons and relics of the temple of Agios Athanasios on the Castle along with the relics of St. Riginos are of great importance and have their own special place. The bell of the church was donated to the locals by Alexis Orlov for their participation in the naval battle of Cesme (1770), where the Turkish fleet was destroyed.

S. Paraskevas


34 The town

S. Paraskevas

S. Paraskevas

S. Paraskevas

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S. Paraskevas

Continuing your stroll you will pass the "Mansion Vakratsa", a beautiful house, typically local, which belonged to Mrs. Vakratsa Antigone, who donated it to the Municipality of Skopelos, and now functions as a museum where the relics and the personal belongings of the family Vakratsa are exhibited. In the beautiful courtyard, where various cultural events take place, we focus our attention to the palm tree. In another alley the Folklore Museum is located, a building donated in 1991 to the Municipality of Skopelos, by the Nikolaidis family. Here, are housed all the "material evidence" of the local history, with the rich and aristocratic, bridal attire of Skopelos "morko" or "stofa" being one of the most remarkable exhibits. A little further down, in the St John’s district, next to the church of the Three Hierarchs, you will see the house - museum where great Modern Greek writer Pavlos Nirvanas, (Petros Apostolidis, his real name) spent his childhood. The building was repaired and refitted to an exhibition carrying the history of Skopelos


36 The town

Z. Stamoulis

C. Andreou

åðéóêåõÜóôçêå êáé ìåôáóêåõÜóôçêå óå åêèåôÞñéï ôçò éóôïñßáò ôçò ðüëçò ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ áðü ôçí áñ÷áéüôçôá ìÝ÷ñé óÞìåñá. ×áìçëÜ, ðñïò ôï ëéìÜíé, ôá ãñáöéêÜ ìáãáæÜêéá, ôáâåñíÜêé êáé ìðáñÜêéá, óôïëßæïõí ìå ôï äéêü ôïõò ýöïò ôï óáãçíåõôéêü ëáâýñéíèï, êáé ï êüóìïò ðïõ âïëôÜñåé ÷áëáñÜ óõìðëçñþíåé ôï íôåêüñ. Óõíå÷ßóôå ôçí ðåñéðëÜíçóç êáé áí íïìßæåôå üôé ÷áèÞêáôå, áðëÜ êáôçöïñßóôå êáé èá âñåèåßôå ðÜëé óôï ëéìÜíé.

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Z. Stamoulis

town from the ancient times until today. Lower down, to the port, quaint shops and bars form, in their own way, the captivating maze, with the people strolling loose only to perfect the picture. Continue wandering and if you feel lost, just walk down and you will find yourself again at the port.

AMMOS AND THE NEW PORT The new port is your starting point for the beach, the other villages and the ring road which passes over the main town. Ships and cars come and go all day and night. The taxis and the buses are right there. Right across are the famous Square "Platanos" and the grill houses. Along the harbor, you will find smart coffee shops, picturesque taverns, tourist shops, patisseries, bakeries -don't forget to taste the unique Skopelos “tyropita”(cheese pie)- pharmacies, markets, the cinema "Orpheus" -where several events are organized-, the Old Olive Press, a bar for late nights until dawn, different bars and restaurants. The area of the new port forms a bustling center, with intense activity and movement, where you can find everything. Crossing the esplanade you will find Ammos, the beach where on July 17,18 and 19, 2015 the National Championship Beach Volley Masters took place. Along the beach, you will come


MH.T.E. 0756ĂŠ92000411301

5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 6-13 guests

Ditropon - Panormos, Skopelos Tel.: +30 6972841329 e-mail: Mg: Zacharias Stamoulis


38 The town

C. Andreou

C. Andreou

Ýíôïíç äñáóôçñéüôçôá êáé êßíçóç, üðïõ ìðïñåßôå íá æçôÞóåôå êáé íá âñåßôå ôá ðÜíôá. Äéáó÷ßæïíôáò ôïí ðáñáëéáêü äñüìï èá óõíáíôÞóåôå ôçí ðáñáëßá "¢ììïò", óôçí ïðïßá ãéá ðñþôç öïñÜ óôéò 17,18 êáé 19 Éïõëßïõ 2015 äéåîÞ÷èç ôï ÐáíåëëÞíéï ÐñùôÜèëçìá Beach Volley Masters. ÊáôÜ ìÞêïò ôçò ðáñáëßáò, èá âñåßôå áñêåôÝò ðñïôÜóåéò ãéá öáãçôü êáé êáöÝ ìå öüíôï ôç ×þñá. Åêåß êïíôÜ èá áíáêáëýøåôå êáé ôï åñãáóôÞñé áããåéïðëáóôéêÞò ôùí ìïíáäéêþí ìåëáíüìïñöùí áããåßùí óôçí ÅëëÜäá. Ðñïò ôï ôÝëïò, óôçí ðåñéï÷Þ ÁìðåëéêÞ, èá äåßôå ôï "Áóêëçðéåßï", áñ÷áßï èåñáðåõôÞñéï áöéåñùìÝíï óôïí Áóêëçðéü, üðïõ åêôßèåôáé ìéêñüò áñéèìüò áñ÷áéïëïãéêþí åõñçìÜôùí.

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S. Paraskevas

C. Andreou

across several suggestions for diner and coffee making the main town your background. Near Ammos, you will discover the historic pottery workshop that produces the unique black-figure greek vases. Towards the end of the beach, in the region of Ampeliki you will see the "Asclepion", the healing temple dedicated to Asclepius, where a small number of archaeological findings are exhibited.

NOT FAR FROM THE MAIN TOWN A very nice walk that we propose is the path to the mountain "Palouki" to enjoy the best view of the town. There, in a magnificent landscape with spectacular views on the Aegean Sea, lie one after the other the Byzantine monasteries of Evangelistria, the Baptist (Prodromou), St. Barbara, the Savior (Sotiros) and the beautiful churches of the Holy Archangels, St. Anna and the Holy Trinity. “Episkopi” (Episcopacy) is two kilometers south of the town of Skopelos, on the right of the road that goes to the southern beaches. It is a Venetian building, with a basilica church in the middle of the courtyard, destined for the seat of the Bishop of Skopelos. It remained unfinished due to the raid of the pirate Barbarossa (1538). You will find it open on August 23, day of cele-

Z. Stamoulis

åêêëçóßá ôåëïýíôáé åðßóçò ìõóôÞñéá êáé éäéùôéêÝò ëåéôïõñãßåò. Óõíå÷ßæïíôáò, óôïí ßäéï äñüìï, 4 ÷ëì. íüôéá ôçò ×þñáò, èá äåßôå ôç ÌïíÞ ôïõ Áãßïõ Ñçãßíïõ, ôïõ ðïëéïý÷ïõ ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ. Ç åêêëçóßá ôïõ ¢ãéïõ Ñçãßíïõ, êôßóôçêå ôï 1728, ìÜëëïí óôá åñåßðéá ðáëáéüôåñçò, âõæáíôéíÞò ìïíÞò. Ï óçìåñéíüò íáüò êáôáóêåõÜóèçêå ôç äåêáåôßá ôïõ 1960. Óôçí áõëÞ ôïõ ìïíáóôçñéïý õðÜñ÷åé ç óáñêïöÜãïò ôïõ Áãßïõ, ðñþôïõ åðéóêüðïõ ôïõ íçóéïý, ï ïðïßïò ìáñôýñçóå ôïí 4ï áéþíá ì.×. Óôéò 24 êáé 25 Öåâñïõáñßïõ ãßíïíôáé ëáôñåõôéêÝò åêäçëþóåéò ìå ëéôáíåßåò êáé ôçí ìåãÜëç ðåñéöïñÜ ôïõ éåñïý ëåéøÜíïõ ôïõ Áãßïõ áðü ôï ìïíáóôÞñé óôïõò äñüìïõò ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ ìÝ÷ñé ôï íáü ôçò ÃÝííçóçò ôïõ ×ñéóôïý. Ç ×þñá èá óáò áñÝóåé. ÌïéñÜæåé óå ßóåò “äüóåéò” ôïí ðáñáäïóéáêü êáé ôïõñéóôéêü ôçò ÷áñáêôÞñá êáé ïé ðåñéçãÞóåéò óáò äåí åîáíôëïýíôáé óå ìéÜ Þ äýï ìÝñåò. Áñ÷ïíôéÜ, êáèáñéüôçôá, äéáöïñåôéêÜ åñåèßóìáôá óå êÜèå óáò âÞìá. Áêüìç, ïé åðéëïãÝò ðïõ áöïñïýí ôç äéáóêÝäáóç åßíáé ðñÜãìáôé éäéáßôåñåò, êáèþò ðïëëÜ áðü ôá êáöÝ êáé ôá ìðáñ ôïõ íçóéïý Ý÷ïõí îå÷ùñéóôÞ áôìüóöáéñá êáé öõóéïãíùìßá. Äåí Ý÷åé “áëëïôñéùèåß” ç ×þñá áðü ôá êýìáôá ôïõñéóôþí ðïõ ôçí åðéóêÝðôïíôáé êáé ïýôå ðñüêåéôáé íá óõìâåß, áðëÜ ãéáôß êáíåßò äåí ôï åðéèõìåß ïýôå ïé êÜôïéêïé áëëÜ ïýôå êáé ïé åðéóêÝðôåò ïé ïðïßïé Ýñ÷ïíôáé ãé áõôü áêñéâþò ðïõ åßíáé: áðëÞ êáé üìïñöç.

bration, when the Episkopi opens for a vigil followed by a festival. The church also functions for liturgies and private religious events. Continuing on the same road, 4 km. south, you will see the Monastery of St Riginos, the patron saint of Skopelos. The church of Saint Riginos, built in 1728, probably on the ruins of the oldest Byzantine monastery. The present church was built in the 1960s. In the courtyard of the monastery there is the sarcophagus of the saint, the first bishop-martyr of the island (4th century AD). On February 24 and 25 religious festivities take place along with processions as well a great procession of the sacred relics in the streets of Skopelos setting out from the Holy Monastery to the church of the Nativity of Christ. You will love the town of Skopelos. It allocates equal portions of tradition and tourist character and your tours will not run out in one or two days. Nobility, cleanliness and different stimuli at every step you take. Furthermore, the options for amusement are indeed special, as many of the cafes and bars of the island have each an ambiance and character of their own. The town of Skopelos will never lose its identity because neither the local people nor the tourists want it. That is the reason why the latter visit the island, because it is what it is: simple and beautiful.



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Photo: V. Maroulis

Öùôïãñáößåò: Â. Ìáñïýëçò, Ê. ÁíäñÝïõ, Ó. ÐáñáóêåõÜò, Steffen, Æ. Óôáìïýëçò

GLOSSA Glossa has been described as the "balcony of the Aegean" and not without reason. From each and every point, the endless blue catches your eye. Built on a green hillside, it overlooks Skiathos and Euboea. "The High village" according to Alexandros Papadiamantis and "The Vineyard region" according to Alexander Moraitidis, Glossa impresses by its nobility and its rich cultural activity. Back in time the region seems to have been inhabited by Cretans and may have been a colony during the Minoan era as traces of a prehistoric dwelling were discovered which explains the name that was given to the village in the past: Knossa was the name of the town built in this area by the first inhabitants of the island, the Minoans. Others attribute it to the tongue (glossa) shape of the cape in the sea area of the settlement. (There is also a more humorous version for the name of Glossa as according to its residents, “by the time you have climbed all the steps in the village, your tongue reaches the floor�.) The inhabitants of Glossa were viticulturists producing tons of good wine. Some, however, were sailors and captains. In Loutraki there was an organized shipyard, not of the same importance as that of the main town.

Text: Virginia Sideri

Photos: V. Maroulis, C. Andreou, S. Paraskevas, Steffen, Z. Stamoulis


42 Ãëþóóá / Glossa

Æ. Stamoulis


S. Paraskevas

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C. Andreou

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S. Paraskevas

S. Paraskevas

C. Andreou


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A walk in Glossa Follow us in a short tour

First stop at the square of Panaghia Eleftherotria. Just opposite are the schools where the summer cultural festivities take place in early August. The traditional dance festival unfolds itself during the last weekend of August. Park the car and choose one of the two paths leading to the settlement. Picturesque, Macedonian style houses, one next to the other, souvenir shops, local products, but also coffee shops and restaurants await you. Going up, stop at "Louki" to cool off at "Kanalaki", a water source, and from there head to the village central square with the huge cypress, for which lots of stories have been written. The Church of the Assumption, patron saint of Glossa, dominates. It was built in the late 19th c., has a beautiful marble temple (1897), a work of a great artist Tinian sculptor, George Kaparias. Above the square, visit the gallery of the church, which hosts 42 exquisite paintings donated by Alexander Sideris an award-winning artist, whose paintings are exhibited in major museums abroad. Just opposite is the Folklore Museum: an old house, that will automatically take you back in time, since all the rooms are original, decorated with works of art that reveal the richness of the folklore of the village. And the climb continues... Next stop is "Kokosouli." Walking through the aromas of marjoram and basil of neat neighborhoods and whitewashed terraces you will reach the highest point of Glossa. Here, the view is breathtaking! There is also the Maritime Museum for Glossa , an exhibition of ships from all over Greece, from the Minoan times until the first ships with smokestacks. Going down, you


44 Ãëþóóá / Glossa

V. Maroulis

V. Maroulis

V. Maroulis


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S. Paraskevas

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S. Paraskevas

will come across a huge tree, the trademark of "Rious" with the second famous village spring and if you continue downhill, the path will lead you to the port of Glossa, Loutraki.

Atheato (unseen) or Machalas. Machalas is one of the few villages of Skopelos from the Ottoman period. It was built in such way to avoid the frequent pirate raids and that explains its name, Atheato, which means “unseen�. The grand harem confirms the Turkish presence on the island. Walking through the picturesque, cobbled street that connects Glossa to Machala, you feel it was once full of life. There is the old path that descends to Pouri and brings you to Kato Klima. A path, connected with legends about monsters and goblins.

The monastery of the Archangels (Taxiarches). 2.5 kilometers away from Glossa. This is one of the finest monuments of post-Byzantine era, in the Northern Sporades. Founded in 1672, while in the courtyard one can see the remains of an early Christian church (672 AD ). In May 2015 the maintenance and restoration of this important heritage that includes the main church, the basement wing of the cells, the courtyard and a small ossuary. 10 km. from Glossa, at cape "Gourouni" stands the lighthouse(1889), an impressive 18 meters high building which dominates the lush mountainside. In 1996 it was designated by the Ministry of Culture, a historic monument. If you decide to go on foot, the walk is breathtaking and the sunset unique! Glossa is beautiful and its authenticity impresses. Its rhythms are relaxed and its guests have a lot to tell about the romantic walks in the narrow streets, the gorgeous sunsets, the good food in the taverns and restaurants and the good-hearted people. Do not miss!

S. Paraskevas



LOUTRAKI ËÏÕÔÑÁÊÉ Åßíáé ôï åðßíåéï ôçò Ãëþóóáò êáé ôï ðñþôï ëéìÜíé ðïõ "ðéÜíåé" ôï ðëïßï ôçò ãñáììÞò, áìÝóùò ìåôÜ ôç ÓêéÜèï. Áêñéâþò áðÝíáíôé õðÜñ÷ïõí ôá íçóÜêéá ÄáóÜ, Óôñïããõëü, Êáóßäé, ÐëáñïíÞóé êáé ÐáîéìÜäá. Ïöåßëåé ôï üíïìÜ ôïõ, óôá ÑùìáúêÜ ËïõôñÜ, ðïõ áíáêáëýöèçêáí óôçí ôïðïèåóßá ðïõ ïíïìÜæåôáé ''Êáôáêáëïý''. Óôï ËïõôñÜêé, õðÜñ÷ïõí ôá åñåßðéá ôçò áñ÷áßáò Óåëçíïýíôáò, ìéáò ðüëçò ðïõ óýìöùíá ìå ôï èñýëï åîáöáíßóôçêå ìÝóá óå ìéá íý÷ôá, üôáí ôåñÜóôéá êýììáôá óêÝðáóáí ôçí ðüëç. Åñåßðéá ôçò ðüëçò, õðÜñ÷ïõí óå êÜðïéá óçìåßá óôçí áêôÞ, óôçí ðåñéï÷Þ "Ãëýóôñá"- "Ðáëéüêáóôñï" êáé ü÷é ìüíï. Óôçí ßäéá ðåñéï÷Þ õðÜñ÷åé Ýíá åñåéðùìÝíï óðßôé óôïí ôïß÷ï ôïõ ïðïßïõ, õðÜñ÷ïõí áíÜãëõöåò ðáñáóôÜóåéò ðñï÷ñéóôéáíéêþí ÷ñüíùí, åíþ óôçí áõëÞ ôïõ âñßóêïíôáé äýï óáñêïöÜãïé. ÐïëëÜ êáé óðïõäáßá åõñÞìáôá Ý÷ïõí Ýñèåé óôï öùò ýóôåñá áðü áíáóêáöÝò, üðùò ôï Üãáëìá ôçò Áöñïäßôçò, ôï äùñéêü êéïíüêñáíï ìåãÜëùí äéáóôÜóåùí êáé áîßáò, áëëÜ êáé ôï Üãáëìá ôçò ÁèçíÜò ôï ïðïßï âñÝèçêå ôï 1865 êáé öÝñåé ôçí åðéãñáöÞ ''ÊËÅÁÉÍÅÔÇ ÄÉÏÄÙÑÏÕ ÉÅÑÇÔÅÕÓÁÓÁ ÁÈÇÍÁ''. ÔÝëïò õðÜñ÷åé Ýíá øÞöéóìá ðñïîåíéÜò, ðïõ áíÜãåôáé ôï 273/2 ð.×, êáé áöïñÜ Ýíáí ÐåðáñÞèéï ðïëßôç, ï ïðïßïò êáôÝóôç ðñüîåíïò ôçò ðüëçò ôùí Äåëöþí. ÊïíôÜ óôçí ðáñáëßá, âñßóêåôáé ï Âõæáíôéíüò Íáüò ôïõ Áã. ÍéêïëÜïõ, ðïõ åßíáé èåìåëéùìÝíïò ðÜíù óå ðáëéü âõæáíôéíü íáü ôïõ 7ïõ áéþíá. Ôï ËïõôñÜêé åßíáé ìéá üìïñöç ðáñáèáëÜóóéá ðåñéï÷Þ ãéá ìðÜíéï, êáöåäÜêé, ëïõêïõìÜäåò áëëÜ êáé ãéá öñÝóêï øÜñé êáé ïõæÜêé, ìå öüíôï Ýíá ìáãåõôéêü çëéïâáóßëåìá.! ÂÉÑÃÉÍÉÁ ÓÉÄÅÑÇ


V. Maroulis

Z. Stamoulis

S. Paraskevas



S. Paraskevas

Loutraki is the first port after Skiathos. Just opposite are the isles of Dasa, Strongylo, Kasidi, Plaronisi and Paksimada. Loutraki owes its name to the Roman baths discovered in the nearby locality of “Katakalou�. The ruins of ancient Selinounta, a city that according to the legend disappeared overnight when huge waves covered it, are found along the coast, in "Glystra", "Paleokastro" and elsewhere. On the wall of a dilapidated house, also in the region, there are reliefs of pre-Christian times and in its courtyard there are two sarcophagus. Many important discoveries have come to light after excavations, as the statue of Aphrodite, the Doric capital of large dimensions and value, and the statue of Athena which was found in 1865 and bears the inscription '' KLEAINETI DIODORUS IERITEFSASA ATHENA''. Finally, there is a resolution of Consul, dating from 273-2 BC, and concerns a citizen of Peparithos who became consul of the city of Delphi. Near the beach of Loutraki, there is the Byzantine church of Agios Nikolaos, which is founded on an old Byzantine church of the 7th century. Loutraki is a beautiful waterfront area, set against a majestic sunset. Highly recommended for swim, fresh fish, ouzo, coffee and loukoumades.






Z. Stamoulis

Z. Stamoulis

S. Paraskevas

ÅËÇÏÓ (ÍÅÏ ÊËÉÌÁ) Ôï ÷ùñéü ¸ëçïò Þ ÍÝï ÊëÞìá áñéèìåß ëßãá ÷ñüíéá ýðáñîçò êáé äçìéïõñãÞèçêå áðü ôïõò êáôïßêïõò ôïõ Ðáëçïý Êëßìáôïò, ðïõ áíáãêÜóèçêáí íá öýãïõí ìåôÜ ôïõò óåéóìïýò êáé ôéò êáôïëéóèÞóåéò ðïõ êáôÝóôñåøáí ôï ÷ùñéü ôïõò. Âñßóêåôáé óôïõò ðñüðïäåò ôïõ êáôáðñÜóéíïõ âïõíïý "ÄÝëöç" êáé Ý÷åé ìðñïóôÜ ôïõ ìéá ìåãÜëç ðáñáëßá ðïõ “äéáêüðôåôáé”, áðü ôï ëéìáíÜêé êáé ôç ìáñßíá üðïõ äÝíïõí ðïëëÜ éóôéïðëïúêÜ êáé Üëëá óêÜöç. ÌÜëéóôá õðÜñ÷åé êáé “ãëýóôñá” ãéá ôçí êáèÝëêõóç óêáöþí. Óô’ áñéóôåñÜ, üðùò êïéôÜæïõìå ôç èÜëáóóá âñßóêåôáé ìßá áðü ôéò îáêïõóôÝò ðáñáëßåò ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ, ôï ×üâïëï. ÐñïóôÜôéäá ôïõ ÷ùñéïý, óôï êÝíôñï ôïõ, âñßóêåôáé ç åêêëçóßá ôùí "Áãßùí Áíáñãýñùí", êáé áîßæåé íá ðáñåõñåèåßôå óôï ðáíçãýñé ðñïò ôéìÞ ôùí Áãßùí ðïõ ãßíåôáé ôçí 1ç Iïõëßïõ, åíþ ëßãï ðÜíù áðü ôïí êåíôñéêü äñüìï âñßóêåôáé ôï ìïíáóôÞñé ôçò Ðáíáãßáò ôçò Åëéþôéóóáò, ðïõ “áãêáëéÜæåé” üëï ôï ÷ùñéü. Ôï ¸ëçïò Ý÷åé ôïõñéóôéêÞ áíÜðôõîç ìå äåêÜäåò åíïéêéáæüìåíá äùìÜôéá áëëÜ êáé ðáíÝìïñöá Resort, êáé ðñïôåßíåôáé ãéá üóïõò æçôïýí îåêïýñáóç êáé áíáæùïãüíçóç. Ëåéôïõñãïýí åðßóçò ðïëëÝò ôáâÝñíåò êáé øáñïôáâÝñíåò êáé äåí åßíáé ëßãïé áõôïß ðïõ ôï åðéóêÝðôïíôáé êáé áðü Üëëá ìÝñç ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ ãé áõôüí ôïí ëüãï. ÊïíôÜ óôï ëéìáíÜêé âñßóêåôáé êáé ôï “Äçìüóéï ÄÜóïò”, Ýíáò üìïñöïò ÷þñïò áíáøõ÷Þò. Ç “ÊáëáìáñïâñáäéÜ" ðïõ äéïñãáíþíåôáé ôïí Áýãïõóôï, óõãêåíôñþíåé ôï åíäéáöÝñïí üëïõ ôïõ íçóéïý. ÓÐÕÑÉÄÏÕËÁ ÌÐÅÔÓÁÍÇ

S. Paraskevas

S. Paraskevas

V. Maroulis

The village of Elios or Neo Klima numbers a few years of existence, and was created by the inhabitants of Palio Klima, who were forced to leave after the earthquakes and the landslides that ruined their village. It is located at the foot of the green mountain of "Delphi", and there is a large beach in front of it, which is "interrupted" by the port and the marina where many sailing boats and other vessels moor. Indeed, there is also a "slipway" for the launching of vessels. On the left, as we see the sea, there is one of the famous beaches of Skopelos, Chovolo. In its center, the protector of the village, the church of "Agioi Anargiroi" is found, and it is worth attending the festival in honor of the saints, which takes place on July 1st, while at a small distance up the central road you will find the monastery of Virgin Mary of Elios. Elios has experienced tourist development with dozens of rooms to rent, as well as beautiful resorts, and it is recommended for those who seek relaxation and revitalization. There are also many taverns and fish taverns and many people visit it from other parts of Skopelos for this reason. Near the port, the "Public Forest", a beautiful recreation area. "Squid night", which is organized in August, attracts the interest of the entire island. SPYRIDOULA MPETSANI

S. Paraskevas




S. Paraskevas



ÐÁËÇÏ ÊËÉÌÁ Âñßóêåôáé áíÜìåóá óôï ¸ëçïò êáé óôç Ãëþóóá. Åßíáé Ýíá êáôáðñÜóéíï ÷ùñéü ÷ôéóìÝíï áìöéèåáôñéêÜ, ìå ðáëéÜ ðÝôñéíá óðßôéá ðïõ âëÝðïõí ôï Áéãáßï. Ôï ÷ùñéü ìÝ÷ñé ôéò áñ÷Ýò ôéò äåêáåôßáò ôïõ 1950 Þôáí ÷ùñéóìÝíï óå äýï óõíïéêßåò, ìá÷áëÜäåò ôéò Ýëåãáí ðáëéüôåñá, ôï ÅðÜíù êáé ôï ÊÜôù ÊëÞìá, ðïõ Þôáí êáé ôï ðáëáéüôåñï êáé éäñýèçêå ôïí 18ï áéþíá áðü êáôïßêïõò ôçò Ãëþóóáò, ðïõ Ýóôçóáí åêåß, êÜôé óáí Ýíá ìéêñü áãñïôéêü ïéêéóìü. Ç åêêëçóßá ôïõ ÷ùñéïý, ïé ‘Áãéïé ÁíÜñãõñïé, êôßóôçêå ôï 1828. ºóùò, üìùò íá õðÞñ÷å êÜðïéïò ìéêñüò íáüò åêåß ðáëéüôåñá. Ìå ôïõò óåéóìïýò ôïõ 1950 ôï ÷ùñéü Üñ÷éóå íá ÷Üíåé ôçí áßãëç êáé ïìïñöéÜ ôïõ. Ïé êÜôïéêïé ôïõ ðÞãáí Üëëïé óôï ðÜíù ÷ùñéü, Üëëïé óôï ËïõôñÜêé êáé åëÜ÷éóôïé ðáñÜìåéíáí ìÝ÷ñé ôï 1965, üôáí ï Üëëïò óåéóìüò, ðïõ êáôÝóôñåøå ôï åðÜíù ÷ùñéü, ôïõò áíÜãêáóå íá öýãïõí êáé íá ÷ôßóïõí Ýíáí íÝï ïéêéóìü ëßãï ðéï ðÝñá, ôï óçìåñéíü ÍÝï ÊëÞìá Þ ¸ëçïò. Ôï ðëÝïí ÷áñáêôçñéóôéêü ôùí Êëçìáôéáíþí Þôáí ï åíèïõóéþäçò ÷áñáêôÞñáò êáé ç öéëïîåíßá. Ïé “Êëçìáôéáíïß” Þôáí áðü ôïõò ìåãáëýôåñïõò ãëåíôæÝäåò ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ. Ôüóï óôá ðáíçãýñéá, üóï êáé ôïõò ãÜìïõò, áëëÜ êáé êÜðïéåò ÊõñéáêÝò óôÞíïíôáí óôçí ðëáôåßá, óôç ÂåëáíéÜ, ÷ïñüò êáé ãëÝíôé óôï ïðïßï Ýñ÷ïíôáí êáé ðïëëïß Ãëùóóéþôåò. ÆùíôáíÜ ðáñáäïóéáêÜ ðáíçãýñéá Þôáí ôùí Áãßùí Áíáñãýñùí (1 Éïõëßïõ êáé 1 Íïåìâñßïõ), ôçò ÐáíáãéÜò ôçò Åëéþôéóóáò, ôçò Áãßáò ÐáñáóêåõÞò ê.á. ÓÞìåñá, ðïëëÜ áðü ôá åñåéðùìÝíá óðßôéá áãïñÜóôçêáí áðü áëëïäáðïýò, ïé ïðïßïé óåâüìåíïé ôçí ðáñáäïóéáêÞ áñ÷éôåêôïíéêÞ ôïõ, áíáðáëáßùóáí Ýíáí áîéïèáýìáóôï, ðáñáäïóéáêü, ïéêéóìü, ðïõ áíôéêñßæåé ôç ÓêéÜèï êáé ôçí Åýâïéá. ÓÐÕÑÉÄÏÕËÁ ÌÐÅÔÓÁÍÇ

It is located between Elios and Glossa. It is a lush village, amphitheatrically built, with old stone houses overlooking the Aegean Sea. Until the beginning of the 1950s, the village was divided in two districts, which were called mahalas earlier, Epano (Upper) and Kato (Lower) Klima, which was also the oldest, and was established in the 18th century by the inhabitants of Glossa, who had set there something like a small rural settlement. The church of the village, Agioi Anargiroi, was built in 1828. However, maybe there was a small temple there at an earlier time. With the earthquakes of 1950, the village started losing its glamour and beauty. Some of its inhabitants moved to the upper village, others to Loutraki, and just a few remained there until 1965, when the other earthquake, which ruined the upper village, forced them to leave and built a new settlement at a small distance, today's Neo Klima or Elios. The most characteristic features of the inhabitants of Klima were their enthusiastic character and their hospitality. The inhabitants of Klima were the biggest revelers of Skopelos. Both in festivals and weddings, as well some Sundays, dancing and feasts were organized in the square, Velania, in which many inhabitants of Glossa used to come. Live traditional festivals included those of Agioi Anargiroi (July 1st and November 1st), Virgin Mary of Elios, Agia Paraskevi etc. Nowadays, many of the deserted houses have been bought by foreigners, who, respecting its traditional architecture, renovated an admirable, traditional settlement, opposite Skiathos and Evoia. SPYRIDOULA MPETSANI




Z. Stamoulis

S. Paraskevas


Panormos is approximately 12.5 kilometers from the

Ï ÐÜíïñìïò áðÝ÷åé ðåñßðïõ 12,5 ÷éëéüìåôñá áðü ôç ×þñá ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ. Âñßóêåôáé óå Ýíá äáíôåëÝíéï êëåéóôü êüëðï, óôï ìÝóï ðåñßðïõ ôçò äéáäñïìÞò ðñïò ôï ëéìÜíé ôïõ Ëïõôñáêßïõ. Ôï üíïìá ôïõ ó÷åôßæåôáé ðéèáíþò ìå ôï üôé åßíáé ôï ïñìçôÞñéï ôùí óêáöþí êÜèå åßäïõò. Ôï öõóéêü ëéìáíÜêé Ìðëï, èåùñåßôáé áðü ôá êáëýôåñá êáôáöýãéá ãéá ôá éóôéïðëïúêÜ êáé áëéåõôéêÜ óêÜöç. Åßíáé éäáíéêÞ ðåñéï÷Þ ãéá Þóõ÷åò äéáêïðÝò. Åäþ, áðïëáìâÜíåé ï åðéóêÝðôçò ôï ìïíáäéêü çëéïâáóßëåìá, ôçí ðáíÝìïñöç äéáäñïìÞ ìÝ÷ñé ôï áêñùôÞñéï Ìýôç, ôéò õðÝñï÷åò ðáñáëßåò ËéíáñÜêéá, ôç ÌçëéÜ, ôçí ÊáóôÜíé, ôï ×üâïëï. Ï ÐÜíïñìïò õðÞñîå ìéá áðü ôéò ôñåßò ìåãÜëåò êáé ï÷õñùìÝíåò ðüëåéò ôçò áñ÷áßáò ÓêïðÝëïõ. Óôçí êïñõöÞ ôïõ ëüöïõ Ðáëéüêáóôñï, ðÜíù áðü ôïí ïéêéóìü ôçò ðáñáëßáò, óþæïíôáé ôá åñåßðéá ôçò áñ÷áßáò ï÷õñùìÝíçò áêñüðïëçò. Ôï ôåß÷ïò ôçò óþæåôáé óå ðïëý êáëÞ êáôÜóôáóç, åíþ ðáñïõóéÜæåé áñêåôÜ åíäéáöÝñïõóá ôïé÷ïðïéßá. Ëåßøáíá êáé Üëëùí êôéóìÜôùí öáßíïíôáé óôéò ðëáãéÝò. ¸íá ðáíÝìïñöï ìïíïðÜôé ïäçãåß áðü ôçí Áêñüðïëç, óôï ÓðÞëáéï ôïõ Ðáíüò, ìïíáäéêü ìíçìåßï èåúêÞò ëáôñåßáò ãéá ôç Óêüðåëï. Óôçí ðåñéï÷Þ õðÜñ÷ïõí ðïëõôåëÞ îåíïäï÷åßá, åíïéêéáæüìåíá äùìÜôéá ìðñïóôÜ óôç

town of Skopelos. Located in lace secluded bay, half

èÜëáóóá, ìÜñêåô, ôáâåñíÜêéá êáé beach bars.

ing the sea, small markets, taverns and beach bars.

way to the port of Loutraki. Its name is probably related to that is the departure point of boats of all kinds. The natural harbor “Blï”, considered one of the best shelters for sailing and fishing boats. It is an ideal area for a quiet holiday. Here visitors enjoy the sunset, the way up to Cape Nose, the wonderful beaches Linarakia, Milia, Kastani, Chovolo. Panormos was one of the three large and fortified cities of ancient Skopelos. At the top of the hill Paliokastro above the settlement of the beach, are the remains of the ancient fortified citadel. The wall is preserved in very good condition and has several interesting masonry. Remains of other buildings look on the slopes. A picturesque path leads from the Acropolis to the Panos Cavern, a unique monument of divine adoration of Skopelos. There are luxurious hotels, rooms fac-



AGNONTAS Photos: Zachos Stamoulis

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Agnontas is a small fishing village which is dominated by green and blue color. Éô is approximately 8 km from the town, has a wonderful sandy beach, is surrounded by pine trees that create a serene atmosphere and a sheltered harbor. Due to the highly protected status, it is an alternative port for when ships can not because of the weather to reach the port of the country. It is also a haven for fishing boats and other ships. The village was named after the Olympic champion Agnontas or Agnon. In 569 BC Agnontas won the race athletic event in the Olympics and when he returned he disembarked at the point where now the village of Agnontas is. His face is also depicted in a silver coin of the classical era. It is worth visiting Agnontas both for swimming and to enjoy good food in the fishtaverns.


Ç ÌÏÕÑÉÁ ØÁÑÏÔÁÂÅÑÍÁ - ÏÕÆÅÑÉ Áíïé÷ôÜ áðü ôï ðñùß ãéá êáöåäÜêé êáé ðñùúíü, äßðëá óôï êýìá ìå äùñåÜí îáðëþóôñåò êáé ïìðñÝëåò. ÊÜôù áðü ôç ìïíáäéêÞ ìïõñéÜ ôçò ðáñáëßáò, áðïëáýóôå öñÝóêá øÜñéá, íôüðéá êáëáìÜñéá, ìáãåéñåõôÜ, ôçò þñáò, ðáñáäïóéáêÜ öáãçôÜ ÓêïðÝëïõ êáé ôçí êáëýôåñç áóôáêïìáêáñïíÜäá! It opens early in the morning for coffee and breakfast, next to the waves with free sunbeds and parasols. Under the unique mulberry tree on the beach you can enjoy fresh fish, local calamari, meat on the grill, traditional dishes from Skopelos and the best lobster spaghetti!


“I MOURIA” / Fish tavern - Ouzeri

Agnontas, Skopelos

T: +30 24240 22897 +30 6991 230230 +30 6972 176600 E:



the list Your Guide to the Good Life in Skopelos

Regina’s small village / O Nikos tou Riga Andrines, Skopelos, T: +30 24240 23162

+30 6982 233049

Ìå ðáíïñáìéêÞ èÝá óôïí êüëðï ôïõ Ðáíüñìïõ êáé ôï ìáãåõôéêü Ìðëü, óõíäõÜóôå ìïíáäéêÞ äéáìïíÞ óôï íåüêôéóôï óõãêñüôçìá äéáìåñéóìÜôùí, êáé öáãçôü êÜôù áðü ôá ðåýêá. ÖñÝóêá øÜñéá, áóôáêïìáêáñïíÜäåò, øçôÜ ôçò þñáò êáé ìáãåéñåõôÜ. Ïé äéáêïðÝò óáò, üðùò áêñéâþò ôéò öáíôáóôÞêáôå!


With a panoramic view to Panormos bay and the majestic Blo, combine a unique stay in the newly built apartment complex and eating under the pine trees. Fresh fish, spaghetti with lobster, cooked to order and grilled dishes. Your vacations, exactly as you imagined them!



Panormos, Skopelos Ô: +30 24240 22868 +30 6971 729332 Email: Óå Ýíá ìáãåõôéêü ðåñéâÜëëïí, ìå ôïí êüëðï ôïõ Ðáíüñìïõ íá áíïßãåôáé ìðñïóôÜ óáò, äßðëá áêñéâþò óôï êýìá, ôá ËéíáñÜêéá ðñïóöÝñïõí åêëåêôÞ êïõæßíá, ìå èáëáóóéíÜ, øáñéêÜ, ìáãåéñåõôÜ ê.Ü. ðÜíôá ìå ôï ÷áìüãåëï ôçò ÅëÝíçò êáé ôïõ ×ñÞóôïõ. In a majestic environment, with Panormos bay opening up in front of you, exactly by the sea, Linarakia offers fine cuisine, with seafood, fish, baked dishes etc., always with the smile of Eleni and Christos.

Ç Êïõæßíá ôçò Êõñáôóþò KYRATSO’S KITCHEN Old Port, Skopelos, T: +30 24240 23184

TAVERN +30 6987 329182

H oéêïãÝíåéá ÊïóìÜ, óáò êáëùóïñßæåé óå Ýíáí íÝï üìïñöï ÷þñï óôï ðáëéü ëéìÜíé, ðïõ óõíå÷ßæåé ôçí ðáñÜäïóç ôùí 30 åôþí ôçò öçìéóìÝíçò ôáâÝñíáò óôï ÃëõóôÝñé. Ç “Êïõæßíá ôçò Êõñáôóþò” Ý÷åé óõíäåèåß ìå ôéò êáëýôåñåò øáñüóïõðåò, ôï ñïöü óôéöÜäï, ôéò õðÝñï÷åò áóôáêïìáêáñïíÜäåò êáé ôï ìáãåéñåõôü Üãñéï êáôóßêé äéêÞò ôïõò ðáñáãùãÞò. Ôçí êïõæßíá, ðñïôåßíïõí ïé ìåãáëýôåñïé óåö üðùò ï Jamie Oliver ùò ìéá áðü ôéò êáëýôåñåò ôïõ êüóìïõ, êÜôé ðïõ äéêáéïëïãåß ôç ìåãÜëç åðéóêåøéìüôçôá ôïõ äéåèíïýò jet set. Kosmas family welcomes you to a new, beautiful space at the old port, which continues the 30-year tradition of the famous tavern at Glysteri. The "Kyratso’s Kitchen" has been linked with the best fish soups, grouper stew, the magnificent spaghetti with lobster, and the cooked wild goat that they produce. Great chefs, such as Jamie Oliver, recommend the cuisine as one of the best in the world, which justifies the large numbers of visitors from the international jet set.

Anna’s RESTAURANT Skopelos town, T: +30 24240 24734 Ç ¢ííá ÁúâÜæïãëïõ ìå ðïëõåôÞ ðåßñá óôï ÷þñï ôçò åóôßáóçò, áëëÜ êáé ìå ãíþóåéò ðïõ áðÝêôçóå áðü ôçí äéáìïíÞ ôçò ãéá ðïëëÜ ÷ñüíéá óôç Ãáëëßá, êáôÜöåñå íá åîåëßîåé ôçí åëëçíéêÞ ðáñáäïóéáêÞ êïõæßíá ìå óôïé÷åßá ðïëßôéêçò êáé áñìÝíéêçò, ðïõ ðñïÝñ÷ïíôáé áðü ôéò êáôáâïëÝò ôçò. Ç åîÝëéîç áõôÞ âáóßóôçêå óôïí ôñüðï ìå ôïí ïðïßï ôñÝöïíôáí ïé áñ÷áßïé ¸ëëçíåò ìå áðïôÝëåóìá íá êáôáöÝñåé íá ðñïóöÝñåé ãåýóåéò êáèáñÝò êáé ó÷åäüí éáìáôéêÝò. To åóôéáôüñéï âñßóêåôáé óå Ýíáí èáõìÜóéï êÞðï, óôçí ðáëéÜ ÷þñá ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ. Ìðïñåßôå íá óõíïäåýóåôå ôï öáãçôü óáò ìå åðéëåãìÝíá åëëçíéêÜ êñáóéÜ êáé íá ÷áëáñþóåôå áêïýãïíôáò æùíôáíÞ ìïõóéêÞ. Èá íéþóåôå Üíåôá ìå ôçí åîõðçñÝôçóç ðïõ åßíáé æåóôÞ êáé äéáêñéôéêÞ. Anna Aivazoglou, with the many-year experience in the sector of dining, as well as with the knowledge she acquired by her stay for many years in France, has managed to evolve the Greek traditional cuisine with elements of the cuisines of Istanbul and Armenia, from which it originates. This evolution was based on the way, in which the ancient Greeks used to be nourished, resulting in managing to offer clean and almost healing tastes. The restaurant is located in a wonderful garden, in the old Chora of Skopelos. You can accompany your food with selected Greek wines, and relax while listening to live music. You will feel comfortable with the service, which is warm and discrete.






Skopelos town Ô: +30 24240 23953 ×åéñïðïßçôåò ðßôåò, ìåãÜëç ðïéêéëßá áðü óÜíôïõéôò ìå delicatessen ðñïúüíôá, óðéôéêÜ ìðéóêüôá, êÝéê, ãëõêÜ, detox ÷õìïß êáé âÝâáéá êáöÝäåò üëùí ôùí ôýðùí. Âñéóêüìáóôå áðÝíáíôé áðï ôï ÉÊÁ, 200ì áðü ôï ëéìÜíé. / Handmade pies, large variety of sandwiches with delicatessen products, homemade cookies, cakes, sweets, detox juices, and, of course, coffees of all kinds. Our store is located opposite IKA, 200m away from the port.

ÁíáôïëÞ / Anatoli


Skopelos town T: +30 24240 22851

Bñßóêåôáé óôï øçëüôåñï óçìåßï ôïõ ïéêéóìïý, óôï ÊÜóôñï ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ, áðü ôï 1982. Åßíáé öôéáãìÝíç ìå ìåñÜêé, áãÜðç êáé óåâáóìü ãéá ôï ðåñéâÜëëïí. Ç êáôáðëçêôéêÞ èÝá, ïé ðåíôáíüóôéìïé ìåæÝäåò êáé ç æùíôáíÞ ìïõóéêÞ êáèçìåñéíÜ, óõíèÝôïõí Ýíá ôïðßï áîÝ÷áóôçò åìðåéñßáò êáé ïìïñöéÜò, ìå ôï ìðëå ôçò èÜëáóóáò êáé ôï ðïñöõñü ÷ñþìá ôïõ ïõñáíïý ôéò áðïãåõìáôéíÝò þñåò. Ôï âñÜäõ, ï åðéóêÝðôçò ìðïñåß íá äåé üëï ôïí ïéêéóìü ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ öùôáãùãçìÝíï. Ïé ìåæÝäåò åßíáé öôéáãìÝíïé áðü ôá êáëýôåñá õëéêÜ êáé ìå äéÜöïñá ìõñùäéêÜ áðü ôïõò áãñïýò ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ. ÌÜãåéñáò, åßíáé ï ßäéïò ï Ãéþñãïò ÎçíôÜñçò ðïõ êÜèå ìÝñá âÜæåé ôçí áãÜðç ôïõ êáé ôï ìåñÜêé ôïõ ãéá üóï ôïí äõíáôüí êáëýôåñåò óðéôéêÝò ãåýóåéò êáé ìõñùäéÝò. Ç æùíôáíÞ ìïõóéêÞ åßíáé áíáðüóðáóôï êïììÜôé ôçò "ÁíáôïëÞò". Áðü ôçí ðñþôç ìÝñá ëåéôïõñãßáò ôçò êáé êÜèå âñÜäõ ï Ãéþñãïò ÎçíôÜñçò, ìáæß ìå ðïëëïýò áðü ôïõò áîéüëïãïõò ìïõóéêïýò ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ ôáîéäåýåé ôïí åðéóêÝðôç ìå ôç öùíÞ ôïõ êáé ôá ÑåìðÝôéêá ôñáãïýäéá óå Üëëåò åðï÷Ýò. Óôçí ïñ÷Þóôñá óõììåôÝ÷ïõí êáé ôá äõï ðáéäéÜ ôïõ, Áíôþíçò êáé ÈïäùñÞò ðïõ óõíå÷ßæïõí óôá ßäéá ãåõóôéêÜ êáé ìïõóéêÜ ìïíïðÜôéá. ¼ëá áõôÜ ôá ÷ñüíéá, ïé åðéóêÝðôåò áð’ üëá ôá ìÝñç ôïõ êüóìïõ, åßíáé ïé êáëýôåñïé äéáöçìéóôÝò üëùí áõôþí ðïõ ðåñéãñÜøáìå. Åßíáé ëÜôñåéò ôçò "ÁíáôïëÞò".

Anatoli is located at the highest point of the settlement, at Kastro of Skopelos, since 1982. The space is made with artistry, love and respect to the environment. The amazing view, the extremely delicious snacks and the everyday live music compose a landscape of unforgettable experience and beauty, with the blue color of the sea and the purple color of the sky in the evening. At night, visitors can see the entire settlement of Skopelos lit. Snacks are made of the best ingredients, with the addition of various spices from the fields of Skopelos. Giorgos Xintaris himself is the cook, and every day he puts his love and his artistry for the best homemade flavors and smells possible. Live music is an integral part of "Anatoli". Since the first day of operation and every night, Giorgos Xintaris, with many of the notable musicians of Skopelos, travels visitors back in time with his voice and "Rebetika" songs. Çis two sons, Antonis and Thodoris, who follow the same tasty and music trails, also participate in the orchestra. All these years, visitors from all over the world are the best advertisers of all that we have described. They love "Anatoli".

Srafylos, Skopelos, 37003, Greece Tel. +30 24240 23326, +30 24240 23854 Fax. +30 24240 23854 Email. Óõãêñüôçìá studios ìå ðéóßíá, ìðáñ êáé ðÜñêéíãê. Óôçí ðåñéï÷Þ ôïõ ÓôÜöõëïõ 1,7 ÷ëì. áðü ôçí ðüëç êáé 2,7 ÷ëì. áðü ôçí ðáñáëßá. Studio Complex with swimming pool, pool bar and parking, situated on the road from Skopelos town (1.7km) to Stafylos beach (2.7km).

Limnonari beach, Skopelos, 37003, Greece Tel. +30 24240 22242, +30 24240 23854 Fax. +30 24240 23854 Email. ÄùìÜôéá, Studios & Äéáìåñßóìáôá, ìðñïóôÜ óôçí ðáñáëßá ËéìíïíÜñé. ÌÝóá óôçí éäéïêôçóßá ëåéôïõñãåß åóôéáôüñéï ìå óðéôéêÝò ãåýóåéò êáé ìå åëëçíéêÝò âñáäéÝò. Rooms, Studios & Apartments in front of the sandy beach of Limnonari. In the premises there is a tavern which serves home cooked dishes. Greek music nights




Ôï Äåëößíé ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ / The Dolphin of Skopelos


Panormos, Skopelos Ô: +30 24240 24304 / +30 6977220327 Ëåéôïõñãþíôáò ïéêïãåíåéáêÜ ìå óåâáóìü ðñïò åóÜò êáé ÷ñçóéìïðïéþíôáò ðïëëÜ áãíÜ ðáñáäïóéáêÜ Óêïðåëßôéêá õëéêÜ, ðñïóðáèïýìå íá óáò äþóïõìå ìåñéêÝò üìïñöåò íüôåò óôéò êáëïêáéñéíÝò óáò äéáêïðÝò. Ãåõôåßôå êïíôÜ ìáò ôá öñÝóêá öáãçôÜ ðïõ äçìéïõñãïýí êáèçìåñéíÜ ãéá óáò, ï Öþôçò êáé ç Âßêõ êáé áöåèåßôå ôáîéäåýïíôáò ðñïò ôï üíåéñï ôçò êáëïêáéñéíÞò óáò äéÜèåóçò. ÐáñáäïóéáêÞ êïõæßíá, öñÝóêï øÜñé, êñÝáò, ðÜíù óôï äñüìï, äßðëá óôç èÜëáóóá.

ÊáñõäéÜ / Karydia

Operating as a family business, having respect for you and by using many traditional, unspoiled ingredients from Skopelos we try to give some pleasant notes to your summer holiday. Try our freshly cooked dishes which are created daily for you by Fotis and Vicky and let yourself travel to the dream of summer mood. Traditional cuisine, fresh fish, meat, next to the street, next to the sea.


Skopelos town T: +30 24240 24520 Ç ìåãÜëç êáñõäéÜ ðïõ äåóðüæåé óôçí áõëÞ, Ýäùóå ôï üíïìá óôçí üìïñöç ìïõóéêÞ ôáâÝñíá, ëßãï ðñéí ìðåßôå óôïí ðáñáëéáêü äñüìï ôçò ×þñáò. Ëåéôïõñãåß áðü ôï ðñùß ìÝ÷ñé ôï âñÜäõ, õðü íÝá äéåýèõíóç ôïõ Íßêïõ ÓÜââá, ðïõ èá öñïíôßóåé íá êáëïðåñÜóåôå, ðñïóöÝñïíôáò åêëåêôÞ êïõæßíá, üðùò ÷ôáðïäÜêé óôá êÜñâïõíá, ñïöü óôéöÜäï, èáëáóóéíÜ, ôóéðïõñïìåæÝäåò, áëëÜ êáé ðëïýóéåò ðïéêéëßåò êñåáôéêþí. Ôï êñáóÜêé ñÝåé Üöèïíï áêïýãïíôáò åëëçíéêü ðñüãñáììá áðü ôïõò ×ñÞóôï ÌçôñÝæç, ×ñÞóôï ÊïóìÜ êáé ¸ëåíá ÂáóéëåéÜäç. The beautiful music tavern, just before you enter the coastal road of Chora, was named after the big walnut tree (Karydia) that dominates in the yard. Open from morning till night, under the new direction of Nikos Savvas, who will make sure that you have a good time, offering fine cuisine, such as octopus on charcoals, grouper stew, seafood, mezes for tsipouro, as well as rich meat varieties. There is plenty of wine flowing while listening to the Greek program by Christos Mitrezis, Christos Kosmas and Elena Vasiliadi.






Old port (beside Town Hall), Skopelos

T: +30 24240 22273

+30 6944 127646

H “ÊëçìáôáñéÜ”, áêñéâþò äßðëá óôï Äçìáñ÷åßï, óôï ðáëéü ëéìÜíé, óåñâßñåé ðáñáäïóéáêÞ óðéôéêÞ êïõæßíá, ìáãåéñåõôÜ öáãçôÜ, ôçò þñáò, øÜñéá êáé èáëáóóéíÜ, êáé Üëëá íüóôéìá ðéÜôá ðïõ Ý÷åé íá óáò ðñïôåßíåé ï êýñéïò ÄçìÞôñçò. Áðïëáýóôå ôá ìå èÝá ôá éóôéïðëïúêÜ êáé ôï ëéìÜíé. "Klimataria" is located exactly next to the Town Hall, at the old port, and it serves traditional homemade cuisine, baked dishes, cooked to order, fish and seafood, as well as other delicious dishes, which are recommended by Mr. Dimitris. Enjoy them overlooking the sailing boats and the port.



Glyfoneri (Agios Konstantinos), Skopelos

T: +30 24240 23102

+30 6977 674390

Âñßóêåôáé óôï øçëüôåñï óçìåßï ôçò ðáñáëßáò ôïõ Áã. Êùíóôáíôßíïõ ìå ðáíïñáìéêÞ Üðïøç óôï Áéãáßï êáé áðÝ÷åé ìüëéò 200ì. áðü ôçí ðáñáëßá. ¸÷åé êÞðï, ðéóßíá êáé ôá äùìÜôéá Ý÷ïõí ìðáëêüíé ìå èÝá óôç èÜëáóóá. Óå üëïõò ôïõò ÷þñïõò äéáôßèåôáé äùñåÜí Wi-Fi. It is located at the highest point of Agios Konstantinos beach, with a panoramic view to the Aegean Sea, and it is only 200m. away from the beach. Sergiani has a garden, a swimming pool, and the rooms include a balcony overlooking the sea. Free Wi-Fi is offered in all spaces.


Ï ÔÁÓÏÓ ÏéêïãåíåéáêÞ ôáâÝñíá, ìðñïóôÜ óôï ëéìÜíé ôïõ ÍÝïõ ÊëÞìáôïò, ìå ïêôþ ÷ñüíéá ðáñïõóßáò, äéáèÝôåé öñÝóêá øÜñéá, øçôÜ ôçò þñáò, ìáãåéñåõôÜ, ôóéðïõñïìåæÝäåò. Ìå ôç öñïíôßäá êáé ôï ìåñÜêé ôçò ËÝíáò êáé ôïõ ÂáããÝëç, ïé ïðïßïé èá óáò åîõðçñåôÞóïõí ìå ôïí êáëýôåñï ôñüðï. FISHTAVERN - OUZERI “O TASOS” Family-run tavern in front of the port of Neo Klima, with eight years of presence, which offers fresh fish, cooked to order, and mezes for tsipouro. With the care and the artistry of Lena and Vangelis, who will serve you in the best way possible.

Elios (Neo Klima), Skopelos Tel.: +30 24240 34174 +30 6976 743490



list ÊáðåôÜí Óðýñïò Captain Spyros FISH TAVERN - RESTAURANT Elios (Neo Klima), Skopelos T: +30 24240 33302 +30 6977 070657 O KáðåôÜí Óðýñïò öÝñíåé êáôåõèåßáí óôï ðéÜôï ìáò üëá ôá êáëÜ ôçò èÜëáóóáò, áöïý øáñåýåé ï ßäéïò ìå ôï êáúêé ôïõ. Áóôáêïß, êáñáâßäåò, ñïöïß, ðåôñüøáñá ãéá óïýðá, óáñãïß, êáé Üëëá ðïëëÜ, óåñâßñïíôáé óå Ýíá üìïñöï êáé äñïóåñü ðåñéâÜëëïí, ëßãá ìÝôñá áðü ôçí ðáñáëßá. ÕðÜñ÷ïõí åðßóçò ìáãåéñåõôÜ êáé ôçò þñáò. Captain Spyros brings all the goods of the sea directly to our plate, since he fishes himself with his boat. Lobsters, crawfish, groupers, stone fish for soup, white sea breams and many more, are served in a beautiful and cool environment, a few meters away from the beach. Grilled and cooked to order dishes are also offered.

Selenunda HOTEL Loutraki, Port of Glossa, Skopelos T: +30 24240 34073 Fax: +30 24240 34093 Email: Website: ÌÇ.Ô.Å. 0726Ê032Á0187300

Ç ïéêïãÝíåéá ÊùíóôáíôÜêç óáò êáëùóïñßæåé óôï îåíïäï÷åßï Óåëéíïýíôá. Ï óôü÷ïò ìáò åßíáé íá äéáóöáëßóïõìå óå üëïõò ôïõò êáëåóìÝíïõò ìáò ìßá åõ÷Üñéóôç êáé áîÝ÷áóôç äéáìïíÞ ôüóï óôï îåíïäï÷åßï ìáò áëëÜ êáé ãåíéêÜ óôï íçóß ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ. The Konstantakis Family welcomes you to the Hotel Selenunda. Our goal is to ensure all our guests have a pleasant and memorable stay both at our hotel and the island of Skopelos.

Ìantos Rooms

Åíïéêéáæüìåíá Äéáìåñßóìáôá 40 ôì óôï ÍÝï ÊëÞìá (¸ëçïò) ÓêïðÝëïõ, ðëÞñùò åîïðëéóìÝíá, 250 ì. áðü ôçí ðáñáëßá ¸ëçïò êáé ×üâïëï. Apartments to let, 40 sqm in Neo Klima (Elios) Skopelos, fully equipped, 250 m. from the beaches Elios and Hovolo.


+30 24240 27943 +30 6980 981356 Email:



Studios & Äéáìåñßóìáôá óôï ÍÝï ÊëÞìá, êïíôÜ óôçí ðáñáëßá ìå èÝá ôç èÜëáóóá. Åßíáé ðëÞñùò åîïðëéóìÝíá ìå êïõæßíá, øõãåßï, ôçëåüñáóç, êëéìáôéóìü, ôïóôéÝñá, ðéóôïëÜêé ìáëëéþí, WiFi. Studios & Apartments in Neo Klima near the beach with a sea view. They are fully equipped with kitchen, refrigerator, television, a/c, toaster, hair-dryer, WiFi. Neo Klima, Skopelos Tel/Fax : +30 2424033468 Õðåýèõíç: ÊùíóôáíôÜêç Ïõñáíßá


Super ðñïóöïñÝò ãéá áõôïêßíçôá, ìç÷áíÜêéá, ðïäÞëáôá êáé öýãáìå ãéá íá ãíùñßóïõìå ôéò ïìïñöéÝò ôïõ íçóéïý. / Best offers on rental cars, motorbikes, bicycles and we are ready to explore our beautiful island. Neo Klima - Skopelos Tel/Fax +30 24240 34277 Õðåýèõíïò: Êþóôáò ÊùíóôáíôÜêçò



list La Costa THE BAR Skopelos town, T: +30 24240 24513 Ôï La Costa åßíáé Ýíá áðü ôá ðáëáéüôåñá ìðáñ óôç Óêüðåëï. Cosy áôìüóöáéñá, ùñáßåò ðáñïõóßåò, óöçíÜêéá, ðïôÜêéá, äñïóåñÜ êïêôÝúë, ìÝ÷ñé ôï ðñùß, óôï hot meet point ôïõ íçóéïý. La Costa remains one of the oldest, cosiest and still existing bars in Skopelos.Fire in the house!!

Michalis SNACK BAR Skopelos town, T: +30 24240 23591 Ô: +30 6948 648057 25 ÷ñüíéá áíïßãåé öýëëï ãéá ôç Óêïðåëßôéêç ôõñüðéôá, åðéôüðïõ, ãéá íá áðïëáýóåôå ôçí áõèåíôéêüôçôá óå åðôÜ äéáöïñåôéêÝò ãåýóåéò, ðïõ åôïéìÜæïíôáé óå ôñßá ëåðôÜ. Áêüìç, êáöåäÜêé, óðéôéêÞ ëåìïíÜäá êáé Üëëá ðïëëÜ.... Michalis has spent the last 25 years opening crust for the cheese pie of Skopelos, on the spot, so that you can enjoy the authenticity in seven different tastes, which are prepared in three minutes. You can also have coffee, homemade lemonade and many more…

Áãíþíôá, 8÷ëì áðü ôçí ×þñá ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ. ÄéáèÝôåé äéáìåñßóìáôá êáé óôïýíôéïò (ðëÞñùò åîïðëéóìÝíç


Âñßóêåôáé óôï ãñáöéêü êáé áðÜíåìï ëéìáíÜêé ôïõ


êïõæßíá) ãéá 2-4 Üôïìá êáé äùìÜôéá (ìå øõãåßï êáé çëåêôñéêü ìÜôé) ãéá 2-3 Üôïìá. ÁðÝ÷åé 40ì. áðü ôç èÜëáóóá êáé ôçí ðáñáëßá ôïõ Áãíþíôá, åíþ óôçí ðåñéï÷Þ èá âñåßôå ü,ôé ÷ñåéáóôåßôå ãéá Üíåôåò äéáêïðÝò. Korina's house is located at the picturesque and sheltered port of Agnontas, 8km from Skopelos' Chora. The complex has apartments and studios (fully equipped kitchen) for 2-4 people, and rooms (with refrigerator and hob) for 2-3 people. The sea and Agnontas beach are at a distance of 40m., while in the area you will find whatever you may need for comfortable vacations.

Agnontas, Skopelos, tel. +30 2424024148 +30 6976122122 ÌÇ.Ô.Å. 0726Ê132Ê0321500

Anna Studios Neo Klima, Skopelos Ô: +30 24240 33612, +30 24240 33978, +30 6974 111745 Å-mail: To Ánna Studios äéáèÝôåé 6 óýã÷ñïíá studios êáé 1 äéáìÝñéóìá, ðëÞñùò åîïðëéóìÝíá ìå áôïìéêü ìðÜíéï, êïõæßíá, êëéìáôéóôéêü, ôçëåüñáóç êáé ìåãÜëåò âåñÜíôåò ìå èÝá âïõíü êáé èÜëáóóá. Ç êáèáñéüôçôá êáé ç íçóéþôéêç öéëïîåíßá, åßíáé ÷áñáêôçñéóôéêÜ óôïé÷åßá ôçò äéáìïíÞò óáò. Ôá studios ANNAS Ý÷ïõí åýêïëç ðñüóâáóç óôéò ôïðéêÝò ðáñáëßåò êáé åßíáé êïíôÜ óå óôÜóç áóôéêïý ëåùöïñåßïõ ðïõ óõíäÝåé ôçí ðåñéï÷Þ ìå ôç ÷þñá ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ êáé ôç Ãëþóóá. Áðïëáýóôå åõ÷Üñéóôåò äéáêïðÝò óôï íçóß ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ ìå ôéò ðéï ðñïóéôÝò ôéìÝò êáé æåóôÞ öéëïîåíßá. Anna Studios has 6 modern studios and 1 apartment, which are fully equipped with ensuite bathroom, kitchen, air-conditioning, television and large terraces overlooking the mountain and the sea. Cleanliness and island hospitality are characteristic features of your stay. Anna Studios has easy access to the local beaches, and is close to a city bus stop, which connects the area with Skopelos' Chora and Glossa. Enjoy pleasant vacations in the island of Skopelos in the most affordable prices and with warm hospitality.



list Skippers CAFE - BAR - BISTROT Loutraki, Skopelos T: +30 24240 33059 +30 6906 168490 Êáèþò âãáßíïõìå áðü ôï ëéìÜíé, óôïí êåíôñéêü äñüìï ðñïò Ãëþóóá, åßíáé ôï ðñþôï ãùíéáêü, áñéóôåñÜ óáò. Ëåéôïõñãåß ÷åéìþíá - êáëïêáßñé õðü íÝá äéåýèõíóç ôçò Óôáìáôïýëáò ÍéêïëÜïõ. Ðßôóá, êñÝðá, ëïõêïõìÜäåò, óðÝóéáë ðáãùôü, êïêôÝúë, óáëÜôåò, óÜíôïõúôò, êáöåäÜêé, ïìåëÝôåò, óêïðåëßôéêá ãëõêÜ, ãéáïýñôé ìå äáìÜóêçíï ÓêïðÝëïõ... ìå ëßãá ëüãéá ü,ôé ôñáâÜåé ç üñåîÞ óáò! Skippers is the first shop in the corner, to your left, as we exit the port, on the central road towards Glossa. It is open all the year under the new direction of Stamatoula Nikolaou. Pizza, crepe, donuts, special ice cream, cocktails, salads, sandwiches, coffee, omelets, sweets of Skopelos, yogurt with plum from Skopelos… in a few words whatever you feel like eating!



Skopelos town Ô: +30 6909011142 Óôçí ðáñáëéáêÞ ôïõ ëéìáíéïý áðü ôï 1999 ãéá “åãåñôÞñéï” êáöåäÜêé ôï ðñùß êáé óõíå÷ßæïõìå ìÝ÷ñé áñãÜ ìå ìïõóéêÝò, äñïóåñÜ êïêôÝúë êáé ðïëëÜ “õðïó÷üìåíåò” âñáäéÝò ìå events êáé happenings. O ÃéÜííçò êáé ï ÌÜíïò óõíå÷ßæïõí íá áðïôåëïýí “óôáèåñÞ áîßá” óôç äéáóêÝäáóç ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ.

On the coastal road of the port since 1999, for "wake-up" coffee in the morning, and we continue till late with music, cool cocktails, and many "promising" nights with events and happenings. Giannis and Manos continue to constitute a "constant value" in the entertainment of Skopelos.



Milia beach, Skopelos Ô: +30 24240 23996 /+30 24240 33344 Mob: +30 6975 702438 fb: RESTAURANT MILIA Êáèþò êáôåâáßíåôå ôï äñüìï ðñïò ôçí ðáñáëßá, ëßãá ìÝôñá ðñéí öôÜóåôå, óôï äåîß óáò ÷Ýñé ï êýñéïò ÓôáìÜôçò êáé ï ãéïò ôïõ Íôßíïò óáò ðåñéìÝíïõí ãéá öñÝóêï øáñÜêé, øáñüóïõðá, ôçò þñáò, ìáãåéñåõôÜ êáé Üëëåò íüóôéìåò ãåýóåéò. Ìðïñåßôå üìùò íá ðéåßôå êáé ôï êáöåäÜêé Þ ìéá ðáãùìÝíç ìðýñá ìåôÜ ôéò âïõôéÝò. As you follow downwards the road towards the beach, a few meters before you reach it, at your left hand, Mr. Stamatis and his son, Ntinos, are waiting for you for fresh fish, fish soup, cooked to order, cooked meals and other delicious tastes. However, you can also drink your coffee or a frozen beer after your dips in the sea.



list O Nikos FISH TAVERN - RESTAURANT COFFE BAR Panormos, Skopelos T: +30 24240 23378 Óôï ðáíÝìïñöï óêçíéêü ôçò ðáñáëßáò Ðáíüñìïõ, áêñéâþò äßðëá óôï êýìá, óôçí áììïõäéÜ, ÷áëáñþóôå óôéò îáðëþóôñåò ðïõ ðñïóöÝñåé äùñåÜí ï “Íßêïò” êáé áðïëáýóôå ôçí ãåõóôéêüôáôç êïõæßíá ôïõ: ÓðéôéêÜ öáãçôÜ, áóôáêïìáêáñïíÜäåò, êáñáâéäïìáêáñïíÜäåò, ðéÜôï ôïõ ØáñÜ, åîï÷éêü Ðáíüñìïõ, öñÝóêá øÜñéá, êñåáôéêÜ, ðßôóåò êáé âÝâáéá ôçí Óêïðåëßôéêç ôõñüðéôá! In the exquisite scenery of Panormos beach, exactly by the sea, on the sand, enjoy the sunbeds that "Nikos" offers free of charge, and enjoy a very tasty cuisine: Homemade foods, spaghetti with lobster, spaghetti with crayfish, the Fisherman's dish, Panormos "exochico" meat, fresh fish, meats, pizzas, and, of course, the cheese pie of Skopelos!

Villa Sandra


Loutsa, Skopelos Ô: +30 24240 24490 Ìå äõíáìéêüôçôá åðôÜ äñïóåñþí êáé åõÜåñùí äéáìåñéóìÜôùí (2 - 5 Üôïìá ôï êáèÝíá), äßíåé ôç äõíáôüôçôá óôïõò åíïßêïõò íá áðïëáìâÜíïõí ôçí êáôáðñÜóéíç èÝá ðïõ ðñïóöÝñåé ôï ðåõêïäÜóïò ðïõ ðåñéâÜëëåé ôï óõãêñüôçìá. Ìå åýêïëç ðñüóâáóç óôç ÷þñá ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ êáé üëåò ôéò ãíùóôÝò ðáíÝìïñöåò ðáñáëßåò, éäéáßôåñá óôïí ðéï êïíôéíü ÐÜíïñìï. Villa Sandra has a capacity of seven cool and airy apartments (2 - 5 people each), and it provides the opportunity to its residents to enjoy the lush view that the pine tree forest, which surrounds the complex, offers. The villa has easy access to Skopelos' Chora and to all the well known and very beautiful beaches, particularly Panormos, which is closer.





Loutraki, Skopelos Ô: +30 24240 34055

IN FRONT OF THE MARINE Káèßóôå áíáðáõôéêÜ óå Ýíáí ðáíÝìïñöï ÷þñï, ìå èÝá ôç èÜëáóóá êáé ôá éóôéïðëïúêÜ êáé áðïëáýóôå êáöåäÜêé, ðñùúíÜ, snacks, ðáñáäïóéáêÜ ãëõêÜ, óêïðåëßôéêåò ôõñüðéôåò, ðáãùôÜ áëëÜ êáé äéÜöïñåò óáëÜôåò êáé ðßôóåò. ÄùñåÜí WiFi. Sit comfortably in a very beautiful space, overlooking the sea and the sailing boats, and enjoy coffee, breakfast, snacks, traditional sweets, cheese pies of Skopelos, ice creams and various salads and pizzas. Free WiFi.

Ðáñáäïóéáêüò Öïýñíïò ìå Îýëá ÊÅÍÔÑÉÊÏ: ÍÅÏ ÊËÇÌÁ, ÔÇË. 24240 34192 ÃËÙÓÓÁ, ÔÇË. 24240 33201 ËÏÕÔÑÁÊÉ, ÔÇË. 24240 34193 ÓÊÏÐÅËÏÓ, ÔÇË. 24240 24133 Áðü ôï 1955 ôï áñôïðïéåßï - æá÷áñïðëáóôåßï “ÊáñâÝëçò” Ý÷åé óõíäÝóåé ôï üíïìÜ ôïõ ìå ôéò ãëõêÝò -êáé ü÷é ìüíïêáèçìåñéíÝò áðïëáýóåéò ìáò! Áðü ôá ôÝóóåñá êáôáóôÞìáôÜ ôïõ óôç ×þñá ÓêïðÝëïõ, Ãëþóóá, ÍÝï ÊëÞìá êáé ËïõôñÜêé, ìðïñåßôå íá ðñïìçèåõôåßôå øùìß áðü îõëüöïõñíï, ôïðéêÜ ðáñáäïóéáêÜ ðñïúüíôá, ãëõêÜ, ðáãùôÜ, óöïëéáôïåéäÞ êáé ôçí ðåíôáíüóôéìç ôõñüðéôá ÓêïðÝëïõ. Ìéá ðáñÜäïóç ôñéþí ãåíåþí ðïõ óõíå÷ßæåôáé...

Since 1955 the bakery - pastry shop "Karvelis" has been associated with both our sweet and savory daily pleasures! From the four shops in Chora of Skopelos, Glossa, Neo Klima and Loutraki, you can purchase bread straight out of the wood-fired oven, traditional local products, pastries, ice creams, pies and the delicious cheese pie of Skopelos. A three-generation-long tradition that keeps on going...






Neo Klima, Skopelos, T: +30 24240 33674

+30 6977 846025

Óå óôñáôçãéêÞ èÝóç, áêñéâþò áðÝíáíôé áðü ôï ëéìáíÜêé, ôï ¼áóéò äéêáéïëïãåß áðüëõôá ôï üíïìÜ ôïõ ãéá Üíåôç äéáìïíÞ êáé ãáóôñïíïìéêÝò áðïëáýóåéò. Áðü ôï ðñùß ãéá êáöåäÜêé Þ ðñùúíü êáé óôç óõíÝ÷åéá åëëçíéêÞ ðáñáäïóéáêÞ óðéôéêÞ êïõæßíá, áðü ôá ÷Ýñéá ôçò êõñßáò Ïëõìðßáò. ÌïõóáêÜò, óïõôæïõêÜêéá, ðßôóåò, ìáêáñïíÜäåò, øçôÜ ôçò þñáò, øÜñéá, èáëáóóéíÜ... Ýíá “ìåíïý” ãéá üëá ôá ãïýóôá! Located in a strategic position, opposite to the port, Oasis completely justifies its name for a comfortable stay and gastronomic pleasure. From the morning for coffee or breakfast, and then Greek traditional homemade cuisine, by the hands of Mrs. Olympia. Moussaka, soutzoukakia (meatballs), pizzas, spaghetti, grilled meats cooked to order, fish, and seafood… a "menu" for all tastes!



Skopelos town Ô: +30 24240 22313 +30 6944 390959 E-mail: Âñßóêåôáé 250 ì. áðü ôï ëéìÜíé ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ. ×ôéóìÝíï óå ðáñáäïóéáêü óôõë, ôï óõãêñüôçìá áðïôåëåßôáé áðü 11 åõñý÷ùñåò êáé êïìøÝò êáôïéêßåò. Ç öéëüîåíç äéåýèõíóç êáé ôï öéëéêü ðñïóùðéêü, óáò õðüó÷ïíôáé ìéá åõ÷Üñéóôç, îåêïýñáóôç êáé åõ÷Üñéóôç äéáìïíÞ. ÄéáèÝôåé ðéóßíá ìå çëéüëïõóôç âåñÜíôá êáé óíáê ìðáñ ìÝóá óå êáôáðñÜóéíï êÞðï, ðñïóöÝñåé äùìÜôéá ìå ìðáëêüíé êáé èÝá óôçí ðéóßíá êáé óôïí êÞðï. Äéáôßèåôáé äùñåÜí éäéùôéêüò ÷þñïò óôÜèìåõóçò óôï ÷þñï ôïõ îåíïäï÷åßïõ êáé äùñåÜí Wi-Fi. Ðñùéíü óå ìðïõöÝ, óåñâßñåôáé êáèçìåñéíÜ óôçí ôñáðåæáñßá, åíþ ïé åðéóêÝðôåò ìðïñïýí åðßóçò íá áðïëáýóïõí êáöÝ, ðïôÜ êáé åëáöñéÜ óíáê óôï óíáê ìðáñ äßðëá óôçí ðéóßíá. Åóôéáôüñéá êáé óïýðåñ ìÜñêåô âñßóêïíôáé óå êïíôéíÞ áðüóôáóç ìå ôá ðüäéá. Anofli accomodation is situated 250 metres from Skopelos Port. Built in traditional style, the complex consists of 11 spacious and stylish condos.The hospitable management and friendly staff promise you a pleasant, relaxing and enjoyable stay. Featuring a pool with a sun terrace and a snack bar amidst its blossomed garden, it offers rooms with a balcony overlooking the pool and the garden with free wifi. Free private parking is possible on site. A buffet breakfast is served daily at the dining area, while guests can also enjoy coffees, drinks and light snacks at the poolside snack bar. Restaurants and supermarkets can be found within a short walk from the property.

ÖôÜíïíôáò óôç Ãëþóóá, áðÝíáíôé áðü ôç óôÜóç, èá äåßôå ôï åñãáóôÞñé êáé êáôÜóôçìá ôçò “ÊõñÜ ËÝíçò”, üðïõ ìðïñåßôå íá ðñïìçèåõôåßôå øùìß, ðßôåò, ãëõêÜ êáé íôüðéá ðáñáäïóéáêÜ ðñïúüíôá. Áíåâáßíïíôáò ôá óïêÜêéá ôïõ ÷ùñéïý, öôÜíåôå óôçí êåíôñéêÞ ðëáôåßá ôçò Ãëþóóáò äßðëá áðü ôçí åêêëçóßá ôçò Êïßìçóçò ôçò Èåïôüêïõ. Åêåß âñßóêåôáé ôï ìåæåäïðùëåßï “Ðëáôåßá” ìå ðáñáäïóéáêÝò ãåýóåéò êáé æùíôáíÞ ìïõóéêÞ üðïõ ìðïñåßôå íá áðïëáýóåôå êáé ôïí êáöÝ Þ ôï ðïôü óáò. Áðü åêåß ìðïñåßôå åðßóçò íá ðñïìçèåõôåßôå êáé ôïðéêÜ ðáñáäïóéáêÜ ðñïúüíôá. After you have reached Glossa, opposite the station, you will see the workshop and shop of "Kyra Leni", where you can purchase bread, pies, pastries and traditional, local products. As you walk up the narrow streets of the village, you will reach the central square of Glossa, next to the church of the Assumption of Virgin Mary. There you will find the tavern "Plateia" with traditional dishes and Greek music, where you can enjoy your coffee or a drink. Traditional, local products can also be purchased there.

Ðëáôåßá: ÊåíôñéêÞ ðëáôåßá, Ãëþóóá ÓêïðÝëïõ / Plateia: Central Square, Glossa, Skopelos, Ô: +30 2424033115 KõñÜ ËÝíç: ÊáôÜóôçìá / ÅñãáóôÞñéï Ãëþóóáò 2424033688. ÐñáôÞñéï Ãëþóóáò 2424033115, ÍÝï ÊëÞìá 2424027910, Óêüðåëïò 2424023565 Kyra Leni: Bread - Pies - Pastry. Central bakery in Glossa, +30 2424033688. Other Branches: Glossa +30 2424033115, Elios +30 2424027910, Skopelos town +30 2424023565



list Platanos Jazz bar Old port, Skopelos T: +30 24240 23661 Aðü ôá êáëýôåñá óçìåßá ôïõ ëéìáíéïý, ãéá Ýíá äéÜëåéììá óôéò âüëôåò óáò êáé ü÷é ìüíï. Êáèßóôå óôç óêéÜ ôïõ ðëáôÜíïõ ðïõ áãêáëéÜæåé üëç ôçí ðëáôåéïýëá êáé äñïóéóôåßôå ìå Ýíá fredo espresso Þ ü,ôé Üëëï ôñáâÜåé ç üñåîÞ óáò, ìå èÝá ôç èÜëáóóá êáé ôá éóôéïðëïúêÜ. Ôï âñáäÜêé ìåôáôñÝðåôáé óå ìðáñÜêé ãéá ðéï hot êáôáóôÜóåéò! One of the best points of the port for a break during your walks, and not just for this. Sit under the shade of the plane tree that embraces the entire square, and freshen up with a fredo espresso or whatever else you feel like drinking, overlooking the sea and the sailing boats. At night time it is converted to a bar for hotter situations!

ÖùôåéíÞ ÅÎÏ×ÉÊÇ ÔÁÂÅÑÍÁ COUNTRY TAVERN ´FOTINI´ Pefkias, Skopelos T: +30 6977607195 +30 6932604136 Áðü ôï 1982 óôïí Áãíþíôá êáé ôþñá, åäþ êáé ôñßá ÷ñüíéá, óôïí éäéüêôçôï ÷þñï ôçò óôïí ÐåõêéÜ, ìå ôçí áîåðÝñáóôç ðáíïñáìéêÞ èÝá ôçò ×þñáò! Óáò ðñïôåßíïõìå æùíôáíü áóôáêü, óêïñðßíá óïýðá Þ øçôÞ, ìðáêáëéÜñï öñÝóêï, “ó÷éóôü” óôá êÜñâïõíá, ÷ôáðüäé øçôü, ëéáóôü óôá êÜñâïõíá êáé Üëëá ðïëëÜ ìå ôç “óöñáãßäá” ôçò ÖùôåéíÞò.

Since 1982 in Agnontas, and now, for the last three years, in the space owned by her in Pefkias, with the insuperable panoramic view to Chora! We recommend live lobster, scorpion fish soup or roasted, fresh haddock, "schisto" on charcoal, grilled octopus, sundried on charcoal, and many more with the "seal" of Fotini.



¢ñôïò Ðßôåò Ãëõêü Ðáãùôü

ÅñãáóôÞñéï, ôçë.: 24240 23473 ÕðïêáôÜóôçìá ðáñáëßáò, ôçë.: 24240 23714 Fax: 24240 23713

SOUVLAKI Ðïéüôçôá óôç ãåýóç Quality in taste

Ðáñáëßá ÓêïðÝëïõ, ôçë. 24240 24870 êéí.: 6974 122300, 6976 708818 Ôçë. ðáñáããåëßáò: 6983 637 108

ÊÏÇILI VILLAS Tel: +30 24240 24 801 Mob: +30 6976 971 575 Email: Kohili Villas, Yiorgos & Lina Kohili, Skopelos island, Greece, pc: 37 003



list Ôï ÁíáøõêôÞñéï óôïí Áú ÃéÜííç The Snack bar at Ai Giannis at Kastri Agios Ioannis Kastri, Skopelos T: +30 6971 986861 H åðßóêåøç óôï åêêëçóÜêé ôïõ Áú ÃéÜííç óôï Êáóôñß åßíáé åðéâåâëçìÝíç ëüãù êáé ôïõ áðüç÷ïõ ôçò ôáéíßáò Mamma Mia! Ðéåßôå Ýíá êáöåäÜêé ðñéí áíåâåßôå ôá óêáëéÜ, äñïóéóôåßôå ìå Ýíá áíáøõêôéêü Þ “ôóéìðåßóôå” êÜôé, óïõâëÜêé, ïìåëÝôåò, óáëÜôåò, óÜíôïõúôò, óêïðåëßôéêç ôõñüðéôá êáé Üëëá ðïëëÜ. Ðñéí öýãåôå ðÜñôå ìáæß óáò êáé ôï DISCOVER SKOPELOS ãéá íá äåßôå êáé ôéò Üëëåò ïìïñöéÝò ôïõ íçóéïý. It is imperative to visit the chapel of Ai Giannis at Kastri, due to the echo of the Mamma Mia movie! Drink a cup of coffee before climbing the stairs, freshen up with a soft drink or grab a bite, souvlaki (skewer), omelets, salads, sandwiches, cheese pie of Skopelos and many more. Before leaving, take DISCOVER SKOPELOS with you, in order to see the other beautiful spots of the island too.



Glyfoneri beach, Skopelos Ô: +30 6946456317 OéêïãåíåéáêÞ ôáâÝñíá ìå ðáñáäïóéáêÞ êïõæßíá êáé éóôïñßá áðü ôï 1967. Áêñéâþò ðÜíù óôï êýìá ãéá öñåóêüôáôï íôüðéï êáëáìÜñé (èñÜøáëá), êïôüðïõëï óïõâëÜêé, ìáãåéñåõôÜ óðéôéêÜ öáãçôÜ, üðùò ãåìéóôÜ, óïõôæïõêÜêéá, ìïõóáêÜò, ê.Ü. A family-run tavern with traditional kitchen and history since 1967. Exactly by the sea, for fresh local calamari (shortfin squid), chicken skewer, homemade cooked meals, such as stuffed vegetables, meatballs (soutzoukakia), moussaka etc.

Ãêßêá Gika



Skopelos town Ô: +30 24240 24611 +30 24240 22926 ¼ëá ôá ðáñáäïóéáêÜ ãëõêÜ ôïõ íçóéïý, óêïðåëßôéêç ôõñüðéôá, åßäç áñôïðïéßáò, óöïëéáôïåéäÞ, óÜíôïõúôò, êáöÝäåò, ðáãùôÜ, áðü ôï ðñùß ìÝ÷ñé ôï âñÜäõ. Ìéá ãëõêéÜ éóôïñßá áðü ôï 1984. Äßðëá óôçí Alpha Bank. All the traditional sweets of the island, cheese pie from Skopelos, bakery items, pastry, sandwiches, coffees, ice creams, from morning till night. A sweet history since 1984. Íext to Alpha Bank.






Skopelos town Ô: +30 24240 22231 +30 6943566136 Âñßóêåôáé óôï êÝíôñï ôïõ ëéìáíéïý, ÷ôéóìÝíï ìå éäéáßôåñç áñ÷éôåêôïíéêÞ. Ôá äùìÜôéá åßíáé êëéìáôéæüìåíá ìå èÝá ôï ëéìÜíé êáé ôçí ðüëç. Ìðïñåßôå åðßóçò íá ãåõìáôßóåôå Þ íá ðéåßôå ôïí êáöÝ Þ ôï ðïôü óáò óôï åóôéáôüñéï - ìðáñ ôïõ îåíïäï÷åßïõ ðïõ äéáèÝôåé åëëçíéêÞ êïõæßíá, øáñéêÜ, ôçò þñáò ê.Ü. It is situated in the center of the harbor and its architecture is very special. The rooms have air conditioning and a view of the harbor and the town. You can also dine or enjoy your coffee or a drink in the hotel's bar-restaurant, which serves Greek cuisine, fish, grilled dishes etc.



Loutraki, Skopelos Ô: +30 24240 33925 Ìüëéò âãåßôå áðü ôï ëéìÜíé ôïõ Ëïõôñáêßïõ, ðÜíù óôïí êåíôñéêü äñüìï ðñïò Ãëþóóá, óáò ðåñéìÝíåé ï Êùíóôáíôßíïò ìå ôá áðßóôåõôá øçôÜ ôïõ. Áñíß, ìðéöôÝêé, ðáúäÜêéá, ðáíóÝôá, ãýñïò, êïêïñÝôóé, óïõâëÜêé, êïôüðïõëï, êåìðÜð... êáé ãéá üóïõò èÝëïõí øáñéêÜ... êáé ãÜâñï, êáé óáñäÝëá ìå ìõñùäéÜ èÜëáóóáò! As soon as you get out of the Loutraki port, on the central road towards Glossa, Konstantinos with his amazing grilled dishes is waiting for you. Lamb, burger, ribs, pancetta, gyro, kokoretsi, souvlaki, chicken, kebab… and for those who want fish… also anchovy and sardines with the smell of the sea!

To Korali Fish tavern - Restaurant Agnontas, Skopelos Tel.: +30 24240 22407 Mob.: +30 6934 701 488 Mg.: Dimitrios Pantos



list Nastas


Skopelos town Ô: +30 2424023441 +30 6974823530 25 ÷ñüíéá, óôï óôáõñïäñüìé ðñïò ÓôÜöõëï, ç êõñßá Ìáñßá ÍÜóôá ðåñéðïéåßôáé ôïõò ðåëÜôåò ôçò, óåñâßñïíôáò ðáñáäïóéáêÞ êïõæßíá, èáëáóóéíÜ, áóôáêïýò, ñïöü óôéöÜäï, íçóéþôéêç êáêáâéÜ, ãáñßäá êñéèáñÜêé, ìõäïðßëáöï, ÷ôáðïäïìáêáñïíÜäá, áëëÜ êáé êñåáôéêÜ, üðùò ÷ïéñéíü êüôóé, óïýâëåò, êáé Üëëá ðïëëÜ. ÄéáèÝôåé ìðáñ ãéá ðïôü, ìå ôïðéêÜ óêïðåëßôéêá åðéäüñðéá êáé óíÜêò. ÆùíôáíÞ åëëçíéêÞ ìïõóéêÞ êÜèå âñÜäõ. For 25 years now, on the crossroads towards Stafylos, Mrs Maria Nasta tends to her customers by serving them traditional cuisine, seafood, lobsters, grouper stew, island fish soup, shrimps with barley-shaped pasta, mussel risotto, octopus pasta but also meat dishes such as pork knuckle, meat from the spit and much more. There is also a bar for drinks, with local desserts and snacks from Skopelos. Live music every night.

O Pavlos


Agnontas, Skopelos Ô: +30 24240 22409 Email: Fb: pavlos zithestiatorio agnodas-skopelos Äéá÷ñïíéêÞ øáñïôáâÝñíá óôï ãñáöéêü êüëðï, äßðëá óôç èÜëáóóá, ìå ìéá ôåñÜóôéá ìõñôéÜ ãéá óêéÜ êáé èÝá óôéò øáñüâáñêåò. Èá âñåßôå åîáéñåôéêÜ öñÝóêá øÜñéá, áóôáêü, áóôáêïìáêáñïíÜäá êáé ìáãåéñåõôÜ. Óôá óõí ç ëåõêÞ ôáñáìïóáëÜôá, ç óáëÜôá ìå âñáóôü êñßôáìï (ìÝ÷ñé ôá ìÝóá Éïõëßïõ) êáé ôï ãëõêü ôåëåßùìá ìå óáñáãëÜêéá êáé ôï ôïðéêü ãëõêü ôïõ êïõôáëéïý áõãÜôï. An all-time classic fish-tavern in the picturesque bay. By the sea, with a huge myrtle for shade and views of the fishing boats. You will find excellent fresh fish, lobster, spaghetti with lobster and casseroles, as well as other delicacies, such as white fish roe salad, salad with boiled sea fennel (until mid-July) and saraglakia or “avgato” (local fruit preserve) for a sweet finish.

Pansion Platana ROOMS FOR RENT Glossa, Skopelos Ô: +30 24240 33188

+30 6973 646702

¹óõ÷ç, êáèáñÞ, ïéêïãåíåéáêÞ åðé÷åßñçóç, ìå äéáèÝóéìá óôïýíôéï êáé åíïéêéáæüìåíá äùìÜôéá, ðïõ äéáèÝôïõí ðëÞñùò åîïðëéóìÝíç êïõæßíáøõãåßï, êëéìáôéóìü, ôçëåüñáóç, Wi-fi, áôïìéêü ìðáëêüíé ê.Ü. Äñïóåñüò ÷þñïò, ìå èÝá óôçí èÜëáóóá êáé óôï âïõíü, 5 ìå 10 ëåðôÜ ìå ôï áõôïêßíçôï áðü ôéò üìïñöåò ðáñáëßåò ôïõ íçóéïý. Bñßóêåôáé óå êïíôéíÞ áðüóôáóç áðü óïýðåñ ìÜñêåô, áñôïðïéåßï, êáöåôÝñéá, åóôéáôüñéá êáé Üëëåò åãêáôáóôÜóåéò, åíþ ç óôÜóç ëåùöïñåßïõ áðÝ÷åé ìüíï 30ì. A quiet, clean, family-run business, with available studios and rooms to rent, which include a fully equipped kitchen, refrigerator, air-conditioning, television, Wi-Fi, individual balcony etc. A cool area, overlooking the sea and the mountain, 5 to 10 minutes away from the beautiful beaches of the island by car. Platana is located at a short distance from a supermarket, a bakery, a cafeteria, restaurants and other facilities, while the bus stop is only 30m. away.

Glossa Skopelou Viewpoint

Cafe bar PYXIDA The best view in town...

t: 24240 34218



list Rigas


Panormos, Skopelos Ô: +30 24240 23377 +30 24240 22584 Êëåßíåé öÝôïò 50 ÷ñüíéá ëåéôïõñãßáò, ôï åóôéáôüñéï ôïõ ÑÞãá óôçí ðáíÝìïñöç ðáñáëßá ôïõ Ðáíüñìïõ. Óáò ðñïôåßíïõìå êáëáìÜñé ìå ìáíÝóôñá, êëÝöôéêï, óôéöÜäï êïõíÝëé, ðïõ ìáãåéñåýåé ìå ìáåóôñßá ç êõñßá Ôáóïýëá. Åðßóçò, øáñéêÜ, áóôáêïìáêáñïíÜäåò, ìáãåéñåõôÜ ðáñáäïóéáêÜ öáãçôÜ ÓêïðÝëïõ êáé Üëëåò ëé÷ïõäéÝò. ÓõíäõÜóôå ôï êáé ìå ôç äéáìïíÞ óáò óôá äùìÜôéá ðïõ äéáèÝôåé. Rigas' restaurant is on business for 50 years this year at the beautiful beach of Panormos. We recommend squid with noodles, kleftiko, and rabbit stew, which are masterfully cooked by Mrs. Tasoula. Also, fish, spaghetti with lobster, traditional grilled foods of Skopelos and other delicacies. Combine it with your stay in the rooms that it offers.



Stafylos beach, Skopelos Ô: +30 24240 24794 +30 6984 379365 Óôï øçëüôåñï óçìåßï ôçò ïìþíõìçò ðáñáëßáò äåóðüæåé ôï îáêïõóôü åäþ êáé ðïëëÜ ÷ñüíéá åóôéáôüñéï. ¸÷ïíôáò ðáíïñáìéêÞ èÝá óôç Â. Åýâïéá, áðïëáýóôå åëëçíéêÞ, ìåóïãåéáêÞ êïõæßíá, öñÝóêá øÜñéá êáé èáëáóóéíÜ, ìáãåéñåõôÜ, ôçò þñáò êáé Üëëåò ãåýóåéò ðïõ óßãïõñá äåí èá óáò áöÞóïõí áäéÜöïñïõò. Áíïé÷ôÜ áðü ôï ðñùß ìÝ÷ñé ôï âñÜäõ. ÄéáèÝôåé ðÜñêéíãê. This, since many years, famous restaurant dominates the highest point of the homonymous beach. With a panoramic view to North Evoia, enjoy Greek and Mediterranean cuisine, fresh fish and seafood, grilled dishes, cooked to order and other tastes, which will definitely intrigue you. Open from morning till night. Parking is offered.

Dream cars RENT A CAR - MOTOBIKE Loutraki, Skopelos Ô: +30 24240 33977 +30 6976 243 731 Email: Mg. Glykeria Tegou H ðïëõåôÞò ðåßñá ìáò óôéò åíïéêéÜóåéò, åããõþíôáé óõíå÷Þ öñïíôßäá, áðüëõôï Ýëåã÷ï, ðñïóéôÝò ôéìÝò þóôå íá íéþóåôå áóöÜëåéá óôéò äéáêïðÝò óáò. Óôï óýã÷ñïíï óôüëï ôùí áõôïêéíÞôùí ìáò öõóéêÜ äåí ëåßðåé ï êëéìáôéóìüò - Á/C áëëÜ êáé ç äõíáôüôçôá åðéëïãÞò ìïíôÝëïõ, ìå áõôüìáôï ÷åéñéóìü ôá÷õôÞôùí. Ï ìåãÜëïò áñéèìüò óçìåßùí åîõðçñÝôçóçò, ìáò åðéôñÝðåé íá åßìáóôå äßðëá óáò üôáí ÷ñåéáóôåßôå åíïéêßáóç áõôïêéíÞôïõ áëëÜ êáé íá óáò äéåõêïëýíïõìå óå ðåñßðôùóç ðïõ èÝëåôå íá åðéóôñÝøåôå ôï åíïéêéáæüìåíï áõôïêßíçôï, óå Üëëï óôáèìü áðü áõôüí ðïõ áñ÷éêÜ êÜíáôå ôçí åíïéêßáóç, êÜèå þñá ôçò çìÝñáò.Ôï ãñáöåßï ìáò âñßóêåôáé óôï ËïõôñÜêé ôçò Ãëþóóáò ÓêïðÝëïõ, 150 ì. áðü ôï ëéìÜíé. Our many years of experience in rentals guarantee continuous care, absolute control, and affordable prices, so that you feel safe during your vacations. Our modern fleet of cars of course does not lack A/C, as well as the ability to select a model, with automatic gear handing. The big number of service points allow us to be close to you when you need to rent a car, as well as to accommodate you in case you wish to return the rented car, to another station than the one where you initially made the rental, any hour of the day. Our office is located at Loutraki of Skopelos' Glossa, 150m. away from the port.

Stonehouse & Blue & green Villa Loutsa Panormos, Skopelos Ôel / Fax: +30 24240 23527

Mob: +30 6977 326 385


Owner: Victoria Patsi




Paradosiaki Gonia Glossa, Skopelos Ô: +30 24240 33292 +30 6986 868771 ÖôÜíïíôáò óôç Ãëþóóá, áêñéâþò óôç äé÷Üëá ôùí äýï êáëíôåñéìéþí ðïõ ïäçãïýí óôï êÝíôñï ôïõ ÷ùñéïý, êÜíôå óôÜóç. Êáèßóôå óôï ìðáëêïíÜêé êáé áðïëáýóôå ìåæåäïêáôáóôÜóåéò, óðéôéêÜ öáãçôÜ, øçôÜ êáé Üëëá ðïëëÜ, ðïõ åôïéìÜæïõí ï Áðïóôüëçò êáé ç ×ñõóïýëá. Reaching Glossa, directly at the intersection of the two cobbled roads, which lead to the center of the village, make a stop. Sit at the balcony and enjoy mezes, homemade dishes, grilled dishes and many others, which are prepared by Apostolis and Chrysoula.

Mikro Kafe

Niki apartments Panormos, Skopelos Ô: +30 24240 23712 +30 6974 052080 Email: ÁðÝ÷åé ìüëéò 70ì. áðü ôçí ðáñáëßá ôïõ Ðáíüñìïõ, ìÝóá óå Ýíá êáôáðñÜóéíï ðåñéâÜëëïí. ¼ëá ôá äéáìåñßóìáôá åßíáé öùôåéíÜ êáé ðåñéëáìâÜíïõí ìéêñÞ êïõæßíá ìå øõãåßï, êáèéóôéêü ìå ôçëåüñáóç, ìðáëêüíé ìå èÝá. At a distance of only 70m. from Panormos beach, in a lush environment. All the apartments are bright, they include a small kitchen with fridge, sitting room with television and a balcony with view.

Skopelos town Ô: +3024240 29028 +30 6977298387

Super Market Panos

fb: Ìéêñü êáöÝ - Mikro Kafe

Loutraki, Skopelos Ô: +30 24240 33816 Mg: Diomitsa Kloni

Ðåñðáôþíôáò óôá ãñáöéêÜ óïêÜêéá, óôï êÝíôñï ôçò ×þñáò, áìÝóùò ìåôÜ ôï áñ÷ïíôéêü ÂáêñÜôóá, êÜíôå ìéá óôÜóç ãéá ôïí ðñþôï óáò åëëçíéêü êáöÝ, ôïóô, ÷õìü Þ ðñùúíü. Ôï Ìéêñü ÊáöÝ óõíå÷ßæåé ìå ìåæåäÜêéá, êñáóÜêé êáé ðáãùìÝíç ìðéñßôóá, ìÝ÷ñé áñãÜ ôï âñÜäõ. Walking through the picturesque alleys, at the center of Chora, directly after the Vakratsa mansion, make a stop for your first Greek coffee, toast, juice or breakfast. Mikro Kafe continues with snacks, wine and frozen beer, until late at night.

Oëüöñåóêá öñïýôá êáé ëá÷áíéêÜ, åßäç ôñïößìùí êáé ðïôþí, ãáëáêôïìéêÜ, êñåáôéêÜ, åßäç êáèáñéüôçôáò êáé ãéá ü,ôé Üëëï ÷ñåéáóôåßôå, êÜíôå ìéá óôÜóç óôï ëéìÜíé ôïõ Ëïõôñáêßïõ. Ï ÐÜíïò èá óáò åîõðçñåôÞóåé êáé èá óáò êáëùóïñßóåé! For fresh fruit and vegetables, foods and drinks, dairy products, meats, cleaning supplies and whatever else you may need, stop at the port of Loutraki. Panos will serve and welcome you!




The rapture of nature, the kiss of bliss...experience Skopelos, let Hovolo be yours!

Hovolo Hotel Apartments, Skopelos, Neo Klima - Greece Season Tel: +30 24240 33151 | Off Season Tel : +30 24240 33153, +30 6947 681289 Fax: +30 24240 33150 ÌÇ.Ô.Å. 0726Ê032Á0194400 @:

SKÏ PE LOS ÕðÜñ÷ïõí ôüóá ðñÜãìáôá íá äåßôå Þ íá êÜíåôå óôï üìïñöï íçóß, ðïõ åßíáé áäýíáôïí íá ôá áðáñéèìÞóïõìå üëá. Ðáñüëá áõôÜ óáò äßíïõìå Ýíáí “Ïäçãü” ãéá íá ìðïñÝóåôå íá “êéíçèåßôå” êáé ðåñéìÝíïõìå ôéò äéêÝò óáò ðñïôÜóåéò ãéá ôï åðüìåíï ôåý÷ïò.

Áíáêáëýøôå ôá...

There are so many things to see or do on this beautiful island that it is impossible to list them all. However, we provide a "guide" so that you will be able to "move", and we are looking forward to your own proposals for the next issue.

Text: Spyridoula Mpetsani

20 things to See & Do


88 20 things to See & Do


Z. Stamoulis


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C. Andreou




Z. Stamoulis

THE MONASTERIES The degree of the religiousness of the inhabitants of Skopelos, is shown by the "countless" traditional churches and chapels, as well as by the 24 monasteries, among which there are three Byzantine ones. At the side of "Palouki" mountain, exactly opposite to Skopelos' Chora, many of the island's monasteries are located. The Monastery of Agia Varvara (Santa Barbara) was built in the 17th century. It is surrounded by fort walls, which remind of a medieval fortress. It has a masterful temple, one of the oldest on the island, a sample of Byzantine art. The Monastery of Timios Prodromos is located at a short distance from the Monastery of Agia Varvara, at the top of "Palouki" mountain. Its temple is worth admiring, and it consists of two parts, one dated to the 14th century and the other dated to the 18th century. Besides that, there are icons of the 17th century, while the murals date back to the 14th century. The Monastery of Evangelistria is built at the side of Palouki mountain, at a point with excellent view and it resembles a fortress, so that it protected the inhabitants from pirate invasions. It was renovated in 1712 by the father of the known scholar Cesarius Daponte, Chatzis Stefanis Daponte, after a miracle that he experienced. In the church, there are icons of the 14th century, while its temple is coated by sheets of gold. There is a patriarchal sigillium of 1804 in the monastery with 2 lead seals of the Monastery. This is where the miraculous icon of "Pammakaristos" dominates, which was given as a gift to Cesarius Daponte by Mavrocordatos' wife, and which was previously in a church in Romania. The monastery also included a School, in which Saint Ierotheos from Iberia taught. The Monastery of the Transformation of the Savior is located opposite to the monastery of Evangelismos (Annunciation). It is considered to be one of the oldest of the island, and it is estimated that it was built towards the end of the 15th century. Its temple is dated to the 16th century. The church has cobbled floor. In 1821, it was a shelter for the monks of Mouth Athos.

cophagus of the Episcope of Skopelos, Agios Riginos, is kept, which dates back to the 4th century. Agios Riginos is the patron saint, protector of Skopelos. The Monastery of Agios Taxiarchis in Glossa is located on the road towards "Perivoliou" beach. It was built in the 17th century on a pre-Christian temple. The Monastery has been identified with the recent history of Glossa. There are also many other Monasteries, which are dispersed all around the island. The Holy Monastery of Panagia Livadiotissa (Virgin Mary of the Meadows) of the 17th century to the eastern suburbs of Chora, the Holy Monastery of Agios Ioannis of the 18th century at Kotronaki, the Holy Monastery of Timios Stavros (Holy Cross) of the 17th century at Kotronaki, to the north of Chora, which is a unique sample of triconch temples on the island, the Holy Monastery of Agios Ioannis of the 16th century at Kampos, the Holy Monastery of Agios Artemios of the 17th century to the south of Chora, the Holy Monastery of Agios Nikolaos of the 17th century at Kipi, next to the Elementary School, where the French Academy of Skopelos also was, the Holy Monastery of Pano Panaitsa (Assumption of Virgin Mary) of the 18th century at the NE part of the island, the Holy Monastery of Agia Triada of the 18th century at Palouki mountain, the Holy Monastery of Agios Taxiarchis of the 18th century at Vato, the Holy Monastery of the Assumption of the Savior at Karya, the Holy Monastery of the 17th century at Stefani location, the Holy Monastery of Agios Efstathios of the 17th century at Karya, which has the capacity to host during the summer at a nearby residence with cells, the Holy Monastery of Agios Georgios of the 18th century at Karya, the Holy Monastery of Panagia Eliotissa of the 18th century at Neo Klima of Glossa, the Holy Monastery of Agii Apostoli of the 18th century in Glossa, the Holy Monastery of Agios Ioannis at Kastri of

The Monastery of Agios Riginos is located at a small distance out of Skopelos' Chora, to the Southwest. It was built in 1728, as it is inscribed in a marble slab, which was found earlier at the entrance of the Monastery. This is where the sar-

the 18th century on a steep rock, and the Holy Monastery of Agios Georgios of the 18th century, on the homonymous uninhabited island, which has its celebration-festival on April 23rd.


90 20 things to See & Do

02 ÅÊÊËÇÓÉÅÓ ÊÁÉ ÎÙÊËÇÓÉÁ / CHURCHES AND CHAPELS Photos: Costas Andreou ¼ðïéï óïêÜêé êáé íá äéáâåßôå óôçí Óêüðåëï èá äåßôå íá îåðñïâÜëëïíôáé áðü ðáíôïý åêêëçóßåò. ËÝãåôáé üôé óõíïëéêÜ óå üëï ôï íçóß, õðÜñ÷ïõí 360 åêêëçóßåò êáé îùêëÞóéá. ÊÜðïéåò áðü ôéò ðéï óçìáíôéêÝò åßíáé ïé ðáñáêÜôù. Ï Éåñüò Íáüò ÃåííÞóåùò ôïõ ×ñéóôïý, âñßóêåôáé êÜôù áðü ôï ÊÜóôñï êáé åßíáé ï Ìçôñïðïëéôéêüò Íáüò ôçò Ðüëçò. Ôï ôÝìðëï ôïõ ÷ñïíïëïãåßôáé ôï 1765, åíþ éóôïñéêÞò óçìáóßáò åßíáé ç êáìðÜíá ôïõ, ôçí ïðïßá äþñéóå ï ÁëÝîéïò Ïñëþö ãá ôçí óõììåôï÷Þ ôùí Óêïðåëéôþí óôç íáõìá÷ßá ôïõ ÔóåóìÝ, üðïõ êáé êáôáóôñÜöçêå ï ôïõñêéêüò óôüëïò ôï 1770. Ç Ðáíáãßá ôçò ÖáíåñùìÝíçò, âñßóêåôáé ðÜíù áðü ôçí ðáñáëßá, ÷ñïíïëïãåßôáé ôïí 16 áé. ¸÷åé áîéüëïãåò åéêüíåò êáé ôÝìðëï ôïõ 17ïõ áé. Ç Ðáíáãßá ôçò Åëåõèåñþôñéáò, Ý÷åé êôéóôåß ôïí 18ï áé., Ý÷åé áîéüëïãï ôÝìðëï åíþ åíôüò ôïõ íáïý, õðÜñ÷ïõí åíôïé÷éóìÝíá áñ÷áßá, âõæáíôéíÜ ãëõðôÜ. Ï ¢ãéïò Ìé÷áÞë Óõíáäþí, âñßóêåôáé êÜôù áðü ôï ÊÜóôñï, ôï ôÝìðëï ôïõ åßíáé ôïõ 17ïõ áé., åíôüò ôïõ íáïý õðÜñ÷ïõí ðáëéÝò åéêüíåò êáèþò êáé ðÝíôå åíôïé÷éóìÝíïé ñùìáúêïß óáñêïöÜãïé. Ï Éåñüò Íáüò ôùí Áãßùí Áðïóôüëùí óôï "ÂñÜ÷ï", âñßóêåôáé äßðëá áðü ôï Äçìáñ÷åßï ôçò ×þñáò. Êôßóôçêå ôïí 11ï áé., óôç èÝóç áñ÷áßïõ íáïý ôçò èåÜò ÁèçíÜò. Ôï ôÝìðëï ôïõ êáé ïé ôïé÷ïãñáößåò ôïõ ÷ñïíïëïãïýíôáé áðü ôïí 16ï áé. Ç Ðáíáãßá ôïõ Ðýñãïõ (Ðáíáãßôóá ôïõ Ðýñãïõ), äåóðüæåé ðÜíù óôïí åðéâëçôéêü âñÜ÷ï, ôïõ ðáëéïý ëéìáíéïý. Ôï ôÝìðëï ôçò åßíáé ôïõ 17ïõ áé. åíþ åêåß âñßóêåôáé êáé ç åéêüíá ðïõ âñÝèçêå ìÝóá óôç èÜëáóóá. Ï Éåñüò Íáüò ôïõ Áãßïõ Áèáíáóßïõ óôï ÊÜóôñï. Êôßóôçêå ôïí 11ï áé. êáé ðñüêåéôáé ãéá ôïí ðñþôï íáü ôïõ íçóéïý. Ç Ðáíáãßá ç Ðïëåìßóôñéá, âñßóêåôáé óôïí äñüìï ðñïò "ÐåõêéÜ". ÊôéóìÝíç ðÜíù óå áñ÷áßï íáü ôçò ÁèçíÜò, üðùò áõôü ìáñôõñåßôáé áðü ôá áñ÷áßá ôåß÷ç ôçò ðïõ ðåñéâÜëëïõí ôïí íáü.

No matter from which alley you pass in Skopelos, you will see churches popping out from everywhere. It is said that in Skopelos there are 360 churches and chapels in total all around the island. Some of the most important are the following ones. The Holy Temple of the Birth of the Christ is located below the Castle and it is the Metropolitan Temple of the Town. Its temple dates back to 1765, while its bell, which was donated by Alexei Orlov for the participation of the inhabitants of Skopelos in the naval battle of Cesme, where the Turkish fleet was destroyed in 1770, has significant historical value. Panagia tis Faneromenis is located over the beach, and it dates back to the 16th century. It has notable icons and a temple of the 17th century. Panagia tis Eleftherotrias was built in the 18th century, it has a notable temple, while inside the church there are ancient Byzantine sculptures built into the walls. Agios Michail Synadon is found below the castle, its temple is of the 17th century, and in its interior there are ancient icons, as well as five Roman sarcophagi, which are built into the walls. The inscriptions of the 2nd century, which are built into the wall, are notable. The Holy Temple of Agioi Apostoloi on the "Rock" is located next to the Town Hall of Chora. It was built in the 11th century in the place of the ancient temple of goddess Athena. Its temple and murals date back to the 16th century. Panagia tou Pyrgou (Virgin Mary of the Tower) dominates on the imposing rock of the old port. Its temple is of the 17th century, while the icon that was found in the sea is also kept there. The Holy Temple of Agios Athanasios at Kastro. It was built in the 11th century, and this is the first temple of the island. Panagia I Polemistria (Virgin Mary the Fighter) is on the road to "Pefkia". It is built on an ancient temple of Athena, which is witnessed by its ancient walls, which surround the temple.

ÁÇ ÃÉÁÍÍÇÓ ÓÔÏ ÊÁÓÔÑÉ / AGIOS IOANNIS AT KASTRI Ðñéí ìðåßôå óôç Ãëþóóá, õðÜñ÷åé Ýíáò äñüìïò äåîéÜ, ðïõ èá óáò ïäçãÞóåé. Ðñüêåéôáé ãéá ôï ðáóßãíùóôï, ðéá, åêêëçóÜêé, áöïý åêåß ãõñßóôçêå ï “ãÜìïò” ôçò ôáéíßáò "Ìamma Mia!". Ôï åêêëçóÜêé åßíáé êôéóìÝíï óôçí êïñõöÞ åíüò âñÜ÷ïõ, ýøïõò 100 ìÝôñùí. Ãéá íá öôÜóåôå åêåß ðñÝðåé íá áíåâåßôå ôá 106 ëáîåõìÝíá ðÜíù óôçí ðÝôñá óêáëïðáôÜêéá. Ç èÝá ðñïò ôï ðÝëáãïò åßíáé ìáãåõôéêÞ êáé ïé ãýñù ìéêñÝò ðáñáëßåò ðïõ áãêáëéÜæïõí ôïí âñÜ÷ï, óõíèÝôïõí Ýíá ìáãåõôéêü óêçíéêü, ãëõêáßíïíôáò ôï Üãñéáò ïìïñöéÜò, âñá÷þäåò ôïðßï. Ï ëáúêüò ìýèïò ëÝåé, üôé Ýíáò øáñÜò áðü ôçí Ãëþóóá, åðéóôñÝöïíôáò óôï óðßôé ôïõ áðü ôï øÜñåìá, Ýâëåðå óôïí âñÜ÷ï Ýíá öþò. Ôï Ýâëåðå êÜèå âñÜäõ. ¿óðïõ óôï üíåéñü ôïõ åìöáíßóôçêå ìéá ãõíáßêá, ç ïðïßá ôïõ áðïêÜëõøå üôé óôçí êïñõöÞ ôïõ âñÜ÷ïõ, âñßóêåôáé ìéá åéêüíá. ÁíÝâçêå óôçí êïñõöÞ êáé âñÞêå ôçí åéêüíá ôïõ ÉùÜííç Ðñïäñüìïõ, ôçí ðÞñå áðü åêåß, áëëÜ áõôÞ åðÝóôñåöå ðßóù óôïí âñÜ÷ï êÜèå öïñÜ. Óå ‘êåßíï ôï óçìåßï êôßóôçêå ç åêêëçóßá ôïõ "Áãßïõ ÉùÜííç óôï Êáóôñß". Before you enter Glossa, there is a road to your right, which will guide you. This is the widely known now chapel, since this is where the wedding of the "MAMMA MIA" movie was shot. The chapel is built on the top of a rock at a height of 100 meters. To reach this, you have to climb the 106 small steps, which are carved on the stone. The view to the sea is majestic, and the surrounding small beaches that embrace the rock compose a majestic scenery, sweetening the wildly beautiful rocky landscape. The folk legend says that a fisherman from Glossa saw a light on the rock while returning home from fishing. He used to see it every night. In the end, a woman appeared in his dream and revealed to him that there was an icon on the top of the rock. He climbed to the top and found the icon of Ioannis Prodromos (Saint John the Baptist) and took it from there, but the icon returned back to the rock every time. Thus, the church of "Agios Ioannis at Kastri" was built on the rock.

03 Photos: Zachos Stamoulis


92 20 things to See & Do




ÌÍÇÌÅÉÁ ÊÁÉ ÁÎÉÏÈÅÁÔÁ Ôï "Áóêëçðéåßï", âñßóêåôáé óôçí ðáñáëéáêÞ ïäü, áñéóôåñÜ áðü ôï íÝï ëéìÜíé. Åßíáé Ýíá áðü ôá óðïõäáéüôåñá áñ÷áéïëïãéêÜ åõñÞìáôá, ðïõ áíáêáëýöèçêå óôçí ðåñéï÷Þ ôùí Âïñåßùí ÓðïñÜäùí. Ðñüêåéôáé ãéá ôï Éåñü ôïõ èåïý ôçò éáôñéêÞò Áóêëçðéïý, ðïõ ÷ñïíïëïãåßôáé ôïí 4ï áéþíá ð.×. Ôï 1961 áðïêáëýöèçêáí ïé ôïß÷ïé ôùí áñ÷áßùí êôéóìÜôùí êáé Ýðåéôá ôìÞìáôá êåñáìéêþí áããåßùí. Ç åðéãñáöÞ "ÁÓÊË", ðïõ åßíáé ÷áñáãìÝíç ðÜíù óå Ýíá üóôñáêï, êáèþò êáé ç ôïðïèåóßá, ïäÞãçóå óôï óõìðÝñáóìá üôé ðñüêåéôáé ãéá ôïí íáü ôïõ Áóêëçðéïý. Ôï ÊÜóôñï ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ, ðåñéÝâáëëå ôçí áñ÷áßá ÐåðÜñçèï, ôç óçìåñéíÞ ×þñá ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ. Áõôü ðïõ óþæåôáé, åßíáé ôìÞìáôá ôïõ ôåß÷ïõò. Ðñüêåéôáé ãéá âõæáíôéíÜ ôåß÷ç, ôá ïðïßá áíôéêáôÝóôçóáí ôïí áñ÷áßï ï÷õñùìÝíï ðåñßâïëï, ðïõ óôçí óõíÝ÷åéá äÝ÷ôçêå åðéóêåõÝò êáé óçìáíôéêÝò ìåôáôñïðÝò êáôÜ ôç äéÜñêåéá ôçò Åíåôïêñáôßáò, ôïí 13ï áéþíá. Ç ÅðéóêïðÞ ÓêïðÝëïõ, Ýíá åíåôéêü êôßóìá ìå ìïíüêëéôç âáóéëéêÞ åêêëçóßá óôï åóùôåñéêü ôïõ. Ðñïïñéæüôáí ãéá Ýäñá ôïõ Åðéóêüðïõ ÓêïðÝëïõ, ðïõ Ýìåéíå üìùò çìéôåëÞò åîáéôßáò ôçò åðéäñïìÞò ôïõ Ìðáñìðáñüóá (1538). Êôßóôçêå óôá åñåßðéá ìåãÜëçò ÂõæáíôéíÞò Ôñéóõðüóôáôçò ÂáóéëéêÞò, ç ïðïßá Þôáí êôéóìÝíç óôá åñåßðéá ðáëáéï÷ñéóôéáíéêïý íáïý, ðïõ ìå ôçí óåéñÜ ôïõ åß÷å êôéóôåß óå áñ÷áßï Éåñü. Óôï åóùôåñéêü ôçò èá äåßôå ôéò åíôïé÷éóìÝíåò åðéãñáöÝò êáèþò êáé ôï áñ÷áßï áíÜãëõöï üðïõ áíáãñÜöåôáé ç çìåñïìçíßá êôßóçò ôçò ÂõæáíôéíÞò ÂáóéëéêÞò åêêëçóßáò, ôï 1078. Ôá Óåíôïýêéá, åßíáé ïé ëáîåõôïß ôÜöïé, ðïõ âñÝèçêáí óôï âïõíü "ÊáñõÜ", üðïõ õðÜñ÷åé êáé ìéá áðü ôéò ðçãÝò ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ. Åêåß èá èáõìÜóåôå ôçí åîáéñåôéêÞ èÝá ðñïò ôçí ¸õâïéá , ôç ÓêéÜèï êáé ôï ÐÞëéï áëëÜ êáé èá áðïëáýóåôå ôï ðáíÝìïñöï öõóéêü ðåñéâÜëëïí.

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C. Andreou




C. Andreou

MONUMENTS AND SIGHTSEEING "Asklepieion" is located on the coastal road, to the left of the new port. It is

which killed all its inhabitants. "Agios Riginos" chased him, when he arrived

one of the most significant archaeological findings, which was discovered in

to the region, and the dragon, not having another choice, jumped over the

the area of the Northern Sporades. This is the Sanctuary of the god of medi-

cliff and tore the steep rock in the middle.

cine, Asclepius, which dates back to the 4th century BC. In 1961, the walls of the ancient buildings were discovered, and then parts of ceramic vessels.

At the peninsula of "Stafylos", the tomb and the sword of the homonymous

The inscription "ÁÓÊË", which is engraved on a shell, as well as the location,

king of ancient Peparithos were found. In the region of "Panermos" there are

led to the conclusion that it is the temple of Asclepius.

also ancient walls of the ancient homonymous fortified Acropolis, which lead to Pan's Cave.

The Castle of Skopelos surrounded ancient Chora. Today parts of the wall survive. These are Byzantine walls, which replaced the ancient fortified yard,

In today's "Loutraki" in Glossa parts of the walls of the ancient town of

which later on was repaired and modified to a significant degree during the

"Selinous" of the 5th century, as well as the mosaic floor of the ancient

Venetian occupation in the 13th century.

Roman baths, which is in the sea, are saved.

The Diocese of Skopelos, a Venetian building with an one-aisle basilica in its

"Pyrgoi" (Towers) of Skopelos were ancient fortified cottages, which were

interior. It was intended to be the headquarters of the Bishop of Skopelos,

built for the cultivation of cereals, the production of wine and oil, and, at the

which, however, remained unfinished due to the invasion by Barbarossa

same time, for the protection from pirates and invaders. They are mostly

(1538). It was built on the ruins of a big Byzantine Triune Basilica, which was

found in plateaus, at the northern side of Glossa.

built on the ruins of an Early Christian temple, which in turn was built on an ancient Sanctuary. In its interior, you will see the inscriptions on the wall, as well as the ancient relief, where 1078 is mentioned as the date of construction of the Byzantine Basilica.

The Lighthouse at "Gourouni" cape is 10 kilometers away from Glossa. It is an impressive building, which dominates the lush slope of the mountain. It was built in 1889 by the Greek State, and initially it operated with oil, while during the occupation it remained unlit. It operated again in 1944 and in

Sentoukia are carved tombs, which were found at "Karya" mountain of Skopelos, where one of the springs of Skopelos is also located. There, you can admire the magnificent view towards Evoia, Skiathos and Pelion, but you can also enjoy the beautiful nature of the mountains of Skopelos. Drakontoschima is the name of the region between Stafylos and Amarantos. The legend says that in old times the island was inhabited by a dragon,

1984 it was electrified, and continued to operate monitored until 1989, when it became automated. In 1996, it was characterized by the Ministry of Culture to be a historic listed monument. The height of the stone body of the tower is 14 meters, while, with the lighting cage, it climbs to approximately 17.8 meters.


94 20 things to See & Do




ÌÏÕÓÅÉÁ Óôç ×þñá: Ôï Ëáïãñáöéêü Ìïõóåßï, óôåãÜæåôáé óôï ïßêçìá ðïõ äþñéóå ç éóôïñéêÞ ïéêïãÝíåéá ×áôæçóôáìÜôç - Íéêïëáúäç, óôï ÄÞìï ÓêïðÝëïõ. Ðñüêåéôáé ãéá Ýíá áðü ôá ðáëáéüôåñá óðßôéá (1765) ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ, ôï ïðïßï áíáðáëáéþèçêå ôï 1971. Èá èáõìÜóåôå ôçí õðÝñï÷ç Ýêèåóç ìå ôéò ðáñáäïóéáêÝò öïñåóéÝò, ôá ðáñáäïóéáêÜ êåíôÞìáôá, ðïëëÜ îõëüãëõðôá Ýðéðëá, ðßíáêåò ëáúêþí æùãñÜöùí, ìéêñïãñáößåò êáñáâéþí, êáèþò êáé ðëïýóéï öùôïãñáöéêü õëéêü. Ôï áñ÷ïíôéêü "ÂáêñÜôóá", äùñßóôçêå óôï ÄÞìï ÓêïðÝëïõ, áðü ôçí éáôñü Áíôéãüíç ÂáêñÜôóá. Âñßóêåôáé óôï êÝíôñï ôçò ×þñáò ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ, ëßãï ðéï ðÜíù áðü ôçí ðáñáëßá. Ðñüêåéôáé ãéá ìéá áñ÷ïíôéêÞ äéþñïöç ïéêßá, ìå õðÝñï÷ç áõëÞ êáé õðüãåéï. ¸íá ïßêçìá áíáëëïßùôï áðü ôïí ÷ñüíï, ï ïðïßïò Ý÷åé óôáìáôÞóåé óôïí 19ï áéþíá, ìåôáöÝñïíôáò óôïí åðéóêÝðôç üëç ôçí áôìüóöáéñá êáé ôçí ðïëõôÝëåéá ôçò åðï÷Þò åêåßíçò. Ìïõóåßï Éóôïñßáò ÓêïðÝëïõ. Óôï êÝíôñï ôïõ ðáñáäïóéáêïý ïéêéóìïý ôçò ×þñáò, äßðëá áðü ôçí åêêëçóßá ôùí Ôñéþí Éåñáñ÷þí, âñßóêåôáé ç ïéêßá ôïõ ëïãïôÝ÷íç Ðáýëïõ ÍéñâÜíá. Ôï ïßêçìá áðïôåëåß Ýíá áðü ôá áîéïëïãüôåñá äåßãìáôá ôïðéêÞò, óêïðåëßôéêçò áñ÷éôåêôïíéêÞò Ìáêåäïíéêïý ôýðïõ. Ôï 1965, ÷áñáêôçñßóôçêå áðü ôï Õðïõñãåßï Ðïëéôéóìïý ùò ÄéáôçñçôÝï Ìíçìåßï. Ôï ëáïãñáöéêü ìïõóåßï ôçò ïéêïãÝíåéáò ÊïóìÜ . Âñßóêåôáé áêñéâþò ðÜíù áðü ôçí ôáâÝñíá “ôçò Êõñáôóþò” óôï äåýôåñï üñïöï êáé åßíáé åðéóêÝøéìï. Öéëïîåíåß ôç ëáïãñáöéêÞ óõëëïãÞ ôçò ïéêïãÝíåéáò, ðïõ ÷ñïíïëïãåßôáé ðÜíù áðü äéüìéóé áéþíåò, üðïõ åêôüò ôùí Üëëùí åêèåìÜôùí, ìðïñåßôå íá ðÜñåôå ìéá åéêüíá ãéá ôï ðþò Þôáí Ýíá ðáëéü Óêïðåëßôéêï óðßôé. Åðéóêåöèåßôå åðßóçò ôï åñãáóôÞñé áããåéïðëáóôéêÞò ôïõ Íßêïõ Ñüäéïõ, ðïõ âñßóêåôáé óôçí ðåñéï÷Þ "ÃåöõñÜêé", óôï ëéìÜíé ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ êáé èáõìÜóôå ôá ðáíÝìïñöá êáé ìïíáäéêÜ ìåëáíüìïñöá áããåßá, êáèþò êáé ôï åñãáóôÞñé "ìïíôÝëùí ðëïßùí" ôïõ ÉùÜííç ÌðïõíôáëÜ, ðïõ âñßóêåôáé óôçí ðåñéï÷Þ "Ðïôáìïß" óôçí ðåñéöåñåéáêÞ ïäü ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ, èá åêðëáãåßôå åõ÷Üñéóôá ìå ôéò ðéóôÝò, ëåðôïìåñÝóôáôåò, ìéêñïãñáößåò ðëïßùí. Óôç Ãëþóóá: Ôçí ÐéíáêïèÞêç ôïõ íáïý, ðïõ öéëïîåíåß 42 åêëåêôïýò ðßíáêåò, äùñåÜ ôïõ ÁëÝîáíäñïõ ÓéäÝñç, Ýñãá ôïõ ðïëõâñáâåõìÝíïõ æùãñÜöïõ êïóìïýí ìåãÜëá ìïõóåßá ôïõ åîùôåñéêïý. Áêñéâþò áðÝíáíôé âñßóêåôáé ôï Ëáïãñáöéêü Ìïõóåßï, ìéá ðáëáéÜ ïéêßá, ðïõ óõíåéñìéêÜ èá óáò ìåôáöÝñåé óå ìéá Üëëç åðï÷Þ áöïý üëïé ïé ÷þñïé åßíáé áõèåíôéêïß, äéáêïóìçìÝíïé ìå Ýñãá ôÝ÷íçò, ðïõ ìáñôõñïýí ôïí ðëïýôï ôçò ëáúêÞò ðáñÜäïóçò ôïõ ôüðïõ. Ôï Ìïõóåßï ÐïëéôéóôéêÞò ÊëçñïíïìéÜò Þ Íáõôéêü Ìïõóåßï üðïõ åêôßèåíôáé ðëïßá üëçò ôçò ÅëëÜäáò, áðü ôá ÌéíùúêÜ ÷ñüíéá ìÝ÷ñé ôï ðñþôï öïõãÜñï.


ÌUSEUMS In Chora: The Folklore Museum is hosted in the residence that the historic Chatzistamatis - Nikolaidis family donated to the Municipality of Skopelos. This is one of the oldest houses (1765) of Skopelos' Chora, which was renovated in 1971. Admire the magnificent exhibition of traditional costumes, traditional embroideries, many carved pieces of furniture, paintings made by local painters, miniatures of boats, as well as rich photographical material. The "Vakratsa" mansion was donated to the Municipality of Skopelos by Doctor Antigoni Vakratsa. It is located at the center of Skopelos' Chora, at a small distance above the beach. It is a twostorey mansion with a lovely yard and a basement. A residence that remained unchanged through time, which has stopped in the 19th century, and transfers the entire atmosphere and luxury of that era to the visitor. History Museum of Skopelos. The residence of litterateur Pavlos Nirvanas is located at the center of the traditional settlement of Chora, next to the church of the Three Hierarchs. The residence is one of the most remarkable samples of the local Macedonian type architecture of Skopelos. In 1965, it was characterized by the Ministry of Culture as a Listed Monument. The folklore museum of Kosmas family. It is located exactly above the tavern of "Kyratso", on the second floor and you can visit it. It hosts the folklore collection of the family, which dates back over two and a half centuries, where, besides the other exhibits, you can also get a picture of how an old house of Skopelos was. Visit also the pottery workshop of Nikos Rodios, which is located at "Gefyraki" area, at the port of Skopelos, and admire the beautiful and unique black-figure vessels, as well as the "modern ships" workshop of Ioannis Mpountalas, which is located at "Potami" area, at the ring road of Skopelos. You will be pleasantly surprised by the accurate and very detailed ship miniatures. In Glossa: The Gallery of the temple, which hosts 42 chosen paintings, a donation made by Alexandros Sideris, works of whom adorn many museums abroad. Exactly opposite to it, you will find the Folklore Museum, an old residence, which will associatively transfer you to another era, since all the spaces are authentic and adorned with artworks, which reveal the wealth of the place's folk tradition. The Museum of Cultural Heritage or the Maritime Museum, where ships from all over Greece, from the Mycenaean era till the first smokestack, are exhibited.


96 20 things to See & Do

ÐÏËÉÔÉÓÔÉÊÅÓ ÅÊÄÇËÙÓÅÉÓ / CULTURAL EVENTS Óôçí Óêüðåëï áãáðïýí ðïëý ôéò ôÝ÷íåò êáé ôçí ðáñÜäïóç êáé áõôü öáßíåôáé áðü ôéò ðïëõÜñéèìåò åêäçëþóåéò ðïõ ãßíïíôáé êÜèå ÷ñüíï. ÐáíåëëÞíéïò Äéáãùíéóìüò Ðïßçóçò "ÊáéóÜñéïò Äáðüíôå". ÐïéçôÝò áðü üëç ôçí ÅëëÜäá, ëáìâÜíïõí ìÝñïò óôï äéáãùíéóìü, óôÝëíïíôáò ôá ðïéÞìáôÜ ôïõò çëåêôñïíéêÜ. ÔÝëïò Ìáúïõ, ãßíåôáé ç âñÜâåõóç êáé ç áðïíïìÞ ôßôëùí, óôïí èåñéíü êéíçìáôïãñÜöï "ÏñöÝá".

06 In Skopelos, people love arts and tradition very much and this is indicated by the numerous events that take place every year. "Cesarius Daponte" Pan-Hellenic Poetry Competition. Poets from all over Greece participate in the competition, by sending their poems electronically. The prize and title awarding takes place at "Orfeas" summer cinema in the end of May. Music Festival of Skopelos. Musicians from all over Greece participate in the festival in the end of June, which takes place in various idyllic points of Skopelos. Skopelos International Film Festival for Youth (SIFFY). Teenage students, who are taught the filming process by the professors of the Skopelos Foundation for the Arts, create short films. On August 3rd every year, the films are projected in the "Orfeas" summer cinema. Every year in the beginning of August at Loutraki of Glossa, Skopelos, the "fish night" takes place. The island's fishermen offer their delicacies with plenty of wine and music. "Diamantis Palaiologos" Traditional Dances Festival on the 23rd, 24th and 25th of August, with the participation of dancing groups from all over Greece, Cyprus and abroad, at the open theatre of the Elementary School of Skopelos. Traditional Dances Festival in Glossa, Skopelos. Every year at Loutraki of Glossa, Skopelos, on the 28th, 29th and 30th of August, with the presentation of dancing groups from every corner of Greece. "Loizeia" in Glossa, Skopelos. These are three -or four- day cultural events, which take place during the summer, such as theatre, musical performances, dancing performances etc. Carnival events. Every year special carnival customs are revived in Skopelos. In the end of February and in the beginning of March, the event of "Tranta" and "Kaloi" in Skopelos and the event of the "Carnival" in Elios, Skopelos.

Ìïõóéêü ÖåóôéâÜë ÓêïðÝëïõ. Ìïõóéêïß áðü üëç ôçí ÅëëÜäá, ëáìâÜíïõí ìÝñïò óôï öåóôéâÜë ðñïò ôï ôÝëïò Éïõíßïõ, ôï ïðïßï ãßíåôáé óå äéÜöïñá åéäõëëéáêÜ óçìåßá ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ. ÖåóôéâÜë ÊéíçìáôïãñÜöïõ ãéá ôïõò ÍÝïõò (SIFFY). ¸öçâïé ìáèçôÝò, äéäáóêüìåíïé áðü ôïõò êáèçãçôÝò ôïõ Éäñýìáôïò Ôå÷íþí ÓêïðÝëïõ, ôçí êéíçìáôïãñáöéêÞ äéáäéêáóßá, äçìéïõñãïýí ôáéíßåò ìéêñïý ìÞêïõò. ÊÜèå 3 Áõãïýóôïõ ãßíåôáé ç ðñïâïëÞ ôùí ôáéíéþí óôïí èåñéíü êéíçìáôïãñÜöï "ÏñöÝá". ÊÜèå ÷ñüíï óôéò áñ÷Ýò ôïõ Áõãïýóôïõ, ãßíåôáé ç "øáñïâñáäéÜ" óôï ËïõôñÜêé ôçò Ãëþóóáò ÓêïðÝëïõ. Ïé øáñÜäåò ôïõ íçóéïý, ðñïóöÝñïõí ôá êáëïýäéá ôïõò, ìå Üöèïíï êñáóß êáé ìïõóéêÞ. ÖåóôéâÜë Ðáñáäïóéáêþí ×ïñþí "ÄéáìáíôÞò Ðáëáéïëüãïò", óôéò 23, 24 êáé 25 Áõãïýóôïõ, ìå ôç óõììåôï÷Þ ÷ïñåõôéêþí óõãêñïôçìÜôùí áðü üëç ôçí ÅëëÜäá, ôçí Êýðñï êáé ôï åîùôåñéêü, óôï áíïéêôü èÝáôñï ôïõ Äçìïôéêïý Ó÷ïëåßïõ ÓêïðÝëïõ. ÖåóôéâÜë Ðáñáäïóéáêþí ×ïñþí óôç Ãëþóóá ÓêïðÝëïõ. ÊÜèå ÷ñüíï óôï ËïõôñÜêé ôçò Ãëþóóáò ÓêïðÝëïõ óôéò 28, 29 êáé 30 Áõãïýóôïõ, ìå ôçí ðáñïõóßáóç ÷ïñåõôéêþí óõãêñïôçìÜôùí áðü êÜèå ãùíéÜ ôçò ÅëëÜäáò. "Ëïßæåéá" óôç Ãëþóóá ÓêïðÝëïõ. Ðñüêåéôáé ãéá Ýíá ôñéÞìåñï Þ ôåôñáÞìåñï ðïëéôéóôéêþí åêäçëþóåùí, ðïõ ðñáãìáôïðïéïýíôáé êáôÜ ôçí äéÜñêåéá ôïõ êáëïêáéñéïý, üðùò èÝáôñï, ìïõóéêÝò êáé ÷ïñåõôéêÝò ðáñáóôÜóåéò ê.á. ÁðïêñéÜôéêá Äñþìåíá. ÊÜèå ÷ñüíï, éäéáßôåñá áðïêñéÜôéêá Ýèéìá, áíáâéþíïõí óôçí Óêüðåëï. ÔÝëç Öåâñïõáñßïõ êáé áñ÷Ýò Ìáñôßïõ, ôï äñþìåíï ôçò "ÔñÜíôáò" êáé ôùí "Êáëþí" óôçí Óêüðåëï êáé ôï äñþìåíï ôïõ "ÊáñíÜâáëïõ" óôï ¸ëçïò ÓêïðÝëïõ.



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C. Andreou

óõììåôÝ÷ïõí áèëçôÝò áðü ôç Óêüðåëï êáé ôçí Áëüííçóï.

SPORT EVENTS Sailing Competitions. Every year in Skopelos, usually during the three-day holiday of the Holy Spirit, Sailing Competitions take place, like this year that the Sailing Competition of the championship of Volos, Northern Sporades Competition, was hosted. The International Sailing Week of the Northern Aegean, which was scheduled for August, was postponed due to the political events. Beach Volley Masters Pan-Hellenic Championship. The Masters tournament was carried out for the first time in Skopelos on the 17th, 18th and 19th of July. The organizers have reason to believe that this will become an institution for Skopelos. Every April the "Nikos Salpadimos" round of Elios is organized, in which athletes from Skopelos and Alonnisos participate.

V. Maroulis


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C. Andreou

This is an open stadium of football and track, with European specifications. This ambitious project was constructed due to the mediation of our fellow countrywoman- Deputy Minister of Sports at the time- Fani Palli-Petralia. To honor her, the stadium was named after her father. At the same stadium, the champion team of football, Athletic Group of Skopelos, is training. If you want to work out during your vacations, then you have found the ideal place in order to keep yourselves in shape!

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C. Andreou

áðü ôéò ðáñáäïóéáêÝò, ãñáöéêÝò âñýóåò êáé äåßôå Ýíá áðü ôá ïìïñöüôåñá çëéïâáóéëÝìáôá ôçò æùÞò óáò!

OFF THE BEATEN PATH! Discover the traditional face of Skopelos. The picturesque cobbled roads of Chora are full of surprises. Discover the traditional settlement, the majestic houses, dozens of chapels... It is worth getting to know the traditional settlement of Palaio Klima, kneel in the church of Agioi Anargiroi and rest on a step, with your glance is lost in the sea. Reach Glossa and walk in the village, climb to the highest point of the settlement, admire the magnificent view to Skiathos and Evoia, quench your thirst in some of the traditional, picturesque founts, and see one of the most beautiful sunsets of your life!


×áñåßôå ôç èÜëáóóá óôï Æåíßè! ÍïéêéÜóôå ìéá áðü ôéò âÜñêåò ìáò êáé åîåñåõíÞóôå ôï íçóß. Äåí ÷ñåéÜæåôáé Üäåéá, êáé ìðïñïýí íá ìåôáöÝñïõí ìÝ÷ñé 6 Üôïìá ìå ìç÷áíÝò 25hp êáé 30hp. Ãéá ðéï äõíáôÝò óõãêéíÞóåéò íïéêéÜóôå Ýíá öïõóêùôü, ðïõ Ý÷åé üëá ôá comfort êáé ìðïñåß íá ìåôáöÝñåé ìÝ÷ñé 11 Üôïìá ìå ìç÷áíÞ 250hp, åßôå ìüíïé óáò áí Ý÷åôå äßðëùìá Þ ìå äéêü ìáò ïäçãü. Áêüìç, óôç ó÷ïëÞ ìðïñåßôå íá ÷áñåßôå ôá èáëÜóóéá óðïñ, üðùò Parasail, Water bike, Flyfish, Crazy ufo, Banana, Wakeboard, Water ski, Canoe, Boat surf, Ringos êáé Üëëá... Enjoy the sea at its zenith! Rent one of our boats and explore the island. No license is required, and the boats can carry up to 6 people with 25hp and 30hp machines. For stronger thrills, rent an inflatable boat, which has all the comforts and can carry up to 11 people with a 250hp machine, either alone if you have a license, or with our guide. In addition, in the school, you can enjoy sea sports, such as Parasail, Water bike, Flyfish, Crazy ufo, Banana, Wakeboard, Water ski, Canoe, Boat surf, Ringos and others…

10 ÈÁËÁÓÓÉÁ ÓÐÏÑ Óôéò ðáñáëßåò ôïõ Ðáíüñìïõ, Áíôñßíáò, ÌçëéÜò, ÊáóôÜíé êáé ¸ëçïò ìðïñåßôå íá êÜíåôå jet ski, èáëÜóóéï óêé, crazy ufo, banana ê.á. Ãéá ðéï äõíáôÝò èáëÜóóéåò áëëÜ êáé öõóéïëáôñéêÝò óõãêéíÞóåéò, ðÜñôå ìÝñïò óå ìéá çìåñÞóéá åêäñïìÞ ìå êáãéÜê. ÌáãåõôéêÝò åîåñåõíÞóåéò, åñçìéêÝò ðáñáëßåò, Üãñéá âñÜ÷éá êáé óðçëéÝò... äéÜëåéììá ãéá ÷áëáñùôéêü ðéêíéê êáé óõíå÷ßæåôå. Ç åêäñïìÞ ìå ôï êáãéÜê åßíáé Ýíáò óõíáñðáóôéêüò ôñüðïò íá ãíùñßóåôå ôç Óêüðåëï. Ïé Ýìðåéñïé ïäçãïß, ç ðáñåúóôéêç äéÜèåóç êáé ïé åéêüíåò ðïõ èá äåßôå èá óáò êÜíïõí íá åíôÜîåôå ôï “Üèëçìá” óôá áãáðçìÝíá óáò!

WATER SPORTS At the beaches of Panormos, Antrina, Milia, Kastani and Elios you have the opportunity to jet ski, water ski, crazy ufo, banana etc. For more intense sea, as well as for naturelover thrills, participate in a daily excursion in kayaks. Majestic explorations, secluded beaches, wild rocks and caves… take a break for a relaxing picnic, and then you can go on. The excursion in kayaks is an exciting way to get to know Skopelos. Experienced guides, companionship mood, and the images that you will see, will make you include the "sport" in your favorites!


ÂÁÑÊÁÄÁ / RENT A BOAT Áí èÝëåôå Üìåóç åðáöÞ ìå ôçí èÜëáóóá êáé åðéæçôÜôå êáé ëßãç ðåñéðÝôåéá, ôüôå ðÜñôå ìáæß óáò ôñüöéìá, íåñü êáé íïéêéÜóôå ìéá âÜñêá. Áíáêáëýøôå ôïõò êñõììÝíïõò èçóáõñïýò ôçò áêôïãñáììÞò. Âñåßôå áðüìåñåò óðçëéÝò, íçóÜêéá, óõíáíôÞóôå äåëößíéá, êáé ôçí ìïíáäéêÞ öþêéá Monachus Monachus, åðéëÝîôå áíÜìåóá áðü äåêÜäåò, ìéêñÝò êáé Ýñçìåò ðáñáëßåò, ãéá íá ñßîåôå Üãêõñá. Ç âÜñêá åðßóçò åßíáé ç êáëýôåñç åðéëïãÞ ãéá øÜñåìá, ìüíï óõìâïõëåõôåßôå ðïý åðéôñÝðåôáé áõôü, ëüãù ôïõ ðåñéïñéóìïý ðïõ Ý÷åé åðéâÜëëåé ôï "ÍATURA". If you want direct contact with the sea, and if you are also looking for some adventure, then take food and water with you and rent a boat. Discover the hidden treasures of the coastline. Find secluded caves, islets, meet dolphins and the unique Monachus - Monachus seal, and choose among dozens of small and deserted beaches to anchor. The boat is also the best choice for fishing, but you should ask where this is allowed, due to the limitation that "NATURA" has imposed.


100 20 things to See & Do

12 ÊÁÔÁÄÕÓÅÉÓ / DIVING Ç Óêüðåëïò åß÷å ðáñáäïóéáêÜ îáêïõóôïýò äýôåò åëåýèåñçò êáôÜäõóçò. Óôéò èáëÜóóéåò äñáóôçñéüôçôåò ôïõ íçóéïý Þñèå ðëÝïí íá ðñïóôåèåß êáé ç áõôüíïìç êáôÜäõóç êáé ôï ðñþôï Êáôáäõôéêü ÊÝíôñï ÓêïðÝëïõ (Skopelos Dive Center) áðïôåëåß ãåãïíüò áðü ôï 2014. ÄçìéïõñãÞèçêå êáé õðïóôçñßæåôáé áðü íÝïõò áíèñþðïõò ðïõ áãáðïýí ôüóï ôï íçóß ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ üóï êáé ôçí áõôüíïìç êáôÜäõóç êáé Ý÷ïõí óêïðü íá ðñïÜãïõí ôçí åêðáßäåõóç êáôáäýóåùí áíáøõ÷Þò óôçí ðåñéï÷Þ, ðñïùèþíôáò ðáñÜëëçëá ôçí ðåñéâáëëïíôéêÞ åõáéóèçôïðïßçóç ìÝóá áðü èáëÜóóéåò äñáóôçñéüôçôåò êáé Üëëåò ðñùôïâïõëßåò. Ôï Êáôáäõôéêü ÊÝíôñï ÓêïðÝëïõ äéáèÝôåé âÜóç ôüóï óôçí íüôéá ðëåõñÜ ôïõ íçóéïý -ðáñáëßá Áíôñßíåò (Adrina Beach Hotel) óôïí ÐÜíïñìï-, üóï êáé óôçí âüñåéá ðëåõñÜ, óôï ëéìÜíé ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ. Ëåéôïõñãåß êÜèå ÷ñüíï áðü áñ÷Ýò Ìáúïõ ìÝ÷ñé êáé ôÝëïò Ïêôùâñßïõ. Ìå äýï ôá÷ýðëïïá êáôáäõôéêÜ óêÜöç êáé Ýíá åðáããåëìáôéêü 4×4, ïñãáíþíïíôáé êáôáäõôéêÝò åêäñïìÝò áðü èÜëáóóá Þ îçñÜ, êáëýðôïíôáò êÜèå êáôáäõôéêÞ ôïðïèåóßá ãýñù áðü ôçí Óêüðåëï, áëëÜ êáé óå Üëëá áðïìáêñõóìÝíá óçìåßá. Óôï êáôáäõôéêü êÝíôñï ðáñÝ÷ïíôáé åêðáéäåõôéêÜ ìáèÞìáôá êáôáäýóåùí ìÝ÷ñé êáé ôçí ðñþôç åðáããåëìáôéêÞ âáèìßäá, êáèþò êáé ìáèÞìáôá Ðñþôùí Âïçèåéþí "ãéá üóïõò èÝëïõí íá ìÜèïõí íá êáôáäýïíôáé ìå óùóôü êáé áóöáëÞ ôñüðï", üðùò ìå Ýìöáóç äçëþíïõí ïé åêðñüóùðïß ôïõ. Êáôáäýóåéò óå óýã÷ñïíá íáõÜãéá, óå õðïèáëÜóóéá öáñÜããéá êáé áðüôïìïõò ãêñåìïýò, âïõôéÝò áðü ôï óêÜöïò óå õöÜëïõò ìå ðëïýóéá æùÞ, áëëÜ êáé õðÞíåìá ðñïóôáôåõìÝíá íåñÜ êáôÜëëçëá ãéá áñ÷Üñéïõò äýôåò, Þ åíôõðùóéáêÝò äéáäñïìÝò ãéá ðåñéÞãçóç åðéöáíåßáò (snorkeling) óôéò áíáñßèìçôåò óðçëéÝò ðïõ óõíáíôþíôáé óôçí áêôïãñáììÞ ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ, åßíáé ìåñéêÝò áðü ôéò äñáóôçñéüôçôåò ðïõ ðñïóöÝñïíôáé, ðÜíôá õðü ôçí åðßâëåøç êáé óõíïäåßá ôùí ðéóôïðïéçìÝíùí áðü ôçí PADI åêðáéäåõôþí. ´Åíá áêüìá éäéáßôåñï óôïé÷åßï ôçò ðåñéï÷Þò åßíáé ôï Åèíéêü ÈáëÜóóéï ÐÜñêï, ìßá áðü ôéò ìåãáëýôåñåò ðñïóôáôåõüìåíåò ðåñéï÷Ýò óôçí Ìåóüãåéï ìå ôïí óçìáíôéêüôåñï ðëçèõóìü ÌåóïãåéáêÞò öþêéáò. Åðßóçò áðü ôï 2016 ðñïãñáììáôßæåôáé íá ëåéôïõñãÞóïõí ôá ðñþôá õðïâñý÷éá ìïõóåßá óôçí ðåñéï÷Þ ùò åðéóêÝøéìïé åíÜëéïé áñ÷áéïëïãéêïß ÷þñïé ãéá üóïõò èá åðéèõìïýóáí íá ôá åðéóêåöèïýí, ðÜíôá õðü ôçí óõíïäåßá ðéóôïðïéçìÝíùí äõôþí.

Kostas Danis O Kþóôáò ÍôÜíçò åßíáé ðéóôïðïéçìÝíïò åêðáéäåõôÞò êáôáäýóåùí áðü ôçí PADI êáé åêðáéäåõôÞò Ðñþôùí Âïçèåéþí EFR. ¸÷åé åðßóçò óõììåôÜó÷åé óå áñ÷áéïëïãéêÝò Ýñåõíåò êáé õðïâñý÷éá ÷áñôïãñÜöçóç ãéá ôï Åëëçíéêü Õðïõñãåßï Ðïëéôéóìïý. Áöïý åñãÜóôçêå ùò ìç÷áíéêüò êáé ó÷åäéáóôÞò öùôéóìïý ãéá áñêåôÜ ÷ñüíéá óôçí Èåóóáëïíßêç, äéáìÝíåé ôþñá ôïí ðåñéóóüôåñï ÷ñüíï ôïõ óôç Óêüðåëï ùò äéá÷åéñéóôÞò ôïõ Êáôáäõôéêïý ÊÝíôñïõ ÓêïðÝëïõ. Ôïõ áñÝóåé åðßóçò ç éóôéïðëïÀá, üðùò êáé Üëëåò èáëÜóóéåò äñáóôçñéüôçôåò. Kostas Danis is a certified PADI O.W. instructor and EFR instructor trainer. He has also participated in archeaological surveys and underwater site mapping for the Greek Ministry of Culture. After working as engineer and lighting designer for several years in Thessaloniki, he now spends most of his time in Skopelos managing Skopelos Dive Center. He also loves sailing and other in-water activities.

Photos: © Anastasios Ktistis / Skopelos Dive Center

Tï 2016 ðñïãñáììáôßæåôáé íá ëåéôïõñãÞóïõí ôá ðñþôá õðïâñý÷éá ìïõóåßá óôçí ðåñéï÷Þ ùò åðéóêÝøéìïé åíÜëéïé áñ÷áéïëïãéêïß ÷þñïé The first underwater museums in the region are expected to operate by 2016 as underwater archaeological sites

Skopelos has been traditionally renowned for its free diving divers. Scuba diving comes to be added to the list and the first Diving Center of Skopelos (Skopelos Dive Center) is a fact as of 2014. It has been created and supported by young people whose love for the island and the diving activities urged them to set a goal: promote education on recreational diving in the area as well as environmental awareness through water activities and other initiatives. Skopelos Dive Center is based both on the south side of the island- Adrines beach, (Adrina Beach Hotel) in Panormos-, and on the north side, the port of Skopelos. It opens every year, from early May to late October. Equipped with two motorboat dive boats and a professional 4x4, it organizes diving excursions by sea or by land, covering every dive location around Skopelos, but also remote locations. The Diving Center provides educational diving lessons to the first professional stage and First Aid courses "for those who want to learn to dive in a correct and safe manner", as emphatically declare its representatives. Diving in recent shipwrecks, in underwater canyons and steep cliffs, diving from the boat in reefs rich with life, but also in leeward protected waters suitable for a complete novice or exploring the surface (snorkeling) through sensational trails to the countless caves along the shoreline of Skopelos are some of the activities offered, always under the supervision and escort of PADI certified instructors. Another special feature of the area is the National Marine Park, one of the largest protected areas in the Mediterranean with the largest population of the Mediterranean monk seal. The first underwater museums in the region are expected to operate by 2016 as underwater archaeological sites for those who would like to visit, always under the escort of certified divers.

SKOPELOS DIVE CENTER T: (+30) 6940 448000 Email: fb: SkopelosDiveCenter


102 20 things to See & Do


ÉÓÔÉÏÐËÏÚÁ Ç áêôïãñáììÞ ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ åßíáé ðáíÝìïñöç, åíþ ôá íçóÜêéá ðïõ âñßóêïíôáé äéÜóðáñôá óôçí ðåñßìåôñü ôçò åßíáé ðñüêëçóç ãéá åîåñåýíçóç. Ïé ìïíïÞìåñåò êñïõáæéÝñåò ìå éóôéïðëïúêü áðïôåëïýí ìéá ìïíáäéêÞ åìðåéñßá äéáêïðþí êáé Ýíáí éäáíéêü ôñüðï íá ãíùñßóåôå ôçí ðåñéï÷Þ, áðü ìéá äéáöïñåôéêÞ ïðôéêÞ ãùíßá. Èá Ý÷åôå ôçí åõêáéñßá íá âéþóåôå ôï ìïíáäéêü áßóèçìá ôïõ ôáîéäéïý ìå ôç äýíáìç ôïõ áíÝìïõ, ÷ùñßò ôïí èüñõâï ôçò ìç÷áíÞò. Ç éóôéïðëïÀá åðéôñÝðåé ìéá ðïëý ÷áëáñùôéêÞ áôìüóöáéñá, ðïõ óõíÞèùò ðåñéëáìâÜíåé ößëïõò, öáãçôü, ðïôÜ êáé åîáéñåôéêÝò óôéãìÝò. Áíáêáëýøôå êñõììÝíïõò "èçóáõñïýò", ìéêñïýò êüëðïõò, öõóéêÜ ëéìáíÜêéá, üðùò ôï “Ìðëï”, áðïìïíùìÝíåò ðáñáëßåò ðïõ åßíáé ðñïóâÜóéìåò ìüíï ìå óêÜöïò, åñçìéêÜ íçóÜêéá. ÅÜí Ý÷åôå ôï äéêü óáò óêÜöïò, ìðïñåßôå íá áãêõñïâïëÞóåôå óå ìéá áðü ôéò ïñãáíùìÝíåò ìáñßíåò ôïõ íçóéïý, óôç ×þñá ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ, óôï ÍÝï ÊëÞìá, óôï ËïõôñÜêé, óôïí Áãíþíôá.


V. Maroulis

The coastline of Skopelos is beautiful, while the islands, which are dispersed in its perimeter, are a challenge to explore. Oneday cruises with a sailing boat constitute a unique vacation experience and an ideal method to get to know the region, from a different point of view. You will have the opportunity to experience the unique sense of traveling with the power of the wind, without the noise of the engine. Sailing allows for a very relaxing atmosphere, which usually includes friends, food, drinks and exceptional moments. Discover hidden "treasures", small bays, natural ports, like “Blo”, secluded beaches, which are accessible only by boat and isolated islands. If you have your own boat, you can anchor in one of the organized marinas of the island, in Skopelos' Chora, Neo Klima, Loutraki and Agnontas.

Be a VIP for 1 day

... maximum enjoyment, maximum space and minimum crowds! The Rainbow is a 55ft Atlantic Sailing yacht. Captain Angelo is from Skopelos he can tell you all about the sailing area, the myths and legends only known by him. He is also a fully qualified Greek Sailing Instructor and has been sailing for over twenty six years, so you are in safe hands. He speaks English, Italian and a little of some other languages. We take a maximum of 15 people including the second Captain Ruth who is from England who will be your hostess too.

Contact us for more information - tel: +30 6943420429

+30 6979380977

ÏÑÅÉÍÇ ÐÏÄÇËÁÓÉÁ Ç ðïäçëáôéêÞ åìðåéñßá åßíáé ìåãÜëç áðüëáõóç. Ç áßóèçóç îåãíïéáóéÜò êáé åëåõèåñßáò ðïõ ðñïóöÝñåé ôï ðïäÞëáôï Ý÷åé äçìéïõñãÞóåé ìéá ïëüêëçñç ôáîéäéùôéêÞ êïõëôïýñá. Ôá êáôáðëçêôéêÜ äÜóç êáé âïõíÜ ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ åßíáé “ðáñÜäåéóïò” ãéá ôïõò ëÜôñåéò ôïõ mountain biking. Äéáíýóôå ðáíÝìïñöåò äéáäñïìÝò óå ïñåéíïýò äñüìïõò, áêïýãïíôáò ôï ôñáãïýäé ôùí ðïõëéþí êáé åéóðíÝïíôáò ôï Üñùìá ôùí ðåýêùí êáé ôï êáèáñü ïîõãüíï, áôåíßæïíôáò áðü øçëÜ ôç èÜëáóóá. Åìðëïõôßóôå ôéò äéáêïðÝò óáò ìå åéêüíåò áðü ôçí åíôõðùóéáêÞ öýóç ôïõ íçóéïý åßôå ìå áãùíéóôéêÞ äéÜèåóç åßôå ìå äéÜèåóç åîåñåýíçóçò, óõíäõÜæïíôáò ôïõñéóìü êáé öõóéêÞ Üóêçóç.

MOUNTAIN BIKING Biking experience is a great pleasure. The sense of carefreeness and freedom that is offered by bicycles has created an entire traveling culture. The amazing forests and mountains of Skopelos are a "paradise" for mountain biking lovers. Follow beautiful routes in mountain roads, by listening to the bird's song and breathing the scent of pine trees and clear oxygen, and gazing at the sea from a height. Enrich your vacations with images of the impressive nature of the island, either in a competitive mood, or in an exploration mood, combining tourism and natural exercise.


SKOPELOS CYCLING, Panagiotis Provias T: +30 24240 22398 mob.: +30 694 7023145 Email: (ÄÉÐËÁ ÁÊÑÉÂÙÓ ÁÐÏ ÔÏ ÔÁ×ÕÄÑÏÌÅÉÏ / JUST BEFORE THE POST OFFICE)

Ç éäÝá åßíáé áðëÞ. Áðïëáýóôå ôç Óêüðåëï ìå Ýíá ðïäÞëáôï. Âñåßôå ôçí äéáäñïìÞ óáò ãýñù áðü ôï íçóß êáé èá åðéâñáâåõôåßôå ìå ôçí ïìïñöüôåñç èÝá, ôéò ìõñùäéÝò êáé ôïõò Þ÷ïõò. Óêïðüò ìáò åßíáé íá óáò ðáñÝ÷ïõìå ôá ìÝóá ãéá íá ôï ðñÜîåôå ìå ôïí ðëÝïí áðïôåëåóìáôéêü ôñüðï áðïëáìâÜíïíôáò ôï. Ìðïñåßôå íá åðéëÝîåôå áíÜìåóá óå ôñåéò äéáöïñåôéêïýò ôýðïõò ðïäçëÜôùí: trekking ðïäÞëáôï ìå 21 ôá÷ýôçôåò, trekking ðïäÞëáôï ìå 24 ôá÷ýôçôåò, êáé mountain bike ìå 24 ôá÷ýôçôåò. ¼ëá ôá ðïäÞëáôá ìáò Ýñ÷ïíôáé ìå åîáñôÞìáôá Shimano, êñÜíç, öþôá êáé ôá ÷ñÞóéìá åñãáëåßá ãéá íá áëëÜîåôå ôá åëáóôéêÜ, åöüóïí áõôü ÷ñåéáóôåß. Ìðïñïýìå íá äéáóöáëßóïõìå üôé ôï ðïäÞëáôï ðïõ èá åíïéêéÜóåôå èá åßíáé óôçí êáëýôåñç äõíáôÞ êáôÜóôáóç þóôå ôï ìüíï ðïõ èá Ý÷åôå íá áíçóõ÷åßôå ãéá åßíáé ôï ðùò èá âñåßôå ôï äñüìï óáò ãýñù áðü ôï íçóß, áí êáé ï êáëýôåñïò ôñüðïò åßíáé íá ÷áèåßôå.

The idea is simple. Enjoy Skopelos on a bicycle. Find your way around the island and you will rewarded with beautiful views , smells and sounds. Our aim is to provide you the means to do so in the most efficient way enjoying it. You can choose between three different types of bikes: trekking bike with 21 speeds, trekking bike with 24 speeds, and mountain bike with 24 speeds. All our bikes come with accessories Shimano, helmets, lights and tools to change tires if needed. We make sure that the bike you will hire will be in the best possible condition, so you will only have to worry about is how to find your way around the island, though the best way is to get lost.


104 20 things to See & Do

15 ÄÉÁÄÑÏÌÅÓ ÓÔÇ ÖÕÓÇ Ðåñéçãçèåßôå óôá êáôáðñÜóéíá âïõíÜ ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ, ðïõ óêåðÜæïíôáé áðü ðëïýóéï ðåõêüäáóïò êáé äåíäñïêáëëéÝñãéåò. ÁêïëïõèÞóôå ÷ùìÜôéíåò äéáäñïìÝò êáé ìïíïðÜôéá êáé áðïëáýóôå ôç ìïíáäéêÞ öýóç ôïõ íçóéïý, îåäéøÜóôå óôéò äåêÜäåò ðçãÝò, áíáêáëýøôå áìÝôñçôá ìéêñÜ åîùêêëÞóéá, ðïõ ðåôÜãïíôáé ìðñïò óáò, óáí ìáíéôÜñéá, óå êÜèå óôñïöÞ ôïõ äñüìïõ. Óßãïõñá êÜðïõ åêåß èá äåßôå íá âüóêåé ôçí êüêêéíç êáôóßêá ôçò "öõëÞò ÓêïðÝëïõ", Ýíá æþï ðåñÞöáíï êáé ðáíÝìïñöï. Âñåßôå ïðùñþíåò ìå óêïðåëßôéêåò äáìáóêçíéÝò êáé áí åßóôå ôõ÷åñïß ðáñáêïëïõèÞóôå ôçí äéáäéêáóßá øçóßìáôïò óôïõò îõëüöïõñíïõò. ÈáõìÜóôå ôçí õðÝñï÷ç èÝá áðü ôá äýï øçëüôåñá âïõíÜ ôïõ íçóéïý, ôç "ÄÝëöç" ðïõ âñßóêåôáé áíÜìåóá óôçí Óêüðåëï êáé ôï ¸ëçïò êáé ôï "Ðáëïýêé", ðïõ âñßóêåôáé áêñéâþò áðÝíáíôé áðü ôçí ×þñá ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ, ðñïóöÝñïíôáò öïâåñÞ èÝá ðñïò ôç ×þñá êáé ôï Áéãáßï.

ROUTES IN NATURE Make a tour in the lush mountains of Skopelos, which are covered by a rich pine tree forest and orchards. Follow the dirt routes and paths and enjoy the unique nature of the island, quench your thirst at the dozens of springs and discover the numerous small chapels, which pop up in front of you in every turn of the road. You will definitely see there a red goat of the "Skopelos race", a proud and very beautiful animal. Find orchards with plum trees of Skopelos, and if you are lucky, observe the procedure of roasting in the wooden ovens. Admire the magnificent view from the two tallest mountains of the island, "Delphi", which is located between Skopelos and Elios and "Palouki", which is located exactly opposite to Skopelos' Chora, offering a great view to Chora and the Aegean Sea.

Photos: Costas Andreou

16 ÐÅÆÏÐÏÑÉÁ / HIKING Ç Óêüðåëïò öçìßæåôáé ãéá ôçí õðÝñï÷ç öýóç êáé ôá ãñáöéêÜ ìïíïðÜôéá ôçò. Ôï ôïðßï ôçò åßíáé éäáíéêü ãéá íá âñåèåßôå ìÝóá óå áõôü êáé íá ðåæïðïñÞóåôå. ÐçãÝò ìå êñõóôÜëëéíï íåñü, áñþìáôá öáóêüìçëïõ êáé ñßãáíçò, åëáéüäåíäñá, ðëáôÜíéá, êõðáñßóóéá, ðåýêá êáé âåëáíéäéÝò, ðïõ èá äåßôå óôéò äéáäñïìÝò, èá óáò “áðïæçìéþóïõí”. ÅðéëÝãïíôáò íá ðåñðáôÞóåôå ìüíïé Þ ìå êÜðïéï ãêñïõð, êÜíïíôáò ìéá óýíôïìç äéáäñïìÞ ðåñíþíôáò áðü êÜðïéï ðáëéü êáëíôåñßìé Þ äéáíýïíôáò ìåãáëýôåñåò áðïóôÜóåéò áðü ÷ùìÜôéíïõò äñüìïõò êáé ìïíïðÜôéá, ç åìðåéñßá èá óáò ìåßíåé áîÝ÷áóôç. Ðñïôåßíïíôáé ïé äéáäñïìÝò Óêüðåëïò - ÓôÜöõëïò áðü ôïí ðáëéü äñüìï, Óêüðåëïò ÄÝëöç, Ãëþóóá - ËïõôñÜêé êáé ÑåìáôéÜ Êåñáìùôïý óôç Ãëþóóá. Ãéá äçëþóåéò óõììåôï÷Þò óå ìéá ïìáäéêÞ ðåæïðïñßá êáé ðëçñïöïñßåò, åðéêïéíùíÞóôå ìå ôçí Êùíóôáíôßíá ÄéáìÜíôïõ óôï ôçë. 6971886641.

Skopelos is famous for its wonderful nature and its picturesque paths. The island's landscape is ideal for hiking. Springs with crystal clear water, the scents of sage and oregano, olive trees, plane trees, cypress trees, pine trees, and oak trees, which you will be able to see throughout the route, will "compensate" you. Whether you choose to walk alone or in a group, covering a short distance passing through some old cobbled road or covering bigger distances through dirt roads and paths, the experience will be unforgettable. We recommend the routes of Skopelos - Stafylos from the old road, Skopelos - Delphi, Glossa - Loutraki, and Rematia Keramotou in Glossa. To participate in á hiking group and enjoy the nature of Skopelos, for further information, contact Konstantina 6971886641.


106 20 things to See & Do


BEACH PARTIES! KáëïêáéñéíÝò äéáêïðÝò ÷ùñßò beach party åßíáé ôïýñôá äß÷ùò êåñáóÜêé! H ÊáóôÜíé, ç ÌçëéÜ, ôï ËéìíïíÜñé, ôá ËéíáñÜêéá... Ý÷ïõí ôçí ôéìçôéêÞ ôïõò. Events, dj’s êáé äéÜóçìïé êáëåóìÝíïé, äõíáôÞ ìïõóéêÞ, óöçíÜêéá, êáëïêáéñéíÜ êïêôÝéë, ÷ïñüò ìå ôá ìáãéü (åííïåßôáé) ìÝ÷ñé ôåëéêÞò ðôþóçò êáé óôï ôÝëïò... âïõôéÝò óôç èÜëáóóá. Ôá ðÜñôé äßíïõí êáé ðáßñíïõí óôéò ðáñáëßåò ôïõ íçóéïý... áêïëïõèåßóôå!

If you want to have fun in frantic rhythms, then don't miss the beach parties and the events at Kastani, Milia, Limnonari, and Linarakia… DJ’s and famous guests, loud music, shots, summer cocktails, dancing in bathing suits (that goes without saying) until dropping down, and in the end… dips into the sea. Parties are organized in the island's beaches all the time… follow them!


SKOPELOS BY NIGHT! Ç íõ÷ôåñéíÞ æùÞ óôç ×þñá, áëëÜ êáé áíáëïãéêÜ óôïõò Üëëïõò ïéêéóìïýò êáëýðôåé üëá ôá ãïýóôá. ×áëáñþóôå ìå Ýíá (Þ êáé ðåñéóóüôåñá, óå äéáêïðÝò åßóôå!) êïêôÝúë óôá ìðáñÜêéá, üðùò ï ÂñÜ÷ïò, Ìercurius, ÐëÜôáíïò Jazz bar, Pablo's, Ïéùíüò, Screw Driver, Ðáñáðüñôé, ¢íåìïò, Åí Ðëþ, Black Mail, Swell, Íôüêïò, ÊáñÜâéá, P’tharakia, Ãëßóôñá... Þ óõíäõÜóôå öáãçôü ìå æùíôáíÞ ìïõóéêÞ óôá ãñáöéêÜ ôáâåñíÜêéá áð’ Üêñç ó’ Üêñç ôïõ íçóéïý. Must, óôç ×þñá, ç “ÁíáôïëÞ” ôïõ ÎçíôÜñç, ãéáôß Óêüðåëïò êáé ñåìðÝôéêï ðÜíå ìáæß! Ãéá ðéï Ýíôïíåò êáôáóôÜóåéò, äõíáôÞ ìïõóéêÞ êáé óöçíÜêéá óôï La Costa, Exodos, Metro, ¢ììï. Nightlife in Chora, as well as in other settlements proportionately, satisfies all tastes. Relax with one (or more; you are on vacations!) cocktail in the bars, such as Brachos , Mercurius, Platanos Jazz bar, Pablo's, Oionos, Screw Driver, Paraporti, Anemos, En Plo, Black Mail, Swell, Ntokos, Karavia, P’tharakia, Glystra or combine food with live music in the picturesque taverns all over the island. In Chora, Xintaris' "Anatoli" is a Must, because Skopelos and Rebetika songs make a match! For more intense situations, loud music and shots at La Costa, Exodos, Metro, Ammos.

ÌÁÃÅÕÔÉÊÁ ÇËÉÏÂÁÓÉËÅÌÁÔÁ ÅÍÔÕÐÙÓÉÁÊÅÓ ÁÍÁÔÏËÅÓ Ôï óïýñïõðï ç Óêüðåëïò, äåß÷íåé ôï ìõóôéêü ôçò üðëï. Óôïí Áãíþíôá, óôï ËéìíïíÜñé, óôïí ÐÜíïñìï, óôç ÌçëéÜ, óôçí ÊáóôÜíé, óôï ×üâïëï, óôï ¸ëçïò êáé öõóéêÜ óôçí Ãëþóóá êáé ôï ËïõôñÜêé, ðáñáêïëïõèåßóôå ôá êáëýôåñá çëéïâáóéëÝìáôá ðïõ Ý÷åôå äåé ðïôÝ! ÅíôõðùóéáêÞ áíáôïëÞ ôïõ çëßïõ èá äåßôå áðü ôï ÊÜóôñï ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ, ôïí "ÐåõêéÜ", ôéò "ÑÜ÷åò" êáé ó÷åäüí áðü üëåò ôéò âïñåéïáíáôïëéêÝò ðëåõñÝò ôïõ íçóéïý. Áîßæåé íá áíåâåßôå ÷áñÜìáôá óôçí êïñõöÞ ôïõ âïõíïý "Ðáëïýêé", ãéá í’ áðïëáýóôå ôç ìáãåõôéêÞ èÝá êáé ôçí áíôáíÜêëáóç ôçò ×þñáò ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ óôç äéáìáíôÝíéá èÜëáóóá.

MAJESTIC SUNSETS IMPRESSIVE SUNRISES During dusk, Skopelos shows its secret weapon. At Agnontas, Limnonari, Panormos, Milia, Kastani, Chovolo, Elios, and, of course, in Glossa and Loutraki, watch the best sunsets that you have ever seen! You will watch an impressive sunrise at Kastro of Skopelos, at "Pefkias", at "Raches", and from almost all of the northeastern sides of the island. It is worth climbing to the top of "Palouki" mountain at dawn, in order to enjoy the majestic view and the reflection of Skopelos' Chora into the diamondlike sea.

Photos: Costas Andreou



108 20 things to See & Do

20 ÃÁÓÔÑÏÍÏÌÉÁ ÅðåéäÞ óôçí Óêüðåëï ôá ôïðéêÜ åäÝóìáôá êáé "êáëïýäéá" åßíáé ðïëëÜ, óáò ôá èõìßæïõìå ãéá íá ìçí îå÷Üóåôå êÜôé! Ðñþôç óôéò ðñïôéìÞóåéò óáò ðñÝðåé íá åßíáé ç ôñáãáíÞ, ðåíôáíüóôéìç, ðáñáäïóéáêÞ, óêïðåëßôéêç ôõñüðéôá ìå êáôóéêßóéï ôõñß. Ùóôüóï ôçí ðßôá ìðïñåßôå íá ôçí âñåßôå óå äéÜöïñåò ðáñáëëáãÝò, åîßóïõ íüóôéìåò, üðùò æáìðïíïôõñüðéôá, ãáëáôüðéôá, ÷ïñôüðéôá, êñåììõäüðéôá ê.á. Áí áãáðÜôå ôï øÜñé ìçí ðáñáëåßøåôå íá äïêéìÜóåôå "Ñïöü ÓôéöÜäï", ìå îéíÜ äáìÜóêçíá ÓêïðÝëïõ. Áí ðÜëé ðñïôéìÜôå ôï êñÝáò ôüôå óßãïõñá ãåõôåßôå ôï ÊáôóéêÜêé ÓêïðÝëïõ óôï öïýñíï, ôçò ìïíáäéêÞò "Áßãáò ÖõëÞò ÓêïðÝëïõ" áëëÜ êáé ×ïéñéíü ìå ìáýñá äáìÜóêçíá ÓêïðÝëïõ, ðïéêéëßáò "ÁÆÁÍ". Öåýãïíôáò ðÜñôå ìáæß óáò, ðáñáäïóéáêÜ ãëõêÜ üðùò “÷áìáëéÜ” ôá ïðïßá åßíáé ôá ãëõêÜ ôùí áññáâþíùí êáé ôùí ãÜìùí, ãëõêü áìýãäáëï, ñïæÝäåò, ãëõêü ôïõ êïõôáëéïý äáìÜóêçíï "ÁõãÜôï", ìáñìåëÜäåò ÷ùñßò óõíôçñçôéêÜ êõñßùò áðü äáìÜóêçíá, ìÝëé áðü ðåýêï, áãíü åëáéüëáäï, åëéÝò, ôá ðåñéâüçôá ãëõêÜ óêïðåëßôéêá äáìÜóêçíá ðïõ øÞíïõí óôïõò îõëüöïõñíïõò, âüôáíá üðùò ñßãáíç êáé öáóêüìçëï êáé áí åßóôå “ôõ÷åñïß” íôüðéï êñáóß êáé ôõñß êáôóéêßóéï.

GASTRONOMY Since there are a lot of local dishes and "delicacies" in Skopelos, we remind you of these so that you don't forget something! The crispy, delicious, traditional cheese pie of Skopelos with goat cheese should be first in your preferences. However, you can find the pie in various variations, which are equally tasty, such as hum pie, milk pie, greens pie, onion pie etc. If you love fish, don't miss tasting "grouper stew", with sour plums from Skopelos. If, on the other hand, you prefer meat, then you should definitely taste baby goat of Skopelos in the oven, of the unique "Goat Race of Skopelos", as well as pork with black plums from Skopelos, of the "AZAN" variety. When you leave, take with you traditional sweets, such as "chamalia", which are the sweets of engagements and weddings, marzipan sweet, rozedes, "Avgato" plum spoon sweet, jams without preservatives, mainly made of plums, pine tree honey, pure olive oil, olives, the famous sweet plums of Skopelos, which are baked in wooden ovens, herbs, such as oregano and sage, and, if you are "lucky", local wine and goat cheese.

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110 Customs & Ôraditions

ÐÜó÷á óôç Óêüðåëï Easter in Skopelos Ôï ÐÜó÷á óôçí Óêüðåëï åßíáé ìïíáäéêü, ü÷é ìüíï ãéá ôï êáôáíõêôéêü êëßìá êáé ôéò èñçóêåõôéêÝò, íçóéþôéêåò ðáñáäüóåéò áëëÜ ãéáôß âéþíåôáé ìÝóá óôçí áíïéîéÜôéêç öýóç, üðïõ ôá ðåýêá ìïó÷ïâïëïýí, ðëÜé óôç ãáëáæïðñÜóéíç èÜëáóóá ôïõ Áéãáßïõ êáé ìÝóá óôá áìÝôñçôá ðëáêüóôñùôá óïêÜêéá üðïõ åßíáé äéÜ÷õôï ôï Üñùìá ôçò áíèéóìÝíçò ðáó÷áëéÜò. Ïé êÜôïéêïé êáé ïé åðéóêÝðôåò ôïõ íçóéïý, äéáíýïõí ôçí åâäïìÜäá ôùí Ðáèþí ìÝóá óå êáôáíõêôéêÞ áôìüóöáéñá ìå åõëÜâåéá êáé ôáðåéíïöñïóýíç áöïý ïé ëáúêÝò ðáñáäüóåéò êáé ôá Èåßá ÐÜèç åßíáé äåìÝíá ìåôáîý ôïõò.

Ôext: Spyridoula Mpetsani

C. Andreou

Photos: Costas Andreou, Zachos Stamoulis


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áó÷ïëßåò óáò êáé íá âéþóåôå ìéá ðñùôüãíùñç åìðåéñßá!

Z. Stamoulis

C. Andreou

Z. Stamoulis

Z. Stamoulis

Easter in Skopelos is unique, not only

parish will decorate the "Epitaphios" (Biers of

sage that "Christ has beaten death". The chil-

because of its devout atmosphere and the

Christ) with devoutness and tastefulness.

dren offer baskets with cookies and red eggs

religious traditions on the island but also

Holy Friday, the divine drama reaches its

to the grandmothers and receive a candle and

because it is experienced in spring nature,

peak, the mournful tolling of the bell is heavy,

shoes as a gift. At midnight everyone will go to

when the pines smell nice, next to the

the Biers of Christ have been decorated. This

the church to receive the Holy Light. After

green-blue Aegean Sea and among the

day is a day of great mourning and fasting for

church the residents of Skopelos will return

countless tiled narrow streets where the

the locals; they do not even drink water, do not

home to crack the red eggs and to taste the

scent of the lilac in bloom is diffused. The

listen to music and do not wish "many happy

traditional "magiritsa" soup.

residents and visitors of the island spend

returns". In the afternoon the children, residents

At Easter Sunday the table is set with the

the Holy Week in a devout atmosphere with

and travelers wander from parish to parish to

lambs that are sacrificed to that aim. The

religious devotion and modesty as the folk-

pay their respects to the Biers of Christ.

island overflows with the sounds of the feast. It

lore traditions and the Passion of the Christ

In the evening, with a candle in their hands all

is the best time to go the countryside and get

are interconnected.

believers chant the eulogy of the "Epitaphios"

to know Skopelos from the one end to the

while walking the procession, the lyrics sound

other, taking in all the unique scenes of joy

Holy Thursday. The sound of mournful church

in every cobbled street. The processions of the

within the masterpiece of natural beauty.

bells echoes all over the island. Many people

Biers of Christ start to end once more outside

will enter the church to "receive" the Holy

of the churches where the reenacting of the

Easter finds its true expression in Skopelos,

Communion. The scents of sweet bread and

"Descent into Hades" will take place by the

which has uncountable churches and many

Easter cookies linger in the atmosphere thus

priest. The priest will shout "Open the gates"

monasteries. The devout atmosphere, nature's

creating a climate of "sweet melancholy". In the

and he will open the doors with force.

rebirth, the wholehearted hospitality of the resi-

evening the12 Gospels will be read in the

Holy Saturday. Sadness departs and the

dents create a scenery which is hard to see

churches and with devoutness the believers

believers wish each other "Kali Anastasi"

elsewhere. It is a unique chance to take a

will follow the culmination of the divine

(Happy Resurrection). The bells of the first

"break" from your urban activities and enjoy

Passion. At daybreak women and girls of every

Resurrection toll joyfully and convey the mes-

this first-time experience!


112 Customs & Ôraditions


óôç Óêüðåëï Áí äåí âñßóêåôå êáèüëïõ äéáóêåäáóôéêÝò ôéò áðüêñéåò ìå ôéò îåíÝñùôåò óôïëÝò êáé ôá Brasil ôñáãïýäéá, ôüôå åëÜôå óôçí Óêüðåëï íá æÞóåôå ôï äéêü óáò ðáñáìýèé. Åäþ èá ãíùñßóåôå ôé óçìáßíåé ðñáãìáôéêÜ "ÁðïêñéÜ"!!!

Carnival in Skopelos If you do not think that carnival with the killjoy costumes and Brazil-style music is entertaining, come to Skopelos to live your own fairytale. Here you will experience what "Carnival" really means!!!

Ôext: Spyridoula Mpetsani

Photos: Costas Andreou


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Customs and traditions with roots in

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the worship of Dionysus and praise to nature are revived every year. The season where winter departs and nature becomes reborn, near the end of February and at the beginning of March, Skopelos is filled with songs and wine, the residents take to the streets to attend the custom of "Tranta" and the "Good Masqueraders" or "Bramdes", to dance and laugh without reservations and unwind with all their heart on the last two Sundays of Carnival. On the penultimate Sunday you will see "Tranta", which is a boat frame made by reed. Only men participate. Those men, who constitute the Tranta's crew, are called "Trantarei", their apparel is comical and unkempt and their face is covered in coal and indigo. The crew's mission is to go round the island and to end up in the harbor and throw the boat in the sea. So it goes by every neighborhood where the crew dances while singing satirical songs of carnival, known as "perpaska" which mock reproduction, the widows, the priests and their wives. The women of the neighborhood offer the crew wine and food and the "trantarei" "make fun" of girls among the spectators. The harbor is the end of the route where the tranta is set on fire and thrown in the sea. On the last Sunday you will enjoy "Bramdes" or "Kales". They are named that way because they are dressed in the traditional costumes (Kales) and together with musicians they also go around the island. They usually recreate a wedding ceremony where the bride is portrayed by a man and the groom by a woman. They stop in every neighborhood while dancing and singing lyrics that are hymns to love and nature. Their route resembles a "serenade" which takes place from the one end of Skopelos to the other to sing, to be given wine and rice pudding and dance. These customs give a distinctive note to the island. Skopelos goes back thousands of years. Music and songs from the era of Dionysus echo around the island and everything resembles a myth becoming alive each year.

Klidonas If you are a young, single woman looking for your other half you should definitely be present in Glossa of Skopelos on St- John's eve (23/6)."On St. John's Klidonas, when they jump over the fires, the girls wish to find a good groom". Single girls go to the village's water fountain where they fill a jug with "silent water". They throw an object belonging to them in this jug: an earring, a ring, a button, a bead etc. They bind this vase with a red kerchief and leave it outside all night, under the magic powers of the stars. The next day they all gather around the jug and a child, both whose parents are alive, takes out the objects one by one. For each object an elderly woman recites a poem, the content of which is interpreted as being a prophecy for the future of the girl to whom this object belonged....


114 History

Méá ìáôéÜ óôçí Éóôïñßá A glance in History


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The ancient name of the island was Peparithos. It is said that it was named after the brother of the first settler of Skopelos "Stafylos". The -thos suffix suggests that Skopelos was inhabited since the pre-Hellenic years by the Kares of Asia Minor. Stafylos was of Minoan descent, son of god Dionysus and Ariadne, daughter of the king of Crete, Minoas. With his ship, he reached the cove of Stafylos, which he named after him, and founded his colony. The legend is confirmed by the growing of countless vineyards throughout the island, but mostly by the significant archaeological findings that were discovered at the edge of the homonymous beach, where the tomb and the sword of prince "Stafylos" were found. These findings constitute significant samples of art during the Minoan and the Mycenaean era. During the 8th-7th century BC, the settlement of Stafylos is abandoned, and 3 other cities are developed, Peparithos (nowadays Skopelos), Panermos (nowadays Panormos) and Selinous (nowadays Loutraki). In the 6th-5th century BC, Skopelos is prosperous; it cuts silver coins, and has relationships with cities of the Aegean Sea. It exports the famous "Wine of Peparithos" and olive oil of very good quality. Amphorae from Peparithos have been found in Romania and the Black Sea. The island also participates in the Olympic Games. Indeed, in 569 BC, Agnon, an athlete from Peparithos, won the game of the stadium (road race), and today's bay of Agnon was named after him in order to honor him.


In 427 BC, according to the testimony of the historian Thucydides, Skopelos is hit by a big earthquake, which is accompanied by a terrible tidal wave (tsunami), due to which many public buildings collapse. During the 4th to the 1st centuries BC, the island is caught in the middle of the dispute between Romans and Macedonians. However, it continues to prosper, it cuts bronze coins, and "the Wine from Peparithos" continues its journey up to the Black Sea, Romania. Aristotle characteristically mentions that "the Wine from Peparithos is an aphrodisiac and it is famous". During Roman times, the name Skopelos is mentioned for the first time, which was probably acquired due to the reefs that surround the island. In the 4th century AD, the era when Christianity was disseminated, the figure of Bishop Riginos dominates. In 363, during the persecutions by Ioulianos, Riginos is murdered. The Church proclaims him a saint. Saint Riginos is the protector of the island (he is celebrated on February 25th). In the 13th century, Skopelos is under the occupation of the Venetian Ghizi Dynasty. After the Fall of Constantinople, it is conquered by the Venetians and in 1453 it is conquered again by the Venetians, who left their influence on names and place names. In 1538, the Island is ruined by Barbarossa, but it seems that it was not completely deserted. During the Turkish rule, Skopelos maintained some self-command, and

this is proven by the coins that it cuts, as well as by the testimonies of travelers, who talk "about a town with numerous population and significant financial strength". Folk tradition, customs and morals are affected significantly, there is also a distinction of social classes, and this did not change even after the Revolution of '21. During the Revolution, the inhabitants of Skopelos participate actively and they offer 35 commercial ships to the cause. Until then, the inhabitants of Skopelos had one of the largest fleets of the Aegean. In the 19th century, a migratory movement of Skopelos' inhabitants to America, Russia and Romania emerges due to poverty. Some of them return rich, others remain in foreign lands forever. In 1940, the epidemic of phylloxera completely destroys the famous vineyards of Skopelos. In 1965, an earthquake affects significantly the lives of the inhabitants, by destroying historical buildings, and the inhabitants of Palio Klima move to Neo Klima. During the '80s, the tourism development of the island begins. The history of Skopelos is imprinted on archaeological findings, place names, folk traditions, on the majestic settlement, on historical monuments, legends, castles, monasteries, the churches with the famous icons, its artists who create unique works, vessels, embroideries (the costume of Skopelos). The proud and rich past of Skopelos lives and exists wherever you look and this is proven by the significant number of archaeological findings. It is worth discovering it.


116 Customs & Ôraditions

Ç ÖïñåóéÜ

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The Costume of Skopelos The feminine local costume of Skopelos is one of the most notable and impressive in Greece. A costume, which is conservative, typical, showy and… not at all practical!

Ôext: Spyridoula Mpetsani

Photos: Zachos Stamoulis

Models: Ourania Stamouli, Maria Stamatiou

Ïé öïñåóéÝò åßíáé áõèåíôéêÝò ôïõ 18ïõ áéþíá / The costumes are authentic from the 18th century


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118 Customs & Ôraditions

The costume of Skopelos is characterized by the demonstration of luxury and expensive materials. It is highly influenced by Byzantine aesthetics, as well as by the renaissance standards of the West. Skopelos' women used to dress, on the one hand, like queens, however, enclosing, on the other hand, their bodies tightly in endless fabric, something that matches perfectly the strict morals, the formalism, the conservatism and the greedy for power character of the inhabitants of Skopelos. "Morko, Volta or Kalo" along with "Stofa", which is differentiated because of the embroidered, handmade hem (in Stofa the hem was woven) constitutes the local, bridal costume of Skopelos. The girls of wealthy families wore this on their wedding day in order to show their financial situation, as well as their social class. However, the women of Skopelos, besides the bridal costume, wore unique costumes in every period of their lives. Thus, married women wore every day a blue dress or "Gerania". Single women wore every day a white long dress. In Glossa, the casual dress was shorter and its fabric was printed, with various flowers. Single women wore a white "kolovoli" as more formal clothing until they got married. In Glossa, the white kolovoli was called "fountoma" and was shorter and fluffier. Engaged girls or brides, who could not afford to make a "Morko", wore a "green-red" dress when they went to church. Finally, mature married women, widows or old ladies wore a black "kolovoli". Local costumes, show signs of the social and financial life of a place, as well as of its morals and customs. What is mainly proven by the bridal costume of Skopelos is that this place experienced a great economic boom due to the big development of maritime trade. Wealthy merchants returned to the island and built two- and three-storey mansions, adorned them with priceless decorations, and, of course, dressed their daughters, as an exhibition of their wealth, like queens!


Ðñüóùðá / People 119

ÐÑÏÓÙÐÁ ÔÇÓ ÓÊÏÐÅËÏÕ Æïõí êáé áíáðíÝïõí ôïõò ñõèìïýò ôïõ íçóéïý, üëïí Þ ôïí ðåñéóóüôåñï ÷ñüíï ôçò æùÞò ôïõò. Åêðñüóùðïé öïñÝùí êáé óõëëüãùí, åðé÷åéñçìáôßåò, êáëëéôÝ÷íåò, áðëïß Üíèñùðïé ìå êïéíùíéêÞ êáé ðïëéôéóôéêÞ ðñïóöïñÜ, ìéëïýí ãéá ôï Ýñãï, ôçí åíáó÷üëçóç, ôç ó÷Ýóç ôïõò ìå ôï íçóß. Ãíùñßóôå ôïõò!

PEOPLE OF SKOPELOS They live and breathe with the rhythms of the island during their entire or most time of their lives. Representatives of agencies and associations, businessmen, artists, everyday people with social and cultural contribution, talk about the project, their occupation and their relationship with the island. Meet them! Åditing: Spyridoula Mpetsani, Sotiris Paraskevas


Photo: V. Maroulis

120 Ðñüóùðá / People

Yiannis Mpountalas

ÊáôáóêåõáóôÞò ìïíôÝëùí ðëïßùí / Manufacturer of model boats

Ï ÃéÜííçò ÌðïõíôáëÜò, åßíáé ï ðéï ãíùóôüò áíôéðñüóùðïò ôçò ìéêñïíáõðçãéêÞò ôÝ÷íçò óôç Óêüðåëï. Ç ïéêïãÝíåéÜ ôïõ Þôáí êáñáâïìáñáãêïß. Ï ðñï-ðñïðÜððïõò ôïõ Þôáí êáëüò áñ÷éìÜóôïñáò óôçí ÊùóôÜíôæá óôç Ìáýñç ÈÜëáóóá, ðïõ Þôáí êáé ç ðáôñßäá ôïõ, åß÷å äýï ôáñóáíÜäåò, Ýíáí óôçí ÊùóôÜíôæá êé Ýíáí óôç Âñáúëá. Ï ðñïðÜððïõò ôïõ óõíÝ÷éóå ôçí ðáñÜäïóç, åíþ ï ðáððïýò ôïõ Ýêáíå äéêü ôïõ íáõðçãåßï óôçí ÁìåñéêÞ êé üôáí ãýñéóå óôç Óêüðåëï, óõíÝ÷éóå äïõëåýïíôáò óôïõò ôáñóáíÜäåò, ðáßñíïíôáò ìáæß ôïõ êáé ôïí ãéï ôïõ, ôïí ÔñéáíôÜöõëëï, ôïí ðáôÝñá ôïõ ÃéÜííç. ¼ôáí Üñ÷éóáí íá êëåßíïõí Ýíáò - Ýíáò ïé ôáñóáíÜäåò óôçí Óêüðåëï, ç áãÜðç êáé ôï ìåñÜêé ôïõ ÔñéáíôÜöõëëïõ ãéá ôçí êáôáóêåõÞ ðëïßùí Þôáí áõôÞ ðïõ ôïí Ýêáíáí íá óôáöåß ðñïò ôç ìéêñïíáõðçãéêÞ. ¸ôóé, ï ÃéÜííçò ÌðïõíôáëÜò, äéäÜ÷ôçêå áðü ôïí ðáôÝñá ôïõ ôçí ôÝ÷íç, áó÷ïëïýìåíïò áðü ôï 1975, êáé äçìéïõñãþíôáò áñéóôïõñãÞìáôá éóôéïöüñùí, óôá ïðïßá ìðïñåß êáíåßò íá äéáêñßíåé üëåò ôéò ëåðôïìÝñåéåò êáé ôïí åîïðëéóìü åíüò ðñáãìáôéêïý ðëïßïõ. ¼ëá ôá ïìïéþìáôá êáñáâéþí åßíáé ìå áêñßâåéá êáôáóêåõáóìÝíá, ðéóôÜ áíôßãñáöá ôùí ìåãÜëùí, üðùò ôï ôåëåõôáßï ôïõ Ýñãï ôï VICTORY, Ýíá åíôõðùóéáêü êáñÜâé ìÞêïõò 3 ìÝôñùí ðåñßðïõ. Ôï ðëïßï áõôü ÷ñçóéìïðïéÞèçêå óôïõò Íáðïëåüíôéïõò ÐïëÝìïõò ôï 1805 êáé ðëÝïí Ý÷åé ìïõóåéáêÞ áîßá (âñßóêåôáé óôï ìïõóåßï ôïõ Ðüñôóìïõè óôçí Áããëßá). ¼ëá ôá ðëïßá ðïõ êáôáóêåõÜæåé ï ÃéÜííçò óôçñßæïíôáé ðÜíù óôá ó÷Ýäéá ðïõ Ý÷åé áðïôõðþóåé ï ðáôÝñáò ôïõ, êáé ôï õëéêü ðïõ ÷ñçóéìïðïéåßôáé åßíáé ôï îýëï êáñõäéÜò. Ç êáôáóêåõÞ ìðïñåß íá äéáñêÝóåé áðü 4 ìÞíåò ôï ëéãüôåñï Ýùò êáé 2 ÷ñüíéá. Ôçí ôÝ÷íç áõôÞ ðáñáêïëïõèåß ç êüñç ôïõ Ñçãßíá, ç ïðïßá èá áðïôåëÝóåé ôçí 3ç ãåíéÜ ôçò ïéêïãÝíåéáò ÌðïõíôáëÜ, óôçí ìéêñïíáõðçãéêÞ.

Photo: Zachos Stamoulis

Yiannis Mpountalas is the best known representative of micro shipbuilding art in Skopelos. His family were shipwrights. His great-great grandfather was a master craftsman in Constanta, his homeland in the Black Sea. He had two shipyards, one in Constanta and one in Braila. The great-grandfather continued the tradition. Later, his grandfather made his own shipyard in America. Upon his return to Skopelos he continued working in shipyards, taking with him his son Triantafyllos, John's father. When the shipyards in Skopelos began to close one after the other, Triantafyllos’ love and passion to build ships made him turn to micro shipbuilding art. Thus, Yiannis Mpountalas, learned from his father and since 1975 has been creating masterpieces of sailing boats. We can see all the details as well as the equipment of a real ship. All the ship models are accurately made, they are replicas of large ships. His last work, VICTORY, an impressive 3 meter long boat, (a museum value ship which was used in the Napoleonic Wars in 1805 and is now in the museum of Portsmouth in England), sets an example. All the ships Yiannis builds are based on his father’s plans and the material used is walnut wood. The construction may take four months but may well last two years. Rigina, Yiannis’ daughter is the new apprentice. She will represent the third generation in the art of micro shipbuilding.

Anthi Valsamaki ÁãéïãñÜöïò / Hagiographer

Ç ÁíèÞ, åßíáé áðüãïíïò ôïõ Ãéáííéïý Íéêïëáúäç - ×áôæçóôáìÜôç (1800 - 1885 ), ìáêñéíïý îÜäåëöïõ ôïõ ÁëÝîáíäñïõ ÐáðáäéáìÜíôç, ï ïðïßïò ôïí áíáöÝñåé óå äéÞãçìÜ ôïõ ìå ôßôëï "ôï ×áôæüðïõëï" êáé õðÞñîå èåìåëéùôÞò ôçò ïéêïãåíåéáêÞò ðáñÜäïóçò. Ç ïéêïãÝíåéá Íéêïëáúäç, äþñéóå ôï 1991 ôçí ïéêßá üðïõ óôåãÜæåôáé ôï Ëáïãñáöéêü Ìïõóåßï ÓêïðÝëïõ. Ç ÁíèÞ åßíáé Ðôõ÷éïý÷ïò ôïõ ÔìÞìáôïò Óêçíïãñáößáò ôçò Ó÷ïëÞò Âáêáëü êáé ôçò ÁíùôÜôçò Ó÷ïëÞò Êáëþí Ôå÷íþí. Ç áãéïãñáößá ãé áõôÞí äåí áðïôåëåß Ýíá åðÜããåëìá, áëëÜ óôÜóç êáé ïõóßá æùÞò ìå ôçí ðßóôç ùò æùôéêÞ åíÝñãåéá, ðïõ ôçí âïçèÜ íá ðïñåýåôáé. Ôá âÞìáôá ôçò óôçí áãéïãñáößá ïäçãÞèçêáí ìÝóá áðü ðñïóùðéêÜ âéþìáôá, üðùò ïé åðéóêÝøåéò ôçò êáôÜ ôçí ðáéäéêÞ çëéêßá óôç ÌïíÞ ôïõ Áãßïõ ÉùÜííïõ ôïõ ×ñõóïóôüìïõ óôç ÍÜîï. ÅðçñåÜóôçêå åðßóçò, ðÜñá ðïëý áðü ôçí ãéáãéÜ ôçò, ç ïðïßá ìåôÝöåñå ôï “üíåéñü” ôçò óôçí ßäéá, êáé ôçí Ýâáëå óôïí êüóìï ôùí ÷ñùìÜôùí. Ç ÁíèÞ åßíáé ìéá áðü ôéò åëÜ÷éóôåò ãõíáßêåò áãéïãñÜöïõò ðïõ Ý÷ïõí ôç äõíáôüôçôá íá

åéêïíïãñáöÞóïõí ôï åóùôåñéêü íáþí ìÝóù ôçò “åéäéêÞò åõëïãßáò” ôïõ Ïéêïõìåíéêïý Ðáôñéáñ÷åßïõ Êùíóôáíôéíïõðüëåùò. ÅñãÜæåôáé ãéá ôï Ìïõóåßï ÌðåíÜêç åðé 25 ÷ñüíéá ùò õðåýèõíç ôïõ Áãéïãñáöéêïý Åñãáóôçñßïõ, ôï ïðïßï ëåéôïõñãåß ìå ôç ìïñöÞ óåìéíáñßùí üëï ôïí ÷ñüíï. Ôï áãáðçìÝíï ôçò Ýñãï åßíáé ç åéêüíá ðïõ áðåéêïíßæåé ôï ðñüóùðï ôçò Ðáíáãßáò ìå ôéò ðÝíôå äéáöïñåôéêÝò êáôáãñáöÝò óõíáéóèçìÜôùí ðüíïõ, ìéá åéêüíá ðïõ “áíôéêáôïðôñßæåé” êáé ôá äéêÜ ôçò óõíáéóèÞìáôá, âéþíïíôáò ôïí ðüíï ðïõ ðñïêÜëåóå ï èÜíáôïò åíüò ðïëý áãáðçìÝíïõ ôçò ðñïóþðïõ. ¸÷åé åêðïíÞóåé ìåëÝôç ðïõ áöïñÜ ôïí ÁêÜèéóôï ¾ìíï ìå ôéò áãéïãñáöéêÝò áíáëýóåéò ôùí 24 ïßêùí ôïõ, êáé Ý÷åé åêäþóåé âéâëßá ìå èÝìá ôç ÂõæáíôéíÞ ÔÝ÷íç, ôá ïðïßá âñßóêïíôáé óôï Ìïõóåßï ÌðåíÜêç. ÁíáöÝñåé üôé óôéò ðáñáäïóéáêÝò ïéêïãÝíåéåò áãéïãñÜöùí åðéêñáôåß ç áíôßëçøç üôé ç âáèåéÜ èåïëïãéêÞ óçìáóßá ôùí åéêüíùí ðñïóäßäåé óõìâïëéêü ÷áñáêôÞñá êáé óôá ßäéá ôá õëéêÜ ðïõ ÷ñçóéìïðïéïýíôáé ãéá ôçí êáôáóêåõÞ ôïõò.

Anthi Valsamaki is a descendent of Giannios Nikolaidis - Chatzistamatis (1800 - 1885), distant cousin of Alexandros Papadiamantis, whom he mentions in one of his stories titled "Chatzopoulos", and was the founder of family tradition. Nikolaidis family donated in 1991 the residence that houses the Folklore Museum of Skopelos. Anthi is a graduate of the Department of Scenography of the Vakalo School and the School of Fine Arts. For her, hagiography is not a profession, but an attitude and essence of life with faith as vital energy, which helps her going on. Her steps in hagiography were led through personal experiences, such as her visits, during childhood, to the Monastery of Saint John the Chrysostom in Naxos. She was also very much influenced by her grandmother, who transferred her "dream" to her, and introduced her to the world of colors. Anthi is one of the few female hagiographers, who have the capacity to illustrate the interior of temples through the "special blessing" of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. She has been working at the Benaki Museum for 25 years as head of the Workshop of Hagiography, which operates in the form of seminars throughout the year. Her favorite work is the icon that depicts the face of the Virgin Mary in five different manifestations of feelings of pain, an icon that "reflects" her own emotions, experiencing the pain that was caused by the death of a much loved person of hers. She has elaborated a study regarding the Akathist Hymn with the hagiographical analyses of its 24 oikoi, and has published books on Byzantine Art, which are found in the Benaki Museum. She mentions that in the traditional families of hagiographers, the impression prevails that the deep theological significance of icons attributes a symbolic character to the materials that are used for their construction.

Nikos Rodios ÁããåéïðëÜóôçò / Potter

Ï Íßêïò Ñüäéïò åßíáé Ýíáò ìïíáäéêüò êáëëéôÝ÷íçò, ðïõ óõíå÷ßæåé ôç ìåãÜëç ðáñÜäïóç ôïõ ðáððïý, ôïõ èåßïõ êáé ôïõ ðáôÝñá ôïõ, ç ïðïßá îåêéíÜ áðü ôï 1900. Ùò áããåéïðëÜóôçò ìåôáìïñöþíåé ìå ôá ÷Ýñéá ôïõ ôï ÷þìá ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ óå üìïñöá áããåßá, áðïôõðþíïíôáò ðÜíù ôïõò ôçí ëåðôüôçôá ôçò øõ÷Þò ôïõ. O ðáððïýò Íßêïò Ñüäéïò, Þñèå óôçí Óêüðåëï ôï 1900, ç êáôáãùãÞ ôïõ Þôáí áðü ôçí Êýèíï. ÅñãÜóôçêå óôçí ÅëëÜäá êáé åêôüò áõôÞò. ¸óôçóå ôï åñãáóôÞñéï ôïõ óôçí Óêüðåëï, óôç èÝóç "ÃåöõñÜêé" ðïõ âñßóêåôáé êáé óÞìåñá. ¹ôáí ï ðñþôïò Ýëëçíáò áããåéïðëÜóôçò ðïõ áó÷ïëÞèçêå ìå ôçí äéáêïóìçôéêÞ áããåéïðëáóôéêÞ. Ãéá ôçí óôéëðíüôçôá êáé ôï áíåîßôçëï ìáýñï ÷ñþìá ôùí áããåßùí ç ïéêïãÝíåéá ôéìÞèçêå ôï Ýôïò 1930. ¸ëáâå ìÝñïò óå ðïëëÝò åêèÝóåéò. Óôéò óçìáíôéêüôåñåò äéáêñßóåéò ðåñéëáìâÜíïíôáé: ôï ÷ñõóü âñáâåßï ôçò åêèÝóåùò ôïõ Ìðïñíôþ ôï 1907, ôá ÷ñõóÜ âñáâåßá ôùí äéåèíþí

Photo: Zachos Stamoulis

3ç ãåíéÜ

Photo: V. Maroulis

2ç ãåíéÜ / the second generation

the third generation

1ç ãåíéÜ / the first generation

åêèÝóåùí ôçò Áëåîáíäñåßáò (Áéãýðôïõ) 1912, ôçò äéåèíïýò åêèÝóåùò Áãßïõ Öñáãêßóêïõ Ç.Ð.Á. 1915, ôùí Ðáñéóßùí 1925, ôçò Ä.Å. Èåóóáëïíßêçò ôï 1929 êáé ôï 1931, ôùí Íïìáñ÷éáêþí åêèÝóåùí ×áëêßäïò, Åñìïõðüëåùò, Âüëïõ, ôçò Á' Ðáíåëëçíßïõ ÅêèÝóåùò áããåéïðëáóôéêÞò, ôçò Ä.Å. Öëùñåíôßáò, ôùí Äåëöéêþí åïñôþí êáé Üëëùí. Ç ðáñÜäïóç óõíå÷ßóôçêå áðü ôá äýï ðáéäéÜ ôïõ Âáóßëç êáé Ãéþñãï Ñüäéï, ðïõ ôéìÞèçêáí ìå 10 ÄéåèíÞ ×ñõóÜ Âñáâåßá, ôï Âñáâåßá Áêáäçìßáò Áèçíþí êáé ðïëëÜ Üëëá. Ï Âáóßëçò Ñüäéïò åðßóçò ôéìÞèçêå ìå óýíôáîç ôïõ êñÜôïõò. Áðü ôï 1975 óõíå÷éóôÞò ôçò ðáñÜäïóçò åßíáé ï Íßêïò Ñüäéïò (3ç ãåíéÜ) åîáêïëïõèþíôáò ôçí ßäéá ôå÷íéêÞ ìå ôá ßäéá ìÝóá ðáñáãùãÞò (ðïäïêßíçôïò ôñï÷üò êáé êáìßíé ìå îýëá) êáé ÷ñçóéìïðïéþíôáò ôï ÷þìá ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ. Ôá Ýñãá ôïõ âñßóêïíôáé óå ìïõóåßá êáé éäéùôéêÝò óõëëïãÝò. H êüñç ôïõ ÌÜãäá áðïôåëåß ôçí 4ç ãåíéÜ ôçò ïéêïãÝíåéáò áããåéïðëáóôþí ìåëáíüìïñöùí áããåßùí. Ç ßäéá áêïëïõèåß ôéò ðáëáéÝò öüñìåò áëëÜ êáé íåüôåñåò äéêÝò ôçò ìå éäéáßôåñá ÷ñþìáôá êáé ôå÷íéêÝò. Nikos Rodios is a unique artist, who continues the significant tradition of his grandfather, his uncle and his father, which begins in 1900. As a potter, he transforms with his hands the soil of Skopelos in beautiful vessels, imprinting on them the delicacy of his soul. His grandfather, Nikos Rodios came to Skopelos in 1900 and his origin was from Kythnos. He worked in Greece and abroad. He set his workshop in Skopelos, at "Gefyraki" position, where it can still be found today. He was the first Greek potter, who was occupied with decorative pottery. The family received an award in year 1930 for the glossiness and the indelible black color of the vessels. He participated in many exhibitions. His most significant distinctions include: the golden award of the exhibition of Bordeaux in 1907, the golden awards of the international exhibitions of Alexandria (Egypt) in 1912, of the international exhibition of Saint Fransis, USA, in 1915, of Paris in 1925, of the International Trade Fair of Thessaloniki in 1929 and 1931, of the prefectural exhibitions of Chalcis, Ermoupolis, Volos, of the A' Pan-Hellenic Exhibition of pottery, of the International Trade Fair of Florence, of the Delphic celebrations and others. The tradition was continued by his two children, Vasilis and Giorgos Rodios, who were honored with 10 International Golden Awards, the Award of the Academy of Athens and many more. Vasilis Rodios was also honored with a state pension. Nikos Rodios is the successor of this tradition (3rd generation) since 1975, using the same technique with the same production means (pedal crank grindstone and furnace with wood), and using the soil of Skopelos. His works can be found in museums and private collections. His daughter, Magda, belongs to the 4th generation of the family potters of black-figure vessels. She also uses the old forms, as well as her own modern ones, with special colors and techniques.

Costas Andreou ÖùôïãñÜöïò ìå áéôßá! / Photographer

H åíáó÷üëçóÞ ìïõ ìå ôç öùôïãñáößá îåêßíçóå áðü ôï öùôïãñáöéêü êÝíôñï ÓêïðÝëïõ, áñ÷Ýò ôéò äåêáåôßáò ôïõ ´90 ðáñÝá ìå ößëïõò ïé ïðïßïé åß÷áìå ôï ßäéï åíäéáöÝñïí ãéá ôï áíôéêåßìåíï êáé ôï ïðïßï ìå ôá ÷ñüíéá åîåëß÷èçêå óå ìåãÜëç áãÜðç êáé ìåñÜêé. ÁãáðçìÝíï ìïõ öùôïãñáöéêü èÝìá, ôïõëÜ÷éóôïí ôá ôåëåõôáßá ÷ñüíéá åßíáé ç macro öùôïãñáößá, Ýíá èÝìá Üãíùóôï óôïõò ðåñéóóüôåñïõò, ìá ðéóôåýù ôï ðëÝïí åíäéáöÝñïí ìéáò êáé ÷ñåéÜæïíôáé éäéáßôåñåò ãíþóåéò êáé åîïðëéóìüò ìáæß ìå ðïëý õðïìïíÞ êáé åðéìïíÞ ãéá íá ãßíåé óùóôÜ ç äéåßóäõóç óôïí èáõìáóôü ìéêñüêïóìï ôçò öýóçò. ÓðÜíéá áäñÜæù ôç óôéãìÞ áöïý íéþèù êõíçãüò êáé ìÜ÷éìïò öùôïãñÜöïò ìå óõãêåêñéìÝíåò áðïóôïëÝò, ðñïóðáèþíôáò ðÜíôá íá äßíù ôçí ðñïóùðéêÞ ìïõ ìáôéÜ óå ïðïéïäÞðïôå èÝìá, ìå ðåñéóóüôåñç äçìéïõñãéêÞ Ýêöñáóç. Ç öùôïãñáößá ðïõ áðïôõðþíåé ôá óõíáéóèÞìáôá êáé ôçí ðñïóùðéêÞ éäÝá ôïõ öùôïãñÜöïõ åßíáé êáé áõôÞ ðïõ îå÷ùñßæåé, ðéóôåýù. Äåí Ý÷ù óõãêåêñéìÝíï áãáðçìÝíï ìÝñïò ãéá öùôïãñáößá óôç Óêüðåëï ìéáò êáé ôï íçóß åßíáé ðáíôïý ðáíÝìïñöï, áëëÜ ìÝñç üðùò ç Ðáíáãßôóá ôïõ Ðýñãïõ êáé ï ¢ç ÃéÜííçò óôï Êáóôñß, Ýëêïõí ðåñéóóüôåñï ôá êëéê ôùí ìç÷áíþí. Ç öýóç ðéóôåýù ìïõ ôáéñéÜæåé ðåñéóóüôåñï. Áí êáé ðïëëÜ ÷ñüíéá ôþñá, áíáëáìâÜíù íá äéåêðåñáéþíù êáé åðáããåëìáôéêÝò äïõëåéÝò üðùò êïéíùíéêÜ, ( ÃÜìïé, âáðôßóåéò), öùôïãñáöÞóåéò ÷þñùí êëð, äåí äßíù óôïí åáõôü ìïõ ôçí ôáìðÝëá ôïõ åðáããåëìáôßá öùôïãñÜöïõ. Ðéóôåýù óôç ìáãåßá ôçò öùôïãñáößáò, ÷ùñßò ìïíáäéêü áõôïóêïðü ôï ÷ñÞìá, êé áõôÞ ôçí ìáãåßá äåí èÝëù íá ôç ÷Üóù, áí êáé êÜðïéïé ðéóôåýïõí üôé ìðïñåß íá ãßíåé óõíäõáóìüò. Ç öùôïãñáößá ãéá ìÝíá åßíáé ü,ôé êáëýôåñï èá ìðïñïýóå íá ìå ÷áñáêôçñßæåé ùò Üíèñùðï ìéáò êáé üëïé ìáò åßìáóôå ìïíáäéêïß êáé äéáöïñåôéêïß!

My involvement with the art of photography goes back in the early 90's when together with some friends who shared the same interest decided to join the Center of Photography, in the town of Skopelos. It was a matter of time for this interest to turn into passion. My favourite photographic subject in these recent years has been macro photography, a subject rather unknown to the majority, but, in my eyes, most interesting: special knowledge and equipment are needed along with patience and perseverance to properly enter in the breathtaking microcosm of nature. I rarely shoot the very moment … I am a hunter and a militant photographer with specific missions, always trying to express with a creative manner my personal view on any topic I come across. In the end, the picture that has captured the emotions and the inner feeling of the photographer makes the difference and this is my belief. I really do not have a particular, or a favourite place to shoot…Skopelos is beautiful everywhere…However, there are places such as the Virgin of the Tower and Saint John, on the Castle, that attract more the “clicks” of a camera. I am convinced, Mother Nature suits me best! Eventhough I have been working as a photographer for quite few years now, shooting social events or taking pictures of business property, I do not consider myself a professional photographer. I believe in the magic of the art of photography… money is not my goal… it is this magic I do not want to lose… On the other hand there are people who believe these two can be combined. We are all unique and different… Photography characterizes me as a human being!


124 Ðñüóùðá / People

Zachos Stamoulis

Ç åíáó÷üëçóÞ ìïõ ìå ôç öùôïãñáößá îåêßíçóå óôá 14 ìïõ, üôáí ðÞñá ùò äþñï ìéá ìéêñïýëá öùôïãñáöéêÞ Agfa ìå ößëì 110mm. Áöïý êáôáíÜëùóá åêáôïíôÜäåò áðü áõôÜ, Üñ÷éóá íá ìðáßíù óôï íüçìá ôçò åéêüíáò, ôùí ÷ñùìÜôùí, ôçò óýíèåóçò. Óôá 17 ìïõ áðÝêôçóá ôçí ðñþôç ìïõ SLR êáé Üñ÷éóá íá åìâáèýíù óôéò ôå÷íéêÝò ìÝóá áðü ôç èåùñßá êáé ôçí ðñÜîç. Áó÷ïëïýìáé åðáããåëìáôéêÜ ìå ôç öùôïãñáößá áðü ôï 2007. Ïé ôïìåßò åíáó÷üëçóçò ìïõ åßíáé ï ãÜìïò, ç äéáöçìéóôéêÞ öùôïãñáößá îåíïäï÷åßùí êáé åðé÷åéñÞóåùí, êáñô ðïóôÜë êáé ôïõñéóôéêÜ çìåñïëüãéá. ÐÝñá áðü áõôÜ, ç èåìáôïëïãßá ìïõ åóôéÜæåé óôï íõ÷ôåñéíü ôïðßï êáé óå áíèñùðïêåíôñéêÜ èÝìáôá. Ïé áãáðçìÝíåò ìïõ åéêüíåò åßíáé üëåò åêåßíåò ðïõ êáôáöÝñíïõí êáé ìåôáöÝñïõí Ýíôïíá ôï óõíáßóèçìá ôçò óôéãìÞò óôïí ðáñáôçñçôÞ.


Ç óùóôÞ äéá÷åßñéóç ôïõ öùôüò, ç éäéáßôåñç óýíèåóç ôïõ èÝìáôïò, ç ïðôéêÞ ãùíßá êáé ôï óõíáßóèçìá èåôéêü Þ áñíçôéêü-, ðïõ ðçãÜæåé åí ôÝëåé áðü ôçí åéêüíá, åßíáé åêåßíá ôá ÷áñáêôçñéóôéêÜ ðïõ èá áíáäåßîïõí ìéá öùôïãñáößá. ÓÞìåñá, ìå ôéò äõíáôüôçôåò ðïõ äßíåé ç øçöéáêÞ öùôïãñáößá, ï áõôï÷áñáêôçñéóìüò “åðáããåëìáôßáò” öùôïãñÜöïò, äçìéïõñãåß ìßá øåõäáßóèçóç óôïí êáèÝíá. ¼ðùò óõìâáßíåé óôçí ßäéá ôç æùÞ, üëïé êñéíüìáóôå åê ôïõ áðïôåëÝóìáôïò êáé ï ôåëéêüò êñéôÞò ðÜíôá åßíáé ï ðáñáôçñçôÞò. ÔåëéêÜ, Ýíá åñþôçìá ðïõ ÷ñÞæåé ìåãÜëçò óõæÞôçóçò åßíáé êáôÜ ðüóï ç êáëëéôå÷íéêÞ Ýêöñáóç ìÝóù ôçò åéêüíáò, èá ðñÝðåé íá åìðßðôåé óå üñïõò êáé êáíüíåò Þ íá ÷áñáêôçñßæåôáé áðü ôçí áðüëõôç åëåõèåñßá ôïõ öùôïãñÜöïõ íá äçìéïõñãåß...

My involvement with photography began when I was 14, when I got a small Agfa camera with a 110mm film as a gift. After consuming hundreds of them, I started understanding image, colors and composition. When I was 17, I acquired my first SLR and I began studying deeply the techniques through theory and practice. I am professionally occupied with photography since 2007. My sectors are weddings, advertising photographs of hotels and businesses, postcards and tourist diaries. Besides these, my themes focus on night landscapes and anthropocentric topics. My favorite images are all those that manage to strongly transfer the emotion of the moment to the observer. The correct management of light, the particular composition of the topic, the perspective and the emotion -positive or negative- that in the end stems from the image, are those characteristics that will highlight a photograph. Nowadays, with the capacities provided by digital photography, the self -characterization "professional" photographer creates an illusion to everyone. As in life itself, we are all judged by the result, and the final judge is always the observer. Finally, a question that needs to be deeply discussed is whether artistic expression through image should fall into terms and rules or be characterized by the complete freedom of the photographer to create…

Virginia Sideri Ìéíéáôïýñåò ðáñáäïóéáêþí öïñåóéþí Miniatures of traditional costumes

Ç Âéñãéíßá, åßíáé Ýíáò ðïëõðñÜãìùí Üíèñùðïò. Áðïôåëåß ìÝëïò ôçò ðïëéôéóôéêÞò êïéíüôçôáò Ãëþóóáò, óýæõãïò ôïõ Ãéþñãïõ ÑïõóÝôç, ðïõ Ý÷åé äçìéïõñãÞóåé ôï çëåêôñïíéêü blog "Äñþìåíá ôïõ Ôüðïõ ìáò". Ç ßäéá äéáôçñåß áíèïðùëåßï, üðïõ "êáëëéôå÷íåß" ðáíÝìïñöåò óõíèÝóåéò êáé äçìéïõñãßåò. Ôï ìåãÜëï ôçò üìùò ôáëÝíôï, îåäéðëþíåôáé óôéò ìéíéáôïýñåò ôïðéêþí åíäõìáóéþí ðïõ êáôáóêåõÜæåé ç ßäéá êáé ìå ôéò ïðïßåò íôýíåé ìéêñÝò êïýêëåò. Áðü ðïëý ìéêñÞ çëéêßá ðáñáôçñïýóå ôç ìçôÝñá ôçò ðïõ Þôáí "êåíôÞóôñá" íá

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Photo: G. Rousetis

öôéÜ÷íåé êåíôÞìáôá êáé åñãü÷åéñá. ¼ëï ôï óðßôé ôçò Þôáí “óôïëéóìÝíï” ìå êåíôçôÜ ìáîéëÜñéá, êåíôçìÝíåò

Virginia is a versatile person. She is a member of the cultural community of Glossa. Çer husband, Giorgos Rousetis, have created the online blog "Events of our Homeland". She has a flower shop, where she makes beautiful compositions and creations. However, her big talent is shown in the miniatures of local costumes that she manufactures herself, with which she dresses small dolls. From a very early age, she had been watching her mother, who was an "embroideress", making embroideries and handiworks. Her entire house was “decorated” with embroidered pillows and slippers, Therefore, how could she not love folk art living in this environment? Growing up, she decided to make purses with the embroidery of the costume of Skopelos, desiring in this way to keep alive a custom that tends to disappear, and then she ended up dressing small dolls with the local costumes of Glossa and Skopelos in general. This technique is not simple, but it is certainly time-consuming, since all the parts of the costume are handmade, but she mentions that "when you love what you are doing, you overcome the difficulties in order to finally reach the desirable result". She spends her free time occupied with activities that concern tradition, such as being a member of and a dancer in the dancing group of Glossa. She mentions that as years pass by many elements of the traditional way of life have been altered, but the conservation of the elements of tradition is very significant both for her and her fellow countrymen in Glossa, and constitutes an integral part of their existence. Tradition is their "treasure" and all together they try with love, and most of love with respect, to preserve it and deliver it to the younger generations.


126 Ðñüóùðá / People

Makis Perdikaris Ðñüåäñïò ÔïõñéóôéêÞò ÅðéôñïðÞò ÄÞìïõ ÓêïðÝëïõ

Chairman of the Tourism Committee of the Municipality of Skopelos O ÄÞìáñ÷ïò êáé ôï äçìïôéêü óõìâïýëéï, ôïõ åìðéóôåýèçêáí ôçí ðñïåäñßá ôçò ÔïõñéóôéêÞò ÅðéôñïðÞò, ðïõ åßíáé åðéöïñôéóìÝíç ìå ôïí ó÷åäéáóìü, ôéò ðñïôÜóåéò êáé ôï ó÷Ýäéï äñÜóçò ãéá ôçí áíÜðôõîç êáé ôçí ðñïþèçóç ôïõ Ôïõñéóìïý óôï íçóß ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ. Ï ÄÞìïò ðáñáìÝíåé ï åêôåëåóôéêüò Üîïíáò õëïðïßçóçò ôùí ðñïôÜóåþí ôïõ. ÊáôÜ ôçí Üðïøç ôïõ äåí õðÜñ÷åé ìïíôÝëï "Mamma Mia" ãéá Ýíá íçóß ìå ôÝôïéá éóôïñßá êáé öõóéêÞ ïìïñöéÜ, äåí åßíáé áõôü áñêåôü. Óßãïõñá ç äéáöÞìéóç ðïõ Ýãéíå åßíáé Ýíá óçìáíôéêü êåöÜëáéï áëëÜ ïýôå Þôáí ïýôå åßíáé ôï óåíÜñéï ìéáò ÷ïëéãïõíôéáíÞò ôáéíßáò, ìïíôÝëï áíÜðôõîçò ôïõ íçóéïý, áíôßèåôá ðñÝðåé íá âáóéóôåß óå åðéóôçìïíéêÝò ìåèüäïõò áíÜëõóçò êáé íá ôåèåß ôåëéêÜ óå äçìüóéï äéÜëïãï áöïý áöïñÜ üëïõò. "¼ëïé íéþèïõìå ôçí áíÜãêç ðñïóäéïñéóìïý ôçò ôáõôüôçôáò ðïõ èá ïäçãÞóåé óå óõãêåêñéìÝíá ìïíôÝëá áíÜðôõîçò áðïäßäïíôáò ôá ìÝãéóôá óå áõôüí ôïí åõëïãçìÝíï ôüðï. Ç "ïñéïèÝôçóç" ðïõ èá åöáñìïóôåß áðü ôïí ÄÞìï ùò ìéá åíéáßá ôïõñéóôéêÞ ðïëéôéêÞ, èá êáèïñéóèåß âÜóç ôùí ðñïôÜóåùí ðïõ èá ðñïêýøïõí áðü ôçí áíÜëõóç ôùí äåäïìÝíùí êáé áöïý ôåèåß óå äçìüóéï äéÜëïãï êáé äéáâïýëåõóç. Ðñïò ôï ðáñüí ç ïñéïèÝôçóç ãßíåôå áíáãêáóôéêÜ ìÝóá áðü ôéò ëéãïóôÝò äõíáôüôçôåò ðïõ äßíïíôáé áðü ôá ðïëý ðåñéïñéóìÝíá ïéêïíïìéêÜ ôïõ äÞìïõ êáé ç ïðïßá åßíáé ó÷åäüí áóöõêôéêÞ. Ï ôïõñéóìüò åßíáé õðüèåóç üëùí üëïé åîáñôïýí ëéãüôåñï Þ ðåñéóóüôåñï ôçí ïéêïíïìéêÞ ôïõò åõçìåñßá áðü áõôüí ãé' áõôü êáé ðñÝðåé üëïé ïé öïñåßò íá óõíåñãáóôïýí. Óôá Üìåóá ó÷Ýäéá ôçò åðéôñïðÞò åßíáé ï åðáíáðñïóäéïñéóìüò ôçò ôáõôüôçôáò ôïõ íçóéïý ìå åõñåßá áðïäï÷Þ. Ôï ÷ôßóéìï ðñïþèçóçò ôïõ íçóéïý óôéò áãïñÝò ôïõ åîùôåñéêïý, óôéò äéåèíåßò åêèÝóåéò, ìå óõììåôï÷Þ êáé ôùí åðáããåëìáôéþí ôïõ ôüðïõ, ìå ðñïóêëÞóåéò óå äçìïóéïãñÜöïõò êáé öïñåßò ôïõ åîùôåñéêïý êáé ðñïðáíôüò äéáöõëÜóóïíôáò ôçí ìïíáäéêüôçôá ôïõ ôüðïõ, óåâüìåíïé ôéò ðáñáäüóåéò êáé ôçí éóôïñéêÞ äéáäñïìÞ ôïõ íçóéïý óôïõò áéþíåò”.

Giorgos Michelis

Ðñüåäñïò Ô.×.Ó. / Chairman of the Financial Stability Fund

Ï Ãéþñãïò Ìé÷åëÞò ãåííÞèçêå êáé ìåãÜëùóå óôç Ãëþóóá ÓêïðÝëïõ. Ðáñüëç ôçí åðáããåëìáôéêÞ ôïõ åðéôõ÷ßá, ðáñáìÝíåé Ýíáò Üíèñùðïò ðïëý ðñïóéôüò êáé ðñüèõìïò. Óðïýäáóå ÏéêïíïìéêÝò åðéóôÞìåò óôç Âïóôüíç êáé äßäáîå óôï ÐáíåðéóôÞìéï Regis. Ç ìåãÜëç ôïõ áãÜðç ãéá ôçí êéèÜñá - áõôïäßäáêôïò- êáé ôï ôñáãïýäé, ôïí ïäÞãçóáí íá äçìéïõñãÞóåé ðáñÜëëçëá Ýíá óõãêñüôçìá ìå ôïí ôßôëï "Contemporary Greek Ensemble". Ôï 1984 åðéóôñÝöåé óôçí ÅëëÜäá êáé åñãÜæåôáé ãéá ôçí ÅìðïñéêÞ ÔñÜðåæá óôç Äéåýèõíóç Ïéêïíïìéêþí Ìåëåôþí, ãéá ôçí Åãíáôßá ÔñÜðåæá ùò åêôåëåóôéêüò Áíôéðñüåäñïò, ùò Ãåíéêüò ÄéåõèõíôÞò óôï "ÙíÜóåéï" Êáñäéï÷åéñïõñãéêü ÊÝíôñï, ùò Ãåíéêüò ÄéåõèõíôÞò êáé Áíôéðñüåäñïò óôçí ÅìðïñéêÞ ÔñÜðåæá îáíÜ, ùò Äéåõèýíùí Óýìâïõëïò ôçò Bank Post, èõãáôñéêÞò ôçò Eurobank óôç Óåñâßá. Áðü ôï 2011 Ýùò ôï 2014, äéåôÝëåóå ÄÞìáñ÷ïò ÓêïðÝëïõ. Ôá äýï ìåãÜëá Ýñãá ðïõ Ýãéíáí åðß èçôåßáò ôïõ Þôáí ç ðåæïäñüìçóç ôçò åéóüäïõ ôçò ðüëçò ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ êáé ç áóöáëôüóôñùóç ôçò áãñïôéêÞò ïäïý ¸ëéïõò -ÔæéëáëÞ. ÌåãÜëçò óçìáóßáò Þôáí êáé ç Ýíôáîç óôï ÅÓÐÁ, äåêáôñéþí áíáðôõîéáêþí Ýñãùí óå üëï ôï íçóß. Ç ðáñáßíåóÞ ôïõ ðñïò ôç íÝá ÄçìïôéêÞ Áñ÷Þ åßíáé "íá ðñï÷ùñÞóïõí ôï ôá÷ýôåñï äõíáôüí ôá Ýñãá ðïõ Ý÷ïõí åíôá÷èåß óôï ÅÓÐÁ". Ðéóôåýåé üôé óôçí Óêüðåëï, ðïõ åßíáé Ýíáò ôüðïò ðñïéêéóìÝíïò ìå ôüóá óõãêñéôéêÜ ðëåïíåêôÞìáôá, õðÜñ÷ïõí ðåñéèþñéá áíÜðôõîçò. Áõôü ðïõ ÷ñåéÜæåôáé åßíáé áãáóôÞ óõíåñãáóßá ìåôáîý êáôïßêùí, öïñÝùí êáé äçìïôéêÞò áñ÷Þò. Åðßóçò, öñÝóêéåò éäÝåò, ôïëìçñÝò ðñùôïâïõëßåò êáé äéåèíÞò ðñïâïëÞ. ¼ëá ôá Üëëá èá Ýñèïõí. ÓÞìåñá åßíáé Ðñüåäñïò ôïõ Ôáìåßïõ ×ñçìáôïðéóôùôéêÞò Óôáèåñüôçôáò, ôï ïðïßï åßíáé ï êýñéïò ìÝôï÷ïò ôùí ôåóóÜñùí óõóôçìéêþí åëëçíéêþí ôñáðåæþí. Ï êýñéïò óôü÷ïò ôïõ Ôáìåßïõ åßíáé ç äéáôÞñçóç ôçò êåöáëáéáêÞò åðÜñêåéáò ôùí åëëçíéêþí ôñáðåæþí, ç ôÞñçóç ôùí êáíüíùí ôïõ áíôáãùíéóìïý óôï ôñáðåæéêü óýóôçìá êáé ç äéáöýëáîç ôùí óõìöåñüíôùí ôïõ äçìïóßïõ ðïõ ðñïêýðôïõí áðü ôç óõììåôï÷Þ ìáò óôï ìåôï÷éêü êåöÜëáéï ôùí ôñáðåæþí.

The Mayor and the city council entrusted him with the presidency of the Tourism Committee, which is responsible for the design, the proposals and the action plan for the development and promotion of tourism in the island of Skopelos. The Municipality remains the executive axis of implementation of its proposals. In his opinion, there is no "Mamma Mia" model for an island with such history and natural beauty; this is not enough. Certainly, the advertizing that took place is a significant chapter, but the script of a Hollywood movie neither was nor is the development model of the island. On the contrary, it needs to be based on scientific analysis methods, and to be placed finally in public discussion, since it concerns everyone. "We all feel the need to determine the identity that will lead to specific models of development, providing the best to this blessed land. The "delimitation" that will be implemented by the Municipality as a single tourism policy will be determined based on the proposals that will arise from the analysis of data, and after it is placed in public dialogue and consultation. For the time being, the delimitation is necessarily performed through the few capacities that are provided by the very limited resources of the Municipality, and which is almost suffocating. Tourism concerns everyone, whose financial welfare depends on it at a lower or higher degree, and this is why all organizations should collaborate. The immediate plans of the committee include the redefinition of the island's identity with wide acceptance. The building of the promotion of the island to foreign markets, international exhibitions, with participation of the professionals of the area, with invitations to journalists and foreign organization, and above all by conserving the uniqueness of the area, by respecting traditions and the historic course of the island in the centuries".

Giorgos Michelis was born and raised in Glossa, Skopelos. Despite his professional success, he remains a very approachable and willing person. He studied Economic sciences in Boston, and taught in Regis University. His big love for the guitar (self-taught) and singing, led him to form at the same time a group named "Contemporary Greek Ensemble". In 1984, he returned to Greece and worked for the Commercial Bank at the Directorate of financial studies, for Egnatia Bank as executive Vice-president, at "Onasio" Cardiac Surgery Center as General Manager, again for the Commercial Bank as General Manager and Vice-president, and as Managing Director of Bank Post, a subsidiary of Eurobank in Serbia. From 2011 to 2014, he served as Mayor of Skopelos. The two big projects that were performed during his tenure were the pedestrianization of the entrance of the city of Skopelos and the asphalting of the rural road of EliosTzilali. The integration of thirteen developmental projects throughout the island in the NSRF was also very significant. His encouragement to the new Municipal Authority is "that the projects that have been integrated in the NSRF should proceed as soon as possible". He believes that there are margins of development in Skopelos, which is a land gifted with so many competitive advantages. What needs to be achieved is the excellent collaboration between inhabitants, organizations and municipal authority. In addition, fresh ideas, bold initiatives and international projection. Everything else will come. Nowadays, he is the Chairman of the Financial Stability Fund, which is the main shareholder of the four systemic Greek banks. The main aim of the Fund is to maintain the capital adequacy of Greek banks, to observe competition rules in the banking system and to safeguard the interests of the public sector, which arise from our participation in the share capital of the banks.

Heather Parsons ÐåñéðáôçôÞò ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ / Hiker of Skopelos

Ç Heather Þñèå óôç Óêüðåëï ôï 1986 ãéá íá åñãáóôåß. Ìáãåýôçêå áðü ôïí ðáñáäïóéáêü ôñüðï æùÞò, ôç öýóç êáé ôçí ïìïñöéÜ ôïõ íçóéïý. Äõü ÷ñüíéá ìåôÜ áðïêôÜ ôï äéêü ôçò áãñüêôçìá êáé åãêáèßóôáôáé åêåß ùò êáé óÞìåñá. Ðåæïðïñþíôáò ìå ôï óêýëï ôçò áíáêáëýðôåé ôìÞìáôá áðü ðÝôñéíá ìïíïðÜôéá Þ êáëíôåñßìéá, ôá ïðïßá Þôáí êáôÜöõôá êáé êñõììÝíá. ¸ôóé, êÜèå öïñÜ ðïõ ðÞãáéíå ãéá ðåæïðïñßá êáèÜñéæå êáé áðü Ýíá. ÓõíÝëëåîå ðëçñïöïñßåò ãéá áõôÜ áðü ôïõò íôüðéïõò êáé üðùò Ýíá ìåãÜëï ðáæë , Ýíùóå ôá êïììÜôéá êáé Ýãñáøå Ýíá âéâëßï ïäçãü ãéá íá ìðïñïýí üëïé íá ôá áðïëáýóïõí. ¼ëá áõôÜ ôá ÷ñüíéá ðñïóðÜèçóå íá êñáôÞóåé ôá ìïíïðÜôéá áíïéêôÜ ìå ðñïóùðéêÞ ðñùôïâïõëßá þóðïõ óõíåñãÜóôçêå ìå ôïõò åèåëïíôÝò "Workaway". Ç ßäéá êÜèå ÷ñüíï ôïõò ìÞíåò ÌÜéï, Éïýíéï, ÓåðôÝìâñéï êáé Ïêôþâñéï, öéëïîåíåß ôïõò åèåëïíôÝò, ïé ïðïßïé èÝëïõí íá ãíùñßóïõí ôïí ôñüðï æùÞò óôá íçóéÜ ôçò ÅëëÜäáò ìå áíôÜëëáãìá ôçí åèåëïíôéêÞ åñãáóßá ãéá ôç óõíôÞñçóç ôùí ìïíïðáôéþí. ÖÝôïò åßíáé ç ðñþôç ç öïñÜ ðïõ âñÞêå óôÞñéîç áðü ôçí ¸íùóç Îåíïäü÷ùí ÓêïðÝëïõ, ç ïðïßá ðñïóöÝñåé ôç äéáìïíÞ êáé ôï ãåýìá óôïõò åèåëïíôÝò. Ôïíßæåé üôé óôçí Óêüðåëï õðÜñ÷ïõí ðïëëÝò åíäéáöÝñïõóåò äéáäñïìÝò ãéá üóïõò åíäéáöÝñïíôáé ãéá ôçí ÷ëùñßäá êáé ðáíßäá, ãéá ôçí éóôïñßá, ôá üìïñöá ôïðßá êáé ãéá üóïõò èÝëïõí íá îåöýãïõí áðü ôá óõíçèéóìÝíá. ÐëÝïí Ýñ÷ïíôáé óôï íçóß ðåæïðüñïé áðü üëåò ôéò ÅõñùðáéêÝò ×þñåò, ïé ïðïßïé áíôáëÜóóïõí ôéò ðëçñïöïñßåò ôïõò ìå Üëëïõò êáé áí ôá ìïíïðÜôéá äéáôçñïýíôáé áíïé÷ôÜ, ôüôå óßãïõñá èá õðÜñîåé ìåãáëýôåñï åíäéáöÝñïí êáé áðü Üëëåò ðåæïðïñéêÝò ïìÜäåò. Óôï ìÝëëïí óêïðåýåé íá äéáíïßîåé ìïíïðÜôéá êáé êáëíôåñßìéá ðïõ åßíáé êëåéóôÜ ãéá ðÜíù áðü 40 ÷ñüíéá. Heather came to Skopelos in 1986 in order to work. She was charmed by the traditional way of life, nature, and the beauty of the island. Two years later she acquired her own farm and settled there until today. Hiking with her dog, she discovered parts of stone paths or cobbled roads, which are lush and hidden. Thus, every time she went hiking, she cleared one of them. She collected information about them from the locals, and like in a big puzzle, she united the parts and wrote a guide book, so that everyone could enjoy them. All these years, she tried to keep the paths open with personal initiative, until she collaborated with the "Workaway" volunteers. Every year, during the months of May, June, September and October, she herself hosts volunteers, who want to get to know the way of life in Greek islands, resulting in voluntary work and maintenance of the paths. This year is the first time that she found support from the Skopelos Hoteliers Association, which offers accommodation and meals to the volunteers. She emphasizes that there are many interesting routes in Skopelos for those interested in flora and fauna, history, beautiful landscapes as well as for those who want to escape from the usual. Nowadays, hikers from all European countries come to the island, exchange their information with others, and if the paths are kept open, then there will certainly be a bigger interest by other hiking teams too. In the future, she aims to open paths and cobbled roads that have been closed for more than 40 years.

Machi Klonari is the young, bright and active Deputy Mayor of the Municipality of Skopelos. The great love she has for the island and not the "title" was the motive that urged her to get involved with the public affairs. Having many objectives to implement and many innovative ideas, she particularly emphasizes on the twofold "education - culture". She herself would not like to see the island as a tourism factory in the future, therefore she works hard so that the island's traditional, picturesque character and its quality remain intact.

Christos Patsis

Ï “Ìá÷áéñÜò” ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ / The “Ênife maker” of Skopelos

Ï êýñéïò ×ñÞóôïò ÐáôóÞò, åßíáé ï ôåëåõôáßïò ëáúêüò ôå÷íßôçò ìá÷áéñéþí Þ áëëéþò “ìá÷áéñÜò” ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ. Ç ôÝ÷íç áõôÞ õðÜñ÷åé ôïõëÜ÷éóôïí ãéá 200 ÷ñüíéá óôï íçóß êáé ðÜåé áðü ãåíéÜ óå ãåíéÜ. ÊÜðïéïé áðü ôïõò ðáëéïýò ìá÷áéñÜäåò Þôáí ï Ðáíáãéþôçò ÁóôåñéÜäçò, ï ÈáíÜóçò Ãåùñãßïõ êáé ï ÃéÜííçò ËåìïíÞò åíþ ï ðáëáéüôåñïò ðïõ ï ßäéïò èõìÜôáé Þôáí ï Ãéþñãïò ÊïõôñÝëïò. Ï æÞëïò ôïõ êáé ç åðéìïíÞ ôïõ Þôáí áõôÜ ðïõ ôïí þèçóáí, üôáí Þôáí áêüìç ìéêñü ðáéäß, íá "êëÝøåé" ôçí ôÝ÷íç áðü Ýíáí ðáëáéüôåñï ôå÷íßôç, ðïõ ôçí êñáôïýóå åðôáóöñÜãéóôï ìõóôéêü! ¼ôáí ëïéðüí Üíïéãå ôï ðáñÜèõñï óôï åñãáóôÞñé ôïõ ï ðáëéüò “ìá÷áéñÜò”, ï êýñéïò ×ñÞóôïò ðáñáêïëïõèïýóå ôéò êéíÞóåéò ôïõ ìßá ðñïò ìßá, áðü ôçí áíôáíÜêëáóç ðÜíù óôï ôæÜìé. ¸êôïôå êáé ÷ùñßò óôáìáôçìü ãéá 65 ÷ñüíéá, äçìéïõñãåß ôá ðåñßöçìá óêïðåëßôéêá ìá÷áßñéá. Ôá õëéêÜ ðïõ ÷ñçóéìïðïéåß åßíáé áíïîåßäùôï ìÝôáëëï ãéá ôéò ëÜìåò, êÝñáôï ôñÜãïõ Þ êáôóßêáò ãéá ôç ëáâÞ êáé îýëï ðåýêïõ Þ êõðáñéóóéïý ãéá ôç èÞêç. Ôá ìÝóá ðáñáãùãÞò ðïõ ÷ñçóéìïðïéåß åßíáé ôï êáìßíé, ï ôñï÷üò, ç ìÝããåíç êáé ïé ëßìåò. Ç äéáäéêáóßá åßíáé ÷ñïíïâüñá, ÷ñåéÜæåôáé ôïõëÜ÷éóôïí ìéá çìÝñá ãéá íá öôéÜîåé Ýíá ôåëåéïðïéçìÝíï ìá÷áßñé. Áõôüò ðéóôåýåé üôé åßíáé êáé ï ëüãïò ðïõ ïé íÝïé äåí èÝëïõí íá ìÜèïõí ôçí ôÝ÷íç. ¸ðåéôá áðü ìåãÜëç åðéìïíÞ, Ýìáèå ôçí ôÝ÷íç óôïí ãéü ôïõ ÐáíôåëÞ ÐáôóÞ, "ãéá íá ìçí ÷áèåß", üðùò ëÝåé. ÊÜèå ìá÷áßñé åßíáé ìïíáäéêü êáé ðÜíù ôïõò ÷áñÜæåé ôï üíïìá ôïõ êáé ôçí ïíïìáóßá ôïõ íçóéïý. Ôá ìá÷áéñÜêéá ôïõ êõñ -×ñÞóôïõ ìå ôç ëÝîç “Óêüðåëïò” ðÜíù ôïõò, Ý÷ïõí ôáîéäÝøåé óôá ðÝñáôá ôïõ êüóìïõ! Mr. Christos Patsis is the last popular craftsman of knives or else "knife maker" of Skopelos. This art exists in the island for at least 200 years and goes from generation to generation. Some of the old knife makers were Panagiotis Asteriadis, Thanasis Georgiou, and Giannis Lemonis, while the oldest that he remembers was Giorgos Koutrelos. His zeal and his persistence are what urged him, when he was still a small child, to "steal" the art from an older craftsman, who kept it a closely guarded secret! So, when the old "knife maker" opened the window of his workshop, Mr. Christos watched his moves one by one, from the reflection on the glass. Ever since and without having stopped for 65 years, he creates the famous knives of Skopelos. The materials that he uses are stainless steel for the blades, male goat or goat horn for the handle, and pine or cypress wood for the case. The manufacture means he uses are the furnace, the grinder, the vise and the shapers. The procedure is time-consuming, and he needs at least a day that this is the reason why young people don't want to learn the art. After strong persistence, he taught his son, Pantelis Patsis, the art, "so that it is not lost", as he says. Every knife is unique and he engraves on them his name and the name of the island. The small knives of Mr. Christos with the word "Skopelos" on them have traveled all over the world!

"The comparative advantage that Skopelos has as opposed to other Greek tourist destinations is Skopelos itself, which everything that entails, endless pine forests, turquoise beaches, the traditional settlement, archeology, countless churches, tradition, customs, culture, hospitable people and of course natural and infinite beauty. It is therefore not by chance that the island of Skopelos was chosen from tenths of other Greek islands for shooting the film Mamma Mia!; it is not by chance that Skopelos was declared the greenest island in the Mediterranean area in 1997; it is not by chance that Skopelos ranks among the 10 first international destinations for holding wedding ceremonies. The Municipality's future movements will be the participation in international and national tourism fairs for the promotion and distinction of the area and the local producers of traditional products. Meanwhile we are working on a future coastal shipping link with Thessaloniki, as well as lower fares for transport by vessels. It is definitely hard but not impossible."

Vasilis is the most popular and beloved "Chairman" of the island, as he is at the wheel of the most successful and largest Club of Skopelos. He is the chairman of the historical Sports Club of Skopelos which was founded in 1987. It has 4 departments of academies (football, basketball, volleyball and track) and the most important part according to him, which is the 255 athletes, which he considers a record-number. With a great sense of responsibility from this honored place, he makes an effort, as he claims, to get over the difficulties and together with the rest of the Board of Directors to be at their best. The excellent cooperation, the common goal, the allocation of tasks, choosing able people as well as connecting the Club with the local society of Skopelos is the recipe for success. This recipe brought the best out of the Football Club of Skopelos which was crowned the Champion of Magnesia as well as the organization of the 2nd Tournament of the Panhellenic Beach Volley Championship Masters 2015. He believes that local entities ought to pay particular attention to this arising new form of alternative tourism, sports tourism. The well-built sports facilities in Skopelos constitute an incentive and according to a study of the University of Thessaly, Skopelos is the ideal place for the development of sports tourism. Noteworthy examples are the organization of the Beach Volley Tournament and the sailing races. A tip for the youth is to be near to sports, because "when a young person does not work out, a gap is created which can lead to wrong paths with regrettable consequences for the person itself and society".

Machi Klonari

ÁíôéäÞìáñ÷ïò ÓêïðÝëïõ / Deputy Mayor of Skopelos

Ç ÌÜ÷ç ÊëùíÜñç, åßíáé ç íÝá, ëáìðåñÞ êáé äñáóôÞñéá ÁíôéäÞìáñ÷ïò ôïõ ÄÞìïõ ÓêïðÝëïõ. Ç ìåãÜëç ôçò áãÜðç ãéá ôï íçóß êáé ü÷é "ç êáñÝêëá" Þôáí ðïõ ôçí Ýóðñùîå íá áó÷ïëçèåß ìå ôá êïéíÜ. ¸÷ïíôáò ðÜñá ðïëëïýò óôü÷ïõò íá õëïðïéÞóåé êáé ðïëëÝò êáéíïôüìåò éäÝåò, äßíåé éäéáßôåñç Ýìöáóç óôï äßðôõ÷ï "ðáéäåßá - ðïëéôéóìüò". Ç ßäéá äåí èá Þèåëå íá äåé óôï ìÝëëïí ôï íçóß ùò Ýíá åñãïóôÜóéï ôïõñéóìïý ãé' áõôü äïõëåýåé ãéá íá äéáôçñçèåß ï ðáñáäïóéáêüò, ãñáöéêüò ÷áñáêôÞñáò ôïõ êáé ç ðïéüôçôá ôïõ. "Ôï óõãêñéôéêü ðëåïíÝêôçìá ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ Ýíáíôé ôùí Üëëùí åã÷þñéùí ôïõñéóôéêþí ðñïïñéóìþí åßíáé, ç ßäéá ç Óêüðåëïò ìå ü,ôé óõíåðÜãåôáé, áôåëåßùôá ðåõêïäÜóç, ôéñêïõÜæ ðáñáëßåò, ðáñáäïóéáêüò ïéêéóìüò, áñ÷áéïëïãßá, áìÝôñçôåò åêêëçóßåò, ðáñÜäïóç, Ýèéìá, ðïëéôéóìüò, öéëüîåíïé Üíèñùðïé êáé áóöáëþò öõóéêÞ ïìïñöéÜ áðåßñïõ êÜëëïõò. Äåí åßíáé ôõ÷áßï ðïõ ôï íçóß ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ åðéëÝ÷ôçêå áðü äåêÜäåò Üëëá åëëçíéêÜ íçóéÜ ãéá ôá ãõñßóìáôá ôçò ôáéíßáò Ìamma Mia! Äåí åßíáé ôõ÷áßï ðïõ ç Óêüðåëïò áíáêçñý÷èçêå ôï 1997 ùò ôï ðñáóéíüôåñï íçóß ôçò Ìåóïãåßïõ. Äåí åßíáé ôõ÷áßï, üôé ç Óêüðåëïò âñßóêåôáé ìÝóá óôïõò 10 ðñþôïõò äéåèíåßò ðñïïñéóìïýò ãéá ôçí ðñáãìáôïðïßçóç ãÜìùí. Ïé ìåëëïíôéêÝò êéíÞóåéò ôïõ ÄÞìïõ åßíáé ç óõììåôï÷Þ óå äéåèíåßò êáé åã÷þñéåò ôïõñéóôéêÝò åêèÝóåéò ãéá ôçí ðñïâïëÞ êáé ôçí áíÜäåéîç ôïõ ôüðïõ êáèþò êáé ôùí åíôüðéùí ðáñáãùãþí, ðáñáäïóéáêþí ðñïúüíôùí. ÐáñÜëëçëá, äïõëåýïõìå ãéá ôç ìåëëïíôéêÞ áêôïðëïúêÞ óýíäåóç ìå ôç Èåóóáëïíßêç, êáèþò êáé ôç ÷áìçëüôåñç ôéìÞ ôùí áêôïðëïúêþí åéóéôçñßùí. Åßíáé óßãïõñá äýóêïëï áëëÜ ü÷é áêáôüñèùôï".

Vasilis Rodios Ðñüåäñïò Á.Ï. ÓêïðÝëïõ

Chairman of the Sports Club of Skopelos Ï Âáóßëçò, åßíáé ï ðéï äçìïöéëÞò êáé áãáðçôüò “Ðñüåäñïò” ôïõ íçóéïý, áöïý âñßóêåôáé óôï ôéìüíé ôïõ ðéï åðéôõ÷çìÝíïõ êáé ìåãáëýôåñïõ Óõëëüãïõ ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ. Ðñüåäñïò ëïéðüí ôïõ éóôïñéêïý Á.Ï. ÓêïðÝëïõ, ðïõ éäñýèçêå ôï 1987. ÄéáèÝôåé 4 ôìÞìáôá áêáäçìéþí (ðïäüóöáéñï, ìðÜóêåô, âüëåú êáé óôßâï) êáé ôï óçìáíôéêüôåñï êáôÜ ôïí ßäéï, 255 áèëçôÝò, ôïí ïðïßï èåùñåß êáé áñéèìü ñåêüñ. Ìå ìåãÜëï ôï áßóèçìá ôçò åõèýíçò ðñïóðáèåß áðü áõôÞí ôçí ôéìçôéêÞ èÝóç, üðùò éó÷õñßæåôáé, íá îåðåñíÜ ôéò äõóêïëßåò êáé ìáæß ìå ôï õðüëïéðï Ä.Ó. íá äåß÷íïõí ôïí êáëýôåñï ôïõò åáõôü. Ç Üñéóôç óõíåñãáóßá, ï êïéíüò óêïðüò, ï êáôáìåñéóìüò ôùí áñìïäéïôÞôùí, ç åðéëïãÞ éêáíþí áôüìùí êáèþò êáé ç óýíäåóç ôïõ Óõëëüãïõ ìå ôçí ôïðéêÞ êïéíùíßá ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ, åßíáé ç óõíôáãÞ ôçò åðéôõ÷ßáò. Ç óõíôáãÞ áõôÞ áðÝäùóå óôï ìÝãéóôï ìå ôçí ÐïäïóöáéñéêÞ ÏìÜäá ÓêïðÝëïõ, ç ïðïßá óôÝöèçêå ÐñùôáèëÞôñéá Ìáãíçóßáò êáèþò êáé ôçí Üøïãç äéïñãÜíùóç ôïõ 2ïõ TïõñíïõÜ Masters Ðáíåëëçíßïõ ÐñùôáèëÞìáôïò Beach Volley 2015. Ðéóôåýåé üôé ïé ôïðéêïß öïñåßò ïöåßëïõí íá äåßîïõí éäéáßôåñç ðñïóï÷Þ óå áõôÞí ôçí áíåñ÷üìåíç ìïñöÞ åíáëëáêôéêïý ôïõñéóìïý, ôïõ áèëçôéêïý ôïõñéóìïý. Ïé Üñôéåò áèëçôéêÝò åãêáôáóôÜóåéò óôçí Óêüðåëï, áðïôåëïýí êßíçôñï êáé óýìöùíá ìå Ýñåõíá ôïõ Ðáíåðéóôçìßïõ Èåóóáëßáò ç Óêüðåëïò åßíáé éäáíéêüò ôüðïò ãéá áíÜðôõîç áèëçôéêïý ôïõñéóìïý. Áîéïóçìåßùôá ðáñáäåßãìáôá åßíáé ç äéïñãÜíùóç ôïõ ÔïõñíïõÜ Beach volley êáé ïé Éóôéïðëïúêïß áãþíåò. Ç óõìâïõëÞ ôïõ ðñïò ôïõò íÝïõò åßíáé íá åßíáé êïíôÜ óôïí áèëçôéóìü, ãéáôß “üôáí Ýíáò íÝïò äåí áèëåßôáé áõôüìáôá äçìéïõñãåßôáé Ýíá êåíü, ôï ïðïßï ìðïñåß íá ïäçãÞóåé óå ëÜèïò ìïíïðÜôéá ìå äõóÜñåóôåò óõíÝðåéåò ãéá ôïí ßäéï êáé ôçí êïéíùíßá”.


130 Ðñüóùðá / People Photo: Zachos Stamoulis

Giorgos Xintaris is one of the most known and representative expressors of rembetika songs. He sings and plays bouzouki since 1972 in the historic store of Athens "Rembetic History". He became widely known thanks to his participation in the series "The Minor of Dawn". He remembers that ever since he was a child in Skopelos the songs that he listened to on gramophones and jukeboxes were rembetika. These sounds urged him to get involved with this music himself. "Skopelos and rembetic music go together", he says, since here there are many and good expressors. Rembetic

Giorgos Xintaris ÑåìðÝôçò / Rembetika singer

Ï Ãéþñãïò ÎçíôÜñçò, åßíáé Ýíáò áðü ôïõò ðéï ãíùóôïýò êáé áíôéðñïóùðåõôéêïýò åêöñáóôÝò ôïõ ñåìðÝôéêïõ ôñáãïõäéïý. ÔñáãïõäÜ êáé ðáßæåé ìðïõæïýêé áðü ôï 1972, óôï éóôïñéêü ìáãáæß ôçò ÁèÞíáò "ÑåìðÝôéêç Éóôïñßá". ¸ãéíå åõñÝùò ãíùóôüò áðü ôç óõììåôï÷Þ ôïõ óôçí óåéñÜ "Ôï Ìéíüñå ôçò ÁõãÞò". ÈõìÜôáé áðü ðáéäß óôçí Óêüðåëï, üôé ôá ôñáãïýäéá ðïõ Üêïõãå óôá ãñáììüöùíá êáé óôá ôæïýê - ìðüî , Þôáí ñåìðÝôéêá. ÁõôÜ ôá áêïýóìáôá ôïí þèçóáí íá áó÷ïëçèåß êáé ï ßäéïò. "Óêüðåëïò êáé ÑåìðÝôéêï ðÜíå ìáæß", ëÝåé, áöïý åäþ õðÜñ÷ïõí ðÜñá ðïëëïß êáé êáëïß åêöñáóôÝò ôïõ. Ôï ñåìðÝôéêï ãé' áõôüí åßíáé äñüìïò, áíáöÝñåôáé óôçí áãÜðç, ôïí Ýñùôá, ôçí îåíéôéÜ, ôïí ÷ùñéóìü, ôçí èÜëáóóá, Ýôóé ðéóôåýåé üôé ï êáèÝíáò ìðïñåß íá âñåé óôï ñåìðÝôéêï êÜôé ðïõ ôïí åêöñÜæåé. ¸÷åé ÷áñáêôçñéóôåß ùò "ï ôåëåõôáßïò áìáíåôæÞò", ï ßäéïò äåí áðïäÝ÷åôáé ìå åõêïëßá ôïí ôßôëï, õðïóôçñßæåé üìùò üôé ï áìáíÝò åßíáé äýóêïëï åßäïò êáé ðñïóùðéêü èÝìá ãéá ôïí êáëëéôÝ÷íç, ãéáôß ôá "ôñßá ëåðôÜ" ôïõ, ôá æåß ìüíïò ôïõ, "ï áìáíÝò åßíáé ôï ôáîßìé ôçò öùíÞò". Ôá êáëïêáßñéá âñßóêåôáé óôïí “íáü” ôïõ, Þ üðùò ôï ïíüìáóå ï ößëïò ôïõ ÈùìÜò Êïñïâßíçò, óôï "Çñþäåéï ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ". ÁíáöÝñåôáé óôï ìáãáæß ôïõ, ôçí "ÁíáôïëÞ", ðïõ âñßóêåôáé óôçí êïñõöÞ ôïõ ÊÜóôñïõ. Åêåß êÜèå âñÜäõ äßíåé êáé áðü ìéá “óõíáõëßá”, ìáæß ìå ôïõò ãéïýò ôïõ, ïé ïðïßïé âáäßæïõí ðÜíù óôá ÷íÜñéá ôïõ. Ôï ìáãáæß ôï Ýöôéáîå ìüíïò ôïõ áðü ôï ìçäÝí, ìå ðïëý éäñþôá êáé êüðï êáé ãé áõôü ôï èåùñåß "ðáéäß" ôïõ. ÐëÝïí, áéóèÜíåôáé ðëÞñçò. ¸÷åé ìéá êáëÞ ïéêïãÝíåéá, äýï åêðëçêôéêÜ ðáéäéÜ êáé óáí Üôïìá êáé óáí ìïõóéêïß, ôñáãïõäÜ óôï ìáãáæß ðïõ Ýöôéáîå ìå ìåñÜêé êáé ìáãåéñåýåé óå áõôü ìå áãÜðç ãéá ôïí êüóìï ðïõ ôüóï èåñìÜ, üëá áõôÜ ôá ÷ñüíéá ôïí õðïóôçñßæåé.

music for him is a road that addresses affection, love, immigration, the sea, and thus he believes that anyone can find in rembetic music something that expresses them. He has been characterized as "the last amanes singer", a title that he does not accept easily, but he asserts that amanes is a difficult genre and a personal issue for the artist, because he experiences by himself its "three minutes", and "amanes is the taksim of the voice". During summer, you can find him in his "temple", or as his friend Thomas Korovinis named it, at "the Herodion of Skopelos". He refers to his store, "Anatoli", which is located at the top of the Castle. Up there, every night he performs a "concert" with his sons, who follow his steps. He created the store from scratch, with much sweat and toil, and he considers it to be his "child". Now he feels full. He has a good family, two amazing children, both as persons and as musicians, he sings in the store that he created with artistry, and cooks in it with love for the people, who have been supporting him all these years so warmly.


132 Wedding in Skopelos

YES,I DO! Text: Spyridoula Mpetsani

Photos: Vangelis Maroulis



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Ïêôùâñßïõ, õðïëïãßæåôáé íá ãßíïõí Üëëïé 40.


134 Wedding in Skopelos

The grand fame that the island obtained after the projection of the "MAMMA MIA!" movie was what gave the impetus to numerous couples from all over the world to choose the "Lady" of the North Sporades as a destination for their wedding ceremony, the magnificent island of Skopelos. The scenes from the movie show the incredible natural beauties of the island, as well as its picturesque insular character, creating idyllic images, and being the center of attraction for intended spouses, as well as for simple visitors, who wish to wander around the famous locations. On the top of visitors from abroad, who want to get married in Skopelos, are the British, as well as people from more remote places, such as Canada, Brazil, and even Peru. The majority of wedding ceremonies are civil marriages, providing to the intended spouses the flexibility to choose more romantic and idyllic locations, such as sandy beaches and coasts, such as Amarantos, Agnontas, Milia, and Kastani. Many are those who choose "Ai Giannis at Kastri", the church where the “wedding” of the movie took place, as well as "Panagitsa tou Pyrgou" (Virgin Mary of the Fortress), which is located at the old port of Chora of Skopelos, but also the other parishes of the island. Wedding ceremonies "by the wave of the sea" predominate, offering to the couple unique experiences, by exchanging wedding vows barefoot on the pebbles or the sand, with the exquisite sunsets and the blue sea as background. The wedding beach party that follows, with non-stop dancing, wet wedding gowns, torches, lanterns and countless summer "shots" remind of the "MAMMA MIA" movie at a significant degree, and leave to the guests and the newlyweds unforgettable moments of a "dreamy" wedding. Wedding tourism in Skopelos is increased spectacularly. Already by the month of July 45 weddings, civil and religious, have taken place on the entire island, while by the end of October it is estimated that another 40 will take place.

¸íáò ðáñáäïóéáêüò ãÜìïò óôïí Áã. ÉùÜííç óôï Êáóôñß Ôçñþíôáò êáôÜ ãñÜììá ôá ðáñáäïóéáêÜ Ýèéìá ï ×ñÞóôïò Ðáëáéïëüãïò êáé ç ÅëéóÜâåô ÌáêáñáôæÞ, Ýíùóáí ôéò æùÝò ôïõò óôïí Áã. ÉùÜííç óôï Êáóôñß êáé ìÜëéóôá ðñéí ôïí áíáêáëýøïõí ïé ðáñáãùãïß ôïõ Mamma Mia! Ðñþôïò ÷ïñüò Þôáí ï ìðÜëëïò åíþ ç åêêëçóéáóôéêÞ ôåëåôïõñãßá áêïëïýèçóå ôï âõæáíôéíü ðñüôõðï. Ï ãÜìïò åß÷å ôåñÜóôéá áðÞ÷çóç óôçí ôïðéêÞ êïéíùíßá ç ïðïßá óýóóùìç ôßìçóå ôï æåýãïò ìå ôçí ðáñïõóßá ôçò åíþ ï áðüç÷ïò ôçò êñáôÜåé áêüìá áðïôåëþíôáò Ýíá êáëü ðáñÜäåéãìá ãéá ôá åðüìåíá æåõãÜñéá ðïõ èá èåëÞóïõí íá ôçñÞóïõí ôçí ðáñÜäïóç êáé óôï äéêü ôïõò ãÜìï.

A traditional wedding at Agios Ioannis at Kastri Observing the letter of traditional customs, Christos Palaiologos and Elisabeth Makaratzi united their lives at Agios Ioannis at Kastri, and, indeed, before the producers of Mamma Mia discovered the chapel! The first dance was ballos, while the ecclesiastical ritual followed the Byzantine standard. The wedding had a huge impact on the local society, which, united, honored the couple with its presence, while its overtone is still maintained, making a good example for the next couples, who will wish to observe tradition in their wedding.

Vangelis Maroulis Professional Wedding Photography

One picture, a thousand memories‌ A photograph can keep alive forever the sensation that a smile, a kiss or a sweet memory had over time.


t: +30 24240 33222


m: +30 6976 430843


136 Gastronomy


ÁóôáêïìáêáñïíÜäá Chef: ÃéÜííçò ÄéïìÞò Ôóéãáñßæïõìå óå êáôóáñüëá êñåììýäéá êáé óêüñäï êáé ìåôÜ ñß÷íïõìå ôïí áóôáêü áöïý ôïí Ý÷ïõìå êüøåé êáé êáèáñßóåé êáé óâÞíïõìå ìå êñáóß. Óå Üëëï êáôóáñïëÜêé öôéÜ÷íïõìå ôç óÜëôóá. Ôóéãáñßæïõìå ëÜäé, êñåììýäé, óêüñäï, ñß÷íïõìå íôïìÜôá ðÜóôá, ìõñùäéêÜ, áëÜôé, ðéðÝñé. ¼ôáí åßíáé Ýôïéìç, ôç ñß÷íïõìå óôïí áóôáêü ãéá íá âñÜóåé óå 35 ëåðôÜ. ¸ðåéôá áöáéñïýìå ôïí áóôáêü êáé ñß÷íïõìå óôï æïõìß ôá ìáêáñüíéá, ðñïóèÝôïíôáò üóï íåñü ÷ñåéÜæåôáé. Óåñâßñïõìå óå ðéáôÝëá.

I Mouria, Ágnontas t: +30 24240 22897


Ñïöüò óôéöÜäï Chef: Êõñáôóþ ÊïóìÜ Êáèáñßæïõìå êáé ðëÝíïõìå ôï ñïöü êáé ôïí êüâïõìå óå öÝôåò. Óå êáôóáñüëá âÜæïõìå êñåììõäÜêé Üóðñï, óêïñäÜêé, äÜöíç, îéíü äáìÜóêçíï, ñßãáíç, ëÜäé, öñÝóêéá íôïìÜôá, ðéðÝñé, áëÜôé êáé ôá âñÜæïõìå. Ôïðïèåôïýìå ìÝñïò ôïõ ìßãìáôïò ùò âÜóç óå Ýíá ôáøÜêé, ôï ñïöü óôï êÝíôñï êáé ôï ðåñé÷ýíïõìå ìå ôï õðüëïéðï ìßãìá. ØÞíïõìå óå öïýñíï ãéá äýï þñåò óå 200 âáèìïýò.

Grouper stew Chef: Kyratso Kosma We clean and wash the grouper and cut it into slices. We place white onion, garlic, laurel, sour plum, oregano, oil, fresh tomato, pepper and salt in a saucepan and we boil them. We put part of the mixture as a base in a pan, with the grouper in the middle, and we pour the rest of the mixture. We bake in the oven for two hours in 200 degrees.

Ç Êïõæßíá ôçò Êõñáôóþò KYRATSO’S KITCHEN t: +30 24240 23184

Spaghetti with lobster

ÌïõóáêÜò ôçò Ïëõìðßáò

Chef: Giannis Diomis. We fry onions and garlic in a saucepan and then add the lobster, after having cut and cleared it, and we put it out with wine. In another saucepan we make the sauce. We fry oil, onion, and garlic, and we add tomato paste, spices, salt and pepper. When the sauce is ready, we add the lobster and let it boil for 35 minutes. Then we remove the lobster and add the spaghetti in the juice, adding as much water as needed. We serve into a platter.

Chef: Ãéþñãïò Öýâãáò Ìðïñåß ãéá ôïõò áëëïäáðïýò åðéóêÝðôåò ôçò ÷þñáò ìáò ï “Mousakas’ íá áðïôåëåß... áôñáîéüí, ãéá åìÜò ôïõò ¸ëëçíåò, åîáêïëïõèåß íá åßíáé Ýíá ãåõóôéêüôáôï êáé êõñßùò ÷ïñôáóôéêü ðéÜôï, åéäéêÜ üôáí ìáãåéñåýåôáé ìå ôÝ÷íç êáé ìåñÜêé! Óå Ýíá ôáøß âÜæïõìå ìåëéôæÜíåò, êïëïêýèéá, ðáôÜôåò, êéìÜ ìïó÷áñßóéï, ìðåóáìÝë êáé øÞíïõìå.

Olympia's moussaka Chef: Giorgos Fyvgas "Moussaka" may be an… attraction for foreign visitors in our country, but for us Greeks it continues to be a delicious and mainly filling dish, particularly when cooked with art and artistry! We put eggplants, zucchinis, potatoes, minced beef, and bechamel in a pan and we bake them.

Ïasis, Elios (Neo Klima) t: +30 24240 33674

ÌáêáñïíÜäá ôïõ øáñÜ Chef: ËÝíá Óðýñïõ ÌáñéíÜñïõìå óôï ôçãÜíé ÷ôáðüäé, êáëáìÜñé, ìýäéá, êáâïýñéá, ãáñßäåò êáé ñß÷íïõìå ôï âñáóìÝíï spaggetti ìå êüêêéíç óÜëôóá, Üíéèï, óêüñäï, êñåììýäé êáé ìáúíôáíü.

Fisherman's spaghetti Chef: Lena Spyrou We marinate octopus, squid, mussels, crabs and shrimps in the frying pan, and we add the boiled spaghetti with red sauce, dill, garlic, onion and parsley.

Tasos, Elios (Neo Klima) t: +30 24240 34174


138 Ðáñáëßåò / Beaches



Kastani & Milia Photo: Zachos Stamoulis

Photos: Z. Stamoulis, V. Maroulis, Steffen, C. Andreou, S. Paraskevas

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If you are up for a "quick" swim, choose the beaches which are near Chora, at its northern side. Follow the ring road and you will find Glyfoneri, a beautiful beach, as well as Glysteri, with big stones, which is the old shipyard. "Ammos" sandy beach, which is in the new port, is ideal for those who don't have a means of transportation. For the "main course", follow the road network, which begins from the new port. The first that you will reach is the picturesque sandy beach of Stafylos. Towards its end, cross the path and you will get to the exotic Velanio, where a rock splits the coast in half for more… private situations. At a small distance, Amarantos and Agnontas, the picturesque port, with wonderful fish taverns, and next to it Limnonari with its wild beauty. Then follows Panormos with crystal clear waters, where the second ancient city of Skopelos was, and immediately after this, Antrines, and next to them, the biggest beach of the island, Milia, an exotic beach with small pebbles and transparent waters, surrounded by pine trees and rocks. On its opposite there is the island of Dasia. Then follows Kastani, which is nowadays the most famous beach of Skopelos, because of the shootings of "Mamma Mia!". You will find a few smaller beaches till you reach the majestic Chovolos, at a small distance before the large beach of Elios. You will find smaller beaches on your way to Loutraki (the secluded majestic beach of Agia Varvara is not far away). It is also worth discovering the beaches of Glossa, at the north side of the island, which are characterized by wild beauty and pacifying "seclusion": Perivoliou, Chondrogiorgi, Pethamenis, Agios Ioannis (which was named after "Ai-Giannis (Saint John) at Kastri", and is considered to be the attraction of the island, the symbol of the "Mamma Mia!" movie) as well as other small and inaccessible beaches, which will reward you, however, with their crystal clear waters and the tranquility that they offer.


140 Ðáñáëßåò / Beaches

Photo: V. Maroulis


ÓÔÁÖÕËÏÓ Ç ðñþôç ðáñáëßá , ðïõ óõíáíôÜôå óôá 4 ÷éë. áöïý îåêéíÞóåôå áðü ôç ×þñá êáé áêïëïõèÞóåôå ôï ïäéêü äßêôõï ãéá "ÓôÜöõëï - Áãíþíôá". Ìéá êáôáðñÜóéíç, áììþäçò ðáñáëßá, ìå âñÜ÷éá íá îåðñïâÜëëïõí ìÝóá áðü ôç èÜëáóóá. Áí äåí Ý÷åôå äéêü óáò ìÝóïí, õð' üøéí üôé ðñÝðåé íá ðåñðáôÞóåôå 450 ì. áðü ôç óôÜóç ôïõ ëåùöïñåßïõ ãéá íá öôÜóåôå óå áõôÞí. Ç ðáñáëßá åßíáé ïñãáíùìÝíç ìå ïìðñÝëåò, îáðëþóôñåò êáé beach bar. Óôçí ðåñéï÷Þ õðÜñ÷ïõí åóôéáôüñéá.


It is the first beach you meet, 4 km. from the main town on the itinerary Stafylos-Agnontas. A green, lush, sandy coast with rocks rising up from the sea. If you do not have a car, consider a 450 m. walk from the bus stop. The beach is well organized with beach umbrellas, sun beds and a beach bar. There are restaurants in the area.


Photo: Zachos Stamoulis

BEËÁÍÉÏ ÐåñðáôÞóôå ùò ôï


ôÝñìá ôçò áêñïãéáëéÜò ôïõ Óôáöýëïõ, äéáó÷ßóôå ôï ìéêñü ìïíïðáôÜêé êáé áíáêáëýøôå ôï Âåëáíéü. Ìéá “êïýêëá”, åîùôéêÞ ðáñáëßá ìå øéëÞ Üììï ðïõ ÷ùñßæåôáé óôç ìÝóç áðü Ýíá âñÜ÷ï. Ç ðßóù ðëåõñÜ ôïõ âñÜ÷ïõ åßíáé éäáíéêÞ ãéá ðéï prive êáôáóôÜóåéò, áöïý Ý÷åé áíáêçñõ÷èåß ðáñáëßá ãõìíéóôþí. Walk to the end of Stafylos coastline, cross the small footpath and discover Velanio. A captivating, exotic beach with fine sand, separated in the middle by a rock. The back side of the rock is ideal for private moments as the area has been declared a nudist beach.


Photo: Steffen

ÁÌÁÑÁÍÔÏÓ ÌåôÜ ôïí ÓôÜöõëï êáé ðñéí ôïí Áãíþíôá, óôñßøôå áñéóôåñÜ óå ìéá ðáñÜêáìøç ôïõ äñüìïõ ãéá íá ðåñéçãçèåßôå óôïõò ìéêñïýò, âñá÷þäåéò êüëðïõò ôïõ ÁìÜñáíôïõ. Óôçí ðåñéï÷Þ Ý÷ïõí ãõñéóôåß óêçíÝò ôçò ôáéíßáò ÌÁÌÌÁ ÌÉÁ. Áîßæåé ôïí êüðï áí óáò áñÝóïõí ïé âïõôéÝò áðü ôá âñÜ÷éá, ïé êáôáäýóåéò, ôï øÜñåìá êáé ç áðïìüíùóç.


After Staphylos and before you reach Agnontas, turn left on a bypass road to explore the small, rocky bays of Amarantos. Several MAMMA MIA scenes were filmed in this region. If you like diving from the rocks, fishing, or isolating yourself, this is the place!!!


Photo: V. Maroulis

ÁÃÍÙÍÔÁÓ Ðñüêåéôáé ãéá ôï ôñßôï ëéìÜíé ôïõ íçóéïý (8 ÷éë. áðü ôç ×þñá) üðïõ äÝíïõí ôá ðåñéóóüôåñá øáñïêÜéêá. Äßðëá ôïõ ìéá ìéêñÞ ãñáöéêÞ áêñïãéáëéÜ, ìå ÷ïíôñü âüôóáëï, ðåñéôñéãõñéóìÝíç áðü ðåýêá êáé ðïëëÜ ôáâåñíÜêéá. Åßíáé ïñãáíùìÝíç ìå ïìðñÝëåò êáé îáðëþóôñåò. ¸íá éäáíéêü ìÝñïò ãéá öñÝóêï øÜñé êáé ïõæÜêé.


This is the third harbor of Skopelos island (8 km. from town) where most fishing boats tie up. Right next to it a most picturesque pebbled beach in the arms of a pine tree forest. It is organized with beach umbrellas and sun beds. An ideal place for sea food, fresh fish and ouzo.


142 Ðáñáëßåò / Beaches




Photo: V. Maroulis

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Áãíþíôá êáé ìåôÜ áðü ìéá ðáñÜêáìøç, èá âñåßôå ôï äñüìï ðïõ ïäçãåß óôï ËéìíïíÜñé (9,5 ÷éë. áðü ôç ×þñá). Åßíáé Ýíáò ãñáöéêüò, áðÜíåìïò êüëðïò ìå øéëÞ ëåõêÞ Üììï. Ç ðáñáëßá åßíáé ïñãáíùìÝíç êáé óôçí ðåñéï÷Þ õðÜñ÷ïõí üìïñöá ôáâåñíÜêéá. Ôï ëåùöïñåßï äåí êÜíåé óôÜóç, ðñÝðåé íá êáôåâåßôå óôïí Áãíþíôá. Áðü ôïí êåíôñéêü äñüìï èá óôñßøåôå áñéóôåñÜ, ï äñüìïò ìÞêïõò 1 ÷éëéïìÝôñïõ, óáò ïäçãåß óôçí ðáñáëßá. Next to Agnontas, you'll find the road leading to Limnonari (9.5 km. from the main town). A picturesque, sheltered bay in the shape of a hug, with fine white sand will charm you. You will come across an organized beach and a choice of beautiful restaurants. If you take the bus, Agnontas is your stop. The main road will lead you to the bypass on your left and after a 1 kilometer walk Limnonari will start unfolding itself.

Photo: V. Maroulis

ÐÁÍÏÑÌÏÓ Méá áðü ôéò ðéï


äçìïöéëåßò êáé üìïñöåò ðáñáëßåò ôïõ Áéãáßïõ, åéäéêÜ ôçí þñá ðïõ äýåé ï Þëéïò. ¸÷åé øéëü âüôóáëï êáé êáôáðñÜóéíï áðü ðåýêá ðåñéâÜëëïí. Äßðëá ôçò áðü ôá áñéóôåñÜ, õðÜñ÷åé Ýíá åîùôéêü öõóéêü ëéìáíÜêé, ôï ÌÐËÏ, åíþ áðü ôá äåîéÜ ôçò ìéá Üëëç ìéêñÞ áêñïãéáëéÜ, ôá ËéíáñÜêéá. ÁðÝ÷åé 12,3 ÷éë. áðü ôçí ×þñá. Åßíáé ðïëõóý÷íáóôç êáé ïñãáíùìÝíç åíþ ìðïñåßôå íá êÜíåôå êáé èáëÜóóéá óðïñ. Óôçí ðåñéï÷Þ õðÜñ÷ïõí ðïëõôåëÞ îåíïäï÷åßá, åíïéêéáæüìåíá äùìÜôéá ìðñïóôÜ óôç èÜëáóóá, ìÜñêåô, ôáâåñíÜêéá êáé beach bar. Small pebbles and surrounded by a forest of pine trees this is probably one of the most popular and beautiful beaches of the Aegean especially at sunset. On its left, there is an exotic, breathtaking natural harbor, Blo. On its right, Linarakia, a small beach. It is a busy, organized coast, 12.3 km. away from the main town. Water sports, at your disposal. There are luxurious hotels, rooms facing the sea, small markets, taverns and beach bar.

ÁÍÔÑÉÍÅÓ ÁðÝ÷ïõí ìéá “áíÜóá” áðü ôïí ÐÜíïñìï. Ðñüêåéôáé ãéá ìéêñïýò êüëðïõò ìå ãáëáæïðñÜóéíá íåñÜ êáé ðåýêá, ðïõ öôÜíïõí óôç èÜëáóóá. Èá âñåßôå åýêïëá


Photo: Zachos Stamoulis

ôá ìïíïðÜôéá, áðü ôïí êåíôñéêü äñüìï, ãéá íá êáôåâåßôå óå áõôÝò. Ïé Áíôñßíåò Ý÷ïõí ôçí ãáëÜæéá óçìáßá ôïõ ÅÏÔ. Ôï ëåùöïñåßï äåí óôáìáôÜ åêåß, ðñÝðåé íá êáôåâåßôå óôïí ÐÜíïñìï êáé íá óõíå÷ßóåôå ìå ôá ðüäéá, áîßæåé üìùò ôïí êüðï. A step away from Panormos. Small bays, turquoise waters and pine trees that reach the sea. You will easily find pathways off the main road to access them. Adrines have been awarded the Blue Flag by the Greek Tourism Organisation. If you take the bus, your stop is Panormos and then continue on foot. It is a worthwhile effort!


144 Ðáñáëßåò / Beaches

Photo: Zachos Stamoulis



ÌÇËÉÁ Âñßóêåôáé 14,7 ÷éë. Ýîù áðü ôç ×þñá êáé åßíáé ç ìåãáëýôåñç ðáñáëßá ôïõ íçóéïý. Ôçí ÷áñáêôçñßæåé ôï øéëü âüôóáëï, ôá ðåíôáêÜèáñá ôõñêïõÜæ íåñÜ êáé ôá âñá÷Üêéá ðïõ åßíáé äéÜóðáñôá ìÝóá óôç èÜëáóóá. ÁðÝíáíôé ôçò Ýíá ðåõêüöõôï, êáôáðñÜóéíï íçóÜêé, ç "ÄáóéÜ". Ôçí ðáñáëßá ôçí Ý÷åé ÷ùñßóåé ç öýóç óå äýï ìÝñç ìå Ýíá âñÜ÷ï. Ç áñéóôåñÞ ðëåõñÜ ôçò ðïõ åßíáé êáé ç ìåãáëýôåñç, åßíáé ç ðéï “äñáóôÞñéá” áöïý åêåß õðÜñ÷åé ôï ïìþíõìï Âeach Bar üðïõ ìðïñåßôå íá êÜíåôå êáé èáëÜóóéá óðüñ, åíþ ðéï Þñåìç åßíáé ç äåîéÜ. Ôçí öôÜíåôå êáé ìå ôï ëåùöïñåßï ôçò ãñáììÞò êáé èá ðñÝðåé íá ðåñðáôÞóåôå 500 ì. ðåñßðïõ áðü ôï äñüìï. Tip: Óôï ôÝëïò ôçò äåîéÜò ðëåõñÜò, õðÜñ÷åé äáóéêü ìïíïðÜôé, ðïõ êáôáëÞãåé óôçí ðáñáëßá ÊáóôÜíé, êáôÜ ôç äéáäñïìÞ èá âñåßôå ìéêñÝò, ðáíÝìïñöåò áðïìïíùìÝíåò ðáñáëßåò. 14.7 km. away from the town of Skopelos Milia is the island's largest beach. The small pebbles, the clear turquoise waters and the small rocks scattered in the sea are some of its characteristics. Opposite, a pine covered island, called "Dasia". Mother Nature has divided the beach in two parts, with a rock. The left side, which is the largest, is the most active due to the beach bar- named after the coast - which also provides water sports. The right side is rather quiet. There is a bus stop at Milia. The distance to the beach is a 500 m. walk from the main road. Tip: At the end of the right side, there is a forest path that leads to the Kastani beach. On the way you will find small, beautiful secluded beaches.

Ôï beach bar “MILIA” âñßóêåôáé óôçí ðéï üìïñöç êáé ìåãáëýôåñç ðáñáëßá ôïõ íçóéïý ìå èÝá ôï êáôáðñÜóéíï íçóß ôçò ÄáóéÜò, ôá ìáãåõôéêÜ çëéïâáóéëÝìáôá êáé ôá êñõóôÜëëéíá íåñÜ. ×áëáñþóôå óôéò îáðëþóôñåò ðïõ ðñïóöÝñïíôáé äùñåÜí, áêïýóôå lounge ìïõóéêÞ, áðïëáýóôå ìïíáäéêÜ êïêôÝúë êáé óíÜêò, áöåèåßôå óôç ãáëÞíç êáé ôçí ïìïñöéÜ åíïò Üêñùò êáëïêáéñéíïý óêçíéêïý! Ãßíïíôáé ðïëëÜ events ìå ãíùóôïýò ìïõóéêïýò ðáñáãùãïýò. "MILIA" beach bar is located at the most beautiful and larger beach of the island, overlooking the lush island of Dasia, the majestic sunsets and the crystal clear waters. Relax on the sunbeds, which are offered free of charge, listen to lounge music, enjoy unique cocktails and snacks, and let go at the peace and beauty of a perfectly summer scenery! Many events with well known music producers take place.

tel. +30 6939273005


146 Ðáñáëßåò / Beaches

Photo: Z. Stamoulis



ÊÁÓÔÁÍÉ. Åßíáé ðëÝïí ìéá äéÜóçìç ðáñáëßá ëüãù ôùí ãõñéóìÜôùí ôçò ôáéíßáò ÌÁÌÌÁ ÌÉÁ, ðïõ Ýãéíáí óå áõôÞ. Åßíáé äßðëá áêñéâþò áðü ôçí ÌçëéÜ êáé áðÝ÷åé 21 ÷éë. áðü ôç ×þñá. ¸÷åé øéëÞ Üììï, ãáëáæïðñÜóéíá íåñÜ êáé âñßóêåôáé ìÝóá óå Ýíá êáôáðñÜóéíï ôïðßï. Óõãêåíôñþíåé êõñßùò íåïëáßá áëëÜ êáé åðéóêÝðôåò áð' üëï ôïí êüóìï ðïõ èÝëïõí íá ðÜñïõí ëßãï ãåýóç áðü "×üëõãïõíô" (åßíáé óôï ðñüãñáììá ôùí åêäñïìéêþí ðëïéáñßùí ðïõ Ýñ÷ïíôáé áðü ôç ÓêéÜèï). Óå áõôÞí ëåéôïõñãåß Ýíá ðïëý ðñïóåãìÝíï beach bar, ìå ðïëëïýò äéáìïñöùìÝíïõò ÷þñïõò. Èá âñåßôå äùñåÜí ðÜñêéíãê. Áí Ýñ÷åóôå ìå ôï ëåùöïñåßï èá êáôåâåßôå ôïí ÷ùìáôüäñïìï 500 ì. ðïõ ïäçãåß óôçí áêôÞ.

It is by far the most famous beach thanks to the Mamma Mia movie! It is right next to Milia and 21 km. from the main town. It has fine sand, turquoise waters and is set amidst lush greenery. A coast, mainly for the youth, as well as for visitors from around the world who want to get a "Hollywood" taste (it is in the program of excursion boats that come from Skiathos). You will enjoy a very sophisticated beach bar, with many landscaped areas. Free parking is available. If you take the bus, the distance to the beach is a 500 m. walk from the main road.

Photo: C. Andreou

Óôï íçóß ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ ôï " ÊáóôÜíé" óõãêåíôñþíåé ôçí ðïëõìïñößá ôùí éäáíéêþí äéáêïðþí. Ìå áíåîßôçëá ôá ÷íÜñéá ôïõ " Ìamma mia", ôï ðáñáäåéóÝíéï èáëáóóéíü ôïðßï, áíÜëïãá ìå ôçí þñá áëëÜæåé ðñüóùðá. Áðü ôçí Þñåìç ïìïñöéÜ ôïõ ðñùéíïý, ìå ôï ðáé÷íßäéóìá ôçò áðáëÞò ìïõóéêÞò óôá äéáìáíôÝíéá íåñÜ êáé ôçí áðüëáõóç ôïõ ðñùéíïý êáöÝ, ôùí äñïóåñþí ÷õìþí êáé ôùí ìïíáäéêþí "Kastani snacks", ìåôáâÜëëåôáé ôá ìåóçìÝñéá ó' Ýíá êïóìïðïëßôéêï ðåñéâÜëëïí ìå ðëïýóéåò ãåýóåéò, óáëÜôåò ìå âéïëïãéêÜ ðñïúüíôá êáé ôïðéêÝò ëé÷ïõäéÝò ãéá ôïõò ðéï áðáéôçôéêïýò. Ôï öéëüîåío êáé ðëÞñùò åîïðëéóìÝío õðáßèñéï " bar" ìå ôçí ôåñÜóôéá ðïéêéëßá ðïôþí êáé ðáãùìÝíùí "coctails", ç éêáíüôçôá ôïõ DJ íá ðëÝêåé ôéò äéá÷ñïíéêÝò ìïõóéêÝò áîßåò ìå ôç óýã÷ñïíç ìïíôÝñíá ìïõóéêÞ êáé ôï íõ÷ôåñéíü ðåñéâÜëëïí ìå ôïí êáôÜëëçëï öùôéóìü, äßíïõí óôçí áôìüóöáéñá ôç ìáãåßá ÷ïëéãïõíôéáíÞò ôáéíßáò. Ó' áõôü ôï ìáãéêü ðåñéâÜëëïí, åêôüò áðü ôá êáèéåñùìÝíá "Kastani Party" êáé "live"ìïõóéêÝò âñáäéÝò, åßíáé üëïé åõðñüóäåêôïé üóïé èÝëïõí íá æÞóïõí ìå ôïí ôñüðï ðïõ ïíåéñåýïíôáé ôç ãáìÞëéá ãéïñôÞ ôïõò êáé êÜèå åßäïõò åêäÞëùóç ðïõ èá ôïõò ìåßíåé áîÝ÷áóôç.

On the island of Skopelos, "Kastani" gathers the diversity of ideal vacations. Following the indelible trails of "Mamma mia", the paradise seascape changes according to time. From the calm beauty of the morning, with the playfulness of soft music on diamond-like waters, and the enjoyment of the morning coffee, the cool juices and the unique "Kastani snacks", at noon it turns to a cosmopolitan environment with rich flavors, salads with biological products and local delicacies for the more

tel.: +30 6947014030 Facebook : Kastani Beach Bar

demanding customers. The welcoming and fully equipped outdoor "bar" with the huge variety of drinks and frozen "cocktails", the ability of the DJ to interweave lasting music values with modern music, and the nocturnal environment with the appropriate lighting, offer to the atmosphere the magic of a Hollywood movie. In this magical environment, besides the established "Kastani Party" and "live" music nights, everyone is welcome of those who want to experience their wedding celebration the way they dream, as well as all kinds of events, which they will never forget.



148 Ðáñáëßåò / Beaches

Photo: S. Paraskevas


ÍÅÏ ÊËÇÌÁ - ÅËÉÏÓ Ï ïéêéóìüò ¸ëçïò áðÝ÷åé 23,4 ÷éë. áðü ôç ×þñá ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ. H ðáñáëßá ôïõ åßíáé ðïëý ìåãÜëç êáé ÷ùñßæåôáé óå äýï ìÝñç áðü ôç ìáñßíá -üðïõ õðÜñ÷åé ãëýóôñá ãéá ôá óêÜöç- êáé ôï ìéêñü ëéìáíÜêé. Åßíáé ïñãáíùìÝíç óå êÜðïéá ôìÞìáôá. The village Elios is located 23.4 km from the town of Skopelos. The coast which is organized all along is divided by a marina, where there is a ramp for boats.


Photo: Zachos Stamoulis

×ÏÂÏËÏ ÁñéóôåñÜ áðü ôçí ðáñáëßá ôïõ ¸ëçïò, áêïëïõèÞóôå ôï äñüìï êáé èá âñåèåßôå óå Ýíá íôáìÜñé. Ðñï÷ùñÞóôå -ßóùò ÷ñåéáóôåß íá âñÝîåôå êáé ëßãï ôá ðüäéá óáò- êáé èá âñåèåßôå óôï õðÝñï÷ï ×üâïëï. Ìéá åîùôéêÞ ìéêñÞ êáé áììþäçò ðáñáëßá ìå ëåõêÜ âñÜ÷éá, ðåýêá, ôéñêïõÜæ íåñÜ. Åöïäéáóôåßôå ìå ôá áðáñáßôçôá ãéáôß äåí åßíáé ïñãáíùìÝíç. Once on the beach of Elios, on your left, if you follow the coastline, you might need to soak your feet, you will be enchanted by the small, exotic, sandy beach with the white rocks prevailing, the pine trees almost touching the sand and the turquoise waters ready to welcome you. This is not an organized beach.

ARMENOPETRA ÁÑÌÅÍÏÐÅÔÑÁ Öåýãïíôáò áðü ôï ¸ëçïò ìå êáôåýèõíóç ðñïò Ãëþóóá, èá âñåßôå ìéá ôáìðÝëá ðïõ ïäçãåß óôçí Áñìåíüðåôñá (26,1 ÷éë. áðü ×þñá). Óôñßøôå áñéóôåñÜ êáé ïäçãÞóôå ðñïóåêôéêÜ ãéáôß ï äñüìïò åßíáé óôåíüò êáé êáôçöïñéêüò. Èá âñåßôå ìéá õðÝñï÷ç ðáñáëßá ìå Ýíáí ÷áñáêôçñéóôéêü âñÜ÷ï íá óôÝêåôáé óôçí áñéóôåñÞ ðëåõñÜ ôçò. ÈáõìÜóôå ôçí õðÝñï÷ç èÝá. ÄõôéêÜ ôçò, èá âñåßôå ôéò ìéêñüôåñåò ðáñáëßåò Êáñêáôæïýíá êáé Êáëýâåò, ìå øéëü âïôóáëÜêé. Äåí åßíáé ïñãáíùìÝíåò. Leaving Elios behind, heading to Glossa, you will see a sign leading to Armenopetra (26.1 km. from the town of Skopelos). Turn left and drive carefully because the road is narrow and sloping. Get ready to spend your day on a beautiful beach where the rock on your left has the leading role. The view is fascinating. West, you will find the smaller pebbled beaches of Karkatzouna and Kalives. The area is not organized.

Photo: Zachos Stamoulis


LOUTRAKI Photo: Steffen

ËÏÕÔÑÁÊÉ Âñßóêåôáé áêñéâþò äßðëá óôï ëéìÜíé ôïõ Ëïõôñáêßïõ. Åßíáé áñêåôÜ ìåãÜëç êáé âïôóáëùôÞ. Áí ìåßíåôå ìÝ÷ñé íá LOUTRAKI

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150 Ðáñáëßåò / Beaches

PERIVOLIOU ÐÅÑÉÂÏËÉÏÕ Âñßóêåôáé óôçí ðåñéï÷Þ ôçò

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Photo: C. Andreou PERIVOLIOU

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PETHAMENIS The small beach of Pethamenis is located between Perivoliou and Chondrogiorgis. Walk from the main road and cross a small green path. You will see two small bays. The beach is sandy with crystal clear waters. It is not organized.

CHONDROGIORGIS Before arriving at Perivoliou turn right and take the bypass. At a 500 m. distance you find the small beach Chondrogiorgis. Pebbled, quiet, clean waters. It is not organized.


Situated in the area of Glossa (34.6 km from Skopelos Town), on the northwestern side of the island. Before arriving in the village of Glossa, you will see the relevant signs. This is the busiest, most popular and rather largest beach of Glossa. The crystal clear waters meet the sandy-pebbled beach while the rocks and caves will protect you from the sun. It is not organized. Once you have parked at Perivoliou, follow the path on your right. It will lead you to the small beach, Angeletou. Pebbles, sand and clear waters. This is a quiet beach for isolation. It is not organized.




Photo: Zachos Stamoulis

ÁÉ ÃÉÁÍÍÇÓ ÓÔÏ ÊÁÓÔÑÉ Ðñéí ìðïýìå óôç Ãëþóóá, óôñßâïõìå äåîéÜ ãéá íá ðÜìå óôïí “äéÜóçìï” Áú ÃéÜííç óôï Êáóôñß. Äßðëá áðü ôï âñá÷þäç ëüöï ðïõ âñßóêåôáé ç åêêëçóßá, èá äåßôå äýï ìéêñÝò ðáñáëßåò ìå êñõóôÜëëéíá íåñÜ. Ç ìéá åßíáé åýêïëá ðñïóâÜóéìç, êáé åßíáé ïñãáíùìÝíç, Ý÷åé öñïíôßóåé ãé áõôü ç êáíôßíá ðïõ âñßóêåôáé åêåß, áëëÜ óôç äåýôåñç ðñÝðåé íá óêáñöáëþóåôå âñÜ÷éá Þ íá êïëõìðÞóåôå ãéá íá öôÜóåôå. Ðñéí öôÜóïõìå óôïí Áú ÃéÜííç, èá äïýìå áñéóôåñÜ ìéá åêêëçóßá, óôñßâïõìå äåîéÜ áðü áõôÞí óå Ýíáí ÷ùìáôüäñïìï êáé öôÜíïõìå óôç ÓðçëéÜ, ìéá õðÝñï÷ç ìéêñÞ ðáñáëßá ìå øéëü âüôóáëï.

AI GIANNIS, THE CASTLE Before entering the village of Glossa, turn right to go to the famous Agios Ioannis Kastri, where scenes of MAMMA MIA were filmed. Next to the rocky hill with the church on its top, you will see two small beaches with crystal clear waters. One of them is easily accessible and organized. If you wish to go to the other one you need to either climb or swim. At the canteen, facing the rock, you can eat and drink. Before Agios Ioannis, there is a church on your left and on its right we take the dirt road to come to Spilia, a beautiful small beach with fine pebbles. It is not organized.


152 Ðáñáëßåò / Beaches





Photo: C. Andreou

Óôç ×þñá ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ

Âeaches near Skopelos Town

ÁÌÌÏÓ Bñßóêåôáé ðëÜé áðü ôï íÝï ëéìÜíé. Åßíáé áììþäçò ìå ñç÷Ü íåñÜ

AMMOS For those who want to take a quick swim, Ammos is

êáé ïñãáíùìÝíç. Ãéá üóïõò èÝëïõí íá êÜíïõí ìéá ãñÞãïñç âïõôéÜ.

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located in the town of Skopelos, next to the new port. It is an organized, sandy, shallow watered beach.

PLAKES and MYLOS Plakes is a rocky shore, with big pebbles, just below the “Panagitsa of Pyrgos” (Virgin of the Tower), at the end of the old port. Its natural extension is the coast of Mylos. If you chose to go, walk through the sea or cross the path that starts from the square of "Mylos". This is not an organized beach

ÓÁÑÑÅÓ ÂïôóáëùôÞ ðáñáëßá, ðïõ ðåñíÜ ìÝóá áðü ìéá óðçëéÜ.

SARRES This is pebbled beach passing through a cave.

ÐáíÝìïñöá íåñÜ, õðÝñï÷ç áêôÞ. ÐñïóâÜóéìç, üìùò, ìüíï ìå óêÜöïò.

Beautiful waters, magnificent coast. Õou can access it if you have a boat.

ÁÃÉÏÓ ÊÙÍÓÔÁÍÔÉÍÏÓ Þ ÃËÕÖÏÍÅÑÉ ÁêïëïõèÞóôå ôçí ðåñéöåñåéáêÞ ïäü ãéá íá ôçí âñåßôå. Áììþäçò áêñïãéáëéÜ ìå êáèáñÜ íåñÜ êáé ôçí ðéï üìïñöç áíáôïëÞ ôïõ Þëéïõ, ãéá ôïõò ðñùúíïýò. Åßíáé ïñãáíùìÝíç êáé Ý÷åé üìïñöá ãñáöéêÜ ôáâåñíÜêéá. Åßíáé ç êáëýôåñç åðéëïãÞ, áí èÝëåôå íá ìåßíåôå ìÝóá óôç Xþñá (2,6 ÷éë).

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ÂÁÈÉÁÓ Áêïëïõèåßôå ôï äñüìï ãéá ôï ÃëõóôÝñé êáé óôç äéáóôáýñùóç, êáôåõèõíèåßôå áñéóôåñÜ, åêåß ðïõ ç ôáìðÝëá äåß÷íåé ðñïò “Êáëüãåñï". Óôç óõíÝ÷åéá äéáó÷ßóôå Ýíá óôåíü, óôñéöïãõñéóôü ìïíïðÜôé ãéá íá êáôáëÞîåôå óå Ýíáí ìéêñü, áììþäç êüëðï, óå ìéá Þñåìç êáé Þóõ÷ç ðáñáëßá.

AGIOS KONSTANTINOS OR GLYFONERI In order to reach this beautiful, sandy beach you should follow the ring road. The amazing sunrise and the clear waters will compensate the early birds and so will breakfast and/or lunch since this is an organized area. It is the best choice if you want to stay in the main town (2.6 km).

GLYSTERI You pass the road going to Glyfoneri. Drive safely as the road is narrow and winding. Soon after crossing the olive grove, you will find yourself in a small, rocky bay, with big and small pebbles. Next to it, the cave of "Tripiti", accessible only by boat. Do not be surprised if you see red goats -a local species- going downhill to drink sea water. Back in time and until 1960 a shipyard occupied the area. It is not organized; take water with you and a beach umbrella.

VATHIAS Follow the road to Glysteri, turn left at the intersection, where a signpost indicating "To Kalogeros". Then, the narrow, whirling path will bring you to a small, sandy bay, a calm and quiet beach.

ÄéáíïìÞ ðåôñåëáßïõ èÝñìáíóçò êáô’ ïßêïí ÄéáíïìÞ êáõóßìùí óêáöþí

ÐñáôÞñéï Õãñþí Êáõóßìùí

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Ãëþóóá ÓêïðÝëïõ Ôçë. 24240 34120 Êéí. 6972 994390 6974 587929


154 Reportaz

Glossa, Skopelos

H êõñßá Áèáíáóßïõ åßíáé ðôõ÷éïý÷ïò Ïéêïíïìéêþí Åðéóôçìþí ôïõ

Super Market Athanasiou

Áñéóôïôåëåßïõ Ðáí/ìßïõ Èåó/íßêçò. “Áîéïðéóôßá, åðéêïéíùíßá êáé áðïôåëåóìáôéêüôçôá åßíáé ôá ôñßá

Glossa, Skopelos Ô: 24240 33102 ÌÝóá óôï ÷ùñéü, ðÜíù óôïí êåíôñéêü äñüìï Ãëþóóáò ÓêïðÝëïõ, êÜíôå ìéá óôÜóç ãéá íá ðñïìçèåõôåßôå öñïýôá, ëá÷áíéêÜ, ôñüöéìá, ðïôÜ, áðïññõðáíôéêÜ, ÷áñôéêÜ, êáëëõíôéêÜ, êáé ü,ôé Üëëï ÷ñåéÜæåóôå. ÖéëéêÞ åîõðçñÝôçóç êáé delivery. In the village, on the central street of Glossa in Skopelos, make a stop to stock up on fruit, vegetables, food, drinks, detergents, stationery, cosmetics and anything else you may need. Friendly service and delivery at your place.

÷áñáêôçñéóôéêÜ ôçò åðéôõ÷ßáò, âÜóåé ôçò óõíåñãáóßáò êáé ôçò óõíå÷Þò åíçìÝñùóÞò óáò. Åõèýíç ìïõ ç éêáíïðïßçóç ôïõ ðåëÜôç êáé ç áðïäïôéêüôçôá ôùí åðé÷åéñÞóåùí”.

ACCOUNTANTS OFFICE Ms Maria - Dimitra Athanasiou is an Aristotle University of Thessaloniki graduate with a degree in Finances. "Trustworthiness, contact and effectiveness are the three characteristics of success, based on your cooperation and constant updating. The customer's satisfaction and the efficiency of businesses is my responsibility".

Ç ïéêïãÝíåéá Ãñõðéþôç åäþ êáé ôñåßò ïëüêëçñåò ãåíéÝò óõíå÷ßæåé ìéá ðáñÜäïóç ðïõ îåêßíçóå ôï 1914. ÄéáèÝôåé 4 åßäç óáðïõíéþí: Ëåõêü, ÂÜëóáìïõ, ËåâÜíôáò, ÌÝíôáò, 6 åßäç êåñáëïéöþí: MÝíôá Ãéáóåìß, ÊáëëõíôéêÞò ðåñéðïßçóçò, Áíôéãýñáíóçò, ÑáãÜäåò-Êõôôáñßôéäáò, ËåâÜíôáÂáíßëéá, ÂÜëóáìï Áëüç âÝñá êáé 3 ëÜäéá: ÄáöíÝëáéï, ÂáëóáìÝëáéï, Ðñïóþðïõ - Óþìáôïò.

"Sporades" soap. For three generations now the Grypioti family continues a tradition which started in 1914. It offers 4 kinds of soap: White, Balsam, Lavender, Mint and 6 kinds of wax ointments: Mint, Jasmine, for Cosmetic purposes, Anti-Aging, Against Stretch Marks - Cellulite, Lavender - Vanilla, Balsam Aloe Vera and 3 oils: Laurel oil, Balsam oil, Face - Body oil. Glossa, Skopelos,Ôel.: +30 2424024866

+30 6972870904

Apostolis Karvelis

ÅõÜããåëïò Ê. Ðïëõ÷ñïíßïõ Ðïëéôéêüò Ìç÷áíéêüò Ô.Å. - ÅñãïëÜâïò




Evagelos K. Polychroniou




Glossa, Skopelos Ô: +30 24240 34068 +30 6944705645

Glossa, Skopelos Mob: +30 6977064762

Tel.: +30 24240 33716

Stamoulis Stelios ÊÁÔÁÓÊÅÕÅÓ ÁËÏÕÌÉÍÉÏÕ - ÓÉÄÇÑÏÕ ALUMINIUM - IRON CONSTRUCTION Glossa, Skopelos Ô: +30 24240 33534 +30 6973995673



156 Reportaz

Ìpallas Nikos ÎÕËÏÕÑÃÉÊÅÓ ÅÑÃÁÓÉÅÓ WOODWORKING Glossa, Skopelos T: +30 24240 33902 +30 6972 024962 Ôï îõëïõñãåßï åßíáé ïéêïãåíåéáêÞ åðé÷åßñçóç êáé äçìéïõñãÞèçêå áðü ôïí ÌðÜëëá Íéêüëáï ôï 1983 óôçí Ãëþóóá ÓêïðÝëïõ. ¸÷åé åîåéäéêåõìÝíá ìç÷áíÞìáôá óýã÷ñïíçò ôå÷íïëïãßáò þóôå íá ìðïñïýí ïé ðåëÜôåò íá Ý÷ïõí ôï ôÝëåéï åðéèõìçôü áðïôÝëåóìá. ÖôéÜ÷íïõìå íôïõëÜðåò, ðÝñãêïëåò, êáñÝêëåò, ôñáðÝæéá, êÜãêåëá, êïõæßíåò (íôïõëÜðéá), ðáôþìáôá, åóùôåñéêÝò êáé åîùôåñéêÝò ðáñáäïóéáêÝò ðüñôåò, Ýðéðëá ðáñáäïóéáêÜ. The carpentry is a family-run business, and was created by Mpallas Nikolaos in 1983 in Glossa, Skopelos. It has specialized modern technology machinery, so that customers obtain the perfect and desired result. We make closets, pergolas, chairs, tables, railings, kitchens (cupboards), floors, interior and exterior traditional doors, and traditional furniture.



ÔÇË.: 24243 00501 & 6945 514 341


Soccer 157

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The SPORTS CLUB OF SKOPELOS made its appearance in 1987, and it is the first football association that was established in Skopelos. Its first formal participation in the championship of the C' Football Union Association of Thessaly was in 1992-1993. Since its first participation until 2012 it had a stable presence, playing for 22 years in the championships of the A' (5 participations), the B' (15 participations) and the C' (2 participations) league. In 2012-2013, it did not participate for the first time due to the crisis and financial problems, but it returned during the next period. In period 2000-2001, the team enjoyed its greater distinction by winning the championship in the B' Local category of Magnesia, and it was announced superchampion, by winning in the big final the 1st team of the B' Group, Aetos Kerasias, with a score of 6-0 in a neutral stadium and with Mr. Demiris Nikos as coach. Skopelos has won 4 championships during its history: 1st Championship (period 1992-1993), C' Local Category (coaches: Plainos, Karathanasis, Mpeltzenitis), 2nd Championship (period 2000-2001), B' Local Category (coach: Demiris Nikos), 3rd Championship (period 2008-2009), C' Local Category (coach: Kariofyllis Dimitris), 4th Championship (period 2014-2015), B' Local Category (coach: Glykos Ioannis). The aim of the team for last year's championship was to ascend to the A' category, which it managed to achieve as champion. The characteristic of the team is that it always leaned on players from the island or on football players, who came and resided permanently on the island. It never leaned on or pursued transfers for players outside the island. Mr Glykos Ioannis was the team's coach for the previous period 2014-2015. Christinis Lambros was the Coach in the Academies of the team. He is a trainer and a TEFAA (Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Science) graduate.

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Within the Sports Club of Skopelos, besides football, other departments also operate, such as women's volleyball, track, academies, basketball etc., and it is generally accepted that its chairman, Vasilis Rodios, does a very good and in-depth job. We will talk about these departments in our next issue.


158 e-media

Ç Óêüðåëïò óôï äéáäßêôõï / Skopelos on the web

Ôï Blog "Äñþìåíá ôïõ Ôüðïõ ìáò" äçìéïõñãÞèçêå,áðü ôï Ãéþñãï ÑïõóÝôç, óôç Ãëþóóá ÓêïðÝëïõ ìå óêïðü, íá êáôáãñÜöåé êáé íá äçìïóéïðïéåß áíôéêåéìåíéêÜ, ü,ôé Ý÷åé ó÷Ýóç ìå ôï íçóß ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ, äßíïíôáò Ýìöáóç óôçí éóôïñßá, ôçí ðáñÜäïóç êáé ôçí ðëïýóéá ðïëéôéóôéêÞ äñáóôçñéüôçôá éäéáßôåñá ôçò Ãëþóóáò. Îåêßíçóå ôïí ÍïÝìâñéï ôïõ 2013 êáé áìÝóùò áðÝêôçóå ðïëëïýò áíáãíþóôåò, åéäéêÜ åôåñïäçìüôåò áëëÜ êáé áíèñþðïõò ðïõ æïõí ìüíéìá óôï åîùôåñéêü. ÄéáèÝôåé ðëïýóéï öùôïãñáöéêü õëéêü áðü ôï 2005, âßíôåï åêäçëþóåùí êáé öõóéêÜ, ôá ìïíáäéêÜ êåßìåíá ôïõ ðïëýôéìïõ óõíåñãÜôç ð. Êùíóôáíôßíïõ Êáëëéáíïý, ðïõ áöïñïýí ôçí ðáñÜäïóç, áëëÜ êáé Üãíùóôåò ðôõ÷Ýò ôçò éóôïñßáò ôïõ íçóéïý ìáò. Ôï blog áíåâáßíåé óôçí åêôßìçóç ðïëëþí áíáãíùóôþí, êáé áðïêôÜ óõíå÷þò íÝïõò ößëïõò ïé ïðïßïé áíáãíùñßæïõí ôï "äéáöïñåôéêü" ðïõ ðñïóöÝñåé óôï íçóß ôçò ÓêïðÝëïõ.

Events of our Homeland (Dromena tou topou mas) The blog was created by Giorgos Rousetis, in Glossa, Skopelos, aiming to record and objectively publish everything that is related to the island of Skopelos, emphasizing on the history, tradition and rich cultural activity specifically of Glossa. It started in November 2013 and immediately acquired many readers, particularly from other municipalities, as well as people who live permanently abroad. It has rich photographical material since 2005, videos of events, and, of course, the unique texts of our valuable partner, father Constantinos Kallianos, which have to do with tradition, as well as with the unknown aspects of the history of our island. The blog rises in the appreciation of many readers, and acquires new friends all the time, who identify the "different aspect" that is offered in the island of Skopelos.

ÐÜíù áðü ìßá äåêáåôßá ç åöçìåñßäá "Âüñåéåò ÓðïñÜäåò" ðñïâÜëëåé üëá üóá óõìâáßíïõí óôá íçóéÜ ôùí Âïñåßùí ÓðïñÜäùí, ôá êáëÜ êáé ôá "êáêÜ"… Îåêßíçóå íá êõêëïöïñåß Ýíôõðá êáé åîåëß÷èçêå óå Ýíá ðëïýóéï éíôåñíåôéêü blog êáèþò ç áíÜãêç ãéá óõíå÷Þ 24ùñç åíçìÝñùóç Þôáí ìåãÜëç! ÓÞìåñá ìÝóá áðü ôï blog “” ï áíáãíþóôçò ìðïñåß íá äéáâÜóåé üëá ôá ôïðéêÜ íÝá ôùí ôñéþí íçóéþí (ÓêéÜèïò, Óêüðåëïò, Áëüííçóïò), íá âñåé ðñùôïãåíåßò åéäÞóåéò êáé èÝìáôá ó÷åôéêÜ ìå ôïõò áíèñþðïõò, ôçí êïéíùíßá, ôïí ðïëéôéóìü, ôïí áèëçôéóìü êáé ôç öýóç ôùí ÓðïñÜäùí, ìå åíäéáöÝñïíôá ñåðïñôÜæ, Üñèñá êáé áðüøåéò. Óôç óåëßäá ôçò óôï Facebook ï áíáãíþóôçò åðßóçò ìðïñåß íá åíçìåñþíåôáé áëëÜ êáé íá âëÝðåé ìÝóá áðü áðïêëåéóôéêÜ öùôïñåðïñôÜæ ôçí êáèçìåñéíüôçôá ôùí íçóéþí êáé ôá üëá óçìáíôéêÜ ãåãïíüôá. For over a decade now, "Voreies Sporades" newspaper projects everything that goes on in the island of the North Sporades, the good and the "bad"… It started circulating in a printed form and was developed into a rich internet blog, because the need for continuous 24-hour briefing was significant! Today, through the “” blog the reader can read all the local news of the three islands (Skiathos, Skopelos, and Alonnisos), find primary news and issues regarding the people, the society, the culture, the sports and the nature of Sporades, with interesting reportages, articles and views. On its Facebook page, the reader can also get informed, and watch through exclusive photo-reportages the daily routine of the islands and all the significant events.

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Ìå åêôßìçóç, ÃéÜííçò ×áôæçôñáêüóáò

"Beautiful places, charming beaches, caves, blue waters, pine trees, picturesque small houses and chapels, lively neighborhoods, are some of the images that the island of Skopelos offers generously, and these are the images we have been sharing with you since 1999 through the internet corner of Skopelos,, facilitating your "access" to the beauties, the accommodations and the services of our island". Yours sincerely, Giannis Chatzitrakosas

The subject of the electronic guide is the daily news reporting both regarding the island of Skopelos and the other islands of the Northern Sporades, general news reports (politics, finances, social issues), and the projection of businesses on the internet. The site's visitors can also get informed about the culture, the tradition, the cultural events, the local traditional products, the beaches and the sights of Skopelos.

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160 Last Page

E la nave va... Êáé ôï ðëïßï öåýãåé... ìåôáöÝñïíôáò ìáæß ìå ìáò êáé ôéò ôüóåò ðáíÝìïñöåò åéêüíåò áðü áõôü ôï ìïíáäéêü íçóß. Åéêüíåò, ðïõ èá ãßíïõí ùñáßåò áíáìíÞóåéò ìÝ÷ñé íá îáíÜñèïõìå ôïõ ÷ñüíïõ. Ôá îáíáëÝìå... And the ship is leaving… carrying with us the so many beautiful images from this unique island. Images, which will become nice memories until we meet again next year. See you…

Photo: Zachos Stamoulis

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